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  • Types of piercing and decorations Benefits of surgical steel
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  • Types of jewelry for piercing. Types of piercing and decorations Benefits of surgical steel

    Types of jewelry for piercing. Types of piercing and decorations Benefits of surgical steel

      The material from which the product is made;

      The type of finished product;

      Sizes of the finished product;

    Materials from which piercing decorations are made:



    Natural materials for the manufacture of jewelry for piercing:

    Artificial materials for the manufacture of jewelry for piercing:

    • Precious stones / minerals;

    Requirements for jewelry for piercing:

      The ability to succumb to sterilization;


      Ease of care and processing;

      Do not affect fabrics in which the decoration is located;

      Aesthetic look;

    Natural materials for decorations:


    As decorations, both ordinary wood species and exotic are used as decorations. The price of products fluctuates depending on the value of the tree of wood and the complexity of the work on the product. Preference is given to solid deciduous wood. The more hardness - the longer the decoration will serve, without changing your initial characteristics.

    Advantages of decorations for piercing from wood:

      Exotic appearance;

      Does not freeze in the cold season;

      In combination with precious metals and stones, elite decorations are considered;

    Disadvantages of decorations of wood:

      Do not be autoclaving and exposed to high temperatures;

      Over time, they lose external attractiveness;

      Some wood breeds can cause allergic reactions;

      Require additional care;

      Poor tolerate frequent contacts with water;

      Not used as primary jewelry and in cases where the piercing channel is not formed;

      Absorb smells;

      Able to deform with time and lose smoothness of its surfaces;

      In the case of long-term wearing, it may require additional polishing;

      Not all kinds of piercing jewelry can be made of wood;

    Care of wooden piercing decoration:

      It is advisable to shoot the shower, bath, bathing;

      Wipe with disinfecting solutions;

      Rub in decoration mineral oil to increase its service life;

    Storage of wooden decoration for piercing:

      Clear decoration from pollution;

      Wipe any disinfectant;

      Label mineral oil;

      After absorbing the oil, slightly polishes with a piece of soft tissue;

      Store in a dry place, without access of direct sunlight and sharp temperature drops;

    Types of wooden jewelry for piercing:

    Tree jewelry price: From $ 2-3 and hundreds of dollars are wooden decorations with decor of precious metals.


    Being a petrified juice of trees, amber is often used to make jewelry for piercing. In case of frozen in the amber of small insects, plants, decorations from amber are becoming more expensive.

    Advantages of jewelry from amber:

      Exotic appearance;

      In the cold season, the decoration is felt on warm;

      Can be combined with other types of materials;

      The smooth surface does not change its texture with time;

      Does not require additional treatment with mineral oil;

      Do not change their properties and textures when in contact with water;

    Disadvantages of jewelry for piercing from amber:

      Do not be autoclaving;

      In the case of temperature drops, it may crack or redeem;

      Relative high cost of the source material;

      Not all kinds of decorations can be made of amber;

    Care for juraling for piercing from amber:

      The decoration sometimes should be washed with soap and process with disinfectant solution;

      After drying, polish a soft cloth;

    Storage decoration for piercing from amber:

      Wash and handle the decoration by antiseptic;

      Give to dry and polish the soft cloth;

      Store in a closed box with a soft inner coating;

      Avoid the ingress of the Sun, sharp and significant temperature differences;

    Types of jewelry for piercing from amber:


    In the jewelry for piercing, the bone compact substance is usually used. This makes the decoration more durable, convenient for manufacture and pleasant in wearing. The bone is taken from animal horns, or peaked out of the skeleton parts. Sometimes teeth, claws or their fragments can be used as decoration.

    Advantages of bone decorations:

      Attractive appearance;

      Does not freeze in winter;

      In combination with precious metals or stones is considered elite decorations;

      Does not require treatment with mineral oil, unlike wooden jewelry;

      Not afraid of wetting and does not change the form at the same time;

      With careful terms, a long service life;

    Disadvantages of jewelry for piercing bone:

      Not all kinds of decorations can be created from the bone;

      With long-term operation, the bone may turn yellow;

      If the decoration had a part of the spongy bone, then they are usually not durable;

      Some types of bones are very roads, as well as decorations from them;

      Can cause allergic reactions;

      The spongy bone is a good reservoir for the reproduction of microorganisms, which can lead to the infection of the piercing channel;

    Bone decoration care:

      From time to time, the product from the bone should be washed and handled by a disinfectant solution;

      After drying, rub and polish with a soft cloth;

    Storage of bone decorations:

      Clean the decoration with disinfectant solution;

      Wrap dry and put into a soft coating container;

      Do not leave the decoration under the right sunlight, it can ship, crack;

      Do not allow the decoration of sudden temperature drops;

    Types of jewelry for piercing bone:

    Stones and minerals

    Advantages of stones / mineral decorations


      Most autoclave and are amenable to thermal sterilization;

      Often included in elite ornaments;

      Some believe that the stones have certain properties;

      Slowly change the temperature;

    Disadvantages of stones decorations

      High weight of jewelry;

      Stones and minerals are often an addition to decoration;

      Some stones and minerals can affect skin, or contain toxic impurities;

      Temperature differences and thermal sterilization can lead to cracking of the product;

      Over time, the surface loses smoothness and can cause damage to the tissues;

    Caring for the decoration of minerals

      Rinse in warm water with soap and wipe the soft sponge. Process antiseptic;

    Stone Stone / Mineral Decorations

      Store each decoration separately in the bag of soft tissue;

      Avoid constant temperature drops;

    Types of decorations from stones and minerals

    Metals for the manufacture of jewelry for piercing

    Surgical or Medical Steel

    In the manufacture of decorations, steel grade 316L is used, which is widespread in surgery. Powered special processing, it meets all the requirements for the materials from which the decorations are manufactured.

