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  • Faina Ranevskaya interesting facts. Ranevskaya life

    Faina Ranevskaya interesting facts.  Ranevskaya life

    Vasilisa Ivanova

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    A A

    About the Soviet actress, called one of the greatest actresses of the 20th century, a lot is known even to those who have not watched a single film with her participation. The bright sayings of Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya still live among the people, and the “queen of the second plan” is often remembered not only as an intelligent woman who knew how to light hearts with a sharp phrase, but also as a strong personality.

    Faina Ranevskaya went through a difficult path to fame - and, despite the minor roles, she became famous thanks to her character and amazing sense of humor.

    Childhood, adolescence, youth

    Born in Taganrog in 1896, Fanny Girshevna Feldman, today known to everyone as Faina Ranevskaya, did not know a difficult childhood. She became the fourth child of her parents, Milka and Girsh, who was considered a very wealthy man.

    Fanny's father owned tenement houses, a steamboat and a factory: he confidently increased his wealth while his wife took care of the household, maintaining perfect order in the house.

    Faina Ranevskaya in childhood; in the photo on the right - with his brother

    From an early age, Faina Ranevskaya showed her stubborn and unbridled disposition, quarreling with her brothers, ignoring her sister, not having much interest in studying. But still, she always achieves what she wants, despite her complexes (from childhood, the girl was inspired with the idea that she was an ugly girl).

    Already at the age of 5, Fanny showed acting abilities (according to the memoirs of the actress), when she admired in the mirror her suffering over her dead younger brother.

    The desire to become an actress was rooted in the girl after the play "The Cherry Orchard" and the film "Romeo and Juliet".

    It is believed that it was the Chekhov Cherry Orchard that gave Faina Ranevskaya her pseudonym.

    Video: Faina Ranevskaya - Great and Terrible

    How it all began: the first steps towards a dream

    Ranevskaya was only 17 when the girl, who was dreaming about the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, told her father about her intentions. Dad was adamant and demanded to forget about nonsense, promising to kick his daughter out of the house.

    Ranevskaya did not give up: against the will of her father, she left for Moscow. Alas, it was not possible to take the Moscow Art Theater studio "impudently", but Ranevskaya was not going to give up.

    It is not known how Fanny's fate would have turned out if it had not been for a fateful meeting: the ballerina Ekaterina Geltser noticed the girl yearning at the column, who decided to put her hand in the fate of the unfortunate clumsy girl. It was she who introduced Faina to the right people and agreed on a theater in Malakhovka.

    As the Steel Was Tempered…

    It was the provincial theater that became Ranevskaya's first step to fame and the beginning of her long journey of serving art. The new actress in the troupe was given only tiny roles, but they also gave hope for the future. On weekends, the sophisticated Moscow audience flocked to the performances of the dacha troupe, and gradually Faina acquired connections and acquaintances.

    Having played the season in the provincial theater, Ranevskaya went to the Crimea: here, in Kerch, the season was practically lost - the empty halls forced the actress to move to Feodosia. But even there, Faina was in for complete disappointment - she was not even paid money, simply deceived.

    The frustrated and tired girl left the Crimea and went to Rostov. She was already ready to return home and imagined how they would mock " short biography mediocrity." In fact, there was nowhere to go back! The girl's family had already left Russia at that time, and the aspiring actress was left all alone.

    It was here that the second miracle in her life awaited her: a meeting with Pavel Wolf, who took patronage over Faina and even settled her at home. actress before last days she remembered Pavel with unfailing tenderness and gratitude for his rigor and hard science.

    It was from Wulf that Faina gradually learned to turn even tiny and meaningless roles into true masterpieces, for which fans still idolize Ranevskaya today.

    Starving Crimea

    The country, torn apart, groaned from civil war. Ranevskaya and Wulf move to Feodosia, which no longer looks like a resort at all: chaos, typhus and severe hunger reign in the old Café. Girls take on any job to survive.

    It was at that time that Faina met Voloshin, who fed them Koktebel fish so that the actresses would not stretch their legs from hunger.

    Ranevskaya for the rest of her life remembered the horror of those years that reigned on the Russian peninsula. But she did not leave her place and believed that one day she would play her main role.

    The will to live, a sense of humor, an adequate assessment of reality and perseverance helped Ranevskaya throughout her life.

    Camera, motor, started: the first film and the beginning of the career of a film actress

    For the first time, Faina Georgievna acted in films only at the age of 38. And her popularity grew like a snowball, which disturbed - and even frightened the actress, who was afraid to go outside again.

    Most of all, her phrase “Mule, don’t make me nervous,” which was thrown after her, irritated her. Ranevskaya became no less charming and memorable in the fairy tale "Cinderella" (), and the popularity of the silent film "Pyshka", which became her film debut, even went beyond the borders of the country. In total, the actress played about 30 film roles, of which only one became the main one - it was the film "Dream".

    Faina Ranevskaya in the movie "Spring"

    The main roles of Ranevskaya were often denied because of the "Semitic" appearance, but the actress even treated this fact with humor. The more difficult situations life threw up, the more sparkling and inimitable Ranevskaya played: difficulties only tempered and provoked her, contributing a lot to the disclosure of her talent.

