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  • Means the fox tattoo on the leg. Fox tattoo - meaning

    Means the fox tattoo on the leg. Fox tattoo - meaning

    Many people fox are associated with cunning and caution, but there are peoples that honor it. There are different options for tattoos with the image of this chewing and if there is a desire to decorate your body with such a pattern, it is necessary to understand its value, because, as you know, tattoos may affect the life and fate of a person.

    What does the fox tattoo mean?

    Many nations belong to this predatory animal in different ways, for example, in China, he is considered a symbol of long life and good luck, so they use images as an overag. The Japanese drawing a white fox is an impersonation of wealth and good life. If in Japan, a person chooses this drawing for himself, then he wants to realize his potential and improve its qualities. Fox tattoo with nine tails on hand or other parts of the body is a symbol of prosperity. It is believed that its owner will bring wealth. This drawing is recommended for businessmen.

    Scandinavians Lisa was considered the sacred animals of the cunning god Loki, so people have endowed it with special energy. The fox tattoo on the thigh and other parts of the body applied prisoners, magicians and a characteristic. Celts used such a drawing as a charm from various problems and hazards. He is also displayed wisdom and honor. Many nations believed that tattoo a little or big fox allows a person to get into the afterlife. In ancient Rome, Lisa was associated with a fire demon who sent from hell. Such tattoos chose only people engaged in black magic for themselves. The ancient Egyptians also relate negatively to the fox, considering it a symbol of promiscuity, hypocrisy and vice. There was another option in Egypt - God's fabric in the form of fenwheel. He was considered an intermediary between heaven and earth.

    The indigenous people of America treated this predatory animal in different ways, so alone believed that it carries good, others saw in the fox only evil and destruction. That is why for each inhabit of America, a tattoo may have a different interpretation. To transmit the negative value of the tattoo, the fox is often depicted with a cigarette or tube, but glasses add to the presentation of the positive side and tricks. The Indians considered this predatory animal by the defender of all people, as well as an assistant in the treatment of various diseases. On the wrist tattoo ruined the foxes, doctors, hunters, warriors and shamans. Northern peoples considered such a drawing with a symbol of awakening nature and a new life. In this place, a bracelet consisting of two foxes was stuffed, this indicated a developed intuition, which helped to disclose deception.

    The fox tattoo on the forearm or in any other place symbolizes independence, wit and ambition. For residents of Korea, this animal means female sexuality and continuation of the kind. For Peruvians, the fox tattoo personified the warrior. Such a drawing endowed its owner with the mind and strength. Many are interested in what the fox tattoo means in women, so for representatives of the beautiful floor, such a drawing is a symbol of brightness, selfishness and calculating. A girl with such a tattoo knows a price, and she is ready to go to the cunning just to achieve the goal.

    Tattoo foxes on foot and other parts of the body can be seen in men who are independent, resourceful, smart and ambitious. They are not afraid of anything and can easily find a way out in a difficult situation. The drawing of this cunning animal allows representatives of strong sex to strengthen all these qualities. Since the fox was considered a fiery animal, the blacksmiths applied her image to their body to protect themselves from burns.

    Tattoo value Lisa

    Meaning, History and Lisa Tattoos

    Lisa is a very interesting and peculiar animal, which is also inherent in good, and evil, and positive, and negative qualities. Very often with the fox compare women, especially cunning. Therefore, the fox tattoo more often choose a weak floor representative than men. A tattoo with the image of the fox has many meanings, but most often it indicates that its owner knows the price, bright, calculating, selfish, sometimes even a cunning person.

    Tattoo Values \u200b\u200bwith Fox

    Tattoo history Lisa

    The image of the fox is present in the cultures of many peoples, both east and west. In China, Lisa is a symbol of longevity, good luck and kind chairs. The Japanese consider this predator of business assistants. White foxes in Japan - a symbol of good luck, abundance, wealth. In this country, the deity was considered foxes with nine-tails, which by legend brought wealth and prosperity, helping people in difficult times. The Lisa Korea was associated with the feminine start, sexuality, the continuation of the kind. As we see, in Eastern countries, the Fox image has positive values. But in most Western countries - negative. Although not in all. The ancient Celts of Lisa symbolized wisdom, honor, education, and was also a conductor in the otherworldly world. In the ancient Rome Fox considered the Messenger from hell and were afraid of her. In Scandinavian countries, this cunning animal was associated with Loki - the God of non-defeat and deception. The image of the fox is present in Russian folk fairy tales and epic. She deceived, fascinated by him, seduced, chitri, juliela. In ancient Egypt, Fox meant, insidiousness, cunning, hypocrisy. At the indigenous American tribes to the fox, the attitude was different. Some believed that she was carrying nobility, good luck, good. And others considered it a symbol of destruction and evil.

    What does fox tattoo mean

    Considering the various values \u200b\u200bof the Fox image in different nations, the composition in which it is depicted, a fox tattoo is given different meaning. As already mentioned, the fox tattoo choose self-confident girls who can go to cunning and consume various tricks to achieve the desired. This indicates the originality of the person. In addition, the fox tattoo can be associated with eroticism and passion, representing its owner as a dangerous seductress, capable of carrying himself. As a rule, a fox tattoo inflicts a woman who is experienced in all spheres of life.

    But not only women choose fox tattoo, and men. If a man has such traits such as ambition, independence, resourcefulness, smelting, the ability to find a way out of any situation, then such a tattoo will emphasize these qualities.

