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  • Rowan root system. Rowan is a tree

    Rowan root system. Rowan is a tree

    Rowan is a very unusual tree. It has a lot of positive qualities, so many gardeners are sure to plant him on their garden plot. Thanks to the ability to be beautiful not only with blooming branches, but also with ripening clusters, rowan is often used to decorate the landscape. And the ancient Slavs and at all considered it a guard from unclean power.

    Plant Features

    Rowan is a fruit tree or shrub, which is well remembered at the expense of its bright fruits. Its growth can reach 10-20 meters. It is good not only with berries, but also wood, which is distinguished by strength and elasticity. In the past, she served as raw materials for making dishes, shuttles for weaving machines, handles for tools and axes for cart. Shrub shoots to this day are material for weaving furniture and different accessories.

    The flowering of Ryabina is accompanied by a flib of the bees that collect fragrant pollen. From it, bees make honey reddish with a pleasant aroma. Especially important rowan landings for beekeeping when they failed for any reason, a lime and dormant honey intake did not succeed.

    Once the rowan trees helped rural residents to set the timing of agricultural work and even determine the weather. It was believed that multiplodes foreshadowed rainy autumn and frosty winter.

    Interestingly, in ancient, this cultural plant was endowed with a mystical force, which was designed to protect people from any negative impact. In order to protect the newlyweds from the damage and the evil eye, the rowan sheets were quenched into shoes of the bride and groom, and the berries were hid in their pockets. And with the help of a necklace of fruits defended young children.

    Rowan trees typically have complex pasta leaves forming the overall crown in general. Some breeds are distinguished by a simple form of leaves, and therefore form a dense crown. Different species differ in the color of flowers and the form of fruit. For example, garden rowan loves heat and is not intended for growing in a cold climate. Its fruits have a rounded form with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm and weigh 20 g. From one shrub of this species, you can collect up to a hundred kilograms of fruits.

    Rowan is unpretentious, and therefore its distribution begins with the Far North and covers almost all of Europe. It grows separately, without forming rowan forests. Rowan shrubs can be found in the undergrowth, among deciduous trees or in glades. And only in the highlands of Central Asia or in the Caucasus, you can meet a real steady rowan forest.

    The best soil for this cultural plant is a rich in humus ground of weak acid. For him, constant moisturizing is important, since its roots are near the surface of the soil and need extra moisture. Ryabins of cold-resistant, and therefore feel great on open windy spaces.

    The feature of the culture is that trees do not need to form a crown and trimming. All care for them consists of removing the broken branches and spraying the trunks with special means that the attack of the Tly and the tick will exclude.


    There is more than a hundred species of rowan, among which there are species that have a pleasant taste. All of them are the result of the work of breeders and hybridizers. The family combined leaf fall trees and shrubs that are intended for use in medical and decorative purposes. The most common varieties:

    • Home - A thermo-loving tree having a height of 15-20 m and the diameter of the barrel of 1 m. Differs on long cigarette leaves. Young seedlings have a smooth brown trunk, and adult trees are distinguished by peeling and cracked bark. Flowers consist of five white petals and 20 cream-colored stamens, which bloom in the middle of spring. Most fruit grows on the sunny side.
    • Large-modes- Shrub height 10-15 m, having a spheroid crown. It is distinguished by a naked and brilliant trunk, which even in young age is covered with longitudinal cracks. Raspberry rowan is growing predominantly one. Most often, it can be found in the south of Russia, as she loves warmth and light. Pear-shaped fruits have a diameter of 2.5-3 cm and weigh up to 20 g. They are pleasant to taste and have a pleasant fragrance.

    • Swedish (Scandinavian) intermediate- It is an ideal option for landscaping. The tree has a height of 10-15 m and is distinguished by delicious fruits. It has a spherical thick crown and a smooth gray-brown bark. Thanks to the constant surrounding of birds, this variety does not need chemical treatment from pests. It does not require care either, you can only occasionally cut the crown.
    • Nevzhinese (Nezhinskaya)- It is distinguished by unpretentiousness, and therefore it is possible to meet this kind of rowan throughout Russia. This low plant grows up to 10 meters and is able to live for more than 30 years. It blooms in the end of spring and has unspireous flowers with an unusual smell. Berries in Nezhinskaya Ryabina are collected in large borders. In shape they resemble an apple.
    • Liquor- Average groove plant, reaching a height of about 5 meters. Differs in dark green leaves and beautiful thick inflorescences of white-pink color. Berries in liqueur rowan have almost black color and sweet astringent taste. Of these, wine and jam are often prepared. The advantages of the species lies in frost resistance and drought resistance.
    • Siberian (fabulous)- The mid-grade tree with an oval crown. It has a gray-brown smooth bark, lanceal dark green and red fruits. Siberian Rowan is not afraid of heat and frosts, resistant to external influences.
    • Alay large- The average shrub having a moderately thick crown. It is not afraid of frost, diseases and pests. You can find the species on the broad-sized leaves of dark green and on scarlet fruits having a sour, but devoid of bitterness taste.

