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  • Preparing for school from scratch. Preparing your child for school: hard work or fun game? What a miracle - school

    Preparing for school from scratch.  Preparing your child for school: hard work or fun game?  What a miracle - school

    If you decide to raise your baby before school on your own, without using the services of a nanny and a governess, then my advice from a teacher, educator and parent in one person will be useful to you. These are tips on how to prepare your child for school at home.

    When and where to start?

    So, the first question: when is the best time to start learning and preparing for school? The most favorable age for this is 3.5-4 years. The preparation process should be continuous and enjoyable for the child. Punishments and reproaches are impermissible!

    It is possible to effectively prepare a child for school at home only by bringing these very conditions as close as possible to school conditions. Therefore, first make a plan and schedule of classes, and so that your "lessons" have a systemic nature, plan 1 topics for each lesson. There should be no more than 2-3 "lessons" per day, 15 minutes each in the first year of study, with breaks between them not less than 20, but not more than 30 minutes. Classes should be held compactly and immediately after breakfast, as provided by the school.

    From this moment on, the child should have a place for classes: a table where his books for reading, notebooks, an album, pencils and paints for drawing, pens and rulers will be. This place should always be kept in order by the child himself, like a "real" workplace.

    Now is the time to talk about the subjects and areas of expertise that you will need to help your future first grader master. So, how to prepare your child for school at home and not miss out on anything important in the process?

    Reading lessons

    Plan reading in the first lesson - the faster the child learns letters and learns to read, the faster and more successful the learning process will go.

    1. The letters should be studied in alphabetical order, and start the first lessons by reading small fairy tales, excerpts from fairy tales and stories.
    2. Invite your child to find all the letters in the text that you are studying in the lesson or have already studied.
    3. Read a short text and ask your child to tell you what you have read.
    4. Ask him 2-3 questions in the text that require short answers.

    In exactly 15 minutes, the lesson should end and the child should be able to play an outdoor game. The first break between classes should be no more than 20 minutes.

    Math and writing lessons

    The second can be a "lesson" of mathematics or spelling, or a foreign language. It is also better to start spelling letters in alphabetical order and study exactly the letter that you learned in the reading lesson. Thus, the assimilation of the material will be more successful. Starting from the second and subsequent letters of the alphabet, you can practice reading syllables and even small words. The same goes for spelling. This method is not entirely traditional, but I can assure you, it is no less effective. Already at the age of 5, your child will be able to read normally and write as well as a first grader.

    Do not strive to immediately teach the child to write in capital letters, first teach him to write in print to make it easier to learn reading. But from the beginning of the next year of study, move to capital letters. At the same time, make sure that the kid "sees" the rulers in the writing-book and the cells in the notebook for mathematics, so that he accurately completes your assignments.

    Learn to count you need to start with small toys, counting sticks, and even candy. I recommend operating in the first year of study only with integers. And the tasks are presented only on visual material - toys. Numbers can be studied in pairs: 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and so on. The child must register and remember each pair in the lesson. The next day, set aside 5 minutes for repetition, and then study the next number.

    Geometric shapes it is better to start studying with cookies of various shapes, gradually moving on to drawing them in a notebook using a triangle and a ruler. I recommend that you first study the numbers from 1 to 10, and then alternate math with geometry for a week.

    Creative development

    In drawing, modeling and applique lessons reinforce the study of geometric shapes, inviting the child first to determine that the apple and the sun will look like a circle, the house will look like a square, and the roof will look like a triangle. Teach your child to use paints so that they do not merge into one brown mass, but teach to shade the drawing in one direction.

    Foreign language

    Start learning a foreign language with colorful illustrations and choose only the language that you have studied yourself. It will be useful for you and will help your baby in the future. All 15 minutes of this lesson communicate with him only in a foreign language and accompany all your words or learned concepts with actions. This form of learning a foreign language is most effective in preschool and school age. At the end of such a lesson, you can consolidate the material by demonstrating a cartoon or an excerpt of it for 3-4 minutes.

    Physical and psychological preparation

    The learning process should not only mentally, but also physically and psychologically prepare the baby for school life, and therefore classes should be held 5 days a week in a row, and then given 2 days of rest.

