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  • Biscuits made from proteins and sugar. Protein Cookies: Cooking Recipe with Photo Oatmeal Protein Cookies Recipe

    Biscuits made from proteins and sugar.  Protein Cookies: Cooking Recipe with Photo Oatmeal Protein Cookies Recipe

    Put your shaker aside and check out these seven amazing recipes for a healthy, protein-rich breakfast.

    It's time to reconsider your views on the morning meal. You don't need a serving table to treat yourself to a sumptuous breakfast, and you don't have to prepare greasy, fried, and sickly sweet meals. All you need to make a delicious and healthy breakfast at home is a pinch of baking soda, oatmeal, spices, fruits, nuts and of course protein powder!

    Add the favorite recipes of athletes and BPI staff to your protein arsenal and you have a fantastic selection of healthy and delicious breakfast options - we're talking muffins, bars, tortillas and even homemade cookies. These dishes are so appetizing that it will be difficult for you to resist the temptation to feast on them more than once a day. But nobody said you can't have breakfast at lunchtime, right?

    1. High Protein Oatmeal Cookies

    Who would turn down a serving of hot oatmeal cookies straight out of the oven? Revamp an old family recipe and find a healthier alternative to two lumps of butter and a full glass of sugar. Replacing the butter with apple mousse is a great solution, and eight scoops of protein powder will raise the already impressive power of the protein reactor from oatmeal and egg whites.

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • ½ cup egg whites
    • 4 cups oatmeal
    • 4 tsp stevia
    • 3 tsp vanilla
    • 1 cup unsweetened apple mousse
    • 8 Scoops Vanilla Caramel Protein Powder
    • 2 tsp olive oil
    • 1 cup raisins
    • ½ cup shredded coconut
    • ½ cup chopped almonds
    • 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon
    1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
    2. Preheat the oven to 170° Celsius.
    3. Form cookies with a tablespoon. You will have about 50 servings.
    4. Bake for 20 minutes.

    2. Protein buns with blueberries

    Not every muffin is fraught with shameful fat folds on the stomach. This time around, be smart about satisfying your irresistible carb cravings. Our buns are not only filled with protein, but also loaded with antioxidant blueberries, potassium-rich bananas and walnuts that strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • 1 ½ cups flour
    • ¼ cup stevia
    • 2 tsp baking powder
    • ½ tsp baking soda
    • ½ tsp salt
    • ½ tsp cinnamon
    • 2 egg whites
    • 3 bananas (ripe and chopped)
    • ½ cup fresh blueberries
    • 1/3 cup almond milk
    • 1 cup sugar-free apple mousse
    • 4 tbsp. l. vanilla and caramel flavored protein powder
    • 1 cup walnuts (crushed)
    1. Combine flour, stevia, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and protein powder in a large bowl.
    2. In another bowl, mix applesauce, egg whites, almond milk and bananas.
    3. Slowly pour dry ingredients into a second bowl. After mixing all the ingredients, carefully add the blueberries and walnuts.
    4. Spoon batter into non-stick pans.
    5. Bake at 180° Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

    When it comes to cooking, I prefer quick, simple and nutritious recipes. And why not get the most out of every meal by maximizing your protein content? I love to add protein powder to my oatmeal and then give it an amazing flavor with a handful of almonds.

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • 2 packets of instant oatmeal
    • 1 scoop vanilla caramel protein powder
    • ¼ cup chopped almonds
    • 1 st. l. cinnamon
    1. Pour 2 packets of instant oatmeal into a bowl.
    2. Add one scoop of Vanilla Caramel Protein Powder. Add cinnamon.
    3. Pour in boiling water and stir until desired consistency.
    4. Sprinkle the dish with chopped almonds.

    4. Protein bars with white chocolate, cinnamon and peanut butter

    Often, ready-made protein bars are advertised sweets, overflowing with sugar and various additives. Make them yourself using this recipe and enjoy the delicious taste of peanut butter and white chocolate. And don't forget to toss the bar into your bag for a light snack throughout the day.

