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  • Bolshakov Alexander Mikhailovich - Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia. The case of the St. Petersburg pit

    Bolshakov Alexander Mikhailovich - Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia.  The case of the St. Petersburg pit

    Anatoly Temkin, Alexey Nikolsky

    The Prosecutor General's Office opened a case against RAO High-Speed ​​Railways (VSM), which used borrowed money to dig a large but useless hole near the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg. The defendant in the case may be the former Deputy Prime Minister, and now the chairman of the board of directors of the SCM, Alexei Bolshakov, a man who once helped Vladimir Putin to get a job in the Kremlin.

    The way of the HSR from an ambitious project to a criminal case took as long as 10 years. During half of this period, it was clear that the company would not fulfill the assigned tasks and would not pay off its obligations. According to Mikhail Khazin, director of strategic development at the consulting company Modern Business Technologies, "the project was originally conceived as an opportunity to profit from budget funds," but now the authorities are trying to demonstrate to the highly eminent foreign creditors of the HSR that they are serious in their fight against theft.

    RAO High-Speed ​​Railways, in which 87% of the shares belong to the Ministry of Property, and the rest - to the Moscow and St. Petersburg authorities, was created in 1992 to build a high-speed railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Investments in the project were estimated at $ 5 billion, of which more than $ 330 million was supposed to be spent on the construction of a railway station complex in St. Petersburg. The company has placed government-guaranteed bonds for almost RUB 1 billion. , but she did not raise money for the construction of the highway, although she dug a foundation pit for the station. Meanwhile, the ideological mastermind of the project and the first general director of the High-Speed ​​Railways Bolshakov managed to work as a deputy prime minister and return to the company.

    In 1997, it was decided to build a transport and commercial center (TKTs) with a hotel, office and retail space on the site of the pit. Under this task, the London divisions of Indosuez and SBC Warburg banks opened a credit line for HSR for $ 200 million for a period of 13 years at 7.3% per annum. The Russian government again provided its guarantees to the SCM.

    However, in July 1998, President Yeltsin, by his decree, stopped construction near the Moskovsky railway station, and at the same time froze payments on bonds and all operations under the credit line. RAO VSM managed to receive from foreign banks - and spend - only $ 49 million. Since the fall of 1998, the pit has been overgrown with weeds.

    As Vedomosti was informed in the Public Relations Center of the Prosecutor General's Office, the criminal case was opened a few days ago after the appeal of the Accounts Chamber and transferred for investigation to the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office. There are no specific persons involved in it yet. But the letter from the Prosecutor General's Office to the Accounts Chamber says that "the actions of the leaders of the RAO High-Speed ​​Railroad show signs of a crime provided for in Article 176, Part 2 of the Criminal Code." This article provides for imprisonment for up to five years for "illegal receipt of a state targeted loan and its use for other than its intended purpose."

    The Accounts Chamber believes that the budget guarantees for the high-speed railway loan were issued illegally, because it was not targeted: the construction of the TCC is not legally included in any targeted programs. The Accounts Chamber provided the prosecutor's office with detailed data on how the borrowed funds were spent. According to the JV, RAO "buried" $ 76.3 million into the pit. Of the $ 49 million foreign loan, $ 19 million was spent on insurance payment under the contract, $ 11.2 million - for site preparation, and about $ 20 million - for the purchase of materials, equipment and other work. For example, American reinforcing steel was purchased for $ 1.42 million, although there is no shortage of this cheap steel grade in Russia. At the time of the check, the fittings were just lying around on the site.

    According to the Accounting Chamber, direct damage from the construction of the pit has already amounted to $ 26.4 million, which the Ministry of Finance paid to foreign banks on a loan last year. In total, taking into account the interest, foreigners will have to pay another $ 36.3 million. To this should be added the budget payments on the HSR bonds.

    In order to compensate for these losses, the meeting of shareholders of RAO VSM decided to transfer to the Ministry of Property the main asset of the company - that very pit.