    • Ploiver - It is distinguished by its aesthetic characteristics and frost resistance. Watching rowan has a cigarette green leaves, which in the fall acquire orange-red tones. It blooms in the end of spring with snow-white flowers, and since July on the branches you can see red berries. This species can grow in any soil without salinization and stagnant water.
    • Kene - A slow-growing leafy shrub, growing 2-5 m in height and 2 m wide. The second name of the variety is the Chinese white. The unpaired leaves have a length of 12-15 cm and the green color, which in the autumn period acquires a red shade. It is distinguished by the type of fruits of white plane-rounded shape, very bitter taste.
    • Wild - It is found along the roads and fields throughout Russia. A shrub grows to 1-3 m high and distinguished by oblong leaves and bright yellow flowers during flowering. The fruits of wild rowan is inedible, they are used only for the preparation of therapeutic tinctures from the sharp and ascaris.
    • Grade - A low decorative plant, which is often grown for the confectionery industry. Berries can serve as raw materials for the production of beverages and for feeding birds and livestock.
    • Fastigiat - grows on fertile lands, in which there are no water stagnation. This beautiful tree height is 6-7 m is distinguished by straight branches with a small bend to the sides. Flowers with small white flowers. Decorative fruits have a bright red color of the round shape.

    • Ural - Maybe even in the most severe climatic conditions. Loves light and water, but the overvailing or lack of moisture does not tolerate. The Ural Garden Rowan has bitter berries, which are usually used for medical purposes when avitaminosis and liver and heart disease.
    • Aria - A small variety, having a decorative purpose. It grows in the mountains of the middle and southern Europe in sunny places and can grow up to 13 m in height. The bark has a light brown color, rounded leaves as if sprinkled with flour, why the tree acquires a silver tint. Flowers aria with small white flowers and forms edible orange-red berries.
    • Glogging - High wood that can reach a height of 25 m. Young plants have a bark of olive color, and the old are highlighted with dark gray crust with longitudinal cracks. Different varieties long egg-shaped leaves, white large flowers and spherical berries of brown-yellow or brown-red color with blond dots. Glogging in places with a warm climate grows.
    • Pendula- A small tree that is allocated due to hanging branches. On the outside it has dark green, and on the inner green leaves with a small flush. Pendula can grow almost for any soil, but with a rare abrasiveness of moisture. The berries of her intolerable and perform only a decorative function.

    • Turing - Fall shrub growing up to 5.5 m. The leaves from the outside are dark green, and with the inner - light green color. Turing rowan flowers in the early summer with snow-white flowers. The fruits of it grow up the round shape of a red color with an orange tint.
    • Titanium - Hybrid rowan, pears and apple trees. A shrub grows up to 4.5-5 meters and has straight tight-brown-brown shoots and a round sparse crown. Titan is not afraid of drought and diseases. It blooms with white flowers at the end of May. Slightly ribbed berries have dark red peel and weigh 1.5 g. They taste. They are tart with a sour-sweet taste.
    • Bezinoliste - refers to low-spirited trees with a rare rounded crown. It grows in Japan and in the Far East, forming independent overgrown. This species is characterized by juicy bright red fruits having a sweet-sour taste and a pleasant aroma. He is not afraid of shadows and drought.

    How to grow?

    You can grow rowan with your own hands in three ways: stalling, growing from seeds and eyepiece.

    For the cultivation of a tree from seeds, it is necessary at the end of the autumn to stock up with several mature berries, to spill them and pour them with water. After the intake of meakty seeds, it is important to rinse and put in the ground to a depth of 0.5 centimeters, closing the soil with dry leaves and grass.

    If sowing is planned in spring, then the preparation of seeds occurs somewhat differently. To begin with, they need to rinse, then put in a wet marla and close in the bank. In early January, the bank must be removed in the refrigerator to stratify seeds. And in the spring, they can be placed in the ground to a depth of 5 cm, covering the soil surface by humus.

    Thunder seedlings with two-three leaves are picked, leaving a few centimeters between adjacent plants. The next selection must be carried out when the seedlings will acquire 5-6 leaves.

    Saplings must often watered, feed the organic fertilizers, pour and loosen near them. In the fall, they will have to transplant to a separate area where they will remain for three years. For the fourth year, young trees begin to be fruit.

    The seed method is only suitable for species varieties, the hybrid varieties can be grown by vaccination. The drawing is a convenient way to grow rowan. This is suitable for both green and weathered cuttings.

    In order to plant a weathered stalk, you will need to prepare escape that grew on a 3-4-year-old tree branch. The cutlets need to be cut from the bottom and middle part of the branch, making the lower slice direct, and the upper - oblique. There should be some good kidneys on the cutting. It is necessary to plant it under the tilt of 45 degrees, enhancing the land after that. After disembarking the cutter, it is necessary to pour and feed the peat.

    For planting a green cutter, you will need to cut a young branch from the top of the rowan. After that, it needs to be cleaned from the leaves, leaving 3-4 small leaves at the top. The lower cutting cut is important to put for several hours into a special solution for the root formation, and then rinse it with water. Sprinkling the cutter is necessary in a cold greenhouse and cover it with a transparent can. After a month, the bank can be removed and leave a seedling until next spring.

