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  • Designation of Almaz tattoo. Diamond tattoo

    Designation of Almaz tattoo. Diamond tattoo

    Which went out.

    Gas masses disappeared, and the stone center remained. So far, this is the biggest and expensive in the universe.

    But it is not achievable. But the earth is available, including, and drawn.

    The image on the body of disadvantages, because it is that the name of the mineral is translated. But this is not the only meaning of the picture.

    The value of the tattoo diamond

    Tattoo Almaz Apply to acquire unique quality minerals. So, it can be split, but it is impossible to drill a hole in it.

    People tend to perceive the properties of the stone metaphysically, which has been removing themselves with his help from the "hole" in.

    Another function is to emphasize that there is not so much important from what we are, how much how we use it. consist of .

    Stone and written pencils are complicated from it. However, it sparkles, strong, is valued high, and the same graphite is unsuitable, soft and worth a penny.

    Case in the difference in crystal lattices. So every person, consisting of flesh, is arranged differently.

    Diamond - tattoo, meaning which is considered in quality. The tradition is ancient.

    Another Queen Elizabeth is constantly with him a big to protect the plague raised in those days.

    Women also use the world's most in the world, as for a while to manage safely.

    In the Christian Scriptures it is said that the light coming from crystals does not endure Satan.

    Not in vain in the Middle Ages, they called the stones of the bishops. By the way, they are mentioned in Buddhist treatises.

    They indicate that the Scepter was at the Buddha. Transmitted to him the energy of heaven.

    So that, diamond Tattoo - Sketchwho is often chosen by Catholics and Buddhists as their faith.

    For lady diamond tattoo It often means beauty, purity, worstness of character and appearance.

    The pallium is used, as, for example, by placing instead.

    Draw on, instead, or decorate with crystals.

    Applying an image to her body, women, sometimes, emphasize their inaccessibility.

    Honor the traditions of ancestors, stinging diamond tattoo on handAs a picture, giving courage, making a person invincible.

    Believe from. There, once, and found the first. They were taken with them on the battlefields, in order to come back alive and with the victory.

    Due to the exceptional transparency of the cut, they are considered a sign of impurity, or the purity of feelings and intentions.

    In this regard, crystals become images on bodies, spouses ,.

    Popular Sketches Tattoo Almaz

    Almaz Tattoo in the photo, usually equally. They differ, surrounding the symbol of objects, stone.

    However, the variants of the images of the crystal itself are a bit. In the overwhelming majority, draw a standard 57-year-old.

    So many planes has a stone that received a round cut. He has a thin "", expanding to "Hats".

    The basis is often hiding in. On the surface there remains faceted, sparkling circle. The whole crystal is visible on the body. Otherwise, the tattoo does not look impressive.

    May be separate tattoo. What does diamond mean Surrounded by other items, decipher it easier.

    Additional elements disclose meaning. So, the popular union of diamond with and is an obvious symbol of beauty, wealth and power.

    The crystal, entangled in, speaks of a standing person who has been hostage to the life "trap."

    Seldom diamond Tattoo on the wrist, or in other plots, draw in non-standard form.

    The traditional idea of \u200b\u200bdiamond (diamond) in various nations includes focus on such values \u200b\u200bof this image as:

    • perfection;
    • unshakable strength;
    • glitter (in developed ideas - identified with heavenly light).

    Of course, there are other meanings, the full story of which is beyond the scope of this article. But it is worth emphasizing that all these connotations are not invented arbitrarily; These, one way or another, go bend to the real properties of the most exquisite and beautiful of the gems. It is they who make tattoos with diamonds so attractive for girls, and for guys.

    Types of application

    Mostly diamonds draw as bright as possible to embody all the beauty and elegance of this image. It should be noted that besides the actual tattoos, there is another possibility to order a special mounting of Swarovski crystals on the skin. True, this option cannot be called cheap and often use.

    Denoticated Tattoo Quality

    And on the male, and on female bodies, the diamond value is strictly equally:

    • hardness (in the literal and figurative sense);
    • personal loyalty to anything or anyone;
    • inflexible honesty;
    • courage.

    Ancient believed that the diamond increases the strength of fighting in the battle and makes them fearless. Connection with high social status is completely obvious. Interestingly, which means a diamond, according to some specialists - the focus of magical power and reliable protection against attacks using mystical funds. The Okolochristian legend says that Lucifer himself does not tolerate the type of this stone, even if he is presented with a little picture.

    And now about style

    Gender Specifications When choosing a diamond tattoo shift, it is necessary to be guided by just a consideration so that it looks like beautiful and harmonious. Diamonds draw both themselves and as part of a composition with flowers, butterflies, ribbons. Sketches in pastel colors are obtained in the most adorable and romantic, in comparison with other.

    Picking on the photo the appropriate version of the diamond image, it is desirable to choose the one that allows you to display the natural brillia of a well-lit stone. A diamond tattoo for the most part be beaten where it will be clearly visible, and only on the upper half of the body. It should not supplement it with inscriptions, it is very unprofessional and in the root undermines an aesthetic concept.

    First of all, the image of diamonds use people who want to hold a parallel between their character and properties of this stone. In particular, such an emphasizes hardness, unshakable, perseverance, the faintiness of its owner, its ability to withstand any tests, not "broken down".

    The value of luxury, rarity, wealth in this case is moving into the background. That is why tattoo with a diamond often choose not only women, but also men. However, it suits the representatives of both sexes.

    Thanks to his delicious radiance, the diamond acquired another value: he is spirituality, pure light of the human soul, sincerity, virtue, and for also invincibility, leadership, readiness was "king" just like a diamond is a "master" of all stones. To emphasize this value, on a diamond tattoo is complemented by rays, symbolizing its bright and clean radiance.

    Often it is diamond choose for paired tattoos. In this case, he symbolizes, sincere and clean love, which is not authority. A classic sign is a tattoo with the image of this stone of a man and women who want to emphasize the inviolability of their communications.

    Diamond Tattoo How Charm

    According to legends, the diamond has a stunning protective force and symbolizes the infinite power of the universe, capable of making what the person seems impossible. That is why people who want to protect their dream and achieve the fulfillment of desires choose such a tattoo.

    To strengthen the diamond value, it is often depicted with the sun. Such a tattoo, according to believing, protects not only from the evil intentions of other people and from evil intent, but even from accidents.

    Almaz symbolizes protection against any angry strength, with which a person cannot cope with himself, ranging from ghosts and ending with epidemics. Tattoo with the image of this stone can be the most powerful faith. In this case, it will mean the purity of the diamond, which no dirt is not able to spoil, as well as great power and power.

    Tattoo with the image of this stone on the body of a woman has a special additional value. It symbolizes fertility and offspring, as well as, according to legends, protects the child in the womb and promotes conception and easy childbirth.

    Diamond is one of the hardest minerals on the globe. In the depths of the Earth, it looks like a non-sustainable and dull stone, but after treatment turns into a jewel, which blinds the brilliance of his faces and changes its name to a diamond.

    Tattoo with a diamond choose customers who want to show that the character of their solid and imbibes. With every life problem, they cope with persistent and become even stronger and more attractive. The tattoo in the form of diamond can be worn as guys and girls. For guys symbolism is simple - Fortress of the body and spirit, cleanliness of thoughts, because diamonds are always crystal clear.

    For girls, the value is a bit different. Most often, such a sketch is chosen by bright personalities to show the multifacetedness of your character or want to show that it is comparable to conquer such a girl to get the most beautiful jewel in the world.

    Many who adorn themselves with a diamond tattoo believe that its protective properties believe. For them, he is protected from enemies, evil eyes and give confidence and sense of security.