    The general director of RAO VSM, Vladimir Tulaev, refused to comment to Vedomosti on the information on the initiation of a criminal case. Bolshakov could not be reached for comment. The former Deputy Prime Minister now heads the board of directors of not only the High-Speed ​​Railroad, but also the Polymetal MNPO, one of the companies of the IST holding, which owns a controlling stake in the large defense enterprise Baltiysky Zavod. Polymetal is engaged in gold and silver mining.

    How Bolshakov helped Putin.

    From the book "From the First Person" (interview with Vladimir Putin):

    "[Anatoly Chubais] offered me to head the Public Relations Department. I didn't like this business at all. But where to go? With the public, it's the same with the public. After all, the presidential administration. In general, I agreed. [Alexei] Kudrin and I we got into his car and drove to the airport. On the way, he said: “Listen, let's congratulate Bolshakov, our St. Alexey congratulated Bolshakov and said: “So Volodya Putin congratulates you as well. He is here, next to me. "Bolshakov says:" Give him the phone. "I pick up the phone and hear:" Where are you? "-" Well, how where? In car. We are going with Lesha to the airport. I'm flying to St. Petersburg. "-" And where have you been? "-" In the Kremlin. We were solving the issue of my employment. I will be the head of the Public Relations Department. "-" Call me in about thirty minutes. "And the car is still approaching the airport. I was about to go to board, but at the last moment I still phoned Bolshakov. He says:" Listen, can you stay? Tomorrow come to [Pavel] Borodin. "I did not understand what was being said, but I stayed. It didn’t even occur to me that Bolshakov might remember me. I don’t know why he did it, but it’s inconvenient to ask. only one explanation, there can be no other. Aleksei Alekseevich was a notable person in St. Petersburg. First Deputy Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, a man who actually ran the city. As a rule, they spoke of him well, as a businesslike, energetic and very hard-working person. swept away the democratic wave, although he was not some kind of orthodox, but Sobchak decided that he had to leave.Bolshakov was almost on the street, was doing something, but it never occurred to anyone that he might be doing some serious post again from time to time Bolshakov appeared in Smolny on his own business. And I never made him wait. Immediately I stopped all business, drove everyone out, he went to the waiting room: "Alexey Alekseevich, come in." I have never had a close relationship with him oh, maybe he just remembered it. .. In the morning I went to see Borodin, he offered me the position of his deputy. This is how in August 1996 I ended up on Staraya Square in Moscow as the president's deputy manager. Supervised legal management and foreign property ".

    BOLSHAKOV Alexey Alekseevich

    (p. 17.12.1939)

    Took part in the transfer of V.V. Putin to Moscow.

    Born at the station Morino, Dnovsky district, Pskov

    area. Educated at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.

    M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (1962) and at the Institute of Management of the Academy of People's

    economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1981). Since 1962 technician, engineer at

    defense plant. Since 1966, head of department, chief engineer of an experimental

    plant of the Leningrad scientific research radio engineering

    institute. In 1973-1975. director of the Volna plant. In 1975-1978.

    Deputy General Director of Research and Production Association

    them. Comintern. In 1977-1978. General Director of NPO Dalnyaya Svyaz.

    Since April 1988, Deputy, then First Deputy Chairman

    Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies - Chairman

    planning commission. He had a reputation for being businesslike, energetic and very

    hard-working. An experienced business executive, A. A. Bolshakov is better than anyone else in

    city, knew the state of urban economy and industry. When in

    1990 became the chairman of the Leningrad City Council A. A. Sobchak, after

    hours of discussion Lensovet made one of the most surprising decisions: firstly,

    to approve A. A. Bolshakov as the first deputy chairman

    the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council; secondly, to send materials to A. A. Bolshakov in

    the prosecutor's office. Although the absurd accusations against him were not confirmed during the check,

    was swept away by the democratic wave. In July - October 1991 the chairman

    Committee of the City Hall of St. Petersburg for Economic Development. Intoxicated

    the popularity of the chairman of the Leningrad City Council A.A. Sobchak decided that A. A. Bolshakov

    must go. In November 1991, he was appointed General Director of the Russian

    joint-stock company "High-speed highways". As a result, he found himself

    almost outside. It never occurred to anyone that he might again borrow some

    a serious post, especially in Moscow. From time to time A. A. Bolshakov

    appeared in Smolny on his own business, and never once did V.V. Putin force him

    wait a long time. Immediately he stopped all business, drove everyone out, went out to the reception himself:

