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  • Definition of the genus among nouns in the plural
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  • Determination of the genus among nouns in the plural. Russian language.3 class. "Noun

    Determination of the genus among nouns in the plural. Russian language.3 class.

    In this lesson, you will learn what kind of names are nouns, it is practiced in the definition of the genus nouns in the only thing and in the plural, you will watch the generic terminiors of nouns. Why is it a permanent sign of nouns names? What virgin names can not be determined? Are there any nouns common? You can get answers to these questions.


    Our ancestors, ancient Slavs, sometime all things and creatures were divided into three classes - male clan, female and "real" (or "real"). They deified many items, hanging their female or male native.

    For example, the word child - of things in the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to enjoy personal property. (V. Volin)

    Do you know that there are languages \u200b\u200bin whichthere is no kind of nouns. This is English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin which nouns have onlytwo kinds. This is French, Spanish, Italian.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin whichgiving birth is much more than in our language.

    For example, in many languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Caucasus, Africa can be up to 40 childbirth. They are called "classes" there. (N. Bethenkova)

    The subject of the lesson: "The genus nouns. Generic ending names of nouns. "

    How to recognize the genus nouns

    Read nouns names. Which of them are called men, and what women?

    Grandfather, Mom, Sister, Dad, Grandma, Son, Brother, Granddaughter, Uncle, Aunt, Daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

    In Russian, the names of the nouns are male genus and female. What kind did we write words to each column?





    great grandfather


    These are words of a male race, since they can be substituted with the word is he.

    These are words of female kind, since they can be substituted with the word she is.

    What word can you substitute for these words?

    Wheel, Wood, Insect, Towel - IT. These are the words of the middle kind.

    Nouns names there are male, female and medium kind. The genus nouns will recognize, substituting the pronoun.

    To noun names male You can substitute words he is mine.

    To noun names female You can substitute words she is mine.

    To noun names neuter You can substitute words it is mine.

    We define the genus nouns in the plural

    If you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form. The initial form of the nouns is responsible for questions who? what?

    Rushed cranes

    And the ruchies have already been away.

    Did not have time to look back

    Bedrooms in the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

    Cranes - In, Nach.Form - who? Zhuravl, he, M.R.

    Grachics- in, Nach.Form - Who? Grach, he, M.R.

    Blizzards - in, beginning Form - what? Blizzard, she, Zh.R.

    Snow- in units, beginning. Form - What? Snow, he, M.R.

    Why kind is the constant sign of nouns names

    If the name is a noun, for example, a female kind, maybe it is male or medium?

    Nouns are already born with the words of male, female or medium kind. According to childbirth, they do not change. That is why the gene is a permanent sign of nouns names.


    Sketched the sky

    White drifts.

    Burned the sun on them

    Doors and edge. (I. Zagrevskaya)

    March - He, M.R.

    Sky - It, cf.

    Sugrooby - in, beginning Form - What? Sugarb, he, M.R.

    The sun- It, cf.

    Doors - in, beginning Form - What? Door, she, Zh.R.

    Finance - in, beginning Form - what? Window, it, cf.r.

    What virgin names can not be determined?

    Opper, curlers, blinds, mustache, sleds, skiing, skates, vacation.

    Oph. - what? OKO, it, cf.

    Biguchi, blinds

    Mustache- what? Us, he, M.R.

    Sanki.- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Skiing- what? Ski, she, Zh.R.

    Skates - what? Konon, he, M.R.

    vacation- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.

    For example, pants, nippers, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, ticks, twilight.

    Natives Nouns General

    Interesting nouns names: orphan, clever, swax.

    Smart - Who can praise this word, a boy or a girl?

    Compare: He was a round orphan. She was a round orphan.

    These nouns, depending on concrete circumstances, can act as nouns for men (He was so clever!), then as nouns female(She was so clever!)

    This is nouns common race.

    Pick up natives Nouns General: waved, Fidget, Tikhonya, Tax, Zakonyka, Sweet tooth.

    Generic ending of nouns

    What endings can have nouns in men's, female and middle way?

    pop but

    Slav but

    unlad i

    You i

    daughter but

    nature but

    Dash but

    tet i


    movement e.

    merry e.

    bEL e.