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • ½ cup skim milk or almond milk of your choice
    • 1 cup low-fat peanut butter (solid or creamy)
    • 1 st. l. honey
    • 1 ½ cups chocolate chip cookie flavored protein powder
    • 2 cups oatmeal (not instant)
    • 1 st. l. cinnamon
    • ¼ cup white yogurt flakes
    1. Mix peanut butter, honey and milk in one bowl.
    2. Melt the mixture slowly over low heat.
    3. Add protein powder and cinnamon, mix thoroughly until smooth.
    4. Add oatmeal. Heat the mixture slightly so that it can be easily stirred, but be careful not to boil it. If the consistency is too thick, add some more milk.
    5. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray to keep your bars from sticking to the edges. Sprinkle yogurt flakes on top and press them into the workpiece.
    6. Wait until the finished dish has completely cooled down.
    7. When the dish is cold, cut it into 12-16 bars.
    8. Wrap each bar in tissue paper for storage. Bars can be stored in the refrigerator, but they will taste better at room temperature.

    Tired of drinking a protein shake with full spoons? Try these buns. A hefty portion of oatmeal and chocolate, a few chocolate chips - and this alternative breakfast will give you a taste of the forbidden dish!

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • 1 cup whole oatmeal
    • 5 large egg whites
    • 1 large whole egg
    • ½ scoop Chocolate Flavored Protein Powder
    1. Mix all ingredients for 30 seconds.
    2. We process baking dishes with non-stick spray, lay out the dough in four forms.
    3. We send all this to the oven preheated to 180 ° for 15 minutes.
    4. We take the buns out of the oven and put three slices of chocolate chips on each. Let the buns cool and serve the dish on the table.

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • ½ cup pumpkin puree
    • 1/3 buckwheat flour
    • ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • ½-1 tsp baking powder
    • A pinch of salt
    • 2 tbsp. l. sugar (you can use stevia)
    • ½ tsp cinnamon
    • ½ tsp seasonings for pumpkin pie
    1. Mix the first five ingredients. Then add egg whites and almond milk. You can modify the recipe yourself by adding your favorite foods, such as blueberries, chocolate chips, crushed walnuts, canned pumpkin, or mashed bananas.
    2. Bake in a skillet greased with a little coconut oil.
    3. Garnish your tortillas with almond butter, fruit jelly, coconut oil, or natural maple syrup. Enjoy!

    Forget store-bought snacks and replace them with delicious and healthy protein balls. Instead of biting your teeth into airy flakes and gorging on over-sweetened granola, create your own healthy version of this delicious treat.

    These balls are loaded with protein, infused with pumpkin flavor and sealed with premium quality peanut butter. Real jam!

    Ingredients Cooking method
    • 4 cups oatmeal
    • 1 whole egg
    • 3 egg whites
    • 2 tbsp. l. honey
    • 1 cup natural pumpkin puree
    • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat peanut butter
    • 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide) cottage cheese
    • 1 st. l. pumpkin spices
    • ½ scoop Vanilla Caramel Protein Powder
    • ¼ cup almonds (crushed)
    1. Mix all the ingredients until you get the texture of shortcrust pastry.
    2. Make balls the size of a golf ball out of the dough. Spread them out on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick spray.
    3. Bake at 180° for 15 minutes. Do not overcook the balls in the oven, otherwise they will turn out too dry.

    It is possible to replace protein bars with regular protein cookies prepared by yourself. An increased amount of protein is achieved without the presence of butter. Moreover, part of the flour can be replaced with protein, which will serve as an excellent source of protein.

    • oatmeal - 80 g;
    • protein (casein) - 60 g;
    • 50 g of sugar or sweetener;
    • eggs - 2 pcs;
    • baking paper.

    1. The oven heats up to 180 degrees.
    2. Pour oatmeal into a large bowl.
    3. 2 eggs are broken into a bowl and mixed with cereal.
    4. In the process of mixing, half of the protein is added to the composition.
    5. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the rest of the protein is poured into the bowl.
    6. Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking sheet.
    7. With the help of a spoon, the mixture is laid out on paper in separate lumps, forming future cookies.
    8. After that, a baking sheet with cookies is placed in the oven for 10 minutes. When the cookies are browned, they can be removed from the oven.

