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  • Just and forever learn how to write n and nn. In what cases is written when 1 and 2 n

    Just and forever learn how to write n and nn. In what cases is written when 1 and 2 n

    how many n. write in words heat (n, nn)? How correctly - mad or mad? When to write painted, and when - saint? If you periodically ask yourself such questions, then this article is for you.

    One of the most mistakes when choosing n. or nN. - suffixes of adjectives and communities. With them and start.

    First of all, remember: adjectives can be formed from nouns or from names or from, and therefore are divided according to the replacement and exclusive. Rules of spelling n., nN. At the adjectives of these two groups are different.

    N, nn in the impressions of adjectives.

    To select the correct writing n. or nN. At adjectives, it is desirable to find out from what particular nouns they are formed and with what a suffix.

    Two n. they are written in the implanic adjectives that

    • formed from words with the basis ending on n. :

    limo nN. oh Limo n. ),

    stari. nN. oh(formed from the noun stari. n. but).

    Here is a scheme for which such adjectives are formed (the letter has already been at the end of the foundation n., and in the formation of the adjective added one more - suffix n.):

    According to this item they are written with two n. and adjectives that are formed from differential nouns - those ending in the nominative case on -My. The fact is that in indirect cases and in the multiple number these words have suffix EN - It closes the basis from which with the help of suffix N.adjective is formed:

    name - IM e. n. a - own nN. oh,

    tribe - Toy e. n. a - tribe nN. oh,

    time - time e. n. a - time nN. ha

    flame - Plam. e. n. and - Flame nN. oh etc.

    • have suffix HE N or ENN:

    lection about nN. ha

    razor e. nN. .

    The exception is the word wind n. oh. By the way, this word ceases to be an exception when the prefix is \u200b\u200badded to it: in words testracy e. nN. oh, sleepur e. nN. oh (and the like) in accordance with the general rule writes nN..

    One n. written if the impressive adjectives have suffixes An, Yang, In:

    sand but n. ha

    poltoles i n. ha

    gooseand n. .

    Exceptions Here are words glass nN. oh, tin nN. oh, tree nN. ohwhich are written two n..

    Follow remember Writing adjectives:

    These adjectives are written in accordance with the tradition. One or two N.they usually in them explain from the point of view of their etymology, that is, origin. Learn about the origin of adjectives genuine, spicy, drunkand other words of the Russian language can be on the page.

    N, nn in the exclusive adjectives.

    Sevective adjectives were formed from the verbs of an imperfect: fried (from fry), knitted (from to knit), painted (from paint).

    In the suffixes of most such adjectives are written one N. :

    string n. oa linen

    boiled n. oh milk,

    koshe n. aya grass.

    Two n. They are written only in those seal adjectives that have suffixes Oova, Yuva :

    asphaltir ov nN. aya road,

    gazir ov nN. aya water

    cream ov nN. tooth

    coke evenN.stump.

    In the ungalled adjectives there are no dependent words and consoles (except for the console notwhich is known does not change the type of verb and does not affect writing one or two n. In adjective suffixes: Negligent n. oa lingerie, nekype n. oh milk, notice n. aya Grava).

    N, NN in communations.

    The rule of writing n, NN. concerns the suffering communion of the past time having complete subfixes NN, ENN, YONN:

    move nN. ha

    silk eNN ha

    hobby yonn .

    These communion are formed from the verbs of the perfect species - In this, their main difference from the exclusive adjectives that have already noted, from the verbs of an imperfect species.

    Communions may have consoles (by silent) and dependent words ( saint yesterday floor), however, can be smoothly and used without dependent words ( solved task purchased things).

    Two letters are written in full swaps n.:

    grilled nN. potatoes,

    head nN. on oil potatoes,

    broache nN. ham stone.

    One letter is written in brief communities n.:

    meat grilled n. about,

    stones Baros n. s,

    the task is decided n. but.

