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  • The combination of fire and water in the tattoo value. Symbols of elements

    The combination of fire and water in the tattoo value. Symbols of elements

    Sketching sketches with fire, with a flame, you should know cultural associations, which such a plot inevitably causes. And they are as follows:

    • in all cultures it is clearly traced that fire means divine and heavenly principles;
    • it is endowed with contradictory features (almost everything devours, remaining insatiable, connected simultaneously with volcanoes and with lightning, dangerous and useful, serves a person and opposes him);
    • fire finally contributes to the allocation of a person from the elements (as well as the mastery of ancient art to make inscriptions).

    Now about fire today

    The said applies primarily to the archaic and the ancient stages of the development of human culture (although the echoes of the other have so far). Pictures on the bodies of guys and girls today can symbolize:

    The value of the fire is always formed by a whole semantic series, which is determined by everyone in its own way. This is a sign of a migrated passion, constant promotion forward, an emotional breakthrough. But the fire in the tattoo may be connected with hope, and imply "light in darkness" (it depends on how it is executed).

    What else is important in all cases

    And in the male, and in women's life, the flame has another useful aspect: rebirth, rather even rebirth after difficulties and problems. This is a symbol of change, transition to a new level, internal overcoming itself.

    If the flame is painted on the legs, then it means the thrust to the speed, impatience. Opposite the heart - self-sacrifice and experienced (experienced) spiritual flour.

    Picking up a little beautiful inscription, make sure that it means exactly what you want, which will not cause curvators and strange judgments. Our specialists are ready to help in making a right decision.

    About character

    Those who apply a tattoo with fire have a rich inner world, are very confident in themselves and that they will lead to their internal energy, and not she. Men should be focused on the strength of the flame, and women are on soft and warmth; In the first case, we have a strong and hot fire, and in the second cozy homely hearth.

    It should be borne in mind that if the fire itself is not shown, and the dragon, the oven, the volcano, and so on, then this is already in the root changes the case and does not allow to consider the semantics of the tattoo former. By themselves, flame languages \u200b\u200bpersonify culture. A solid selection of photos of plots with fire seems to your attention. You can make a tattoo where you are comfortable.

    Fire is an integral part of Tattoo Sylvester Stallone.

    Lovers of such art as a tattoo, very often in their body draw a variety of characters. Recently, the signs of the zodiac began to be very popular, after all, placing such a symbol on his body, a person receives not only a beautiful picture, but also a symbol that can underline the desired character traits. In the article we will analyze the tattoo signs of the zodiac - the value.

    Element of fire

    All signs of the zodiac are divided into four elements: fire, water, air and earth. So, take the point to start with the element of the fire:

    1. Aries - a man depicted on his body a symbol of Aries, thereby stressed his vitality and courage. This tattoo enhances such qualities as courage and activity.

    2. Lion is an image to be a mapping of divine power and greatness. Zodiac sign lion on hand bears the idea of \u200b\u200bcourage and strength. Lions sitting back to back symbolize complete harmony.

    3. Sagittarius - such a tattoo symbolizes a tortured mind and passion for active actions. The image of the Sagittarius serves as a mascot from life errors and emphasizes positive traits.

    Element of water

    To the water there are such zodiacs as cancer, scorpion, fish. Let's see what to expect, knocking their characters on your body:

    1. Cancer - inflicted tattoo on the chest serves as an impetus for spiritual development. On the right hand - is responsible for well-being in the family, and on the neck - for the working grip and assertiveness.

    2. Scorpio - symbolizes persistence and fearlessness. People with this image on the body easily overcome difficulties and achieve the goal. The best option for male.

    3. Fish - placed on the lower leg, tattoo enhances human feelings and thoughts. As a result, a person will think and act correctly, but it is worth remembering that the fish will enhance the sensations.

    Element of air

    We will analyze the tattoo signs of the zodiac elements of air - their meaning:

    1. Scales - the picture symbolizes equilibrium, elegance, tenderness and sensitivity. Tattoo is better to place on the lower back, it will emphasize individuality.

    2. Aquarius - this sign will emphasize the desire of a person to improve their lives, besides emphasizing and strengthening all the best quality of the owner's nature.