    One cookie, in terms of calories, will correspond to 60-80 kcal.

    For making cookies, casein or whey protein is suitable, with the aroma of chocolate, berries, vanilla, etc. The recipe is not perfect and there is an opportunity to experiment by changing the proportions of oatmeal and protein. At the same time, you need to know that without oatmeal, the cookies will have a specific taste, reminiscent of the taste of rubber. Not every athlete will be able to appreciate this taste, therefore, it is better not to resort to such proportions when there is no oatmeal. Sugar can be easily replaced with sweeteners, but you should not resort to honey, as it loses its beneficial properties when heated. You can add nuts, raisins, chocolate, etc. to the main ingredients, to taste.

    Protein cookies can easily replace the usual oatmeal cookies, which do not contribute to weight loss, but on the contrary, they can cause excess weight. In addition, such self-made cookies (protein ones) can turn out to be much tastier than ordinary oatmeal ones. In addition, these cookies contribute to a set of lean muscle mass, which is very important for athletes.

    There is another option for protein cookies that does not require oven cooking. This will require:

    • oatmeal - 1 cup;
    • protein powder - 60 g;
    • peanuts - 1/3 cup;
    • ¼ cup each of nut and coconut oil;
    • dates - 2-3 pieces;
    • water - 3/4 cup.


    1. A blender is taken, where peanut and coconut oil are mixed, as well as 2 dates and water.
    2. A bowl is taken in which dry ingredients are mixed with the mass obtained in a blender.
    3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
    4. At the next stage, the future protein cookies are formed from the resulting mass. To do this, take a spoon and use it to separate pieces from the dough, from which the balls roll. After that, the balls are laid on a flat surface and pressed down. You should get round cookies, about 3 cm in diameter.
    5. After the formation of cookies, it is transferred to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
    6. Once the cookies are in the refrigerator and harden, they can be eaten.

    As can be seen from the information, making your own cookies, which contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of protein, is not difficult. Everything here is aimed at gaining not fat, but muscle mass. This is especially true for those who play sports.

    This is not only useful, but also interesting. In this case, there are many options for obtaining such cookies based on two recipes. After all, you can add some of your ingredients, based on one of the recipes.

    The problem of high-quality and proper nutrition has not arisen today - it has existed for a long time. But in our time it is felt most acutely. The quality of food is constantly declining, therefore, many people are switching to the principles of self-cooking various dishes. The percentage of counterfeit products is constantly high, which means that there is practically no confidence in the manufacturer. And it’s not a fact that a protein bar meets the declared characteristics, and it’s good if it doesn’t hurt. When something is done with your own hands, the result is known in advance, which will please you with a wonderful taste and aroma.


    How to get the most out of this product. Two recipes for self-preparation.

    One of the biggest concerns of bodybuilders is proper nutrition. Sometimes it is so difficult to decide on the products that should be taken before or after a workout. Of course, you can eat a sandwich or a bun, but this is wrong. Fast carbohydrates will not add muscle mass. The only thing that can be achieved with their help is to increase the fat layer. So why "torture" your body if you can eat a hearty protein cookie. It remains only to prepare it.

    What are the benefits?

    If you choose the right recipe and buy all the necessary ingredients, you can get a really satisfying treat. In such a cookie there will be what is required for the development, growth of muscle fibers and recovery. It's no secret that after a workout you always want to eat. In the body, a carbohydrate-protein window “wide open” opens, which needs to be “closed” wisely. And what could be better than a tasty and satisfying cookie with lots of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. Which recipe to choose? We will discuss this issue in the article.

    What to cook?

    Many people think that preparing a delicious treat is difficult. Not at all. You can always choose a recipe that suits the ingredients and cooking time. So let's get started:

    1. Oatmeal Protein Cookies. This recipe is well known to most housewives. We'll just update it a bit. So, as ingredients, you need to buy and prepare coconut flakes (half a glass) and the same amount of egg whites. After that, measure out four cups of oatmeal (preferably as small as possible), stevia (four teaspoons), vanilla (3 tsp is enough), apple mousse (one cup), protein powder (7-8 scoops), raisins ( as a rule, half or a whole glass is enough), a little almond (half a glass) and two tablespoons of cinnamon.

