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  • Schedule proper nutrition for weight loss for everyone. Slimming menu for the week

    Schedule proper nutrition for weight loss for everyone.  Slimming menu for the week

    For maximum results in getting rid of excess weight, you need to use, making up a daily menu, recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss. A balanced diet will help to improve metabolism, get rid of extra pounds and get the desired size. All that is needed for this is to be able to combine products with each other and know their properties. Weight loss recipes are based on the calorie content of foods.

    Basic principles of good nutrition

    The diet of any diet for weight loss is based on a combination of foods that contribute to losing weight. In addition, such food systems include several basic rules, observing which the effect of weight loss is achieved. These include:

    • all recipes should be balanced in protein, fat and carbohydrates. In addition, it is imperative to add fiber and products containing vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to maintain vital functions in the recipes;
    • you need to watch the size of the portions. It is necessary to be guided by the rule “less is better, but more often” - reducing the size of portions, but increasing the frequency of meals;
    • every person who adheres to the principles of proper nutrition and strives to lose weight should at least approximately be able to calculate the energy value of recipes;
    • you can not skip breakfast. Even if the body does not feel hunger, it cannot be deprived of this meal - breakfast provides it with energy for the whole day. Also, half an hour before the first meal, you need to drink a glass of warm water - this will start the metabolic process. To diversify your breakfast, there are many weight loss recipes;
    • from the daily diet, you need to exclude unhealthy foods to the maximum. These include: fried and fatty foods, flour products, fast food, sweets, alcoholic beverages. Their use significantly slows down the process of losing weight;
    • if it is difficult for the body to adapt to a diet consisting only of recipes for dishes prepared without added sugar, then it is better to replace such menu components with useful analogues: sweets can be made from dried fruits and nuts, cookies can be baked from oatmeal according to a home recipe, and sugar in tea can be replaced honey;
    • it is best to purchase recipe products from trusted manufacturers that do not grow or manufacture them with added chemicals and hormones. Especially, this applies to meat and fish - they contain the most growth hormones, which negatively affect both the process of losing weight and the human body as a whole;
    • It is also better to minimize the use of salt in weight loss recipes, as it promotes the accumulation of fluid and can provoke swelling. Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss should contain a very small amount of salt;
    • in addition to recipes for losing weight, the PP menu should consist of a daily intake of liquid with a volume of at least 2 liters;
    • chew food thoroughly and slowly. This will help you feel full faster while eating less food.

    Product table for making recipes

    To independently compose recipes for proper nutrition, you can be guided by the following table, which lists the permitted and prohibited foods for weight loss.

    How to plan your diet while losing weight

    The correct distribution of meals and control of portions can affect the achievement of the result when losing weight, so it is better to plan your meals in advance and adhere to this daily routine:

    • during the process of losing weight, in no case should you skip breakfast;
    • you need to avoid the feeling of hunger - as soon as the body lacks food, it begins to store fats. To avoid this, you need to use recipes for weight loss snacks;
    • all recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss should be balanced in composition;
    • you need to eat in a measured way - in small portions, but often;
    • it is necessary to plan the day in advance so as to include physical activity in it, but combine them with meals - so as not to exercise on a full stomach and not too much after training;
    • in case of an urgent need to eat one of the prohibited foods, it is better to do it, but keep yourself in control.

    Proper nutrition recipes

    It is easy and simple to prepare the right dishes according to these recipes using photos, and each of them can be an excellent example of healthy eating and lead to weight loss.

    Recipe: Pasta with Vegetables and Chicken

    Boil pasta (from durum wheat) without adding salt. Cut small zucchini into thin circles (do not peel the skin off the vegetable), add green beans and broccoli to it. Simmer the vegetables in a skillet with a little soy or teriyaki sauce. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, add to the vegetables. Once cooked, vegetables and chicken can be mixed with pasta or served separately.

    Recipe: Fish with White Sauce

    The great thing about this weight loss recipe is that the ingredients can be varied according to personal preference. The sauce can be prepared in advance: mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream (with a low percentage of fat) with a pinch of nutmeg and black pepper. Add chopped (preferably in a blender) pickled or pickled cucumber, a small spoonful of mustard.

    Cook fish: To do this, you can take any white sea fish (cod, sea bass, hake, tilapia, halibut), remove the skin and bones, pour a little lemon juice, put on a baking sheet and bake. You can do this by first adding vegetables to the fish - leeks cut into thin rings are perfect. After cooking, serve with white sauce and sprinkle with caraway seeds on top.

    Recipe: Stuffed Zucchini

    Cut small zucchini (the smaller, the better) cut in half lengthwise, remove the pulp from them. Grate some cheese first. Add it to the zucchini pulp, season with garlic and a mixture of Provencal herbs. Fill each of the halves with the mixture. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 2 pieces and place in the boats along their entire length. Sprinkle on top with finely chopped parsley, cilantro or onion.

    Advice: in such recipes, it is better to use Adyghe cheese - it is a low-calorie product that allows you not to add salt to the dish, contributing to weight loss.

    Recipe: Couscous with Vegetables and Fish

    Couscous is a cereal that helps to normalize the salt balance in the body, significantly reduces cholesterol and leads to weight loss. Recipes with this cereal can significantly diversify the usual diet for weight loss. You can cook couscous in a double boiler or boiling in water. It only takes 5 minutes. You can add any stewed vegetables to cooked cereals, but it goes best with young green peas, carrots, onions and bell peppers. Couscous can be eaten as a side dish with grilled or oven-baked red fish.

    Slimming vegetable salad with beans

    Boil 2 types of beans: white and red. Add the diced tomato. Add corn grains and finely chopped dill and parsley to the salad. Season salad with 1/3 of wine vinegar (as an option: you can add finely chopped onions previously pickled in vinegar) or lemon juice, pepper.

    Tip: in recipes for slimming salads, it is better not to use canned beans, corn or peas, but to cook a dish from fresh ingredients - boil beans, replace baked or frozen corn, also take fresh or frozen peas.

    Shawarma for weight loss

    This recipe is suitable for those who want to lose weight without denying themselves their usual food. For pita bread, it is better to take a tortilla made from whole grain flour. You can also prepare it yourself. Instead of mayonnaise, grease pita bread with sour cream with the addition of chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions, basil, you can use a combination of various spices without monosodium glutamate). Chicken, cut into pieces, simmer in soy sauce. Put the sauce, fresh cucumber (rings), avocado (thin slices), chicken, lettuce, add pomegranate seeds in the center of the tortilla. Wrap in envelopes or roll.

    Slimming Recipe: Stuffed Champignons

    This recipe can be a substitute for pizza with proper nutrition and weight loss. It is better to take more champignons. Separate the legs from the caps of the mushrooms. Finely chop the legs, add to them broccoli, disassembled into inflorescences, diced bell peppers and diced tomatoes. Fill the mushroom caps with this mixture, sprinkle with cheese on top. Bake in the oven.

    Vegetable salad

    This is one of the variations of tomato and cucumber salad recipes, which is an integral part of the weight loss menu. The cherry tomatoes are cut in half, the fresh cucumber is cut into thin strips, the onions are pre-marinated in wine vinegar. Mix everything, adding arugula, sprinkle with spices on top.

