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  • Oral dermatitis in men. Causes and treatment of periior dermatitis

    Oral dermatitis in men. Causes and treatment of periior dermatitis

    Rash on the skin near the mouth in medicine is known as perioreral dermatitis, it is steroid. Diseases are subject to women under the age of 40 and children. In men, the lallot dermatitis meets less often. The number of episodes of dermatitis of this species decreases every year, which is associated with the use of modern anti-allergenic drugs that bind inflammatory reactions.

    Etiology perioral dermatitis

    The disease is not fully studied. The exact causes are not established, but the provoking factors exacerbating the course of the disease are known. These include:

    • intensive impact of ultraviolet;
    • dyeing and peeling of the skin of the face;
    • hormonal changes in women and the reception of oral contraceptives;
    • fungal lesion of skin and hair follicles;
    • tendency to allergic reactions;
    • reduction of barrier functions of the skin;
    • oxygenation of fluorine-containing toothpastes;
    • violations in the work of the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

    Wrivel-quality cosmetics are capable of provoking nearly the dermatitis. With increased sensitivity it is worth avoiding creams containing paraffin, cinnamon flavoring, sodium lauryl sulfate. If women develop more often due to internal violations, then men have provocateurs with cosmetic products - shaving creams and foams, lotions, beard care drugs.

    The reasons for periorel dermatitis can be carried out in the overall weakening of immunity, errors in nutrition, non-compliance with the rules of personal hyenas. But these are not the basic provocateurs of illness, and ambulance aggravating factors. There is still no clear understanding than Rosacea and dermatitis differ. Some doctors consider perioreral dermatitis by a variety of pink acne.

    Periioral dermatitis in a child of younger age can be caused by the use of steroid drugs. Sluting, licking of the lips and chin by children provokes inflammation of the near-inflammatory fabrics.

    Clinical picture

    With perioreral dermatitis on the surface of the skin, red rashes are formed, reminiscent of pimples. They merge, forming extended inflamed areas. The lesion zone is the area around the mouth. In exceptional cases, cheeks and chin are inflamed, and almost never ever.

    The main symptoms of perioral dermatitis imply:

    • the presence of tubed dots, which, after healing, retain pigmentation;
    • lack of pain;
    • ulceration of purulent acne with long-term inflammation;
    • the appearance of thin whiten flakes on the surface of the face.

    Special miscomipation is not delivered. In 25% of cases, subjective sensations are absent at all. The main problem lies in the aesthetic imperfection of the skin. With increased skin sensitivity, irritation and easy itching is observed. At the opening of ulots, the risk of secondary infection increases. The disease takes a chronic character. At the place of the defeat remains the pink kaym even after the attenuation of acute inflammation.


    Rate the condition of the skin allows dermatoscopy. In the course of the study, it is possible to determine the structure of formations, the dynamics of their growth, color. During the dermatological examination, the doctor differentiates perioreral rashes with other skin diseases: acne, herpes, eczema. During the differential diagnosis, it is possible to identify the disease from diffuse neurodermita, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, demodecosis.

    Before you understand how to treat periorel dermatitis, you need to decide on the reasons for its appearance and complicating factors. Often, illness proceeds against the background of hidden inflammatory diseases of chronic character. The unified pathogen is not installed. To clarify the nature of the disease, the scraping from the place of lesion followed by microscopic examination.

    Steroid dermatitis on the face can be caused by the allergens of cokkkak nature, as well as mushrooms. Most often, the face is striking the mushrooms of the genus candidate, less often - mold mushrooms. Bakposov makes it possible to accurately select subsequent therapy based on the sensitivity of the pathogen.

    Medical events

    The reasons and treatment of any illness are interconnected. Due to the shortage of information on periogency dermatitis, it is difficult to name universal and efficient treatment. If the rash near the mouth signals the hidden diseases, then therapy begins with their liquidation. At the same time enhance the care of the skin of the face, corrected power. Diet with periioral dermatitis implies a refusal of alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoked products.

    Since the disease often has an allergic nature, then under the ban all products provoking negative reactions. This group includes citrus, exotic dishes, honey, chocolate.

    It is possible to expand the diet at the expense of lean meat, fermented milk products, croup. Fruits and vegetables will be useful light apples, pears, turnips, zucchini, green peas, cabbage, cucumbers. Vegetarian diet is the optimal version with perioral dermatitis at any stage. But in childhood without lean meat can not do. Beef, turkey and rabbit are not contraindicated with a given disease.

    How to treat perioreral dermatitis, tells a qualified dermatologist. At the same time, the help of endocrinologist, neurologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist may be required. Comprehensive therapy implies the reception of medicines, treating physical factors, proper skin care.

    Medicia treatment

    When dermatitis on the face, the focus is on the outdoor processing. For this purpose, healing and soothing means are used. If a treatment with corticosteroids was treated with corticosteroids during the period of appearance of the sickness, then the therapy is stopped. Usually inflammation passes naturally. Resume treatment with steroid drugs is dangerous. Conduct adjustment of therapy and prescribe less aggressive drugs.

