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  • Calendar for March. Calendar for March 14 lunar days in March of the year

    Calendar for March.  Calendar for March 14 lunar days in March of the year

    Some things in life are the same. The cyclical nature of time and the interconnection of all living and inanimate beings in the world is so obvious that since ancient times people have been interested in learning how to retell the future and feel a connection with the whole world with the help of such knowledge. Thanks to the experience of many generations and modern technology, we have the opportunity to trace the closest, and, therefore, the most significant celestial body - the Moon.

    Moon phases in March 2017

    It should be noted that the lunar calendar presented below is compiled taking into account all the main processes, the influence of the Zodiac and the days of the week, each of which has its own power that affects the processes on our planet.

    Lunar calendar for March 2017 - table

    Below we will tell you about the most energetically significant periods of the lunar cycle: new and full moons, which will be in March 2017 (see lunar calendar).

    New Moon and Full Moon in March 2017

    Moon in the first quarter - March 5, 2017... A wonderful time to take action. Almost all long-term endeavors started on this lunar day will have a great chance of success.
    Full Moon - 12 March 2017... The most powerful phase of all. At this time, feelings, desires, illnesses and fears are exacerbated. You should prepare for this day in advance: stock up on the necessary medications, if necessary, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and use less equipment.
    Moon in the last quarter - March 20, 2017... At this time, it is best to complete the work started and start generating new ideas, but so far only on paper, without direct implementation.
    New Moon - March 28, 2017. On this lunar day, the heavenly body sends a certain energy impulse to the Earth, which gives strength and infects with a positive mood.

    Auspicious lunar days

    March 3 (Fri) - Growing Moon in Taurus. Feel free to plan the most important meetings, conclude contracts and do not worry about anything. Taurus - a symbol of financial stability - will save you from troubles.
    March 4 (Sat) - Growing Moon in Gemini. Complete relaxation will be appropriate on this day. Put everything aside for later, go to a cafe or meet with friends. Be sure to end the day with soothing treatments: bath, massage, quiet sleep.
    March 15 (Wed) - Waning Moon in Scorpio. The best time for dating and even getting married (see for a wedding).
    March 19 (Sun) - Waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, it is good to devote yourself to land work or at least ennoble your home with indoor plants.
    March 23 (Thu) - Waning Moon in Aquarius. Do not enter into transactions related to land real estate. But adding funds to another business will bring you a lot of prosperity.
    March 25 (Sat) - Waning Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is best to do self-education. Sign up for courses, find an interesting educational book for yourself, or just chat with smart people - today everything will go for the future.

    Our website offers a lunar calendar for 2020. It will come in handy in everyday life and help make life easier. Using this knowledge, you can avoid mistakes, wrong decisions, unnecessary waste of energy and effort. If you need to achieve success in business, you should use the calendar and plan them in accordance with the position of the moon.

    The lunar year, like the usual solar year, consists of 12 months. A typical lunar year lasts about 354 days, which is 11 days less than a solar year. 2020 is a leap year with 1 day more.
    The lunar month runs from new moon to new moon and lasts 30 days. However, this is not always the case. About half of the months of the year have an unfinished cycle of 29 lunar days. Months of an incomplete cycle create great psychological tension, the events of such months develop more sharply, and critical days manifest themselves more strongly.

    Moon phases

    There are four critical points in the lunar cycle - New Moon, Full Moon, First Quarter, Fourth Quarter. At these moments, the Moon passes from one phase to another.
    The change of phases affects the person and our life. At such a time, the Moon is in a tense aspect to the Sun or joins with it on a new moon.
    These periods are considered stressful for many. Most accidents, road accidents, exacerbations of diseases occur at this time. Immunity may decrease, mood worsen.

    New moon and 1st quarter

    ON NEW MOON, the body is most relaxed, the person is irritated, easily gets sick. Accordingly, his business may not go well. Alcohol at this time poisons more than usual, the number of quarrels and conflicts between people increases.
    This is the phase of active inner action. On New Moon, it is recommended to make plans, think over ideas, draw a map of desire, dream.

    New moon in 2020
    January 25 at 01:42
    23 February at 19:31
    March 24 at 13:28
    April 23 at 06:25
    May 22 at 21:39
    June 21 at 10:41
    20 July at 21:34
    19 August at 06:43
    September 17 at 15:01
    October 16 at 11:32 PM
    November 15 at 09:07
    December 14 at 20:14

    During the exact I QUARTER, a person experiences a crisis of breaking existing stereotypes, when the stereotype and reality are very different. At the same time, interest in the real world arises, and in the current situations, new life experience is gained.
    This is the phase of active external action. All our ideas and thoughts need to be transformed into actions at this time, we need to work actively, there is a lot of energy at this time, what was previously conceived can easily be embodied.

