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  • Increases spermatogenesis. Means for stimulation spermatogenesis

    Increases spermatogenesis. Means for stimulation spermatogenesis

    The process of formation of spermatozoa - Male genital cells are called spermatogenesis and is carried out in the seed tubes of the testicles.

    For the first time, spermatogenesis begins at the age of 12-13 years and further continuously continues throughout the whole men's life. To formed a new spermatozoa, male organism is required about 60 hours. A complete sematozooid production cycle is about 75 days.

    For spermatogenesis and maturation of sperm, androgens are needed - men's sex hormones. Androgens, moreover, follow the role of the growth controller and the functioning of the prostate and seed vesicles. At the same time, the normal level of testosterone is a prerequisite for spermatogenesis, normal libido and male sexual potency.

    With violations of spermatogenesis, its stimulation is used.

    There are various methods of stimulation - the treatment of spermatogenesis disorders. Non-specific methods of stimulation are applied in cases of postoperative recovery, hormonal disorders, reducing the number of sperm and others.

    Non-specific methods of stimulation of spermatogenesis in men include the following.

    1. Complete exception to drink alcoholic beverages. You can only gradually and very rarely drink dry red wine. Alcohol, as you know, damages spermatogenic cells, is striking the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, thereby causing severe spermatogenesis. Statistics claims that 80% of alcoholics men are simply sterile. Moreover, the degree of violation of spermatogenesis is directly related to the volume of consumable alcohol: only about 30% of men with a daily dose in 80-160 g remains normal spermatogenesis.
    2. To give up smoking. Sperm sensitive to nicotine becomes inactive and still. The secretion of testosterone egg in smokers is much reduced. Heavy spermatogenesis disorders also occur due to systematic drug use.
    3. Reception of beekeeping products. This method is the strongest spermatogenesis biostimulator and the immune system of the man. The useful products of beekeeping include: larvae drone milk, uterine milk, perga, honey, bee poison (the last method is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the doctor).
    4. Phytotherapy and homeopathy. Particularly useful, ginseng root ,.
    5. Acceptance of sports additives. Their composition includes the amino acids of L-Carnitine (LC), the G-factor for spermatogenesis.
    6. Bococamera. Such treatment is excellent prevention - relieves fatigue, normalizes sleep, improves the mood and quality of spermatozoa. Course treatment - 10 sessions for 30-60 minutes.
    7. Avoid overheating, cramped linen.
    8. Useful meals: chicken breast, rabbit meat, veal, seafood, fish, vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, quail eggs, fruit-vegetable fresh juices.
    9. Active physical exertion.
    10. Vitaminotherapy.

    Spervatogenesis stimulation is a painstaking process based on the complex effect on the body. The procedure is based on the use of drugs, normalization of lifestyle, elimination of destructive habits and physical activity. Compliance with the main factors of impact on the body increases the production of spermatozoa, increasing their quantitative and qualitative indicators.

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    Proper nutrition

    Healthy food has a beneficial effect on the body of each person. The inclusion in the daily diet of products enriched with vitamins, minerals and microelements increases the production of spermatozoa. The replenishment of the lack of useful components has a positive effect on well-being. Proper nutrition is the basis of good health and full-fledged life.

    The use of approved products contributes to the restoration of spermatozooid synthesis. Numerous studies have proven a direct link between enriched food and the development of high-quality ejaculate. The full-fledged cycle of spermatozoa ripening is a long process that occupies at least 75 days. To obtain quality cells, a man needs to be constantly well. This action is aimed at replenishing the deficit of useful components and the restoration of the natural process of sperm production.

    For quick synthesis of high-quality ejaculate, a man is recommended to use certain products:

    • citrus, cabbage. They are based on a considerable amount of vitamin C. This is an active ingredient that takes direct participation in the process of forming sperm. Vitamin C acts as a natural antioxidant. The primary task of the component lies in the elimination of toxins and hazardous substances, which is positively reflected in the qualitative characteristics of the ejaculate;
    • beef, bran, sesame seeds. The basis of the presented products contains a large amount of zinc. The trace element is responsible for the cell division rate and spermatogenesis stimulation;
    • peanut. At the heart of the earth's nut contains saturated fatty acids. The primary task of the component consists in increasing testosterone. Male hormone is responsible for activating sperm synthesis;
    • liver, pumpkin seeds. Products are rich in folic acid. Vitamin B9 increases high-quality sperm indicators. The replenishment of folic acid deficiency guarantees the production of correct cells without defects and developmental abnormalities;
    • green vegetables and fruits. They are rich in the content of vitamin A. Retinol refers to fat-soluble components with a powerful antioxidant effect. Vitamin A restores spermatogenesis, increasing the quantitative indicators of the ejaculate;
    • broccoli, spinach, nuts. Products are rich in vitamin E. Tocopherol has antioxidant properties. It is well absorbed by the body, responsible for sperm synthesis;
    • dairy products. The rich in the content of vitamins of the group B. Their deficiency leads to a deterioration in the general condition. The mental and physical activity of the body is violated. Replenishing the deficit of vitamins in improves overall well-being and restores sperm production.

    Doctors urge to abandon severe and harmful food. Fried, smoked and fatty is negatively reflected on the health of the body. Available energy resources are spent on food processing, which is negatively reflected in the process of sperm production. The body is not tuned to the production of high-quality biological material, which makes it difficult for the process of fertilization.

    Important: a man must eat right. Without replenishing the deficit of useful components, the normal activity of the reproductive system is impossible. Power correction towards healthy food is a step towards the restoration of spermatogenesis.