    Advantages of surgical steel:

      The perfectly smooth surface does not even cause microen facilities of the pierced channel;

      Suitable as a material for primary jewelry;

      Does not require treatment with mineral oils;

      Over time, does not change its properties, forms, not amenable to oxidation and rust;

      From surgical steel, you can make almost any decoration;

      Not demanding on storage conditions;

      Very long service life of the product;

    Disadvantages of surgical steamed decorations:

      A relatively large mass of products may cause tissue tension and be uncomfortable when wearing;

      Big value of the product;

      Steel changes its temperature rapidly. In winter, it can cause frostbiz fabrics, and in the sauna / bath burns;

    Surgical Steel Decoration Care

      Rinse, handle antiseptic or boil;

    Storage of surgical steel jewelry

      Not demanding on storage conditions;

      It is desirable that the decoration can not be permanent change of temperature or humidity;

    Types of decorations made of surgical steel:


    The trade name of surgical steel, which appeared after the introduction of the law of the European Union on the quantitative content of nickel in surgical steel.

    Benefits Implantatium

      Does not cause allergic reactions and rejection;

      Can be used as a material for primary jewelry;

      Long-term operation and does not require certain storage conditions;

    Disadvantages of implantium

      Very expensive material;

      Small number of firms make decorations from it;

      Small assortment of jewelry;

      Not always the corresponding quality of the source material;

    Care of the decoration of the implantium (see);

    Storage of decorations from implantium (see);

    Types of decorations from implantium (see);


    One of the most common materials in the modern piercing industry. Popularity has increased significantly after the European Directive concerning the decorations containing nickel.

    Benefits of Titan

      Nickel does not contain;

      Small weight of the finished product (an equivalent product made of stainless steel weighs by almost 50% more);

      Titanium resistant to corrosion is not afraid of contact with water;

      Low percentage of allergies when using titanium jewelry;

      Autoclaving and temperature sterilization can be used on titanium ornaments;

      Long service life and practically no damage;

      Anodized titanium has different colors, which increases the range of jewelry;

    Disadvantages of Titan

      Quickly picks up or loses the temperature, which makes it uncomfortable wearing the decoration in the sauna or winter;

      High cost of titanium ornaments;

      On the market there are decorations that are made of those classes of titanium purity, which are not suitable for use as decorations;

    Care of titanium decoration (see);

    Storage of titanium jewelry (see);

    Types of titanium jewelry (see);

    Black titanium or eng. Blackline

    For the first time began to be used in the 80s and its appearance is extremely successful. Until now is widely used for medical purposes.

    Benefits of black titanium

      In addition to the advantages of ordinary titanium, the surface black layer is very resistant;

      The structure of the surface layer does not cause damage to the piercing channel when the decoration moves;

    Disadvantages of black titanium

      In addition to the disadvantages of ordinary titanium, black titanium can lose its coating with long-term contacts with a solid surface (for example, friction about the teeth);

    Caring for the decoration of black titanium (see);

    Storage of black titanium jewelry (see);

    Types of black titanium jewelry (see);


    Material, products from which were developed as an alternative to gold.

    Advantages of zirconia

      Light and durable material;

      Relative cheapness of the finished product;

      Givend to thermal sterilization and autoclaving;

      Suitable as primary jewelry for piercing;

      Does not cause allergic reaction;

    Disadvantages of zirconia

      In the market there are fakes on jewelry from zirconium;

      Quickly picks up or loses temperature depending on the ambient temperature;

      Durable surface can cause damage to the teeth with long contact;

    Caring for the decoration of black zirconium (see);

    Storage of black zirconium jewelry (see);

    Types of black zirconium jewelry (see);


    Externally similar to titanium, but it is harder.

    Benefits of Niobia

      High-quality niobium does not cause allergies;

      Amenable to autoclaving and temperature sterilization;

      Does not react to biological fluids, oxygen, detergent and disinfectants;

      Long service life of the product;

    Disadvantages of Niobia

      With a specific content of niobium in decoration, less than 99.9% may cause allergic reactions;

      A small selection of niobium jewelry;

      Horificate niobium jewelry;

      Difficulties making decorations;

    Niobium decoration care (see);

    Storage of niobium jewelry (see);

    Types of niobium jewelry (see);


    Used as a material for the manufacture of jewelry for piercing for a long time.

