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  • And the third bird from the euripide tragedy "Ion. Round stone standing in the Delphian Temple

    And the third bird from the euripide tragedy

    Apollo.Son of zeus and goddess Laton - Apollo- The most beautiful of the Gods of Olympians. It has two faces - light and terrible. First of all, he was revered as the God of Light, the patron of beauty and poetry. Young, cereal, with kifar * in his hands he marches it on the ground, spilling around himself wondrous radiance. All nature gets freezing when the divine kifara god-singer sounds. Under her sounds on Mount Parnassa water dance of the muses - the goddess inspiration, the companions of Apollo.

    Apollo is the Lord of the Poets and the Great Phonuser of the Future. Through his priests, he predicts fate and individuals, and entire states. That is why poets who are considered by the servants of Apollo call themselves sometimes prophets.

    * Kifara - ancient Greek string plumbing musical instrument; The most important variety of leira in antiquity. Kifara is one of the most common musical instruments in ancient Greece. Kifar had a flat heavy wooden body with straight or curly outlines; Strings were attached to the body.

    Apollo is a patron of bodily and spiritual beauty. His light nature is hated low flavors and wild passions. He was the beloved God of Greek nobility (aristocracy). Fans of Apollon were engaged in sports, music and philosophy, improving his soul and body. They called themselves "beautiful and kind", because such people were pleasing to their beloved God.

    But Apollo is not only beautiful, he is terrible. It looks like a sun, which that revives the Earth with the beneficial rays, then burns her scorching heat. From the shoulders of Apollo hangs the silver bow and the sinister rings with rings with golden arles. Without a mercy, the arrifters-God of nasty monsters and those who guessed in front of him. Sometimes, having threw out, he sat on terrible marines (epidemics), during which the people of his invisible arrows scold. Even the gods-Olympians feel the involuntary thrill, when the beautiful and terrible Apollo arrifters rises to Olympus.

    ONLY ONLY GOD OF LOVE EROT - a playful winged boy - dares to miss apollo. One day he sent in the heart of the great god an arrow causing love, and the other arrow killing love pierced the heart of the nymphs (forest goddess) Daphne. I met the young Daphne Apollo - and immediately caught fire for her great love. But the beauty, barely looking at him, immediately appealed to flight. Falling from the persecution, she praised the help of her father, the river God, and suddenly froze on the shore, turning into the Lavr tree.

    Apollo was sealed, in memory of his beloved commanded, so that the leaves of the Laurele remained forever green, and decorated their curls with a wreath. Since then, the custom has begun to crowned the laurel wreaths of glorious poets and musicians, as well as the winners and heroes: athletes, warriors, great statesmen.

    Apolon with Kifaroy (leader MUZ)

    The main sanctuary of Apollo was on the island of Delos, which lies in the middle of the Aegean Sea, and in the Delphi Gorge, in the center of Eldla. From all sides they flocked on Delos travelers with the rich gifts of Apollon Delos.

    In the gloomy Delphian Gorge, where the Mountain Parnass rises, the arrifters Apollo struck the dragon of the Pyfhon, which by order of the jealous ger pursued his mother. Having loved the wild dolphic cliffs, he founded his temple here and Oracle, which became the most famous egregated in the world. Sitting on a gold tripod, inspired by the priest-pyfia encountered people of the prophecy of Apollo. Dark and ambiguous were the predictions of Pythia, but the Greek wise men also strive to hear them, and the famous ingenic kings. For advice to Apollo Delphic, for example, the Lidi king Cresz, who was going to fight with Persians. The Delphic Oracle answered then: "If you are going to the Galis River, then you will destroy a big kingdom." Crescent started the war and really destroyed the great kingdom, but not Persian, but his own.

    Another famous oracle Apollo was far in the West - in Italy, near the city of Kuma, founded by Greek migrants. The cumen priestess of Apollo called Sivil to his longevity: they said that she scored a long life from Apollo, but at the same time forgot to reclaim eternal youth and lived a few hundred years in the image of a stale old woman. The priests of the Kum Syville revered not only the Greeks, but also the Romans. According to legend, she predicted the birth of Christ.

    Greek sculptors depicted apollo with beautiful young men with long curls. Favorite bird Apollo - Swan, Favorite Animal - Wolf. In his hands, he is usually kifar or onions.

    Artemis. Sister Apollo, Artemis, - Deva-Hunter, Forest Hostess. As a brother, she carries behind the rapid arrows. For all day, she strives with the sophisticated dogs to death or rests in shady reservoirs in the society of forest goddesses. Artemis is more beautiful and above their girlfriends: it surpasses the whole head of ordinary women. A short hunting haton (shirt) barely reaches her to his knees, so the name is the favorite sister of Apollo feathers. On the mountain to someone who sees the random nudity of the goddess! A terrible anger will then light up the shame of Artemis's maiden and cruelly punishable. So died by the FVAN tsarevich-hunter Akteon, imbued with the lacquer bathing the goddess. She turned it into a deer, he was torn off his own dog.

    Artemis is alien to love and marriage. Under its patronage there are unmarried boys and girls. Before the wedding, the grooms and the brides brought her victims and gave a cut strand of their hair.

    The most famous temple of Artemis was in Ionia, in the city of Ephesus. He was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The oldest temple building burned down on the day when the famous commander Alexander Macedonsky was born. The temple of Artemis of Ephesus, a certain auditory and ambitious Herostrat, who dreamed of glorify and enter the story in this way. Hence the expression "Herostratov Glory".

    Athena Pallada. The goddess of Athena is a beloved daughter of the thunder of Zeus. She did not have a mother, she appeared from the head of the Father - Sineokaya, powerful, cracked armor. And the formidable kind of goddess, and the strange way of her birth is due to the fact that Athena is the wisdom and the power of Zeus, who took the appearance of a mighty Virgin.

    Mighty Athena - Great Warrior, Heroes Assistant. No one can withstand her in battle, even the very god of war, Ares wins the powerful daughter of the Thunder. Athena took part in the battles of the Olympic Gods with Titans and Giants. With the giant of the Palland's giant, she served her skin and pulled it on his shield. Since then, she got a nickname palladium.

    Born from Zeus's head, Athena was also considered the goddess of wisdom, patroness crafts and sciences, defender of cities. Especially she was honored by scientists, legislators and artisans. And she herself was the best masters of female needlework.

    The favorite city of Svetloko Goddess wore her name - Athens. In ancient times, his daughter of Zeus had his daughter at the Marine Lord Poseidon. Then the gods were decided that those who would bring them the greatest benefit would be. Poseidon hit the rock with a trident and a stone source with salted water. Athena also won a spear into the ground, and it turned into a fruitful Tool of Maslin (olive). The gift of Athens was recognized as more valuable. Since then, the Athenian land was covered with olive gardens, and the goddess itself settled in the middle of the city on the Acropolis Hill. Here for her was built the most beautiful building of Eldlas - Parfenon, the Temple of the Virgin. The city, patronized by the wise goddess, became famous for skillful masters and famous scientists. He was called the workshop at Eldlas School.

    Like the Huntry Artemis, Athena does not know love and marriage. Rolling Eros does not dare to approach the militant virgin: they have been threatened to him with a heavy spear.

    The statues of Athena depict it usually in full service: with a shield, with a spear, in a helmet. Believers sits sits Owl (bird wisdom) or snake.

    Hermes. The son of Zeus and the goddess Maya Hermes from the diaper became famous for an unusual dexterity of the mind and hands. Already born on the light, he made a seven-terrain LIRA from the turtle shell (a variety of kifara). Then he stole the bows of Apollo from the mischief, heading them in the cave back in advance to confuse traces. When angry arrival came to demand a loss, Hermes attacked the innocent baby at first, and when the deception failed, he came up with the great God, giving him just an invented LIRA. Treats of Hermes on this did not end: Jokes for the sake of Zeus's Scepter, Poseidon's trident and Sword of Ares. Subsequently, Hermes became the patron saint of all clever people: thieves, merchants, inventors. He prayed to him and athletes, whose art is based not so much on force as the dexterity.

    Mattering, Hermes also became a messenger of the gods. In the winged sandals, in the hat invisible, it was instantly transferred to any end of the world. Hermes and Wanderers were protected by Hermes. On all the roads and at the intersections of the streets stood in ancient times, his signs - Herma Stakes, crowned by the head of God.

    Hermes also accompanses the dark shadow of the dead. A magical rod, imposing a dream, is closed by his eyes of mortal people, fasciating their souls to the shores of styx. Of all the Godheads, only one has access to the kingdom of Aida alone. Like God, the Mystery of the Milro World, Hermes was considered a patron of magic, assistant sorcerer.

    Hermes and one more appearance. Since he was born in a happy shepherd country of Arcadia, located in the center of Peloponnese, he was sometimes portrayed in the form of a kind shepherd with a lamb on the shoulders. The arcade shepherds, loved to drive away dances, were not parted with his inventions - lyure and sweat. Ancient artists depicted Hermes with a slender messenger in the winged sandals.

    Dionysis and Demetra

    Gods agriculture.The population of Greek states consisted mainly of the peasants; The gods of agriculture were enjoyed by the people of agriculture. God grapes and wines were especially famous Dionysusand the goddess of bread bumps Demera.Any deity associated with the floral world reminded people not only about the fruits that the Earth gave them, but also about the most important laws of life: birth and death. After all, every year we see how the nature "dies" in the fall and "reborn" in the spring. Bread grain "bury" in the ground, but after the "death" it comes to life in the form of a spike. Similarly, grapes, "confused" in Davilna, "RESJET" in the form of funny wine. In the ancient myths, the gods of agriculture suffered, dying and resurrected, as those plants that they patronized. Their fate reminded a person about his own sufferings and death, awakened the hope of Sunday from the dead. Over time, the Greeks began to arrange special ideas depicting the death and resurrection of nature gods. So appeared mysteria(Secret rites) and theatrical ideas related to the revocation of Dionysus and Demetra.

