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  • Gossip's calendar: Lada Dance
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  • Lada dance personal life children. Gossip's calendar: Lada Dance

    Lada dance personal life children.  Calendar

    Lada Dance (aka Lada Evgenievna Volkova) is one of the sex symbols of the 90s of the last century. Bursting onto the musical Olympus with the song "Night Girl", this red-haired beauty managed to gain a foothold there for quite a long time. The youth of the 90s literally idolized the artist, and her popularity began to decline only with the onset of a new century. But here, too, she found a way to attract attention to herself. In her creative archive - vivid roles in film projects, episodes in full-length films, unforgettable reincarnations in the show of the first channel "Exactly exactly"

    Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance

    Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance? - these questions interested her fans, both then in the 90s and today in the second decade of the 21st century. Lada is so well preserved that the issue of age does not lose its relevance today.

    Young people, who have not found the peak of popularity of the singer Lada Dance, consider her almost the same age, older people who remember how this "red-haired beast" took her first steps in show business estimate her age at 45-50 years. Meanwhile, she has already turned 52 years old. Lada's height is 170 cm, weight - 60 kg.

    Biography and personal life of Lada Dance

    Lada Evgenievna Volkova was born on September 11, 1966 in Kaliningrad. The biography and personal life of Lada Dance, as a media person, begins in 1992 and is associated with a funny story. In fact, the "father" of the name Lada Dance is Sergey Lemokh. It was he who, during one concert, announcing Lada, literally voiced the following: “It was Lada! And everything behind her is dance! ”, Not everyone understood that it was about the dancer's dance, so after this incident the name went to the people and soon the singer took this catchy, memorable pseudonym.

    Little Lada studied at school 44 in Kaliningrad. Since childhood, she was fond of music, so she did not think about choosing a future profession for a long time. After school she entered the music school. Already during her studies she sang for the public in local institutions. She managed to reach the state level after participating in the Jurmala-88 pop song festival. She never won a prize in the competition, but she got acquainted with influential people. In particular, Khariton Vitebsky, who is the husband of another participant in the song contest, invited Lada to become a member of the women's trio "Zhensovet". In addition to the wife of Vitebsky and Lada Dance, Svetlana Lazareva joined the team. This project has not gained much popularity.

    In 1992, Lada managed to fool the producer of "Technology" Leonid Velichkovsky. Under the strict guidance of Velichkovsky, she records the first hits and the first album. Further, thanks to the authority of her civil husband, she gets melodies of foreign composers into her repertoire. The romance between Lada and Velichkovsky lasted until 1996. This time is the peak of the artist's popularity. At the beginning of the 2000s, the star of Lada Dance in the pop horizon begins to fade. The last brilliant creation of the singer is the album "Fantasy" (1997).

    For several years after that, the country does not hear the name Lada Dance, but in 2004 she makes her film debut. Many are still amazed at how brilliantly this actress, who had nothing to do with cinema before, coped with the leading role in the television project “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own…” (directed by D. Fix). In 2013, she starred in the continuation of the project. In addition, Lada has several cameo roles under her belt.

    In 2015, Lada Dance reveals itself in a new role - it becomes a participant in the show "Exactly exactly" on Channel 1. As part of the project, movie and pop stars should try on the images of their colleagues. Lada Dance became one of the brightest participants in the project, won a special prize from the jury.
    Today Lada Dance - a happy mother and businesswoman - owns a recruiting agency, is engaged in fashion design

    Family and children of Lada Dance

    The family and children of Lada Dance is a question worthy of a separate discussion. Mother Irina - philologist, translator, father - Eugene worked as an engineer. The elder brother - Sergei Volkov - followed in the footsteps of his mother, is engaged in history, is fond of painting. The singer's relationship with the stronger sex, somehow, did not work out, a stormy romance with the first producer and a second love, into which the young girl dived as if into a pool with her head - did not give her family happiness, but gave her the joy of motherhood.

    Lada Dance is the mother of two wonderful children in whom she sees her support and support. At 52, Lada Dance has fulfilled her main dream - to have a large creative family. Today, in the company of her son Ilya and daughter Lisa, she feels like an absolutely happy woman.

    Son of Lada Dance - Ilya

    The son of Lada Dance - Ilya was born in 1997. His birth happened rather in spite of it. Lada Dance's relationship with Ilya's father Pavel Svirsky did not stick together and the news that Lada was pregnant caused him an extremely negative reaction. However, thanks to the wise advice of loved ones, Lada decided to give birth and today did not regret her choice for a second.

