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  • Cosmetic beauty conspiracy - always be attractive. Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness Magic beauty for women

    Cosmetic beauty conspiracy - always be attractive.  Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness Magic beauty for women

    Today every woman strives to be attractive, by all means. To look amazing and to elicit admiring exclamations from men, women are ready to go to great lengths.

    So, considerable amounts of money are spent on expensive cosmetics, visits to all kinds of beauty salons and fitness rooms. A beauty conspiracy can help you avoid all of this and thus save money. Today, a huge number of magical rites are known, which are aimed at imparting beauty to various parts of the body.

    To become more attractive and beautiful, there are a variety of rituals, which can be conditionally divided into several groups:

    • Attractiveness;
    • On the beauty of the face;
    • On beautiful legs / hands and fingers;
    • On a slender figure;
    • For healthy, beautiful hair;
    • To restore the former beauty;
    • To get rid of shortcomings and so on.

    Often this kind of ritual is used by both young girls and women of age. The former, with the help of magic, strive to cleanse the skin or remove imperfections, married women try to maintain their beauty in order to always remain attractive to their man. Older women strive to return to their former beauty and eliminate the imperfections that have appeared - wrinkles, flabbiness, and so on.

    Conspiracies for beauty and health are carried out on the new moon or full moon, when magical energy is most powerful.

    Through magical rituals, you can easily return not only the beauty of the face, the freshness of the skin or the slimness of the figure. Conspiracies can eliminate many imperfections, such as wrinkles, acne, or restore muscle elasticity. Magic spells can be cast on cream, water, and other means to an end. It is important to carry out the ritual clearly and not to violate the instructions, otherwise there may be consequences.

    For the conspiracy to work, you need to know some of the features of its implementation. First of all, you need to believe in the magic and power of the words of the prayer-conspiracy. It is allowed to read the text only in a collected and concentrated state.

    At the time of the ceremony, a person should be completely calm and relaxed, all his thoughts should be directed solely to the purpose of the conspiracy and its implementation.

    Most conspiracies that attract beauty should be carried out on a new moon or full moon. In this case, some object should be spoken, for example, a cream. The magical rituals of Natalya Stepanova are widely popular among the people, but they often cause consequences. It is important to remember how strong the rite is, the retribution for it will be so great.

    Effective rituals for beauty

    Most often, according to the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, it is possible to bring beauty to the full moon or new moon. So, it is easy to restore the beauty of the face, and the corresponding conspiracy, which should be carried out on a full moon, will allow to improve the skin. In this case, the prayer is read on the water. Having typed more than half of the liquid into the container, it is necessary to stand in such a way that the Moon is reflected in it. Then the prayer is said three times, and the container is left overnight. In the morning after taking a bath, shower or bath, you should rinse with charmed water.

    Conspiracy "On beauty" on the water

    “As you, the moon, are round and white, so I will have a beautiful face and delicate skin. Share your light with me, bestow mother-of-pearl from your brow. I will go to the bathhouse to steam, soak in the foam, warm the bones, burn from the heat. Thou shalt shower me with key water. "

    A strong conspiracy for youth and beauty is carried out on the new moon. The lunar calendar will help you find out the moment of the new moon or full moon. It is during these hours that the text of the conspiracy must be read. Such a ceremony allows you to add beauty not only to the face, but also gives the skin freshness and shine, tightens the figure and makes the whole body attractive. This ritual is considered "white".

    Conspiracy "For youth and beauty"

    “The new moon was born, she shared her beauty with me. So my face is now white, my skin is tender, my hair is long, my belt is thin. Mouth, that the sun is at sunset, cheeks, that the dawn is at sunrise. There is no me nicer in the world than white. "

    To speak a cream for daily use, it is necessary to read a special prayer on it three times at noon.

    Conspiracy "Beauty" on cream

    “Rejuvenating cream, helper cream. Keep my beauty, and add attractiveness! Now to be a beauty for me, everyone will envy me! Men turn around after, women equalize! "

    The daily use of the cream gives the skin of the face youth and beauty.

    There are also separate conspiracies for a beautiful figure. The weight loss ritual is carried out immediately after the full moon, and it should be performed by a relative of the person who wants to get a beautiful figure. The ceremony is performed over holy water in the kitchen in the evening. It is required to put a glass of holy water on the dining table, make the sign of the cross three times and read Our Father. Then speak water, then sprinkle it on the dining table and wait for it to dry. Throw the remaining water out the window.

    Conspiracy "Slimming" on holy water

    “Neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the wolf, nor the titmouse eat too much, do not harm themselves. The servant of God (name) prays, does not lean towards an extra piece. He takes care of the soul and body, returns from the slow. Let him fast, become slender, a worthy man. And so it will be. Amen."

    What is the price to pay for beauty?

