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  • Gout and its treatment with folk remedies. How to treat gout at home

    Gout and its treatment with folk remedies. How to treat gout at home

    Gout - a disease, accompanied by the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. Today's material is devoted to the issue, how to treat gout to minimize the likelihood of recurrence. At home, therapy is carried out quickly and efficiently subject to the main stages. We study them in turn. All questions of interest please ask in the comments.

    How to treat gout - the main stages of therapy

    Step number 1. Diet

    With such a disease, it is very important to adjust the base diet, removing everything too much from it.


    • fast snacks (fast food);
    • pickles, canned;
    • sausages;
    • bean cultures;
    • all varieties of red meat;
    • chocolate and everything that contains cocoa;
    • coffee, black tea;
    • seafood;
    • fat fish;
    • alcohol, especially champagne and beer;
    • sub-products.


    • white and lean meat;
    • low fat fish;
    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • milk;
    • the soup on the replon onion with the husks (250 ml. per day);
    • porridge;
    • bottled or alkaline water in large quantities (2-3 l.);
    • compote, herbal decoctions, infusions on dried fruits, Morse.


    When the disease begins, it is necessary to exclude all the animals products and go to the vegetarian menu. In ordinary life, it is impossible to eat more than 5 grams. animal proteins per day.

    Step number 2. Massage, exercise

    Since it is necessary to treat gout comprehensively, at home there is a special gymnastics for fingers and massage. This will make it possible to quickly and effectively with inflammation subject to the use of ointments.

    Exercises (perform every day):

    • rotation of the feet in circular in the standing position;
    • bending legs in the knees in the sitting position;
    • walking on the inner parts of the stop;
    • walking on the outer sides of the stop;
    • walking on socks and heels alternately;
    • riding the ball with your fingers on the floor.

    Massage (do daily):

    1. War down the feet in the soda bath, dry, apply a special medicinal ointment from gout.
    2. We fingers on the foot from the heel to the socks. Mass each finger separately.
    3. Capture the feet from all sides by massaging the inner and external parts.
    4. Push strength control and gradually increase. Go to the patient area, circular movements process and it.
    5. After a 20-minute self-massage, warm the legs with socks. Repeat manipulations every day.


    With a pain massage should not be. People with excess body weight need to sit on a diet. Do yoga or walking.

    Step number 3. Ointment of gout

    Go to the doctor, he will write pills from the gout (it is not necessary to take them on their own). In addition, lubricate patients with special ointment.


    It is distributed by a thin layer of the affected area and is carefully rubbed. The frequency of manipulations - three times a day for 10 days. If there are open wounds, it is impossible to use.


    Before treating the gout, learn all available ways to solve the problem. At home, use the ointment and distribute it with a thin layer in the inflamed area. The composition acts quickly and efficiently. Conduct such a procedure three times a day until complete recovery.


    The drug in terms of application is practically no different from the previous one. Apply the composition with a thin layer to 3 times a day. Consider the duration of the recreation course must be prescribed by the doctor. It all depends on the degree of pathology.

    "Vishnevsky ointment"

    The drug did not detect side effects. Therefore, deciding than to treat the gout, it is worth useing the ointment of Vishnevsky. Rush a small amount of funds on the thumb several times a day.


    The medical agent is produced in the form of a gel. Apply the composition with a thin layer on the inflamed area. Use up to 4 times a day. More detailed instructions should give the attending physician. The tool has side effects, so keep care.

    Folk remedies

    Power treatment can also be carried out by folk remedies. Plus methods in the fact that some of them can be combined. Consider the most popular options at home.

    №1. Salted iodic

    Pour 1 liters in Tara. Water and pour 0.5 kg. Salt (iodized). Boil liquid to full evaporation. After that, let's mix 0.2 kg. Vaseline and 100 gr. Chicken fat. You must have a homogeneous mass. Such an ointment should be applied to the inflamed area and put a tight bandage. Expect for several hours.

    №2. Fish compress

    Since it is allowed to treat the gout of folk remedies, a fish compress has proven well well. At home, it can be used about 10-12 days. Purchase fish fillet and freeze in small portions. Before bedtime, frosthed meat should be attached to the inflamed area. Wake up the leg and put on the sock. Compress quickly and effectively relieves pain.

    Number 3. Activated carbon

    Grind 4-6 Tablets of activated carbon and mix a small amount of flax oil. As a result, you should get pasta. Distribute the composition over the patient places and wrap the food film. Take a warm cloth. Compress can be left overnight.

    №4. Bath on herbs

    Fill 3 l. Cool boiling water 50 gr. A dry collection, in which there is Celene, Sabelnik, Sage and Calendula. Lower the legs in warm water on a quarter of an hour. Conduct such procedures every day about 20 days. After 3 weeks, the wellness course must be repeated.

    №5. Iodine

    Turn into powder 6 aspirin tablets and dilute 12 ml. iodine. Mix carefully. The finished remedy should be used up to 3 times a day. Apply the maximum half an hour. After that, wash off.

    If you suffer from such a disease, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor. After that, you can think about how to treat gout. Consider popular pharmacy and folk remedies that can be used at home. They quickly and effectively allow you to cope with pathology. At the same time, be sure to observe the healing diet.

    Power treatment at home is a complex therapy using different methods whose priority goal is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The accumulation of excess of uric acid and urates in the body occurs gradually, for a long period of time. Timely adopted preventive measures and treatment prevent the progression of the ailment, minimize the risk of development and serious consequences.

    Basic symptoms

    Humanity from a long time is well known what. The ancient Greeks and Romans suffered from this disease, which for the first time described the symptoms of the disease in their treatises. The disease develops with overpressure in the body of uric acids and its salts (urates). Crystals are deposited in the articular cavity, causing discomfort and painful sensations:

    • sudden attacks of acute pain when walking and running;
    • swelling, redness in the affected joint;
    • thinning, shine, looseness of the skin in the problem zone;
    • local hyperthermia - an increase in temperature in the articular region;
    • the formation of seals (seashes with salt crystals) over the joint.

    The disease primarily affects the knee, ankle, the joints on the legs. Pain feelings are enhanced by the evening, sharpen at night. Pronounced gout symptoms are observed within 3-7 days. Then, the period of temporary clutter begins - remission, which creates the illusion of recovery. The disease slowly and inevitably progresses, requires proper and timely treatment.

    On a note!

    The gout at the initial stage of development has similar symptoms with other articular diseases (, rheumatism). The exact diagnosis than to treat the gout on the legs at home is established by a doctor after laboratory research and.