    Dionis-Vakh.The god of wine Dionis roldied in glory with the forward of Apollo: one honorable aristocracy, the simple people worshiped. According to legend, Dionys was born in the city Thebes,in the palace of the beautiful princess, the semlock, which Lubrelzz Zeus loved. Jealous Gera was concerned with a rival that she asked Zeus to seem to her in all the brilliance of the Olympic Glory. Zeus was a request: under the blows of thunder, in the sparkling of lightning, he appeared in front of the seed, unwittingly at the heavenly fire. At the time of the death of the princess, the son of Dionys was born. Zeus has sewn a weak child in his thigh, and when the baby is stripped, he ordered Hermes to give him to raising forest deities.

    Great, God has grown young Dionysis. He made a grape vine, from which wine will be born, giving people forgetting worries and seals. Dionysome liberator nicknamed his people. He passed with a cheerful retinue throughout Asia to the borders of India, subordinating his power one country after another. The "army" of Dionysis consisted of goning forests of forests - satirs and many women are hot admirers of God. Behind the chariot, the meek lions and leopards were walking, in the middle of the procession, he touched on the dungeon's dynamic old old man - the teacher of Dionysus.

    Dionysis companions were called menades ("Funny")or vakhanki.They dressed in the motley deer skins and were armed with tears with tears, they saw ivy. Under the loud exclamations "EVEU, Vakh!" They honored their god with stormy dats. They were joined by residents of cities, through which Dionysis passed. With tirsmen and tympans (tambourines), they rushed at night at the light of the torches in the forest to go out there with rapid fun. On The holiday time God-Liberator canceled all the usual human laws, returning to people the state of primitive freedom. In the night darkness, Vakhanta and Vakhanki merged with soul with wildlife.

    On the representation of the Greeks, God Dionis was connected with night and death. According to one old legend, he was born twice, and during his first birthday on the island of Crete was confused by the titaniums. For this Zeus fallen land, the mother of titans, terrible fire. Having been in the afterlife kingdom, Dionysis was born again in the philas from the dying sequel. In this story, probably, the memoir about the terrible Cretan earthquake that happened in the XV century was preserved. BC, but first of all the legend reflects the fate of grapes, which is confused by davils to be born in underground chains noble wine.

    Dionis-Vakh was depicted in the form of a bearded man or a raised young man in long feminine clothes. Lush curls covers a wreath of grapes and ivy.

    Birth of the theater.Greek choirs sang in honor of the confused Dionysus sad songs - diffirable.Gradually, the suffering of kings and heroes began to sing in the diffirable, so even a saying was born: what does this have to do with Dionysus? When the actor depicting the hero himself, the Diffirb turned into the choir tragedy.The name of the tragedy comes from the word "Tragos" - a goat. It appeared from the fact that in the first ideas the choir crashed into goat skins, depicting Satirov - Satellites of Dionysus.

    The tragedy was born in the VI century. BC. In Athens, when the ruler of the city of Piscistrath (see about him in §9) ordered to state Dionysios - annual lush holidays in honor of Dionysus. The open-air tragedies were performed, in the theater, reminiscent of our stadium: Spectator places located on the hillside, washing the round platform - orchestraon which sang and danced choir. Behind the choir rose tent scene,painted with decorations; In the midst of the orchestra stood a satellite Dionysus. Theatrical ideas, like sports contests, were dedicated to God and were the same sacred business as sacrifices and prayers in the temples. Actors hung up in luxury long clothes, put on legs custra- "Boots" on a very high sole, closed the face with bright masks. From this they seemed majestic, sublime creatures. Female roles performed men. In the ancient tragedy there were many words and singing and few events, she looked like our opera. Naraspov uttered actors long speeches in verses; Choir, moving in a slow, solemn dance, sneaked a hero, echoed him with him, mourned his misfortune.

    So the first theatrical ideas appeared in the world. The most famous tragedy writers were Athenians. Eschil, Sofokland Eurypid,living in V c. BC. Some of their tragedies have survived to this day. They are depicted by the fate of mythical heroes, but there are also plays of historical content. For example, the tragedy of Eschil "Persians" is devoted to the great victory of the Greeks over the Persians under the island of Salamin. The play consists of conversations of the Persian Queen with a muster, which tells in detail about the defeat of the Persian fleet. Persian choir mourns the deceased army. The author of the tragedy himself was a member of the Salamina battle.

    The villagers celebrated the holiday of Dionysus Cheerful Gulby: Funny companies called Comals, wandered through the streets and kept each other in front jokes like our chastushki. From the combination of comoseces originates comedyhaving passed from the village to the city theater.

    Greek Theater.

    Comic actors could smoke anyone: spectators, city authorities, even gods. The fact is that comedy , like the tragedy, it was put in honor of God and her jokes were considered sacred. Glorified by the author of the comedy was the Athenian Aristophanes.He wrote a "frog" play, in which Dionysis himself is represented in the form of a boastan and panties. God descends to Aid to solve the dispute between Eshil and Eurypid, who compete for the title of the first poet of the underground kingdom. The choir portrays frogs sitting on the banks of the styx.

    The buildings of theatrical poets were held in Athens. The names of the winners and the names of their plays were evicted on the stone to the memory of the offspring. Since it was believed that the theater brings noble feelings in citizens, the city authorities were given to poor Athenians money on tickets from urban treasury. Thanks to this, the Athenians have become the most cultural people of Eldlats, even the peasants understood them in art.

    Demeter and Persephone.

    Goddess Demeter,sister of the Great Zeus, Greek poets called Zlatovlas, comparing her curls with wheat ears. In ancient times, on the representation of the Greeks, people lived poorly and beastly, eating mainly acorns.

    Only Demeter brought a person from the state of hunger and wildness, taking him to grow bread.

    Bust Goddess Demetra

    Originated agriculture, according to legend, in the city Elexine,located near Athens. About this event there is a special story.

    Goddess demeters had a favorite daughter Persephone.The lord of the underground kingdom of Gades fell in love with her and with the permission of Zeus kidnapped the young Virgin, when she frolicked in a meadow, collecting flowers. In the mountain and insulted on the gods left Demeter Light Olympus and, having taken the appearance of an ancient old woman, long wandered over the world, looking for a cute daughter. Because of the sadness, all vegetation faded the Great Goddess, hunger began to threaten the living. Only in the house of the Eleusinsky king found a mournful wanderer shelter and consolation: the queen gently accepted the poor old woman, and the maid tried to cheer the sad guest with jokes, forcing a smiling sad goddess.

    Meanwhile, Zeus, concerned about the fading of nature, commanded his brother to his Gades let go of Persenefon to the mother. When Koni Aida raced the Queen of the underground kingdom in Eleusin, happily rushed to Demeter to meet her daughter, and the earth was bloomed again, warm by the goddess. Then it was decided that two thirds of the percept will live with his mother at Olympus, and a third of the year to spend his Hades with her Hades in the underworld. Since then, it has been done that in late autumn and in the winter there is a dead earth, the sorrowful of the past Virgin Persephone, and in the spring is being reborn and fruit, welcoming the return of the goddess from the kingdom of death.

    Demeter generously thanked hospitable Eleusin: she gave the Tsarist Son a triptole of wheat grain, and he was the first of the people with a plow an Elexian field. Then, on a wonderful chariot, drawn by dragons, a triplet of various countries traveled around, transmitting the skills of agriculture to all peoples.

    Eleusinsky Mysteries.Legend says that Demeter founded his temple in Eleusin and commanded the great in it Mystery ("Mystery")- Secret sacred rituals associated with the history of "death" and "Resurrection" Persephone. The priests of the Mysteries were members of the four noble Eleusinsky births, and everyone took participation in them: men, women, children, strangers, but only Ellina, and not people of other tribes. Members of the Mysteries were called misti,they holy kept the secret of what they saw and heard. Therefore, there are not so many information about Eleusinsky mysteries.

    It is known that an idea of \u200b\u200bparadise in Eleusinsky mysteries was originated: a happy existence of the goddess was promised to the secrets of Goddess after death. Preparing for dedication, the participants of the Mysteries cleared their soul and body: washed, fasted and made other cleansing rites. The main festival took place at night: in the temple, pilgrims showed actions about the Persephone, resembling theatrical representation, and then all the worlds participated in the most mysterious rite of Eleusin: wandered in the darkness, worried about horrors, and then suddenly turned out to be in bright light, among holiday dance and wondrous songs . Thus, during his lifetime, they saw and experienced what they expected how they believed, their souls after death.

    When Athens submitted to themselves Eleusin, Demeter Mystery became one of the main Athenian holidays. They used the Great Glory in all Ellad; During their holding, as at the time of the celebration of the Olympic Games, the underestural world was concluded.


    Five centuries and world flood.We met the main Olympic Gods, and now let's see how the history of the human race has reflected in Greek myths.

    From the beginning of the world of the Greeks, there were 5 large historical "centuries": gold, silver, copper, heroic and iron. Each of the "centuries" covered not a hundred years, but much more: a thousand or several thousand.

    The happiest was considered the "Golden Age" when the world of rules Father Zeus - Titan Cron. In the kingdom of Crown, people lived without sadness and labor, the Earth gave birth to them for them, there was no wars in the world, neither enmity, nor the poor and rich, no gentlemen and slaves: everyone was equal and happy.