    Ranevskaya was remembered in any role, regardless of whether she was a doctor in the Heavenly slug, or Lyalya in the Foundling.

    The year 1961 was marked by Ranevskaya receiving the title of People's Artist of the country.

    A little about personal life...

    Despite the achievements in her film career and intellectual brilliance, Ranevskaya was greatly tormented by burning self-criticism: self-doubt ate her from the inside. Together with loneliness, from which the actress suffered no less severely.

    No husband, no kids: the most charming actress remained alone, continuing to consider herself an "ugly duckling." Ranevskaya's rare hobbies did not lead to serious romances or marriage, which the actress herself explained by nausea even at the sight of "these scoundrels": everything love stories turned into jokes, and no one will say for sure whether they really were, or whether they were born by word of mouth as ordinary stories.

    However, serious hobbies also happened in her life, among which were (according to eyewitness accounts) Fedor Tolbukhin in 1947 and Georgy Ots.

    Generally, family life did not work out, and Ranevskaya's only love in old age was the homeless dog Boy - it was to him that she gave all her care and love.

    Facts not everyone knows...

    • Ranevskaya hated the phrase about Mulya, and even scolded Brezhnev when he tried to joke about this topic, like teasing pioneers.
    • The actress was talented not only in acting on stage, but also in painting landscapes and still lifes, which she affectionately called, drawing another sketch or portrait - "nature and muzzle."
    • Ranevskaya was friends with Bulgakov's widow and Anna Akhmatova, took care of the young Vysotsky and adored the work of Alexander Sergeevich, even to doctors when asked "what do you breathe?" answering - "Pushkin!".
    • Ranevskaya was never ashamed of her age and was a staunch vegetarian (the actress was unable to eat meat, "which she loved and watched").
    • In the role of the stepmother, which Ranevskaya played in Cinderella, Schwartz gave her complete freedom - the actress could change her lines and even her behavior in the frame at her own will.
    • Close friends addressed the actress only as Fufa the Magnificent.
    • It was thanks to Ranevskaya that the star of Lyubov Orlova shone in the cinematic sky, who agreed to her first role with the light hand of Ranevskaya.

    Having devoted her whole life to theater and cinema, the actress played on stage until the age of 86, when she played her last performance - and announced to everyone that she was no longer able to "feign health" due to severe pain.

    Admirers of her talent and strong character still leave flowers on Fanny's grave at the New Donskoy Cemetery.

    Video: Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. Last and only interview

    August 27, 2013 marks the 117th anniversary of the birth of a wonderful actress of theater and cinema, a witty woman Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. Fate did not spoil her, and her life could have turned out differently if she had not sacrificed herself on the altar of art. Read on for some interesting facts about her biography.


    Faina was born on August 27, 1896 in Taganrog. Her father Girshi Feldman was a local rich man, "the owner of factories, newspapers, steamboats", having made a decent fortune in the real estate trade, the production of paint and varnish products. He was respected in the Jewish community of the city, and he was an honorary member of it. Girshi Feldman owned not only several houses and a shop, he even owned a steamboat (on which the family emigrates abroad in revolutionary discord). Mom Milka Rafailovna gave birth to four children - two boys and two girls. Is it true,
    the younger brother died when little Faina was 5 years old.

    Compared to her older sister, she did not differ in "face pleasant expression”, stuttered, was too shy and took everything to heart.

    Training and Talents

    When the time came, the parents assigned Faina to the Taganrog Mariinsky Gymnasium, but the girl had difficulty studying: she wrote with errors, was not friends with numbers. In addition, relations with classmates were strained. Maybe that's why she asked her father to pick her up from this educational institution. But at home, with pleasure, Faina was engaged in reading, studying foreign languages, and singing. Her desire to always achieve what you want, and determined her fate in the future.

    Faina was very observant, noticing in a person his characteristics, manner of looking at the world, style of behavior, and tried to show her "copy". The first objects of imitation are usually people who are nearby most of the time or stand out among others in some way. Such were for the girl a Tartar janitor with his colorful appearance, beggars begging for alms, small merchants. And once she even staged a whole performance, the heroes of which were her dolls Petrushka, Baba and Gorodova. Moreover, all the roles were performed by Faina herself in a manner characteristic of each character, noticing speech features. The performance went off with a bang, but the parents did not share their daughter's hobbies, considering it child's play, which will pass with time.


    In the summer of 1910, the Feldmans rested in the Crimea, where 14-year-old Faina met the famous actress Alisa Koonen, who lived next door. And a year later, being at a performance at the Taganrog Drama Theater, she was so shocked by the performance of Pavla Wolf that she finally decided to become an artist for herself. In those days, to dispose of her own life to a decent girl from a Jewish family meant at least the same thing as becoming a woman of easy virtue. Naturally, this angered Girsha Feldman, who gave his daughter an ultimatum: either the stage or the family.

