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  • Marriage paint with a student. Wrong wedding Ivan Krasko

    Marriage paint with a student. Wrong wedding Ivan Krasko

    Ivan Krasko and his chosen Natalia Shevel officially issued its relations in the Admiralty registry office of St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that for the artist, this marriage became the fourth, he, according to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda,", was worried about the young man and even remembered youth, putting his old military uniform, which was perfectly preserved over the years.

    "This is the form I wore at 23 years old. I decided to go back in your age when I was so. Did you understand this? Evaluated? " - He turned to the bride, which came to the wedding 5 minutes before registration and was noticeably nervous.

    Before the bridegroom, guests and photographers, the Shevel, who did not sleep until 5 am, appeared in a fairly restrained white dress, embroidered lace.

    The Witness from Krako was the director of the Commisarzhavskaya Theater, where the actor works, and from the side of the bride - a girlfriend to the university. The mother of the girl, living in the Crimea, did not come to the wedding of his daughter, and did not even be happy with her choice.

    After the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds went for a walk around the city and a photo session, and on the evening they are planned banquet in the actor's house.

    Representatives of the press at the wedding gathered hardly no more than guests. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Natalya Shevel explained why: "Children are breed when the mind lacks. Nothing to get pregnant, give birth, it is easier than a paired turnip. But I understand well that I and the cat can not start. I really want a cat, I love animals. But there is no housing. And here is a child! And if, God forbid, what about Ivan Ivanovich? We all go under God. I do not want to bury him ahead of time, but it is obvious that he will leave before. Although he promised me seven years. It is good that he has such an internal mood. Give God so that he lives longer. "

    The financial situation among the people's artist is truly unenviable - after the third divorce, he is forced to suck in a small apartment, where the widow of his son Andrei and grandson Kirill also live. The salary in the theater, as is known, a small, pension is also, so I am not going to surprise the young wife, except for talent and charm, Ivan Ivanovich cannot simply, but it tries to create comfortable conditions for it.

    Perhaps the funds for their own apartment is not without the help of friends will find. "He is asked all the time, whether there is money for me to travel and gives me them, cares, brings coffee to bed. Any girl in my place would be happy and envy me. Of course, it's all wonderful, not believing that it is very difficult to live with a genius, "said Shevel about living together with Krasko.

    84-year-old actor and his young beloved Natalia Shevel exchanged the wedding rings in the registry office of the Admiralty district of St. Petersburg - at the place of registration of the groom.

    The ceremony began at 11:20 in the presence of only the closest people - such was the wish of the bride.

    Night On the eve of the wedding, Ivan Ivanovich and his young beloved Natalia Shevel spent separately. Krako - in the apartment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Metro "Elizarovskaya", and Natalia - in the apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.

    For marriage, the Shevel chose a beautiful white dress, the groom - a black sea bowel and a cap with a golden sewing.

    First kiss in new status

    Photo Mikhail Sadchikov-ml.

    Ivan Ivanovich was noticeably excited, but at the same time he was constantly smiling and even joked.

    When the leading ceremony asked the most important question: "Whether you agree to become a husband and wife," Ivan Ivanovich, slightly embarrassed, replied: "I? Of course I agree! ".

    Wedding rings in newlyweds were "with meaning." Ivan Ivanovich and Natalia managed to make them to order, casting their old wedding rings to the smelter - for both it is not the first marriage. On the inside of each rings was engraved: "Everything will pass. It will take place. "

    Recall that for the people's artist, this is the fourth marriage, and for its 24-year-old chosen by Natalia Shevel - the second.

    Wedding rings made to order

    Photo Mikhail Sadchikov-ml.

    The ceremony was attended by only the closest people: the daughter-in-law of Krako Margarita and the grandson of Cyril. A witnessed from the bridegroom agreed to be Khuruce Petersburg Theater. Commissar Viktor Novikov. Not forgotten about the bride's girlfriends. Total - about 50 people.

    But Mom Natalia to the wedding refused. The woman, as it turned out, the choice of adopted daughter did not approve.

    "My mother lives in Sevastopol, so I don't know if she saw Valerian or Validol, when he learned about the upcoming wedding," Natalia admitted. - She just said: "I will still love you. Any - a glanced, convicted. I will raise you, I clean ... ".