    Borodin about

    lace about

    poltoles about

    Finish the scheme: Enter the end.

    Nouns have nouns male most often ending -A -I, and zero.

    Nouns have nouns female ending-and -a and zero.

    Nouns have nouns the middle end of the end is -O, -e, -e.

    (Some nouns end, eg, dIT i, Flame i, time i ).

    What is general in words - nouns of nouns for men, female and medium kind

    At nouns male and female may be the same ending -And, zero.

    Is it possible to determine only at the end of the genus nouns?

    Solve the spelling task in the end of the names of nouns

    Povaev_, Radug_, Caves_, swamp_, rally_, knees_, wheels _, patronymic, lakes_.

    Knowing the name of the noun, substitute words it, she, You can solve the spelling task in the end, correctly write the letter of the unstressed vowel.

    Peremn_ Ond, ending -O

    rainb_ ONA, ending -A

    caves_oNA, ending -A

    swamp_ Ond, ending -O

    polyan_ ONA, ending -A

    knee_, Kololeik _, patronymic, lakes_ ONό, ending -o.

    PRAID about, Raduga butCaves but, swamp about, Polyan but, knees about, Kolovyk aboutPatronage about, lakes about.

    How are the borrowed words are distributed?

    In Russian word the sun - Middle kind.

    In German word the sun - Women's kind ("di zone").

    The British simply say "San" ( the sun), which does not have a noun any of the existing clans.

    Among the French the sun - Male kind ("le salts").

    Spanish "El Sol" the sun - male.

    How to distribute the words that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

    In russian language borrowed words retain the genus they had in a foreign language.

    This explains the fact that in the modern Russian word piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the male race;

    flip, chassis, domino - to the middle race, and the word shawl- To the female race.

    Nouns borrowed from languages \u200b\u200bin which there is no genus, in Russian receive it: basketball, football (from English) - male race.

    We are looking for nouns, define their genus

    Check yourself. Find nouns names, determine their genus.

    Who wrote on?

    Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay signs. In the east, the paper replaced the ivory. For the letter, animal skin was often used - parchment. In ancient Russia wrote on the birch crust, Bereste.

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    manuscripts - Manuscript, J.R.,

    on signs - sign, J.R.,

    in the east - East, M.R.,

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    bone - J.R.,

    for a letter - Letter, cf.,

    skin - leather, railway,

    animals- animal, cf.,

    parchment - M.R.,

    in Russia - Rus, J.R.,

    on the kore - Bark, J.R.,

    bereste- Beresta - J.R.


    Female sign I will remember i

    And I will say: "She is mine."

    And remember the genus men

    And again I will say: "He is mine."

    Middle genus - it is mine!

    This is your rule! (E. Semenova)

    At the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form.

    By childbirth, nouns do not change.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.


    1. M.S. Solovychik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    2. M.S. Solovechik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    3. T. V. Koreshkova test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    4. T. V. Koreshkova Penate! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3 cl.: In 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb.: Karo, 2003.
    6. T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


    1. To these names, noucent selective nouns names. Specify the genus.

      Ran - ...

      Strengthening - ...

      The border - …

      Bay - ...

      Luck - …

      Curtain - …

      Responsibility - ...

      Silence - ...
      Words for references: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, debt, ring, darkness, curtains, frontier.

    2. Read the text. Identify the genus nouns.


      Gorilla lives in Prague Zoo. Once in the morning, the monkey suddenly sick. She refused food, moaning. The doctor decided that the animal was smoking. Gorilla gave medicine and gone. The monkey instantly recovered. During the inspection, she pulled the key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage and began to walk along the zoo.

    3. Read the text. Find nouns names, write them in 3 columns:

      m. r., g. R. , Wed. R.

      Petya dreams.

      If B soap


      In the mornings to me in bed

      And my soap itself -

      It would be good!

      If B, let's say


      Presented such a tutorial

      So that he would

      Himself could

      Answer any lesson ...

      If I will give me a penny

      So that the task could solve

      Write a dictation of any ... (B. Skod)

    1. Internet portal OLDSKOLA1.NAROD.RU ().
    2. Internet portal ().
    3. Internet portal ().
    4. Internet portal ().