    History has not preserved the torment of young Faina, weighing what is more important for her: family ties or passionate impulses, one thing is clear: the theater filled all her imagination, she dreamed of becoming an actress and was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of calling, even loved ones. Then she could not even imagine how tragic all this would turn out to be. Since 1915, Faina left for Moscow, and so far her dream was not destined to come true. The girl was not accepted into any educational theater institution, as incapable. It is difficult to say what was invested then in this concept. But the fact that Faina could not hook any of the examiners with her appearance, her nature, is obvious. The girl had a very hard time, but she wanted to learn. She sometimes starved, badly needed funds. Despite the fact that Faina broke with her family, her father could not afford his beloved youngest daughter to live in poverty, and sent her to life. Her mother also sent her money. And soon this thread broke. Revolutionary events were approaching, sweeping away the former happy life and gave no hope for the future. Girsha Feldman and his family are sailing abroad on a steamer, Faina again refused to follow her relatives.


    In order to break into the big stage, Faina had to get a job in the troupe of Madame Lavrovskaya "in the role of coquette heroines with singing and dancing for 35 rubles with her wardrobe." They successfully toured the Crimea, in particular in Kerch. It was at this time that the stage name Ranevskaya stuck to Faina Feldman. Having once fallen in love with this heroine, the girl found many similarities (perhaps the same nostalgia for the past, which is so hard to admit even to herself).

    Without graduating from a private theater school, Fiana played in many theaters, starting with provincial ones (Malakhovsky Dacha Theater, Moscow Region, 1915), Kerch, Feodosia (1915-1916), Rostov-on-Don (1916-1917). And after the October Revolution, she performed for 6 years in the First Soviet Theatre. Then there was the Baku Working Theater, in which Ranevskaya served as Melpomene from 1925 to 1927 and from 1929 to 1931, the Arkhangelsk, Smolensk and Stalingrad Drama Theaters. And finally, the Moscow stage noticed her: the Theater of the Moscow Department of Public Education, the Chamber Theater, the Central Theater of the Red Army, the Drama Theater, the Theater. A.S. Pushkin, theatre. Moscow City Council.

    Teachers and affections

    Faina Georgievna was a complex person, with a sharp tongue. For a graceful actress, she was too uncomfortable: bulky, with an awkward figure, and her appearance did not cling to charm. But it was precisely this “ugliness” of hers that was compensated by gestures, the ability to behave with dignity and harmonize with her stage or film partners, her mastery of improvisation, especially speech, made Ranevskaya the most memorable actress of her time.

    The first teacher on the acting path (and the closest person in life) was Pavel Leontyevna Wulf. She agreed to study with Faina, seeing her craving for the theater. Faina literally fell in love with this actress, following her everywhere. In fact, she became a member of the family of actress Wulf, even her grandson called Ranevskaya Fufa.

    Movie roles

    Most of all, Faina Ranevskaya was remembered for her colorful heroines. She has been on the big screen since 1934, when she appeared as Madame
    Loiseau in the silent film Pyshka.

    And in 1939 came a real triumph.

    Her Lyalya in "The Foundling" with the famous phrase: "Mulya, don't make me nervous!" - was so fond of the audience that this cue of hers was played constantly, as soon as the actress appeared on the horizon. Moreover, not only ordinary boys suffered from this "disease", but even representatives of the authorities. Once, Secretary General Brezhnev himself, presenting Ranevskaya with the Order of Lenin, called her Mule.
    She brilliantly played Rosa Skorokhod from The Dream (1941). The image of the owner of a small fruit shop renting furnished rooms appears in all its strength and tragedy.

    Everyone remembers the colorful image of the tailor's wife Ida Gurevich in the detective story "The Mistake of Engineer Kochin" (1939), the wife of the inspector of the gymnasium "The Man in the Case" (1939), the mother of the bride in the comedy "Wedding" (1944), the evil stepmother in "Cinderella" (1947 ), Margarita Lvovna in "Spring" (1947).

    This is Ida Gurevich, the tailor's wife from "Mistakes of Engineer Kochin"

    The inspector's wife matches her husband from the movie "The Man in the Case"

    The mother of the bride from The Wedding appears so discouraged

    Ranevskaya as an evil stepmother in Cinderella

    Ranevskaya as Margarita Lvovna in "Spring"

    Comic roles of the actress:

    - kind Aunt Adele from Schweik's New Adventures (1943),

    - director of the circus Ada Konstantinovna Brand from the comedy "Today is a new attraction" (1965),

    - grandmother from the comedy "Beware of Grandma" (1960).

    Caustic, well-aimed phrases involuntarily cause a smile: “They also give rights to these squint-handed ones!”, “Mobilize, degenerate!”, “Sentimentality is a sign of sclerosis!”, “What kind of habit do you have, young man, to die at every opportunity ?!”

    The children fell in love with the wise grandmother from the film "The Elephant and the Rope" (1945), listened to the amazing timbres of Freken Bok (Ranevskaya) from the cartoon "Carlson returned" (1970), perceived her as the matchmaker Baba Babarikha in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1943).

    Attitude towards yourself and others

    Ranevskaya was a vulnerable person and did not tolerate criticism well, perhaps due to the fact that she herself treated herself with irony, and sometimes ruthless sarcasm, made fun of her figure, an excessively large “f ...”, wrinkled face over the years, bad habits . And she was forgiven for this, and the audience went to her performances with her participation in order to admire the characteristic gestures, to get permanent jokes that were born exclusively on this stage, at that very moment.