    Proper care plays not the last role in the restoration of the skin. Soothing and cooling creams remove redness, get rid of itching. The zinc ointment enhances the trophic processes and stimulates the cell renewal. Its use is appropriate with pronounced inflammation. Zinc ointment is appointed for a period of 2 weeks. If there is no improvement in this time, it is not followed by more active treatment of steroid dermatitis on the face.

    Often, dermatologists prescribe metronidazole with purulent inflammation. It takes 0.25 g twice a day. In the first days there is an exacerbation of the disease, and then dermatitis comes off. Replace the metronidazole in the near dermatitis is capable of 2%-ethronycin. This is a tablet antibiotic with a topical action. The duration of therapy is usually 8 weeks.

    Treatment of periogency dermatitis in children provides for the outer use of metronidazole preparations. At the same time, ointments are prescribed with the addition of zinc. Strengthen the treatment of steroid dermatitis on the face allows emulsions based on vegetable extracts. In the acute period, it is advisable to use naphthalene-tar paste. Processing Masowing "Bepanten" forces the healing process. To enhance the regeneration, such ointments are used as "Eliode", "Radaevit", "Yam".


    How to treat perioreral dermatitis by physical factors? Incompute assistance at the recovery stage will have such procedures as:

    • laser therapy - eliminates swelling, improves the trophic processes, stimulates capillary blood circulation, increases the barrier functions of the skin;
    • cryomassage - activates tissue metabolism, promotes skin cleansing, prevents the appearance of pigmented areas;
    • drug phonophoresis - reduces the healing period, stops inflammatory reactions, normalizes cellular metabolism, prevents the aggravation of the disease.

    When the nearcellular dermatitis is a consequence of the problems from the CNS, electronone, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis are prescribed.

    Recipes of traditional medicine

    It remains to find out how to treat perioral dermatitis drugs of traditional medicine. The use of phytogencies without coordination with the doctor may lead to the opposite result. It is especially dangerous to be treated with folk remedies in childhood and with allergic dermatitis.

    To purify the body, increasing immune protection, reinforcement processes are taken with infusion with fennel and licorice. For its preparation take 2 tbsp. l. Fennel fruit and chopped licorice root, add 1 tbsp. l. Corn of crawled, rooties of the burdock and dandelion. On 1 l of water take 2 tbsp. l mixtures. Tomets on weak fire, insist and drink half a glass before each meal.

    Other recipes will help to defeat perioreral dermatitis:

    • soothing compress - in equal proportions combine field hand, licorice root, thyme, scenario, nettle, violet. On 300 ml of water take a tablespoon with a slide, bring up to a boil, leave cool, biting a towel. Compresses make from cotton discs or gauze, leaving on her face for 10 minutes;
    • broth for washing - natural decoction is capable of replacing cosmetics, which rinse face 1-2 times a day. For this mix the herbs of yarrow, calendula, hunter and chamomile. On 4 tbsp. l. Mixtures take 1.5 liters of water. Wash the warm decoction is recommended not only during the exacerbation of dermatitis, but also for its prevention. After the procedure, the face is wedged with a paper napkin;
    • skin care oil - 3 tbsp on a glass of olive oil. l. Ground Hypericum, insist, periodically scolding, 21 days. Fix and stored in the refrigerator. Before applying the face, the oil is heated to room temperature;
    • anti-inflammatory compress - for its preparation mixed in the same number of altea root, inflorescences of the donon and chamomile, poured a quarter of a glass of dry herbs 500 ml of boiling water, insist hour. You can apply to the face as cotton discs, moistened in the indoor, and squeezed through the gauze Cashitz with herbs.

    Treatment of eye dermatitis will be effective if it is necessary to approach the question comprehensively. The use of all the proposed methods will allow you to quickly stop the dermatitis and prevent it again. A complete list of therapeutic measures is selected by a dermatologist, taking into account the age of concomitant diseases and individual characteristics of the patient.

    Periioral dermatitis refers to sluggish and severely healing. It is not worth counting on rapid deliverance from inflammation. The minimum duration of therapy is 6-8 weeks. The elimination of residual phenomena (hyperpigmentation, pillings) will require several months.

    Manifested in the form of red nodules (papules) and, with rare exceptions, redness of the skin. The name of the pathology indicates the localization zone of the rash - around the mouth, but quite often, the symptoms of the disease are detected at the base of the nose and around the eyes. The diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a dermatologist - the conclusion is made on the basis of the inspection of the skin and the results of dermatoscopy; Treatment is appointed taking into account the reasons that caused rashes and implies the use of ointments and drugs taken inward, including those having antibacterial properties. Periioral dermatitis and oral dermatitis is the equivalent names of the same disease, more often affecting women, but recently diagnosed in children. Among the specialists there is no consensus on the issue whether periogency dermatitis is an independent disease or this is a kind of rosacea or.