    In this lesson, you will learn what kind of names are nouns, it is practiced in the definition of the genus nouns in the only thing and in the plural, you will watch the generic terminiors of nouns. Why is it a permanent sign of nouns names? What virgin names can not be determined? Are there any nouns common? You can get answers to these questions.


    Our ancestors, ancient Slavs, sometime all things and creatures were divided into three classes - male clan, female and "real" (or "real"). They deified many items, hanging their female or male native.

    For example, the word child - of things in the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to enjoy personal property. (V. Volin)

    Do you know that there are languages \u200b\u200bin whichthere is no kind of nouns. This is English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin which nouns have onlytwo kinds. This is French, Spanish, Italian.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin whichgiving birth is much more than in our language.

    For example, in many languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Caucasus, Africa can be up to 40 childbirth. They are called "classes" there. (N. Bethenkova)

    The subject of the lesson: "The genus nouns. Generic ending names of nouns. "

    How to recognize the genus nouns

    Read nouns names. Which of them are called men, and what women?

    Grandfather, Mom, Sister, Dad, Grandma, Son, Brother, Granddaughter, Uncle, Aunt, Daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

    In Russian, the names of the nouns are male genus and female. What kind did we write words to each column?





    great grandfather


    These are words of a male race, since they can be substituted with the word is he.

    These are words of female kind, since they can be substituted with the word she is.

    What word can you substitute for these words?

    Wheel, Wood, Insect, Towel - IT. These are the words of the middle kind.

    Nouns names there are male, female and medium kind. The genus nouns will recognize, substituting the pronoun.

    To noun names male You can substitute words he is mine.

    To noun names female You can substitute words she is mine.

    To noun names neuter You can substitute words it is mine.

    We define the genus nouns in the plural

    If you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form. The initial form of the nouns is responsible for questions who? what?

    Rushed cranes

    And the ruchies have already been away.

    Did not have time to look back

    Bedrooms in the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

    Cranes - In, Nach.Form - who? Zhuravl, he, M.R.

    Grachics- in, Nach.Form - Who? Grach, he, M.R.

    Blizzards - in, beginning Form - what? Blizzard, she, Zh.R.

    Snow- in units, beginning. Form - What? Snow, he, M.R.

    Why kind is the constant sign of nouns names

    If the name is a noun, for example, a female kind, maybe it is male or medium?

    Nouns are already born with the words of male, female or medium kind. According to childbirth, they do not change. That is why the gene is a permanent sign of nouns names.


    Sketched the sky

    White drifts.

    Burned the sun on them

    Doors and edge. (I. Zagrevskaya)

    March - He, M.R.

    Sky - It, cf.

    Sugrooby - in, beginning Form - What? Sugarb, he, M.R.

    The sun- It, cf.

    Doors - in, beginning Form - What? Door, she, Zh.R.

    Finance - in, beginning Form - what? Window, it, cf.r.

    What virgin names can not be determined?

    Opper, curlers, blinds, mustache, sleds, skiing, skates, vacation.

    Oph. - what? OKO, it, cf.

    Biguchi, blinds

    Mustache- what? Us, he, M.R.

    Sanki.- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Skiing- what? Ski, she, Zh.R.

    Skates - what? Konon, he, M.R.

    vacation- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.

    For example, pants, nippers, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, ticks, twilight.

    Natives Nouns General

    Interesting nouns names: orphan, clever, swax.

    Smart - Who can praise this word, a boy or a girl?

    Compare: He was a round orphan. She was a round orphan.

    These nouns, depending on concrete circumstances, can act as nouns for men (He was so clever!), then as nouns female(She was so clever!)

    This is nouns common race.

    Pick up natives Nouns General: waved, Fidget, Tikhonya, Tax, Zakonyka, Sweet tooth.

    Generic ending of nouns

    What endings can have nouns in men's, female and middle way?

    pop but

    Slav but

    unlad i

    You i

    daughter but

    nature but

    Dash but

    tet i


    movement e.

    merry e.

    bEL e.

