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  • Star Fathers Singles: What Celebrities brought up children on their own. Video: Star Moms Singles Star Moms and their children

    Star Fathers Singles: What Celebrities brought up children on their own. Video: Star Moms Singles Star Moms and their children

    Sad statistics and in Russia, where 30 percent of children are born in an incomplete family. Statistics of other countries are a little different: in Iceland the highest indicator in Europe by the number of single mothers, where 64 percent of women brief their children without a father, in Sweden - 54 percent, in the UK - 38 percent, and in Finland - 37 percent.

    The world of show business also proves that the number of single mothers is growing every year. So, many Hollywood stars raise their children without men. The problem did not bypass the Russian and Ukrainian show business, where women are forced to become their children and mom, and dad ...

    Charlize Theron

    Hollywood beauty never met his only one. After several unsuccessful attempts to build a strong relationship, Charlize decided to act. In March 2012, Charlize adopted the boy from South Africa, who called Jackson.

    The famous movie star secretly adopted Son Luis Bardo in January 2010. It is noteworthy that the actress planned to raise the baby together with his spouse Jesse James, but fate ordered otherwise ... After receiving Oscars in March 2010, it became known about the many treasures of her husband. Already in April 2010, Sandra filed for a divorce, as well as a petition for independent education of the adoptive son.

    Jenny McCarthy

    The former star of Playboy magazine, the actress and TV presenter Jenny McCarthy alone brings up the son of Evan, who was diagnosed with autism. Bright cheerful blonde never gives up - after she divorced the father of the kid, the director John Mallory Asher, the beauty never desperate! She manages to combine his career in Hollywood with the upbringing of the Son Autist, as well as engage in active charitable work aimed at combating incurable disease.

    Cheryl Crow

    American singer Sheril Crowe alone raises two adoptive children. Despite serious health problems (breast cancer and brain tumor), the artist never gives up - the Gremmy's nine-pride winner believes to the best!

    Irina Saltykov

    After the scandalous divorce with the singer Viktor Saltykov, the famous singer Irina Saltykov was alone with Alice's daughter. Alisa does not communicate with the father of Alice, according to the girl, she tried to meet him, but he was reluctant to contact.

    Yana Klochakova

    In June 2010, the four-time Olympic champion Yana Klochakov gave birth to a son from the Georgian athlete and businessman Levan Nodarovich Rostshvili, who does not participate in the education of the child. The status of a single mother does not interfere with Yane enjoy life and give his son bright impressions - the athlete systematically pokes the fans of personal photos on their page in the social network, on which she and her son Alexander look really happy!

    Julia Volkova

    The ex-participant of the Scandalous Duet "Tatu" Yulia Volkov brings up two children - daughter Victoria and Son Samir from various civilian spouses - a certain Pavel Sidorov and a businessman Parviz Yasinov. Men after breaking the relationship with the singer, do not support communication with their children.

    Lera Kudryavtseva

    The famous Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtsev in April 1990 gave birth to the son of Jean from the drummer "Affectionate May" Sergey Lenyuk, the marriage with which was collected back in 1992. After the divorce, the boy's father did not participate in his life.

    Dana Borisov

    Russian TV presenter Dana Borisov for a long time could not accept the status of a single mother. After the birth of the daughter, the beloved stars and the father of the child, a certain businessman Maxim threw his girlfriend. Dana was left alone with his child in his arms and fell into deep depression. However, after a few years, the TV presenter managed to survive the tragedy and return to normal life - she successfully combines his career with the upbringing of the charming daughter.

    Masha Malinovskaya

    In 2011, the scandalous Russian model, DJ and TV presenter gave birth to a son from a man, a novel with whom a few months lasted. The failed spouse of Malinovskaya was married and raised four children. According to the star, having learned about pregnancy, he advised her to get rid of the unwanted baby, but the future mother decided to listen to her heart and leave the child ... "In my son, all my life. He is the only thing that has meaningful for me," Says Masha.

    Mother single? - Not! Happy strong woman with baby? - Yes!

    Sometimes it seems that the "earthly" problems do not concern star people. We are so idealizing their lives that they become similar to the plots of popular melodram with a happy ending. But the stars are sick, bred, fall into depression and often remain without the second half, but with a child. Today's article will be about the famous single mothers in the Russian show business and sports, which in spite of them continue to career and successfully grow children.