    Svirsky will then make her an offer. Ilya will take all male character traits from his father, while being carried away by creativity (we are talking about painting). Today Ilya Svirsky is an architect student.

    Daughter of Lada Dance - Elizabeth

    The daughter of Lada Dance, Elizaveta, was born in 1999. The age difference with the older brother was only 2 years, so the children were insanely friendly, had a number of common interests and mutually complemented each other, freeing their mother from the burdens of moralizing and upbringing.

    Since childhood, Liza was notable for her restlessness, she changed her hobbies. Theater, music, painting - this is not a complete list of what this beautiful girl was interested in in one way or another. Today Liza Svirskaya is studying abroad, lives in an elite private boarding school in the UK.

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky

    The former husband of Lada Dance, Leonid Velichkovsky, was a popular musician and producer at that time. Their acquaintance took place on the initiative of Lada. She turned to him for help in writing several songs. A stormy love affair followed, lasting several years, after which the couple broke up with a scandal.

    Leonid and Lada did not agree in character, as well as views on the further creative life of the artist. There were no children in the marriage, they did not have time to officially register the marriage, therefore, after a loud parting, Lada and Leonid stopped all communication with each other.

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky - businessman, producer, for some time was engaged in the promotion of his wife. Relations with him from the very beginning were limited by the negative attitude of Pavel's relatives towards Lada, they then whispered to Paul in love that such a dissolute woman like Lada was not a match for him. As a result, he even demanded that Lada have an abortion.

    However, after the birth, Svirsky recognized his son and for some time the couple was happy together, but soon Dance found out about her husband's infidelities and this marriage was doomed, Pavel could not return the lost confidence in himself.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance are official. In addition, Lada is an active user of almost all well-known social networks. About 20 thousand people are subscribed to her instagram today, which means that a star named Lada Dance is at the zenith of her fame.

    On the Instagram page, there are mainly photographs from film sets, or family shots with children. In addition, since Lada is engaged in clothing design, all her Instagram subscribers can follow fashion trends, Lada talks about them without fail and as soon as possible. The article was found on

    Lada Dance or Volkova Lada Evgenievna is a famous Russian and still Soviet singer who has delighted many generations with songs in the style of jazz and pop. The girl got on the stage when she was barely twenty-two years old. But she immediately won the hearts of her fans.

    Lada's songs never get old, as, in principle, the fatal beauty and talented singer herself. She is also a charming model as well as a highly sought-after actress.

    Lada is a happy mother of two adorable kids and was able to realize herself as a woman and as a creative person.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance

    It is worth paying attention to the physical parameters of a famous actress, singer and model, including height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance is not a very difficult question, since the date of her birth is known.

    Lada was born according to some sources in 1966, and according to others in 1969, so it is almost impossible to understand exactly how old she was. However, it is officially believed that the woman celebrated her fiftieth birthday, so we will count the same. At the same time, Lada Dance: photos in her youth and now are photos of the same young and bright woman, on whose face there is not a single wrinkle.

    According to the zodiac, Lada received the sign of a caring, stable, economic, honest, well-mannered, insecure Virgo.

    According to the eastern horoscope, she received character traits that are characteristic of the Horse, including stability, efficiency, hard work.

    The growth of Lada Dance was one meter and seventy centimeters, and her weight approached the sixty kilogram mark.

    Biography and personal life of Lada Dance

    The biography and personal life of Lada Dance began quite a long time ago, when she was born in Kaliningrad. Lada Volkova's parents gravitated towards foreign languages ​​and construction, but had nothing to do with music, cinema.

    Father - Evgeny Volkov - an engineer who worked in one of the design bureaus.

    Mother - Irina Volkova - graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the capital, she worked as a translator and art critic.

    Brother - Sergei Volkov - was older than his sister. He did not want to study at a music school, choosing an art school, he works as an art historian. Ii is a talented artist and is also engaged in woodcarving.

    At the same time, Ladochka knew exactly who she wanted to become. Therefore, from an early age she entered a music school, then went to a music school to the departments of pop and academic vocal. By the way, the future star graduated from the same school as Oleg Gazmanov, so she received a decent education, and also began to sing in the school VIA, where she played keyboards.