    Healthy lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of the correct and uninterrupted functioning of organs and organism systems. In order to restore sperm, doctors recommend listening to the following tips:

    • exclude adverse habits. Alcohol products and cigarettes negatively affect the quality of the sperm produced. Regular use of alcohol-containing beverages will slow down the process of natural production of ejaculate. Dependence on alcohol and cigarettes violates the integrity of the cells and increases the likelihood of the formation of anomalous spermatozoa, which eliminates the process of conception;
    • resort to the help of beekeeping products. It is noteworthy that the regulation of spermatogenesis is more dependent on honey and its derivatives. The beekeeping products contain a considerable amount of useful components that have a positive impact on the human immune system. It has been proven that Perga, honey and royal milk - natural biostimulants spermatogenesis;
    • moderate physical activity. Regular loads during the week positively affect the general condition of the man. The human body is in a tone, all systems and organs work smoothly. Physical exertion normalize the production of high-quality sperm;
    • establish sleep and wake mode. For normal spermatozoa synthesis, a man must be saturated. The establishment of an eight-hour sleep mode and moderate activity during the day normalizes the production of active cells;
    • create an individual diet with the predominance of useful and rich foods. High-quality food positively affects the body and contributes to saturation with vitamins and minerals. The normalization of beneficial components in the body is the key to the uninterrupted production of high-quality sperm;
    • it is timely eliminated by the diseases of the genitourinary system. A man should not ignore the symptoms of inflammatory and infectious pathologies. Timely therapy prevents the development of severe complications, one of which is infertility.

    A healthy lifestyle is responsible for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. Follow the azam of the right rhythm, each man is capable of. According to research conducted, the habit is produced within three weeks.

    Regular performance of a new skill accelerates the adaptation of the body, which ultimately guarantees good health. Systematic following the rules of healthy life are the key to high-quality and healthy cells in the ejaculate.

    Physical exercise

    An important aspect in the formation of high-quality sperm is moderate physical activity. The man does not necessarily perform certain exercises or follow the azam therapeutic gymnastics. It is enough to choose any sport and set the goal of regularity. Daily jogging, overcoming long distances, hiking or classes in the hall - all this in aggregate is beneficially reflected in the general state of the man.

    Physical activity accelerates the activities of organs and systems. The body becomes more hardy, additional features are opened. Increased energy reserves in aggregate with proper nutrition positively affects the production of high-quality sperm. The man is enough to follow the basic rules:

    • regularity;
    • lack of overwork;
    • smooth load increase;
    • high-quality vacation.

    Without sports, the body begins to be lazy. A person is not able to engage, his mood falls, which adversely affects the overall health and self-esteem. Modern medicine calls people to include physical culture in their lives. Sport helps in solving most problems, including violation from the work of sperm.

    Use of drugs

    Restore spermatogenesis can be both classical methods. Their categories include drug impact on the body. The modern pharmacological market has a mass of effective tools to restore healthy cells. Use drugs yourself is not allowed. The man needs to visit the doctor to identify the reasons for breaching sperm and for the appointment of integrated recovery measures.

    Preparations for improving spermatogenesis Mass, they all are conditionally divided into several groups:

    • hormonal agents (omnaderen);
    • biologically active additives (stems);
    • vitamin Complexes (Dopperkelz);
    • homeopathic agents (ubiquinone).

    Hormonal means are accepted urgently according to the testimony of the doctor. Independently use drugs presented is prohibited.

    Improper dosage leads to a violation of the hormonal background and the development of complications. The primary task of drugs is to restore the natural process of testosterone. Biologically active additives improve the quality of spermatozoa. Medicines presented categories are used in a complex with other drugs. The main task of the Bald is to replenish the deficit of useful components. It is not recommended to apply them yourself. Additives are appointed taking into account the characteristics of each person. The additional properties of dietary supplies include:

    • restoration of blood circulation;
    • preventing congestion processes in a small pelvis;
    • improving sperm concentration;
    • restoration of the synthesis of men's hormones.

    Vitamin complexes are useful for the entire body. The main task of drugs is to replenish the deficit of components. Taking vitamin complexes is necessary with the approval of the doctor, after the studies carried out. The blood test on the quantitative composition of certain substances helps to choose the optimal type of drug.

    Homeopathic preparations are based on natural components. The presence of components of animal and vegetable origin eliminates the development of allergic reactions. Natural agents positively affect the spermatogenesis process. Doctors recommend using homeopathic preparations in combination with other medicines.

    Additionally, doctors allocate a group of adapted medicines. These include:

    • Spermstrong. A biologically active additive is rich in group B vitamins, microelements and minerals. Beneficially affects high-quality sperm indicators, improves sexual desire, has a well-fastened effect;
    • Spermplant. It is based on vegetable components. The effect of the drug is aimed at stimulating the production of sperm, improving fertility. Due to the natural composition, the drug is suitable for all healthy men. Used by appointing a doctor in an individual dosage;
    • Prostyatarnol. The tool contains a pumpkin seed, glycine, ginseng and additional natural components. Prostyatinol improves spermatogenesis, increases the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the ejaculate. The drug shows the effectiveness in functional violations of the prostate. Positively affects chronic diseases;
    • Ecupamulin. Hormonal remedy with spermatogenesis stimulation function. It is used exclusively according to the testimony of the doctor. Independent use of tablets is dangerous by the development of complications.

    Important: The use of medicines is appropriate with severe violations in spermatogenesis. Minimum deviations are eliminated by normalizing lifestyle.

    Normally, the process of spermatogenesis takes 75 days. The presented period is able to vary from 50 to 90 days, which is not considered pathology. When deviating from the norm and the absence of natural fertilization, doctors are recommended to hand over a complete spermogram. According to the results of the procedure, the doctor will determine the quantitative parameters of cells. In case of violations, comprehensive measures will be assigned to restore normal spermatogenesis. It is not recommended to ignore violations, they are able to indicate the development of severe pathologies, including congenital anomalies and oncological processes. Tightening treatment is dangerous fatal outcome (in the case of malignant neoplasms).

