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  • Who among the mortals visited the kingdom of Aida. Orpheus in the underground kingdom

    Who among the mortals visited the kingdom of Aida. Orpheus in the underground kingdom

    He was the most terrible of the Greek gods. His name was not solved to pronounce any mortal. He personified the death itself and rules for the kingdom of the dead. Everyone knew that he would meet sooner or later.

    Aid It is the mythological guard of death, the king of the afterlife, where so afraid to get all the ancient Greeks. In those days it was not customary to portray Aida. In his honor almost never built temples and did not read him. The myth of the king of the afterlife explained the ancient Greeks, which is happening with them after death. All these legends show how much people strongly sought to survive, and what fears and thoughts awakened death in them. Many religions and beliefs have a separate way of existence after the death of the physical body.

    The myth says that after the death, the spirit of the deceased falls into aid - the underground world. The ancient Greek Military World of AID combines the paradise and hell at the same time. In the Christian religion, everything is different - the soul of man will be punished or she is given eternal bliss in God's kingdom, depending on her earthly acts. In the ancient Greeks, the separation of paradise and hell was absent, they believed that all postal kingdoms were in one place - under the ground.

    Aid consisted of three levels. Almost all souls of the dead fall on asfodela meadow. There arrive in oblivion of faceless masses. The soul of the deceased person is doomed to long wandering in the gloomy underground world. Asfodela meadow can be compared with a purm. This is a quiet, calm place where the sorrowful trees have had fun, between which people's souls are aimlessly wrapped.

    For those who warm the gods, in the kingdom of Aida, a special place is provided - the abyss of 65 thousand kilometers. The soul that fell into this place is doomed to the eternal torment and torture. This place is surrounded by the fiery river. PRIFLEMETON, the ancient Greeks called him Tartarus.

    Christian hell is a kind of version of the Greek Tartar. It fell exclusively to the souls of evil people. The first Christians so associated hell with Tartar, which they wrote about him in the New Testament. Information about Tartar can be found in the second message of Peter of the New Testament. Historians believe that the Christian concept of hell happened from the ancient Greek Tartara.

    The most righteous fell on the third level of Aida, where they were waiting for the real paradise - Elysium. It is also known as the island of blissful.

    Elysium is an ancient Greek Equivalent of Paradise. By legend, this place is replete with food, there are no suffering and burden. The souls that fell into the Elisium were surrounded by the same righteous, which in their lifestyles they themselves. All Greek heroes unequivocally fell into the Alisium.

    All the ancient Greeks obeyed the will of Aida. However, some acquainted with him at the dawn of forces.

    Aid chose himself in the queen's beautiful Persephone. He kidnapped it while walking. On that day, Persephone collected flowers in the meadow, as suddenly the Earth turned around, and the invisible hand of Aida dragged her into his afterlife. He made it a prisoner of his kingdom, to make her his wife forever.

    Meanwhile, in the world of living, she is desperately looking for a mother - Dimetra, Goddess of fertility. This myth tells about the main aspect of the life of the ancient Greeks. The dimeter is capable of destroying all people. Greeks were believed that the dimeter had power over the time of the year. It was believed that since the abduction Aid, the Persephone originated a one-year cycle on Earth.

    Dimetra did not suspect what trouble had happened to her daughter. She wandered around the world in search of Persephone and forgot to reinforce the Earth with fertility. All plants slowly started and soon died. After the death of plants there was infertility of women, children were no longer born on Earth. The most severe winter in history has come. When the Gods of Olympus saw the impending threat of the eternal winter, they ordered Aida to immediately return to Persefon to life. However, Aid was not going to fulfill the will of the Olympians.

    Aid believed that if he succeeds, it is to make an excellent Persephone eating underground food - it will become one with the world of the dead. The king of the underworld, offered Persephone pomegranate grains, she accepted the delicacy, and her fate was predetermined. Later, the whole world will pay a high price for this error. After the Persephone tasted the food of the underground world, she was obliged to hold in the kingdom of the dead for three months a year. For one month for each grenade grains eaten. Everything else, she was allowed to be near his mother.

    At the time when Persephone was in Aid, a dimeter could not give earth fertility - thus, the ancient Greeks explained to themselves. Upon returning Persephone, her mother was happy, and he grew up when her daughter took AID again. So spring, summer and autumn appeared. People in those days believed that when changing the seasons of the year, Persephone moved from the earthly kingdom, to the underground. However, how did she get to AID? Ancient Greeks believed that the cave Eleusina He was an entrance to AIs, gates of death. When Persephone left the kingdom of the dead for the first time, her mother demeter met her from this cave. Eleusin is considered the boundary between the two worlds - the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. However, this cave was not the only entrance to the underground kingdom. The Greeks believed that in Aid could be hit by different roads. During the excavations near the entrance to the cave of Eleusin, archaeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient temple. Among other finds, scientists found a stone bas-relief, the inscription on which gave "God and the goddess". The bas-relief was dedicated to God whose name was prohibited. This temple belonged to the Angel of Death - Aida.

    Such temples are rare enough from Greek culture. Asid himself, like his cult, does not contribute to the temples in their honor. When the Greeks needed the attention of Aida, they beat the feet of the ground, shouting his name. Therefore, the temples dedicated to AIDA are a big rarity.

    To revere the secret cult in Eleusin, a sect was collected. It included a group of people obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath. In this secret sect, the rite of initiation was held such well-known historical individuals as Plato, Socrates, Cicero, this indicates a special significance of the cult. The written results found by archaeologists indicate that different members of society came there with one goal - to find the shortest way to paradise, the road to infinite happiness and bliss in the kingdom of Aida. In those days, the sects gave all the necessary knowledge about the achievement of the "Island of Blessed". The Eleusinsk sect had a direct impact on Christianity. Since this cult contributed to getting rid of the fear of death - its popularity grew and prepared the basis for the Christian faith. As a result, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity became a victory over death.

    The ancient Greeks considered Aida with a cruel lord of the soul. However, the death of death was not always like that, he had to go through a lot of tests. He overcame the way from a forgotten child to the most terrible God, who is horror in every mortal. Aid was cursed from the very moment of his appearance on the light, at that moment when he was swallowed by lived by his own father.