    An approximate diet of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day

    In order to learn over time to control your nutrition, without calculating the calorie content of dishes every time, you can first keep a diary of proper nutrition, in which you write down all the foods eaten during the day. This contributes to the analysis of food eaten, weight loss and will allow you to make recipes for meals yourself without difficulty in the future. To get started, you can use an example of a daily healthy diet menu:

    Breakfast Dinner Dinner Snacks
    all day)
    1 Oatmeal on the water Chicken breast stewed with vegetables. As a side dish - durum wheat pasta Vegetable stew with soy meat chunks 50 g dried fruits;
    loaf sandwich with a slice of red fish and avocado
    Still water;
    green tea;
    herbal tea;
    sugar free coffee;
    natural vegetable and fruit juices.
    2 Cucumber salad with tomatoes and herbs.
    Whole grain bread sandwich with tomato wedge, mozzarella and herbs
    Broccoli, cheese and egg casserole. Brown rice with squid (or other seafood) 1 apple;
    whole grain bread sandwich with curd cheese (or cottage cheese) and herbs
    3 Buckwheat porridge on the water Vegetable soup with a slice of black bread A small piece of boiled beef and stewed zucchini with eggplant 50 grams of any nuts;
    a glass of kefir (you can add a small spoonful of honey)
    4 Cottage cheese (low fat) with sour cream or fruit Chicken with buckwheat. Groats can be varied with carrots and onions Egg omelet with vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) Oatmeal cookies (sugar free)
    a handful of dried fruits
    5 Fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt Rice cream soup with vegetables Cheese casserole. Fresh cabbage and carrot salad A glass of kefir; 1 apple
    6 Millet porridge on the water Vegetable casserole (zucchini, tomato, carrot, eggplant, egg) A piece of boiled white fish with brown rice Ricebread sandwich with lightly salted trout and cucumber slice
    7 Rice porridge on the water Omelet with a piece of baked chicken Fresh beetroot, cabbage and carrot salad and a piece of boiled beef A glass of kefir; a handful of nuts

    An approximate diet of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week

    Recipes for proper nutrition should include dishes that take into account the characteristics of the body, while promoting weight loss:

    1. For breakfast, it is better to eat food that will give the body enough energy for the whole day. The most healthy breakfast is porridge cooked in water. Useful cereals include: brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet. You can supplement your morning meal with a boiled egg or brown bread sandwich with cheese or a slice of lightly salted fish.
    2. Lunch should be balanced in the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vegetable, fish or chicken soups may be the best solution. The days of taking liquid dishes can be alternated with solid food: a piece of boiled meat or fish, supplemented with a side dish of boiled cereals or vegetables.
    3. For dinner, you should take into account the recipes for dishes that are easier for the body. This can be vegetable salads, casseroles, vegetable stews with chunks of meat or seafood. A light dinner is the key to success in losing weight.
    4. As a snack consume a couple of glasses of low-fat kefir per day. Fruits (in a reasonable amount), nuts and dried fruits are also an excellent solution.
    5. Adhering to proper nutrition, you can arrange weekly or once every 2 weeks fasting days.

    An approximate diet of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month

    When making a plan for proper nutrition for a month, you need to adhere to the general rules that form the daily diet. The recipes are the same, they are based on a combination of healthy products. The main thing to remember is that the result does not come instantly. You need to be patient and not deviate from the principles of proper nutrition. Only in this case, a slender figure will cease to be a dream, but will become a real reality. There is another useful tip, which often helps to lose weight no less than recipes for healthy dishes: go grocery shopping on a full stomach.

    The right snack options

    These meals are just as important in formulating a healthy diet to help you lose weight. They should be healthy, nutritious and promote weight loss. All these qualities are possessed by dried fruits and nuts. It is important to consume them in small amounts - just a small handful is enough. Also, recipes for the right snacks can consist of healthy sandwiches. In this case, it is better to use whole grain bread, and recipes for healthy sandwiches are supplemented with a slice of cheese, cucumber, lightly salted fish, tomato, herbs or cottage cheese. All of these ingredients can be used individually or combined to create delicious slimming sandwich recipes. A glass of kefir helps to normalize metabolism, so you should also pay attention to it. Such recipes do not take a lot of time to prepare them, but they can keep you from eating junk food.

    Compliance with all the principles and conditions of proper nutrition with the help of recipes for losing weight in conjunction with active physical activity will be the solution in the fight against excess weight. At the same time, it is important to be patient and confidently go towards the intended goal.

    The best diet is nutrition. It doesn't make you starve yourself. Doesn't require spending weeks on low-calorie celery and water. He even lets himself be pampered with some wholesome goodies! And at the same time, it works better than a diet - after all, the kilograms, dropped correctly, are no longer restored. What is the secret?

    It is impossible to find a diet that would suit you, an office colleague and a neighbor, Katya equally, and, moreover, would work equally effectively on everyone. Everyone's metabolism and health are different, and therefore what a friend has successfully built on may turn out to be useless or even harmful for you. But a healthy diet has a colossal plus: it does not drive those who lose weight into the strict framework of a diet, allowing them to independently think over their menu. The whole challenge is to know how to approach this process and what rules to adhere to.

    • Frequent meals are almost the main condition for proper nutrition. Reviews say: three main meals and a couple of snacks per day completely relieve hunger and make it possible not to sweep everything that is found in the refrigerator into your plate in the evening.
    • Small portions. Again, to the question of fighting appetite! If you eat 5-6 times a day, you will not have a desire to eat a pot of borscht alone and eat potatoes with mushrooms in a pan. Hunger simply won't pester you.
    • Light food. Many volumes have been written about the dangers of fried, fatty and sweet. Exclude the first two components from your menu, the last one - sweet - eat strictly in dosage. And instead of jam donuts, choose healthy sweets.
    • Vegetables and fruits should be the most significant part of the diet. Ideally, your plate should be quartered each time. We set aside two of them for vegetables, one for a side dish (cereals, pasta) and another one for protein.
    • Doubt about which to prefer, fish or meat? Choose fish unambiguously.
    • Soda, chips, sausages and everything in which preservatives and flavor enhancers are present in abundance, definitely remain "overboard". There is no benefit in this food at all, and the number of calories and harmful components that inhibit metabolism exceeds all reasonable norms.
    • Salt. "White poison", causing so much controversy, our body needs, therefore, in no case should we exclude it from the diet. But it is very desirable to reduce the daily rate to 5-15 g.
    • Refusal to eat before bedtime. By the way, more and more nutritionists agree that the notorious "6 pm" after which it was previously supposed to put aside a fork and a spoon - the border is not entirely correct. At this time, you need to eat quite densely for the last time of the day, but do not give up food until morning. Especially if you go to bed closer to midnight! In this case, be sure to snack on something light 2-3 hours before bedtime.
    • Water. It should be present in your diet in the amount of 1.5-2 liters, and nothing less.

    That's all. And do not intimidate yourself with the thought that the rules of a healthy lifestyle were invented for people with a steel will, and mere mortals will never pull them! The main problem of proper nutrition is to one day break the craving for bad habits and switch to new, healthy ones. The first step is indeed difficult. But as soon as you decide to change and hold out for the first 3-4 weeks, the new principles will become the norm. You will see, you just do not want to go back to the old fast food and the eternal attempts to lose weight through diets.

    One of the options for proper nutrition: the table is correct.