    In the next century, people spoiled and often angry the gods with their vices. At the end of the "copper century" sent Zeus to the land of a flood, which destroyed all the wicked human genus. Only virtuous spouses of Gerlion and Pierre were escaped, who built the ark and fell on it to the two-headed vertices of Parnassa. When the water came, Zeus told them to throw stones through the head. Men abandoned from the stones abandoned by Gencalion, and from the stones that poured Pyrrh, - women. Thus, the Earth appeared again, and the great heroes were born in the new century - sons of gods and mortal women.

    Hercules.The greatest hero of Ellala Herculesson of Zeus, took place from the city of Micheen, which is in Peloponnese, and he was born, like Dionysis, in Phiwhere he lived in the exile of his mother - Miktenskaya Tsarevna Alcmen. On the eve of the birth of the son Zeus gave an unreasonable oath that a child who would soon appear in the family of the Mykna Kings would rule over all his parents. Then jealous gera, rushing in Mysen, accelerated the birth of one of the relatives of Alcmen, and the first to light appeared sickly, patient Tsarevich Eurisfeiwhich, according to Zeus-oath, was to ruin over the son of the Great God. The Zeus was angry at the deception of spouses, but in the end they agreed that herakli Eurisfei will not be obeyed all her life, but only until 12 of his desires fulfill.

    Mighty, brave hero gave birth to Alcmen. While still a baby, he strangled by children's handms of terrible snakes sent to his cradle of a veil hero.

    Mattering, Hercules was equal to force with the gods. In good use, he used his power, cleaning the earth from robbers and monsters. Many feats and suffering fell on his share.

    Returning to the land of ancestors, in Peloponnese, Hercules settled in the city Tyaringabout Mycene, and made 12 feats in service at Euryfai, half of them - without leaving the limits of Peloponnese. In Arcadia alone, at Hermes, hero, destroyed four monstrous creatures, devastated the surrounding lands: a fierce lion, an evil boar, a voracious lan and predatory huge birds.

    The skin of the lion wore from then on the shoulders as a raincoat. Not far from Mikten struck in a serious battle, a nine-headed hydra (snake), the severed heads were growing again and again, until the hero had tied them with fire. And in the Eloid, near which the Olympic Games were celebrated, Hercules clearly cleaned the huge stables of King Avgii from the manure, sending two rivers in their direction.

    He was the first and arranged in those parts of sports, which turned many years later in the Olympic Games.

    Then, Eurisfey began to send a hero in distant countries - then for the magic horses of the Thracian king, then behind the monstrous Cretan bull, then behind the tsaritsa waist of warlike female Amazons, and even for the hellish caps of Cerber. With the help of the goddess Athens Hercules coped with all the tasks. All the monsters given by him under the walls of Mycena, a cowardly Eurysfea ordered to let go to the will.

    I had to visit the hero on the distant west. There, with one of the islands of the ocean, he kidnapped for Eurisfie the cows of Giant Gerion and drove them to Peloponnese through Spain and Italy, overcoming steep mountains - Pyrenees and Alps. Performing the twelfth, the last order of Evrisfie, Hercules returned to the West again to get the Golden Apples Gevers. This feat was the most difficult: Titan Atlant volunteered to bring the hero apples of his daughters, and had to Hercules at the time of the absence of Titan to take himself on his shoulders.

    Freed from service by Eurisfei, many more features made Hercules, cleaning the Earth from any evil. Even by the Olympians themselves, he had assistance during the war of them with giants, fighting on the side of his Zeus's father. But together with victories, all his life was accompanied by the hero of the misfortune, since he was constantly sent jealous hera to him, then all sorts of troubles, then the seizures of madness, during which he killed some of his relatives and friends. The death of the Great Hero was painful.

    It happened so that Hercules gathered to leave his wife to his act for the sake of another beauty. In desperation, a unreasonable woman grazed her husband's cloak by magic blood returning, as she thought, love; In fact, it was a poisonous potion, corrosive body. As soon as the Hercules was a gift of his wife, as covered by his terrible flour. In an effort to get rid of them, he ordered to fold the funeral fire (the Greeks burned the bodies of the dead), ascended to him and persuaded one ingen to light the fire. The flame covered the hero, but at the same moment with thunder and lightning went down to him from the sky Athena and Hermes and ascended him to a high Olympus. The immortality and eternal bliss in the kingdom of gods awarded his works and the mighty Son of Zeus.

    The statues of Hercules represent it rich with a lion's skin on the shoulders. In his hands, the hero holds, as a rule, his favorite weapon is a sungtone-dubble-cock.

    TEXY.If Hercules was the hero of the whole Eldla, then another great hero, TEXY,it became famous for both the ruler and defender of Athens. Teskey was considered the son of the Athens Tsar Egeaalthough in fact his father was marlaysk Poseidon. Hero spent his childhood in Peloponnese, at the mother's motherland, and when he was 16 years old, he went to the named father of his Egey to Athens. His path ran through the Eastmian experiencing, sishematically robbers. Six mighty villages struggled on the road. Young Teskey. One of them was a flexor of a sinide, which ruled passersby, tie them to two bent trees. Teshen defeated the blue and executed him in the same way as he killed the unfortunate travelers. In memory of this victory, the hero established Eastian competitions in honor of his Poseidon's father. The famous robber was also a progress, making travelers on her bed: for whom it was not enough, he cut off his feet, those for whom Great, stretched to death. Teskey fell on the bed of the procrus itself and cut off his head. Due to the victories of a young hero, the path from Peloponnese to Athens became safe.

    In Athens, Tesove was assisted by the elderly king Egei, having interrupted the bold rhodes, trying to take away the power from the old man. Then he tamed the wild marathon bull, which broke the surroundings of Athens, and finally made a sorry of his feat, having relived the city from a terrible subsitude. Once at nine years of Athenians, Danika Cretan Tsar Minosa (of the one who became after the death of the judge in Aid), sent 14 young men and girls to the island of Crete. They were sacrificed to the monster Minotaur - a receiving one-semi-punch, inhabited in the Palace-Maze. In this room there were so many confusing moves that a person who fell inside could not find the way back. On a ship under black sailing, Teshesy went together with chosen victims to Crete, entered the labyrinth and worried Minotaur. It was offended by a guiding thread of the princesses Ariadna - daughters Minos. Having false at first glance to the hero, she gave him to the battle of the tangle of threads so that with their help he got out of the labyrinth. After the victory, Teresa Tsene ran along with him from Crete. Only to the island of Naxos, the Teshesy and Ariadne went together: here during the rest came to the hero in the dream of God Dionysis and announced that Ariadne was designed to him in his wife. Communicating the will of the gods, Teshele left the sleeping bride on the island. Since then, people have called Ariadna abandoned and honored her as a spouse of the Great Dionysus.

    Meanwhile, in Athens, the old Aei was impatiently peeking in the sea distance: they had a persuasion with the Taue, that in the event of victory, the hero will return home under the white sail. But forgot the young Athenians in the hurry to change the tackle! Seeing the black sail, Age rushed from the cliff to the sea. Since then, it has become known as Aegean.

    After the death of Father, Teshesy became the Athenian king. In his board, Athens became a major state: Tereksa subdued them all the surrounding region Attikawith her 12 cities, including Marathon and Eleusin. Since then, the inhabitcies were considered the Athenians.

    Testa and Minotaur

    The hero of happiness left on the slope of the years, for he decided on an unholy business: along with another his periphy, he went down to Aid to kidnap the queen of the dead perverse. In the punishment of Vladyka Gades chained both heroes to the seat of the stone throne. Long languished in the underworld, until he freed his Hercules, descended down the hellish cap of Cerber. During the absence of Tereus, the enemies devastated Athens, he was captured by his mother, and the authorities gave one of the relatives. Upon returning from Aida, it turned out to be a homeless exile. He went to the island of Skiros, where he had his own estate, but the king of the island, not wanting to give the earth, lured the hero on the rock and pushed him down. After many years, the Athenians found the remains of Tene and moved them to their homeland.

    Homer and his poems

    Aida and Homer. At the very end of the "heroic century", the famous Trojan War occurred, which the greatest Greek poet Homer was sick. The singer himself lived in the "Iron Age", there are almost no information about his life. It is only known that Homer was blind and that he was born in one of the cities of Asian Ionia.

    The genius blind poet was one of the wandering singers called the nuclear fuel. With Kifaroy in his hands, Aida came from the city to the city, receiving invitations to rich and noble houses, where they loved to listen to songs about the ancient kings, heroes and wars. In the dining room, the singer treated together with the guests, and at the height of a feather, when the participants were distracted from food and drink, touched the strings of Kifara and a snatch voice of Naraspov, as our oban's teachers, started talking about past times.

    So on peaks, from generation to generation, performed songs "Iliad" - the Great Poem telling about the heroes that beat under the walls of Ilion, or Troy. Greeks believed that Homer composed this poem, although, maybe the blind poet was only the most talented performer of ancient heroic songs.

    Iliad.Fortress Troycalled as well Ilionstood on the Asian coast of the Gellespont Strait (modern Dardanellian Strait) - in the place where the shores of Asia and Europe almost come into contact. Rules there an elderly king Priam,having had 50 sons and daughters. The most beautiful of the children of Priama was the young Alexander-Paris, who pass the father's herds near the city, on the green slopes of the mountain of the city.

    One orders of the royal shepherd appeared three goddesses - Queen Olympus Gera, the warrior of Athena and the goddess of Love Aphrodite. They asked to judge, which of them should belong a wonderful apple on which one word was written: "the most beautiful." Paris presented an apple in tender Aphrodite, promising that he would love his most beautiful woman in the world. Since then, Gera and Athena hated all the Trojans, and captivating Aphrodite was carried away by Paris on the ship and sent it through the Aegean Sea to the shores of Peloponnese, to the city Sparta.Beautiful Elena lived there, the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel is the most beautiful of mortal women. Taking advantage of the absence of the king, Paris seduced beautiful Elena, and she, throwing her husband, left him in Troy.