    Birth of Aida

    Kronos was predicted that one of his children would take his place. Kronos. He was the king of all gods - titansAnd the most afraid of losing his power over the world. He solves this problem, swallowing the lives of his children. The fate to be eaten by his own father also suffered AIDA. When he only appeared on the light, Kronos swallowed it.

    In ancient Greece, the killing of children was quite rare, so such cruelty caused their real horror. All children swallowed by Kronos did not die because they were immortal gods. They grew, developed and adults directly in the womb of the Kronos. Only one child managed to escape from the fate of his brothers and sisters - his name was Zeus. He returned to his brothers and sisters, being an adult God and freed them from captivity inside the Kronos. Zeus united the saved gods, made them the gods of Olympus, and the minor of his father of Kronos, capturing power over the world. After the victory, the Olympic gods were to decide how to share their power. Three gods, Zeus, Aid and Poseidon agree to distinguish their possessions. It was a decisive moment, which forever distributed the forces between the gods. Since AID was elder from the sons of Kronos, in ancient Greek law, he had a number of advantages. At the Greeks, in those days was made the right of birthright. According to this right, Aid had the full right to inherit most of the shared property. However, Zeus, the younger brother Aida planned to rule the world alone. In the ariser, they come to the draw.

    In the ancient Greeks, if the inheritance could not be divided in a different way, the lot was the usual procedure for the property section. As a result of the draw, Poseidon went to the sea, Zeus Sky, Aida - the kingdom of the dead.

    Aid had the opportunity to rule the world, but fate ordered otherwise. He was extremely offended and overshadowed his share, but this was his rock. Since the ancient Greeks were afraid of death and treated her as something very scary - they did not reward almost no honors Aida. The remaining Gods of Olympus also did not endorse his societies because he hated death. The kingdom of Aida in ancient scriptures was described as wet caves and rivers. In this place over the rivers, fog is worn, there all overwhelmed the smell of decomposition. There is no way back from there.

    Under Greece, there is a whole network of huge caves. This network is a labyrinth cave filled with water, a place that exactly resembles the underground kingdom of Aida. For the Greeks, these caves were something like intermediate links, they were interpreted as the movement points between the two worlds - the earthly life and the kingdom of the dead. Greeks found caves very important in their history, as they were houses for the first people. After the ancient Greeks left the caves and took up the construction of individual houses, the dungeons began to be considered sacred. Aid and his dead kingdom brought genuine horror on all people. More than Aida, they were afraid of the damned shower, who walked around the world and could not get to Aid. According to legend, dead souls, not encompassed by Aid, persecuted alive.

    Since Aid was the king of the underworld of the world, he tried to create a real kingdom of him. Like any other fair ruler, he punished evil and granted good. To maintain the order of AID, a certain group that follows justice and order among the dead souls. This group included Hektonheira - Storuchnaya giants, Cerberus (Kerber) - a three-headed dog, distinguished by extreme cruelty, and a student of Aida - Charon.

    Charon was a carrier on the Olyonnevian River from Human Tears - Stise. He forwarded dead souls from one to the other side, in the kingdom of the dead. Charon was a demonic, dried creature on the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. All souls who are in Aida fell there with Haron. However, for his services, he charged a small fee - all souls were obliged to pay a coin for his crossing. Souls who could not pay Charon were doomed to forever wander off the coast of the river Styx. The laying of coins in the ancient Greeks was a mandatory funeral ritual, without this soul rite of the deceased would never have recognized peace. In many states of antiquity, laws that punish people for non-compliance with the ritual of the burial were introduced. This suggests how much people really believed in the veracity of their myths. Ancient sources say that sometimes the souls of the deceased returned to alive. This happened in those families that for some reason did not comply with the funeral rite of burial. Dead souls did not know peace, they cried, asked something, destroyed and harmed, and could not get to Aid.

    The ancient Greeks left many evidence of their faith in ghosts and spirits. In the Greek graves, archaeologists discovered lead figurines with bound limbs. They were placed in miniature grudges on the covers of which curses were cut out. All spells were directed to the dead and their gods so that they are tortured people who have not yet died. Thus, the ancient Greek fighters asked the dead to tie their hands with their opponents. This "magic" was used everywhere for various kinds of needs, mainly to harm the opponent or a competitor in anything. Figurines with curses preferably placed in the grave by those who are unlikely to fall into Aid. Those were the rigorous dead. They are those who died at a very early age, those who died a violent death, those who buried, without observing the rules and rites of the burial.

    Such spirits are deprived of the opportunity to get into the afterlife, the kingdom of Aida. That is why they were considered evil and unhappy. Incompute souls are easiest to push to fulfill a bad act. The souls who managed to get to Aid were never returned back. Those who tried to leave the kingdom of the dead, waiting for a harsh punishment. But some still went to risk.


    Legends talk about a sick and disgraced man who stood at the foot of the mountain. Through its skin, blood was tagged, mixed with sweat. His called Sisif. He was the first person who challenged the Aid himself, conceived death. Before his death, he asked his wife not to bury him. He understood that if the wife would not bury the body, his soul would hang between the two worlds - the world of the living and the kingdom of Aida. Sisifa was a man educated. He assumed to convince Aida to let his soul. As Sisifa understood that the fool of Aid was impossible, he decided to act through his queen. Sisifa complained to Persephone to his wife - how could she do this with his body? He managed to convince Qatuitsa Aida, she experienced a sympathy for an unfortunate Sisif and accepted on his wife. Persephone allowed Sisif to return to the world of living to punish his wife. He achieved what he had to. Located to the will of the spirit of Sisif and did not think to return back to the kingdom of the dead. In a way, a helica Sisif managed to deceive death. But Aid never, and does not release anyone from his kingdom. As soon as Aid found out about Sisif's escape, immediately returned it to the soul back.

    Thus, the ingenious Sisif managed to deceive death. But Aid never, and does not release anyone from his kingdom. As soon as Aid found out about Sisif's escape, immediately returned it to the soul back.

    Sisifa was mistaken at the expense of what was enough smart to overcome the great gods. In ancient Greece, such actions were considered extremely dangerous. Anyone who tried to fool Aida was considered the enemy of Greece. The Greeks sacred believed that the souls of the dead should be in Aida, and anywhere else. It was believed that the dead could drain the souls of living in a different world, they kidnapped out other people's lives.