    Julia Volkova

    In the early 2000s, all were confident, vocalists of the Tattoo Group Yulia Volkov and Lena Katina promote "non-standard relationships". It was the spectacular course of Ivan Shapovalov, who worked - "Tatoshek" or adored, or hated, but there were no indifferent.

    In 2004, 19-year-old Yulia was born daughter Victoria. The father was the singer's bodyguard Pavel Sidorov. This fact put the cross on the "lesbian" legend of the group. And although the 2005 album "Dangerous and Moving" received the status of "platinum", many associated the further sunset "Tattoo" precisely with the destruction of the myth about their homosexuality. But the relationship with Sidorov did not work out - it turned out, he had a civilian wife and a small daughter.

    And three years later, in marriage with the son of a large industrialist, Parviz Yasinov, the girl was born Son Samir. When the boys hit 3, the spouses divorced. Now Yule has to provide children and all free from speeches and work on a new time to devote time to them. As Julia confessed in an interview, she does not want to think about new relationships.

    Lera Kudryavtseva

    According to statistics, star marriages disintegrate more often than marriages of ordinary people. This fate touched upon the famous Russian TV presenter Lero Kudryavtsev. In 1990, she gave birth to a child from Sergey Lenyuk, the drummer of the musical team "Affectionate May". Two years later, their union broke up, and the little Jean continued to live with his mother. According to Lera, the former husband was absolutely not interested in a child and, accordingly, did not participate in his upbringing.

    In 2017, a woman laid out a cute photo of his 27-year-old son in Instagram. A young man dressed in a blue sweater holding a tiny dog \u200b\u200bunder the clothes. It was the first time Lera decided to show Jean's subscribers, and she had to regret it: Users, not embarrassed in expressions, criticized the walled guy early. "Kill for you! Sorry for putting photos! Do not pay attention, live and rejoice! "Son Kudryavtseva got up to defend.

    In the same year, Lera became pregnant from the new husband - Igor Makarov's hockey player, which is just 3 years older than her sons.

    Dana Borisov

    After a break with a businessman, Maxim Aksen Aksenov, the Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova also joined the ranks of Star Mothers Singles. Unlike his colleagues in misfortune, she was very painfully worried about the gap and could not accept the fact that now the child's education is completely lying on it. Dana began depression, which was delayed for a long time and resulted in drug addiction.

    But the famous Russian TV presenter still found strength and returned to the former rhythm of life not without the help of friends, including Andrei Malakhov. Now she combines a career with the upbringing of Polyna's beloved daughter, which in 2017 turned 11 years old.

    Masha Malinovskaya

    In 2011, the love adventures of Masha Malinovskaya did not go from the pages of a yellow press, and all because she became pregnant from the "famous Chechen businessman," as the star claimed.

    After the news about pregnancy, he advised Masha to get rid of the child. But the well-known model and the TV presenter went in advance and still left the child, which led to the rupture of relations. The Malinovskaya itself admits that her son Miron, which appeared on May 11, 2011, is her whole life and the only thing that has meaningful for her.

    A little later, she declassified the name of the father of the child. They turned out to be an entrepreneur and in the past criminal authority named Makhno - Mamichan Malsagov.

    Renata Litvinova

    Russian star of film Renata Litvinova divorced with the second husband's businessman Leonid Dombrovsky in 2007. The pair remained the daughter of Ulyana (2002), which Renata brought up alone. She secured his daughter to study in a private Paris school.

    Ulyana is the surname of the Father. In 2014, she played her first role in the cinema (an independent film "Once in the Park"), and in 2015 first published in the framework of the fashionable show of her thesis of Ulyana Sergeenko. Photographs of the young model often flashed on the pages of the magazine Tatler Teen. The girl grows like two drops of water similar to mom.

    Zhanna Epple.

    In 2005, after a painful break with a civilian husband Ilya Fresh, together with whom they lived 17 years old, the actress Zhanna Epple was left alone with two sons. In 2017, her Potapu and Efima had 28 and 18 years old, respectively.

    Boys grew all their lives independently, actively helped mother in the house and cared for her as a single woman in the family. Marry Zhanna is not going to marry, but the personal relationship leaves outside the house and family. Senior Potap in 2015 made mother mother-in-law.

