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  • Preparing for school at home lessons. How to prepare your child for school: what is important for parents to know

    Preparing for school at home lessons.  How to prepare your child for school: what is important for parents to know

    If the kid becomes a first grader soon, then the first task of parents is to make the beginning of school life as easy as possible. The students' willingness to learn allows them to predict their future success. Will parents be able to prepare their child for school on their own or should they be sent to preparatory courses? According to experts, if parents know how to prepare a child for school, then this can be done at home. The main thing is to remember that the essence of the preparatory lessons is the development of the necessary skills, abilities, qualities. The psychological maturity of children is of particular importance, since the assimilation and practical application of educational information is possible only with the appropriate mood. The surrounding adults should help the preschool child psychologically rebuild.

    Do I need to prepare for school?

    7 years is the age at which most children start school. The development of educational programs takes into account the peculiarities of this age; tasks involve the ability of children to perform certain actions. Many parents ask why special training is needed. They argue that if the learning process is properly designed, it is enough to start studying sciences in the first grade. Experts argue that reaching the legal age for study does not guarantee successful learning. School activities require a certain outlook, practice of applying existing knowledge is necessary. Lack of relevant knowledge and skills will become a hindrance even for a smart first grader. Therefore, you need to prepare for school correctly and on time.

    The main goals of the preparatory classes are:

    1. Transfer of sufficient "baggage" of knowledge to the child.
    2. Developing the ability to work in new conditions.

    What should a future first grader be able to do?

    Many children find it difficult to start their studies. Parents see this by doing homework with their children. The proposed tasks seem too complicated, the workload is unnecessary. For a school to be a place of fun to do, you need basic skills to be successful in learning. It is desirable for a future first grader to have:

    1. skills of counting up to 10 and back;
    2. knowledge of numbers;
    3. the ability to perform simple operations of addition, subtraction, comparison;
    4. skills of solving problems on orientation in space;
    5. the ability to calculate patterns;
    6. the skill of copying images;
    7. knowledge of printed letters;
    8. the ability to read texts;
    9. the ability to highlight the main thing in the text, to retell it.

    All of the above provides the child with the opportunity to quickly understand the essence of the school assignment. When the algorithm is clear, the work is done calmly, confidently. It is important to lay the appropriate foundation - performing with repetition of typical tasks that consolidate the material. These requirements are considered to be the criteria for the basic readiness of the kid for school life.

    But! Learning skills and abilities are not the only prerequisites for successful work. Requires special preparation for school, which includes several types of readiness.

    Pedagogical readiness

    The level of readiness is revealed by testing preschoolers. Tasks allow you to determine the boundaries of knowledge of the future student, difficulties are identified. Typically six-year-olds are asked a series of questions. Children should know:

    • surname, name, birthday;
    • name and patronymic of parents;
    • home address;
    • the names of the seasons;
    • names of days of the week;
    • names of various categories of items (dishes, furniture, etc.)

    Important! It is better to know in advance what questions are included in the test in order to prepare your child for school on your own.

    High indicators of pedagogical readiness look promising for a preschool child, but you should not rely on them completely. Often, seven-year students who demonstrate extensive knowledge in various areas of life find it difficult when faced with a first-grade program. On the contrary, children prepared for school are able to be among the best by the end of the school year.

    The main reason is the degree of psychological readiness. How to prepare a child for school from the point of view of psychology?

    What is included in psychological preparedness

    Parents are often disappointed. The child recently expressed a strong desire to attend school. Having become a schoolboy, the child does not want to hear about the lessons. Tears every morning. The key is the lack of psychological maturity that creates the required motivation. All kids are attracted by any attributes of the "adult" position. For first graders, this is a satchel, uniform, textbooks. The indicators of the new status overshadow the main thing - you will have to rebuild your lifestyle.

    To understand how children are able to accept a new way of life, assess the degree of psychological readiness. It can be briefly characterized as follows: the student's ability to master the sciences in the desired mode, pace and volume. It is worth disassembling the individual components of the system.

    1. Intelligent readiness

    Seven-year-old children accumulate certain experience that allows them to analyze facts and draw conclusions. Objects are evaluated, compared, classified. The reasoning of preschoolers is funny, but the manifestations of children's thoughts, feelings, emotions are age appropriate. But analytical skills should be developed in special exercises and assignments.

    Important! Preparing for school involves assignments when they teach to separate the main from the secondary:

    • To solve math problems, you need to read conditions quickly. The text is comprehended, the main thing is highlighted. Understanding the question is a condition for obtaining the correct result.
    • From the information transmitted by the teacher, the main thing should be perceived. Therefore, an important condition for successful study is a broad outlook, giving the desire to acquire new knowledge. Solving mathematical problems, reading fairy tales, and composing stories become equally interesting.

