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  • Japanese mythical creatures. Unclean power Chinese demons and perfume

    Japanese mythical creatures. Unclean power Chinese demons and perfume

    Red ribbon

    About midnight, one doctor, just finishing duty in the ambulance, was going home. Going to the door of the elevator, he saw a young nurse near him. They sat down in one elevator and began to go down together, but by reaching the first floor, the elevator did not stop, but continued to move. When the elevator got to the floor B3, and the doors opened, the doctor with a nurse saw a little girl, who, lowering his head, said that he wanted to enter the elevator. Doctor, having heard it, immediately closed the door of the elevator. The nurse asked surprisingly why he did not give the girl to enter the elevator. The doctor answered: "On the floor B3 in our hospital there is a morgue. We have taken every body on the right hand to tying a red ribbon. This girl has in hand ... She had a red ribbon! " The nurse, after hearing, slowly raised his right hand and grinned: "Do you mean this tape?"


    Meat porridge

    Evening, 11:00.

    I looked at the window somewhat. The financial report was ready only for three-quarters, but it was already so late! I folded the paper in the package, intending to finish the work of the house.

    I stroked the stomach rumbling from hunger, sighed heavily. At home, the wife, probably, has already lay down. It will be necessary on the way to call in some round-the-clock diner.

    I grabbed the keys to the moped and quickly went into the dark.

    I quickly drive my iron horse through the night streets. For some reason, they cause me for longing.

    To cut the way, I decided to drive through a small half-visited settlement.

    Entry in the village.

    The smell of food tickled my nostrils, and empty belly issued a loud sound.

    I stopped the moped and began to look around.

    Although I and very good eyesight, but it took me to try to see the little fringe almost merging with the night darkness.

    I got a moped and went to her. The closer I approached, the stronger the smell became, and the hungry I felt. I was so hungry that I could probably devour the bull completely.

    I coughed twice and asked: "What are you trading?"

    I was impatiently sat down at the table and ordered one cup.

    At the tray, apparently, was already ready porridge, and she immediately gave me an order. Although she turned to me face, but I still did not see her face, but it seemed to me that there was something in her eyes ... otherworked.

    But at that moment the thought of food took the whole of my head, I threw up empty reasoning, took a couple of disposable sticks and hastily began to eat.

    What a fragrant! In my mouth, I felt a delightful taste. Without keeping around, I asked: "The mistress, what meat is it cooked?"

    It's incredible! Even I know that boiled pork will never give such taste!

    I did not ask, but just gave himself to enjoy the dish.

    Having completed, I put five yuan under the cup, deciding back here and tomorrow. I have already forgotten what hook I had to do to gain on this tray.

    Suddenly the trashman got up right in front of me. She slowly said: "It seems you recovered." I am fun answered: "Probably! You fed me so tasty! "

    At this point, I clearly noticed the greed gloring in her eyes. She looked at me somehow frightening. "What ... What are you doing?" She snatched a big knife because of his back, in his cold flashed blades, my pale face was reflected.

    I still clearly heard the crunch of broken bones and squinting the meat cut off.

    Black at night, such a black one that did not see the tips of the fingers, smiled, shaking from the cold and frightly looking around, went on the road. He stopped his smelling smell of food and a deaf voice said from the darkness: "Meat porridge, five yuan, meat porridge."


    Always dreamed of seeing the world a guy once on vacation performed his desire, leaving to travel. Since he had no much money with him, he stopped spending the night in the cheap chairs.

    One day was cloudy, so at 6 o'clock it was already dark.

    The guy quickly found though looking a little gloomy, but a clean and pretty cozy at night. Her owner was a man about 60 years old. In addition to the owner's room in the house there were 3 more guest rooms. The owner said that there are already guests in the last room, so the guy can choose one of the two remaining. The guy examined both rooms and chose the middle, more neat.

    Ham, the guy discovered that nine already nine. Tired for the whole day, he fell asleep, just putting his head on the pillow. But, having passed long, he was awakened by some strange noise. The guy knocked on a wooden partition, shouting: "Neighbor, come on!" - But this seemed to not result. Here he discovered the hole in the partition, ached with ants, she was pretty big. Looking into it, he saw his back to him, who danced and sang something.

    He watched for a while, then I realized that she was going to turn, and hid, but thought: "She still won't see what I am watching her," and again adhered to the hole. But in the hole there was something red. The guy thought: "Probably she discovered me, so I closed the hole with some red clothes." He once again looked into the hole, but the red clothes were in place, so he left his intention and returned to sleep.

    In the morning, waking up as soon as the dawn, the guy washed and ran to the owner. Asking him: "Is the girl who lived in the room next to me?" He received an answer: "She? This is my daughter. But she committed suicide already three years ago. True, she is good, never harms people. " The guy, having heard it, strained to death, but then judged that if the girl did not harm anyone, then without a difference. Then he asked the owner: "Why did she commit suicide?" The owner replied: "She could not stand it ... She was the most beautiful girl in the village, but she had one lack, which was very humiliated, so she could not stand it ...".

    "What is the lack of?" - asked the guy. "She had red eyes," the owner answered him.