    I propose to make the schedule of classes as follows:

    • on Monday- reading, spelling;
    • on Tuesday- drawing, mathematics;
    • Wednesday will be more loaded - spelling, mathematics, modeling;
    • on Thursday the day is also stressful - reading, foreign language, application;
    • Friday should, as in school, be more free - reading, a foreign language.

    From 5 years of age, mathematics and foreign language classes should increase to 20 minutes, and spelling, reading and drawing up to 25 minutes. In this case, the breaks should be reduced to 20 minutes between classes.

    These are basic tips on how to prepare your child for school at home. Try this method of preparing children for school at home and your child will be successful! I say this with knowledge of the matter, because my children, studying according to my method, not only received the highest score in the entrance exams for the first grade of a prestigious gymnasium, but also successfully graduated from it, having no problems with the assimilation of the material and without experiencing psychological stress in restructuring the body to the school period of their lives.

    How to prepare a child for school and not discourage learning - video

    The key to excellence in school is a careful, rational organization of preschool education. The ideal age to start it is 3.5-4 years, since children undergo difficult testing when they enter the first grade. With a six-year-old child, it will be much more difficult to start preschool education. The list of skills for admission to school is quite extensive, it will be very difficult to learn them in a short time, so you need to start the process as early as possible.

    1. Required skills for admission to grade 1
    2. The main features of the preschool preparation process
    3. Features of home preschool training for children 5-7 years old
    4. Reading lessons
    5. Math lessons
    6. Writing lessons
    7. Creative process
    8. Psychological preparation
    9. Parents' actions for competent moral preparation of the future student
    10. Physical preparation and hardening

    Required skills for admission to grade 1:

    • be able to tell basic information about yourself and your parents, about what you especially like to do;
    • know the days of the week, months, seasons, time of day;
    • know printed letters, vowels and consonants, be able to read several sentences and retell them;
    • have an idea of ​​addition and subtraction;
    • know elementary geometric shapes, draw them;
    • be able to serve oneself: put on and take off clothes and shoes, clean up after dinner and at the desk;
    • have basic social skills: say hello, communicate with classmates and teachers;
    • know the basic colors and shades;
    • be able to clearly tell what is drawn in the picture;
    • know the count to 20 (both forward and backward);
    • know the names and images of body parts;
    • have their own point of view, resolve the dispute with words, and not with fists;
    • behave in a well-mannered manner in the classroom, do not make noise.

    The main features of the preschool preparation process

    • duration of 1 lesson - 15 minutes, fill the 15-20-minute pause with games, a little exercise;
    • the intensity of the classes should be increased little by little, after the child has well understood the previously studied information;
    • it is important to often change different types of lessons so as not to overload the same type of information;
    • learning is best organized in the form of a game in order to arouse the interest of the baby. You cannot scold a child if he does not want to study, it is necessary to intelligibly and calmly explain to him why this is needed;
    • classes should be conducted using colorful textbooks with an abundance of pictures and not overloaded with text information.

    Features of home preschool training for children 5-7 years old

    For successful admission to school, knowing only the alphabet and numbers is too little. It is necessary to conduct a variety of activities, including the development of creative and social skills, while maintaining an interest in learning.

    The more a future first grader can do when entering school, the easier it will be to adapt and the easier the child will be able to communicate with other students. It is advisable to prepare for school in specialized preschool organizations, but if the parents do not have this opportunity, you can very successfully deal with the baby and independently, while following the following recommendations.

    Reading lessons:

    • such lessons should start with counting familiar things (clothes, vegetables, toys), then proceed to classes with special sticks and cards;
    • it will be useful to learn numbers in pairs, for example 1 and 2, 3 and 4 (no more than one pair should be passed in one lesson);
    • it is better to study geometric shapes using simple household items (fruits, cookies of various shapes), and after successful assimilation, start drawing them with a ruler on paper;
    • it is advisable to combine all these activities.

    Writing lessons:

    Experts say that the kid will get used to school better if time to work out such aspects as:

    • sincere desire to learn;
    • socialization, sociability, independence;
    • ability to reason, research;
    • attentiveness, ability to concentrate;
    • the skill to cope with difficulties on your own and not hesitate to ask for help from others.

