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  • Does suffix at the verbs. IPS spelling commenting Russian dictionary

    Does suffix at the verbs. IPS spelling commenting Russian dictionary

    The spelling of the verb is not such a light topic, as it seems at first glance, and many understand it. Vowels and consonants in the root, ending, consoles - all this requires separate attention. The suffixes in indefinite are also not so simple. Hidden, type of verb - it affects very and very much. But and with this you can easily cope, there would be a desire. Let's try to understand what the spelling of verbus suffixes is specifically depends on, and what they are, these are the very suffixes are in general.

    Fundamental basis

    Any lesson of the Russian language "uncertain form of verb" would have begun from determining the appropriate concept. Infinitive (namely, this is the name of it in scientific) - the initial, zero form given in the dictionaries and has no morphological signs. So, an indefinite form of verb: the time, the face, the number and inclination is missing, but it has perfect ( reply) or imperfect ( respond) View; Posted category - Valid ( pronounce) and suffering ( should pronounce); repayment ( turn out) and non-return ( run). This word word is responsible for questions. what to do? and what to do? And one of its main features are suffixes in an indefinite form of verb: - ty, whose-. Some linguists allocate such suffixes like - st- and - sTI-.

    And how to understand what is the infinitive?

    The definition seems to have figured out. And what's next? As a form of verb? Is it possible to somehow understand that we are infinitive before us, and not something else? Easily! Take the verb you need, for example, to read, and look at it (those parts of the word, of which it consists). In this case, our suffix has - t.- In addition, we ask a question to the verb: to read - what to do? And the second feature corresponds. For complete confidence, you can try to determine the face, number and time - and it is impossible to do it. But the view ( what to do? - imperfect), repayment (there is no postfix - - and pledge ( to read - I do myself - valid) are detected without difficulty.

    Another example - verb migai. There is no suffix you needed here, and attempts to ask a question he answers what do you do? - again not what we need. It is already clear that in this example there is a person (I migai - First), and the number (the only), and time (present), as well as the type (imperfect), and the return (non-returnable), and the pledge (valid). That is, this word form is not an infinitive.

    Before determining the indefinite form of the verb, you need to check it for the presence of basic morphological signs. If there are no - perfectly, the infinitives are before us, if there is a person, the number and time, then it is simply a declined form of verb.

    Ending in infinitive?

    Another very hard question for many is the spelling of the verbal endings, depending on the hide. I am not very easy question - first determine how the surveillance is the verb, and for this you need to put the verb to our indefinite shape, to see what it ends, based on this, if possible, decide on the hide and only then put the ending in Personal form of verb. With infinitive, everything is much easier.

    The endings of the verbs in an indefinite form - the topic that is not. Now many misunderstandingly frowning: after all, in some way we define the same Hope, we look at the end for this? No no and one more time no. The same vowel in front of infinitive suffixes is another suffix, although some linguists determine it as the end. Be sure to memorize: there are no morphological signs, then the endings of the verbs in an indefinite form can not be. For infinitive, only suffixes are characterized.

    Suffix, not the end

    Let's return to the final, infinitive suffix. What depends on which one to choose to choose for the verb? Of course, for the carrier of the Russian language, this is not a problem at all - we intuitively feel that it is used, but for those who study the great and mighty as a foreign one, such a choice may be very difficult.

    Suffix - t.- usually under stress ( carry, carry), as well as it is found in the words derived from these, when the accrehension accumulative accumulation appears in them ( take out, take out) - most often this prefix - you-.

    -t.- in turn meets where there are no stress ( speak, laugh).

    Availability - st- and - sTI- characteristic of the verbs, the foundation of which ends on - d, T.- (fall - fall, punch - weave), the second suffix also exists in the verbs, the basis of which in personal form ends on - b.- (rowing - Greshy).

    Of course, there are a number of cases where the suffixes in an indefinite form of verb are not subject to the basic rules, for example, klyanu - Klyasti, Rasta - growBut in this situation you can say that these verbs are peculiar exceptions, so that, no matter how sad it is, it is necessary to memorize.