    Red shirt:

    Once leaving the house, the stranger approached a man, and he said that the trouble would happen to him, disarm the car. Then the man asked the stranger, how to avoid it. The stranger said, take his white clothes, throw under the wheels, and pick it up, and sit down in the car, wear only red. The man did not listen to the stranger, and soon he died in an accident.

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    School in which students disappear:

    In our city there is a very old school. Before becoming a school, in the times of the Japanese War, there was a military point, with many secret moves. After the war, this place was rebuilt into school. There were students who came to school, and did not return, many people think that they found the very secret moves, and can't go back.



    It happened about nine years ago: in our school there was a music teacher. But once on the fifth floor of our school, she hanged himself (I don't know exact reasons) after this case, every month on the fifth floor, a female crying is heard, and a game of piano.

    *´¨`* .¸¸. *´¨`* .¸¸. *´¨`* .¸¸. *

    Midnight bus:

    Midnight bus Beijing: Exactly at midnight, the young man sat on the bus. But on the floor of the way, the only passenger, accusing him to theft, pulled out from the bus. Later, he realized that this man saved his life. (In 1995, all newspapers wrote about one case, the bus disappeared, without a trace, and it still can not be found)


    "Forgive me, my treasure":

    This story occurred in Zhejiang Province: next to one office, a boy died in an accident. After this incident, and the same time, but all the channels, and radio waves in the office, plays the same music "Forgive me, my treasure."

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    JSC - in the ancient Chinese mythology the giant turtle floating in the sea. It is often argued that she has three sacred mountains on his back - Inzhou, Penglay and Fundhalan, where immortal lives.

    AO plays an important role in a common legend about the repair of the sky, which exists in a number of options - for example, recorded in the collection "Huainan-Tzu" 139 BC or in the collection "Lunhan" OK. 80 AD, as well as in the later book Le Tzu. These legends say that when the four supports on the sky are broken (for one version, during the battle of the gods), in order to save the land from heavenly fire and the flood, the goddess of Nyuva collected the stones of five different colors, melted them and slapped holes in The sky, through which water and fire was poured on the ground. Then she chose the legs of the Giant Turtle "AO", and putting them at the corners of the Earth, it was supported by them the sky. In a way, Lyonel Giles notes, "Chinese Atlant was a giant sea turtle."

    According to Le Tzu, not only Nyiva caught the turtle of JSC. The Supreme Divine told the Sea God Yuitsan to send fifteen Turtles of JSC to shim and maintain his heads and hold on the spot five mountains floating in the ocean on which immortal lived. But the giant from the country of Lunbo caught six of them, and would drive them home, to repay. As a result, two mountains - Daiyu (岱輿) and Yuanziao (員嶠) - flooded to the north and drowned. The other three island mountains remained afloat supported by the remaining turtles. And in punishment for the damage caused by a giant, God pretty reduced in the amount of Lunbo itself, and its inhabitants.

    Bajse or Hakutaku is a fantastic creature in the Chinese and Japanese mythological pantheon.

    According to Chinese legends, the magical beast Baytze met during the journey on the seabed of Heavenly Vladyka (yellow emperor) Juan-di. Outwardly, Baytze was looked like a horned lion, spoke by the human language and was exceptionally clever. He told Juan-di about all 11,520 varieties of unclean forces living in the mountains, forests, rivers and lakes of the Crimestone Empire. Nobody, including heavenly Lord, did not have such a complete knowledge of demons, monsters, spirits, demons and other representatives of supernatural creatures, like a wonderful bezbe's beast.

    As directed by Juan-di, from all 11,520 monsters, ghosts and spirits made images in the Heavenly Office.


    BISI - a mix of the Chinese dragon with a Chinese turtle, one of the "nine sons of the dragon" in Chinese mythology.

    Bii habits are traditionally described as "bisi love to wear gravity" (赑屃, Bixi XI FU Zhong), and therefore in Chinese architecture they usually appear in the form of a giant eared, toothy and / or a cosmatic turtle carrier on their back stele with important text. In different versions, such turtles are found both in China and in neighboring states: Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, and even in Russia (two turtles from Ussuriysk in Primorsky Krai).

    In the ancient Chinese traditions of the turtle was often a symbol of a fabulous longevity; Its form was associated with the structure of the universe; Ascribed to the turtle proximity to the Divine led to their use for fortune telling. All these factors could serve as a basis for choosing a turtle as a symbolic being, by whose image and similarity should build structures designed for eternity. Some Western authors also expressed the opinion that the motive of the pedestal turtle is associated with the traditional Indian manner of a turtle holding an elephant on which the whole world is resting.

    Other Chinese names used for such stone turtles - "Guuifa" (龟趺) and "Basse" (霸下). Most often, however, the monument of this type is described simply as "stele, carrying a turtle" (龟驮碑, "Guifu Bay").

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    Ludun is a mythical animal in Chinese mythology, which can detect the truth and has knowledge of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Externally resembles the legendary beast of Cylina, one horn has on the forehead. Moves with a very high speed, the Ludun day is able to pass 18 thousand Lee (more than 9 thousand kilometers).