    It is impossible to unambiguously approve the symbolism of foxes, both negative and positive. The fox is selfish, insidious, cunning, selfish, ambitious, calculating, but, at the same time, smart, independent, proud, hardworking, can take the original non-standard solutions. Therefore, the fox choose people who at least to some extent have such qualities.

    Stock Foto Tattoos with fox muzzle on finger option unusual tattoo with fox on the back photo of tattoo with fox on the spatula Example of black tattoo with fox on hand

    Determine the fox tattoo value

    Practice to cover itself with animal images has no longer than a dozen years. What there is a dozen. Totem animals, patronizing a question or another, have always been a favorite theme of native painting. Here are just some characters with time only added to themselves, and the popularity of others was declining.

    For example, do you know many people on the body of which fox tattoos are banging? Right, a little. It is painfully an ambiguous attitude to the very animal. Although we recognize, chanterelle has simply chic appearance: bright, elegant, fluffy. Adorable creation with magnificent hunting habits! The image of this cunning animal is present in many fairy tales.

    So what does the tattoo "Lisa" mean? Again, depending on which side to come. If you depicted Chinese ku, then the main interpretation of the Tattoo is longevity. The Chinese believe in the Divine origin of this animal. However, upon reaching the age of fifty years, the animal ceases to be such and gets the opportunity to turn into a seductive woman. Having lived to a hundred years, the foxes the youngsters and becomes a young girl. And in a thousand years in his power it will change the female appearance on the male. We are no longer a simple cube, but the heavenly foxes.

    Similar interpretation of fox tattoo from the Japanese. Kitsune, or nine-bonded fox, by nature Identica Ki-Lee. But besides longevity, she personifies the path of self-development and self-improvement. Redhead festing also carries well-being and abundance.

    As you can see, the Asian peoples have an animal equal to the divine creatures, which are both assistants and defenders.

    But in the Russian tradition, it is rather a false and insidious creature. Although sometimes a fox-sister seeks for his cunning much more than a rough force. And where the coexhable will not help, there it is possible to take it beauty.

    Probably, that is why tattoos with a fox most often make their girls. They are smart, playful and used to turning their weaknesses into a weapon, which allows you to seek. It seems that the owner of a charming drawn rhyzy is light and superficial. However, along with the ability to enjoy a moment, they thoroughly think over and plan their lives.

    There are fox tattoos and men. Rarely, but it happens. What to expect from their owner? Non-standard thinking, charm, intelligence. So be sure that such a person will not lose in the most confusing situation, it will be able to find a way out where you did not assume. Maybe he will not go alright, but it certainly does not catch fire.

    As for the technique in which fox tattoos are performed, then there are no well-established canons. There are images in a realistic manner, cartoon, punk, old school style. As always, traditional Chinese and Japanese tattoo look awesome. And where exactly to put an image of a charming creation, you yourself decide. Redhead beast can settle behind the ear, on the neck, on hand, on the leg, on the back. The result ultimately depends on your personal taste and artist's skill.

    Dreamed of fox to what it is, which means in a dream fox

    Home dreamy

    You dreamed of Fox - Cheating; cunning; cunning; resourcefulness. Fox hunt - dubious affairs; Fox Thai will penetrate into the house - there is an envious person in your environment; Fox is trying to pick up something - rival.

    Dream E. Erixon

    Dreamed in a dream fox, interpretation:

    What means in a dream fox - trick, traps. Little chanterelle - slyness. Feed the fox or leave her food - entrust the secret of an unreliable person. Seeing the fox in the cage - to solve the tricky intentions of another person. If Fox-Chernoburka dreams - to the acquisition of the fur product. Catch the fox - to expose the false friend.

    English Dream

    What dream of a fox in a dream?

    You dreamed of fox - foxes are known for their cunning and mind, wherever he manifest itself - in escape from the hunter or in the stealing chickens from the chicken coop. This animal is amazingly well adapts, while it is attractive outwardly, especially the fluffy tail and bright eyes. What dreams dream: what did Lisa do? Saveed, tried to hide or confidently marched? Is Lisa in a dream of some side of your personality or your subconscious warns you that someone wants to harm you, perhaps spreading rumors or false about you?

    Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

    Dreamed Fox, why:

    Fox - You see in a dream fox - a dream says that you are not very good to close, they deserve a better relationship; You make fun to loved ones, but offended by large; You should work on your character or at least not to give him will. Lisa as if she sacked secret to you into the courtyard - an envious man thinks evil against you; Look for it among those who at least once visited you at home. You seem to hunt foxes - those against whom you are inventing tricks, the slices themselves; Those who you are flirting, are looking for love pleasures; Sticking into the vast sea of \u200b\u200bentertainment, you will take care of important matters; On a risky way of love pregnancy, do not break your neck. You hit the fox on the hunt - not a single opponent of you; Your road will be easy.

    Creative dream book

    What does it mean if a fox dreamed in a dream:

    You dreamed of fox to what it was in a dream personifies hypocrisy, a chanting, cunning and a villaness.

    Slavic dream book

    Dreamed fox in a dream, what it is:

    Fox - for women - the danger of the appearance of the rival. For men, they should not be contacted in the near future with women. There is the possibility of deception, intrigue, money loss. You can deceive yourself.