    The advantages of bronze

      Cheapness and ethnic species of jewelry;

      Amenable to autoclaving and temperature streaming;

      Long life decoration;

    The shortcomings of bronze

      Bronze from unknown manufacturers may contain arsenic;

      It is possible to change the color of the skin from the decoration;

      Bronze has the ability to oxidize and change its appearance;

      Not used as primary jewelry for piercing;

    Bronze decoration care:

      Requires polishing and removing oxide film, for this it is best to contact the jewelry workshop or use the gay paste at home;

    Storage of bronze jewelry

      It is advisable to store in a separate box with a soft coating, separately from other jewelry;

    Types of bronze jewelry

    These are mainly ethnic products, with a small circulation.


    Noble metal from which many centuries made decorations.

    Advantages of silver

      Expensive appearance;

      Thanks to the possibilities to change the appearance of the metal, silver decorations are very diverse (light, dark silver);

      Convenience of material in the work, and a wide variety of jewelry;

      Amenable to autoclaving and thermal sterilization;

      Very long service life, the possibility of making a family relic to order;

    Disadvantages of silver

      925 sample silver contains 7.5% impurities (more often than nickel), which can cause allergic reactions;

      Silver oxide when used in primary jewelry can leave a permanent trail in the skin, cartered;

      Changes the temperature depending on the environment;

      Over time, the decoration is oxidized and requires cleaning with a jeweler;

      On elite silver products price is very high;

    Silver decorating decoration care

      Rinse in soapy water with the ammonia alcohol, after which it will be wiped dry;

      In the case of oxidation, it is worth paying it to clean the jeweler or clean it, using finely abrasive pastes;

    Storage of silver jewelry

      It is desirable to prevent sudden decoration temperature drops;

    Silver Jewelry Types: Almost all kinds of decorations


    One of the most popular materials for making decorations

    Advantages of gold

      Very attractive appearance;

      Combination with precious stones;

      A large selection of jewelry;

      The possibility of thermal sterilization;

    White gold often gives allergic reactions regardless of the sample;

    Gold is easily scratched and can cause damage to the pierced channel;

    Use as primary decorations and contact with biological fluids, antiseptics can lead to gold discoloration;

    Low samples can be discolored after autoclaving;

    Gold decoration care

      From time to time, decorations require polishing with a jeweler;

      Avoid contact of the gold jewelry with solid objects;

    Storage of gold jewelry

      It is advisable to store each decoration separately from others;

      Use a soft coating container or special bags;

      Avoid sharp temperature drops;

    Gold Jewelry Types: All kinds of jewelry for piercing


    Quite rarely occurs as a material for decorations

    Advantages of porcelain

      High uniqueness of products

      Givend to thermal sterilization;

      Over time, it does not lose its properties;

      Slowly changes the temperature depending on the environment;

    Disadvantages of porcelain

      Very high price for products;

      Small assortment of finished products;

      The glaze can give allergic reactions and have harmful impurities;

      The product may be damaged when interacting with solid objects;

      Not used as primary decorations;

    Porcelain decoration

      It is enough to rinse in warm water with soap and wipe dry, after which the antiseptic is treated;

    Storage of china jewelry

      Store decorations separate from metal;

      Contact of metal and porcelain can lead to glazes or cracks on jewelry;

      Jewelry boxes must have soft walls;

    Types of china ornaments: Combined earrings with metal, tunnels, earring;


    Comfortable and popular material for the manufacture of jewelry for piercing.

    Advantages of glass decorations

      Can be used as primary jewelry for piercing;

      The smooth surface does not injure the pierced channel;

      Can be sterilized in a vapor autoclave;

      Large selection of decorations and affordable prices;

      Reinforced glass is durable and durable;

      A wide selection of colorful decorations;

      Slowly changes the temperature depending on the ambient temperature;


      Cheap decorations are easy to fight;

      Glass beads in the decorations for piercing of the language can be broken about the teeth and cause damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract;

      Low quality glass can crack when autoclaving;

    Glass Decoration Care

      Wash in warm water with soap, wipe dry, to handle the antiseptic;

    Storage of glass jewelry:

      It is advisable to use tanks with soft walls;

    Types of glass jewelry: rods, tunnels, struts, spirals;

    Plastic (plastics)

    Widely used in the piercing industry.

    Advantages of plastic products (plastics)

      A large selection of jewelry;

      Low price of finished products;

      Ease of decoration;

      Resistance to chemical reactions, biological safety and low ability to cause allergic reactions;

      Resistance to damage and long life of the finished product;

      Can be used in winter or when visiting a sauna / bath;

    Disadvantages of plastic decorations

      The presence of microscopic pores that can be the place of accumulation of microorganisms;

      Not all types of plastics are able to succumb to temperature sterilization;

      Individual allergic reactions;

      Relatively inexpensive appearance;

    Care of plastic decoration (plastics)

      Wash in warm water with soap, remove epidermis particles, wipe dry, to handle the antiseptic;

    Storage of plastic ornaments

      It is advisable to store separately from metal jewelry;

    Types of plastic ornaments (plastics): Most jewelry;

    Polytetrafluoroethylene or fluoroplastic.

    In addition to these two names, the patented name - Teflon is most popular.

