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  • How to burn (methods) Erosion of the cervix: soreness, consequences, complications, contraindications. Erosion cervix, cavity: reviews

    How to burn (methods) Erosion of the cervix: soreness, consequences, complications, contraindications. Erosion cervix, cavity: reviews

    According to statistics, almost every second woman at least once in life had to face such a diagnosis as the erosion of the cervix. But despite this, most of the fair sex representatives are in no hurry to get qualified assistance to doctors. They either inactivate, or try to cope with the problem with their own, which represents a serious danger to their health. That is why it is so important to know what is erosion and why it needs to be treated.

    Erosion, which is also called ectopia, is one of the most common pathologies in the field of gynecology. Theoretically, it represents any defect and a small wound of the mucous membrane of the cervix. In total, there are two varieties of this condition: true erosion and pseudo-erosion. Regardless of which species was diagnosed by a doctor, you need to fight with him as soon as possible.

    Today there are quite a lot of treatment methods, but the basic among them remains the ignition procedure of the erosion of the cervix. For the first time, such a radical method was applied in the eighteenth century. Then the manipulation was carried out by means of a special red-hot device, an appearance resembling a soldering iron. Now this method can rightly be considered one of the most efficient, safe and painless.

    The main methods of moxibustion include laser coagulation, chemical coagulation, treatment of erosion by radio waves, cryodestruction and exposure to electric shock. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

    Laser treatment - The most preferred and modern method of therapy. With it, the operation is carried out contactlessly using a laser beam acting on the damaged zone of the mucous membrane of the cervix and evaporating fluid from ectopia cells. Such manipulation leads to the formation of a stamp - a crust, which after 7 days is independently rejected by the body.

    The moxibustion of the erosion of the cervix laser is considered an advanced treatment method. This method acquired a large number of supporters due to the lack of not only any painful sensations during the procedure, but also the subsequent bleeding and formation of scars. The latter confirms the full safety of the ignition of erosion, as after childbirth (that is, for those who have given birth) and for the broken women.

    The disadvantage of therapy can be considered its relative availability associated with high prices for the procedure and the presence of high-class equipment only in modern gynecological clinics.

    Similar method is radio-wave treatment erosion. The basis of this method is the contact effect on the affected area by high-frequency waves. Such waves produce cuts and coagulation (cavity) tissues. It was this process that caused the term "radionozozh" in gynecology.

    During the moxibustion of the erosion of the cervix of the uterus, heating and "cutting" of soft tissues occurs, which contributes to the destruction of unhealthy cells. The main feature of the method is the absolute control over the depth of the cut.

    As a rule, for the implementation of this manipulation, gynecologists enjoy a Surgitron radio. Its use provides not only sterilizing effect and good pain relief, but also subsequent accelerated healing. Also, the ignition of erosion by Surgitron guarantees the absence of scarring after treatment. The use of such therapy allows to get rid of ectopia as quickly as possible, efficiently and painlessly.

    Cryodestruction or cackping uterine erosion with liquid nitrogen. The method is based on the fact that due to the low temperature, the crystallization of water is included in the composition of pathogenic (modified) cells. As a result, their death comes. Nitrogen is applied to ectopia portion, point, with the help of a special machine, which ensures the safety of healthy tissues.

    Abundant allocations after such an ignition of erosion are not rare, as well as swelling, but the benefits of this method are still greater. This therapy is often appointed by barking women, because after it does not occur the formation of scars that could be revealed during childbirth.

    The disadvantage of the method is cases of processing not all affected fabrics, and this is known to lead to incomplete recovery. Also, cryodestruction is not used if women diagnosed deep erosion or ectopia of the wrong shape. The latter is explained by the standard magnitude of the apparatus tip and the fact that healthy fabrics may be captured because of this.

    Chemical coagulation. Applies only in the case of small sections of ectopia. The method is based on the moxibustion of the erosion of the cervix with a solidgy - a mixture of purified concentrated acids. It consists of acetic and nitric acid, as well as zinc salt and oxalic acid derivative.

    The Solkovegin complex steadily affects the pathological mucosa of the cervix, without affecting the healthy fabric. The action of the medical drug is manifested in the ignion of the affected fabric sections. Healing and recovery occurs under the protection of the stamp (dead tissue), which significantly reduces the risk of complications of an inflammatory nature.

    Another method of treating this disease is argon caution . At the same time, a high-frequency electromagnetic field affects the affected tissue through the use of ionized gas. As a result, local heating and the causing of the pathological focus occurs.

    The advantages of this method: the absence of excessive injuries, the possibility of conducting barking women, healing without the formation of scars, painlessness of the procedure and short duration.

    And finally electrical exposure . It is carried out, as a rule, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. After the ignition of the erosion of the cervix, the edge is the formation of a stamp. Returning necrotic (dead) fabric and restoring a healthy epithelium begins in a few days. However, complete recovery is celebrated only after 2 months.

    This method is considered very effective and affordable, as it can be carried out in almost any gynecological clinic. But such an ignition often leads to the emergence of scars, which makes this procedure it is impossible for conducting annoying women.

    The consequences of untimely cavity

    Despite the fact that the methods described above have certain specific disadvantages, the need for treatment is still a prerequisite for complete recovery. Self-medication can only be aggravated by the course of the disease, but inaction and to lead to the occurrence of cancer.

    The consequences of the late moxibustion of the erosion of the cervical cervix can be expressed by the formation of a scar, and this can entail problems in the delivery.

    To date, doctors have the opportunity to prescribe a method of treatment, depending on the individual characteristics of each patient, it guarantees 100% preservation of the reproductive function and protection against cancer.