    "Alexey Alekseevich, come in." Later V.V.Putin admitted that they had

    never had a close relationship, but a warm, respectful attitude towards myself

    the visitor remembered. Since November 1994 Deputy Chairman

    Russian government in government B. S. Chernomyrdina, supervised issues

    cooperation with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Headed

    CIS Interstate Committee on Economics. August 1996 to March

    1997 First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in the Government

    V.S. Chernomyrdin. At one of the receptions he said P. P. Borodin: "What

    you? They promised to find a job for the person and left him, he is without work and sits. " P. P.

    Borodin was offended: “Yes, I didn’t leave him. There is all your boyfriend Chubais broke it. "

    P.P. Borodin believed that V.V. Putin would not go to him in the Department of Affairs,

    because I'm used to a different job. A. A. Bolshakov insisted: “Well, then

    Think of something". On that and parted. P. P. Borodin promised to come up with.

    Meanwhile, the head of the President's Main Control Directorate A. L. Kudrin,

    friend of V.V. Putin, launched a vigorous activity on his employment in

    Moscow. As a result, the head of the presidential administration A. B. Chubais

    offered B. V. Putin the position of head of the Office for Relations with

    the public. Vladimir Putin reluctantly, but agreed: after all

    Administration of the President. On the way to the airport, A. L. Kudrin suggested

    to congratulate A. A. Bolshakov on his appointment as First Deputy Prime Minister: “Our,

    St. Petersburg ". They called directly from the car. “Alexey congratulated Bolshakov and said:

    “So Volodya Putin congratulates you. He's here next to me. " Bolshakov says:

    "Give him the phone." I pick up the phone and hear: “Where are you?” - “Well, how where? V

    car. We are going with Lesha to the airport. I'm flying to St. Petersburg. " - "Where have you been?" - "B

    The Kremlin. We were solving the issue of my employment. I will be the head of the Department for

    public relations ". - "Call me in thirty minutes" "( From

    first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin. M., 2000.S. 121). A car

    meanwhile she was approaching the airport. V.V.Putin already wanted to land, but in

    the last moment got through to AA Bolshakov. He asked V.V.

    Putin to stay in Moscow and go to P.P. Borodin the next day. So V.V. Putin in

    In August 1996, he became Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President. V

    1997 A. A. Bolshakov was appointed Chairman of the Board of Trustees

    Development Fund of St. Petersburg and the North-West Region. V

    2004 was the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Interregional Scientific and Production

    Consolidation Polymetal ". Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Awarded with the order

    Labor Red Banner and the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals.

    Putin's encyclopedia. - M .: OLMA Media Group... N. Zinkovich. 2008.

    See what "BOLSHAKOV Alexey Alekseevich" is in other dictionaries:

      Bolshakov, Alexey Alekseevich- Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Interregional Scientific and Production Association (MNPO) Polymetal (St. Petersburg) since 1998; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Development of St. Petersburg and the North-West Region; ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

      Bolshakov Alexey Alekseevich- (b. 1939), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (August 1996 — March 1997). In 1988-91 he was deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1991-94 the General Director of the Russian Joint Stock Company ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Bolshakov, Alexey Alekseevich (singer)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Bolshakov. Bolshakov, Alexey Alekseevich (1914 1979) Russian, Soviet opera singer, baritone. Bolshakov Aleksey Full name Aleksey Alekseevich Bolshakov ... ... Wikipedia

