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  • What does tattoo poppy mean? The value of tattoo poppy. Stock Foto Tattoo with red poppies in realism
  • What does tattoo poppy mean? Tattoo Mak.

    What does tattoo poppy mean? Tattoo Mak.

    The fact that the flowers are tattoos that carry a deep meaning, everyone knows. All tattoo with flowers and their values \u200b\u200bgo their roots far into the past, in ancient culture. It is believed that tattoo with a flower, for example, is a poppy, this is a purely female symbol, but it is far from that.

    Let us turn to the same value to the poppy tattoo. Tattoo with Macoma is inextricably linked with sleep or death. And already two these concepts are closely related, for example, lethargic sleep is very often a duplicate value of death, because they are practically not distinguished. This is all very mysterious and over the raysterity of these secrets, people are already working no longer than one century.

    Mac - an amazing ancient symbol who decorated the sacred utensils and temples whole nations. These peoples existed long before such great civilizations as Rome and others. For example, the ancient Egyptians used the poppy as a sleeping pill, more precisely, the drug that was made from its seeds. What concerned the narcotic properties of this flower, then he did not know about him yet, but nevertheless, the poppy was then symbol of sleep and death and endless oblivion.

    There is another tattoo value with poppy truth. The ancient Greek girls in Macs were guessing on the topic of love, namely how much their beloved is true to them. There was even a special name - Dielefilon flower, that is, a love spy. In Catholicism, the church is decorated. And on the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, also intra-robous utensils.

    In the UK, the poppy symbolism is very relevant during the celebration of the Day of Memory Died in the Second World War, everyone attaches a poppy flower on his chest or an icon with him, because Mac means also memory sign. Thus, tattoo with Mac receives another value associated with memory about something, that is, in some plane it can be attributed to the army tattoo.

    A close relationship with death and poppy is observed in ancient Etruscans. They sewed clothes with poppy, and the clothes were intended to God for the underground kingdom. Thus, the demon was in a red raincoat, it is possible that it was from here that the tradition began to portray underground characters in scarlet or red clothes. The good value of the poppy had in Russia. Mac was a symbol of beauty and youthwhich, as if sleep, excretes entirely and completely, because it is so beautiful.

    The ancient Greeks even conducted a line of similarity to poppy and human head, so the victims were given through the victim during sacrifices, and not human.

    Thus it turns out that poppy symbolizes sleep, death, night and nature. What is the meaning of you to put in tattoo with a poppy depends only on you, because it is possible that you just like this flower and you want to portray it on your body, without putting anything in it, except for your personal sympathy.

    Tattoos, including flower images, often considered purely female. However, it is not always so. For example, a poppy image in a tattoo is quite ambiguous, it does not always carry a positive value. Also, thanks to the skill of the tattooer, the image of this flower can turn out to be quite concise, dark, courageous. Mac - the plant is contradictory, which can be said and the owner of such a tattoo.

    Poppy. Distinctive features

    Poppy flowers are usually bright red, it is less likely to find white or yellow copies. This plant loves arid places, so it can be found in semi-deserts and steppes. Some types of poppy, for example, sleeping pills, distinguish milky juice, which can later be used as a narcotic agent. Therefore, some varieties of plants are prohibited in the territory of many countries.

    Flowers Poppy shortly please people with their magnificence. This plant flows quite quickly, within 2-3 days, sometimes before. However, it is still very loved by gardeners. This is due to the fact that even after flowering, this plant looks spectacular, thanks to its seed boxes. The poppy tattoo, the photos of which are also beautiful, like the flower itself, usually decorate extraordinary personalities.

    Red poppy tattoo on the leg of a girl

    Maca place in mythology of various countries

    Using the image of this flower in myths and the legends of many countries is due to its properties. For example, in the ancient Greeks, this plant was a symbol of hypnos - the god of dreams. He is also found in myths describing the life of the nukty - that is, nights. Without Macs, the goddess of agriculture was also not cost, demeter. This is due to the fact that this plant has a high similarity, so it is easily and just grown in almost any terrain.