    In the summer palace of Chinese emperors, there are two smokers with enamel images of a mudoon. Thus, the rulers of the Qing Empire, in particular Qianlong, wanted to emphasize the power of the emperor to distinguish the truth and lies in their subjects.

    Ludun was an official Chinese symbol of openness and impartial compliance with the law, and the people were considered a symbol of good luck and good weather.


    Yaoguiai or Joajin is a Chinese term, which usually means a demon, ghost, monster. Yoguaiai, mostly beasts, wolves, evil spirits of dead animals, with which cruelly cost under lifetime, and who returned to mens, or fallen celestial creatures that have gained magical strength through the practice of Taoism. Their main goal is to achieve immortality and, thus, divinity. In "Traveling to West", the demons are looking for this as a rule due to the abduction and devouring of the holy people (in this case, Suanantzana).

    Some yoguaias are very unusual origin. In the case of Bai Gu-Jing, this is a skeleton of women who became a demon. Many yoguaias are foxes of the weapons, or in accordance with the "travel to the West", divories of domestic animals. There are also yoguaiai-kings (Mo-Vanya) who command a number of smaller demonic minions.

    In Chinese folklore, hell (Diah) is a place that is filled with a variety of evil spirits. The images of most of these monsters experienced the effect of Indian demonology - Rakshasas, Yaks and, therefore, have some similarity with Japanese they.

    The term "yoguai" was borrowed by the Japanese, in Japanese he sounds like Ykai; Native Japanese equivalent, which is sometimes written by the same hieroglyphs, sounds like "Mononoke".

    Famous yoguahi in Chinese mythology:

    Bai Gu-Jing - Woman Skeleton, literally, "Spirit of White Bone"

    Nude Mo-Wan - ByNomovoy Prince demons.

    Pipa Jing and Jingu Chiutsi Jing Characters from the Roman "Fenshn Yanya" ("Elevation in the Rang of Spirits").

    Sun Ukun often uses this term to insult his demonic opponents.

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    Chinese Phoenix

    Chinese Phoenix-in Chinese Miracle Bird Mythology, in contrast to the Chinese Dragon embodying the Women's Beginning (Yin), is a symbol of the south. Her phenomenon of people is a great sign that may indicate the power of the emperor or to foreshadow a significant event.

    In composed at the Han Dynasty, the "Showwene" dictionary about Fenghuan says that this bird has a "beak of a rooster, walking swallows, a snake neck, a torso patterns, like a dragon, the tail of the fish, in front like a swan, back as the unicorn of Qi Lin, back turtle " It reaches three meters.

    According to Chinese beliefs, Fenghuan saw before the death of the yellow emperor. The last time she was observed on the grave of the father of the founder of the Ming dynasty in 1368.


    Kui - a multi-valued character in Ancient Chinese mythology

    In Shan Hai Jin, "(" Book of Mountains and Seas ") is described as a single-legged bull of ash-blue, not having horns and possessing the ability to lightly stroke on marine stroy, why the sky is instantly clouded with rain clouds and a storm is played. In the comments to the "narration of kingdoms" (approx. IV century BC. E.) It is mentioned that Kui knows how to talk, has a human face, monkey body and the only back leg. In some ancient sources, Kui is represented in the form of a single-legged dragon, a drum-like being, or the spirit of trees and stones living in the mountains. Subsequently, in classic texts, the image of Kui-monsters merged with the name of Kuya, the legendary musician who invented music and dances in the mythical emperor Shun, and the word Kuy Nu called wild yak or buffalo.

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    In addition to Kuya (夔), there are other single-legged creatures in Chinese mythology. In particular, Carr compares a kui with Chi (螭 - "Competitive Dragon, Mountain Demon)" and Hui (虺 - "Snake; Python)."

    Two other characters named in Chinese folklore - this is a kiy Sin 魁魁 "Dwarf God of Examinations" and Zhong Kui (鍾馗 - "Winner of Ghosts and Demons").

    One-legged kui has even more parallels in comparative mythology, among the characters whose name was the phrase "one leg":

    Empus - a monstrous ghost in Greek mythology.

    Ippon-Datar (本 踏鞴) - single-legged mountain spirit in Japanese mythology.

    Patasol - Vampire Humanoed in Columbia Folklore.

    SASI is a single-legged spirit-negro boy from Brazilian folklore.

    Stsyapoda (Skiapeods) - single-legged people with a huge feet in Greek mythology.

    Fomors - single-eyed, one-handed and single-legged characters of Irish mythology.


    The state originated in 2 millennia BC and developing originally, became one of the developed states of the world. The centuries-old history of the life of the peoples and the formation of civilization was reflected in legends and legends about the mythical beings and the gods that solved the fate of a person according to his actions.

    The peculiarities of Chinese mythology is the mixture of real personalities and fictional mythical heroes, an inseparable connection of beliefs with a lifestyle. All mythical characters are endowed with qualities inherent in conventional people. In each phenomena there is divine intervention.

    Through myths, people convey their attitude to incomprehensible things and events around them. Until now, holy honors and worship the gods and mythical creatures, in honor of which holidays and carnivals are carried out - enchanting shows that attract people from around the world.