    We should remember the words in which writing n., NN. Traditionally and does not obey the rule:

    Complex adjectives with the prefix re-

    Such words are predominantly in conversational speech. They are formed by repeat, they are written through a hyphen and, despite the fact that there are a prefix in their second part Re-, in both parts is written alone n.:

    string n. oE-MORE. n. oE Dress

    noshe n. hay-transfer n. jacket,

    styre n. oh-recresting n. things.

    How to distinguish the communion from the exclusive adjectives?

    And the communion, and the exclusive adjectives are formed from the verbs, these words are similar to each other, and sometimes they do not differ at all in pronunciation. However, the exclusive adjectives are written with one N., and communion - with two. And because not to make a spelling error, you need to learn to clearly distinguish between these parts of speech.


    The main difference is the type of verbs, from which communion or adjectives are formed. Once again, we recall: the exclusive adjectives are formed from the verbs of the imperfect species, the communion - from the verbs of the perfect species:

    knitted sweater - That is, a sweater that knitted (what they were doing?) - the word is formed from the verb of an imperfect species and, therefore, is an adjective (which explains the writing n.).

    decided question - That is, the question that decided (What did you do?) - The word is formed from the verb of the perfect species decideand, therefore, is communion (This is explained by Writing nN.).


    The exclusive adjective consoles do not have (except the console NOTwhich we have already remembered). It turns out that the presence of the prefix - the sign of the communion and the reason to write in full form nN.:

    from knit nN. hay sweater,

    per head nN. oE meat.

    IN brief form Communions, recall, you need to write one n.:

    sweaters from knit n. s,

    vegetables per head n. s.

    Dependent words.

    The exclusive adjective can be turned into a communion by adding a dependent word (that is, the word to which we ask a question from the communion):

    knitted sweater (knitted knitted mom sweater (knitted - participle),

    fried potatoes (fried - Otgal adjective) - fried on oils potatoes (fried - participle).

    Verbs to knit and fryFrom which adjectives are formed in this case, and communion belong to the imperfection form - that is, they should form adjectives. However, the adjectives do not have dependent words. It turns out that by attaching dependent words to itself, the exclusive adjective automatically goes into the category of communion - with all the ensuing consequences (in full form now is spelled two N., in short - one N.).

    N, nn in nouns and adverbs.

    Some nouns, as well as adverbs, ending on -O, were formed from adjectives or communities with n. or nN.. In such nouns and adverbs writes as much as in words from which they are formed :

    pug nN. iK (noun is formed from communion pug nN. oh),

    vare. n. iK (noun formed from the exclusive adjective vare. n. oh),

    frightened nN. about (adverb is formed from the communion frightened nN. oh),

    puta n. about - (adverb is formed from the exclusive adjective puta n. oh).

    Finally, another small list of words for memorization - this time noun:

    How to determine, in what way to write - and -nn- in adjectives? This article describes in detail all the rules for spelling these suffixes, are examples and exceptions to the rules.

    Specifying letters N and NN in the suffixes of adjectives

    Writing H. and HH. In adjectives in Russian, depends on which part of the speech is the word under consideration. To understand when one and two letters n in adjective suffixes are written, determine - you are a separable adjective, sacrament or adjective, formed from the noun (otamny). For each case there is a separate spelling rule H. and HH. In adjectives.

    Spelling N I. HH. In adjective suffixes are studying in the 6th grade of the school.

    Spelling of the suffixes H and HH in the exclusive adjectives, communities

    Determine the correct writing H. or HH. In complete communities, either ungalled adjectives are very simple. Two HH. written in such cases:

    • If adjective is formed from the verb of (folded, spent, shortened). Exceptionsnamed (Father), wounded (officer), contuge (soldier)and etc.
    • If the word has a prefix (Wrapped, completed, installed). An exception - words with the prefix not(Failed, unpredictable, unreasonable).
    • If adjective is used with an explanatory word (baked in the fire potato, loaded with grain car).
    • If the word ends on -Chelled (-th) (spoiled, unorganized, Male).

      Exceptionsforged, chewing, peeled.