    Do you have serious problems with potency?

    Do you have problems with erection? Already a lot of funds tried and did not help anything?

    These symptoms are familiar with you not when:

    • sluggish erection;
    • lack of desire;
    • sexy dysfunction.

    Single operation operation? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. Potency to increase it is possible! Follow the link and find out how experts are recommended to treat ...

    The appointment of stimulating therapy is a very difficult tactical question, because Inhibitory contraindications to direct spermatogenesis stimulation can lead to total oppression. Therefore, before taking any drugs, it is necessary to undergo a standard diagnostic algorithm in mandatory. If, as a result of such an uncomplicated examination, a disease contributing to the oppression of spermatogenesis is, it is primarily necessary to carry out its treatment. If for any reason you postpone the survey or after the treatment of the underlying disease, we recommend adhering to the following recommendations. These recommendations refer to non-specific methods for improving the state of spermatogenesis and do not have contraindications

    We thank you for the collected, well-systematized and personally durable information and Tatiana tactics (Matilda) and Irina (Kiara) and wish them a speedy gain of happiness and maternity worries.

    Nonspecific methods of treatment and recovery of fertility (spermatogenesis) in men

    Non-specific methods of treating and restoring spermatogenesis in men include non-drug drugs and certain products aimed at the speedy improvement in the quality and quantity of spermatozoa necessary for conception naturally, or the best training in artificially conception by Eco / Ixi methods.

    The use of these methods is necessary in such cases:

    • postoperative recovery;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • reduced quality (morphology) and quantities of spermatozoa, etc.

    Monitoring the impact of these methods to hold every 3 months, since it is over this period of time that a full update and spermatozooid maturation occurs.

    Nonspecific methods:

    1. To completely eliminate alcoholic beverages, especially beer, vodka, brandy, etc. You can take dry red wine in small quantities (about two glasses) (only on holidays).

      It is well known that alcohol is able to cause severe spermatogenesis, damaging spermatogenic cells and leildig cells, disturbing the metabolism of germ steroids, hitting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In the egg of alcoholics, the atrophy of lesig cells and convolve seminal tubules with loss of spermatogenic cells (up to full-cell spercolis syndrome), the content of mature sperms and the shares of moving and morphologically normal forms is reduced, fibrosis of egg develops.

      More than 80% of chronic alcoholics are sterile.

      The degree of spermatogenesis violation is distinctly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. With a daily dose of 80-160 g and above, normal spermatogenesis remains only in 21-37% of men, in 54-74% there is a partial or complete spermatogenesis impairment, in 4-9% - "only cell cells only" syndrome. The fact that the fifth portion of alcoholics spermatogenesis remains at a sufficiently high level, indicates substantial individual differences in alcohol sensitivity.

    2. Throw smoking. This is one of the important points, as smoking worsens blood circulation in the main vessels and, accordingly, in a small pelvis, too.

      An important factor that has a negative impact on the activity of spermatogenesis is smoking. The smokers reduced the secretion of testosterone egg, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, their mobility, fertilizing the ability, the proportion of morphologically, genetically and functionally normal cells. This effect is associated with impaired leildig cells and sertoli, as well as with direct cytotoxic influence on spermatogenic cells. Heavy spermatogenesis disorders in systematic use of drugs (especially marijuana, cannabis and heroin) are often manifested by oligostenozoosperm and neospermia. At the ultrastructural level, pronounced degenerative changes are noted in almost all departments of mature sperms.

    3. The use of beekeeping products is one of the strongest biostimulants of the immune system and spermatogenesis of a man. These include:
      • drone (larva) milk. It has a large number of non-enzyme groups of sulfide groups, as well as testosteroid hormones, progesterone and estradiol. Due to such a set of substances, the drone milk contributes to the accelerated restoration of the biochemical and massometer characteristics of the seeds and the prostate gland, speaking with a stimulator of the central mechanisms for regulating the intensity of the formation of androgen.
      • royal milk. It has been established that the uterine milk has a general conversion effect on the body, stimulates the metabolism, restores the functions of the domestic secretion glands, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves blood formation, heart and digestion. Fresh product acts on the main and deep metabolic processes in the body: actively absorbs air oxygen and has an impact on oxidative processes; normalizes tissue respiration and metabolism in brain cells. It has strongly pronounced antiseptic properties.
      • perga (bee bread). The so-called bees bread, it is a flower pollen, assembled by bees with dust-free, moistened with their saliva, mixed with honey, subjected to special processing laid in cell cells and sealed with wax cups. Perga contains all known vitamins; All ten essential amino acids (that is, those that animal organism are not synthesized and should be used in the finished form) and a dozen two replaced; Almost fifty enzymes; dozens of carbohydrates; dozens of trace elements; Various hormones, including the "growth substance" - heteroacexin. Perga has a good therapeutic effect with malignant anemia, anemia, diseases of nervous and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract (stomach and duodenal ulcer, colitis, enteritis), increases the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood, increases the stability of the body against infection, helps to enhance immunity . Perga the best biostimulator in the treatment of premature aging of the body, stimulates male potency at a very high level to a deep old age; Powerful anticoles.
      • honey and other natural or processed beekeeping products (the same tentatorium). Also gives a very good effect of apitherapy (treatment of bee poison - apitoxine). The bee poison has both local and general therapeutic effects. The poison expands small artery and capillaries, increases blood flow to the places of polention, reduces pain syndrome, eliminates the increased sensitivity of the body (i.e. reduces its allergic reaction), increases the amount of hemoglobin, reduces the EE, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, affects metabolism.

        !!! The treatment of bee poison should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and an experienced beekeeper.