    It is very simple to bring the beauty of the face and body with the help of conspiracies - you can talk about the cream so that every new day rejuvenates the skin, you can use the advice of the Siberian healer Natalia and carry out conspiracies on a beautiful figure on the new moon, but no one will say with certainty at what moment for getting a pretty face will have to pay the price.

    The retribution can be very different. So, at some point, the figure may deteriorate, and a person may begin to suffer from overweight or anorexia. Often conspiracies lead to poor health, the appearance of various diseases. The new moon and other astrological phenomena in this case will not be able to help. To avoid such reckoning, you should not abuse the advice of the healer Natalia, because Natalia herself often warns of possible consequences.

    Video: Beauty Conspiracy

    A conspiracy of beauty and attractiveness is one of the most desired and popular means of love magic. Are there many girls and women of any age, as well as men, who are completely satisfied with their appearance and would not want to make it more attractive?

    And magic can help in this no worse than cosmetics or diet. With the help of a conspiracy, you cannot change the height or shape of the nose, but you can get that real charm, ease of movement and sparkle of eyes that drive the opposite sex crazy much stronger than any body proportions. The legendary Cleopatra, not being a beauty, skillfully combining cunning and magic, seduced dozens of men!

    There are a huge number of beauty conspiracies. They differ depending on what goals you need to achieve with their help.

    For example, the following types of rituals can be conventionally distinguished:

    • For young girls, such rituals allow you to quickly get rid of teenage skin defects, for example, from acne;
    • For married women who need to enhance their own attractiveness in the eyes of their spouse;
    • For all categories of women, such rituals are mainly aimed at eliminating wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

    Varieties of water rituals

    Water has a special energetic power, therefore it is very often used in rituals aimed at enhancing beauty. For this type of magical effects, you need to use well or spring water, tap water in such rituals will not be effective. It is important to read the beauty conspiracy in complete solitude and by heart.


    For a beautiful face

    There are many types of "cosmetic" conspiracies. One of the most powerful is a conspiracy on the beauty of the face with the help of well water. For Old New Years, place a cup of well water at the head of your bed.

    After that, go to bed immediately. Do not open your eyes when you wake up. Find a cup by touch, scoop up some water with your hand and splash it on your face.

    While gently rubbing the water over your face, say this:

    “The New Year of God begins, my face is washed with water.
    It will wash with clean water, shine with pure beauty.
    I will bloom like a rose, seduce all the guys with beauty.
    They will look at me barely breathing, until then I will be good.
    And for the whole year of God, no one will take their eyes off me.
    And when I get up from the bed, every day I will become prettier. "

    This conspiracy is valid throughout the whole year, therefore, it can be used only once a year.

    Bath rite

    The bath conspiracy for beauty and youth is no less popular. To do this, you need to collect a can of water in the spring in the spring.

    Then say the words over it:

    “Pure water from a light stream, you babble and run fast,
    you fill the earth with freshness, you awaken the herbs of God,
    you fill meadow flowers with bright colors.
    Give me skin as smooth as a liquid apple,
    slender figure like a young birch tree, white teeth,
    like the fluff of a swan, eyes like the stars of God, clear and handsome.
    So that my beauty bloomed, attracted good fellows ”.

    Strong conspiracy

    There is a strong beauty conspiracy, which involves washing your face with charmed water for a month. The plot is read in the early morning on a basin in which water from a natural source is collected. It is important to carry out the ceremony immediately after waking up, without eating breakfast or washing your face.

    Magic words sound like this:

    “I, the Servant of God (my own name), will be beautiful and attractive, everyone will like my face. This magical, natural water will make all the men around me admire me, and women passing by will envy and imitate. My eyelashes will become long and a real decoration of the eyes, my body will be graceful and beautiful. Hair will amaze with its shine and density. I will attract the glances of men, I will attract beauty to myself. Amen".

    After reading the conspiracy, you need to wash yourself with charmed water. And in the future, this should be done daily, without missing a single day. The first results will be seen within the first month. An important condition for the effectiveness of the ceremony is belief in magic.

    Rituals with milk

    Milk is a natural ingredient that, like water, is often used in beauty rituals. Its healing cosmetic capabilities have been known for a long time.

    Enhancing attractiveness

    With the use of milk, a ceremony can be performed that can enhance attractiveness. It is recommended to carry out this ceremony during the full moon or during the growing moon. The ceremony is performed in the bathroom.

    To complete it, you must first prepare:

    • Two liters of milk with high fat content, it is better to use homemade milk if possible;
    • A teaspoon of cinnamon;
    • Petals collected from three red roses.

    The ritual is performed in the evening. To do this, you need to take a full bath of water and add the prepared ingredients there.