    Full moon and 4th quarter

    AT FULL MOON, emotionality flourishes, the ability to concentrate decreases. The likelihood of mistakes increases, the person becomes emotional and quick-tempered. Nightmares and insomnia may occur.
    After the FULL MOON, a person, enriched with new experience, gradually reduces external activity, he has a need to ponder the experience gained. At this time, new stereotypes are laid, and a person goes over to new automatisms.
    The time from full moon to 4 quarters is the period of passive external action. You have already started a project in the previous quarter, in this phase, continue to actively do it. It is better to save new achievements and plans for the growing moon.

    Full moon in 2020
    January 10 at 11:22 pm
    09 February at 05:43
    09 March at 21:49
    08 April at 06:35
    07 May at 14:46
    05 June at 11:26 pm
    05 July 08:46
    03 August at 20:00
    02 September at 09:23
    02 October at 01:06
    October 31 at 18:49
    November 30 at 13:44
    December 30 at 07:29

    After the exact 4 QUARTERS, a person's self-criticism in relation to his stereotyped behavior decreases, at such a time old ideas can easily work. After that, interest in the outside world gradually fades away, immersing a person in his own experiences.
    This is the phase of passive inner action. The time when all your steps have already led to some results, have formed into some kind of integral picture, and you analyze what you have already done, summarize. At this time, you need to prepare to build a new plan for the next month.

    Lunar and Solar Eclipses in 2020

    At the moment of an eclipse, all negative energy comes out. This is a very unfavorable and difficult period that has a powerful effect on people. Depressive mood and despondency appear. These days, it is strictly forbidden to start new businesses, get a job, get married and do other serious things. This also applies to the next 2-3 days before and after the event.
    It is better at this time to be at home and light a candle. It will cleanse energy and protect against negativity. It is also not recommended to sleep and look at the sky at the time of the exact eclipse.
    According to the lunar calendar in 2020, there will be eclipses on the following dates:

    Following the advice of the lunar calendar, you can learn to use the influence of the night star for the good. Life will become more orderly, harmonious and balanced.

    Eclipse in 2020
    Lunar eclipse 10.01 at 11:11 pm
    Lunar eclipse on June 05 at 11:14 pm
    Solar eclipse June 21 at 10:42
    Lunar eclipse on July 05 at 08:31
    Lunar eclipse on November 30 at 13:31

    The lunar calendar will help you plan your affairs correctly and efficiently for the month ahead. In turn, this will allow you to rationally allocate time and effort.

    Analyzing the energy of the phases of the moon, astrologers determine when the probability of success in a particular area for you will be maximum. will help you reach your potential and understand what to do in difficult situations.

    March 1: on the very first day of spring, Aries will rule the ball. On the growing moon, this Zodiac Sign gains its strength, showing the whole world what real dynamics are. Be careful in all areas of your life - don't let your emotions run wild and don't do anything that you might regret in the future.

    March 2, 3, 4: Taurus, who will replace Aries, will make this world a little more beautiful. These three days will be extremely favorable, especially for those who want to spend some money on themselves. Invest finances in your appearance, change yourself. The energy of the moon will be strong and stable, so don't be afraid to act.

    March 5, 6: on Sunday, March 5, Gemini will sharply gain strength, but then fade away. It is better to spend the ninth lunar day in spiritual matters. Build relationships with those who deserve it, and don't be afraid to tell the truth to your loved one. On Monday, be on your guard, as the mood can plummet, which will negatively affect your luck.

    March 7, 8: The moon continues to rise, so it’s not time to relax yet. The constellation Cancer, influencing the moon during these two days, will show you the right path in love. These will be two great days for those in search of a soul mate. Spend evenings with friends and attend interesting events more often.

    March 9, 10: The Moon in Leo will try to put sticks in your wheels. It is better to postpone new beginnings until a more favorable time. Be careful when making important decisions. Remember the power of positive thinking.

    March 11, 12: the growing moon usually does not go well with Virgo, but not on the 11th. This day is perfect for financial transactions and learning. The Full Moon will come on March 12th. This day is extremely negative and dangerous, but Virgo will slightly change it for the better. Think good often.