    • In adjectives - unexpected, unprecedented, neganded, desired, unheard, sacred, slow, desperate, chased, unexpected and etc.
    • If none of the signs of a complete communion or a ungalled adjective, it means that one is written H. (household, whole-circuit, ice cream).

      Top 4 Articleswho read with this

      Brief communities are always written with one H. (Dodelan, installed, slow).

      Specifying the letters H and NN in the replacement adjectives

      When is one H in defiating adjectives?

      One H is written in the subfixes of adjectives in the case when the word is formed using suffixes -an (-yan-), -in-(clay, silver, lion, paraffin).

      Exceptionsglass, wooden, tin.

      Important! To the words with one N, which are worth remembering, belong: ruddy, spicy, drunk, young, blue, frown, green, swine, worsion, bars, single, seals, boulane, phase, peacock, sazany, zeal, crimson.

      Spelling of the Suffix NN in adjectives

      NN in defiating adjectives is written in cases:

      • If the basis of the adjective ends on -N. And the suffix joins it -.
      • When adjective is formed using suffixes -One- (-nn-).
      • When Suffix. -n In adjectives, forms words from nouns on -My (banner, time, flame and etc.)

      Examples of writing NN in adjectives:
      tRONER, Traditional, high, knee, lunar, lemon, spring, windless, banned, temporary, flame.

      Exceptionswindy, oil.

      Brief adjectives are used with H or NN, depending on how the corresponding complete adjective is written. (Lightweight, windy, solemn).

      Test on the topic

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      Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 576.

    The topic of the Russian language "Spelling" H "and" NN "in the adjectives" is familiar to each schoolchild. However, after graduating from a general education institution, many people begin to forget the simplest rules and make a large number of errors during the creation of any text. In this regard, we decided to remind you of whether the suffixes "H" and "NN" are written in adjectives. You will also be presented to some exceptions to the established rules. They should be remembered.

    Determination of part of the speech

    They refer to a significant one indicates the necrossal sign of the subject, and also acts in the proposal as a definition or the name of the said one and responds to the following questions: "What?", What? "What?" What? ", And also" Whose? " and what?".

    general information

    "The spelling" H "and" NN "in adjectives" is a very important topic in Russian. After all, without the knowledge of such simplest rules, it is quite difficult to compile a competent text or even a letter.

    It should be especially noted that adjective names can be formed both from the names of nouns and from the verbs. Knowledge of these basics will allow you to better understand how many letters "H" need to write in one way or another.

    Spelling "H" and "NN" in the adjectives that occurred from the names of nouns

    So, let's understand together, in what cases should be put - by:

    What are the adjectives that have occurred from the nouns are written "n"?

    Now you know, in what cases suffixes are written - in the adjectives (-onn-, -nno, etc.), if they are formed from nouns. However, this is not enough to competently draw up text. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the rules of spelling the suffix -in-, -yan- and -an-:

    1. In the adjectives that originated from the names of nouns with the help of the above suffixes, only 1 letter "H" is always written. Let us give an example: leather (leather), sparrow (sparrow), clay (clay), pigeon (pigeon), voltage (wax), caravaline (crane), wood-haired (firewood), nightingale (nightingale), etc. However, all rules have all the rules Your exceptions. In this case, these are the words "glass", "wooden" and "tin". 2 letters "NN" are written in them, and they should be remembered.
    2. In the adjectives, which are formed without the use of any suffixes. Let us give an example: green (greens). It is also necessary to remember the following words: spicy, ruddy, pork, young and one.

    How many letters "n" are written in the names of the adjectives that occurred from the adjectives?

    2 letters "H" are written if the adjectives are formed from the adjectives with the help of adding a suffix -enn, which indicates a large measure of any sign. Let us give an example: a hefty, high or soothed.

