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  • Which means fox tattoo on the leg. The value inherent in the fox tattoo in the art of tattoo

    Which means fox tattoo on the leg. The value inherent in the fox tattoo in the art of tattoo

    An animal tattoo is one of the manifestations of individuality. For each person, the drawing carries its own meaning. Fox tattoo will tell about himself much more than its owner.

    Total values \u200b\u200bof fox tattoo among nations of different countries

    Fox is a cunning and cunning beast, with whom people associate themselves. Scandinavian tribes thought this animal was smarter and extremely cunning. And the red people were automatically represented in the form of art.

    Eastern peoples belong differently to the fox. This is a wise beast, which lives not one decade. There is a legend that fifty years old is becoming a mature woman, a hundred years old - a young girl, a thousand years old - a man of any sex at the age of his dawn of life. Lisa brings good luck to those who have drawing of this animal in the house.

    In America, this animal was not less read: the fox was associated with monetary and business success. People who have fox tattoo on any of the parts of the body guaranteed themselves rapid growth in business, as they attract investment.

    The ancient tribes of some Egyptian countries consider the fox to the devilish animals. The beast is cunning, cunning, good seducer and a provocateur, single, deposited. No wonder in Europe, the red women considered such foxes - insidious sexual seductors, witches. How pushing the fox symbol on the body in other countries:

    • the Romans considered the fox by an evil creature showing themselves with one of the sins - vice;
    • in Russia, felt in the fairy tales symbolized the cunning and deception, so it was a negative character;
    • italians considered a rarity this animal, so drawings on houses and paintings symbolize wealth;
    • in Chinese cities, the fox tattoo indicates the world in the kingdom of dead, sorrow and loss. If a person comes in a dream - he soon dies;
    • lisens for Koreanok means sexuality, as well as the desire to continue the genus;
    • in Japan, this is a symbol of rain, protection and prosperity.

    Based on the listed belief, we can conclude that the fox tattoo has several values:

    1. Support, cunning, lie.
    2. Long years of life.
    3. Wealth.
    4. Good luck in financial matters.
    5. Female start.

    According to statistics, it is red people who are more often preferred to draw a fox on the body.

    Fox tattoo value in different positions

    The image of a fox is a different meaning, depending on the style of execution, position and type of animal. Tattoos are attributed to the special values \u200b\u200bof the woman, similar to their character and appearance on this cunning animal.

    In the salons depicted this animal in several types:

    • fox rocks - aggression and anger;
    • sleeping fox, rolled into the ball - Caring for your loved ones;
    • the pronounced cunning eyes of the fox - cunning, falsity and curiosity;
    • the curved body of the fox - the seduction and flexibility of its owner.
    • the fox has long ears - it means excessive curiosity.

    Important! At the level of tricks and cunning affects the color of the wool. The hot-temperedness and the characteristic of the character is visible in red fur.

    Sly Fox

    Fenc Fox with big ears

    Sleeping Lisa

    Where is located

    Shades can be: blue, white, orange, red, as well as add black and white. Figures are applied depending on the size:

    • on the wrist;
    • on foot - lower part;
    • shovel;
    • on the left side of the shoulder;
    • forearm;
    • on the left side under the ribs or on the ribs.

    Important! During the selection of the shade, paint aggressiveness is taken into account. A more red shade causes allergies.

    The image in the form of a circuit will tell about the hidden skills of a person. While his owner is calm, his cunning and malice does not appear.

    Tattoo styles are several:

    1. Fairi style assuming a small drawing of the animal.
    2. Tribal style - indoor pattern in ethnic style.
    3. Geometry that entered the fashion last year. Make the form of a drawing more mysterious, located within.

    From what style the tattoo will be performed, its designation does not change.

    Tattoo style geometry

    Fox tattoo, Girl value

    70% of people drawing fox - girls. The owner of the Figure signals to those who surround their difficult character, about mysteriousness, more often - duplicity. Like this beast, the woman changes: from cute and kind, to evil and cruel. Fox flexible, which speaks of sexuality. Such people are quirky and insidious. But the location of the tattoo speaks about the secrecy of cunning or openness.