    Actions of parents for competent moral preparation of the future student:

    • talk with the child, listen to him, reason together;
    • after reading, discuss what has been read, encourage the baby to draw conclusions;
    • arrange a role-playing game on a school theme, in the process of which explain the main tasks of the teacher and the student;
    • praise more often, give instructions in a delicate manner;
    • do not complete the task for the child, he must learn to finish it himself or ask for help;
    • teach yourself to be independent, this will contribute to the establishment of healthy relationships with the teacher and classmates;
    • teach how to behave in a team, avoid conflicts - for this you need to let them play with friends more often, invite the guys home;
    • under no circumstances make fun of the child in the presence of others, especially on topics that are unpleasant for him - this can negatively affect the child's self-esteem, cause psychological problems in adulthood;
    • explain why you need to go to school, how much knowledge he can get and how interesting it will be to find new friends among classmates;
    • teach tact and organization, explain how to behave in the lesson and when communicating with other children;
    • the kid should not hesitate to ask the teacher or classmates for help if he missed something from the material covered;
    • teach you how to manage your emotions, react correctly to what happened in various situations. All sorts of scenes and role-playing games can also help.

    Physical preparation and hardening

    Parents should properly organize their summer vacations, ensure the maximum stay in the fresh air, swim together in the sea or river, diversify the diet with an abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables, limit excessive contact with household chemicals, the urban environment, and play outdoor games with the whole family.

    Taking into account the various recommendations of diverse specialists regarding independent preschool activities, parents should also show individual methods, find their own approach, which will especially inspire the baby. Only by paying equal attention to all of the above aspects of preparation, your child will be fully armed to enter a new stage in his life, preserving physical and mental health.

    From a young age, parents prepare their child for school - they teach them how to communicate, perform simple everyday activities (wash their hands before eating, eat, dress and put on shoes on their own), develop speech, fine motor skills and other skills. And the older the kid gets, the more he needs to learn.

    The last year before school is the most exciting and responsible one. At this time, parents begin to think about how to prepare their child for school at home, since at the age of 6 he should already have certain skills and abilities that allow him not only to learn, but also to feel comfortable in a team. It is very important to determine the psychological readiness of the baby for the next adult stage - the educational process. You should also teach him perseverance and discipline.

    Even if the kid speaks well, fulfills the instructions of parents and educators, this is not yet evidence of his psychological readiness for school. After all, the educational process is not only new knowledge and skills, but also discipline, a strict regime of lessons, sitting at a desk for a long time, as well as communication with adult mentors and classmates.

    In the first year of school, mental readiness is more important than anything else. You can define it by the following features:

    How to properly conduct classes at home?

    In order for homework to be beneficial to the baby, not to create psychological discomfort and not to cause negative emotions, it is important to correctly determine the tactics of further actions. This requires:

    1. Set goals and determine the order of their achievement. You should not start intensive classes on a certain day. This can lead to the development of an aversion to learning in the toddler.
    2. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the future student. If some aspects are less developed (for example, speech, memory or logical thinking), then more attention should be paid to their improvement.
    3. Form a positive attitude towards learning in the child.

    When the goals and objectives are defined, you can start classes.

    In order for homework to be successful and productive, you should adhere to some recommendations:

    • engage in the period of greatest working capacity of the crumbs;
    • do not insist if the child is not in the mood for learning;
    • foster external discipline by conducting classes at clearly set hours;
    • create an atmosphere in which the baby will not be distracted;
    • work out the correct sequence of tasks;
    • take into account the characteristics of a particular child;
    • praise for the shown stamina;
    • do not scold if something does not work out.

    Proper preparation for the educational process is the foundation of the future successful schooling. A creative approach to classes, as well as a playful form of learning, will help instill a love of learning.

    Parents should pay special attention to reading, math and writing activities.


    It will be much easier for a first grader to study if he comes to school knowing the letters and being able to put them into syllables. Mastering reading is the main task in the first grade, since without it the student cannot study other sciences. To quickly and easily learn the letters of the alphabet, you can use the following guidelines:


    Mathematics is also important for the future student. From a young age, he gets acquainted with numbers - he knows how old he is, he can count up to 5 or 10. To get acquainted with numbers and counting, you can perform the following simple actions:

    So that the child does not get tired, classes in geometry and arithmetic should be alternated, be sure to take time to rest.

    By letter

    It is not difficult to teach the basics of writing, because the kid can already hold a pen or pencil, since in the kindergarten or at home he was given drawing lessons. To train your hand, you must:

    At the same time, it is important to create conditions for the child to write - to purchase a comfortable pen, a special notebook. You should also explain to the baby that you should not go beyond the contours (stripes and cells).