    Tattoo poppy on the back of the girl

    It is interesting. Tattoo MAC, whose value is ambiguous, may also personify Christianity. The fact is that this bright red plant serves as the blood of Christ. therefore such a tattoo serves as a reference to the Bible, it means suffering and humility. In the context of this religion, the poppy may also relate to ignorance, apathy, the absence of one's own opinion.

    Poppy flower on the back of a girl in color

    Tattoo value MAK.

    As mentioned above, this tattoo is quite ambiguous. It has both positive and negative semantic symbols:

    • symbol of death or long sleep. This value is caused directly by the properties of the plant. Tattoo Mac, the sketch of which can be very complex in execution, can reveal the attitude of the owner to death. This meaning usually invests people who are used to being in mortal danger, or believe that everyone around is, as if in a dream, while a tattoo carrier lives a full life;
    • figure life. In Russia, this value was welcomed. Mac is used as a reminder that life changes, so everyone should have time;
    • flower truth. Mac was considered in ancient Greece by a plant capable of answering a number of questions. For example, the girls walked on it to love. Mac served an analogue of chamomile. Therefore, people who prefer such a tattoo can also answer questions, or simply do not carry lies. There is also an opinion that the tattoo with this red flower indicates that its owner faced in life with betrayal and deception, but not desperate;
    • love and passion. In this regard, the poppy is not inferior to rose. There is also an interesting version of the tattoo for lovers: the mirror image is applied to the forearm of lovers, as if connecting them for life;
    • romantic attitude to life. A lonely poppy flower, made in color, can denote a person prone to manifestation of sentimentality, loving life.

    Red poppy on hand in old cheeky style

    Mac, as a symbol of killed in battles

    In the UK, this plant is considered a symbol of people who died in World War II. In this country, citizens are published on the streets on the streets, with poppies in the petters. Also used icons and brooches with a flower image. Money that make up the sale of poppies go to the War Veterans Fund. It is believed that this tradition originates from the poems of John Makrescia, in which he mentions poppies in the context of war. This idea was further supported by Moin Mikhael, who was the first to tied Macs and the memory of the dead.

    Flower poppy body

    The tattoo with the image of Mac is my pride. It is far from the first, but at this moment the latter. Fire flower as if he was lit on my hand, slightly looking by the wrist. For me, this is a symbol of passion, a hot character - everything is connected with me. Many are interested in this image, as it is not as common. I recommend to those who want to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their own

    Marianna, Moscow.

    Mac with a rose on hand

    Mak. tattoo location

    Such a tattoo looks virtually any part of the body. However, the image of this plant looks at the forearm or leg. This is due to the fact that some elements of the sketch can wove the wrist or ankle, thereby making the drawing more tender, feminine.

    Tattoo: flower poppy on hand

    Did you know? Love and death often accompanied the image of Mac. For example, in ancient Greece, the guy and the girl swore in love over this flower. At the same time, the ancient Etruscans Mac was closely connected with the burial. It is in clothes made with the help of this plant, people went to the afterlife.

    Tattoo culture originated more than four thousand years ago. The first tattoos in history were found during the excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. Despite the fact that for long century, the skin of mummified tel has long dried, the drawings on it are well distinguishable.

    Nowadays, tattoos did not lose their relevance. Of the variety of various drawings on the body, you can rarely meet the tattoos on which the poppy is depicted. But people who have such a drawing on the body already have, can tell a lot about themselves. A similar tattoo carries a deep meaning and can say a lot about the person of man who wears it.

    Male option

    It was originally believed that the tattoos Mac were solely girls, because it was almost impossible to meet a man with such a picture. In fact, a similar stereotype is not clear, because the value of the poppy pattern on the body personifies several properties of inherent in both women and men equally.