    Advantages of Teflon ornaments

      High biological compatibility with tissues;

      Not noticeable during the diagnostic x-ray;

      Decorations for piercing from Teflon have a small weight;

      Not magnetic;

      Givend to autoclaving;

      Slowly changes the temperature and convenient for wearing, both in the winter and in the bath / sauna;

    Teflon decoration disadvantages

      There are evidence of harm for the body of Teflon;

      The big cost of teflon jewelry;

      Small selection of affordable decorations;

    Caring for Decoration from Teleon

      Do not use for washing abrasive products, metal brushes;

      Wash with warm water with a sponge and process an antiseptic;

    Teflon jewelry storage

      Do not store with metal decorations;

      Avoid sharp temperature drops;

    Types of Teflon Jewages: All species

    Acryl, Orcseklo

    Widespread products All sorts of color

    Advantages acryla

      Slippery surface makes these decorations suitable for stretching pierced holes;

      Inexpensive and beautiful decorations;

      Have low weight and suitable for use in winter or in a bath / sauna;

    Disadvantages of acrylic decorations

      In thermal sterilization, it may lose its color;

      Over time, decorations are discolored and faded;

      Fragile material that can crack and break;

      You can not use as primary jewelry;

      Attracts liquid to itself, which creates conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms;

      For a long time without treatment can begin to smell unpleasantly;

    Acrylic decoration care

      Wash and process with antiseptic

      Avoid strikes about solid surfaces;

    Storage of acrylic jewelry

      Store separately from metal jewelry;

      Do not keep at right sunlight;

      Undesirable to resort to thermal methods of sterilization;

    Types of acrylic ornaments: all kinds of jewelry;

    Film ™

    New type of plastic, which is widely used in medicine today

    Advantages of Plastics ™

      Not toxic, does not cause allergies;

      There are several color species;

      Can be used in various temperature modes;

    Disadvantages of plasticism ™

      Expensive material;

      Limited assortment of jewelry;

      Not received widespread in Europe

    Film Care ™

      Wash in soapy water, rub dry and treat with antiseptic solution;

    Storage of decorations from plasticism ™

      Store separately from metal jewelry;

      Prevent sudden temperature drops;

    Types of decorations from plasticism ™ : all kinds of decorations;

    Sizes of jewelry for piercing

    For people choosing ornaments and masters who work with them you need to know the features of the designation of the sizes of decorations and their thickness (caliber).

    Know the sizes of the decorations are necessary in order to:

      Preparing the necessary needles to the master and the corresponding jewelry before the start of work;

      Do not have problems with inwing jewelry after puncture;

      Speed \u200b\u200bup the workflow;

      Avoid errors when working;

      Order the necessary working material and decorations in accordance with the need;

      To understand the designations of American and other foreign manufacturers who use not metric designations of sizes and caliber decorations;


      Buy decorations in online stores and ordinary stores, with an exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhat sizes and caliber decorations are accurately necessary;

    Length of jewelry for piercing

      For direct rods, the length is determined from the inner surfaces scored until the balls are stopped;

      For curved rods, it is the distance between two perpendicular lines, omitted from the beginning of the balls winding up to the stop;

      For rings and semi-colts - length is the inner diameter of the decoration;

      Labet length, this is the distance from the hat to the ball being swirled until the ball is stop;

      The length of the tunnel is the distance between the edges of the decoration (see Figure)

      Nostril's length - the distance from the base of the ball before the curl started;

    Calivers of jewelry, metric sizes

      In the USA, England, the concept of caliber (Gauge or this reduction G) is used to refer to the thickness of jewelry (GAUGE (GAUGE (GAUGE) (then the "" "" "without quotes) is used at the end);

      The smaller the number of caliber, the greater its diameter (00g is greater than 22G);

    Below is shown table on which you can compare the metric thickness of the decoration With caliber or inches:

    Gauge (caliber)

    Inch (inches)

    Millimeters (millimeters)

    The length of the jewelry of manufacturers from the United States is also measured in inches. C.

    Below is given table for which you can compare the length of jewelry in inches and millimeters.

    To facilitate the work of the wizard and reduce problems associated with the choice of decoration for the client, there are recommended decorations for each individual type of piercing. Below is induced table with optimal length and caliber decorations For various types of piercing.

    View of piercing

    Standard caliber

    Standard Length

    Belly button piercing

    Nose Piercing

    Piercing language

    Piercing Harvesting Ear

    Piercing eyebrows

    16G (often 14G)

    Piercing Industrial

    Labret / Lip Rings

    14G (often 16G)

    5/16 ", 3/8", or 7/16 "

    Piercing Monroe

    5/16 "or 3/8"

    Piercing nipple

    Tragus / Helix / Hand / Esch. sink

    3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 5/8"

    This information is not absolute, but displays the general recommendations of the American Association of Persers.

    Move the specified dimensions into metric can be compared to the tables located above.

    If you wish to buy high-quality piercing decorations, then the most famous in the world manufacturers are:

      Benefits of ear strings

      • A large selection of jewelry;

        Convenient for stretching the ear of the ear, before installing the tunnel of a larger diameter;

        Thanks to their use, you can avoid the scalp zoom in the size of the hole for the tunnel;

      Disadvantages of ears space

        Made from natural materials require constant care;

        With a significant strength of the stretching, ruptures of the ear of the ear are possible;

        Increase the size of the opening in the cartel struts will not be released;

      Ear spacers Price: from 150 rubles. and higher;


      There are several types of spirals.

