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  • Specialty foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication. Faculty of foreign languages ​​and regional studies, moscow state university

    Specialty foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication.  Faculty of foreign languages ​​and regional studies, moscow state university

    In this case, the cultural barrier is less visible and conscious, which makes it even more dangerous.

    Thus, the reading of foreign literature is inevitably accompanied by an acquaintance with a foreign, foreign culture, and a conflict with it. In the process of this conflict, a person begins to become more deeply aware of his own culture, his worldview, his approach to life and to people.

    A striking example of the conflict of cultures in the perception of foreign literature is given by the American anthropologist Laura Bohannen, who retold Shakespeare's Hamlet to the natives of West Africa. They perceived the plot through the prism of their culture: Claudius is a fine fellow, that he married his brother's widow, and a good, cultured person should do this, but it was necessary to do this immediately after the death of her husband and brother, and not wait a whole month. The ghost of Hamlet's father did not fit into consciousness at all: if he is dead, then how can he walk and talk? Polonius caused disapproval: why did he prevent his daughter from becoming the mistress of the leader's son - this is both an honor and, most importantly, many expensive gifts. Hamlet killed him absolutely correctly, in full accordance with the hunting culture of the natives: when he heard a rustle, he shouted "what, a rat?", And Polonius did not answer, for which he was killed. This is exactly what every hunter in the African bush does: when he hears a rustle, he calls out and, if there is no human response, kills the source of the rustle and, consequently, danger 15.

    Books that are banned (or burned at the stake) by one or another political regime vividly (the brighter, the larger the fire) testify to the conflict of ideologies, to the incompatibility of cultures (including within one national culture).

    In such an explosive situation, science and education are faced with complex and noble tasks: firstly, to study the roots, manifestations, forms, types, development of cultures of different peoples and their contacts and, secondly, to teach people tolerance, respect, understanding of other cultures ... To accomplish this task, conferences are held, associations of scientists and teachers are created, books are written, cultural disciplines are introduced into the curricula of both secondary and higher educational institutions.

    Of particular importance is the solution (or at least awareness) of the problems of intercultural communication for teaching foreign languages.

    § 4. Intercultural communication and learning of foreign languages

    The close connection and interdependence of teaching foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication are so obvious that they hardly need

    lengthy explanations.

    Each lesson of a foreign language is a crossroads of cultures, it is the practice of intercultural communication, because each foreign word reflects a foreign world and a foreign culture: behind each word there is a conditional national consciousness foreign) view of the world.

    Teaching foreign languages ​​in Russia, like all other spheres of social life, is now going through a very difficult and complex period of radical restructuring (not to say - revolution), reassessment of values, revision of goals, objectives, methods, materials, etc. It makes no sense to speak now about huge changes in this area, about a boom in public interest, about an explosion of motivation, about a radical change in attitude to this subject for quite definite socio-historical reasons - all this is all too obvious.

    New time, new conditions demanded an immediate and radical revision of both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages. These new conditions - the "discovery" of Russia, its rapid entry into the world community, crazy leaps in politics, economics, culture, ideology, mixing and movement of peoples and languages, changing relations between Russians and foreigners, absolutely new goals of communication - all this cannot but to pose new problems in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages.

    An unprecedented demand demanded an unprecedented supply. Unexpectedly for themselves, teachers of foreign languages ​​were in the center of public attention: impatient legions of specialists in various fields of science, culture, business, technology and all other areas of human activity demanded immediate training in foreign languages ​​as a tool of production. They are not interested in either the theory or the history of the language - foreign languages, primarily English, they need exclusively functionally, for use in various spheres of society as a means of real communication with people from other countries.

    Under these conditions, in order to meet the socio-historical needs of society at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1988, a new faculty was created - the Faculty of Foreign Languages, which opened a new specialty - "neophilology", which was previously understood in a completely different way and, accordingly, not trained specialists. The basic principles of this direction can be formulated as follows:

    1) to study languages ​​functionally, in terms of their use in different spheres of society: in science, technology, economics, culture, etc .;

    2) to summarize the vast practical and theoretical experience of teaching foreign languages ​​to specialists;

    3) to scientifically substantiate and develop methods of teaching language as a means of communication between professionals, as a tool of production in combination with culture, economics, law, applied mathematics, various branches of science - with those areas that require the use of foreign languages;

    4) to study languages ​​in a synchronous cut, against a wide background of the social, cultural, political life of peoples speaking these languages, that is, in close connection with the world of the language being studied;

    5) to develop a training model for teachers of foreign languages, specialists in international and intercultural communication, specialists in public relations.