    The Great War flared out due to the abduction of Helena. A deceived husband of Meneli made up against Troy, and with him - all the Greek kings who were once the grooms of Elena. He headed the general Greek army Brother Menel - Agamemnon, who ruled in the richest and the strongest city of Peloponnese - zlatomobile mixes. The most interesting from the Greek heroes was the king of the island of Italian Odysseus,and the most powerful - the son of the sea goddess Achille;he knew the valiant Achill, going to the campaign that the gods judged him great glory and early death under the walls of Troy. In the black ships, the Greeks won the Greeks to the shores of Asia and besieged the strongest hail of Priama.

    Ten years continued the siege of Troy. Aliens ruined many neighboring cities and islands, but could not defeat the Trojans: there were those brave army, and the great leader - the eldest son of Priama, noble Hectorloves of the Trojan people.

    In Iliad, Homer describes the last, tenth year of the siege of the Troy. The poet tells how they quarreled in the production of Vladyka Tsari Agamemenon and the Great Warrior Achill. Offended Achille retired to his tent and stopped participating in the battle. After his care, the Trojans moved to the offensive and pushed the enemy to the very shores of the sea, where Greek ships were. Olympic gods took part in the hot battles: Poseidon, Athena and Gera, Trojans, Aphrodite, Apollo and God of war Ares helped the Greeks.

    When the fight of the ships, brave cartridge, the nearest comrade Achilla, did not come in tent and got into battle. With its help, the Greeks beat the Trojans from their camp and drove them to reverse to the walls of the city, but the most gate of Troy Hector had struck the Patrox with a spear with the assistance of Apollo.

    Almost died with grief Ahill, learning about the death of a beloved friend. When reconciled with Agamemnon, he returned to the system of Greek troops. Many Trojan heroes sent His spear to the kingdom of Aida, until he met the main enemy - the valiant hetero.

    Greek warriors

    The urban wall came together in a fatal match two great hero, and fell from the hand of Achille the noble Hector, amazed to death in front of the elder Priama, who watched the battle with the fortress wall. In the last song "Ilda" is narrating, as an old man goes to the city of Greeks with rich gifts and redeem the body of his unfortunate son from Achilla. The poem ends with a description of the solemn burial of the hector.

    No longer homer, and other poets told about how the Trojan war ended. Soon after the death of Hecker, his winner folded his head and his winner: Arrow of Paris, directed by Apollo, was struck by the mighty Achilla, the doomed fate on a rapid death. Without it, the Greeks took three with the help of a trick invented by the cunning odyssem.

    Standed on the tragedy of Eschil "Eurmina".

    Absorbed by vengeial Erinias, exhausted by wandering and grief, finally came to the sacred delphs and sat there in the temple of Apollo near Omfala2. Even the horrible goddesses followed him in Apollon, but their god-striker touched there, and their terrible eyes were closed.

    2 Round stone standing in the Delphian temple. The Greeks believed that this stone was in the very center of the Earth, which they imagined flat.

    Apollo is secretly from Erinia who was Oest and commanded him to go to Athens and there to pray for protection from the ancient image of the goddess Athena-Pallades. God promised his help with an unfortunate orest, and in the conductors gave him his brother, God Hermes. Orest got up, quietly left the temple and went with Hermes to Athens.
    He just left, as the shadow of CliTeters rose from the ground in the temple of Apollo. Seeing the sleeping Erinia, she began to wake them up and root for the fact that they stopped haunting the killer who shed the blood of the mother. She rushing them to chase them soon for a hoping oret and not give him a minute of peace. But a strong, heavy sleep, Erynia slept, they moaned in a dream, they greeted, with times screaming, as if pursuing the killer running away from them. Finally, one of Erinia woke up with great difficulty and woke out others. Erynia came to the rage, seeing that Orest was hidden. They began to reproach Apollo for having pulled out of their hands a killer, but Apollo, threatened onion, drove them out of his temple. Full violent anger, a non-stroke crowd rummaged goddesses in the footsteps of Orest.
    Orest Meanwhile came to Athens and there sat on the statue of the goddess Athena, hugging her hands. Erynia brought soon. They were looking for Orest everywhere. In terrible anger, the goddess of messenger was ready to confuse the unfortunate, but did not dare to insult the sacred image of Athens.
    Heard the terrible cries of Erinia Goddess Athena and appeared in front of them, sparkling with his arms. Grozno demanded Erinia, so that the goddess gave in their power of Orest, terrible flour wanted to undergo orie for the murder of the mother. Orest praying the goddess to protect him. He reminded Athena-Pallada about his father Agamemnon, about how he died from the hand of a cunning cliques.


    Didn't the Mother Orestil Mother Mother? After all, he performed the Treatment of Apollo. Prayal Orest Athena so that she herself judged him.
    Athena was wounded by Oresta Moluba. To solve his case, she chose the court from Athenian elders. This court - Areopag1 - since that time has always had to exist in Athens and gather on that hill, where there is no time to settle the Amazon camp when they attacked Tereasha. This hill has since called the Hill of Ares, since he was brought to the victim of Amazon.
    Selected Athenian judges gathered together, two urns were brought, in which the judges should have left during the voting of the pebble, and the court began. In him as a judge participated and the goddess Athena. The people crowded, wanting to hear how judges will decide. Erinia was accused of orps and worked out so that he was convicted. God Apollo Himself came to protect the orps. Calmly began to say Apollo in defense of Orest. He justified his act, as the Orest of Mustil Clique for the terrible atrocity, the murder of her husband, the great hero of Tsar Agamemnon. Yes, finally, the Orest sang his will. Listened to the prosecutors and defender of the judge and started voting.

    It was decided that if the same number of votes would be submitted for the accusation and justification of orpes, it will be justified. When the voices of the judges were calculated, there was an equal number of exclusive and indictment votes. The equal number of votes for the accusation and justification was because the voice of Athena filed for Ores, saying that she votes for him, since she had no mother, but there is only a father, God Zeus.
    Thus, the Orest was acquitted, and Erinia had to stop their persecution.
    Erinia came to the terrible anger, the court had delayed their original rights to bathe the terrible torment of the criminal. Erinia threatened that they devastate all the attics and plunge her in the sea of \u200b\u200bdisasters. But Athena softened the wrath of the goddesses; She convinced them forever to stay in the Attika in the Holy Cave, where they will give great honors all the Athenians.

    1 Areopag - a trial in Athens from representatives of the most significant birth.

    Grozny goddess agreed. With the great celebration, citizens took them led by Athena and her priests in their sanctuary - a cave at the foot of the hill of Ares.
    Since then, Erinia has been taken by the defenders of all attics, and to call them Eurmini1.

    1 Evmenia - gracious, favorable goddesses.

    Prepared by publication:

    Kun N.A.
    Legends and myths of ancient Greece. M.: State Educational and Pedagogical Publisher of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1954.


    Athena (Dr. Greek. Ἀθηνᾶ Also meets the writing of Athenaya, Mycene. A-Ta-Na-Po-Ti-Ni-Ja: "Atan-Vladychitsa") - in the ancient Greek mythology the goddess of organized war, military strategy and wisdom, one of the most revered goddesses of ancient Greece, the eponym of the city of Athens. In addition, the goddess of knowledge, arts and crafts; Virgo-Warper, patroness of cities and states, sciences and crafts, mind, skill, ingenuity.
    In Rome, Athena was identified with Miner.
    The corporal origin of the image of Athens does not allow to disclose the etymology of the name of the Goddess, based on the data of only the Greek language. The Myth of the birth of Athena from Zeus and Metis ("Wisdom", Greek. Metis, "Thought", "Reflection") late origin - the period of registration of the classical Olympic mythology. Zeus, knowing from gay and uranium that his son from Metis will deprive his authorities, swallowed his pregnant wife (Hes. Theog. 886-900) and then with the help of Hephaest (or Prometheus), the head of the head with an ax, himself made at the light of Athena, which appeared from his head in full combat armament and with warlike tide (Apollod. I 3, 6). Since this event was as if the lake (or river) Triton in Libya, Athena received a nickname of tritonides or tritohenes. The birth of Athena is depicted in this myth from the standpoint of the heroic mythology of the Patriarchate period, in which the man's originating began. Athena is a direct continuation of Zeus, the performer of his plans and will. She is the thought of Zeus, implemented in action. Gradually, the maternity of methis takes an overly distracted and even symbolic nature, so the Athena is considered to be a generation of one Zeus and takes on the functions of the Wisdom deity, as well as Zeus perceived them from Metyda.
    And Finina is one of the main figures not only of Olympic mythology, in its importance it is equal to Zeus and sometimes even surpasses him, rooted in the oldest development period of Greek mythology - matriarchy. By force and wisdom, it is equal to Zeus (Hes. Theog. 896). She is honored to honor after Zeus (Horat. Carm. I 12, 17-20) and its place is closest to Zeus (Plut. Conv 2). Along with the new features of the goddess of military power, Athena retained its matriarchal independence, manifested in understanding it as the Virgin and defenders of chastity. The ancient zoomorphic past of the goddess indicate its attributes - snake and owl. Homer calls Athena "Sovoko" (Glaaycopis), an orphic anthem (XXXII 11) - "Pestroval Snake." Athena - Snake Patron (Verg. Aen. II 225-227); In the temple of Athens in Athens, according to Herodota (VIII 41), a huge snake died - the guardian of the Acropolis dedicated to the goddess. The origins of the wisdom of Athens in her chtonic past rise to the image of the goddess with snakes of the Crito-Mycenae. Owl and Snake guarded the Palace of Minotaur in Crete, and the image of the goddess with a shield of a Mycenaic Time - Prim of Olympic Athens. Among the indispensable attributes of Athens - Aegis - a shield from goat skins with a head of a snake of the jellyfish, which has a huge magical force, is frightening gods and people (HOM. Il. II 446-449).
    M Table, terrible, cooked goddess Archaika, owner of Aegis, Athena During the period of heroic mythology, it sends its strength to the fight against titans (HYG. Fab. 150) and giants. Together with Hercules, Athena kills one of the giants, on the other she pours Sicily Island, with the third skipping the skin and covers her body during the battle (Apollod. I 6, 1-2). She is the killer Gorgon Jellyfish and wears the name "Gorgonhiber" (EUR. Ion. 989-991, 1476). Athena requires a sacred respectfulness, no mortal can see her. The myth is known about how she deprived of vision of the young thieres (son of his favorite Hariklo), when he accidentally saw her ablution. Having deprived a young view, Athena, at the same time, entered his prophetic gift (Apollod. ILL 6, 7; Callim. Hymn. V 75-84). Her anger was great on Arachna, who dared to question the piety of the gods. Classical Athena is endowed with ideological and organizing functions: it patronizes the heroes, protects the social order, etc. It puts on the kingdom of Cadma, it helps you and his daughters, as well as the descendant to the Perse, who killed Medusa (Apollod. II 4, 2; OVID. Met. IV 82 Next.). Zeus sent Athena to Help Hercules, and he brought the Aida God (Hom. II. VIII 362-369 from the ereb of the PSA. The goddess is pretended by the Tideo and his son Diomeda, whom she wanted to make immortal, but refused to conceive this idea, seeing wild cruelty of CIDE (Apollod. ILL 6, 8). Athens's favorite was Odyssey, smart and bold hero. In Homer's poems (especially "Odyssey"), no little less an important event costs without interference. Athens, she is the main defender of the Greeks-Ahetsev and the constant enemy of the Trojans, although the cult existed in three (HOM. II. VI 311). Athens is a protector of the Greek cities (Athens, Argos, Megara, Sparta, etc.), which is the name of the "city of city" (HOM. II. VI 305).