    Pour everything into a large bowl and mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained (if, of course, you can call it that). Preheat the oven to 160-180 degrees Celsius. While the oven is heating, begin to form cookies of the desired shape on a sheet (you should get about 50-60 servings). Install the "blanks" and let them stand in the heat for about 20 minutes. That's all - a wonderful and healthy cookie is ready. The recipe is very simple, and the preparation itself will take no more than 20-30 minutes. The main thing is to buy everything in advance.

    1. A simple protein cookie. This recipe is even easier. Its feature is the minimum amount of fat and calories in the composition. As a result, cookies can be safely eaten even when losing weight. A big plus is a minimum of flour, which will be replaced by protein. Such a treat is best eaten somewhere 30-40 minutes before the start of class. On the one hand, it will provide the necessary feeling of satiety, and on the other hand, it will give the body a supply of useful substances and energy.

    You can customize the recipe yourself. For example, no one bothers to buy and add more protein to cookies, and reduce the total amount of oatmeal. In this case, you get a satisfying product for weight gain.

    In general, let's look at the features of cooking in more detail.

    You will need - oatmeal (90-100 grams), protein (casein or whey - 25-30 grams), one third of a glass of sugar, egg white (2 pieces) and special oven paper (you will bake goodies in it).

    If you do not like large oatmeal, then you can grind them or use flour for cooking. The taste of the protein can be any (here it is already up to your preference). Just do not overdo it with protein, because cookies can turn out bitter. Sugar can be removed by adding a sweetener instead. It is useless to use honey, because when heated, there will still be no useful substances left.

    Once everything is prepared, pour into a bowl and mix until a single mass is obtained. After that, using a spoon, spread the finished mixture on a sheet in the form of a small cookie. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees and put the sheet with the blanks inside. 15-20 minutes is enough and nutritious food is ready.


    Remember that these protein treats are very healthy and can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes. The main thing is to find a decent recipe, buy the ingredients and set aside some time for your health. Good luck.

    Cedar flour is a very useful product with a pleasant taste and aroma of pine nuts. It is suitable for healthy, sports and dietary nutrition.

    In protein-nut cookies with pine nuts, the taste and aroma of pine nuts are very felt. Of course, in the recipe, cedar flour can be replaced with any other nut flour, you get no less tasty cookies, but with a different flavor.

    It is advisable to use fine sugar, and even better if it is powdered sugar. Grind nuts (almonds and hazelnuts) in a blender.

    We heat the oven to a temperature of 120 degrees. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

    Place the egg whites and lemon juice in a large bowl and beat at low speed with a mixer. As soon as the whites begin to foam, gradually increase the mixer speed to maximum and start adding sugar little by little, without stopping beating.

    Beat the sugar with the proteins for several minutes - until stable peaks.

    Add chopped nuts and cedar flour to whipped proteins.

    Mix everything with a spatula (or spoon) in an upward motion. We act quickly, but carefully so as not to lose volume. It is not necessary to mix for a long time, as soon as the nut flour and ground nuts are combined with proteins, we shift the mixture into a pastry bag.

    We place cookies on a baking sheet, decorate the middle of each cookie with a pine nut. We send the baking sheet with the blanks to the preheated oven for 50 minutes. The cookies should dry well and lightly browned. For extra crunchiness, I leave the cookies to cool in the oven off. Then it turns out completely dried, like meringue.

    If protein-nut cookies with cedar flour are cooled at room temperature, then the middle will probably remain soft.

    Cookies are stored at room temperature in a closed container, so they will not lose their crunch. How many days to keep it? In my kitchen, protein-nut cookies "live" for no more than two days - they are eaten too quickly.

    The number of finished cookies is three such baking sheets, as in the photo above, but it all depends on the size of the blanks. It took me about 1 tablespoon of protein "dough" for each blank.

    Bon Appetit!