    Home Treatment with sharp bouts

    Uratov crystals in the articular cavity are hampered by slipping heads of articular bones and cartilage. The gradual accumulation of salts leads to a sudden bonuses of gouts, which are accompanied by unbearable pain. It is quickly enhanced, the limb swells, the total body temperature rises. First aid for gout at home:

    Treatment methodDescriptionEfficiency
    Reception of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - ibuprofen, ketoprofen, voltaren, nimesil, nimesulide.Fastness with pain, inflammation, fever, chills.
    External means -, gels with diclofenac, ketoprofen, Vishnevsky, compresses with Dimeksid, iodine.Elimination of swelling, redness, local temperature, pain in the affected joint.
    Oral intake of colchicine tablets or - specific drugs under articular diseases.Reception of drugs, treatment according to the scheme produces a symptomatic and therapeutic effect.
    Compress. Cove the skin around the affected joint with honey, on top to sprinkle with patches aspirin. On top to cover with marlevary tissue and sprinkle with fresh cottage cheese or spokeshaw.Elimination of pain, swelling, hyperthermia.
    The compress of the solution is to dilute the table vinegar with water in proportion 1: 3. Soak fabric and applied to the sore joint for 30-60 minutes.
    Pour 2 tbsp. L juniper berries 1 glass boiling water. It is insisted for 2-3 hours. Drinking by infusion at the first signs of an attack.

    Complex treatment of gout on the legs at home is directed to. Slow pain and testify to excessive content in the body. Simple and affordable ways to normalize the concentration of uric acid and urates.

    Simple and affordable ways to normalize the concentration of uric acid and urates:

    • The seeds of the cyanny wormwood (1 tsp.) Pour 1 Art. Boiling milk. Insist 20 min. The resulting mixture is strain. Nasty drink 2 p per day - 0.5 tbsp. In the morning and evening. The tool helps urgently remove pain, eliminate discomfort in the joints.
    • With sharp gouty attacks, ragners made of stems or grains of oats, saber herbs or dispatheds, tolody roots or spicy roots.
    • Cranberry juice. With a sharp increase in the level of uric acid and urates, it is recommended to take 100 g of juice diluted with boiled water (1: 1). Regularity of reception - three times a day.
    • Compresses. Cranberry cake, which remained after squeezing the juice, dissolves potato starch (1: 1). The resulting mass is applied to the affected joint, wrap a film and cloth. Suppose 3-4 hours or leave for the night.
    • To relieve acute gouty pain, improving a general condition is recommended to drink birch juice. For treatment take 1 cup three times a day. To prepare a decoction, fill 2 birch kidney kidney with 2 glasses of boiling water, to withstand on slow heat up to 15 minutes, insist in heat 1 hour and strain. Ready decoction to drink 0.25 tbsp. 1 hour after each meal (3-4 p per day). Or prepare a decoction of birch leaves - insist in 1 tbsp. Boiling water 3 birch leaves. To withstand 3 hours and strain.

    Treatment of chronic form gout

    Often, articular diseases are hidden, take a chronic protracted shape. To cure the gout of the house, it will take a long reception of various decoctions, infusions.

    They slowly, but steadily reduce the level of uric acid, contribute to the dissolution and removal of ultrasters from the body:

    • Shell of cedar nuts dried, fill the bottle or flask. Pour medical alcohol (vodka) to the top. To withstand the mixture for 10 days with daily shabby. Revealing tincture take 1 spoon 3-4 p per day. With severe pains, the reception frequency is increased to 5 times. Solution in the treatment of drink before meals.
    • Take 2-3 lies of the crushed roots of the burdock, pour 2-3 tbsp. Boiling water. To withstand a mixture of 3 hours, tomorrow in a water bath for 15 minutes. Recreation of 0.5 st. Every day 3 times after each meal.
    • Grind fresh leopa leaves in the amount required to obtain 0.5 l of mass. Mix with 0.5 kg of honey and 0.5 liters of vodka. Mix the mixture well. Associated fluid to take every day 3 times a day before meals. The mixture is stored in a dark place. The solution helps to dissolve urates crystals.
    • Insstruct the fresh leaves and branches of fragrant currant. The resulting infusion take 1 cup 3-4 times daily. The solution is recommended to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood, dissolving ultrasound crystals in tissues and joints.
    • Ginger the root of ginger on a shallow grater. 2 spoons of the resulting cleaner pour 1 l boiling water, pouring the contents of 1 bag of green tea, withstand 30 minutes. Revealed infusion take daily with honey. The substances included in the root of the ginger are the components of the drug Urisan, which is prescribed when the urinary acid level is prescribed and normalized.
    • 4 tbsp. l. Hawthorn berries Grind and pour 1 cup of vodka. Thoroughly mixed mixture insisted for 3 days, strain. Obtained by infusion to drink 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is up to 2 months. Repeated means after 2 weeks.

    On a note!

    Massage for gout in combination with wellness gymnastics is recommended for home treatment. A comprehensive approach extends the periods of remission, reduces the frequency of sharp attacks of the disease.

    Funds for local treatment are necessarily used when gouging on the thumb and other joints. They have a symptomatic action - relieve pain, swelling, reduce inflammatory processes.

    How to treat gout at home quickly and efficiently:

    1. Grind into powder 1 tbsp. dried birch kidneys or to be confused in the crawl (for fresh kidney). Connect from 0.5 kg of fresh beef fat. Carefully mixed composition to be placed in the clay pot and withstand in the oven for 3 hours daily for 7 days. Exposure is allowed in a water bath. The resulting ointment rub into the skin around the sore joint to 2-3 times a day. Therapeutic composition is recommended to reduce pain, removal of swelling, dissolving gulling nodes.
    2. Blue clay knead on warm water. The resulting cake to put on the affected joint and leave for the whole night. Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect is observed after 8-10 procedures held daily throughout the course of treatment.
    3. Dried roots of burdock 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, to withstand 10 minutes in a water bath, to insist another 40 minutes. Moisten a gauze tissue in the resulting solution and applied to the sore joint until morning. To eliminate sharp gouty pain, it is necessary to spend up to 30 daily procedures.
    4. In wheat flour, pour an equal amount of sea salt. Pour water and knead the steep dough. Cut the strips, applied to the affected joint, wrapped with warm tissue. Leave for the night, to carry out the procedure daily until the full disappearance of pain.
    5. Connect 50 g of sunflower oil, purified kerosene. Pour into a solution of grated at the rubber soap (30 g), add 1 tsp. soda. The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred, process the sore joint during sharp gout attacks.
    6. Left nets to crushed, pour 3 l boiling water, withstand 1 day. Whether to moisten the gauze cloth, apply in the form of compresses. Or immerse the sore limb in a pelvis with warm water mixed with the resulting solution. Foot baths for gout - an effective means for home treatment.

