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  • Glassware for the oven. How to cook in a glass dish in the oven Heat-resistant glass bowl what can be cooked

    Glassware for the oven.  How to cook in a glass dish in the oven Heat-resistant glass bowl what can be cooked

    Glassware has recently burst into the modern kitchen space and occupied its niche in it. It is chosen for its stylish look, ease of use, the ability to observe the cooking process. Modern glass products have a heat-resistant composition that allows them to be used in the manufacture of products in the mode up to 3000C.

    Possessing a number of positive advantages in terms of cooking, glass oven-proof dishes for baking have found wide application in the kitchen.

    Advantage of glassware for oven

    Glass containers were first used in microwave technology. And then gradually moved from there to the entire kitchen space. Such popularity of glassware for baking is explained by a number of advantages over other containers for cooking:

    • The transparent shell of the dishes allows you to exercise full control over the cooking process, all products and ongoing processes are under supervision.
    • The low thermal conductivity of the dishes allows the products to stay hot for a long time. Therefore, half-finished porridge can be cooked without an additional heat source.
    • Glass is absolutely neutral in relation to products and does not affect their taste characteristics. Long-term subsequent storage in glass containers does not affect the appearance and taste of the products.
    • Glassware well tolerates not only high-temperature processing. Resistance to low temperatures allows you to use it for storage in the refrigerator.
    • The high aesthetic qualities of dishes allow the use of glass not only for cooking in the oven, but also for table setting, serving food on the table.
    • Glassware for baking, despite its fragile appearance, has a high degree of durability. Good tolerance to abrasive cleaners, no damage from aggressive agents contribute to a long service life.
    • It is easy to cook in glassware, the food in it does not burn.

    Disadvantages of glassware for baking in the oven

    In addition to the listed number of advantages, glassware for the oven has a number of disadvantages:

    • Glass, even heat-resistant glass, remains glass, therefore, when cooking food, it is worth avoiding shocks and mechanical impacts.
    • The main disadvantage of glass heat-resistant baking dishes is associated with its low thermal conductivity and the possibility of destruction during sudden temperature changes. That is why a special and careful attitude to glass is required from the hostess.

    Features of care

    In order for glassware to serve in the kitchen for a long time and be used for cooking, the following rules must be observed during operation:

    • It is necessary to heat and cool the products gradually, it is necessary to avoid temperature drops.
    • Do not use glassware for direct heating on a fire. Low thermal conductivity and temperature changes can lead to a violation of integrity, the dishes will simply burst.

    A frequent cause of glass breakage is the temperature difference during the operation of the product. In order to avoid sudden temperature changes during operation, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • when removing glassware from the oven, use only dry oven mitts;
    • do not place hot glass on cold and wet surfaces;
    • do not put cold dishes in an oven heated to high temperatures;
    • do not add cold water to a heated heat-resistant form and do not put products with a low temperature;
    • heat the oven together with heat-resistant glassware gradually, avoid rapid temperature changes.

    How to clean oven glassware

    When removing dirt from glass baking dishes, follow these rules:

    • Do not use particularly aggressive abrasives that may affect the appearance of the glass or cause it to break.
    • In case of particularly heavy soiling, try soaking the glass in warm water.
    • The dishes are well cleaned with ordinary detergents, they can be washed in the dishwasher.

    How to choose the right cookware?

    In order for the glassware for baking purchased in the distribution network to serve for a long time and in practice meet all the requirements of heat-resistant glass, when buying it, you need to pay attention to the following features:

    • The surface of the product and its walls should not have visible inclusions of foreign objects, air bubbles. Do not buy cloudy glass.
    • Glass belonging to heat-resistant materials must be confirmed by the presence of a stamp on the surface. In the absence of such, a supporting document must be requested.
    • To save the family budget, when purchasing a baking pan, pay attention that its lid is sized so that it can be used as a smaller cooking container.

    Compliance with the listed requirements and recommendations will help you choose high-quality heat-resistant utensils for baking and use it for a long time for cooking. When choosing heat-resistant glass, pay special attention to compliance with the operating rules and avoid temperature changes when cooking.



    Modern kitchenware stores offer us such a range of their products that it is quite difficult to choose something. This also applies to dishes for the oven: cast iron, cauldrons and ducklings, frying pans and baking dishes, moreover, made of various materials. How not to get lost in this variety and buy what you really need?

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description of the types of dishes intended for use in the oven.

    What dishes can be put in the oven?

    First of all, you need to decide what you need this or that dish for. If baking is your goal, check out our range of different forms for biscuits, muffins, pies, pizzas, and more.

    If you want to cook second courses in the oven, it makes sense to purchase a cocotte maker, a brazier, a goose dish or a set of pots.

    An ordinary baking sheet is considered universal, where you can cook various casseroles, vegetables, meat and fish dishes.

    When buying, pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the dishes. It should be no thinner than 0.6-0.8 mm. The higher this indicator, the better the dishes hold heat and the more evenly its walls warm up. Nothing will ever burn in it, and the pastries will be lush.

    With regard to thin-walled ovenware, it is used for cooking products that do not require long cooking (for example, “al dente” vegetables or biscuits).