    She developed her talent by singing the hits of the time in restaurants and dance floors. Lada began to sing professionally after the Jurmala festival in 1988. Where she did not take any place, but met the girls, with whom she organized the group "Women Council" and moved to Moscow.

    After the collapse of the collective, the girl was the backing vocalist of Kirkorov himself for a long time, and since 1992 she began to sing solo, taking the creative pseudonym Dance. She performed at first before the release of the cult group "Kar-Men", simultaneously recording album after album, of which there were exactly seven by now.

    Lada Dance has shot a huge number of clips, of which there are sixteen, while she is a popular model and received a special prize from the jury in the talent show "Just the same".

    Since 1995 he has been acting in films and TV series, including, "Old songs about the main thing", "Balzac's age or all men are good ...", "The Way", "Cats against dogs", "Stepanich's Thai voyage", "," 220 volts of love "," Three on top "," Return of Mukhtar "," My personal enemy ".

    Lada has its own salon that provides vintage cars for rent, as well as a recruiting agency.

    Lada Dance's personal life has always been stormy and vibrant, since she is an incredibly beautiful and talented woman.

    The girl had a huge number of fans, but most of them only in words, since the singer never talked about her beloved men, which gave rise to a huge amount of ridiculous gossip.

    Dance said that her first love was producer Lenya Velichkovsky, with whom life did not work out. Currently, the girl is happy with her husband and true love - Pavel Svirsky.

    Family and children of Lada Dance

    The family and children of Lada Dance are the best people in her life, she considers them to be her support and hope for a happy future. Lada's family is friendly and understanding, they did everything to ensure that the daughter and son find their way in life. Lada, through the efforts of her parents, became a singer, and Seryozha refused to go to a music school, but graduated from an art school and became an excellent artist and woodcarver.

    The woman has two wonderful children who never cease to please their mother. They were born with a small age difference, so they were incredibly friendly, creative and bright. By the way, the young and talented actress and singer dreamed for a long time that she would have a friendly family and several kids.

    Son of Lada Dance - Ilya Svirsky

    The son of Lada Dance - Ilya Svirsky - was born in 1997, his father was Pavel Svirsky. It was decided to call the boy the original Russian name Ilya, in the hope that he would grow strong and healthy.

    The kid was very similar to his mother in appearance, but took on his father's character traits. The most interesting thing is that Ilyushka was an unwanted child, because immediately after his father found out about his wife's pregnancy, he left the family.

    Ilya studied well at school, went in for sports, including football and martial arts. Young Svirsky did not dream of becoming a singer, sincerely considering this a non-male work that makes him leave the house for a long time. This year he became a student at the Moscow University of Architecture, because he drew remarkably.

    Daughter of Lada Dance - Elizaveta Svirskaya

    The daughter of Lada Dance - Elizaveta Svirskaya - was born in 1999, her dad is also considered Lada's second husband, Pavel Svirsky. At that time, young people began to live together again, so a small and incredibly beautiful girl was born, who also looked like her mother.

    Lizochka was distinguished by her restless and artistic character, that she really could not sit quietly for a minute and often lost interest in the business she had begun.

    Elizabeth was fond of theater, studied well at school, studied vocals and played the piano. She lives in the capital of Great Britain, lives there in a prestigious boarding house.

    Former common-law husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky

    The former common-law husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky - was also her first producer. Who burst into her life in 1992. Rather, Lada herself turned to him with a request that the keyboardist of the then popular Tekhnologiya group, who was a talented composer, to write several songs for her.

    This collaboration has grown into the release of several hits, as well as a new album. At the same time, in 1993, with the light hand of Velichkovsky, Dance was able to record the disc "Night Album", which instantly went from hand to hand.

    At the same time, Lada and Leonid did not agree in character, they parted loudly and with a scandal. There were no children in the marriage, so it is believed that there was no one to maintain friendly relations.

    Former husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky

    The ex-husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky - appeared in the singer's life unexpectedly when she met him at a corporate party. At the same time, the parents of the businessman were shocked by the choice of their son, they forbade him to meet with the singer, considering her a dirty woman of easy virtue.

    Lada says that Pavel was married at that time and raised a son, but at the same time he did not want to leave her and his wife at the same time. The most interesting thing is that the marriage nevertheless fell apart, then the guys began to live together again, but lost confidence due to the fact that Pavel cheated on his wife again. Although the young man says that Lada herself is to blame, since he believed the rumors about her indecent behavior.