    Simple and affordable recipes for gout

    1. Melt on slow heat up to 200 g of interior fat, mix with 50 g of pine (fir) resin. To the cooling mixture, pour up to 100 g of finely crushed amansor, 30 g of sizzyny rye flour. The finished mixture is used as ointment for the outdoor treatment of patients with joints.
    2. Mix in equal shares Sea salt, crushed pharmaceutical chamomile and boiled water. To withstand the resulting mixture on slow heat for about 30 minutes. The leaky decoction is used in the form of a bath for joints or rims. Course duration - up to 10 daily procedures.
    3. With sharp gulling pains in the affected joint, make a collection of tightly brewed Ceylon tea. Leave the compress under the film and warm tissue until the morning. Then for 3-5 minutes, tapping the joint with a wooden spoon, gradually enhancing the strength of the strike.
    4. In an enameled bowl, pour 0.5 g of iodized food salt. Pour boiling water and evaporate a solution on slow fire. Add chicken fat and medical vacuine to obtain a pasty mass. The finished mixture in the treatment of gout use for compresses on the affected joint.

    Features of the diet when gouging on the legs

    In solving the issue, than to treat the gout at home, an important role is played. The daily menu is carefully adjusted to avoid exacerbation of the disease and the development of complications. Of the harmful products that increase the level of uric acid and urates are excluded.

    Animal fats, carbonated drinks are eliminated from the diet. Preference is given to fractional nutrition - in small portions. Strict adherence to medical prescriptions, dietary treatment, moderate physical exertion make it possible to defeat the gout without expensive drugs and surgery.

    Heavy joint diseases force people to experience many different methods and treatment regimens, from traditional tablets and injections to unconventional, and sometimes exotic means. Strong side effects and toxicity of pharmacy preparations force patients to seek gentle ways of healing.

    Gout just a disease in the treatment of which folk treatment methods occupy no last place.

    Gout as a disease of the joints

    - Disease of the joints associated with increased uric acid in the body. Her historical name "Kings Disease". It was believed that rich people, leading idle life, overeating and abused with alcoholic beverages. The consequences were crying: pain in the joints due to salt deposits.

    At one time, the gout was considered one of the species. In the 17th century, doctors proved that this is a separate disease. The disease is characteristic of middle-aged male people (40-45 years). Women suffer during climate change.

    The formation of tofuses for gout

    Symptoms and symptoms of gout

    Characteristic symptoms and signs of gout:

    • edema of the joints;
    • red color sick places;
    • extreme pain even at easy touch;
    • the temperature is raised in the foci of pain;
    • when parsing, the ears are felt sealing;
    • still of the joints due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in them.

    Three stages of the manifestation of the gout:

    • Premorbide (initial) The stage is characterized by an increase in the uric acid and the absence of bright manifestations.
    • Intermittent (second) stage. It is inherent in short-term attacks that change the asymptomatic cycles; At the time of the crisis of gage, the struck joint swells, becomes hot, and at the moment of remission comes back to normal. Periods of exacerbations at the second stage of the disease of the gout reach 1-2 years. Then there is a noticeable reduction in such periods.
    • Third stage - chronicIn which the disease amazes the rest of healthy joints.

    Manifestation of gout on the leg

    Causes of gout development

    Causes of gout:

    • genetics;
    • hormonal failures;
    • irrational nutrition;
    • hobbating with hot drinks (especially beer vapor);
    • reception of drugs such as aspirin, pyrazinamide, nicotinic acid, diuretic agents;
    • overweight and metabolic disorders.

    The gout differs in the way they suffer, above all, legs.

    The attacks on them may appear after:

    • sports loads;
    • surgical intervention;
    • long driving car.

    Types of folk remedies for treatment at home

    Folk Medicine offers us a lot of recipes for the treatment of gout at home, such species are especially effective: outdoor - ointments, decoctions, bums, compresses, baths and tinctures for use inside.

    Gout compression recipes

    Iodine with aspirin or analgin gives excellent results in the treatment of gout:

    • 1 teaspoon of iodine, 2 crushed tablets aspirin or analgin;
    • mix after discoloration (5-10 minutes) can be applied;
    • wet the gauze or bandage and attach, biting the same warm;
    • keep compress all night;
    • in the morning, rinse with economic soap;
    • treatment of 2-3 weeks.

    Salt and honey will facilitate the suffering of a patient with gout:

    • Equal than honey and salt mix.
    • Apply a thick layer on a soft cloth.
    • Wrap the affected facilities of the food film and wrap up with warm things.
    • Keep all night during treatment for 15 days.

    Apple vinegar compress will quickly remove pain with gout attacks:

    • 100 grams of lingonberry leaves pour 0.5 liters. vinegar;
    • day to insist;
    • treatment of compresses to spend ten days.

    Chamomile with elders is often used to treat gout in the form of compresses, they reduce pain syndrome, swelling:

    • boiling water (250g) fervent dried chamomile and bezen flowers;
    • procure the capacity and insist of half an hour;
    • pour grass, wrap in fabric, preferably linen;
    • treatment cycle - week.

    Sea salt often helps to fight against gouty arthritis:

    • mix salt and flour in equal proportions, pour into a small amount of water;
    • knead the dough and thin roll;
    • strips impose to affected areas;
    • completing the food film and wrapped in warm things.

    It is possible to be treated with salt continuously within 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a break per week or two. Or alternate treatment with salt by other means.

    From Fresh Fish You can prepare an effective anti-inflammatory medicine for the treatment of gout - compress:

    Wormage therapy at home: Severe in a half-liter can boiling water tablespoon of wormwood (flowers). A day to withstand. Treatment can be continued to two weeks.

    Cabbage sheet helps good from more. It must be pierced in several places for a fork. Throw a minute to boiling water. Sick place to smear with honey, impose a cabbage leaf. Compress will help during the week.

    Maze recipes

    Outflows from the primary means more than once rescued the suffering gout. Here is some of them. Butter cream with beer. Oddly enough, the enemy of gout - beer participates.

    But in this therapeutic ointment it will only benefit:

    • boil 200 g of butter cream;
    • connect the resulting foam with 100 g of beer and 50 g of camphor oil;
    • boiling a solution of 2-3 minutes;
    • lubricate three times a day.

    Ointment of animal fat is quite absorbed by the outskins when gouging:

    • on one tablespoon of turpentine, ammonia, camphor, vinegar;
    • add hot fat;
    • split ointment into two parts;
    • before rubbing, heat;
    • rub the affected areas 2-3 times a day;
    • treatment is a month.