    The eyepiece implies the vacuum vaccination on a sapling. For this method, you need to cook insert: on pure trunk you need to make a longitudinal cut of the bark at an altitude of 6-7 cm from the soil. Then you need to clean the barrel from the leaves and cut the kidney from it with part of the wood. The cut-out kidney needs to be placed in a cut section, firmly fixing the trunk of the bandage so that only the kidney can be seen from the outside. After a couple of weeks, the bandage must be removed, and next year in early spring cut off part of the stock, leaving a low spike over the kidney.

    Fruit the vulnered seedlings begin four years after landing. But it is worth remembering that the method will only work if the kidneys are cut from a tree on vaccination day.


    Sea seedling requires a minimum of care. It is only necessary to remove weeds and the inhibition on time on time, as well as fertilize and water the plant. The rolling circle can be covered with dried leaves or grass. Before the tree begins to be fruit, there should be water in the rolling circle.

    Starting from the third year of life, rowan trees need to fertilize.It is best to feed the plant three times a year: in spring, summer and autumn. Mineral fertilizer is placed in the upper layer of the soil, and then felted well.

    Grafted rowanins begin to bring harvest for 3-4 years. It is advisable to plant several species at once to achieve a pollinating process between them.

    For proper lighting and better crop you need to cut branks every year. It is better to do this in the spring until the kidney swolley. Young trees need only weak shortening or removing unnecessary shoots. And the fructing rowan needs to be frozen and shorten.

    Ryabina, on which several varieties were embedded, it is necessary to cut half-minded branches annually, and in the years of a large harvest, the smallest branches.

    To form the main skeletal branches, it is necessary to withdraw them at right angles. Distribution of branches under an acute angle leads to the loss of their strength.


    For reproduction of rowan, you can use the tire method. The plot allotted for this should be well replenished and get rid of weeds. After you need to prepare a ditch and press it a strong one-year escape in it. To secure the branch you need to use wire brackets. As soon as the first shoots of 8-10 cm will appear on the discharge, they should be filled with humus and repeat this procedure until the shoots will shoot another 15 cm. And the next year you can separate the maternal shoot and transplant to another Plot.

    There is another way of breeding rowan. For it, root crops are used, which grow around the trunk annually. These strokes need to cut and transplant in a separate space for permanent stay. For transplanting, it is necessary to prepare a hole with a depth and width of 75 cm and fill it with a mixture of compost, soil, superphosphate, manure and wood ash.

    After planting, it is necessary to rush to pour a plant and trim it by a third.

    Beneficial features

    Red rowan has a number of positive qualities. For example, it contains many vitamins, such as C, A, P, B2, E and PP. Moreover, vitamin C in fruits is even greater than in Lemon. In addition to vitamins, there are many trace elements in rowan. Due to this composition, rowan berries are often used to prepare folk remedies. According to research, they are capable of:

    • activate the metabolism and energy in the tissues that it is necessary for people who have suffered severe diseases;
    • treat avitaminosis and anemia;
    • strengthen vessels and heart;
    • treat and protect the liver and stomach;
    • stop blood;
    • suppress meteorism;
    • inhibit the growth of malicious microorganisms;
    • contribute to the acceleration of defecation;
    • reduce blood cholesterol;
    • reduce pressure;
    • smoothing wrinkles.

    The preparation of fruits allows the use of rowan at any time of the year. Berries to collect needed in two stages. The first stage begins at the beginning of autumn, when the fruits do not have a pleasant taste, but good for long-term storage in the fresh form. The second stage comes after the first frosts hit. At this time, the berries acquire sweetness and juiciness, so they are collected for the preparation of various billets.

    Rowan is widely used in cosmetology. It is believed that its fruits by reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood and fats in the liver helps to fight obesity. Often, women dreaming to lose weight use rowan recipes. Rowan juice is used with many health problems. For example, with urolithiasis or uterine bleeding during climax.

    The home cosmetology uses predominantly fresh berries, as well as leaves. To rejuvenate a person, it is necessary to wipe the problem areas from frozen rowan juice. For the same purpose, you can use rowan juice, glycerol and cologne juice. To get rid of the skin from oily shine, a mixture consisting of a rowan juice, whipped protein, cologne and alcohol is used. And to power the skin, you can use a mixture of rowan meat and liquid honey.

    Very well rowan recipes help to save the skin from acne, and the head of the head from excessive fat. Interestingly, the rowan flesh is used to remove warts.

    Folk recipes:

    • For weight loss - a kilogram of berries is mixed with 600 g of sugar. The resulting mixture must be taken three times a day on one tablespoon.
    • To reduce pressure - 1 kg of black-rowed rowan berries is mixed with 700 g of sugar, peat and boiled 10 minutes. After the mixture is cool, the delicacy must be taken daily in the morning and in the evening of 5-6 g.
    • For removal of swelling- 300 g of fresh or dried rowan leaves need to brew as ordinary tea. You can drink infusion not more than 500 ml per day.
    • For skin rejuvenation- 2 tablespoons of berries are mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting cleaner is poured with water to thick consistency. Apply a mixture on clean skin and neck for 15-20 minutes.
    • To strengthen hair- 200 g of rowan fruits are mixed with 200 ml of kefir and one egg. The homogeneous mixture is applied to the hair and hold no more than 25 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

    From Ryabina often make compote. For its preparation, 1 kg of fruits can be welded in a liter by adding 350 g of sugar. After that, the compote is poured into the jar, closed and remove for storage.