      Bolshakov- Bolshakov is a Russian surname. Known carriers Bolshakov Bolshakov, Alexander Anatolyevich physicist in the field of plasma research, laser analytical chemistry, St. Petersburg State University. Bolshakov, Alexander Dmitrievich (born 1968) Russian actor ... ... Wikipedia

      BOLSHAKOV- 1. BOLSHAKOV Alexey Alekseevich (born 1939), First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation (August 1996 March 1997). In 1988, 91 deputy chairmen of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1991 94 general director of the Russian joint-stock ... ... Russian history

      A. A. Bolshakov- Alexey Alekseevich (b. 2 (15) IX 1914, village Obsharovka, Bezenchuksky district, now Kuibyshevskaya obl.) Sov. singer (baritone). Nar. art. RSFSR (1971). Member The Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1958. In 1951 53 he studied at the Sverdlovsk Conservatory. He began his stage activity ... Musical encyclopedia

      - (b. 12.10.1960) Colleague of V.V. Putin at work in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg under A.A. Sobchak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation in the government of M.M.Kasyanov since 18.05.2000 . v … Putin's encyclopedia

      Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on Operational Issues- Commission of the Government (until December 25, 1993 - Council of Ministers - Government) of the Russian Federation on operational issues - a permanent body of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993-2000. Formed by a resolution of the Council ... ... Wikipedia

    The attack on Alexander Bolshakov resembles a massacre disguised as a robbery

    In Suzdal, Alexander Bolshakov, the former vice-president of the Samara financial and industrial group SOK, the deputy governor of the Ulyanovsk region and the former head of the presidential administration of South Ossetia, was brutally killed. The circumstances of the crime are outwardly similar to a robbery - a month ago, Bolshakov sold the land plot for 3.2 million rubles. Investigators are also working out the version of a contract murder.

    Bolshakov knew too much about the business of the head of the SOK group, Yuri Kachmazov, who was put on the federal wanted list in February 2011 on charges of deliberate bankruptcy of IzhAvto. The murder of Bolshakov was a challenge to the special services - his relative Vladimir Bolshakov is a former deputy director of the FSB of Russia.

    In Suzdal, 57-year-old Alexander Bolshakov led the measured life of an honorary pensioner. The former official lived in a mansion on Pionerskaya Street with his wife Valentina, mother-in-law and young grandson. The attack took place at 11.40 pm on Tuesday, August 30, when the whole family went to bed. The Bolshakovs' bedroom was on the first floor, and Valentina's elderly mother and grandson lay down in a room on the second floor.

    A group of three criminals entered the house from the side of the street, where there are no neighbors. The Bolshakovs had a guard dog in the yard, but she did not react to the strangers in any way. CCTV cameras are installed inside and outside the house. Having woken up the spouses, the bandits began to find out where the video recorder is, on which all the records are stored.

    The hijackers dragged Bolshakov to the basement, where, after cruel torture, they cut his throat. His wife was beaten, but left alive. The criminals combed the entire house and took the DVR, all the money and jewelry.

    Valentina Bolshakova's mother, who woke up in the morning, called an ambulance and the police. The woman was taken to a local hospital, where doctors are still taking care of her.
    The operatives have not yet managed to get on the trail of the raiders. None of the neighbors heard or saw anything suspicious that night. Bolshakov's wife said that she did not know what her husband was asked about and why they killed him.

    Money from the deal

    The investigation is working out several versions: robbery, revenge and contract murder. The robbery version is still the main one. As it turned out, a month ago the Bolshakovs' spouses sold a neighboring plot for 3.2 million rubles, which belonged to them. It is possible that the criminals decided that the money from the sale is still in their house.

    The Bolshakovs' neighbors argue that in recent years they have lived modestly.

    Although their house is one of the most beautiful in the city, one cannot say that they lived so richly, '' says Tatyana, a neighbor of the Bolshakovs. “Several years ago they even had their own guards, who lived in a separate house, but in recent years, only a camera on the gate remained, which examined the approach to the entrance. And the cars are modest: his wife has a Toyota RAV 4, and he himself has a Honda Civic.