    And, of course, what material the dishes are made of is very important:

    1. Glassware for baking in the oven is made of heat-resistant glass. Food in this form does not burn and retains a maximum of vitamins. The glass warms up for a long time, but evenly, which is also its advantage. But you should use the dishes carefully - protect them from sudden changes in temperature and, of course, shocks.
    2. Ceramic tableware for the oven is also heat-resistant. Your dishes will always be juicy and fragrant thanks to the special porous structure of ceramics. What could be tastier than a roast or rustic soup cooked in a clay pot!
    3. Cast iron cookware always remains up to date. It is heavy and brittle, but otherwise cast iron is very good. Thanks to the thick walls, the food is evenly heated, and after cooking, the dish remains warm for a long time.
    4. V silicone molds prepare pastries - regular or curly. Due to the plasticity of silicone, it is very easy to get the finished product out of such a container, and you can store the form in a folded form. In a silicone mold, nothing sticks or sticks, and washing it is a pleasure!
    5. Metal cookware with non-stick coating also quite comfortable. But she has a big minus - Teflon, ceramic or other coating is afraid of scratches. Any damage, even the smallest, causes a violation of the integrity of the coating, and in the future it is no longer possible to use such dishes.
    Roasting is the most popular way of cooking. At the same time, it also helps to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins. But in order for the dishes to succeed, you need to pay attention to their composition, and to the dishes for baking. A cutting board is an essential item in any kitchen. You can’t do without the use of a board during the preparation of most dishes - from salads and cuts, to meat or fish dishes. It is most convenient to buy boards in sets - we will talk about them.
    Plastic cutting boards Every time we cut vegetables for salad, meat, fish or bread, we use cutting boards. They come in a wide variety of shapes and materials. One of the most popular options are plastic cutting boards. The article will tell about them. Many people know about the existence of the Chinese tea tradition. But only a few know that there is a Chinese samovar. True, it is not used for tea, but for cooking. What this design is and how it is used, our article will tell in more detail.


    Glass baking dish

    I used to cook in the oven on a baking sheet or in a cast iron skillet. Sometimes in pots. It turned out delicious. But at the same time, I have long wanted to have a glass baking dish - I really like transparent dishes! In it, cooking is more interesting, and the dishes look spectacular!

    In addition, the frying pan is not very large, in order to cook dinner and breakfast for the whole family, you need something larger. And it’s not always convenient to bake on a baking sheet. If the dish is "flat" and not runny, such as boat peppers or baked potatoes, then a baking sheet is fine. And if you are cooking a casserole or cutlets in gravy? Then you need something with high sides - such as a glass mold.

    And so I bought a baking dish - I share my impressions!

    The first thing I cooked in it was meat baked with potatoes. I liked it so much that a couple of days later I repeated the recipe. Cabbage casserole and zucchini in cream were also excellent! What other glass mold recipes do you have?

    What can be baked in a glass form in the oven:

    The sides of the mold with a height of 5 cm allow you to cook all kinds of dishes:

    • Various casseroles- vegetable, potato, meat, pasta, cottage cheese;
    • Stuffed cabbage, peppers, meatballs in gravy- and the gravy can be poured generously, without fear that it will spill over the edge - and the more gravy, the tastier the dish!
    • Baked meat, chicken, vegetables in cream, sour cream- as a dietary option "almost like a couple", and fried;
    • What I especially liked - you can even put it in the form buns or donuts- they are neatly baked there, and when they are ready, it is convenient to pour something delicious on them right in the form! Cinnabon buns - whipped cream; donuts with garlic sauce!

    Therefore, the glass form will be a necessary addition to your kitchen and oven arsenal: baking sheet, sleeve, foil, detachable and silicone forms.

    Recipes for the glass mold:

    Here are the recipes for the glass form that I have tried, which you can see on the website by clicking on the pictures:

    Roast with pumpkin and pork

    Meat with potatoes in sour cream

    Potatoes in cream

    Stuffed Peppers “Boats”

    Carp with tomatoes

    Eggplant boats with chicken and cheese

    As the site fills up, I will add new recipes for the glass form here, so check out the site!

    Here are some of the benefits of a glass baking dish in the oven:

    Glass baking dish is more environmentally friendly than silicone; it is reusable, unlike foil and sleeves; more spacious than pots.

    You can choose from shapes of various configuration volumes: round, rectangular, square; small and roomy, for a whole company of guests; high and low; with or without a lid.

    Can you put a lid on a glass pan?

    Not only is it possible, but sometimes it is necessary. If you want a fried crust on a dish, we bake it in a form without a lid; if, on the contrary, you need to cook a dietary dish, almost like a couple, cover it with a lid.

    There is also such a nuance: first you can bake under the lid so that the dish is steamed well, it does not become raw and, moreover, not dry, and then at the end of cooking, remove the lid to get a delicious crust.

    I note that the form with a lid costs almost twice as much, but you can perfectly do without a lid. We tightly cover the form with baking foil - here is the lid for you!

    The glass form is suitable for cooking in the oven or microwave; Can be refrigerated and even freezer.

    But, attention! Do not expose the mold to sudden changes in temperature. If you immediately put a cold dish into a hot oven or from a hot oven under cold water, the glass may crack.

    And now let's learn the simple but important rules for baking in a mold.