    But if on stage she was a queen, then in everyday life she was completely unfit and lonely. Despite the fact that among her friends were the greatest women of our time: the poetess Anna Akhmatova, the writer Tatyana Tess, the artists Maretskaya and Orlova, she felt uncomfortable. And especially in those periods when she was not allowed to play. But it's very embarrassing! Only in 1961, her talent was appreciated by the Government of the USSR, when Ranevskaya was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist of the USSR".

    Family meeting

    When Ranevskaya became famous, her older sister, who at that time lived in Paris and was widowed, decided to reunite with her. She thought that Faina enjoyed all the benefits and privileges, and dreamed of moving to her in the Soviet Union.

    Incredible agility and extraordinary nobility were shown by the then Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva, it was she who helped the meeting of the sisters. However, in those days, the watchful eye of the KGB was watching everything, and these connections could come in handy in the future (Ranevskaya was very afraid that she would be recruited for espionage activities). When Faina, from the bottom of her heart, wanted to thank Furtseva for her efforts, calling her a “good angel,” she replied that she was just a “Soviet party worker.” Isabella did not live long in the Soviet Union, she was buried in the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery, where the great artist herself would later rest in 1984.


    From loneliness, Ranevskaya was saved by her beloved dog Boy, named after Stanislavsky, whom Ranevskaya idolized, a passion for drawing in the margins and a passion for the epistolary genre - in caustic letters to Tatyana Tess.

    The memory of Ranevskaya today

    In Tyumen, a "Tea Room at Ranevskaya" was opened, painted with her quotes. The names of the dishes on the menu are from films with her participation. There is also an amazing smoking room.

    In 1986, a monument to Ranevskaya was opened in Taganrog and a memorial plaque was installed on the house where she lived.

    In May 2008, the First International Theater Festival named after Faina Ranevskaya "The Great Province".

    In 2009, the Freken Bok coffee house was opened in Taganrog, the design of which is dominated by photos of the great artist. Hot drinks are served with branded buns.

    The name of Faina Ranevskaya is one of the streets of Taganrog.

    In 1990, the documentary “Remembering Ranevskaya” was released, and in 2004, the brilliant artist was remembered in the Silver Ball program by Vitaly Wolf. The image of Faina Ranevskaya is also immortalized in the feature films Star of the Epoch (2004) and Anna German. The Secret of the White Angel (2012).

    Ranevskaya's grave

    As already mentioned, the sisters were reunited in the Soviet Union and rested in the same cemetery - Donskoy. It was Faina who bequeathed to bury
    himself next to Isabella, and not on Novodevichy, where at that time all famous personalities were buried. Dozens of people with fresh flowers come to her grave every day to bow. But few people pay attention to the fact that a small bronze dog is attached to the very top of the monument.

    But how and why did she get there? They say that when Faina Georgievna died, her setter became so homesick that he began to come to her grave. How many times he visited his beloved mistress is unknown. But when he disappeared, one of Ranevskaya's acquaintances, touched by such devotion to the animal, decided to immortalize the actress and her faithful friend at the burial site. So there was a sculpture of a dog on the tombstone of Ranevskaya.

    In order not to bore you with a selection of quotes, we bring to your attention the potpourri "Dear Faina Ranevskaya".

    Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya(nee Fanny Girshevna Feldman; 1896-1984) - Russian and Soviet theater and film actress. Laureate of three Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951, 1951). People's Artist of the USSR (1961). Cavalier of the Order of Lenin (1976). Rated as one of the greatest Russian and Soviet actresses, "queen of the second plan."

    The viewer remembered Ranevskaya not only as a brilliant artist, but also as a person with a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor. She owns a lot, which often became. Ranevskaya had great charisma and extraordinary artistry.

    However, in fact, every day Ranevskaya fell more and more in love with.

    One day, when she came home, she told her parents that she was going to become an actress. This news made my father furious. A serious scandal began, but Faina continued to stand her ground.

    Ultimately, this led to a break in relations with her parents, and especially with her father, with whom she then did not communicate for many years.

    At the age of 19, the future actress left for.

    Special signs of Faina Ranevskaya

    Creative biography

    Upon arrival in the capital, Ranevskaya experienced financial difficulties, since her father flatly refused to give her daughter any.

    And although her mother was also against her departure, she still gave her a small amount secretly from her husband.

    In Moscow, Faina began to rent a small room on Bolshaya Nikitskaya. This housing was far from being as luxurious as in Taganrog, but she was happy that now, finally, no one would stop her from becoming an actress.

    From that moment on, many significant events took place in the biography of Ranevskaya. She managed to get acquainted with such famous poets as, and (see).

    When she saw the actor Vasily Kachalov, his performance on stage struck her to the core. Judging by the memoirs of Ranevskaya, she was truly in love with him.

    Finally, it was time to enter the theater school. The girl spent days and nights preparing for exams, not thinking about anything else.

    However, when they began to announce the lists of those who entered the school, her name was not there. And although Ranevskaya was very upset by this, she did not give up.