    The first thing that meant the tattoo poppy on the male body is calm and loneliness or comfort alone. Flower drawing with neat light petals on a long stem means that his master will quickly leave the noisy company and will prefer loneliness. At the same time around itself, he will create a cozy atmosphere in which it will feel comfortable and calm.

    Some believe that a lone poppy on the body of a loved man means a broken heart and unrequited love. In fact, this is not so. A proud flower with red petals symbolizes bright love and happiness with his second half. Such tattoos carry in themselves the powerful energy of romance and bright love.

    In different countries, such a flower has a different meaning. For example, in the UK, he means that his owner is a brave and valiant man.

    And in Russia, the values \u200b\u200bare somewhat divergent. Based on the ancient customs, such a tattoo means the frequency of life. On the other hand, this is eternal youth, strength and love.

    Female option

    Because of the beauty of poppy flowers, the Tattoo tattoo with his image wants to show eternal youth, cheerfulness, charm and their female attractiveness. No wonder in China, Poppy Tatu symbolizes rest and beauty. Value - beauty.

    Such a symbol is initially associated with the dying and revival cycle. Therefore, on the body of a woman, in the first place he means fertility and fertility.

    Superval ladies are stuffing such a tattoo to protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. Also, such a tattoo can be associated with the blood of Christ in the Christian plot.

    In prison

    Many give a tattoo with the image of poppy a negative meaning. This is due to the fact that many nations have long been used this flower as a sleeping pills. And it was believed that because of him a person can fall asleep forever. Only because of these properties of the plant, a tattoo with his image is interpreted in a bad aspect.

    But what will happen if a person with a tattoo poppy will be in prison, will it affect his fate?
    In the history of prison tattoos among roses, violets and other colors, the poppy is not found anywhere. Therefore, models such a tattoo can be interpreted in different ways. Much also depends on the intelligence and elasticiness of the owner of the tattoo. Here is a value.

    Almost all tattoo with the image of flowers carry a deep inner meaning that goes down the roots in the past. The poppy tattoo is also no exception. Often, floral tattoos are mistakenly binding exclusively with the female start. As for Poppy - it is equally well fits both women, and men, because it personifies completely different properties inherent in equally and the other. Sketch of Tattoo Mac perform, as a rule, in color, but apply on the shoulder, back, thigh, shin and other places.

    In antiquity, Poppy seeds were used as a sleeping pill. Then I still really did not know about the narcotic properties of this flower. If a person took too much dose of the magic drug - he could go to the kingdom of Morpheus forever.

    From here takes the beginning of such a value of the tattoo poppy, like eternal peace, oblivion, sleep and death. Ancient Etruscans for legend sewed from poppy clothes for the god of the underground kingdom. It is the opinion that it is since since then the tradition of the image of demons and other underground residents in scarlet or red robes originates.

    The ancient Greeks brought the heads of Mac sacrifice to their gods, replacing with them human heads. However, it is not necessary, however, to perceive this flower only in such as aspects, there are other associations associated with its image.

    So, for example, many ancient civilizations adorned their temples and sacred utensils, especially during the holidays. In ancient Greece, Mc was considered a symbol of love and truth, on him lovers of young men and girls recognized each other in gentle feelings, pronounced oaths of love and loyalty. The ancient Greek girls sometimes even walked along the Macs to find out if their beloved were true.

    In the UK, this flower is a symbol of valor and military honor, as well as a grant of memory to participants and those who died during World War II. At the ceremony dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Memory, everyone attaches on the chest poppy or icon with its image. Therefore, in this sense, the poppy tattoo can also be assigned to the army tattoo.

    In Russia, Mac has always loved and worshiped. Here, the flower was, first of all, as to the symbol of eternal youth and beauty. It was also believed that the Mc testifies to the rapidness of life, and he also brings oblivion and renunciation from earthly problems and burden.

    Undoubtedly, in the value of the tattoo, Mac each puts something. For someone, this is the memory of great love, the oath of loyalty or the memory of some important event. For another, this is an unusually beautiful flower, bright and trembling, like youth and life itself. And someone else is not looking for any secret meanings and interpretations, but chooses the image simply because he really likes a tattoo with poppy.

