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  • How to treat inflammation of the joints of the fingers and toes. How is inflammation of the joints of the hands treated Inflamed joints in the hands treatment

    How to treat inflammation of the joints of the fingers and toes.  How is inflammation of the joints of the hands treated Inflamed joints in the hands treatment

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    The joints perform an important function in the human body, they provide movement and flexibility of the limbs, the spine. Cartilage tissue is quite soft and easily injured during injuries and exposure to various negative factors, for this reason, inflammation of the joints of the fingers occurs.

    The joints of the fingers become inflamed quite often, especially in people who do small work with their hands, due to increased stress. Pain and inflammation can lead to loss of movement in the affected joint, so it is important to see a specialist as soon as possible and begin treatment.

    Causes of inflammation

    Inflammation of the joints of the fingers can occur for a variety of reasons, consider the most common causes:

    • age-related changes;
    • avitaminosis;
    • hypothermia;
    • metabolic disease;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • hereditary predisposition to articular pathologies.

    Most often, the elderly are susceptible to the disease, as age-related changes occur in the joints of the whole organism. Salts are deposited in the joints, cartilage nutrition decreases, as a result, they are gradually destroyed. In young people, large joints are more likely to suffer, as they experience more physical stress.

    Inflammation of the thumb joint

    Inflammation of the joint of the thumb can occur with the following diseases:

    • bursitis - inflammation of the articular bag;
    • infectious polyarthritis, in which case several joints on the arms and legs may become inflamed;
    • deforming arthrosis - this disease is characterized by degenerative disorders of the cartilage;
    • gout is an inflammation that occurs due to the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints;
    • the joint on the thumb and other fingers may also become inflamed due to injury.

    Inflammation of the thumb is accompanied by reddening of the skin around the joint, swelling and pain. Depending on the type of pathology and the stage of the disease, the symptoms can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

    So when the pain is aching, it intensifies during movement and becomes constant over time, but when the finger becomes like a sausage, it turns red and hurts unbearably.

    Inflammation of the joint of the ring finger

    Most often, inflammation of the thumb or middle finger occurs, the ring finger suffers less often, this is due to the peculiarities of its structure and low physical activity. So with rheumatoid arthritis, the disease usually affects the middle and index fingers of the hand, with deforming arthrosis of the thumb.

    Inflammation of the ring finger can occur with polyarthritis, in which case the disease affects several joints on both hands at once. Infectious arthritis can also provoke pain, which also causes multiple lesions of the joints of the fingers. The ring finger can become inflamed due to a bruise, if the joint is injured and its work is disrupted.

    How to treat inflammation of the joints of the fingers

    Inflammation of the joint of the phalanx of the finger is a serious pathology that requires a mandatory visit to a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe an X-ray, take blood tests, and make an accurate diagnosis.

    Treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers is prescribed differently, it all depends on the diagnosis, but the therapy is always complex and lengthy. The patient is prescribed the necessary drugs, immobilization of the diseased finger, physiotherapy. After relieving pain and inflammation, it is shown to follow a healthy lifestyle, engage in physiotherapy exercises.

    Consider what medications are prescribed for inflammation of the fingers:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve pain and inflammation;
    • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticosteroids) are prescribed for severe pain, such as gout;
    • antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents are indicated for infectious inflammation;
    • with gout, drugs are indicated that contribute to the removal of uric acid;
    • for the general strengthening of immunity, the intake of vitamins is indicated, and chondroprotectors are prescribed to restore cartilage.

    Outwardly, you can use an ointment for inflammation of the fingers with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, for example,. It will help to quickly relieve swelling and pain, as well as speed up recovery.

    After relieving pain and inflammation, it is necessary to perform special therapeutic exercises for the hands in order to develop the joints and improve blood circulation in them. Charging is recommended to be performed throughout life, and not only during treatment, as a prevention of relapse. In parallel with exercise therapy, it is recommended to massage the fingers every day.