    Alchemy (late Late. Alchemia, Alchimia, Alchymia), a peculiar phenomenon of culture, especially widespread in Western Europe in the Epoch of the Late Middle Ages. The transformation ("transmutation") of non-denominated metals was considered its main task of alchemists into the noble substances with the help of an imaginary substance - "philosophical stone." The emergence and attempt to implement this task go to antiquity.
    Alchemical symbols and their mysterious values \u200b\u200barose due to the need for protection and disguise from a powerful European church. In the midst of his practice, alchemy was considered a heretic craft and caught the death penalty or worse, torture. The church considered an alchemy as a way for practitioners to fall on salvation beyond the "traditional" methodology. Although the ancient alchemical symbols were born due to this need, the basis of alchemical practice is based on the internal transformation and its achievement. As a means for this transmutation, alchemists used varying properties of substances in addition to the philosophical values \u200b\u200bof the characters themselves.

    Magic Gnostic Formula (OK. I, N.E.). It originates in the tradition of chanting sounds, which their vibrations are fond of the sublime state of spirit (trances) and purify. Abrakadabra, written and across "in the disappearance system" - from the full name to one letter, - removes diseases, the evil fate, poverty and all evil energies.
    When wearing an amulet, this promotes the form of a pendulum and engraving on it.
    There are many versions of the origin of this word, the most common thing is that the term comes on behalf of the Greek-Egyptian god Abraksas - the Supreme Head of Heaven and Eon. In this sense, Abraksas expresses the creative will of the Absolute, the desire of peace to existence.
    One of the versions of the origin of the word is based on its consonance with phrases in the Jewish Aramaic language: עַבְדָא כְּדַברָא , Avda Kedavra, "What was said should be done", and עברא כדברא , Avra \u200b\u200bKedavra with an approximate translation "What is said must be accomplished." In the Aramaic B and V could be interchanged, from here the option "Abra Kedabra" and then "AbraCadabra".
    The word (spell against various diseases) was prescribed to be used as follows. It was discharged by a column on a skid 11 times, while the last letter was cut off each time. A triangle was obtained. Such a gradual shortening of this word was to destroy the power of an evil spirit, and the patient, putting on the amulet, was to gradually recover.

    This ancient symbol of Alchemy is derived from the "Secret Tradition" or Kabbalah. Alef The first letter of the Jewish alphabet and the spiritual root of all harmonies.

    Wings of Caduceus symbolize the ability to cross any borders, airiness; Prut - power; Double snake - the opposite sides in dualism, which, ultimately, must connect. Two snakes, healing and poisonous (illness and health), have hermetic and homeopathic importance: nature can overcome nature. Caduceus is a symbol of the complementary nature of these two forces operating in the universe, and the compound of two floors. They personify the forces of communication and separation, good and evil, fire and water, climbing and descent, as well as equilibrium, wisdom and fertility. In Alchemy, this is a men's sulfur and female mercury, the power of transformation, sleep and awakening, dissolution and coagulation (Solve et coagula) of great experience, the synthesis of opposites and the penetrating function of meditation between the highest and lower levels of reality. The wand or rod of the messenger is the axis of the world, down and upwards, between the sky and the earth are moving all the gods of envoys and intermediaries.

    Cube represents land in Pythagorean, Indian and Platonic traditions. In Egypt, Pharaoh is often depicted sitting on a cubic throne. In India, many statues of deities are shown standing on Cuba - one under each foot.
    According to Plato, the elements that are different manifestation of primary matter are capable of mutual adversions. Plato attracted the geometry of polyhedra to explain such properties of matter as hardness, federation, air-shaped, fire-shaped. At the same time, the Earth was put in accordance with the cube, water - Ikosahedron, air - octahedron, fire - tetrahedron. The fifth possible correct polyhedron - Dodecahedra, according to Plato, corresponded to the fifth element, which God Creator used to create celestial bodies.

    According to Aristotle, each element is one of the states of a single primary - a certain combination of basic qualities - heat, cold, humidity and dryness:

    Hot + dry \u003d fire
    Hot + wet \u003d air
    Cold + wet \u003d water
    Cold + dry \u003d land

    This is a spiritual ancient symbol of alchemy for the right eye of the soul, in which she looks into the eternal. This symbol allows you to focus on higher, thin, spiritual vibrations. He also states the infinite nature of our soul, and our opportunities to enjoy the endless universe.

    The fire:
    An ancient symbol of alchemy is divine energy, cleaning, revelation, and conversion. One of the main elements, the symbol of the Spirit and Gd, the celebration of light and life above the darkness and death, universal cleansing.