    About the thunder statue of Athena Prosakhos ("advanced fighter") with a spear shining in the sun, decorated with Acropolis in Athens, where the goddes were devoted to the temples of Erehechteion and Parfenon. The main epitles of Athena, endowed with civil function, is a polyadia ("urban") and Polyuzhos ("Hard-producing"). The monument to the glorification of the wise government of the Athens State, the founder of the Areopagu, is the tragedy of Eschila "Evmenid".
    And the fin is always considered in the context of art craft, art, skill. She helps Gonchars (Hom. Epigr. 14), weaver (HOM. OD. VII 109-110), needlewomen (paus. X 30, 1), argonauts ship builder (apoll. Rhod. I 551), generally working people (hes . Opp. 429-431) and is called Ergana ("worker") (Soph. FRG. 760), patroness of artisans (Plat. Legg. Xi 920d). Athena helped Prometheus to steal the fire from the forge of Hephasta (myth. Vat. I 1; II 63-64). Her own products are genuine works of art, as, for example, a raincoat, cracked for a hero of Jason (Apoll. Rhod. I 721-768). Athena is attributed to the invention of flutes and training game Apollo (Plut. De Mus. 14). One of her touch is enough to make a person beautiful (Odyssey she raised the mill, endorsed curly hair, elevated force and attractiveness; HOM. OD. VI 229-237; XXIII 156-159). She endowed Penelope on the eve of the meeting of the spouses amazing beauty (XVIII 187-197).
    And Finina - the goddess of wisdom, Democritis considered it "reasoning"<...>. The wisdom of Athens is different than the wisdom of Hephasta and Prometheus, it is characterized by wisdom in state affairs (Plat. Prot. 321d). For late Antiquity, Athena was the principle of indivisibility of the cosmic mind (plot. Vi 5, 7) and a symbol of comprehensive world wisdom (Procl. Hymn. VII), thereby its quality is sharply opposed to rue and Ecstasy of Dionysus. As the legislator and the patroness of the Athenian statehood, Athena - Fratria ("Bratskaya"), Bulaya ("Soviet"), Sotaira ("Savior"), Pratya ("Saving"), was revealed.
    Xea cult Athens was spread throughout the mainland and island Greece (Arkady, Argolid, Corinth, Sikion, Fessoria, Beochia, Crete, Rhodes), especially worshiped Athena in Attika, in Athens (the name of the city of Athens Greeks was associated with the name of the goddess - patroness of the city ).
    According to myth, Poseidon came to the Attika, hit the trident to the land on the Acropolis, and there was a source of seawater, which was shown in the historical time in Ereheheton (on another legend, he created a horse). Athens appeared behind him, which hit the land with a spear and raised an olive tree (olive). According to the decision of the judges, Athena was recognized as the winner, since her gift is more useful, the city called it with the name, the Poseidon was angry and tried to flood the land by the sea, but Zeus banned him.
    According to the references to Callimha and Nonna, their judge was kecrop-snake, the judges also called either the crane or Erisichton.

    At the Attach Athens was the main deity of the country and the city of Athens, the patroness of the Athenian. Athens's greatest relics and heyday reached during the perix. New buildings on the Acropolis were erected in 16 years. On Acropolis, a rocky hill, located in the center of Athens, led a wide marble staircase. Climbing the stairs, the traveler approached propiles - the front entrance to the Acropolis. Through the recipes "The Road of Sacred Processions" went on an extensive area where the bronze giant statue of Athena rose - Promakhos (the leader in the battle), cast fidia. The glitter of the Golden helmet and the spears of the goddess seen the sailors who were far away into the sea.


    Parthenon rose over all buildings of Acropolis - the Temple of Athena-Virgin, who was the main temple of the goddess ("Parfenos" translated from Greek. - "Virgo"). The whole temple, including roof tiles, was erected from white Pentelian marble. The length of the temple was 69.5 m, the width is 31 m, i.e. His square was more than 2 sq. Km. The building was surrounded by 40 columns with a height of 10.43 m.

    Athena Parfenos.
    (Reconstruction of the statue of Athena Parfenos from
    Gold and ivory work fidia

    In the center of the temple, the Giant Statue of Athens Fididia, covered with gold and ivory. The thin plates of ivory covered the face and hands of the goddess, cloak, helmet and shield were made of gold. The width of the foot of the statue was equal to 8 m, the statue height is 12 m. In the XVII century. The Turks, who owned Greece, staged a warehouse in Parfenone, which exploded, destroying half ancient temple. Annually in August, Panafinei was held ("All-Afin"), devoted to at once all "areas of activity" of Athens. Once every four years, great panafines were held with musical and gymnastic competitions. The celebrations began at night with a torch procession and ended with the festive procession of Athenians.
    The procession rose across the sacred road and entered the temple to bring Asphine Peplos, woven with the hands of noble attic from the finest road wool apparel with gold sewing.Specially for the holiday was preparing "Panificine Amphoras", a volume of 26 liters, which depicted scenes of competitions and the goddess itself. Amphora filled with olive oil, was delivered to the winner of the contest. From these amphors lead their origin, the Cups are given to the winners at the present time.
    Agricultural holidays were devoted to Athena: ProHarishery (due to the germination of bread), plinter (beginning of harvest), Arreforia (dew to crops), Calinterteri (ripening of fruits), skyrophory (drought disgust). During these festivities, the ablution of the statue of Athens, the young men brought the goddess to the clergy of civil serving. The universal character was a celebration of the Great Panafine - Apotheosis of Athens - State Wisdom. The founder of the Panafine was considered Erichtonius, the converter - Teskey. Annual Panafiney arranged Solon, the Great established the Piscistratus. The perix has introduced the competition in singing, playing kifare and flute. The victims of the Athena were brought on Panafine and the transfer of Peplos Goddess, which was depicted by her feats in giantaahi.

    Flute invention

    The myth of the invention of the goddess Flute (Avlin) will be mentioned by many authors. (In Beotica, Athena-Inventor Flute, even revered under the special name of Bombilet, that is, Athena "Bee", "buzzing"). Pindar says that one of the jaussian gorge is terribly moaning, dying, and the other - Jewish moaning, looking at her sister, and Athena invented the flute to repeat these sounds. According to Corinne, the goddess taught the game on Flute Apollo. Epharm mentions she played in front of the Dioskours on Avlin.
    For a more detailed story, Athena made a flute from the bone deer and came to the scenes of the gods, but Hera and Aphrodite got her, and she, looking at his reflection in the water, saw her cheeks who ugly when the game was swollen, and threw a flute in the idea forest Or threw the flute in the water meander. The thrown flute picked up Satir Mariji. (PAsaniya also mentions the statue of Athens, beating Silene Marcia, which raised the flute). The myth continues the story that in the game on the "Palladium Flute" Satir was defeated by Apollo, and came out of him. Aristotle gives myfif my interpretation. In his opinion, the real reason for the actions of Athens is that the game on the flute is not related to mental development.