    Important notes concerning the described rules

    The spelling "H" and "NN" in adjectives has both the following features:

    Spelling "NN" in the adjectives and communities that occurred from verbs

    So, 2 letters "N" should be written if:

    1. Adjective names are formed from verbs with consoles. Moreover, the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot practically never affects writing "H" or "NN". Thus, in the adjective with it, you should write as many letters "H", as in the adjective without this console. Let us give an example: (associated, beveled, built).
    2. If there are such suffixes, like - or -OV. Let us give an example: an organized excursion, an emerged forest, etc.). Exceptions are the following words: chew and forged. In this case, the rally and euros are in the root, and are not suffixes.
    3. If the proposal has any dependent word (for example, woven from rods).
    4. If the adjective name is formed from the verb having a perfect view (for example, solved). The exception is the word "wounded".

    Spelling "N" in the adjectives that occurred from the verbs

    One letter "H" is written in the adjectives that occurred from the verbs without using consoles. Let us give an example: Sunk, knitted. Exceptions are the following words: the sacred, slow, unprecedented, despite, desirable, unheard, unexpected and negand.

    Letters "H", "NN" in brief adjectives

    In addition to the full names of adjectives, there are also brief forms in Russian. To understand how "H" and "NN" are written in brief adjectives, we should remember the rules about full. After all, they are the same for both forms.

    Let us give an example:

    Important notes on the material passed

    To finally deal with how to write adjectives (with "H" or "NN"), it is necessary to consider the following features:

    1. Usually suffixes -yan- and -an, give the value "intended for something" or "made of a certain material". For example: wood, wrapping; Sand, clay.

    2. To competently compile the text, the adjectives should be distinguished, whose spelling is related to their meaning.

    Windy, that is, "with the wind" (windy weather). Windmands, that is, "drives with wind power" (wind pump). In the phrase "Windshore Opa", the name of the adjective is written 1 letter "N". This is due to the fact that this word happened from the "windmill".

    Oil, that is, "impregnated with oil" (oil porridge). Oil, i.e. "flattering" (oil voice). Oil, that is, "diluted on oil" (oil cookies).

    Silver, that is, "subjected to silver" (the device is silver). Silver, that is, "made of silver" (silver bottle).

    Salted, that is, "containing salt" (salty fish). Salian, that is, "consisting of salts" (salt pillar).

    Writing one and two letters "N" is the most difficult rule not only for six-graders, but also for graduates of schools preparing for the delivery of the exam.

    In this rule, different parts of speech are combined, and the conditions for writing letters are not at all similar. It is necessary to pay attention to the Morrugal composition of the word, and on the way of education of the word, and even its meaning. And only exceptions how much! Therefore, we will learn to choose one or two letters "N".

    Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech

    First step.

    1. Determine part of speech.
    Suppose it is a noun ...

    2. Determine what the word root ends.

    We write nn,
    - if the root of the word ends on N, and the suffix begins with N: Malin-Nick, Druzhin-Nick, fraud nickname (but: worker!);

    If the noun is formed from an adjective, having NN, or from the communion: Tuman-row (foggy), spoiled-spent (spoiled).

    - If the noun is formed from the adjective, having n (including in words of exceptions): Maslen-Itza (Oil), ICA living (living room), hemp-IR (hemp), Waren-IR (boiled), windy IR (windy), silent-speck (intelligent);

    If the noun is formed from differential nouns (on Mal: \u200b\u200bName, tribe, seed, etc.): Name, tribal, seed;

    Swords - exceptions Deer, pork, barracks, sazany, seals, etc. are written with one n, as they are formed from nouns with the basis on N (root: deer, pig, ram, sazan, seal, etc.).

    More exceptions to the rule: young, crimson, spicy, rye, ruddy, blue, green, dowry.

    Step second.

    Suppose it is an adjective ...
    educated on behalf of a noun or adjective, then it is called nominal or late and very different from that adjective, which is formed from the verb of an imperfect species.

    We write nn,
    - if it is formed using subfixes gene, onn: Celebration - a solemn, revolution - a revolutionary, healthy - hefty;

    Exceptions from the rule: Windy (but: weakless!).