    2. Volitional readiness

    In order to properly prepare a child for schoolwork, you need to understand that the interaction of a student with a teacher presupposes mandatory compliance with requirements and rules. Discipline is essential to a stable school life.

    An example is a frequently occurring situation: the teacher gives the children an assignment, then leaves the classroom. Some of the guys do it diligently. The rest give up their studies, starting to play naughty, indulge. A strong-willed readiness to learn is manifested by the presence of motivation (motivation to learn), responsibility for the work performed. Parents should think carefully about how to prepare their child for school at home in this regard.

    3. Personal readiness

    For the learning process to bear fruit, the student must be aware of the "balance of power." The student needs to understand, correctly assess his own position, the status of the teacher, the position of other children in order to exclude inappropriate behavior. It is important to teach your child to communicate with adults, peers.

    Forms of preparatory classes

    Parents often ask the question: in what form should preparation for school take place? Experts give the following advice to parents of prospective first graders.

    Important! Developmental classes can be carried out at any age. The recommended period of basic training is one year, the optimal age is six years. Earlier training is best done without an emphasis on strict requirements; it is recommended to use play forms.

    Note! Classes should be perceived easily, eliminating the feeling of monotony, boredom, and forced labor.

    Activities with preschoolers can be used in different formats. The following options are possible: to cook the child on their own, or to entrust the work to an experienced teacher. The choice of the form of preparation is determined by family circumstances, the characteristics of the child's character. Teachers work on the basis of school courses, children's educational centers, private practice.

    School teacher training is very popular with parents. The main reasons for the demand:

    1. A six-year-old gets used to the school atmosphere, discipline, rules.
    2. Classes strictly meet the requirements of this educational institution.
    3. It is possible to get to know the teacher in advance.
    4. The preschooler feels more relaxed and confident after starting his studies later.

    Cons of such offers:

    • Courses exclude an individual approach.
    • School activities are rather monotonous and tiresome.
    • After attending courses, children often complain that they are tired of school.
    • Services have an unreasonably high cost.

    Be sure to take into account the psychological characteristics of the child. The school environment will be useful for the naughty, fidget. The strict requirements of the teacher will become a constraint. For an emotional, anxious toddler, it's best to consider alternatives. Then the process will be softer, gradual.

    It is advisable to inquire about the character and professional qualities of the teacher before starting attending courses.

    Educational centers

    Many childcare centers offer training services for future first graders. This form of training is also in demand. The advantages of such classes are small groups with an individual approach to children. Parents are usually encouraged to choose a time that is convenient for class.

    When choosing classes in a private center, you should clarify the program, sections of the plan in advance. The reputation of the institution in the parenting environment is of great importance. After all, the quality of preparatory classes directly affects the level of children prepared for school.


    Individual lessons are chosen by many mothers, wishing to provide the child with maximum attention. This approach colors learning positively.

    The downside is the lack of a children's team. Studying in a group, the guys get used to listening to someone else's answer, to accept someone else's opinion. The group helps to develop respect. Role assignment, teamwork is a good skill. Individual preparation excludes the possibility of such interaction.

    Home preparation for school (assignments)

    You can prepare your child for school on your own. Psychologists give the following advice to parents of prospective first graders:

    1. find out what program is provided for the elementary grades of the school;
    2. purchase the necessary benefits;
    3. draw up a detailed exercise plan with the help of expert advice.

    Home teaching methodology

    The technique is usually straightforward. It is easy to buy workbooks designed for specific programs. The exercises on offer are sufficient. So that the performance of the assigned tasks does not become boring, it is better to supplement the blocks with game components.

    It is also easy to choose exercises on your own. In any case, it is advisable to create your own curriculum.

    • Writing elements of letters, numbers. It is convenient to use textbooks, ready-made recipes. A good help will be the image of patterns, ornaments.
    • Solving mathematical problems, examples. It is not necessary to use the tutorial. Game techniques, images of objects are allowed.
    • Performing graphics tasks. The use of school exercise books presupposes the ability to count cells, lines, back off the right amount. When developing skills, it is useful to use graphic dictations. The adult dictates, indicating the direction with the number of cells, the child depicts.
    • Drawing symmetrical pictures is a good option. The cells of the notebook sheet are used again. One half of the drawing is ready, you need to draw a mirror image next to it to get a complete picture.
    • Another recommended assignment is to walk through the maze shown.
    • Solving logical problems. The complex includes the use of geometric shapes. It is proposed to classify objects by color, size, shape, number of sides, angles. It is also good to include here various tasks that develop ingenuity, ingenuity.