    How to relieve inflammation of the joints of the fingers

    It is not recommended to treat inflammation of the joints at home, but if the disease is taken by surprise, you can try to relieve inflammation using traditional medicine recipes, or pharmacy ointments with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. But it is worth remembering that such treatment is symptomatic, it will not relieve the cause of the disease, but only temporarily alleviate the condition.

    With gout, when the finger is swollen, reddened and hurts unbearably, cold should be applied to it. An ice compress will ease the condition, relieve swelling. For the compress to be effective, you need to put your hand on a pillow just above the shoulder, relax, apply ice wrapped in a clean cloth on top for 10 minutes. Then take a break for 10 minutes and repeat the procedure.

    From pain in the joints of the hands, warm salt baths, as well as baths with mineral waters, are good. At home, you can do simple salt baths every evening, for this you need to dilute sea salt in hot water, pour the solution into a basin and dilute with cold water. Place your hands in the bath for 15 minutes, and after the procedure, lightly massage your hands with a nourishing cream.

    Compresses with decoctions of herbs, for example, with chamomile, succession, sage or comfrey, will help relieve inflammation of the joints. These plants have an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a compress, the herb is brewed in boiling water and infused for 2 hours, then filtered. Soak a clean cloth with a decoction and wrap the diseased brushes with it for 3-4 hours.

    Another simple but effective remedy that will help reduce joint inflammation overnight is a white cabbage leaf. The sheets need to be washed, mashed so that they give juice, and wrap sore fingers with them, and fix them on top with a bandage, but not too tight. Leave the compress on all night, in the morning the pain will decrease.


    To prevent inflammation of the fingers, the following recommendations must be observed:

    • undergo annual medical examinations, take tests;
    • eat right and balanced;
    • timely treat infectious diseases;
    • wear gloves in the cold season;
    • do exercises for the whole body every day, and do not forget about the brushes;
    • when doing small work with your hands, you need to give your fingers time to rest;
    • it is recommended to give up alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

    Proper lifestyle and timely access to a doctor will help keep the joints in a healthy state for many years, as well as avoid serious complications and disability.

    In almost any type of human activity, fine motor skills are involved, so inflammation of the joints of the fingers is a common disease. Arthritis of the upper extremities is a rapidly developing disease that not only immobilizes the hands, but significantly worsens the quality of life, deprives a person of the opportunity to work and perform basic household activities. First of all, the inflammatory process affects the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints. It is important to identify the causes of the problem in the early stages and treat them in a timely manner.

    Why do finger joints hurt?

    Causes of the primary inflammatory process

    Joint damage is caused by the following pathologies and factors:

    • infectious diseases caused by various bacteria, viruses, fungi, including influenza, various rotavirus infections, chronic tonsillitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, scarlet fever, sexually transmitted diseases;
    • violation of metabolic processes in the body, hormonal disruptions;
    • the consequences of injuries and injuries, including those due to the specifics of professional activity (constant tension of the hands, vibrations, prolonged exposure to dampness and cold);
    • genetic predisposition.

    Causes of the secondary inflammatory process

    • allergic complications.
    • Response to autoimmune and somatic diseases such as psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, neurodermatitis, asthma and others.
    • Tunnel syndrome is the root cause of the inflamed joint of the ring finger and little finger.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is an inflammation of the peripheral nerve endings that causes aching pain and numbness in the little fingers.

    Symptoms of the disease at different stages

    The inflammatory process is accompanied by pronounced pain and swelling.

    Inflammation of the joint of the fingers on the hands manifests itself as stiffness in the area of ​​the affected organ, a decrease in the amplitude of movement, as well as swelling and redness of the skin. The temperature rises, the contour of the joint changes, due to the formation. This is a form of deforming arthritis that affects the backs of the index and middle fingers. Rheumatoid arthritis, which most commonly affects the hand, usually presents symmetrically. Rhysarthritis is a pathology exclusively of the joint of the thumb. At each of the 4 stages of arthritis, the inflamed organ reacts differently, which is presented in the table:

    ISlight joint stiffness, often in the morning
    "Glove Syndrome"
    Weak pain in diarrhoea
    IISlight swelling and redness of the joints of the middle or index finger
    The skin becomes thinner, dries out due to impaired blood supply
    Fingers are sore and crunchy
    The local temperature may rise
    IIISymmetrical deformation of the joints of both hands develops
    Continuous varying intensity
    Red swelling appears over inflamed joints
    Stiffness of movements
    Atrophy of muscles and tendons, the nail phalanx on the little finger turns blue
    Symptoms of general intoxication appear (lack of appetite, weakness and chills)
    IVComplete immobility of the articular heads and irreversible deformity of the joints
    The patient almost completely loses self-care skills

    Diagnosis of inflammation of the joints of the fingers

    MRI will determine the degree of damage to the articular tissues with high accuracy.

    Arthritis of the fingers has characteristic symptoms and a rheumatologist can suspect it in the early stages. During the initial examination, the relationship with the patient's acute and chronic diseases, the symmetry of the affected joints, the intensity of pain and their nature, the presence of deformities of the joints and cartilage, and other clinical signs are analyzed.

    However, to clarify the degree of pathological changes, a complex of additional diagnostic studies is needed:

    • radiography of the hands - to determine the degree of deformation;
    • biochemical blood test - to detect the presence of C-reactive protein, uric and sialic acids, CEC, cryoglobulins;
    • puncture of synovial fluid and its analysis;
    • CT, MRI, arthroscopy.

    How to treat and what to do?

    Only a timely and comprehensive approach to the problem will ensure the effectiveness of therapy and restore full mobility to the fingers. Traditional methods effectively complement the treatment of hand joints with folk remedies. At the first stage of pathology, non-traditional methods are used as the main therapy.

    Conservative treatment

    Antibiotics are prescribed in cases of bacterial infection.

    Already at the 2nd stage of arthritis, folk remedies alone cannot be dispensed with if the joint is already inflamed and hurts a lot. Initially, inflammation of the ligaments is relieved with NSAIDs, analgesics and muscle relaxants. Depending on the intensity of pain, you can limit yourself to external ointments ("Dolgit", "Diclofenac", "Fastum-gel").

    In the case of the diagnosis of infectious arthritis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, and in the rheumatoid form, which most often affects the joints of the hands, immunomodulators. If there is inflammation of the joints with arthritis of the last stages, a puncture may be required to remove fluid from the joint capsule and injections of drugs from the corticosteroid group, as well as hemocorrection (blood filtration). Chondroprotectors are indicated at any stage of the disease. It should be remembered that these drugs have a cumulative effect and are prescribed for at least six months.

    The most effective joint gymnastics exercises

    • "Beads". Connect with the thumb alternately the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers.
    • "Piano". Raise each finger, while all the rest lie firmly on the surface of the table.
    • "Fist". Intensely clench your hands into a fist, while the thumb should be on top. When unclenching, spread your fingers to the sides as much as possible.
    • "Pencil". Rolling a ribbed pencil on a table from the fingertips to the base of the palm.
    • "Brush". Bending alternately the phalanx of all fingers.

    It is very important to do gymnastics systematically.

    The number of repetitions is 6-12 times, depending on the general condition of the joints and pain in them. You should also consult with your doctor to find the best list of exercises. Gymnastics is performed daily in the morning and evening. Despite the apparent simplicity and ease of exercise, it is very effective and over time the joints are developed, the range of motion increases, and stagnant processes decrease.

    The joints of the fingers are constantly exposed to stress

    Today, there are many diseases of the musculoskeletal system that affect the joints of the fingers and the joints of the human body as a whole. Patients very often turn to arthrologists with complaints, referring to pain in the affected area, swelling, redness of the skin, a decrease in the motor activity of the joints, as well as rapid hand fatigue. In more severe cases, they come immediately with deformations.
    Why is this happening?
    In addition, there are a number of diseases that are not associated with the musculoskeletal system, but belong, for example, to the autoimmune spectrum, they include: systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, and diabetes mellitus. The joints of the fingers have a fragile anatomical structure, which additionally makes them vulnerable.