    “Bring water magical beauty to me, Servant of God (proper name), natural and bright. Make me attractive and charming to everyone around me. But I will be desired only for my one and only. I speak in my own words with strong water in the bathroom for bodily beauty, noticeable for everyone. I will wash in the bathroom and acquire beauty. Amen".

    After that, you need to take a bath. Lying in the charmed water, you need to imagine yourself beautiful and irresistible. You can enhance the effectiveness of the ceremony by visualizing the looks of envious women who are thrown after you.

    After ten minutes, you must say the following phrase:

    "I will be beautiful and attractive."

    After that, you need to wash in the usual way and at the end of the water procedures, you should, wiping off with a towel, repeat the same words again. It is recommended to repeat this ritual on a monthly basis to maintain attractiveness.

    Weekly ritual

    The complexity of this ritual lies in the fact that only fresh steamed milk should be used in it. And, as you know, it is not very easy to get it in urban conditions. For youth and freshness of the face, such a ceremony should be carried out weekly.

    A glass of milk is spoken with the following words:

    “I am addressing you, fresh milk, natural, given to me by a cow!
    Make me beautiful and charming, and my skin glowing, fresh and rosy!
    So that everyone who looks at me admires me and cannot look away. "

    These words are spoken three times. After that, you need to take three sips of the charmed milk, and rinse the rest of the face.

    It is important that all beauty conspiracies refer to white magic, therefore, they do not have any negative consequences. You can use them regularly, this will maintain the natural attractiveness that is given by nature to all women.

    It is very important to follow all the recommendations of magical rituals and sincerely believe that a particular ritual will allow you to become irresistible. With this approach, you can easily maintain your natural attractiveness and accentuate it.

    White magic that helps to become the most beautiful and be attractive to everyone around it is a strong rite that brings beauty to this conspiracy that leads to strong beauty used by witches in the olden days. To complete it you need cast a spell on beauty and attractiveness yourself and using the help of magic to perform beauty ritual ... A conspiracy that allows you to instantly become and be the most beautiful and desired in an instant will make any woman a beauty who will be gazed at and admired by both young and old. For all people, you will be the most beautiful, women will look after you envious of your beauty, and men and guys will look after you admiring your beauty with only one desire to get to know a real beauty, not even suspecting that this is an action of magic that has brought unearthly beauty to you.

    All conspiracies and spells for female beauty depending on the hex, they are divided into:

    • Conspiracies, incantations and spells on a beautiful face
    • Conspiracies, incantations and spells on a beautiful figure
    • Conspiracies, slander and spells on beautiful hair
    • Conspiracies, incantations and spells for beautiful teeth
    • Conspiracies, incantations and spells on beautiful hands, fingers and nails ...
    • Conspiracies, slander and spells to preserve beauty
    • Conspiracies, incantations and spells to get rid of flaws

    It is customary to read the conspiracy about which Maginya will now tell on the cream, and as soon as you apply the cream that has been spoken of for beauty on the skin, you will become beautiful and sweet to everyone around you. A conspiracy of beauty can be read on any moon and on any day and hour. Take a jar of cream and open it and read over the cream beauty conspiracy which instantly helps become beautiful :

    There were 10 sisters, 10 beautiful young women.

    As from the first sister I love,

    I will take away the beauty from the second,

    From the third sister of thick hair,

    My fifth hand is tender

    And from the sixth teeth are snow-white,

    From the seventh eyelashes are black,

    From the eighth eyebrows are thin,

    From the ninth I will take for myself hot eyes and scarlet lips.

    From now on, may I be beautiful for everyone.


    Now, as soon as you need to become beautiful for everyone and bring an unearthly and divine beauty to yourself, take a cream and apply it to your skin. For a ceremony on aiming beauty with magic it is better to choose a non-greasy cream that can be used under makeup without rinsing. Now you know how to quickly put on beauty and become very beautiful and attractive, just by reading simple slander - beauty conspiracy . Beauty spell it is not necessary to learn by heart, it can be read from the screen or from a piece of paper, the main thing is to perform rite of passage for beauty the cream was close to your lips.

    © Copyright: Maginya

    • This magical remedy - a conspiracy of water on beauty, helps with the help of magic to bring and preserve beauty and attractiveness for a whole year. To bring beauty to yourself and preserve youth, you need a conspiracy and living water. Water will come from a spring, well, or other natural source (no boiling or bleach). Bringing water to your home for the night, pour a whole cup and put it at the head of the bed. In the morning, without getting out of bed with your left hand, take a vessel of water to bed and say a conspiracy leading to beauty, charm and attractiveness:

    • Conspiracies on female beauty and attractiveness for men, performed independently at home, and as a bonus, magic affects the youth of a woman who has performed a ceremony leading to enchanting beauty and makes a woman attractive to men. From the first day when you read a conspiracy on female beauty, magic will begin to affect the skin of the face and hair, making them more beautiful and more attractive to others, you yourself will look in the mirror and see these changes. Then Maginya reveals the old secret of healers and witches how to carry out rituals for beauty and attractiveness with the help of a ritual of magic and conspiracy. If in a company you feel like a gray mouse and the guys do not pay attention to you, a strong conspiracy of beauty and attractiveness will make all men admire only you. Among the people, this conspiracy is also called the Witch's conspiracy on males. The order of performing a magical rite leading to magical beauty and youth is performed in the following sequence. In the morning at home, after washing with running water, remove all jewelry and, taking off your clothes to your waist, stand in front of the mirror. You need to read a beauty conspiracy in front of a large mirror in which you can see the reflection of the face and chest. Look your reflection in the eyes and pronounce a spell out of memory - a conspiracy of female beauty and attractiveness:

    • You can quickly get rid of spots and acne on your face if you read the conspiracy on a clean face. The conspiracy in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red acne, making the skin of the face clean, delicate and beautiful without any traces of the former problem skin. The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face should be read on a specially prepared decoction that needs to be wiped on the skin on the face for 7 days, 2 times a day. This easy and effective beauty ritual will leave your complexion clean and beautiful. A charmed broth is able to cleanse the entire skin of the face, restoring the tone and oiliness of the skin. Ready? The conspiracy given here will help to quickly cleanse the skin on the face using the old remedies of healers for problem skin.

    • Maginya decided to grow her hair with the help of magic and an old grandmother's conspiracy to speed up hair growth several times. In addition, the words of this conspiracy perfectly strengthen the hair on the head, making the hairstyle fuller and more voluminous. If you also want to independently and very quickly increase the length of your hair, as the magician did, prepare a decoction according to the recipe and on the growing moon and read a conspiracy for long hair on it. Every day in the evenings, as soon as the moon comes out in the sky, rinse your hair with a charmed broth and enjoy the growth, beauty and strength of your hair.

    Probably, there is no such person in the world who would not dream of preserving youth and beauty until old age. And it has always been a dream not only of the weaker sex, but also of courageous warriors.

    There is nothing new or unusual in this idea. Only a few know that a constant good mood helps to preserve beauty, so to speak, an eternal radiation of love.

    This state is achieved by constant monitoring. And you should start in the morning. So, when you begin to wash, decorate you.

    For example, say these words:

    "Water, rejuvenate my skin, decorate my face!"

    You should also communicate with all hygiene items. Ask for a cream to rejuvenate you, talk to a comb and makeup. This is not madness, but ordinary magic.

    Such a habit pushes a person to control his mood, because a monologue with water must be conducted in a good mood, otherwise nothing will work out.

    And to enhance the effect, use any "beauty conspiracy" from those listed below.

    Conspiracy for youth and beauty

    Read this beauty conspiracy follows the rising sun.

    Get up early Sunday morning, open the window and say:

    “Good fellows are going to the Bright holiday, they rejoice in the Holy Mother of God, they admire the gifts of the Lord! Orthodox people are baptized on church domes, rejoicing in the Lord and His kindness and mercy. So let me, God's servant (name), grace come down on my face, decorate and illuminate! So that I, God's slave (name), the sun is more beautiful and prettier! May the body forever shine with health and beauty, and the soul with love and kindness. Amen!"

    A conspiracy of beauty and attractiveness

    When going to wash, pour some water into a bowl or cup. Speak the following words to her:

    “Behind the forests, the hills are painted with gold, painted with silver. Shine that diamonds, maybe even more beautiful! I take that radiance into the water so that I can wash with it. I fill the water with the energy of silver, so that the skin sparkles with youth, so that my eyes radiate warmth, so that people looking at me admire and rejoice! Amen!"

    Rinse your face with this water when all procedures are completed. And on the cream (if you use it), such a conspiracy should be read:

    “I fill cream (any cosmetic product) with petals of delicate flowers. Let it lie on the skin, protect youth and beauty, kill evil and envy! Let him become the guardian of my health. The skin will stop aging! Amen!"

    Full moon beauty conspiracy

    I would also like to say that such a ritual does not have to be carried out only in the summer.

    It is very useful to stand in the snow for a couple of minutes in winter and “talk” with the trees. This helps to preserve freshness and youth for a long time.

    Conspiracy of beauty in the dew

    This ancient rite was performed on Trinity. Although, there are no prohibitions on holding it at any warm time.

    1. Get up before dawn, put on a thin shirt (for example, a night shirt) and go to the meadow.
    2. There, dip into the grass so that you are completely soaked in the dew.
    3. At the same time, say the following words:

    “A grass is an ant, I drink your water for health and youth, for beauty and longevity! Share your power with me, bestow your life! Let my beauty bloom, let your water do wonders! "

    If it is not possible to bathe in the dew completely, then only wash your hands and face, pronouncing the above formula.