    Proper nutrition: menu

    Although the rules for a healthy approach to eating are simple, they can be difficult for a beginner to master. Every now and then questions arise: “What to eat? what to cook for lunch? do all the dishes go together? " If you, too, doubt your ability to put together a healthy and correct diet for weight loss right away, make it easier. Refer to, read the articles about, or use the options below.

    Proper nutrition: menu for the week

    Breakfast (choose one of the following dishes):

    • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge in low-fat milk;
    • cottage cheese with herbs or kefir with fruit;
    • two boiled eggs or scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
    • curd cakes baked in the oven.

    • without adding potatoes, tomato salad with green onion feathers and parsley, 200 g of boiled meat;
    • fish roll with garlic and spices, stewed vegetables;
    • onion soup, a slice of turkey stewed in tomato sauce, lettuce; fish balls and cabbage salad; marrow boats with meat and cheese, cooked in the oven;
    • cold tomato soup with cottage cheese and liver stewed in sour cream;
    • pumpkin porridge with rice.
    • vegetable stew with spices;
    • cottage cheese casserole with 1 tsp. jam;
    • two seafood kebabs (string a few shrimps, scallops and champignon caps on skewers soaked in water, sprinkle with soy sauce and butter, salt and bake in the oven);
    • sweet salad of grated carrots, apples and a spoonful of honey;
    • fruit mix of two oranges, grapefruit and cranberries.
    • Greek salad with a few cubes of feta cheese;
    • pineapple berry smoothie with a few slices of fresh pineapple.

    Choose from the following snacks:

    • apple (can be baked), pear, 5 plums, a large slice of watermelon or melon, a handful of berries;
    • 30-40 g of nuts or dried fruits;
    • a glass of kefir, milk or natural yogurt.

    The required 2 liters of liquid should consist of: water, mineral water, green and black tea, freshly squeezed juices.

    Do not forget that this is just an example of proper nutrition for every day. Nobody encourages you to follow it verbatim. Against! Rearranging dishes in places, removing and adding new ones, changing them according to your taste and budget, you can easily plan a proper meal for a month, two or more. The only condition is to remember the laws of menu planning, which we discussed at the beginning of this article. And be sure to combine dietary changes with exercise! Only in this case the effect will be noticeable, quick and very pleasant for you.

    Weight Loss Nutrition Recipes

    What do all the healthy eating recipes have in common? It's not hard to guess. They never or very rarely allow roasting. Does not include fatty and heavy foods. They contain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

    They are also delicious. An example of this is a simple and delicious pumpkin salad for which you will need:

    • 100 g of pumpkin;
    • apples;
    • carrots;
    • lemon juice.

    • Grate all fruits and vegetables on a coarse grater, put them on a plate in layers, pour over with lemon juice and eat right away. If you are in doubt about the idea of ​​eating raw pumpkin, put the salad in the oven for 20-30 minutes, then sprinkle with cinnamon and stir well. The juice that comes out during baking will make the salad more tender.

    A very interesting dish of proper nutrition is tomato soup with cottage cheese - original and slightly spicy. For him you will need:

    • 0.5 l of tomato juice;
    • 150 g of cottage cheese;
    • vegetable oil;
    • lemon juice to taste;
    • dill and parsley;
    • a third of a teaspoon of sugar;
    • black pepper, cumin;
    • salt.

    Use a blender to blend the tomato juice with curd, sugar, salt and spices. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

    Chicken rolls with scrambled eggs look really festive and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. And most importantly, they fully meet the requirements of proper nutrition. The recipe will require:

    • chicken breast fillet - 2-3 pieces;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 100 g broccoli;
    • spices and salt to taste.

    Beat eggs with chopped broccoli and spices. Pour onto a flat plate and microwave until tender (1-2 minutes). Beat the chicken breasts. Cut the omelet into portions, place on the breast and roll into tight rolls. Tie with a string, place the rolls in a baking bag and drizzle with vegetable oil. Salt, add spices and herbs. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Proper nutrition for men

    Nature has taken care of making men real hunters and hunters. Unlike women, whom she assigned the role of mothers and keepers of the hearth, the stronger sex is endowed with a slightly different metabolism, has a slightly larger muscle mass and daily consumes a little more energy than beautiful ladies. This means that the rules of healthy eating for men will be somewhat different.

    How to compose a healthy diet for a man?

    First. Since - we have already discussed this - your faithful initially has more muscles, he needs protein to keep them in good condition. If a woman can easily spend a day or two or a week on salads, fruits and cereals, then a man cannot do without meat. Of course, this does not mean that he cannot be a vegetarian or, say, fast! But in this case, the man's menu should be filled with vegetable protein - nuts, fermented milk products, potatoes and mushrooms. Legumes do not hurt either, with the exception of beans and lentils, which stimulate the production of female hormones and in large quantities men do not need.

    Second. Speaking of hormones, which of them is the "calling card" of the stronger sex? That's right, testosterone. And proper nutrition for a man should, to the best of his ability, contribute to its development. The following will help your husband stay healthy and strong for many years:

    • meat;
    • eggs;
    • pollen as a biologically active food additive;
    • alcohol in strictly defined doses (a glass as an aperitif before meals, if there are no contraindications).

    In addition, men need:

    • zinc (apples, lemons, figs, dates, raspberries, liver, etc.);
    • selenium (nuts and pumpkin seeds);
    • phosphorus (egg yolk, fish, bran and many other products);
    • lycopene contained in red fruits - this element protects men from prostate cancer and significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
    • In addition, the strong half cannot do without vitamin E.

    But you should stay away from soy, instant coffee and beer so beloved by men. All these products stimulate the reproduction of female hormones in the body, which means that they must be consumed in dosage.

    And finally, the third. The daily dose of calories for a man, depending on how active he is, ranges from 2,400 to 3,300 calories. Hard physical work and sports training allow you to gain maximum, constant sitting at the computer and lack of sports require adhering to the lower limit. But all the same, the “male” norm remains higher than the “female” one. Keep this in mind if you are going to lose weight together with your husband.

    An example of proper nutrition for men

    • Breakfast. 200 g of porridge with a piece of boiled meat and a cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee.
    • Snack. Toast, a slice of cheese (about 30 g), a glass of juice.
    • Dinner. A plate of any soup without potatoes, 150 g of baked or boiled fish, a serving of vegetable salad, durum wheat pasta or stewed mushrooms.
    • Afternoon snack. Unsweetened natural yoghurt or a couple of fruits.
    • Dinner. 200 gram pack of cottage cheese with dill, parsley and fresh cucumber.

    Proper nutrition for girls

    It may seem that the ladies are less fortunate. The calorie content of their daily diet is only 1700-2000 calories, moreover, only athletes are allowed to gain the upper limit! However, the meager lunches and dinners of women in comparison with men can be pleasant and varied. And just like men, girls have their own secrets and nutrition and special "female" products. Take note of them so that your body does not lack the nutrients it needs.

    Calcium. This element is always needed, but from the age of 50 it is simply vital. The fact is that calcium tends to be excreted from the female body during pregnancy, various ailments and simply with age, and it is very important to replenish its losses in time with the help of proper nutrition. In the diet of any lady from 15 years old to infinity, there should be:

    • cottage cheese;
    • milk;
    • rather exotic for our country tofu;
    • almond;
    • leafy greens.