    If the root of the word ends on H: sleep - sleepy, desert - desert, ham - ham.

    And now about when it is written n:
    - If the adjective is formed from the nouns with the help of Suffix An, Yang, Ying: Leather - Leather, Silver - Silver, Ant - ARU;

    Exceptions from the rule: Glass, tin, wooden.

    If the adjective depends on the lexical meaning:
    with the wind (windy weather, but windy girl),

    window-driven by wind (wind motor, pump, windmill), but spreads quickly as wind (chickenpox);

    smeared, soaked or blurred oil (oil damn, oil week, oil eyes, oil and oil bottle);

    operating with oil, diluted with oil, intended for oil (oil cookies, oil paint, oil engine, oil bottle);

    silver-covered silver (silver spoon);

    made of silver (silver bowl);

    Suppose it is an adjective ...
    educated from the verb of an imperfect species.

    Then it is always written in it: Mad (clarifies) Dog, boiled (cook) Potatoes, sauer (chaw) Cabbage, boiled (boiling) water, smoked (smoking) fish, etc.

    Exceptions from the rule: Deliced \u200b\u200b(view), desired, slow, unprecedented, non-pecked, underestimated (eye), an unexpected, unheard, unexpected, sacred, chemamy, chowan, chased.

    They differ in writing vowel in front of the adjectives of the Valyan (from filling) and the woven (from pouring), as the suffixes of an uncertain form of verbs, from which they are formed, are different.

    The adjectives with the prefix are not, formed from the verbs of the imperfect species, are written from one n, since not, attached to the verb, does not change his kind: a non-dye ceiling, a unwitting lime, a long-lived road, a non-tricky child, a uncommunicable street.

    In complex adjective type, iron-burned, broken-trigger, washing-processed, sink-password in the second part It is recommended to write one N, since the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot formed by a new word (communion), but only indicates a high degree of quality called complex adjective .

    Complex adjectives of the type of smooth-colored, hot-rolled, hydrogen, cereal, low-speed, blunt, finely flowed are written with one n; They are formed from a mixer combination (smoothly, hot, little, a lot, etc.) and the exclusive adjectives having H: smoothly + painted.

    But: if the nareny word is connected to the adjective, formed from the submissive verb, the complex adjective is written by NN: smooth-colored (smoothly + painted), freshly frozen, freshly frozen.

    Exceptions from the rule: Named brother, planted father, intelligent child.

    Step Three.

    Turn the exclusive adjectives in the communion !!!

    We write nn,
    - If there is an ochevanny (that is, ov-Eva suffixes): Balked, pickled, organized;

    exceptions from the rule: Yea, cool, forged, whose combinations of OV, EV are part of the root and only suffix ns are added to the vaga;

    in submissive formations, it is also written by NN: grounded, discovered, skimmer, ammant;

    If there is a console, except (non-splashing floor, perepled fish, gilded bracelet);

    If there are dependent words (painted paint floor, fried fish, kosnaya oblique meadow).

    Step fourth.

    Suppose it is a suffering party ...
    It is always formed from the verb of the perfect species. That is, always has a prefix: fenced, overshadled, destroyed!

    If it is complete, always write nn!
    The sacrament can be formed from the stray verb: to buy - bought, throw - abandoned.

    In the communion, Ova-Eva suffixes are often found, and then also write nn!

    We differ in writing the communion from the submissive formations of verbs weigh - hang, knead - to interfere, roll - download.

    From the verbs to be used, it is a communion requires suffix gene (hanging, hung, hurry, awesome).

    From the verbs to AT, the sacrament requires a suffix NN.

    It should be kept in mind the lexical meaning of words:

    cave - close the curtain (tightly hanging window did not miss light);

    hang up - hang, put on something (rude door);

    hung - hang on the whole area (all the walls were walked by bunches of herbs);

    hang - hang in large quantities (a variety of posters were inspired in the corridors);

    through - fucking from all sides, hang everywhere (ships, frightened by multi-colored flags);

    waving to hang - hang in different places (in summer, a well-willed underwear will dry quickly).