    Apple vinegar ointment:

    • undiluted apple vinegar (1 tbsp. spoon);
    • 1 yolk of raw egg;
    • beat up thick concentrate;
    • constantly rub all day;
    • hold ointment in the cold.

    Sunflower oil and soap can be used to prepare ointments. For half a cup of oil and soap to combine with 1 teaspoon of soda and 50 grams of kerosene. Smear 2-3 times a day approximately 2 weeks.

    Black Poplar Kidney (Osokor):

    • rastered black poplar kidneys (1 tbsp. Spoon);
    • vaseline (4 tbsp. spoons);
    • ointment rubbing in the morning and evening hours of 30 days.

    Treatment with baths when goug

    The simplest recipe is a bath from iodine and soda, which will remove a painful attack, discomfort. In a three-liter jar with water (warm) drop 3 drops of iodine, add 3 tablespoons of soda. Baths need to do before bedtime, and the period of treatment can reach up to 20 days.

    Healing Nather:

    • The tablespoon of nirasil is poured with a glass of boiling water.
    • Dilute with three liters of hot water.
    • 10 days take such baths.

    Salt baths are well removed the attack of gout. Sea salt (1 tbsp. Spoon) Divide in a liter of hot water. The treatment cycle is 14 days.

    Bales to combat gout

    The decoctions are used inside, they can be stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to cook fresh:

    • Apple use. Five to six apples with peel cut into slices, throw in boiling water in a capacity of one and a half liters, to cook ten minutes. Put in a warm place for five hours. Treatment - a glass of beverage before meals.
    • Grind ingredients (lemon - 4pcs. And garlic - 3 heads), mix with two glasses of water, pre-boil. Give the day, profile. Drink 2 tables in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Celery. Grinding root, fervent (1.5 liters of water), close, closed, stand for four hours, strain. Application: 2 tablespoons 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day.
    • Bay leaf. 20 grams of Laurel, boil with two glasses of water, to withstand for 3 hours. Use small sip every 2-3 hours.
    • Boil three medium potatoes in "uniforms", pre-well wash them. All decoction to insist two hours. Merge up the top layer. Consume half a cup of three days. Treatment - 2 weeks.

    Therapeutic tinctures

    Therapeutic tinctures can be stored long:

    • Lilac: 2 tbsp. Spoons, a glass of vodka, insist a week. One-time dose - 50 drops 3 times a day before making food. Take three months.
    • : Chestnut flowers (3 pcs.) Pour half minutes with alcohol-containing liquid. 14 days to withstand in a dark place. Reception: 40 drops three times a day approximately 25-30 days.
    • Bark Evommia: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of eukommia mix with alcohol, withstand 10 days. Drink 30 drops in the morning, at lunch, before bedtime. Cycle of treatment - from three weeks.

    Decorations to reduce uric acid

    To reduce uric acid levels, it is recommended to use folk recipes with medication therapy:

    • 0.4 liters. Water pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool, use while eating on a tablespoon. Treatment - 20 days.
    • Nettle: Raw 20-30 g of nettle in a circle, cool drinks throughout the day. Take two weeks.
    • Oatmeal: In one liter of water boil 1 cup of oats grains (15-20 minutes). Press well, add 2 glasses of milk. Again boil on a small fire for 3-5 minutes. Drink on a glass three times during the day. Course treatment is a month.

    The rice is a simple and excellent cleaner of the internal organs, this recipe is applicable to the comprehensive treatment of gout:

    • rinse thoroughly several times (3 tbsp. spoons) and pour with water for 6-8 hours;
    • rinse again and bring to a boil, remove from fire;
    • re-rinse and repeat this method of cooking three more times;
    • after use (without adding salt and oil) 5 hours do not eat and do not eat liquids;
    • to make cleaning for a week and repeat in a month.


    Fitting therapy uses flowers and leaves of plants:

    • Truck: Raw 4 tablespoons of a series in one glass, insist and drink half a glass at a time.
    • Chamomile tea: One teaspoon pour steep boiling water. Wait 20 minutes and tea is ready to use.
    • Buckle of the branch: Three or four bulbs with a leather throw in 1.5 liters of water. Peel to soft. Strap, take one on a glass before meals.
    • Bumps ate: 4-5 small cones, three glasses of boiling water, withstand the night. Take two weeks between meals.

    Herbal collection (chamomile, mint, horsetail, hypership, nettle, lingonberry, flax seeds) - 1 teaside this herbal mixture is pouring hot water in the amount of one liter. Peel, wait 1.5 hours. We drink three weeks to drink three times a day.

    Strawberry leaves are also good to use when gouging:

    • 2 tablespoons per liter boiling water.
    • Drink 2 times a day.
    • Treatment lasts 3 months.

    Lovers also helps get rid of pain. 10 grams of crushed amateur root pour boiling water half lump. Boil 10 minutes, insist 3 hours. Drink on one tablespoon per day. Treatment - two weeks.

    Goutyness delivers many troubles: from physical pain, swelling of the joints, before the loss of performance and the ability to live in a normal life.

    Treatment of the joints of the fingertips

    We use pork fat. Small pieces thoroughly rub in the skin of the fingers of the hands 5-7 minutes. Then cut the fat with thin ribbons, impose on swollen joints, wrap and keep all night. Course treatment 10 days.

    An excellent sorbent pulling all harmful substances even through skin pores is activated carbon.

    Means available to everyone from which the medicinal drug is made:

    • 5-6 packs of activated carbon grind into powder (0, 5 glasses);
    • 3-4 tablespoons of water;
    • 1 tsp of linseed oil;
    • rub in brushes and fingers, make compresses 2 weeks.

    Konsky chestnut is an excellent natural component for the treatment of gout on hand:

    • the fruits of chestnut grind;
    • add camphor oil (in equal shares);
    • soak rye bread;
    • attach to the joints at night;
    • for a positive result, one month should do this procedure.

    Korovyan (Bear Ear): 50 g flowers Pour a bottle of vodka. Insist 14 days. Rub 1-2 times a day. In the case of an allergic reaction, the application is stopped.

    Recipes for knee joints

    Also help to remove the attack:

    • Mustard powder, soda and honey (one teaspoon), mix and impose, on the pre-sparkled knee. Treatment to spend 14 days. After a month, repeat.
    • Mix on 2 teaspoon salt, food soda, Throw several crystals manganese. Dilute a mixture of 2 tbsp. Water spoons to get Cashier. Keep the compress for three days.
    • Brew strong tea, from welding to squeeze the liquid, make compress from it for the night. In the morning, tapping patients with a spoon, preferably wooden. Do such manipulations four times.
    • On a large grater to prepare 100 g of Adamova root (Tamus ordinary), pour its glass of vodka. Insist the day, rub every other day.