    The investigation is also looking for traces of the murder motive in political and business activities. After all, Bolshakov is a well-known figure not only in the Volga region.

    Alexander Bolshakov was born in Murom, Vladimir region in 1954. Here he headed the Avtopribor plant, which was soon acquired by the Samara group of companies SOK. In 2001, Bolshakov took over as vice president, head of the control and audit department of SOK. From 2005 to 2007, he served as vice-governor of the Ulyanovsk region, headed the headquarters of United Russia. In local political circles, Bolshakov's influence at that time was even higher than that of the governor.

    Alexander Bolshakov is often called a native of the KGB, in fact, until 2001, his relative Vladimir Bolshakov, the deputy director of the FSB of Russia, served in the security services.

    Remains of SOK

    The SOK group currently practically does not exist. A few years ago SOK was the largest supplier of auto parts to AvtoVAZ (SOK-controlled Solo LLC in 2004-2005 had the exclusive right to supply auto parts for VAZ small cars to the secondary market), the owner of factories in Izhevsk, Dimitrovgrad and Syzran.

    The group's managers were doing big politics, achieving victory in the elections of their governors and the appointment of their senators in the Federation Council. However, by the summer of 2008, FSUE Rosoboronexport had squeezed out SOK from AvtoVAZ, after which the group began to lose positions and its assets in the Volga region. This year SOK sold the last one - the Volgomost company, which got into an unpleasant story with the “dancing” bridge in Volgograd, and the Samara Window Structures company.

    The names of reputable entrepreneurs were associated with SOK - Sergei Neverov (Never), Anvar Abdurazakov (Anvar), Igor Nesterov. In 2002, SOK managers were interrogated in connection with the murder of the co-founder of the Samara Automobiles company, Yuri Gashimov - the group later became the owner of the assets of the murdered businessman. In 2004, the offices of SOK were searched by the FSB: questions from the security officials were raised by the role of vice-president of SOK Igor Yezhov in the raider seizure of a supermarket in Orenburg. Strange was the series of suicides and deaths of businessmen whose enterprises were later transferred to SOK - for example, Sergei Golikov, the owner of the Navigator water equipment salon, who hanged himself in the hospital after being interrogated in the fall of 2009.

    The culmination was the initiation of a criminal case against the head of SOK, Yuri Kachmazov - in February 2011, he was put on the federal wanted list on charges of deliberate bankruptcy of IzhAvto. Now the management of SOK, including Kachmazov, lives abroad, in the UAE.

    SOC emissaries in Tskhinvali

    After the war with Georgia in 2008, South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity asked his friend Kachmazov to help with personnel. A personnel assault force of the SOK emissaries landed in Tskhinvali, who occupied key posts. Ulyanovsk financier Aleksey Panteleev was appointed head of the republican Ministry of Finance, and political strategist Lev Pavlyuchkov was in charge of communication with the media. Alexander Bolshakov was appointed head of the presidential administration of South Ossetia, at the same time he became a member of the government and the Security Council. “For South Ossetia - a very valuable frame. A very strong administrator, an official, experienced in the apparatus struggle, who was called "Bormann" by friends for the manner of management, - said one of the colleagues.

    After the defeat in the fight against Rosoboronexport, the SOK group tried to gain a foothold in South Ossetia in order to get lucrative orders for the restoration of the republic after the war with Georgia: the repair of highways, the Roki tunnel and the construction of the airport. “Kachmazov wanted to promote himself and make good money. The intentions were serious, Kachmazov wanted to buy himself a house in South Ossetia, ”says a source at SOK.

    The opposition did not like the appearance of SOK in the republic. President Kokoity was accused of having links with the "Samara raiders" allegedly claiming the Kvaisinsky mines - a deposit of polymetallic ores. As a result, SOK never received contracts, limiting itself to personnel landing. Already half a month after Panteleyev was appointed minister of finance, Kokoity signed a decree on his resignation. In 2009, Bolshakov and Pavlyuchkov returned to their homeland. In the same year, Bolshakov went to Israel for an operation, because of diabetes, his eyesight deteriorated.