    Creative assignments help your toddler develop, as well as distract and divert his attention to more enjoyable activities. They should be alternated with difficult lessons - math, reading, writing. The following tasks help in development:

    • drawing (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens);
    • coloring pictures;
    • modeling from plasticine, dough, clay;
    • creating appliques or crafts from different materials.


    From time to time, when the child is tired, he should be distracted from activities. To do this, you can take a short pause. For example, in a writing lesson, you can stretch your pens with a game. To do this, the child gets up from the table, stretches his arms forward, opens his palms and begins to move his fingers (bends and unbends them), repeating the words of the verse after the adults: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. And now we will rest and start writing again. "

    Also, educational games can be used in everyday life. When walking, you can count cars of the same color, call house numbers, read the names of shops and streets on the plates. For the development of logic and thinking, it is useful to collect puzzles.

    Common mistakes parents make

    Parents do not always manage to properly prepare the baby for school. They make a number of mistakes:

    Most popular questions

    Preparation for school in the form of classes must begin one year before entering the first grade. But the development of speech and other skills, which are also required for successful learning, should be given attention from 2-3 years old.

    So that the process of learning at school does not become a difficult test for the kid and does not cause disgust, he needs to instill a positive attitude towards learning in advance. Untrained children are often lost, it is difficult for them to concentrate, so they lag behind and in the future do not want to learn at all.

    The learning process can be difficult for an untrained first grader. This can lead to poor academic performance and lack of interest in the studied disciplines. The task of the parents is to instill in the child a positive attitude towards learning, to help him develop inner discipline.

    Check out the list of knowledge and skills your child should master before entering primary school. Using home testing, determine what additional activities the prospective first grader needs.

    What a child should be able to do for school

    It is necessary to start preparing a son or daughter for the first grade from 3-4 years old. Competent preschool preparation of children at home includes the development of the following skills by kids:

    • List family members by name, describe yourself and their appearance.
    • Tell who the parents are by profession, what mom and dad do at work.
    • State your residential address.
    • Know the seasons, describe their distinguishing features. List the days of the week, the name of the months.
    • Be able to take care of yourself: dress yourself, undress, lace up your shoes.
    • List the parts of the human body.
    • To learn and apply in everyday life the words of courtesy, the rules of behavior in the society of peers and adults.
    • List the letters of the alphabet, distinguish between vowels and consonants, read short words.
    • Count to 20, use countdown.
    • Be able to add and subtract within 20.
    • Know the primary colors.
    • Perform simple logic exercises, excluding the "extra" subject from the row.
    • Know the simplest geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and be able to draw them.
    • Distinguish directions (up, down, right, left, forward, backward).
    • Compare items: more-less, wider-narrower, higher-lower.
    • Verbally describe the image in the picture.
    • Retell short text.
    • Distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, list domestic and wild animals.

    Methods of preparing children for school

    You can successfully prepare a child for school at home, if you follow several pedagogical principles:

    • Using the game as a way of transferring basic educational material to a 6-year-old child.
    • The preschooler's teaching should be gradually redirected from the visual-effective method to the visual-figurative one.
    • Educational games for children 6 years old should last no more than 25 minutes. Between training sessions, you need to give the child a rest (at least a quarter of an hour).
    • It is necessary to maintain the cognitive interest of a preschooler by frequent changes in game forms.

    Use exercises designed by innovative educators to prepare your preschoolers for school. Effective methods of modern pedagogy:

    • Didactic material helps to quickly teach children to read from store to store, to develop logical thinking and speech apparatus. Letters, syllables, punctuation marks are written on cubes of different colors and sizes. The kit also contains teaching tables. The cubes are filled with different contents, so they make different sounds. Thanks to this, a 6-year-old child learns to distinguish objects by weight, sound. There is a development of the visual, tactile, and auditory spheres of the preschooler.

    • The pedagogical approach is based on respect for the child as a person. The role of an adult is to unleash the creative, intellectual potential of the baby. Parents and educators using this technique create special learning zones in the room: sensory, mathematical, linguistic, etc. Geometric shapes, lacing frames, puzzles, counting sticks, etc. are used for classes.