    Borodin about

    lace about

    poltoles about

    Finish the scheme: Enter the end.

    Nouns have nouns male most often ending -A -I, and zero.

    Nouns have nouns female ending-and -a and zero.

    Nouns have nouns the middle end of the end is -O, -e, -e.

    (Some nouns end, eg, dIT i, Flame i, time i ).

    What is general in words - nouns of nouns for men, female and medium kind

    At nouns male and female may be the same ending -And, zero.

    Is it possible to determine only at the end of the genus nouns?

    Solve the spelling task in the end of the names of nouns

    Povaev_, Radug_, Caves_, swamp_, rally_, knees_, wheels _, patronymic, lakes_.

    Knowing the name of the noun, substitute words it, she, You can solve the spelling task in the end, correctly write the letter of the unstressed vowel.

    Peremn_ Ond, ending -O

    rainb_ ONA, ending -A

    caves_oNA, ending -A

    swamp_ Ond, ending -O

    polyan_ ONA, ending -A

    knee_, Kololeik _, patronymic, lakes_ ONό, ending -o.

    PRAID about, Raduga butCaves but, swamp about, Polyan but, knees about, Kolovyk aboutPatronage about, lakes about.

    How are the borrowed words are distributed?

    In Russian word the sun - Middle kind.

    In German word the sun - Women's kind ("di zone").

    The British simply say "San" ( the sun), which does not have a noun any of the existing clans.

    Among the French the sun - Male kind ("le salts").

    Spanish "El Sol" the sun - male.

    How to distribute the words that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

    In russian language borrowed words retain the genus they had in a foreign language.

    This explains the fact that in the modern Russian word piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the male race;

    flip, chassis, domino - to the middle race, and the word shawl- To the female race.

    Nouns borrowed from languages \u200b\u200bin which there is no genus, in Russian receive it: basketball, football (from English) - male race.

    We are looking for nouns, define their genus

    Check yourself. Find nouns names, determine their genus.

    Who wrote on?

    Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay signs. In the east, the paper replaced the ivory. For the letter, animal skin was often used - parchment. In ancient Russia wrote on the birch crust, Bereste.

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    manuscripts - Manuscript, J.R.,

    on signs - sign, J.R.,

    in the east - East, M.R.,

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    bone - J.R.,

    for a letter - Letter, cf.,

    skin - leather, railway,

    animals- animal, cf.,

    parchment - M.R.,

    in Russia - Rus, J.R.,

    on the kore - Bark, J.R.,

    bereste- Beresta - J.R.


    Female sign I will remember i

    And I will say: "She is mine."

    And remember the genus men

    And again I will say: "He is mine."

    Middle genus - it is mine!

    This is your rule! (E. Semenova)

    At the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form.

    By childbirth, nouns do not change.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.


    1. M.S. Solovychik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    2. M.S. Solovechik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    3. T. V. Koreshkova test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    4. T. V. Koreshkova Penate! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3 cl.: In 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb.: Karo, 2003.
    6. T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


    1. To these names, noucent selective nouns names. Specify the genus.

      Ran - ...

      Strengthening - ...

      The border - …

      Bay - ...

      Luck - …

      Curtain - …

      Responsibility - ...

      Silence - ...
      Words for references: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, debt, ring, darkness, curtains, frontier.

    2. Read the text. Identify the genus nouns.


      Gorilla lives in Prague Zoo. Once in the morning, the monkey suddenly sick. She refused food, moaning. The doctor decided that the animal was smoking. Gorilla gave medicine and gone. The monkey instantly recovered. During the inspection, she pulled the key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage and began to walk along the zoo.

    3. Read the text. Find nouns names, write them in 3 columns:

      m. r., g. R. , Wed. R.

      Petya dreams.

      If B soap


      In the mornings to me in bed

      And my soap itself -

      It would be good!

      If B, let's say


      Presented such a tutorial

      So that he would

      Himself could

      Answer any lesson ...

      If I will give me a penny

      So that the task could solve

      Write a dictation of any ... (B. Skod)

    1. Internet portal OLDSKOLA1.NAROD.RU ().
    2. Internet portal ().
    3. Internet portal ().
    4. Internet portal ().