      In the manufacture of metal spirals, almost all metals allowed in the piercing industry are used;

      Metal spirals differ by:

        The number of turns of the spiral;

        Distance between the vita;

        Metal from which they are made;

      Spirals, which are used as a decoration with a large diameter piercing of the EH, differ by:

        Spiral material;

      • Surface texture;

        The presence of fixing rings;

      Advantages of metal spirals:


        One decoration for several cartridge punctures;

        Durability when used;

      Disadvantages of metal spirals

        It is necessary to comply with the steps of the spiral, for convenient wearing decoration;

        A spiral with a large number of turns is uncomfortable when dressing decoration;

      Advantages of Spirals for Big Diameter Packers

        A large selection of jewelry;

        Attractive appearance;

      Disadvantages of spirals for punctures of large diameter

        Frequently confused in clothes, hair;

        No locking rings are easily lost;

        A limited number of piercing types in which it can be used;

      Price Spiral: from 200 rubles. and higher;

      Chain for nose

      Traditional Indian wedding decoration for which the nostril and ear piercing is required. By the chain, both decorations are connected.

      Decorations in the wing of the nose, ear and chain are made, as a rule, of gold.

      This decoration is different by:

        Chain length;

        Species used links;

        Additional decorations of the chain itself;

      Benefits of the chain for the nose

        Very attractive and ethnic look, it looks expensive;

        Is not a "pop" decoration in Russia;

      Disadvantages of the nasal chain

        Requires 2 types of piercing;

        Fully gold decoration is quite expensive;

        To such decoration, you need to get used to after the first dressing;

        With unaccustomed, you can hook a chain and inflict an injury to the nose or ear;

      Chain for the nose + 2 rings (in the nostril and ear): from 600 rub.;

      Special decorations for nipple piercing (nipple shield)

      With a nipple piercing often use special decorations that differ in appearance and can be attributed to the rods with decor elements.

      The shield of the nipple should be completely either partially close the nipple aureola. In addition, it is possible to keep the nipple and prevent its retraction.

      Differences shield nipple

        According to the material from which he is made;

        According to the composition of the decoration;

      Benefits of a nipple shield

        Eliminates the problem of the drawn nipple in girls;

        Speecually looks through clothes;

        Permits to demonstrate breasts in cases of prohibitions on bare nipples;

      Disadvantages of a nipple shield

        Some decorations will not come out under clothes;

        There may be injuries of the piercing canal when hooked about clothing elements;

        Big value of jewelry;

        Not in all stores of jewelry for piercing they are in assortment;

      Shield nipple price: from 250 rubles;


      Is a modified barbell. At the same time, on one side of the decoration there is a beaming hat, and on the other hand, the decoration is a removable ball. Initially, the decoration was invented for piercing lips, cheeks, for smaller injuries of teeth and convenient wearing.

      Labret species:

        In length, diameter;

        The material from which the decoration was done;

        The type of removable nozzle;

      The advantages of Labret

        Does not spoil your teeth;

        Instead of a ball, other nozzles can be used (see Rod Decoration);

        Does not cause a defect diction;

        The perfect decoration for piercing types, when one side of the decoration should remain in the oral cavity;

      Disadvantages of labret

        Too long labret causes inconvenience, despite the presence of a hat, and not the ball traums the teeth;

        In winter it is possible to tempting lips and local frostbite of fabrics;

      Labrets Price: from 200 rubles;


      Curved decoration used in the nose wing piercing. The retainer does not have.

      Views Nostril

        In length and diameter;

        By material;

        According to the visible part of the decoration;

      Advantages of Nostril

        Small, elegant decoration;

        Well perceived by others;

        Can be decorated with precious stone;

      Disadvantages of Nostril

        It is necessary to have experience, for rapid dressing;

        Decoration without an additional clamp;

        In case of routine and intensive use, internal damage to the nose is possible;

      Nostril prices: from 150 rubles;

      Sterilization of jewelry for piercing. Preparation for work.

      Any primary decoration (which is inserted immediately after the puncture) should be sterile!

      Decorations are suitable as primary decorations:

        Medical / surgical steel;


        Titanium conventional and black;


      • Plasticism;

        Organic glass;

      Sterility means the complete absence on the surface (in our case on the decoration) of microorganisms, disputes, viruses, mushrooms and boobs.

      Why need sterility:

        The pierced channel will be formed without inflammation, and in the shortest possible time;

        Sterile primary decoration allows you to avoid the client's infection with diseases that are transmitted through blood or lymph (hepatitis, HIV-AIDS, syphilis, etc.);

      How to make primary decorations sterile?

      For this there are several types of sterilization:




      Thermal sterilization is carried out in two ways:

        Steam method

      For this, autoclaves are used, and the sterilization process is called autoclaving. Modern autoclaves have programs for which sterilization is carried out.