    In just less than two years, Russia sent almost 43 billion rubles to South Ossetia - the use of money was accompanied by corruption scandals and an apparatus struggle between Moscow and Tskhinvali. The republican prosecutor's office opened two dozen criminal cases against officials and builders who participated in the restoration. Officials from SOK deny the charges of corruption: “We were not engaged in business in the republic. Not a single stick was stolen. "

    In Ossetia, he worked for only six months, and with Bolshakov's SOK for a long time nothing
    did not connect, - says one of the managers of the group. - I heard that he had serious plans and ambitions for the Vladimir region. Bolshakov headed a certain public organization there and lobbied his son as a possible candidate for the post of mayor of Suzdal.

    They said about Bolshakov Sr. that, if health permits, he can also return to big politics as the governor of the Ulyanovsk region.

    « TVNZ", 06.09.11. "Bolshakov became a victim of special services or ordinary robbers "?

    On Friday morning, for two hours, parting with the body of the murdered took place in the "Funeral House" on Vokzalnaya Street. Several dozen expensive cars were parked on the road. Some of them - with numbers from other regions: Ulyanovsk, Samara, Moscow regions, Moscow. Among the well-known residents of Vladimir were the speaker of the regional parliament Vladimir Kiselyov, the director of the department of agriculture Vyacheslav Gusev, the chief city policeman Alexander Razov, teachers of the philological faculty (they are also Bolshakov's classmates), editors of several newspapers.

    On Friday morning, for two hours, parting with the body of the murdered took place in the "Funeral House" on Vokzalnaya Street.

    Everyone in turn entered the farewell hall, stood next to the coffin over which the inconsolable widow was crying. We offered condolences to her. They put flowers and wreaths (one was from the government of the Ulyanovsk region) ... Both sons of Alexander Bolshakov refused to communicate with the press and were forbidden to photograph them and the widow.

    On the road next to the "Funeral House" a traffic police crew was on duty. Inspectors made sure that "other people's" cars did not park and that there were no traffic jams.

    - I'm not exactly a friend of Alexander Mikhailovich, but at one time he helped me a lot, took him to work in the SOK group (production of auto components, Samara - author), - Vladimir Agafonov said. - Bolshakov was a principled and strong leader, did not tolerate fraud. I am proud that I worked with him ... Who needed to kill him, I do not know.

    Bolshakov's acquaintances whisper that most likely the murder was a contract. That it is connected with the work of an official in South Ossetia and was organized by the special services of some enemy countries. Everything was done too professionally. And the hijackers apparently knew about the DVR.

    The regional office of the Investigative Committee says that so far their main version of the reason for the attack is robbery. And they also give arguments. Allegedly, when the already wounded Bolshakov lost consciousness, he was brought to his senses, doused with water. Why do this if there is a specific goal of physical elimination? Unclear. Maybe to mislead investigators?

    In general, we are working on all versions. We are studying the threads that can lead to the posts that were previously held by Alexander Bolshakov, - the press secretary of the ICR department Irina Minina told KP.

    08.10.2018 08:50

    The Governor of the Altai Territory Viktor Tomenko appointed the heads of two structures of the region's executive power at once. We are talking about the Food, Processing, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Directorate and the Veterinary Directorate. The corresponding orders were signed on October 5, 2018, the regional government's office informs.

    According to regional officials, the Altai food industry will be supervised by Alexander Bolshakov from October 8, 2018. For a long time he held the post of deputy head of this department, and after the former head of Tatyana Zelenina, he actually took her place with the prefix acting. Now he has been relieved of his temporary duties as deputy.