    Myths of China

    The origin of myths is associated with attempts to understand and explain the origin of all living on Earth. The first myths of the Chinese are associated with the tales and the appearance of the Universe from Chaos. The beginning of the world they consider the moment when chaos was divided into two parts - water and earthly.

    Chinese mythical creatures

    The culture of the indigenous inhabitants of China has a mandatory presence of spirits and mythical creatures in their lives. In ancient times, people believed that the world consists only of mountains and rivers, and everything else does not matter on earth. They believed that mountainous spirits live in the mountains - ugly formidable creatures with a flawed structure of the body. The most important spirit according to beliefs lived in Tishan Mountain at the bottom. It was believed that after death, the souls obeyed this deity.

    Water spaces are also populated by creatures that shared on the categories of male and female spirits. Moreover, the Chinese believed that the drowning man was called up to become an underwater spirit and patronize people. The owner of the water of the element was Lunevan - the essence of huge non-standard sizes. He was subordinate to the gods of three elements - wind, thunder and rain.


    The main mythical being, revered by the Chinese on a par with deities, is dragons. In Chinese mythology, they are the personification of the power of the Heavenly God and his governor on earth. It is believed that the dragon is the force of four earth elements - fire, water, earth and air. Since ancient times, it was believed that the dragon serves for the benefit of people and therefore his image on household items and interior items, brings well-being and contributes to the accumulation of wealth and prosperity.

    Proverbs and legends were made about them, they were present in the life of each family as a charm or talisman. In the history of the ancient China, it was believed that the dragon - can't live on earth among mortals. He either flew to heaven or hid at the bottom of the lakes and reservoirs. In religion, the dragons occupied an honorable place and if they were considered the messengers of the sky and gods, the emperors called the descendants of the dragons on Earth.

    The mother of dragons is the most important figure of the figure, according to legends was an ordinary girl from the poor family. She found the white stone of oval shape and carried it to himself. Five snakes hatched from this stone, which under her supervision rose in large dragons. Several temples built in honor of this girl Muong Mu, which in the modern world is revered as a patronage of children and parents. In the names of numerous types of dragons in her honor, there is a particle "Lun".

    There are various types of dragons that are divided into several types of their colors:

    • Cinlong is a symbol of the East and compassion. It is painted in a laasex color - the color of mercy and compassion;
    • Zhunlun scarlet color denotes the south and serves as a blessing of the lakes;
    • Juanlong has a yellow color and helps to get forgiveness. Hundreds of Chinese come to his sculpture to raise forgiveness. In general, all yellow dragons in the representation of the Chinese were considered intermediaries of the Divine and People and contributed to the achievement of prayers for forgiveness to heaven;
    • Bailong - White Dragon, protects the western part of the country and symbolizes virtue and honest existence;
    • Sunlong - Black Dragon, who lives in deep water bodies or seas and is identified as a symbol of the North.
    • Tianlong is the right guard of heavenly tags. It is depicted by white or lazurite color. Its main difference from other dragons is five plated paws.
    • Shenlong is a blue dragon with a man's head and a belly as a drum. It is considered a patron of agriculture and can manage weather elements. He swims in heaven and thanks to his color merges with them. If they bring offense Shaliania, or not to give him honors, he can send drought or flooding to the ground.
    • Derun is a dragon of aquatic expanses, which very rarely leaves his underwater palace.
    • Funzalun - Red Dragon with a pearl from the chin is considered to personify wisdom and prudence. He lives in the depths of the Earth in the natural caves and protects unpretentious underground wealth.

    Historical Persons who lived in different centuries were equated with the status of heroes. They are called demiurges - personalities endowed with Divine qualities:

    • Fu Si - the progenitor of mankind taught people to fish, inventing fishing gear. It was represented in the form of a person with a bird head;
    • Sui Zhen - gave people fire and taught him to mine;
    • Shei-Nun - invented the intercession and became the first agriculture with a harvest. He taught the descendants to read the Earth as a fertile entity, the worship of which will provide the harvest of Paras;
    • Hyd Di - the wheel inventor is a great growth with a strongly developed muscles. He created vehicles equipped with wheels. According to myths, he had accuracy and sharp vision, was a bold and brave warrior and a skillful artisan;
    • Rong Chen is considered the creator of the first calendar in China. He laid the foundation of the Chinese summer and came up with a figure of 0. Every 1000 and 10 years he returns to Earth and helps people gain youth and power;
    • Yu - half a person, half the dragon saved the world from the Ecumenical Flood, with whom they struggled as many as 13 years. He is revered as a savior of mankind.

    At the very beginning of its development, people explained everything that happens around the supernatural forces that many animals are endowed. So Totemism was originated - faith in a certain animal able to protect all the genus from the misfortune and attract good luck and well-being. From ancient times to this day in China, it is believed that their country is protected by sacred animals each on a certain side of the world:

    The East guards the green dragon, which personified the spring. He brings good luck and victory to the warriors and protects the house and the hearth.