      Steam sterilization modes:

        Air (dry sterilization)

      For this purpose, dry cabinets are used. The exposition of jewelry at a temperature of 200 ° C is 10-20 minutes, at a temperature of 180 ° C - 20-40 minutes. Modern dry cabinets contain programmed sterilization modes.

      The advantages of thermal sterilization:




      Disadvantages of thermal sterilization:

        Not all primary decorations withstand high pressure and temperature;

      Chemical sterilization of primary jewelry is carried out by such groups of substances:

        Acid + oxidizer. Example - "Foreign" 4.8% solution - 15 minutes;

        Aldehyde. Example - 40% solution of formaldehyde in ethyl alcohol. For sterilization, a paraformal camera is used. Sterilization time 3 hours;

        Detergents. Example: chlorhexidine Bigluconat. Sterilization time for 5 minutes;

        Haloids. Example: Povidone iodine according to the instructions;

      Advantages of chemical sterilization:

        Does not require special equipment;



        High price for some types of sterilizing substances;

        It is possible to break the sterility of the decoration with an overdue solution, violation of sterilization modes;

      Radiation sterilization - Conducted gamma by irradiation in factory conditions. Decoration is in sterile packaging.

      The advantages of radiation sterilization:

        Reliability of the method;

        Product in sterile packaging and ready to use;

        This method can be sterilized all decorations for piercing;

      Disadvantages of radiation sterilization:

        Requires special conditions and equipment;

        A small number of jewelry is originally sterilized by this method;

      In addition, it should be remembered that the master should work with sterile tools (needles, clips, receivers for needles), sterile hands. The puncture is carried out only with a sterile skin surface. Only, in this case, all the rules of sterile work will be observed. The violation of at least one of these rules makes the surface of the piercing channel to non-sterile and provokes the development of infectious complications of piercing.

      Master at a notic: To facilitate the work and understanding of the rules of sterile work, you should familiarize yourself with the manuals for medical personnel and regime orders on aseptic and antiseptics.

      OST 42-21-285. Sterilization and disinfection of medical products. Methods, means and modes.

      Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR from 31.07. 78g. №720 "On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat in-hospital infection."

      Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR from 12.07.89g. №408 "On measures to reduce morbidity viral hepatitis in the country. "

      Quality control of wet and chamber disinfection in Ca and Navy. CLM MO, 1983g.

      Temporary instruction for the taking and processing of blood for AIDS studies. CLMM MO, № 161 / 3/12637, 1987.

    Bar, labret, cheat, banana, segment ring ... unfamiliar names, right? But all of the above are common decorations for piercing. In this article, information will be provided for you about the segment ring. What is this decoration? What does it look like? What punctures is used? And many other information about the decoration you will get here.

    One of the types of piercing rings

    A segment ring for piercing is almost the same as the clamping ring with a ball. But instead of the ball in this option, a small piece of the ring is used, or rather, its continuation. In a buttoned form, a segment ring looks like the most common monolithic ring.

    For which punctures is used such decoration

    The segment ring is decorated with such punctures as the septum puncture (the punch of the nasal partition), the Daith puncture (which is located inside the ears of the sink, the history of the creation of this piercing is rather interesting (but a little later)), and also the luminous. As for fully healing punctures, the segment ring is also inserted into the navel, nipples, lips, nose and eyebrows.

    Sizes of segment rings and rates

    In the thickness, such decorations most often reach 1.6 millimeters. Their diameter begins with 6 millimeters, and the weight can reach 16 grams. Of course, it depends on the dimensions of the ring and the material, from which it is made. The average price of a segment ring with titanium anodizing material coating is about 200 rubles.

    How to wear decoration

    Usually, when meeting with such a puncture, many people are puzzled and asked how to open a segment ring. In fact, everything is quite simple. You should act in the same way as in the case of a ring with a ball. Just pull with some power a small ring segment for yourself. Nothing is required to unscrew, because such rings do not have threads. Attach a little strength and disconnect the small segment from the big one.

    We all understand that with many punctures it is quite easy to get infection. She will make little happy, and therefore you need to always clean your jewelry for piercing before using them. The same applies to the segment ring. Clear the ring is quite easy, and therefore do not be lazy. After all, your health depends on you.

    In order to clean and disinfect the ring, you should lower it into a salt solution for about five or ten minutes. To do this, simply mix a quarter spoons of salt and 250 milliliters of warm distilled water. After that, it is necessary to grasp the ring with this salt water using a piece of napkins.

    If you need to use pliers in the process of putting on the decoration, they should also be disinfected. You can use the same saline or special saline. Thoroughly wipe all those parts of the tool that can concern your decoration.

    Do not forget that you must rinse well and the prolque place itself. Even when it heals you in full, you will need to process your puncture with a sparing antiseptic means (for example, benzalkonium chloride, baktin or just the most conventional liquid antibacterial soap, which has never even harmed anyone). All this is much reduced by the possible risk of infection, infection your puncture in the future.

    Do not hurry to change the first earrings on the site of the puncture. It should be left in place for a period of 8-9 weeks after the puncture procedure itself. The earrings can only be removed after that, but fully heaving the place can only after 12-24 weeks after you made a piercing. Professionals strictly do not advise you to wear a ring while your puncture will not heal completely.