    Jewish dream book

    What does it mean if a fox dreamed:

    What does the fox mean in a dream - another interpretation to the fire: the buddy will deceive. According to Artemifor, a fox in a dream means an enemy, threatening life, but secretive, attacker from behind the corner. Fox killed is an unjustified hope. A fox who is chasing the hare is the fulfillment of desire.

    Akulina healer dream book

    What does fox mean in a dream?

    You dreamed of a fox - a secret enemy harms your endeavors. Imagine that you kill the fox and shoot with her skin.

    Dream Snark

    What does it mean if a fox dreamed:

    Fox. The fox traditionally consider cunning, insidious creatures. Accordingly, their appearance in a dream -cignal from your subconscious about what needs to appeal to these qualities of his personality. On the other hand, a fox in a dream can symbolize some person from real life.

    Positive value

    Chase, hunting or murder of a fox in a dream can mean plans to overcome those who makes something against you.

    Negative implications

    Dreams about foxes are traditionally considered precursors of danger, as a rule, hidden. Such soybeans can warn and advise being relaxed. Perhaps such a dream should be perceived as a warning: you need to be open in communicating with others; On the other hand, it may be a hint that it is necessary to show hemita.

    Wild or manual. Fox House may indicate difficulties in relationships. Visible in the distance of a fox-protection of those who you trust. Fox hunting. Sleep about riders pursuing a fox, predicts the upcoming public event or a pleasure to communicate with others. Lysteat. Lylyaty in a dream, as they believe, symbolize heat and home comfort.

    Russian dream book

    Dreamed fox in a dream, why:

    What does the fox mean in a dream - a secret enemy.

    Fox - symbols and images, fox in mythology

    S_A_N_Y_A. All author's records

    In many folk traditions of Fox (Raineka), this is an animal that personifies insidious cunning trick and treachery. Her reddish fur reminds fire, which made it possible to rank along with a trot and whitewashing to the Devil's retinue: see the expression "Wild Chert Lisa". In the ancient Rome Lisa was considered a demon of fire. At the festival of the goddess of Ceres to protect grain crops from a fire, a burned torch tied to the tail of the fox and chased her in the fields. As a means against witchcraft, the maritime star was nailed, sprinkled fox blood.

    Fox was considered (as in ancient China) especially lustful animals, so the fox testers were drunk in wine as a faithful means as a love drink, and the tail was carried by the tail, which had to have exciting sexual effects.

    The Germans had a symbolic animals rich in the fiction of God Loki (the role of "Třekach" at the North American Indians played Coyote).

    A big role as a symbol of erotica and the art of seduction played a fox in East Asia; In ancient China, the idea was dominated that foxes (huli) can live up to a thousand years, and then they grow a new tail, which has a special ability to sensory exclusion. Lischs went haunted; Fox females never changed their robe, but it remained clean. They are incredibly seductive and can through the unrestrained erotic claims of the men who came across them to deprive the vitality.

    in the Chinese traditional mythology is essential. Huli-Jing (literally "Lisa Spirit", in modern spoken language also "seducer") - Lisa-waswolf, kind or evil spirit. Related Japanese kitsune, Korean Kumiho and European Fayam.

    Traditionally, the Chinese believed that all creatures could take a human appearance, acquire magical properties and immortality, provided that they would find a source of such energy, such as human breathing or elixir from the moon or the sun.

    The description of the lisiquettes is often found in medieval Chinese literature. Huli Jing is most often presented in the form of young, beautiful girls. One of the most bad fame lisuz-worn was yes Ji (妲己), a semi-lifted concubine of the last emperor of the Shan dynasty. According to the legend, the beauty of the general, she was against his own will married to the rulers-Tirana Zhou Sin (紂辛 Zhòu Xīn). The servants of the goddess Nyva, who was offended by him once, Nine-hollow waswolf, went into the body of Yes Ji, drove out the real soul of the concubine. Under the mistake of Ji, Liseza-waswolf and the cruel ruler came up and made a lot of cruel and chitrometry Caverz and torture for their subordinates, for example, forcing them to hugged the Rassed Own iron rods. Because of such an unbearable life, the meditations of the emperor raised the rebellion, as a result of which the Shan Dynasty ended and the Era of Board began
    emperors Zhou. Later, the Hedgehogless Prime Minister of Emperor Wen Jiang Zija exorganized the spirit of foxes from the body and Ji, and the goddess of Nyuva punished a nine-born fox for excessive cruelty.

    It was usually believed that the meeting with Huli-Jing, as a bad omen, does not promise anything good to man. However, in the popular novels of the Chinese writer, the 17th century Pu Sunilla also has quite innocuous stories about love between a girl and a beautiful young man.
    Turning into beautiful, young and sexy foxes of fox-wheels skillfully seduce men (bright start Jan), for the sake of energy (qi), blood or seed to improve their magical opportunities. As a result, human vital energy is weakened and often he dies from exhaustion. The fox thus reaches the highest level of development and becomes fox-immortal (狐仙). From here and modern Chinese use of the word "Huli-Jing" in the meaning of the "Woman Woman", "insidious seductive", seducing married men for money and entertainment.

    It was believed that Lesu-Wolishness, even in human appearance, can be recognized on its uncomfortable tail. (Chinese saying: whale. 狐貍 露尾露尾 "Lesu-Werewolf gives a tail" means that cunning and cunning can always be noticed on some signs.)