    The punishment of Aida for the disobedience of Sisif was extremely severe. Those who tried to deceive death, waited for eternal flour in the underground kingdom. For his audacity, Sisif was concluded in Tartar - blood pressure of ancient myths. Surrounded by the fiery river, he had to push the huge sizes of a stone on the top of the underground mountain. Every day Sisif ended the same - he squeezed a heavy stone to the top, and then was forced to watch powerlessly, as the stone breaks down and roll down. He has to endure these suffering days a day. Sisif is doomed to suffer eternal eyelids. The myth of Sisifa was a strict reminder to people that none of the mortals would be able to overcome Aida and death.

    Sisif was not the only one who tried to deceive death. Of all the gods, mortals most often tried to hold exactly Aida. Another tricky way to deceive death came up with Orpheus.


    Orpheus He was famous for playing the most beautiful music in the world. The skill of Orpheus will become a real weapon against death. Before Orpheus, in ancient Greece, no one knew what music was. He was considered the founder of a musical tradition. It was Orpheus who came up with poetry and melody. The most skillful game of Orpheus could be heard when he took to the LIRA - an old string tool.

    In ancient Greece, the word music meant not only the performance of the song, but also a kind of magical formula. During his game or singing, Orpheus engaged in a kind of magic.

    The music was the meaning of the life of the Orpheus, however, true love, great for everything he knew, Orpheus was not tested for music, but to Evridica - His beautiful wife. The saddest in the myth of ORFEE and Euridic was how much they loved each other. Orpheus and Euridic were truly happy together, but in the ancient Greeks, happy people would certainly find themselves in any terrible situation, because the mortals cannot be so happy.

    Once Evridika Roded Fruits in a beautiful garden. The girl did not suspect that the satir was followed by the semi, the floor, the goat, an ugly and lustful creature. In the ancient Greeks in the form of satirs, an unbridled male force personified. Satirov had only one thing - an irresistible desire to mate.

    When Satyr tried to pounce on Eurydice, the girl noticed him and began to run away. But Satir was stronger and faster, he blocked the path of wonderful Euridic. The girl was five years ago, until he came on the snake nest. When Orpheus discovered his beloved, she was already dead. Aid took the soul of Evridika.

    Orpheus loved her wife so much that she did not want to accept her death and decided to challenge the Aida himself. Taking with me alone, he went to the underground kingdom. In Greek myths, the hero became a hero only when he descended in AID and returned back unharmed. Haron's wonderful music was defeated by Haron and crossed styx. However, on the other side of the Orpheus, an even more terrible obstacle was waiting - Cerberry, Aida's watchtown with three heads. The task of Cerber is to keep track of all who enters and leaves the gloomy kingdom of Aida. From one of his appearance, anyone came to indescribable horror. Orpheus again begins to play sweet motifs, charging cherberry. When the guard of the world of the dead freezes, the orpheus manages to enter. Orpheus appeared before Aid in the hope that the magic of music would help him convince the great God of death to let go of Euridic. Orpheus tries to do what no one was decided - to charm the death itself.

    Orpheus music was so touching that the tears rolled down the cheeks in the underground world, including the Aida himself. The king of the dead so strongly touched the Song of Orpheus that he decides to give him a chance to return his beloved. For the first time, AID recognized the power of love and the loss of an expensive person.

    The Lord of the Underground World agrees to release Eurydice from the world of the dead, but with one condition - throughout the path of Orpheus to the exit from Aida, he must believe that Euridic follows him. The Orpheus was enough to turn over once every time to lose their love.

    Step by step towards the exit from Aida Orpheus are increasingly overwhelming doubts - whether Eurydice is followed by him, or Aid arranged a cruel game for fun. Having reached the very exit from the kingdom of the dead, Orpheus does not withstand, turns around and sees her beloved. At that moment when their views came in touch, Euridic was carried back into the arms of Aida. The lord of the dead again proved his unstable power over alive. However, he will soon be faced with force, many times superior to him.

    Having risen to the surface, Orpheus the residue of life spends in wrapping wanders. He sings a song about the terrible loss of beloved to everyone who will meet in his path.

    Over the past two hundred years, mysterious plates with inscriptions made of pure gold were found in ancient Greek burial. An unexpected archaeological find helped to understand how the ancient Greeks perceived the Tsar of the dead and his kingdom. These signs were placed on the mouth of the deceased at the time of the burial. All signs are made in the shape of lips, as if the text on the plate pronounced the deceased itself. The text constantly appears as the God of the Dead and as His Kingdom. These texts are explanations to those who visited Aida how to find the kingdom of the dead. "From the left side of the house of Aida you will see the source. At the moment when the soul leaves the sunlight, fly to the right, but be careful, "says one of the inscriptions on the golden plate. Presumably these texts were a pass to the kingdom of the dead. They describe what is happening in the underground world and which stages are shower. Texts tell what guards in the underground world will meet the soul and that she should tell them to go further and get into the kingdom of Aida.

    When Orpheus returned from the kingdom of the dead, then described the Aida device with all his inhabitants in his songs. He told about what is in the world of the dead, where to go what to do and say. Separate lines of his songs are found on gold signs. In antiquity, Orpheus songs were used as a guide on the afterlife. So the Greeks saw the kingdom of the dead for thousands of years. However, in the first century of our era, the vision of the afterlife changed. New religious ideas turned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world of the dead in the minds of people. Asid met with his strongest rival - Jesus Christ.

    Scroll of Aida Jesus Christ

    Christian religion tells, about the greatest battle of the gods of the old and new world order. Jesus appeared to pick up the soul belonging to Aida. The apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus tells about the descent of Jesus Christ to hell. After his death, he came to hell and entered into a fight with Aid. Jesus managed to defeat the Gate of Aida and bring all the people to heaven.

    Going to Aid, Christ read the sermon to all dead souls. Its meaning is pretty simple - to give up Aida and accept the new Savior. About the last seconds of Aida wrote John theologians in predicting the end of the world.

    To show people their power and greatness Jesus destroys AID and fights death itself. As a result, God of the dead dies in the fiery lake, where Jesus resets him. He shows that it has such a force that he is able to defeat the death itself.

    All these stories are something much greater than an ordinary myth or legend. They help to understand the essence of the human essence to its very depths.