    Mom's reaction is quite predictable, because the difference in the age of the marriage - 60 years. And this, by the way, for the actor a kind of record. His previous wife, theatrical details of Natalia Val, he was older on ... 47 years old! And he lived with her married for 10 years. Spouses had two sons - Ivan and Fedor.

    However, Krako has already admitted to journalists, which dreams of a daughter, which God give, give birth to a new wife.

    Photo Mikhail Sadchikov-ml.

    Krako Ivan Ivanovich - a brief biography

    In 1961, Ivan Krako graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute and began work in a large dramatic theater.

    Krasko voiced cartoons, starred in films like "Son of the Regiment", "End of Emperor Taiga", etc.

    Ivan Krasko - Personal Life: Ivan Krasko wives

    Ivan Krasko began his biography of his personal life with Catherine Ivanova, in marriage with which the daughter of Galina was born. Then he still did not suspect that it would be far from his wife.

    Kira Petrov was the second wife of actor Krasko, in their marriage Born by all the famous son Andrei Krasko, who was also a movie actor and died in 2006 aged 48 years.

    His 70th anniversary of Krako noted not only in acting creativity, but also changes in personal life. He marries the young, third Natalia Vyazham, who is the younger spouse for half a century, in marriage they had two sons: Ivan and Fedor.

    Now Ivan Krako married the fourth time, on Natalia Shevel, his former student, who is under the actor for 60 years!

    - Ivan Ivanovich, how do you feel as a young girl in the role of a husband?

    Very comfortable! Yes, whether the difference is great, just some 60 years! (Laughs.)

    - What got closer to Ivan Krasko with Natalia?

    She is my student (Krako teaches at St. Petersburg University of Humanitarian Education.). Natasha has highlighted among students, she is amazingly reading poems. In this case, there was a rare and very strange thing when two people met, rather lonely.

    And these loneliness decided to support each other. I can say, I am very interested even just talk, half alarming with Nataska. She is a very clever, strong and volitional man.

    Ivan Krako had a heavy gap with a former wife, which is also much younger than you. Thought that someday still go to the registry office?

    Not! What I can love to love again, I realized when I got acquainted with Natasha. I took the Spirit. Once he said: "I'm marrying you!" She was confused ... (smiles.)

    - How did Ivan Krasko's offer made his chosen?

    In the subway, putting on the knee. Well, she agreed. When we came to the registry office, I asked: "Do mention marriages are registered?" (Laughs.) We already know each other for five years, so they are responsible for their decision.

    "All just do that discuss your personal life, your marriage." Do these conversations do not interfere with your happiness?

    I am a grated Kalach. All the same, who can perceive our decision. The main thing is that we want it. Of course, I understand that everyone is particularly interesting to the sexual side of our relations. For us with Natasha it is absolutely no matter. Although, honestly confess, I dream that the spouse gives me a daughter. But this is already a dream of an elderly idiot, let's say.

    - How does Natalia look at it?

    She is a very responsible person. While fears ... In addition, we have no housing issue. Now we live with my daughter-in-law, Andryushi's wife (the eldest son of Ivan Ivanovich, who deceased in 2006 actor Andrei Krasko.) And my grandson Cyril Andreevich. Let it be for now...

    "Why was Ivan Ivanovich Krasko at the marriage ceremony in military uniform?"

    I was in my youth served on the fleet. I was 23-24 years old, as Natashka is now. Wearing a form, I decided to return to the age in which my spouse is now!

    - You said you promise Natalia seven years. What does it mean? And then another bride?!

    I was pushing that I would live for another 7 years! While I feel comfortable and well, full of strength and energy, the desire to live, so I boldly took Natalia under my wing.

    It is said that Ivan Krako with Natalia did not buy new rings, but remembered their rings from previous marriages in new, for themselves and for her. It's true?

    Yes, truth! And about the engraving on the rings "everything passes, it will be, and it will be" - too, the truth! This is an eternity sign! Do you understand? This is not me all invented, but Natalia Alexandrovna. I supported her.