    • You can cook in the microwave or on the grill in the oven, but directly on the fire - you can’t!
    • We put the form in a cold oven!
    • We take it out carefully, in thick mittens-tacks: the glass is very hot.
    • To wash the form, we wait for it to cool completely - and in no case fill it in hot with cold water.
    • We handle the form carefully so as not to click it, wash it with a soft kitchen sponge with "fairy". It is better not to scrub with an iron washcloth so as not to scratch the glass - micro-scratches can cause cracks over time.

    Treat your mold with care - and you will cook a lot of delicious dishes in it for a long time, delighting your household with healthy and appetizing food cooked in the oven!

    (49 , average: 3.9 out of 5)

    Source: http://xn-----elcbjcaf8bzbgj3as4ah.xn--p1ai/posuda-dlya-duhoi/steklyannaya-forma-dlya-zapekaniya.html

    Choosing glassware for the oven

    The variety of dishes that can be cooked in the oven is impressive. Previously, cast-iron containers and metal baking sheets were used for these purposes.

    Today, modern technologies have made it possible to expand the range of materials for the manufacture of heat-resistant dishes. You will not surprise anyone with the use of glass objects.

    Indeed, it can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees and is great for microwaves, as well as gas and electric ovens.

    Glassware for the oven

    Glassware is chosen for its attractive appearance, ease of cleaning and the ability to observe the products in the process of their preparation.


    Benefits of glassware

    The fears of housewives regarding the strength of glass containers are understandable. At first glance, it seems that such a fragile object will immediately burst when heated.

    If someone asks you if glassware can be used in the oven for cooking, answer: “Of course you can!” Provided that it is written on the packaging that it is heat-resistant. That is, if you have special dishes, and it does not deform when heated, any other will immediately crack.

    Kebabs in a glass bowl

    What are the advantages of heat-resistant glassware for the oven:

    1. It doesn't burn food at all. Whether you're cooking chicken, potatoes or pie.
    2. The transparent walls of the dishes allow you to observe the cooking process, as seen in the photo.
    3. Has a high degree of durability.
    4. Almost does not change its appearance over time.
    5. It does not affect the taste of products, as it is neutral to them. At the same time, you can store the cooked dish directly in a heat-resistant dish.
    6. Washes well and tolerates any abrasive substances. Both hand washing and dishwasher safe.
    7. Attractive appearance allows you to use dishes for table setting and serving ready meals.
    8. It tolerates not only heat, but also cold, therefore it is successfully used for freezing food.
    9. Thick glass allows cooked food to stay warm for a long time.

    Disadvantages of glassware

    It is worth noting that there are also disadvantages in using. These include:

    • the fragility of the material, so bumps and drops of dishes should be avoided;
    • the possibility of deformation during sudden changes in temperature, so it should be heated at the same time as the oven is turned on.

    Features of glassware care

    Often the durability of using heat-resistant glass is reduced due to ignorance of the rules for its operation.

    Food in glassware

    It is worth paying attention to the following tips:

    • remove the dishes from the oven only with a dry oven mitt;
    • do not place hot glass on a wet or cold surface;
    • in the process of cooking stewed chicken, potatoes or any other dishes, it is forbidden to add cold water or put food directly from the refrigerator;
    • do not put wet dishes in a preheated oven;
    • do not heat empty glassware;
    • damaged dishes cannot be used while cooking in the oven;
    • never place it on a gas burner without a flame spreader.

    What to look for when buying

    Recipes in glassware in the oven are very simple, so even novice housewives can use this type of utensil, as seen in the photo. The dish does not burn, so incidents are excluded.

    In order for your dishes to serve you faithfully for many years, pay attention to some features. Don't skimp on heat resistant cookware. Thanks to its excellent qualities, it will soon pay off. Buy a lid that fits right away.

    Convenient glass tray

    Check if there is a special sticker on the glass that confirms the unique qualities of the glassware. In its absence, ask the seller for a supporting document. Be careful not to buy a fake.

    Look at the glass in the light. Bubbles, stains on the glass and all kinds of chips indicate the low quality of the product and will further affect the duration of its use.

    Varieties of glassware for the oven

    Decide what you will cook in the oven and what recipes to use. You do not need to buy a large capacity container if you live in a small family.

    What heat-resistant glassware is on sale:

    • kokotnitsa (cooking juliennes, casseroles and various portioned dishes);
    • roaster (a round pan with a lid and a grate at the bottom for roasting potatoes, fish, chicken or any other meat);
    • goose dish (oval-shaped dishes for long-term languishing of oven products);
    • cauldron (used for cooking various types of cereals, stews or meat);
    • tajine (a frying pan with high sides and a high lid for dripping steam drops back into the container with the dish).

    For a large number of people, it is worth buying a rectangular container with low sides, which looks like a baking sheet. Potatoes in a glass dish in the oven turn out to be especially tasty if you first cover it with a lid, and then open it for browning.

    What can be cooked in heat-resistant glassware

    Yes, anything! Recipes are your own. It can be both a complex dish of many components, and a simple casserole from what is at hand. Recipes are especially good in which products are stacked in layers. In this case, they are clearly visible through the walls of glassware.

    Even if you have been using cast-iron baking dishes for a long time, you should not refuse glass. Perhaps, having applied it once, you will want to repeat the experiment.