      • Nehardt A.A. "Legends and legends of ancient Greece and Ancient Rome" - 1990
      • Gesiod "Theogony" ("The Origin of the Gods")
      • Jan Parandov "Mythology". "Czytelnik". Warszawa. 1939.
      • Scott A. Leonard "Myth and Knowing"
      • N. A. Kun "What ancient Greeks and Romans were told about their gods and heroes", 1922
      • Rudolph Mertlik Antique legends and legends: per. With Cache. - M.: Republic, 1992. - 479 p.
      • Dennis R. Macdonald "The Homeric Epics and The Gospel Of Mark"
      • Tom Stone "Zeus: A Journey Through Greece In The Footteps of a God"
      • Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.

    Brief prehistory

    After a long struggle of the Gods with Titans, the latter were defeated and exiled to darkness. Three brothers met and divided the zones of influence. These were, and aid. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon water element, and Aida underground kingdom.

    Underground kingdom

    Aid received power over the shadows of the dead. He is considered the God of underground treasures, irrelevant wealth, fertility. It is one of the twelve of higher creatures living on. Aid was one of the three major gods. He takes the souls of all the dead, protects the mysters of the afterlime world. His wife Persephone is the goddess of the kingdom of the dead and patroness of fertility. He has a magic hat that makes invisible. In mythology, often depicted their backs. According to legends, he did not want to watch the dead in his eyes.

    There are three black poplars at the entrance to the world of shadows. It is located in the West, where the sun goes down, on the ocean coast. Relatives put the late money under the tongue, which will be a carrier board through the Styx River. Judges, death gods and meal squeeze near Aid. God Hynos holds a vessel with a shipping drink in his hands.

    In the fields of the world of shadows, many black tulips and asphodels have grown. The shadows of the dead are shared above the fields, their screams and moans are like a sheel of faded, dry foliage. They cannot return to the Sun, and continue their existence without joy and sadness, bored for the aboveground world.

    It also visited the legendary who wanted to know his fate.

    Heroes, mythical creatures, hekate is walking through underground spaces. Chaos enters the world of shadows, adding gloomy and hopelessness. The goddess of Hekata sends terrible dreams to those who forget about her, does not fight witchcraft. There is no sun, its rays cannot penetrate this dimension. Almost all defeated titans were sent here. Deadly carry a well-deserved punishment in the field of shadows. The river for the oblivion of summer flows in the kingdom of the dead. Drunk out of her forgets her old life.


    Young, tender Persephone lived with his mother, the goddess of fertility Dememetra. Somehow she walked through the forest, where Aid saw her. He fell in love with her immediately, decided to kidnap, marry. To achieve the goal, God asked the gay to grow the flower of unearthly beauty, which was done. Persephone came to walk, saw the flower of unearthly beauty, began to tear it. Immediately launched the Lono of the Earth, the horses harvested in the chariot flew. Asid, who was inside, grabbed his beautiful, disappeared with her. Just screamed the young goddess, and disappeared into the kingdom of shadows.

    Hearing the scream of his daughter, Demeter rushed to her. But there were no perverse phones anywhere. So finding a daughter, a very demeter was saddened, left Olympus, went to people. Without her ceased to bloom the gardens and flowers, hunger began throughout the planet. She prayed, turning to Helios. I asked to open it where the daughter is. And Helios replied to her that Zeus gave Persefon to Aida. A saddled mother went to Zeus, begging to return her daughter. Sent to the underground kingdom with the report. The Vladyka of the Kingdom of Shadows listened to the Messenger, sent to Persefon to Mother.

    Before the journey forced to swallow her grenade grain, which were considered a marriage symbol. Since then, the wife of the Divine for some time lives with Dememetra, and he spends another part of the time with her husband. When she leaves to the underground kingdom, the earth will be sad and empty, autumn begins, then winter. But when she returns to the mother, everything is reborn on Earth, spring comes, for her summer.


    River Styx blocks the way to the kingdom of shadows. Charon, the carrier of the dead, charges for travel. This is an old man in a rubish, which takes dead only when they have a golden branch from the demeter kingdom, and their bones are in the grave. In other cases, the souls were not transported to the other side, did not fall into the underground world.

    Charon transported the soul of the dead on the boat. The ancient Greeks drew this plot on ancient, burial vases dating from the V-IV century to our era. Sometimes he was depicted in the form of a coarse sailor, sometimes his face had noble features, and in some drawings he was given the form of a demon with a wings armed with double hammer.

    Three-headed guard

    Cerber, three-headed dog, is the guardian of the underworld. No one can go back to the kingdom of living, since the guard guard protects the line between the worlds. This dog has a snake tail, a poisonous saliva flows out of the pasta. He was born from Typhon and Echidna. This is a terrible mythical creature, which is described in many myths. At the time of the Middle Ages, Cerper is described as a winged demon guarding the exit from the underworld.


    In ancient Greek mythology is considered to be abyss. In fact, it is a shapeless, primary, disordered manifestation of space from which the first deities arose, galaxies. Chaos existed before the creation of the world, it is also called the pristine void. Ancient Greeks called him Tartar.

    All the facts, pictures, video taken from open sources.

    The great singer Orpheus, the son of the river god Eager and the muse of Kallopia, lived in a distant Frace. Orpheus's wife was beautiful Nymph Eurydick. Halifly loved her singer Orpheus. But the ardor of a happy life with his wife enjoyed not long enjoyed. One day, shortly after the wedding, beautiful Euridic collected with their young abrupt girlfriends Nymphs Spring flowers in a green valley. I did not notice the Eurydice in the thick grass of the snake and stepped on it. Struggled snake young Orpheus wife in the leg. Evridic screamed loudly and fell to the hands of the girlfriend. Evridik turned pale, her eyes closed. Poison snake presets her life. Evridik's girlfriends came to the horror and their sorrowful crying was destroyed. His Orpheus heard. He is in a hurry to the valley and there he sees the cold corpse of his gently beloved wife. Orpheus came to despair. He could not reconcile with this loss. He mourned his Evridik for a long time, and only nature was crying, hearing his sad singing.