    Iron. We can safely say that the beautiful half of humanity has a complex relationship with this microelement. On the one hand, you cannot stay healthy without it. On the other hand, the female body loses up to 100 mg of iron monthly along with menstrual flow. And that is not all! The main female hormone estrogen actively interferes with the assimilation of this necessary element from foods, therefore, it is necessary to constantly replenish iron stores. Girls of any age need to eat liver, dried fruits (especially dried apricots, prunes, apricots and dried apples with pears) more often, drink cocoa and rosehip infusions and gnaw pumpkin seeds.

    Vitamin C improves the activity of the nervous and immune systems, is a natural antioxidant and stimulates collagen production. Ladies cannot do without it! Vitamin Contains:

    • in all citrus fruits without exception;
    • strawberries;
    • kiwi;
    • sea ​​buckthorn;
    • green and yellow peppers;
    • in the rosehip already familiar to us. A decoction of its dried berries in general is almost a panacea for all diseases and has very few contraindications.

    Folic acid. Especially necessary during pregnancy, it not only helps the unborn baby to form healthy and strong, but also participates in many metabolic processes of the mother. At any time of the year, women should regularly appear on the dinner table:

    • dark leafy greens - spinach, lettuce, parsley (in addition to saturation with useful elements, they remove toxic toxins and decay products from the body);
    • broccoli;
    • White cabbage;
    • beet;
    • tomatoes;
    • avocado;
    • watermelons;
    • peaches;
    • lentils;
    • green pea;
    • beans;
    • nuts. Nuts, by the way, rid blood vessels of cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But carefully count the number of calories in each serving, so as not to gain excess weight - almost all nuts threaten additional pounds if consumed excessively.

    Also, girls should enrich their diet with truly "female" soy, sprouted grains and cranberry juice - a "people's" doctor that prevents diseases of the genitourinary system.

    An example of proper nutrition for weight loss for women

    • Breakfast. An omelet of three proteins and one yolk, a tomato, a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. You can have a cup of coffee, but not instant coffee.
    • Afternoon snack. 30 g almonds and a couple of plums.
    • Dinner. Green broccoli soup, vegetable salad with beans and turkey, tea.
    • Snack. Fresh or baked apple with dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
    • Dinner. Several boiled prawns with diced avocado salad, tofu and spices.

    Video: healthy food products for girls

    Proper nutrition for children

    There are many factors to consider to be healthy. Judge for yourself.

    The child is constantly growing and developing, which means that every day he needs a fairly significant amount of calories:

    • up to 3 years old - 1500;
    • up to 5 - 1800;
    • up to 8 - 2400;
    • up to 16 - 2500 or 3000.

    And this is even more than is required for an adult man who is not engaged in hard physical labor!

    Children are constantly on the move, play and run - which means they need carbohydrates to replenish energy.

    Bones are actively growing and strengthening - you need calcium.

    Muscles grow - protein is needed.

    The brain and mental activity develops - this is already a whole complex of vitamins and microelements.

    Children's metabolism works like a clock, so sweets do not harm health as much as an adult. And cholesterol, which is dangerous for moms and dads, is even involved in the formation of cell membranes!

    However, this, of course, does not mean that babies can eat anything and in any quantity. If we are talking about a child who has already gained extra pounds - for example, due to a passion for fast food or some kind of disease - proper nutrition for weight loss should be organized as soon as possible.

    • Try to create definitions of eating habits, but don't cult it. If the child does not want to eat at the moment, do not force him to do so by all means.
    • Use the snacking system - a kind of "fractional nutrition" for babies. An apple, baby crackers, and a small box of yogurt won't kill your appetite, but it will help your little one to recharge before dinner. Fruit in general can be given almost anytime and as much as necessary (with the exception of cases of allergies and diathesis).

    • One meal a day should contain protein. Boiled chicken breast, cutlets (preferably steamed), cottage cheese, oatmeal or pea porridge will do.
    • By the way, dairy products are an obligatory component of the children's menu.
    • You can and should give sweets. But strictly dose their quantity! It's wise to let your child eat a candy or two after a meal. And it is even wiser to try to transfer your child to healthy sweets - honey, dried fruits, sweet fruits and berries.
    • Constantly, but without violence, teach children to drink water. By equipping your offspring with the healthy habit of drinking a few sips whenever the first signs of thirst are felt, you will be doing him a great service for life.

    A growing body cannot be deprived of a single vitamin or trace element. But he especially needs phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, and zinc, on which the child's successful mental activity depends. Numerous studies prove that the lack of iodine also reduces the ability of children to learn, and the lack of vitamins B, C and E further worsens the situation.

    An example of simple, healthy eating for a child

    • Breakfast. Fritters with applesauce and apple juice or compote.

    • Afternoon snack. Pear, or baby biscuits, or dried fruits soaked in fruit juice.
    • Dinner. Chicken broth soup, 2-3 meatballs with fresh vegetable salad. Compote.
    • Snack. A sandwich made from a piece of bread and cheese.
    • Dinner. Oatmeal or rice porridge, a glass of milk, kefir or jelly.

    Proper nutrition and sports

    Sports and healthy food go hand in hand. If in your life they do not go "hand in hand", there is no need to talk about a healthy body and a beautiful figure. Moreover, it is not enough to follow a diet or make sure that the amount of calories that you consumed today is burned in training. It's much more complicated!

    • During sports, muscle building and growth takes place, which requires a large amount of protein obtained from various sources. This means that you cannot limit yourself to, say, cottage cheese - you will need meat, eggs, and nuts. There is also a special one that best promotes the set of muscle mass.
    • In this article, we have already mentioned that carbohydrates provide our body with energy best. Simple ones (sugar, honey, sweets) are best avoided, complex ones (cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread) should be included in your menu more often. Be sure to eat something carbohydrate 1-2 hours before your workout!
    • Not all beginners know this secret, but half an hour after class, you need to have a carbohydrate snack to regain your vivacity. This can be a banana, an energy bar, or a low-fat milkshake. And after an hour and a half, eat well. It is especially important that protein is on your plate at this time, since in the first two hours after training it is absorbed as well as possible. Everything eaten will go straight to the muscles!

    • No matter how frightened you are by the word "fat", proper sports nutrition must include it. Vegetable oils, nuts, seafood, sea fish and flax seeds will help you get the nutrients you need without fear of gaining weight.
    • A quarter of all food eaten per day should be fruits and vegetables. In addition to complex carbohydrates, it is also vitamins and fiber.

    A proper diet depends on the sport you are passionate about. A professional bodybuilder uses one diet, a gymnast another, a runner a third ... But if you do not want to delve into the jungle of rules and regulations, build your diet based on a sample menu for an athlete.

    • Breakfast. Oatmeal, 1-2 eggs.
    • Snack. Milkshake.
    • Vinaigrette with a 200-gram piece of fish or meat.
    • Afternoon snack. 200 g of cottage cheese.
    • Dinner. Rice porridge with meat, 100 g of cottage cheese.
    • 1.5 hours before bedtime. Kefir or milk.

    Video: how to eat to gain muscle mass?

    Proper nutrition table

    Make your menu based on the data in the table so that a slim body, strong muscles, healthy skin and hair will remain with you for many years.

    Despite the popularity of all kinds of diets, including very strict and extreme, and therefore unsafe, any nutritionist will say that the best diet is proper nutrition, which must be adhered to at all times, and not during a specific period. The system of proper nutrition allows you to lose weight without harm to health and psychological discomfort, while you will eat fully and varied. Proper nutrition for weight loss, the menu for every day for the girls of which we will consider below, is tasty and healthy. Try it and see for yourself.