    In order to avoid re-occurrence of ectopia, it is necessary to regularly visit the personal gynecologist, in order to detect the disease at the initial stages, it was not necessary to pass again through an unpleasant procedure. In addition, it is important to have only one sexual partner - this will allow the maximum to reduce the risk of genital infections.

    Medical recommendations depend on the method that the procedure was carried out, the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and the body of the woman. At the same time, several general rules can be distinguished, the observance of which will help you to recover faster and avoid negative consequences of prey.

    After radical treatment, erosion is impossible:

    • sex at least within a month (the term is determined individually and may be more);
    • take a bath or get a hot water. It is advisable to use the warm shower;
    • raise a lot of weight;
    • do sport;
    • supercool;
    • to visit the pool, sauna, solarium. Undesirable to sunbathe in the sun and, of course, you can not swim in natural reservoirs;
    • use tampons (with the exception of the medical procedures prescribed by the doctor);
    • it is extremely undesirable to carry out ultrasound using a vaginal sensor and other procedures in which any items are introduced into the vagina.

    Failure to follow these rules may entail a violation of the integrity of the epithelium and damage to blood vessels.

    Special attention After the ignition of erosion, pay secretions. They can resemble water or be bloody. Gynecologists are recommended not to worry until the volume of blood discharges will exceed the volume of the releases of menstrual. In this case, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, as the blood vessel may be damaged.

    The methods of moxibustion of the erosion of the cervix are an impact on the pathological change of the epithelium. There are many ways to get rid of the disease to prevent dysplasia.

    Erosion can be found in a gynecological inspection, it is rarely manifested by pronounced symptoms.

    Distinguish the types of illness:

    • Pseudo-erosion is an affected area of \u200b\u200bred, with a diameter of about five centimeters with mucous secretions.
    • True erosion - in the field of damage, purulent release on the shell appears.
    • Congenital pathology does not require drug therapy, not reborn into cancer.

    There are many ways to get rid of pathology, but the most common causing remains.

    Methods of exposure

    The ignition is the impact method to remove the affected cells on the cervix. There are different types of procedure: laser, chemical coagulation, removal of erosion by radio waves, cryodestruction and electric shock treatment.

    Cutting laser

    They consider the modern contactless procedure, affecting the affected area with a laser. Such therapy does not cause painful sensations, bleeding, there are no spikes and scarring. Therefore, it is recommended to girls that there are still pregnancy, such a technique does not affect the critical organs. The minus is a high price, modern equipment is available only in special expensive clinics. Full recovery occurs in a month, if the disease is running, it will be necessary to carry out additional intervention, intervals for four weeks.

    As well as laser treatment, is a contactless way of burning erosion. The affected area affects high-frequency waves that destroy the problem cells at the required depth. Treatment with radonomy is considered to be a sterile and painless method, which leads to a rapid healing of wounds and does not leave scars.

    A histological examination is carried out before the procedure, take a smear on the microflora, exclude venereal diseases. To avoid serious complications, speed up the healing process, the operation is carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

    The restoration of the body comes in three weeks, at this time abandon sexual proximity, exercise, visits to shared pools and natural reservoirs.


    This treatment of erosion with liquid nitrogen, the pathological cells affect low temperatures, after which they die. Nitrogen is applied only to the affected area, healthy fabrics do not suffer. After the procedure, blood discharge may appear, the edema of the organ, but the scars do not remain on the cervix. Such a procedure fits girls that they are planning a pregnancy, but do not recommend women who have deep erosion.

    Patients are restored in two months.

    It is carried out only on the erosion of a small size, for this use a medical device Sallakin. The doctor dries the damaged area, then processes a chemical drug without affecting healthy tissues, pathological cells die away. The procedure is carried out under the control of colposcopy. To prevent the disease reaping, the procedure can repeat.

    You can catch the pathology of the maki cervical pathology using an electric current. This is an outdated way, but no less effective than modern methods. Before interfering, it is important to eliminate infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the field of small pelvis.

    The operation is carried out at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. With the help of the electrode, affect the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe current, before the formation of the stamp. Healthy fabric is restored in a week, complete recovery occurs in two months.

    This is the most inexpensive method of moxibustion, used in each clinic. But it is not recommended to young patients who have no children. After the procedure, the scars remain that negatively affects generic activities.

    To avoid complications, the doctor after the ignition procedure prescribes medication therapy, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing drugs.

    Preparation and contraindications

    Before the procedure, the patient is examined to eliminate malignant education. If there are no inflammatory diseases, infectious diseases, other contraindications, the ignition is prescribed on the third day after the end of menstruation.

    In front of any method of treatment, a woman needs to pass a series of research:

    • Blood test, also on HIV, hepatitis, infectious diseases.
    • Analysis of urine.
    • A smear on cancer diseases.
    • Microflora analysis.
    • Biopsy.

    If the contraindications are not detected, the woman is sent to the ignition procedure. For any deviations, it is necessary to undergo pre-treatment.

    Contraindications that prohibit the operation:

    • Inflammation of the genital organs.
    • If infection is detected, which is transmitted by sexual path.
    • Blood discharge not related to monthly.
    • Do not clotting blood.
    • Rebirth erosion in malignant education.
    • Pregnancy, baby breastfeeding.
    • The presence of intrauterine spirals.
    • Diabetes.
    • The outdoor shape of chronic diseases.
    • Man papilloma virus.
    • Psyche disorder in a patient, schizophrenia.

    To avoid major problems after intervention, it is important to fulfill all the recommendations of the attending physician.

    In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to comply with general rules that will speed up recovery and prevent serious consequences:

    • Observe personal hygiene, it is better to take a shower.
    • Eliminate sexual contacts until the body's complete restoration.
    • Do not attend pools, saunas, baths, not in the open sun, give up a solarium.
    • Do not allow supercooling.
    • Do not use tampon, do not conduct an ultrasound study using a vaginal sensor and other gynecological procedures, when something is introduced into the vagina.