    For the preparation of rowan jam, red berries will be needed, 500 g of sugar and half a cup of water. Fruits need to be pouring cold water and leave to appease during the day. Then the water needs to merge and repeat the procedure three more times. Only after that you can boil jam. To do this, sugar poured into the pan, poured it with water and boil on medium heat. The resulting syrup is poured rowan and leave to cool. After a day, the syrup is drained and boiled once again, and only then berries return to it.

    You may be interested in the following.

    • Rowan can only be called red and yellow. But the black grade belongs to Arony.
    • Some species of rowan are capable of withstanding frosts below 50 ° C.
    • Rowan fruits are not berries. In its structure, they are more reminiscent of apples, only smaller sizes.
    • Rowan fruits can be used to combat viruses and bacteria.
    • Berries are proud of the berries because of amygdaline, which can cause poisoning and even death. Therefore, it is possible to use fruits only after freezing or prepared.
    • From one perennial tree you can collect a yield weighing up to 100 kg.
    • Rowan is a waste-free tree - both berries, and wood has found their use in various sectors of human life.

    The choice of mountain rowan seedlings should occur carefully. First of all, you need to pay attention to the roots that should have many branching. The surface of the roots should be wet, since dry roots are bad and long come true.

    It is possible to determine the timing of digging seedlings on the bark of the barrel and branches. If she is wrinkled, then they dug a village for a long time. And if the brown bottom can be seen, then such a seedling is not suitable for landing.

    It is possible to transport a seedling, shook the roots in cellophane, after turning them into a wet cloth.

    Despite the fact that the rowan is covered with red borders already at the end of summer, it is impossible to collect them at this time. The best time to collect harvest is November, since this month beat the first frosts. But you should not tear the fruits from the branches close to the road. Such fruits may not only help, but also harm the human body.

    You can store berries in the freezer, pre-flushing and drying them. If this option is not suitable, then you can dry the fruits in the oven and put it on storage in the container.

    Red clusters can be placed in jars with pickled cucumbers to decorate and decorate the jar.

    From dried berries you can make the seasoning, which can sprinkle meat and vegetable dishes. You can make a delicious seasoning and fresh fruits, grinding them and mixing with vinegar, garlic and cloves.

    Rowan powder can be used in baking. For this you only need to mix with flour. But fresh berries can become an excellent filling, especially if the black-like rowan is chosen for this.

    In the next video, watch a video review of species and varieties of rowan.

    Frequently, Ryabina is eagerly grown in our country. Gardeners love this plant not only for beauty during the period when the rowan blooms, but also for the utility and excellent flavor quality of berries. In decorative gardening, Ryabin began to use many years ago, so it is very often possible to meet it in the garden and summer cottages.

    Rowan is very attractive during flowering

    Plant Characteristics

    There are about a hundred varieties of this tree in the world. In our country, only a third of them grows. The most popular variety is rowan ordinary. It grows in the forests, on the garden and country sites, even in the city landscape. In nature, this tree does not forms thickets. It grows alone in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests, in glades and edges. One of the advantages of this tree is that it is not afraid of frosts at all, so the climate of our strip suits it.

    Ryabin love for its useful properties for the body. From her fruits boiled jam, prepare jams. Its berries contain useful oils that have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for vessels, hearts, and also improves the condition of the skin, hair, for which it is especially loved by women.

    From berries Ryabina you can cook a delicious jam

    Flowering period

    The most common variety is rowan ordinary - it is easy to find out the description.

    • The substrate plant is from 5 m and above.
    • It has a perfectly smooth trunk and smooth branches of gray shade. Thanks to these qualities, Cora is used in the furniture industry.
    • Leaves of beautiful oblong, elongated shape, green. This quality rowan is used in landscape design.
    • Rowan flowers with white small flowers, which are assembled into large inflorescences, with a diameter of 4 to 7 cm. Flowers have a strong and unpleasant fragrance, which reminds the smell of fish. The flowering period is at the end of May - the beginning of June (the exact forecast depends on the weather ). The timing of flowering plants - about 1-2 weeks.

    The advantage of rowan ordinary - the tree calmly transfers freezing to -2 ° C.

    Berries usually ripen in August or by early September. This plant is great at any time of the year, but it is especially good in the fall.

    Flowering of other varieties

    Despite the fact that in one region of the country several varieties of this tree can grow, approximate flowering time will be the same.

    Plant flowering continues from one to two, regardless of the variety of wood. But if the weather will be presented to surprises (it will be rainy or too hot and arid), then the fruits will be tied up very badly and for quite a long time, which will affect the period of flowering this tree.