    - How does Ivan Krako feel after the wedding?

    Yes, I seemed to be 23! I am grateful to Natalia for the fact that she revived me as a person and as men guys, we are fine!

    Oksana Semenova talked

    Bloggers, looking at the photo from the solemn ceremony in the registry office, counted that she was wrong, since the groom instead of a tuxedo or costume chose a uniform. Also many embarrassed bouquet of the bride who had to keep a new star wife. In fact, flowers in the hands of a happy Ivan.

    According to domestic media, Krako and his beloved Natalia Shevel exchanged oaths in St. Petersburg. This wedding was hardly the most anticipated event in the city: as soon as the bride and the bride came out of the car, they were immediately surrounded by reporters.

    After marriage, Ivan and Natalia went for a walk and photo sessionAnd then they will go to the house of the actor, where they will be waiting for the guests and a festive banquet, passing Super.

    Recall, Krako and Shevel met at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where Ivan led the course, and Natalia was his student. Even before the campaign to the registry office, Shevel took the last name of the future spouse in all social networks. As Krasko told in an interview before the wedding, the girl did not let him down close to her moral considerations. However, Natalia did not confirm his words.

    "It seems to me that it is not entirely correct to talk about it. Ivan Ivanovich sometimes gives an interview and does not understand what he says," the actress was impressed. "I don't really want to go into the details. The proximity between us is, but only the spiritual. And if we talk about? Physical proximity, then let's see from a philological point of view. What is sex? Sex is a relationship between two floors, floors of floors. Kiss or touch - this is already sex. Lee Ivan Ivanovich me? Of course, I kissed. Hug me? Of course, hugged. So sex happened".

    By the way, the housing issue in the new family is still not resolved: all the apartments that Krako owns were given to his children from previous marriages, so there is no place to live in a pair. "We have a room, not at all, while we will live with the daughter-in-law Ivan Ivanovich and his grandson Cyril"," Shared plans for the near future Natalia.

    As wrote DOIN.RU, the mother of the bride came into rage from the news about the wedding and even refused to go to the ceremony. However, the Shevel reacted to this fact calmly. "Mom is worried about me, but she never forbade me to do what I want. She will always love me, in spite of everything," the new-minted wife Krasko is sure. Only the closest bride and groom were invited to the celebration. Natalia went to the registry office in a beautiful white dress. Wedding traveling young people will not: The season begins the season, already on September 12, Krako plays in the play.

    It is noteworthy that while Ivan dreams of a daughter, Natalia admits that he does not see himself as a mother. "While I will not understand that I am really ready ... A child is very serious. Children are breeded when the mind is missing. Nothing worth pregnant, give birth - it is easier than a paired turnip. But I understand well that I and the cat can not start. I really want a cat, I love animals. But there is no housing. And then the child! "- the girl said.

    Meanwhile, the former wife of Krasko, the third, Natalia Schepino, which raises from the artist of the 13-year-old son Ivan and 11-year-old Fedor, categorically stated that only Ivan's money is interested in the new chief. " Well, there is no paint millions. He doesn't have any condition that could be shuffled"," Natalia assured. And on the living space in St. Petersburg, the bride of the artist may not count.

    Walking beyond the framework of generally accepted standards of Love Stori 84-year-old Soviet actor Ivan Krasko and his 24-year-old student received a logical continuation - lovers signed in the Krasnoarmeus registry office of St. Petersburg. Matra and Student Wedding, Natalia Shevel, became hardly the most anticipated event in the city - as soon as the bride and the bride came out of the car, they were immediately surrounded by representatives of the media. After marriage, young will go for a walk and a photo session, and then to the house of the actor, where they will be waiting for the guests and a festive banquet.

    Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel met at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where the actor led the course, and his lectured in the audience listened to the audience. Even before the start of the official ceremony, Natalia changed his surname to the surname of the future spouse in all social networks.

    As Krasko himself tells in an interview, Zaznoba has not yet admits him close to him, since intimate relationships are permissible for his beloved only after. However, the couple wants to give birth to a daughter. In addition, the housing issue in the new family is also not resolved - all the apartments owned by Krako, they were given to his children from previous marriages, so there is no place to live in a pair.