    Proper nutrition is based on the following principles:

    • You need to drink enough water every day - not less than 1.5 liters... Water stimulates metabolism, and it helps not only to lose weight, but also cleanses the body of various toxins. You need to drink a glass of water about half an hour before meals and drink a couple of glasses between meals. The amount of water required does not include other beverages such as coffee, tea, juices, soda, and so on.
    • Don't skip breakfast... In the morning, the body stores energy for the whole day ahead. If a person skips breakfast, they often overeat during the day. The ideal breakfast option is complex carbohydrates, especially cereals, to energize you all day.
    • Limit the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet. It is better to exclude all kinds of sweets and fast food from the diet altogether. It is better to have a snack with fruits, vegetables, nuts, fermented milk drinks. As for sweets, you should not deny yourself completely, but it is better to choose healthy products such as honey (it is better for them to replace sugar), dried fruits, marshmallows, and dark chocolate. It is recommended to indulge yourself with such delicacies. in the morning.
    • Try to eliminate fried foods from your diet. Food can be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed.
    • The basis of the diet - complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and pasta, meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.
    • Important do not rush while eating and do not overeat. Break the habit of eating fast or on the go. It takes time for your body to feel full, so eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. This approach is good for the stomach as well, as it helps the latter to work better.
    • Proper nutrition should be fractional... That is, we eat more often and in small portions. This will help the body digest food better, speed up metabolism, and help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and, consequently, overeating. You should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, because, as we said, the body needs some time to get full.
    • The last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime... At night, your metabolism slows down and whatever you eat can easily be stored as fat. Plus, having a hearty dinner will make you sleep poorly. It is recommended to eat lean protein foods before going to bed.

    These principles are universal, and they are useful for everyone, not just those who want to lose weight. They contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing digestive problems and helping to control hunger.

    Healthy and unhealthy foods for weight loss

    To lose weight, you must not starve, but eat the right foods. Some believe that they should be followed and consumed on different days. Useful diet for losing weight can be based on the following food:

    • All kinds of cereals and cereals;
    • durum wheat pasta and baked goods;
    • lean types of meat and poultry (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lamb);
    • sea ​​and river fish, seafood;
    • fruits and vegetables;
    • nuts and dried fruits;
    • vegetable oils;
    • cottage cheese, cheeses, fermented milk drinks;
    • as a dessert - honey, dark chocolate, marshmallow, marshmallow.

    You can see it in a separate article. In addition, there are products that prevent you from losing weight and negatively affect the body as a whole. These include the following:

    • flour and confectionery products;
    • all kinds of sausages and sausages;
    • fast food, convenience foods;
    • fatty and fried;
    • fatty types of red meat;
    • mayonnaise, fatty sauces;
    • store juices, carbonated water.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss: a menu for every day

    Proper nutrition is not a diet where every day is presented with a detailed menu, but rather a system. Therefore, the diet can be compiled for yourself individually, taking into account all the rules. This takes into account the state of the body, age, lifestyle and level of activity, own taste preferences, and so on.

    Ideally, in order to draw up the right menu that meets all the necessary rules, it is better to trust a nutritionist, since only this specialist can correctly determine many of the criteria.

    The menu should contain a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and pasta, proteins, fresh plant foods. You also need healthy fats, sources of which are fish, nuts, vegetable oils. Nutrition should be varied, and in view of this, any healthy nutrition menu is approximate. We offer a diet that can be used as a basis and an example of proper nutrition for losing weight for a week.


    For breakfast we eat oatmeal with fruits or dried fruits, we drink a cup of coffee or tea. You can have a snack with a fruit, a handful of nuts. low-fat meat broth, fish fillets and vegetable salad. You can also drink a glass of juice or compote. Use only yoghurt and fruit for an afternoon snack. For dinner, you can stew mushrooms and boil rice, make a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots.


    A good breakfast option is a baked apple with honey, cinnamon and walnuts, tea or coffee. For lunch, make vegetable soup and salad with radishes and, if desired, other vegetables, drink a glass of jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a handful of dried fruits. For dinner, bake potatoes with cheese and make a vegetable salad. You can drink vegetable juice at night. This day's menu is great for vegetarians too.


    For breakfast with tea or coffee, make a toast with natural honey. The second breakfast can be orange or other citrus fruits. For lunch, make creamy pumpkin soup with greens and bread, fruit salad, tea or juice. For an afternoon snack, use a glass of fermented milk drink. For dinner - boiled chicken breast, stewed vegetables, a glass of apple compote.


    For breakfast, scramble two eggs, chop the vegetables, and drink a glass of fruit juice. For lunch, chicken broth, stuffed peppers, cabbage and carrot salad, a drink at will, are suitable. Use any fruit for an afternoon snack. For dinner, you can prepare a potato and seafood salad.


    For breakfast, eat cottage cheese with a medium fat content, add pieces of fruit or berries there, wash it down with tea. For lunch - fish soup with a slice of rye bread, vegetable juice, cucumber and tomato salad. For an afternoon snack, eat a boiled egg, and then - a green apple or grapefruit. Recommended for dinner is a vegetable casserole with cheese and fresh fruit.


    For breakfast, pour milk over cereal flakes and add berries there. For lunch - cauliflower soup, meat cutlet, salad of green vegetables, compote from berries and / or fruits. For an afternoon snack, have tea with oiled bread. For dinner - cabbage salad, barley porridge and stew. You can wash it all down with vegetable juice.


    For breakfast, there may be a glass of milk with pancakes topped with honey. You can have a snack with a slice of dark chocolate or dried fruits. For lunch - mushroom soup, tomato and corn salad, and berry juice. For an afternoon snack, you can prepare a curd casserole with berries. For dinner - grilled fish with stewed vegetables. In the evening you can have a glass of fruit juice.

    You can safely replace the dishes and products presented in the menu with similar ones. The main thing in this case is to maintain a balance of foods that provide the body with the necessary substances and keep the number of calories. The calorie content of the diet is calculated individually, but remember that in order to lose weight, you must spend more than you consume.

    How to organize proper nutrition for weight loss?

    To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit, that is, spend less than you consume. Therefore, an integrated approach to weight loss is needed. As for nutrition, you need to create a calorie deficit gradually, by reducing the number of servings or the calorie content of the meals you eat. You cannot lose weight dramatically - it is unsafe for the body, and the weight can return no less quickly. Optimal weight loss - up to 1 kilogram per week... With large losses, not only fat is usually lost, but also muscle mass or excess fluid.

    Physical activity is also necessary - at least light exercises several times a week. Try to get enough sleep and avoid stress, as it provokes overeating and disturbances in the body. If you find it difficult to switch to proper nutrition right away, start gradually, for example, first stop eating at night, then replace your favorite unhealthy sweets with fruits, and so on. Remember that it is important not only to lose weight, but also to stay healthy, so eat mindfully.

    Video menu for a week at pp

    (12 estimates, average: 3,42 out of 5)

    The menu of proper nutrition for normalizing metabolism and losing weight, compiled for a week, helps to get rid of extra pounds and improve well-being in the shortest possible time. A healthy lifestyle is gaining fans, but the controversy around PP (proper nutrition) and its features do not subside.

    The PP menu for a week for weight loss is the main assistant in the fight against excess weight. First, the loss of pounds occurs due to the fact that fast carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweet rolls, are completely removed from the diet. They are called fast due to the fact that they are absorbed in a short time, while they do not provide useful substances, but immediately go into body fat.