    • teaches children independence. Adults only observe, prompt, motivate boys and girls to physical and mental development. According to the authors of the methodology, every child is endowed with a number of unique inclinations from birth. If not exercised, abilities will fade over time. The Nikitins have developed a game with cubes "Uniclub" with 60 tasks of various difficulty levels.

    How to prepare your child for school on your own

    Each mother can independently prepare a 6-year-old child for school at home or take him to special courses. Classes at home are good because they make it possible to choose an individual curriculum for a son or daughter. Preschool courses, kindergartens, in addition to preparing for school, teach children of 6 years old to be independent, to communicate with peers.

    Math classes for toddlers

    Preparing for school at home should be systematic. The child's mechanical memory is included with repeated repetition of educational material. Examples of play situations for children 4-6 years old, helping to teach the basics of mathematics:

    • Build a path, a bench, a gate, a house, etc. from colorful cubes according to the scheme. An adult can draw a schematic drawing on his own. Ask your child to count how many cubes of different colors were needed for a particular shape.
    • Combine hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts. Ask the baby to arrange them in saucers by type, compare the size. Offer to count the nuts. Let him determine which plate has more of them. Together with counting skills, this game develops the fine motor skills of little boys and girls, which activates their mental activity and prepares their fingers for writing.
    • Cut out large squares from colored cardboard and cut them into 2-4 pieces. Offer to assemble a shape from pieces of the same color. Speak out the name of the geometric elements. For example, a square is obtained from two triangles.
    • Prepare some candies (buttons, pebbles). Count them together with your child. Place the items behind your back in 2 palms. Ask to guess how many candies are in your right (left) hand. When checking, count aloud together. If the kid guesses at least once, he becomes the leader.
    • While playing role-playing games (farm, hospital, store, etc.), come up with simple addition and subtraction problems. For example, 2 hares came to doctor Aibolit for an appointment, and then a bear and a fox. How many animals have the good doctor cured?
    • You will need a children's musical instrument to play. Show the girl or boy the squares with the drawn circles. Let the baby hit, for example, the tambourine as many times as there are figures in the figure. Swap roles.
    • Prepare counting sticks. On cardboard squares, write the numbers from 1 to 20. Lay out several objects from the sticks (house, bench, path). Let the son (daughter) put a square with a number next to the building. This number should correspond to the number of sticks in the shape. Swap roles. Be deliberately wrong. Let the kid test you.

    How to teach a child to write

    Any mother can teach a child to write at home without giving it to a child care institution. From 2 years old, conduct classes for the development of fine motor skills in babies. Examples of finger exercises:

    • Transferring pieces of foam rubber from box to box using a clothespin, baby tweezers.
    • Choose from a mixture of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.) large pasta of various shapes. Laying them out by type in different plates.
    • Fastening and unfastening buttons of different sizes.
    • Performing finger gymnastics.
    • Plasticine modeling of sausages, balls, flat cakes, etc.

    Teach your child to use drawing tools as early as possible: pencils, a brush, felt-tip pens, etc. Do not try to immediately teach the child how to properly hold them in their hands. It is important for little boys and girls to independently study and master the principle of operation of objects for drawing. Formless drawings are an important stage in the development of a child's creativity and learning to write. During this period, do not correct children, do not impose your point of view on them.

    Offer the following techniques to your preschool son or daughter:

    • coloring pictures;
    • drawing lines, zigzags, points, waves;
    • completion of simple geometric shapes.

    When teaching a 6-year-old child to write at home, follow these guidelines:

    • buy a comfortable ballpoint pen for your baby, show how to hold it correctly;
    • start classes by drawing straight, broken, wavy lines;
    • then teach the preschooler to circle the cells and their configurations;
    • gradually move on to writing block letters;
    • use printed notebooks for classes;
    • only after the preschooler has learned the alphabet well, proceed to teaching capitalization.

    Teaching preschoolers to read

    In pedagogy, there are 3 methods by which you can teach a preschooler to read. The first way is phonemic or sound... The minimum units of reading in it are sounds. Toddlers need to learn how to fold them. For this, for example, such a game technique is used: a card with a consonant letter is placed in the back of a toy car. While the truck is driving, the sound is drawn out.

    There is a card with a vowel on the side. As soon as the machine reaches it, they pronounce a vowel sound, getting a syllable. This method sometimes causes difficulty in babies with speech impairments and poor concentration. The second method of teaching reading is global. In it, the minimum unit of reading is the word. This method is more physiological, but time-consuming. The kid is invited to memorize many short words written on cards in a playful way.