    • Reading. Children should be offered short texts without incomprehensible words. It is desirable that the content is interesting, unusual, engaging. What has been read is invited to retell. An important point is the expression of the main idea of ​​the plot.
    • Development of speech. A great exercise is variations of a word game. Memorizing poetry will be helpful. The repeated repetition of the rhymed text by adults imperceptibly "starts" the mechanisms of memorization. Another good exercise is writing a story using the given words.
    • Broadening your horizons. Primary school educational programs include the subject "The World Around". It will be nice to explain in advance to the preschooler the basics of the structure of nature and society.

    Important! The development of fine motor skills is deservedly given so much attention - it becomes easier for children to write, the hand moves more freely. Modeling, drawing, weaving, sand compositions are usually recommended.

    How to teach at home

    Lessons with children are close to schoolwork and can be complex, include tasks related to different disciplines, directions. It is allowed to engage in one subject each time, changing the forms of training. The main indicator is the quality of information perception.

    When studying at home, it's easy to use unusual formats. For example, taking a walk is a good option. It is more interesting to solve examples by writing numbers in chalk on the asphalt. Problem conditions may include surrounding objects.

    Can be used:

    • riddles:
      1. The titmouse birds sat in a row and speak words (letters);
      2. Cunning brothers live in a clever book. There are ten of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world (numbers);
    • tongue twisters and rhymes:
      1. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood ...
      2. A quail and a quail have five quails;
    • songs: ("Write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook
      They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
      Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids ... ");
    • fairy tales (you can invent yourself based on folk tales);
    • puzzles ("Wolf, goat and cabbage", "Name five days without naming numbers and names of days").

    The frequency of the lessons is a serious matter. You can achieve a noticeable result with regular exercise.

    It is necessary to teach a six-year-old to complete tasks on time. Lessons are best done during the day. Evening is not a good time for solving examples. To a tired child, elementary tasks seem incomprehensible. Of course, there is no interest in learning either.

    It is also advisable to go to bed on time. Then the morning awakening will not become painful, painful. When the baby sleeps, he is full of energy, it is easier to work on tasks.

    Important! Time for completing tasks should be chosen based on other activities during the day. It's bad if home lesson starts right after visiting music school or swimming pool. Fatigue slows down thinking processes, so the result is unlikely to please.

    Any lesson taught should include independent work and exercise under the supervision of an adult. A new type of activity always requires additional support, explanations of the material.

    Some of the tasks must be completed within the time frame. For example, ten minutes are given to solve a problem. This approach will teach you not to waste time by doing the work rationally. Just don't create a tense atmosphere by constantly reminding you of the time. It is enough to evaluate the result by drawing the attention of the preschooler to the observance of the conditions.

    • When preparing a child for the first grade, moms and dads should assess their own level of anxiety. The tension of adults is inevitably transmitted to children, not allowing them to feel confident.
    • Small victories require recognition, small failures ask for help. The feeling that parents are there, ready to help, is worth a lot. You should not be painful to perceive crookedly written letters, incorrect calculations, stuttering reading. Constant criticism is the cause of insecurity. The source of motivation is support. A benevolent attitude, approving statements can work wonders.
    • Although readiness for the educational process is assessed at the beginning of school, it really does not appear until after the first half of the year. Sometimes it takes time for children to show their potential. Parents need patience. Studying can be an interesting collaborative activity.
    • The feeling of inner comfort is an important condition for any successful activity. If the future student is calm, learning is always easier. The type of occupation must be chosen based on this criterion.

    Lyudmila A. Kolesnikova
    How to prepare your child for school

    Materials for meeting with parents of future first graders

    once again about how prepare your child for school.

    A bird is born good or bad,

    She is destined to fly.

    This will not happen to a person.

    It's not enough to be born as a man,

    They still need to become!

    This short poem by Eduard Asadov has a lot of meaning. To become a person means to be honest, kind, sympathetic. But he needs to be brought up like that.

    The formation of a person begins from the first years of his life. It is formed by parents, educators, teachers. This is not an easy task, especially in these times of difficult change. Are changing school programs and textbooks, the approach to teaching children is changing. Appear new type schools: lyceums, gymnasiums. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the pedagogy of cooperation - the union of students, teachers and parents. Such cooperation is required immediately upon admission child to school.