    March 13, 14 and 15: Libra will pick up the baton right after Virgo. The first day after the Full Moon will not yet be entirely favorable, but the second will already be able to give you a good mood and a desire to move forward. March 15 will be the peak of the positive interaction of the waning Moon and Libra. Dedicate this day to internal problems.

    March 16, 17: These two days will be surprisingly stable thanks to Scorpio, who will try to help you correct the mistakes of the past. The waning moon is a good time for such a union.

    18, 19 and 20 March: most often Sagittarius gets along badly with the waning moon. However, these three days are quite safe. Energetically, they will be very powerful, but not always stable. It is worthwhile to devote this period to work, business, career and study.

    March 21, 22: the energy of the earthly element and the waning moon will unite their efforts in order to make these two days auspicious in all spheres of life. Things related to spiritual searches will be especially good for influencing your mood. You may be able to solve some big problem.

    March 23, 24, 25: Aquarius will help to find inspiration for those who are engaged in creative activities. All his energetics will be directed towards exactly this. In difficult situations, allow yourself to think outside the box to get out of the water. March 24th will be a tough day, so limit your spending and get some rest if you get the chance.

    March 26, 27: the waning Moon in Pisces will make the 28th and 29th lunar days ambiguous. For spiritual pursuits, they are good, but for other things they can be unfavorable. Consider what your mood will be. Your desires come first.

    March 28, 29: The 28th will be the New Moon - the energy minimum of the whole month. Aries will make up for energy deficiencies where needed, so don't be afraid to finish and start as you see fit. On March 29, it is better to suspend the vigorous activity in the love and financial spheres.

    March 30, 31: the last two days of the first month of spring will be held under the auspices of Taurus and the waxing moon. It is on these two days that you can feel the full power of spring and its positive waves. This is a great time for internal changes, introspection, new acquaintances.

    This month as a whole will be very favorable, but not only due to the fact that spring will replace winter, making you enjoy life. The moon will be on your side. Use a large number of positive days correctly. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

    24.02.2017 06:37

    Planning a wedding is a responsible business. It is important for future spouses not only to choose outfits and organize ...

    We bring to your attention the lunar calendar of favorable days for March 2017, thanks to which you can make your life better and more interesting.

    4 lunar day from 08:37, moon in Aries

    It is worth doing only what implies good intentions. You need to pay off your debts in order to feel your financial independence. You need to devote more time to your family, but you should limit any physical activity.

    5 lunar day from 09:02, moon in Taurus from 10:44

    An energetically difficult and wasteful day. You need to be calm in all circumstances to avoid conflicts. If you are uneconomical, financial difficulties can arise. Do not refuse to help those in need. But, the main thing is that it should be a disinterested impulse.

    6 lunar day 09:28, moon in Taurus

    Auspicious day for any financial transactions and the conclusion of contracts. It will not hurt to consult a lawyer. You can go shopping. Do not ignore the signs that fate throws up.

    7 lunar day from 10:00, the moon in Gemini from 3:07

    A good time to plan new promising opportunities. You can engage in the development of your intuition or spiritual activities. The day is filled with positive energy, so there should be no reason for sadness and sadness. On an optimistic note, it is worth tackling even difficult cases that will be successfully carried out.

    8 lunar day from 10:37. moon in Gemini

    On this day, you need to be especially persistent and focused, because there is a huge amount of work to be done. Don't take any new cases. First you need to do the same things so as not to add unnecessary trouble to yourself. In people it is worth noticing only the positive, and it is better to stay away from negative personalities.

    9 lunar day from 11:24, the moon in Cancer from 15:55

    Everything related to documentation, new cases and trips - it is better to cancel this day. And no matter how others persuade, you should not follow their lead. Even the wedding should be rescheduled for another day, the most auspicious one.

    10 lunar day from 12:19, moon in Cancer

    A great day for positive and good deeds. You can have a good rest and enjoy yourself if you do not get involved in conflicts, do not show the people around you your irritability. No significant decisions are foreseen until the time is right. But a good opportunity to dream about the future.

    11 lunar day from 13:24, moon in Leo from 19:47

    It is worth taking care of your health, taking preventive procedures. You need to stock up on positive energy, and not waste it. You should not start any new business, however, as well as make important decisions.