    The fox tattoo on the body of the body is already a mature woman talking about her rich experience, wisdom and the ability to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. An animal speaks of internal peaceping and readiness for troubles and their overcoming.

    Over the past six months, more and more young girls prefer different interpretations of the drawing. But they do not think about what place is the drawing, and what is his meaning. Red graceful women associate themselves with light and delicate fox. For the rest, this is a sign of tricks and a strong character hidden behind the refinement.

    Fox tattoo, Men value

    The guys practically do not prefer this whole drawing. But in China earlier, only men stuffed the image of fox, as they wanted to succeed in the case and attracting money. But when choosing a picture, it is necessary to accommodately approach the location, since the appearance and harmony with the owner depends on it.

    Lisa Tattoo, value at zone

    People who are on the zone or have already come out of prison have the designation on the Lis body, deciphering as "love and death", but it does not apply to the most animal. Trust in the prisoner on the zone having a drawing of the fox disappears, as it denotes a cunning and trick. Thieves are doing such a tattoo to show that they are tricky and practically invulnerable. Looks like a drawing of an animal in the zone in the form of a full black beast or his muzzle.


    The fox has a few symbolics of both good and bad. Fox means cunning, cunningness, wisdom and longevity. Girls show themselves as sexy seductors with this pattern. But the person himself does not know about the present value of the tattoo, invests its meaning in it.

    Stock Foto Tattoos with fox

    Color tattoo of a red beast on the leg.

    Fox with flowers on the shoulder.

    Beautiful fox on the shoulder.

    Nine-distance foxes from anime.

    Male fox tattoo on the hip.

    Fox with four tails on the shoulder.

    Fluffy beast on side.

    Proud fox on hand.

    Cute fox with butterfly on hand.

    Colored fox head on hand.

    Black and white fox on the neck.

    Men's fox tattoo with a cunning look on hand.

    Cute fox on the leg.

    Lisa tattoo on the hip.

    Color fox tattoo on the leg.

    Men's monochrome fox tattoo on foot

    Fox is an animal known to pointed ears, a dense tail and a cunning nature. Thanks to these distinguishing features, the image of the animal began to be widely used in the Tattoo art as a symbol denoting sexuality, wisdom, intellect and resistance. In the article we will analyze the detailed meaning of the Tattoo Fox, as well as consider male and female sketches.

    The value of Tatu Lisa

    The Lisa Tattoos value may vary depending on the meaning that the owner puts into its drawing. Nevertheless, there are a number of the main characteristics inherent in the image of the animal, get acquainted with them in more detail.

    Sexuality or femininity.European and Asian cultures consider this animal with fertility and prosperity totem. Also, cute animals are often associated with femininity, which is why sexual women are often called "foxes". If you like to flirt with the opposite sex and consider yourself a cunning seductive, the fox tattoo will suit you as it is impossible by the way.

    Intelligence. Undoubtedly, foxes are smart animals that are often associated with intelligence and wisdom that helps them survive in the wild. Those who choose fox tattoos see themselves by people who need to play many different roles in life.

    Endurance. For many people, red-haired animal is a symbol of overcoming vital difficulties. People who have come across difficult periods in their lives, such as betrayal, disease or injury, can choose a fox tattoo to demonstrate their struggle (and final success) when overcoming complex stressful situations. Most successfully transfers this message drawing precisely with an animal, or a joint image of a red predator and a wolf.

    Playfulness. This animal looks very cute, so it is very popular with girls. Listenok, applied to the female body, will give playfulness, kindness, love for children and the cheerfulness of the owner.

    Fox tattoo is the meaning. It can be used to pay tribute to last times, celebrate the victory or illustrate the intellect and trick.

