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  • Lunar day 20 characteristic. Lunar birthday

    Lunar day 20 characteristic.  Lunar birthday

    Symbol: Eagle

    Drop all doubts, accept your transformation.

    This is a day of revelations, discoveries, spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts. Internal transformation is possible. Be open to things that happen on that day. It is advisable to be in a society of like-minded people, their opinion can help open your eyes to many things. This is the day of liberation.

    Impact on health:

    Pay attention to your spine. Good day for fasting.

    Eat any food you like except meat. It is advisable to experiment with new exotic recipes. The main thing is that the food is freshly prepared.


    Day of enlightenment, revelation and invention. On this day, people are sociable and open. After fruitful work, career development is possible.

    - teamwork and joint problem solving

    - solving financial issues

    - start construction

    - transfer to a responsible new position

    - make important decisions

    - make new friends

    - avoid overestimating your abilities

    - start a new project

    - express leadership

    - be attentive to the situation and, if necessary, take decisive action

    - express ill will

    - give up

    - be passive


    This is an auspicious day for a wedding celebration. Families created during the 20 lunar day are rarely destroyed from jealousy, betrayal, and financial problems.

    An auspicious day for a romantic date in a calm and peaceful place. On this day, you can easily understand your partner's needs.

    Stones and minerals:

    Red jasper.

    Meditation: Sky, Nature.

    Meeting your inner teacher.

    Relax by moving upward, starting with your legs. Relax your right leg first from toes to thigh, then your left leg, hip, lower back, chest, back, right arm, left arm, shoulders, neck, face, head.

    When your body is completely relaxed, imagine a clear sky. It invites you and you are about to travel into the unknown. You start to climb up and up, enjoying the flight. You see the ground. Trees, mountains, rivers, sea and oceans below. You see a mountain and you are about to land there. The place where you land is your place of power.

    Looking inside deeper and deeper, you will meet your Inner Teacher. You can ask him a few questions. Communicate with him, let him give the necessary knowledge. When contact with your Inner Teacher is over, move back into your body, having received knowledge.

    Vat Anahata is active during a 20 lunar day


    Dreams can come true quickly. On this lunar day, you can order a dream at will. For example, in a dream, you can go where you want to go.

    Also on this day, you can try to find other people in a dream. With the help of dreams on this day, it is possible to solve some problems.

    It is also possible to travel to the subtle worlds.

    Monday is the day of the moon

    This is a period of feminine energy, emotional-sensory sphere, creative vitality and activation of the subconscious.

    Meditation for Today

    Books, street noise, concentration

    This day is good for concentration. You can focus on the training that interests you. If you have trouble understanding something, try to focus on that day. You can also improve your ability to concentrate.

    About dreams

    on the 22nd lunar day

    Dreams on this lunar day may have the opposite meaning. They can be just empty and it doesn't make sense to interpret them, or they can show you where to go and in which direction to change.

    Since this lunar day is the day of Ganesh (God of knowledge who helps to overcome obstacles) through sleep, you can solve some problems and receive revelation and new knowledge.

    On this lunar day, before going to bed, you can tune yourself and ask your question. And after you wake up, do not forget to write down the information received during sleep.

    Gardening Today

    Moon in Sagittarius

    The days of Sagittarius are the days of the Fruit.


    • planting fruit trees, fast-growing vegetables.
    • pruning trees and shrubs (during the waxing moon).
    • sowing cereals.
    • control of underground pests.

    The symbol of this day is the eagle.

    The 20th lunar day is the day of overcoming doubts. If you have something important planned, you can safely start making your dreams come true today. The 20th lunar day is favorable for any undertakings, especially favorable for active, decisive people, entrepreneurs. You can use this period to sign agreements, conclude contracts, start business cooperation. Negotiations on the 20th lunar day are going well and bring success in the future. This day is good for making any kind of contacts: love, business, friendship.

    It is very good if on the 20th lunar day you get a job, get a high position, organize your business, start construction or renovation.

    On the 20th lunar day, you need to forget about pride, vanity, arrogance.

    New cases
    Very favorable
    One of the best days for a business person. A very productive day, especially for teamwork. And for single actions, it is very destructive, since a loner runs the risk of quickly using up the reserve of strength, undermining health and, ultimately, reducing the level of productivity. Those who manage to organize collective work will achieve high results.
    It is very important during this period to observe the golden mean - not to rush, not to fuss, not to rush frantically from side to side, but also not to be passive. It is necessary to be guided by the circumstances and be adequate to the emerging situations.