    Finally, the Orpheus decided to descend into the gloomy kingdom of the souls of the dead to simplify the Lord of Aida and his fellow of his Persephone to bring him his wife. Through the gloomy cave of Tanar descended Orpheus to the shores of the sacred styx river.

    Standing Orpheus on the styx shore. How to cross it to another shore, where there is a gloomy kingdom of Lord Aida? The shadows of the dead crowd around the Orpheus. A slightly audible moans of them like a rustling of falling leaves in the forest in the late autumn. Here I heard flew in the flew. It is approaching the rook of the carrier of the souls of the dead, Charon. Madrid Charon to the shore. Requests the Orpheus to transport him along with souls to the other side, but he refused hersal charon. No matter how pray to His Orpheus, he hears one answer of Charon - "No!"

    Then the Orpheus on the strings of his golden kifara, and a wide wave swayed on the shore of the gloomy stycase sounds of her strings. His music was charming Orpheus Charon; He listens to the game of Orpheus, leaning on his paddle. Under the sounds of music entered Orpheus in a step, pushed her charon with an oest from the coast, and swear swung through the dark waters of stycles. Transferred Charon Orpheus. He came out of the rook and, playing on the Golden Kifare, went on the gloomy kingdom of the souls of the dead to the throne of God Aida, surrounded by souls where his kifara sounds.

    Playing a kifare, approached the throne of Aida Orpheus and bent before him. He hit the kifara strings and soldered; He sang about his love for Eurydice and how happy his life was with her in bright, clear days of spring. But quickly passed the days of happiness. Evridic died. About your grief, about the flour of broken love, about his longing on the deceased sang Orpheus. All the kingdom of Aida loses the singing of Orpheus, all the charm of his song. By bowing on the chest head, listened by Orpheus God Aid. Putting his head to the shoulder of her husband, Iedd by the song of Persephone; Tears of sadness trembled at her eyelashes. Fascinated by the sounds of a song, tantalu forgot to torment him hunger and thirst. Sisifra has stopped his grave, fruitless work. I sat on the stone that rolled up the mountain, and deeply thought deeply. Charmed with singing, stood Danaida, they forgot about their bottomless vessel. The very formidable three-year goddess of Hekata closed with his hands, so that he could not see the tears in her eyes. Tears glistened and in the eyes of the erynia who did not know the pity of Erinia, even they touched their songs Orpheus. But the golden kifara strings sounded all quieter, the Song of Orpheus, and she froze, like a slightly audible sigh of sadness.

    Deep silence reigned around. I interrupted this silence, the God of Aid and asked Orpheus, why did he come to his kingdom, what he wants to ask him. Asid, asid of the unprecedented oath of the gods - the waters of the Styx River, which will fulfill the request of the wondrous singer. So answered Orpheus Aida:

    Oh, mighty Vladyka Aid, all of us, mortals, take you to your kingdom, when the days of our life ends. I did not come here to look at those horrors that fill your kingdom, not then to lead, like Hercules, the guard of your kingdom is a three-headed Kerber. I came here to pray you to let go back to Earth my Eurydika. Turn her back to life; You see how I suffer from her! Think, Vladyka, if you were taken away from your wife to your Persephone, because you would suffer. Not forever you return Eurydich. It will return again to your kingdom. Defense Life Our Vladyka Aid. Oh, give Euridic to experience the joy of life, because she went to your kingdom so young!

    The God of AID thought and, finally, answered Orpheus:

    Good, Orpheus! I will return to you Eurydich. Arrange it back to life, to the sunlight. But you have to fulfill one condition: you will go ahead followed by Hermes, he will lead you, and Eurydick will go behind you. But during the path through the underground kingdom, you should not look around. Remember! You will look around, and will immediately leave you Euridic and returns forever in my kingdom.

    Orpheus agreed on everything. Hurry to go back to the way back. He led the quick, as thought, Hermes Shadow Euridic. With delight looks at her Orpheus. He wants Orpheus to hug the shadow of Euridiki, but God stopped Hermes, saying:

    Orpheus, because you only hug a shadow. Let's go rather; It is difficult for our way.

    Went to the road. Hermes go ahead, behind him Orpheus, and behind him the shadow of Evridika. They quickly passed by the kingdom of Aida. I crossed them through Stetens in your Floor Charon. Here is a path that leads to the surface of the Earth. It is difficult way. The path is steeply rises up, and all it is cluttered with stones. Circle deep twilight. A slightly emerges in them the figure of Hermes going ahead. But here far ahead cut the light. This is a way out. So the circle was like lighter. If Orpheus turned around, he would see Euridic. Is she going for him? Is it left in full darkness of the kingdom of the souls of the dead? Maybe she lagged behind, because the path is so difficult! Evridik lagged behind and will be doomed forever wander in the darkness. Orpheus slows down a step, listens. I can not hear anything. Yes, can they be heard the steps of the free shadow? Extremely and stronger covers Orpheus anxiety for Euridic. Increasingly, it stops. Around the same brighter. Now I would clearly consider the Orpheus shadow of his wife. Finally, forgetting everything, he stopped and turned around. Almost next to him, he saw the shadow of Evridika. I handed it to her arms Orpheus, but on, further the shadow - and I caught the darkness. As if Oche, stood Orpheus, embraced by despair. He had to survive the secondary death of Eurydika, and he himself was the culprit of this second death.

    Long stood Orpheus. It seemed that life left him; It seemed that it was a marble statue. Finally, Orpheus lacked, took a step, the other and went backwards, to the shores of the gloomy styx. He decided to return to the throne of Aida, again pray him to return to Euridic. But he did not take his old charon through Styx in his sleeper, in vain prayed his Orpheus, - did not touch the singers of the singer of an inexorable charon, seven days and nights sat the sad orphea on the banks of the styx, shedding tears of grief, forgetting about food, about everything, netuing on The gods of the gloomy kingdom of the souls of the dead. Only on the eighth day I decided to leave the shores of Stiks and return to Thrace.

