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  • Why accidentally break a mirror. Energy and magic of mirrors

    Why accidentally break a mirror.  Energy and magic of mirrors

    Old mirrors deserve special attention as they have a story of their own - happy or not. Some people, having moved into an apartment and not changing the situation in it, notice that they seem to be starting to live someone else's life. It's all about the mirror left by the former owners. It:

    • transmits to the world the energy accumulated over the years. If the mirror reflected quarrels, illnesses and other unpleasant events, then this negative will continue to pour out on the new inhabitants of the house;
    • may be an unclosed portal to another reality. Some magicians work with mirrors, summoning all kinds of dark entities through them. Gradually, a kind of corridor is formed, and the "guests" get a chance to visit the new owners even against their will;
    • able to act as an object that transfers damage to death. Sometimes mirrors are purposefully charged with negativity in order to cause harm. In such a situation, the new owner risks his life, looking at the reflection.

    As the signs say, someone else's mirror, which has been used for a long time, is a potentially dangerous item, and it is better to get rid of it. This can be done on the waning moon in one of the following ways:

    1. Cover the mirror with a dark cloth and, as such, break into small pieces. Take the wrapped fragments to the swamp and drown.
    2. Dip the mirror in cold water for three days. Change fluid every six hours. After the expiration of the term, take the objectionable object to a remote place and leave it there (even an ordinary city garbage dump will do).
    3. Wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and go with it to the forest. Going further, dig a deep hole. Put the wrapped mirror "face down" into it, and then cover it with earth. It happens that the old mirror does not bother the owners, and even like them. In this case, it is permissible to leave it, but only on condition of preliminary cleaning (with water or fire).

    Also read: signs and superstitions about mirrors.

    Broken mirror signs

    With mother's milk, people absorb information that a broken mirror is a bad sign. What do folk signs say about this?

    1. To break the mirror on purpose or in a bad mood is unfortunately. How many fragments are obtained, so many years will not be carried. Some people believe that failure will be with all the inhabitants of the house throughout the seven-year cycle.
    2. An accidentally broken mirror is a sign of change. If there is an odd number of shards, a wedding should be expected. An even number portends the death of someone close.
    3. The mirror shattered on its own - an omen indicating an energetic attack directed at the house. Perhaps someone is trying to spoil it. You should think about setting magical protection.
    4. The child broke the mirror - a warning about possible dangers. It is possible that the recently made choice is wrong. The child himself is not in danger, since until the age of 7 he is under maternal protection. Children who do not know about bad omens avoid any negative consequences (ignorance serves as a shield).
    5. Breaking someone else's mirror is a sign of people's incompatibility. Some of them, consciously or not, are trying to harm the other.
    6. Broken mirror in the car - high probability of an accident. Alternatively, the car will have to be changed soon (it is possible that as a result of an accident).
    7. If a small mirror is broken into two halves, separation from a loved one should be expected. Divorce, separation, relocation, death.
    8. Keeping a cracked mirror at home is a sign of illness, weakness, misfortune. Damage of this nature is associated with the penetration of negative energies into the world, which can be dangerous for people.
    9. Looking into a cracked mirror is to break your own soul into fragments, provoking problems of both a physical and mental nature.
    10. Stepping on a mirror so that it cracks is a bad sign, foreshadowing tears, grief and worries. Possible death, serious illness or injury.

    Although traditionally people expect all kinds of trouble from a broken mirror, the usual awkwardness of a person cannot be ruled out. You can accidentally drop anything. It is recommended to develop your own prediction system. For example, for many, a broken mirror is a harbinger of a new job, a fateful meeting, a sudden profit. It is necessary to carefully observe the events of your life - then it will be easier to navigate in the signs. But in any case, the damaged mirror must be disposed of. This is due to the energetic instability of the object: the fragments are unable to provide the "personal" integrity of the thing. A cracked, chipped, or broken mirror must be wrapped in a cloth and buried (discarded). You cannot look into it.