    Even large financial transactions can be carried out
    Real estate
    Real estate issues are resolved successfully
    Court cases
    It is better to postpone legal proceedings
    You can start a new training cycle, take exams
    Day of creative insights
    Favorable for negotiations, acquaintances, communication with family and friends
    Finding out the relationship is better to transfer
    You can start a long journey
    Well suited for a change of scenery
    Rest must be active
    Phys. load
    Diseases of this day are healed with difficulty. Vulnerable are the shoulder blades, upper back, spine. You can't strain your eyes. The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from putting too much stress on this area. Better to work with other muscle groups.
    The most beneficial exercises today will be with a partner, and ideally the more people involved the better.

    During this period, it is best to start losing weight, since there is still a lot of strength - physical activity will not lead to exhaustion. In addition, on the waning moon, the body loses fluid more actively, and toxins are removed. Take care to compensate for the loss with mineral-fortified drinks.
    You can arrange a fasting day without animal products. Overeating negatively affects
    One of the best days to get married
    A child conceived on this day will have a difficult fate. Better to postpone such an important event for another day.
    Those born on this day are distinguished by their unyielding character, stubbornness. He can be very proud and unapproachable, but very purposeful: having set a goal, he will achieve it in any way. Can sacrifice personal life for the sake of the cause. Such a person is a careerist by nature
    Make prophetic dreams. Dreams of the twentieth lunar days show a person the very connecting thread that unites his past, present and future into a single whole. That is, the images of dreams make it possible to look at your latent life from a bird's eye view, to look at all subconscious activity with a single glance.
    A haircut
    A haircut that day leads to depression.
    Nice day to work with plants; you can sow, plant, replant, water, fertilize the soil

    More about 20 lunar day

    Day of overcoming doubts. This is a wonderful, unusual day that can bring a lot of interesting things into your life. If you can properly dispose of the energy given to you, then the day will surprise you with success and results obtained.

    The Eagle is the symbol of the day - this is a noble sign that personifies the spiritual principle in a person, transformation, ascension, inspiration, contemplation, courage, the ability to overcome difficulties and strength.
    Figuratively speaking, the twentieth lunar day is the time of "high flight", when you have the opportunity to look at the lived part of the lunar month from a height and realize its internal connections, as well as understand that nothing is accidental - everything is natural and one follows from the other.

    This period is intended for active, decisive, breakthrough actions. The Eagle symbol means that now you can climb very high and simply simply "fly" over life's barriers. But for this you need to realize the connection between your problem and the whole world around you. It is not for nothing that great spiritual teachers say: "Look not at things, but at the connection between them, and then the truth will be revealed to you."

    The twentieth lunar day gives such an opportunity to trace the connections between the events taking place. Anyone who will be able to take advantage of this chance will acquire a lot of useful things, not only spiritually, but also materially. But a step into the sky always begins with a step into the abyss, from a step into the unknown, from a step into death ... that's exactly why it is necessary to overcome your fear, and with full confidence in yourself and the Almighty step into the unknown. After all, the one who goes into the unknown never knows whether he will return or not.

    Fear is the main and most serious enemy of this lunar period, and in order to achieve success, it must certainly be overcome. However, it is important to understand that fear must not be suppressed, otherwise it will simply go into deeper layers of the subconscious, but it will still remain, but change your attitude to this feeling, understand its nature, get to the bottom of the cause .. and understand that there is no point in being afraid .. you need to trust .. and the Universe will always support you in your Faith.

    Moon in twentieth lunar day gives a person a lot of energy, which he must direct first of all to the transformation of his personality, to spiritual growth.

    Astrologers recommend starting construction on this day, taking up positions of responsibility, and making important decisions. By its nature, this is a very communicative period, and it is better to use it for making new acquaintances, establishing friendships, visiting friends, and so on. But at the same time, as mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention not to the words, not to the people themselves, but to the connections between them, and then a secret, deep layer of human communication, more eloquent and sincere than verbal, will open before you.

    The second enemy of the twentieth lunar day is arrogance, overestimated self-esteem, disregard for others. Anyone who behaves in this way runs the risk of falling from a height, that is, losing everything that he acquired during the previous lunar days. And the fall itself for a person will turn out to be very cruel, its consequences will tell for a very long time.