    Causes of periorel dermatitis

    Rash around the mouth may appear for various reasons. In the first place there is a long-term use of hormonal (corticosteroidal) drugs used to treat the rosacea patient and other skin diseases. In addition, the perioreral dermatitis can provoke:

    • supercooling;
    • tan;
    • toothpaste containing fluorine;
    • decorative cosmetics and cosmetic skin care products;
    • hormonal changes, for example, during pregnancy and in gynecological diseases;
    • oral contraceptives;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis.

    Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

    A rash appears around the mouth consisting of small red dome-shaped nodules devoid of purulent contents. The skin on which they are located, as it retains the normal color, can redheate. The same duality is observed in relation to emerging sensations - in some cases, the rash causes discomfort when a person suffers from itching, burning and feelings of the skin of the skin, but quite often (about 25% of cases) there are no such symptoms, and the subjective feelings do not annoy the patient. The skin in the lesion focus loses the smoothness and becomes a rough to the touch because of the papules themselves and the crusts formed after some time in their place.

    At the perioreral dermatitis indicates the location of the papural - they are necessarily available in the immediate vicinity of the lips, the rashes are detected and on the chin, under the nose, in the angles of the mouth and in the course of the nasosal folds. Moreover, skin lesions can be so large-scale that they capture the corners of the eyes, eyelids (lower and upper), as well as the bridge. Interestingly, rash never comes closely to the red border of the lips - there is always a narrow rim of unaffected skin.

    Attention! Corks formed during the regression papules cannot be removed from the skin (they must move independently) to avoid education in their place.

    Diagnosis of periogency dermatitis

    The disease must be distinguished from eczema, rosacea, simpleness and demodecosis with which it has in many ways similar to external manifestations, and this can only be done by a dermatologist. An experienced specialist diagnoses oral dermatitis, inspected the patient's skin and conducting a dermatoscopy (skin test using a device that gives a 10-fold increase). In some cases, there are not enough external symptoms for accurate diagnostics of perioral dermatitis, sowing microflora taken from the lesion center.

    Attention! A single causative agent of the disease does not exist, but most often in patients detect yeast fungi and traces of the vital activity of demodex.

    Treatment of periior dermatitis

    Since the main cause of periogency dermatitis is a long (or uncontrolled) application of hormonal means, including ointments, the first thing to be done is to cancel all drugs containing corticosteroids. You need to be prepared for the fact that a few days later the skin look sharply worsens: swelling and redness will appear, and in addition, they will begin to annoy the burning and itching. Such changes called by specialists "dermatitis of cancellation" should not scare patients, and even more so push to resume the use of hormonal drugs, as it will only worsen the condition of the skin.

    The main thing is that the patient must remember: No self-identity - only the unconditional execution of the appointments of the dermatologist will help cure perioreral dermatitis on the face. Usually, the treatment program consisting of two steps includes:

    Stage I. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavigil, Diazoline, Zirtek, Loratadine, etc., the action of which is aimed at burning itching and burning; Sedatives (soothing) drugs (perrsen, masculine and valerian tinctures) for removing nervousness and voltage caused by a non-psychic type of skin. From cosmetic drugs only sunscreens are allowed, and for daily skin treatments - champs with anti-inflammatory and soothing effects: chamomiles, turn, calendula, etc. or 1% boric acid solution. The stage continues to the complete disappearance of the signs of "dermatitis of cancellation".

    Stage II. Tetracycline antibiotics for the course of antibacterial therapy. This can be, for example, doxycycline tablets or monocyclin, to take for quite a while - to three months; Often the doctor prescribes and ointment with the same active substance.

    Attention! The perioreral dermatitis will not pass - it is necessary to treat it, because the rash around the mouth can be maintained for years. But even with the beginning of treatment, the signs of illness will disappear only in a few weeks, and it is impossible to take antibiotics, otherwise the rashes will appear again. Be sure to go through the whole course of treatment.

    When symptoms are found, it must be referred to as a dermatologist and fulfill all the recommendations of the specialist. However, antibiotics can be proceeded only after the end of the breastfeeding period.

    Prevention of perioreral dermatitis

    In addition to eliminating the reasons leading to the formation of the rash around the mouth, the rules should be followed, which will allow to prevent a relapse of the disease:

    • within two or three months after cure, refrain from the use of cosmetic products such as creams and lotions, and also do not use tonal creams;
    • avoid cosmetic preparations containing paraffin, vaseline, isopropylmiristat, dyes and preservatives, as well as detergents based on sodium lauryl sulfate;
    • use creams with SPF (sun protection factor) all year round;
    • adhere to a hypoallergenic diet: to exclude smoked and fried dishes from the diet, as well as produced by the ability to cause allergies, such as chocolate, strawberry, etc.;
    • treatment includes the use of a mission of a solution of 1 percent boric acid.

    Video consultation doctor dermatovenenerologist

    The main thing about perioreral dermatitis

    Synonyms for the disease

    oral dermatitis, perioreral dermatitis, steroid dermatitis, eye dermatitis.

    use of steroid ointments, hormonal contraceptives; cosmetics; Toothpaste with fluorine, external conditions (sun, wind); Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis).


    red spots, papules, peeling, itching.


    visual inspection, dermatoscopy.

    tetracycline antibiotics.


    rosacea, acne, diffuse neurodermit.