    Simple protein cookies can be easily prepared by anyone. It turns out dryish and crispy, often they even replace popcorn. These types of treats are very popular with children, because they can be dipped in tea or milk, and it becomes tender and melts in the mouth.

    The easiest recipe

    This protein cookie is extremely easy to make. It uses coconut flakes, so the delicacy has a bright aroma.

    For baking you need to take:

    • four proteins;
    • a glass of sugar or powdered sugar;
    • five tablespoons of coconut flakes;
    • three tablespoons of flour, preferably with a slide.

    To begin with, beat the whites with a mixer until a thick foam that holds its shape. Add sugar or powdered sugar and continue to beat until the mass becomes homogeneous. If powder is used, then it takes less time to beat, as it dissolves perfectly.

    Then, using a spoon, gently introduce flour and chips, knead the dough. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, the cookie dough is laid on the squirrels with a spoon, giving the desired shape. The dessert is prepared for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. When the dough is ready, it is immediately cut into pieces, without waiting for cooling. Cookies are eaten cold.

    Light butter cookies

    In this recipe, starch is used, it is better to take corn starch. For this protein cookie recipe, you need to prepare:

    • three proteins;
    • 150 grams of sugar;
    • 50 grams of butter;
    • 90 grams of flour;
    • 1.5 tablespoons of starch;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • a few shelled walnuts for sprinkling.

    To begin with, the butter is melted in a water bath, then cooled slightly. Separately combine salt, proteins and sugar. Lightly beat them with a fork or whisk to mix the ingredients. Add butter, mix. The flour is sifted together with the starch and parts are added to the proteins, the ingredients are mixed. Cover the bowl with the finished dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    The baking sheet is covered with parchment. The dough is poured, leveled with a silicone spatula or spread with a spoon, giving an interesting shape. Walnuts are turned into crumbs with a knife or a blender, gently sprinkle them with protein cookies. The dessert is baked for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. At the end of the process, cool the base for cookies slightly and cut into rectangles. This treat is served with tea.

    Shortbread cookies on boiled proteins

    This recipe is quite original. It uses already cooked proteins. The result is a crispy dough. In order to make cookies from proteins and butter, you need to take:

    • 200 grams of oil;
    • three boiled proteins;
    • 70 grams of powdered sugar;
    • 300 grams of flour;
    • 150 grams of your favorite jam, preferably thick.

    You can also take a little more powder to decorate the finished cookies. The oil should be taken out in advance so that it becomes soft. Powder is added to it and beat with a mixer so that the mass becomes creamy. Proteins are rubbed through a sieve, added to the oil and thoroughly kneaded.

    The flour is sifted and added to the rest of the ingredients. It is better to do it gradually so that there are no lumps. After that, parchment is laid on the board, the dough is laid out, covered with a second sheet of parchment on top. Roll out. The result should be a layer 0.5 cm thick.

    The dough is removed together with the board in the cold for two hours. The oven must be heated to 180 degrees. The cooled dough is taken out, cookies of any shape are cut out of it. In half of the blanks, a hole is made in the middle. Bake the delicacy for about 10 minutes until it turns golden. After they cool. Cookies without a hole are smeared with jam, covered with a half with a hole cut out. Sprinkle with powder.

    Chocolate Nut Protein Cookies: Recipe

    A photo of the finished product is presented in the article. You can learn more about the process of kneading the dough by watching the video.

    This is a fairly simple recipe. The cookies are light. For this recipe you need to take:

    • 110 grams of sugar;
    • two proteins;
    • 120 grams of peeled walnuts;
    • 50 grams of chocolate, preferably dark;
    • 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

    Since these are whipped protein cookies, you can’t do without a mixer. Both types of sugar and egg whites are combined in a bowl, beat thoroughly until stable peaks form on it. The nuts are finely chopped, the chocolate is turned into crumbs. Gently stir in both ingredients with a spoon. Parchment is laid on a baking sheet, the base for cookies is laid with a spoon. Bake for about five minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Then turn off the oven. of proteins are left in the oven until completely cooled.