    12 lunar day from 14:34, the moon is in Leo

    This day is good for travel, romantic meetings and implementation of ideas. It is very important to learn something new. The accumulated fresh information will be very useful in the near future.

    13 lunar day from 15:48, moon in Leo

    Any difficulties that may arise on this day must be dealt with very quickly. Nothing is worth putting off for later. If you work actively on this day, you can expect good success in the future.

    14 lunar day from 17:02, moon in Virgo from 01:08

    You need to control your actions and deeds, think before you say something. In general, the day is very harmonious, you will want to do chores around the house and find time to communicate with relatives. It is worth considering your actions thoroughly. It is better not to plan any trips for this day.

    15 lunar day from 18:16, Full Moon in Virgo at 17:52

    The day is easy and funny. But you should pay special attention to your health. Nutrition should be balanced and healthy, therefore, harmful food for the body should be excluded from the diet. Any urgent matters and work with documents should be postponed for another time.

    16 lunar day from 19:28, the moon in Libra from 08:29

    You need to carefully plan your budget before going shopping. A good day for training, advanced training. And if this day is remembered in a positive way, then you will feel yourself in such high spirits for a long time.

    17 lunar day from 20:39, moon in Libra

    Everything conceived will come true, there is no doubt. This day will be very successful. Both plans and dreams will come true. The main thing is not to panic if something goes wrong. A spontaneous situation is unlikely to be corrected.

    18 lunar day from 21:48, moon in Scorpio from 18:12

    A good day for signing important documents and making deals. You must be extremely careful and responsible for your actions. You shouldn't make promises if you doubt that you can deliver on time.

    19 lunar day from 22:55, moon in Scorpio

    The day is eventful, but not easy for psychological relationships. Conflict must be avoided. And even if you are unlucky in something on this day, you should not be upset, nervous and worried. Do not give meaning to dreams, they will turn out to be meaningless.

    20 lunar day from 00:00. moon in scorpio

    Any real estate transaction will be successful. It is worth building relationships with relatives and work colleagues. No need to sign unfamiliar and questionable projects.

    20 lunar day. moon in Sagittarius from 06:01 AM

    A good day to communicate with loved ones. Most importantly, you need to be more restrained in order to maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere. Do not put off household and creative chores until later, they will be successful.

    21 lunar day from 01:03. moon in Sagittarius

    The day will be great if you don't want to change the course of events. There will be fascinating acquaintances, both personal and business. A good time to study, especially if you want to master a new profession. Give gifts to loved ones and bring joy to those around you.

    22 lunar day from 02:01, the moon in Capricorn from 18:32

    Urgent business will wait. It is worth being prudent in your actions on this day, so that later you will have to rejoice at good results, thanks to your good behavior. The day will be favorable for reading books, building relationships with people and improving their skills.

    23 lunar day from 02:54, moon in Capricorn

    On this day, you should be careful when it comes to important transactions and contracts. If you prepare well for the negotiations, they will be held at a high level. You need to be sincere and honest with those people who treat the same way.

    24 lunar day from 03:41, moon in Capricorn

    Some events will not develop according to wishes. But do not get upset, and even more so, let everything take its course. It is also not worth taking on other projects if they seem unpromising. Big mistakes are not expected if you carefully monitor your actions.

    25 lunar day from 04:21, the moon in Aquarius from 05:29

    The day is stressful, so you need to change your active lifestyle to a more moderate and calm one. The inner state should be balanced. Make time for family, children, home.

    26 lunar day from 04:55, moon in Aquarius

    It is better to refuse long trips. Moreover, doing them in your car is especially dangerous. Accidents on the road are not excluded. But walks in the fresh air and relaxation in a calm atmosphere will not hurt.

    27 lunar day from 05:25, moon in Pisces from 13:08

    You shouldn't plan things for the future. Any new projects will not be as successful as you imagine them to be. Before you say anything, it is worth considering. Loans and purchases will not be successful either. It is better to refrain from them so that financial problems do not appear.

    28 lunar day from 05:51, moon in Pisces

    If any people seem unpleasant, then it's time to protect yourself from unwanted communication. But on this day you need to extinguish your aggression and irritability. After all, because of your incontinence, a conflict can erupt.

    29 lunar day from 06:15, moon in Aries from 17:12

    changes in fate. A very good day for study, travel. Trips can be both entertaining and business. March is coming to an end, it is worth analyzing all the events that have taken place and have taken place this month.