    Contactness (infinity)

    not infected.

    Contact a doctor


    Treatment by folk methods

    it is impossible, only medication treatment.

    Periioral (nearby) Dermatitis - these are diseases of the face. It is characteristic of women, but also meets in men and children. The cause of dermatitis in the ladies is most often associated with the use of cosmetics. Their composition, as well as some drug preparations are able to change the local vascular system, and destroying collagen and elastin. The side effects are fraught with the development of erythema, the expansion of small vessels and the microcracks of the epidermis.

    Other periorel dermatitis names - steroidined, photosensitive, rosaceae-like. In fact, it is irritation of the skin with rash in the mouth. The disease has a social aspect, since in fact healthy people are forced to take a sick leave and undergo a long course of treatment.

    It is not possible to reliably determine the cause of periogency dermatitis doctors. But the analysis of the history of numerous patients revealed a number of factors provoking Rosacea on the face. It:

    1. Eating steroid preparations (prednisone, hydrocortisone).
    2. Skin care using low-quality cosmetics, while the skin rashes often appear from a tonal cream.
    3. The use of toothpaste containing fluorine.
    4. The impact of strong wind and ultraviolet rays.
    5. Oral reception of contraceptive drugs.
    6. Hormonal oscillations, including menstruation.
    7. Fungal and bacterial infections.

    It is noted that periioral dermatitis is more common in patients abusing caring procedures. It is not recommended to simultaneously use several creams (day, night, tonal). The development of periogency dermatitis in men is also associated with the use of cosmetics. In children - with the use of inhalers and hormonal sprays containing glucocorticosteroids. It is noteworthy that during treatment with similar means, skin discomfort is absent. Symptoms manifest themselves after a while at the end of therapy.

    Periioral dermatitis during pregnancy

    After conception for the normal development and formation of the fetus, the woman's body needs a lot of strength. The appearance of periogency dermatitis during pregnancy is due to the physiological immunodeficiency of the future mother. The disease is manifested in the early period of gestation. Treatment of patients in the "position" involves an individual approach, since in the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of antibiotics and other effective drugs is contraindicated. Starting from the second trimester they are prescribed in a limited dosage, and the corticosteroids are not used.

    In pregnant patients, the rashes of photosensitive dermatitis are distinguished by red and pale pink color. Plots where rash appeared, can be pigmented over time.

    Periioral dermatitis in a child

    At an early age, perioreral dermatitis proceeds in different ways.. One child has pale-pink pale, and another stains rush to the eyes of a yellow brown tint. When irritated foci is still observed on the face, the baby should be passed the tests:

    • papul content scraping;
    • tank. Sowing a plot affected by the disease.

    Often negative reactions of the child's skin responds to treatment with hormonal agents and inhalers. Pronounced symptoms become noticeable after the cancellation of the medication. Eye rash suggests very careful treatment. In general, perioreral dermatitis in children proceeds painlessly, but sometimes the patient complains about the burning of the affected areas.

    In pediatrics, perioreral dermatitis belong to RosaceaSince it is in childhood that the disease takes a rosacea-like shape. For the health and correct development of the kid, skin pathology is not dangerous, but without medical care, it becomes the cause of significant discomfort.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The rashes of perioral dermatitis are found in various sections of the face:

    • in the field of mouth;
    • on cheeks;
    • on the chin;
    • nasolabial folds;
    • outdoor corners of the eyelids.
    • the area around the eyes.

    The disease can be perioraral (at the mouth) or only periorbital, affecting the fragic area. The mixed type of Rosacea is found: in this case, different forms of dermatitis appear alternately. Light dermatitis proceeds without acne, only with redness of the skin and small flat elements.

    The rash is a semicircular non-swivel sealing of red, size - 1-2 mm. It is possible to peeling the skin near small bubbles. Pathological foci gradually apply around the neck, hand, torso.

    An obvious symptom of periorel dermatitis - a thin clean strip of the skin around the external bang. The rest of the space is amazed by the disease. At least it is found in 87% of all patients who applied. Some people have noted signs of telangiectasia. Itching for this dermatitis is uncharactertene, only the burning sensation and the feeling of the skin of the skin is concerned.

    Without treatment, the process goes into a chronic formBut gradually disappears. Cosmetic defect may result in neurotic disorders. Linding because of appearance, people will get closed in themselves, they are easier to conflict, dismiss from work.

    With a thorough examination of patients are detected Intestinal diseases and other digestive system departments. 83% of women with signs of perioral dermatitis are additionally suffering from gynecological diseases. The third part of the patients has psycho-emotional disorders and chronic infectious deviations in the oral cavity and the nasophaling.

    Diagnostic methods

    For appointing adequate treatment it will be necessary to exclude the following diseases as anamnesis.:

    1. Acne.
    2. True rosacea.
    3. Seborrheic dermatitis.
    4. Sarcoidosis of the skin.
    5. Atopic dermatitis.
    6. Contact dermatitis.