    As for the Altai Territory Veterinary Directorate, from October 15 it will be headed by Vladimir Samodurov, who also held the position of deputy head and went on to be promoted. The former head of the department, Vladimir Vedyapin, will be dismissed from public service on October 12 due to the expiration of his service contract.

    Earlier, around his name, associated with the wave of dismissals that swept through the department of his own free will. As insiders reported, with the arrival of Vladimir Vedyapin, processes began in the department, which some observers called "purges". The situation was discussed in the professional community, and the actions of Mr. Vedyapin received a negative assessment. It is likely that this could have influenced Tomenko's personnel decision.

    Note that Mr. Samodurov, being a deputy, already headed the Veterinary Directorate for about a year in the status of acting. This happened after the previous head of the department Anatoly Vysochin in February 2016. Togo was accused of committing crimes under paragraph "c" of Part 5 of Art. 290 (receiving a bribe on a large scale by an official) and part 2 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe in the form of money in a significant amount). According to the investigation, he received a bribe from the security director of one of the regional close corporations for assistance in speeding up the process of issuing veterinary accompanying documents for the products transported by the company. In addition, the investigators have 10 more facts of illegal activities of the official. The court, taking into account all the arguments of the investigation, then found Vysochin guilty of the acts incriminated to him and sentenced him to 5.5 years in prison.

    Photo: Directorate for food, processing, pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology, "MK in Altai"

    BOLKHOVITIN Sergey Nikolaevich (born May 12, 1956, Moscow), Head of the Main Directorate of International Cooperation of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Educated at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence. In 1974–94 he was in military service. In 1994–2000, he held senior positions in the Federal Service of Russia for Currency and Export Control. Since 2001 Head of the International Relations Department of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2002 Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation. On 1.7.2004 he was appointed head of the Main Directorate of International Cooperation of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation.

    BOLSHAKOV Boris Mikhailovich (born on March 16, 1947, the village of Sudai, Chukhloma District, Kostroma Region), Deputy Head of the Federal Forestry Agency, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1999), Honored Worker of the Forest Industry of the Russian Federation (1998), Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class (11.1 .2008). Educated at the Kostroma Institute of Technology (1970) with a degree in Forestry Engineering. In 1988 he defended his thesis, in 1999 - his doctoral dissertation. In 1970–72, the technologist of the Voskresensk timber industry enterprise of the Gorkles combine of the Ministry of the timber, pulp and paper and woodworking industries of the USSR, the village of Voskresenskoye, Gorky region. In 1972–85 he was a junior researcher, a senior researcher at the Komi Institute GiproNIIlesprom of the Ministry of Forestry, Pulp and Paper and Woodworking Industry of the USSR (Syktyvkar). Since 1988, head of the laboratory, deputy director for research, director, general director of Komi-NIIproekt JSC (Syktyvkar).

    Since 1993 General Director of JSC Central Research and Design Institute of Mechanization and Energy of the Forest Industry (Khimki). From Jan. 2000 Head of the Department of Economics of the Forestry Complex of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. Since Aug. 2000 Head of the Department of the Ministry of Industry and Technologies of the Russian Federation. In 2004 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Forestry Agency. Oversees R&D, international cooperation, structural transformation, general use, property management and investment. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2000).

    BOLSHAKOV Vasily Pavlovich (born 1.4.1958, Novoaltaisk, Altai Territory), Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Major General of the Internal Service (11.10.2009). Graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. After leaving school, he worked as a turner at the Altai Carriage Works. In 1976–78 he did military service in the militia regiment of the internal troops of the USSR. In 1978 he entered the service of the internal affairs bodies. In 1995 he took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. Since 1999 Consultant, Counselor, Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation; was in charge of personnel policy in law enforcement agencies. Since 2007 1st Deputy Head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On October 11, 2009, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

    Borisov Igor Borisovich (born 3.6.1964, Perm), member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation, candidate of legal sciences. Educated at the Military Engineering Institute. A.F. Mozhaisky (1986) and the International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (2004). He defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Rights and obligations of states in the electoral process." In 1986–93 he served as an officer in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation. In 1993 he retired and became the head of a commercial organization. Since 1999 Deputy Chairman, since 2002 Chairman of the Council of the Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law (ROIIP). On March 12, 2007, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed a member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Author of over 40 publications on the implementation and protection of electoral rights. Responsible for interaction with political parties and public associations; training of election organizers; control over the observance of the electoral rights of citizens and the established procedure for the formation of election commissions; the international cooperation; information and analytical support of the electoral system.