    At the same time, Dance cannot forgive Pavel for leaving her alone with two small children, although she has long become self-sufficient, bright and athletic. She considers this marriage a stepping stone to something stable, to simply becoming someone's beloved and only woman.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance are official. At the same time, there are pages in almost all social networks. It is worth noting that from an article on Wikipedia you can learn quite a lot about the singer's childhood, youth, education and creative path, however, very little information will be found about her parents, spouses and children.

    At the same time, at least 19,000 fans have subscribed to the Instagram profile. Who grew up on her hits or met them recently. It is worth understanding that only on this page is it possible to find the most relevant and reliable photographs. Chat with the star and see a lot of high-quality videos from her life.

    Lada Dance (aka Lada Evgenievna Volkova) is one of the sex symbols of the 90s of the last century. Bursting onto the musical Olympus with the song "Night Girl", this red-haired beauty managed to gain a foothold there for quite a long time. The youth of the 90s literally idolized the artist, and her popularity began to decline only with the onset of a new century. But here, too, she found a way to attract attention to herself. In her creative archive - vivid roles in film projects, episodes in full-length films, unforgettable reincarnations in the show of the first channel "Exactly exactly"

    Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance? - these questions interested her fans, both then in the 90s and today in the second decade of the 21st century. Lada is so well preserved that the issue of age does not lose its relevance today.

    Young people, who have not found the peak of popularity of the singer Lada Dance, consider her almost the same age, older people who remember how this "red-haired beast" took her first steps in show business estimate her age at 45-50 years. Meanwhile, she has already turned 52 years old. Lada's height is 170 cm, weight - 60 kg.

    Biography and personal life of Lada Dance

    Lada Evgenievna Volkova was born on September 11, 1966 in Kaliningrad. The biography and personal life of Lada Dance, as a media person, begins in 1992 and is associated with a funny story. In fact, the "father" of the name Lada Dance is Sergey Lemokh. It was he who, during one concert, announcing Lada, literally voiced the following: “It was Lada! And everything behind her is dance! ”, Not everyone understood that it was about the dancer's dance, so after this incident the name went to the people and soon the singer took this catchy, memorable pseudonym.

    Little Lada studied at school 44 in Kaliningrad. Since childhood, she was fond of music, so she did not think about choosing a future profession for a long time. After school she entered the music school. Already during her studies she sang for the public in local institutions. She managed to reach the state level after participating in the Jurmala-88 pop song festival. She never won a prize in the competition, but she got acquainted with influential people. In particular, Khariton Vitebsky, who is the husband of another participant in the song contest, invited Lada to become a member of the women's trio "Zhensovet". In addition to the wife of Vitebsky and Lada Dance, Svetlana Lazareva joined the team. This project has not gained much popularity.

    In 1992, Lada managed to fool the producer of "Technology" Leonid Velichkovsky. Under the strict guidance of Velichkovsky, she records the first hits and the first album. Further, thanks to the authority of her civil husband, she gets melodies of foreign composers into her repertoire. The romance between Lada and Velichkovsky lasted until 1996. This time is the peak of the artist's popularity. At the beginning of the 2000s, the star of Lada Dance in the pop horizon begins to fade. The last brilliant creation of the singer is the album "Fantasy" (1997).

    For several years after that, the country does not hear the name Lada Dance, but in 2004 she makes her film debut. Many are still amazed at how brilliantly this actress, who had nothing to do with cinema before, coped with the leading role in the television project “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own…” (directed by D. Fix). In 2013, she starred in the continuation of the project. In addition, Lada has several cameo roles under her belt.

    In 2015, Lada Dance reveals itself in a new role - it becomes a participant in the show "Exactly exactly" on Channel 1. As part of the project, movie and pop stars should try on the images of their colleagues. Lada Dance became one of the brightest participants in the project, won a special prize from the jury.
    Today Lada Dance - a happy mother and businesswoman - owns a recruiting agency, is engaged in fashion design

    Family and children of Lada Dance

    The family and children of Lada Dance is a question worthy of a separate discussion. Mother Irina - philologist, translator, father - Eugene worked as an engineer. The elder brother - Sergei Volkov - followed in the footsteps of his mother, is engaged in history, is fond of painting. The singer's relationship with the stronger sex, somehow, did not work out, a stormy romance with the first producer and a second love, into which the young girl dived as if into a pool with her head - did not give her family happiness, but gave her the joy of motherhood.