    Tropy treatment

    If the gout is not treated, it will move into a chronic stage, and this is fraught with the formation of tofuses - nodules consisting of a compound of crystalline formations of uric acid. These nodes suggest that the body contains a high level of urates in the blood.

    There are proven methods of treating tofuses that will help reduce the risk of enhancing the formations of nodes and will exclude an increase in their growth:

    • Lamberry, flax and nettle seeds Mount into the powder mixture in equal shares, boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Drink three times a day before eating at half a glass for two weeks.
    • Cologne (triple), ammonia alcohol, iodine On 10 tablespoons to insist the day. Lubricate several times a day for 2-3 weeks. After a week, treatment repeat.
    • At the moments of the clutch Tofus, it is necessary to keep in coniferous baths. Take two or three small sprigs of ate or pine, pour water, bring to a boil. Peel them 20-30 minutes on low heat. Improve the solution, cool to the desired temperature and hold the legs in the solution for 20 minutes.

    The stories of our readers!
    I want to tell my story, how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable back pain. We lead an active lifestyle, I live and rejoice every moment! A few months ago I twisted me at the cottage, a sharp pain in the lower back did not move, did not even be able to go. The doctor in the hospital was diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the hernia of the L3-L4 discs. I prescribed some kind of medicine, but they did not help, to endure this pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they set the blockade and hinted for the operation, all the time thought about it, that I would find a burden for the family ... Everything changed when the daughter gave me one article on the Internet. You can not imagine how much I am grateful for it. This article literally pulled me out of a wheelchair. The last months began to move more, in the spring and summer every day I go to the cottage. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

    What will help when aggravating gout?

    • full peace for sick joints;
    • abundant drinking (water, herbal decoctions, rosehip, fruit);
    • applying cold to the joint.

    The pain does not pass - the ointment of kefir will help: half a cup of fermented milk product, rusty bread and soda spoon without top - all this is mixed and applying to pain.

    Medical assistance in an acute attack of gout lies in the reception of medicines:

    • Colchicine. Quickly relieves pain, reduces urates. The main component of this drug is the autumn non-laminate. Reception up to 10 tablets per day. With patients with kidneys and liver it is impossible.
    • Voltaren. The anesthetic, which includes ibuprofen, naproxen. On the first day, the reception of the drug is 200 mg, after - 150 mg. Treatment continues after removing the attack of pain.
    • You need to enter into the joints up to 100 mg of medication in a large and 25 mg in a small affected place.

    Voltren prednisolone in ampoules colchicine

    Medical treatment of gout

    To reduce the level of urates, you can use a probilecid (based on benzoic acid). It is necessary to begin with one fourth tablet twice a day. Increase the share within a month to half the chalk.

    For effective and rapid cure, it is necessary to combine folk methods with drug treatment, pre-consulted with a doctor:

    • Permanent colchicine therapy in small doses - 1 mg per day - reduces the frequency of attacks.
    • - Effective at the initial stage, normalizes the level of the urate. Reception 100-300 mg per day for 2-3 weeks.
    • Fulflex - One of the safe drugs. The month is accepted on one tablet per day. Also available in the form of ointments, rubbed in the morning and in the evening.
    • Blemaren - dissolves urinary deposits. Take from 2 to 5 tablets per day. They must be dissolved in a water cup.
    • Veroshpiron - diuretic drug. Removes inflammation, swelling, removes unnecessary urinary acid. Take 100-200 mg one or two per day.
    • - Popular anti-inflammatory and antipers. The dose of the drug is 15 mg per day intramuscularly.
    • Benzobromaron (Normurat) reduces urinary acid. You must first take on the floor tablet per day. With sharp attacks - by quarter 3 times a day for three days.

    Allopurinol Fulflex
    Veroshariron Meloxico Bennzobromaron

    Power and diet when goug

    People suffering from gout, it is necessary to eat right. Meal is four to five times with small portions. Region, as well as starvation, is strictly prohibited, as they can become provocateurs of an attack. Without a diet, cure the gout will not be able to cure. You need to try to reset extra pounds, but gradually.

    The liquid is used in sufficient quantity - 2 liters per day, and during periods of amplification of the disease - 3 liters.

    Below is a table of use of products with a sick-sized gouty arthritis.

    Strictly prohibited Allowed Limited
    Meat and Fish Raars Soups from vegetables Salt
    Procedured meat products Chicken, turkey, rabbit Refined vegetable oil
    Sub-products Chicken, quail eggs Cabbage Color, Radish, Green Bow, Parsley
    Fish in salty, dried, smoked Boiled fish of low-fat varieties.
    Bean Low-fat cottage cheese
    Spicy Cabbage white, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants
    Strong tea, coffee Candy (except chocolate), jam, marmalade
    Chocolate, cream cakes and pastries Apples, plums, pears, apricots, oranges, as well as various berries
    Raspberry, figs, grapes Nuts, seeds
    Salted and sharp cheeses Green tea, chicory, compotes
    Alcohol Black and white bread
    Smoked meat and sauces Porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat

    In conclusion, it should be said that the folk methods of combating gout are used mainly as prevention of the disease, as well as together with medical treatment, healthy nutrition and exercise.

    Gout is a chronic metabolic disease, which is manifested by a high level of uric acid in the blood and accumulation of its salts in tissues and joints. It is impossible to overcome forever, but you can achieve a resistant remission: significantly reduce the intensity and frequency of gouty attacks.

    In extremely severe cases of acute gouty arthritis (most often primary), treatment is carried out in the hospital, the chronic form of illness can be treated with an outpatient basis, at home, effectively combining drug treatment with recipes of traditional medicine.

    The mechanism of the origin and development of the disease

    The gout develops due to the violation of the purin metabolism in the body. Purines are natural compounds that are contained in all cells of our body and in fact in all foods, also a certain part of the purines is produced by our organism. When splitting purine compounds, very complex chemical reactions occur, the final product of which is urinary acid. In a healthy body, these reactions are moved simply and accurately, and overlooking uric acid is reliably excreted from the body with urine. In case of impairment of metabolism or for diseases of the renal system, a failure is failed in the process of synthesis and isolating uric acid. It is not excreted in the desired volume from the body and accumulates in its tissues and joints.

    In this way. The development of gout occurs for two reasons:

    1. Strengthened uric acid synthesis makes it difficult to the timely release of the body. In this case, the kidney is healthy, but do not have time to remove large volumes of uric acid.
    2. The level of uric acid in the body is normal, but the pathology of the renal system does not allow it to output.

    As a result, urinter is developing - increased uric acid content in the body. In clinical practice, the level of uric acid in blood serum is of particular importance, since the increased content of these indicators leads to the development of hyperuricemia, which allows us to speak of the presence of a number of "urikopathy" in the body, among which are gouty arthritis.