    Those who will carry out the "curtailed" rite are recommended to wash their feet in the dew. This has a very beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism.

    Conspiracy on the beauty of the face, body, hair

    This ritual must be performed in the bathroom. A special broth is prepared for him.

    Basically, there is no specific list. It is necessary to recruit those you like in the summer.

    To do this, in the morning they go hunting. You need to walk barefoot in a meadow (field, forest) and collect those herbs or flowers, leaves that attracted your attention. Bow to everyone and ask for strength.

    For example:

    “Hello birch! I ask you for leaves for my beauty! "

    Harvest at home must be dried and chopped. And use this collection for the ritual.

    If you didn't do this in the summer, then buy aromatic herbs in the store: dill, basil or others that you like. Prepare a decoction with them.

    Boil about a liter of water, throw in a handful of the collection and say:

    “The Lord supplied the plants with the sun, rewarded them with eternal power! I take that strength for myself. For race and health, with God's love! Amen!"

    Cool the slightly cooled broth. When you wash, shower yourself with it from top to toe, saying:

    “I want summer beauty, hair to hair, skin to light, face whiteness, body harmony, eyes starry! Amen!"

    The ritual is held weekly. It is advisable to start doing it three days in a row, and then once a week.

    “My light, mirror! tell
    Yes, report the whole truth:
    I am the loveliest in the world,
    All blush and whiter? "

    Attractiveness is only your feature and yours alone. It is a well-groomed appearance and it is the belief that you are the most charming and attractive. You can look at an attractive woman for a long time, like a flame or water. Female attractiveness is an endless subject of delight and inspiration. When we look at a person, absolutely the first thing our gaze falls on is his face. And from this we can conclude that the appearance is a kind of visiting card that creates the first impression. Of course, external beauty is absolutely not the main thing, but nevertheless, it is more pleasant to communicate with a person who has healthy, clean, velvety skin. But in order to become the owner of clean, velvety skin, you do not have to spend hours in the beautician's office, or spend money on expensive creams. The recipes of our great-grandmothers will help you cope with even the most neglected face problems. Therefore, further conversation will go about them.

    Conspiracies for cream, lotion, etc.

    You need to take any cosmetic product (the most important thing is that it matches your skin type). I speak three times on the same day, for example, on Friday - this day of love and beauty. In the morning at dawn and at noon, you need to open a jar, go out into the street (or open a window) and read the conspiracy over it three times: Oh, how God's creatures rejoice at the red sun, how they admire the color of poppies, how sweet May honey is and they need salt in food, so I, the servant of God (name), would be liked by everyone: girls and young men, old men and women, widows and widows, rich and stingy, merchants and priests and the whole human race. I would be pleasing to the eyes, reasonable in speech, by ear, like a stream murmuring, eyes like fire burn. Would charm them with this charm. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    In the evening at sunset one should read the following: The clear sun is rolling down to rest, gain strength and shine again. So I would get up in the morning, shine for the whole world, and at night gain beauty, strengthen my health and strength, and let my dear sleep in a dream. Nobody will break my faithful word, will not move. And my beauty is getting stronger every day. Amen. After that, the cream can be used from the next day.

    Conspiracy from imperfections on the face A conspiracy from acne, blemishes, wrinkles and any other imperfections on the face will help. Blow on the comb and say: Comb-comb, take all the wrinkles (blackheads, blemishes ...) from my face. Amen.

    Cream conspiracy to avoid wrinkles

    In the full moon until noon, buy a jar of face cream. Without printing, in the evening, speak a conspiracy over it: "There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens from each beauty in a barrel." After that, take a shower or a bath, open the cream and apply it on your face, saying: “As from the first sister to me! From the 2nd beauty! From the 3rd thick hair! From the 4th ringing voice. I am tender from the 5th hand, from the 6th teeth - snow-white, from the 7th eyelashes are black, from the 8th I have thin eyebrows, from the 9th hot eyes, from the 10th nose to the east, from the 11th scarlet mouth, but as the 12th, let it be all. "

    As you close the cream, say: “Twelve sisters, everyone in the tent! I open - I gain beauty! " Whenever using a cream, do not forget to pronounce this conspiracy.

    For facial rejuvenation and beauty.

    You need to collect cold water in a bucket or basin, say three times "Water-water, take all the wrinkles (acne, spots ...) from my face", then rinse your face seven times with water from your palms from the bucket. It is better to do the procedure at night, and do not wipe the water dry. You need to do it systematically, the result will not make you wait long

    Get rid of acne.

    Cut the potato in half. Rub them over pimples, pretending that the potatoes are sucking in the negativity from them. Combine the halves of the tuber, place in the center of a white sheet of paper, season with salt and wrap. Throw the package into the fire (stove, fire) and say three times: “Burn, burn, burn my acne in the fire. May it be so!".