    Huli-Jing is attributed to the extraordinary beauty, the disintegration of the mind, trick, cunning, dexterity and elusiveness. In his original look, they look like ordinary foxes. The main indicator of the power of the Witchcraft Char Fox-Werewolf is its age. Having lived 50 years old, Lisitsa can turn into a woman, after 100 years she is also able to be transformed into a man and learn about what happens for a thousand from her. This second type with a wide range of transformations is most often found in Chinese beliefs. After 1000 years of life, the laws of the sky and it becomes heavenly fox. Huli Jing live in caves and love cold. Adore chicken. Can change wool color, although the usual color is bright red. They possess special spells, the flame can flarelo in touching the tail of the Earth. With age, the gift of foresight is acquired. Often live in a flock. Meet around or on the cemeteries themselves. It was believed that the souls of the dead can be connected to the body of Huli-Jing and thus communicate with the world of living. Its goats and jokes cause a lot of trouble mortals, and sometimes kill people. Sometimes Huli Jing can also help and maintain a person that however correspond to their unpredictable and volatile nature.

    For the peoples of the Far East, Fox is a representative of unclean power. For example, in the Chinese mythology of fox, the life expectancy of which ranges from 800 to 1000 years, is considered a bad omen. It is enough to hit the tail on the ground to flame flashed. He is able to foresee the future and can take any appearance, preferring old men, young women and scientists. He is a heter, careful and incredulous, and his main joy - fool and tormented people. The souls of the dead sometimes move into the body of Lisa, who lives near the grave.

    In the "Holy Book of the Werewolf", Viktor Pelevin, the story of the love of the ancient fox-werewolf named was told by Huli and a young Wolf-Wolf.

    In 2008, the Chinese film "Painted Leather" (畫皮 Pinyin: Huà Pí), Director Gordon Chen, came to the screens. The script is based on one of the novel Pu Sunlin, where the main character, the fox-waswolf devour men's hearts to maintain their beauty and youth. However, it is rather melodrama than a horror movie.

    In ancient Japan, the spirit of a fox who can turn into a person is called Koki-Teno (like the German idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ver-fux" - it. Fucks, Fuchs - Fox). Foxes can, thanks to their art, blinded by a sense of a person to interfere and destroy; In Japanese legends, they play the role of a witch (which can also receive another image). Lis offered to burn, and their ashes disperse in water.

    Yet Lisitsa plays not only a negative role.

    White Fox is the Supreme Animals of God Rice Inari, and in the Sanctuary of Tory next to this God, wooden or stone fox figures are often standing, which keep the holy scroll into the mouth or the key from Paradise. The tip of the fox is often the symbol of the "gemstone of happiness".

    Falling stars are called "heavenly foxes."

    In the "falling" stars and "tailed" comets seen space or heavenly foxes descending on Earth.

    According to Chinese, the fifty-year-old fox turns into a woman, five hundred years becomes a seductive girl, and the thousand-year-old takes the body of heavenly fox, who knows all the secrets of nature.
    Basically, the negative symbolic meaning of the fox dominates. In the picture of Durer "Maria with many animals", a tied fox was visible, obviously a reminder of her connection with a line.

    Randomly fox can still be an attribute of saint, such as, for example, sv. Bonifacea and St. Eugene, although in biblical usage, she personifies treachery and anger. The old saying about the fox, which preaches the goose, means insidious korestoloby;

    in the Upper Austria, "Lisitsa" was the same meaning as the "Devil" ("Damn Fox"), and in the Upper Schleswig, during the impending thunderstorm, "this fox is boiling." In the "Simple-Consimus" grienesecuser "Fox Tail" meant "hypocritically flattering."

    The negative assessment of the "Master Reinek" in medieval bastiary made this name a steady combination, meaning that a person looks like a false and insidious animal. "If the fox is hungry and can not find anything from food, it rushes in a reddish earth so that it looks like she is stained with blood, and then falls to the ground and delays her breath. Birds see that she lies hopeless with a thinnest language, and it is believed that she is dead. Birds are sitting on her, and Lisa is enough and sniffs. Like the devil: it seems to be alive as the dead, as long as he grabs them into his mouth and does not swallow "(Unterkircher).

    "Fox on the coatless shield or on the coat of arms usually has the meaning of a cunning mind, and they are commonly those who in their actions follow their coat of arms"

    In the Indians of North America, the Greenland Eskimos, Koryakov, the peoples of Siberia, in China knows the plot of the poor man, to which L. comes to the house every morning, drops his skin and becomes a woman; When a person is accidentally discovered, he hides the skin and a woman becomes his wife; But the wife finds his skin, turns around L. and runs away from the house.

    In folk tradition, there was a special day associated with L. or with the beginning of hunting for her, for example. Martina-Lomegone Day (April 14)

    Lisa serves as an alchemical symbol of temporarily solidifying red sulfur, symbolizing an earthen nature, unlike the airs of the rooster.

    Tevelmen fox - in ancient Greek mythology, an animal that cannot be caught up.