    West in their presentation defended White Tiger - Great Bai-Hu. He guarded the gate to the otherworldly peace, preventing people in the afterlife.

    The northern gates guard the turtle of huge sizes is the patronage of the aqueous expanses and winds. A snake was constantly attended by her back, which helped her not to miss the otherworldly forces into the world of living.

    In the south, the guard was a Phoenix bird - an excellent creature with a human head on the swan neck and the body of amphibian, possessed an acute vision of an eagle. She was considered sacred because of its own characteristics to burn alive and reborn again.

    Good spirits and deities served for the benefit of everything alive and opposed demonic creatures that they sought to harm people. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom sought to draw demons and provided them with decent honors. It was believed that sinners are waiting for an unenviable fate after death - torture and torture, cooking in the boiler and swallowing molten gold or iron. The most terrible demons of Chinese mythology are associated with the other world:

    1. Zhong Ku is the father of all demons and monsters, the guard, transmitting or the producing soul. Therefore, his image was highlighted on the doors leading in housing. It was important to apply his image on both sides of the door. He judges the dead on their earthly affairs, defining their appointment in the afterlime world.
    2. Prince Yanwan - Khuong Ku's executor. After the trial, the souls fell to him and he made a decision as far as punishment. In his submission there are ten executioners, only two of them could give a new shell for reincarnation and return to the world alive in a new guise.

    In Chinese mythology, there are a number of demons that peacefully coexisted with people:

    • Xiao Yang - the cannibals of the huge size that we slept confused from the Wagon. They were stupid and vitre, so they could be deceived or circling around the finger;
    • Kitsune - Liser-waswolf. Her behavior depended on the attitude towards her people. She turned into a person and helped people achieve the desired. It was impossible for her only to reap - a revoligible, the werewolf destroyed all generation of the offender.

    Mythology of Ancient China

    More than five thousand years ago, the beliefs of China's residents do not always have a logical justification, so they are called myths, and the science engaged in their study is mythology. The main mythical characters began to play the role of emperors who serve the creatures, low rank. In Chinese mythology, all characters are inextricably linked with animals. All the gods, demons and demiurges - their species and behavior are identified with certain living beings - dragons, tigers, birds, etc.

    China is one of the most ancient and mysterious countries in the world. Her culture, beliefs and religion keep a lot of secrets. Mystical and religious knowledge of this country is distinguished by their complexity and diversity. They intertwined, generating sometimes very unusual and unique views on many areas of life and perception of a number of things.

    Undoubtedly, this is true for mystical knowledge about the past world and its inhabitants. Chinese world of demons Very rich and diverse. There are also local evil spirits, and the interpretation of the demonic creatures of those who came from other religions.

    First, let's talk about the very look of the inhabitants of China on and smoothly turn to the narration of some of its inhabitants.

    In traditional Chinese mythology, their lower world is called Diya. Most often, it is depicted in the form of an underground labyrinth. In these labyrinths there are cameras, where they contain sinners.

    In addition, there are platforms in which the court passes over them and is given to punishment. For each level, Diya has its own judge. By the way, in different versions of levels from 3 to 18. And each of them is provided for certain sins.

    The souls are tormented in hell until they redeemed their guilt, passing terrible torture. But after serving the sentence, they reborn again. Interestingly, Diyya has a capital and hard administrative division. In general, the underground, as well as the Heavenly Worlds, are toughly structured and the role of officials in them are key.

    Actually, many deities and their servants who are in Diyia sometimes are treated as demons. However, not only they. Here we will give a number of the most famous china demons.

    Let's start with Lunvan, it can be attributed to the Divine, and to the demon. He is the Vladyka of the Water Element. He served three deities:

    1. god thunder Laigun;
    2. god of rain Yushi;
    3. god Wind Fenbo.

    Most often, Lunan manifested itself in the form of a dragon and was distinguished by huge sizes.

    According to the early texts, Lunavan is a creature, distinguished among other dragons with extraordinary sizes.

    Zhicut is a special river under the mountain Kunlun, she separated the kingdoms of alive from the kingdom of the dead. Do not be surprised by each river in China had its spirit embodiment. So it can be considered a living being.

    This river, by the way, lived the hostess of the drug immortality, si Wang, she was the government of the Western paradise.

    Zhangtyanshi - according to the inhabitants of the ancient China, was the main magician and commanded demons. In addition, he was a heavenly mentor.

    The lord of the demons recognized Juncui, he was also considered the supreme judge of the underworld.

    Another of the Lord of the Underground World Janwan is the main investigator of the underground kingdom. In his task it was the study of the earth's life of the dead. After the investigation completed, it determined from which of the ten convictions should be directed to the court for the court.

    I wonder what the king judge was punished not all. Eight were engaged in the installation of punishment, but two gave the bodies in which the souls reincarnated.

    It should also be mentioned about the following demonic beings of China:

    Of course, the literal list is not full and can be completed for a long time. But at least he displays a part of the world of demons and spirits of China.



    Fenghuang, in Chinese mythology a wonderful king bird; In Western European literature, she is interpreted as a Phoenix bird. There is a suggestion that in ancient times the word "Feng" marked the deity of the wind, which was a messenger of the gods.