    So that the maiden beauty bloomed

    This tool helps to bring and preserve the beauty of the girl's for the whole year, and therefore it is read only once a year. You need to take some spring water, pour it into a cup and put it at the head of the bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

    From the soft bed, I, the servant of God, will rise, I will remember Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, I will go to the gate, I will go out to the spring, I want to get some water for myself. So that, having washed her face cleanly, become a white-faced, red-cheeked, beautiful girl, and not some kind of rough. So that everyone who sees me and my beauty praised, talked about love, gave gifts. So that there were suitors, like in a herd of cows. To become like a beautiful girl, she was like that for a whole year, until the conspiracy came down. Amen.

    Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And pour the rest of the water over yourself. You can't wash that day.

    So that beauty returns to a woman

    This slander helps to restore the lost feminine beauty. To do this, you need to prepare spring or running water, three identical candles, made of wax is better, a glass of light glass and a new shawl of sky-blue color. And you still need a pinch of salt, only the largest one. This conspiracy must be read on a full moon. At midnight the most. You need to lock yourself in an empty room, put a scarf on your head, light three candles and put them around an empty glass. Then take a pinch of salt, throw it into a glass and pour spring water there, saying:

    Water is water, don't let me get drunk, but give me beauty, get rid of sickness. Wash your face, redden your cheeks, blacken your eyes, so that I, the servant of God (name), become a handsome young woman, a handsome young woman, like a queen.

    And then immediately blow out all the candles and leave the room. The next morning, get up at dawn, it is better to go to that room earlier than everyone else in the house, go to that room, stand next to a glass of water, cross yourself three times, take a glass with your left hand, drink seven sips of the charmed water, and the rest of you pour yourself from head to toe. But you shouldn't tell anyone what you did.

    So that everyone admires you

    For a conspiracy of beauty, you need to take a glass of water, the purest, and a little salt, the largest. At midnight on a full moon, you need to stand in the middle of the room facing the window, the curtains should not be drawn. In your left hand you need to hold a glass of water, in your right hand - hold a little salt in your fist. And read the words like this:

    Moon water, clear water, I swallow you, I beg you. Make it so that I, God's servant (name), be good and fresh every day, every day people look at me, how they look at our mother's moon, so that every day they give a word, they say about me: “How good the moon is , so is the servant of God (name) good and young, round-faced and white, young and cheerful. "

    Then immediately throw the salt into the glass, and put the glass on the window. And in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to take a sip of that water. With words:

    Water - in me, beauty - on me! Amen to amine pereamin.

    Do this for a week, and if there is still water, then pour it over the threshold, only very carefully - you cannot pour it on the threshold.

    So that beauty blooms and attracts everyone (bath additive)

    For this conspiracy, you need to collect a bottle of water from a natural spring, but not in a plastic one, but in a glass one. This should be done on a full moon.

    Then on the same day in the evening, when it gets dark, put that bottle on the window with the words:

    The pigeon sisters walked, birds flew across the sky. The birds said: "We will have queens." And each girl put her beauty in water.

    So repeat six times. Let the water stand on the window for a day. The next evening, before going to bed, you need to take a bath and add twelve teaspoons of that water to it, saying:

    Az, the servant of God (name), I want to be like. I take love from my first sister! From the second - beauty! From the third - thick hair, from the fourth - a sonorous voice, from the fifth - gentle hands, from the sixth - snow-white teeth, from the seventh - black eyelashes, from the eighth - thin eyebrows, from the ninth - burning eyes, from the tenth - the nose is east, from the eleventh - red lips, but as the twelfth, I will become myself!

    Then, sitting in the bath, say:

    Twelve sisters, all to the tent! I, the servant of God (name), climb into the water - I am gaining beauty!

    Each time you take a bath, add the same water and say the same words again.

    To bring beauty to the young man

    This tool helps to bring beauty to the whole year, and it is read only once a year. You need to take some spring water, pour it into a cup and put it at the head of the bed on the night of the old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

    The servant of God (name) spoke to the water, drank water from a bowl. So that that water, as it entered me, washed me, washed me, brown, bleached me, served my beauty. Goodness brought it, badness took it away. I drink by the throat, I forget the longing for the twisted hair, for the daring eye. On the head, on the back, on the beautiful for me. From now on and forever my body comes, my hair comes, my beauty comes, girls flow to me. Amen.

    Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And pour the rest of the water over yourself from head to toe. You can't wash that day.

    For a man to be good-looking and to be nice to women

    You need to collect a jar of spring water or take it in a consecrated church. At midnight on the full moon, go outside the threshold with a jar in your hands and say the following words:

    Two girls are walking from the far krynitsa, stumbled over the stone, turned around like turtle doves, spilled water - on me, the servant of God (name), they let the beauty go.