    Recipe for a dish in a glass dish in the oven

    Features of the use and care of glassware for the oven, tips for choosing

    In a modern kitchen, you can find utensils for cooking from various materials: metal, plastic, ceramics. And of course, not the last place is occupied by glassware for the oven. It used to be difficult to imagine that you can bake meat, vegetables or fish in a glass pan. And today it is business as usual.

    Special heat-resistant glassware for the oven can withstand heating up to 300 degrees. But why is it more attractive than the usual more traditional kitchen utensils? Consider why housewives prefer glassware for ovens. And also find out the features of the choice and care for it.

    Features of glassware for the oven

    Such dishes are gaining more and more popularity among both professional chefs and ordinary housewives.

    Advantages of Heat Resistant Glassware

    At first, heat-resistant glass pans were used more often for cooking in the microwave, but now some people call such utensils the best container for baking food in the oven. It has its own advantages:

    • Form transparency. Thanks to this property, the cook can always see what stage of preparation the product is in and track the full cycle of the entire cooking process.
    • Thick glass walls are able to keep the dish hot for a long time due to the poor heat conductivity of the material.
    • The chemical passivity of heat-resistant glassware allows the food cooked in it to fully preserve all its taste qualities and not cause harm to health. This is due to the fact that glass does not react with food.
    • Storage. In the dishes you can not only cook food, but also leave cooked food for storage. Specialized tempered glass easily withstands both high and low temperatures. But you should beware of sudden changes and put only a cooled dish in the refrigerator.
    • Aesthetics. In a heat-resistant glass baking sheet, the hostess can safely put the dish on the table, and it will look beautiful.
    • Durability is also inherent in this type of kitchen utensils. There is no scale left on the glass. This material is not destroyed by aggressive cleaning agents and does not corrode. Subject to certain rules, such pots and baking sheets can last for decades.

    In addition, it should be noted that it is quite easy to care for glassware, and food almost never burns. What makes such kitchen utensils especially attractive for housewives.

    Of course have. After all, perfect cookware simply does not exist. Glass, though tempered, does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Do not put cold food in a heated pan or add cool liquids during cooking.

    From such actions, the glass will probably crack. It must be remembered that glass is a rather fragile material. Glassware for the oven, although made of impact-resistant material, should be handled with care.

    You can not drop it, hit it and put heavy objects on top.

    Quality such as poor thermal conductivity of glass is in many cases considered a disadvantage of ovenware. The glass heat-resistant baking tray heats up unevenly.

    Therefore, in order for the products to bake evenly and not burn, you need to pour more oil or water (depending on the recipe).

    For the same reason, heat-resistant glassware is not suitable for cooking on an open fire (on gas).

    Proper care is the key to the longevity of glassware

    Glassware for the oven will last a long time if the hostess uses it correctly and takes care of it. There are some rules to follow:

    • you need to heat and cool the baking sheets gradually;
    • the outer surface must always remain dry, and a sufficient amount of liquid or oil must be ensured inside the mold;
    • cold liquids and cold foods should not be poured into a preheated form; this may cause it to burst;
    • it is recommended to remove the glass form from the oven only with dry oven mitts;
    • it is strictly forbidden to put hot dishes made of heat-resistant glass on a cold or wet surface;
    • when cleaning, do not use abrasive products or scrape the glass with a knife;
    • the glass mold must be placed in a cold or slightly warm oven, they must be heated at the same time, glass cannot be placed in a hot oven.

    Such forms are cleaned much easier than baking sheets made of other materials. The glass can be washed by hand or placed in the dishwasher. If the dirt is strong, it is worth soaking the mold with water and leaving it for a while, and then thoroughly wash it with a soft sponge.

    The nuances of choosing glassware for the oven

    When choosing a glass heat-resistant form for the oven in the store, you should pay attention to its surface. A quality product should not have visible defects: inclusions, air bubbles, scratches, roughness and irregularities. The glass itself should be homogeneous and transparent without haze, which can be clearly seen through the light.

    On heat-resistant glassware, there must be a mark on its heat resistance. If there is no special icon, then the bowl is not suitable for cooking. Practical buyers should choose forms with flat lids and handles on the sides. By purchasing such a pan, the hostess will immediately receive two bowls: a standard size and a less deep one.

    It turns out that housewives choose glassware for ovens for its versatility, beautiful appearance and ease of care.

    Indeed, unlike other forms, food does not burn on glass baking sheets, and strong contaminations only need to be soaked and wait for time.

    It is worth choosing dishes without flaws, and handle them carefully: do not drop or scrape off the remnants of food with a knife or a hard sponge. By following some simple rules of operation, glassware for the oven will last a very long time.

    Markova E.

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    Page tags: Oven glassware

    Not so long ago, glassware for microwaves, which can withstand especially high temperatures, has become firmly established in everyday life. Heat-resistant glass can withstand temperatures up to 300°C or more. Since the temperature effect in a microwave oven is much higher, you don’t have to worry when placing a dish in a glass dish in a gas or electric oven.

    The advantages of using heat-resistant glassware are:

    But there are some disadvantages of such dishes:

    • glass is a fragile material, so even a not very strong blow or a fall from a height can break the dishes;
    • glass does not tolerate sudden temperature changes very well.

    With the second disadvantage of dishes, there are some points that must be taken into account during its operation.