    1 lunar day from 05:57, 2 lunar day from 06:39. New Moon in Aries at 05:57

    You can make responsible decisions, most importantly, without fuss. Only a bold and persistent attitude will help you to go on the right path. The result will greatly delight and exceed all expectations.

    3 lunar day from 07:03, moon in Taurus from 18:49

    This day predicts great activity and bold decisions. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to move to another job. You need to communicate a lot and achieve your goals.

    4 lunar day from 07:29, moon in Taurus

    A successful day in all areas where success and recognition will be expected. You should not borrow money, but if you yourself owe someone, then you must return it.

    5 lunar day from 07:59, the moon in Gemini from 19:41

    You need to control your emotions and behavior, as it is a very difficult day in emotional terms. You should not spend too much money, and it is better to refuse purchases altogether.

    When starting a new business or intending to make a difficult decision, we want to be confident in advance of the success of the undertaking. To do this, you can resort to an independent risk analysis, or you can use the advice that the lunar calendar for March 2017 gives. It contains useful information about when is the best time to go into business, health or personal life, and when it is more useful to devote the day to relaxation or self-education. Simple and useful recommendations will become your guide throughout the month.

    Lunar calendar for March 2017

    In fact, everything about the lunar calendars and their types can be found on the site, where you will find a decoding of all meanings and a detailed interpretation. But the daily forecast regardless of the zodiac sign is also important. There is a general rule based on lunar phases that allows you to navigate in the cycles of a satellite of the earth even if you do not know the exact lunar day.

    • New Moon (March 28 at 5:57 am) is the time to visualize a dream. Take your time to make plans. As the Moon is not yet visible in the sky, it is too early for you to reveal your cards and turn desires into goals. Spend this time in meditation and deep reflection. For now, you just need to outline your path for the next month. It is also not recommended to take active action yet.
    • First quarter (March 4 09:38) - now it's time to make real plans. The success achieved will depend on how thoughtful your plan is. Remember that you need to anticipate a variety of scenarios and take into account those variables that do not depend on you.
    • The second quarter is a period of active actions and negotiations. If you are striving for financial success, look for partners now, close deals and conduct conversations with potential clients. It is also possible to enter into a final agreement, but you need to be sure that this is actually the final agreement. It will be more difficult to make adjustments to a ready-made contract.
    • Full Moon (March 12 at 17:54) - This period is best used as a pause and review your actions for errors. Analyze the actions, check the correctness of the calculations. In a word, it's time to summarize before moving on. Refrain from active actions at least on this day.
    • The third quarter - the time for beginnings has already passed, but if this is a new stage in your plan, do not waste time. It's time for you to move on to the final stage. Engage in signing deals, bringing negotiations to a logical conclusion. You should also pay attention to your health - if you are tired, take a day off, now you will not be able to replenish your energy reserves as quickly as with the growing moon.
    • Last quarter (March 20 03:01) - if you did not have time to invest in the lunar month, you need to summarize now and try to complete as many things as possible so that they do not drag on indefinitely. Ideally, by the 29th lunar day, you should be ready to enter a new phase with a new idea. It is possible to extend the terms of preliminary plans, but do not get carried away.

    Observers say it is difficult to strictly fit into the lunar month if you are working in a long-term perspective and your plan is much longer than thirty days. To avoid dragging out the case - and this is inevitable, according to the lunar cycles - break your path into segments and achieve one or two goals in a short period, so that in the end you can come to your dream.

    It should also be remembered that the lunar calendar March 2017 is purely advisory in nature, and no one forces to follow its advice completely, but it is still worth trying and checking the theory - at least out of curiosity. So you can independently confirm or refute the words of those who boldly assert that our life can be subordinated to the lunar cycles.

    You may also be interested in this article if you are used to planning your life far ahead.

    Lunar calendar March 2017: auspicious days

    The calendar will greatly help in choosing the ideal time for various events, in which auspicious days, satanic days are already marked and there are recommendations on the actions that should be taken. An ordinary day may not be uniform - that is, it contains two or even three lunar ones - which means that you need to plan your time so that, for example, to deal with finances in the morning, and health in the afternoon. Watch carefully when the lunar day changes, you will also have to change your tactics and behave differently with others: be more assertive, or, conversely, avoid pressure.

    The lunar calendar for March 2017 is most convenient in the table, because it already contains all the necessary and important information about the day based on lunar recommendations: lunar day, phase, zodiac sign and even a short characteristic that will tell you what you should focus on. Be careful when choosing days to start - they don't always coincide with the beginning of the month - at the beginning it can be difficult to adjust.