    Favn Mariji teaches young people Olympia game
    (Basin Peter Vasilyevich)

    Once, wandering around Freigia fields, Favn Marius found a reed flute. She was thrown by the goddess Athena, noting that the game on the flute itself disappeared by it by her deafness disfiguring her divinely beautiful face.
    Athena cursed his invention, saying that the one who would raise this flute would be cruelly punished. Not knowing about the words of Athens, Mariji raised Fleut and soon learned to play so well on her, that everyone heard this simple music.
    Mariji has grudge and caused the patron of the music of Apollo to the contest. Apollo appeared on the challenge. Mariorsi was not able to extract such wonderful sounds from the flute, which muses from the gold strings of the Kifara leader Muz Apollo - Apollo won.
    An angry challenge, he ordered to hang for the hands of the unfortunate Marcia and construct the skin from him. So Mission paid for his courage. The skin heated in the grotto in Frigia and told him later that she always began to move, as if he danced when the sounds of the Frigian cane flute were shifted, and remained stationary when the magnificent sounds of kifara were distributed.

    Participation in giantahii ( )

    Although in the early mythological scheme, Titanoachey occurred even before the birth of Athens, but later authors, starting with Euripid, was often mixed by giants and titans. Athens participation in Giantaji - a popular plot. This battle is localized on phlegrey fields. Although the Battle of the giants of Athena called on the help of Hercules's gigs, but herself also distinguished himself. Hygin leads the story that after the death of Epaff Zeus, together with Athena, Apollo and Artemida, threw in Tartar Titans, prompted by the hero.

    Other devices of the Battle of the Giants were depicted on the shield of the statues of Athena Parfenos. In the euripide "Ion" tragedy, Athenian women discuss this image: Athena, holding a shield with a gorgon on it, opposes an Enkenlade. Also, Athena drove the chariot with a pair of horses against Anken, and when he turned to flight, sicily washed him. From the pallent, Athena served the skin and covered her body with it. Callima emphasizes the care of Athens about their horses after the battle

    Trojan War

    Court of Paris (apple of discord) Gera, Aphrodite, Athena and Paris

    According to the myths, Athena participates in the court of Paris, where she unsuccessfully seduced by Paris's career of a successful commander and in the future events of the Trojan War, where she performed on the Greek side and the special patronage gave Odyssey and Diomeda (see below).

    Erid's goddess, offended by the fact that she was not invited to the wedding feast of Pelle and Fetis, decided to take revenge on the gods and threw the apple-eyed apple with the inscription "the most beautiful." Immediately between the three goddesses: Zeus's wife, the hero, the warrior of Athena and the goddess of Love Aphrodite, there was an argument: to whom does an apple belong to right? The goddesses turned to Zeus, but he refused to be a judge. Zeus gave the apple Hermes and ordered the goddesses in the surroundings of Troy to the beautiful son of King Troy Parsia, who should choose the most beautiful of the three goddesses. Each of them began to convince Paris to give her an apple to her, Sulle Junior Great Awards. Gera promised Paris power over all Asia, Athena - Military Victory and Glory. Paris gave an Aphrodite apple, which promised to reward him with love of any woman he would choose. At the same time, she described him in enthusiastic expressions to him, Elena's beautiful, the daughter of the throat of Zeus and Ice, and the wife of Menel, the King Sparta. This led to Elena Paris's abduction, which was the cause of the Trojan War. Paris became a favorite of Aphrodite, and she helped him in everything. Gera and Athena hated Paris and all the Trojans.

    Athena and Trojan horse

    Athens's bond with a Trojan horse, put the end of the war, extremely close. Firstly, it belongs to the plan of the horse, secondly, the horse is called to it, thirdly, it contributes to the taking of the Troy with it. Euripid notes that Ilion was destroyed by "evil palladium" and its strength.

    So, Eppa built a Trojan horse on its intent and with its help. Quint Smirnsky in the poem "After Homer" describes in detail that Eppa learned to his craft from Athena (XII 85), Athena is in the dream of Epey (XII 109-121). For three days, thanks to Athena, the horse was completed (XII 154), and Eppa asks Athen to bless his work (XII 159-163). Later, Epia devoted his tools to the temple of Athens Mind. (Metapont residents showed these iron tools in the temple of Athens, which Eppi built a horse).
    In addition, Athena took the appearance of the Bulletin and advised Odyssey to hide in the horse of the Ahasey heroes. Further, the goddess brought the heroes who were going to go to the horse, food of the gods so that they did not feel hunger.
    When the plan drives into action, the sinone's rank says to the Trojans that this gift of Athena will always guard their city instead of palladium. The dedication of the horse of Athena (and even the appropriate inscription on it) mentions many authors.


    Athena delivers bad signs (earthquake) after the offer of Laocoon to destroy the horse; rejoices when the Trojans do not believe Laocon and decide to drag the horse in the city, and satisfies snakes on the sons of Laocoon. The goddess herself invisibly helped the Trojans to drag a horse to the temple of Athens. Homer mentions that Athena forces Elena to move away from the Trojan horse. The trifiodor describes in more detail that Elena came to the temple of Athens and went around the horse three times, causing heroes by name, but Athena appeared, visible only to Elena, and made her leave.
    And on the night of the fall of the Troy Pallada sat on the Acropolis, brightly anesthesia. When the beatings began, she shouted and raised Egid.

    Athens inventions

    Athena finished founder

    * states
    * chariots,
    * Ship
    * flutes and pipes,
    * invented war.
    * Ceramic pot, robble, plow, yoke for oxen and bridles for horses.
    * taught weaving, spinning and cooking
    * established laws and aropag (the highest court in Athens).

    Athena, motherhood and marriage

    Nevertheless, Athena patronizes and married women. Women Elida prayed to Athena to get pregnant.
    Athena helped Penelope to pull out the day of the new wedding. In the "Odysse", Athena knew Penelope Mesum (II 116), gives her a sweet dream (I 360, XVI 451, XIX 604, XXI 358). When Penelope asks Athena for Odyssey (IV 762-767), the goddess sends the ghost of Iftim to it to encourage it (IV 796-838). Athena inspires Penelope. The desire to seem like the grooms (XVIII 158), for a while she shifts Penelope and gives her beauty (XVIII 188-196).
    Athena inspires Penelope the idea to arrange a contest (XXI 1).
    AVGA was the priestess of Athens Alya from Tegi, who was seduced by Hercules, and she threw a child in the holy plot of the temple of Athens (or hid in the temple), because of this, either the land stopped fruiting, or the plague began, and the oracles began to be invited .
    When the Father decides to expel August, she turns to Athena for help, and the goddess recalls Herakla. The care of the Athena box with Augoa and telephol was moved across the sea.

    Athena and ships

    Already at Homer Athena acts as a patronage of shipbuilding and navigation. In one of the author's comparisons, the Unnamed ship architect is called the pupil of Athens. Also, Homer notes that Earlier, Athena patronized the architect Ferkell, who built a ship for Paris (according to the pilot, the goddess did not approve his work).
    According to Athens, architect Arg from Fespius created the Argo ship. Apollonium calls this ship by the creation of Athens Iton. At the nose of Athena strengthened a piece of Dodon oak barrel, which could be perfect. After completing the swimming, the Argo ship was placed in the wild of Athena to the sky.
    Danya, on the advice of Athens, built a 50-ear ship with two noses on which he fled with daughters.
    Athena sends backward wind Telemakhu, Teshe, Ahaeis, who returned from Lemnos. Image of the Face Pallas was on Athenian ships


    The art of work notes Homer, calling her Masters Metal Machine. Dedal learned to his art from Athens. Poet Alexander Etoliysky argues that the statue of Aphrodite is the work of Athens itself.
    Hesiod indicates its connection with carpense artisans. Athena polished Pelle's spear. She helps Goncharam. Craftsman Solon calls knowing "Athens's business." Epigrams talk about the dedication of the Athena tools of the crafts of the carpenter and the instruments of the farmer.
    Athena teaches daughters to the arts, she also teaches Evrian's skill, a daughter of Nisa and, probably, the daughters of Levcona, as well as girls of the crafts.
    It also states that she, together with Hephaeste, trained people crafts, and her and Hephaesta, in turn, trained Kiklop.
    In the later texts of Athena is considered to be the inventive of crafts and arts, for which they are revered.
    Arat notes that for the manufacture of the simplest heavenly globe you need "Craft Athens".

    Athena Tkachkha

    Homer mentions that Athena itself made her clothes and clothes of the gera and taught Feaquiyanokovka Lyuban art. Hesiod says Athena made a dress for Pandora. Apollonium Rhodes describes in detail the images on the raincoat, which Jason presented the Athena of ITONID, not mentioning, whether his goddess his Goddess itself was.
    According to Corinne, Athena taught weaving with methula and menippa, orion daughters. Ovid Tkachchi Miniads "detained by Palladia" and her work, not wanting to worship Dionysus. Seneca refers to the "palladium of the work" of the servants made by Hercules' clothes, as well as Fedra, who abandoned the "Craft Paldala".
    Athena patronizes weaving art, but Plato emphasizes that her mentor in this art is Eros. The ancient statue of Athena in Efyroch depicted it with a bark in each hand.
    Spread - a gift of Athens. The weaving machine is called the occupation of Athens, and weaver-employees "the case of Athens". Popular epigram plot - Dedication to Athena tools of weaving craft; Dedication to weaving in the temple of Athena is spinning. Propertions mentions the "EUROPIL 'Fabric of the Koskaya Athens".
    Poetess Mojo from Byzantium (III century. Er) outlined the legend about how a certain alkino from Corinth hired Tkachuha Nicandra, but did not pay for her work, she prayed at the Athena, and Alkino fell in love with the Samona Xanf, left the family, after which Rushed in the sea
    Martzian Chapel interprets the story of the geiode, explaining that Athena-Titonia gave the soul with clothes, that is, the body. The PRELL philosopher notes that one of the demonents from the genus of Athens turns out to be "the guardianship of the weaving fishery, and the Athena itself is hesitated as the one who denounces the arrangement of smart species in some other, demiurgic sense"

    Athena Heel

    They told that Asclepius received the blood of Gorgon from Athena, with the help of which resurrected the dead. According to Euripid, Athena gave Erichton at birth two drops of blood Gorgon, which he gave Erechte in the kilt ring, and the last - Creus (one drop is healing, other poisonous).
    Athena appeared in a dream of a pericla and pointed the grass to cure his slave, fallen from the roof of the acropolis separations under construction, the grass was nicknamed by parfunctions, and the pericles erected the statue of Athens Gigueys. At the Acropolis found the base of the statues of Athena Gigueys of the work of the pyrrus sculptor. The altar of Athens Gigi was in Deme Aharna.
    Alexander Great, recovered, arranged competitions in honor of Asclepia and Athens. The goddess of Hyagia called the daughter of Asclepia and Athens Gigii. An Athena, like a statue of Fidiya, appeared to the patient of Orator of Elya Aristide in a dream, and brought him to the mind to make a ball from the Attic Honey, after which he recovered.