    The Chinese believed that Fenghuang, birds with multicolored feathers, the beak of the rooster, the goiter swallows, the neck of the snake, on the torso patterns, like a dragon, a fishtail, in front of it like a swan, behind as the Unicorn of Cylin, and the back of the Turtle. The appearance of Fenghuan promised the world and prosperity of China. There is reason to assume that this bird with huge eyes and a kind of crest on the head, reminiscent of peacock, has a solar nature, that is, the elements of the fire and the sun.

    JO Shui.

    Jo, in the ancient Chinese mythology, a sacred tree growing at the South Sea, between the Hassui Rivers ("Black") and Qingshui ("green") in the extreme West at the Kunlun Mountain. The leaves of his dark green, flowers are red, resembling lotuses, their light illuminates the earth. According to myth, ten suns sat down on the top, having completed his journey through the sky. JO - West Equivalent of Sunny (Greput) Tree Fusan, located in the Extreme East. The image of JO was repeatedly used in Chinese poetry (Zyu-Yuan - IV century BC, whether Bo - VIII A century of our era).

    JO Shui ("weak water"), in the ancient Chinese mythology of the river under the mountain Kunlun, where the owner of the drug of immortality, the government of the Western paradise of the Immortal SI Wang ("Vladyser of the West"). Water in this river did not hold even a light swan fluff on the surface. It can be assumed that JO Shui was considered as a special river, separated by the kingdom of living and the dead. JO Shui is a typical sliding toponym, these name were called real rivers in various outskirts and neighboring China's lands.

    Tsar Dragon

    Lunan, in the Chinese mythology the owner of the water element; He was obeyed by the god of thunder Laigun, the Lord of the rain of Yushi and the God of Wind Fenbo. According to the early texts, Lunvan is a creature, distinguished among other dragons with extraordinary dimensions - about 1 whether it is about half a kilometer in length. The image of Lunvan was formed in the first centuries of our era.

    The distribution received the Taoist classification - an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Lunvan, as the Supreme Dragon of the Four Seas (in accordance with the Ancient Chinese Cosmogonia): Guang-DE ("Increasing Virtue") - Lunan of the Eastern Sea, Guan Li ("Increasing Wealth") - South, Guan - Jun ("Increasing favor") - Western and Guang-Tse ("Increasing generosity") - also Western. All of them are considered brothers from which the eldest is Guan-de. There was a presentation and about the Lunvan of the four major rivers of China.

    In folk fairy tales and legends, simply appears simply Lunav or Donghai Lunan ("King Dragons of the Eastern Sea"). In late folk beliefs, Lunavan is often considered as the Lord of the Elements, to whom the God of Thunder, Goddess of the Zipper, the God of the Wind and the owner of the rain. In the late folk syncretic mythological system, Lunevan is subordinate to the Supreme Lord of Yudi. Lunan, the King of Dragons, bringing the rain, had his own military consisting of marine inhabitants: turtles, Caracatians and other inhabitants of the depths. The intercession of this king of dragons giving rain, asked farmers, sailors, fishermen and water suits. The cult of Lunvan was extremely popular in Old China. Temples dedicated to him were in every city, every village. It was believed that Lunan brings rain.

    Zhong Kui.

    Zhong Kui, in the late Chinese mythology, the lord of demons. The image of Zhong Kui arose, approximately 6 centuries BC and was originally associated with a peach tree with a peach tree that distinguishes the evil spirits. In the Middle Ages, he was replaced by the anthropomorphic image of the leader of demons.

    The word Zhong Kui in a literal translation means the "Demon's Palets". The Chinese custom entered the red paint of Zhong Kuya, caught demons, and hang this image with magical targets. Creation of such a ritual was carried out on the holiday of duang, that is, the fifth number of fifth moon. On folk phlebia, Zhong Kui was depicted, as a rule, in a suit of an official, in a pose, threatening demon. The images of the Lord of Demons Zhong Kuya was taken to stick on both door sash, so he performed the duties of the door of the door. It was also considered that Zhong Kui pecks justice over the souls of the dead.

    Historical information. Zhong, in the ancient history of China, the famous Manchurian Prince Last Name, which belongs to the number of eight families, who had particularly important merit of Manchurian sovereigns with the conquest of China. The representative of this name was one of the main leaders of a large fist society or the so-called traffic of boxers, who became the fascinated influence of the Chinese emperors dynasty, for which, at the request of foreign powers, was executed in 1901, and the princely title was not transferred to his son, but another Face.

    Zhang Tianshi.

    Zhang Tianshi (literally, Zhang Heavenly mentor), in the Chinese, Taoist and Late People's Mythology, the main magician and the lord of demons. At the heart of the image of the mythical Zhang Tianshi lies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe head of the Taoist religion Zhang Dao-Line, who lived in the third century of our era, who was assigned in the fifth century the honorary title of Tianshi.