    Sign: the mirror fell

    1. If the mirror is broken or cracked when it falls, then the interpretation is the same as before: misfortune, danger, change. It happens that an object belongs to a person who is far away. In such a case, damage to the fallen mirror indicates death or serious illness of its owner.
    2. The mirror fell, but did not break - a favorable omen, which speaks of the strong defense of the house, which is not so easy to break through. There is nothing to worry about.
    3. A constantly falling mirror, even if it remains intact, indicates a bad atmosphere in the home. This can be facilitated by family quarrels, unfair punishments of children, infidelity, etc. It is recommended to think about your behavior: the mirror serves as an accurate indicator of the energy health of the house. It is worth cleaning it.
    4. Dropping a mirror and not breaking it is a reason to be careful. They are trying to warn a person about unreasonable behavior. You need to carefully observe the situation. A fallen but surviving mirror is generally a good omen. This is more of a warning than a signal of danger. It is permissible to use the mirror further, after rinsing it with salt water.

    Where you can and where you can't hang a mirror

    Energy corridors and eddies are created in every house. If all objects are located correctly, then the negative will not get into the dwelling, and vice versa. A mirror plays a special role in this case: at a subtle level, it can completely change the characteristics of space.

    Focusing on proven signs, you can build an optimal residential system in your house. The rules are as follows:

    1. It is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Such an arrangement provokes the outflow of positive energy and attracts unwanted guests. The mirror should be placed on the side of the entrance so that inhabited rooms are reflected in it: this will contribute to the accumulation of benefits.
    2. A good option is a mirror on the front door. It will accumulate positive and keep it inside the home. It is better to prefer rounded products.
    3. They carefully hang a mirror in front of the window as the positive energy will begin to reflect and leave the room. The only exception is the beautiful view. If the mirror displays a forest landscape or the sea, then such a "picture" will have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. In other cases, mirrored surfaces should be on the side walls near the windows.
    4. You cannot hang a mirror in front of the bed. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the soul of the sleeping person can get lost and get into the looking glass. Secondly, if spouses or lovers spend the night in bed, they will soon be parting. In addition, the mirror in the bedroom can suck energy out of a resting person: many feel tired after such a dream. The reflective surface is hung overnight to negate adverse effects.
    5. A mirror should not be placed in the toilet. On the energetic level, the restroom is designed for cleansing, getting rid of. The presence of a mirror in this room can provoke the departure of everything positive: joy, happiness, love.
    6. Do not hang a mirror in the kitchen opposite the stove, because it will make the hostess get tired several times faster. According to some signs, in order to increase prosperity, it is permissible to place the mirror so that the dining table is visible in it. But sorcerers warn about the dangers of eating in front of their own reflection because of the risk of "eating up" beauty, health, or happiness.
    7. Traditionally, a mirror is hung in the living room. is the best place for him. The room should be well-groomed, tidy, beautifully furnished. It is good if pots of flowers, figurines, paintings, photographs with happy people are reflected in the mirror.

    8. The mirror in the corner becomes a portal to another world, therefore it is not recommended to place it here. Otherworldly "guests" are capable of delivering a lot of trouble. Separately, mention should be made of the mirror under the bed or mattress. When laid with the reflective side down, it serves as a good protection during sleep. In particular, this method is used if it is not possible to move your sleeping place to a favorable area of ​​the house.

    Other signs on the mirror

    There are a number of signs that are generally known. They are guided by them in their behavior, since these beliefs have proven themselves to be absolutely true. Among them:

    • loss of a pocket mirror - to losses, and not necessarily of a material nature;
    • for a long time to look into the eyes of your reflection - to rapid aging;
    • carrying a small mirror in your pocket is for luck;
    • a mirror hidden in the patient's room - to recovery, since the ailment will drag on into a different reality;
    • a dirty mirror - to problems in the family;
    • giving your personal mirror to someone else - to trouble;
    • a mirror without a frame - to the imminent destruction of its biofield and the appearance of problems in the house;
    • a mirror that "cuts off" the legs or head - to health problems;
    • a mirror as a gift - to parting;
    • a woman's square mirror - to troubles and many "sharp corners" in life;
    • girlfriends looking together in one mirror - to a conflict over men;
    • do not look in the mirror, returning for a forgotten thing - take the devil with you;
    • an uncovered mirror in a house with a deceased - the risk for the soul of the deceased to wander through the looking glass;
    • throwing out the mirror, like an ordinary thing, is in trouble (an entity living in the world of reflections can take offense and begin to take revenge). They get rid of unnecessary mirrors either by burying or transferring them to energetically strong people.

    All superstitions agree on one thing - the mirror should please its owner. If it causes the slightest discomfort, it is better to remove it from the house. Every sign about a mirror is the result of many years of experience. You should listen to the knowledge of generations, because, focusing on them, you can exclude many unpleasant moments from your life.