    The most difficult thing in the process of putting on the segment ring is its discovery. As mentioned earlier, simply pull the small part of the segment by attaching some effort. You can use small scissors, nippers or pliers in order to break the ring and pull out a small segment from it. After that, if you have already processed all the ring with antiseptic means, inhant the most part of the segment in the puncture. Now return the small part of the ring segment to its original location and, if necessary, squeeze the ring back with the help of all the same pliers.

    How to remove the ring

    In fact, in the process of removing the segment ring there is nothing unusual, but for some kind of magical reason it is precisely a lot of difficulties in all lovers to make an impression on the surrounding their appearance. With the help of the same pliers, stupid scissors or a special device for removing jewelry for piercing (of course, it follows from what you most convenient to use) push the ring and, pulling out a small segment from it, take off. Depending on how piercing was made in, it may be difficult to remove the decoration in different way. Somewhere there is little space between the skin and the ring, somewhere scary to hurt yourself or just inconvenient to the ring ... If you don't get rid of the ring on your own, then it will be best for help from experts in that salon, Where you once did piercing. In any case, masters have more experience in "communication" with such products. Surely with their experience you are not the first one who cannot remove yourself or put on a piercing bauble ...

    Daith (Deis) Piercing

    Now you will finally get information about what was said at the very beginning of the article. What is action puncture or deis-piercing? This is a puncture of cartilage, which is located in the heart of the outdoor ear. Such a piercing is not popular, but it looks very especially. Of course, it is strongly not recommended to make such a puncture itself at home. There is necessarily a certain level of skill and professionalism. It should also be borne in mind that such a puncture first gives terrible discomfort, but over time when piercing will heal, then you will never bother you anymore. The first few days is promised swelling and redness, but after 4-8 months he will heal completely. For such a piercing option in the ear, the segment ring will also fit.

    Piercing is located in the list of services of almost every beauty salon. Fantasy jewelers offering decorations for piercing, does not know borders.

    Types of servo (pisces)

    Earrings for piercing are called pises. Their choice is huge: from simple rings to complex structures.

    Requirements for decorations

    1. Decorations must have a smooth, easily processed surface.
    2. The carving on the decorations must be completely hidden under the ball.
    3. Decorations should not compress fabrics.


    The most commonly used pouls - rings. As a clashing in them, a ball or a ring segment is used, which makes it completely smooth. You can insert a ring in almost any part of the body, you just need to correctly select the diameter of the circle and the thickness of the wire.


    One of the varieties of the ring is the so-called "circular" - similar to the horseshoe pier, with two spinning balls. Circulars also differ in the diameter of the circle, the thickness of the wire and the magnitude of the closing balls. Depending on this, the circulars can be hung, for example, in the urchine and chiffs of the ear, the nasal partition, eyebrows, nipples, nippers and intimate parts of the body.

    And if you submit a circular across the spiral, then the Pier is called "Twisters". These earrings are also big, medium and small. They will be useful for punctures of ears, eyebrows, nipples, navel.


    The main among the more even piers are "Barbells", which means "rods" translated. The name went from the appearance, really similar to the Bodybuilder projectile: the balls are screwed onto a smooth stick on both sides, and for more extreme personalities - cones or balls with spikes.

    The longest rods (22-24 mm) are used for primary language piercing. When punching the language comes the so-called post-tramamatic edema, as a result of which he swells and increases significantly. If at this time the serving will "harm", may arise unpleasant complications, for example, the introduction of the ball into the fabric. Smaller "Tangchi" (sometimes they are called "dumbbells" due to the association with sports shells) 6-10 mm long and wire thickness 1.2-1.6 mm are suitable for puncture of eyebrows, nasal septum or intimate piercing.

    Labret's carnations

    For the upper and lower lips, as well as for the singer snaps, they use a servant with the name "Labret's carnations", by the name of its inventor. It looks like a shortened rod, on the one hand, an ending smooth plate, and on the other - the ball. The plate is located on the inside of the lip. For the feeling of complete comfort, its surface is not absolutely smooth, but with a small bend forward, to the lip, in the form of a hemisphere. The length of the chopstick itself with a thread from 6 to 12 mm, the wire thickness is 1.2 and 1.6 mm. At the request of the client, the outer ball can be replaced with a cone, a pyramid, a ball with spikes or rhinestones.


    From many years of piercing practice, it became clear that the cloves that are used to puncture the uha uhmosses are not suitable for constant wear in the nose, or rather in the wing of the nose, as they are easily lost due to the lack of a lock. In addition, they can damage the nasal partition with their sharp tip. Therefore, a special form of a clove twisted on the helix, which was called "Nostril", or "Nozdroke Screw" was developed. At the moment of inventing the earrings should be screwed into the hole as a camp. Such a serving does not bring any inconvenience to its owner and is not lost. The outer part "Nostril" has various forms, the most common of which is a small ball with a diameter of 2-3 mm or a ball with rhinestone. But there may also be cones, spirals, pyramids, squares and even flies.