    In the morning, drink three sips of that water, and immediately after that say the following words of a conspiracy for beauty:

    Baby Jesus was washed by the Mother of God, and I, the servant of God (name), am blessed with beauty. Fenced from wrinkles, stains, warts, awarded with thick hair, a falcon eye, a sable eyebrow. I drink water, I take beauty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Do this for a week, and then pour the remaining water over yourself, doused from head to toe.

    Bath conspiracy for body rejuvenation

    To return beauty and youth, you need to take a linden broom and water from a natural spring in a liter jar. Water must be taken on a full moon, at dawn, and so that no one can see. And above the water, at home, in a bright room where there is no one, first read "Our Father", then a prayer to Panteleimon the healer, then the following words:

    I drive out old age, I take away weakness, I welcome beauty and smoothness. So that the hands of the servant of God (name) were smooth and beautiful, and the legs of the servant of God (name) were smooth and beautiful, and the camp of the servant of God (name) was smooth and beautiful, and the face of the servant of God (name) was smooth and beautiful, the eyes sparkled , the hair was playing, the body was flexible, and beautiful, and desirable for everyone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Then you need to go to the bath on the same day. Add that charmed water to a basin of hot water. And how you will start to steam, harass yourself with a linden broom with the words:

    Ailment from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate.

    And then douse yourself from head to toe with charmed water. That broom must be taken to the cemetery and left behind the fence.

    Magic ritual ROSE BEAUTY.

    Take a chicken egg (not a store egg, but a fertilized one, from a domestic chicken) and separate the white from the yolk. Whisk the whites and apply to face and neck. After 15 minutes, you need to wash off the protein with running water, preferably from a clean stream, river, and take the yolk and bury it near the pink bush. In this case, the beauty of the rose is transferred to the woman.

    Rejuvenation ceremony with a candle

    Take a green or red candle. Use a white-handled knife on it (don't use the knife you use in the kitchen!) To describe the changes you want to make in your appearance. For example, "the skin is cleansed", "wrinkles disappear", and so on. Light a candle and put a few drops of wax into the water in your bathtub or wash basin. Leave the candle to burn out.
    Use this water for washing, bathing or washing your face, it will strengthen your body, give strength and freshness. Beauty is in the eyes of those who see it, so be sure to do this simple ritual even if you absolutely can't stand your body. Never let other people tease or taunt you.

    Rite of rejuvenation 2

    You will need: rosemary and sunflower oil (rustic, natural, unrefined) oil, paper and a fountain pen with red ink, a sprig of rosemary, a glass of melt or rain water.

    Place 5 drops of rosemary oil in 30 g of sunflower oil. Rub the oil mixture into your hair. Close your eyes and inhale the smell.
    Write your name on a piece of paper in red ink, dip a sprig of rosemary in a glass of water, and say:

    Dew from the sea, add charm to me
    Give me love and charm.

    Now put a piece of paper with the name in the water, and take it out when the ink is slightly blurred and lightens. Hide it somewhere in a book. Then wash off the oil from your hair (you can use shampoo), for the last rinse, use water from a glass. Carry a rosemary branch with you for the rest of the day. Do the ceremony when you feel the need for it.

    Rejuvenation with "LIVE EGGS"

    If you began to notice that beauty, strength, youth, self-confidence began to go somewhere, you can correct the situation with the help of a bath and the ritual of "living eggs". You need to buy eggs - 12 pieces - but not dead store ones, from incubator chickens, but in the market, from a chicken that the rooster trampled. Heat the bath with birch or aspen, these are female trees. Make a linden broth - a handful of linden blossom per liter of water - and add half a glass of good milk to it, again from a cow, not from a bag. When everything is ready, go to the steam room, wash yourself with a lime broth with milk and read the prayer to the Guardian Angel:

    Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me everything that I have sinned today, and deliver me from all the guile of an enemy that is opposed to me.
    No matter how strong a sin I anger God, pray for me, show me worthy (oh) the goodness and mercy of the Holy Trinity and Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and all Saints. Amen.

    Wash yourself (wash only the body, do not wash your head) and get some rest. Next, rub your body red-hot with a washcloth WITHOUT SOAP, go to the steam room, lie down on the shelf and, when you sweat heavily, break the eggs over you. After breaking the egg, immediately spread it on your hands, feet, chest, stomach, face. Naturally, you need to smear with the contents of the egg, and not with a sharp shell. which can injure your skin. After breaking all 12 eggs, rub them into the body with quick movements, while reading:

    Zarya Maria, Zarya Marina, Zarya - sweet raspberry,
    How tasty you are, clear, red.
    How the whole world loves Zarya Maria, Zarya Marina,
    Dawn - a berry - a raspberry,
    So the slave (his name) will be loved, praised,
    To admire her.
    my word is as strong as this egg is molded.
    On the arms, on the legs, on the stomach, on the chest, on the white face.
    Key. Lock. Language.
    Amen. Amen, Amen.