    And remember: Whatever the sketch of the tattoo poppy - the main thing is that it is unique! Below are photos of tattoos with a poppy flower from different masters for your inspiration.

    Plant theme in the tattoo does not lose relevance over the centuries. For example, one of the well-host plots is Tattoo Maki. These beautiful bright red flowers know almost everyone. In honor of them, even candy are named.

    Realistic tattoo with poppies and butterfly on the shoulder

    In the post-Soviet period it happened that we all know. The flower, which in the representation of millions was raw materials for the filling of pies, suddenly became associated with drug addicts. For a long time, it was not possible to negotiate this stereotype. But in our time, people who wish to make a tattoo belong to no guilty flower without such prejudices.

    Does the Tattoo Mac Value? It has, but different for the people of every era and the people. We decided to recall only some examples of such a symbolism in the history of mankind.

    Do you know that it is the red poppy that since 1914 a symbol of the memory of the victims of the war? The tradition appeared after the first world, and remains still. He became traditional in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, and now gradually "got" to the CIS countries.

    Tattoo with poppies as a symbol of memory about war, made on the leg

    In ancient cultures, the population of Mac was even more specific. He was associated with such phenomena as a dream and death. In the presentation of our ancestors, and, in particular, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, the flower was the constant attribute of the gods responsible for these aspects.

    • It is also worth remembering the touch of Morpheus. He concerned a man is not hand, but a poppy flower.
    • The Romans, borrowed to the Greeks legend about the Persephone, dedicated to the poppy of her mother - Cerere. According to the legend, the goddess suffered so much that Jupiter (Zeus) gave her a poppy to calm and sleep. Since then, people began to weave the wreaths from these colors, devoting to Cerecher, which patronized the harvest and granted a good harvest.
    • The temple of the gera on Samos also decorated with poppies;
    • Another Greek girls were guessing on Maks, identifying the flower with the truth;
    • Gradually, the Greeks changed their representation, and with it and symbolism. Maks from the colors of Hynos and Tanatos suddenly became the colors of passion and love.
    • Modern Europeans, and, especially, the inhabitants of Flanders, associate poppies with the Catholic Church. They are decorated with temples for the feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. However, even in the Orthodoxy dome churches are called "Makov". So the tradition is not binding to the denomination, or the people.
    • And still the cult use of poppy heads are obliged to life thousands of people. In ancient Rome, there were rites of sacrifice, requiring human, and sometimes specifically children's heads. Numa - one of the legendary rulers of Rome replaced human heads with poppy heads. Also, Yongy Brut with the heads of children who were taken to the women's Divine mania. So the macke box can be associated with a human head.
    • The ancient peoples of Italy, such as Etruscans, also used the poppy for fun. From his petals created a dress for the god of the underworld.
    • Do not forget about the consecration of poppy on the day of Martyrs Maccabyev (August 1). According to popular belief, it helped protect against witches and sorcerers.
    • Russian traditions associated poppy with youth and beauty.

    As you can see, the poppy tattoo has a complex symbolism. This love is true, death, sleep and oblivion, the memory of war, youth, and even the victim of the gods.

    How important is this in our time? After all, each person himself invests meaning in symbols and signs wearable in the form of decorations and tattoos. Of course, today in our country it is difficult to find, for example, an adherent of the cult of Gera, or Ceres. Yes, and no one does sacrifices with poppies either.

    The first place is the beauty and aesthetics of the beautiful scarlet flower. He inspires not only poets and artists, but also masters - tattoos.

    Styles of tattoos with poppies

    In which styles and directions you can see such images?

    The choice depends on the personal tastes of a person, partly - from age, social status, attitudes towards any subcultural trends.