    In blood tests (general, biochemical), significant changes are not viewed. In rare cases in the laboratory, a minor increase in the value of ESO is recorded. This is due to the development of concomitant pathologies. It happens when a protracted infection in the nasopharynk.

    With suspected PD effectively make a tank. sowing. The analysis easily reveals fungal strains that became the culprits of the development of thrush in the oral cavity. However, no diagnosis is capable of detecting specific pathogens of rosacea-like dermatitis.

    Histological studies of the skin are not prescribed. Subacute inflammation and single changes in skin cover are easy to confuse with similar diseases, and therefore histology is ineffective.

    What inspection is carried out with perioral dermatitis:

    • study of surface and nail tissue;
    • Ultrasound and survey of skin cover and subcutaneous fatty fiber.

    Analyzes that are prescribed to define PD:

    1. Eosinophils.
    2. General blood analysis.
    3. Immunoglobulin E in blood.

    In the international classification of disease The tenth revision (ICD-10) perioreral dermatitis is under the code - L71.0.

    Than treat

    Getting Started with the treatment of periorel dermatitis, hormonal drugs are immediately canceled, the use of cosmetics and hygiene facilities. For washing, medicinal herbs decoctions (chamomile, sage) are used. In case of complex symptoms, the face is purified by special emulsions, the basis of which are oils, and also treated with naphthalene-tar paste (2%).


    Outdoor therapy is based on the use of drug-based drugs containing metronidazole or trichopol. The drug appointed by the dermatologist is applied to problem areas in the morning and in the evening. In the absence of effect, the metronidazole gel or erythromycin macrolide is additionally used. Both drugs are sold in pharmacies at an affordable price.

    Moreover, for the treatment of persons prescribed a protopian. A non-toxic ointment having a concentration of 0.003% is prescribed for children 2-16 years. Adult patients recommended an increased concentration - 0.03% and 0.1%. Treat various dermatitis can be balsam (liniment) Vishnevsky.

    With the perioresis of dermatitis, the drugs containing zinc showed high efficiency. They dry the skin and exert anti-face action. Irritation is quickly removed with cincap, zindol, zinc bantle, skin-cap.

    Adapal - Analogue of Retinoic Acidused for anti-inflammatory and camelonolytic effects. The tool improves the intercellular processes that proceed in the epidermis, and stimulates the production of epithelial tissue. Adapal in the form of gel is suitable for oily skin, cream - for dry. It is allowed to combine the medicine with moisturizing means. In the treatment of periorel dermatitis, the use of ointment Sinaflant-phytooparm is prohibited (this disease is included in the list of contraindications).

    Eliode with periioral dermatitis is appointed for children from three months and adults. For 6 weeks of treatment, the medicine completely relieves inflammation. But its long-term use is unacceptable. Means should be used short courses in complex therapy.

    With steroid dermatitis efficiently use Mazi Rosamet. It is forbidden to apply to the mucous eye. After processing a person, it is recommended to avoid staying under the right sunlight. Rosamet is good because it can be used as a basis for makeup. Momat-C hormonal ointment with perioral dermatitis is not appointed.

    At the initial stage of therapy of perioral dermatitis according to the testimony, other groups of drugs consume:

    • sedative - Valerian, New Passitis;
    • antihistamines - Zirtek, Telfast, Erius, Supratin, Parliament, Claritin (for children - diazoline, L-cet);
    • diuretone - Veroshpirius, Furosemid, Spironolactone.

    Patients are also prescribed cryoissage courses and needleflexotherapy.


    When the first stage of treatment does not give positive dynamics, antibiotics prescribed against periorel dermatitis:

    1. Isotretinoin.
    2. Tetracycline.
    3. Trichopol.
    4. Lincomycin.
    5. Doxycycline.
    6. Metronidazole.
    7. Azelainic acid.
    8. Monocyclin.

    The duration of antibacterial therapy depends on the severity of the disease, But the term is not less than 1.5-2 months. Most often, patients are prescribed metronidazole tablets or trichopol.

    Integrated therapy is carried out to suppress the active pathogen. In this case, 3 drugs are used immediately - doxycycline, clindamycin and gentamicin. The main remedy is made in the dosage of 100 mg twice a day. It begins to act 2 hours after the reception. Women during pregnancy such treatment is not suitable.

    Other medicines are appointed in Complex with Doxycycline:

    • Monocyclin.
    • Pimekrolimus.
    • Tacrolimus.

    If necessary, patients with dermatitis are prescribed medications for Strengthening the nervous system, immunostimulants, folic acid and vitamins.

    Folk Methods

    Medicase treatment of periorel dermatitis in children and adults is more efficient with the simultaneous treatment with folk remedies. For many years, some recipes have gained the greatest popularity and are successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases.

    How to treat Periioral dermatitis by folk remedies:

    1. Stick. They do, smileing a gauze pad in the brave of medicinal herbs (a series of chamomile, calendula and plantain leaves). Appliques are superimposed 3-4 times a day.
    2. Compress with flaxseed oil and honey. Each component is taken 50 g, heated to complete dissolution and add 25 ml of onion juice. The warm composition impregnate the clean soft napkin and applied to the sick skin.
    3. Brigade of birch kidney. The fluid is accepted inside and wipe the affected areas.