    The gradual accumulation of sodium urate (uric acid salts) in any joint causes its acute inflammation, violation of the functions of the joint and the formation of tofuses (gulling cones), the dimensions of which vary from wheat grain to the apple of medium sizes. Our immune system comes into business, which incorrectly interprets the appearance of tofuses, taking them for foreign objects, and begins to deal with them, causing a sharp jump of leukocytes in the blood, which harms the joint, which helps him. Under the influence of the leukocyte attack, the joint swells, the skin on it bluses and glombles, the expression of tofuses occurs. The worst scenario of the gout development is the deformation and defiguration of the joint, the destruction of the articular bag and the subsequent violation of the functions of the joint.

    The cowar gout also because the sodium monowrat (urate crystals) accumulate not only in the joints, but also in the kidneys, causing the formation of renal stones and the development of renal disease. In the future, diffuse changes in kidney parenchyma, the development of pyelonephritis and nephropathy is possible.

    Factors provoking the development of gout

    Gout develops as a result of the following factors:

    1. Age restrictions. This disease develops more often in men from 40 years and in women after 60 (after menopause).
    2. Sexuality. Men suffer from gout more often and to a greater extent than women. They, in the period of puberty and the rest of their lives, the level of uric acid increases significantly, besides, due to lifestyle. Women of reproductive age practically do not hurt the gout, it is much listed later with the arrival of menopause.
    3. Heredity. There is a genetic gout, which develops against the background of genetically determined disorders in the metabolism, as a result of the presence in the body of a defective protein that affects purin exchange. Such a form of gout exists in 20% of patients whose relatives suffer from the same ailment.
    4. Overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are one of the reasons for gout. Since obesity is, most often, overeating, especially, very calorie and greasy products, then a large amount of purine compounds fall into the body. Another problem associated with obesity is a constant burden on the joints. As a result, their defiguration and deformation occurs, which leads to inflammation of the joint and the development of gout. Medical statistics argue that people with obesity cases of hyperuricemia are found several times more often than those with normal weight.
    5. Medicines. Some medications are able to increase the level of uric acid in the body. This group includes diuretics (diuretic drugs), which are prescribed to control arterial hypertension. Also, the level of uric acid can be improved: aspirin, nicotinic acid, pyrazinamide.
    6. Immodance in food and alcohol. In the previous times, the gout was called "Kings Disease", in our time - is a disease of abundance and non-life in food. Excessive use of meat and fish products in combination with alcohol increases the risk of gout. Especially beer is most closely related to the development of the gout, the moderate use of red wine does not contribute to the development of gout.
    7. Other diseases. Very often a gout develops against the background of other ailments. In this case, the level of uric acid remains normal, and the gap is a consequence of another disease. This can happen when blood cancer, diabetes, pyelonephritis, lymphoma, psoriasis.

    Symptoms of gout

    The attack of the acute gout flows as follows: after a noisy and abundant party, a person wakes up in the middle of the night from a sharp and unbearab pain in the first plus-palpal joint. The pain is so strong and shrill, which exacerbates even with a gentle touch of the sheet. In addition to pain, there is an unpleasant feeling of cutting, swelling of the joint and hyperemia of the skin, which is still glad and peeling. Local painful sensations are joined by general symptoms, testifying to formidable inflammation:

    • chills and increase temperature indicators;
    • headache;
    • damage to the functions of the joint;
    • abdominal pain and stool disorder;
    • increased sweating;
    • weakness and decay of forces;
    • tachycardia;
    • loss of appetite.

    Such a picture can be observed for 7-10 days, and all this time is preserved significant pain syndrome. Then there is a slow sneeze as painful syndrome and all other symptoms. However, it is not necessary to relax if the pain passed by itself without appropriate treatment. This does not mean that the disease has retreated, it is only gaining momentum to return with a new force. Therefore, it is not worth sitting back at rest between the attacks. The cunning of the gout lies in the fact that the disease does not succumb to complete cure, and the second attack will not make himself wait long. And without adequate treatment, the gaps between the attacks will become all shorter, and the attacks themselves are all painful.

    How to treat gout at home

    Very many readers are wondering how to treat the gout by folk remedies, and at the same time not harm their health.

    Gout treatment has an integrated approach and is carried out in several directions:

    • anti-protod therapy (elimination of gout symptoms);
    • hypurrummic therapy (normalization of uric acid level in the body);
    • diet and therapy;
    • treatment with folk remedies.

    Power treatment with folk remedies at home does not mean that the treatment is based on medicinal herbs and folk methods. The root cause of the development of the gout is a high level of uric acid, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to remove its surplus from the body, and here without drugs can not do. Medicinal herbs and recipes of traditional medicine are only auxiliary methods for treating gout. However, the joint use of folk and traditional medicine gives a wonderful result and rapid deliverance from gouty arthritis.

    Among the folk methods there are effective and truly unique methods of treating gouts that can be easily applied at home.

    Attention! Selecting an effective folk remedy, do not forget about precautions: individual intolerance and contraindications. Before using any medicinal plants, you must consult with your doctor. The recipes given in this article are intended only for familiarization.

    Remember! What medicinal plants are not completely "harmless." The uncontrolled medicinal grazing is fraught with many serious consequences. Plants are also poisonous, because only the dose makes them medicines, and their unlimited reception can provoke a series of disorders in the body.

    When you first use any prescription of traditional medicine, you must first take a third dose, and then gradually increase it.

    The best recipes of traditional medicine

    Folk remedies from gout are divided into two main groups:

    • preparations for internal use;
    • preparations for outdoor use.

    It should be noted that recipes from medicinal injuries can be very effective if they are properly prepared and comply with the recipe.

    Recipes of traditional medicine for internal use

    Spruce shishk

    One spruce plump of medium sizes poured a half cups of boiling water and leave to strengthen overnight. The resulting decoction take three times a day for half an hour before meals. Treatment continues to subsidiaries of gout symptoms.

    Bay leaf

    The bay leaf (5 grams) pour a half glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. The dishes do not need to close the lid, because essential oils should be disappeared, which adversely affect the kidneys. Next, the decoction is wrapped with warm tissue and leave for 3-4 hours. The resulting decoction is evenly distributed to several techniques and drunk during the day.

