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  • Compiler E.L. Madlevskaya Russian mythology

    Compiler E.L. Madlevskaya Russian mythology

    Adam and Eva - The first, created by God, people on earth.

    The name Adam means a man, the son of the Earth. Adam's name is often identified with the word man. The expression "Sons of Adamov" means "Human Sons". Eva name - giving life. Adam and Eve are the progenitors of the human race.

    Description of the life of Adam and Eve can be read in the first book of the Bible - - in chapters 2 - 4 (audio recordings are also available on the pages).

    Creating Adam and Eve.

    Alexander Suulimov. Adam and Eva

    Adam and Eve were created by God on the likeness of him for the sixth day of creation. Adam was created "from the dust of the earth." God endowed his soul. According to the Jewish calendar, Adam was created in the 3760th year BC. e.

    God settled Adam in the Garden of Eden and allowed there to be fruits from any tree, except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam was supposed to cultivate and store the Eden Garden, as well as to give names to everyone created by God, animals and birds. Eve was created as Adam's assistant.

    The creation of Eva from the edge of Adam emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman duty. The text of being is emphasized that "is not good to be a person one." The creation of a wife is one of the main intentions of God - providing a person's life in love, for "God is love, and the abiding in love is in God, and God in it."

    The first person is the crown of the world created by God. He has a royal dignity and is the Lord of the Novosvativny World.

    Where was the Eden Garden?

    We are already accustomed to the emergence of sensational messages that the place was found where the Eden Garden was found. Of course, the location of each "discovery" differs from the previous one. The Bible describes the area around the garden, and even used recognizable toponyms, such as Ethiopia, and the name of four rivers, including Tiger and Euphrates. This led many, including the Bible researchers, to the conclusion that the paradise garden was somewhere in the Middle East region, known today as the valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates.

    To date, there are several versions of the location of the Eden Garden, none of which has a good evidence.


    It is not known how long Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden (according to the book of Jubileev, Adam and Eva lived in the Garden of Eden 7 years) and were in a state of purity and innocence.

    Snake, who "was cunning all the animals of the field, who created the Lord God", tricks and cunning convinced Eve to try the fruit of the forbidden wood of the knowledge of good and evil. Eva refuses, referring to God, who forbade them to eat from this tree and promised death to anyone who tastes this fetus. Snake tempts Eve, promising that, having tasted the fetus, people will not die, but will become the gods knowing good and evil. It is known that Eva could not stand the temptation and made the first sin.

    Why exactly the snake acts as a symbol of evil?

    Snake is an important image in ancient pagan religions. Due to the fact that the snakes drop the skin, they were often persongalized with rebirth, including with natural cycles of life and death. Therefore, the image of the snake was used in fertility rituals, especially those related to seasonal cycles.

    For the Jewish people, the snake was a symbol of polybamism and paganism, the natural enemy Yahweh and the monotheism.

    Why did the sinless Eva allowed himself to be deceived by Zmiem?

    Comparison, albeit indirect, man and god, led to the emergence of gogling sentiment and curiosity in the soul of Eve. It is these sentiments that pushing Eve to the intentional crime of the commandment of God.

    The sin of the sin of Adam and Eve was their free will. Violation of the commandment of God was only proposed by Adam and Eve, but not imposed. And the husband, and the wife participated in his fall by goodwill, for no free will - there is no sin and no evil. The devil only excites the sin, and does not forcing him.


    Lukas senior cranes. Adam and Eva

    Adam and Eve, not to withstand the temptations to which they were subjected from the side of the devil (Snake), made the first sin. Adam, fascinated by his wife, violated the commandment of God and tasted from the fetus of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So Adam and Eve brought the wrath of the creator. The first sign of sin was the constant feeling of shame and vain attempts to hide from God. They appeared by the creator they were gone guilt: Adam - to his wife, and his wife - for a snake.

    The fall of Adam and Eva is a fateful for all mankind. The gathering order of life was broken by a fall and was adopted by a devilochiel, people wished to become gods, bypassing God. The fall of Adam and Eve introduced themselves in sin and sin in themselves and all the descendants.