    Rules for the use of glassware

    Since glass does not tolerate strong temperature changes, heating and cooling should be gradual. You can use dishes for microwaves, but you need to put the form in a cold or, in extreme cases, a slightly heated oven. It is also strictly forbidden to pour cold water from the tap into a hot mold. After cooking, it is advisable not to get the form immediately, it is better to wait 10 minutes.
    It is also not recommended to take a baking sheet with wet mittens or put a hot form taken out of the oven on a wet table.
    Glassware can also be used on the stove, but be sure to use a flame spreader. Uneven heating can cause the cookware to crack.

    How to choose quality cookware

    Be sure to carefully consider the issue of choosing heat-resistant glassware. The surface of the bottom and walls should be even, there should be no chips, roughness or interspersed tiny air bubbles on it. The slightest crack can be the reason that the mold will simply crack during cooking. Also, the glass should not be cloudy. When buying, pay attention to the wall thickness. The larger it is, the more evenly the form warms up and the better it retains heat. As a result, food is tastier and more aromatic, and pastries rise very well.

    By the way, not all glassware is considered heat-resistant. The manufacturer's label must indicate that the product can be used in microwave ovens and ovens.

    Features of the use and care of glassware for the oven, tips for choosing

    In a modern kitchen, you can find dishes for cooking from various materials: metal, plastic, ceramics ... And of course, glassware for the oven is not the last place. It used to be difficult to imagine that you can bake meat, vegetables or fish in a glass pan. And today it is business as usual.

    Special heat-resistant glassware for the oven can withstand heating up to 300 degrees. But why is it more attractive than the usual more traditional kitchen utensils? Consider why housewives prefer glassware for ovens. And also find out the features of the choice and care for it.

    Features of glassware for the oven

    Such dishes are gaining more and more popularity among both professional chefs and ordinary housewives.

    Advantages of Heat Resistant Glassware

    At first, heat-resistant glass pans were used more often for cooking in the microwave, but now some people call such utensils the best container for baking food in the oven. It has its own advantages:

    • Form transparency. Thanks to this property, the cook can always see what stage of preparation the product is in and track the full cycle of the entire cooking process.
    • Thick glass walls are able to keep the dish hot for a long time due to the poor heat conductivity of the material.
    • The chemical passivity of heat-resistant glassware allows the food cooked in it to fully preserve all its taste qualities and not cause harm to health. This is due to the fact that glass does not react with food.
    • Storage. In the dishes you can not only cook food, but also leave cooked food for storage. Specialized tempered glass easily withstands both high and low temperatures. But you should beware of sudden changes and put only a cooled dish in the refrigerator.
    • Aesthetics. In a heat-resistant glass baking sheet, the hostess can safely put the dish on the table, and it will look beautiful.
    • Durability is also inherent in this type of kitchen utensils. There is no scale left on the glass. This material is not destroyed by aggressive cleaning agents and does not corrode. Subject to certain rules, such pots and baking sheets can last for decades.

    In addition, it should be noted that it is quite easy to care for glassware, and food almost never burns. What makes such kitchen utensils especially attractive for housewives.

    Are there any downsides to oven glassware?

    Of course have. After all, perfect cookware simply does not exist. Glass, though tempered, does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Do not put cold food in a heated pan or add cool liquids during cooking. From such actions, the glass will probably crack. It must be remembered that glass is a rather fragile material. Glassware for the oven, although made of impact-resistant material, should be handled with care. You can not drop it, hit it and put heavy objects on top.

    Quality such as poor thermal conductivity of glass is in many cases considered a disadvantage of ovenware. The glass heat-resistant baking tray heats up unevenly. Therefore, in order for the products to bake evenly and not burn, you need to pour more oil or water (depending on the recipe). For the same reason, heat-resistant glassware is not suitable for cooking on an open fire (on gas).

    Proper care is the key to the longevity of glassware

    Glassware for the oven will last a long time if the hostess uses it correctly and takes care of it. There are some rules to follow:

    • you need to heat and cool the baking sheets gradually;
    • the outer surface must always remain dry, and a sufficient amount of liquid or oil must be ensured inside the mold;
    • cold liquids and cold foods should not be poured into a preheated form; this may cause it to burst;
    • it is recommended to remove the glass form from the oven only with dry oven mitts;
    • it is strictly forbidden to put hot dishes made of heat-resistant glass on a cold or wet surface;
    • when cleaning, do not use abrasive products or scrape the glass with a knife;
    • the glass mold must be placed in a cold or slightly warm oven, they must be heated at the same time, glass cannot be placed in a hot oven.

    Such forms are cleaned much easier than baking sheets made of other materials. The glass can be washed by hand or placed in the dishwasher. If the dirt is strong, it is worth soaking the mold with water and leaving it for a while, and then thoroughly wash it with a soft sponge.

    The nuances of choosing glassware for the oven

    When choosing a glass heat-resistant form for the oven in the store, you should pay attention to its surface. A quality product should not have visible defects: inclusions, air bubbles, scratches, roughness and irregularities. The glass itself should be homogeneous and transparent without haze, which can be clearly seen through the light.

    On heat-resistant glassware, there must be a mark on its heat resistance. If there is no special icon, then the bowl is not suitable for cooking. Practical buyers should choose forms with flat lids and handles on the sides. By purchasing such a pan, the hostess will immediately receive two bowls: a standard size and a less deep one.