    Avoid fighting with your friends now. The fact is that a chain reaction is observed in relations between people on this day, since everything in the world is interconnected. And if today the thread breaks in one place, then a similar effect can be expected in others. It's like with knitted things, if you pull just one thread, the whole thing can bloom. Therefore, at all costs, maintain friendly relations with everyone. If you manage to establish a new relationship with someone, then such a connection will last a very long time and will be very strong.

    Dangers of the twentieth day

    Pride, arrogance, grumpiness. Associated with this day are such organs of the human body as the shoulder blades, the upper back (where the eagle has wings), as well as the peritoneum. On this day, these organs are weakened.

    Influence on the born

    People are often creative. They are very proud and unapproachable. A person born on this day lives in constant expectation of a flight, is very prone to astral travel. The best people of the 20th day are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the cause. At worst - they tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators.

    Influence on conception

    A critical day. A child conceived on this day will want to achieve the impossible in life and learn everything. Whether this is possible depends on your and his potential. He may face anger, collapse, fall, or tremendous spiritual achievements. Lying for him is tantamount to suicide.


    A very productive day, especially for teamwork. And for single actions, it is very destructive, since a loner runs the risk of quickly using up the reserve of strength, undermining health and, ultimately, reducing the level of productivity. Those who manage to organize collective work will achieve high results.

    It is very important during this period to observe the golden mean - not to rush, not to fuss, not to rush frantically from side to side, but also not to be passive. It is necessary to be guided by the circumstances and be adequate to the emerging situations.
    Remember that it is not recommended to break off any business relationship or contract on the twentieth lunar day, this can lead to far-reaching undesirable consequences.
    This is a good time to start new businesses, conclude contracts, sign agreements, open new branches, hire new employees, and so on.


    This is the best period for creating a family for those couples in which both partners are intensively engaged in spiritual practices. Such an alliance will very quickly give positive results. The harmonious combination of female yin and male yang energy will "raise" the family above the worldly vanity and will contribute to the early achievement of enlightenment of partners. People with a strong focus on social life are not advised to marry, since then there will be no mutual understanding in the family.


    The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from putting too much stress on this area. Better to work with other muscle groups.

    The most beneficial exercises today will be with a partner, and ideally the more people involved the better.
    Some astrological schools advise cleansing procedures, especially tonic massages, and in particular back massages.

    During this period, it is best to start losing weight, since there is still a lot of strength - physical activity will not lead to exhaustion. In addition, on the waning moon, the body loses fluid more actively, and toxins are removed. Take care to compensate for the loss with mineral-fortified drinks.


    Limit calories, give up starchy foods and sweets. Herbal medicine and breathing exercises are shown. Eat as usual and monitor the quality of your food. It is undesirable to eat after 17 hours!
    It is advisable to do a daily massage using oils that help remove toxins from the body.


    On these lunar days, the haircut is unfavorable.

    Dreams of the twentieth lunar days show a person the very connecting thread that unites his past, present and future into a single whole. That is, the images of dreams make it possible to look at your latent life from a bird's eye view, to look at all subconscious activity with a single glance.

    - any practice of mindfulness;
    - Sufi rotations;
    - tying knots for money

    1) Meditation "Life from a bird's eye view"
    Play music that has wind instruments. You can put on the music of the Indians from the Andes or the Armenian duduk.
    Sit on your knees like a bird and fold your arms like wings along your body.
    Take a few deep breaths in and out. As you exhale, allow your ribcage to lower itself under the force of gravity.
    Close your eyes and allow yourself to take 30 coherent breaths in and out. (Connected breathing is when there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation and exhalation and inhalation).
    Feel and hear the inner impulse to move, to fly, and spread your arms like wings. Imagine that you are an eagle flying off a cliff straight into the sky and start your inner dance.
    See and feel the ground beneath you. Enjoy the experience of the dance of flying in the air as much as you need.
    Look at our world from there from above. What do you feel when you look at our world from the height of an eagle flight? How does the world seem to you from there from above?
    Now find yourself down there and look at yourself and your life from the height of an eagle's flight. Maybe there are your friends or relatives down there next to you, or maybe you are alone there.
    Looking down at you and your life, what can you see? Which side are you? What is your relationship with the people around you? What are you doing in your life? What are you learning? What's the point in what you do? What feelings do you have when looking at yourself and your life?
    And now from here, from a height of flight, look and feel what you can change in your life? What options do you have to do this? Perhaps from a height you can see your capabilities much wider than when you are standing on the ground? To see from the outside what is not visible when you look from the inside out.
    From a bird's eye view, looking at yourself and your life, what would you like to say to yourself? Can give any advice or support. Do it, say it to yourself or express it through the movements of the wing-hands, through the dance of the eagle.
    And when you do this, find a place down there on the earth where you would feel in complete safety and harmony. A place where you can rest and reflect on your journey. Land there and meditate and reflect on what you saw and felt.
    And when you are done with your thoughts, return to the sensations of your body. Feel and be aware of your arms, legs, torso, neck and head. Stretch your entire body. Stretch between heaven and earth like a stretched arrow.