    Original sin - Molds the goal of life defined by God by God - like God. Originarian sin contains all the coming sins of mankind in the bud. In original sin, the essence of all sin is its beginning and nature.

    The consequences of the sin of Adam and Eve have affected all humanity, inherited by the human nature spoiled by sin.

    Exile from Paradise.

    God expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise to cultivate the land from which Adam was created, and they were fettered by the fruits of their works. Before the exile, God made the clothes to people so that they covered their sorts. God put in the east at the Garden of Eden Cheruvim with a fiery sword, so that he guarded the path to the tree of life. It is sometimes assumed that Archangel Mikhail was an armed sword, the Guardian at the gate to heaven. By the second version - it was Archangel Uriel.

    Two punishments were waiting for Eve and all her daughters after the sin. First, God multiplied Eva's pain in childbirth. Secondly, God said that the relationship between a man and a woman will always be characterized by conflicts (Genesis 3:15 - 3:16). These punishments come true again and again in the life of every woman throughout history. Regardless of all our medical achievements, childbearing is always painful and busy experience for a woman. And it doesn't matter how much our advanced and progressive society has, in relations between a man and a woman, the struggle for the power and struggle of the sexes, complete strife.

    Adam's children and Eve.

    It is known to be known that Adam and Eve had 3 sons and an unknown number of daughters. The names of the daughters of the progenitors are not captured in the Bible, since, according to ancient tradition, the genus was conducted through the male line.

    The fact that Adam and Eve had daughters testify the text of the Bible:

    The days of Adam for birth, they were eight hundred years old, and he gave birth to sons and daughters.

    The first sons of Adam and Eve were. Cain from the envy kills Abel, for which he was expelled and settled with his wife separately. From the Bible it is known about six generations of the Cainy Knee, then the information is not traced, it is considered that the descendants of Cain died during the Great Flood.

    The Third Son of Adam and Eve was. The descendant of Sif was Noah.

    According to the Bible, Adam lived 930 years. According to Jewish legend, Adam rests in Judea, next to the patriarchs, on Christian legend - in Calvary.

    The fate of Eve is unknown, however, in the apocryphastic "Life Adam and Eve" it was said that Eva dies 6 days after the death of Adam, having time to cope with their children to focus on the stone history of the life of the first people.

    Talk about the creation of the God of Adam - Slavic Old Testament Apocrif, telling the biblical history of the creation by God of Adam's first man. The tale is based on a dualistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and for this reason in the creation of Adam participates like God and the Devil.

    Despite the fact that the tale has been preserved in the XIV lists (South Slavic lists) and XVII -XVIII (Russian lists), the researchers associate the origin of his text with the Bulgarian Bogomilian heresy, which arose in the X century. The testimony of this is a message of the Tale of Bygone Years, which under 1071 contains a story about the wrappers, which appeared in Novgorod and invest in their speech a similar legend.

    Plot [ | ]

    According to the legend, God creates a man not as in the Bible " from the dust of earth", And from eight different substances:

    ... taking the earth handful of eight parts: 1) From the Earth - body, 2) from stone - bones, 3) from the sea - blood, 4) from the sun - eyes, 5) from the cloud - thoughts, 6) from the light - light, 7) From the wind - breathing, 8) from the fire - warmth.

    When God left the body of Adam to take her eyes from the Sun, then the devil " smeared it by feces, tina and snot" God is dear, mixing with tears of Adam, created a dog. When God left the body of Adam for the second time. To bring him a breath from Hornstone, then the devil " he took the stick and the whole man of Adam and let seventy ages in him let" After the creation of Adam, God creates from his rib