    What parents should first of all think about when preparing their baby for school?

    About health. The health of a first-grader is that reserve, that reserve of strength, which in many respects determines the success not only of the first year of study, but also of many years school marathon... Physical and mental condition baby determine its readiness for school... Now doctors say that in modern conditions in school only 20-25% of healthy children are admitted, the rest already have various health disorders.

    Such children find it difficult to cope with school workload, with a mode of employment. This, first of all, affects the state of the nervous system. Therefore, in the time remaining until September 1, check the physical data of the children, temper and strengthen them, consult a speech therapist, child psychologist, psychiatrist.

    O preparing children for schoolhave many different opinions: Cook child to school or not, to teach something or not to teach. Many parents still believe that their business is to feed, dress their children and take care of their health, and that they should develop, teach only in school... Meanwhile, it is known that the mind baby half formed by the age of 4, and the most favorable period for the development of abilities is from 3 to 5 years. You miss something important and it is irretrievably lost. It is necessary to develop in children as early as possible not only memory, speech, logical thinking, attention, but also self-control of judgments and actions, their own opinion. All this is laid down in the family.

    Communication between parents and children means working together at home, playing together, walking, watching and discussing films, TV shows, and reading books. It often happens that students who do not have much before schools read children's books and poems, rarely and uninterestingly answered endless children's "why"... Such parents have children unprepared to start training, and therefore from the very first days school life feeling that they know and understand less than their classmates, they are embarrassed, do not raise their hands in the lesson, and are embarrassed to answer the teacher's questions. And, of course, they find it difficult to assimilate the teacher's explanations.

    The source of psychological well-being in the family is the love of parents for their children. The child needs to know that someone really, really loves him, and that you can go to this person both with joy and with sadness. Such relationships create a sense of security, peace of mind. Children who feel the love of their parents grow up healthier than their peers without affection.

    Children want to be like their parents, are proud of them, imitate them. To the question:"Who do you want to become?",most often answer: "Like Dad", "Like Mom"... Therefore, it is very important not to let your little ones down. Are we parents always, in fact, an example of nobility, kindness, humanity?

    Famous teacher, Amonashvili, writes: “We strictly ask the children. And if children could strictly demand from us that we honestly fulfill our duty of upbringing, then many special problems would be solved. Hooligans, ignoramuses grow out of kids because of our careless upbringing, because they cannot reason with adults - irresponsible educators. "

    Don't think that you are educating baby only then when you talk to him, you inspire him with something, teach him. You educate baby with every action, every word. But if the words of the parents are at odds with their own actions, there can be no question of any upbringing.

    Be patient, treat children in a way that makes them feel happy. To kid it is important to study successfully, to feel smart, quick-witted and quick-witted. After all, success is a source of joy that inspires a child to new success. Feeling no sense of success the child loses faith in himself, becomes indifferent. He has an inferiority complex.

    Children, especially 6-8 years old, are unusually suggestible, they see themselves in the mirror of our words: "stupid", "ignoramus", "slut", "lazy person",yes, we also add: forever you, you in general, you always. Our children will forgive us for the offense, but this injustice will certainly resonate in them in a few years.

    More patience, respect even for ignorance, misunderstanding, disobedience baby... After all, it is also not easy for him to grow, discover the world, get to know people, learn to love, be good. Indifference to children, inattention to them can not be excused either by employment, or by absorption in some other interests.

    September 1. How many worries and hopes each family connects with the beginning of their child's studies. Parents want them child studied well, willingly went to school... What attracts them? They got older. They - pupils! Briefcase, school supplies, uniform, new friends, the first teacher. They are all ready to learn. Every time we meet first graders on September 1, I ask them a question:

    Children, which one of you wants to study well?

    Forest of hands. Each of them sincerely wants it.

    But only a few days pass, and the eyes of some children grow dim, in the classroom they fidget, yawn, and look forward to the call.

    Sitting at the desk for hours was not as interesting as expected. Already some of the first graders at home told their parents:

    I do not want to school... Letters don't work.

    Parents are at a loss. What's the matter?

    The child is not ready for school psychologically... Learning is work, daily and persistent. The student must be able to properly allocate his time, be able to listen to the teacher without losing attention, be able to communicate with other children, be able to be organized, disciplined. Do not let the study of your son or daughter take their course, think together what is not working, sort it out and help. Much will depend on your patience.

    Parents before admission to school should set up like this baby so that he understands that he already schoolboy eager to learn everything. Be ready for school is means to be ready to learn everything. Preparing your child for school life is similar not so much to the collection of a polar expedition, when everything must be foreseen, taken into account and saved, as Robinson Crusoe's readiness for life in unusual conditions.