    In Rome, Athena was identified with Miner. The Roman festivals of Minerva are devoted to two large disbuffs from Fast Ovid (III 809-850; VI 647-710). Throughout the antiquity of Athena, it remains evidence of the organizing and director of the mind, which streams the space and social life, glorifying the strict states of the state based on democratic legislation.

    He knew that the goddess of the mind, a methis (methis), there will be two children: the daughter of Athena and the son of an extraordinary mind and strength. Goddess of fate Moyry He told Zeus that this son would take away from him the power over the world. To avoid this, Zeus suiced the metho gentle speeches and swallowed it before the birth of children. Soon Zeus felt a terrible pain in his head. To get rid of her, he called His son Gefesta and ordered to cut his head. The Hephaesta Skull Zeva's Skull Skull, and from there to the amazement of other Olympic gods, the mighty and excellent warrior, the goddess Athen Pallada. Blue eyes of Athena burned with divine wisdom.

    Athens's birth from Zeus's head. Figure on amphore the second half of the VI century. to R. Kh.

    Athena - Goddess of War

    Athena - "Blue-eyed Virgin", the goddess of a clear sky, with a sparkling spear of his accelerating clouds, attaching to his shield, aegise, a snake-haired head of a terrible jellyfish Gorgon, a black daughter of the night, with the one together the goddess of victorious energy in any fight: she is armed with a shield, sword and spear. The goddess of Athena Pallada was considered in the Greeks of the inventive man of military art. She always accompanies the winged goddess of Victory (Nick). Athena - the guardian of the cities, the goddess of the Acropolis; In honor of her, the goddess of the Athenian Acropolis, the Big and Small Panificine Holidays committed the goddess. Being the goddess of war, Athena, however, did not feel joy in battles as the gods Ares and Erid, but preferred to decide the peace. In peaceful days, she did not wear weapons, and during the wars he received him at Zeus. However, having entered into battle, Pallada never lost him - even the god of war Aresu.

    Myths of ancient Greece: Athena. Wise warrior

    Athena - Goddess of Wisdom

    Athena Pallada leads order in the change of weather, so that after the thunderstorm, which rain, the sky again clarified: but she and the goddess fertility of the Nive and Gardens; Under its patronage grew in an attic of an oilseed tree, which had such importance for this land; She gives prosperity of home and family. Under the auspices of Athena Paldhala is a civil device, breeding institutions, public life; The goddess of all-pervast and clear ether, the goddess of Athena became the myths about the gods of the ancient Greece of the goddess of the mind of the mind, the goddess of all the inventions of the art, the goddess of artistic activity, mental classes, goddess wisdom. She gives wisdom and knowledge, teaches people to arts and crafts. The girls of ancient Greece were honored by Athena Pallada as a teacher of domestic needlework - culinary art, weaving and spinning. No one can surpass the goddess of Athena in art weave. Ancient Greek myth told that competing with her in this is very dangerous - Arachne, daughter Idmon, who wanted to surpass Athena in this art, cruelly paid for his arrogance.

    The ancient Greeks believed that the goddess of the wisdom of Athena Pallada made a great set of useful inventions: she created a flute, pipe, ceramic pot, plow, rake, yarm for oxen, bridles for horses, chariot, ship, art of the account. Therefore, the ancient Greek commander always tried to receive useful advice from Athens. Athena Pallada was famous for his kindness, and therefore, when in processes in the Athenian Areopague, the judges diverged in her opinion, she always gave her vote for justifying the accused.

    The goddess of Athena fills the Hercules Bowl. Ancient Greek vessel OK. 480-470 to R. Kh.

    Little-picking Athena Pallada was made by the goddess of all of the fact that the Athenians were proud of: the attic sky, her olive groves, government institutions of Athenians, their diligence in the war, their courage, their science, poetry, art - everything went into their idea of \u200b\u200bthe patronage of them, The goddess "Virgin Athens". The entire life of the Athenian was in close connection with their serving goddess Athena Pallada, and before it was put on her statue in the Temple of Parfenone, they had a lot of centuries honored her in the mythical symbol of her, olive tree.

    Virginity of Athena Pallades

    The virginity was the most characteristic and integral part of the cult of the goddess Athena. According to Greek myths, many gods, Titans and giants wanted to join with a parlad of married relations, but she rejected all courtship. Once, during the Trojan War, not wanting to ask weapons from Zeus, who did not support neither Ellinians nor Trojans, Athena asked Hephasta to make her own armor. Hefest agreed, but said that he would do no money for a cash fee, but for love. Without understanding the meaning of the said, Athena came for armor in the forge of Hephasta. He rushed to the goddess and tried to master her. They argue that Hephetz served to this Poseidon, losted by Athena the dispute for the possession of the Attika: Marine God convinced the Olympic Blacksmith in the secret desire of Paldala, so that anyone took possession of her. Athena, however, broke out of the hands of Hephaesta, but at the same time his seed sheds at her slightly above the knee. Pallada launched a fur coat and threw it. Seed Hephaesta fell on the mother-earth gay and fertilized her. Dissatisfied with this gay, said that he would not raise his future child from Hepesta. Athena then announced that he would bring him up.

    Statue of Athena Virgin in Parfenone. Sculptor fidium

    When the child was born, he was called Erichton. It was one of the mythical ancestors of Athenian. Having taking Erichton's Gay, Athena Pallada put it in the sacred casket and gave Agilas, the older daughter of the Athens Tsar Kekrops. The sorting fate of the Aglavra, her mother and two sisters is told in myth from Erichtonia. All four died, because Aglaurea tried to deceive Hermes God. Hearing about their sad fate, Upset Athena dropped a huge rock, which was carried on the Athenian Acropolis, to better strengthen it. This rock has received the name of the Mount of Likabetta. Crow, who handed the palloid's Athena, the sorrowful news about the death of the family of Kekrops family, the goddess from White made black. Since then, all the black crows. Pallada banned them to appear at the Athenian Acropolis. Erichton's goddess Athena Pallada hid in his aegid and raised. Later, he became the king of Athens and introduced in this city the cult of his named mother. After the death of Erichtonius, he was ascended to the sky, having made the constellation of the eager, for he was the first to learn to use the chariot made by the four horses with the help of the goddess Athens.

    For Athenian, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe virginity of their main goddess symbolized the inaccessibility of their city. Some scientists believe that in the oldest myths of Athena Pallada was not a virgin, but had children from Hepesta, Poseidon and God Boree's winds. Some vague memories of these myths have been preserved in historical eldas - at least in the above story about Athena and Hephaeste. Erichtonius, most likely, at first was considered the son of Athens and Poseidon. The remainder of this myth is preserved in ledge that Erichtonius began to ride on the chariot-quadriga, which in an ancient Greek religion was the constant attribute of Poseidon.

    Myths about Athena Pallad

    The most famous myths about Athena (except for the above story about Erichton) - Traditions about the dispute of Athens with Poseidon for the possession of the attic, about the sculptor Pygmalion., Ob. Athena and Maria Satire, Ob. Arahan And on the participation of Athens on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War.

    Panafinea - Holidays in honor of Athens

    Of the many holidays that the ancient Athens committed in honor of their patroness goddess, and which were most of the agricultural character, the most important were "small Panafiney" and "Great Panafinei". Small celebrated every year, in summer; Great - every four years. According to the ancient Greek myths, Panafiney was established by the son of Kecrops Erechtem, pupil of Athena, the personification of fertile Niva.

    Competitions runners during Panafine. Vase approx. 530 to R. Kh.

    On the Great Panificy converged in Athens, the entire population of Attica; The solemn procession was carried in the Acropolis of the Mantal (Peplos), embroidered by the Athenians for the ancient statue of the goddess Athena Pallades, who stood in her Acropolian temple. This mantle was saffron; Sewing on her was golden, and represented the scene from the victorious battles of the goddess Athena with titans. Ahead went priests with sacrifical animals; For the priests walked in Methemes (residents who live in Athens); They carried sacrificial vessels and other accessories. The girls, the daughters of the respected families of Athenian citizens, were walking and carried on their heads the harvested wreath, baskets with a sacred barley, honey, sacrificial bread; The daughters of the meters were kept over the umbrellas over them, to protect against the hot summer sun. Further, drove the platform, put on wheels; Mast was approved on it; Peplomi goddess Athena Pallades was tied to the mast. The musicians were followed by the platform, they followed the young men, in myrtov wreaths; Some walked and sang hymns in honor of the goddess, others were on the horses armed with a shield and a spear. Further went through the streets of Athens. Bodic old men with olive branches in their hands; For them carried awards intended for winners on games: olive wreaths, vessels with olive oil; carried the gifts to the temple. They were led by adult horses and drove chariots who will compete in running on games in honor of the goddess Athena. At the end of the procession, young people who belonged to the two first classes of citizens were driving on the horses.