    Legend How God created Adam

    Create in the ground of the MADIMISTE of man, take the earth handful by the axes of parts: 1) from the ground - body, 2) from Kamen - bones, 3) from the sea - blood, 4) from the sun - eyes, 5) from the cloud - thoughts, 6) From light - light 7) from the wind - breathing, 8) from the fire - thaw. And PIDID Lord God of the eyes of IMATA from the Sun and leave Adam united lying on the earth; Priece the same appearance of the Soton to Adam and Izmaz His fender and a congenum. And Pripe the Lord to Adam and the eldc of the eyes of putting in Adam, and the form of his husband is izmazanna: and the Lord of the Lord on the devil and the beginning of Glacolati: "Okayanna Diazole, damned, but does your death take away the sake of the sake of a person who made it? And you are cursed by Budi, "and the devil is disappeared, Aki Zipper, through the Earth from the face of the Lord. The Lord, I will dream of Sotonina's dirtyness, and in Tom Satvory, the Lord dog and mixing with adamovy tears and the tall of cleaning it, Aki Zerzalo, from all the souls and put the dog and the pertsure of Adam, and the Lord himself will be detached to Gorenia Jerusalem by Adamlev's breath. And Pripe the second soton, and the Estimat on Adam, sweep the evil swing, and the form of a dog at the feet of Adamel lying, and slaughtered Velmi Soton. The dog began to bark evil on the devil, the parched Soton, waving a tree, and the defeat of the whole man of Adam, and coordinate 70 ails in it. And the pripe of Isus from Hornevo Jerusalem, and the form of Adam by the Tree of Stoloton, and Miloserdov about him and the spectacle Soton: "Damned Diavole, what did it make a person who has invested the noechah?" - Then he is reacted by the dock, the pop-like Soton, the Lord, the verb: "Those who will bring a person to a person to a person, and he will not comprehend, until the fuss of all, Tobya does not freeze; thieves, it will fight, which is death in it, then you always always hit you to help 24h. - And the Radio of the Lord of the devil, and the disappearance of the Dvil, is predicted [n] Aki TMA Light, and turn all the ailments to it.

    And the Lord of the Angel of his, she was preferred by Az on the Edge, good in the West, the thoughts in the north and in Yuz. And there is a person in the soul in the soul, adammed name to him. And God's bones of God in Adam 345, and to be Adam King to all the lands, and the birds of the Heavenly and the Beast of the Earth and Fish, and their self-defense give him God. And the spectacle of the Lord Adam, the verb: "You work the sun and the moon, and the stars, and birds of heavenly, and fish, and birds, and cattle, and Gadi." - And Nasadi Lord God Paradise on the Edge and Velel Adam Absue, and the wife of Adam is not yet created. And put the Lord God's dream to Adam, and Help Adam, and the left of his edge, and in the edge of the ruler and a nose and chapter, and create his wife in the sixth day, and show him the Lord his death and crucifixion and resurrection, and providay Ascension for the polesta thousand years. And the form of Adam gentlemen Crucifixed, and Peter in Rome walking, and Paul in Damasse people, the people and preaching yours (SIIS!) Sunday, and the ascended Lord ...

    And he will enlost adam from sleeping and tremened to be horrified by the world about providence. And wait (SIIS!) And the Lord Adam in Rai Walking and speaking to him: "Adam, Adam, Cubs." Adam is slaughtered by Velmi, not daring to God to have told that vision. And the Lord God comes to him: "Adam, Adam!" "Adam is spectable to him:" Lord Vladyko, you are on the cross on the cross in Jerusalem, and the student of your form [x] walking - Peter in Rome, and Paul in Damasse, who preach your crucifixion and resurrection. " - And the Lord's speeches comes to him: pleases with you for the sake of recking on Earth and crucify to life and on the third day of resurrection; And you will not tell anyone to see the vision of this, donkey see me in paradise of the Sedyashki Odessa Father, and you are about the eagle, Adam. And you are about it in paradise, Adam. And forms of Adam in Rai 7 Judge, Cormative Lord God Lithium Human: 10 years will be a birth, 20 years old - young man , 30 years old - the accomplishment, 40 years - the range, 50 years old - Sedina, 60 years old - old age, 70 years - County ...