    All training preparing your child for schoolmust be subordinate to purpose: development of mental outlook. Catching up with baby, make sure that he thinks, proves, ponders, that his mind develops and demands all new food for thought.

    Your child must be able to listen attentively to reading a children's book, retell what he read coherently, give complete answers to questions, guess riddles, be able to talk about his family, know the colors, names of animals, plants, be able to classify objects, learn poems and tongue twisters.

    Parents are worried about the question:

    Yes! But to do it skillfully. Get a preliminary consultation from a kindergarten teacher, teacher.

    Some of the parents believe that if a child comes to school, being able to read, then in the classroom he will be bored, he gets used to idleness, begins to arrogantly look at his classmates who read much worse. This is how people think who have forgotten what the first year is. school life... And in the first months in school child has no time to be bored: a new world of relationships with adults and peers literally falls on him. School makes the little person find and master a new place in life, new forms of behavior, new responsibilities, a new regime. Child may simply not have time to learn something. Reading most often suffers. And as a result - unimportant grades, possible unpopularity among classmates, for whom school academic performance for a long time becomes a measure of the student's human dignity. And one more loss. The precious stock of children's literature, which can be truly tasted, experienced, absorbed into the soul, is not readable only in childhood.

    “You can live and be a happy person without mastering mathematics. But one cannot be happy without being able to read, without mastering the art of reading ”- these are the words of the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

    Let the child come to school being able to read. It will also be better because it is easier to learn to read at 4-5 years old than at 6-7 years old. Native speech has just been mastered. Words and sounds have not yet become a child with something familiar unnoticed like breathing. The stream of children's questions about words has not dried up yet, every day you can please your friends with a brand new story from the series "From 2 to 5"... Why wait 6 years when interest in the language will have to be artificially aroused.

    Acquaintance and work baby with letters must be preceded by a pre-letter audio training period. We need to start with child in playroom, onomatopoeic action learned to stretch, to amplify individual sounds in words. For example:

    Let's talk in bee language as if we are two bees.

    “Let's be friends. Where do you live "

    Then teach baby highlight the first sound in words, look for similar sounds in other words.

    Tell me, with what sound does the word FLY begin - (M?

    Is there (M) in the word DOM?

    And in the word WALL?

    What words can you name to sound (M) - (car, mask, motor, shop)... You can send baby to the toy store.

    Learn not to confuse sounds and letters, vowels and consonants, and only then, when the child has firmly mastered the sound composition of words, can you introduce letters.

    The biggest and most frustrating difficulties are writing lessons. Every time you need to master a lot of new things, but your hands are still weak, they do not obey, and how can you manage to master the writing of 300 elements in 4-5 months. Now when your the child is not yet 6 years old, make every effort to develop, strengthen the child's hand and fingers, make them dexterous, obedient. Drawing, modeling, constructor, mosaic, stringing beads on a wire, beads, embroidery, burning, knitting - all these are exercises for preparing the child's hand for writing... Ask the children not only to color in various coloring pages, but to hatch them. Shade the picture from left to right, top to bottom. When performing such exercises, an eye, small muscles of the fingers develops.

    It is not necessary to put a pen in a clumsy hand early and put the baby in writing. Unprepared fingers will bring out such crooks that both you and your student will become discouraged and dissatisfied with each other and joint efforts over a sheet of paper. There is no need to undermine a future first grader's faith in success in such a prestigious school affairs like a letter.

    The level of speech development helps to form tasks of this type:

    The children went to the river. Valya was fishing, and Zhenya was sunbathing. How many boys and girls were there on the beach?

    Valya and Sasha were catching butterflies. Are they boys or girls?

    Petya went to the cinema after finishing the book. What has he done before, read a book or watched a movie?

    Two mothers bought 4 panamas. One mom bought a white panama hat and the other a pink one. How many panamas did each mom buy?

    If child 5-6 years old easily answers such questions, then according to the level of speech development he is ready for schooling... If your kid still does not cope with such tasks, then often come up with similar speech tasks for him.

    Such tasks also help to develop logical thinking, teach to make inferences.

    If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream ... already rivers

    If a brother is older than a sister, then a sister ...

    The pine is higher than the spruce, which means spruce ...

    It is also necessary to introduce child with concepts: right, left, top, bottom, middle, first, second, last, teach children to compare objects, find similarities and differences between them. Children should be able to compare the number of objects: more, less, the same, firmly know the composition of numbers. This will help in building computational skills.