    Widower; has a daughter.

    Borisov Yuri Ivanovich (born December 31, 1956, Vyshny Volochek, Kalinin Region), Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Educated at the Kalinin Suvorov Military School (1974), the Pushkin Higher Command School of Air Defense Radioelectronics (1978), Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1985). In 1978–98 he served in officer positions in the Armed Forces.

    Since 1998 General Director of ZAO Scientific and Technical Center "Module" (Moscow). Since July 2004, head of the Department of the radio-electronic industry and control systems of the Federal Agency for Industry. On October 19, 2007, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Industry. On May 12, 2008, the federal agency was liquidated. 2.7.2008 was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 3rd degree.

    Married; has two sons.

    BOROVKOV Igor Vladimirovich (born July 30, 1954, Tashkent), Chief of Staff of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation, Full State Advisor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class, Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation. Educated at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1977). From 1977 he worked in engineering positions at the enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building, and from 1982 - in the central office of the Ministry. Since 1987 - in leading positions in the USSR State Planning Committee, the USSR Ministry of Economy and the RF Ministry of Economy and Finance.

    In 1992 he was transferred to the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, specialist-expert, then Deputy Head of the Department of the Defense Complex. Since 2002 1st Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy. Since 2004 Director of the Department of Defense Industry and High Technologies of the Government of the Russian Federation. On May 10, 2006, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the Order of Honor. Laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology.

    Married; has a son.

    Borodavkin Alexey Nikolaevich (born 1950), Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Educated at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1973). Since 1975 - in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, held various positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and abroad. 1993–97 Minister Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Thailand. Since June 1998, Deputy Director of the First Department of the CIS, since December. 1999 Director of the Fourth Department of the CIS. Since Aug. 2002 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Slovak Republic. Since 9.4.2004, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, Republic of Austria. On March 27, 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the 1st class. Fluent in English and Chinese. He was awarded the Order of Honor (3.7.2008).

    Borodin Pavel Pavlovich (born 10/25/1946, Shakhunya, Gorky Region), Secretary of State of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. The son of a civil engineer. Educated at the Faculty of Economics of the Ulyanovsk Agricultural Institute (1972), at the Khabarovsk Higher Party School (1985). In 1973 he joined Yakutskgeologiya as an economist, by 1980 he was already deputy general director. Then the chairman of the Vilyui regional executive committee. In 1988 he was elected chairman of the Yakutsk City Council of People's Deputies, then mayor of Yakutsk. In 1990 he was elected People's Deputy of the RSFSR. Since the spring of 1993 1st Deputy Head, Head of the Main Social and Production Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. From nov. 1993 Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. In aug. 1996 hired A.A. who remained after his resignation. Sobchak V.V. Putin, making him his deputy; Member of the Supervisory Board of ALROSA (since September 1998). In 1999, he put forward his candidacy for the post of mayor of Moscow, but in the elections on December 19, 1999 he won a little more than 6% of the votes. On January 10, 2000, he was relieved of the post of the Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation, and on January 26, 2000, he was elected State Secretary of the Union of Russia and Belarus. 01.18.2001 was detained by the FBI at Kennedy Airport (USA) at the request of Switzerland as part of the investigation of the so-called. "Mabetex cases". Apr 7 was extradited to Switzerland. 12 Apr released on bail of CHF 5 million (US $ 2.9 million). On 6.3.2002, the Swiss judicial authorities were found guilty of money laundering and sentenced to a fine of 300,000 francs. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree (3.10.1996); laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1997).