    Neglecting these advice, you can break the epithelium, damage the blood vessels.

    After the procedure, the menstrual cycle may break, specialists consider it a normal phenomenon. Also should not be alarmed bleeding, if they are not strong. In case of painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, the lower back, the increase in body temperature, you need to contact the doctor.

    To avoid serious complications, which causes the erosion of the cervix, it is better to identify pathological deviations in the early stages. For this, it is necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist, at least once every six months.

    Inadequate treatment of the disease may affect pregnancy, cause infertility, a severe form of the disease can transform into a malignant tumor, which threatens the patient's life.

    To prevent infectious diseases, which are transmitted by sexual act, it is better to have one sexual partner.

    Self-medication also leads to negative consequences, so you need to contact a specialized clinic, where experienced professionals will be able to professionally carry out the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical sequin.

    Erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bdetected by more than half of the Russians, and many of them are under 25 years old. This is a very cunning disease: it can leak asymptomatic for a long time, but once the result of the lack of treatment can be the development of cervical cancer. And the cervical cancer is one of the most frequent causes of female mortality.

    However, despite the possibility of such serious consequences, gynecologists do not always prescribe treatment. Why? Is it possible to avoid erosion? And how to treat it? These and other questions answered us Olga Viktorovna Veselova, Gynecologist-Endocrinologist MC "Diagnosis".

    - What is erosion?

    - Many believe that erosion is an ordinary wound, ulcer. In fact, this is not the case, therefore, it is impossible to treat it as an ordinary wound - in no case. The erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200ba pathological process, in which there is damage and the subsequent lunch of the epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix. The affected section of the neck becomes a "gate" for chlamydia, gonococci, a simple herpes virus. In the acidic environment of the vagina erosion of the cervical cervix for a long time cannot - the process of "self-burning" begins. However, this process does not always go benign. Sensible erosion is a favorite place for a man's papilloma virus transmitting sexually transmitted. Therefore, when detecting the erosion of the cervix, it is necessary to carry out a biopsy of the pathological site to recognize the nature of the inflammatory process and diagnose cancer on time.

    What symptoms are characteristic of this disease?

    - Most often, the woman does not feel anything special, and erosion discovers a gynecologist at the reception when conducting extended colposcopy. Sometimes the symptoms of erosion are bleeding after sexual intercourse. And if inflammation joined the erosion, they appear.

    What are the causes of erosion?

    - There are many reasons: violation of the hormonal background, genetic predisposition, decrease in immunity, vaginal dysbiosis, inflammatory processes of female organs, early start of sexual life, indiscriminate sex life, injury to the vagina. The latter may occur during childbirth, abortions, improper use of certain types of contraceptives (chemical and barrier), improperly dying.

    - As far as I know, the young broken women do not treat erosion. Is it so?

    - Buy Sialis until recently it was exactly that. First, young girls erosion, as a rule, uncomplicated, because treatment does not require, but it's still not for me to forget about it. The best tactics in this case is observation. If erosion is complicated - treatment is necessary, but before starting it, you need to cure related diseases: inflammation, irregular cycle - sometimes after such treatment erosion decreases in size.

    Secondly, the cavity, which was previously the only radical method of treatment, leaves a scar on the cervix. The neck becomes less elastic, and this may have negative consequences in childbirth. And conservative methods - scrapping the bravery and tampons with sea buckle oil - do not give effect.

    I note that now there are such methods for treating erosion, which are not only effective, but also do not leave the scar, and therefore can be used even for young girls.

    What methods of treating the erosion of the cervix are used now?

    - The main methods are:

    • Diatheroelectro-adaging
    • Cryotherapy,
    • Laser treatment
    • Radio Surgery,
    • Argonplasmen coagulation.

    - Tell us more about each of them.

    - I will immediately clarify that the last two are more modern. However, both cryotherapy and diathermoelectro-adagging are still used to treat erosion. Regarding the laser treatment of erosion, the opinions of doctors are diverged.

    a) diatheroelectro-adaging (DK)

    This method is essentially a thermal cavity (even the doctors with each other are called the cavity), but using an electric current. There is a deep burning of damaged tissue with current. In women's consultations, the DEC is still one of the most popular methods for treating erosion.

    Pros: The method is effective, easy to execute.

    Minuses: The method is painful, a scar remains on the cervix on the cervix, so it's usually a DEC is not made by barking women, may cause a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, the neck heals more than a month, complications may arise.

    b) Cryotherapy

    This is the method of impact on erosion of low temperatures using chimonda. Its essence is that the damaged area is frozen to a healthy fabric.

    pros: A more sparing method than the DEC, only pathological cells die when using it, and healthy remain intact, the method is almost painless, bloodless, almost never leaves scars, so the cervix remains elastic after it.

    Minuses: The method is not applied with deep damage, the duration of healing is 1-2 months, does not allow the biopsy, with extensive erosions, the method will be difficult.

    c) laser treatment

    With the help of a laser, the pathological portion of the tissue is evaporated. Regarding this method, the opinions of specialists are divergent: some consider it perfect, others - on the contrary.

    pros: Does not leave scar, painless method.

    Minuses: Does not allow to conduct a biopsy, manipulation with a laser require a greater accuracy from a doctor than with other treatments, there is always a risk of damaging a healthy tissue.

    The question of the safety of this method remains controversial. Laser coagulation in Penza does not apply.

    d) radio wave surgery

    The modern method at which the so-called radion and alternative to the surgical scalpel is used. With the help of radio waves, the affected area is cut, as they say "like oil". It only sounds scary, in fact it is almost jewelry, in which electrodes are used thinner of the human hair.

    pros: The method is bloodless, atraumatic, there are no painful sensations after the procedure, quickly healing, a very neat procedure, in which there is no deep intervention - the finest layer of pathological tissue is removed. Damaged fabric is not burned, but is cut, so the method is ideal for biopsy. It is possible to apply in boring women, since the scar remains.