    The joints of the hands are constantly subject to stress: they perform flexion and extension movements, they are at risk, because they can be injured, bruised, ligaments may suffer as a result of sprain.

    Causes of joint inflammation in the hands

    Excessive stress on the joint

    Medical specialists identify a number of factors that can lead to heterogeneous joint diseases and inflammation. Inflammation of the joints of the fingers, causes:

    • Traumatization of the articular area: various kinds of blows, bruises, cracks, fractures, microcracks, sprains, dislocations, torn ligaments and damage to the menisci.
    • Various autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, and others.
    • Excessive stress on the joint, lifting weights, performing constantly repetitive flexion and extension movements, loads that are disproportionate to the ability of the joint to withstand stress.
    • Age-related changes that provoke thinning of cartilaginous and bone tissues, which ultimately leads to the gradual destruction of articular elements.

    Inflammation of the joints of the fingers - arthritis

    Inflammation of the joints in the hands is most characteristic of arthritis. Arthritis is a serious chronic disease with severe inflammatory processes that primarily affect the cartilage, then the inflammation spreads to other tissues, such as bone, synovial membranes. Arthritis occurs at first in a latent form, has a latent asymptomatic picture, this is what worsens the prognosis for recovery. Arthritis differs from arthrosis in that it does not end up with such obvious deformity of the joints.

    Symptoms of arthritis

    Arthritis is almost asymptomatic

    At first, arthritis is almost asymptomatic, but soon, when the disease moves to another stage, the patient feels a whole range of heterogeneous symptoms. First of all, this is a significant pain syndrome. Pain symptoms increase after motor activity, significant loads, weight lifting, after intense motor activity of fine motor skills of the hands. At rest or in the anatomically natural position of the hands, pain subsides, but resumes again during periods of activity.

    Inflammatory processes quickly manifest themselves in the form of an increase in the articular area, while the joint can expand, soft tissues swell significantly. Puffiness occurs as a result of improper outflow of lymph and blood, as well as a violation of the secretion of synovial fluid. In addition, a swollen joint changes the color of the skin, redness, a local increase in body temperature may occur.

    If the joint on the finger is inflamed, you should immediately consult a rheumatologist, since arthritis from one joint can spread to neighboring ones, affecting them.

    Moreover, arthritis is a chronic disease that requires lifestyle adjustments, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

    Treatment of inflammation of the joints of the hands

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Inflammation of the joints of the hands, treatment is mandatory, it is only important to establish the cause that provoked it, since arthritis is not the only disease that causes inflammation of the joint of the thumb and hands in general. Therefore, starting from the diagnosis, they build a whole therapeutic complex.

    First of all, conservative methods of treatment are used, which do not imply surgical intervention, if conservative treatment does not bring proper results and results, in this case, surgical, surgical intervention is prescribed. Most often it includes arthroscopy, excision, removal (for example, of a meniscus, an articular mouse, etc.).

    Inflammation of the joints of the fingers, treatment with conservative means:

    • Medical treatment. It is based on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory devices that have an analgesic effect, for example, aspirin, analgin, nimesil or nimesulide, ketanov, and so on. Warming and analgesic ointments are also used, it is important to remember that the active substances of ointments are absorbed by only 5-7%, therefore they cannot serve as the main panacea.
    • Physiotherapeutic complex of procedures by the type of magnetic therapy, wave treatment, electrophoresis, UHF heating, paraffin therapy.
    • Treatment with folk remedies using ointments, compresses, rubbing based on pepper, honey, alcohol components.
    • Physical therapy and recreational gymnastics.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system always cause a lot of inconvenience to a person: working capacity is lost, pain appears, movements in the joints are limited. This can occur when one large or several small joints are affected.

    Here are its characteristic symptoms:

    • Simultaneous inflammatory process outside the articular system.
    • Asymmetric lesion of one or more joints of the hand: wrist, metacarpal joints and interphalangeal.
    • There is no change in the shape of the brush, there are no irreversible radiological changes.

    Reactive arthritis, unlike rheumatoid arthritis, responds well to treatment. It is enough to sanitize the extra-articular focus of inflammation.