    In ancient times, when shamanism, Tian (Heaven) dominated in China, or Juan Tian (royal sky) was the main object of worship: it and Dyname plays an outstanding role in the religious representations of the people. Sky, in Chinese People's Mythology, this is an external manifestation of the power of the head of the world, or Shandi, with whom it is constantly mixed by the people; This is a fishery, fate that supports the junterness of the eternal laws, on which the order in the universe is based. Representative of the sky on Earth is Bogdokhan, who is in this his role the name of the Son of Sky (Tien Tzu); He is the only mediator between people and heaven responsible for the last prosperity of his subjects; He one of the face of the whole people has the right to commit sacrifices of the sky, for which in Beijing the special altar of Tian Tang is arranged.

    According to legend, Zhang Tao-Lin, traveling around the country, reached the mountains in the ceremony of Xiniansy Jiangxi Province, where he was made by the manufacture of immortality medication. When the medicine was ready, he accepted him and, although Zhang Tao-Lin was at that time sixty years, he turned into a young man; At the same time, he received magic mysteries of writings and acquired power, thanks to which he could cast out demons and waswolves, and also penetrated the secrets of transformations. After that, Zhang Tao-Lin ascended to the sky, leaving his children and grandchildren of essays on magic, spells, seal and wonderful sword. According to another version, he, having accepted the drug, became the earth immortal under the name Zhang Tianshi.

    On behalf of Zhang Tianshi, the decrees were published against the unclean, distributed throughout the country. As a boss over all chtonic forces, Zhang Tianshi was attributed to the power over animals living in Earth, which can damage the graves of the ancestors particularly revered in China. At the same time, "specialty" Zhang Tianshi was also considered to be the fight against cores, that is, scorpions, snakes, poisonous spiders and other evil spirits. It was believed that Zhang Tianshi was also subordinate to five thunders, according to his order killing the evil, so five fire-haired drums were played in the paintings around the figure of Zhang Tianshi - symbols of these thunders. Since the functions of Zhang Tianshi are close to the functions of the head over the devams of Zhong Kuya, their images and attributes were often mixed.

    Vladyka dead

    Yanwan ("Prince"), in the Chinese mythology of the Lord of the Underground World; It was believed that he was investigating the earth's life of the dead, and then directs them to punish one of the ten kings-judges, each of whom has its trial. The eight kings punished the souls, and two other judges falling towards two other bodies for reincarnation.

    However, according to other versions of the myth, every soul could certainly have been going through all ten trills. The ancient Chinese believed that terrible torture would be waiting for great sinners: sales officials of all ranks swallow molten gold, and the most unfinished in sin is boiling in boiling oil, they are crushed with huge stone millstones or destroy in half.


    Chojina or Sahiusi, in the Buddhist mythology of Tibetan and Mongolian peoples, are the discharge of formidable deities that are members of the docking category or coinciding with it. Chojin's word in Tibetan speech means "keeper of teaching", in Mongolian Sakhius means "guardian", the compliance of this concept in Sanskrit - Dharmapal. In Tibetan mythology, the number of Chojinov is replenished at the expense of local spirits. The Tibetans have particularly honored by Jamsaran who has the epithet "Red Keeper", the exact name of this deity from Mongols Ulan Sakhius.

    His father is a fierce spirit, a copper-haired Yakshas (Yakshas), who lives in a bloody sea on a copper grief or in a cemetery; In one hand he has a copper sword, in the other - the lungs and heart of the enemy. By the origin of Jamsaran - the Dobuddian Deity, perhaps Mongolian, who took place in Tibet, the god of war, brought together with Pehlar. In North Buddhism, Jamsaran is one of the eight docks; Associates with Kubera and with Geere, which is sometimes considered one of its incarnations. In the epic, Jamsaran is the enemy of Hese.

    The group "Five Chojinov" is especially revered by Mongols, which in Mongolian legends call "five great sovereigns" or Tabun Hagan, that is, the defenders of the temple. Their cult is closely intertwined with the cult of Padmasambhava, which they gave vow to protect religion. The abbot of the Lhasky Temple, acting as a state oracle, which is revered, is considered to be reborn, and as an embodiment of the pehara. In the process of the synthesis of the Shaman and Buddhist mythology, the idea of \u200b\u200bChojin is transformed. Chojin is perceived as ferocious militant protective spirits, conquering demons and illness.

    (from Chinese mythology)

    In the myths of the Ancient China, world harmony is based on Yin and Yan energy. The male spirit in the myths of China has a special position and is represented as an energy of Yan embodied in heavenly and fiery creatures. Even representatives of the energies of water and earthly elements are men, which directly indicates the superiority of the male beginning over female in the East.

    Male Spirit in the Legends of the East

    According to the mythology of Ancient China, the world was created from the egg, the creatures called Huntnun. Crank is described as a creature that does not have an eye, mouth and nasal cavities, with 3 hands and 4 wings. Having good-natured temper, it took on a visit to all the spirits of the underworld, who decided to thank the owner with an unusual gift, which are in feeling material.

    The gift was too strong for Huntun, which led to his death. After herself, he left the egg, in the middle of which the Yin and Yan energies originated. When the shell crackled, the energy flows broke out and created the world where Yin is a symbol of a woman, darkness and cold, and Yan - men, lights and courage. Energy Representatives Yan are Phoenix Bird and Dragon.