    If the patient has access to thermal sources, Effectively irrigation of problem areas of the body with healing water. Recommended frequent procedures.

    Diet with perioral dermatitis on the face

    If there are signs of perioral dermatitis on the face of the patient, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. If it turned out to be useless, the individual scheme of medical starvation is appointed. It is necessarily limited to the use of salt and sugar, the drinking mode is adjusted - it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Such a number of fluid supports the correct metabolism and improves the assimilation of microelements beneficial for tissues.

    What can be used with perioral dermatitis:

    • fruits;
    • cereals;
    • green vegetables;
    • bean cultures;
    • boiled non-fat meat;
    • dairy products;
    • coarse bread.

    Forbidden products include:

    1. A fish.
    2. Carrot.
    3. Mushrooms.
    4. Sweets.
    5. Eggs.
    6. Spices.
    7. Citruses.
    8. Caviar.
    9. Alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea.
    10. Sausage products.

    The inflammation of the skin around the mouth is a very unpleasant disease, called perioral dermatitis (from the Latin Oral - "Rota", Peri - "around", "on the periphery"). It also has other names: perioreral allergic, periioral seborrheic, rosacea-like dermatitis. This problem of the skin causes an unpleasant feeling, prevents reception of food and is a serious cosmetic defect, especially since most of the patients are women. It is quite natural that no one will decorate the red and rash on the skin around the mouth. Starting with a small redness, the disease progresses without adequate treatment, striking the deeper layers of the skin.

    The causes of perioral dermatitis are:

    • irritating effect on the skin of various substances: cosmetics, toothpaste, food;
    • long-term use of steroid hormones - both local and systemic;
    • hormonal disorders in the body;
    • imminent disorders;
    • skin infections (bacteria, fungi, ticks).

    In most cases, the cause of the disease is several listed factors.

    Important. Young women suffering from acne and apply hormonal ointment to treat, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is highly risk to get perioral dermatitis.

    information for reading

    Clinical manifestations

    They are sick of perioral dermatitis basically young women up to 35 years old. At an older age, as well as men, he is rare. The disease begins with the appearance of red spots on the skin of the upper lip, chin, cheeks, near the corners of the mouth, on the wings of the nose. Later, rash is formed in the form of a papural - thickening of the skin of a flat or cone-shaped, magnitude with a seamy grain, with a peeling, itching, the presence of a crust. Old papules are darked with time, acquire a brown shade, the skin becomes spotted, has an unclear look.

    Less often, the disease extends to the skin of the back of the nose, forehead, region cheekbones. A periorubital form of dermatitis is found when stains are located around the eyes, there is a total defeat of the whole person. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the presence of a narrow strip of skin free from redness and rashes, along the contours of the lips.

    Important. If dermatitis appeared around the eye, it can spread forever, eye shell. It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist.

    Patients are bothering itching and burning in the foci of dermatitis, which are enhanced while eating and drinking, eat food on the skin, during the stay in the cold, in the wind and in the right sunlight. Dermatitis has a chronic flow with frequent exacerbations, but he is heal. Symptoms can stay from 2 to 5 years, fading with a decrease in hormonal function.

    Often there are also secondary disorders of the emotional sphere: neurotic reactions, concern, poor sleep, stress exposure. They are provoked in women by presence of a persistent cosmetic defect on the face.

    Complex treatment

    Since the development of the disease is played by allergic and infectious factors that cause inflammation of the skin, the treatment of periogency dermatitis on the face should be complex. It includes:

    Remember. A prerequisite for successful treatment is the refusal of hormonal and fluorine-containing ointments, which were previously used to get rid of acne. Sometimes this is enough enough to take the disease.

    Prescribed antihistamine drugs of a new generation that do not possess side effects (drowsiness, dry mouth, violation of the work of digestive organs). These include such as "Claritin", "Erius", "Loratadine", "Fexofenadine", "Glenzet" And other analogues.

    Metronidazole gives a good effect in the treatment of periorel dermatitis

    The sorbents are needed to purify the body from the toxins accumulating in the skin, allergens ("enterosgel", "Polysorb", activated carbon, "polyfepan"). Vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed, designed specifically for skin restoration: "Alphabet Cosmetics", "Supradin", "complivit", "Vitrum Beauty" and others.

    To stabilize the nervous system, sedatives are prescribed, desirable vegetable origin (valerian, dyeing, passiflora), preparations for sleep, nootropics that improve metabolic processes in the nervous tissue ("Pyroxikov", "Nootropyl"). Needleflexotherapy has a good sedative effect .

    Important. Only a doctor after a survey is engaged in the preparation of the treatment and selection of drugs.

    Miscellaneous diet. It is necessary to eliminate smoked meats, canned food, spicy seasonings, coffee and alcohol, restrict confectionery, chocolate, citrus. In the diet, you need to include more grain porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl), raw and stew vegetables, fruits and greens. Meat and fish products should be easily dismissed (turkey, low-fat chicken, rabbit, boiled pork). Equaliferous products are very useful, especially a category containing bioactive lactobacillia and bifidobacteria.