    Complete the task

    In general, we only consider standard - t, tee, whose, st- As suffixes in an indefinable form of the verb, speaking of speech spelling this part of speech, not very correctly. There are still suffixes - ov, Eva- and - willow, Yva- whose choice is also associated with certain difficulties. They meet in such words as, for example, confess, talk, mortgage etc.

    Spelling in this case requires the formulation of this verb itself in the first person of the singular (this is what corresponds to pronoun i). If the required form ends on - ju, Yuu.-, then you should choose suffixes - ov / Eva- (pursuing, pursue, fighting) if on - i'm, Ivay.-, then suffixes will go - willow, Yva- (i instinate-bury, insistant-insist).

    And now more complicate

    Continue the topic of spelling of suffixes can be another interesting rule. Those verbs that end on the shock - vat-, retain the same vowel in front of the suffix in infinitive without this end, which is before this suffix in the hidden form of the verb ( fill up).

    In addition, there are interesting, not quite obeying the overall rule of the word. In the indefinite form of the verb, the composite suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in them - jenet-: bone, dumbfound etc.

    A little nightmare

    Another "favorite" almost all schoolchildren the topic - the spelling of the suffix before - t, tee, whose, st- from which the choice of leasing verb usually depends. Of course, sometimes it is obvious, but sometimes, in words like glue, everything is not as easy as I would like.

    In this case, you will have to deepen in touch. As you know, the verbs have the first and second lifting. Both of them affect the choice of ending in the personal forms of verb. The problem is that sometimes the ending in personal form is obvious, but what to write in front of an infinitive suffix is \u200b\u200bnot always clear. In this case, we take a controversial verb and begin to hide it. If the endings in the hidden forms correspond to the endings of the first lion ( -Yu, -eat, -the, but, -the, -t), then it is necessary to write those suffixes for which the first rigging is determined - - - aT, Yat- if the second ( -You, ",", ",", ", -Th, -Y-like), then, respectively, -It. For example, the same cle? T - glue, glue, glue - Thus, once corresponding to the endings of the second rigging, you need to write the suffix of this very second routing - iT.

    Finish line: Soft sign in infinitive

    And now let's turn to the latter from particularly important aspects relating to the infinitive. Certain difficulties cause a soft sign in an indefinite form of the verb - the hero of a huge amount of Internet memes in the style of "pain of any competent person." In general, it is very difficult to say why such a simple topic seems so heavy, well, oh well, and deal with it.

    Is it worth writing a soft sign in infinitive or not, it is very easy to determine. Take the verb, best in the third face of the only number (this is what corresponds to pronouns he she it), and ask him. If the question what is he doing?, the soft sign will not be in this form, nor in infinitive ( he teaches? Xia - what does it do? - Studies) if the question is what to do?, respectively, the soft sign will appear in both forms ( does he want to learn? Xia - what to do? - to study). Of course, it all depends on the context. As can be seen from the example, the same verb can be written both with a mild sign, and without it. Let's try more?

    I can not sleep.

    Daily? Sia during a serious conversation is stupid.

    Why don't we stroll? Xia?

    He is lazy? I'm going to go outside once again.

    He refuses? Xia, refuses? Sia in this situation is the only way out.


    The verb is a part of speech multifaceted and difficult, working with it includes a huge number of nuances, small things that should always be considered. Sufifixes of verbs are uniquely one of the greatest topics in spelling, but still, if you remember the basic rules, everything will become much easier.

    We repeat once again everything that has been said above. First, infinitives have no endings, it is a suffix, and only. It selection depends on the emphasis (under the stress - t.-, without him - t.-) and from the consonant, on which the foundation of the verb ends (if on - d, t, b-, most likely the infinitive will be endowed with suffixes - st-). Next, about writing suffixes - yva / Iva- and - ov / Eva-. If the verb in the first person of the singular ends on - uy / Yuu.-, we write - ov / Eva-, if there is in this form - yva / Iva-, then suffix save the appropriate. The most real war unfolded around the definition of the consonant preceding infinitive suffix. Here we determine the lifting, the prochen of the verb, and already on the basis of it for the first routing with the ending - eat, em, eat, etc.- We write - aT / Yat /if the end of the personal form of verb - iS, IT, IT, ITE, AT / YAT- - choose between - iT / N.-. And last: when verb answers the question what to do?, We write in infinitive soft sign when to the question what is he doing?, We care without it.

