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  • Andrei merchants myth persecution church. Nevzorov

    Andrei merchants myth persecution church. Nevzorov

    Lesson 17. The myth of the persecution of the church

    Now in Russia, due to the frank and obvious discrimination of people, freely and critical thinking, atheistic thinking, agnostics or pure atheists, it is almost impossible to debunk those myths about the unfortunate destiny of employees of the cult in the early 20th century, which strongly create clergy. Separately, it emphasizes that this theme is painful, slippery and not everyone should be perceived absolutely literally. Although there is a wonderful book of Andrei Georgievich Motsov - by the way, a believer, "the MiF of persecution to the church", which is infinitely valuable in that it contains a huge mass of documents relating to the bloody, terrible and restless pores of the 1920s - 1930s .

    Let's start with the question of whether the Bolsheviks really closed, the churches were loud and crumbled.

    Of course, it is possible that in private, individual cases, in remote provinces, at that time we could have been dealing with maniacs, and with schizophrenics, and terrorists who enjoyed their authority and committed some monstrous, absolutely illegal actions. But in general, as a principle, as a system - the mass defeat of churches, of course, was not and could not be.

    What happened at all? The October Revolution occurred, which was preceded by many more revolutionary events, there were different post-revolutionary events, and the church was separated from the state.

    What did this mean? This meant that from this moment the organization does not exist. There is no this state department, which in one in 1911 Russia spent 37,535,478 gold rubles, and 14,220,122 rubles from this amount went to the clergy salary. I am emphasized - the church was an absolutely state structure, and in the "Court of State Improvement Charters", in the section "On the production of church constructions", in Article 196 we read: "The churches are built and contained at the expense of the treasury," and near the brackets: " Due to the parishioners. " And the approximate interest is given from which we see that the costs of individuals here are the perfect meager, and it means not the content, but the construction of churches, when some kind of inspired merchant really decided on the elimination of a small church. This is an insignificant percentage.

    So, I repeat: the whole church infrastructure was state and kept on state money. As you already understood according to the above sums, the content of such a number of churches was very expensive. But the content of one church is also very expensive. The church, like any building, constantly needs repairs, in restorations, cleaning, in cleaning; To make such a large room, there are significant amounts for coal or firewood, and not so much can not, otherwise everything starts to coat, crumble, mold. I am no longer talking about the salary of the party - and this is not only pop, it is usually at least a deacon, parajector, choir, all sorts of altarians, etc.

    And at some point the church was said: Guys, you want to believe, you want - do not believe, but here you are absolute freedom. And according to the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Justice of August 24, 1918, the temples were transferred to believers - the state renounced them to maintain them. There is no single penny on the temples, on Popov, the state did not give on believers.

    And then happened what had to happen. I don't know what they had with martyrs and other sufferers for faith, but about 96% of the entire personnel of the clergy rushed to look for another job: accountants, accountants, writers, worshios, whoever. They just had to feed the family, and no one had paid their work more, with the exception of those few parishioners who remained with them.

    We know that as soon as the effect of all the vast masses of criminal articles and causing, providing for a punishment for the derogation of faith, approximately 80% of Russian residents have stopped in general any relations with the church - including, naturally, financially. And small encodes, consisting mainly of the old women who stayed at churches, of course, were unable to contain Popov and other panels and unable to pay even a hundredth of what they demanded these huge and complex architectural structures. Because as soon as the church property was transferred to the use of believers, the same instruction of the drug leisure was imputed to them "Store and take it as trusting people's property; Repair the factory property and costs associated with property, such as: on heating, insurance, security, payment of debts, local fees, and so on..

    And the church, of course, began to be allowed. Therefore, they appeared throughout Russia at first dozens, then hundreds, and then thousands of elderous temples, who over time, naturally, how everything is inconspicuous, began to root, smoke, inhabit the streets, residents of the surrounding villages began to harde the doors, window frames, all Wooden, all relatively useful in everyday life. But no one ever produced a conscious, which is an element of the state policy of the defeat or closure of churches.

    Read the remarkable book of Andrei Motsov "Myth of persecution to the church." It is not written in a very academic language, and the author does not hide emotions, but it works with good documents. The author is quite a venerable person, by the way, as I said, the believer, and such a temple, bearded. The book is not included in the list of extremist materials, so I suppose, it is easy to get it.

    This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book of the article Author

    7. The church was still survived. We are Albigoins of the Aquitan Renaissance, the heretics of the European and Russian Renaissance, the philosophers, engineers, technicians, scientists of the end of the second millennium, "Outbursts", the bortstay for freedom, creativity, love - we, those that "not slaves."

    From the book Russia and Europe Author Danilevsky Nikolai Yakovlevich

    From the book Werewolves: Wolf People by Carren Bob

    The church that occurred later split between the Catholic and Protestant churches led to an increase in such unfounded accusations. There were rumors among Protestants that a number of Roman dads had illegal offspring, born in the image of animals, as a rule, wolves.

    From the book a sunset of mankind Author Valtsev Sergey Vitalyevich

    Church Church - flesh from the flesh of the people. Therefore, there can be no normal church in an abnormal society. Religiosity turned into a farce, and therefore it is no coincidence in the United States for the so-called truly believers began to produce rubber members in the form of a crucifixion.

    From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 954 (8 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

    From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 961 (15 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

    Church and postmodern church and postmodern Vladimir Semenko 04/11/2012 Studying religion and topical coverage of events, with it related, it is necessary to conduct both inside it, and with full and comprehensive consideration of the context of the modern world. On the one hand, in the current

    From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 975 (32 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

    From the book Fourth Creek author Lenichesk Lev.

    From the book of the nineties (July 2008) Author Russian life magazine

    The Church of the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the "Orthodox Declaration of Human Rights" - "the foundations of the teachings of the Russian Church on the dignity, freedom and human rights". The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe declaration is the refusal of the "unguide understanding of human rights",

    From the book to raise Russia from the knees! Notes of the Orthodox Missionar Author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

    The church and the Jews on the "Jewish view of Russia and Orthodoxy" are barely concluded about the Russian-Jewish relationship, one of the parties is permissible to try exclusively angel-white rhizes. Guess what? Today "The Law on Counteracting Extremist Activities"

    From the book of Typhoon Author Pererestiegin Sergey Borisovich

    The church and society about the spirit of capitalism in Western countries were fairly fully traced by the influence of various branches of Protestantism on the economic spirit and the attitude of the entrepreneurial estate. Famous specialist in Russian people Vladimir Pozner made verdict that

    From the book Dialogues Author Navalny Aleksey

    Church: "The world of temptations" about the concept of "temptation" This chapter is incorrect name. If talking correctly, the temptation is or the action of the devil, which became an obstacle to a Christian on his way to God, or his own sinful attraction of a person. IN

    From the book lessons atheism Author Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich

    7. The church was still survived. We are Albigoisa of the Aquitan Renaissance, the heretics of the European and Russian Renaissance, philosophers, engineers, technicians, scientists of the end of the second millennium, "Outbursts", the Kostov paid for freedom, creativity, love - we, those that "not slaves."

    From the book of the author

    9. Church and Fundamentalism The bulk times we remembered the figure of Mazowetsky, it would be very interesting to discuss the relationship between the church and the state. We have repeatedly mentioned the Catholic Church and its political role. As far as I understand, in Poland

    From the book of the author

    Lesson 2. Church and science: Part One Our second conversation - about science. Forward time, we can observe how the clergymen of all the masters, calibers and sects with an extraordinary passion fed to science, get sick with her and in general pretend that they have always been extremely close to

    From the book of the author

    Lesson 40. Church and science: Part of the second We are talking about the relationship between the church and science now - with all the ambiguity of science. Did you know that in 1611, in connection with the Galilean process that started then, three-day Cardinal Conclave was convened in the Vatican .

    The myth of persecution to the church

    The fact is that due to the frank and obvious discrimination of free-minded, atheistic thinking, agnostics or pure atheists in Russia, it is now impossible to debunk those myths that strongly create clergy miners about their unfortunate fate at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, I will make a reservation, this theme is painful, slippery, and not everyone needs to be perceived in absolutely literally, although there is a wonderful book of Mr. Mothers (by the way, the believer) Andrei Georgievich (if I'm not mistaken) "The myth of persecution to the church", which is infinitely valuable The fact that all documents relating to that bloody, terrible and restless pores of the 20-30s are collected.