    Parthenon - The Temple of Athens-Virgo in Acropolis

    The procession was made of ceramics, according to the best streets decorated with oak branches; The people standing on the streets were all in white clothes, men and women. The path of the procession was led through the area of \u200b\u200bthe people's assembly, by the temples of Demeters and Apollo. POTIY. Acropolis shone decorations. The procession was incurred there, and worship was committed, sacrifices were sacrificed in singing hymns into the glory of the goddess Athena Pallades.

    It is described on the tragedy of Agamemnon Agamemenon, going on a trip to Troy, promised his wife his cliqueman to give her to know immediately when the panel of three and the bloody war would be over. The servants sent to them should have been breeding fires on the tops of the mountains. Such a signal, transmitting from one mining vertex to another, could soon reach his palace, and cliques, Nestra, would have learned about the fall of the Great Troy. Nine years lasted siege three. The last year, the year, in which, as predicted, she had to fall. Cliqueness could now have to get the news of the Troy drop every day and that her Agamemenon's husband is returning. In order not to find her, the return of her husband, cliques every night sent a slave to the roof of a high palace. There, not a shiny eyes all night, there was a slave, visiting the eyes in the night darkness. And in the warm years of the night, and during a thunderstorm and storms, and in winter, when members are caoclinic from the cold and falls snow, stood on the roof on the roof. The days were walking over the days, and the conservation will of the queen's slave waited for the conventional signal every night. Waiting for him and cliques - Nestra. But not in order to meet her husband with the jelly, - no! She forgot him for the other, for the sake of Egisf, and plot the death of the king Agamemenon on that day, when he returns to his homeland with the fame of the winner. There was a dark night. It has already begun a little pale the raid. Ned morning. Suddenly saw the slave bright fire on the distant top of the mountain. It was a long-welded signal. Great Troy fell; Soon Agamemenon will return. The slave was delighted - now his painful night guard is over. He hurried to the cliquecher and told her a joyful news. But was she joyful for a cliques? In order not to fell on it and the shadows of suspicion, Cliqueness presented the appearance as she was glad to inform, and, convening the slave, went to bring the gods a grateful sacrifice. In the depths of the heart, the cunning cliques was plotted by the death of Aghansnon. Residents of the city at the Agamemnon Palace are gathered. Fast reached them to them, that fell, finally, the Great Troy. They wanted to meet an elder to meet Agamemnon's courtyard, although they sometimes mastered the doubt that soon, the king would come back. These doubts dispersed the arrived messenger; He announced that the Agamemenon was not far away. Again, pretended to be delighted with cliques. She walked into the palace as if to prepare everything to meet, but she was not ready for a meeting with her husband, but to his murder. Finally, it seemed far on the chariot and Agamemman himself at the head of his victorious troops. Warriors were decorated with flowers and greens, and they were taken for countless prey and many prisoners. Next to the king on the forester sat the sad daughter of Priama, the meaning of Cassandra. The people of the king met loud cries. He came out to him a trach and cliques. She commanded to eliminate the whole path to the Palace by purple fabrics. As if God, she met Agamemnon. He was even afraid that he would nourish the gods if such honors would take. Having removed the sandals, I went Agamem to the palace, there was a cunning cliques behind him, finding him how she waited for him, as she suffered in separation from him; But the entrance to the palace was stopped by the wife of Agamemno- on and exclaimed: - Zeus! Zeus! Flew my prayer! Help me to fulfill what I have conceived! With these words included cliques in the palace. Silently crowded citizens at the Agamemenon Palace. The serious suggestion of the great misfortune oppressed them, and they did not diverge. Suddenly, a terrible suicide cry of Agamemnon was heard from the palace. Cliqueness killed Agamemnon when he was out of the bath. She sketched a wide long bedspread on him, in which he was confused, as if on the network, and could not be defended. Three blows of Cleener's secure killed her husband. With the blood-made secircuits in his hands, in clothes, ranked blood, came cliques to the people. In horror, all citizens came from her atrocities, she was proud of them, as if he made a great feat. But gradually and it is beginning to master the remorse; It scares her that she would have to suffer for this murder, scares that the inexorable Avenger for Agamemnon will appear. He left the Palace Egisf. He has already enhanced in royal clothes and took the rod of the king in his hand. The terrible indignation took possession of the people. They would be touched by Egisfa, if it were not to defend his cliques. Citizens depressed the deaths depressed by the death of Agamemnon. Egisf, with a client, gone to the palace, triumphant that they captured power, committing great atrocity. But they were not destined to escape from revenge, and they threatened the cruel kara for their maliciousness, they enlighted them an inexorable rock. Orest Mastit for killing your father * 1 ___________ * 1 Engels in his work "The origin of the family, frequent property and the state" says that Bahofen is right when he is in his work "Maternal law", using the myth of the revenge of the mother of his mother for killing his father, proves that This myth is depicted a struggle between dying maternal law and defeating his father's right. In this myth, ERINII defenders are erynia. They pursue Oresses for the grave for the maternal law crime; After all, he killed her mother, his closest blood relative, killed for the fact that his mother killed her husband, with whom she did not in the blood relationship. The gods are Apollo and Athena in myth are paternal lawsters. They stand up for orpes, as they consider it right, since he revenge on his father, his nearest blood relative for his father's right. Athena at the Court of Areopagu gives a voice for the justification of Orest. Orest is justified. Father's law, thus won the parental law (F. Engels. The origin of the family, private property and the state, the preface to the 4th edition of 1891). ___________ Standed on the tragedy of Eschyl "Hoeofors", that is, "Many years since the death of Agamemnon passed many years since the death of the deceased. One day, two young men in the clothes of the wanderers approached his grave, located at the palace himself. One of them, for the species of eighteen, was obscured by a sword, the other, a little older, held two spears in his hand. The youngest young man approached the grave, cut off strand of hair from the head and put it on the grave. It was the son of Agamemnon Orest, saved on the death of Agamemnon's death and raised away from the Motherland king Fokhid Straph. With him was his friend, son of stained Pill. The Orest just brought his sacrifice to his sacrifice, as a slave in black clothes appeared in the door of the palace. They walked to the grave of Agamemnon. Among them was the daughter of the killed Tsar Electra. She was dressed, like all the slaves, in black clothes, her hair was cut off, no difference between the daughter of the king from the rest of the slaves. Orest and Pill hurriedly hid at the grave and began to watch what slaves will make. They, approaching the grave, had a loud crying and went around the grave three times. Slave sent cliques, since at night she saw an ominous dream and was afraid that the soul of Agamemnon was angry at her. The slaves were supposed to die. But they hated cliques for the murder of Agamemnon and for having opposed them. And he oppressed their cliques because they were all prisoners of Trojniki and, looking at them, she once killed her husband. Instead of praying the shadow of Agamemnon to humble, Electra, on the Council, Slave, began to call for the fulfillment of the gods on the head of the Clique. Yes, otherwise she could not do. With all the power of the soul hated Electra his mother killer. When I was committed to the victim and the slaves gathered already to leave, Electra Suddenly saw strand hair on the grave. In the similarity of them with their hair, she immediately guessed that it was the hair of Orest. She raised a strand of hair and conceived: why did not come or Orest himself; Why did he send his hair strand? Here quietly approached the sister Orest and called it. Electra did not recognize Ores immediately, because she saw him only with a young child. But the Orest showed his sister's clothes, wound out for him. Elektra rejoiced. Orest told her that he came here at the will of God Apollo, who in Delphi ordered him to take revenge on his mother and Egisfu for the death of his father. Madness scratched Orespa Apollo, if he does not fulfill his velats. He asked her sister Oest to be careful and no one would say that he arrived in his hometown. When Electra retired to the palace, after a while knocked into the gate and Orest with Pill; they said to them a servant that they need to see cliques to tell her an important news, the servant summoned her from the palace, and Orest told her that the king of Fokyda asked him to convey to her that the Orest died, and the king did not know how Be to him with his body. I was delighted by the news of the client: now the one who could take revenge for the murder of her husband died. I informed the cliques and former in the city of Egisf about the death of Orest, and he hurried more to the palace, without taking with him even his warriors, who guarded him everywhere. Egisf rushed to the faithful death. He just entered into the palace, as fell pierced by the sword of Orest. In horror, rushed to the Clique One of the slaves and began to call her to help. She understood that it was waiting for her payroll for the villain. Suddenly he entered her with a bloody sword Orest. Falling towards the legs of Orest, the cliques began to pray to spare her - after all, she was his mother, who focused his breasts. He could not spare a mother of his mother, he had to fulfill the will of Apollo. He grabbed his mother for his hand and involved there, where the corpse of Egisf was lying, and killed her there. So revenged the Orest for the Father. The people at the door of the palace began to be gathered in horror, having learned about the death of CliMende and Egisf. Nor in whom of citizens did not have a drop of pity for hated all Tirana Egisfu and insidious cliques. The doors of the palace opened, and they saw all the bloody corpses of Egisf and Clique, and Orest was standing on them. I felt the right oreress, having committed this murder: after all, he performed the will of Apollo, Moveni for the death of his father. But suddenly, inexorable goddesses of Mission Erynia * 1 appeared in front of the orette. Poisonous snakes were wriggle around their heads, the eyes of them sparkled by terrible anger. Orest flushed at the sight of them. He feels like little by little, his mind is overshadowed. He left the palace and, persecuted by Eriniami, went to the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi hoping that he would protect Him, whose will he fulfilled. ___________ * 1 ERINIA translated into Russian means "ammunition".