    After you finish reading the conspiracy, wash and douse yourself with the remaining phony broth. Bury the shells from the tree under the tree so that no one can see. You can help carry out the ceremony by a specialist or a person you trust. However, be careful - if this person (or you yourself) tells someone about your ritual, all the power will go to the listener, and you will lose the Power even faster. Therefore, our recommendation is - either ask a healer or healer for help, or do everything yourself and keep quiet.

    Magic face mask.

    Do it on Fridays after 7 p.m. Take 1 tsp. aloe juice and 0.5 tsp. lime honey, mix them in a glass bowl with a glass rod. Wash your face and apply the mixture to it. Then 7 times repeat the conspiracy: "You, thorny juice-flower, And you, lime honey, Take old age from your face, And strengthen your beauty. So that the women are jealous, And the men lick their lips." After you have repeated the words 7 times, wash your face with warm water with your right hand, saying the words: "Water on the face - beauty on the face, Water from the face - old age from the face." Repeat these steps every Friday for 7 weeks and your skin will be soft and youthful.

    French Queen Catherine de 'Medici was originally from Italy. She regularly used this recipe of almond oil mask and was famous for her velvety skin. This oil improves complexion and also replaces milk for removing makeup, this oil is suitable for nourishing skin and strengthening hair. ...

    Recipe: Mix: 2 raw yolks; juice of half a lemon; a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water, and rinse your hair with water and lemon juice (2 tablespoons, spoons per liter of water) or apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water). Can also be used as milk for removing makeup.

    Greek women still strive to match this goddess. Greek olive oil scrub. Mix equal parts washed river or sea sand, sea salt, add olive oil to make a thick porridge, or a homemade scrub. This mixture should be applied to everything. problematic, hardened areas - heels, elbows, knees. Then take a cool shower. The skin will become like velvet!

    Polish beauties have their own secrets of attractiveness.

    Here's a cleansing mask recipe, you need milk and yeast. Mix yeast and warm milk in such proportions to make a creamy mass. Apply to face and décolleté. After 10 minutes, wash off with cool water and apply a warm compress. This procedure helps to get rid of blackheads and acne. Chamomile ice. Brew a tablespoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let stand for 10-15 minutes, strain, pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. Wipe your face morning and evening and your skin will always look great.

    The fair sex of South Africa uses aloe extensively for the preparation of cosmetic products.

    Take a large leaf of aloe, wrap it in foil and refrigerate for 2 weeks. Now you can use it, cut the leaf in half and apply the juice to your face or other areas of the body. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Aloe juice tones and refreshes the skin.

    Mask for dry skin: 1 table. spoon of aloe juice; egg yolk; 1 table. a spoonful of fat sour cream (or olive oil). After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Mask for oily skin: 1 table. a spoonful of aloe juice; whipped protein; 2 table. tablespoons of lemon juice; 1 table. a spoonful of ground rolled oats. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Every Indian woman pays great attention to her skin, every Indian woman has her own beauty secrets.

    Lemon is a good cosmetic product for oily skin care. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and a spoonful of cottage cheese, mix thoroughly and apply a thick layer on your face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

    Egg white cleanses the skin well and shrinks pores perfectly. Apply the beaten egg white on your face for fifteen minutes and then wash off with warm water and lemon juice.

    Rose petals and calendula (marigold) flowers are an excellent cleaner for dry skin. To prepare the mixture, you will need 100 milliliters of buttermilk, 50 grams of fresh rose petals or calendula flowers. Pour the buttermilk into a saucepan, add the petals and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove the prepared mixture from heat, cool and leave to infuse for several hours. Apply the product to the skin, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Egg yolk mask (the yolk contains the protein necessary to nourish the skin). Mix yolk with honey, apply on face for twenty minutes, rinse with cold water.

    Especially popular in India are nutritious vegetable and fruit masks. Combine the pulp of tomatoes, cucumbers and melon and apply this mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes, and then wash off with cool water. Thoroughly crush the pulp of plums or apricots, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    This remedy will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the eyes: take two ice cubes and two cucumber slices, wrap them in a soft cloth and place them over your eyes. This compress has a soothing and revitalizing effect.
    To make the skin soft and velvety, Indian women take a bath with the following ingredients: 2-3 tablespoons of starch and a teaspoon of glycerin; two cups of baking soda and two tablespoons of salt, plus a few drops of essential oil (lavender or pine). Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in a jar, adding 1 tablespoon of the mixture at a time; any vegetable oil (almond, olive, sunflower);
    spoons of honey.

    To make the skin smooth and velvety; you need to add a glass of powdered milk to the bath to soften the skin, but regular milk is also suitable for this.
    This bath improves the condition of the skin and has a soothing effect after a hard day.