    4. Homeopathy and herbs (especially Rosehip - contains a lot of vitamin C, St. John's wort, ginseng root, etc.
    5. Sports additives. After consulting with the doctor you can take Cermortin or Proxeed. The composition of these drugs includes such amino acid spermatogenesis: L-Carnitine (LC), G-factor. In sports nutrition stores, they can be purchased separately, having benefited money.

      It has been proven that the therapy of L-carnitine and fructose significantly improves the ability of spermatozoa to a vaccination and an acrosomal reaction. About g-factor and other sports additives.

    6. Tribestan (non-coronal preparation based on vegetable grass Grass tribulus Terestisis) - acts directly onto the human brain, enhancing the products of the lesteenizing hormone (LH), the very beginning of a long hormonal chain, completing testosterone secretion by sex chains. Increases testosterone levels. The reception of Tribestan enhances spermatogenesis - sperm products, and also increases the survival and mobility of spermatozoa. Perhaps the most important thing is that Tribestan has no side effects. And no one can overdose him. Here is a link to this
    7. Bococamera. Treatment in the barocamera has an excellent prophylactic effect: relieves fatigue, improves mood, normalizes sleep, improves performance, allows you to improve the quality of spermatozoa. Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) is a treatment with oxygen under high pressure in the barocamera (medical baroges).

      From the course of physics, we all know that under pressure gases are better dissolved in liquids. Oxygen under the conditions of a barocamera, dissolving in plasma and the interstitial fluid, in large quantities it enters organs and tissues, where hemoglobin does not reach. Thus, it is possible to eliminate oxygen starvation in the patient and restore its function and resistance to pathogenic components.

      HBO has the following therapeutic effects: antihypoxic, bactericidal and bacteriostatic, anti-ethnic, anti-inflammatory, reparative regeneration, detoxification, energy.

      The course of treatment is usually 10 sessions, each of which takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

    8. Leeches (hirudotherapy).

      The secrecy of the salivary glasses of leeches contains about one hundred unique components. Finding into the blood, they have a healing effect. The leeching secret activates the local blood circulation, improves the saturation of the tissues with oxygen, nutrients. To date, no contraindications on the use of hirudotherapy have been found. The leeches affect the healing manner not only for sick bodies, but also on the body as a whole.

      Currently, highly therapy is registered by the Ministry of Health of Russia as an official medical method, and leech is listed in the register of medicines.

      The healing effect of hirudotherapy is made up of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological.

      First, leeches are usually placed in such a way that they contact the patient's skin only in reflexogenic points (i.e. acupuncture points).

      Secondly, leeches carry out a purely mechanical effect on the bloodstream.

      This refers to the suction of blood and its long expiration from the wound after the bite.

      And, thirdly, leeches are thrown into the bloodstream its saliva, containing more than a variety of biologically active substances (natural medicinal substances), the soft effect of which leads to the normalization of the human body. These substances include: hyaluronidase, girudine, bodle, eglin, destabilaised complex (natural liposome), etc. In addition, the saliva leech has an antibacterial effect. In addition to the cure of a particular disease, leech has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole (the sleep is improved, appetite, the mood increases, the metabolism and immunity are normalized). To some extent, this is a consequence of the normalization of blood flow in tissues and increasing blood saturation with oxygen.

      The intervals between sessions make up 2-4 days. The course of hydrautherapy consists of 8-12 sessions (depending on the treatment regimen).

      The production of leeches should be under the supervision of the doctor, since only it can correctly determine the point of exposure and the amount of leeches.

    9. Restriction of saunas, baths, hot baths, it is desirable not to wear close underwear, do not bow to foot on the leg when seat.
    10. Cool blades of the scrotum (just carefully, so as not to grab prostatitis).
    11. Useful meals for men. When the power is established, then the whole body is better spending all the processes associated with the metabolism, and, accordingly, with spermatogenesis. Since the sperm consists almost from the protein, so it is necessary to use more products to use more products that contain protein. The protein is best absorbed by the body from low fatty products.

      The main products should be:

      • Meat (rabbit, chicken (breast), beef, veal, turkey (breast)).
      • Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels, etc.).
      • Fish (any - red, white, but still better sea).

      When cooking, these products are better baked in the oven, boil or fry with the smallest amount of fat.

      Also, it is necessary to take as much vegetables, fruits, greens (parsley, dill), nuts (walnut, almonds, etc.). Use as much dairy products as possible: sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir; Quail eggs, fresh juices (especially orange, apple, carrot).

      You can prepare a special mixture of "yummy" - it is recommended to improve the condition of sperm. For this it is necessary to take: 100 gr. Alay, 200 gr. Minjira, 200 gr. Fiftics, 200 gr. Meda, 200 gr. Gerette nuts, 200g.limon (with peel), 200 gr. Izyuma, 200 gr. Kuragi. Prepare a mixture (through a meat grinder or just chop out), put in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

      Aloe plant is the age of plants from 3 years. Before using cut leaves to withstand in the refrigerator 2-3 days.

    12. Active lifestyle and exercise: walking, bike, swimming pool, etc. Sports, power exercise - just not overwork.

      The same receptors are in the testicles and muscles, strengthening and increasing the muscles - strengthen and build up also the testicles (not related to the use of anabolics).

      Outcome: "The more active the man, the more actively its sperm."

      An example of exercises for stretching muscles PAHA:

      • One leg bent in the knee ahead, the other stretched back - so squat, then change your legs.
      • Legs to spread wide, sit down and carry a torso from one foot to another.
      • Legs wider shoulders 2 times and squat.
      • Mahi legs, incl. At first, raise the foot bent in my knee, then straighten it.
      • Running in place, high raising her knees.

      All exercises do to the feeling of heat in the muscles, but not to exhaustion!