    She soon settled down in private school but there was no money to pay for her work. At this moment, the famous artist Geltser extended a helping hand to Faina, who made sure that Ranevskaya was taken to one of the theaters.

    Starting to work at the Malakhov Summer Theater, she managed to study the game of many famous actors. At that time, Ranevskaya was not trusted with any roles, so she had to be content with extras.

    In 1917, after the Bolsheviks came to power at the head, 2 important changes took place in Ranevskaya's biography.

    The sad news was that her parents emigrated, never wanting to meet their daughter.

    But there was good news: the girl was accepted into the Moscow Actor's Theater. Finally, her talent was appreciated.

    The first performance in Ranevskaya's biography was "Roman", in which she played the role of Margarita. Every year her game became better and brighter, thanks to which she began to be trusted with more significant roles.

    In 1931, Ranevskaya was invited to work at the Chamber Theater, where she performed for 4 years. After that, she begins to work in the theater of the Red Army.

    Faina still continues to demonstrate an excellent acting game, and receives the sympathy of the audience.

    At that time, she managed to masterfully play the main role in the play "Vassa Zheleznova", conveying the difficult fate of her heroine.

    In the early 50s, when Ranevskaya was already a popular actress, she moved to the Theater. Moscow City Council. There she often clashed with directors, because she had her own vision for playing certain scenes.

    There is a known case when Faina Georgievna completely rewrote her role in the production of "Storm", and played it in the way that seemed more correct to her.

    In addition, Ranevskaya allowed herself to argue with reputable artists, telling them the truth in person.

    Due to skirmishes with colleagues and directors, catchphrases and aphorisms were often born from her lips. Despite this, it was in the theater of the Moscow City Council that Ranevskaya worked for more than 30 years, playing her most famous roles there.

    At the end of her creative activity, she worked for a short time at the Chamber, from which her theatrical biography once began.

    Films Ranevskaya

    The first film in which Faina Ranevskaya starred was Pyshka (1934). It is fair to say that in her life she played not so many roles in cinema, preferring theatrical activities.

    However, her every appearance in films could not go unnoticed.

    In the 30s, she starred in 3 films: "The Man in the Case", "The Mistake of Engineer Kochin" and in "The Foundling". The last film brought her overwhelming popularity throughout the Soviet Union.

    Ranevskaya managed to perfectly convey the character of the main character. It was in this tape that she uttered the famous phrase "Mulya, don't make me nervous."

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    The life of this great actress consists of many interesting events, outstanding cases and bright moments. Her biography is full of colorful facts that resemble anecdotes, and the aphorisms of a talented original woman are still quoted. This amazing personality Faina Ranevskaya.

    1. The future actress was born in a wealthy Jewish family in Taganrog. The girl was born on August 27, 1896. Her father, Girsh Khaimovich Feldman, was the owner of a paint factory, owned the St. Nicholas steamer, a building materials store, and several houses. In addition, he founded an orphanage for elderly Jews and served as headman of the synagogue. Mother, Milka Rafailovna nee Zagovailova, was a housewife and raised five children.

    2. Real name future star- Fanny Girshevna Feldman. Subsequently, from friends, she received the nickname Fufa the Magnificent. It is interesting that she appeared to be Faina Georgievna, although according to the documents she was Grigorievna. With her usual humor, she said that the name of George the Victorious, and not Grigory Otrepyev, was more pleasant for her as a patronymic.

    3. At first she studied at the women's gymnasium, but did not complete her studies there. However, she received a decent education at home, having mastered foreign languages, music, singing.

    4. Surprisingly, Fanny was a very shy girl. Worried, she began to stutter, which prevented her from passing exams in several theater schools. Although the theater has been her main hobby since the age of 14.

    5. In 1915 she left for Moscow, where she first met the famous actor V. Kachalov, who literally charmed her with his acting, met V. Mayakovsky, M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelstam, A. Akhmatova.

    6. By the way, and subsequently Ranevskaya was on friendly terms with Tsvetaeva, helped her. They told how once, having gone to the poetess, who had just returned from emigration, with a bundle of money after her salary at the theater, she gave it to Marina Ivanovna, and she herself sold her ring in order to feed herself. Subsequently, Ranevskaya said that she was happy without having time to divide the pack.

    7. Never having received a full-fledged theatrical education, she worked first in the provincial theaters of the Moscow region, Kerch, Feodosia, Rostov-on-Don, Baku, Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, and then Moscow. For the longest time, the actress served in the Moscow City Council Theater.

    8. Faina, who then worked at the Malakhov Theater near Moscow, chose her pseudonym because she was somewhat similar to the Chekhov heroine from The Cherry Orchard. The actress herself said that she was Ranevskaya, because she always drops something, including money.

    9. Shyness passed over time, but stuttering remained, but only in everyday life, and not on stage. Faina Georgievna, having a rather complex character, had a hard time getting along with people. Throughout her life, she changed many theaters, but the reason for this was her bright talent, which many envied, and the straightforwardness of the actress.