    Visual memory in children well developed. After a while, your son or daughter will begin to highlight these words in any conditions - on signs, billboards, etc. The global method of teaching reading can be applied from the age of 4 months. The disadvantage is that all the features of the Russian language cannot be reflected on the cards. This method is good as a basis for teaching a child to read.

    The third method is warehouse. It is considered the most popular and effective. The easiest way to learn to read is using Zaitsev's cubes. You can start learning from 3.5 years old, because the mental activity of the baby during this period is very high. For the Zaitsev technique to be effective, you need:

    • It is good to know the nature of a child of a given age: physical, psychological characteristics.
    • Do not combine warehouse and phonemic methods of teaching reading.
    • Follow the instructions of N. Zaitsev.
    • Use both blocks and tables developed by the teacher for classes.

    • Offer the kid to line up the cubes with the letter "O" on them. To say that this is how the train is going. In order for the wagons to hit the road, you need to read the syllables.
    • Prepare small toys. Say, for example, that the chanterelle will go in the wagon "so". A daughter or son must find a cube with this syllable and put a toy on it.
    • Build short words on the floor from cubes - "mom", "dad", "nata", etc. Suggest the kid to jump over them. After each jump, you need to say a word. At the end of a series of obstacles, place boxes with a surprise (toys, sweets), which the preschooler receives for participating in the game.
    • Make up the names of the child, mom, dad from the cubes. These are the wagons in which the family travels. Invite the preschooler to turn away. Mom says that the evil wizard mixed up all the cars. The boy (girl) must restore the order of words (syllables).
    • Display a row of several toys. Use cubes to write the name of one of them. Invite your child to guess what is written. Swap roles.

    The Internet offers free videos on teaching children to read. The advantage of interactive lessons is methodological instructions for parents, a step-by-step transition from simple tasks to complex ones. Educational computer games for preschoolers are designed to memorize the alphabet, read syllables, simple words.

    Creative pursuits

    If you can develop your child's cognitive interest, creative thinking before entering school, it will be easy for him to learn. Drawing lessons, modeling, making handicrafts from scrap materials contribute to the development of imagination, a creative view of the world. It is important not to impose your vision on children, to provide them with a wide field for creativity.

    Examples of creative activities for preschoolers:

    • Collect colorful pictures to prepare your children for school. They should depict characters of fairy tales, objects, numbers, clothes, objects of nature, etc. The game consists in making a short story based on several randomly selected pictures. The more cards, the more diverse the subjects for creativity.
    • Magnetic theater. Use a metal surface for theatrical action, such as a candy can. Cut fairy-tale characters from magazines or draw on paper and tape them to tape. You can buy it at a craft store. Use the sticky side to attach characters and decorations to a metal surface to create fun stories with your child.
    • Crafts from anything. Collect junk material: cardboard egg trays, threads, wood chips, shreds, buttons, etc. Provide your child with the necessary tools for creativity. Show your preschooler how to use a glue gun, stapler, duct tape, etc. Help your son / daughter to do tinkering by encouraging him / her to get creative.

    Psychological preparation of a child for school at home

    The ability of the child's nervous system to quickly move from excitement to a calm state indicates the readiness of the preschooler for the emotional stress of the school. So that children quickly adapt to different living conditions:

    • Teach the kid to bring the work started to completion.
    • Train perseverance. By the age of 6, a preschooler should be able to concentrate on a specific activity for 20-25 minutes.
    • Play "school" with your child 6 years old. Let him be both a student and a teacher in the role-playing game.
    • Maintain a trusting relationship with your son or daughter. It is important that your child be sure to tell you about their problems at school.
    • Teach your preschooler to overcome difficulties. Show in the course of the game that making mistakes is not scary. Suggest a way out of a difficult situation. Never do a six-year assignment.
    • Train yourself to be independent. For example, instruct your preschooler to go shopping for bread.
    • Instill responsibility, honesty, fairness. Attending children's clubs for a child will help parents see how their son or daughter communicates with peers and gently adjust their behavior.
    • Tell children 6 years old about school. Explain school rules, give examples from your own school life.
    • Take your son or daughter to the school the child is about to go to. Introduce the preschooler to the teacher in advance. Enroll in "zero grade", where the teacher works with future classmates.