    Exterior means

    The choice of external means for the treatment of perioral dermatitis depends on its stage. With acute manifestations of the disease are limited to approaches with drying and anti-inflammatory solutions: resorcin, boric acid. After removing acute inflammation, ointments and physiotherapy are prescribed, cosmetic procedures are possible.

    Mazi for the treatment of periior dermatitis

    First, antimicrobial ointments are usually prescribed with antibiotics (erythromycin, tetracycline), after removing inflammation, the choice of funds should be very careful, the doctor does it.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures

    The process of restoring the skin is a positive effect:

    • infrared irradiationpenetrating deep layers of leather;
    • laser therapy In stimulating doses, it has simultaneously with stimulation and antimicrobial effect;
    • information and Wave Therapy It has anti-inflammatory and general treatment.

    Cosmetic procedures

    A visit to the cosmetic salon with periogency dermatitis should be coordinated with the attending physician. Usually limited to a cryogenic face massage, which contributes to the removal of inflammation, stimulation of blood circulation and reducing processes in the skin.

    Face care

    Proper face care contributes to the fastest cure from dermatitis and prevents the recurrences of the disease. With periorel dermatit, it is impossible:

    1. Subject to the skin of the face with the effects of atmospheric factors: cold, wind, moisture.
    2. Stay under the outdoor.
    3. Often wash your face with water with soap.
    4. Use any cosmetics, the more decorative.
    5. Use hormone ointments, including in other parts of the body.
    6. Take hormonal drugs, with the exception of cases when they are necessary for health.
    7. Make cleaning, whitening or peeling the skin of the face.

    Important. Cosmetics for a person can not use not only during the exacerbation of the disease, and within 3 months after it, and women with frequent exacerbations and total dermatitis are better to refuse it.

    1. Clean the face with soft wet napkins, you can use a special non-allergenic medicinal cleaner "Bioderma Sensibio".
    2. Use the sunscreen during stay under sunlights with an estimate index of at least 30.
    3. I regularly wash your face or make a row with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomiles, calendulas, sage, cleanliness.
    4. Refuse bad habits, pay more attention to sports, hygienic gymnastics.

    "Bioderma" gently cleanses the skin of the face during dermatitis

    The treatment of periogency dermatitis is not limited to local means. It must be comprehensive and appointed by a doctor after a preliminary examination.

    Periioral dermatitis doctors may call rosaceae-like. The disease is rare, about 1% of people are sick.

    Often, the ailment begins in women from 20 to 40 years. Surprisingly, but more often it is found at the women carefully following his skin.

    For the first time, the disease was described in 1957, but still scientists argue whether perioral dermatitis of independent illness or refers to Rosacea.

    Many people have time from time to time there are increased dryness and redness of the skin around the lips and in the nasolabial triangle area. Dryness is trying to treat with moisturizing cream.

    But in some cases, attempts to moisten the skin lead to deplorable results.

    Acne appears on the red-free region, the skin bluses even more, acne and papulas grow up to an increasing area. This is the symptoms of perioral dermatitis.

    At the beginning there is pain, dryness, burning, then the skin is covered with small red nodules. Next, the amount of papural increases, they merge into plaques.

    The skin on the face is covered with transparent, easily disappearing scales. Granulomas may appear in the inflammation zone - formations that have necrotic sites, in this case we are talking about granulomatous perioral dermatitis.

    Not all pimples - the beginning of dermatitis, it can be ordinary acne, resulting from the blockage of pores or insufficient hygiene.

    The most striking sign that allows you to distinguish the perioreral dermatitis from any other skin disease, is a kime of healthy skin around the lips.

    All rashes are located in the nasolabial triangle, on the chin, cheeks, without approaching the lip of the buzz closer than the centimeter.

    Occorption dermatitis takes long. The disease brings a person mental discomfort. Attempts to get rid of him from him unsuccessful.

    Independently selected in a cosmetic store or in a pharmacy, ointments, gels and creams do not help. The fellow man falls into depression, avoids contact with people, limits the circle of communication.

    In different people, perioreral dermatitis can take place with different intensity. In some cases, it is limited to several pimples, in others - severe rash appears.

    The network contains numerous reviews of people who have experienced what perioreral dermatitis.

    Causes of the appearance of periogency dermatitis

    The exact causes of the disease are unknown, but doctors believe that primarily it is an allergic process.

    The appearance of rash is usually preceded by contact with any allergen, so one of the treatment measures is a special diet.

    The diet is aimed at excluding from the dietary products that they know that they can cause allergies.

    It is difficult to distinguish some one allergen that cause dermatitis on the face.

    These can be climatic factors, chemicals, medicinal ointments and even dental powder. Especially often cause oral dermatitis fluorinated toothpastes.

    It is reliably known that corticosteroid (hormonal) ointments can cause oral dermatitis, often used for the treatment of dermis diseases such as eczema.