    Thus, the motives for learning the language completely changed (the language appeared in a different light, not as an end in itself), in connection with which it was necessary to radically restructure the teaching of foreign languages, introduce the specialty "linguistics and intercultural communication" and start training a new type of teaching staff.

    The main task of teaching foreign languages ​​in Russia at present is teaching the language as a real and full-fledged means of communication. The solution of this applied, practical problem is possible only on a fundamental theoretical basis. To create such a base, it is necessary: ​​1) to apply the results of theoretical works on philology to the practice of teaching foreign languages, 2) to theoretically comprehend and summarize the vast practical experience of teachers of foreign languages.

    Traditional teaching of foreign languages ​​in our country was reduced to reading texts. At the same time, at the level of higher education, philologists were trained on the basis of reading fiction; non-philologists read (“in thousands of words”) special texts according to their future profession, and the luxury of everyday communication, if there was enough time and enthusiasm for both teachers and students, was presented by so-called everyday topics: in a hotel, in a restaurant, at the post office and etc.

    Studying these famous topics in conditions of complete isolation and the absolute impossibility of real acquaintance with the world of the language being studied and the practical use of the knowledge gained was at best romantic, at worst - useless and even harmful, annoying (the topic "in a restaurant" in conditions of food shortages, topics "At the bank", "how to rent a car", "travel agency" and the like, which have always constituted the main content of foreign courses of English as a foreign and domestic, written according to Western models).

    Thus, almost exclusively one function of the language has been implemented -

    function of a message, an informative function, and even then in a very narrowed form, since of the four skills of language proficiency (reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension), only one, passive, focused on “recognition”, has developed - reading.

    This misfortune was widespread and had quite clear reasons and deep roots: communication with other countries and their peoples was also, to put it mildly, narrowed, the country was cut off from the world of Western languages, these languages ​​were taught as dead - Latin and Ancient Greek.

    Teaching foreign languages ​​based only on written texts reduced the communicative capabilities of the language to the passive ability to understand the texts created by someone, but not to create, not to generate speech, and without this, real communication is impossible.

    The sudden and radical change in the social life of our country, its "discovery" and the rapid entry into the world - primarily Western - community brought languages ​​back to life, made them a real means different types communication, the number of which is growing day by day along with the growth of scientific and technical means of communication.

    At present, this is precisely why, at the level of higher education, teaching a foreign language as a means of communication between specialists different countries we do not understand it as a purely applied and narrowly special task of teaching physicists the language of physical texts, geologists - geological, etc. A university specialist is a widely educated person with fundamental training. Accordingly, a foreign language of a specialist of this kind is both an instrument of production, and a part of culture, and a means of humanizing education. All this presupposes fundamental and versatile language training.

    The level of knowledge of a foreign language by a student is determined not only by direct contact with his teacher. In order to teach a foreign language as a means of communication, it is necessary to create an environment of real communication, to establish a connection between teaching foreign languages ​​and life, to actively use foreign languages ​​in living, natural situations. It can be scientific discussions in the language with the involvement of foreign specialists and without it, abstracting and discussion of foreign scientific literature, reading individual courses in foreign languages, participation of students in international conferences, work as a translator, which is precisely about communication, contact, the ability to understand and convey information. It is necessary to develop extracurricular forms of communication: clubs, circles, open lectures in foreign languages, scientific societies of interest, where students of different specialties can gather.

    So, highly specialized communication through written texts is by no means limited to proficiency in language as a means of communication, a means of communication.

    The maximum development of communication skills is the main, promising, but very difficult task facing teachers of foreign languages. To solve it, it is necessary to master both new teaching methods aimed at developing all four types of language proficiency, and fundamentally new educational materials, with the help of which you can teach people to communicate effectively. At the same time, of course, it would be wrong to rush from one extreme to another and abandon all the old methods: from them all the best, useful, tested by teaching practice must be carefully selected.

    The main answer to the question about solving the urgent problem of teaching foreign languages ​​as a means of communication between representatives of different peoples and cultures is that languages ​​should be studied in indissoluble unity with the world and culture of the peoples who speak these languages.