    Cooking child to school, You must monitor compliance with the daily regimen. During the year, some children are constantly late, yawn at the first lessons, and do not work. Children must get up at a certain time, do exercises, be sure to have breakfast, be in school... Have baby there should be certain hours for doing homework, enough time for him to be outdoors. And be sure to go to bed on time so that you can have a good night's rest.

    Let be school years of your children will become a GOLDEN TIME in their lives. After all school- this is not only study, it is a world of communication, joy, experiences, a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, a world of fantasy and creativity.

    Parents of toddlers who attend kindergarten do not need to worry about preparing their child for school. This is done by educators and specially trained specialists. And what about adults whose children do not attend preschool institutions? Is it possible to independently prepare a baby for school life, and how to do it correctly?

    When should you start preparing your child for school?

    Inexperienced parents believe that if the baby goes to school at the age of 6, then it is enough to work with him from the age of five, and in a year the child will master, so to speak, the course of a young fighter. In fact, this is a clear delusion.

    Psychologists say that the most favorable age to start preparing for school is 3.5-4 years.

    Already by the age of 3, your beloved man has formed as a person. A little why with great interest learns the world around him, and questions are pouring out of him, as if from a cornucopia. You need to seize the moment, and just channel his curiosity in the right direction. .

    By the age of three, the child shows spatial and logical thinking, memory is activated. He not only wants to get answers to his questions, but also to remember them. Therefore, do not be angry with the baby if he asks about the same thing several times.

    What do you need to prepare your child for school?

    Activities with a child should in no case be episodic. Make a clear plan for yourself, similar to your school timetable. Break down all the information that you need to convey to the crumbs into separate topics.

    At the same time, keep in mind that until the baby reaches the age of 4.5-5 years, one lesson should not exceed fifteen minutes. The disclosure of one topic should fit into this period of time.

    Take a 15-20 minute break after each lesson. So that the baby does not get tired and does not lose interest in learning, spend no more than 3 lessons a day. Do not scold your child if something goes wrong. You need to work with him calmly and patiently.

    Equip a comfortable place to study, allocate a shelf in the closet for him, where your child will store all the school supplies. From the first days, teach him to keep his workplace in order, not to scatter pens, notebooks or books on the table.

    Sometimes it is not so difficult to instill the skills of calligraphy or the ability to count, how to teach a child to perseverance and adherence to the daily routine that awaits him at school.

    What activities are needed to prepare for school?

    The preparation of the baby includes such activities as:

    • reading;
    • calligraphy;
    • maths;
    • creative activities (modeling, drawing, application);
    • one of the foreign languages.


    This item comes first. The faster the baby learns letters and learns to put them first in syllables, and then in words, the faster the whole process of gaining new knowledge will go. You need to go from simple to complex. Any word consists of letters, so the initial task of parents is to learn the alphabet with a child.

    Find poems about letters on the Internet or in children's books. Listening to the description of each letter in poetic form, the baby will remember them faster. In addition, he will try to repeat individual phrases from the verse.

    Here are some nice poems by Boris Zakhoder:

    Everyone knows the letter A,
    The letter is very nice.
    Yes, besides, the letter A
    In the alphabet, the main one.

    Here's an example of another author's quatrain:

    B is like a pipe
    That buzzes "Boo-boo, boo-boo"
    And a little on the iron
    This is my best friend.

    Agree that in this form it will be very interesting to teach letters to a little curious person.

    After the kid has mastered the letters, show him how the syllables are formed from them. Name the consonants the way the sound is pronounced, that is, not "me" or "be", but "m" and "b". Otherwise, the word mom, composed of letters, the crumb can pronounce mea-mea.

    Get a gorgeous colorful alphabet poster from a bookstore. Hang it over your kid's desk. When the child's gaze meets the image, his passive memory is activated. By looking at familiar letters, he will better memorize them.

    So that learning how to fold syllables does not take a long time, buy a magnetic alphabet for your baby. Children like to move colorful letters across the board. Your task is to help the little one choose from them those that are needed to fold a particular syllable or word. Turn the process of learning the alphabet and learning to read into an addicting game .

    Today, there is a huge amount of colorful reading material on sale. These can be cubes, cards or puzzles with individual letters or syllables. Look for pictures that show how letters are combined into syllables. There is a lot of such information on the Internet, in children's books and colorful didactic materials.

    Calligraphy training

    At the age of 3.5-4 years, the baby is still not quite confidently holding a pencil or pen in his hands. Therefore, you should not expect that your child will quickly learn to write well. At this age, only sticks and small hooks are subject to him. Giving the baby simple tasks, look at the school recipe. Even first graders don't start writing letters right away. Teaching a kid to write letters is better from the age of five ... In this case, you need to start with block letters.