    In the old days, many peoples had such a sign - if you break a mirror, then there are seven years of failure ahead. Our ancestors were not only afraid to break the mirror, but in general they were quite careful about this household item, with which, perhaps, a record number of beliefs and signs are associated. In everyday life, mirrors are filled with such a mystery that it is sometimes scary to look in the direction of a large mirror hanging on the wall. However, mirrors throughout almost the entire history of their existence were perceived not only through the prism of negative signs, but also acted as a powerful means of neutralizing witchcraft and repelling curses. For example, it is believed that a large number of mirrors in the house will certainly increase the chances of all household members to attract good luck into their lives. For this reason, it is advisable for each family member to carry a small mirror with them. This refers to the ability of mirrors not only to reflect evil and send it back, but also to show the good and bright sides of life.

    Also mirrors symbolize material well-being and prosperity, therefore, you should treat them with care and be sure to keep them clean. If a mirror hangs in the kitchen or living room, it has the ability to "attract" wealth. But an indispensable condition for mirrors in any room - it should hang so as not to "cut off" the head of the tallest member of the family. It is believed that in this case it harms him, both at the physical level and at a more "subtle" level.

    Perhaps, behind the eternal human curiosity, attempts to look through the looking glass, there is something unknown, a craving for knowledge of the world. But the world on the other side of the mirror is somewhat akin to the human soul: only its outer shell is accessible to the eye, and the world that lives further behind it remains a mystery to us.

    So, even at the dawn of human use of reflective surfaces, it was believed that the mirror shows (and also preserves, reflecting later) just the soul of a person - his consciousness and energy. Hence the legend that demonic forces and ghosts not only do not cast shadows, but also do not have a reflection - after all, they have no soul. And in the Middle Ages, it was believed that the devil was watching our world from the mirror, and the ladies were forced to look instead of mirrors at vessels with water or metal objects.

    In Russia, the mirror, like many "overseas" wonders, was initially treated with a prejudice that persisted until the end of the 17th century. But magic rituals, fortune-telling are inconceivable without an object "showing fate."

    Fortune telling using a mirror

    The most common fortune-telling is at the betrothed, when a girl, left alone, pointed a smaller mirror at a larger one, trying to see the groom in the resulting mirror corridor (placing two candles on both sides of the mirror). If a vision appears, do not forget to shout, “Go out of this place!” To avoid trouble.

    In addition, the mirror is considered one of the most highly effective receivers of your personal negativity. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired or irritated, or perhaps anxious, be sure to “speak” your concerns out loud in front of the mirror. The main thing is that at the same time you cannot be disturbed by other people. You should be completely relaxed and focused on your imaginary interlocutor, who listens carefully to you in the mirror world. Be sure that after this it will certainly become easier for you, and not only in the psychological sense, but also at the level of objective events, the long-awaited changes will come.

    Success in this case will depend on how fully you can describe the painful situation. You may need not one, but several sessions. This is especially true of those cases when a person is simply confused and does not know where to start, or the problem is so neglected that it is simply not possible to solve it by speed.

    The mirror was broken. What to do?

    If the mirror did break, even if it was not your fault, what to do? Even if the mirror did not break, but cracked, or a piece broke off from it, this also requires immediate action. It is still advisable to discard such a mirror and not use it. But in addition, in this case, you will need to do the following: you can throw a pinch of salt over the left shoulder - a method that is almost universal in any situation that requires magical correction. In addition, you can turn counterclockwise three times and thereby "open" the negative circle connecting you and the broken mirror.

    In some cases, the mirror must be burned, thus cleaning the house in which this happened with the help of fire. Alternatively, you can light seven white candles, which should burn in about one hour. By midnight, the candles must be blown out, and the fragments of the broken or chipped mirror must be thrown away.

    Useful advice related to storing mirrors

    And one more piece of advice - do not keep old mirrors at home, especially those you inherited from unknown owners. These "antiques" are a powerful source of negative energy that can affect your well-being. If such a mirror is especially dear to you, then burn one candle in front of it for a week, cleaning it in this way. On the last day, as soon as the seventh candle burns out, wash the mirror with clean water - preferably rain or spring water. It is advisable to do similar cleansing procedures before the new moon, in the last days of the waning moon.

    There are many legends that, after looking in the mirror, a person either died or disappeared altogether. Every person who knows at least a little about the property of mirrors will tell you that all these stories are far from just beautiful fairy tales, but quite real incidents that happened due to the fact that people mishandled mirrors.