    Day of week Lunar day Lunar phase Zodiac sign
    3 lunar days (until 09:38)

    4 lunar day

    First quarter Aries
    Characteristics of the day: A good day for a variety of undertakings. Your plans will be fully formed or your dream will take on a clearer outline. Do not strive to do as much as possible today, it will be better to do one thing, but the most difficult one. You will receive a great boost of energy and enthusiasm will not give you peace of mind, direct it in the right direction.
    4 lunar days (until 10:02)

    5 lunar day

    First quarter Aries
    Characteristics of the day: If in the last month you have unfinished business - immediately take on them. It is also good to re-analyze your path and reconsider decisions, if you made a mistake in the past, you still have the opportunity to fix everything. Today it is also worth listening to everything that is said to you - a lot of this will open your eyes to what is happening.
    5 lunar day (until 10:28)

    6 lunar day

    First quarter Taurus
    Characteristics of the day: A very important day, almost fateful. All the most significant events in life, as a rule, take place on these lunar days. Try not to make lightning-fast decisions or take any action hotly. You need to carefully weigh not only your words, but even washed. Be careful and discreet when communicating with colleagues and superiors.
    6 lunar day (until 11:00)

    7 lunar day

    First quarter Taurus
    Characteristics of the day: On this day you should hurry slowly. Don't plan any urgent business or travel, you still won't be able to speed up time, and it will drag on like rubber. Today it is good to start long-term projects, meet new people (in business and love sphere), direct your energy towards creation. You can also do health and sports. The main thing is not to overdo it.


    7 lunar days (until 11:38)

    8 lunar day

    First quarter Twins
    Characteristics of the day: The day is suitable for both analysis and active action. It's just that mass events are best avoided. Try to spend time with friends, family, and colleagues in a controlled manner and not to your detriment. It is advisable for you to spend tonight alone with yourself and focus on completing your tasks, rather than trying to please someone else.


    8 lunar days (until 12:24)

    9 lunar day

    Second quarter Twins
    Characteristics of the day: But today it is better to be a team player. It's time to move on to action and start executing your plan. Try to inspire as many people as possible to complete tasks, then you will advance faster and feel better. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with some people, but armed with a smile, you can solve a lot of problems.
    9 lunar days (until 13:20)

    10 lunar day

    Second quarter Cancer
    Characteristics of the day: A very dangerous day, both in communication and in other areas. Try to be more restrained and patient. Treat other people's delays or force majeure with understanding. Shouting will not help matters, but you can spoil the relationship easily, simply and for a long time. If you do not plan to do this, refrain from harsh statements. You should also be wary of all sorts of temptations: from the desire to eat something harmful during the diet to theft.
    10 lunar days (until 14:24)

    11 lunar days

    Second quarter Cancer
    Characteristics of the day: Today it is better not to start anything, but to continue old things. It will be interesting for you to communicate with the opposite sex, find common ground with bosses and colleagues, and meet new people. Today it is good to start new healthy habits: morning jog, tea or coffee without sugar, one cigarette a day. Do not start a diet, but give up one unhealthy or unsuitable food.
    11 lunar days (until 15:35)

    12 lunar day

    Second quarter a lion
    Characteristics of the day: To be successful today requires careful preparation. All ad-libs are doomed to fail, so don't ignore the need to read something beforehand, watch a training video, or attend a seminar. You really need to know the material if you want to pass an exam or credit, hold a summit, or impress a girl. But the main thing in this soul and spiritual values, try to distance yourself from material wealth.
    12 lunar days (until 16:48)

    13 lunar days

    Second quarter a lion
    Characteristics of the day: This day will be a kind of test of the seriousness of your intentions. Veselennaya herself will put sticks in the wheels. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended path, stoically overcoming all adversities. More faith in yourself and your strength! Try to adapt your affairs to the realities of this day, without deviating from the main course - that is, for example, do not cancel the meeting if difficulties arise, but postpone it to a more convenient time.
    13 lunar days (until 18:03)

    14 lunar day

    Second quarter a lion
    Characteristics of the day: Spend this day with colleagues or friends, exchange experiences or news, visit a joint social event. In general, it is worthwhile to devote time to communication and education. Any information is well absorbed on this day, so it is best to learn some new disciplines, gain new knowledge at seminars and webinars, and try your hand at something unusual for you. Just don't litter your memory with unnecessary facts.