    The exclusion of such carbohydrates from the menu gives the body the ability to process existing fats, and not accumulate new ones.

    Secondly, food occurs in small portions, at short intervals. Thanks to this meal schedule, you always feel full, and therefore, the body does not need to accumulate reserves in case of a hunger strike.

    The PP menu, developed for the day and the week, for high-quality weight loss includes certain foods that need to be consumed at certain times of the day. For example, citrus fruits cannot be eaten for breakfast, since the acid they contain irritates the mucous membranes, however, they are not recommended for dinner because of the sugar.

    The best time to eat an orange is for lunch or dinner. So it is with the rest of the products. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning, while vegetables are much healthier for dinner. Fish is well digested in the evening, and you can eat meat for lunch. Thanks to this eating pattern, the body can get the most out of the food it receives.

    As a result, all of the above actions accelerate the metabolism, thanks to which the process of losing weight occurs. Proper nutrition is the basis of a beautiful figure

    How much can you lose weight with proper nutrition?

    Having developed a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you should not expect instant results. It takes time for the metabolism to accelerate. The kilos lost in the first week are water. Puffiness goes away and the correct metabolism is restored. The result also depends on physical activity, the more there is, the faster the process of losing weight.

    A sharp weight loss is very harmful to health, and the goal of proper nutrition is to bring internal processes back to normal. Therefore, weight loss will be smooth, namely about 3-4 kg per month with average physical activity. This activity includes cardio training 3-4 times a week, daily walks lasting from 20 minutes.

    It is possible to increase weight loss through vigorous physical activity. For example, doing a full strength training session 6 times a week can increase your weight loss by another 2 kg.

    It is very important to remember that losing weight is an individual process. The number of pounds lost depends on the initial excess weight. The larger it is, the faster the weight loss.

    And, with each lost kilogram, it is more and more difficult for the body to part with its reserves, therefore, the longer you sit on the PP, the slower the process of losing weight will go.

    But this does not mean that healthy nutrition has ceased to work, it means that the body begins to process the last reserves "for a rainy day." During this period, it is better to put off the scales and start measuring body volumes, the change in which is tracked more clearly.

    There are several principles of proper nutrition, therefore, when compiling a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you need to take into account all of them:

    Things to Avoid During Proper Nutrition

    The PP menu for a week for weight loss will be easier to follow if you avoid situations that provoke breakdowns:

    What foods can and can not be eaten with proper nutrition for weight loss


    It is possible in very small quantities:

    • vegetables containing starch;
    • cheese (fat content up to 30%);
    • fruits in small quantities;
    • cottage cheese.

    It is forbidden:

    • alcohol;
    • corn;
    • bakery;
    • sugar.

    How to make the right menu

    Before compiling a PP menu for weight loss for a week or a month, you must:

    1. Assess the level of physical activity.
    2. Calculate the rate of kcal per day.

    The level of physical activity can be:

    Once the level of physical activity is determined, the calorie rate can be calculated using the formula:

    (9.99 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (4.92 * age in years) -161 * coeff. physical activity

    Approximate menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 800 calories

    When eating 800 kcal per day, 3 meals a day are provided, there are no snacks. Cook vegetables and meat without oil. Can be stewed, steamed and baked. Dairy products are low fat or low in fat.

    The PP menu for weight loss for a week at 800 kcal per day is suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or cannot have a snack every 2-3 hours.

    Monday Morning 249 kcal 101 g cottage cheese
    Day 299 kcal 201 g vegetables + 2 eggs + drink
    Evening 249 kcal 299 g vegetables + 1 egg + a glass of kefir
    Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cereals with milk
    Day 299 kcal 249 ml soup + unsweetened coffee with milk
    Evening 260 kcal 305 g vegetables + 99 g red meat + a glass of milk
    Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 125 g salad
    Day 299 kcal 203 g stew + 154 g chicken
    Evening 259 kcal 148 g fish stewed with vegetables
    Thursday Morning 249 kcal Repeat Monday menu
    Day 299 kcal 230 g salad + 2 boiled eggs
    Evening 239 kcal 208 g ragout + 154 g boiled meat
    Friday Morning 249 kcal 106 g cottage cheese with sour cream (20%)
    Day 299 kcal 204 g green borsch
    Evening 244 kcal 154 g cottage cheese + 1 glass kefir with ½ tbsp. l. Sahara
    Saturday Morning 249 kcal Repeat tuesday breakfast
    Day 299 kcal 249 g borscht on PP + 3 rye bread with curd cheese, tomato and herbs 70 g
    Evening 248 kcal 205 g turkey and buckwheat hedgehogs + a glass of kefir
    Sunday Morning 249 kcal 215 g omelet with cheese, tomato and herbs
    Day 299 kcal 230 g ragout without potatoes + 143 g chicken fillet + unsweetened coffee
    Evening 240 kcal 152 g of meat + 201 g of vegetables + a glass of milk.

    Approximate menu for a week, containing 1000 calories per day

    The PP menu for a week for weight loss with a daily calorie content of 1000 kcal is recommended for a sedentary lifestyle, as well as for those who have a slow metabolism.

    With this food scheme, 5 meals are provided.

    Vegetables can be steamed, baked and stewed. The addition of oil should be avoided.

    Dairy products are either low fat or low in fat.

    Monday Morning 249 kcal 150 g cottage cheese with raisins
    Lunch 99 kcal 99 g fruits or berries
    Day 299 kcal 99 g chicken + 99 g buckwheat without salt
    Afternoon snack 99 kcal 1 boiled corn
    Evening 247 kcal 204 g seasonal vegetable salad
    Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 1 egg + 1 slice of bread
    Lunch 99 kcal 1 cup skim or coconut milk and kiwi smoothie
    Day 289 kcal 201 g dietary ratatouille
    Snack 79 kcal 30 g cheese (up to 30% fat)
    Evening 301 kcal 80 g chicken breast
    Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 1 piece of black roll with cheese (curd)
    Lunch 99 kcal 143 g Grapes
    Day 269 kcal 201 g sliced ​​vegetables
    Afternoon snack 90 kcal Walnut 2 pcs.
    Evening 305 kcal 1 boiled egg
    Thursday Morning 249 kcal 145 g cottage cheese
    Lunch 99 kcal 70 g of any berries
    Day 309 kcal 201 g vegetable soup
    1 cup skim milk
    Evening 279 kcal 146 g salad of stewed zucchini, carrots and bell peppers
    Friday Morning 249 kcal 154 g skimmed oatmeal
    Lunch 99 kcal 1 PC. muesli bar
    Day 319 kcal 99 g chicken breast + 99 g any allowed side dish
    Afternoon snack 97 kcal 1 piece of rye bread with a thin layer of curd cheese
    Evening 249 kcal 130 g seafood salad
    Saturday Morning 249 kcal 149 g from eggs and tomato
    Lunch 99 kcal 1 orange
    Day 279 kcal 201 g green borscht PP
    Afternoon snack 100 kcal 99 g low fat yogurt
    Evening 249 kcal 99 g boiled beef
    Sunday Morning 249 kcal 149 g sirniki PP
    Lunch 99 kcal 1 apple
    Day 305 kcal 99 g fish + 99 g vegetables
    Afternoon snack 102 kcal 1 glass of kefir
    Evening 249 kcal 99g chopped fruit

    Approximate menu for a week, containing 1200 calories per day

    The PP menu with a daily calorie content of 1200 kcal is suitable for people with average physical activity. With such a diet, it is recommended to increase daily loads, as well as carry out full-fledged workouts 3 times a week.