    13. Maximum cure common diseases (respiratory tract: bronchitis, disruption of nasal breathing, snoring, asthma; liver, kidney, etc.). The reproductive system has a huge impact of such organs as: kidneys, liver and spleen!
    14. Active sex life and good mood, avoid stressful situations, relaxing outside the city in the fresh air.
    15. Folk methods: 1 tablespoon of a grated carrot (good carrot) pour 150 ml of boiled hot, but not boiling milk. Insist for 40 minutes. Drink before bed. Drink two weeks, week-two break.
    16. Magnets, lasers, EHF, acupuncture (manual therapy). Physiosulation (prescribed only after consulting with an andrologist), etc.
    17. Application of oils:
      • Walnut oil. It contains a vegetable enzyme entimiriaz, which enhances blood circulation in the field of genital organs and stimulates spermatogenesis. Considering its quality, it stands on the top of all vegetable oils, and is the best of them. 100 g of walnut oil: 900 kcal, protein - 0; Carbohydrates - 0; Fat - 100g, vitamin E - 42 mg - 450% daily diesel engagement!
        Application: Inside 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before eating, without drinking.
      • Pumpkin seed oil.
      • Olive oil.
      • Corn crude oil.
      • Sunflower unrefined oil (homemade).
    18. Vitamins for men (dosage and application scheme use only after consulting with the attending physician - an andrologist):
      • Magnesium increases the fertilizing ability in men, increasing the mobility of spermatozoids. In addition, magnesium participates in the regulation of cardiac activity. Known as an "anti-stress" mineral, is shown in crime stress. Natural tranquilizer contributes to rapid recovery after physical exertion.
      • Vitamin A. Being an antioxidant, positively affects the state of the cells of the testicles that produce spermatozoa. In addition, vitamin A enhances immunity, it has an anti-cancer effect, helps to preserve vision.
      • Vitamin B6. Improves the motor activity of spermatozoa and their ability to penetrate the egg. In addition, Vitamin B6 increases immunity, prevents skin cancer and bladder, protects from the formation of stones in the kidneys.
      • Vitamin C. improves tissue blood supply, which enhances the production of normal spermatozoa. In addition, vitamin C stimulates immunity, prevents cancer, heart disease and stroke, promotes the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the aging processes.
      • Vitamin E. It is called "vitamin reproduction" - it contributes to the development of new spermatozoa, activating their movement, reduces the number of pathological semen. In addition, Vitamin E reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of arterial plaques, stimulates immunity, cleans the body from slags.
      • ZINC. The sexiest trace element: it controls sexual activity, potency, the ability to fertilization, increases the production of testosterone. Participates in the treatment of prostate adenoma, is necessary for stable performance of the prostate gland. In addition, Zinc enhances immunity, tissue restoration, stabilizes blood.
      • Selenium - for spermatogenesis is very necessary! Improves the quality and amount of spermatozoa, removes salts of heavy metals, contributes to rejuvenation.
      • Peponen (pumpkin seed oil).
      • FOLIC ACID.
    19. FENG SHUI

      ATTENTION: Before following the listed advice and drink appropriate tea from herbs and consult food additives, please consult your attending physician.

      People sitting or sleeping in geopathic zones caused by aquifers or skews of the earth's crust have absorbed and stored in the molecules of cells of their body a significant number of traces of exposure to these earth rays. If you do not remove these violations from the cells, they will continue to be exposed to harmful frequencies, which will cause stress and impassable. The frequently used measures are given to remove the consequences of harmful radiation and neutralization from the human body.

      • Cleaning with bath
        Dissolve 500 g of Natural Sea (not dining room!) Salt and 500 g of the Bakery Powder (sodium bicarbonate) in a bath with water, the temperature of which is so high as you can withstand. Pour so much water into the bath, whatever you can immerse yourself in her whole body, on the neck. The bath should last about 10 minutes. Climb out the bath and take a shower. It is important to get out of the bath before the water begins not to merge, to avoid negative impact on the aura. After the bath, you will feel like light and full of energy. Take another three or five such baths, then make the interval, in three to five days, and continue for six months. If you work daily on your computer, and your body takes a relatively much emission, then you can partially eliminate it with such a bath. Take it to maintain health once a month.
      • Herbal tea for cleansing the body
        The following types of tea are recommended:
        • Soak on the night tablespoon of mistletoe. The next morning add two cups of water. It is best boiled on a gas stove or on a furnace, which to dry firewood. Drink two cups of tea from mistletoe daily for three weeks.
        • Mix the following herbs in the ratio below. Drink two cups of this mixture daily for three weeks. Place two tablespoons of a mixture into a cup and let tea launch 10 minutes. The ratio of herbs in the mixture: 10 g of Issop; 10 g zinnia; 5 g Root Rope; 5 g of yarrow; 7 g of plantain lanceal.
      • Food additives for strengthening the vitality, immunity and body cleansing take the following nutritional supplements within 6 months, then within one month half of this amount, and within the next three months - half of the halves.
        • 30 mg of coenzyme Q 10 (depending on the drug, 2 capsules 2 times a day), the last reception to 18.00 is in case of signs of total fatigue;
        • 50-75 μg Selena;
        • 1000 international units of vitamin E;
        • 1000 international units of vitamin A or 250 ml of fresh carrot juice, with several drops of vegetable oil;
        • 2000 mg vitamin C;
        • chew and swallow 5 grapefruct bones;
        • soak 10-15 almond nuclei at night and in the morning to eat with skin;
        • several tablespoons of algae, putting them right in the food;
        • 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice, diluted with water or fruit juice.

          All this from the book of Dr. Jes T. Y. Lima "Fen Shui and Health".