    If you like realism, then the tattoo can be made appropriate. She will portray how the poppy flower looks in nature. Consequently, we are now talking about two or more colors in the image. With small sizes of the picture, it is not difficult and inexpensive, but if you plan a large-scale tattoo, you will have to fork.

    For fans of bright paints and unusual stylistics, the tattoo poppies watercolor will suit. What is this style? In essence, you get the same effect as on paper. That is, the result will be air and lung. Looking at the result, you can easily believe that you are not a tattoo machine, but the most real brush with paints. The technique is complex, requires skill, but allows you to use different shades and color transitions. Plus - great aesthetics and non-standard. Minus is more difficult, longer and more expensive for the customer.

    Photo with examples of styles and directions of tattoo with poppies.

    Tattoo with poppies in style abstraction

    Tattoo with poppies in the style of watercolor

    Tattoo with poppies in the style of the organ

    Tattoo with poppies in Linvork style

    Tattoo with poppies in the style of neo-tradition

    Tattoo with poppies in the style of old school

    Tattoo with poppies in style Realism

    Tattoo Macs in Steel Tresh Polka

    Tattoo with poppies in style abstraction

    One of the distinguishing features of such tattoos is the lack of a black circuit in many works. In fact, you become a lively web for the artist, and it transfers his sketches from paper, or a computer on your skin.

    You can portray the poppy in this technique in this technique, in a psychedelic style, or more accurately, like the paints drawd by the paints. Often, tattoos specifically imitate "paint flux" on the customer's skin to make the picture even more believable.

    You can find on the photo photo - examples of watercolor equipment to understand how the result of the wizard will look exactly on your skin.

    The next interesting style that may interest you are neo-traditional. Unlike oldcual styles, there are more technical and high-quality works. The flower will not be depicted perfectly exactly as in the photo, or in the tutorial Botany, but it will be quite realistic. How it will turn out, depends on the individual technique of the tattooer - the artist.

    Do you want originality? Try bio-organics and other directions. For example, the poppy can "germinate" through the skin, or even the rib. Such a drawing will be pretty more difficult.

    Do not forget about minimalism and graphics. They are still in fashion, perfectly look, easy to perform.

    Which part of the body is better to do poppies?

    From the style of style, we turn to the time practical - where to put the drawing? Many ideas - you can make a poppy tattoo on your back. In this case, the flower can take as a small piece of leather and pass from the waist to the blade. Sometimes customers want him to capture part of the shoulder.

    The second option is on the thigh. Here the surface area is also quite large, and the tattoo will be, where to turn around. Further you need to choose, it will be the top of - inflorescence and boxes, or a complete format - with a stem. If you like the second option, you can start with ankle, and finish the image on the surface of the thigh.

    Third widespread idea - poppies on hand. Where exactly and how they will be located, depends on your taste, and, of course, the anatomy - the lengths and thickness of the hands. Lucky from nature people make no sense to make a large flower. It will look as inappropriate as a huge wardrobe in a small room. In this case, it is better to restrict ourselves to small, or even miniature tattoos.

    Shoulder, forearm, or on the side - more convenient for large-scale surface works. Here you can already draw real pictures.

    Is it painful to do such a tattoo? It depends on how close the skin area to the bone, and how personally you have nerve endings. Guess the degree of pain reaction is difficult. But you yourself, for sure, you know how to react to the impact on certain areas of the body. The human skin is the most complex map, to figure out which is extremely difficult. At ten centimeters there can be a huge number of capillaries and nerve endings. The thickness of the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue in each individual.

    If your pain threshold is low, the master in any case uses local anesthesia. Now there are many similar means that do not have side effects, and do not cause allergic manifestations of people inclined to such reactions.

    Many people who are fans of tattoo art believe that after the first tattoo, your sensitivity to pain is changing. So, if Maki is not the first job that you order, you don't feel anything new. There are a lot of those who even enjoy the process. This is due to the release of several hormones into the blood, such as endorphin, causing positive sensations and emotions.

    Photo with tattoo poppies

    Below is a photo gallery of tattoos with poppies.