    Yana Klochakova

    Olympic champion Yana Klochkov independently brings up a son named Alexander. In 2009, she was in a relationship with the Georgian athlete and businessman Levan Rostoshvili - he became the father of the boy who appeared in 2010.

    Levan never invested in the upbringing of the Son, because until today, the boy is under full care of the mother. Yana does everything possible to replace his father. She gave him his last name, and the middle name - Aleksandrovich - he is in honor of the grandfather, Alexander Vasilyevich Klochkova.

    Anna Sedokova

    Anna Sedokova - a happy mom of two daughters and son. The first girl, Alina, was born in 2004, at the peak of her popularity in the group "VIA Gra". Her father is a football player from Belarus, the captain of the Dynamo Kiev Club Valentin Belkevich. Union collapsed in 2 years, but the reason for the divorce is still unknown. In 2014, Belkevich died because of a tombed thrombus.

    In 2011, Anna and Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky appeared Monica's daughter. This pair was also doomed. In April 2017, the singer made a hector's son from the entrepreneur of Artem Komarov, with whom she doesn't bind anything else.

    Arbenina Grow children herself, but claims that she has never had a single mother complex. Moreover, it does not have any discomfort from the lack of a male minider: the singer and leader of the Night Snipers group are a self-sufficient woman and is able to make money on his family. When a woman goes to tour, he looks at their grandmother for children. In 2018, Arbenina was awarded the Mama Award award in the nomination "Mom of the Year".

    Tina Karol.

    Tina Karol lived in a happy marriage, until the trouble came to their family - Eugene Ogir died of a stomach cancer at 33 years. After the death of her husband, the upbringing of his son Veniamin had to be engaged in herself that it was not easy: the singer was very painful in loss. About it more than once wrote the media and spoke friends and relatives of Carolina. The singer still managed to recover from grief, but she was not going to marry again. Tina argues that now there is only one man in her life - her son.

    In November 2017, Veniamina turned 9. The boy grows a copy of his father, but the voice clearly inherited from Mom. In 2016, he participated in the Ukrainian show "Voice. Children". He is studying in the UK, where he lives in the family of Ukrainians.

    Alika Storkov

    Publication from Alika Smekhova (@alika_smekhova) 7 Jul 2018 at 2:17 pdt PDT The second son Makara actress gave birth after parting with her husband. Moreover, the spouse forced the Alik to sign the paper that all the costs of the maintenance of the child she takes over. Despite such a beginning, the laughter is happy with two sons and perfectly looks for his fifty years. Masha Malinovskaya

    Publication from Masha Malinovskaya (@malinovskaya_tv) 11 Dec 2013 at 10:05 pst The father of the child does not participate in his upbringing. But this fact Malinovskaya does not confuse, she used to cope with difficulties without help. Masha says that the son of Miron is her outlet and the meaning of life. Zhanna Epple.

    Publication from Zhanna Epple (@ Epple.ymnaya) 26 Nov 2017 at 5:53 PST After a heavy gap in 2005 with Ilya Freshom (together, the spouses lived 17 years old) Actress was alone with two sons. Now Potap and Efim grew up, they are 28 and 18 years old, respectively. The boys always actively helped mother home and cared for her. Jennifer Lopez

    Publication from Jennifer Lopez (@Jlo) 31 May 2018 at 2:21 pdt In 2008, Jennifer gave birth to twins Max and Emma, \u200b\u200bwho are very similar to their star mother. The singer believes that the status of a single mother has a certain plus: a closer connection is established in relations with children. Lopez successfully combines his career with Mom's role. Valeria Gai Germanica

    Publication from Valery Germany (@germanicaislove_official) 30 Dec 2017 at 10:10 pst Russian director Valery Guy Germany (she removed the films "School", "everyone will die, and I will stay") raises two daughters. Octavia was born in 2008 (who is still not known to the father of the girl, and Severina was born in 2016, the father of the baby is dancer Vadim Lubushkin. "It seems to me that a single mother is not bad, even sexy. A free woman with two children ... In my opinion, now it is generally a trend, "Valery notes. Britney Spears

    Publication from Britney Spears (@BritneySpears) 29 May 2018 at 12:59 PDT Today, Britney Spears is a caring and loving mother, but ten years ago, she almost deprived her parental rights due to immoral behavior. Apparently, this threat forced the artist to revise their lifestyle. Now the star's day mode resembles the routine of the average woman's day: in the morning it will take children to school, go to work, takes the sons in the evening and prepares dinner at home. Liv Tyler