    Flowering of the black-free variety

    Flowers of black-rowed rowan, or as it is customary, arony, are collected in large inflorescences, so-called umbrellas. In each of them, there are usually about twenty small flowers. They themselves are white and have a fragrant, pleasant fragrance. The black rowana blooms in the second half of May - early June. It lasts 12 - 16 days, depending on weather conditions. Fruits ripen in August - September.

    Duration of flowering in different regions of the country

    This tree begins to bloom fairly late, because the plant loves that by this time it was completely summer and hot weather. It is clear that it depends on the location of the regions of our country. In the southern and central regions, warm weather is installed in the early middle of May. And in areas located north, heat comes in the first decade of June. In most cases, the plant begins to bloom in the middle or late May. This is the period of the first heat, when spring frosts have already passed and hardly repeat. At this time also flowers lilac and cherry.

    The plant blooms very beautiful - large clusters of white flowers, which covered the whole crown of a tree. Moreover, unlike the flowers of the same cherry, rowan flowers are shaggy, because of this, they look more spectacious - lush and volume.

    Depending on the variety, rowan flowers may vary, with not only the size and color, but also the smell. Little varieties have pretty large flowers and a pleasant fragrance. And others have a bitter-almond smell or smell like fish. Some flowers are collected in the shields or umbrellas, others - in the pan.

    Rowan blooms large inflorescences

    Plants growing in the Crimea and in the south-west of Asia bloom over two weeks. The flowering period is the same as the rowan-ordinary (which grows in the central strip of Russia, in the Far East, most of Siberia) - the end of May and the beginning of June. About the week bloom of rowan varieties growing in Northern Europe.

    An interesting fact - the fruits of Ryabina in the people called berries, but they are apples.

    Rowan has long been a sacred tree. And it does not matter, in which region a tree has grown. It was used in the conduct of rituals and rites. With the help of fruits, leaves, tree bark treated patients, expelled spirits. Rowan beads were a faithful to the evil spell. Until now, Rowan is planted near the house, since it is a symbol of family happiness.

    Rowan is one of the most beloved and popular trees in our country. It is planted in parks and squares, along the roads, in the courtyards of high-rise buildings. Well, of course, very often the rowan is an important element of the landscape design of country houses. Such popularity of this plant is primarily due to the most beautiful appearance, as well as the ability to grow on any soils and unpretentiousness.

    What does the name "Rowan" mean

    The word "Rowan" is directly connected with two others - "Bird" and "catch". This name was not accidental. The fact is that his bright fruits practically do not appear and can hang on branches and in winter. And this, of course, attracts a huge number of various birds to ripper.

    general description

    Sometimes Internet users ask a question: "Rowan is a shrub or tree?" The answer to it is pretty simple. Most often, the rowan is not too high (from 5 to 10 m) a tree with an ideal straight trunk and a thick ovoid crown. There are shrub varieties. The bark of the barrel and the branches of all varieties are characterized by grayish color and smoothness. The leaves in rowan are oblong or oblong-lanceal, unparallers, the next. Their beautiful appearance is one of the reasons for the popularity of rowan as a decorative plant. Young leaflets are pubescent, old - no.

    Flowers Rowan tree pretty beautifully. The flowers are collected in the pancake, they can have white color or with a slight pinkish tint. However, they are not particularly pleasant smell. Rowan fruits every year, but a good harvest can be obtained only if about 3 years. This plant blooms or in the late spring, or at the beginning of summer. Fruits begin to develop in September. Gradually, they acquire bright red or black painting. The form in rowan fruits rounded or apple-like. Of course, to taste the same cherry and grapes, of course, they are inferior. However, it may well argue with them.

    Seeds in Ryabina have a sickle shape and a reddish shade. Fruption begins pretty late - on the 5-7th year of planting. The most abundant yields Tree Rowan begins to give approximately 30 years of growth. From one adult old plant you can collect up to 100 kg of berries per year.

    Rowan is widespread not only in our country, but also in Europe, as well as in North America and throughout Asia.

    Methods of breeding rowan

    The rowan is ordinary - a tree that breed both seedlings and seeds, cuttings or root process. The first and last ways are most often used. Despite the fact that the tree is very unpretentious, when planting seedlings in the wells, it is necessary to add manure and mineral fertilizers. In order to start actively developing, the plant is cut off, leaving about 5 kidneys on it. Rowan saplings are taken very easily, and this tree grows quite quickly. Plant This decorative plant is best in autumn. Seedlings are usually obtained by vaccination vaccinations or a cutlery to the seedlings.

    Features of cultivation

    As already mentioned, the rowan can feel quite well on any soils. Another one wonderful feature is frost resistance. This plant is capable completely without harming to carry the most cruel winter. To high temperatures, the rowan tree is also very steadily. Watering practically does not require and tolerate drought well. However, it is necessary to moisturize the soil in the summer in summer. Another advantage of this plant is wind resistance. The root system is well developed enough. The rowan is very good to transfers the ridiculousness of urban streets.