    First, the first conversation about whether the Bolsheviks really were closed, and crumbled churches. It is possible that in private, individual cases in the distant provinces we dealt with some maniacs, and with schizophrenics, and with terrorists of the time that enjoyed their authority and really committed some kind of monstrous, and illegal actions. But in general, as a principle, as a system, of course, this was not and could not be. So, in general, what happened? The October Revolution occurred. Well, this was preceded by many more revolutionary events and post-revolutionary events, and the church was separated from the state. What did this mean? This meant that from this moment on the organization, as such, does not exist. There is no this State Department, which only in 1911 Russia spent 37,535,478 gold rubles. Of these, only on a salary of the clergy of 14,220,192 rubles. It was an absolutely state structure, and, in accordance with the draft statutes of state improvement, parts 4 and 5, in the department 2 "On the production of church constructions" Article 196: "The churches are built and contained at the expense of the treasury", or, in brackets: "For The account of the parishioners. " Approximate percentage is given. This is one case. And this is meant not to content, but the construction of this church, when a really impressive inspired merchant decided on the upstream of some church. But this percentage is insignificant. It was all state and kept on state money. Moreover, the content of such a number of churches bypass, as you understood the amounts, very weekly, but also the content of one church was very expensive, because it is necessary to understand that this building constantly needs repairs, in restorations, in cleaning, in cleaning, requires significant Amounts for coal or firewood on heating such a large premises, not so much, otherwise it starts all the coarse, fall, mold. Those. this is a very significant waste even for one temple, I'm not talking about the salary of parable, it's not just a pop, it's as a rule, at least, deacon, processed, choir, various altar, etc., and t. d., etc. And what happened? At some point, the church was said that, guys, you want, believe, do not believe, here's absolute freedom, according to the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Justice of August 24, 18, the temples were transferred to believers. The state renounced the need to contain them. More than a single penny of these temples, these Popam, this believing state did not give. And then it happened, what was supposed to happen. I do not know what they have with martyrs, I do not know what they have with some sufferings for faith, but about 96% of the entire personnel of the clergy rushed to look for another job. Accounts, accountants, writers, worshipers, whoever (simply, they had to feed the family), and no one would have paid their work anymore. Naturally, those few parishioners who have fallen (and we know that as soon as the effect of a huge number of articles of criminal deposits about the punishment for the retreat from faith, approximately 80% of Russia's inhabitants stopped all relations with the church and, naturally, financially), And so, these small groups of old women who stayed at churches, naturally, was not under the power to keep these structures and could not pay, as they would be obliged to pay, because as soon as the churches were transferred to a certain lease of believers, they were It is imputed to storing and preserved, as the public domain trust by them, to repair the factory property and the costs associated with the property, such as: heating, overall, pay debt, local fees, etc. And the church, of course, began to be allowed. The priests ran, since nobody paid them more by their work. Small-small encodes, who remained at these churches, were naturally unable to pay even a hundredth of the fact that these huge and complex architectural structures demanded. And therefore began to run. Therefore, they appeared throughout Russia first dozens, hundreds of hundreds and sweat, and then thousands of furious temples, which, then, naturally, how everything is inhabited, it began to break, smiling, inhabit the homeless people. There began to harde the windows, doors, everything is wooden, everything is relatively useful in everyday life. But no one has ever produced such a conscious, which is an element of state policy, the defeat of churches or the closure of churches has never produced. Read the wonderful book of Motsov "Myth of persecution to the church." She is written not by a very academic language, though it works with good documents, and the author, by the way, believes. Moreover, such a church believer. Braid Well, I do not judge this principle. I read everything written about him. This is quite a venerable person who is the only minute, he does not hide emotions. The book is not declared among extremist materials, I suspect the poetimo, it is easy to get it.

    In the early 1950s, a number of critical articles directed against cybernetics were published in the Soviet press, which gave reason to talk about the existence of persecution of this science. However, at the same time, the Soviet leadership applied great efforts to develop a computer in the USSR. Where did the critical articles come from? This is read about this in the article of the Chief Specialist of RGani (Russian State Archive of the Newest History) Nikita Pivovarova.

    For the first decades, after the end of World War II, contemporaries called the "new wave of rationalization" and compared them with the Epoch of the Renaissance. Cold War, Arms Racing required breakthrough discoveries in science. The new scientific knowledge system was called "Cybernetics".

    The essence of cybernetics was interpreted in different ways. Some called it with science studying mathematical methods and control processes. Others - science on transmission, processing, storage and use of information. There were those who saw the essence of it in the study of the methods of creating, disclosing, the structure and identical transformation of algorithms describing the processes of management in reality. Cybernetics was based on mathematical logic, probability theory and electronics. It allowed to identify quantitative analogies in the work of the electronic machine, the activities of a living organism or public phenomenon.

    From the moment of commissioning in 1945, the first electronic machine - American "Eniak" - cybernetics entered a new phase of development. Mathematical machines have become an important tool of science. They allowed to produce automatically, qualitatively and rapidly large amounts of computing required in aerodynamics, nuclear physics or artillery. The appearance of this invention was so significant and strategically important that this fact was stored in full secret in the Pentagon for one and a half years. But as soon as the creation of an electronic machine was publicized, its advantages began to be used in the field of weapons. For example, the American firm Hughes, one of the pioneers of world electronics. In the late 1940s, the beginning of the 1950s, she was engaged in the production and implementation of the electronic sight A-1, which made it possible to solve ballistic tasks associated with shooting, bombing and launch missiles. Sperry designed equipment for one of the first drones. However, the possibilities of electronics were far from being exhausted by its use in the armament race. It is quite easy to achieve cybernetics and primarily electronic computing machines that have become its symbol, began to be widely used in science and economics.

    academician Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev

    The USSR did not stay away from the last achievements of science, but his view on the feasibility of cybernetics was not right away. So, in 1948, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the need to develop computing equipment. However, under the pressure of the Director of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computer Engineering Academician N.G. BROUVICH The main emphasis was supposed to be done on the creation of mechanical and electrical computing devices, while real work on the creation of digital machines was moved to an indefinite period 1. As a few years later, the future founder of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok Academician M.A. Lavrentiev: "Bruyevich, in all possible ways for him, tried to direct the efforts of scientists to create computing machines of continuous action, which objectively delayed the creation of electronic digital machines" 2.

    In early 1949 M.A. Lavrentiev even appealed to the widely known letter to I.V. Stalin, in which he wrote about the need to accelerate the development of computing equipment and its use in the Soviet economy. As a result, in April of the same year, a new decision was approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the mechanization of accounting and computational work and the development of the production of countable, countable analytical and mathematical machines" 3. In particular, according to this decree, the USSR Academy (AN) was entrusted with the task of developing schemes for the design of mathematical machines 4.

    In 1950, the SSSR was established (MESM), which was developed by the Laboratory S. A. Lebedev on the basis of the Kiev Institute of Electrical Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its speed amounted to 50 operations per second.

    During 1950 - 1952 The Council of Ministers adopted a number of decrees, such as "on the design and construction of an automatic high-speed digital computing machine" (from 01/11/1950 No. 133), "On events that ensure the implementation of the USSR Academy of Sciences to create high-speed electronic computational Machines "(from 1.08.1951 No. 2759)," On events to ensure the design and construction of high-speed mathematical computing machines "(dated 19.05.1952 No. 2373) and others.

    In 1951, the Government Commission considered the sketches of digital computing machines developed by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and the USSR Instrumentation (IMP). In the fall of 1952, BESM-1 was launched in trial operation (fast-acting electronic accounting machine), at that time - the fastest in Europe (8-10 thousand op. / S). She, like MESM, was created under the leadership of Academician S.A. Lebedev.

    In early 1954, "Arrow" was published, created by the designer Yu.Yu. Basilevsky in SKB-245 MMP. By the middle of the year, the so-called was launched. Small electronic machine EV-80 (designer V.N. Ryazankin). And in 1955 another small-sized AVTSM-3 car was published, designed by the correspondent member I.S. Bruch in the energy institute. Krizhanovsky.

    In the early 1950s, the first publications about Soviet electronic techniques began to appear. So, in 1951, an extensive article of the engineer N.A. was published in the journal "Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering" Ignatova, in which, along with detailed coverage of the new Soviet counting machines, it was also said about the creation of electronic machines. However, the popularization of the topic in mass magazines had negative consequences for the development of cybernetics. In the first half of the 1950s, a number of articles against cybernetics came out in the Soviet press. Here they are:

    2. Bykhovsky B.E. Cybernetics - American Lzhenauka // Nature. 1952. No. 7.

    4. Gladkov because Cybernetics, or longing for mechanical soldiers // Youth technician. 1952. No. 8.

    5. Bykhovsky B.E. Science of modern slave owners // Science and Life. 1953. No. 6.

    6. Materialist (pseudonym). Who serves cybernetics? // Questions of philosophy. 1953. No. 5.

    7. Article "Cybernetics". Short philosophical dictionary. Edited by M. Rosental and P. Yudina. Edition 4th, extra. and rear. 1954

    8. Gladkov because Cybernetics - PseudoCuka about cars, animals, man and society // Bulletin of Moscow University. 1955. No. 1.