    There is no need to immediately demand good results from the baby. The inclinations for learning a particular subject are different for all children. If a child's fine motor skills are lame, it will be difficult to teach him to write beautifully. First you need to show your kid how to hold the pen correctly.

    The handwriting can also be influenced by the pose in which the baby pores over his task. Maintain the correct posture of your child when he or she is writing. His back should be straightened, and the table should be at chest level. The baby's elbows should be on the table.

    Pay attention to the location of the notebook on the table. It should be placed slightly at an angle and the bottom left corner should be centered on the baby's chest.

    Learning math

    By the time of entering school, the future first grader should be able to fluently count to 10 back and forth, add and subtract within these numbers.

    Where to start learning crumbs?

    • First, the baby must learn such quantitative concepts. , as less, more, equal. Teach him to compare 2 groups of objects with each other. For example, place different numbers of toy cars and cubes on the table. The crumb must figure out which items are more and which are fewer and what needs to be done to make them equal. Thus, the child will become familiar with terms such as add and subtract.
    • In addition, he must learn to operate with such concepts as close - far, high - low ... Even before getting to know the numbers, the kid needs to be told about geometric shapes, to learn to distinguish a circle from an oval, a square from a rectangle or triangle.
    • At the next stage, using small toys, pencils or counting sticks with the child, they study the numbers. ... Take one cube and show the little student the number 1. Then add another cube and introduce the baby to the number 2.

    At the same time, do not overload the child with information. In one day, it is enough to familiarize yourself with two numbers.

    When the baby remembers what all the numbers look like, and he knows that next to the number 3 you need to put 3 sticks, and with the number 5 - exactly 5 sticks, you can proceed to teaching the crumbs to add and subtract.

    Any classes should be carried out in a playful way. To do mathematics, it is not entirely necessary to sit the baby at the table. You can count anything - trees on the street, cars in the parking lot, kids in the playground. The first thing that kids begin to count is the fingers on their hand. The main thing is not to overload the child with a large amount of information. ... For example, if you are going somewhere, you do not need to force him to count all the objects that come across on the way. It is enough to hear 2-3 answers from the kid and move on to another topic, for example, remember any rhyme.

    As you study new material, do not forget to repeat with your child what he learned earlier.

    We are engaged in fine art

    In creativity lessons, you can consolidate the material covered in other subjects. Buy coloring pages with letters and numbers for your kid, teach him to draw geometric shapes. Help your little one learn to use a ruler to draw straight lines.

    When the child draws, draw his attention to the fact that the sun looks like a circle, and the roof of the house looks like a triangle. Teach him to color the drawings carefully so that the paint does not go beyond the outline of the drawing. In the meantime, explain to your kid that the sky is blue and the grass is green.

    You don't need to force a little artist to paint what you want. Let your child express his imagination, let him express his feelings and emotions through his drawings.

    Learning a foreign language

    If you decide to teach your child a foreign language before school, start learning with a colorful alphabet with pictures. Do not be upset if you yourself do not know one of the foreign languages ​​perfectly. For a kid who will go to a regular school, without in-depth study of English, French or another language, it is enough to know the alphabet well and have a small vocabulary.

    Learn a few short verses with your child and repeat them while you walk or play at home. Monitor your baby's pronunciation. If he gets used to speaking foreign words incorrectly, it will be difficult to retrain him at school.

    When preparing your toddler for school on your own, be patient. Do not scold the little student if something does not work out for him. If your toddler is tired and inattentive in class, postpone the lesson. Learning should bring joy to the child, otherwise you can discourage him from learning for a long time, which will affect his knowledge at school.

    Parents have different opinions on how to properly prepare a future student for homework. Some are sure that the last summer before lessons should be spent exclusively on vacation, while others load up their child as much as possible so that it keeps up with classmates in the future. Only later it turns out that some children become "retrained" and are bored of being in class, others count and read perfectly, but lose things and do not orient themselves at all in the building of the educational institution, others read English well, but have difficulties in learning their own language or discomfort in communication. The list goes on and on, primary school teachers have many similar stories. How to find a middle ground so that the baby will open a new stage in his life with interest?