    Lada Dance is the mother of two wonderful children in whom she sees her support and support. At 52, Lada Dance has fulfilled her main dream - to have a large creative family. Today, in the company of her son Ilya and daughter Lisa, she feels like an absolutely happy woman.

    Son of Lada Dance - Ilya

    The son of Lada Dance - Ilya was born in 1997. His birth happened rather in spite of it. Lada Dance's relationship with Ilya's father Pavel Svirsky did not stick together and the news that Lada was pregnant caused him an extremely negative reaction. However, thanks to the wise advice of loved ones, Lada decided to give birth and today did not regret her choice for a second.

    Svirsky will then make her an offer. Ilya will take all male character traits from his father, while being carried away by creativity (we are talking about painting). Today Ilya Svirsky is an architect student.

    Daughter of Lada Dance - Elizabeth

    The daughter of Lada Dance, Elizaveta, was born in 1999. The age difference with the older brother was only 2 years, so the children were insanely friendly, had a number of common interests and mutually complemented each other, freeing their mother from the burdens of moralizing and upbringing.

    Since childhood, Liza was notable for her restlessness, she changed her hobbies. Theater, music, painting - this is not a complete list of what this beautiful girl was interested in in one way or another. Today Liza Svirskaya is studying abroad, lives in an elite private boarding school in the UK.

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky

    The former husband of Lada Dance, Leonid Velichkovsky, was a popular musician and producer at that time. Their acquaintance took place on the initiative of Lada. She turned to him for help in writing several songs. A stormy love affair followed, lasting several years, after which the couple broke up with a scandal.

    Leonid and Lada did not agree in character, as well as views on the further creative life of the artist. There were no children in the marriage, they did not have time to officially register the marriage, therefore, after a loud parting, Lada and Leonid stopped all communication with each other.

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky

    Former Husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky - businessman, producer, for some time was engaged in the promotion of his wife. Relations with him from the very beginning were limited by the negative attitude of Pavel's relatives towards Lada, they then whispered to Paul in love that such a dissolute woman like Lada was not a match for him. As a result, he even demanded that Lada have an abortion.

    However, after the birth, Svirsky recognized his son and for some time the couple was happy together, but soon Dance found out about her husband's infidelities and this marriage was doomed, Pavel could not return the lost confidence in himself.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance are official. In addition, Lada is an active user of almost all well-known social networks. About 20 thousand people are subscribed to her instagram today, which means that a star named Lada Dance is at the zenith of her fame.

    On the Instagram page, there are mainly photographs from film sets, or family shots with children. In addition, since Lada is engaged in clothing design, all her Instagram subscribers can follow fashion trends, Lada talks about them without fail and as soon as possible.

    Lada Dance is a spectacular expressive singer with excellent vocal abilities. The performer became a symbol of the early 90s. The red-haired girl became famous thanks to her hit "Girl-Night", which was sung by the youth of that time. The biography of Lada Dance, the singer's year of birth, her creative path and details of her personal life - all this will be described in detail in the article.

    Biographical information

    The biography of Lada Dens is very interesting. The future pop star was born back in 1966 in the city of Kaliningrad. Her real name is Lada Evgenievna Volkova. None of the loved ones of the charming little girl had a taste for either music or singing: her mother worked as a translator, and her father worked as an engineer. The family had two children, besides Lada, the son was growing up, now he works as an artist.

    Lada from early childhood was fond of music, she showed strong vocal abilities. The parents decided to send the girl to a music school to be taught to sing professionally. She brilliantly graduates from college, decides to study further in this direction.

    Admission and first success

    After graduating from school, the girl enters a music school. She is attracted by the department of academic singing, but later she decides to transfer to the jazz and pop department. The young coquette gives all her strength to her studies, and also manages to run to classes in the school ensemble. The team of young talents is not limited to performances on the school stage, they develop their activities and entertain young people at discos and various evenings.

    At first, the girl does not sing, but plays keyboards in a group. She was captured by the school - novelty, experiments with musical styles, acquaintances with talented personalities. All ideas about music are mixed in her head: she abandoned keyboards, and gave all her strength to the development of her vocal abilities. Lada begins solo performances, she is invited to sing in bars and restaurants.