    Minuses: Fast healing occurs only in the absence of genital infections, so a preliminary examination is necessary.

    e) argonoplasma coagulation

    I note that this modern method in Penza began to be used relatively recently, but gradually becomes more and more popular. This method is unique: when using it, there is spraying at damaged areas of the argon gas. Heating and "evaporation" of damaged tissue occurs, on the place of which the dry crust is formed, and under it there is healing.

    pros: The method does not have contraindications by age, it can also be used in annoying girls, and in women in the menopacteric period. The APK method is non-contact, healthy fabrics of the cervix are not damaged, the procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause unpleasant sensations, takes little time. In addition, when carrying out the APC, the specialist sees well the area of \u200b\u200bexposure, which eliminates the possibility of medical error. Healing occurs much faster than after cryotherapy and diathermoelectro-adaging, no scars remain.

    Minuses: Lack of biopsy opportunity.

    - In which cases it is impossible to treat erosion?

    - It is impossible to treat erosion during pregnancy and in the presence of inflammatory processes. When sex tract infection, healing is very long and does not even occur at all.

    What are the parameters a choice of one or another method of treatment?

    - Before appointing any of the treatments, it is necessary to complete a full examination, identify the nature of erosion, the causes of its occurrence. It is advisable to pass the following surveys:

    • Bacteriological research - smear to identify the inflammatory process, infections;
    • Cytological study - study of the characteristics of the structure of the cervix cells;
    • Analysis on STIs;
    • Sanation - removal of infectious agent from sex tract;
    • Biopsy - to determine the nature of the pathology;
    • Blood on RW, HIV, hepatitis-B and -s;
    • Colposcopy - to clarify the nature and volume of damage to the neck.

    In the MC "Diagnosis", video concloscopy is widely used, which allows the doctor not only to see the pathological changes in the epithelial tissue of the cervix, but also show them to the patient. Without colposcopy, erosion cannot be treated, since only this examination method allows you to identify most of the changes and find out how dangerous they are.

    - Is it possible to somehow avoid the emergence of the erosy of the cervix?

    - By and large, no. It is so multifacetic process that prevents it more than difficult. After all, even newborn girls sometimes discover this disease. To reduce the risk of erosion, it is necessary to follow the general recommendations: to abide by hygiene, to regularly visit the gynecologist for prophylactic inspection, do not lead a messy sex life, take care of your health and strengthen the immune system. Another advice: Protect if you do not plan a pregnancy, because any abortion traumats the neck, and therefore increases the risk of erosion. In addition, even if erosion is already there, you can avoid "unpleasant consequences". To do this, it is necessary to observe the gynecologist and must undergo treatment. It is not necessary to fear, modern methods have left vintage, they are more tender, less painful, and after some not even the scar remains. So even after the treatment of erosion, a woman may not be afraid of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Nadezhda Fedorova

    Erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bone of the most common female diseases. Currently, there are many factors that predispose to the development of this pathology. We can safely say that half of women during the life of the erosion of the cervix was. Therefore, the relevance of this topic is no doubt. In this article, we will tell you about the methodology for the diagnosis of erosion, and the methods of its treatment.

    Anatomy of the uterus

    Since their speech came about such an organic disease as erosion, it is necessary to inform at least the minimum of information about the anatomy of the affected organ, its structure and position in the body. The fact that the uterus is in the cavity of the small pelvis and is a continuation of the internal fenders, everyone knows. The uterine cavity is communicated with the vagina cavity by the cervical channel, which is the median structure of the cervix. The uterus has several part-based parts: bottom, body and cervix. In the context of the erosion of the cervix, we are interested in the structure and position of this structure regarding neighboring organs. The cervix is \u200b\u200bthe most narrow part of the uterus put forward into the cavity of the vagina. Outside, the cervix is \u200b\u200bcovered with multilayer non-propelled mucous epithelium, which has a structure similar from the mucous membrane. The average shell is muscular fabric, the main direction of fibers is circular. Therefore, the main function of this shell in the cervix is \u200b\u200bthe narrowing of the enlightenment of the cervical channel. In the cervical cervical channel, the channel itself, the outer (on the border of the cavity of the vagina and cervix) and the inner zev (on the border of the cervix and the uterine).

    What does the mucous cervix look like under a microscope normally and in erosion?

    Normally, the mucosa of the outer part of the cervix is \u200b\u200bcovered with a multilayer epithelium. Under the microscope, this epithelium is represented as several rows of cell kernels, tightly closed both inside the same layer and between the layers. On the border of the muscular and mucous membranes is the basal layer of mucous membranes. It is in him that the cells of the epithelium take their beginning. Gradually, basal cells by division give all new epithelial cells. Which, as all new cells are added, move in the bed layers. Due to this continuous process, continuous self-renewal of the mucous membrane occurs, healing its defects, mechanical interference with the penetration of infection.
    The structure of the cervix epithelium is significantly different from the mucosa of the outer part of the cervix. The main difference is to monitor the epithelium and in the properties of the cells that make it up. These cells have a cylindrical shape (because that and epithelium is called cylindrical). But the main feature of these cells is the synthesis of a special cervical mucus, which mechanically prevents the penetration of microbes and chemicals from the vagina cavity.

    What is called erosion?