    14 lunar days (until 19:17)

    15 lunar day

    Full moon at 17:54 Virgo
    Characteristics of the day: Time of important deeds and decisive actions. If your plans require a difficult task, assign it for today. You will need to accumulate all your resources in order to be decisive and not back down, but luck is on your side. Try to plan the day in advance so that all the time is busy, a minute delay or a free hour can sow empty doubts in you.


    15 lunar days (until 20:28)

    16 lunar day

    Third quarter Virgo
    Characteristics of the day: Take care of your daily chores at home or at work. Don't take action, just move as you normally would. You will feel some fatigue and, at the same time, a second wind that has opened. This feeling is deceiving. You need to remember that someday everything will end, and so will your enthusiasm, so don't be overwhelmed by trifles - take time for the main thing. But there is still no need to rush.
    16 lunar days (until 21:39)

    17 lunar day

    Third quarter scales
    Characteristics of the day: The energy of this day is creation. Express yourself, bring something new to work, home, relationships, try yourself in a new hobby or field. You will be relatively calm, as the courage of the previous days will finally leave you. This does not mean that you have to try with triple strength, just be a listener today. Listen, first of all, to yourself and your instincts. As well as those around you, perhaps someone will give you good advice on how best to proceed. Or you will get a lesson in harmony.
    17 lunar days (until 22:48)

    18 lunar day

    Third quarter scales
    Characteristics of the day: This day is ideal for creativity or entertainment. Today is good to have a meeting with friends, just to be happy and have fun. If you have a busy work schedule, try to approach any business with a smile - this will significantly increase your chances of success. Maintain a state of gaiety for as long as possible.
    18 lunar days (until 23:56)

    19 lunar days

    Third quarter Scorpion
    Characteristics of the day: The day of revelations is coming. People will unknowingly tell the truth, so whatever good you hear about yourself will also be true. But criticism, even if it is unpleasant, is a reason to think about behavior, actions and character. But you yourself will be quite frank, so either talk less or be prepared for the consequences - in any case, you will benefit if you do not take offense and offend.
    19 lunar days (all day) Third quarter Scorpion
    Characteristics of the day: Dangerous and difficult day. It is important not to withdraw into yourself, but also to limit communication only to acquaintances and pleasant people. Stay at home, if possible, and avoid alcohol and intoxicated people. You will be strongly influenced from the outside and, as it were, mirror the attitude of people towards themselves: if they are aggressive towards you, then you will respond in kind. Dedicate this day to quiet, monotonous work, put aside everything important. You risk ruining everything without the opportunity to fix everything.
    19 lunar days (until 01:01)

    20 lunar day

    Third quarter Scorpion
    Characteristics of the day: Evaluate the situation from the outside. Step aside and look at the whole picture as a whole, from a different angle, assess the perspective, the importance of actions, their value and the result obtained. You can find an unusual solution to a problem today or understand the essence, carry out a long-haunted search or get an answer to a question that has tormented you. But don't be too relaxed. The answer is given to you for action, not contemplation.


    20 lunar days (until 02:03)

    21 lunar days

    Third quarter Sagittarius
    Characteristics of the day: A very productive day. Get the support and help of colleagues and friends for a big event, or plan a few small ones. The energy accumulated over the previous days will give you the necessary charge, and you will only have to choose the direction in which to make efforts. Be attentive to others offering their help - do not refuse, this can be the beginning of a good cooperation or friendship.


    21 lunar days (until 03:01)

    22 lunar days

    Third quarter Sagittarius
    Characteristics of the day: Today it is definitely not worth starting anything. The time for successful cases has already passed, but you can proceed to the completion of the previously started cases. You will have enough strength and wisdom to make the right decisions. You can see new opportunities, but you need to use them for an already running project, they will not work with something completely new. It will be difficult for you to find a balance between work and personal life today, but at the end of the day it is better to opt for the second.
    22 lunar days (until 03:54)

    23 lunar days

    Last quarter Capricorn
    Characteristics of the day: This is the day of changes and transformations. You will feel how events by themselves change your destiny and intentions. Waking up in the morning with a desire for coffee, you find yourself brewing tea. You should not resist these changes, everything that happens today is in your favor. Even if it seems to you that it is contrary to your basic principles and ideas. Be influenced, let me guide you. But just do not think that this means that you need to go with the flow. You are simply given a vector, the decisive step is still yours.
    23 lunar days (until 04:41)