    Create in the land of MadiamSti people, take the earth handful by the axes of the parts: 1) from the Earth - etc., 2) from Kamen - bone, 3) Sea - Blood, 4) From the Sun - Ome, 3) Out of Cloud - Thoughts, 6) Out of Ta - TD, 7) FROM TRA - breathing, 8) from fire - thaw. And the Lord of God, the eyes of IMATA from the Sun, and leave Adam unagno on the land; Pride the same appearance of the Soton to Adam and Izmaza His Calomet and Tinos and Rights. And the pripe of the Lord to Adam and the Waiter oving the eyes of to invest in Adam, and the form ith my husband is izmazanna; And it is accepted by the Lord on Deiyol and the beginning of Glagolati: "Okyanne DEYEITION, Damnable, Does Your Destroy? What for the sake of person to do so with a dirtyness, Izmazy him? And you scare you, "and the disappearance of the disappearance, aki zipper, through the land of the Female of the Lord. The Lord, the Sotonin's Difference, and in Tom Svatvory, the Lord Dog, and see Siva with Adam Tears, and Clean His Aki Zerzo Sun ђ H Hversna, and Put the dog and led the Lord of Adam, and the Lord himself Gorey Jerusalem by breathing Adamlevo. And the second soton and the second Soton and the Wait on Adam, blow the evil firm, and the kind of dog with the feet of Adamelev Lying, and the worm of the Velmi Soton. The dog began to bark evil on the devil, the parched by the same Soton, taking the tree, and the defendant of all the man to Adam, and it coordinates 70 ailments to him. And Pripe Izus from Hornevo Jerusalem, and the form Adam Tree Stolotnik, and merciful about him and spectacle Soton: "Cursed Diesel, what did it make a person who has invested the ailment?" Then Diyatol, the appearance of the Soton, the Lord, the verb: "Those who will come to Kai Bol ђ Zn to the human, and he will not comprehend, until the fuss of all Toba does not remember; Easy to concern, the disease will be hit, then you always have you to help you consider calling you. And the Radio of the Lord of Deiyol and the disappearance of Dieyatol, acknowledged Aki TMA since Tom, and turn the whole ailment to him.

    And the Lord of the Angel of his, led to "Az" on the enthrainacles, "good" west €, "Mint" on with € and on the Southwer. And to see the soul to live, admir the name to him Adam. And the bones of the coordinate of God in Adam € 345, and to be adam the king of Sun¡ of the lands and the birds of Heaven and I am to the earth and the fish of the sea, and self-defense give him God. And the spectacle of the Lord Adam, the verb: "You're working the sun and the moon and the ZDA, and the birds of the heavenly and fish of the shirts, and birds and cattle and Gadi." And Nasadi Lord God Paradise on the enthussts, and led to Adam abide, and the wife of Adam is not yet created. And put the Lord God Dream to Adam, and the success of Adam, and take his edge l ђ and in Tom Rib € Rib and Nos and Chapter, and the His wife to him in the sixth day, and show him the Lord his death and crucifix And the resurrection, and the insidency of the age of the thousandth l rub. And the form Adam's gentlemen crucifixed, and Peter in Rome ђ Walking, and Paul in Damasts The people's people and props of our resurrection, and the ascended Lord ...

    And I will have a dream of a dream of your sleep and the thrill to be horrified by the virtue. And I wat the Lord Adam in the paradise walking and spectacle to him: "Adam, Adam, consider Mi," Adam is slaughtered by Velmy, do not see God to date. And the Lord God is speaking: "Adam, Adam!" "Adam is spectable to him:" Lord Vladyko, you kind of х Hъ on the cross ђ Crucified in Jerusalem, And the disciples are your kind of huddling - Petra in Rome, and Paul in Damasz, Preach Your Crucifixion and Resurrection. " And the Lord's speeches comes to him: "It is applied to you for the sake of recking on Earth and crucified to life and in the third day of resurrection; And I don't care about the same kind of from this, donkey see me in paradise with my father's father, and you are about Tom Evolay, Adam.

    And to be adam in paradise 7 of the day, sobering the Lord God Life is human: ten l ђ Tъ will be a birth, 20 l ђ Tъ - YOUTH, 30 L - TCE - ACCEPT, 40 LR - TSA - C ђ Dina, 60 l ђ Tъ - old age, 70 l ђ Tъ - Cut.