    If cracked or broken

    Broken or cracked mirrors are considered the most dangerous. By the omen it is not just impossible to look in them, they should not be kept in the house at all. By the way, the same applies to window panes. The point is that any specular chips or cracks emit highly concentrated and dangerous energy. This energy, like a sharp blade, cuts off everything on the astral plane that falls into the field of its influence.

    In addition, it is believed that the space affected by the energy of the mirror crack is a distorted temporal area. Staying for a long time next to such a mirror, you can lose your mind, become like a small child. This means that the mirror has thrown you far into your past. Or you can start aging very quickly. In this case, the chipped mirror took your years away, sending you into the so-called future.

    If a mirror is cracked or broken in your home, it should be removed immediately. If a piece breaks off, then you can cut it off, as long as the mirror is intact. If the mirror is broken, then proceed as follows. Take a broom, wet it and sprinkle it on the shards of the mirror. Now, as you read any prayer you know, notice the pieces on the scoop and immediately take them out of the house. If they ask you where the mirror has gone, in no case do not tell. Come up with some excuse, it won't be a sin.

    What do folk signs say

    Folk omens about mirrors say that there is another type of dangerous mirrors. Basically, these are antique mirrors that have been seen by many generations of owners. They are beautiful, you can immediately fall in love with them. But you cannot know who looked into it, with what mood, what thoughts. Perhaps such a mirror even saw death or murder. The mirror is capable of not only reflecting, but also absorbing energy. Looking in such a mirror, you can lose not only your health, but also your life.

    And one more category of dangerous mirrors. The mirror in which the bed is reflected will never be energetically good. These mirrors need to be removed or re-hung to another location. If this is not possible, then at least cover it with a cloth overnight. Also, in no case should the moon be reflected in the mirror, especially the full one.

    But dangerous mirrors can be cleaned. Take a spruce twig from the Epiphany holidays, sprinkle it on the mirror with holy water with a cross. Then take a clean cloth, and with holy water as it should, rinse the mirror, reading the prayer Our Father. If the mirror has just appeared in your house, then carry out these manipulations three times on the growing moon. And then repeat every six months for prevention. And you will be fine.

    Since ancient times, the mirror has played an important role in human life. From antiquity to the present, a mirror is not just a household item, but also a kind of "magic" object that you need to be able to handle correctly. There are many superstitions and signs about mirrors, the article will talk about actions that can and cannot be performed with a mirror, about the history of the "development" of mirrors, and will also give some general recommendations for choosing a mirror.

    Actions you can take with mirrors

    Mirrors surround us everywhere, they "see" our destiny and accumulate our positive energy.

    • So, in order for the mirror not to lose positive energy, it should be placed in a metal frame.
    • A mirror should suit its owner, therefore, when buying a mirror, you need to pay attention to its shape and size, the type of frame. Such a mirror should harmoniously fit into the interior of a house or apartment. In this case, looking in the mirror, a person will feel comfortable and calm. Well, this will lead to the accumulation of positive energy.
    • Ladies should choose round and oval mirrors for themselves, then their life will be as smooth as the frame of the mirror (otherwise, if the mirror is square or rectangular, then the owner of the mirror can experience all the versatility of negative life moments).
    • In addition, the mirror should be washed regularly, a clean mirror characterizes the purity of the soul and intentions of a person, as well as a transparent and bright future. Well, washing the mirror will relieve it of the accumulated negative energy.
    • You need to communicate with the mirror, "pour out" all your thoughts to it, share your joy, experiences.
    • The mirror is able to take over some of the negative thoughts on itself, and process them into positive energy. In addition, it is imperative to greet the mirror.
    • Special attention should be paid to old mirrors. You should respect the old grandmother's mirrors, they have seen a lot, and remember a lot of good and bad moments of their mistress. If you handle the mirror with care, communicate with it, wash it in time and prevent dust from accumulating, then such a mirror will bring happiness and bliss to its owner.
    • Wood-framed mirrors should be replaced with metal-framed mirrors (silver or gold frames are just right). Such mirrors with the brilliance of their frames will illuminate the life path of their owner, and drive away evil spirits.
    • In the house where the person died, it is imperative to hang all the mirrors. The soul of the deceased, saying goodbye to the house and wandering around it, can see its reflection in the mirror, and remain in the world of the living. This will lead to the fact that the deceased will not find peace in the afterlife.