    Also, the girl "lit up" in the modeling business. This was facilitated by high growth and expressive facial features. She starred in photo sessions, for which she received good royalties. Lada early became independent: she received the first money and improved her vocal abilities.

    "Dance" - the story of appearing on stage

    No one even can imagine how the singer got such a pseudonym. An aspiring star at the beginning of her career sang in the "Bikini-Dance" collective. But the director did not like this name, and at the concert he said that Lada was in front, and Dance was behind her. So the name Lada-Dance appeared, and the hyphen soon disappeared. The fans did not understand where the girl got such a surname, there were even rumors that she was married to a foreigner. This pseudonym became the brand under which the pop star became known.

    Professional recognition

    The biography of Lada Dance as a singer began in the 80s. last century. A trip to the Latvian festival in Jurmala in 1988 opened up excellent prospects for Lada. Alas, she could not get any of the awards, but she discovered the stage for herself. During the festival, fate brings the girl together with her future companions in the singing workshop: Alina Vitebskaya and Svetlana Lazareva. Acquaintance, apart from friendship, grew into a decision to form a women's group "Women's Council". The trio becomes popular thanks to the performance of songs that were popular in those years, but over time they lose their relevance, so the trio breaks up.

    Solo career

    The girl group has broken up, but what can an ambitious brown-haired woman do? The girl decided to achieve success, but not to return to her hometown. Luck did not leave her, she was invited to work as a backing vocalist for the famous singer Philip Kirkorov. Lada did not work for long in his team, her dream came true to become a solo singer. This was facilitated by the patronage of the composer Leonid Velichkovsky, who collaborated with the popular Tekhnologiya collective.

    Glory and love of the public to the singer is brought by the new hit "Girl-Night", which has won the hearts of young people. The moment has become a landmark for Lada Dance, she is invited to a variety of musical events that were held in the country. Then the singer performed another famous hit "You need to live high". The singer's debut studio disc includes the hits presented. The first album was a resounding success. Millions of fans rushed to get it. The singer was not destined to continue cooperation with Leonid, they quarreled and parted as irreconcilable enemies.

    The girl again has to pull herself together in order to persistently move towards the realization of her dreams. Now she works as an opening act for the performance of the popular group "Kar-man", in order to soon present to the public the creation "To nothing, to nothing." The breakthrough was a song recorded by a duet with Lev Leshchenko. And one fine morning Lada woke up as a real pop star, beloved and demanded by fans.

    Singer Lada Dance: biography, personal life of a beauty

    A girl with expressive eyes has always been admired by members of the opposite sex. Is Lada Dance married? Biography, personal life, husband - all this is constantly under the scrutiny of fans. Her first common-law husband was the composer Leonid Velichkovsky. Their life together turned out to be short-lived, they regularly quarreled and scuffled, and feuds concerned the division of the acquired property.

    Lada Dance was not left alone, soon businessman Pavel Svirsky surrounded her with love and care. This time the marriage was formalized. The wedding died down in one of the most luxurious Moscow restaurants. The couple had their first child, Ilya, and after him their daughter Elizabeth. It seems that everything turned out as in the most cherished dreams: a strong family, a beloved husband and a spacious house. But imperceptibly a misunderstanding began to appear between the spouses, Pavel began to disappear on business trips, while making caustic remarks about his wife's career. The singer was not destined to live in marriage for a long time, she divorces her husband. For Lada, this time was a difficult test, she lost 20 kg. None of her friends could recognize her. But the singer found the strength to live on for the sake of the children.

    The popularity of Lada Dance

    In the mid-90s, the star regularly shines at concerts. Lada meets popular German composers, later they record new hits together. The album "Taste of Love" was released in 1996, all the songs in it are in the disco style, which was especially popular at that time. The singer is going through a stellar period, she goes on tour around the country. The performer is offered to appear in photo sessions for "Playboy", which she successfully implements. Soon the next albums "Fantasy" and "On the islands of love" will be released. But after the deafening success, silence ensues.


    Singer Lada Dance, a biography whose personal life is interesting to all her fans, made an attempt to return to fans in the 2000s. She decides to take up singing, but it's not so simple. Lada writes songs to the music of German composers, but the audience is already completely different. The singer decided to release a new disc "When the Gardens Bloom", but to no avail. Lada leaves her singing career for a while to start acting in films. At first, she was offered cameo roles, but later she turns into a professional talented actress. Her most famous roles can be admired in the films: "Stepanich's Spanish Voyage", the TV series "Balzac's Age or All Men Are Svo ...", "Territory of Love".