    A fairly common problem is arthritis of the fingers in degenerative joint diseases. This problem is called deforming arthrosis and is associated with increased stress or injuries of the hand.

    Typical symptoms:

    • Involvement of all loaded or injured joints of the hand: from the wrist to the joints of the fingers.
    • A combination of signs of inflammatory and mechanical pain.
    • Outside of an exacerbation of synovitis, pain occurs during exertion, in the late afternoon, passes at rest, is not accompanied by stiffness.
    • During an exacerbation, the disease has a characteristic picture of an inflammatory syndrome.
    • Heberden's nodes (bumps on the distal interphalangeal joints) and Bouchard's nodes (bumps on the proximal interphalangeal joints) are formed.
    • The change in the shape of the hand progresses due to bone growths.

    Psoriatic arthritis

    The joints of the wrist, metacarpal bones and phalanges of the fingers can be affected by a disease such as psoriasis.

    Characteristic signs of the disease:

    • Skin rashes, peeling of the skin.
    • Nail changes.
    • Typical inflammatory rhythm of pain.
    • The inflammation is symmetrical in nature, the joints of several parts of the hand are involved - from the wrist to the fingers.
    • Pain in the spine and sacroiliac joints.
    • Damage to internal organs is possible.

    Psoriasis is difficult to treat with folk remedies and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to choose the right basic therapy, this is done by rheumatologists.


    Gouty arthritis is one of the manifestations of excess uric acid in the body. The joint attack in this disease has the following characteristics:

    • More often asymmetric, unilateral inflammation.
    • The joints of the first finger are predominantly involved, almost never the small joints of the wrist.
    • In the blood without exacerbation, an increase in uric acid is detected.
    • Perhaps the appearance of tophi - seals in the subcutaneous tissue.
    • Often the kidneys are affected, which is detected using a general urine test.

    You can eliminate the symptoms of gouty arthritis by following a diet and taking hypouricemic drugs.

    Systemic diseases

    In many systemic autoimmune diseases, inflammation occurs in the small joints of the hand.

    It usually comes with the following features:

    • Symmetrical involvement of the joints.
    • Simultaneous skin lesions in the form of a rash, vasculitis, hyperkeratosis.
    • Inflammatory changes in the lungs, kidneys, heart, and other internal organs.
    • There are no joint deformities characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
    • There may be no signs of arthritis, the disease proceeds in the form of - pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the hand.

    infectious inflammation

    It is extremely rare that infectious arthritis occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the hand. Usually, pathogenic microorganisms enter large joints - knee, shoulder, hip.

    However, with open wounds or with blood flow, it is possible for infection to enter the articular bag of small joints of the hand. In this case, the following symptoms occur:

    • Pronounced inflammatory edema, redness of the joint, bursting pain.
    • Malaise, fever, weakness, loss of appetite.
    • There are no bone deformities.
    • The process is acute, sometimes it can recur, it does not have a chronic progressive course.

    Infectious arthritis responds well to antibiotic treatment, but therapy should be started as soon as possible.


    An experienced rheumatologist is able to make a diagnosis based on the characteristic symptoms of the disease. To confirm it, it is necessary to carry out several methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

    Among the diagnostic procedures are used:

    1. General analysis of blood and urine - to determine signs of inflammation.
    2. Biochemical blood test - indicates signs of inflammation, the state of internal organs.
    3. C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and antimitochondrial DNA are specific markers of autoimmune diseases.
    4. Uric acid in the blood - allows you to confirm or exclude gout.
    5. Examination of synovial fluid, including culture.
    6. X-ray of the joints of the hand is the main method of instrumental diagnostics.
    7. Ultrasonography.
    8. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

    Of the listed research methods, the doctor selects the most informative and uses the data to confirm the presumptive diagnosis.


    Most often passes. However, before that, you should visit a specialist to determine the treatment regimen.

    Possible treatments:

    1. The impact of medicines.
    2. Physiotherapy.
    3. Physiotherapy.
    4. Surgery.
    5. The use of folk remedies.

    The doctor combines the presented methods based on contraindications and the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

    Medical therapy

    Treat arthritis with medication. The use of exclusively alternative methods of therapy at home is likely to lead to the progression of the disease.