    Actions that are strictly forbidden to perform with mirrors

    There is a specific list of actions that should not be performed on mirrors under any circumstances. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences in the form of failure, illness, and even death.

    • You cannot look into a broken mirror, if for some reason the mirror is broken, then in no case should you look into the fragments of the mirror. Such a mirror, or rather its remnants, should be wrapped in thick paper and buried in a quiet, deserted place at midnight.
    • Do not bring babies and babies to the mirror. A child, seeing his reflection in the mirror, can be frightened elementary, and there will be a need to visit a healer.
    • Ladies should not borrow their "handbag" mirror, someone else's mirror can "reward" the debtor with negative energy.
    • During fortune-telling, it is strictly forbidden to build mirrors in a corridor and look into them. You can see evil spirits, demons and ghosts: this will bring illness, failure and general discomfort.
    • You cannot look into a cracked or dusty mirror: the fate of a person who looks into such a mirror will be just as cloudy and fragile.
    • Do not hang mirrors in the bathroom (opposite the place where the person washes), and in the bedroom (opposite the place where the person sleeps). While taking a shower or sleeping, a person is most vulnerable to the effects of evil spirits, but a mirror, observing a person at such moments, a mirror can transmit all the negativity to him.
    • You cannot sit with your back to the mirror, a person sitting with his back to the mirror puts himself in danger: the mirror sucks out of a person all vital and spiritual juices, and luck.
    • Old mirrors should not be forgotten: if you start an old mirror, do not wash it and put it in a dark corner against the wall, then such a mirror will avenge such an attitude. The first person who looks into this mirror will find himself in torment, failure, suffering, illness and disappointment.
    • When you are going to start a new life, you cannot take an old mirror with you, especially if there was no happiness and good luck in your previous life. The old mirror will take all the negative with it and transfer it to a new place. New life is a new mirror.

    A bit from the history of mirrors

    Perhaps the very first mirror of a person was a surface of water. Reflecting in the water, a person saw himself, all his advantages and disadvantages. With the development of civilization, after people mastered the crafts, smoothly polished silver and gold mirrors appeared (although only the elite and worshipers could afford such mirrors).

    Such mirrors have become not only a hygiene item, but also a ritual attribute. With the advent of glass, glass mirrors also appeared. They gave a fairly strong and clear reflection, but over time, such mirrors became quite popular and widespread among noble people (full-length mirrors, small ladies' mirrors, mirrors in hairdressing salons).

    With the development of industrialization, mirrors have become quite common among all segments of the population, they have fallen in price. The precious base was replaced by a high-quality polished thinnest layer of metal, but mirrors have not ceased to be a magical attribute that "sees" not only a person's appearance, but also his soul.

    Choosing the right mirror

    The mirror is our life companion. When buying a mirror, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations for subsequent life and mental comfort.

    1. The mirror should be "yours"... Buy a mirror you like right away. It is not at all accidental if you turned your first glance at this particular mirror (the mirror has chosen the owner and will bring him good luck and happiness).
    2. The mirror should be harmonious fit into the home interior
    3. The mirror should call the owner only positive emotions


      Our previous generations were so smart and quick-witted that they analyzed all their observations very well, thus, popular beliefs appeared, which not only guided them, but modern people began to use. Today, a broken mirror is popularly considered a bad omen that warns against various troubles, therefore educated and civilized people live in fear, expecting trouble.

      In addition, mirrors have long been used by witches and sorcerers during various rituals. They argue that this item helps to establish a connection with another world and draw strength from there. According to experts and analysts, modern fortune-telling and rituals are not so harmless for a person, because at the time of its implementation, people program their future themselves, and it is very difficult to fix it.

      Why is a broken product a strong sign of trouble, why are people afraid to damage it? Everything is quite simple, the people refer to the product as objects of the other world, so if you break it, then the trouble is nearby. As a rule, even a small crack can destroy the energy integrity of this item. But, if the mirror is broken completely by accident, the situation is easily remedied and will not entail trouble. But when the mirror cracks at rest, and there was no one next to it, then no amount of protection will help to avoid trouble.

      According to popular beliefs, a crack on a product promises the death of one of the family members soon, if it broke into fragments at the very moment when they looked at it, then the trouble will only affect this person who stood in front of him. A bad harbinger is not only a cracked surface, but also its darkening, or if a piece of material has broken off.

      The researchers suggest that people are afraid to break or damage the mirror because otherworldly beings penetrate through these violations into the house, in addition, cracks or chips can destroy or distort the human biofield.