    Purpose: Acquaintance with the reception of determining the genus nouns in the plural.

    Tasks: - to acquaint with the reception of determining the kind of nouns of nouns in the plural;

    Consolidate knowledge of the receipt of the genus nouns the only number ;

    Repeat the studied spells: oteloteliki ъ and b;

    Develop thinking and speech.

    Equipment: Sets of cards with words to work in groups and on the board, magnetic board, pictures: birch, beetles, apples, snowflakes, beds, scissors.

    During the classes:

    I organizing a moment.

    II.Staging a learning task:

    1) - What kind of big partition did we start learning?

    - What part of speech in more detail we talked about previous lessons?

    - Give the definition of the noun (tell the rule)

    2) Work in groups.

    - On your desks are cards with names recorded on them. Break them into groups.

    Male genus "href \u003d" / text / category / muzhskoj_rod / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Male genus Middle Rod

    monkey Departure Announcement

    Sophia union

    - How did you define the genus?

    (Using Rule.)

    III Formulation of the problem. Goal.

    (When determining the genus solovyadifficulties arise - various answers, no answers - a problem!)

    - What is the difference between this word from other nouns names that are on your cards?

    What is the purpose of our lesson?

    (The purpose of our lesson today is to find out how to determine the genus nouns that stand in a plural).

    IV "Opening" by children of new knowledge.

    1) - determine the name of the noun solovya. What did you do for this?

    (Put in the singular, and then used the studied rule)

    (responding invented, who guessed the first students, explain to others)

    2) - Try it to define another name of the noun. (Each pair pulls sheets with the word.)

    - Justify your answer. How did you define the genus nouns?

    3) - Check yourself. Information on s. 154. In the textbook:

    To learn the name of the noun, which is in the plural, you must put it in the singular:

    Names - Name (cf. r.), Surnames - Surname (g. R.)

    V Primary fixing (commenting)

    UPR. 409 p. 154:

    Determine the name of nouns names. Write them in the singular in three columns - by childbirth.

    Letters, nuts, cucumbers, aspens, wings, tomatoes, rooms, rockets, swamps, feathers, minutes, vegetables, monkeys, balls, pigeons, streams, nests, trees.

    (I discharge the words in 3 columns, determining the genus nouns in the plural, at the end add one more word in each column.)

    Work on the ground, "chain", with pronouncing out loud.

    VI Fizkultminutka.

    VII independent work.

    (by options on cards)

    - Spish words from cards in the notebook, continuing the columns from the previous exercise.

    First level.

    Determine the genus nouns. To do this, write them in the singular.

    I option

    Calendars, winter, saucer, blankets, pines, business.

    II option

    Frost, towels, grandparents, shadows, uncle, horses.

    Second level.

    Find the names of the nouns, write them in the singular and define the genus.

    I option

    What is the master

    On the hole of the scene

    And leaves and herbs,

    And bushes of roses?

    II option

    Stand in the sister field

    Yellow eye

    white cilia.

    White flies

    On the fields sat down.


    - Change notebooks, help a friend if necessary.

    VIII Repetition.

    - With one of the words, make a proposal (orally). The most beautiful offer is recorded (one student at the board).

    - Display from members of the offer and in parts of speech.

    (An additional question is responsible - on the petal "chamomile". Evaluation.)

    IX result.

    - What's new you learned in class?

    - Can you now determine the name of the noun in the plural? How?

    - Want to check yourself?

    Painted dictation:

    1. Write the words (show pictures):

    Birch, beetles, apples, snowflakes, beds. "width \u003d" 244 "height \u003d" 163 src \u003d "\u003e

    X Homework:

    - In Russian, many mysteries, controversial moments. In every class you will find out something new.

    For example, how to say correctly: sorrel or sorrel? Needle or needle? In your tutorial on with. 254 (Open) There are small staggamas where you can learn how to pronounce these and other words. At home, write out of this dictionary of 10 nouns, put the sign of the stress and determine the genus. (It uPR. 412 p.155)

    Additional task for those who want: to find the proverb's houses, in which there are nouns in the plural, and write to the notebook. Determine the genus nouns.