    Publication from LIV Tyler (@misslivalittle) 4 Aug 2018 at 4:07 pdt Actress and daughter Musician Steve Tylera independently raising the son of Milo. Liv divorced his spouse in 2009 and now everywhere takes his son with him. Julia Volkova

    Julia Volkova Publication | Julia Volkova (@Official_juliavolkova) 27 May 2018 at 6:27 pdt At the former participants of the Tattoo Group Yulia Volkova grow up Victoria's daughter (her father - Pavel Sidorov, a former bodyguard of Yulia) and Son Samir (Father - Parviz Yasinov, businessman, son of oligarch Hearned Yasinov). The singer does not support relations with the fathers of his children, although it does not forbid them to communicate with her son and daughter. At the same time, the star believes that both are not ready for responsibility. Therefore, if Julia on the set or on tour, mother helps her help to educate children. Anna Sedokova

    Publication from Anna Sedokova (@Annasedokova) Jun 21, 2018 at 5:47 PDT In his Instagram, Anna honestly admits that she is not easy for one to bring up three children (Alina, Monica and Hector). "I'm strong, I cope. Like hundreds of thousands of moms, growing their children without dads. I admire each of us, "said one of the pictures of the star, which received many responses from the same mom's moms. Anastasia Volochkova

    Publication from Anastasia Volochkova (@volochkova_art) 25 Jun 2018 at 8:28 PDT Daughter Ariadne appeared at the famous ballerina in marriage with a businessman Igor Vdova. Now Volochkova lives alone in a gorgeous house, raises her daughter and even dreams of going to give birth to a son. Read more about Star Mama:

    Babi boom: Stars who born in 2018 showed the kids of the stars who born after 40, 45 and 50 children's children who became new ideals of beauty

    7 Russian mothers of single women who are constantly flashing on the television screens and on the pages of newspapers and magazines often grow their children without any support.

    Renata Litvinova

    The star of Russian cinema raises her daughter to Ulyana from the second marriage. Now the 12-year-old girl is studying in the French school, in Paris, since, according to her mother, she was completely unhappy in the Russian school, excessive learning load deprived of her childhood. With the father of Ulyana - Businessman Leonid Dobrovsky - Renata divorced in 2006 and the new marriage is not going to conclude.

    Svetlana Sorokina

    A journalist Svetlana Sorokina became a mother in 46 years, taking a ten-month-old girl with a tony in the house. Now there is almost 10 years old, and her mother does not complete at all due to the fact that it raises a child without a father.

    Ekaterina Volkova

    Actress Catherine Volkova is a real large, although lonely mom. Her daughters from the first husband Valeria for almost 20 years, and the babies born in marriage with Edward Limonov - Bogdan and Alexander - five years and four years. Now Catherine brings up his children alone, believing that in our days, women became stronger and more independently for many men, and she also does not want a nurse and her husband. To be the mother - her main role, according to Volkova. Complex, but beloved. The role she herself chose for himself.

    Julia Volkova

    Julia will grow up 8-year-old Victoria, which she gave birth at 19 from his ex-bodyguard Pavel Sidorov, and a 5-year-old Samir from Parviza Yasinov. The former "Tatushka" practically does not support relations with the fathers of their children. She believes that those are not ready for responsibility. But it is not going to ban them to communicate - it will only happen before the children themselves see to see the dad. In the meantime, to bring up my son and her daughter helps her mother - the "commander-in-chief" in the house for the time while Julia on tour or shooting.

    Dana Borisov

    TV presenter Dana Borisov for the sake of his five-year-old daughter Polina is ready to sacrifice everything, including a personal life. After some time after a hard parting with the father of the girl, Maxim Aksenov, she began to build a new relationship - with businessman Andrey. But her boyfriend did not like Polina, and she asked not to give him more home. Andrei considered such a child's behavior with whims, and here the calm of his daughter turned out to be more expensive, and the couple broke up. However, quite recently, Dana has a new cavalier appeared - and this time everything goes to the fact that the poly will be a new dad.