    Chinese demons

    Demons in Chinese mythology having a male start are servants of the gods.

    Types of demons having a feminine start were considered malicious and harmful. The most famous of the men's perfume in the legends of the East is only seven.

    1. Timimir - demons living in wild forests and mountain arrays are often found in rivers. Creatures are used in food, human and animals sedentary bodies, and the living creatures are not disturbed.
    2. Zhunkuy - is the ruler of the world of the dead, decides where to send the soul of the deceased - to paradise or hell.
    3. Baochi - is the sea inhabitant and servant of the Water Element of Gong Gun, has a home-powered binding, which has second eyes on his back.
    4. Yaoguay is the fierce souls of dead animals that were killed or tormented during life. After death, they become demons of death, deity servants, who, in return for the service, make it possible to punish their tormentors.
    5. Dolao - Demons, inhabiting mountainous terrain, shooting in the trails from Luke Arrow with poison.
    6. Nude Movovan - is the prince of demons, a human-like physique with a bullish head.
    7. Fu-Yu is a servant of Gong-guna and symbolizes anger. Face fu, like a man, and body bearish.

    The gods of the Ancient East

    The deities in the myths of the Ancient East are representatives of a male nobility - this is due to the patriarchal device of society, the deification of the rulers of China. In mythology, the Chinese deity is often a historical person, since the emperors belonging to the dynasty were deified.

    The deities of the ancient China are patrons of forests, seas, heavens. Great Energy Representatives Yan have created peace and life in it.


    The Chinese Gong Gong deity is a patron of water element and manages water flows. After accepted, the Spirit directs the water of rivers on human dwellings and pastures, creating a flood.

    The myth of the Water Lord states that the young Gong Gun once challenged his parents Zhu-Zhuuna, the manager of the element of fire, and, overestimate his strength, lost, after which he hit the high mountain, and her fragments created a great flood.

    Gong-guna describe as:

    • a humanoid creature in the upper body;
    • instead of the lower limbs, he has a snake tail;
    • the eyes of God are always red.

    The Chinese deity Shennun, benefactor of flora and landpashtsev, he taught a person to distinguish herbs on the medicinal composition, opened for him the taste and healing properties of green tea.

    Siengun on the physique resembles a person, his body is covered with the skin of the snake and has a green shade. Instead of a human face, a deity has a bullish face and a tigrine nose.

    Zhu Zhun.

    He is the patron saint of the fiery element and manages the light, his son is a guide of aquatic elements Gong-Gong. Between them always goes for power and strength. The spirit has a force, muscular, brown-like body, with a snake head and insect eyes.


    The personification of military affairs, wealth and selection of people in the status was God gan-di. Patron of warlords and Chinese nobility.

    The deity had extraordinary strength and skill in the military, the image of the Divine - a commander who lived in 2 V to AD.


    Deity, a patronage of the wind, is called Fenbo. The Lord of the Wind looks like a quick-legged lan, closed in a leopard skin, having a tail of reptiles and deer horns. Fenbo was a servant of a dragon, who, punishing people, was adjusted by the field, and the God of the Wind swept the fire.

    According to legends, the Supreme Deity of Yudi is a patron sieve of space energies. In his submission there are all deities and demons. God sends on a huge throne made of jade. And from the height of Heaven watches every resident of the Earth. All the misdemections of the people of Yudi describes on their jade board.

    If a person lives a decent life, the Supreme Divine will encourage him with a gift, but the Godothesians, the criminals fall into the disjitiveness of God, who in response to the malice, greed and flattery is sitting on the man of demons.

    Duch drought

    The Chinese civilization is considered the most ancient, the legend takes the beginning before. e. It was long ago that the great deities of China are male. The spirit of drought in Chinese mythology is not a man. According to legend, this is a woman named Ba, the daughter of the great ruler Juan-di.

    In mythology, the goddess is a high, human-like creature having eyes at the top of the back. Ba always walks Nagaya, it has a huge force, can send drought on a very large land area, thereby conquering people to hungry death.

    In the Republic of China is a temple where martial arts are taught, nameable Shaolin. The monks of ancient times professed Taoism, belief in the complex hierarchy of the deities. The types of legendary spirits who personified male began in the ancient teachings of China, only 7.

    1. Xin-chan - headless monster-giant, symbol of courage. The mouth cavity mounted on the stomach, and the eyes on the chest.
    2. The dragon, called Fayia, was considered the harbinger of long drought.
    3. Pulao - Dragon of small sizes, loving ringing bell. Despite small sizes, the growl Pulao is very loud.
    4. Zhulong is a dragon of the gloomy dungeon of hell.
    5. Honech - a demon having a body of a lion and a bearish tail.
    6. Fenhuang is a huge fiery bird with a 2-meter tail.
    7. Jayu is the inhabitant of the lakes, feeds on human flesh, cailing travelers lost in the forest more often.


    The male start in Chinese legends is marked with fiery and heavenly elements. Representatives of the Imperial Dynasty on the Male Line are presented in the form of deities, and in their submission are the demons performing their orders.