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  • How to promote an event in Facebook. Facebook Basics: We celebrate yourself and your adventures on the map

    How to promote an event in Facebook. Facebook Basics: We celebrate yourself and your adventures on the map

    The organization of events is a complex process in itself. We tell about how to organize high-quality information support to the Facebook event - how to increase the conversion and what steps should be taken to form an audience of the event in the FB.

    Facebook's social network offers its users a wonderful tool for promotion called "Event". It can tell you more about the company, assortment of the products and upcoming projects. The devotees of your brand fans with gratitude to respond to useful and fresh information placed in a convenient format.

    Facebook events every month use more than 550 million people. Just imagine how much potential buyers can be among these users. The event is not just an announcement of the upcoming event, but also an effective way to attract new buyers. And, as it is easy to guess, increase the number of sales. This is the main goal of any entrepreneur.

    Let's talk about how to plan a successful and profitable event on the social platform. It should be emphasized that the creation of the event may well be budget. It is not necessary to spend huge money at all. Want to quickly promote public on Facebook? Quickly post an event online!

    How to work with it? Step-by-step setting of the event

    Of course, everything starts with creating. This stage of work has its subtleties. They should be taken into account, especially beginners.

    Competent name of the event

    Much better if the planned event is called briefly and excco. It is this phrase that should hook a user. After all, this is the first thing that rushes into the eyes. The banal name is unlikely to be able to attract the attention of spoiled users. Connect the creative, but do not overdo it. Know the measure in everything.

    Quality image

    The picture also lures the look at yourself. Therefore, it is important how the event is issued as a whole. Do not make a bare and complex design, also do not forget about the originality of the content. Make it all so that the user does not want to go past! He should be wondering.

    What? Where? When? What for? Why?

    When a person does not understand what they want from him, his interest in the proposal is noticeably reduced. The design of the event should not cause such issues. Light all important information. Add key details. But do not create longrides - it will also be inappropriate.

    How to increase the efficiency of Facebook event

    Having a large database of subscribers, you can hope for a good response to the audience. And you can act even more admirributely, and run extra advertising. Your event should see as many users of the social platform.


    • Open ADS Manager;
    • Select "Involvement";
    • \u003d\u003e "Answers to invitations";
    • Go to the Advertising Account settings.

    Decide with a suitable audience for your advertising. Suppose you invite users to open a new restaurant. Not every person (due to its financial situation and life interests) is suitable for the role of a guest to a similar event. You must "cut off" of all unnecessary, and invite just necessary. So to speak, to grope the perfect Central Asia.

    To make it easier for your guests, tell me how it is more convenient to get to the meeting place. Any concern for care will be appreciated. Each guest should feel desirable, otherwise, why should he spend time on a dubious party?

    Determine the budget, specs of playpen and schedule.

    Choose the optimal ad format. It can be a photo, video, slideshow.

    Specify the details of the upcoming event: date, time and venue. How to get. Who will be present from the star guests and so on.

    Individually configured audience on Facebook

    The social network offers very flexible targeting settings. They allow you to form the most appropriate user audience. When familiarizing with a posted event, the user can choose an answer option. "I'll go", "I will not go", "I'm interested." And it is convenient. If only because you can immediately filter people who do not plan to attend the event or doubt their plans.

    How to set up an audience

    Scheme: audience \u003d\u003e Create an audience \u003d\u003e Create an individual. audience \u003d\u003e involvement

    After that, select "Event".

    Select users who are approvingly answered to your invitation. If desired, take into account those users who are interested in the event.

    How to calculate the results of the event

    Without analytics, you will not leave. Success is measured by figures, and if they do not know, what's the point of place an event on the social network? You must be exactly sure how effective an advertising campaign was.

    Carefully track the CPC and CTR indicators. Another important metric - user answers to the invitation.

    If the response of users did not meet expectations, adjustments should be made to further announcements. Perhaps the event was not made enough. The cause of fiasco may also hide in an inadvertent description of the event.

    Consider possible misses when creating a new event.


    The Facebook event is a unique opportunity to notify the "necessary people" about the upcoming event. Its additional benefit is to attract new customers. Perhaps these users have not yet heard of your brand. But it is easy to fix with the right tools for promotion! Apply the social network opportunities with benefits for yourself.