    Teaching people to communicate (verbally and in writing), to teach how to produce, create, and not just understand foreign speech is a difficult task, complicated by the fact that communication is not just a verbal process. Its effectiveness, in addition to knowing the language, depends on many factors: the conditions and culture of communication, the rules of etiquette, knowledge of non-verbal forms of expression (facial expressions, gestures), the presence of deep background knowledge and much more.

    Overcoming the language barrier is not enough to ensure effective communication between representatives of different cultures. To do this, you need to overcome the cultural barrier. The following excerpt from an interesting study by I. Yu. Markovina and Yu. A. Sorokin presents national-specific components of cultures, that is, exactly what creates the problems of intercultural communication: the barrier is not the only obstacle to mutual understanding. Nationally specific features of the most diverse components of cultural communicants (features that make it possible for these components to implement the ethnodifferentiating function) can complicate the process of intercultural communication.

    The components of culture that bear a nationally specific color include at least the following:

    a) traditions (or stable elements of culture), as well as customs (defined as traditions in the "socionormative" sphere of culture) and rituals (performing the function of unconscious familiarization with the regulatory requirements prevailing in this system);

    b) everyday culture, closely related to traditions, as a result of which it is often called traditional everyday culture;

    c) everyday behavior (habits of representatives of a certain culture,

    the norms of communication adopted in a certain society), as well as the mimic and pantomimic (kinesic) codes associated with it, used by the bearers of a certain linguocultural community;

    d) "national pictures of the world", reflecting the specifics of the perception of the surrounding world, national peculiarities of thinking of representatives of a particular culture;

    e) artistic culture, reflecting the cultural traditions of a particular ethnic group.

    The native speaker of the national language and culture also has specific features. In intercultural communication, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the national character of the communicants, the specificity of their emotional makeup, nationally specific peculiarities of thinking ”16.

    In the new conditions, with a new formulation of the problem of teaching foreign languages, it became obvious that a radical increase in the level of teaching communication, communication between people of different nationalities can be achieved only with a clear understanding and real consideration of the socio-cultural factor.

    The long-term practice of teaching living languages ​​as dead has led to the fact that these aspects of the language were in the shadows, remained unclaimed. Thus, there is a significant gap in the teaching of foreign languages.

    One of the most important and radical conditions for filling this gap is the expansion and deepening of the role of the socio-cultural component in the development of communication skills.

    According to E. Sapir, “every cultural system and every single act of social behavior explicitly or implicitly implies communication” 17.

    Thus, we are already talking about the need for a deeper and more thorough study of the world (not the language, but the world) of native speakers, their culture in the wide ethnographic sense of the word, their way of life, national character, mentality, etc., because the real use of words in speech, real speech reproduction is largely determined by the knowledge of the social and cultural life of the speech community speaking in a given language. "Language does not exist outside of culture, that is, outside the socially inherited set of practical skills and ideas that characterize our way of life." Linguistic structures are based on sociocultural structures.

    Knowing the meanings of words and the rules of grammar is clearly not enough to actively use the language as a means of communication. It is necessary to know as deeply as possible the world of the language being studied.

    In other words, in addition to the meanings of words and grammar rules, you need to know: 1)

    when to say / write, how, to whom, with whom, where; 2) as a given meaning / concept,

    this subject of thought lives in the reality of the world of the language being studied. That is why at present, in the curriculum of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University, a third of the time allotted for the study of foreign languages ​​is assigned to a new, introduced by us subject: "the world of the language being studied." This term-concept has already been borrowed by many educational institutions in Russia.

    How do such concepts as sociolinguistics, linguistic and regional studies and the world of the studied language relate to each other?

    Sociolinguistics- this is a section of linguistics that studies the conditioning of linguistic phenomena and linguistic units by social factors: on the one hand, the conditions of communication (time, place, participants, goals, etc.), on the other hand, customs, traditions, features of the social and cultural life of the speaker collective.

    Linguistic and regional studies is a didactic analogue of sociolinguistics, developing the idea of ​​the need to merge teaching a foreign language as a set of forms of expression with the study of the social and cultural life of native speakers.