    1. The writing of personal expirations in the verbs of the present or future simple (if the verb of the perfect species) of the time depending on the type of hiding:

    1) The verbs of the Hinding I have endings: -y (s), - you, it's, ",", "," do):

    we carry, carry, carries, carry, carry, carry;

    2) Hiding verbs II have endings: -y (s), -t, -It, -Im, -t, -It (s):

    i sit, sit, sits, sit, sit, sit.

    The leaning of verbs is determined by two ways.:

    At personal end, if it is shock:

    sing - I SPR. (sing - by yut); Sit - II SPR. (Sitting - LED it)

    Under the suffix of an indefinite form (infinitive), if the personal end of the unstressed.

    For ease of memorization and understanding, I propose a little neglected morphology and simply list the verbs that are hidden by the sink of I, and those that are hidden by II.

    So, according to the rules II of the loss will change:

    Verbs, indefinitely oXEXING TO IT (FROM):

    slide, cook, ride, stinging, beaming, riddling, mow, circling, fell, maim, measure, pray, dress, unwealth, like, nursing, foam.

    Verb "Measure" and derivatives from it (to dominate, measure, measure, etc.):

    measuring, Merish, Merit, Merim, Me, Measure;

    The forms "measure, measure, measures, measuring, measure, measure" are formed from the spaticrous verb to "measure" and are considered non-veteral.

    According to the rules of the lines, they will change:


    shave (shave, shave, shave, shave, shave, shave);

    it is forgated (used only in two forms: it is coming - it is sought;

    four verbs on AT (ART): drive, keep, breathe, hear;

    seven verbs on it (eating): see, thrust, depend on, hate, offend, look, tolerate.

    - The remaining verbs uncertain to "AT, Eat, Ust" as well as verbs on "OST" With unstressed personal endings.

    Here is some of them:

    mumble, recover, warm, rolling, hardening, clicking, scrolling (-shit), prick, break (-w), blush, poverty, burst, grind, eat, darken, soldering, cry, smoke, count, pour, melting, Turn, pull, whisper.

    Verbs "Send" and "Straject" and derivatives from them (to be selected - torsional, stroke - to be displayed, post - tobed, transfer - to overrably):

    welsh, stele, stele, stele, stealth.

    Verbs type "Recovery, conjugate, put out, beyond, molding" :

    you will recover, recover, recover, recover, recover.

    Indefinitely and past verbs "Bayat, bleaching, yielding, barking, leafing, to start, hope, to rob, sow, melting (should not be confused with the verb to tat), hayt, causing, beyond" suffix-like, so:

    tay, melts, taete, melt.

    !!! But: Taire from Timing.


    Waevsky will kill everyone independently who will "hide snow" or "pull the riddle"

    Verbs want, run, break relate to the pavement

    those. they are have endings I and II of the Huments .

    Thus, the verb "Want" in the singular changes according to I Helding (you want, wants), and in the plural - according to II (we want, want, want);

    the verb to escape in the 3rd face of the plural has the ending - they (run), in the rest - the end of the II II of the Hidness: You run, run, run, run;

    the verb to break has only two forms: the 3rd face of the only number - forces (II Hind) and the 3rd face of the plural - forces (I Hiding).

    From verb "Torture" Forms are used both I and II Hinders :

    murchay, torment, torments, torment, torment, torment and torment, torment, torment, torment, torment.

    The form II forms II are preferred, and the form I form I is considered to be spoken, they rise to the outdated verb to "torched".

    Many verbs prefix Accepted emphasis, resulting in difficulty writing. In these cases, dubious ending is recommended. check the smooth word :

    they will reprimand - they say (say - talk), sleep - sleep (sleep - sleep), essay - cut (cut - cut).