    Decorative value of rowan

    The answer to the question about, Rowan is a shrub or tree, given above. And the one, and the other variety often applies to decorative purposes. The popularity of this tree, as the plants used in landscape design, is explained by many reasons. First of all, it is, of course, the beauty of the crown itself, different compactness and dense. In particular, the wrecks of this plant are valued.

    In addition, decorative value has leaves of rowan trees, distinguished by an unusual form and acquiring orange-reddish shades in the fall. Another reason for its popularity in this regard are bright berries, in large numbers covering the crown and retaining their attractiveness until late winter.

    Views of Rowan.

    Ryabin has more than forty varieties. However, not all of them are widespread. In the gardens and parks you can meet both a red-cooled and blackfold, highlighted in a separate species, rowan. Therapeutic properties have the fruits of both colors. The greatest prevalence as a decorative plant received a tree rowan ordinary. All varieties of this plant belong to the family of rosal leaves and are classified into two main subspecies differing in the form of leaves.

    The famous Russian scholar of the last century I. V. Michurin was very seriously seriously selection. They produced several new hybrids of this wonderful plant. In his laboratory, such a kind as a black-like rowan is a tree similar to Ryabin ordinary, but in fact, there is no such. This plant is a hybrid called aronia.

    The most famous rowan hybrids

    The hybrids of this plant can be created in a mixture with many others. For example, one of the most famous is considered a variety of short-range. This is a very interesting hybrid of Ryabina and hawthorn. Malozorbus is another common mixture. It is a rowan and apple hybrid. Sorbapirus is a mixture with a pear, which is distinguished by dark ribbed, very tasty, sweet-acid fruits. Another interesting variety is an amperozorbus, which is a mixture of Ryabina and Irgi.

    Medicinal properties of fruits

    The rowan is ordinary - the tree, the fruits of which are used including for the improvement of the body. Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of these berries. In the fruits of rowan, it is simply a huge amount of vitamins (C, E, P, K). In addition, fructose, glucose, sorbic acid and careta are present in the juice and pulp of berries. Many in them and also tanning substances.

    Take ragners from rowan berries are recommended for diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. They drink them as well with impaired renal, liver and heart function. Powabine juice and with hemorrhoids, gastritis and reduced acidity helps well. Sorbic acid is deepen for staphylococcus and dysentery sticks. Therefore, rowan berries are often used as food preservatives or to purify water. Our ancestors knew that if you quit the rowan branch in a bucket with water, she would acquire a pleasant taste, and long will not be cleaned.

    Rowan - a tree whose photo you can see on this page has another fairly interesting property. Its berries are able to facilitate the condition of the patient with oxygen starvation. Our ancestors used the juice and decoctions of the fruit of this tree for the treatment of the furnace treated as a result of malfunction. In addition, the juice of rowan berries increases blood clotting and reduces cholesterol content in it. It also has choleretic and diuretic properties.

    Bills of this plant, as already mentioned, have white. Rowan (for wood, or rather, its flowers is sometimes characteristic and pink) is valued not only for the drug properties of fruits. For medical purposes, these plants of both shades are used. For example, they are very good to help with various kinds of female ailments and cough.

    In which diseases are used berries

    The red rowan tree gives the fruits used as a medicament for the following ailments:

    • sclerosis and cardiosclerosis;
    • hemorrhoid;
    • zob;
    • abundant menstruation (to increase hemoglobin in the blood);
    • as a contraceptive.

    Of course, there are rowan and contraindications. It is impossible to take preparations based on its fruits with increased blood coagulation and thrombosis. It is also not recommended to use such drugs with increased acidity gastritis, a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

    Rowan in cosmetics

    Ryabina ordinary is a tree, the fruits of which were used for cosmetic purposes in ancient Greece. Infusions of the berries were used for washbasins, as a hair rin, such as baths for hands, etc. Modern cosmetologists advise to use crated from the pulp of berries to rehabilitate the skin of the face. For aging oily skin as a rejuvenating agent, a mask can be used from the juice of berries mixed with whipped into a steep foam squirrel eggs.

    Rowan (wood, photo of which is given just below), and rather its fruits are often used for weight loss. To do this, just brew berries like tea (on a glass of boiling water 20 pieces). You can also prepare a decoction of the crushed fruits mixed with thin branches. Since the rowan binds carbohydrates in the body, even a sweet tool from its berries can be welded for weight loss. For this kilogram of fruits take shelter sugar. Take such jam on one tablespoon per day.

    Ritual value rowan.

    Once upon a time, in the tree, the Red Rowan had, among other things, the sacred ritual value. For example, in the central regions it was used during wedding rites. Its leaves have proven newlywed shoes, and the berries put them in pockets. It was done in order to protect the future family from sorcerers and witches. With the same purpose, Sazhali Ryabina and near the house. Until now, this tree is considered a symbol of family happiness. In the Middle Ages on Russia, Ryabina was used to expulse the spirits of the disease. Patients for cure lay on her branches.