    These compositions are highly effective in the cure of dermatological diseases, but they change the structure of the dermis, lead to atrophy of the skin fibers, disturb the skin of the skin - this leads to the fact that the skin becomes unable to perform its functions.

    Microorganisms penetrate it and cause inflammation, expressed in the form of rash, pustus, acne, which, ultimately, leads to periorel dermatitis.

    The reasons for the appearance of periogency dermatitis can be the most different. One of them can be a decrease in immunity that occurred due to climate change, or excess solar radiation.

    If a person has an allergic rhinitis, asthma or just sensitive skin, then it is in the risk group.

    Most of the sick oral dermatitis have violations in the work of the gastrointestinal and endocrine system organs, there are nervous diseases.

    If the treatment of hormonal ointment has not led to the appearance of dermatitis on the face, then you should not degrees ahead of time. Rash on the face appears after the ointment is stopped using.

    Also, if you show "independence" and use corticosteroids without appointing a doctor for treating precisely oral dermatitis, then you need to be prepared for the fact that even if the rash disappears, then after canceling the drug it will appear again, capturing a more extensive part of the person.

    Important! Oral dermatitis do not treat corticosteroid (hormonal) means - instead of treating, they contribute to the further spread of the disease.

    The causes of the disease can be in changing the hormonal background resulting from a climax or reception of oral contraceptives.

    The hormonal background varies greatly during pregnancy, because of this, the appearance of dermatitis is possible.

    To fully treat oral dermatitis in pregnant women is not possible, but you need to know that it is not harmful for the mother and the future child.

    Treatment of dermatitis on the face

    Treatment of any skin disease, including periogency dermatitis - a long process. The duration of treatment is at least one and a half months. In advanced cases, treatment can last up to three months.

    The doctor must treat dermatitis, and the sooner to go to him, the faster the positive result will be obtained.

    Treatment organized by all the rules and led to the disappearance of rash does not guarantee that perioreral dermatitis will not know anymore anymore.

    Recurrements can happen. So, where do you need to begin treatment of oral dermatitis if the doctor put this diagnosis?

    To begin with, the so-called zero therapy is carried out. It is necessary to stop using any cosmetics and therapeutic ointments, fluorinated toothpaste.

    After the cancellation of corticosteroids, the rash can progress, but after a few weeks it should be amended.

    Remembering the allergic nature of dermatitis, during zero therapy you can take antihistamines.

    If zero therapy did not help, antibiotics are going to move. With oral dermatitis antibiotics - a fairly effective measure, they are able to fully cure this disease.

    The doctor will appoint a treatment in which minocycline or doxycycline in tablets, as well as tetracycline or metronidazole tablets or metronidazole cream. Instead of the metronidazole cream, it is allowed to use erythromycin gel.

    The results of treatment with antibiotics can be seen after three weeks. The skin is noticeably improved by this time, but it is impossible to stop treatment.

    In order for antibiotics to harm the body, during treatment from periolar dermatitis, the course of drugs will additionally supply to maintain the intestinal microflora.

    The approximate treatment scheme will look like this:

    1. Doxycycline, minocycline or tetracycline (dosage should be prescribed a doctor) 2 times a day before the disappearance of rashes, then the dose decreases twice and antibiotics are taken within another month;
    2. Gel with meterogil in the morning and ointment with erythromycin in the evening.

    No skin disease is done without local treatment. Well-chosen ointment or gel can remove symptoms and reduce inflammation.

    In the treatment of oral dermatitis, good results showed an elite cream with pimecrolimus - a substance belonging to the group of immunomodulators. Gel is capable of reduced skin response to allergen.

    Personal care during periorel dermatitis

    Treatment can be supplemented with various folk remedies. It may take a strict diet, but women do not get used to the sake of beauty to limit food.

    Diet with dermatitis lies in the fact that everything is removed from the diet, which leads to allergies and increases the activity of the sebaceous glands:

    • acute fatty and fried dishes;
    • exotic fruits;
    • milk;
    • sweets.

    The diet limits the use of fish, caviar, mushrooms, table salt. The diet does not mean that you need to sit hungry. Food must be regular, dishes are prepared from products that are maximally saturated with fiber.

    1. Sticks from a series, cleanliness, plantain. Grandfather do three times a day;
    2. Compresses with flax oil are mixed in equal amounts of linseed oil and honey, heated in a water bath and poured a little juice of the reptile onion. In the mixture, smear the fabric and applied to the affected skin;
    3. Pumpkin mask. The flesh of the vegetable rubbed on the grater and applied the casket to the skin;
    4. The ointments containing sulfur and tar cooked at home.

    Good folk remedies from dermatitis are:

    • birch buds;
    • oak bark ham;
    • aloe juice and calangean;
    • horsetail

    Leads from these plants wash the face, and why leave the skin to dry naturally, without wiping the towel.

    Beekeeping products helps to get rid of oral dermatitis. Any beekeeping products have a bactericidal action and can become therapeutic folk remedies.

    However, in this case, it is undesirable to use honey to treat, since it is an allergenic product.

    To treat oral dermatitis by folk remedies, it is better to use propolis, making an ointment out of it.