    In this lesson, you will learn what kind of names are nouns, it is practiced in the definition of the genus nouns in the only thing and in the plural, you will watch the generic terminiors of nouns. Why is it a permanent sign of nouns names? What virgin names can not be determined? Are there any nouns common? You can get answers to these questions.


    Our ancestors, ancient Slavs, sometime all things and creatures were divided into three classes - male clan, female and "real" (or "real"). They deified many items, hanging their female or male native.

    For example, the word child - of things in the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to enjoy personal property. (V. Volin)

    Do you know that there are languages \u200b\u200bin whichthere is no kind of nouns. This is English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin which nouns have onlytwo kinds. This is French, Spanish, Italian.

    There are languages \u200b\u200bin whichgiving birth is much more than in our language.

    For example, in many languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Caucasus, Africa can be up to 40 childbirth. They are called "classes" there. (N. Bethenkova)

    The subject of the lesson: "The genus nouns. Generic ending names of nouns. "

    How to recognize the genus nouns

    Read nouns names. Which of them are called men, and what women?

    Grandfather, Mom, Sister, Dad, Grandma, Son, Brother, Granddaughter, Uncle, Aunt, Daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

    In Russian, the names of the nouns are male genus and female. What kind did we write words to each column?





    great grandfather


    These are words of a male race, since they can be substituted with the word is he.

    These are words of female kind, since they can be substituted with the word she is.

    What word can you substitute for these words?

    Wheel, Wood, Insect, Towel - IT. These are the words of the middle kind.

    Nouns names there are male, female and medium kind. The genus nouns will recognize, substituting the pronoun.

    To noun names male You can substitute words he is mine.

    To noun names female You can substitute words she is mine.

    To noun names neuter You can substitute words it is mine.

    We define the genus nouns in the plural

    If you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form. The initial form of the nouns is responsible for questions who? what?

    Rushed cranes

    And the ruchies have already been away.

    Did not have time to look back

    Bedrooms in the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

    Cranes - In, Nach.Form - who? Zhuravl, he, M.R.

    Grachics- in, Nach.Form - Who? Grach, he, M.R.

    Blizzards - in, beginning Form - what? Blizzard, she, Zh.R.

    Snow- in units, beginning. Form - What? Snow, he, M.R.

    Why kind is the constant sign of nouns names

    If the name is a noun, for example, a female kind, maybe it is male or medium?

    Nouns are already born with the words of male, female or medium kind. According to childbirth, they do not change. That is why the gene is a permanent sign of nouns names.


    Sketched the sky

    White drifts.

    Burned the sun on them

    Doors and edge. (I. Zagrevskaya)

    March - He, M.R.

    Sky - It, cf.

    Sugrooby - in, beginning Form - What? Sugarb, he, M.R.

    The sun- It, cf.

    Doors - in, beginning Form - What? Door, she, Zh.R.

    Finance - in, beginning Form - what? Window, it, cf.r.

    What virgin names can not be determined?

    Opper, curlers, blinds, mustache, sleds, skiing, skates, vacation.

    Oph. - what? OKO, it, cf.

    Biguchi, blinds

    Mustache- what? Us, he, M.R.

    Sanki.- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Skiing- what? Ski, she, Zh.R.

    Skates - what? Konon, he, M.R.

    vacation- It is impossible to use in the singular.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.

    For example, pants, nippers, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, ticks, twilight.

    Natives Nouns General

    Interesting nouns names: orphan, clever, swax.

    Smart - Who can praise this word, a boy or a girl?

    Compare: He was a round orphan. She was a round orphan.

    These nouns, depending on concrete circumstances, can act as nouns for men (He was so clever!), then as nouns female(She was so clever!)

    This is nouns common race.

    Pick up natives Nouns General: waved, Fidget, Tikhonya, Tax, Zakonyka, Sweet tooth.

    Generic ending of nouns

    What endings can have nouns in men's, female and middle way?

    pop but

    Slav but

    unlad i

    You i

    daughter but

    nature but

    Dash but

    tet i


    movement e.

    merry e.

    bEL e.

    Borodin about

    lace about

    poltoles about

    Finish the scheme: Enter the end.