    The creative life continues

    The biography of Lada Dance shows that now the singer is trying to regain her former positions, which brought her incredible popularity. The star acts in various television shows, combines singing with dancing, wants to repeat the success in the cinema again. In 2016, the singer showed herself perfectly in the show of reincarnations "Just the same", where she skillfully played the role of the Soviet singer Vadim Mulerman, singing the song "Lada". As a result of the vote, she was given a special prize from the jury. After the performance, she was again remembered as a talented singer with strong vocal abilities.

    In January 2017, the singer was invited to take part in Olga Buzova's party. Lada sang her best hits of the 90s for an hour, and all the audience danced incendiaryly.

    Successful life

    The performer claims that not engaging in creativity was the cornerstone in her destiny. Although her personal life was difficult, the singer never felt lonely. Lada Dance believes that it is impossible for a woman to remain lonely, it is necessary to learn to look for happiness everywhere. And the most important thing is to take care of children. Lada also goes in for alpine skiing and keeps fit. Users of social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram" can admire her photos from various travels and trips, as well as in the pool. Fans are delighted with the figure of the singer, which does not change after decades.

    Brilliant prospects opened up before the singer, but over time they began to forget about her. Now fans will not see her not only on stage, but also in films, which brings sadness. The celebrity claims that he wants to show himself again, to return past achievements.

    Lada Dance or Volkova Lada Evgenievna is a famous Russian and still Soviet singer who has delighted many generations with songs in the style of jazz and pop. The girl got on the stage when she was barely twenty-two years old. But she immediately won the hearts of her fans.

    Lada's songs never get old, as, in principle, the fatal beauty and talented singer herself. She is also a charming model as well as a highly sought-after actress.

    Lada is a happy mother of two adorable kids and was able to realize herself as a woman and as a creative person.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance

    It is worth paying attention to the physical parameters of a famous actress, singer and model, including height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance is not a very difficult question, since the date of her birth is known.

    Lada was born according to some sources in 1966, and according to others in 1969, so it is almost impossible to understand exactly how old she was. However, it is officially believed that the woman celebrated her fiftieth birthday, so we will count the same. At the same time, Lada Dance: photos in her youth and now are photos of the same young and bright woman, on whose face there is not a single wrinkle.

    According to the zodiac, Lada received the sign of a caring, stable, economic, honest, well-mannered, insecure Virgo.

    According to the eastern horoscope, she received character traits that are characteristic of the Horse, including stability, efficiency, hard work.

    The growth of Lada Dance was one meter and seventy centimeters, and her weight approached the sixty kilogram mark.

    Biography and personal life of Lada Dance

    The biography and personal life of Lada Dance began quite a long time ago, when she was born in Kaliningrad. Lada Volkova's parents gravitated towards foreign languages ​​and construction, but had nothing to do with music, cinema.

    Father - Evgeny Volkov - an engineer who worked in one of the design bureaus.

    Mother - Irina Volkova - graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the capital, she worked as a translator and art critic.

    Brother - Sergei Volkov - was older than his sister. He did not want to study at a music school, choosing an art school, he works as an art historian. Ii is a talented artist and is also engaged in woodcarving.
    At the same time, Ladochka knew exactly who she wanted to become. Therefore, from an early age she entered a music school, then went to a music school to the departments of pop and academic vocal. By the way, the future star graduated from the same school as Oleg Gazmanov, so she received a decent education, and also began to sing in the school VIA, where she played keyboards.

    She developed her talent by singing the hits of the time in restaurants and dance floors. Lada began to sing professionally after the Jurmala festival in 1988. Where she did not take any place, but met the girls, with whom she organized the group "Women Council" and moved to Moscow.

    After the collapse of the collective, the girl was the backing vocalist of Kirkorov himself for a long time, and since 1992 she began to sing solo, taking the creative pseudonym Dance. She performed at first before the release of the cult group "Kar-Men", simultaneously recording album after album, of which there were exactly seven by now.

    Lada Dance has shot a huge number of clips, of which there are sixteen, while she is a popular model and received a special prize from the jury in the talent show "Just the same".

    Since 1995 he has been acting in films and TV series, including, "Old songs about the main thing", "Balzac's age or all men are good ...", "The Way", "Cats against dogs", "Stepanich's Thai voyage", "," 220 volts of love "," Three on top "," Return of Mukhtar "," My personal enemy ".