    The moon personifies the dark side of nature, its invisible aspect; spiritual aspect of light in darkness; internal knowledge, intuitive, irrational and subjective; Human mind in the form of a reflected Light of the Divine Sun.
    It is a symbol of the eye of the night, and the sun is an eye day. The moon also symbolizes the periodic resumption of creation, time and measure. Previously, time was measured by the moon phases, so it was considered a carrier of change, suffering and decline, the condition of human life on Earth. Changing in its phases, it symbolizes the area of \u200b\u200bformation.

    Peacock Tail:
    The tail of the peacock, which includes all the colors of the rainbow, was perceived as a universal symbol. Closer to the end of the alchemical work, this symbol always appears. Its multicolored feathers are similar to molten metal, which foreshadows the proximity at the final stage of transformation. Peacock's tail is a symbol of a smooth transition from one stage to another. Also in Islam, the peacock tail, opened in all beauty, meant either the union, or the full moon or the sun in the zenith. The peacock tail appears in the 84th Emblem of "Symbolic Art" Bosch as an idea of \u200b\u200ba whole and a sign of connecting all colors.

    The pentacle is a magical object with a five-pointed star (pentagram), inscribed in the circle. Each of its beam indicates one of five elements - water, air, fire, earth and spirit. And if in the literal position it symbolizes the divine beginning, then in the inverted form it is already a sign of Satan.
    Sometimes the pentacles are also called the pentagram, pentalfoy, pentaheron; As well as the "Starzon star" or "Solomon's seal" - once the famous king wore a ring with a five-pointed star, she subsequently "decorated" and his tomb.
    Pentacle is a symbol of harmony, health and mystical forces. Pythagoreans accepted him as a sign of the health and marriage of the sky and the Earth. The pentacle has a great power as the sign of the sky, land, as well as the human body and mind. No wonder it was used as a protective emblem among alchemists and magicians.

    QINCUNX (Quincunx):
    Initially, this symbol was presented in the Roman coin, whose dignity was 5/12 (which in Latin sounds like Quincunx) Asa.
    Queenkunks gained its symbolic importance among followers of the Pythagorean school, specializing in, as you know, on mysticism and mathematics. According to Pythagora, components of the quinquunction - the four primary elements of the Earth, air, fire and water are permeated by the monad, ether. This is a symbol of permeability and viability. Qinkunx is located at the base of Tetraxis Pythagora - ten points, a symbol that opened the secret of universal nature.

    In the modern world, this symbol is widely used by astrologers. Having a cross shape, it is a space center: four points corresponding to the parties of light are found in the fifth, the central point of the meeting of the sky with the ground.

    The fire tattoo symbolizes the natural element, which is difficult to control and restrain in its raging form. If the fire is depicted as a flame of a candle or torch, then this means the sacrament of knowledge, the completeness of the inner energy, the inner flame of the human soul.

    Passion. It is her first of all that symbolizes the fire. This is a symbol of the heat, active movement forward, the exit of rapid emotions, strength and power, the symbol of temptation and sin. May mean that tattoo holder Flame full of love and passion, endowed with spiritual warmth.

    Destruction. It symbolizes the unbridled flame, which is difficult to tame. It sweeps everything on his way to give a new beginning to the old one that ended the stage of life. Tattoo fire symbolizes hope, expected spiritual heat, light in darkness. If you can control them, then after destruction you can achieve inaccessible heights.

    Rebirth. From the ash, burned cities, and the person can burn everything unpleasant and reborn to a bright new life. Tattoo value Flame as a symbol of rebirth: sign of Change, Reincarnation, Updates, birthday in the new light.

    Secret knowledge. In philosophy fire Prometheus is considered a symbol of knowledge, teachings, light. This tattoo can choose a person with a volitional and developed inner world, having risen on the path of light and knowledge. Tatat The flame emphasizes that he will be able to cope with the unknown elements of his soul.

    Mystical meaning. In religions and mystical exercises use the cleansing and crushing force of fire during rituals and sacraments. The fire contributes to an increase in the mystical abilities of a person, symbolizes prayers flying with smoke to be up to God.

    Additional characters in a tattoo fire

    In the flame means a desire to go through life with a brightly blazing heart, committed to the cute heart ideals, serious spiritual flour.

    Tattoo flames around the object or animal is a sign of energy and movement, but with a negative subtext: it is rage, prohibit, deposit, destructive force, burst into life. Car among flames Means the speed, uncontrollable movement in life, the unwillingness in time to slow down, stop, think.

    The value of the tattoo depending on the location.

    • In the field of heart - spiritual flour, self-sacrifice.
    • Flame on the legs - a symbol of high-speed motion.
    • In the groin area of \u200b\u200bthe body - overly increased sexuality.
    • On the head or around it in the form of Nimba - a sign of genius, divine power, high mental potential.