    2) Observing the signs in the sky
    The 20th lunar day always starts late in the evening or at night. If the moonrise time catches you outside, look up at the sky. The stars can be seen, the moon is shining at half strength, and the stars are clearly visible.
    Maybe you will see a shooting star and have time to make a wish. All day in the morning, too, look at the sky, you will see bizarre clouds there, maybe a clear sky and suddenly thunder. Then, when you talk about what you saw, you will understand what that sign was. And what does he mean to you. And when you do, be sure to follow this warning or help sign.

    3) Practice "Pose of the Eagle"
    We stand straight, legs together, arms along the body.
    Raise the right leg and wrap it around the left. The right thigh should be on top of the left, and the right foot should touch the left calf with its instep. Wrap your right hand around your left and place them in front of your chest with palms folded together.
    The palms in this position resemble the beak of an eagle. We hold this position from 20 seconds to 1.5 minutes, but without feeling tension.
    We also repeat for the left leg.
    Practice makes it possible to find balance, both internal and external.

    4) Getting rid of fears and doubts
    It is recommended to work on your fears on these lunar days.

    Today is a special time of the lunar month. A wonderful period for everyone, when all the dangers are behind, and the last part of the lunar cycle promises to be calm and auspicious! The twentieth lunar day is completely and in everything good for everyone and does not conceal any dangers in itself. Moreover, he can prepare many pleasant surprises, discoveries and even revelations for you!

    Today you can finally realize your goal and change the vector of life for the better. This is the time for improving fate, its structure and correction. The energy of the Moon today just helps everyone calmly and with concentration to understand their true goal and even their purpose. And there it is a stone's throw to understanding the meaning of being! The twentieth day of the moon has the following characteristics:

    • Its symbol is an eagle soaring high in the sky.
    • Energy is passive and calm.
    • Element - Earth.
    • The number of luck is two.
    • Colors are all shades of blue.
    • Stones - rock crystal, red jasper.
    • Good day - Saturday.
    • Lucky side is southwest.
    • Shapes are rectangles.
    • The angel of the day is Lamas.

    The energy of this day is creative, calm and light. And Lamas, the guardian angel of the day, protects today all seekers, helps to find answers to the most sacred questions, to comprehend oneself.

    The lunar calendar describes this day as a time of meditation and rest. What other recommendations does he give?

    1. Today, during the day, an inspiration can come. But in order to understand something very important, sacred, one cannot strain, force one's own mind, resist and generally act actively. On these lunar days, everything can happen by itself, this is a mystical period when the moon controls fate. If you trust her, then everything will turn out in the best way.

    There is no doubt, doubts and fears are the enemies of this day, they will ruin everything and break the harmony. Relax and watch, listen to your inner voice and intuition, you will understand a lot today.

    2.There is no doubt about it. If you get an idea, you suddenly understand where to look for a solution to problems or in which direction to start moving, if you suddenly feel it - take action! This is a sign from above and should in no way be missed. But if doubts arise, you suddenly think that this decision is too non-standard, and the idea is too bold, do not give in, this is just a test of resilience. Do not rush to implement the idea, leave it for the growing moon, but write down the ideas, remember them, leave the thoughts to "ripen".

    3. Do not forget that this day and the period in general is the time of the waning moon, which means that the forces are diminishing. You cannot start active new business, start new projects. You need to do only those things that have already started and are going pretty well, you need not to overwork and remember that the body has a little less strength than usual.

    4. For women, this day is a special time. The waning moon gives women a part of her strength, and a woman can feel power, awakening of latent strength, activity and desire to act. It is important for every woman to preserve, how to conserve this power, because it is easy to waste it during the period of the waning of the Moon. Do not take active action, gain strength.