    In a steady combination, the adjective sparrow is written with one N.

    If the communion is brief, then write H!

    The task is solved, the floors are painted.

    Can I substitute questions to whom? How?, To accurately prove that this is a brief communion, and not a brief adjective.

    The territory near the new house is not yet landscaped by residents (communion).

    The territory near the new house was small, unfavorable (adjective).

    The girl was musical and read (adjective).

    The population was agitated by the radio message (Communion).

    Mom today is excited (adjective).

    The sea today is agitated by the wind (communion).

    If the proposal will meet adverbs formed from the adjective or communion, ask them questions from the verb: she excitedly walked around the room (as? Went - excitedly). As a rule, in adverbs is written as much as in that word, from which it is formed.

    And now you can go to practice!

    So, you must first determine from which part of the speech is formed adjective, as it may be replaced by adjective, i.e., formed on behalf of the noun, and the exclusive - formed from the verb.

    Rule I. Nn in the suffixes of adjectives formed from noun

    1. One letter N writes:

    • an, Yang, Ying:leather - leather an.clay - clay jan.yy, nightingale - nightingale iN.oh; an exception: in words wood yanneoh, tin yannewhales, glass yanneohtwo letters n;
    • in primary adjectives, or original adjectives: bagry, n.oh, zele n.bY, KRA. n.hay n.oh, S. n.iy, Right, Rummy n.yu, Yu n..In these adjective letters is part of the root.

    2. Two letters n are written:

    • in adjectives formed from nouns with the basis for n. and me with suffix n.: seed - Semen. n.oh, lemon - lemon n..

    In adjective semen n.ohtwo suffixes - eN and n., so two letters are written in the word n.. In a word lemon n.oh one letter n. will refer to the root, and the second n. - To suffix, so two letters will also be written in it n..

    Note: adjective namelessEducated from the noun name, combined only with the word finger (withoutness yannethumb); with other words, for example, station, height, hero, etc. Unsumed adjective (withoutness yonnaltitude);

    • in adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes onN-ENN: celebration - celebrations eNNlecture - lection he Noh; an exception: in a word wind eNoh One letter is written n.but two letters will be written in submissive formations n.: without wind eNNha aboutwind eNNha prowind eNNbY, etc.

    Rule II. Nn in the suffixes of adjectives formed from verbs

      One letter N writes:

      • in the suffixes of adjectives formed from the verbs of an imperfect type: smoke - Cocc eNala sausage, knit - bad eNfish; an exception: in words cause nN.whether nN.jima nN.hay, Medl eNNyi, Nevida nN.bY, NEGADA nN.bY, Non-Razy n.oh, nothing nN.hay, unheard nN.hay, nechny nN.him, holy eNNoh, chva nN.way, check nN.oh Two spells n.despite the fact that these words are formed from the verbs of the imperfect species, as well as in words pryazh. eNoh (Father or mother) name n.oh(brother or sister), silent eN.

      The verb is asked: smash (What to do?) - the verb of an imperfect species, so the educated ungalled adjective will be written with one n -cCC eNaya sausage.

    Two letters N writes:

    • in the suffixes of adjectives formed from the verbs of the perfect species: say - tale nN.oE Word, buy - Page eNNtickets; an exception: in a word ran. eNoh One letter is written n., in submissive formations - two: of ran. eNNha byran. eNN.

    The question is asked: to say (what to do?) - the verb of the perfect species, so the educated ungalled adjective will be written with two n -tale nN.oE word;

    • in suffixes ohann-Evann Full and brief forms of adjectives formed from verbs: weigh - Trees nN.aktitis, actress nN.a, organize - organize nN.pupils, apprentices organized nN.s ; an exception: in words well n.yy, Kleva n.bY, KOVA n.oh One letter is written n., So ov-Eva included in the root, and not part of suffixes ohann-Evannbut two letters will be written in submissive formations n: pro well nN.oh IS.kleva nN.ha underkova nN..