    10. During the Great Patriotic War, she was evacuated in Tashkent. Returning to Moscow, she played in the capital's drama theaters, named after Pushkin, named after the Moscow City Council. She served in the latter for the longest time, often clashing with the chief director Y. Zavadsky on the basis of the dissimilarity of their creative methods, which was reflected in anecdotes and folklore stories.

    11. The actress came to the cinema in 1934, starring in the role of Madame Loiseau in the still silent film by M. Romm "Dumb". However, all-Union popularity came to Ranevskaya after the 1939 comedy The Foundling, where she talentedly embodied the image of a self-confident woman with a henpecked husband. It is possible that the famous phrase “Mulya, don’t make me nervous”, which then accompanied the artist all her life and was hated by her, she came up with. There is a legendary story that the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. Brezhnev, awarding a talented woman with the Order of Lenin, could not resist and joked, mentioning Mulya. To this, Faina Georgievna replied that street boys treated her like that. The General Secretary was embarrassed, apologized and said that he highly appreciated her as an actress.

    12. She had a dream - to play with the great director S. Eisenstein. The actress was even approved in 1944 for the role of Efrosinya Staritskaya in the film Ivan the Terrible. However, most likely, because of the “fifth paragraph in the passport”, this image was embodied by S. Birman, “Moldovan” according to the documents.

    13. She considered her best role as the Stepmother in the fairy tale film Cinderella written by E. Schwartz. In total, she starred in 25 films.

    14. The actress was also invited to voice animated films. For example, her inimitable voice, which the "housekeeper" Freken Bock speaks with, sounds in the cartoon "Carlson is back." The artist did not want to voice this character, considering him ugly. However, she was persuaded, saying that children would like Freken Bock. And so it happened.

    15. Ranevskaya often toured. Once in 1950 in Leningrad, she settled in a luxurious room at the Evropeyskaya Hotel with beautiful views from the window. Her Leningrad friends came here, at meetings with whom the actress told jokes, scolded the authorities. A week later, she was offered to move to another floor. Naturally, Faina Georgievna was indignant. The administrator was forced to answer that this is the only room that is equipped with flashing equipment. Of course, Ranevskaya immediately moved, but she was very worried, thinking about her future fate. Fortunately, nothing happened.

    16. In the early 1960s, she served in the Pushkin Theater, where the young artist V. Vysotsky came. He began to impress the actress literally immediately. She protected him the best she could. Once she even saved Vladimir from being fired during his next drinking bout. Ranevskaya was able to convince the management to leave him at the theater, despite the fact that he had not been at work for several weeks.

    17. The actress lived alone, having neither a husband nor children. She devoted her life entirely to creativity. True, in the 1960s, her sister Isabella lived with her for four years. She came from emigration after the death of her husband to the only person close to her. In the apartment, Ranevskaya gave her a separate room.

    18. Faina Georgievna often went on a vegetarian diet, explaining that she could not eat meat. According to the actress, she was haunted by the thought that it looked, loved, walked. However, she, calling herself a normal psychopath, never criticized people who love meat.

    19. At some point, loneliness became unbearable, so Ranevskaya lived for a rather long period with her friend Pavel Wolf, whose grandson she considered her own. However, living in a strange house, aging, turned out to be hard, so she was left alone again.

    20. Ranevskaya constantly hired housekeepers to run the household, because due to her absent-mindedness and her inability to count “stupid money”, she could not cope with everyday life.

    22. Faina Georgievna lived in an apartment in a high-rise building located on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, the windows of which overlooked the courtyard with an exit from the cinema and a place for unloading bread vans. One can imagine how tired she was of the strong expressions of the loaders and the noise of the crowds of spectators leaving the Illusion. Ranevskaya complained that she lived above bread and circuses.

    23. The love for the actress was truly nationwide. Both kids and adults loved her, recognizing her on the street. According to the memoirs of O. Aroseva, once, being already an elderly woman, Ranevskaya fell. But here, too, with her unique voice, with an inimitable sense of humor, lying on the sidewalk, she demanded to pick it up, because folk artists do not lie on the street.

    24. A real true friend for the aging Ranevskaya was a rootless dog named Boy. This mongrel dog with a big belly and a balding tail, the actress picked up on the street. The animal became for her the creature to which the woman gave all her unspent love. The boy answered her with adoration, always rejoicing at her coming home. Sometimes the actress brought the dog to the rehearsal, because at home he whined and cried. After the death of Faina Georgievna, the dog lived for six years with a friend of the actress, who tried to replace his mistress.

    25. A year after leaving the stage, Ranevskaya died. It happened in the middle of summer 1984 in the Kuntsevo hospital in the capital. The diagnosis is a heart attack and pneumonia. She was buried at the New Donskoy Cemetery next to her sister Isabella. Admirers of talent still carry bouquets of fresh flowers to her grave.

    And also: In 1992, the English encyclopedia "Who's Who" recorded that Faina Ranevskaya is one of the 10 most prominent actresses in the world.

    One of the most talented Soviet actresses of the last century was the eccentric and unforgettable Faina Ranevskaya. She turned any most ordinary-looking role into a bright and memorable one. There were times when the audience came to watch an episode with her participation, and then left the theater without watching the performance.