    It turns out that housewives choose glassware for ovens for its versatility, beautiful appearance and ease of care. Indeed, unlike other forms, food does not burn on glass baking sheets, and strong contaminations only need to be soaked and wait for time. It is worth choosing dishes without flaws, and handle them carefully: do not drop or scrape off the remnants of food with a knife or a hard sponge. By following some simple rules of operation, glassware for the oven will last a very long time.

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    The first glass pan for most housewives appeared in the kitchen thanks to the microwave. But the invention of heat-resistant glass expanded the possibilities of the new line.

    Today, dishes that are resistant to high temperatures are placed not only in the oven and on an electric stove, but also on a gas burner. Explore the types of glass pans, find out what and how you can cook in them, get acquainted with the assortment and reconsider your attitude to modern novelties in the cookware market.

    What glass are pots made from?

    Used to make pots Pyrex heat resistant glass, which can withstand heating up to 300-400 degrees and a slight change in temperature. This cookware is suitable for cooking in the oven, microwave oven and on stove burners.

    The secret of heat resistance is in the chemical composition of the material and its thickness. The more refractory compounds in the composition, the lower the coefficient of expansion. The thicker the glass, the higher its resistance to high temperatures and overall strength.

    However, in stores you can buy not only thick, but also thin glass pans. Thin-walled heat-resistant pans can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees. They are suitable for the stove and oven, but are less durable and require a more careful approach. They also have a lower heat capacity, which is bad for stewing and baking.

    Saucepans made of smoky or brown glass do not differ in properties from transparent ones. It's just a matter of taste. Transparent glass is sometimes decorated with patterns that are resistant to washing and heat. The decor makes the dishes more interesting and beautiful.

    You should not look for tempered glass pots on sale - there are none. Tempered glass is produced by rapidly heating up to 600 degrees and cooling instantly. This material is used in the production of glasses, wine glasses, carafes and other utensils that are not subjected to heat treatment. You can put tempered glass salad bowls in the microwave, but not in the oven. Hardening is needed only for greater strength, it does not increase heat resistance.

    The most heat-resistant glass, which can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees, is not used in the production of pans. This is found in ovens, fireplaces, stoves. But progress does not stand still. Perhaps soon there will be glassware suitable for use on gas stoves without a divider.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting glass ceramics It is a durable opaque material with a smooth surface. Pots, braziers, baking dishes and are made from glass ceramics. In appearance, such dishes are similar to faience and porcelain tableware, but are suitable for the oven and stove.

    Advantages and disadvantages of glassware

    Heat-resistant glass pans will not completely replace other dishes, as they have not only attractive advantages, but also significant disadvantages.

    Positive properties:

    • Inertia. Glass does not come into contact with food, it is not afraid of salts, acids and alkalis. In such dishes, dishes will never acquire an extraneous taste or smell. Feel free to cook the most sour sauces and vegetable soups, salt fish and marinate meat.
    • Transparency. Through the transparent walls it is good to observe the preparation, control the intensity of boiling, consistency, color and other parameters of the dish.
    • Absolute resistance to corrosion. Rust does not appear on glass pans, they are not afraid of prolonged interaction with water and drops on the surface, like cast iron and steel.
    • Smoothness and lack of pores. Nothing sticks to the surface and does not burn, and if this happens, it will not be difficult to wash the dish.
    • Ease of care. You can wash glass utensils with any detergent. As a rule, dirt is simply removed with hot water and a soft sponge. Dishwasher safe.
    • Resistance to low temperatures. Heat-resistant glass pans can be placed in the freezer. This is convenient if you cook for the future and freeze ready meals.

    However, there is also weaknesses:

    • Low thermal conductivity. Glass does not heat up like metals do, so cooking takes longer, and high temperatures inside large pieces of food are more difficult to achieve.
    • Fragility - glass is easily broken by dropping it on a tiled or concrete floor. Do not use metal spoons and ladles, so as not to accidentally hit the walls or bottom.
    • Fear of temperature contrast. A glass pan should not be subjected to a sharp change in temperature - put cold dishes on a hot burner, and from a stove or oven - on a cold surface or in water for quick cooling.
    • Big weight. Thick glassware is heavier than similarly shaped stainless steel or thin aluminum. It is not always convenient to store in the refrigerator.

    Types of glass pans by type and volume

    Heat-resistant pots are two main types: exclusively for the oven and microwave and more versatile - for the oven and hobs. The difference is in the maximum heating temperature and the possibility of using it on one or another type of plate.

    Shapes and volumes of classic pots

    Thick-walled refractory glass pans have a simple cylindrical shape that ensures uniform heating. In such it is convenient to control cooking and mix. "Cylinders" are suitable not only for cooking first and second courses, but also for baking pies and cake layers.

    When choosing a thick, heat-resistant glass saucepan, opt for a model with a deep, stable lid without a top handle that can be used as a frying pan. So you buy not one, but two useful dishes at once. It is convenient to bake a variety of dishes.

    Thin heat-resistant glass is blown into more complex shapes, such as spherical or with wider convex walls. On the neck in some models there are funnels for draining the liquid. Handles in thin-walled pans are more comfortable, with holes. The lids are also with handles, there are no “turnovers” in this series.

    As a rule, sets of glass pans include no more than three units. The volume can be from 0.5 to 5 liters. But do not look for large volumes, do not forget that thick glass products are heavy. The optimal volume is up to three liters.