    When I opened my companions, where now our way lies, they came to the horror, but, obeying my orders, they climbed the ship and sailed to the distant north. She sent us a wizard of Kirk back the wind. He quickly drove our ship. Finally, we reached the waters of the Greater Ocean and stuck to the shore of the sad country of the Kimmerians, where God's God never shines. Always covered by this country with cold fog, always envelops her dense veil night dusk. We pulled our ship to the shore, took the sheep and black ram to the victim to the victim to the underground gods, and went to the place where the high rock in Aheront had a quotation and a pyrifeometon. Having come there, I pulled a deep hole with a sword, I made three insights over her with honey, wine and water, moving all with barley flour, and broken over the sacrifice of the sacrifice. The blood of the victims flowed into the pit. The great crowd went down to the soul pit of the dead and raised the dispute about who was the first to get a sacrificial blood. Here were the souls of brides, boys, elders and husbands, struggled in battles. Horror embraced me and my companions. We burned the victims and appealed to the gloomy God Aida and his wife His goddess Persephone. I exposed the sword and sat down next to the pit, in order to prevent her soul to her dead. The first soul of a young Elpenor approached. Previously, we had a soul of him before the gate of the kingdom of the souls of the dead. I prayed to me Elpenor to betray his body to the burial so that his soul could find calm in the kingdom of Aida. I promised to fulfill his request. I flew to the pit and the soul of my mother of Antiques. She was alive when I left Ithaca. No matter how hurting it, but I did not let me down to the pit, since the first blood teaser should be drunk. Finally, the soul of Tiresia appeared. Having drunk blood, the infertinal soul turned to me and the god of Poseidon was angry at me, the Earth's oscillator, for the fact that I was blinded by His Son, Cylish Polyfem. But I will reached the Motherland against the will of Poseidon, so Tiresii predicted to me, if only my satellites will touch Helios bulls on the island of trinacria. But if the bulls are killed by my companions, then all their death will be minted, one I will be asleep and after the great disasters will come back home. I will remove the grooms there, but after, taking the paddle, I will have to be watched until the meeting of the people who does not know the navigation that has never seen ships; I find out this people by the fact that I asked me I ask me, why I carry the shovel on my shoulder. In this country, I must bring the sacrifice of Poseidon and only after that return home. At home, I must bring a rich sacrifice to all the gods; Only then will I live peacefully in Ithaka until my death. That's what the prophetic tirey predicted me and retired. I saw a lot of shower. My mother's soul told me, drunk blood, which was done in his native iteke before her death, and calmed me, saying that the father was alive and the father of my Laertop, and Penelope, and the young television. I wanted to hug my gentle mother, I stretched my hands three times, but three times slipped a light shadow of her. I saw in the kingdom of Aida shadow many of the heroes, but I could not all be enough, it would not be enough for all nights. Late Now, it's time to interrupt me a story, it's time to go to everyone on peace.

    So told Odyssey. But all the gathered began to ask Odyssey to continue the story, asked for his queen Aretha and King Alkina. They were ready to listen to Odyssey to the dawn itself. He began to continue Odyssey his story.

    I saw in the kingdom of Aida and the soul of Tsar Agamemnon. He bitterly complained to his wife at CliMenestr and Egisf, who killed the king Mikten on his return day. I advised me the soul of Agamemnon did not trust the wife of my Penelope to the ITAKA. I saw the souls of Achille, Patrole, Anticelch and Telavonid Ajax. Achille told about the great feats of his son of his neopolit, and he referred to, although she slowed down at bitter life in the kingdom of the dead and wished to be the last Batrakom on Earth, than to be the king in the kingdom of the souls of the dead. I wanted to reconcile with the great Ajax - I offended him, when I argued for the armor of Achilla, - but a Ajax left silently, without telling me a word. I saw the judge of the dead, Tsar Minos. I saw the torment of Tantalum and Sisif. Finally, the soul of the greatest heroes was approaching me and he himself, he himself in Olympus, in the monitor of the immortal gods. I was waiting for the souls and other great heroes of the past times, but the souls raised such a terrible cry that I flew to the ship in fear. I was afraid that the goddess of Persephone was a terrible Gorgon Medusa.

    We quickly descended the ship on the water of the gray ocean and left the country of the Kimmerians. We also reached the island of Ee and, baptized to the shore, was forgotten by the deceased sleep.

    Aid, Gades ("insubading", "non-uniform", "terrible"), in the Greek mythology, God is the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead. AID is the Olympic Deity, although it is constantly in his underground possessions. At the same time, Aid is the kingdom of the dead, where the god of Aid and his wife Persephone is dominated by the soul of deceased.

    Family and surroundings

    Aid - the son of the Kronos and Rei, Brother Zeus and Poseidon, with whom divided the legacy of the overthrown father. Aida has no children, and quite little myths are devoted to him, although according to the court, the largest encyclopedic dictionary, compiled in Byzantium in the second half of the 19th century, the daughter of Aida can be considered Macaria - the goddess of blissful death.

    The wife of Aida became the goddess of Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeters, kidnapped by the God of the Kingdom of Dead. Together with her hand about the hand of Aid reigns in the underground world.

    One of the beloved Aida was a beautiful nymph -Okuanide left (from Dr. Greek. "White Topol"). Aid kidnapped Levka and was in his underworld. When, after the expiration of the life of life, Levka died as aid turned her into white poplar. After Hercules defeated Kerbera and brought him out of Aida (the kingdom of the dead), he was covered with foliage of this tree, this is how white poplar appeared on the surface of the earth.

    Also talk about Minf (or Kokitid on the name of the Kokif River), which was made by the concubine of Aida, the goddess of the bark (Persephone) turned it into garden mint.

    In Aida (in the underground kingdom), the monsters live, terrible and terrible, they are all assistants or servants of God Aida, leads the monsters a terrible three-headed (or three-lit) goddess of Hekat. Gello is a witch who kidding children, went rumors that Gello was a canoecy and eaten abducted babies. Hydra with fifty pastes will fit the Tartar threshold in Aida. Campa The terrible monster worshiped Kiklopov in Tartar until Zeus was killed. Three-headed dog Kerber (Cerber) guards the exit from the kingdom of the dead, not allowing the dead to return to the world of living, from his paste the poisonous alone, he has a snake tail, on the back of the serpent. Kerber was defeated by Hercules in one of his feats. Empus - a woman demon with donkey legs, sucking blood at night at sleeping, she is a relative of Erinia, the goddesses of the revenge.