    To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the following medicines are used:

    1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    2. Hormonal drugs -.
    3. Chondroprotectors - used for deforming arthrosis.
    4. Analgesics for pain relief.

    To eliminate the cause and influence the mechanism of the development of the disease, drugs such as:

    1. Basic anti-inflammatory drugs - are prescribed for autoimmune diseases. Prevent immune inflammation.
    2. Genetically engineered biological preparations are highly effective drugs for the elimination of immune inflammation.
    3. - are used to eliminate infectious inflammation.
    4. Hypouricemic drugs are used to treat gout.

    Combines drugs, taking into account contraindications and possible effects, the attending physician individually for each patient. It is impossible to treat arthritis on your own without consulting a doctor in any case.

    Helper Methods

    In order to reduce the intensity of symptoms and eliminate the manifestations of the disease, therapeutic exercises for the hand are also used. Exercises are agreed with the doctor and are performed regularly, for 30 minutes a day.

    Physiotherapy can improve blood circulation in the joint and reduce the intensity of inflammation. Each of the methods has contraindications, therefore it is prescribed by a doctor.

    With deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis, orthotic devices for the joints of the hand have proven themselves well. Special bandages allow you to eliminate brush deformities with regular use.

    Folk remedies

    Many patients prefer to use proven recipes. Used at home:

    1. Raw potato compresses.
    2. Pine balm.
    3. Rosehip tincture.
    4. Rice broths.
    5. Garlic compress.
    6. Tincture of laurel and juniper.
    7. A decoction of tansy flowers and yarrow.

    The effectiveness and safety of prescriptions should be evaluated by the attending physician.

    Surgical treatment

    With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, deforming arthrosis of the 3rd degree, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment. Surgical intervention is aimed at the plasticity of small joints, since prosthetics of the joints of the hand are still difficult to achieve.

    Inflammation of the joints of the fingers interferes with the normal activity of a person. What can you do well when your hands hurt? During this period, you can forget about skilled labor, creative impulses; even holding a spoon sometimes becomes difficult. Is it possible to fight such a disease? In an unopened state, inflammation of the joints of the fingers can be treated even with folk remedies, and home treatment can relieve suffering. However, most often you need to contact a specialist. Only a doctor can differentiate the pathology and prescribe an effective treatment.

    Features of inflammatory processes

    The joints of the fingers are constantly in motion, including being subjected to stress. The high activity of the joints and the load on them increase the likelihood of developing degenerative processes, which increases markedly over the years. The cartilage of the joints experience enormous loads, which, in the presence of provoking factors, leads to their destruction. The next factor that generates inflammatory reactions is injury risk. Fingers produce so many manipulations that their injury becomes commonplace: cuts, bruises, etc. Dislocations and subluxations of the joints, especially the thumb, are one of the most common injuries. They provoke the destruction of articular tissues.
    When performing various work at work and at home, hands come into contact with various substances, including aggressive ones, and at different temperatures. Under these conditions, it is impossible to exclude overheating or hypothermia of the fingers. The substances themselves are very often allergens, which provokes infectious-allergic processes. The joint of the finger becomes inflamed for various reasons, the process has a different pathogenesis. Most often, pain, swelling and inflammation cause the following pathologies: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis, trauma.

    Arthritis as a cause of inflammation

    Arthritis is the most common cause of inflammation in the fingers. It begins to develop as an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint, which leads to an increase in the amount of fluid, a change in its composition and the appearance of exudate. The composition of the exudate can be serous, purulent and bloody. Inflammation leads to damage to the cartilage tissue, disruption of the structure of the ligaments and capsule, and then to joint deformity. The main causes of arthritis are:

    • connective tissue diseases (rheumatism, etc.);
    • violation of metabolic processes (diabetes, gout);
    • infections (septic nature, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.);
    • joint injuries;
    • external factors (hypothermia, constant high humidity at high temperature, vibration);
    • age factor;
    • hereditary predisposition.