    The monstrous fox who attacked the inhabitants of Beotia. Grew to the dying of the Fivans on the anger of Dionysis. It was predetermined by fate that no one can overtake it. Each month, the fivans gave one of the young men of the Fox to Eat. Kefal at the request of Amphitrion released a dog against the fox, from which no one could escape. Zeus turned both into a stone

    More famous foxes

    Renar (Reineke Lis) - Character of European Folklore.
    Fox Patriyevna - Character of Russian folklore.
    Far Eastern Werewolves:
    Kitsune (Japan)
    Kumiho (Korea)
    Huli Jing (China)

    Fox and cat from the fairy tale "Pinocchio"
    Lisa Alice ("Buratino")
    Brother Lis ("Fairy Tales of Uncle Rimus")

    Basni Ezopa:
    Fox and cheese
    Fox and grapes
    Fox - a faithful friend of a little prince in the Tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    Fox Nikita from the fairy tale "Fox Nikita" Ivan Franco
    Ludwig Fourteenth - Lesson from the book Yana Ekkhatma "Tutta Carlsson First and the only one, Ludwig Fourteenth and others."
    Fantastic Mr. Fox from the book of Roald Dalya
    Sylvia - a woman who turned into a fox (Roman David Garnetta "Female Liser")
    Silva - Fox, who turned into a woman (Roman Verkra "Silva")
    And Huli ("Holy Book of Werewolf", Pelevin)
    Chiffa is a fictional chanterelle mentioned in the books of Max Frya.
    Redhead Lisits - a fictional being close to Lisam (from the stories of Vitaly Trofimova-Trofimova "Green Sun" and "Logic of Niscoverty")
    Domino - black and brown fox from the same story E. Setton-Thompson.

    Abu Al-Hocein - Fox from Arab Tales 1001 Night

    Highup and Zlatogryvek, Opera Characters "Adventures of Chanterelle-Cheeky", Leosh Yanachek
    Basil Brush - a glove doll leading to the British TV show.

    Rita, cartoons "Jack from the jungle", "Sly Jack" - a city fox, the partner of the main character.
    Todov, "Fox and Hunting Pens", D. P. Manniks (Disney animated screening).
    Robin Hood - in the Disney cartoon "Robin Hood"
    Nine-time demon-fox, belongs to Naruto Odzumaki (manga "Naruto")
    Kugen Tanko (Yap. 天狐 空幻, Tenko Kūgen) from the work of "Inari in our house" (Yap. がが 家 の 稲荷 さま., Wagaya NO Oinari-Sama). The author of Novel - Jing Sibamura, Illustrator of Aidzo Hooden. Manga-Arrangement - Suiren Söfuu. Anime - issued by Zexcs
    Miles "Tayles" Pueer - from the Sonic The Hedgehog series
    Lisa Fiona - Character Comic "Sonic The Hedgehog"
    Lis Nikita (animated series) in the same name of the fairy tale Ivan Franko
    Other characters of the cartoon "Vuk" (by stories I.Fecet)
    Ozy and Millie.
    SlyLock Fox.
    Fox McKlaud, Crystal from the Star Fox video game series
    Fairy-taja fox of Yubei (in lat. Yob transcription) from Korean cartoon "Lisuk girl"
    Pokemon Wulpix and Naynetyt

    (,, Wikipedia)

    What does fox mean in Japanese culture?


    Kitsune (Yap. 狐) - Japanese Fox Name. In Japan, there are two subspecies of foxes: the Japanese redhead fox (Hondo Kitsune, who lives on Honshu; Vulpes Japonica) and Fox Hokkaido (China Kitsune, who lives on Hokkaido; Vulpes Schrencki).

    In Japanese folklore, these animals possess great knowledge, long life and magical abilities. Home Among them is the ability to take the form of a person; Fox, according to legends, learns to do this to achieve a certain age (usually a hundred years, although in some legends - fifty). Kitzune usually take the appearance of seductive beauty, a pretty young girl, but sometimes turn around with old men. It should be noted that in Japanese mythology there was a mixing of indigenous Japanese belts, characterized by the fox as the attribute of God's God (see the legend - the "fox weight giri") and Chinese, who considered the foxes, which is familiar to the demons.

    Other features, usually attributed to Kitsune, include the ability to instill in other people's bodies, exhale or otherwise create fire, appear in other people's dreams, and the ability to create illusions so complex that they are almost indistinguishable from reality. Some of the tales come on, speaking about Kitsune with abilities to spark space and time, to reduce people crazy, or take such inhuman or fantastic forms as the trees of indescribable height or the second moon in the sky. Occasionally, Kitsune attribute the characteristics resembling vampires: they feed on the life or spiritual power of people with whom they come into contact. Sometimes Kitzune is described by guarding a round or pear-shaped object (housing, that is, a "star ball"); It is argued that the carved this ball can make Kitzune help himself; One of theories argues that Kitsune "stock" part of his magic in this ball after transformation. Kitsune is obliged to restrain their promises, otherwise they will have to suffer punishment in the form of a decline in their rank or strength.

    Kitsune is connected with both syntos and Buddhist beliefs. Kitzune is associated with Inari, the patron saint of rice fields and entrepreneurship. Initially, the foxes were messengers (zuchai) of this deity, but now the difference between them was so blurred that Inari himself sometimes is depicted in the form of a fox. In Buddhism, they received fame thanks to the Singon secret Buddhism in Japan in Japan in the IX-X centuries, one of the main deities, Dakini, was depicted on the sky at the sky.
    Nine-hollow fox attacks Prince Handzoku. Engraving XIX century In Folklore, Kitsune is a kind of tree, that is, a daemon. In this context, the word "Kitsune" is often translated as "Lysiy spirit." However, this does not necessarily mean that they are not alive creatures or something else than foxes. The word "spirit" in this case is used in the east sense, reflecting the state of knowledge or illumination. Any fox who lived long enough, thus can become a "fox". There are two main types of Kitzune: Mouba, or Divine Fox, often associated with Inari, and Nogsune, or wild fox (literally "field feld"), often, but not always, described as evil, having evil intent.

    Kitsune can be up to nine tails. In general, it is believed that the older and stronger fox, the greater the tailings. Some sources even say that Kitsuna places an additional tail every hundred or a thousand years of his life. However, foxes found in fairy tales almost always possess one, five, or nine tails.

    When Kitzune receive nine tails, their fur becomes silver, white, or gold. These kyubi but Kitzune ("nine-willed foxes") gets strength of infinite insight. A similar way to Korea says that Lisa, who lived a thousand years, turns into Kumiho (literally "ninth fox"), but Korean Fox is always portrayed by evil, unlike Japanese fox, which can be both a benevolent and unfriendly.

    The image of foxes - archetypic in many and many human cultures, occurring throughout, where historically was the habitat of red-haired predators. Throw three times to think before applying such a tattoo, it is painfully an ambiguous to be a reaction to it.

    Countries and peoples

    Opinions on the meanings of the fox in the traditions and mythology of different countries of unequal:

    • the Japanese consider this an animal with a symbol of protection from the troubles, long life and rain;
    • the Chinese tradition says that it is associated with the afterlime world, acts as a messenger or a link;
    • celts believed that foxes wise and honest;
    • at the Indian tribes, the attitude is ambiguous.

    In most modern cultures, the image of an animal ambivalenten: the cunning fox is demonstrated in the tattoo due to the use of an additional image of a cigar or tube, and the mind and insight - due to glasses. But inscriptions, including on the female body, should not supplement it!

    Different methods and types

    The gender specifics of the tattoo with the fox do not have, moreover, there is no distinction and the choice of places for the bait. Universal parts of the body, as a shoulder, an inner turn, ankle and wrist are considered. The girls most often prefer that the foxes on them painted some fade-like or natural species, but small dimensions. Guys mainly make a choice in favor of a large composition, almost always - along with other living beings.

    Good results gives male trail-design.

    Who is worth drawing red

    The specifics of the Fox image is that it is rather a female "chip". She is designed to emphasize such qualities as:

    • some degree of selfishness;
    • admiration;
    • a high self-evaluation;
    • perfect self-confidence.

    Among these photos, it is easy to select that the image of the fox, which fully matches your plan.

    On the male body, the fox paints, if they want to demonstrate the power, honesty, internal self-sufficiency and resourcefulness in a heavy setting at the same time. This tattoo is not just beautiful, but also perfectly combined with almost any native, both made to her and the one that you will do then. The thing is for pupil lovers of native painting.

    An important nuance: a plausible living fox on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. No most experienced master draws, which means a big limitation in choosing places. The choice of sketches for the picture is simply huge: if I do not like realism, you can always prefer black and white style, an old school, watercolor stylist, Japanese spirit and the like. Before being placed on a couch, consult with an experienced specialist!

    Fox image - embodiment tricks without cunning. Such perception was promoted by numerous fairy tales and legends, in which Lisa invariably tried to deceive the chief hero. This predator sought to go to his goal using cunning tricks but, without resorting to extreme measures.

    At the same time, the symbols of the eastern peoples of Lisa was practically deified.
    Fox is a beautiful small predatory animal with a bright fluffy tail. Many find this beast very nice.
    The external attractiveness of the animal, the image full of sometimes opposite senses explain the popularity of tattoos with foxes.

    Who will fit? The symbol is suitable for purposeful personalities capable of non-standard thinking.
    The mind, speed and charming are an integral qualities of a symbol and a person who chose it will have to fit them.

    Places and tattoo style. The image of the fox is universally and looks great on men and girls.
    Allocate the most popular style is very difficult. It may seem that the photo should prevail a photo of bright color tattoos, but surprisingly black and white sketches enjoy almost the same popularity.
    The geometric tattoo style is when small figures consisting of straight lines together fold in the same image looks very effectively.

    Symbol value

    In general, despite its multi-consciousness, in most cases it is positive.
    Such a tattoo in the modern meaning:

    • Combining evil and good;
    • desire for development at the same time in the mind, dexterity and smelter;
    • dedication;
    • wisdom and confidence

    The value of the tattoo depends on the expression of the muzzle and the position of the beast in the sketch.
    Grin - Rather, cunning than trick.
    If the focus on the tattoo does on the face The beast is curiosity and dexterity.
    Fox's tail - Dexterity and agility.
    Surrected - cunning and cutter.
    Curved body - seductivity and attractiveness.
    A fox, cutting into the tangle - Tenderness and vulnerability.

    Symbol in history: In RussiaShe was called the cheerful and cheater.
    In a row western countriesIn the time of the "holy" inquisition, it is a symbol of the devil.

    Chinese style fox:
    Men in China Such a tattoo was decorated with her body as a protective "Obera". Lisa has symbolized good luck and longevity. There was even a proverb "where the foxes are not found, you should not base the villages."
    Chinese fox for women - Symbol of cunning and insidious direction. It was believed that this symbol helps the rival in the seduction of men and destroys families.

    nine tailed fox - This is a symbol of reincarnation. There is a myth according to which a fox once every 1000 years is able to reincarnate to the young man or a girl amazing and with nothing comparable beauty.
    The number of tails in the symbol can be either 3 or 9. In modern value, it is protection against monetary failures and love fiasco.
    Japanese style - Initially, a symbol of fertility and prosperity. It was believed that the fox helps Inari (goddess of rice fields). Rice figures could be found in the dwelling of almost every agriculture.
    Now the symbol means a craving with self-development simultaneously in different directions: an impairment, speed, strength of spirit and observation.

    Lisa B. celtic style. Here the symbol is considered reliable protection against thieves and robbery. It was believed that the tattoo of this beast contributes to the development of intuition from warriors.
    For the Celts, the symbol meant wisdom and knowledge about other worlds.

    In a row indian tribesLisa was considered a sacred animal. Like a cow in India. In fact, this attitude on the side of the Indians is not surprising. After all, Lisa helped to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the usefulness of certain herbs.
    Cennounced the trick and caution of the fox. Tattoo with ruffled the beast was the symbols of shamans and "doctors".

    For northern Peoples, Lisa personification of a new life. It was believed that the symbol helps future mothers.
    Scandinavians have a myth, according to which Lisa was able to inflict the god of cunning and deception by the name of Locke. Lisa was able to steal fire from him.
    The symbolism of these peoples occurs an image of a bracelet from two foxes. Such a bracelet used shamans and priests. It was believed that he develops intuition and allows you to recognize a lie.

    W. Egyptians The foxes denoted the mediator between the sky and the earth, the god of the fat.

    In Peru - symbolizes the ability to manage the human consciousness.
    IN Korea - Women's charm and attractiveness, sometimes licentiousness.
    IN Ancient Rome - The symbol of the devil.

    Meaning for girls and men

    Before you decide on the sketch and place for your future tattoo, let's remember that there are several varieties of foxes. The most familiar to us are red foxes.

    More severe appearance black and Bury Lisizers. Appearance white Lisitz - The incarnations of friendliness and playfulness. Their image is suitable for a cheerful sketch.

    Little chanterelle with big ears is called fENEK. This beast dwells in the deserts of North Africa, and not in the forests, like everyone else to gather him.

    Gray Fox is a very beautiful and graceful beast. The traditional red color is added "raincoat" of gray and black tail tip. The expression of the face of such a beast is always calm and a bit arrogant.

    Girls often choose the image of a graceful and elegant predator with a curved body. It is believed that the symbol helps representatives of a beautiful sex in the difficult thing to seduce a strong half of humanity.
    Men is a sign gives strength on the way to their goal.
    At the same time, it is important to remember that the basic value of the symbol is a trick. And the trick is not as an extreme measure, but as a lifestyle. A person with this symbol will be sick, even if it is not required, just from "love for art."

    For girls The fox tattoo carries the meaning of tricks and seduction. Fox, who curled into the ball - timid, gentle and a little shy girl. Windiness and impermanence, you can also call the distinguishing features of this sign.
    For women, the fox symbol means duality. How the beast can be wild or home. So and a person with such a tattoo can be a devoteed wife or depraved seductive.
    The duality of the symbol manifests itself in character: the girl may look cute, playful and tender. But, the offenders will have to be very easy.

    The symbol is suitable for girls who are peculiar to selfishness and confidence in their power. Fox image suitable man with character traits:

    • Good mind;
    • Cool;
    • Grace;
    • Sexuality;
    • The trick that causes the delight of others;
    • Plastic;
    • Bravery;
    • The desire to stand out from the crowd.

    For men. The value is changing to agility, smell and dedication. Sometimes men choose the image of Lyux (Fox - Massece Fox).

    Express the floor of the animal in the sketch is not difficult if you use fantasy. For example, you can depict the animal dressed in a tuxedo or with a huge cigar in the hands, for the latter, of course the image is best suitable for a cartoon form. But, not bad, of course, take into account the value and this symbol.

    Tattoo S. lisome Means - "One love for life." Because And in the wilderness of these animals, the truth is "alolyubs".

    Place on the body: where to beat the fox?

    Hands - Probably the most popular place for such tattoos. Lisa looks great on shoulders, wrists or forearm.

    In a number of Western countries, such a tattoo is distributed in a business environment. It is believed that this sign will help develop the quality necessary for an entrepreneur.

    Fox tattoo on feet - Women's tattoo. Symbolic and iconic tatto for humans are rarely located on the legs. Basically the goal of such a tattoo is the decoration.

    The tattoo of small sizes is better to position in the footsters, legs or caviar. Focusing fox will be spectacular in the area hips.

    A huge number of photos and sketches with the image of fox, you will find in our.

    Value in prison:

    In places of imprisonment, as you know, your special attitude to tattoo culture.
    Abbreviation "L.S." - "Love and death"
    The image of the fox means the trick of the prisoner, his tendency to cunning. Sometimes, such a symbol is a sign of an experienced card player or a cheeler.


    Five-minute video clip: girl make a tattoo with a picture of foxes on the leg:

    Video collage of photos and sketches for fox tattoo:

    The Chinese proverb says: where there is no fox, it is not worth the village. Deep eastern wisdom offers to look at this symbol ambiguously. It is not wonderful that this tattoo has many interpretations. Traditionally, such a tattoo is considered female.

    In Western and Eastern tradition, the value of Tattoo "Fox" is somewhat different. In the Western Christian tradition of Lisa symbolized the cunning, hypocrisy, vice, sometimes longevity, and more often was synonymous with the devil. No wonder fox tricks were often called devilish.

    The demon was considered a fox and ancient Romans. They called for the fiery light of this beast of the spirit of fire. Firmly connected the fox with the cunning and insidious God, the Scandinavian mythology. It is for the cunning and the inconstancy of the fox attributed the negative sides of human nature. Therefore, America Indians considered this animal symbol of deception.

    Eastern tradition is more favorable to the fox. In ancient China, the value of Tattoo "Lisa" was considered a symbol of fertility and longevity. The Chinese believed that at the age of fifty years Fox (Ku-Lee) knows how to turn into a woman. Talning Fox is able to turn into a young girl. At the age of 1000, such a beast turned into heavenly fox. Such a divine animal had nine tails. Heavenly Fox could take not only the image of a woman, he could turn into a man.

    The Japanese considered a white fox with a symbol of fertility. Its figures were installed in the temples. In the teeth, such a sacred animal kept the key from the barn, where they were stored.

    Such a tattoo can make a self-confident girl who tends to go on tricks and tricks. The value of Tatu allows you to judge the owner as a woman having an extraordinary mind.

    Very often the value of the fox tattoo causes erotic associations. This is a beast, a leading night lifestyle, it is for this Christian culture that equated this animal to the dark forces of the devil.

    Fox tattoo will symbolize the cunningness of the seduction. After all, fox testicles in some of the traditional peoples were considered Afhodosiak, able to ignite a hot passion from the opposite sex.

    Such a tattoo can be done experienced and aware of the woman's different sides of life. It will be a kind of message, that the owner of such a tattoo is a little fear. The image will look spectacular on hand or on the back, because it is the night lifestyle that leads this animal.

    Lisa is able to reincarnate, sick. Therefore, if you feel like an actress or Maty Hari, then this is a tattoo for you. It will emphasize your thrust to the sharp feelings and the ability to go dry from any, even difficult situations.

    Such a tattoo will also testify to your success and consistency, because there is no wonder in the east fox consider fertility and longevity symbol.

    If you do not frighten the traditional views of Europeans about the fox as an embodiment of the vice, then you can safely apply this image to your body.

    Symbolizing fire and agility, such an image will emphasize certain faces of your character, will present you as a dangerous seductive.

    The red foxes have to scour on the left spouse. If the female dies, the male is not looking for a new passion, living the eyelids by a bachelor. True, individuals come differently.

    After the departure of the male, the foxes continue reproduction with other cavaliers. Therefore, with the image of the fur beast can be loyalty, and treason. However, there are other image interpretations. We learn about them.

    The value of Tatu Lisa

    Sketches of fox tattoob are associated with mystic and longevity. In the subway, there is a belief that the fur beast does not die, but is reincarnated. Having achieved 50 years, the individual turns into a woman.

    After the age-old turn of the beast becomes young. After 1,000 years called Tien-Hu. The name is translated as "Heavenly Fox." Such creation is capable of becoming both a woman and a man.

    In Asia, the beast is positive. In the same, there is a saying: - "Where there is no foxes, you will not build a village." Even make ceramic and wooden predator and put in front of the entrance to the house.

    The symbol of well-being and wealth in the country of ascending is considered individuals of albinos. They are excited from, carved from the cherry trunks.

    Fox tattoo value In Asia, it did not have accidentally. The diet of the predator includes insects and. The latter are 70% emitted. Farmers and Japan knew that rice fields were protected if fox live nearby.

    There is a harvest - there are wealth, and well-being in houses of locals. In modern times tattoo fox - Photocharacteristic of Asian farmers and entrepreneurs.

    As opposed to a positive attitude towards an animal, the point of view of the ancient Romans. They considered the Lis messengers of hell and demons. Residents of Scandinavia agree with this. They portrayed in the image of the predator Lockers. This is a lucavia and deception.

    With cunning, betrayal and temptation tattoo with foxestribed and the tribes of North America. Their views are related to Christians and, in general, the people. No wonder the fairy tales about Kolobok, Pinocchio and not only.

    What does tattoo fox mean Depends on the image manner. Accent on a pointed face - curiosity. Morda with Oscal - Flying and aggression practices. Surrected - cunning and cutter. Graceful curved body - sexuality.

    Fox tattoo for girls

    K with fur predator positively applies every 3rd girl. Lisa - Tatuwhich indicates the seducing, trick, temptation, turning. These characteristics consider many ladies to be part of their individuality. Pulling is done to emphasize personal qualities.

    Girls prefer to be placed tattoo "Fox" on the leg, in zones, or shovels. The last option allows not to demonstrate cunning open. In the face of Mila and Zadornna and, only co, the essence is visible. Show it, or cover with clothes, hair - lady.

    Sheproofing to heat, who wanted to close in their Mirka, are applied to the body of a foxes that curled into the ball. In nature, such a posture is justified by the vulnerability of the paw and the nose of the animal. The beast wraps the tail around the body to protect, do not frozen sections without fur. Stretching, do not fulfill the task. Therefore, foxes and fold as compact as possible.

    Lisa Tattoo for Men

    Most often meets tattoo "Fox" on hand. If the ladies tend to order red ridges, then fox. At the same time, tend to images of the beast with an open mouth. Oscal indicates the willingness to stand up for itself, the ability to extract food.

    Internal thumbnails, no sensation of freedom, expressed with the help of foxes in kappaps. An animal facility is rare. The beast is nursing, leads a nightlife.

    Finding into the trap, foxes often unload their own, just to be free. This feature of the predator is also displayed in men, ready for everything, just not to get into the life "shackles".