    The creative biography of Faina Ranevskaya was very difficult, "out of a hundred percent allotted for life, I used only one." But we know that she put her whole soul and great talent into this percentage.

    What was she, the queen of episodes?

    Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna is not the real name of the actress. Fanny Girshevna Feldman was born in Taganrog in 1896. Her parents were wealthy Jews, natives of Belarus. They owned a paint factory, several houses, a hardware store, and even a steamboat. In addition to the girl, three brothers and a sister were growing up in the family.

    Faina received a good home education, which was accepted at that time for girls from wealthy families. She studied at the gymnasium for some time, but her studies were not easy, and she begged her parents to pick her up from school.

    As a child, Faya found it difficult to get along with her peers, she was very shy and vulnerable. In addition, she stuttered a lot and was ugly. True, this did not prevent her from arranging puppet shows with her family, voicing the characters in a manner characteristic of each.

    At the age of fourteen, the young girl met a famous actress on vacation, after which, after returning home, she frequented the local drama theater. It was then that she decided to devote herself to the stage. The father was horrified. At that time, an artistic career for a girl from a decent wealthy family was considered a shame. An ultimatum was put forward for her daughter - either the theater or the family. Faina was stubborn and chose the stage.

    In 1915, she left for Moscow, where she tried to enter several theater schools, but she was not accepted due to a speech impediment. Faina went to study at a private school - the teachers did not care, as long as they paid money. And I had to earn them in the extras of summer theaters.

    But the money was still not enough, and my mother secretly helped her daughter from her father. One day, leaving the bank, Faina decided to count the banknotes received, but a gust of wind tore them out of her hands. Sighing, the actress said: “Oh, how beautiful they fly!”, After which her companion compared the girl with the Chekhov heroine from The Cherry Orchard, the landowner Ranevskaya - she also could not hold anything in her hands. That's how the young Fai got a pseudonym.

    During the revolution, the entire Feldman family left for emigration on their own steamer, Faya was left alone. Only in the mid-fifties was she able to meet her mother and older sister.

    Never having finished theater school, Faina began working on the stage. She began with provincial small theaters, in each of which she worked for no more than one or two years. First, the Moscow region, then Rostov-on-Don, Feodosia, Kerch, Baku, Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, and only by 1931 Ranevskaya returned to Moscow again.

    But even here the restless actress did not linger in one place. Four years at the Chamber Theatre, then the same amount at the Central Theater of the Red Army, six years at the Drama Theater (now named after Mayakovsky), eight at the Theater. Pushkin, and finally settled in the Theater. Moscow City Council, where she worked until her death.

    The first real teacher for Faina was Pavel Wolf. She noticed talent and worked with a girl just like that. Faya literally fell in love with the teacher and practically became a member of her family.

    The career got off to a difficult start. Bulky and clumsy Ranevskaya with an unattractive appearance and figure at first played only episodic roles, but on stage she was transformed and remembered by the public as one of the most interesting and charismatic actresses.

    Most Popular Roles

    Faina Ranevskaya was very vulnerable and shy in her youth, but even in adulthood, despite her sharp tongue and a keen sense of humor, she did not tolerate criticism well. But she herself made fun of her appearance and harmful ones.

    She was forgiven a lot, because the audience loved her and enjoyed going to theatrical performances with the participation of Faina.

    To the cinema

    The first film in Ranevskaya's career was the silent film Pyshka, which was released in 1934. Faina was 38 years old, and she played Madame Loizeau. In 1937, she got the role of a priest in the children's film "The Thought about the Cossack Golota." And then the triumphant "Foundling", where Faina plays an imperious and self-confident wife who pushes her husband around.

    In total, Faina Georgievna played in twenty-five films. She herself considered the character of the evil stepmother from the movie Cinderella to be the most successful role.

    In general, Ranevskaya did not appreciate the work in the cinema: “The money is eaten, but the shame remains”, she preferred theatrical roles. But it was from the movies that she became famous throughout the country and became loved by many.

    Back in the late thirties, she played three star roles, three wives in different films: in the film "The Man in the Case" she was the wife of the inspector, in "The Mistake of the Engineer Kochin" the wife of the tailor Gurevich, and of course the most famous role of the wife from "The Foundling ", after which she was called Muley for a long time.

    In 1947, the comedy film "Spring" was released, where Ranevskaya played Margarita Lvovna. Her great game, as well as Lyubov Orlova in the title role, made the film a box office and very popular.

    In the theatre

    Ranevskaya considered her most significant role to be the governess Charlotte from The Cherry Orchard, it was from this performance that her theatrical career began. In total, she played more than fifty roles in various productions.

    The talented actress often had her own vision of the game, improvised on the go, and sometimes even arbitrarily rewrote her role. Because of this, there were conflicts with directors, so Faina wandered from one theater to another for so long.

    In teleplays

    In 1963, Ranevskaya took part in the TV play "So It Will Be", and in 1978 in the film-play "Further - Silence ...", where she played one of the main roles. Her stage partners were Rostislav Plyatt, Irina Muravyova. According to critics and viewers, the production was a resounding success thanks to Plyatt and Ranevskaya.