    EM Vereshchagin and VG Kostomarov, the fathers of linguistic and cultural studies in Russia, formulated this most important aspect of teaching languages ​​as follows: “Two national cultures never coincide completely, - this follows from the fact that each consists of national and international elements. The sets of coinciding (international) and diverging (national) units for each pair of compared cultures will be different ... Therefore, it is not surprising that you have to spend time and energy on mastering not only the plan of expression of a certain linguistic phenomenon, but also the plan of content, i.e. it is necessary to develop in the minds of students concepts of new objects and phenomena that do not find analogies either in their native culture or in their native language. Consequently, we are talking about the inclusion of elements of regional studies in language teaching, but this inclusion is of a qualitatively different kind in comparison with general regional studies. Since we are talking about the combination of language and information from the sphere of national culture in the educational process, it is proposed to call this type of teaching work linguistic and cultural teaching ”19.

    The world of the target language as a discipline inextricably linked with the teaching of foreign languages, it focuses on the study of the totality of non-linguistic facts (as opposed to the two previous concepts), that is, those socio-cultural structures and units that underlie the language which structures and units are reflected in these latter.

    In other words, the scientific discipline "the world of the target language" is based on the study socio-cultural picture of the world, reflected in the language

    picture of the world.

    The picture of the world surrounding native speakers is not just reflected in the language, it also forms the language and its carrier, and determines the features of speech use. That is why, without knowing the world of the language being studied, it is impossible to learn the language as a medium of communication. It can be studied as a piggy bank, a way of storing and transmitting culture, that is, as a dead language. A living language lives in the world of its speakers, and studying it without knowing this world (without what is called differently in different scientific schools: background knowledge, vertical context, etc.) turns a living language into a dead language, that is, deprives the student of the opportunity to use this language as a means of communication. This, apparently, explains all the failures with artificial languages. Even the most famous of them - Esperanto - is not spreading and is doomed to die, primarily because there is no life-giving soil behind it - the culture of the carrier.

    The relationship between cultural linguistics and cultural linguistics mentioned above (§ 2) is explained by Professor V.V. Vorobiev, a specialist in teaching Russian as a foreign language, intensively developing the ideas of cultural linguistics: important for a number of reasons, primarily because the growing interest in the problem of "Language and Culture" makes it imperative to clarify the sources, parameters, research methods, concepts included in its scope of terminological inventory. Turning to cultural linguistics is not a betrayal of the already traditional linguistic and cultural aspect of teaching the Russian language, the methodological sound of the idea of ​​which we accept, but is caused and conditioned, first of all, by the urgent needs and reassessment of some linguo-methodological values ​​of the problem "Language and Culture" "20.

    The study of the world of native speakers is aimed at helping to understand the features of speech use, additional semantic loads, political, cultural, historical and similar connotations of language and speech units. Particular attention is paid to realities, since a deep knowledge of realities is necessary for a correct understanding of the phenomena and facts related to the everyday reality of peoples who speak a given language.

    Any communication, that is, verbal communication as such, is based on a “shared code”, mutual knowledge of realities, knowledge of the subject of communication between participants in communication: speaker / writer and listener / reader.

    All the strings of the tights of the special resettlement

    The Aleksandrovsk drilling office willingly accepted him into its combat staff. Specialty with a young man, from local, and in addition, a Russian German of exiled blood.

    It was not an ordinary job, business was seething, illuminated by the light of those primordial years, which to this day plays with glare on the crystals of a proud biography ...

    But rotational machine operators from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Yurga are professionals of the iron business, people of precise craftsmanship, because high precision in processing parts on a "slack" machine flotilla can only be achieved if the makings of Leskov's craftsman Levsha are in place.

    To understand the linguistic facts of this excerpt from the essay (not a work of fiction with its copyright liberties and orientation to the function of influence), one needs knowledge of realities, sociocultural background, otherwise understanding the text becomes difficult, and hence communication.

    How to understand special resettlement life, what a drilling office is and why it has a militant staff, what are the sociocultural characteristics Russian German in general and exiled blood in particular, how does an unusual work differ from an ordinary one, what kind of light is this primordial years, why is the biography proud, what does the machine operator mean, why the machine flotilla, and even slack? Finally, without knowing Leskov's story "Levsha" it is impossible to understand what kind of people these machine operators are. To answer these questions, you need to know history, literature, lifestyle, value system and many other socio-cultural moments, without which just knowing the "meanings" of words in the native language, not to mention Russian as a foreign language, will not help much communication. At the same time, in this text, in contrast to the neighboring ones in the same journal, there were no Sovietisms of the type culture (cultural camp) or local Siberian words such as chaldon, winter road, gnat.