    Masha Malinovskaya

    Masha Malinovskaya Growing the Son of Miron is solely on its own. Boy's father - married businessman Mamichan Malsagov - does not have any support. They broke the relationship when it became a matter of choice - to go to pregnant Malinovskaya or stay with his wife and children. According to Masha, she did not want to destroy someone else's family. The absence of a number of beloved men is not very much - only upsets what he does not participate at all in the life of the Son.

    Malinovskaya's mother status is even proud, because to raise a child one need a lot of courage, strength and health, and not every woman is capable of it.

    Zhanna Epple.

    Actress Zhanna Epple remained alone with two children in 2005 after 17 years of civil marriage with Ilya Fresh (son of film director Ilya Freza). Now her eldest son Potapu 22 years old, and his brother Efim is 12 years old. Boys grew independently, they can do everything themselves and take care of the mother as a single woman in the family.

    His personal life Zhanna is now trying not to mix with the role of Mom, and new relationship is building in the format of "guest marriage" without planning to make a new husband.

    To when we see on the screens of famous actresses, we think that these are quite successful women, not only that it is relevant to the career, but also for a personal life they are not offended, although among them there are star mother-alone ...

    As they say, marriage was not a fairly large number of famous ladies, although they are their loneliness, perceive with optimism, conspicing with their children.

    Catherine Denies is known to many people, and in her life she did not have a single official marriage, but only in her own desire.

    The actress herself brought up his two children who followed the example of his star mother - Chiara's daughter and son Christian, too, actors, like Catherine Denev - the most famous single mother.

    The actress never recognized the official marriage, believing that officially bonded relationships are able to destroy the most sincere feelings ...

    Well, this is her opinion, maybe much not understandable. But the beauty of Katrin always remained a good friend to men who became the dadals of her children - her relationship with both fathers of kids, just wonderful - can the secret know what "Star"?!

    Catherine believes that a woman who has at least one child will never be lonely, and if, besides, it is two such wonderful - daughter and son! According to the "Stars", any woman can make children very happy, and she will never be lonely.

    Another "star" of Hollywood brings up his kids herself, after parting with his spouse, this is Jennifer Lopez. For twins, care and parenting are needed and, although not easy actress,

    But she is well aware of the fact that being a mother is much more important than the "star", even so famous. Actress wakes up early, even up to seven in the morning, in order to have time to finish their affairs and chat with kids.

    As for the actress Holly Berry, then after a divorce did not lose faith in personal happiness and raising her daughter, he still hoped to meet her man. However, its hopes were broken - after two repeated marriages, she was disappointed in men because of their change.

    Daughter Holly brings up herself and remains a single mother considering that this process is forces of any woman.

    Renate Litvinova Although I had to be married twice, it does not consider these events to be particularly significant, the main thing for her, this is her daughter.

    Here is the most important event and great happiness for her! And although Renat's daughter brings up in rigor, trying to be easier for her in adulthood, she remains the first girlfriend for her daughter.

    Renata and her daughter Ulyana, blond and look like a friend like two droplets of the driver, but Renata wants to achieve a daughter in life independently, therefore it is going to sponsor only his studies and buying a home for her daughter - no inheritance .

    The American singer Madonna has the kids four, and she brings them up, by the other two she adopted. Communication with kids, as well as the education process itself delivers great pleasure Madonne.

    And, judging, according to her, there is nothing better in life, although it is difficult to quickly educate four children.

    The singer was married twice, and if they add the unofficial relationship to them, the number of marriages of official and civil, will be stunning. The singer finally decided for himself not to enter into serious relationships with men, but to devote his time to his beloved children.

    Deniz Richards after the divorce with the actor Charlie Tire, having a reputation of the Hard, brings up his three babies herself. In addition, two of the children are native secilides and lol, and the third, called Eloiso, adopted.

    To the aid of his former spouse, Denise and does not count, but with all - and with work, and these are shooting in films and shows, and with the raging daughters, the actress successfully copes alone.

    Looking at a forty-fishlet mother of three kids, in life you will not believe that this is not a twenty-five-year-old beauty - and become the appearance of the actress, we will envy! So this is not enough - her former spouse added and so an important family of the actress still of his two kids.

    After all, their mother (the second spouse of the tire) is at rehabilitation, and he is too unreliable father, whatever it could be rejected and trusted the upbringing of crumbs. Here, Denise is bad and brings up all five, paying love and attention to them, so it concluded that the spouse is needed only to the ladies who themselves are not able to provide their children and their loved ones ...