    The tattoo value of the fire is designed to confirm the flame energetics of its carrier. This is a polar symbol: the fire means the burning of the soul with sublime ideals or its opposite - hellish passions, by the opposite, non-action.

    Stock Foto Tattoo flames

    Sketches of tattoos fire

    One of the four first elements, a male, spiritual beginning, acts as a breath, whiff, wind, like vital energy - Prana in Hindus, Qi from the Chinese. Blow and breathing are associated with creation, hence the idea of \u200b\u200bthe soul as a breath ("Last Sigh"). Egyptian God of Air Shu created the sky and land; The exhalation of Indian Brahma is the creation of the world, and inhale is his destruction. In China, heavenly gates are served in China, which correspond to the principles of Yin (open) and Yang (closed), serve as a life-giving respiratory emblem.

    In Christianity, the whiff is the empowerment of a person, as well as an introduction to the Divine; So, in the Gospel of John the Risen Christ is the disciples: "... blew and tells them: Take the Holy Spirit" (in 20: 22).

    With air as a primary element is associated with an idea of \u200b\u200bthe air - divine luminous substance filling the universe; This substance is closed by the Supreme God. In antique and medieval natural philosophy and medicine, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe pneumatic - substance, which occupied the intermediate position between bodily and spiritual; Arceding from inhaled air, "thin evaporations" of blood, digestible food, etc., many ancient authors of the pneuma came closer to ether (hence the ideas about the essential body) or thought as a special kind of heat, different from the heat of fire. Pniewmakers systematized Galen; He argued that there are three common pneums corresponding to the three systems of spiritual forces and providing different levels of functioning of the human body. The natural pneuma is formed in the liver and distributes from there on the veins along with blood. Part of the blood, falling into the heart, connects with air coming from the lungs, as a result of which the natural pneuma turns into an animal, which comes from the heart to arteries. Lifting with blood into the brain, the animal pneuma is converted there into the pneumatic mental, which is transmitted to other parts of the body in nerves.

    Sylphide - air spirit.

    Air wind structures the space; cf. Wides-known ideas about four winds as coordinates of space. These winds contacted not only with four sides of the world, but also with four seasons of the year, with seasonal cycles and, as a result, with fertility.

    Strong wind - Bulletin of the Divine Will; According to the Bible, the Lord answered Iowa from the storm and from the stormy received the revelation of John theologian. However, in folklore, the wind turns into a habitat of unclean power. As P. S. Efimenko notes, "the whirlwind there is an unclean force, which, see what the thunderstorm rises, runs from her, so as not to struck the arrow. Wishing to see an unclean strength - a whirlwind ... Must who removed the cross, look in the inclined position between the legs. Watching the vortex in the form of a huge person, a mascule and running as he could see the vortex in the form of a huge person.

    In addition, the whirlwind and by itself (as a turbulent air flow) is associated with unclean power. It is believed that in the vortex the evil copes weddings. The whirlwind should be distinguished from the wind, since the whirlwind means only something evil and hostile, and the wind can be both evil (and bring illness) and good. If you throw a knife into the whirlwind, you can hurt the spirit that hides inside.

    Alchemical tradition knows the inhabitants of the air - Sylves. It is argued that the Sylves live on the islands washed by air. They appear and disappear with speed lightning. Mainie P. Hall writes: "... and vision, and hearing, and mind, and everyone else they differ from mortals as much as the air is licensed with the purity of water or air from the air." The aril by the Sylves is changeable, they cannot be in one place for a long time and constantly roame, using the cloud movement as a means.

    From the book of the Kartari "Images of the gods of antiquity"

    Scheme of the Universe, according to the Greeks and Romans

    Sequential ascent through the fiery sphere of Gades, the sphere of water, land, air, heaven and the moon is achieved by the Mercury plane. Over the plane of Mercury there are planes of Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the latter of which contains symbols of zodiac constellations. On top of the heaven arc (Saturn) are the dwellings of various forces controlling the universe. The Supreme Council of Gods consists of twelve deities - six male and six female, which correspond to the positive and negative signs of the zodiac. Six gods are Jupiter, Volcano, Apollo, Mars, Neptune and Mercury; Six goddesses are Juno, Ceres, Vesta, Minerva, Venus and Diana. Jupiter sits on the Orel, which symbolizes his board with the world, Junoon - on Pavlin, symbolizing her shine and pride.