    If the joint is inflamed due to arthritis, then the following characteristic symptoms are observed:

    • swelling of the joints, redness of the skin;
    • significant pain when moving the fingers and after prolonged immobility of the hand;
    • temperature increase;
    • movement restriction;
    • increased pain in the evening;
    • weakness;
    • insomnia.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    One of the most common types of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which is an infectious-allergic disease.
    The first manifestation of such a pathology is observed on the index and middle fingers; moreover, rheumatoid arthritis has a characteristic sign (inflammation has a symmetrical appearance on both hands).
    Then the joints of other fingers are involved in the process. A distinctive symptom is increased pain in the morning. All other signs of arthritis are also present. Often the cause of the disease is nervous stress, hypothermia, colds and flu.

    Psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis usually develops in people who have psoriatic skin lesions elsewhere on the body. A distinctive feature is an axial lesion of the finger. Inflammation covers all joints on the finger from the bottom to the nail. The finger is completely red. Unlike the previous type, the lesion is not symmetrical and can occur on one arm.

    Gouty arthritis

    Gouty arthritis is caused by metabolic disorders, most often the level of purines. The main reason is an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood with the deposition of urates in the tissues of the joints. The first symptom is pain in the thumb with a gradual spread to all joints of the fingers. The main attacks of pain occur at night. Edema develops quickly, there is a rise in local temperature, redness. Exacerbation of the disease is provoked by malnutrition (fatty foods), excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and strong tea, too overheated bath.

    Arthrosis, bursitis, osteomyelitis

    Such a widespread inflammatory disease as arthrosis has a dystrophic character, developing in the form of a gradual long-term destruction of articular cartilage. Pathology is expressed in the slow change of the end bone zones under the influence of the inflammatory process and the gradual degeneration of the periarticular tissues. Osteoarthritis occurs due to a violation of the metabolic process, leading to structural changes in the cartilage tissue, and is generated by the loss of proteoglycans. Main reasons:

    • finger injuries;
    • inflammation caused by other diseases;
    • age factor;
    • poor quality food;
    • hypothermia;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • general intoxication of the body;
    • chronic colds;
    • genetic predisposition.

    Characteristic signs of arthrosis are a noticeable deformity, pain in the thumb.
    Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint bag with a concentration of a significant amount of exudate. The main symptoms are swelling, redness, pain, a sharp increase in temperature in the affected joint. The main feature is a mobile swelling of a round shape, soft to the touch.

    A progressive disease becomes chronic with periodic exacerbation. In a chronic course, salt deposits in the joint join the process. With open wounds on the finger, a purulent type of bursitis may develop with an increase in the temperature of the whole body.
    Osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic lesion of bone tissue with the transition to the joints of the fingers. The main reason is infection with pathogenic bacteria. The disease develops rapidly (with a rise in temperature to 39 ° C, a sharp intoxication of the body manifests itself). Within 3-4 days, very strong joint pain is felt. Edema quickly spreads to the entire brush. Transition to a chronic form is possible. Purulent fistulas may form on the joints. A neglected disease leads to immobilization of the joint and curvature of the finger.

    Treatment of diseases

    If the disease is detected at an early stage and correctly diagnosed, then such inflammation of the joints can be cured with compresses, physiotherapy and folk remedies.

    With a developed inflammatory process, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, including with the introduction into the joint. Effective treatment with electrophoresis (Karipain).

    With a complex process, complex drug therapy is prescribed. Treatment consists of the following agents: anti-inflammatory drugs with a restorative effect (Collagen, Methotrexate); nonsteroidal drugs (Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin); steroid injections (cortisone). With severe pain, you can take Indocin, Naprosin, Voltaren. With polyarthritis, glucocorticoid drugs such as Prednisolone or Dexamethasone may be prescribed.
    As folk remedies, compresses, rubbing, baths with medicinal solutions, infusions and decoctions show good results. Anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect is noted when taking a bath with the addition of eucalyptus, St. John's wort, sandalwood oil, calendula. An ancient remedy is mashed onion, which is placed on the edema.