    5. The best thing to do on the twentieth lunar day is to finish things. This period is aimed at the end, the end, soon it will be possible to reap the benefits. You need to direct your forces towards completion, completion, improvement. Work on past committed mistakes, improvement, verification must go through. You can not leave anything unfinished, nothing to be thrown away.

    How to live it

    What to do on the 20th lunar day, and what to abstain from today, will tell the lunar calendar.

    1. This day is good for any work, but not for new projects. At work, you should show courage, activity and determination, but not burden yourself or overwork. Feats are not needed today, but, on the contrary, purposefulness, loyalty to your ideas and a positive attitude will come in handy. Complete all your affairs at work, do not leave everything for later, improve what is possible. Patch up "holes" in affairs and plans, close all "tails".

    2. You shouldn't start cleaning at home if you don't feel like it. It is better to do pleasant things, to which the soul lies today. If you want to tidy up, wash the windows or arrange the laundry - go ahead! But if you don’t want to, don’t force yourself. If there is inspiration, do art, handicrafts, fix or improve something in the house, decorate it.

    3. For conception, the 20th lunar day is not very good. The child will be an idealist, want to achieve unrealistic goals, learn and understand everything. Perhaps he will reach really great heights, or maybe he will fail and disappointment. This will be an incredibly honest and vulnerable person who will have a hard time in this world.

    4. Born on this day - people are very different. Some of them are real heroes who sacrifice themselves and do great things, others think of themselves as such, but in reality they can do nothing. All those born on the 20th lunar day are very honest, proud and unapproachable, value their principles and are strong in the struggle for their own ideals. From the very birth, such people have a chance to become special, rise above society and bring it a lot of good.

    5. For a couple of lovers who are both firmly and precisely sure of their love, this is the perfect day for a wedding ceremony. In general, these days are good for couples, and the wedding will be bright and lead to a happy, harmonious family life. The family will be strong, and you will not be bored.

    6. On the 20th lunar day, cutting your hair will help you become more confident in your ideas and powers. Hair cutting today is not a simple procedure, but a ritual that will give optimism and cheerfulness. But remember, the moon is waning! Trimming will slow down the growth of your hair, but it will strengthen it and it will not fall out.

    A little about dreams

    What do dreams say during this mystical period of the lunar calendar, and should they be believed?

    1. Dreams during this period often tie all times together and can show the connection between your personal past, present and future. Such dreams are difficult to interpret, and the dream book will only figuratively help you understand the symbols about which your dream is. Try to catch a common thread, trace the relationship and understand which aspect of your life the dream shows.

    2. Sometimes dreams of this period demonstrate the dark sides of our personality. If the dreams were unpleasant or disturbing, do not be afraid, but draw conclusions - there is something bad, negative in your character or habits that needs to be changed. If you saw yourself in dreams, but performed strange or bad actions, interpret this according to the dream book and analyze it yourself, try to understand which part of your personality needs correction.

    3. If dreams showed you one specific symbol, and were not plot, this symbol must be interpreted very carefully from the dream book and understand what it means for you. Remember the main thing - the dreams of this day are not about the future, they do not show what will happen, they indicate what is now.

    This period is favorable and can bring a lot of joy, and if you spend it the way the calendar advises, then the whole month will end very productively. Author: Vasilina Serova

    The twentieth lunar day is a special time of the lunar cycle. The day will be auspicious and calm. All worries, worries and dangers are in the past. Today you can get ready to receive good news, as well as pleasant surprises.

    On this day, a person can choose a different path in life and understand what his real goal in life is. This is the best time to improve your destiny or to correct it.

    Guardian angel of the 20th lunar day - Lamas with eyes of a heavenly tone. This is the most independent angel of his fellow lunar legion. He patronizes all people who are looking for answers to their questions, think about the meaning of being and strive to acquire new knowledge. Today he will help them in everything. He will give them answers to sacred questions and help them realize the meaning of their stay on Earth.

    General characteristics of 20 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: passive.
    • Symbol of the day: soaring eagle, muse.
    • Element of the day: earth.
    • Stone of the day: rock crystal, red jasper.
    • Day color: blue and its tones.

    Description of the 20 lunar day - a mystical and interesting day. Today it is possible to make a discovery and not only scientific. You can discover something new for yourself personally.

    On this day, you can analyze your life. We must try to establish a connection between the events of the past and the present. Accidents are excluded and everything that happens to a person now is the consequences of the past. If it turns out on this day to find out the reason for your failures, then you can change your fate.