    Two tablespoons of rice are thoroughly washed with water, then it is placed in a half-liter jar, poured with water and leave for the night. In the morning rice is washed again and put cooking. After boiling, remove from the fire, again washed rice and brought to a boil again. The procedure in such a sequence is repeated four times. Then rice is eaten without adding oil and salt. The field of how rice was eaten, it is impossible to eat and drink for four hours. On the same day in the evening, the procedure is repeated. The course of treatment is 45 days. Washing for a long rice, it is freed from starch, and its long-standing camouflage forms cells. Thanks to these manipulations, it does not settle in the stomach, but quickly passes through the duodenum and excreted from the body, absorbing all slags and cleaning the body.

    Celery root

    Grind celery roots (in meat grinders or in a blender). One tablespoon of crushed mass pour water and insist for three hours. Take a solution of 1/3 cup before each meal. The duration of treatment for three weeks.

    Red Maren root

    A very effective means of gout is a tincture of the root of red garments. To prepare it take 1 teaspoon of the roots of the marines and poured a glass of boiled water. Insist a solution for 1 hour. Take on ½ cup in the morning and in the evening.

    Vegetable juices

    Full cabin of carrot juice mix with a quarter of a cucumber and a quarter of a beet juice. Divide the resulting amount of juice for 3-4 receptions and drink 30 minutes before meals. Treatment continues for 20-30 days.

    Celery and cabbage juice

    Prepare Celery juice and take one spoon for half an hour before eating four times a day. Instead of Celery Juice, you can use cabbage juice.

    Fruit juices

    Take one lemon, orange and grapefruit, squeeze juice from them, and then mix, adding 50 ml of red wine. Soaking the resulting mixture of 15 minutes, and then drink. Take before bed for 7 days. Natural red wine is a very good tool for the treatment of gout. It can reduce the content of uric acid salts in the joints, cartilage and bones. Wine should be natural, preferably homemade cooking.


    Grind oats grains (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder). Take two tablespoons of oats and pour the liter of boiled water, then stir and leave the infusion to cool. The resulting mass to drink during the day with equal parts. Treatment can be carried out unlimited.


    Pour 1 tbsp. A spoon of lingonberry 500 ml of boiled water, then strain and add two teaspoons of honey. Take one glance three times a day for a month.

    Birch leaves

    A glass of boiling water pour one tablespoon of birch leaves, then put the mass into the glass dishes and present. Take half a glass three times a day in breaks between meals. Course treatment one month.

    Grass Veska

    One glass of hot water pour one tablespoon of heresk grass. Place the mass on a hot bath for half an hour, then insist for 4 hours. Take half a cup of day between meals. The duration of reception is one month.


    Take 5 teaspoons of barley and pour it a liter of water. Boil decoction for 30 minutes. One part of the burden to take before dinner, the other - overnight. Reception duration - 2 months.

    Preparations for outdoor use

    For outdoor use use a wide variety of drugs and food.

    Red wine

    Recipe number 1. Melt the pack (200g) of butter. When boiling it off, remove the foam and add 200 ml of red wine. The mixture should cool, and the alcohol evaporates. The resulting mass rub into patients with joints once a day for two weeks.

    Recipe number 2. 300 grams of root or grass Mandragoras pour 500ml red wine. Place in glass dishes and insist in a dark place during the week. Rub the resulting substance in the affected joints for the night for one month.

    Iodized salt

    500 GG of iodized salt pour a small saucepan, poured with a small amount of water and boil to her evaporation. Then the medical vaseline is added to the salt in the amount of 200g and chicken fat. Mix all preachties. The resulting ointment impose overnight for the damaged joint, fixing the elastic bandage.

    Fish compress

    A very peculiar method of treating gout, which, however, has high efficiency. Take two kilograms of river fish, separated meat from the bones, then the meat is divided into several parts, each part will hinder in cellophane cakes and sent to the freezer. Before bedtime, one of the ulles take out, its contents are deflated and applied to the affected finger. On the compress you should wear sock. Course treatment is 10 days.

    Flowers Romashki.

    The decoction of chamomile soothes the affected joints, relieves redness and swelling. Prepare is preparing: daisy flowers (100gr) are poured with salted water, which is prepared in proportions of 100 ml of water for 20 grams of salt. The solution must be broken, then make a foot bath.

    Japanese recipe

    Pre-prepare two small basins, in one one is placed any cereal culture and poured it with boiled water, cold water is poured into another pelvis. You should wait until the cereals are swollen and disappeared. Then lowered the damaged joint for 3-5 minutes first in the cold, and then in hot water. This procedure must be repeated within 2-3 months.

    There are three recipes based on iodine.

    The first method:

    • in a glass bottle of 10 ml to add iodine and mounted aspirin powder;
    • mix these two ingredients thoroughly to completely dissolve aspirin and obtaining a colorless liquid;
    • the resulting solution to lubricate the affected joints, and then wear warm socks.

    With gout arthritis make baths with iodine for legs. To do this, three teaspoons of food soda are dissolved in a three-grade jar with warm water, and nine drops of iodine. The resulting solution is poured into the pelvis and lowered there affected the joints of the legs. The course of treatment is two weeks.

    To remove pain syndrome when gougrium, iodine with triple cologne and ammonia alcohol are combined. Everyone is well stirred and poured into a glass bottle, which is insisted for two days. Then the striking joint is then lubricated three times a day during an acute attack.


    Medical bile combine with ground black (4 pieces) and red (1 piece) pepper. Mass are thoroughly mixed and put in a cold dark place for a week. The bile medicine is used externally as compresses. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After 3 months, the procedure is repeated.

    First assistance in the domestic attachment at home

    In the event of an acute attack of gout of the house, the following actions must be taken:

    1. Put the patient in bed, give my leg a comfortable position on the hill.
    2. It is necessary to observe a strict bed mode;
    3. Attach the compress with the ointment of Vishnevsky on the affected joint.
    4. Adopt pain relief preparations of Arkoxy, Fulflex, Movied.
    5. Immediately go to diet therapy (vegetable soup, porridge).
    6. Strictly prohibited therapeutic starvation (it is necessary).
    7. Observe the right drinking mode (mineral water with lemon juice).
    8. Wait for the arrival of the doctor and follow his recommendations.

    In the case of chronic gout, the patient is already experienced enough to cope with the attack. In such a situation, it is necessary to resort to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nimesulida, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.

    The diet at gout is of paramount importance, since products rich in purines cause attacks of gubric arthritis. For this reason, all products that include a large amount of purine compounds, it is necessary to eliminate the gout diet. And such a diet must be observed for life with rare cases of relaxation.