      How to avoid trouble

      There are not only bad beliefs among the people, but also advice on how to avoid trouble if the mirror has already broken. For example:

      • Spit over your left shoulder and turn counterclockwise three times.
      • You can say 9 times such magic words: “Let the mirror break, the trouble will not touch me (name). Amen".

      As for the fragments, they must be removed, observing all the rules. Firstly, it is better to wet the broom with which the remains will be removed with holy water, collect everything in a pile not on a scoop, but on white paper. And it is better to wrap large glass parts in a dark cloth or paper, then bury them in the ground.

      If the fragments of the broken product are very large, then they should be rinsed with tap water, again wrapped in dark material and only then thrown into the trash, on the street in a tank, not in a bucket at home.

      Important ! It is categorically impossible to look at a person in a mirror that has broken, its fragments absorb human energy.

      Causes of damage to the mirror

      When the mirror surface cracks or breaks, this indicates that a mortal danger is approaching or bad events or misfortune will soon occur, a negative environment is formed in the house. The people believe that a mirror is capable of absorbing and attracting negative energy, so you should not often quarrel with household members, look into it only with positive emotions.

      In addition, the mirror surface should be wiped frequently to remove negative energy stains that a person sees as dirt or darkening. The mirror serves not only as an object for reflecting our beauty, it is also a guide to the world of secrets and magic, therefore, so that trouble does not happen, it is necessary to carefully look after it, remembering the wise advice of our ancestors.

      Folk beliefs

      People say that a broken product portends seven years of misfortune, and in order to prevent trouble, it is necessary to throw the fragments into a stream or river, the main thing is not to take them with your hands, in order to collect them, you should use paper, polyethylene or unnecessary rags.

      According to signs, a pregnant woman and girls cannot look in the mirror during the menstrual cycle, this portends trouble, although modern people hardly believe in such a belief.

      They say that one cannot look not only at the fragments of a mirror, but also at a cracked product or, even worse, broken, because a person's life will split and his energy will go away.

      You can't even let a loved one look in your mirror, this can cause a quarrel.

      You cannot stand in front of him for a long time and look directly into the eyes, this leads to rapid aging, according to popular beliefs.

      Beliefs also say that the mirror should be the size of a person's height, maybe a little larger, taller, if you cut off the top of the head or the length of the legs, this will lead to the fact that the person will often get sick, since his energy is thus also disturbed.

      In the bathroom or in the bedroom, mirrors should not be hung in such a way that they reflect the person who is bathing or sleeping. According to popular beliefs, such a mirror will attract troubles, failures and diseases. If the object cannot be outweighed, then you should not install it over your head or bed, and before going to bed it is best to cover such a mirror at all.

      It is impossible for two girlfriends to look in the same mirror, because this is fraught with troubles in the plan, one girl will take the guy away from the other, the groom or the husband.

      The product that hangs in the house should always be clean, it should be wiped frequently, especially after guests have left the house, otherwise the product attracts bad thoughts of people, for example, envy, jealousy or other troubles.

      There is one more sign, when a person returns home, he needs to look in the mirror and say “Hello!” Three times so that the road is successful and no troubles happen.

      People say that it is forbidden to show a mirror to a small child until he is one year old, because the baby can become shy and start talking late.

      In order not to disturb the human energy field, mirrors should always be bought only with frames.

      When a person dies in a house, it is customary to cover mirror surfaces with a cloth to prevent the reflection of his soul or to prevent another death of a loved one.

      It is considered a bad omen to give such an item as a present, but if such a gift is still made, then the glass surface must be wiped with a wet rag, or even better with holy water.

      Folk omens say that a mirror is capable of keeping the past in itself, accumulating not only negative energy, but also positive, at the same time transmitting all this to the present. Therefore, if an antique product hangs in the house, and troubles, troubles, quarrels often occur, you should pay attention to this antiques and find out its history, and best of all, take such a mirror out of the house altogether.

      It is best to look in the mirror only in a good mood, to say only positive words to yourself, because it tends to keep pleasant moments.

      But if the product fell and did not break, this indicates that a person has good health, this portends him happiness and good luck. In the church, it is believed that when a mirror does not break during a fall, it means that a person is righteous and therefore no trouble is terrible for him. This is if you look at it from the side of folk signs, but on the other hand, if the product remains intact after the fall, this is a sign that the item is of high quality.

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