    The day will pass unfavorably if you get angry and allow yourself to be arrogant when dealing with other people.

    Today it will end with the fact that a person can lose something very important for himself, for example, his position, going down several steps of the career ladder.

    You can use this day to realize your old, seemingly unrealizable dream. If you have a little courage today, you can achieve such heights that previously seemed unattainable.

    There are no more suitable days for meditation than 21 lunar days. Today is a favorable time for spiritual growth, awareness of being and one's significance in this life.

    Esotericists pay special attention to these days. The universe today sends them various signs that can reveal sacred secrets.

    If fatigue occurs on this day, then you can remove it in nature. It will be useful to rest by the reservoir.


    The 20th lunar day is suitable for dating with a loved one. The most suitable topics for meetings will be the relationship of partners, but not their clarification, but a discussion of their advantages. There is no need to talk on a date about work and financial problems. On this day, you can better understand each other and learn something new about your partner.

    20 lunar days are suitable for weddings for those couples who have checked their relationship for a long time and do not doubt their feelings. They will live in happiness and nothing can destroy their family.

    The union will be strong for a couple striving for spiritual development, but if a marriage is concluded by convenience, then the calculation will be wrong, and the relationship will fall apart.

    It is not necessary to get married on this day. One can only think about the upcoming important event. Today you can understand whether this step will really be correct or whether it is worth changing your mind.


    The twentieth lunar day can not be devoted to household chores. If any business has arisen, then you can complete them, but it is better not to plan anything on purpose for this day in advance.


    On 21 lunar days, you can work in the garden or vegetable garden, but only with the upper part of the plant. The roots can be damaged today, so loosening or transplanting is not necessary. You can only harvest the root vegetables if they are ripe.

    The day is good for trimming the whiskers and feeding the plants. Watering is not advised today, but if the plants need it, then watering should not be abundant.


    On the twentieth lunar day, you need to keep your emotions under control. Stress or aggression can trigger the onset of illness. It will take a lot of time and effort to treat it, so today you need to try to avoid diseases.

    Today is an unfavorable time for visiting psychics for the purpose of recovery. The treatments will go wrong and will hurt rather than benefit. It is best to go to the sauna or Russian bath.

    Today, vulnerable organs are the abdomen, lower back, stomach, shoulder blades and eyes. The nervous system and the musculoskeletal system are at risk. On this day, fractures occur more often than on others.

    Today is the best time to have a fasting day.

    Work, money, business

    On the twentieth lunar day, you need to realistically assess your capabilities and not turn your nose up. If you overestimate your self-esteem, then you can return to the previous point of departure and be left with nothing.

    Today you can start a business of any complexity, deal with financial issues and solve old problems. The day is suitable for establishing business contacts and finding the necessary connections.

    On this day, you can work with colleagues or partners. This will help you better understand the situation and pay attention to what was previously unnoticed.

    Everything that has been started today will be successful if there is confidence in oneself and in what the person is doing. On this day, you can move to a new place of work or change your position and even profession. When the choice is made, you need to take action. This is not the time for doubt and indecision.

    A haircut

    Hair cutting on the 20th lunar day is not just a manipulation with strands, but a kind of ritual that increases a person's self-esteem. A new hairstyle will add confidence.

    The downside is that the haircut falls on the waning moon. This means that the hairstyle done today will cause hair growth to slow down.

    On this day, only cut your hair, do not dye it. Coloring can ruin your mood and scare off your luck.

    Fortune telling

    Fortune-telling is allowed on this day. You can guess on the relationship in the work collective, but the forecast will be valid during the day. Longer term divination will be inaccurate.

    Characteristics of people born on the 20th lunar day

    People born on the 20th lunar day have different personalities. Some of them are strong-willed and purposeful, who can become real heroes.

    Other people, whose birthday falls on the 20th lunar day, only think that they can do something, but in fact they do nothing at all. Life passes them by, and they all put off all their undertakings until tomorrow.

    All people born on this day are honest and fair. They do not deviate from their principles, no matter what happens.


    Dreams on the 20th lunar day usually show the connection between times - the past, present and the future. Even a dream book does not always help to correctly interpret this dream. He gives only a superficial understanding of the meaning of dreams.

    When interpreting them, you need to focus more on intuition. Astrologers advise to think about which episode from a person's life was sent down from above, to connect it with the present and future.