    2. Close on the sound form of the 2nd face of a multiple force of the imperative inclination (define on "do it alive!") And the forms of the 2nd face of the multiple number of this or future (in the verbs of the perfect species) of the time of expressing inclination (define on "you do it ")

    For example: shock (first option) and knockney(second option)

    The imperative inclination is formed with the help of suffix - and- and end-in : Sidi, write, jumpers;

    in the zealing ignition, the verb has an end depending on the auction: -the or -t. Compare:

    I Hiding Write Neat! (imperative ignition) - you write neatly, so work is easy to read (expressive inclination)

    II Hiding Hold the handle correctly! (imperative ignition) - if you hold the handle correctly, the handwriting is a beautiful (expressive inclination).

    Letter "B" in the verb forms

    B is written:

    1) in an indefinite form of verb (everyone remembers what infinitive is?):

    burn - burn, entertain - entertain, read;

    2) At the end of the 2nd face of the only number of this or future time (that is, in those verbs that answer the question "What do you do? What will you do?"):

    you burn - you will burn, entertain - having fun;

    3) in the imperative inclination after the consonants:

    throw, throw, dress, leave, hitch, cut;

    In the formation of the imperative inclination of the plural number "b" is preserved:

    throw, throw, darn, leave, hide, cut.

    + An exception: Frame - Lag - Liege.

    "B" is not written:

    In the form of "Let's go, start, make";

    In the personal forms of verbs with the root of "Da-":

    will give (an indefinite form - to date), it will be given (issued), will be given (set for), will give up (surrender), it is attached (to give), he will hear (distribute);

    But! In the infinitive of this group of verbs, "B" is preserved.

    "H" is a suffix or verb ending? " Already more than a dozen years are also asked for simple people, and famous philologists. A modern approach to the study of the Russian language allows the existence of two points of view, each of which has its pros and cons.

    Is it a suffix or ending?

    School grammar has long considered "T" and "TI" as an end or a formal infinitive indicator. This position still adheres to the majority of benefits designed for higher educational institutions. Among the linguists, the view that "T" is the ending of the Shan N.M., Baranov M.T., Kuznetsov G.S.

    Protecting your version, scientists are arguing as follows: Infinitives - it means, it can select the ending. Such an explanation cannot be called satisfactory, moreover, it leads to the appearance of contradictions. This is due to the fact that the infinitive in modern linguistics is considered unchanged word, and, accordingly, cannot have endings.

    - suffix or ending in verbs?

    New school textbooks support another point of view, in accordance with which "T", "TI" in the verbs - suffixes. This theory was developed by such linguists as Babayitseva V.V., Valgina N.S. Answering the question: "Is it a suffix or ending?", Scientists, first of all, tried to prove the failure of another position revealing this problem. They argued that the "h" The verb could not be a flexion, since it does not express the grammatical meaning of the word and is not preserved in the forms formed from the infinitive.

    Such an approach seems convincing, but he also caused a lot of disputes in linguistic circles. "If" h "is a suffix, then why doesn't he find into the basis of the word?" - This question became one of the main for everyone who got acquainted with the new theory. Answer it is easy if you remember the basics of the morofemics. In modern Russian, suffixes are divided into forming and word-forming. The morphemes of the first type are not based. It is we see in infinitive.

    What about "whose"?

    Do not forget that in Russian there are examples of the initial form of verb that end on "Whive". How to consider such cases? What is "Whive" in such words: the end or suffix?

    You can also give several answers to these questions:

    1. Is a suffix.
    2. It is a flexion.
    3. Enters the root.

    Two first points of view are outdated. "Whose" was determined as a suffix or ending by analogy with "T" and "TI".

    Modern linguistics believes that this combination is part of the root. Prove that this opinion is correct, you can change the verb: oven-bake. In the forms formed from the infinitive, "Whose" persists, it means that this is part of the root.

    What is the result?

    You can not definitely answer the question: "Is it a suffix or ending?". Both points of view described above are considered to be consistent in modern Russian. Each of them has its own supporters. However, at present, the school program gives preference to position, according to which "T" is a forming suffix. In higher education institutions, it is customary to consider both theories.