    In cartoons

    Which of the children did not watch "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? But few people know that the matchmaker Baba Babarikha was voiced by Faina Ranevskaya.

    The most famous voice acting was, of course, Freken Bok from the beloved cartoon about Carlson. Ranevskaya terribly did not want to voice, because she believed that the character was drawn ugly. It was hard to persuade her.

    Fans of Faina considered her a great actress, but she is also known for her inexhaustible sense of humor. Sharp and well-aimed aphorisms have firmly entered our lives, many do not even suspect that their author is Ranevskaya.

    One has only to read its slightly rude and cynical, but well-aimed expressions, as the mood immediately improves.

    TOP 12 famous phrases are as follows.

    1. Horseradish, put on the opinions of others, provides a calm and happy life.
    2. All my life I've been swimming in the toilet with a butterfly stroke.
    3. Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.
    4. Under the most beautiful tail of a peacock lies the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.
    5. Do you know what it's like to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there.
    6. Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.
    7. When I start writing memoirs, I can’t do anything beyond the phrase “I was born in the family of a poor oilman…”.
    8. If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.
    9. I do not recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You have to live on the stage.
    10. Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity.
    11. So that we can see how much we overeat, our stomach is located on the same side as the eyes.
    12. It is better to be a good person, cursing obscenities than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

    Recognition and awards

    Faina Ranevskaya has received many awards. We list only the most popular.

    1. Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945", the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal "In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow", two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin.
    2. Two Stalin Prizes of the second degree and one - the third.
    3. She was Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1961 she received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

    Unfortunately, Faina did not find happiness in love. Those who liked her ignored her because of her unattractive appearance. And vice versa, those who sought the favor of the great actress, she categorically did not like.

    In her youth, young Ranevskaya was in love with one of the actors with whom she played on the same stage, but he caused her considerable psychological trauma. Having promised to come to her house, the unlucky hero-lover appeared very tipsy, and even with a lady. Not at all embarrassed, he asked Faina to take a walk for a couple of hours while he had fun.

    Ranevskaya's resentment was so strong that she vowed to get married.

    Only on the stage did Faina Georgievna liberate herself, but in life she was withdrawn and very lonely. She believed that her appearance spoiled her personal life, although she was a very charming woman.

    There were still men in her life, but it was not the same. Already in adulthood in 1947, she met Fedor Tolbukhin, who headed the Transcaucasian Military District, and simply glowed with happiness. But two years later he suddenly died ...

    last years of life

    Ranevskaya played in the theater almost to the last. She played the last performance at the age of 86, but was often sick, so she announced that she was no longer able to “feign health.” Once she said: “When I die, bury me and write on the monument: "Died of disgust."

    Faina Georgievna died in a Moscow hospital from a heart attack aggravated by pneumonia at the age of 87.

    Interesting facts about Faina Ranevskaya

    1. Close friends called Faina - Fufa the Magnificent.
    2. When Faya announced to the family that she would be an actress, it caused a big shock, as well as excommunication from her home.
    3. Ranevskaya was not destined to become either a wife or a mother.
    4. The catchphrase from the film "Foundling" was so tired of Ranevskaya that she became furious when she heard it. Once the boys, seeing Faina Georgievna, began to chant: “Mulya, don’t make me nervous!”. Then the actress ordered them to line up in pairs and loudly sent them “to f*ck!”.
    5. Ranevskaya kept all her awards and orders in a box on which was the inscription: "Funeral accessories."
    6. Ranevskaya was a vegetarian. She said, “I can't eat meat. It walked, loved, looked ... Maybe I'm a psychopath? No, I consider myself a normal psychopath. But I can't eat meat. I keep the meat for the people."
    7. Faina Georgievna didn’t know how to count “that stupid money,” so she always hired a housewife to run the household.
    8. An ordinary mongrel named Boy has become a real family for an elderly woman. She doted on her dog and even refused to go to the hospital for treatment. The dog outlived its owner by six years. On the tombstone of the actress, a figurine of a dog was installed.
    9. Ranevskaya took care of Anna Akhmatova when she was ill with typhus, kept her notebooks with poems. She was acquainted with Tsvetaeva, Mayakovsky, Mandelstam.
    10. The actress was constantly seen with a cigarette in her mouth, and her favorite words were "shit" and "f*ck" - she constantly used them not only in everyday life, but also on the radio and during interviews. Once she asked me to explain why iron ships don't sink. They tried to remind her about the law of Archimedes, but Ranevskaya said that she had never had a vocation for the exact sciences. Then she was asked why, when you sit in the bathroom, water pours onto the floor. The actress sadly replied, “Because I have a big ass.”
    11. Ranevskaya stuttered a lot, but when she played, the stuttering disappeared somewhere.
    12. Once on the street, an elderly actress slipped and fell. Lies and shouts: “People! Pick me up! After all, folk artists do not lie on the street!
    13. An asteroid discovered in 1986 is named after Ranevskaya.


    People like Faina Ranevskaya do not leave without a trace. She remained in the memory of thousands of fans, as well as on old films. In Taganrog, a monument was erected to her, and one of the streets bears her name. Great talent, sparkling sarcasm, the ability to serve art forever left a mark on the great actress in history.