    Girls can choose cute tattoos as a symbol of sexuality or femininity, and men use them to transmit more courageous characteristics. Visually, this motive tattoo is very attractive, so it is very common among young people.

    Stylized tattoos with fox will look great on any part of the body. Little tattoos who choose most girls, easy to hide from prying eyes, so they will not impede professional activities. For girls, most preferably the location of the drawing on the hip, on the wrist or on the back.

    Guys choose larger sketches of tattoo foxes, so they are better to arrange them on more extensive areas of the body, for example, on the neck, on the foot or on the hand.

    Sketches of fox tattoo for guys and girls

    Basically, the Lisa Tattoo is performed in the style that implies the use of saturated colors: watercolor, realism, Old cheekbones, etc.

    However, for minimalism lovers, the tattoo masters developed sketches performed using only black. Examples of such works can serve as a geometric fox, a black and white minimalistic fox, lainwork drawings, etc.

    Volumetric 3D tattoo

    When creating a 3D tattoo in the form of a fox, the masters use the same tools and ink as for ordinary tattoos, but the difference lies in the design. Artists use an optical illusion to create drawings that seem to be at any time can be moved from the skin into the real world.

    Watercolor tattoo

    In the traditional tattoo, the masters use shading and black coneers, and watercolor drawings have a gradient transition, splashes, spots and fading.

    Watercolor fox tattoos are created using various techniques to achieve the same blurred image on the skin, which we are accustomed to see in pictures and children's drawings.

    Plots of watercolor tattoos are often based on natural elements, such as flowers, trees, birds and animals.

    Fox with flowers

    Skatch style

    Sketch tattoos are quite new to the world of body art, but despite this, they quickly conquer popularity. These are tattoos, represent drawings similar to pencil sketches or sketches, and not on a neatly made design.


    Minimalist tattoos are usually small pictures that show the main features or the image of the subject, in this case chanterelle. In this style, the foxes are often depicted in profile. Minimalistic tattoos prefer, mostly women, causing them on wrists or ankles.

    Old school

    Tattoo Old Chelse refers to the traditional American style using hatching, thick black contours and limited choice of colors, as a rule, black, red, green, blue and yellow.

    This style resembles old knockers performed from the 1900s to the 1950s. In those days, the images of foxes dressed in jackets and cylinders, smoking or playing or other gambling were popular in Tattoo.


    One of the most popular styles today, which implies the fox injecting with geometric shapes: triangles, rhombuses, circles, etc.

    If you decide to make a tattoo, look at the images of fox. This animal appears in many cultures. Thanks to its qualities, it is one of the central characters in national folklores.

    Fox tattoo value

    Fox is a very ambiguous animal, it combines good and evil, positive and negative. Very often, Lisa personifies female nature. But despite this, the fox tattoo is a frequent choice of men's half. This animal has always been present in the culture of Japan, China, Indians and Europeans.

    In Japan, the tattoo face symbolizes rain, protection and longevity. The Japanese believed that the gods could be confused by her beauty, and they would send life to Earth in the form of rain to Earth, and everyone would be able to continue his existence without perishing drought.

    In China, this animal is associated with the otherworldly world. The Chinese believed that if a person sees a fox, then this is a sign from the deceased.

    In Korea Fox is a symbol of fertility, the continuation of the kind and female sexuality.

    In the ancient Celtic culture of Lisa was a symbol of wisdom, education and honor. As well as the Chinese, the Celts believed that this animal was a conductor in the afterlife.

    In Peru, the inhabitants personified this animal with the warrior, holding her mind, strength and courage. It also praised the opinion that Lisa could manage the mind of other people.

    At the indigenous Americans attitude towards the fox dual. Some believed that she was a positive character and brings with him good and nobility. Other tribes believed that Fox was a symbol of evil and destruction.

    In some countries, this animal appears as a tricky, prudillary, noise creature. Therefore, very often, to convey exactly this value, the fox tattoo is depicted with a cigar or smoking tube. Transfer the positive side of the fox's cunning mind will help glasses.