    Lada has its own salon that provides vintage cars for rent, as well as a recruiting agency.
    Lada Dance's personal life has always been stormy and vibrant, since she is an incredibly beautiful and talented woman.

    The girl had a huge number of fans, but most of them only in words, since the singer never talked about her beloved men, which gave rise to a huge amount of ridiculous gossip.

    Dance said that her first love was producer Lenya Velichkovsky, with whom life did not work out. Currently, the girl is happy with her husband and true love - Pavel Svirsky.

    Family and children of Lada Dance

    The family and children of Lada Dance are the best people in her life, she considers them to be her support and hope for a happy future. Lada's family is friendly and understanding, they did everything to ensure that the daughter and son find their way in life. Lada, through the efforts of her parents, became a singer, and Seryozha refused to go to a music school, but graduated from an art school and became an excellent artist and woodcarver.

    The woman has two wonderful children who never cease to please their mother. They were born with a small age difference, so they were incredibly friendly, creative and bright. By the way, the young and talented actress and singer dreamed for a long time that she would have a friendly family and several kids.

    Son of Lada Dance - Ilya Svirsky

    The son of Lada Dance - Ilya Svirsky - was born in 1997, his father was Pavel Svirsky. It was decided to call the boy the original Russian name Ilya, in the hope that he would grow strong and healthy.

    The kid was very similar to his mother in appearance, but took on his father's character traits. The most interesting thing is that Ilyushka was an unwanted child, because immediately after his father found out about his wife's pregnancy, he left the family.

    Ilya studied well at school, went in for sports, including football and martial arts. Young Svirsky did not dream of becoming a singer, sincerely considering this a non-male work that makes him leave the house for a long time. This year he became a student at the Moscow University of Architecture, because he drew remarkably.

    Daughter of Lada Dance - Elizaveta Svirskaya

    The daughter of Lada Dance - Elizaveta Svirskaya - was born in 1999, her dad is also considered Lada's second husband, Pavel Svirsky. At that time, young people began to live together again, so a small and incredibly beautiful girl was born, who also looked like her mother.

    Lizochka was distinguished by her restless and artistic character, that she really could not sit quietly for a minute and often lost interest in the business she had begun.

    Elizabeth was fond of theater, studied well at school, studied vocals and played the piano. She lives in the capital of Great Britain, lives there in a prestigious boarding house.

    Former common-law husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky

    The former common-law husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky - was also her first producer. Who burst into her life in 1992. Rather, Lada herself turned to him with a request that the keyboardist of the then popular Tekhnologiya group, who was a talented composer, to write several songs for her.

    This collaboration has grown into the release of several hits, as well as a new album. At the same time, in 1993, with the light hand of Velichkovsky, Dance was able to record the disc "Night Album", which instantly went from hand to hand.

    At the same time, Lada and Leonid did not agree in character, they parted loudly and with a scandal. There were no children in the marriage, so it is believed that there was no one to maintain friendly relations.

    Former husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky

    The ex-husband of Lada Dance - Pavel Svirsky - appeared in the singer's life unexpectedly when she met him at a corporate party. At the same time, the parents of the businessman were shocked by the choice of their son, they forbade him to meet with the singer, considering her a dirty woman of easy virtue.

    Lada says that Pavel was married at that time and raised a son, but at the same time he did not want to leave her and his wife at the same time. The most interesting thing is that the marriage nevertheless fell apart, then the guys began to live together again, but lost confidence due to the fact that Pavel cheated on his wife again. Although the young man says that Lada herself is to blame, since he believed the rumors about her indecent behavior.

    At the same time, Dance cannot forgive Pavel for leaving her alone with two small children, although she has long become self-sufficient, bright and athletic. She considers this marriage a stepping stone to something stable, to simply becoming someone's beloved and only woman.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance

    Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance are official. At the same time, there are pages in almost all social networks. It is worth noting that from an article on Wikipedia you can learn quite a lot about the singer's childhood, youth, education and creative path, however, very little information will be found about her parents, spouses and children.

    At the same time, at least 19,000 fans have subscribed to the Instagram profile. Who grew up on her hits or met them recently. It is worth understanding that only on this page is it possible to find the most relevant and reliable photographs. Chat with the star and see a lot of high-quality videos from her life.