    To understand the meaning of the following passage from the story of D. H. Lawrence, you need to have extensive background knowledge: to know what in a given society is included in the concept of "feminine woman", to be able to understand literary and biblical allusions (conditioned by the culture of this speaking group):

    He imagined to himself some really womanly woman, to whom he should be only fine and strong, and not for a moment "the poor little man". Why not some simple uneducated girl, some Tess of the D "Urbervilles, some wistful Gretchen, some humble Ruth gleaning an aftermath? Why not? Surely the world was full of such (Emphasis added. - S. T.) *. * He imagined really feminine woman, for which he would always be only beautiful and strong, and not at all a "poor little man." Why not some simple, uneducated girl, any Tess of the D'Urberville family, some languid Gretchen or humble Ruth gathering ears of corn? Why not? Undoubtedly, the world is full of such.

    So, the linguistic phenomena reflect the facts of the social life of a given speaking group. The tasks of teaching a foreign language as a means of communication are inextricably merged with the tasks of studying the social and cultural life of countries and

    The Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (LiMKK) unites students who have decided to connect their lives with the comprehensive study of the main European languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian or one of the Slavic languages ​​(Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbian).

    The Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication conducts training in the direction of training "Linguistics", within the framework of this direction, training is conducted in two profiles:

    • Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures
    • Theory and practice of intercultural communication
    The graduates of the department are awarded the degree "Master of Linguistics" in the chosen profile.

    Training program:

    Integrated Master - 6 years (Bachelor of 4 years + Master of 2 years).
    The form of study is full-time, full-time.

    Preparation is carried out both on a budget (free) and on a contractual (paid) basis.

    Head of the department - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Lomonosov Prize Molchanova Galina Georgievna.

    The faculty prepares teachers of foreign languages ​​who possess both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures. Along with theoretical courses in pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods, students undergo compulsory pedagogical practice at other faculties of Moscow State University, at other universities in Moscow and at Moscow schools.

    The study of intercultural communication as a specialty is now experiencing an undoubted rise all over the world, which can be observed in a wide range of the humanities, from linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​to management theory. In the eyes of some scientists, it even becomes "the most important topic of the social sciences," "the question of the survival of our species."

    The high demand for the profile "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication" is due precisely to the fact that it, based on a combination of linguistics and communication, a foreign language and communication, involves the "human factor" in linguistic research in order to analyze how a person is a representative of a certain culture and mentality - uses language as a means of communication and interethnic, intercultural communication. Since when teaching a foreign language the goal is to form a multicultural personality who is equally good at knowing both about someone else's and about his own culture, it is not cognition as an element of thinking that comes to the fore, but mutual understanding based on cognition. This stimulates the emergence of studies of interaction along the line of language - culture - personality, contributing to the formation of a "personality at the border of cultures", who is able to compare, not oppose, generalize, and not separate. The future belongs to such a person who is characterized by a complex interaction of the universal and national in the multicultural mechanism of the value perception of the world, knowledge and understanding of the intercultural communicative aspects of the language, which ensure successful communication.


    The scope of theoretical courses, research, workshops is wide and includes such disciplines as "Fundamentals of Linguistics", "General Linguistics", "Language and Intercultural Communication", "Introduction to the Theory of Intercultural Communication", "Semiotics in Intercultural Communication", "Pedagogical Anthropology ”,“ Functional stylistics and literary editing ”,“ Ancient languages ​​”,“ Professional aspects of linguistic activity ”.

    In addition to the theoretical base, grouped from the disciplines of this profile, the department pays a lot of attention (and the number of hours) to the "Intercultural Communication Practice" in English.

    A specialist in intercultural communication, a representative of new professions in government, commercial and public structures, should not only have good theoretical training, but also practical skills in communicating with representatives of different cultures in different areas activities (political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, etc.).

    The research work of the students of the department, specializing in the profile "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures", is carried out in the framework of two priority directions of scientific research of the faculty : informatization of humanitarian (linguistic) education(Prof. Nazarenko A.L.), l Inguistics and Intercultural Communication (Prof. Molchanova G.G.), linguodidactics and language policy(Prof. O.D. Vishnyakova), m methodology, methodology and technology of preparing students for intercultural communication in co-studied languages ​​in the context of the competence paradigm of university language education (Prof. Safonova V.V.), NS Translation and translation studies (Prof. Polubichenko L.V.), R Regional Studies and International Relations (Prof. Pavlovskaya A.V.), T history and cultural history(Prof. Mokletsova I.V.).