    Now summarize all the values \u200b\u200bof the fox tattoo. So this tattoo may mean:

    1. Cunning;
    2. Rebirth;
    3. Cunning;
    4. Longevity;
    5. Cunning;
    6. Playfulness;
    7. Fixture;
    8. Sexuality;
    9. Protection.

    Fox tattoo ideas

    As mentioned earlier, this image is chosen both girls and men. In this case, there is no clear separation for typical areas depending on the floor. The fox tattoo can be located on the shoulder, the inner side of the hand, wrist, ankle. As you can see, preference is given to the upper limbs.

    Girls for themselves can pick up face-design or a small image of fox. Representatives of the strong floor most often make this tattoo on a large scale, often in combination with other animals.


    tribal design

    with claws

    on the shoulder

    and bird on the inside of the hand

    feminine design

    In addition to all this, the image of fox adds various elements and items with which its quality shows.

    So, for example, in order to show a positive side of the fox, it is necessary to add her glasses or flowers. Posing a fox with a cigar or smoking tube - you will present it as a pious, cunning and prudent creature. Options for execution and values \u200b\u200bof fox tattoo a large amount, it all depends on your imagination.

    Position, Color and Styles Tattoos

    If your tattoo selection fell on the image of the fox, it is important to know which color scheme, and where it will be best to look at your body. Most often, fox tattoo is applied:

    • On the inner side of the hand;
    • Shin;
    • Shovel;
    • Shoulder;
    • Forearm;
    • Wrist;
    • Ankle.

    In short, the placement of the fox tattoo can be on any part of the body, it all depends on the size of the tattoo.

    As for the color, it can be absolutely different, from black and white to colorful. It is worth recalling that in the colorful tattoo fox predominates orange and red colors, as well as all their shades.

    Styles that tattoo masters are used when applying fox tattoos are also different, among them:

    • Fari-design, or, in other words - a small image of fox;
    • Tribal design, with ethnic patterns.
    • Geometric design, with which you can make a tattoo with the image of the fox even more attractive.

    Differences for a guy and girls

    Pictulate a fox in his body most often decide the girls, emphasizing these playfulness and sexuality. The owner of such a tattoo - the girl is not shy, confident, who knows the price; The girl who is experienced in all spheres of life; Girl with an extraordinary person and a bright character. But also the fox prefers cunning representatives of the weak floor, because such women are often compared with the fox.

    But both men have such a tattoo will never seem unnecessary.

    Representatives of the strong floor, the image of foxes means resourcefulness, and the ability to find a way out of any situation. Unlike female, the Lisa tattoo is associated with men with loyalty, because everyone knows that the love of predators is eternal, and losing a companion, they do not find themselves another, but remain alone until the end of their days.


    It is not specifically to approve the symbol of the fox as a bad or good, it is a symbol of longevity and wealth, but also tricks and ambition. He is applied to his body, people who have the same qualities as this attractive "beast" and wish to associate it with themselves. The fox tattoo often reflects the nature of its owner, and this is precisely this is the dominant factor in choosing this tattoo.

    Surely everyone remembers the fairy tales of cunning foxes, heard in childhood. This red-haired flutch has become one of the favorite characters of the instructive parables, Bass, legends and myths, its image penetrated into all existing arts, and the tattoo has not exceeded. This forest predator can often be seen on the shoulder at a bright guy or a self-confident girl, the value of the fox tattoos we will reveal today.

    The image of fox in mythology and culture

    In most European crops, Lisa appears in negative light. Her red fur was associated with everything that is connected with the vice, because the redhead was considered the color of the hellish flame: treachery, cunning and lust.

    In ancient Rome Fox called fire demons. For the holiday of ceres to tails animals tied burning torches and chased them around the fields, believing that it would protect the harvest from the fire. The door was nailed by starfish, sprinkled fox blood to protect the dwelling from the evil spell. Scandinavians considered these animals an attribute of Loki.