    Charon - the carrier of the souls of the dead across the Ahern River (according to another version through Styx), the son of Ereb - the eternal darkness and nikti - the goddess of the night. He was depicted as a gloomy ugly elder in a rubish. He is not just so transporting the souls of the dead, but takes a fee in one Ool (the name of the coin), which relatives of the deceased put on the root of the late under the tongue. He transports only those decers whose bones found peace in the grave. All the others were to be ever to languish on the shore of Aheront without resting and hope on peace. Only the golden branch, torn in the grove of Persephone, opens the living person the path to the kingdom of death and under any circumstances does not transport anyone back.

    Tanatos - the personification of death, the son of Nitty and Ereb, the twin brother of the God Sleep Holness. Tanatos lives in Tartar, but usually dwells next to the throne of the god of the kingdom of the dead. Tanatos is a man when his life, measured by Moyram, is coming to an end. He cuts off his sword from the dying strand of hair to dedication to Her Aida, and then takes the souls to the kingdom of the dead. Tanatos always accompanies his brother of Hynos, bringing mortal sleep.

    The gardener Aida is called Askalaf, the son of the river god Aheronta (Aheront - the Underground Kingdom River, through which Charon procates the shadows of the dead).


    After the section of the world between Zeus, Aid and Poseidon, Aida went to the Underground Kingdom and the authorities over the shadows of the dead. He is one of the twelve Olympic gods and is one of the three main, ruling world. Homer calls Aida Zeus Chtoniem (Zeus underground) and represents him personally the torment of his kingdom.

    One of the most famous myths of the ancient Greece about the abduction of Persefons Aid. Once, when Persephone was walked alone, collecting flowers, Aid came out of the midst of the earth and kidnapped Persephone. Demeter, upset by the missing daughter, ceased to follow nature and all vegetation on Earth began to dry out and rot when the food was not left at all and people prayed for help, Zeus demanded to return the mother's Persephone. But Aid has already gave Persephone seeds of a grenade and she in an ancient rule, who tasted food or drink in the underground world, should have remained there. In order for the Earth again bloomed, Zeus ruled that the quarter of the year of Persephone would hold with her mother on Earth, everything else would remain in the underground kingdom of Aida as a spouse of his brother. This myth describes the emergence of four times of the year. In the summer of Persephone, he holds demeter with his mother, then flowers and trees are fruit. In the fall, Persephone goes to Aid and Demeter begins to be sad, so leaves fall and dry flowers. In winter, everything is covered with snow, demeter in sadness away from their beloved daughter does not want to follow nature. In the spring - Demetra expects the appearance of his daughter and is preparing for her arrival, because all the nature around is reborn after the winter. There is another version that tells that only a third of the percepton is carried out with AIs, and two thirds with Demetra, which does not contradict the existing laws of nature.

    Most of the time he spends in the underground kingdom, invisible to others. Only twice it went to the surface: According to Homer, Asid went to Olympus for help when Hercules wounded his arrow and when he rose upstairs to steal Persephone. But at the same time, the inaccessible kingdom of Aida penetrate the heroes and some of them even manage to pick up their loved ones.

    The myth of the injury of Aida Hercules testifies to the increased independence and keenness of the handsome generation of people in the era of the classical Olympic mythology. Aid fought on the side of the residents of Pilos and their king Notea. For this in Pilos worship Aida, there was also his temple. Hercules wounds Aida in the shoulder and heals the divine healer at Olymp Peon. In another mythological plot, Hercules abducts from the kingdom of the dead Aida Psaja Cerberry for Eurisfay.

    Aid was deceived by the skeleton Sisyphor, who left the kingdom of the dead once. He forbade his wife to make funeral rites after his death. Aid and Persephone, without waiting for the funeral victims, allowed Sisifa to return to Earth for a long time - to punish his wife for a violation of the sacred customs and told her to arrange a funeral and sacrifice. But Sisifa did not return to the kingdom of Aida, he stayed in the lush palace to appear and rejoice at the fact that the only one of all the mortals managed to return from the gloomy kingdom of shadows. The absence of Sisyifa was discovered several years later and he had to send Hermes. For all the misbehables of the tricky and the little Sisif, he was cruelly punished, forcing it over again to pump a heavy stone on the mountain, from here there was a well-known expression on the useless work of "work Sisyphers".

    Also known the myth of the pour, the king of the lapiphs, the son of Ixion. He wanted to kidnap the Persephone and marry her himself. He asked Tereus to help him in this. Together they penetrated AID and requested the kingdom of the kingdom of the dead to give them to Persephone. Aid did not show anger, but offered heroes to relax and sit on the throne at the entrance to the kingdom. Once on the throne, they immediately increased to it (or for another version they were launched by snakes). The Teshe managed to free himself when Hercules went down to Aid, and the pouron remained forever in the kingdom of the dead, punished for his misconduct.

    Orpheus charm his singing and the game on Lira Aida and Persefon so that they agreed to return to the land of his wife Eurydich. Aid and Persephone warned Orpheus that leaving the kingdom of the dead he should not look around under any circumstances and that he would not hear behind his back, but along the way Orpheus wanted to make sure that Eurydice was still going on him and looked around. The condition assigned to him, and Euridic remained forever in the kingdom of the dead.

    When Asklepiy reached such skill in the art of healing, he began to revive the dead people, taking away from Aida of his new subjects, a vulnerable aid forced Zeus to kill Asclepius with zipper.

    Name, epithets and character

    Aid in the meaning of the "name of God", apparently, is secondary in relation to the meaning of the "name of the world of the dead". Aida is called "the driver of the people" Agseylam, the "irresistible" admethom, the "dark" ambulance, "ruling golden enthusias" in the hymn of Pindar.

    Homer calls Aida "generous" and "hospitable", because Mortal fate not by any person. People tried not to pronounce the name of this God, but mentioned it allegorically. He was called "invisible" (Aidoneus). Another epithet of Aida "rich" (in Greek Pluto, from where the Roman name of this God occurred, and in Latin disk, from the word Dives - "rich"), because He is the owner of the impenetrable human souls and treasure hidden in the ground. Thus, Aid completely absorbed the image of the god of the plutos, originally an independent deity of wealth and fertility. In connection with this integration and together with the name of the name, there was also a change in the very idea of \u200b\u200bAIDA, significantly mitigating it without a loose and inexorable creature. Probably under the influence of the Eleusian Mysteries, he began to attribute the quality of the God of wealth and fertility in connection with the mystico-allegorical comparison of the fate of the bread grain (as if buried at the moment of sowing, to rise for a new life in the colosue) with the afterlife of man. This may also contributed to the image of Persephone - patroness fertility.