    On this lunar day, dreams can demonstrate the negative aspects of a person's character. If you had a nightmare, then this means that something needs to be changed in the character. There is no reason not to believe in dreams. If in a dream a person did something bad, then there is something that needs urgent correction. Perhaps the time has come to give up bad addictions.

    Use 20 lunar days to get to know yourself and the world around you. Then you may understand the meaning of your existence.

    The main symbol of the 20th lunar day- Eagle, additional - Ophiuchus and Muse.

    The stones of the 20th lunar day- rock crystal and red jasper.

    Colors of the 20th lunar day- blue and cornflower blue, sapphire and ultramarine, indigo.

    Organ- the back of the back - from the shoulders to the shoulder blades and the shoulder blades themselves, the peritoneum.

    Since the Eagle, with its greatness, strives for height, airiness, for a spiritual beginning, it will lead you in a spiritual search and growth. This 20-lunar day of the month allows you to direct internal energy into the channel of creation of the entire energy of the human body. Self-knowledge and self-improvement through spiritual practices will be effective under the influence of the symbol of the day.

    Main characteristics of the 20th lunar day

    The best way to spend a 20 lunar day in active action. Channel your energy where you need the most effort. And at the same time there is an opportunity to do all the work as if in one breath, because everything contributes to the soaring of the spirit. When a state is reached when the spirit can be at the highest point of its cognition, that is, it soars, then any work is done easily and quickly.

    Do not forget that your energy component and capabilities must be used purposefully and correctly. It is necessary to find time for rest, because after long working moments a certain fatigue sets in, which can interfere with the achievement of the highest results. Therefore, do not forget about the rest. Both work and rest will pass with inspiration, contemplation, courage, the ability to overcome any difficulties. Your entire body will be endowed with emotional strength that will allow you to acquire spiritual strength.

    On this day, it is important to work on yourself, on your spiritual qualities. Do not allow yourself to be selfish or arrogant with anyone. Try to pacify pride, even if you managed to achieve what you want. If on another day it is difficult to get rid of bad habits, then on this lunar day victory will be on your side in overcoming these rather serious difficulties. The energy of the day will help you with this, which will be in the right interaction with your energy balance. It is a good day to analyze your past behavior and your mistakes and come to those conclusions that will lead you to a state of inner purity and self-confidence.

    Health and the 20th lunar day

    Healthy people on this day will be those people who will not overeat. To please the moon, you need to eat something light and non-greasy today. After sunset, you can eat apples, beets, carrots, that is, vegetables and fruits.

    Fans of smoking on the 20th lunar day will look at their activities with a cigarette in a different way and will want to quit smoking, which the Moon will contribute to. Avid smokers will finally see the enemy number one in the cigarette and will, under the strict guidance of the Moon, fight this ailment.

    Pay attention today to your back, you may feel some pain in this part of the body. It's a good day to use the services of a massage therapist who, with professional massage movements, will open your back, and the whole body, the necessary and useful relaxation.

    Also, on the 20th lunar day, many people will need the help of a dentist. But do not be afraid of dentists on this day, the moon will be your protector and healer if something goes wrong. Feel free to sit down in the dentist's chair, your teeth also need to be prevented and taken care of so that your smile is snow-white and irresistible, like the Moon itself.

    Help your body be healthy. On the 20th lunar day, you can undergo a complete examination of the body. In the future, your body will thank you for the good attitude towards it. Do not forget that a person who treats both himself and his body with loving attentiveness gets everything with interest and achieves high results in any field of activity. In addition, the moon will be on your side.

    On the 20th lunar day, you need to pay attention to your mood, which can change. So that the mood does not fall, you can make tea from rosehip, linden or bird cherry. Very healthy tea drinks, but you should not abuse them. But strong mood swings will not be felt, the Moon has already taken care to bring funny and cheerful notes into your life. On this day, you can meet a person smiling at his thoughts or for no reason, this is a good sign both for you and for him, because the Moon tries to bestow any person with memorable moments of these 20 lunar days.

    Love and the 20th lunar day

    If, when communicating with your other half, you forget about pride, arrogance, selfishness, then your contact with your loved one will acquire a new romantic format.

    Feelings and love can flare up with renewed vigor, which will please both parties.
    The 20 lunar day is a great time to organize dates. They will be much more fruitful and successful if the appropriate environment is found, preferably in a calm home comfort. It is necessary to pay special attention to the most intimate, to that which before that they were afraid to say to each other. If you are attentive to each other today, in the future your relationship will only become warmer and stronger.