    The rowan tree, the description of which is given above, is a plant that is composed of various legends. For example, there is a very interesting legend, explaining the burglar of its fruits. In antiquity it was believed that this tree created Satan himself from the tears of Eve, shed it when she was expelled from Paradise. He did it as a sign of his triumph over humanity. However, the Creator, seeing that the leaves of this tree resemble the cross, took it from the devil garden. Of course, Satan did not like it, and he tried to paint and destroy Ryabin for a long time. However, everything that he managed is to make her berries bitter. But at the same time, the divine sign appeared on them - a five-pointed stigma in the form of so far this "note" on the fruits of rowan is considered a symbol of an imminible second coming.

    Not only legends, but also poems and proverbs about this wonderful tree. By the way, not only in antiquity. The songs of Eugene Rodigina "Oh, Ryabina Kudryavaya" and Irina Ponarovsky "Ryabinov Beads", we think well known to all in our country.

    Folk signs associated with rowan

    There are several adoption related to this tree:

    • If the tree is rowan, the description of the colors of which is given above, in the spring everything is sleeping with white or pinkish metels, it means that Oats and Len ribbed this year.
    • The high harvest of wild varieties in the forest foreshadows rainy autumn, low - respectively, dry.
    • If the leaves on Ryabina wishes very early, it means that the autumn will be early, and the winter is cold.

    Billet rowan.

    The answer to the question about, Rowan is a shrub or tree, you now know. However, no matter how much of this plant, it is possible to collect its fruits, starting from the moment of ripening to late frosts. It is more convenient to cut the brush with a sharp knife or a secateur. Already on Earth they are cleaned of fruits and various kinds of garbage.

    Disturb the berries in the oven at a temperature of about 70 degrees. You can also do it in the outdoors, of course, not in rainy weather. His healing properties of rowan berries are preserved for two years. In winter, they can be brewing them as tea or grind in a coffee grinder and add to various dishes as seasonings. From the draft rowan, besides this, jam are boiled, and a very tasty marmalade makes out of the redgoer.

    Tree rowan in the fall extraordinarily beautifully due to bright red or red-orange berries. However, it is not too nice bitter flavor. But after the first frost it disappears. Therefore, to collect the fruits of this tree is best in late October or early November. Burfies in berries are caused by a special amygdalin substance. By the way will be said, it is impossible to count safely. In the stomach it decomposes to the blue acid. Therefore, there are too many bitter rowan berries not recommended.

    Therapeutic and decorative properties are not the only advantages of this wonderful tree. Rowan wood makes very high quality with its distinctive properties are hardness and elasticity. In antiquity from this wood, they were mainly made by spindles and spindles. In addition, Rowan may serve as a parent plant for other representatives of its family, for example, pears and quince.

    One of the most interesting varieties of Ryabin is considered a large-scale (Sorbus Domestica). It was bred in the Crimea with the Crimean Tatars. The fruits of this species can be pear-like or round. At the same time, they reach in diameter of about 3.5 cm and weight in 20 g. The taste of them is simply wonderful. However, this variety requires shelter for the winter and is far from being so unpretentious as ordinary varieties. In some regions it is believed that Rowan is a widow tree. If you cut down, there will be a dead in the house.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, Rowan was used to prepare tinctures on an industrial scale. They made them from the fruits of an ignorant variety. However, the Nezhinskaya tincture was called. Why her producers chose exactly this name is still unknown. It was considered that it was done in order to confuse competitors. It was also an opinion that such a name was given to the tincture because the "nezhenskaya" sounds more pleasant than "ignorant". By the way, it was in the village of the Nepentino of the Vladimir region for the first time they were discovered with sweet fruits without bitterness. Subsequently, they spread throughout Russia.

    Beautiful photo of the tree rowan ordinary you can see slightly above. In the people, his fruits are called berries. However, from a biological point of view, they are nothing but apples. The presence in them is rare vitamin P puts rowan on one of the first places among all medicinal plants. It was his presence in the juice that the ability of the fruit of this tree is explained to eliminate irritability, insomnia and the general weakness of the body.

    Well, we hope we gave a rather detailed description of such an interesting tree like Rowan. High decorative qualities and unpretentiousness make more than appropriate use of it as a decoration of the courtyards of private houses and cottages, as well as urban streets.

    Life form: Tree or shrub
    Dimensions (height), m: 6-15
    Diameter of the crown, m: 4-6
    Crown shape: Egg-shaped. Sea bark, smooth, dark brown branches
    Growth nature: Grows fast
    Annual increase in height: 40 cm
    Annual width: 30 cm
    Durability: Durable 70-100 years
    Form of leaves: Up to 20 cm length, consist of 9-15 leaves up to 5 cm of length and up to 1.5 cm. Width
    Coloring in summer: Green
    Color in autumn: Yellow, orange, red
    Flowers (painting): White with smell, collected in palate inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter
    The beginning and end of flowering: In late May early June
    Fruit: The fruits are edible, spherical, bright red, or orange, up to 0.8 cm in diameter, ripen in September, are long saved on the branches.
    Decorativeness: Especially beautiful during flowering and fruiting, decorative also autumn color of foliage
    Application: Single landing, groups, alleys
    Attitude towards light: Shadowed, but it blooms better and fruits on lit places
    Attitude to moisture: Does not take off and drought
    Attitude to the soil: Undemanding, but does not endure salinization
    Frost resistance: Morozostoyka
    Note: Dymogazoistchiva