    And the Sobori of the Lord God is all the creature, the sea and the rod and the cattle, the tricky, and that 7 days against the Sedmi thousand l ђ T. And put the Lord God of God ђ Til on the tidwish of Heaven¡ ђ Savy ђ Titi Earth, and the separation between the day and novka will be in the sign of the day and l belly, and will be Tila Great Bare Days, the second since Tilo - in the rear of the newest. And ZDA ZDA give the Lord God on the fidewind of Heaven ђ, Yako Sv св Titi on the ground and possessing the day and novcheya, and separate between day and novchenka and since.

    And the evening and in the morning - the fourth day.

    Put the Lord God planned and the clouds of Zareny and arcs on the clouds ђ Hy, hedgehogs are raining, and thundering, and lightning people are commemorating the lands. And the lord of God: "I wish the water alive in our ki, poultry, who are perennially at the factory on the fidelity of Heaven."

    And the mayor of God, Yako, the Lord of God is a big whale, waning from them all the bird and hell in the earth; And inna blessing Yarci, and the verb: "Greet and multiply and fill earth I.possess it. "

    And in the Seja of the days, it takes a circle, and 7 liters in all 7000 liters and the Osm of the Thousands of End, there is still free.

    In Nau, the day the rivers is the risen of Christ from the dead, and on the same day the Lord on the clutches to the clouds to judge the whole world, it's impossible to make the end of him, and wovers him .

    For view: apocryphal. The legend, as the God of Adam / Monuments of Literature Ancient Russia created. XII century. - M., 1980. - C.149-153.

    Pіd preparative text M.V. Rabelєtsovo.

    The text is served in the upervka for Vidantam A.N.pipіn in the "Monuments of the ancient Russian literature", VIP. 3. SPb., 1862, p.12-14.

    <...> Create a man in the Madiam land, taking the earth handful of eight parts: 1) from the ground - body, 2) from stone - bones, 3) from the sea - blood, 4) from the sun - eyes, 5) from the cloud - thoughts, 6) From light - light, 7) from the wind - breathing, 8) from the fire - warmth. And the Lord God of God's eyes get to him from the sun, leaving Adam lying alone on Earth; And the Phalany Satan came to Adam and smeared it with feces, tina and snot. Returned to Adam the Lord and wanted to invest in Adam's eyes, but saw him all the smeared (in unclean); And the Lord was angry at the devil, and began to talk to him: "The Okayan Devil, damned, didn't you deserve the death? Why are you the attacks of this man, smearing it? Whether you are cursed, "and the devil disappeared through the earth, like lightning, on behalf of the Lord. The Lord, having removed from Adam all the dirt satanic and mixing with Adam tears, created the dog, and Tesl cleaned Adam, like a mirror, from all the swing. And, putting the dog, she commanded her the wool of Adam, and the Lord himself went to Gorenia Jerusalem for breathing for Adam. And the second time was Satan, and wanted to push the evil sorrow to Adam, but he saw the dog lying at the feet of Adam, and was very frightened. The dog became evil to bark on the devil, and the Okayayan Satan took a stick and the whole man of Adam, and let seventy ages in him. When Jesus returned from the Hornstone Jerusalem, he saw Adam, washing a stick, and he fell sorry for him, and he said to Satan: "The damned devil, what did you do with a man, why did these ailments let him in it?" Then answered the devil, the dropped Satan, the Lord: "If some disease will trigger to this man, but it will not remember him to the end; And if it gets sick, reacts in some ailment, then he will always be in suffering to call you to help. " And the Lord of the Devil was driven, and the devil disappeared how the light drives the darkness, and all the illnesses turned into it (himself).