    Spermatogenesis is the most complex process, with the normal flow of which in the male body, sex cells develop, ensuring the fulfillment of the reproductive function of the representative of the strong sex. This process begins to undergo regularly from the moment of achieving a bachelor of puberty and "starts" under the influence of hormones, when it passes from the primary sex cells (sperm) after several "transformations" spermatozoa is formed. Under the influence of certain factors, the healthy course of this process is broken, as a result of which the problem of male infertility develops, to solve which often allows stimulation of spermatogenesis.

    What is the problem

    Conduct spermatogenesis disorder in men can different reasons:

    • diseases characterized by a continuously continuing body temperature;
    • frequent visits to the bath or sauna, receiving hot tubs, leading to an increase in body temperature;
    • wearing close underwear, due to which normal blood circulation and thermoregulation in the genitals are disturbed;
    • reception of certain drugs (usually antibiotics, antihistamines, steroids);
    • violation of hormonal balance;
    • regular susceptibility to stress and overvoltage.

    Proper, healthy nutrition is most important for the health of a male organism

    The easiest and most useful for men recipe recommends:

    1. Take in equal fractions of dried fruits and walnuts, one lemon, honey to taste.
    2. All ingredients are crushed in a blender, send to the refrigerator.
    3. Use the finished mixture twice a day at least 1 tbsp.

    To help dried fruits and nuts, which can be used both in the mixture described above, and individually, it is desirable to use pumpkin oil that helps stimulate the work of seminal glands. Additionally, you can take vitamin complexes containing L-carnitine, magnesium, zinc and selenium, as well as the whole "set" of vitamins B, ascorbic and folic acid. If there is no confidence in the complexes "in banks", you can enrich the male diet with sources of natural vitamins, minerals and microelements - bananas, avocado, grenades, asparagus and tomatoes.

    As for drug treatment, the stimulation of spermatogenesis of the Reproductology clinic is often carried out with hormonal therapy.

    The introduction of hormones in the men's body from the outside can correct the situation, however, its effect is usually short. That is why this method is used mainly to improve spermogram before the fence of male genital cells for artificial fertilization. In addition, the impact of hormonal medicines is carried out active and relatively fast stimulation of spermatogenesis during a temporary azoospermia when it makes sense to "push the male organism to the process of producing his own testosterone. The negative moment of drug enhancement of the hormonal background of the man is that under the influence of drugs the body can slow down the natural processes of hormone production processes. And then after canceling the treatment, the characteristic of spermatogenesis will become even worse.

    From the point of view of official medicine, a positive effect may be achieved by vegetable-based drugs.

    From the point of view of official medicine, the positive effect, if necessary, in stimulating the production of spermatozoa, may be achieved by plant-based preparations, including various herbal fees and biologically active additives. A good result, if the failure occurred against the background of stress, gives a relaxing massage procedure. Some physiotherapy techniques (laser therapy, for example) can also complement homeopathic treatment, allowing to actively stimulate the work of the men's sex glands. Such an impact creates an antioxidant barrier in tissues, restores normal blood microcirculation in the testicles, regulates the pressure in the groin organs and thereby leads to improved spermatogenesis.

    Significant assistance in cases where men need regulation of spermatogenesis, has the impact of folk remedies. Alternative medicine assumes the use of various recipes, and some of them are already on armed with pharmacology - many plant components are used in homeopathic remedies and biologically active additives. The greatest stimulation effect can be achieved by applying rags and vintage of rosehip, ginger, ginseng root, various teas based on the herbs of the Hypericum, Yarrow, Plaintie, Ordinary. A good effect is also given drugs prepared from a couple of days a few days a couple of days.

    It is important to remember that the full cycle of spermatogenesis takes more than 2 months, therefore, even if, for stimulation of this process, concrete steps were taken, the result should not be expected in the coming days. There must be time, the man's body should be given a chance to "digest" the changes that have happened to him, after which the positive dynamics will not wait a long time. And in order to be accurately not mistaken with the selected method of exposure, with the first suspicion of infertility, it is necessary to contact a doctor who will put an accurate diagnosis and will recommend the optimally appropriate stimulating specific organism therapy.

    Do you have serious problems with potency?

    Already a lot of funds tried and did not help anything? These symptoms are familiar with you not when:

    • sluggish erection;
    • lack of desire;
    • sexy dysfunction.

    Single operation operation? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. Potency to increase it is possible! Follow the link and find out how experts are recommended to treat ...

    Preparation Tribestan. Quality guarantee!

    Tribestan is included in the register of products that have passed state registration.
    Information on the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

    In one package of 90 tablets of 600 mg with a high content of active substances. In each tablet at least 90 mg of the sum of steroid saponins of a fereznolovoy type.

    Men's Infertility Treatment Schemes
    Impotence treatment schemes
    Schemes for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
    Prostatitis treatment patterns
    Varicocele treatment schemes
    Schemes for the treatment of hypogonadism
    Cryptorchism treatment patterns
    Asthenozoospermia treatment patterns
    High Cholesterol Treatment Schemes
    Instructions for the use of medical plant preparations

    Tribestan is always an excellent result!

    Tribestan do not have contraindications and side effects. You can take tribestin as a general consensserizing agent for physical and mental stages of 1 tablet 3 times a day for a long period of time (more than one year).

    Instructions for the use of therapeutic non-corporal drugs Tribestan

    Regardless of the dosage, preparations Tribestan are most effectively taken 3 times a day after meals, because Tribulus Terrestris extract is active in the body within 8 hours after the reception.

    Doses of the use of the drug Tribestan and treatment time depend on the severity and duration of the disease.

    Normal dose1-2 Tablets Tribestan 3 times a day after meal.

    To preserve a long-term medical effectit should not be dramatically discontinued. It is necessary to switch to supporting doses of approximately within a month after the main course of treatment. That is: gradually reduce the number of tablets and the frequency of reception to one tablet per day.