    24 lunar day

    Last quarter Capricorn
    Characteristics of the day: You will feel an unexpected surge of strength and energy. Enthusiasm will drive you to conquer the heights: new projects at work, a date with your loved one, a long-awaited friendly meeting. You will be overwhelmed with the desire to do something, you will literally feel strength throughout your body. And this is actually a physical condition that you will not be able to maintain for a long time, so you should take advantage of it to the maximum.
    24 lunar days (until 05:21)

    25 lunar day

    Last quarter Capricorn
    Characteristics of the day: But today from the very morning you will remind yourself of a sloth: slow and apathetic. It will be difficult for you to force yourself to do something or even get out of bed, as if you have the burden of all the years on your shoulders. Try to minimize your activities for the first half of the day. And in the second, trust your intuition, listen to your instincts and avoid suspicious or dubious activities.
    25 lunar day (05:56)

    26 lunar days

    Last quarter Aquarius
    Characteristics of the day: Not the best day both for communication and for work in general. You will be provoked into a showdown instead of productive work. You won't be able to retire, but it still won't help you. However, if earlier you made efforts to establish contacts, today your efforts will be crowned with success. Try not to miss the moment and make up if you do have an argument with someone. After that it will be very difficult to find a common language.
    26 lunar days (until 06:25)

    27 lunar days

    Last quarter Aquarius
    Characteristics of the day: You need to maintain lightness and good mood throughout the day. This is the main secret of success today. Try spending more time meditating and understanding your self. Today is a good day for spiritual exploration and self-discovery. A secret truth may be revealed to you. If you are a more down-to-earth person, try to trust others more and take a closer look at your loved ones. You are really dear to them.


    27 lunar days (until 06:51)

    28 lunar day

    Last quarter Fishes
    Characteristics of the day: One of the most favorable days in the lunar month. But it is ideal only for those who have already worked hard and are now waiting for harvest time. And this is exactly it. It's time for you to reap the rewards of your deeds this month, complete deals, make final appointments, dot the I. Your uplift and satisfaction from the day will depend entirely on what you did in the previous period.


    28 lunar days (until 07:16)

    29 lunar days

    Last quarter Fishes
    Characteristics of the day: A very difficult and controversial day. The presence of people around you will be painful for you, and loneliness will also become a punishment. Your emotional and physical condition will constantly change. YOU are especially susceptible to stress today, since the Moon itself sums up the result and everyone receives for their efforts. If during the month you made a lot of mistakes, today they will all come back to you, to one degree or another. Be careful and prepared for trouble.
    29 lunar days (until 07:39)

    1 lunar day (until 08:01)

    2 lunar day

    New Moon at 5:57 am Aries
    Characteristics of the day: This is the day when you can afford to go with the flow, as no action is required. By and large, and not worth it. This is the time of daydreaming and planning. You need to gain strength to achieve new goals, and now is the time to outline them. Be attentive to yourself and listen to your desires. Do not build a plan on the basis of "must", everything should come from "I want" and only then the plan will be effective and worthwhile.
    2 lunar days (until 08:03)

    3 lunar day

    First quarter Aries
    Characteristics of the day: You are still given time to plan, gather information and outline goals, develop a clear plan with explanations and notes in the margins. But, if you decide to start today, remember, you need to instantly throw all doubts aside, otherwise your business will be doomed to failure already at that moment. Believe in yourself and your friends. When you need their help, they will provide it. But still, too much depends on you.
    3 lunar days (until 08:29)

    4 lunar day

    First quarter Taurus
    Characteristics of the day: As a rule, at the beginning of the lunar month you still have many ideas and plans and it is difficult to determine priorities. Start today and with the hardest. Any business will be much easier for you, and extra help in solving especially important matters will never hurt. Be careful in choosing a partner and in your choice in general. Today you also have the opportunity to correct what you have already started without prejudice to the common cause. But don't share your plans with colleagues, jealousy can lead you astray.
    4 lunar days (until 09:00)

    5 lunar day

    First quarter Taurus
    Characteristics of the day: You need all your willpower to stay on track. Be persistent in your desires, but do not impose your will on others. Try not to succumb to temptations and provocations, do not go on about other people's desires. Remember, you need to get busy with your project. Also, do not look for easy money or cheat today. You will receive the punishment for your misdeeds instantly, which will unsettle you for a long time and you will waste precious time. Live by honor.