    Nouns have nouns male most often ending -A -I, and zero.

    Nouns have nouns female ending-and -a and zero.

    Nouns have nouns the middle end of the end is -O, -e, -e.

    (Some nouns end, eg, dIT i, Flame i, time i ).

    What is general in words - nouns of nouns for men, female and medium kind

    At nouns male and female may be the same ending -And, zero.

    Is it possible to determine only at the end of the genus nouns?

    Solve the spelling task in the end of the names of nouns

    Povaev_, Radug_, Caves_, swamp_, rally_, knees_, wheels _, patronymic, lakes_.

    Knowing the name of the noun, substitute words it, she, You can solve the spelling task in the end, correctly write the letter of the unstressed vowel.

    Peremn_ Ond, ending -O

    rainb_ ONA, ending -A

    caves_oNA, ending -A

    swamp_ Ond, ending -O

    polyan_ ONA, ending -A

    knee_, Kololeik _, patronymic, lakes_ ONό, ending -o.

    PRAID about, Raduga butCaves but, swamp about, Polyan but, knees about, Kolovyk aboutPatronage about, lakes about.

    How are the borrowed words are distributed?

    In Russian word the sun - Middle kind.

    In German word the sun - Women's kind ("di zone").

    The British simply say "San" ( the sun), which does not have a noun any of the existing clans.

    Among the French the sun - Male kind ("le salts").

    Spanish "El Sol" the sun - male.

    How to distribute the words that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

    In russian language borrowed words retain the genus they had in a foreign language.

    This explains the fact that in the modern Russian word piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the male race;

    flip, chassis, domino - to the middle race, and the word shawl- To the female race.

    Nouns borrowed from languages \u200b\u200bin which there is no genus, in Russian receive it: basketball, football (from English) - male race.

    We are looking for nouns, define their genus

    Check yourself. Find nouns names, determine their genus.

    Who wrote on?

    Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay signs. In the east, the paper replaced the ivory. For the letter, animal skin was often used - parchment. In ancient Russia wrote on the birch crust, Bereste.

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    manuscripts - Manuscript, J.R.,

    on signs - sign, J.R.,

    in the east - East, M.R.,

    paper - Paper, J.R.,

    bone - J.R.,

    for a letter - Letter, cf.,

    skin - leather, railway,

    animals- animal, cf.,

    parchment - M.R.,

    in Russia - Rus, J.R.,

    on the kore - Bark, J.R.,

    bereste- Beresta - J.R.


    Female sign I will remember i

    And I will say: "She is mine."

    And remember the genus men

    And again I will say: "He is mine."

    Middle genus - it is mine!

    This is your rule! (E. Semenova)

    At the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the name of the noun used in the plural, the word first put in a single number in the initial form.

    By childbirth, nouns do not change.

    Nouns have nouns who do not have a single number form, it is impossible to determine.


    1. M.S. Solovychik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    2. M.S. Solovechik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
    3. T. V. Koreshkova test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    4. T. V. Koreshkova Penate! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3 cl.: In 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
    5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb.: Karo, 2003.
    6. T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


    1. To these names, noucent selective nouns names. Specify the genus.

      Ran - ...

      Strengthening - ...

      The border - …

      Bay - ...

      Luck - …

      Curtain - …

      Responsibility - ...

      Silence - ...
      Words for references: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, debt, ring, darkness, curtains, frontier.

    2. Read the text. Identify the genus nouns.


      Gorilla lives in Prague Zoo. Once in the morning, the monkey suddenly sick. She refused food, moaning. The doctor decided that the animal was smoking. Gorilla gave medicine and gone. The monkey instantly recovered. During the inspection, she pulled the key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage and began to walk along the zoo.

    3. Read the text. Find nouns names, write them in 3 columns:

      m. r., g. R. , Wed. R.

      Petya dreams.

      If B soap


      In the mornings to me in bed

      And my soap itself -

      It would be good!

      If B, let's say


      Presented such a tutorial

      So that he would

      Himself could

      Answer any lesson ...

      If I will give me a penny

      So that the task could solve

      Write a dictation of any ... (B. Skod)

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