    Psychological readiness of the kid for the school process

    Psychological preparation for the school process of kids is the most important. It is of tremendous importance, regardless of what type of educational institution was chosen:

    1. Improving communication skills with other children, self-acceptance in the social position of a student. The experience gained reflects his personal maturity. Psychologists recommend entrusting this mission to professionals working in centers for preparing children for the school process. The sooner parents turn to them, the more effective the result will be.
    2. The kid should understand that when faced with difficulties, there will always be parents and a teacher by his side, ready to help. Together you can cope with any task. Volitional maturity in the process of preparing a baby is determined by his readiness for self-expression, the fulfillment of educational requirements.
    3. Intellectual maturity is very important for a toddler. It is determined by the quantitative vocabulary of words, knowledge about the world around, the ability to analyze and build a logical chain. A prepared child is able to express his thoughts, complete the tasks of teachers, and communicate freely on topics that are well known to him.

    Skills and skills that a future student must master

    Below is a list of general requirements that every kid who has to cross the school threshold must cope:

    • giving your full name, your birthday and home address;
    • know letters, navigate vowels and consonants, read short texts (at least by syllables);
    • know the differences between the seasons, be able to describe them (vocabulary is determined);
    • navigate the time of day;
    • name the main geometric shapes and be able to depict them;
    • memorize short texts, be able to retell it (diction, memory is determined).

    The following skills should also be included in preparation for school:

    • correct behavior in public places;
    • self-care without the help of adults, putting things in order at the workplace;
    • a description of what is shown in the picture;
    • accounts up to 20;
    • names of color shades;
    • answers to questions: "who?", "when?", why? ";
    • quiet passing time in the lesson for 20-25 minutes;
    • differences direction "up", down "," right "," left ".

    Preparing for the school program with a teacher

    If a decision was made to study in a specialized center for preschoolers, then parents in choosing an organization need to pay attention to the following points:

    1. The experience of teachers who are involved in working with toddlers. Does the development center have a license to conduct educational activities? The number of students in the class, the interior of the room, the availability of auxiliary educational material.
    2. For what programs and whether the system of teaching lessons has been developed, what subject is the emphasis on, how long the lessons take, whether the teacher uses an individual approach to each student - these questions should be of primary interest. If the center for the preparation of children has a narrow specialization, it is worth considering whether this is necessary.
    3. The presence of an activity that is aimed at developing the creative abilities of the baby. Lessons like these are an essential part of the preparation.
    4. Pay attention to the general atmosphere in the class: whether the children are interested in learning, whether they feel inspired and want to learn more.

    Preparing for the school program at home

    Of course, competent specialists in the field of pedagogy will quickly and professionally cope with all of the above requirements. But what about those parents who are independently engaged with the baby and prepare him for school? What to look for:

    1. A prepared future student should know all the letters in the alphabet. Then you should gradually move on to reading syllables. It will be much easier for a child in school if he masters reading in advance. The acquired skill will be reflected in the observance of the correct sequence of writing letters. By the way, you should start writing in block letters, so the child will quickly master the letter. Hand training should be regular.
    2. Development of speech and diction. Invite your child to retell what he has heard and seen after watching a cartoon or scientific program for children. Do not neglect his opinion, teach him to express his thoughts without hesitation. The kid needs frequent communication, he asks numerous questions that at first glance may seem stupid to parents, but you should not neglect the answers to them.
    3. Counting is an important skill that many children must acquire by the first grade. Start by counting the plates on the table, fingers, the number of books on the shelf, and so on. Then you can buy counting sticks or continue to develop your abilities with colored pencils. An ordinary walk can be turned into an exciting activity. You can count puddles or trees, name the colors of the leaves and the size (large / small) of animals that meet on the way, distinguish between inanimate / animate objects.
    4. The intellectual development of children cannot be imagined without creativity. To improve fine motor skills of hands, you can create all kinds of crafts. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of master classes for every taste. Modeling from clay and plasticine, working with scissors, paints and brushes also helps the kid to master the letter.
    5. Before going to first grade, the kid must learn the rules of behavior, independence and safety indoors and outdoors. Wake up and go to rest at a certain time, do homework every day, do sports exercises for 30 - 40 minutes. Parents need to learn to let go of the child from themselves. Let it be almost independent walks in the yard, when mom or dad is watching their baby from the sidelines, trying not to interfere with the conversations that arise between the children, especially in the case of a small conflict. It is important for parents not to get angry and not express their irritation if something does not work out for the future student. Each baby is unique and has its own speed of development.

    It is easier and more fun for a child to be properly prepared for the school program to be in class and take direct part in it. Parental support, companionship with other students, the professionalism of the teacher and the correct organization of the curriculum, applied at home or in specialized institutions, all this will help the child to prepare for classes in the educational institution.