    Create events in accordance with the key requirements of the system. Specify all the important information in the description. But remember that beautiful design is not all. The work done must be constantly analyzed. Only so you can reveal errors and the causes of success.

    Facebook daily enjoys more than 1.5 billion people. With the growth of the social network, the speed of which launches new products and opportunities has grown. It is difficult to keep up with progress. To help you - tips and facts that will best understand the structure of the social network.

    10 tricks to work with Facebook

    Artem Franich

    How to edit advertising settings on Facebook

    Have you ever seen an advertisement that, it seems, how does it happen to appear on your Facebook page? You wondered why the social network shows it to you? Perhaps it is somehow connected with the advertising settings - a list of topics that, according to Facebook, are interesting for you on the basis of the data of your profile, visited pages, advertising on which you react, as well as applications used and visited sites. It is interesting to learn more about how Facebook decides, what themes are interesting to you and how to view and even change them to the social network.

    Press in the upper right corner of the page to "Settings".

    Go to the page on which you can view and edit your promotional preferences:

    To remove preferences and do not get more advertising, Move the cursor over the topic and click Cross.

    Pictures published with Instagram, more popular than family Facebook publications

    More than 800 million users use messenger

    2015 became a significant for Facebook Messenger - about 800 million active users enjoy the application. Infographics below shows the statistics of its use in 2015:

    David Markus, Vice President Facebook Messaging Products, recently, the mission of the Messenger team is to make the application "the best community destination for all people and enterprises."

    It can be assumed that with an increase in the popularity of the messenger and other communication platforms, the social network will be used to be used to communicate with close, and less in order to share with their surrounding public life.

    To succeed in this more personalized mediation, marketers will have to learn to listen to others, and not just use the social networks to promote goods and advertising messages.

    Often the company's activities are associated with the holding of various events: master classes, concerts, trainings, seminars, etc. For this, there are events in Facebook. They can be created directly from the corporate page. In the event you can see how many people are interested in the upcoming event, how much they are going to go.

    All upcoming events, the organizer of which is the company, can be seen on the page:

    In the event, you can not only specify the basic information, but also to make publications. This allows you to tell you the potential visitors about the event, attract their interesting content. You can see publications in the "Discussion" tab.

    Also to undoubted advantages that the Facebook has the following points:
    • If the event is open, then the friends of the participants can see the information about the event in their tape.
    • Participants receive notifications about the approach of the event.
    • If any changes have arisen related to events, this can be done in personal correspondence with the participants.
    The disadvantages include except that increased, in comparison with other types of advertising on Facebook, cost. In the next section, we will talk in detail about its creation.

    Creating an event - Step-by-step instructions

    Create a Facebook event It's not so difficult - if you have all the necessary information and materials, this can be done in just 10-15 minutes.

    Step 1. Select on the page item "Create Event"

    Step 2. Filling the event useful information

    Fill the event with information: you need to upload an image to the cover, write a name, date, event time, bring a brief description. The cover must comply with the subject of the event and at the same time be a bright, colorful, attracting look. If you want to run on it advertising, remember that the number of text should not exceed 20%

    You can also specify additional information - for example, a link in which you can purchase tickets (or specify that the free entry), specify keywords or make a list of guests. It is also important to specify who can make publications - all users at any time, all users with the subsequent approval of the administration, only administrators.

    Step 3. Working with publications

    In general, the event in Facebook already created. They can be shared on the company's page - more users will see it. But in order for the event to attract more attention, it is better to create publications in it and share them on various platforms.

    What should be publications in the event

    Now let's talk about publications. They can be told in more detail about both the event itself and about those who will conduct it. For example, if this is a concert - tell more about the artist, his work. If the seminar is about speakers, and so on. In addition, the publication must be:
    • Laconic. Long emps rather cause boredom than the desire to go to the event. Try to be brief.
    • Relevant. All information should be correct and correspond to reality at the time of publication.
    • Bright and stylish. If you attach to the publication of the photo, they must be in good quality, match the topic of the post.
    The publication may also contain useful information related to the event - notifications of discounts, special offers, etc. In a word, create an event in Facebook - Powerful tool , This is a convenient way to promote this or that event that gives many interaction opportunities with the audience. If you have any questions abouthow to create an event on Facebook - Write in the comments.