    And the Lord sent his angel, he had led to him to take "Az" in the East, "Good" in the West, "Thought" in the north and in the south. And revived the soul in man, and gave him the name Adam. And the bones of God created in Adam three hundred forty five, and became Adam King above all the lands, and birds of heaven, and the beasts of earthly, and fish, and gave him the government to everyone. And God said Adam: "You serve the sun, a moon and stars, and birds of heaven, and fish, and birds, and animals, and reptiles." The Lord God on the East lasted the paradise and ordered Adam there to live, and Adam's wife was not yet created. And God lowered at Adam's sleep, and Adam fell asleep, and God took his left edge, and his hands were raised from the rib, and his legs, and head, and created his wife in the sixth day; And the Lord predicted his death, and the crucifixion, and the resurrection, and he foresaw the Ascension for five thousand five hundred years. And he saw the Adam of the Lord crucified, Peter in Rome, and Paul in Damascus, training people and preaching His resurrection, and how the Lord ascended.<…>

    And he was Adam in paradise seven days, than predicted by the Lord God human life: ten years is a child, twenty years old - young man, thirty years - maturity, forty years - Association, fifty years old - Sidina, sixty years old - old age, seventy years - death .

    And created the Lord God by his skill with all the creature, the sea, and the rivers, and the animals, and those seven days are in appearance of seven thousand years, and put the Lord God two lamps of big on firm heaven, to illuminate the earth, and divided the day from the night, to commemorate the days And years, and that there was an enlightenment on solid celestial - a large lamp, denoting the beginning of the day, and the other is the beginning of the night. And the stars placed the Lord God on the hardest heaven, to shine them over the ground, to own the day and night, and divide the day from night and light.

    And there was evening, and it was the morning - the fourth day.

    Lord God made the planet, and zorah clouds, and rainbow on the clouds, which are raining, and thunder, and lightning, so that people of the whole land are fruitful trees. And the Lord said to the Lord: "I will create in the way of life-giving water, birds living in the boards and in the heavenly limits."

    And how did the Lord created by the God of four huge whales, let off all sorts of birds and reptiles on earth from them, and some blessed to eat, and said: "Grow, breed, fill the land and own it."

    And in seven days there is a circle, and seven years for all seven thousand years, and the eighth thousand does not end, as the light is infinite.

    On Sunday, a day, called the week, that day Christ was risen from the dead, and on the same day there will be the Lord in Heaven to judge the whole world, which does not end, and will repay everyone for his business.

    The text is printed by: the legend, as God created by Adam / Per. M. in the Christmas // Library of Literature Ancient Russia: In 20 tons. St. Petersburg., 1999. T. 3: XI-XII century. P. 95-99.

    Appendix 2.

    About the creation of Adam

    From how many parts God created by Adam

    The human body, they say, of four parts created. It takes heat from the fire, and from the air the cold, and from the ground dryness, and from water moisture.

    And elsewhere it is written that Adam from 8 parts was created. First, the body, secondly, from the Red Sea, blood, thirdly, from the sun, fourth, from the wind, the breath of his life, fifthly, from the cloud of thought, good and evil, Sixth, bone stones, in-seventh, from the Holy Spirit, which invested the righteousness and a particle of eternal light in man, which is called Christ. The 8th part of the very breathing of Christ is the soul.

    When God created Adam, there was no name from him. And the god of four angels called on and told them: "Find the name to him." Angel Mikhail went to the east and saw a star there, whose name is Anaphol, and took from her az. Gabriel went south and saw a star named Ador there, and took good from her. Uriel went north and saw the star named the machines, and took a thought from her. Rafail went to the West and saw the star called Brion, and took EP from her.

    And they appeared before God and said: "Here are the parts that we received, and read, folding them, and will be the name then Adam." He said the Lord Almighty: "Yes, he will be so called by name." And they said all the angels: "You, Lord, have mercy with us."

    The text is printed by: about the creation of Adam / Per. M. D. Kagan-Tarkovskaya // Library of Literature Ancient Russia: at 20 tons. St. Petersburg, 1999. T. 3: XI-XII century. P. 93.

    Tasks and questions to the texts

    1. What is the difference between the apocryphic version of the creation of a person from the canonical biblical text? Offer the philosophical interpretation of these discrepancies.

    2. What are the details of the above texts, in your opinion, mythological connotations?

    3. What is the likeness of a person and the universe?

    4. In the Greek analogue of the story of the invention of the name of the first person, Adam's name correlates with the Greek names of the parts of the world. What do you think, why in the Russian version of the part of the world turned into stars?