    Today we must remember that the human soul is more valuable than other material things. You shouldn't go into details today, where to get the money, what happened today at work, etc. You need to appreciate the moments of calm, as well as the environment that creates such a peaceful state.

    If today you are in harmony with your inner world, then, perhaps, you can calmly and firmly pacify all negative qualities, which will only raise you in the eyes of your other half.

    The day is good for new acquaintances, which can lead you to a good relationship. But today it is better to refuse to enter into marriage and showdown in a tense tone. In general, today is a day of calmness and a mood for relaxation. Today it is better to show your passion for a loved one without heat, it is better to bestow your other half with a gentle calm affection.

    It is better to postpone the conception of a child for another day, if you nevertheless decided to take this step, then you do not need to deceive each other today, this will have a bad effect on the child in the future. The stars are strongly advised to postpone conception, because the child will try to achieve the impossible. On the one hand, this is not bad, but there is nothing good for such purposes either.

    Work and creativity on the 20th lunar day

    The 20 lunar day will bring many professions the solution of the assigned tasks, which will change your life in the future. On this day, you can change your destiny. If the decision is difficult, put it aside for a while and start with a new approach and thoughts, you will be successful.

    To make the day more productive, and make an important decision appropriate, you just need to focus on this problem. Do not forget that a 20-lunar day is ruled by the Eagle symbol, which with its greatness denies fussiness and haste.

    Any business will be accompanied by successful promotion and growth. If difficulties arise, you need to take a break and get down to business with renewed vigor. Work today will bring many rewarding moments, which will make it easy and quick to find relaxation after work and a feeling of satisfaction.

    Today is a great day to get creative with work issues. Inspiration will give new impetus to the problematic area of ​​the workflow.

    To those who were born on the 20th lunar day

    On this day, people are born who care about everything, they are ready to dig into every smallest detail, and out of curious interest, both to themselves and to everything that surrounds them. They can be inquisitive to the highest point of curiosity. Difficulties may be encountered on their way, and if they cannot overcome them, such natures will be subject to despondency, which can reach despair. Thus, such individuals withdraw into themselves and drive themselves into a state of devastation.

    People born on this day can easily understand the meaning of life and the meaning of being. They are able to sensitively and deeply comprehend the understanding of changes in themselves and those around them. Since they try to delve deeply and in detail into any issue, this feature helps them to tolerate some misunderstanding from the outside world less painfully. Such people always strive for spiritual growth.

    The 20 lunar day is the day when people-leaders by their nature are born. They are ideological, sociable, followed by other people. Moreover, from the very childhood they have leadership qualities, as they grow up, they gain experience in this. Their leadership skills are developed thanks to their innate intelligence, curiosity and determination.

    To avoid setbacks, falls and disappointments, such individuals should pacify pride and arrogance. They can destroy themselves.
    Born on the 20 lunar day can be psychics and magicians, clairvoyants and healers.

    Signs of the 20th lunar day

    The signs of this day bear the imprint of unimportance, they are not worth your attention. As for the monetary sphere, then all your debts should be paid back, because there is an opportunity to realize this. What will you dream about on this day, there is a tendency that dreams come true.

    Magic rites of the 20th lunar day

    On this day, you need to imagine yourself as an Eagle and look at yourself and your life from a bird's eye view. Since the Eagle is a stately bird, under this review it is necessary to draw conclusions about yourself, your failures, falls, but also about your achievements and successes.

    Special care on the 20th lunar day

    On the 20 lunar day, avoid being obese and arrogant. You shouldn't look at everything through the prism of pride. These qualities in oneself need to be reduced to a minimum today, or even better to completely eradicate.

    Dreams and dreams on the 20th lunar day

    Dreams on a 20-lunar day are prophetic, only they need to be interpreted from the correct angle of vision. There may be such dreams where the past, future and present are intertwined, there is a reunification of time periods. Such dreams indicate to a person that he must look at his life in a new way, applying all the experience of past difficulties, so as not to make the same mistakes in the future.

    Mantra of the 20th lunar day

    There is no need for me to fight for a change in my life.

    I focus on thoughts that make me feel good and

    I am changing and growing. I like myself. I am attractive (attractive).

    I know that my mind creates all the events in my life.

    I rely on my own strength.

    I walk through life and support myself with love.

    All good things happen by themselves, as soon as I desire it.

    My love is manifested in the choice I made - to be happy.