    The most commonly used seelling for puncture navel - "Banana". 90% of customers piercing navels - women, the development of new models is designed mainly to them. Banana is the most physiological servant for navel: slightly curved rod (standard dimensions: length 1 cm, wire diameter 1.6 mm) is very successful for body bends in this area and does not interfere with movement. In the classic version of the banana from both sides ends with balls. The larger bulb is located directly in the navel deepening (diameter 6-8 mm), and the smaller is in the upper part of the puncture, at the same time being a clasp (diameter is 4-5 mm).

    In humans, piercing navel, is considered a good tone to have many different servants and change them depending on the outfits. It can be bananas from metals of various colors, decorated with crystal inserts, precious or semi-precious stones. At the bottom of the bottom ball can be made of silver or gold butterfly, lizard, flower, a playing cube, or a heart pulled by rhinestones.

    Article author Team of professionals Ayun Professional

    The main use of the rod is piercing, but they are perfectly suitable for almost any type of piercing, such as ear piercing, intimate piercing, Piercing Industrial. Micro-graders can be used for eyebrow piercing.

    In our store you can buy rods from surgical steel, titanium, bioplastic, acrylic, classic and with various inserts.

    Bananas for piercing navel

    consist from a curved rod with a ball, which is inserted into a puncture and jewelry suspension or a ball with a crystalline insert. Surgical steel, titanium, bioplastic, suspensions are made from jewelry of alloys, precious metals, using a variety of crystalline inserts.

    Bananas for eyebrow piercing

    the main use is a vertical and horizontal eyebrow piercing, but are also used for horizontal and vertical piercing of the language, longitudinal piercing of the Ear, intimate piercing.


    Rings are universal decorations for almost all types of piercing. The most frequent application is the piercing of the ear of the ear, but the rings are perfectly suitable for the piercing of ear cartilage, nose piercing, lips, almost all types of intimate piercing. After the ring is inserted into the puncture, it is locked with a ball.


    they have the same appointment as rings, but more convenient to operate, as they have screwed balls.

    Tunnels, Plaga, Stretch

    Tunnels, plagges are a very popular type of ear piercing. In our store a huge range of tunnels and plagments from a variety of materials: surgical steel, titanium, acrylic, silicone. Stretch marks presented in our store can be used not only for stretching punctures under the tonnel


    Labret (Labret) is the main decoration for lip piercing. Used for piercing bottom lips, monroe piercing, Madonna piercing, jellyfish piercing.

    Also, labres can be used for piercing cheeks, different types of ear cartilage piercing and ear dump.

    In our store, labres from surgical steel 316L, anodized steel, titanium G23, Bioflex, bioplast and acrylic are widely represented.


    Used to piercing the wings of the nose. May have an end in the form of a ball or spiral (snails). Their surgical steel, titanium, bioflex, precious metals are manufactured using crystalline inserts.


    The intradermal implantation of microdermals is an extremely popular direction of modern piercing and bodies, at which one, or several intradermal bases installed, and they screw various decorations. With the implantation of microdermals, their good survival is very important, so the bases of microdermals are made exclusively from titanium G23.Moves are permissible to use 316L surgical steel

    The main use of the rod is piercing, but they are perfectly suitable for almost any type of piercing, such as ear piercing, intimate piercing, Piercing Industrial. Micro-graders can be used for eyebrow piercing.

    In our store you can buy rods from surgical steel, titanium, bioplastic, acrylic, classic and with various inserts.

    Bananas for piercing navel

    consist from a curved rod with a ball, which is inserted into a puncture and jewelry suspension or a ball with a crystalline insert. Surgical steel, titanium, bioplastic, suspensions are made from jewelry of alloys, precious metals, using a variety of crystalline inserts.

    Bananas for eyebrow piercing

    the main use is a vertical and horizontal eyebrow piercing, but are also used for horizontal and vertical piercing of the language, longitudinal piercing of the Ear, intimate piercing.


    Rings are universal decorations for almost all types of piercing. The most frequent application is the piercing of the ear of the ear, but the rings are perfectly suitable for the piercing of ear cartilage, nose piercing, lips, almost all types of intimate piercing. After the ring is inserted into the puncture, it is locked with a ball.


    they have the same appointment as rings, but more convenient to operate, as they have screwed balls.

    Tunnels, Plaga, Stretch

    Tunnels, plagges are a very popular type of ear piercing. In our store a huge range of tunnels and plagments from a variety of materials: surgical steel, titanium, acrylic, silicone. Stretch marks presented in our store can be used not only for stretching punctures under the tonnel


    Labret (Labret) is the main decoration for lip piercing. Used for piercing bottom lips, monroe piercing, Madonna piercing, jellyfish piercing.

    Also, labres can be used for piercing cheeks, different types of ear cartilage piercing and ear dump.

    In our store, labres from surgical steel 316L, anodized steel, titanium G23, Bioflex, bioplast and acrylic are widely represented.


    Used to piercing the wings of the nose. May have an end in the form of a ball or spiral (snails). Their surgical steel, titanium, bioflex, precious metals are manufactured using crystalline inserts.


    The intradermal implantation of microdermals is an extremely popular direction of modern piercing and bodies, at which one, or several intradermal bases installed, and they screw various decorations. With the implantation of microdermals, their good survival is very important, so the bases of microdermals are made exclusively from titanium G23.Moves are permissible to use 316L surgical steel