    There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks. There are no special recommendations, the main thing is to maintain the general principles of proper nutrition.

    Monday Morning 270 kcal 249 g omelet with tomato
    Lunch 139 kcal ½ grapefruit
    Day 280 kcal 143 g fish + 150 g carrot and cabbage salad
    Afternoon snack 150 kcal a few dried fruits
    Evening 287 kcal 249 g seasonal vegetable salad
    Tuesday Morning 284 kcal 249 g oatmeal with berries
    Lunch 149 kcal 1 cup low fat cottage cheese smoothie with coconut milk and currants
    Day 286 kcal 99 g boiled chicken + 157 g vegetables
    Afternoon snack 140 kcal 1 glass of yogurt
    Evening 305 kcal 201 g of baked fish + 141 g of any salad
    Wednesday Morning 298 kcal 1 hot Greek sandwich
    Lunch 156 kcal 1 apple
    Day 288 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 153 g cucumber and tomato salad
    Snack 309 kcal 99 g cottage cheese casserole
    Evening 283 kcal 150 g breast (turkey or chicken)
    Thursday Morning 279 kcal 1 oat pancake
    Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of kefir
    Day 300 kcal 201 g pilaf PP
    Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g beetroot and carrot salad
    Evening 306 kcal 99 g beef liver + 99 g any cereal side dish
    Friday Morning 301 kcal 249 g oatmeal with coconut milk
    Lunch 149 kcal 99 g Raffaello PP
    Day 310 kcal 201 g seafood salad + 1 slice of rye bread
    Second snack 144 kcal 99 g Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad
    Evening 305 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables
    Saturday Morning 290 kcal 99 g wheat porridge in water + boiled egg
    Lunch 149 kcal 99 g fresh berries
    Day 298 kcal 201 g borscht PP + 1 black bread toast
    Afternoon snack 160 kcal 99 g fat-free cottage cheese
    Evening 295 kcal 2 eggs + 149 g fresh vegetable salad
    Sunday Morning 294 kcal 1 Oat pancake stuffed with 1 tomato
    Lunch 149 kcal 1 granola bar
    Day 289 kcal 201 g chicken liver with vegetables
    Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g fresh vegetables
    Evening 279 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables

    Approximate menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 1500 calories

    For the most active, a 1500 kcal menu is suitable. To lose weight with such a diet, you need daily stress. The menu is also suitable for those whose work is connected with heavy physical exertion.

    Approximate PP menu for 1500 kcal for a week for weight loss

    The power mode remains the same as with the 1200 kcal menu.

    Monday Morning 351 kcal 2 boiled eggs + 1 cucumber + 1 rye toast with curd cheese
    Lunch 249 kcal 1 cup banana cottage cheese smoothie
    Day 351 kcal 2 chicken cutlets PP + 149 g brown rice + 149 g fresh vegetables
    10 pieces. walnuts
    Evening 351 kcal 249 g vegetable salad + 149 g baked fish
    Tuesday Morning 351 kcal 249 g omelet with herbs and tomatoes
    Lunch 249 kcal 1 black bread toast with cheese (up to 30% fat)
    Day 351 kcal 149 g durum pasta + 149 g vegetable salad + 99 g beef goulash
    Afternoon snack 249 kcal 1 glass of yogurt with cinnamon
    Evening 351 kcal 249 g fish and vegetable casserole
    Wednesday Morning 351 kcal Repeat breakfast Monday
    Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese + ½ banana
    Day 351 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 1 whole wheat toast
    Afternoon snack 249 kcal 10 cashews
    Evening 351 kcal 149 g turkey + 249 g vegetable salad
    Thursday Morning 351 kcal 249 g porridge on water + 1 boiled egg
    Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese casserole with fruit
    Day 351 kcal 249 g ratatouille in the oven with lean meat + 50 g feta cheese
    Afternoon snack 249 kcal 8 dried fruits
    Evening 351 kcal 149 g steamed fish + 249 g cucumber and tomato salad
    Friday Morning 351 kcal 201 g buckwheat boiled in water + 1 boiled egg
    Lunch 249 kcal 149 g Peking cabbage roll with cottage cheese
    Day 351 kcal 99 g chicken goulash + 149 g Chinese cabbage salad + 149 g buckwheat porridge
    Afternoon snack 249 kcal 99 g of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. jam
    Evening 351 kcal 249 g chicken stock + 2 black bread toast
    Saturday Morning 351 kcal 99g water-boiled brown rice + 149g fresh vegetables
    Lunch 249 kcal 99 g low-fat yogurt + 1 pear
    Day 351 kcal 277 g okroshka PP + 1 rye toast
    Afternoon snack 249 kcal 149 g curd cakes, oven-baked
    Evening 351 kcal 249 g Greek salad + oven baked meat
    Sunday Morning 351 kcal 249 g oatmeal in water with the addition of dried fruits
    Lunch 248 kcal 1 boiled egg + 99 g beet salad
    Day 351 kcal 99 g of porridge made from permitted cereals + 99 g of boiled chicken meat + 1 cucumber
    Afternoon snack 259 kcal 1 glass freshly squeezed juice + 2 PP oat cookies
    Evening 351 kcal 149 g beef + 149 g tomato salad

    First course recipes with proper nutrition for weight loss

    Green borsch

    1. Chop the meat into cubes and cook until cooked.
    2. Add seasonings to the broth.
    3. Add potatoes to broth and cook until tender.
    4. Saute the onion until golden brown.
    5. Boil eggs, cool, peel and chop finely.
    6. Wash the sorrel and chop.
    7. Add sorrel, onion, eggs to the broth.
    8. Boil for another 5 minutes. with a closed lid.
    9. Let the borscht brew for 15-20 minutes.

    Chicken noodle soup

    1. Boil the meat in one piece until cooked.
    2. Remove the meat from the broth.
    3. Add seasonings to the broth.
    4. Add vegetables to the broth and bring to a boil. Then put the noodles there and cook for 5-7 minutes.
    5. Cut the chicken into cubes and add to the finished dish.

    Second courses

    Baked salmon with vegetables

    1. Remove the bones from the fish, rinse and dry with a paper towel. Place in a convenient container and drizzle with lemon juice and soy sauce. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    2. Divide the broccoli florets and open them.
    3. Place the marinated fish and broccoli on a baking sheet.
    4. Bake in the oven at 201 ° 25 min.

    Meatballs with sour cream sauce

    • Minced meat (chicken or turkey) - 399 g;
    • ground ginger - 21 g;
    • onions (chopped) - 201 g;
    • carrots (chopped) - 99 g;
    • garlic puree — 10 g;
    • sour cream - 99 g.
    1. Add salt, spices, ginger and garlic to the minced meat. To stir thoroughly. Make small balls out of the mixture.
    2. Fry the meatballs a little in a dry frying pan.
    3. Fry vegetables until golden brown. Add sour cream and some water. Put out a little more.
    4. Place the meatballs in a baking dish and pour over the sour cream sauce. Bake at 180 ° for 25 minutes.