    Gout Prevention

    It is well known that it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. And since it is impossible to fully cure the gout, it is important to adhere to some rules that may prevent the development of sharp gouty attacks. First of all, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle:

    • reduce the consumption of products containing a large amount of purines: meat, meat offal, sausages, sacks, sausages, ham, bacon;
    • fully exclude alcoholic beverages and beer from the diet,
    • reduce the consumption of salt, meat and fish canned;
    • exclude fish of greasy varieties from the diet, as well as smoked and salty fish;
    • eliminate fast food consumption
    • reduce consumption of strong tea, coffee and cocoa, but not because these products contain purines, but because they contribute to the dehydration of the body, and therefore increase the content of uric acid in the body;
    • avoid sitting lifestyle;
    • increase physical activity.

    A few restrictions are able to stop the development of gout, which, in addition to acute pain, can lead to complications, disability and even death. Therefore, we can say that the health of each gout is in his own hands.

    (58 estimates, average: 4,80 out of 5)

    The gout causes severe pain, swelling, stiffness of the joint. Usually striking the thumb. If you have a gout, you should be familiar with signs of exacerbation. You will not be able to stop it, but you can easily facilitate the symptoms.

    Symptoms of exacerbation of gout

    Exceitings may come unexpectedly. Those who suffer from gout say that the attack begins with tingling for an hour or two, burning, itching. In the joint can be felt farewellity, heat. Next, turns redness, tumor, severe pain, usually in one joint.

    After the diagnosis, the specialist appoints anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the treatment of gout can be carried out at home.

    How to treat gout at home

    Use cold. If the pain is mesmer, apply cold compresses to the joint to reduce inflammation. Wrap the ice in a thin towel and apply to the joint for 20-30 minutes several times a day.

    Do not load the joint. Give it to relax until the pain falls. Put the damaged joint on the pillow or other soft object.

    Also, the treatment of gout at home promotes diet. Almost a third of the uric acid in our body comes with food and drink. Avoid the products with a high content of purines helps to reduce the severity of gout seizures.

    Such products are:

    • red meat - beef, lamb, pork;
    • sweet fruit juices;
    • sugar and food with high sugar content;
    • salt and high salt products.

    It is not recommended to abuse alcohol. Alcohol increases the level of uric acid and can provoke or worsen the attack of gout. The type of alcohol is also important. A recent study showed that beer is likely to cause aggravation.

    Folk remedies

    Some folk remedies help in the treatment of gout in men and women, and they act with different efficiency. They include:

    • apple vinegar;
    • ginger root;
    • soda;
    • lemon juice;
    • epsom salt;
    • cherry;
    • bananas;
    • activated carbon;
    • papaya;
    • movie;
    • chanka Piedra (Camery)
    • blue clay
    • bay leaf.

    Apple vinegar

    Almost everything from the list you can detect in your kitchen. For example, apple vinegar. This is one of the most simple folk remedies from gout. The acidity of vinegar softens pain and inflammation. Add a teaspoon of vinegar into a glass of water and take 2-3 times a day.

    Ginger root

    Ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties. One of the easiest ways to add ginger when cooking. You can also add half a teaspoon of ginger to boiling water and take the medicine when it cools. The third way is to make a ginger pasta. Divide the ginger powder with water and apply to a sore place. Leave for 30 minutes.

    Treatment of gout soda

    Soda Take this way: half a teaspoon in water is diluted and several glasses drink a day. Drinking soda reduces the level of uric acid in the body and facilitates pain. Recommended dose - 4 teaspoons per day. If you have a high blood pressure, you must consult with your doctor before taking soda.

    Lemon juice with soda - Another famous folk remedy for gout. It neutralizes the surplus of uric acid in the body. You can just mix the juice with soda and immediately drink when the soda stops bubble. Vitamin C, contained in Lemon, also helps to cope with gouty pain.

    Epsom salt

    Such a salt is rich in magnesium and reduces blood pressure. To remove the tumor, apply a moistened compress from salt and warm water in the medicine.

    Activated carbon

    Activated coal can also be effective in dealing with pain. Coal absorbs urinary acid and reduces the influence of gout on the body. You can make a paste of coal and water and rub it into a sore place.

    Fruits and berries

    Cherry With a high content of antioxidants, it does not give urinary acid to accumulate and facilitates pain. Eating 10-12 cherries per day helps reduce attacks by 35%. Be careful - the cherry contains a large amount of sugar.

    One more tool from gout - bananas. They are saturated with potassium, which turns the crystals of uric acid into a liquid, which is derived from the body through the urinary paths. Also, bananas contain vitamin C reduce tumors and pain. Just add one or two bananas into a daily diet.

    Very helpful pineapples - They contain bromeline, vegetable enzyme. It is often recommended for gulling patients to reduce inflammation and uric acid levels.

    Against the swelling of the joints will help papaya. Papain in its composition contributes to the rapid removal of uric acid.

    Movie. Contains high-active antioxidants, which supports the health of tissues and joints. Movie can easily replace other cereals in the diet. You can use it in the boiled form or as bread instead of wheat.

    Chanka Piedra, or Camery - This is a famous natural uric acid inhibitor. This plant blocks the production of uric acid in the body, removing the phenomena of the gout seizures.

    Ginger and / or turmeric. Powerful anti-inflammatory properties of ginger root and turmeric are very helpful in the fight against inflammation and pain. For the preparation of the medicine, cut off a few inches of ginger root and boil them in water about 20 minutes and drink as tea. You can also add ginger with turmeric when cooking. The root of ginger can be consumed in its pure form. Some make a paste from it, mixing with water and rub it into a sore spot for about 30 minutes.

    Chanka-Piedra Movie Ginger Kurkuma

    Decorations and tinctures

    Another useful tool from gout - nettle, powerful anti-inflammatory phytonutrient. You can add it to tea or buy in a pharmacy in the finished form.

    Bay leaf When goug is used in folk medicine to purify the joints from salt savings, the spice is effective to get rid of osteochondrosis, for diseases of the spine. To cure the gout, it is necessary to derive an excess of purines from the body, and a bay leaf will help with this task.

    1. Tea for reception inside. For its preparation, you need to take 15 grams of leaves and brew it a half cups of hot water. The agent is heated for 5 minutes, then the champ must be labeled at least 2 hours. It is better to put it in a thermos. Drink tea in small sips all day. Power treatment with a laurel sheet continues for 3 days. To avoid attacks of the disease, courses require repeat three times a year. Over the specified daily dose in no case cannot be!
    2. Ointment with a laurel sheet. For its preparation, creamy oil and crushed bay leaf, mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. The components of the mixture put on a water bath and hold on the slab half an hour. Ointment rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bsick joints before bedtime.
    3. Tincture The bay leaf from gouts is used to rub sick places. For cooking, 5 laurels will be required, which are thoroughly crushed into a mortar. Then the prepared powder is poured by ammonic alcohol - 100 ml. The tool insists during the week, then rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged joints. To increase the efficiency of the tincture, after its use, the iodine mesh should be drawn.