    Other, less common names are kind, adviser, glorified, hospitable, locking gates and hated.

    Unlike violent Poseidon and an amphibious Zeus, Aid is always calm and peaceful. In myths, where aid, aid, he is always involved in, he is always judicious and quietly accepts certain events. On the one hand, Aid is terrible and terrible, on the other hand, AID is able to sympathize, as he says the myth of ORFEE, and is capable of love, as they say the myths about the abduction of Persephone and about the porphy.

    The sphere of influence of Aida in the kingdom of shower, this is the scope of the unconscious, so he was called invisible. Although AID is the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, it should not be confused with Satan. As the God of Death, Aid Ugryum, is adamant and uncompromisingly fair. His decisions are not subject to appeal, but it does not personify evil and is neither the enemy of mankind nor the tempter. His kingdom of the underwor world is compared with death in the sense that death is only a change in one manifested material form to another not affordable to perception, that is, the transition from one quality to another, transformation. Of course, this process is usually painful, so Aid seemed to be a manager of the decline. And his first manifestation in the soul was felt, bringing dusk, and as a source of anxiety, recession and seals, - but it is also able to carry enlightenment and update.

    In ancient Roman mythology, Aida corresponds to Pluto.

    The kingdom of the dead

    Aid is also referred to as the space in the depths of the Earth, where the Lord has dwells over the shadows of the dead, which Hermes leads. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe topography of Aida was complicated over time. Homer is known: Entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, which is guarded by the dog-guard of Aida in the extreme West ("West", "Sunset" - a symbol of dying) behind the ocean river, washing the earth, the asphodelie meadow, where the shadows of the dead, the gloomy depths of Aida - Ereb, Rivers Kokif, Styx, Ahernontt, Pigrifeetton. Tartar is under the kingdom of Aida, but the gates to Tartar are located in Aida.

    Late evidence is added by the Education Swamps or the Ahegrusky Lake, which flows the Kokit River, Fiery Piniggetton (Phlegeton) surrounding Aid, the river for the oblivion of the summer, the carrier of the dead charon, the trochepter Psa Kerber. The court addressed Minos, in the future Righteous judges Minos, Eak and Radamanf - Sons of Zeus. Ofico-Pythagorean idea of \u200b\u200bthe court over sinners: Tritia, Tanthal and Sisif in Tartar - as part of Aida found a place in Homer (in the late layers of Odyssey), at Plato, Virgin. A similar description of the kingdom of the dead with all gradations of punishments at Virgil ("Aneida") relies on the Fedon Dialogue "Fedon" Plato and Homer with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe redemption of earthly misconduct and crimes. Homer also calls a place for righteous in Aida - Elysee fields or Elysium. About the "Islands of Blessed" mention Geesiod and Pindar, so that the separation of the Vergil of Aida on Elysium and Tartar also goes back to the Greek tradition.

    In the kingdom of Aida, it is impossible to enter while being alive and cannot be out from there. However, there are myths about how some heroes descended in AID and went out from there alive. In the case of Psychia, it was the last of its heroic tasks - the only way to reunite with Eros. Also, love came the Orpheus to descend to AIs for his beloved by Euridic. Dionysis entered the underground world to find his mother to the semel. In addition to love, a person can commemorate to the descent to the underground kingdom aspiration for wisdom and knowledge. So, Odyssey decided to descend into the underground world for the sake of meeting with the blind Providant Tires, who could tell him the way home. Voluntary descent is associated with great risk, because there is never a guarantee that the brave will be able to return.

    Aida's problem is also associated with the ideas about the fate of the soul, the ratio of the soul and body, the fair retribution - the image of the Goddess Dick, the action of the law of inevitability (see Adraty).

    Cult and symbolism

    In the Greek mythology of the Olympic period, AID is a secondary deity. He acts as an idostatic Zeus, no wonder Zeus is referred to as Ktoniy, "underground" and "descending down". Aida do not bring victims, he has no offspring and even his wife he mined illegally. Hercules defeats him. However, Aid inspires horror with its inevitability. For example, Achille is ready to be rather a row than the king among the dead. Late antique literature (Lukian) has created a parody-grotesque idea of \u200b\u200bAid ("Talk about the kingdom of the dead", which have source, apparently, the comedy "frog" of Aristophan). According to Pausania, Aida did not read anywhere, except for the Elida, once a year the temple of God opened (just as people just descend into the kingdom of the dead), where only clergymen were allowed.

    In all other cases, the build of AIDA is connected to the cult of other chonic deities, and AID is as a submitter of the world, than in the sense of the terrible God of death. The venerations of Aida were localized usually near the deep caves, raft in the ground, etc., in which superstition saw the "entrances to the underground kingdom". As a sacrifices, Aida was brought by common cattle.

    Aid - owner of a magic helmet that makes it invisible; This helmet was further used by Zeus during the battle with the titans, the goddess of Athena, helping Diiseda against Ares, so as not to be recognized, and the hero of Perseus, getting the head of Gorgon, Hermes in Giantaji. This helmet was donated to Aida Cyclops (kilopami) for freeding them on the order of Zeus. Scepter Aida depicts three pieces.

    Aid in art and literature

    Aid - the acting face of the comedy Aristophan "Frogs", supplied by the author on Lena in 405 BC. and received the first award.

    AIDA images are relatively rare; Most of them relate to the later time. It is depicted similarly to Zeus - a mighty, mature husband, squeezing on the throne, with a two-way or a rod in his hand, sometimes with a horn of abundance, sometimes with him percept. At the feet, Aida usually lies Kerber (Cerber).

    A detailed description of the kingdom of the dead can be read from Vergil in Enievous.

    In artistic art, the plot of the abduction of Aid Persephone (or Pluto Proserpines) is most often found.

    Aid in modern times

    Aid is one of the main characters of the film "Battle of Titans" and two seques, where Aid actively counteracts the Olympic gods and heroes. As Aida British actor Raif Fayns.

    Aid is one of the main actors in the American cartoon "Hercules" as the main villain.