    Treatment of male infertility
    Doses and duration of treatment during the diagnosis of man's infertility and diseases associated with it. Depending on the severity and duration of fertility disorders, as well as concomitant diseases of treatment from 90 days to 210 days. Dosage: 1-2 Twebestan tablets 3 times a day after meals. In some cases, the normalization of the spermogram occurs during the re-course of treatment with the drug tribestin after two weeks break. Clinical experience has proven the obligation to conduct antibacterial therapy before conducting a course of treatment with Tribestan.

    Impotence treatment
    Doses and duration of treatment during impotence. The recommended duration of treatment is 80 - 90 days. Dosage preparation Tribestan 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. In some cases, the normalization of sexual function occurs during the re-course of treatment with the drug.

    Treatment of erectile dysfunction
    Doses and duration of treatment from sexual disorders, improved libido and potency. Take 2 Twebestan tablets 3 times a day after meals. Course of treatment 40 days. It is recommended to transition to a supporting dose of 1 tablet 2 - 3 times a day after meals. Duration of receiving a support dose 15-20 days.

    Treatment of prostatitis
    Doses and duration of treatment of prostatitis. Dosage of the drug Tribestan 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals for 2 - 3 months in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory means.

    Varicocele - treatment of varicocele without surgery
    Doses and duration of treatment with varicocele disease. Duration of treatment from 3 months to one year. Dose Application Tribestan: 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

    Treatment of hypogonadism and cryptorchism
    Doses and duration of treatment for diseases Primary hypogonadism, secondary hypogonadism and cryptorchism. Duration of treatment for up to one year. Dose Application Tribestan: 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

    Treatment of asthenozoospermia, azoospermia, oligostenozoospermia
    Doses and duration of treatment with azoospermia disease, asthenozoospermia, oligostenozoospermia. The recommended duration of treatment is one year by courses for 90 days with a break between tribetest reception courses for two weeks. Dosage 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.

    To improve and stimulate spermatogenesis, increasing the concentration of sperm and their mobility
    Doses and duration of the preparation of the drug Tribestan. Take 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals lasting up to 90 days (one full spermatogynezis cycle). If necessary, repeat the reception rate after a two-week break.

    Treatment of elevated cholesterol drug Tribestan
    Take 2 tablets 3 times a day while eating for 90 days. After a month break, repeat the reception rate.

    Treatment of chronic fatigue
    Take one tablet 2 - 3 times a day after meals for 30 days. Upon repetition of symptoms of chronic fatigue, the drug reception courses to repeat before achieving steadily well-being.

    Treatment of depression by the drug Tribestan
    Take one tablet 1 - 2 times a day after eating for 15 days. When reducing the signs of depression, the course of receiving the drug is repeated. To maintain good well-being and mood, as well as at large physical and nerve loads, it is recommended to take on one tablet of Tribestan 1 - 2 times a day for a long period (up to one year).

    For the prevention of vessel thrombosis, stroke and heart attack and if elevated cholesterol in blood
    Dose Application Triibestan - 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.
    The recommended duration of Tribestan's reception is 60 days. To secure the obtained recreation effect, it is recommended to repeat the course several times during the year.

    Tribestan Tribestan

    Male infertility.Take within 5 months according to the scheme: 1 month 2 tablets 3 times a day during meals, 3 months 1 tablet 3 times a day, 15 days 1 tablet 2 times a day and 15 days 1 tablet 1 time per day .

    Impotence. Take 3 times a day for 2 tablets for 60 days, 15 days - 2 times a day 2 tablets and then supporting dose (also within 15 days) - on one tablet per day. Course duration - 90 days.

    Erectile dysfunction. Take 3 times a day for 2 tablets within 60 days.

    Prostatitis. Take 3 times a day for 2 tablets for 60 days in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory means. In running cases, repetition of the reception rate is required.

    Varicocele. Take for from one to three months depending on the severity of the disease and in doses: 3 times a day 1 tablet or 3 times a day 2 tablets during meals. With inflammation of the prostate gland to take additional antibacterial and anti-inflammatory funds.

    Hypogonadism. Take 3 times 2 tablets per day after eating men with primary and secondary hypogonadism. The duration of reception is determined by the severity of the disease. The criterion for the effectiveness of the extract is the ability to make ejaculation.

    Asthenozoospermia. Asthenozoospermia in combination with oligo- and teratozoospermia, and azoospermia. Taking the extract of the anchors with sharpening according to the following scheme: 1 tablet 3 times a day - 2 months, 15 days - 1TABlet 2 times a day and 15 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day while eating. With azoospermia, take according to the scheme: 2 tablets 3 times a day - 1 month, 1 tablet 3 times a day -1 month, 1 tablet 2 times a day - 15 days and 1 tablet 1 time per day - 15 days.

    Elevated cholesterol (dyslipoproteinemia). Take 3 times a day for 2 tablets during meals for 90 days.

    Toxicity and overdose of the drug Tribestan

    Cases of overdose by drugs Tribestan and Tribestan not marked.
    Professional athletes take up to 60 tablets per day without side effects, self-election disorders and hormonal balance.

    Features of the use of the drug Tribestan

    The drug Tribestan does not affect active attention and can be applied by drivers and operators of machines.

    Medical vegetable preparations. Schemes for treating diseases. Leading clinics and doctors - experience of application.



    Spreman - Combined preparation of plant origin. Spreter has a prostatotropic anti-inflammatory, anti-ethnic, diuretic effect, improves microcirculation in prostate tissues. Reduces stagnant phenomena, inflammation and swelling, dysuric disorders with benign hyperplasia of prostate gland, acute and chronic prostatites.
    The pephan preparation stimulates spermatogenesis, increases the mobility of spermatozoa, reduces the viscosity of sperm.
    Spentman It has prondrogenic activity and positively affects the male sexual function.