    In the Christian tradition, the Redhead Fox - the Devil's Fixture, not only her fiery color, but also the tactics of hunting: to pretend to be dead to fool the victim and pounce when it does not expect, it was believed that only Satan could act. Sly Fox was perceived as a tempter, a thief and a killer, reaching his goals with a skillful deception, and deception, naturally, could not be associated with anything good. However, still Lisa managed to become the attribute of St. Boniface.
    In medieval Europe, a very popular "Roman about the fox", the narrative of smart and inventive Renar, who fights with a rough and cruel wolf and a strong but stupid bear. Renar also became a character of the famous German cartoon "Reineke-Fox" of 1930 and the Luxembourg remake of 2007.

    These animals played a special role in Japanese mythology. - A fox who could be up to nine tails, with a duration of life about a thousand years, was a master of illusions, could penetrate the human mind and take a person's appearance. There is a huge number of legends of the telling about how Kitsune turns into a girl and marries a mortal man, takes a young man to meet with young women, an elder to bear wisdom into the masses. The plot about Kitzune is also popular, which in the guise of a person forget to hide their tail (or tails), they are exposed and captive.

    White fox is almost always portrayed with nine tails, because their quantity depends on the degree of power. When his highest point is reached, Kitsune acquires white, silver or golden color. The Black Fox in the Japanese is associated with good, and White is considered a messenger of the gods. By the way, the God of Inari, who is responsible for rice fields, abundance and wealth, the patron saint of entrepreneurs, chose as a satellite and part-time the riding animal is the Fox. If you see the work in the style of Oriental, it is safe to say that it means a fox tattoo in this case that is Kitsune.

    Foxes have become the favorite images of some artists. Among the works of the Dutch animalist, the Punce of Purvaluette many realistic paintings depicting scenes from the life of these animals. Franz Mark, a bright German expressionist, depicted a fox in a natural setting, considering them, like other animals, creatures are much more perfect and beautiful than a person.

    Now the Fox is increasingly hardened as pets. To contain these animals, of course, more complicated than cats and dogs, but the owners of chanterelles say that their pets become very friendly and affectionate if they treat them with kindness.

    What can changer tell about his owner?

    So, what does the fox tattoo? What qualities of the character of your owner can she tell others?

    • Cunning. This is perhaps the most obvious designation of the tattoo fox. She falls on his back and freezes, and when trusting prey is selected close enough, Lisa has enough of her. Therefore, foxes and became a symbol of cunning and deception. It used to be believed that the trick is a female weapon, a fox tattoo on his hand, for example, representatives of the beautiful floor can be seen more often and for this reason. Until now, there is a stereotype that women are managed to weave the web of the intrigue much more arter than men, and without joining the direct confrontation, they seek their more quickly.
    • Uncommon mind. Cunning is an indicator of ingenuity and an extraordinary mind. Such works often choose people who want to emphasize their ability to non-standard thinking, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.
    • Longevity. A fox tattoo can become a talisman designed to give a strong health, a long and happy life, like a nine-lost Kitsune.
    • Wealth. This value also came to the tattoo culture from the mythology of the country of the rising sun. Fox - the bearer of God is abundance, so she promises life in good luck to his owner.
      For girls, the tattoo fox can purchase additional importance - sexuality. In some cultures, these animals were considered one of the most well-protecting.

    Image of fox in tattoo art

    As for the choice of the style of the future tattoo, for the image of the animals, the ideal option is realism, the fox tattoo will look like a picture, it can even be a whole forest landscape on the whole back or sleeve with foxes and other forest inhabitants. Such works are often carried out by photo and is hardly distinguishable from the original.

    Realism is considered one of the most difficult styles, therefore it is not necessary to contact the first master's first thing because it will offer an acceptable price. Still, the tattoo will remain with you for life, so it is not worth saving if you want a beautiful fox to please you every day, and not forced to regret and think, how and how to overlapp an unsuccessful pattern.