    In a wide sense, erosion is a defect of the coating fabric called the epithelium. In case the speech comes on the erosion of the cervix, it meant in mind the defect of the vaginal outer part of the cervix. In this case, the defect is disturbed by the integrity of the layers of the mucosa, the epithelium is thinned. It is important in this that the defect does not affect the basal layer - due to the possibility of recovery of the epithelium (regeneration). In the event that the basal layer is damaged, then this defect can be covered with either a single-layer cylindrical epithelium of the cervix (pseudo-erosion) or a scar tissue will be formed in its place.

    Radio TREATMENT TREATMENT Erosion of the cervix

    This method of surgical removal of ectoped epithelium is performed using a Surgitron special apparatus. After preliminary preparation, the impact on the field of radio wave of a certain frequency causes a local increase in temperature in tissues at a small depth. Due to this method, the surface distraction of the ectopied epithelium without damage to the deep layers of myometrium is occurring. This gentle method allows to achieve the removal of ectopied epithelium without further scarring of the treated area.

    How to behave after carrying out the cervix?

    After the cape on the mucous meat, there is a wound. For its optimal healing, it is necessary to create optimal conditions, functional peace, to normalize the microflora, follow the hygienic recommendations of the attending physician. In this regard, any forms of genital contacts must be excluded. Reception of drugs in stimulating healing, antibacterial medicines and eubiotics creating optimal conditions for speedy healing.

    The duration of sexual rest is determined individually. However, this period in most cases is at least 4 weeks. For a more confident definition of the deadlines of the recovery period, a regular visit to the attending physician of the gynecologist and inspection in the mirrors is necessary.

    The duration of drug treatment is determined by the genuine physician individually depending on the general state of the patient, the causes of erosion and the dynamics of the process.

    Preparation for ignition Includes several stages:

    • restoration of normal vaginal microflora
    • conducting research on sexually transmitted diseases.
    • in case of detection of venereal diseases, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment of identified infections.
    • in some case, it makes sense to conduct a preliminary biopsy (fence of a normal plot of mucous membrane) for a subsequent microscopic study.
    • in the case of immunodeficiency states, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment of the stimulating protective properties of the body.

    Forecast for erosion cervix

    With timely and adequate treatment, complete cure is possible. However, in the case of the progression of the disease, an increase in erosion in the amount of the illicitality of erosion tissues, the appearance of bleeding, female infertility is possible. Therefore, the treatment of the erosion of the cervix should not postpone or refer to this pathology as something minor. Be responsible with your own health.

    What does the erosion of the cervix look like?

    The erosion of the cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bquite often found by chance on a prophylactic examination with the help of mirrors at the gynecologist. The damaged area usually has a rounded shape, bright red, without signs of inflammation. But there are erosion and improper form. There is a damaged epithelium most often around the hole of the cerval canal. Touching this site by any tool can cause light bleeding.

    To determine the depth and extensity of the damage, the uterine language is used with various dyes (3-5% acetic acid, a solution of lugola). With such staining erosion becomes well visible.

    What could be the consequences of the cervix cervix?

    The consequences of the moxibustion of the erosion of the cervix depend on the type of caustion. There are several types of this procedure:
    • Diathermocoagulation;
    • Cryodestruction;
    • Chemical destruction;
    • Laser therapy.
    The greatest number of complications is marked after diathermocoagulation (Electric Cleaning). After this intervention in the lower part of the cervical canal can form a scar. Because of this, the cervical channel is narrowed, which may make it difficult to make a pregnancy and the process of childbirth - the likelihood of the cervix break is great. Therefore, diathermocoagulation is not recommended by bombing or pregnant women.

    Another possible consequence is the development of endometriosis - the movement of the epithelium characteristic of the inner cavity of the uterus to the surface of the cervix. To prevent endometriosis, it is recommended to carry out an incineration in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

    After cryodestruction (effects on erosion of liquid nitrogen) The scar tissue is not formed, and the cervical canal retains its elasticity, but sometimes it can slightly shorten. The depth of exposure to this method is limited, so cryodestruction is shown only with surface defects of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Erosion of the wrong form in this way is not treated, because It is possible to enter nitrogen into a healthy fabric, which is extremely undesirable. The possibility of conception and successful pregnancy after cryodestruction is preserved.

    Chemical destruction Erosion does not entail any negative consequences, but it can only affect the small defects on the area. Another "inconvenience" of this procedure can be called the need for repeated sessions - for full cure it may be needed to 3-5 procedures.

    Perhaps the only method that does not have side effects and contraindications - laser treatment erosion. After it does not remain scars, the depth of exposure can be installed manually, healthy fabrics are not damaged.

    What should I do if with a cervical erosion there are highlights?

    Nature took care of the protection of the internal genital organs of a woman from various malicious factors. The multi-layered flat epithelium covering the cervix and the vagina, alternate a mucus that prevents the penetration agents of infection inside the uterus and further.

    In case of failures in the hormonal status of a woman or in the penetration of pathogens into the vagina, acidic alkaline equilibrium is disturbed and the products of the mucus increase. These factors contribute to the development of the erosion of the cervix.

    Erosion on the mucous membrane of the cervix can be bleeding slightly. This usually happens after sexual contact or with deep-to-wash.

    It should be said that bloody discharges and were not a characteristic sign of erosion. Rather, they indicate the presence of pathogenic flora in the vagina and the presence of inflammation. Therefore, it should be struggling with these manifestations with anti-inflammatory therapy - antibiotics in aerosols and ointments (Olazol, Levovicol, Miramistin, Vaginorm C), coil treatment with sea buckthorn oil or soloserile ointment. These measures are not treating erosion, they only prepare the ground for its further elimination.

    What are the folk methods for treating the erosion of the cervix?

    It is necessary to immediately warn that a truly effective national treatment will be only in cases where there is no significant inflammation and signs of rebirth of cells.