    Therapeutic effect of the drug Spreman It is due to the cumulative action of its components, so the holding of kinetic observations is not possible.

    Indications for the use of the drug Spiren

    - benign prostatic hyperplasia;
    - Male infertility due to oligospermia and reducing the mobility of spermatozoa.

    Spreten takes in the following doses:

    With prostate gland hyperplasia, the spemo is prescribed 2 tab. 2-3 times / day (in the future, the dose is gradually reduced).
    With oligospermia, 2 tabs are prescribed. 3 times / day for 4-6 months.

    Possible: allergic reactions.

    Contraindications for receiving spmana

    - Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.


    There are no information about the overdose of the drug.

    Medicinal interaction

    With the simultaneous use of the drug, the tentse forte drug with the oligospermia increases the effectiveness of therapy.


    AACG (L-arginine-alpha ketogllucrat) / AAAA, 180 tablets, 3500 mg.

    In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, weakness of the immune system, with erectile dysfunction, for muscle growth

    AACG (L-arginine-alpha ketoglucool) / AAKG, indications for use:

    - Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis, increased blood intake).
    - Stimulation of anti-infectious and antitumor immunity, prevention and therapy of sharp respiratory diseases, malignant and benign tumors.
    - Diabetes.
    - liver disease (cirrhosis and fat rebirth of the liver).
    - diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, renal failure, cystitis).
    - Depression.
    - Potency stimulation, in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, with anorgasmamia.
    - infertility in men and women.
    - Athletes to improve muscle growth and achieve high sports results.

    AACG (L-arginine-alpha-ketogllucrat) / AAKG, Composition:

    One tablet contains:
    AACG - 3500 mg.


    The revolutionary combination of L-arginine and alpha-ketogllucratic greatly increases the level of nitrogen oxide, much stronger than an ordinary arginine and, therefore, it has a more powerful effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system, the weakness of the immune system, with erectile dysfunction, for muscle growth.

    Arginine - This is a conditionally indispensable amino acid, which is not only part of proteins, but is an important regulatory molecule, which:
    - participates in the urea formation cycle in the liver, helping the body to get rid of excess toxic ammonium;
    - Stimulates the production of human growth hormone (GRCH), cohung by the synthesis hypothalamus of the neurogormon somatostatin - a human growth inhibitor of the human growth hormone. This is very important because it is the human growth hormone in childhood and adolescence ensures the growth and development of the body, and in the adulthood age of growth hormone supports all life functions and prevents the aging process;
    - serves as a predecessor of nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen oxide is formed from the nitrogen atom, the donor of which is arginine,
    and an oxygen atom with the enzyme nitrogen oxide synthase. Nitrogen oxide activates the work of the most important intracellular enzyme guanillates, which ensures the synthesis of one of the secondary transmitters - cyclic guanosine monophosphate. Due to this nitrogen oxide serves as one of the universal regulators

    In 1998, the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded three American scientists: F. Miurad, R. Erthechgottu, L.Ignarro for establishing the role of nitrogen oxide in the work of the cardiovascular system. It is nitrogen oxide that causes the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the walls of the vessels and suppresses the aggregation of platelets and their adhi. Therefore, arginine has hypotensive, antispasmodic and counter-volume effect. Due to this, around the world, Arginine is considered the most powerful amino acid of cardiology.

    In addition, nitrogen oxide: - necessary for the normal operation of the central and vegetative nervous system;
    - regulates the activities of the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system;
    - Provides cytotoxic activity of cellular immunity, protecting the organism from malignant neoplasms and intracellular infections.
    Since nitrogen oxide is related to almost all metabolic and physiological processes, becomes understandable to the enormous interest of doctors to arginine.

    Arginine - This is a representative of the first generation of natural substances that stimulate the development of nitrogen oxide. In the future, the work of scientists focused on the search for natural substances, more powerfully stimulating the synthesis of nitrogen oxide. Long search was crowned with success. A revolutionary formula was found (a combination of arginine and alpha-ketogllucratic AAKG), which highly increased the nitrogen level compared to arginine.

    This biologically active additive immediately aroused a huge interest in the sports market.
    It turned out that the reception of arginine-alpha-ketogllucratic before training significantly increases the growth of muscles, muscle strength and sports endurance, because it increases the level of nitrogen oxide and thereby improves the blood supply to the muscles, the delivery of nutrients and oxygen in them. As a result, the muscles grow surprisingly quickly. In addition, the muscles decreases the content of lactic acid and ammonia, causing muscle fatigue. A large role in muscle growth plays the fact that against the background of the physical exertion of arginine-alpha-ketoglucorate stimulates the synthesis of human growth hormone - the main anabolic hormone of the human body. The admission of arginine-alpha-ketogllucratic is much more intense than the arginine relaxes spashed vessels, reduces blood leaning to thrombosis, optimizes the operation of the immune system.

    Arginine-alpha-ketoglucool pronounced stimulates the potency in a man's feeling of orgasm among representatives of both sexes. This is because nitrogen oxide contributes to the activation of the sexual center in the hypothalum and there are more powerful signals down to the sexual organs. As a result of these signals, the genital blood supply occurs due to the activation of the production of nitrogen oxide in their arteries, the synthesis of which is enhanced by arginine-alpha-ketogllucratic. Due to the more powerful stimulation of the development of nitrogen oxide arginine-alpha-ketoglucool is more effective than arginine in the intensification of spermatogenesis. Recommendations for use:3 tablets arginine-alpha-ketogllucharat (AACG) 2 times a day per hour before meals and sports. It is not recommended to take in this mode more than 60 days.
    Contraindications: It is not recommended arginine-alpha-ketogllucrat to pregnant and nursing women, with schizophrenia, with the active manifestation of the disease with the herpes virus (simplex, herpes genital).