    Bean and Pepper Salad

    1. Pour the frozen beans with boiling water and bring to a boil again.
    2. Chop the pepper.
    3. Mash the garlic in a press.
    4. Mix all ingredients and season.

    Seafood salad

    • Seafood cocktail (frozen mix) - 499 g;
    • cucumber - 1 pc.;
    • lettuce leaves - 51 g;
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • tomato (vegetable) - 1 pc .;
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
    1. Boil a seafood cocktail and let it cool.
    2. Mix oil and sauce.
    3. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl.
    4. Cut the tomato and cucumber into strips and place on top of the lettuce leaves. Drizzle a little with the dressing.
    5. Put a sea cocktail on top of the vegetables, salt and season with the remaining mixture of butter and sauce.


    Cottage cheese casserole in the microwave

    1. Beat eggs and cottage cheese.
    2. Add sweetener to the resulting mass.
    3. Cut the fruit into cubes and add to the curd mass.
    4. Place the dish in the microwave for 3 minutes. With a power of 750 watts.

    Banana and pear can be substituted for other fruits and vegetables. If the microwave power is less than 750 watts, the cooking time can be extended.

    Rafaello PP

    • grapes - 15 berries;
    • soft cottage cheese - 99 g;
    • protein - 51 g;
    • ground cashew nuts - 70 g.
    1. Mix cottage cheese and protein. But not in a blender. The mixture should turn out to be slightly liquid.
    2. Dip each grape in the curd mixture.
    3. Roll the resulting balls in ground cashews.
    4. Let the sweets steep in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

    The PP menu, compiled for a week for weight loss, can be varied and useful. Any recipe can be made suitable by replacing prohibited foods with permitted ones.

    The main thing to remember is that losing weight is an individual process, and PP is not just a diet, but a new way of life.

    Article formatting: Mila Friedan

    Healthy Nutrition Video (PP)

    The principles of good nutrition:

    Which he simply is not able to remove, while the "wrong" food arrives in huge quantities. As soon as the diet changes towards products natural for a living organism, metabolism accelerates !!!

    Junk food

    Let's start with what is important to exclude from the diet. These are any purchased sausages and sausages, confectionery and flour products, mayonnaise, sugar, alcohol, chocolate (except for bitter, from 70%), fast foods, premium bread, juices in tetrapacks. Salt intake should be reduced to 4 grams per day, but not completely eliminated.

    The Right Weight Loss Products

    • a fish must be included in healthy nutrition menu: these are trout, horse mackerel, chum salmon, pink salmon. Fish should be chosen fresh, young and medium in size;
    • birdcomplements the list of basic right products: This is chicken (breasts and wings, skinless), as well as a turkey;
    • meat: veal, beef. But the most correct product is the liver;
    • fruits(about 5 pieces per day);
    • dried fruits(almost any of them has healing properties). Prunes have a good effect on digestion and are useful for people with hypertension and heart problems, and dried apricots are a simple prevention of cancer;
    • : everything except salted, sweet and fried.
    • vegetables: better raw or steamed, stewed or baked in the oven, up to 400 grams per day. The best recipes -;
    • cereals;
    • crispbread;
    • dairy products:, natural yoghurts.
    • cheese natural: Dutch, Adyghe, mozzarella, gouda. It is better to choose non-spicy varieties of cheese and eat it up to 100 grams per day.

    Golden Rule: it is better to eat more often, but in small portions than twice a day and "to the bone." Following this rule, we offer such a healthy diet.

    An approximate menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day

    Breakfast should be high-calorie and satisfying. The approximate menu is as follows: oatmeal or any other cereal with milk, dried fruits, cheese, muesli, fruits, fresh juices, tea without sugar. Of course, you need to choose a couple of items from this list, you don't need to eat everything at once).

    Snack... 1 fruit or yogurt.

    Dinner. Steamed meat or fish, baked or stewed. For a side dish: rice, vegetables, buckwheat, pasta from coarse wheat. You can weld light or.
    You can add flavor to the dish with the help of bay leaves or a small pinch of any other spices: basil, oregano, marjoram.

    Afternoon snack. 1 fruit, kefir, yogurt, several nuts or dried fruits (your choice);

    Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime. The menu is the same as for lunch, only slightly reducing the portion, the best option is, for example, Greek.

    During the day, do not forget to drink healthy drinks and clean water 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after.

    The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss will be very useful for beautiful ladies who are always striving for ideal forms. This healthy food menu is designed to bring lightness and a toned body.

    The principles of good nutrition to lose weight

    • To lose weight with proper nutrition, breakfast is required. Even if you allow yourself too much during breakfast, during a working day there are many opportunities to spend excess calories. As a rule, they do not turn into fat, which cannot be said in the case of the habit of hearty lunches or dinners.

    • It is necessary to allocate special time and devote it exclusively to eating. Only an organism focused on a given occupation can effectively engage in its digestion and assimilation. If the brain is busy solving some other problems, it is much more likely that some of the food will pass into fat for assimilation sometime later, if hunger suddenly comes, accumulating a supply "just in case."
    • For more, do not rush while eating, since this is a kind of protection against overeating, because the signal about the onset of satiety always enters the brain a little later. If you eat slowly, it comes just in time.
    • Slow eating allows for better absorption of food - the stomach will be grateful for it. After eating, it is useful to sit for at least five minutes, giving the stomach the opportunity to really "get involved" in work.
    • From the table you need to get up with a feeling of slight hunger that you can eat a little more.

    To lose weight, you need to eat less sugar, using honey instead, but also in small quantities.

    It is better to eat no later than two hours before bedtime, and the dinner should not be heavy. There are two reasons for this:

    • it's hard to sleep with a full stomach;
    • there is a possibility that the stomach "cheats" and part of the food will be processed "in reserve", creating fat deposits.

    To effectively lose weight with a healthy diet, of course, taking into account the time of year. The body needs water for internal self-cleaning, because the dishes are washed with water, and not with tea, milk or compote.

    If you are actively involved in sports and want to mold yourself to an athletic figure, then the healthy diet menu can be supplemented with sports nutrition, for example, Weider fat burners. The substances contained in the capsules activate the metabolism and promote the accelerated utilization of fat from the body. However, before using any type of sports nutrition, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

    In conclusion - how to organize a healthy diet for weight loss

    To lose weight with a healthy diet, you should exclude the psychological stress caused by following a particular diet. You need to eat during the day, but so that there is no feeling of hunger. Hunger is the cause of stress, it has a negative impact on the psyche.

    Properly organized nutrition helps to effectively get rid of extra pounds, contributing to weight loss, only if more calories are spent than coming from food. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the nutritional value of products, the balance of the daily diet.

    It is necessary to start eating right with avoiding junk food, and not one that contains a lot of calories. It is with this sign that the principles of healthy eating differ from all kinds of diets for weight loss.

    The list of harmful products is known: excessively sweet, fatty, high-calorie in large quantities, a lot of coffee,.

    Delays the goal of losing weight by eating in snatches during the day, plentiful lunches or dinners, eating in front of the TV or during the work process, when the feeling of hunger is quenched with chocolate, a pie, a cup of coffee.

    It is much more useful to satisfy hunger with yogurt, eat more fruits and vegetables - carrots, radishes, vegetable salad with the addition of cold-pressed oil. Eat cottage cheese, drink tea. Obviously, you won't get fat from these foods, since they have few calories. They effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger, help to avoid discomfort and at the same time to lose weight.