    Title means How valid How to apply What result wait
    Sea buckthorn oil Accelerates tissue healing.
    Tampons impregnated with oil, introduce into the vagina for the night for 1,5-2 weeks. You can lubric a cervix with cotton swab with oil.
    Eucalyptus oil Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action; Accelerates cleansing and healing the epithelium Tampons impregnated with oil, introduce into the vagina for the night for 1,5-2 weeks. Oil before use should be made with a fat basis (Lanolin, Vaseline), in the ratio - 3-5 drops of oil by 10-20 g of fat. It is good to combine with basil oil (1-2 drops). Normalizes microflora;
    reduces selection; reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
    deodorishes (eliminates the unpleasant odor of the selection);
    Enhances local immunity.
    Eucalyptus leaves Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action, accelerates cleansing and healing the epithelium Used in the form of infusion prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. Raw materials - 1 cup of water.
    Put on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, strain and wet your cotton swabs. They can be left in the vagina overnight.
    By the same innocence, you can do dials twice a day, within 5-7 days.
    Normalizes the flora, reduces the release, reduces the activity of inflammatory processes, deodorishes (eliminates the unpleasant odor of the selection).
    Juice and Oil Aloe, Kalanchoe Antiseptic and healing effect; anti-inflammatory and antiviral action;
    antifungal action;
    Bostimulizing action.
    Weathered for 12 days in the refrigerator leaves Aloe (7-10 pcs.) Clear from the green peel (only the jelly-like part should remain). Pour 100 ml of oil - olive, sunflower, wheat embryos oil. To withstand 2 weeks in a dark cool place.
    Juice, squeezed from several aloe leaves or calangean to impregnate cotton swab and introduce all night to the vagina or do dick.
    Butter also soak tampon and wipe the cervix to them.
    Restoration of the vaginal flora, a decrease in the discharge, the decrease in itching and soreness, the rapid healing of erosion, without the formation of coarse tissue.
    Rosehip oil Increases local immunity; increases the rate of tissue recovery;
    It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    Impregnated with oil tampons enter twice a day in the vagina.
    Oil (2-3 drops) can be mixed with a fat base (Vaseline or Lanolin) - 10 g. Make the balls from the mixture and enter into the vagina, or apply on the tampon and leave the vagina overnight.
    Contributes to the rapid healing of the epithelium, without the formation of coarse defects;
    removes inflammation; Increases local resistance to microbes and viruses.

    How to treat cervical erosion at home?

    The treatment of cervical erosion at home should consist of anti-inflammatory funds, and in the future one should consider the option with the migration. Treat erosion with medicinal herbs should not be: they give only temporary improvement, but the cause of the disease (and most often it is a person's papilloma virus), it fails with the help of phytostersconds.

    Name of the drug Basic active ingredient What action is rendered How to apply What results to wait
    Olazol Levomycetin;
    Boric acid;
    Sea buckthorn oil;
    Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
    Promotes erosion healing.
    Introducing tampons impregnated with the drug, in the vagina to 3-4 times a day. Before use, spend thorough intimate zone hygiene. Reducing inflammation, reduction of pain, itching, reducing the discharge from the vagina.
    Levovicol Levomycetin;
    Anti-inflammatory action;
    Antimicrobial effect;
    Promotes the healing of the tissue defect.
    Enter tampons impregnated with the drug, in the vagina to 3 times a week for the night. Reducing the discharge from the vagina, reduced inflammation.
    Miramistin Miramistitis;
    Danodium salt of eetetic acid.
    Antiseptic effect against many microbial infection pathogens; Antifungal action;
    Destroys the viral infection of the genital organs;
    Strengthens local immunity;
    Promotes the fastest recovery of the epithelium.
    Tampon, impregnated with the composition, daily introduce into the vagina, the course of treatment may be up to the week. It is allowed to use during pregnancy. Anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the discharge from the vagina, healing epithelial defects, purification of the vaginal flora.
    Vaginorm S. Ascorbic acid Antiseptic action;
    Increases local protective functions in relation to microbes and viruses;
    Normalizes the pH of the vagina.
    The tablet should be entered as closely in the vagina. Use 1 time per day - overnight. Course treatment - until the week. Perhaps re-use. It is allowed to use during pregnancy.
    Elimination of signs of inflammation, decrease in white, normalization of the acid-alkaline medium in the vagina.
    Salcselle Ointment Showless blood parcel Acceleration of the epithelial layer regeneration Tampons with ointments are introduced into the vagina 1-2 times a day. Healing of the damaged epithelial layer
    Sea buckthorn oil A mixture of carotene and carotenoids; tocopherolov; chlorophillates and glycerides. Accelerates tissue healing;
    It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
    Tampons, impregnated with oil, introduce into the vagina overnight for 1.5-2 weeks. You can lubric a cervix with cotton swab with oil. Reducing inflammation, normalization of the vaginal microflora, healing of the epithelium.

    How to treat the erosion of the cervix of the uterus?

    Immediately should win women: long postpone the treatment of erosion is not worth it, because it can be reborn into a more serious illness. And the fact that the woman has not yet gave birth or is pregnant at the moment, is not a contraindication to treatment.

    But the choice of treatment method in this case is crucial. Given that some methods of moxibustion can cause unwanted consequences in the future, it is necessary to choose such a way that does not affect the ability to get pregnant or give birth without problems.

    The most gentle methods include cheeropistry and laser treatment. If the size of erosion is small, you can dwell on the chemical method of treatment; Laser therapy is suitable for eliminating defects of any depth and sizes.

    In cases where erosion size is up to 2 cm, it is possible to apply an alternative treatment method - physiotherapeutic stimulation of healing with ultraviolet rays.

    If the disease has been detected in a pregnant woman, the ignition of erosion can be postponed before delivery. This is possible when the size of erosion is minimal, there are no signs of rebirth of cells and inflammation. In the presence of inflammation, but at a small area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, anti-inflammatory and regenerating (healing) means - Olazol, Levovinoxol, Miramistin, Vaginorm C, Sea buckthorn oil, and a solcossurile ointment are prescribed.

    Quite often diagnosed in women of different age categories, but usually it is found in patients of childbearing age. The peculiarity of this pathology is in asymptomatic flow, which complicates its timely diagnosis. This may entail complications, the attachment of secondary infections, but the most important thing is the transformation of a benign state in the precancerous.

    We recommend reading:

    The erogen erosion of the uterus belongs to the pathologies of a benign nature, but in the formation of certain conditions (injury, mechanical damage, infection, etc.) it is reborn in. It is in second place among female oncology after breast cancer.

    Today there are many methods of treating the erosion of the cervix, but each of them has its own characteristics, dignity, restrictions and differences. Before the selection of therapy is important to carry out full diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis and exclude cancer. The most informative method is biopsy.

    Biopsy erosion cervix

    This method is considered highly accurate and informative. It allows you to confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignant changes at the localization site of the erosion itself. As practice shows, the biopsy of the erosion of the cervical cervix in 9 out of 10 patients confirms the diagnosis. It also helps to identify prejudice states.

    In the course of its implementation, a woman is taken to study a microscopic piece of neck tissues for histological examination. It allows you to accurately determine the condition of cells on the pathological site, the presence and type of infectious agent. The biopsy makes it possible to confirm or refute the suspicions of the gynecologist on various diseases, the signs of which he could not recognize during colposcopy.

    note: the biopsy of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot carried out with problems with blood clotting and inflammatory processes in the vagina in the acute stage. The procedure itself does not require anesthesia, because the cervix does not have pain receptors. Anesthesia is performed if it takes a large amount of material and in cases where a woman has a low pain threshold.

    Erosion of the cervix: the most effective methods of treatment

    The most effective methods of treating erosion are such techniques:

    • cavity;
    • chemical coagulation;
    • radio wave treatment;
    • laser treatment;
    • cryodestruction;
    • local Candles therapy.

    Cervical Erosion Ceile

    This procedure is correctly called diathermocoagulation. It is based on the effect of electric shock on the pathological center on the neck. At the same time, a burn is formed at the place of exposure, and after - the scar.

    In the launched cases, they resort to diatheroconization - to completely remove the affected tissues. This procedure is most popular, because equipment for its holding is available in almost every female consultation. It also determines its affordable cost. A significant drawback of such treatment of erosion is pain during the procedure and unpleasant grab-shaped cuts in the uterus. After causing for another 4 weeks, there is a selection of a different character, pain in the lower back area.

    The procedure is advisable only in the case of pseudo-erosion, when there is a substitution of the cylindrical epithelium of the multilayer. The therapy of true erosion by the method of moxibustion will be very painful and can provoke complications.

    In force, doctors note a number of advantages, thanks to which it has been popular with women for many years. These include:

    • good performance (in more than 90% of cases erosion is cured);
    • simplicity;
    • available cost of the procedure.

    Among the shortcomings and complications of the procedurecalibei cervical cervix celebrate:

    • scar formation;
    • difficulty of cervical disclosure in childbirth;
    • the possibility of bleeding;
    • aggravation of inflammatory diseases;
    • the inability to endure the child.

    Today, there are a number of alternative modern techniques that are not only less traumatic, but also less painful for a woman, which allowed them to push the moxibustion far back. To all, this method is prohibited for the use of women from a number of complications observed after diathermoconization.

    Chemical coagulation

    This technology is used quite a long time in the treatment of erosion of the cervix, but already morally and technically outdated. It is performed in the form of applying a special substance on the mucosa, which is a mixture of preparations (acids) of Vagotyl and Salovegin. Chemical coagulation is carried out by colposcopy, which ensures accurate application of the drug. It destroys the surface layer of cells, which dies and turns away, and new fabrics are formed in its place.

    Indications for the treatment of chemical coagulation:

    • cervical erosion;
    • polyps;
    • cervical hyperplasia.

    Contraindications to it are:

    • suspicion of cervical cancer;
    • pregnancy;
    • erosion of large sizes;
    • the intolerance to the preparations used for the procedure.

    Advantages of coagulation of erosion with acids:

    • low cost;
    • availability;
    • gentle method;
    • no need for anesthesia.

    Among its disadvantages should be allocated:

    • minimal efficiency, compared with other technologies;
    • therapeutic effect occurs after 48-72 hours;
    • high risk of recurrence;
    • the formation of scarring on the neck.

    Important: bottime women do not appoint this method.

    Radio TREATMENT TREATMENT Erosion of the cervix

    This is a new technology that is to apply a radio wave knife to remove erosion. Its distinctive feature is the contactless treatment of the pathological site on the cervix. Radio waves stimulate the inner cellular energy, resulting in destruction and directly vaporization, that is, the evaporation of pathological cells.

    The procedure itself lasts no longer than 15 minutes and does not bring any painful sensations. The scars after treatment with radio waves does not happen, only sucrovitsy can be observed. Full healing occurs a month after a session. This method is recommended to apply women who did not give birth.

    Indications for radio wave treatment of the erosion of the cervix are the following:

    • matter dysplasia;
    • pseudo-erosion of a congenital character;
    • endocervicosis;
    • erosion in combination with infection (staphylococcal, chlamydial, fungal, viral lesion, etc.);
    • papillomas, Condylomes, polyposis.

    Contraindication to the use of this technology such states are:

    • inflammatory processes in a small pelvis in the aggravation stage;
    • the presence of an implanted pacemaker.

    The main advantage of this technique is the ability to remove erosion without damaging the muscular structure of the cervix, which in the future will prevent the cervix breaks in childbirth. This will also minimize the risk of recurrence.

    Among the advantages of radio wave treatment erosion, the cervixes are distinguished:

    • high-precision effect;
    • efficiency;
    • a pronounced bactericidal effect that makes treatment efficient even in running cases;
    • speed of treatment;
    • restoration of the structure of the neck without scarring in short lines;
    • painless postoperative period.

    The disadvantage of this technique is only one - the cost, which is relatively higher than the usual moxibustion. But taking into account practically 0% of the probability of recurrence of erosion after it is mounted using radio waves, and the absence of possible complications, the price is justified.

    More detailed information about the radio wave method for the treatment of cervical erosion you will receive, viewing this video review:

    Laser treatment of cervical erosion

    This procedure is called laser vaporization. This is the most modern on today the method of treating the erosion of the cervix, allowing to radically get rid of the problem. It is important that the procedure conducts an experienced and qualified doctor. The treatment with a laser is harmlessly and absolutely safe.

    Equipment for this procedure is quite expensive, so it is not offered in each clinic. The essence of manipulation is in evaporation of unhealthy cells in the area of \u200b\u200berosion on the cervix. The high-frequency beam of the laser is actually acting on the pathological region, and the process itself is controlled by the video conclusion to a millimeter of destruction depth.

    There is no general anesthesia at the same time, only local anesthesia is performed. Conduct a procedure for 7-9 days of the menstrual cycle of a woman, after which a month is required for healing; scars after laser therapy does not happen.

    The procedure can be carried out annoying women, because it does not have the negative consequences of the cervix in childbirth. That is why it is most often prescribed by young girls.

    Laser treatment applicable in erosion in case of availability:

    • endometriosis with localization on the cervix;
    • cervical dysplasia (1.2 art.);
    • leukoplakia;
    • scar changes on the neck;
    • nasty cyst in a plural;
    • polyps located below 1/3 of the cervicum;
    • cervicitis (chronic and acute stage), with insufficient effectiveness of conservative therapy.

    It is not used if the patient has such states:

    • bleeding;
    • early and late postpartum period;
    • inflammatory process on the cervix and other organs of the sexual system;
    • pregnancy;
    • cervical cancer and any other malignant uterus processes.

    The advantages of laser therapy erosion of the cervix are the following:

    • painlessness procedure;
    • high efficiency;
    • minimum risk of complications;
    • lack of scars on the cervix;
    • fast healing of the erosion surface.

    The shortcomings of laser treatment include its cost, as well as the probability of recurrence, although it is rather low.


    This is a technology for processing the place of erosion with liquid nitrogen by a special apparatus. The impact of the low temperature on pathological cells causes the crystallization of water into them, and they die (the action is similar to the ignition, when there is an effect of high temperatures). Processing occurs point, and healthy fabrics do not suffer. After the procedure, there is a possibility for the formation of the pummy of the neck and the appearance of abundant discharge. Full healing occurs after 1 - 1.5 months.

    This method is used in such cases.:

    Contraindications for cryodestruction:

    • pregnancy;
    • cervical cancer;
    • colpit;
    • cervicit.

    The advantages of this method of treating the erosion of the cervix:

    • painlessness;
    • bloodless;
    • rapid cure;
    • the possibility of applying born girls and women.

    To the disadvantages of the method are calculated:

    • possible shortening of the cervix;
    • the risk of narrowing the cervical canal;
    • small exposure area;
    • not used with deep tissue damage.

    Treatment of uterine cervical erosion with a candle and tablets

    Appoint vaginal suppositories and tablets in erosion can only the attending gynecologist, after finding out the reason that caused the disease. The local impact on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion makes it possible to eliminate the inflammatory process, restore the damaged mucous membrane.

    Indication for their destination, such pathological conditions are:

    All these states sharply increase the likelihood of cancer rebirth, so erosion therapy should be carried out in any case. The feasibility of treating the erosion of the cervix cervies is always caused by the size of the erosion surface itself. If it is more than 1-2 ° C, then more radical hardware technologies use.

    note: the most effective candles in the treatment of erosion after laser therapy, cavity, radio wave treatment, etc. As an independent method, they cannot be applied without a consultation of the gynecologist.

    Contraindications for the use of candles:

    • large erosion;
    • erosion, which reacts poorly to medication.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with candles implies a fairly large list of drugs that act locally, having antifungal, antivirus and bactericidal action.

    Here is some of them:

    • Terezhinan (have anti-inflammatory action);
    • Flukonazole (prescribed under candidiasis);
    • Genferon (has a powerful antiviral effect, is an immunomodulator);
    • Hexicon (candles with antiseptic effect);
    • CHllorphilipte (the solution with which tampons is made has a pronounced action against staphylococcus resistant to antibiotics).
    Advantages and Disadvantages of Candle Treatment

    Advantages of erosion candles therapy:

    • contact treatment of erosion;
    • rapid restoration of the surface epithelial layer;
    • operational healing of small wound and cervical ulcers;
    • equally distributed on the neck active substances, enveloping it;
    • purify the vagina from pathogenic microorganisms;
    • do not have traumatic action.

    Cons Candle treats are effective only at the initial stages of erosion and in complex therapy after different types of cavity. As an independent method, they do not give the expected result.

    Treatment of cervical erosion by folk remedies

    Such an approach in the treatment of this disease cannot replace the medical inspection, selection of the type of treatment, etc. That is why there is no independent treatment of cervical erosion by folk remedies.

    Unfortunately, very often such therapy only aggravates the state of erosion, which will progress, up to the rebirth in cancer. A woman should understand that it is not humane - to treat erosion by rims and baths on their own. Not humane, first of all, in relation to their own health, because these methods do not give a guarantee of the result or a real continuous improvement in the state.