    Cookies with almonds and candied fruits

    What do you need for delicious cookies? Egg whites! But candied fruits also fit perfectly into this dessert. For this cookie option for the whole family, you need to take:

    • five proteins;
    • a glass of powdered sugar;
    • half a glass of flour;
    • half a glass of your favorite candied fruits;
    • 150 grams of almonds;
    • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

    Almonds must be peeled from the brown skin. To do this, it is poured with boiling water for a minute. After that, the skin is easily removed from it with your hands. Peeled nuts are washed with cold water. If this is not done, then the almonds may darken. Dry the nuts on a baking sheet at a temperature of 100 degrees for about five minutes. After it is cooled, and then turned into crumbs using a blender.

    Beat the whites with a mixer, add vanilla sugar and about a third of powdered sugar, beat again. Separately combine 100 grams of almonds, candied fruits and flour. Thoroughly mix the ingredients. Add the mass to the proteins, mixing gently. Sift and add the rest of the powdered sugar, mix again.

    Transfer the dough into a pastry bag. Parchment is laid on a baking sheet, and the mass is squeezed onto it in small portions. Sprinkle each with the remaining almond crumbs. Cookies are baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. The finished cookies are allowed to cool, and then removed from the parchment. It goes great with coffee.

    Chocolate chip cookies: tasty and fast

    This cookie is soft and tender. To prepare this recipe, you need to take:

    • three proteins;
    • four tablespoons of sugar;
    • three tablespoons of cocoa;
    • five tablespoons of flour.

    Proteins are pre-cooled. Beat them with a whisk together with sugar until a fairly stable foam is formed. Add cocoa and continue beating. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of flour. Whisk again. Then put the rest of the flour and knead the cookie dough with a spoon.

    Paper is laid on a baking sheet, cookie dough is laid with a teaspoon. Bake it for about ten minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Remove from pan when it cools down a bit.

    Cookies with coconut and chocolate

    This simple but delicious recipe uses the following ingredients:

    • one protein;
    • 100 grams of sugar;
    • dried apricots - five pieces;
    • 50 grams of walnuts;
    • 70 grams of chocolate;
    • the same amount of coconut;
    • zest of one orange.

    Thanks to the coconut flakes, the cookies have a very delicate and delicate flavor. Chocolate is better to take dark or milk, but without additives.

    How to cook cookies?

    To begin with, the protein is cooled. Using a mixer, beat it until fluffy, to make it easier to do this, add a pinch of salt. This will not affect the final result. Pour sugar into the protein, beat again for a couple of minutes so that it dissolves.

    Nuts and chocolate are chopped, preferably to medium size. Dried apricots are soaked in boiling water, then squeezed and finely chopped. The zest is rubbed on a fine grater. All these ground ingredients are added to the protein. Mix with a spoon. Place cookies on a baking sheet covered with parchment. It is convenient to do this with a spoon.

    The cookies will expand during cooking, so it's best to leave some space between the cookies. Bake a treat for exactly a minute at a temperature of 250 degrees. Then turn off the oven without opening the door. Leave cookies in it for a couple of hours. After that, the dessert is taken out and allowed to cool completely at room temperature.

    Protein biscuits

    This recipe uses the following products:

    • 100 grams of butter;
    • 180 grams of vanilla sugar;
    • a glass of proteins;
    • 150 grams of flour;
    • a little lemon zest.

    Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, beat it with vanilla sugar. Beat egg whites separately until stiff peaks form. Add them to the oil, mixing gently. Then put the sifted flour and grated lemon zest. Everyone is kneading. Spread a layer of dough on a baking sheet. Baked at a temperature of 150 degrees. Then they are cut into strips and sent back to the oven until it becomes crispy.

    Perhaps, cookies are loved, if not by everyone, then by many. However, not everyone knows that you can cook it using egg whites. The recipes are quite simple, but the result is an original cookie, airy and crispy. In addition to proteins and sugar, you can add different types of nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits, as well as chocolate. A small amount of cocoa in the dough also allows you to get an interesting treat. Most cookies expand during baking, so you need to take this into account when laying the workpiece on a baking sheet.