    Rowan Ordinary - Sorbus Aucuparia

    A small tree (up to 15 m) or a large shrub with the next, nonpoprisy leaves, on top of dark green, bare, from the bottom with lighter, sowned. A tree with an oval crown, gray smooth bark. Pinkish branches. Sevective shoots naked or pubescent with leaning. The flowers are up to 1 cm, in large shields. Fruits orange-red, spherical, long saved on the branches, very decorating the tree of the nut. Ryabina ordinary frost resistant, put up with a small shading, is due to the soil, but it develops better on loose. Avoid wetting. Ryabina ordinary has many decorative forms: in the form of the crown, painting and taste of fruits, coloring of leaves, which can be used successfully in green construction. The typical form, its hybrids and varieties are decorative during the entire growing season. Very beautiful rowan ordinary in solitary and group landings, edges, alleys throughout Russia.

    The leaves are unpaired from 11-15 leaves, in the outlines are oblong-lanceal, 10-20 cm long. Leafles 3-5 cm long, sharp, sawn, naked or pubescent, top-top, light green.

    The inflorescence of the shovel width is 5-10 cm. Caeshelistic and flower makers are naked or pubescent. Flowers are about 1 cm in diameter, white, with rounded lepistops, about 5 mm in diameter, top-ended. The stamens are usually 20. The columns from 2 to 5 (usually 3), at the base of free, published. Flowers in May.

    Fruits spherical, red, in diameter about 1 cm. Ripen in August-September.

    Wides in the forest zone of Europe, the Caucasus, Malaya Asia and North Africa. Poor grows on raw peat-male, as well as saline soils. On thin soils, it grows better than on sandy. In some places, usually near the nesting of Drozdov-Rubbinnikov, Rowan is formed by numerous populations, sustainably existing thanks to the regular deposit of seeds. Under conditions of shading, the rowan is also capable of vegetative reproduction of piglets, root siblings and rooting of quenching shoots. On forest rogs, cuttings and edges, the rowan is also well resumed, it begins to be fruitful before (already at the age of 5), has a greater life expectancy (up to 50-80 years) and larger fruits. Of all the flowers on the tree, the fruit forms approximately one third. In addition, in the process of fruit development, there are significant part of them to the deadline for final maturation. For rowan, it is characterized by cross-pollination with insects, in some cases self-pollization occurs. There are cases of the formation of a mustache fruit. Rowan ordinary has long been used as a fruit and medicinal plant: its fruits are rich in sugars, organic acids, vitamins, etc. successfully cultivated. Strong wood is used in turning and furniture production. Rowan is planted in cities due to resistance to smoke and gases. Used when creating a forest belt of various purposes.

    Description and beneficial properties of rowan wood

    Rowan ordinary - fruit leaf fall tree, less often shrub. Refers to the roster family. It grows in the middle lane of the northern hemisphere. Saves decorative qualities throughout the year. Ryabina fruits are traditionally used in medicine. Berries contain vitamins and minerals.

    Description, beneficial properties

    In Russia, culture is found in the central and northern regions. It is unpretentious, grows and fruits on dry and wet soils. Growing individual copies, often among the firs and pines. In garden plots, the tree is planting in the sun, here Rowan gives fruit. In the shade tree grows up.

    Rowan - a tree height up to 12-15 m. On the hills and near the mountains, this species is already found in the shape of a shrub. The root is steady, up to 2-3 m deep. Crown rounded. Young shoots greenish tint. The bark of adult branches are gray-brown, without grooves. Rowan leaves oval, narrow, with jazbins around the edges. Arranged alternately. Inflorescences of white color, collected in umbrellas. Fruits round, bright orange, in the winter are red, collected in the borders. Taste is bitter and tart.

    Source: Depositphotos.

    Tree has bright orange fruits collected in a bunch

    Photo shows a bright outdoor tree view. In summer, the tree is covered with thick foliage. In winter and autumn against the background of naked branches, borders of red berries stand out. There are garden species with hanging and a pyramidal crown.

    Rowan is valued in folk and traditional medicine. Berries contain the following useful substances:

    • apple, lemon and succinic acid in an amount of 2.5%;
    • magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium salts, essential oils - up to 20 mg%;
    • pectilic and tannins - 0.5%;
    • ascorbic acid - up to 200 mg%;
    • natural pigments of red or flavonoids.

    After frosts, berries lose the bitter taste and part of the beneficial substances. Therefore, for home billets and drugs, rowan fruits are used in autumn, before the onset of cold weather.

    Scope of application

    Separate parts of the tree carry useful economic significance:

    • berries are processed and used as a vitamin supplement, as well as raw materials for liquor products;
    • the fruits of rowan are obtained medicinal raw materials;
    • furniture and decoratives are made of wood;
    • the bark of the tree is used as a dubbing substance when softening the skin.

    Spring Rowan is valued for honey quality. From flowers it turns out honey with a slightly reddish tint. The tree is popular among Russian residents.