    Saucepans for different tasks

    A saucepan is a shallow vessel with a lid and two small handles. It is good to cook stews in a saucepan, stew vegetables and meat, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers and other dishes for which the width of the bottom is more important than the height of the walls. They are also used to make porridges and omelettes.

    Glass saucepans are not only round. On sale there are oval, square and rectangular. In heat-resistant glass saucepans, you can not only bake in the oven, but also bake cake biscuits or yeast dough pies. The walls and bottom should be thick.

    Multipurpose glass braziers

    The glass brazier can be round, oval or square. This type of dishes can be attributed to pans and small pots. It all depends on the shape and volume. The glass roaster is ideal for roasting in ovens, electric ovens and microwaves.

    Braziers come with small glass handles or none at all. It is better to give preference to the option with handles, as additional devices can damage fragile glass. There is also a risk of slipping. The glass should be thick and without signs of internal voids.

    Functional glass ducks

    Unlike a brazier and a stewpan, a duckling always has elongated shape- rectangular or oval. We have already read more about this type of dish and its purpose. The glass duckling is convenient because it does not absorb fats and juices, so you can cook not only duck and meat, but also fish in it.

    The glass duckling must be thick-walled and with a thick bottom, otherwise uniform cooking will not work. It is equally important that the lid fits snugly, preventing the liquid from evaporating.

    How to choose dishes based on the type of stove

    When choosing a glass pan for the oven, stove or microwave, do not be lazy to read the product information. As a rule, from it you can understand for what tasks the product is intended.

    A glass pan for a gas stove must withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees and above. Manufacturers always indicate the admissibility of use on a gas burner, pay attention to the presence of the corresponding pictogram.

    Absolutely refractory pots made of transparent glass, which can be safely put on an open flame, have not yet been invented. Therefore, for a gas stove, it is imperative to buy a fire divider, which will prevent direct contact between glass and flame.

    On the one hand, glassware is an ideal choice for a glass-ceramic hob, as it does not scratch the surface and does not leave streaks and stains on glass-ceramic, such as, for example, uncoated aluminum. But on the other hand, glass has a low thermal conductivity, which means that electricity consumption will increase.

    The glass pan for the electric stove must match the diameter of the burner. The same rule applies to form. If there is no oval burner, then choose classic round dishes.

    If the electric stove is old-style (a spiral or a hot pancake), use a divider adapter and give preference to products with a thick bottom.

    And now - a small review of glass pans that deserve attention. Get to know these models to get an idea of ​​the current range and manufacturers. And don't forget to browse the internet to see what's new.

    Pasabahce Brown Round Microwave Saucepan with Frying Pan Lid is made of heat-resistant glass. Capacity: 2.1 liters. The maximum operating temperature is 300 degrees, the minimum: -30. Can be washed in the dishwasher. Suitable for oven and freezer.

    A small glass pan for the Fissman Ptanzo induction cooker with a bottom diameter of 14 cm and a volume of 1.2 liters is also suitable for a gas burner, but it is better to arm yourself with a divider to protect the magnetic “pancake”. Otherwise, it will burn and lose its attractiveness. induction bottom makes it possible to use without an adapter. The cover is made of tempered glass.

    The VITROMAX heat-resistant glass-ceramic pot with a transparent glass lid is suitable for all types of stoves, including gas. Trademark: MAXWELL & WILLIAMS (Australia).

    The Vasilyevsky Glass set from a Russian manufacturer attracts with its price. The set includes two thick-walled pans made of heat-resistant glass with lids, which can be used as independent dishes. The set is suitable for microwave and oven.

    The 3.7 liter Simax Classic ovenproof pot with a ribbed bottom is suitable for microwaves, ovens and electric stoves. For gas you need to use a flame spreader, and for induction - an adapter. In multi-tasking utensils, you can cook, stew, bake and bake.

    Instructions for using heat-resistant cookware

    In order for the glass heat-resistant pan to serve for a long time, and cooking is a pleasure, it is important to follow the rules of operation. Read the manufacturer's instructions and take advantage of useful tips:

    1. Choose the diameter of the burner according to the diameter of the bottom. This is important to avoid wall cracks, achieve uniform cooking and save energy.
    2. Always use a splitter unless you are sure the glass will withstand contact with an open burner.
    3. In a gas oven, the roasting pan should be placed on a baking sheet or pan, and not on the grate.
    4. Do not expose glassware to temperature fluctuations. Do not place a cold container on a hot burner or in a preheated oven.
    5. Do not put an empty glass dish on the stove - it should always be water or fat. Do not cook foods without liquid.
    6. Stir the dishes often during cooking, and if they are thick, then do it even more often.
    7. Refuse metal appliances - inaccurate movement of the glass can break. The ideal choice is silicone spoons, skimmers and.
    8. Try to fill the thermo glass pan more than two-thirds so that the walls do not remain free.
    9. Avoid scratches - damaged items must not be used for cooking.

    The use of glass pans is not limited to the preparation of hot dishes. They are convenient to use for assembling and storing cold soups, okroshka, salads, fillings for pies and dough. Broths, cabbage rolls, meatballs are often frozen in such containers. You can salt fish, cook minced meat, sauces and much more.

    When choosing a new glass pan in the store, do not forget to check its capabilities and compare them with your stove and tasks. Otherwise, disappointment cannot be avoided.