    Basically, these articles criticized the philosophical abstracts of cybernetics on the identity of the human mind and the computing machine, but at the same time, the need for the development of computing equipment, the introduction of automation in the economy of the USSR, did not deny the need for anticibernetic articles. As an example, we give quotes from the article "Who serves cybernetics."

    The propaganda of cybernetics received great scope in capitalist countries. Tens of books, hundreds of journal and newspaper articles distribute false ideas about "new science". Since 1944, Cybernetics conferences occur annually in New York, in which scientists of various specialties are actively involved. Cybernetic conferences were also held in France and England. Even in India, American exporters delivered this rotten ideological product.

    Cybernetics apologists believe that its application is limitless. They argue that cybernetics is of great importance not only for solving issues related to telemechanic, self-regulating adaptations, reactive mechanisms and servomechanism, but even to such areas of knowledge, as biology, physiology, psychology and psychopathology. Cybernetics enthusiasts admit that sociology and political economy should also use its theory and methods.

    What is this new science - Cybernetics? In an ancient greener, the word "cyberetos" means feeding, and the "cyberneticos" - capable of being feeding, that is, able to control. Determining the content of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener without unnecessary modesty stated: "We decided to call the cybernetic whole theoretical area of \u200b\u200bcontrol and communications, both in the car and in a living organism."

    So, first of all, cybernetics puts the task to prove the lack of a fundamental difference between the car and living organism. The task, gently expressing, ungrateful in the XX century. But, nevertheless, conducting an analogy between the work of complex computing aggregates containing up to 23 thousand radiolmps, automatically switching, cybernetics claim that the difference between the work of such a smart machine and the human brain is only quantitative. Professor of the University of London John Young with delight notified the world that "the brain is a gigantic computing machine containing 15 billion cells instead of 23 thousand radiolmps available in the largest from the bottom of the constructed computing machines." And this is not a metaphor, but a statement applying for scientific!

    A more prudent professor of Harvard University Louis Radenauer spoke out of this account more carefully: "The most complex modern computing machine corresponds to the level of the nervous system ... Flat worm."

    Significantly in these statements are not something that the difference between the number of "reacting cells" is noted, and in the fact that they ignore the high-quality difference between the living organism and the machine.

    In the same article, the benefit from the computer does not negate at all:

    The use of similar computing machines is of great importance for a wide variety of areas of economic construction. Designing industrial enterprises, residential high-rise buildings, railway and pedestrian bridges and many other structures need complex mathematical calculations requiring highly qualified labor costs for many months. Computing machines facilitate and reduce this work to a minimum. With the same success, these machines are used in all complex economic and statistical calculations.

    All these publications gave rise to a number of researchers to argue that in the USSR in the last years of the life of I.V. Stalin was organized another political anti-scientific campaign, comparable if not across scale, then by nature with persecution of genetics. So, modern authors claim that publications in the Soviet press were coordinated 5.

    Article B. Bykhovsky "Science of modern slave owners" from the magazine "Science and Life", №6, 1953.

    However, the myth of the persecution of cybernetics is refuted by the lack of any documents deposited in the Foundations of the Higher Party Organs - Politburo (from the end of 1952 - the Presidium), the Secretariat and the apparatus (primarily in the departments - propaganda and agitation, science and universities, natural Both Technical Sciences, Philosophical and Legal Sciences, Economic and Historical Sciences) CPSU Central Committee (b) / CPSU. We have been searching for documents in RGani (Russian State Archive of the Newest History) and RGASPI (Russian State Archive of Social Political History), which would initiate this company, but no such document was found. This suggests that these publications in the Soviet press were not initiated by the Soviet leadership. Rather, it can be assumed that the editorial office of magazines, trying to catch up-to-date ideological trends, published articles at their own risk. Those. Each such article is the initiative or the author itself, or the editorial office.

    At the same time, if the criticism of the philosophical foundations of cybernetics did not have any negative impact on its development in the USSR, the publication of Article E. Obodan "Computing Technology - in the Technical Progress Service" 6 had far-reaching consequences. She led to classifying any developments in this area, and, therefore, the lack of opportunities to conduct open scientific discussions. After the release of the article Academician MA Lavrentiev and Professor D.Yu. Panov sent a note to the Central Committee. In it, scientists argued that the article could cause a qualified reader to conclude that the Soviet Union was lagging behind the production of digital technology from Western countries for about 10 years 7. Perhaps the note in the Central Committee is the only document in which the criticism was not the philosophical foundations of cybernetics, but the texts of computing technique. It is clear that MA Lavrentiev and D.Yu. Panov criticized the article by E. Obodan for ignorance, for ignorance how Soviet electronics developed. They, attending this dispute, hoped to introduce the "wide Soviet public" with fundamentally new achievements in the creation of computing equipment. However, the Minister of Engineering and Instrumentation P.I. took advantage of the note in the Central Committee. Parshins. He also appealed to the leadership of the party, but with a proposal not to publish any mention of computing machines in magazines and newspapers. As a result, due to the article E. Obodan on electronics was prohibited from writing until 1955. 8

    RGani. F. 5. OP. 17. D.512. L.25. See the application to the article.

    The number of computers and their types in the USSR and the United States in 1954 F. 5. OP. 17. D.512. L.29 . See the application to the article.

    Another thing is that by itself the fact of classification did not become the main obstacle in the development of cybernetics. Extensive reasons who traded the organization of the production of Soviet computing equipment were departmental disagreements between the USSR MIP, on the one hand, and the USSR Academy of Sciences, on the other. The essence of the conflict was reduced to the exact same computing machine - "Arrow" or BESM - need to be launched into serial production. Thus, the secretary of the partburo of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computational Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR E.I. Mamonov in his note in the Central Committee in the beginning of 1955 wrote about one of such conflict situations: "During the acceptance of the BESM car, built with us at the institute and recognized more modern than the" boom ", the members of the State Commission from the IMP behaved not as Supporters of technical progress, which caused the surprise and outrage of the majority of members of the Commission. [...] When after passing the BESM, a proposal appeared to present it to the Stalinist Prize and award designers no less than the "arrows" designers, they were doubted for the feasibility of such award "9. The IMP did not supply the Academy of Sciences of the USSR electron beam tubes, so necessary to design the machine. Therefore, at the initial commissioning, BESM had significantly less speeds - only up to 800 operations per second, instead of the 10,000 operations declared in the project.

    This disagreement has reached its peak in 1953-1954. They proceeded against the background of the unfolded political struggle between the USSR Council of Ministers headed by G.M. Malenkov and CPSU Central Committee with First Secretary N.S. Khrushchev. Representatives of the USSR Academy of Sciences sent numerous notes and certificates to the Central Bank, in which they requested the fact of the existence of electronic computing machines in the USSR, as well as publish general principles for the construction and operation of such machines, including schemas, blocks and program for calculating elementary functions. Scientists believed that "all these questions do not contain any elements of secrecy, because General principles of construction and the general characteristics of existing electronic vehicles have long been known and are widely published in foreign scientific and technical literature and it is these principles that are used in the design of the machine of the USSR Academy of Sciences "11. In a note in the Central Committee of Professor D.Yu. Panova of December 11, 1954 reported: "Currently, electronic counting machines received such widespread and are so widely used that the presence of them in a technically developed country is assumed by itself. To declare that in such a country as the USSR, there is no electronic counting machines, means approximately the same as if we declare that we have no railways, electricity or we do not know how to fly through the air [...] as an argument Against the decomplishing of the fact of existence in the USSR electronic accounts, the consideration is made that with the help of these machines, calculations associated with secret work can be performed. Of course, such calculations are performed everywhere on electronic counting machines, including in the United States, and in England, and in other countries. These countries widely publish data on their machines, even advertise them, wanting to show their technical power again, and do not publish information on the calculations that are performed on these machines. To make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich calculations are performed by this machine according to its description absolutely impossible "12.

    Secret status BESM has created international difficulties for the USSR. In 1954, an active diplomatic dialogue began between the USSR and India. In 1955, the Soviet Union was supposed to visit J. Nehru, and India - N.S. Khrushchev. On the eve of these major international meetings, it was supposed to exchange delegations of the most different levels. So, in July 1954, large Indian scientists were arrived in the USSR - Professor Mitra and Mahanobis. They introduced their leading scientific developments, including BESM. Representatives of the Soviet leadership promised to help the Indian side in the design and creation of a similar computing machine for the Institute of Statistics and Planning in Calcutta 21. Later, a special agreement was concluded on the supply of necessary equipment to India by 2.1 million rubles. Soviet specialists, together with Professor Mahanobis, made lists of equipment for sending. However, the official treatment of the Indian government to the USSR does not follow the construction of the computing machine. The leadership of India appealed to the Organization for the provision of technical assistance to developing countries in the UN in order to legitimate the Soviet equipment. UN To determine the conditions of use of the equipment sent two experts to India - Soviet professor V.A. Dietkina and representative from England. Indians objected to the arrival of the Englishman. However, the Soviet embassy in his cipher-designer reported that the Englishman still arrived in Calcutta, though after leaving V.A. Dutecina. Then the situation was saved by Professor Mahanobis, who met the Englishman and stated that he did not see his needs in his work as an expert, but glad to him as a guest 22. So the fact of the existence of the Soviet computing machine was able to save secret.

    But the situation of the USSR Academy of Sciences took advantage of the situation. At the end of July 1954 S.A. Lebedev, MA Lavrentiev, V.A. Trapeznikov and D.Yu. Panov appealed to Vice President An K.V. Ostrovity with a request to declare BESM, a common standard diagram and machine blocks, as well as program for calculating elementary functions. In his note, scientists noted that "all these questions do not contain any elements of secrecy, because General principles of construction and the general characteristics of existing electronic vehicles have long been known and are widely published in foreign scientific and technical literature, and these principles are used in the design of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 23. Traditional arguments were also given that the facts known to Indian scientists can be published in English or American press. "Such publication may complicate our relationship with scientists from the countries of People's Democracy and China, which we have never reported anything about the car, despite direct questions. Meanwhile, it is known that electronic computing machines are developed in Czechoslovakia and Poland. As it turned out at the Congress of Mathematics in Amsterdam, the Dutch demonstrated its electronic machine to Polish mathematics, which could lead to the provision of technical assistance to the countries of the People's Democracy by, for example, Philips, closely related to the Americans. "24

    However, the IMP management was categorically against the declassification of information about BESM, as it would allow the computing machine into mass production. For example, the ministry insisted on the recall from the press of the article by Academician S.A. Lebedev, in which the use of electronic computing machines in the economy was shown, but without a description of a specific model 13. Only after the final commissioning of the "arrows", the IMP management, the most unexpectedly changed the tone and in October 1954, made an initiative to publish data on its high-speed digital counting machine 14. For publication in the Pravda newspaper, the article "Soviet Mathematics Machines" was prepared. However, the chief reviewer of the article by Academician M.V. Celdysh spoke out against it, arguing this by the fact that nothing was said about BESM. In addition, as academician noted, "it would be wrong to start with the publication of an article that is mainly advertising" 15. Crowner of Science and Culture Central Committee A.M. Rumyantsev in the certificate for the secretary of the Central Committee P.N. Pospelova reported: "We consider it necessary to state that T. Parshin does not first show a biased attitude towards the coverage of the role and importance of work on the development of counting equipment, driven out of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation. So, for example, he had a negative effect on the possibility of publishing an article previously represented in the Central Committee of the CPSU, and then presented an article in the Central Committee of the CPSU, an article advertising Machines of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Making Machines "16.

    This interdepartmental conflict led to the need to deciate the fact of the existence of a computing machine. By decision of the Council of Ministers, the Commission on declassifying chaired by Academician M.V. Keldysh, who was supposed to finish his work by January 1, 1955. A few days later, a commission on declassifying the Central Committee was also formed under the CC Secretariat. Malysheva (Chairman), A.N. Nesmeyanova and N.I. Parshina, which was ordained for two weeks to decide 17. Such a hasty in decaying was dictated by N.S. Khrushchev. So, at one of the cards of the Central Committee of the Central Committee on the activities of the Commission, there is a characteristic litter, made by the assistant to the first secretary of V.N. Malin: "Tov. Khrushchev got acquainted. t. Malyshev ordered to speed up the work of the Commission. "

    As a result, on December 13, 1954, the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Central Committee decided to decay the work relating to the principles of the mathematical and engineering device of automatic high-speed digital computing machines. Now in print, it was possible to openly publish data for mathematical machines (such as electronic circuits, machine performance parameters). The department also decided to prepare textbooks and training manuals in the specialty "Mathematical and counting devices" 18. It was the final recognition of the merit of electronics and a peculiar victory of the Academy of Sciences, which the Central Committee was supported over the IMP. Last only in the summer of 1955 after approval of the note A.N. Nesmeyanova, A.V. Topchieva and MA Lavrentiev approved the Decree on the development and manufacture in the second quarter of 1956 an automatic high-speed car with an account speed up to 20 thousand operations per second, as well as the creation of a small-sized machine on semiconductor and ferrimagnetic elements 19. In January 1956, the Ministry of Instrument Engineering and Automation Tools was formed, one of whose key tasks was the development and design of counting and mathematical machines.

    Pretty soon cybernetics became one of the mechanisms of the Soviet ideological machine. So, at the XXII Congress of the CPSU, the Cybernetic Provision entered the party program: "It receives widespread use of cybernetics, electronic countable-solving devices in productive processes of industry, the construction industry and transport, in research, in planned and design calculations, in the field of accounting and control "20. The development of cybernetics, according to the thoughts of Soviet propagandists, should have become one of the necessary conditions for the achievement of communism.

    Thus, the analysis of the documents of the Supreme Authorities of the USSR at the turn of 1940 - 1950s rather convincingly demonstrates all the inconsistency of the myths of persecution of cybernetics. The Soviet government was extremely interested in the development of this direction of science, however, the conservatism of some scientists, the excessive regime of secrecy and interdepartmental blocks became factors objectively interfering with the development of cybernetics during this period.

    Application. Overview of computing machines performed by the Institute of Scientific Information of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. March 2, 1955

    1 RGani. F. 5. OP. 47. D. 53. L. 118-119.
    2 there. L. 119.
    3 Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for April 1949 the first part. Resolution of April 6, 1949 No. 1358. P. 196 - 202.
    4 there. S. 201.
    5 See: Wheel V.A., Shilov V.V. To the history of the struggle for cybernetics // Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology. S.I. Vavilov. One-year scientific conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Vavilov. 2011. M., 2011.S. 540.
    6 Obodan E. Computational technology - in the service of technical progress // News of the Councils of Deputies of Workers of the USSR. 1951. No. 201.
    7 rgaspi. F. 17. OP. 133. D. 174. L. 129 - 133.
    8 is there. L. 147.
    9 RGani. F. 5. OP. 35. D. 6. L. 114.
    10 RGani. F. 5. OP. 17. D. 512. L. 36.
    11 RGani. F.4. Op. 9. D. 520. L. 218.
    12 RGani. F. 5. OP. 17. D. 509. L. 34 - 35.
    13 RGani. F. 5. OP. 17. D. 458. L. 100 - 106.
    14 RGani. F. 5. OP. 40. D. 3. L. 90.
    15 ibid L.99.
    16 ibid. 104. In the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the publication of the article MMP P.N. Pospelov inscribed with a pencil: "I doubt the utility of this publication. 10.01. 55 g. [Ibid. L. 105].
    17 RGani. F. 4. OP. 9. D. 138. L. 100.
    18 ibid L. 97.
    19 there. L. 40.
    20 CPSU program. 1961. P. 71.
    21 RGani. F. 4. OP. 9. D. 520. L. 217.
    23 RGani. F. 5. OP. 17. D. D. 509. L. 31.
    24 RGani. F. 4. OP. 9. D. 520. L. 218.
    25 ibid. L. 219.

    If you understand the real unnecessaryness of this marasm, then you understand the main thing.

    No one fights the object of gadyful contempt ...

    But!!! The myth of the ROC persecution in the Soviet period takes away millions of Russian citizens from the idea of \u200b\u200brestoring the USSR. And so my struggle with this lie.

    (For the artificial history of mankind, see my blog or in my books-myth on the persecution of the Church, the myth of protocols of the Sion Wise men)

    Since 1953-56, you Lgali, lgut and lie

    If you come across books where even some documents are given, then as a rule, it is already secondary arthufuflo. For example, from the huge pile of fufla in the book and speakers, the most typical.

    In the editorial office, Kraft + I got under the hands of the books used by the book, which in the near future will be released (already released) Etoknigagalinenina Borisaglebovich "Penguins Favorite animals of the Cossacks" despite the stem name, the book is quite serious, but unthinkable the secondary artifactual. It contains a bunch of quotes from various kinds of real documents, but all of them fuflo. For example, I would simply bring a letter from this book. I would have a letter of Stalin, for seemingly 1037 \\ 19, Menzhinsky.

    "In the period from 1920 to 1930, 150 temples were completely destroyed in Moscow and in the territory of the adjacent areas. 300 of them (remaining) are converted to factory workshops, clubs, hostels, prisons, insulators and colonies for teenagers and unnoticers.

    Architectural plans are attached to the demolition of more than 500 remaining buildings of temples and churches.

    Based on the above, the Central Committee considers it impossible to design the buildings due to the destruction of temples and churches, which should be considered monuments of architectural architectural architecture.

    The Soviet bodies and the working-peasant militia of OGPU are obliged to take measures (disciplinary responsibility and party responsibility) on the protection of monuments of the architecture of the ancient Russian architecture.

    Secretary of the Central Committee I. Stalin.

    Clinically, it is a pity, but you have to briefly disassemble.

    (By the way, such passages from different letters of bloody tyrant are clogged with thousands of books that are clogged by the shelves of bookstores)

    For a start, I apologize to pay attention to the tricky stroke: on the one hand, Iosu seems to be shown by the warden for the preservation of the "heritage", and on the other hand, they claim as the reality of the numbers of "persecutions and destruction" .. Well, the fact that Stalin did not write this letter, and Outgoing (from minidel) about the embassy in Canada, you can not know. We will analyze differently.

    The first: - is not illiterately written in general, and for Stalin in particular. Let me remind you that Stalin first ended the average religious educational institution "Bursa" (analogue -classical gymnasium only in Bursa to the ancient Greek and Latin (and two lives: German and French) was added to the Hebrew) after he did study in the spiritual seminary, where four was very successful of the year. Stalin Before the revolution was the editor of the most important party everywhere including the newspaper "Pravda" - body of the party, where every employee seems to be the same Lenin was superintelectual ...

    Stalin could not be confused in terms of definitions: "Temple, and Church." Temple as an image, like a verbal stereotype like: "The Temple of God", this is one, but in administrative practice, the temple is in the first large church, - the Cathedral! Where are some of the fabrics and iconostasis, that is, in fact, several churches of the IDDE serves in the staff of the bishop, and there can be no heaps of temples. And if he wrote an atheist, he would not say the words of the temple from the lack of respect. And still phrase:

    "What should be considered monuments .." What is so to speak, not illiterately for a person who edited the "truth" from the young age, but even for a new Russian, it's okay, but the fact that the church was "Novodel", who has no Historical and artistic ValueSeminist Stalin could not not know.

    The second, Moscow by 1930, was catastrophically filled with the people, and was in popularly discussed " Plan of general reconstruction of the city of Moscow" It is in such a sound. All the antsimits will tell you that in contrasts allegedly an ancient "fan-ring" building of Moscow, was the adoptomomason "fan-radial" plan of expanded development, which destroyed the ancient system of Orthodox-Moscow-Taki-Mother. In the circles of nationalist architects, restorers, artists, and simply the most gram patriots, it was discussed until the start of restructuring, and the whole thermal-based with this problem was in the language ... the one who invented this letter was clearly in other circles, and did not know the hot definition, who used contemporaries of the problem of overpopulation of Moscow in those years.

    3. Too round digits. Now, by the way, in all churches there are phones, and their address in the directory. It is possible to calmly find out which of them there are new things, which are restored and which are restored from "destroyed." Well, the fact that all churches were included in the "Soroki" (accent on the second syllable) - administrative church blocks, and their lists can always be viewed, in the directories who are lying around or in Leninka or in the archive, says that the author is just driven by Duru Loham who Never check anything ..

    4. "300 of them (remaining) .." Dims! Re-equipped in ... "Prisons, insulators, colony ..".

    There is a full paragraph! Under these landscaped institutions you can convert monasteries! Which were actually fortresses. And how can I do from the churvolkkpz? Or colony!? Who is a fool, Stalin or a fool who was invented this letter!? I think that this is primarily a zoological atheist, and a person who does not know Moscow. There is here before the restoration of capitalism, the monasteries were museums, and if not, like Simonovsky, they still knew them like everyone else knew all the major churches of Moscow where they could accommodate something at all. I spent my childhood on my dirty (house 2 - a) where on the same street (house4) there was a great liquor-vodka plant No. 1, - now "Crystal" only then did not do the vodka on it as now from Gaza. So in front of the plant (and now it is worth) there was a huge temple, more than Elohovsky, where people lived, since there were flooded floors, and everyone liked, because the surroundings, as well as all over Moscow. Stood barracks and logs.

    But the main thing is different, attention!

    According to the Correlation and Labor Code of the RSFSR 1927, the main types of places of detention are: 1) Insulators for the trendy 2) Points 3) Correctional and Labor Colonies 4) Institutions for use to imprisonment of medical measures 5) Institutions for minors deprived of liberty .

    Only in april 1930. SNK USSR approved the situation

    About correctional labor camps .

    Only in 1935, introduced a new type of location JAIL.

    As said Lieutenant Rzhevsky: "Pay attention to the dates of the Lord"

    Those who invented this letter forgot that one of the key slogans of the revolution was slogan: "Destroy the palaces and prisons!" Prison restored "with tears in the eyes" ..

    5. Remember the letter of the V.I. Lenin. Perhaps this letter Fake is in fact, but it is mentioned in it. One procedural point: "Comrade Stalin, having done Gensen..etc. Now look at the signature.

    6. Allegedly Stalin writes: "CC considers ..". That is, there was a meeting of the Central Committee, and it was raised by the question about .. What is the way? And when?. The meetings of the Central Committee are known for all performances, and even more so resolutions entered all directories, textbooks and moreover, special reports were published, transcripts. And here you can just take such a report from the shelves and see. What I did .. well, everything is a bullshit !!

    7. The letter mentions OGPU !!! Lord, what does this shop do not have to protect the church?

    In terms of "Myth about Red Terror" (in ed. Kraft + was released and brochure) I remind you that the legend of terror of the CC and the OGPU clinically false. CC (laterOzhpu) were bodges of prestant inquiry. Therefore, run there on the line so that it has become clear that the churches were generally outside the sphere of their activities.

    In the same book Galenina, (and such books of secondary arteleokhov hundreds! If not thousands ..) Again, there are again copies of various alleged orders, about terror in relation to religion, churches and popov who conducted a notorious CC ... And when you know in advance that the myth of the CC is made simply in the calculation of the Host, work, boot and bastards of garbage, then the dirty savage of the great deception will simply decline with you, and the world will appear clean and transparent as in the picture of Roerich "in Himalayas with a Rasputina-Zhirinovskaya mancale."

    Once again about the causes of the destruction of temples


    Great urban planning in the USSR

    I hope you remember that 12% of the population lived in the cities of "Velikoysia"

    It was necessary to enter the period of industrialization, and more precisely to enter the EHF ..

    The main thing is that the intensive development of the industry spawned a sharp increase in the number of urban population.

    Old cities had to be built actually re-sharply expanding the city borders accompanying this by the construction of all life support communications and the main expanding and writing streets. For the intensive construction of new regions, reconstruction and expansion of the city square, 30 central cities and St. 200 cities of district and regional cities were covered. Until 1940 houses were built by 408.9 million square meters / m residential useful area. In addition, the cities were built at all, as often industrial enterprises, as well as the mining industry, created on an empty place and all this was necessary to provide workforce, and this all in the aggregate demanded to create a life support infrastructure, and repeated streets !!!.

    For example, only 60 cities were built during the first five-year period (from Novomoskovsk, Magnitogorsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur). These construction sites simply automatically demolished villages and villages with their inevitable churches.

    Many "asleep" the towns turned into industrial centers, Kuibyshev, Saratov, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan, Novosibirsk ... and so everywhere including gigantic clubs in Kishal regions.

    From 1926, 729 cities were formed in 1962.

    The number of built and restored and entered large industrial enterprises in the USSR in front of the war.

    1918-1928gg-2200; The first five-year plan1929-32gg - 15004Torch five-year plan1933-37gg -4500; Three from the floor. of the year of the third five-year plan (1937-41) - 3000

    And from this inevitably flowed down the expansion, restructuring and redevelopment of the entire space around the plants where and stood the churches for the master.

    In 1940, the urban population already amounted to 63.1 million people. (32.5%) in 1960g-100,1 million. In 1970g - 136 million g. In 1980s-163.9 million In 1987, 186.0 million l. Or 66%.

    Moscow. Population of Moscow: 1871g-0.602 million people, 1882g-0,753ml. 1897g-1.038 million 1912g-1,617 million 1920g-1.028 million 1923g - 1.542 million 1926g- 2.019 million 1936g- 3.550 million.

    Nobody and for hell had no need to spend time on the churches lay, but if there was an expansion of the streets, they were naturally demolished as the residential foundation. Try not to forget about the transformation of Russia from the village to the state !!!

    The Great Collapse of the ROC disappeared from Russia

    (Renewed movement of the church)

    Even in the process of the local cathedral, a kind of fraction was formed, which differed in the degree of denial or approval of the provisions, the decrees of the new government. In my opinion, those priests who understood the nationwide mood, very well understood the impossibility of restoration at this moment. The monarchy was perceived as a memorable curse, and only a long-term program was suitable. This program of long-term struggle (and victory in 1953-56) was supposed to include organic rustling methods. It is necessary to be the right pipla, and it is desirable to even be a little ahead. Therefore, when the radical White Guard Popovley Popov exiled curses and anathema against RSFSR, those who have already started to search for a compromise. Member of the Local Cathedral Professor B. Titlinov: "Decree" On the Church Department from the State "frees the church from state intervention in church life, frees the church forces for independent development: this is already a great acquisition. This is what the churches have lack so far. " It is like the radical polar thesis of the new direction. The radicals immediately turned off.

    On April 19, 1918, the local council adopted a resolution "On events for the termination of non-confinement in church life" where there was also said: "Promoting the provisions of the hostile church of the Regulations on the freedom of conscience and the acts like it are subject to prohibition in clergy and in the case of Neraskaya Eastern from Sana. "

    The split began. The oppositionists called the "group of progressive clergy and the Mijan" prepared the Patch. The goal to shift Tikhontovich to Erene Fene, that would be the idiot did not arouse against the church Soviet power. Although he has already managed to do everything in general. And as soon as Tikhon finally stood up as the enemy of the people and was under the investigation, it gave rise to the attack.12 of May 1922, the Group's leaders: (the most famous figures) Priests introduced, Krasnitsky, Proteins and a Psalmaker The student, visited Tikhon then being under house arrest, and began negotiations on the further maintenance of church affairs on May 14 in the Izvestia of the WTCIK, an appeal to believers was published. The authors of the appeal condemned the social oppositionality of the leadership of the Church and put the question of convening a new cathedral in order to "face the Church". "We consider it necessary, immediately convening a local counsel for the court over the culprits of the church destroyed to solve the issue of the church's management and the establishment of normal relations between it and the Soviet government. He led by the highest hierarchs, the civil war of the church against the state should be discontinued "

    On May 18, 1922, Tikhon visited the introduced, Kalinovsky Ibelkov, who accepted church cases to transfer them to the Metropolitan Yaroslavsky Agafantgel as a Patriarchate location. But Agafangel just in case to Moscow is not shy. And it all arranged. Oppositionists were organizationally formed by forming a socio-religious association " Living church"Where the laity of different parishes entered.

    On May 16, 1922, the Constituent Assembly was held in the walls of Trinity. In the program of A.- Revising the actors of the church management in order to determine which of them are annulled by life itself, and even harmful to the Church of the B-revision of the Church Dogmatics in order to clarify those features that were made to it former in Russia. V.- Revision of the church liturgy .. and ensuring freedom of pastoral creativity in the field of worship, without a violation of the executive rites of the sacraments. G, - revision of the provision on the coming in connection with the modern conditions of church life. D.- Revision of church ethics and the development of the teachings on the Christian public life in relation to the social tasks to the extended time. E.- In general, the revision and change of all parties to the life of the church, which is permissible to be required by modern life. "

    Supporters of the "Living Church" formed the Higher Church Administration (VLC) at the head of which were put by Archbishop Antonin (Granovsky), although he was not a member of their group and soon made the approval of their activities on the part of the clergy of the central dioceses - at first Moscow, and then Petrograd. According to the example of Moscow and Peter, groups, supporters of the "Living Church" began to be created in other dioceses. One of the first recognized the new church power Metropolitan Vladimir Sergius (Shernochgorodsky), the future Soviet Patriarch, together with two Archbishops of Seraphim and Evdokim, the appeal, which said: "Having considered the temporary church management platform and the canonical legality of the management, we declare that we decide entirely to share the events of temporary church management, we consider it the only canonically legal supreme authority (" Living Church "No. 4 5) Metropolitan Sergius became part of the VSU.

    The organizers of the "live church" launched a rapid activity to involve everyone in their movement that they marked as "church-revolutionary", and whose tasks saw in what would be primarily to remove the monasteries from the leadership the Church of the Monasteries, to introduce a married episcopate, Open the road to power by the White clergy, focusing in his hands the church cashier, and only after all this began to proceed with the program of radical church reforms.

    The question arose about convening a new local cathedral, which would authorize changes in the church and determined its situation in a new social environment. Without waiting for this convocation, "Collector" held at the end of July - early August 1922, the All-Russian Congress of His Association, which was criticized by the Institute of Monastics, and also decided to introduce a marriage episcopate, and the reorganization of church management. As for the update of church dogmatic, ethics and worship, the solution of this problem was postponed to the upcoming cathedral.

    But the whole trouble was that as always, .. "They were too far from the people." Considering the total illiteracy of the Russian believer Pipela, and it was the whole country, the PCC's focus was zoologically conservative. Pop was traditional popular evil, he was annoyable as a summer diarrhea, but he was inscribed in a vital ritual tradition. And all ritual forms were already on the subconscious. And no one checked them, did not comprehend (as well now). Here I would have brought my experience in the Moscow Construction, at the end of the 20th century. In the Metropolitan construction projects, Moskvich (more precisely, "MoscowCC") rare. It works mostly a rustic depth. Clinically wild, evil and self-sufficient people in their brutality, typical Russians whose main goal as all Russians will be resolved, go down and stern. At construction site, shovel key tool, but for some reason, in Russia, the arms shovers are simply round rations, and round handles work worse, as it is necessary to constantly manage in space. And control the brush and it is extremely tiring. Well, I naturally, immediately, I screwed the Stanadarter for a transverse handle by the end. Typical causes of any shovel in Timbuktu, Bavaria and Georgia .. Now there are playing. But this blasphemous "innovation" produced a Furior. I ran into me to watch all the workers of two floors from two controls: "Andryukha shovel with a motor started!".

    No one also did, although it was clearly more convenient. It happened with the unfortunate updates. Too radical program, too increasing, intellectual phraseology. All this somehow scarecrow .. it was in 1994 !!

    Split in the "Living Church". Merciank number 3. Radicalism leaders split motion. Moderate supporters of the update, decided that it would be necessary to reckon with Piple, and not to take it left. Moderate was headed by the chairman of the East of the Archbishop Antonin. They conducted something like the constituent huraila, and positioned themselves as the "Union of Church Renaissance". As well, the introduction and proteins came from the St. Petersburg Committee of the "Living Church", and they were naturally immediately accepted by the Union of Renaissance.

    In the program SKV-I, the main attention was paid only to the social aspect of Orthodoxy, and the issues of changing the creed and canons were not actually considered. "Following the main democratic equalization start, the Union aims to implement the interests of the widespread beliefs and the masses, their religious with the help of science, education and moral rehabilitation. The spiritualization of the cult, the patrimony and weakening of the external supplied ceremonial-dormant side, preventing from sliding into the slope of pagan Magism, and the mechanics of the cult of the cult. In addition, it would be necessary to solve questions about the elimination of religious exploitation "(" Life and Religion "Kazan 1923.№7 )

    Church No. 4. The introduced was always an extraordinary figure, and now this united proglism did not suit him. "Ay Ken Get Nou Satisfechen." Vvedensky came out of Antonina and created an independent community-denomination "Union of Communities of the Archelipostol Church" or Sodats. Which occupied an intermediate position between the first two churches. From the Sodac program: "Christianity is a religion of growth. Therefore, it cannot be a delaying moment in the general cultural development of humanity. It is necessary to combat religious superstition, because they impede the universal progress. All modern, so-called. Orthodox theology should be revised from the height of the unshakable norms of the Great Evangelical Truth. Since in the principles of the October Revolution, it is impossible not to see the principle of the twilight, the church takes the truth of the social coup and actively accessible by the church methods is spent this truth. " Well, as a task of Sodats: "The cleansing of Christianity from the entire pagan, stood in the process of almost two thousand years of Christianity, the fight against the county and prejudices, the fight against the darkness and ignorance, explaining the believers of the causes of those phenomena of nature that gave rise to many superstitions and rites .. Revision of dogmatic Ethics in order to clarify the genuine evangelical and apostolic principles of faith, morality darkened by medieval scholasticism and school theology .. Cleansing and simplifying worship and approaching him to a popular understanding: the Persise of liturgical books and monthly books, the introduction of ancillapostolic simplicity in worship, in particular in the setting of temples , in the closures of clergy, native language instead of mandatory Slavsky, Institute Diakanisess ITP.. to catch all the shepherds .. all the awards. Establishment of religious professionalism .. The convening of all urban and rural monasteries .. White bishopat .. The permanent of all church canons and the abolition of those Of them, Co. Thrings lost their vitality .. Muskow should be apolitical. ". Merciank No. 3 - Sodats was adopted as a full member to the East.

    Looking at this case formed Church number 4.- "Puritan party of the revolutionary clergy and laity"; Church No. 5- "Free Labor Church"; And another number of churches. But VSU shares the cake did not want and all these unions were not recognized for the church. The NASU issued the "Regulation on the organization of jealous of church updates", where there was a faithfulness to Soviet power: .. "The union is aimed at the actual updating of the church life of the believers, the conduct of Christian recovery by implementing programs to the head of the movement of renewed organizations"

    After the publication of this provision, members of all these groups have become stapled to use "updates", and their church organization is an updated church.

    By April 1923, the convening of a local cathedral was appointed, which was supposed to authorize the reorganization of the church life, which renewed groups spoke. In the "Regulations on the convening of the Local Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church", approved by the East of February 1, 1923, it was said: "The local council has a goal to reconsider all parties to the Life of the Church: faith and moralization, worship, church-parish management, to eliminate the layers that are made to The life of the church period of subordination and the Union of the Church with the capitalist state and identifying the treasures of the apostolic legend in the life of the church "

    Programs of all three updated groups, and the Orthodox Church approved by the Orthodox Church approved by the Orthodox Cathedral, which were compiled by A.Vedensky on the basis of the Sodatz software installations, and the provision about the cathedral itself, everything predicted a completely cool modernization of Russian Orthodoxy. In fact, by and large, even before the revolution, the renewers were not manifested by de Jura, then the church was actually a large semi-bridged opposition force.

    In such a huge country, as Russia obviously lacked the parallel pyramid of the competing church. The ROC is now, for example, (2006) builds and builds churches, and in parallel everything stubbornly falls into the opposition of split and sect. Catholics or in Haru-Krishna, unfortunately, with the help of state bayonets, it is possible, and the same so-called. Orthodox, but another sense is no longer possible. Now when the ROC completely finally gets, then there will be no radicalism for any radicalism, so as soon as the RPC can kill and kill. People quietly vote. In these Temples, the RPCs other than the marasmatic granny and a bunch of official churches of the intellectuals like Lyothotaterarina from the "Russian View" will not be. Is that the church will drive a silt ..

    The political platform of the renewers primarily proceeded from the recognition of the Soviet power, and the approval of the socialist revolution, and therefore the renewals received nationwide support. Updates using the case, the wings of Tikhon and Tikhonovs for the anti-Sovetchist and the support of the White Guards. Poks losing the flock have become in the mass of their go to the update. No, of course, it is not necessary to be naive and think that the priests were genuinely repainted, but to stay overboard and removing the robe to go to the plant did not want.

    But if the structural projects of the update supported a lot of people, even though to a white bishopath with wives, but Dogmatic reforms, canons and liturgical defendants did not pass. There were moistened with a dense wall, and this in Russia, in general, everything, and the voting began with the legs in the other direction.

    Well, and the bishopath in the traditional brand did not give up the competitive pyramid from married Popov and began campaigning, with the aim of pulling this undertaking on the brakes. In short, in Moscow from April 29 to May 9, 1923, the local council of the Russian Orthodox Church was not a model of fraternal love and consensuns ..

    The resolution on the first question: "On the Orthodox Church, the Social Revolution, Soviet Authority and Patriarch Tikhon," the Socialist Revolution was approved, the capitalism was convicted, Anathema was revoked by the Soviet government, the policy of the Soviet government was approved. The ball was convicted of the counter-revolutionary activity of Tikhon, and he himself was deprived of the Patriarch Sana and monastic. The second question: "On the marriage bishop", the cathedral "recognized it is strongly necessary to introduce a white marriage bishopat, along with the faces of a celian state." The third question: "On the second priests" the Cathedral decided to have a positive question: "On the relics" .. the cathedral was expressed against the falsification of the relics .. The Cathedral considered the issue of monasteries and resulted: "Close monasteries from an entry of life-like" i.e. Located in the cities, but "blessed" the unions and the fraternity of "Christian-labor communities" formed on the basis of monastery stakes for cities.

    The sixth question is a calendar, and the Cathedral decided to switch to a new style from June 12, 1923.

    The question of church emigration. Let me remind you that this audience, headed by the odious antist of Khorchavitsky, was essentially a part of the armed enemies of the state. The cathedral naturally drove into it, and excommunicated her leaders from the church, first of all those who continued active and open anti-Soviet activities.

    Then the start of the eighth question "On reforms in the church". Actually, this was the program theses of all renewed groups individually, but here it is, already together as a "Cathedral", they are also made by the decision in which all radical undertakings actually cross.

    "The Holy Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church" said in the decision - hearing the reports of church-updated groups on church changes (the reports were made by A.Vedensky and V. Krasnitsky) considers it necessary without introducing any dogmatic and liturgical community reforms, invite all church workers Updates to protect the unity of the Church in everywhere, blesses the creative initiative and made the prick, aimed at the awakening of a religious feeling, church consciousness and public morality "

    (Bulletins of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Rights Summer Church of 1923.)

    The strategic mistake of the Cathedral is the inhibition of Batiki.

    Since the cathedral condemned the anti-Sovetchin of Tikhon, and did not subscribe to reforms, then the people threw them. The renewals combined half of all arrings. And in the ranks of supporters, there was already a bishopat. We must have forgotten that 73 bishings participated in the meetings of the cathedral. You remember that the cathedral lowered the Patriarch Tikhon, but for the Rada organizational mistakes did not choose a new patriarch. At that time it was the ability to create a parallel church structure, the second RPC ..

    And then, Tikhon made a tricky move: -16 June 1923, he appealed to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR with a letter whose facsimile was published in the Izvestia of the WTCIK. In the letter, in particular, it was said: "Being brought up in a monarchical society and being up to the arrest under the influence of anti-Soviet persons, I was really tuned to the Soviet authorities hostile, and the hostility from the passive state of time passed to active actions, somehow: appeal to The occasion of the Brest world in 1918, anafexisment in the same year of power and finally, the appeal against the decree on the withdrawal of church values \u200b\u200bin 1922 ... Recognizing the correctness of the court decision on bringing me to responsibility on the articles of the Criminal Code for anti-Soviet activity, I repent In these misconducts against the state system and I ask the Supreme Court to change me the measure of preventiveness, i.e. Release me from detention. At the same time, declare the Supreme Court that I'm not an enemy from now on. I finally and resolutely marching from both foreign. So the inner monarchic-whitevardee counterrevolution

    On July 4, 1923, a written quietwork was published to the bishopat, clergy and laity, in which the thoughts contained in his letter addressed to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR developed. Calling the priests and the flock "to show examples of obedience to the existing civil authority, in agreement with the commandments of God," Tikhon, thereby deprived of the renewals of their main trump card - monopolies on political loyalty in relation to the Soviet state.

    "As for my relationship to Soviet power, I have already defined it in my statement addressed to the Supreme Court .. In that crime, in which I recognize myself guilty, essentially, the society, which I as the chapter of the Orthodox Church, constantly got drove on Active performances in one way or another will be against Soviet power. From now on, I definitely declare all the fact that their diligence will be completely in vain and non-free, for I strongly condemn all the encroachment on the Soviet power, where it would not be. Let all foreign and internal monarchists and the White Guards will understand that I am not an enemy of Soviet power. I understood the whole of the wrong and slander, which is subject to Soviet power from its compatriots and foreign enemies and which they are verbally and distributed in all over the world. "

    The renewers immediately realized what was happening to what, and realized that it was time to finish the distribution and start would be united before the face of the enemy of the True, Patriarch. They declaratively and demonstratively did not believe in the repentance of Tikhon, said the repentant Tikhon could again become a pane chassis, and the church began to be a mother for himself.

    On July 2, 1923, at the united meeting of the Central Committees of the "Living Church" and Sodatz, it was decided to "" offer all renewed organizations of the ZH.TS Group and Sodats to focus all their attention on the elimination of "Tikhonovshchina as the organization of politically-church-counter-revolutionary. Stop off all sorts of intrafnal and mutual public debate and oblige all to mutual and all-friendly support. "

    Tikhon chose the same tactic, - complete ignoring update. A message from July 15, 1923, Patriarch Tikhon announced that he again takes into his hands the church power, transferred to them a year ago by Metropolitan Agafangel. The Cathedral of 1923 he declared unauthorized, and his decisions were not having canonical power. He skillfully played on wild-minded and naturally blunt conservatism of ordinary believers and zinning Pipela. For them, any deviation from the traditional form of religion beat at all on the pumpkin. Something to change the Russian into therapy, and even more so in the church. I think so, because of well-thought-out ritual complexity. Rus-Ivan (he himself was incerector, and I know about what I say) for a very long time, and it's not to the end to death, trying to somehow link with the reality of the whole church of liturgical rituit, and the cutting terminology of "experts" with the reality. Like "cover", "apple save" .. (carrot of the Virgin ..) I get used to the service all my life, on which it is necessary to properly stand, singing, put it right, and even correctly convey the candle "on the canon" "for the holiday" .. in short , Rus-Dunka and Rus-Ivan led absolutely grave (intellectual) the prospect of speaking something .. and Tikhon played on this.

    There were public condemns of the reform proposals of the update, which published Tikhonovtsy. Attempts to modernize Orthodoxy were characterized as "attempted the integrity and inviolability of the Orthodox faith," as attempts to "distort the Godrupt essence of Christian creeds" and destroy the canonical system of church life consecrated by centuries. In short, the campaign began to the upgrade. And since the piple from the granny to the bishop began to agitate for that not to change anything, that is, not to do anything, then this campaign was doomed to success everywhere.

    The renewals began to lose the arrival at the arrival, because in fact, for Pipela, they began to turn almost in heretics. In August 1923, a plenary of the Higher Church Council (VSS) of the Cathedral of 1923 was held in return to the Cathedral of 1923. It was decided to dissolve the "living church", the "Union of the Church Revival", and the Union of Commons of the Anodleapostol Church and create (in fact, for the name) Movement: "In the Unified Satisfaction of the Cathedral Apostolic Church" (if anyone has forgotten, this is really a quote From the "Faith Symbol" she "believed" - the prayer that every Russian Ivan and Rus Dunka comes in service) and the church was called "the Russian Orthodox Church", removing the term "updated" to the Erene, if Tikhon He began to play the punishment of the perception of the flock, then the renewers were not a flasher spit.

    The Supreme Church Council was transformed into nor anymore, as in the "Holy Synod" at the head of which Metroplit Evdokim (Meshchersky) was put. From February 1925, the post of Chairman of the Sacred Synod was held by Metropolitan Veniamin (Muratovsky), and since May1930, Metropolitan Vitaly (introduced). When reorganizing the governing body, the reservation is made of a fundamental nature: the sacred synod announced that he "is not responsible for the actions of the EMD and WSS and removes any responsibility for orders of them" (Bulletin of the Sacred Synod 1923 No. 1)

    Such a decision made it possible to start with the scratch with a flush. And do not drag as kernel on the chain the load of the former radicalism. A field for maneuvers appeared. Although I still had to get rid of the radicals, and from the leaders of three updated associations only the head of Sodatsk A. Intraved, who received the San Archbishop in the Cathedral of 1923, was obeyed by the decision of the Sacred Synod and was left in the highest church body. Protopress V. Krasnitsky and Metropolitan Antonin retained their groups and continued to act independently, acting both against the Tikhon group and against the renewed sacred synod. Metropolitan Antonin demonstratively refused to him the title of Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia, the title of Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia began to refer to the Bishop of the Union of Church Renaissance, but his union consisted only 40 Sly. And now he collapsed after his founder's death in 1927.

    The "Living Church" was numerous and more influential. After leaving the renewed church, she continued to remain a model group of white clergy, and its members were still signed by the "church revolutionaries".

    The sacred synod created at the August Plenum stopped all sorts of talk about the "renewal of the Church" as in general about the new church. The Synod instructed the subordinate bishopath and the clergy to inspire everyone in the corresponding situation with the style that the innovations and renewed ideas, kaki and the "updated" groups, the stage already passed and that all renewed it was understood what, she repeated, and Taperich was firmly on the platform of the kandal Orthodoxy in his scasal orthodox form.

    In the Circular of the Sacred Synod sent in February 1925, all the diocesan governments indicated: "Orthodoxy should be a motto and a symbol of ideological workers of the Holy Church. Updated is not a group. Not there is a party, there is not a new church. Update is Orthodoxy .. This is a simple but immensely deep truth should be the basis of our work. Only on this basis, we will be able to lead a church case "..

    January 1925. Introduced, already Metropolitan. Speaking at the plenum of St. Sinoda with a report "Apologetic Justification of Update" designated positions: "Refunds with all determination takes Dogmacuccusquucha, not jerking to correct what is in the light of absolute reliability"

    The excongests began to unite with the Tikhon and his supporters. "We later reported A.Vedensky, tried any concessions to the Tikhon hierarchy, and agreed to revise all our supposedly" innovations "(Bulletin of St. Synod 1926 No. 6)

    The fact is that in 1923, after the demonstrative "repentance" Tikhon convened a meeting of the bishops, in which the renovnels were announced by Raskolniki. Tikhonovtsy fought too zero with updates, and with a combat position to compromise it was almost impossible ..

    The split in the church denies the persecution.

    I all reminded you so that you imagine, at least in general, the situation in the country, which we were talking about (and say) a bunch of horror. And in reality, interesting processes went to the church, everyone discussed this late for 300 years the reformation, and with humor they saw how the updates were quietly lost to orthodoxs. The church controversy opened in print, and not only in narrow-church publications, but also in civilian. There were a lot of cartoons, fechens, stombe, and at that time it would be impossible to say about some persecutions. We would not understand .. I would advise everyone to read the periodicals of those years, because the possibility of starting transformations in the church, it was possible in a very calm and neutral social atmosphere.

    For reference: In 1924, there were 15,000 parishes on the side of the update, in 1925 - 9039. And in 1926 - only 6245 out of 28,743 (Bulletin of St. Sinoda 1926 No. 6) deposit where neither in memory these numbers to be after Who will refer to.

    The defective report of the Ober-Prosecutor of St. Sinod of Victoronezzhev.

    Vedomost. About the churches, the computers of Koih receive content from the sums of the State Treasury for 1901.

    Namenovaniy (lips.)

    Number of churches

    Name of places (lips.)

    Number of Cercquay

    Arkhangelskaya Aastrakhansky Blagoveshchenskaya

























    Nizhny Novgorod

















    S. PET-Ya




















    Cargo-th ek-t


    With sv.syodee




    25 282

    As you can see salute churches, that is, parishes at the beginning of the century

    It was 25 282,

    That is, in 1926 after all persecutions and destruction, there were 28 743 !!!

    Note. The table for the task is unprecedented by the churches that were on the content of individuals, rural societies, the Static Government of the ITP. The table is not included 25 churches of the Aleutian diocese and North American. 1 Church in southern France, one in the city of Kanah, in Nizza, in Prague, в г. Seoul (Korea) in Ruga (China). Church of spiritual missions in Jerusalem, in Beijing, in Japan, in Urmia (Persia).

    And the church in Bardakstan were quite diverse on service and sample accessories, as for example, in the same report, data on the churches of completed in the same 1901 are given. Total: cathedrals not one; 22 Stone monastery churches, and 8 wooden; Parish and fiction churches: - 170 stone, 304 wooden; Rubber Churches: 2 Stone; With treated establishments: 13Kamenny and 6 wooden; Houses: 17 stone and 15 wooden; Tin churches: 2 stone and 43 wooden; Cemetery: 6 stone and 22 wooden; University: 4 wooden; Chapels and prayer houses: 50 stone and 194 wooden.