    The global pursuit of healthy food does not bypass environmentally friendly dishes. "Which dish is best to cook in?" - this request has become very popular in recent years in search engines.

    And while manufacturers dig dirt on each other and publicly declare the imperfections of pots made of one material or another, the so-called heat-resistant dishes. It is made of tempered borosilicate glass or environmentally friendly clay with several layers of refractory coating. However, refractory glassware is many times more popular than heat-resistant ceramics. And all because it has many undeniable advantages over traditional dishes made of different metals with "incomprehensible" impurities.

    Properties of heat-resistant glassware

    Heat-resistant glassware can withstand temperatures from -40°C to +300°C. Thanks to what it can be used both in microwave ovens and ovens, and in refrigerators and freezers. Heat-resistant dishes of certain brands (for example,) can also be used on an open fire: on gas and electric stoves.

    The absolute advantage of heat-resistant glassware is its absolute environmental neutrality, hygiene and safety for human health. Pots, ducklings, baking sheets, baking dishes, trays, plates, salad bowls, mugs and teapots made of this material do not enter into any chemical reactions with food, they are not afraid of either acids or salts. Thanks to perfectly smooth walls, heat-resistant dishes do not absorb any fat, tastes or smells of food (even fish).

    Unlike, refractory stele pots do not rust or scale. In addition, the transparency of heat-resistant dishes allows you to ensure that the dish does not burn, and to assess the degree of its readiness without lifting the lid once again. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, dishes in such dishes remain hot for a long time.

    The main disadvantage of heat-resistant glassware is its limited safety margin. Refractory dishes should not be subjected to strong mechanical shocks, otherwise it will one day shatter into sharp dangerous pieces. Also, it should be protected from a sharp temperature drop - otherwise it will burst.

    Heat-resistant glassware can be used for frying, stewing, baking, baking, heating food or drinks. However, its operation requires compliance with the whole a number of rules:

    • Even those dishes made of heat-resistant glass, which are approved for use on gas and electric hobs, cannot be placed on a tile with an open spiral - you must definitely put flame spreader.
    • It is not recommended to use rectangular and oval heat-resistant pans and trays on the stove. Since fire-resistant glass has a low thermal conductivity, the heating of the bottom of the dish extending beyond the round burner will be uneven, as a result of which the pan may simply burst.

    Oval and rectangular heat-resistant glass trays can only be used in microwaves and ovens.

    The main rule: cook in heat-resistant dishes should be on low heat! No sudden temperature changes!

    • To avoid damaging the inside of borosilicate glass pans and trays, do not use metal spatulas - only plastic or wooden spatulas.
    • You can fill fireproof glass pots and trays with a maximum of by 60-70%.
    • During frying, do not cover the dishes with a lid.
    • Since the handles of heat-resistant pots and pans become hot during cooking, oven gloves or oven mitts must be used.
    • It is not recommended to use cookware with a damaged inner surface.
    • You must always follow the pictograms on the packaging of the dishes.

    Caring for heat-resistant cookware

    Dishes made of heat-resistant glass and ceramics are unpretentious in care. It can be washed in the dishwasher (if there are no wooden handles) or by hand with a sponge and mild detergent. In the second case, abrasive powders and metal sponges that can ruin the perfectly smooth glossy surface of the pan or tray should be avoided. When scratches appear, heat-resistant dishes lose their ecological and hygienic impeccability: microbes begin to accumulate in places where the surface is damaged.

    If food is burnt, soaking should be used to remove food residue.

    How to choose heat-resistant glassware?

    When choosing dishes made of heat-resistant glass, pay attention to its surface: it should be perfectly even and smooth. The presence of depressions, waves and other defects is unacceptable. When translucent in the sun, fire-resistant glass should be transparent and uniform - without bubbles.

    Also pay attention to the presence of a mark that guarantees the fire resistance of the material. When choosing heat-resistant dishes for an electric stove, it is preferable to stop at the polished glass option.

    In addition to all of the above, most manufacturers advise choosing sets in which the lid handles are located on the side, and not on top. Such lids supposedly can be used as a shallow frying pan with low sides. You can get acquainted with an overview of some popular manufacturers of heat-resistant glassware by clicking on the links below.

    Read also:

    Heat-resistant ceramic cookware

    And finally, a few words about heat-resistant ceramic dishes. It can withstand temperatures from -20°C to +250°C. Unlike glass, ceramic ovenware has the property of uniform heating and cooling. This makes it ideal for cooking dishes that require a long simmer on the fire. Food cooked in heat-resistant ceramics retains a maximum of vitamins and minerals. Some brands of such cookware (for example, Dekok) allow you to cook without adding extra fat.

    Ceramic ovenware can be used on open flames, in ovens, microwaves, freezers and refrigerators. The food in it does not burn and retains its true aroma and taste.

    As you can see, the use of heat-resistant glassware can easily diversify your daily menu with new dishes, and besides, they will be absolutely environmentally friendly (provided that you use the same products). Just think about whether you can carefully use such dishes, make sure that a drop of cold water does not get into a hot pan, and put this pan on the stove in a dry state. And if there are small children in the house, then the likelihood that the pan can be broken increases. Weigh the pros and cons, and happy shopping!

    And this view shows the process of making heat-resistant dishes: