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  • Holiday on March 8 for adults.

    Holiday on March 8 for adults.

    Scenario-gatherings on March 8 for the ladies' group.

    "Women's day like women"

    One of the employees acts as a presenter. Everyone is invited to the tables.

    Leading: Dear Ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you for a bachelorette party. As, however, and on all other days, after all, our close-knit female team simply cannot be spilled with water! This is not the first time we are going to such gatherings, and I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday no more boring than in the company of men! Because a woman is best known and understood only by a woman.

    Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As it is sung in the song: "A bachelorette party, a bachelorette party, a man is superfluous here!"

    The snow will melt the prankster March,

    Hearts will thaw from winter.

    Let's celebrate a women's holiday

    As only we can!

    A toast is raised to a wonderful occasion and no less wonderful company.

    Leading: And right now we will sing with you!

    Song "Today is a holiday for girls" (to the tune of the song "Girls" from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina).

    The text must be printed and distributed in advance.

    Today is the girls' holiday

    Today we are on fire!

    And let them look enviously

    Men or boys

    Having collected the strengths,

    Standing to the side

    They're teasing bouquets in their hands

    Because today the girls

    They want to "break away" in full!

    We will sing and dance

    Walk and have fun

    Not to notice men at all

    And their sad faces!

    Let the boys

    Standing to the side

    We don't need them now

    Because we are with you girls

    On the threshold of a beautiful spring!


    Today the sun is shining happier

    Anticipating the breath of spring

    And all the beautiful dreams in the world

    Today they must come true easily!

    Let's raise this glass to a new spring! Spring always breathes more freely, and the heart is more cheerful. In spring, not only nature wakes up, but also feelings, hopes, good mood. Happy Women's Day and Happy New Spring!

    After the toast: Do you know, girls, that if you take a closer look around you, you will notice that the arrival of spring portends many other life changes! There are many funny spring signs, for example ...

    Spring signs

    A couple of swallows are flying - this is to the matchmakers!

    Snow melts quickly - go shopping!

    Bubbles in puddles - to a rich groom!

    Sneezing on the first day of spring - to a fun life!

    Wind from the south - to happy changes!

    Leading: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is one more inalienable sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally in a day or two, there is simply no overcrowding in stores. This is because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not regularly, they give us something completely wrong! What does a woman want? Anything that will make her even more beautiful and irresistible.

    And today just such gifts are in store for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!

    I will have to stay a little in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already over ...

    Please choose!

    The presenter brings out a large bag, from which each employee must take out a gift without looking.

    The presenter accompanies this process with commentary rhymes (the name of the employee is substituted in the rhyme in a similar form).

    "Gifts for Beauty"


    You, Olya, - curlers!

    Tighten curls

    Come out of the house -

    Well, man, wait!


    Become a fan of glamor


    Will be able Kate no fancy

    With this nail file!

    Cotton buds

    And for Lenochki- surprise,

    This is the most needed prize:

    Not funny at all

    Ear sticks!


    This is a mirror Irisha,

    Keep close, close at hand

    So that you are your beauty

    I admired the day-day!

    Salt for bath

    Tanechka, let me hand over

    Fragrant salt!

    With her you will be a queen

    The king will fall in love with you!


    Natasha with all my heart

    I give you a handkerchief!


    Important for hygiene!


    For you, Alyonushka,

    Sorry for nothing!

    Here's a sauna for you

    New sponge!

    Hand cream

    Relieve any torment

    This gentle hand cream!

    Julia, grease handles furtively,

    Life will be just as smooth!


    The snow will melt on the path

    Will remove Anya boots!

    Don't look at the cold

    Rub your heels with a pumice stone!


    This prize is more valuable than others:

    You will Galya, all slimmer!


    Comb thick braids

    Now you can without a question!

    With this brand new comb

    Sveta all will be smitten with a haircut!

    Chocolate bar

    On a merciless diet

    We are tired of sitting!

    Will Lyuba so gratifying

    Eat this chocolate!


    Beauty is a great power!

    Gets Vale soap!

    It is so pleasant to wash with soap:

    Both fresh and aromatic!

    Nail polish

    Varnish Marina come in handy

    It is easy to transform with him:

    With a wave of the hand

    Decorate the marigolds!


    Ole- thread spool!

    Carry them with you, girlfriend,

    So that with your beloved boy

    You tied in a knot!

    Eyebrow tweezers

    To become a style icon

    You need to pinch your eyebrows!

    We give Nade tweezers,

    Beware, offenders!

    Green tea

    You need to drink green tea!

    Masha drink and enjoy

    Always stay young!

    For Lyudmila expensive -

    Iodine bubbles

    After all, health is more important

    Than any fashion!


    Brushing his teeth Lida clearly

    In the mornings and evenings

    And with such a toothbrush

    Everything in the world is tough!


    There is no more spectacular hairstyle

    Than a ponytail

    And now our Rita

    There is a hair tie!


    Well, did you cheat anyone? I see everyone is happy with their gifts! And now I remembered a distant childhood, when for the holiday on March 8, we lovingly prepared surprises and gifts for our mothers ...

    The sun is shining clear

    On these spring days

    Gives warmth and affection,

    As from my mother's hand!

    Let's fill and raise the next feast for mothers, may they be alive and healthy for a long time!

    Toast to mothers:

    When God created the baby, he decided to send him to earth. The baby said:

    - But I am so small and I do not know how to walk, how can I survive on earth?

    - You will be carried in her arms by a woman, - answered God.

    - But I do not know how to eat myself!

    - This woman will feed you.

    - But I do not know how to speak the language of people. Teach me to explain in it!

    - You just need to learn one word - "mother" ...

    Leading (after the toast): Girls, speaking of mothers, on this day one cannot but mention our common second mother! I'm talking about our beloved boss! Without exaggeration, one can only say good things about her. She leads and directs all of us, assumes all responsibility and, so to speak, rushes to the embrasure, defending our interests. We spent so much time choosing the words to express our gratitude and admiration to her that it turned out to be a whole song!

    The song about the boss (to the motive of the children's song "Smile").

    From the smile of our boss lady

    Even the laziest will wake up

    And no one will hang their nose

    If our (Name Patronymic name) will smile!


    And then for sure

    The clouds are flying away

    Errors are corrected in the reports!

    From the blue brook

    The river begins

    And the bosses start with a smile!

    From the smile of our boss lady

    The soul always becomes more wonderful!

    Despite vitamin deficiency,

    We get to work with a song!

    You are one of those good people

    Who is only by the presence of one

    Every day makes good

    And the world is cheerful and colorful!

    Let your success be the result

    All beginnings and undertakings,

    In your soul you have dreams about many things,

    May they come true soon!


    Leading(after the toast):

    May happiness and love smile

    In the springtime long-awaited

    May the sweetest, dear, desired

    Surrounds with care again and again!

    So we started talking about the sweetest and dearest, about our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It often happens in life that we, the weaker sex, take on too much and carry it on fragile shoulders ... There is one popular wisdom: men should be allowed to be men. And to what extent do we allow them to do this?

    Let's check!

    Test joke "Are you independent?"

    Presenter: I have a short test for you. Answer "yes" or "no", you want - mentally, you want - out loud! So here we go!

    You at least once in your life ...

    1) got behind the wheel?

    2) hammered in a nail?

    3) compliment someone?

    4) lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?

    5) changed the wheel of the car?

    6) fought with the shop assistants?

    7) did you buy yourself gold?

    8) and finally, do you know what the word "pliers" means?

    Now let's decipher the results:

    - those who do not have a single answer "yes": a man is absolutely necessary to maintain at least a minimal opportunity to survive in this difficult world;

    - those who answered “yes” to half and less than half of the questions: they still have a chance to become independent and independent;

    - those who answered “yes” to more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop the horse and enter the hut!

    Leading: Of course, this test is comic, but, as they say, in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke ... How do we want to see our "men of dreams", our knights, princes on a white horse?

    Competition "My Prince"

    Sheets of paper are fixed on the wall in advance. The task of the competition is to draw a prince (or a knight - if you wish), but certainly on horseback!

    Everyone is involved.

    Leading: Now let's drink to men ... They are what they are - not ideal, like ourselves. And let's mentally send them our hello and a kiss! Or maybe not mentally: did you know that by the shape of the lipstick print when kissing, you can judge the intentions and feelings? Let's check on napkins! If the print is round, it means a serious stable relationship. If the heart is passionate love. "Bow" - frivolity and meaningless flirting. And an imprint of a square shape means disgust and latent dislike!

    Leading: Well, we "washed the bones" for men. It's good that they don't hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would not be the most important happiness on earth - our children!

    A toast is raised to the health and success of the children of all women present.


    Why do we love spring days so much?

    Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

    Because only they are filled

    Unusual, special happiness, warmth ...

    Attention lady! On March 8, it is customary to give flowers to women. And women themselves bloom like roses! But few people know that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will find out which of us is who, and we will get a gorgeous bouquet ...

    Those who were born in January stand up! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and hear about yourself (and so on for all the months):


    Who dared to dream of an Orchid,

    He knows - a difficult undertaking:

    She will break your heart

    And proudly leave!


    Always fresh, vigorous Mimosa,

    Don't waste your tears!

    Mimosa is a surprise girl

    “We only live once” is her motto!


    Everyone knows: Lady Lily

    Inaccessible, like the Bastille!

    But in the circle of her friends

    No party girls are more fun!


    Purebred nobleman

    Our lovely Dahlia!

    Nobility is in the blood here ...

    But the Dahlias dream

    About simple earthly love!

    Lily of the valley(May)

    The Lily of the Valley woman is modest and courteous,

    Very neat and very pretty!

    She is not too lazy to work,

    And make beauty all day long!


    The bell is the funniest

    Having fun like a child!

    He remembers the most important thing:

    You cannot be a pessimist!


    From which overseas countries

    Did the Tulip come to us?

    Exotic, eccentric

    But at the same time cute!


    Look at the Sunflower:

    Lovely, whatever you say!

    There are so many ideas and plans in it,

    How many seeds are inside!


    All Carnations are no coincidence

    Stunned how good:

    Only Carnations know the secret

    Eternal youth of the soul!


    Chamomile is a little shy,

    But flirting is not averse!

    She's a last shirt

    Will give to help others!

    the Rose(November)

    Rose hides many secrets,

    But there is one secret in it:

    In this look, in this pose

    All the greatness of victories!


    Lotus knows how to convince


    He only dreams of peace

    And there is something to be proud of the Lotus!

    Leading: Let's raise a toast to our colorful and extremely wonderful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so matched to each other that replace at least one - and it will be completely different! ..

    And once again with the women's holiday, all of you, my dear flowers! As nature blooms in spring, may your beauty bloom in the same way! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, kindness!

    With the most heartfelt words

    Full of spring warmth

    Congratulations on the first rays

    Happy holiday of love and beauty!

    Please yourself, dream, believe

    Smile wider as you do now

    May the heart at any time of the year

    Beats like a spring with you!

    And now I invite everyone to dance!

    The program is performed by three presenters
    1st presenter.
    You are a woman, you are a book between books
    You are a folded sealed scroll
    In his lines and thoughts, and words are abundant,
    Every moment is insane in his sheets.
    You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!

    It burns with fire, barely got into the mouth;
    But the drinker of the flame suppresses the cry
    And praises madly in the midst of torture.
    You are a woman, and in this you are right.
    From the century removed by a starry crown,
    You are in our abysses - the image of a deity! ..
    2nd leader.
    Has it always been like this? Was a woman always a deity for a man? In the Hungarian National Library. Széchenyi has a little book titled "Proof That Females Are Not Human." The author of this work claims that almost all animal qualities are present in a woman, and in her natural inclinations, she, therefore, stands closer to the animal world than to the human world.
    In her arrogance she is a peacock,
    grumpy - a bear,
    by stinginess - a she-wolf,
    by resourcefulness - a fox,
    enviously - a dog,
    out of anger - a snake,
    for talkativeness - forty,
    in form - a siren, luring men to death.
    This is in foreign literature, but in Russian? "…woman. Wife. Cross. Our clamp. Hoop. Weight. Earthly gimp. "
    1st presenter.
    But, fortunately, not everyone thought so.
    3rd presenter.
    I won't get tired of the wrong shadow theater
    Perfection to seek for the rest of your days.
    I affirm: your face is brighter than the sun
    I affirm "your camp is slimmer cypress.
    Because of your eyes that melt the ice
    Because of your speeches that lavish honey,
    Because of your hair that entwined my soul,
    I am your obedient slave now and in advance.
    Oh woman, beauty of the earth,
    Relatives in a straight line
    The first one, expelled from paradise,
    You carry heaven within yourself ...
    1st presenter.
    And remember in Pushkin: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us and the more surely we destroy her amid seductive nets ...". How everything has changed, Alexander Sergeevich! Now the fair sex itself has succeeded in weaving "webs". The main thing for a modern woman is to convince a man that her “nets” are not destructive, but healing. Everything else, she believes, will come on its own, and it's true!

    Music sounds, candles are lit, a conspiracy of love is pronounced.

    Music sounds.

    1st presenter.
    I am not a sorceress, not a sorceress,
    I do not call a voice of terrible forces,
    Do not play with darkness in the moonlessness
    My eyes are dark with sparks.
    3rd presenter.
    Miraculous participation of the heart
    And kind speech is healing.
    No peace, no happiness for myself
    I never dared to bring it on.
    2nd leader.
    With witchcraft over, let's talk about feminine charm. And what is this - charm? It turns out that charm can be learned in the same way that manners can be learned. These are the main traits of a truly charming person:
    - a charming woman, being next to you, gives you undivided attention;
    - a charming woman does not discriminate against anyone. Her charm is available to everyone, it is indiscriminate and disinterested;
    - a charming woman sensitively captures what we value in ourselves, and provides us with support and sympathy,
    - charming people very often consult, they notice the talents and special preferences of each and ask for help;
    - a charming woman is not perfect and wants us to know it. She can be decent, reliable, competent, but still she sometimes makes mistakes. And a significant part of her charm is in the fact that she admits it, not afraid to laugh at herself.
    So, a truly charming woman is always natural, devoid of pretense, falsehood and, of course, dressed fashionably and tastefully. It's spring now and we want to show you spring outfits.

    Music sounds. Demonstration of mod.

    1st presenter.
    What a riot of styles, colors! Each of you has your favorite color. In search of the truth about ourselves and loved ones, we study horoscopes, seek advice from astrologers and astrologers. Meanwhile, it turns out that we can reveal many secrets ourselves, using a clear, simple and, of course, mysterious language of colors. So, your favorite color.
    Red - means activity, passion and the desire to conquer. You love to command and come first.
    2nd leader.
    Dark green - pacification, peace, stability and ... money.
    3rd presenter.
    Light green - associated with delicacy, aestheticism and a sense of the importance of family ties.
    1st presenter.
    Dark gray - symbolizes logic and intelligence, intellectual wealth.
    2nd leader.
    Black is a sign of the night, mystery and sensuality.
    3rd presenter.
    Dark blue - associated with faith, religion, subconsciousness and travel.
    1st presenter.
    Blue is the color of dreams, romance, sleep, and security. Blue is the color of feelings.
    2nd leader.
    Yellow is the color of creativity, love and heart.
    3rd presenter.
    Brown - symbolizes modesty, knowledge, solidarity, austerity and firmness.
    1st presenter.
    Purple is the color of space, freedom and everything that cannot be called traditional and banal.
    2nd leader.
    White is the color of ecstasy, remoteness, as well as faith, imagination, peace and quiet.
    Perhaps these brief characteristics will help you better understand yourself and your loved ones.
    3rd presenter.
    After all, there are such situations in life: your friends move away from you, annoy everyone in the family. But you can change everything. Here are some thoughts on why this is happening.
    1. You are complaining too much.
    2. You don't know how to listen.
    3. You are an alarmist.
    4. You are a know-it-all.
    5. You do not know how to control your behavior.
    6. You are too intrusive.
    7. You are too critical.
    8. You lack a sense of humor.
    1st presenter.
    If you learn to empathize, you don't have to worry about being loved. You will be loved. Feel the other person as yourself, and they will fall into place, And here are 10 tips for you:
    1. Take up for a change thinking about other people's problems.
    2. Learn to listen to the interlocutor.
    3. Make the other person talk more about themselves.
    4. Remember what he talked to you about.
    5. Be patient - really have compassion.
    6. Try to steer the conversation in the right direction, but not for selfish reasons.
    7. Praise rarely, but sincerely.
    8. Be honest - it deserves the risk.
    9. Broaden your horizons.
    10. make people laugh.
    2nd leader.
    How much tenderness
    How much trouble
    In every house,
    Behind every door!
    Everywhere a woman is like a stronghold
    Like a challenge to any disbelief!
    Cooking food, washing clothes,
    Stores pickles for the winter,
    And like shadows pass her
    All my golden insights!
    But lunch is smoking on the table
    And the child babbles carelessly
    Starting to walk on the ground ...
    How clear all this is!
    How eternal!
    3rd presenter.
    In our time, the woman has abruptly gone into the lead. Often she can even give the man a head start. As a result of the observations, it was possible to identify that:
    - it is best to send a woman on a responsible business trip: if she doesn’t beat the “deficit”, then at least she will acquire the necessary thing;
    - to speak at a meeting with a report dedicated to Women's Day on March 8, the best woman: she will speak briefly, because she needs to get home as quickly as possible in order to present her husband with a holiday gift, which he then must give her in an intrusive setting;
    - it is best for a woman to work in the confectionery industry: only she will be able to make candy out of unsuitable products;
    - it is best for a woman to stand in lines: she will not only stand up for herself, but will protect the reputation of her beloved husband from attacks, who at this time, sitting in an armchair, watches football on TV;
    - it is best for a woman to be in the clouds, so she looks more like an angel;
    - it is best to write memoirs for a woman: she willingly remembers what was not.
    1st presenter.
    It follows from the above that, surrendering to a woman, a man must win some positions from her. What is he capable of? Observations have shown that a man is not prohibited from:
    - to work as an otolaryngologist: after all, a woman will wipe his nose anyway;
    - to bring up children: after all, a woman should still have time to educate her husband;
    - to cook dinner, if, however, his head is cooking, and not just his stomach;
    - knock out carpets: having stuffed his hand, he may eventually knock out an inexpensive flying carpet for the house, for the family;
    - go mountaineering: maybe this is how he will learn to conquer women;
    And finally:
    - to love a woman - he must kindle in her a return fire of love, inspiring her, the one and only, to actions that she is capable of only for his sake, a man.

    Music sounds.

    3rd presenter.
    Love - it can be different
    There is a glint on the ice.
    It happens to be an obsessive pain
    It happens to be an apple tree in the garden.
    There is a whirlwind and flight.
    It can be a chain and a prison ...
    We will rest her, and work,
    And we sacrifice our own lives!
    But there is still such a love
    What will fit discreetly
    And, lifting, helping,
    Will lead you through the years.
    And it will be until the last days
    With your soul and conscience.
    1st presenter.
    On these spring days, let's talk about love. The time is not for her now, someone will say, to feed herself. But, mercilessly divided into men and women, we suffer from its absence no less than the lack of food. If we delete love from ourselves, then the suit will sit crookedly, and there will be no interest in life. Hear what the writer and screenwriter Leonid Zhukhovitsky has to say about love, he claims to have solved the mystery of Don Juan.
    2nd leader.
    “Taking into account someone else's and my own humble experience, I tried to understand Don Juan's approach to women. How did he conquer them? Cunning, luck, natural talent? Of the millions of men who seduced women, mankind remembers only Don Juan. He had a gift for making a woman happy. This gift is love and understanding. What does a man expect from a woman? I will quote the phrase of one of my heroes: “A woman should be soft. Do you know what a real woman is? You put your hand on your shoulder and there is a notch in the shape of a hand. But happy is the man who has had at least one such woman. "
    1st presenter.
    Viktor Merezhko, screenwriter: “If you talk about human happiness, you don't have to look for it far - it’s in the family. A woman makes a family, a wife makes a husband. In general, the ideal union of a man and a woman can be when they say only pleasant things to each other. Men especially do not like it when they are pitying, and it is also extremely necessary to be away from each other at least once a year. To feel like the master of your life. " This is a masculine view of family and women.

    Music sounds.

    3rd presenter.
    We are only women - and, so to speak, "alas"!
    Why "alas"? It's time to hurt the reasons.
    "Wine and women" - so you say,
    But we don't say, "Candy and men."
    We distinguish you from a roll, from a halva,
    We somehow feel that people are not hams,
    Although, to listen to you, only that are distinguishable,
    That we never have our heads on our shoulders.
    "Wine and Women?" - Let's follow from here!
    Oh woman take a cookbook
    Say: "I love you like berry jelly,
    Like a fish head! Like a hare's ankle!
    Is my affection after your heart?
    Aren't you pie? Not cheese? Are you human? And I?"
    1st presenter.
    Let's talk about men. About these strange creatures that baffle us, break our plans and fool us. Let's get acquainted with the experience of the scientific study of the male species. First of all, let's define the subject of research.
    Boyology is a branch of biology dealing with the masculine biped. Synonyms: boys, guys, men, these types, "he".
    Further: all people are animals, but not all animals are people.
    Men are an interesting and explosive mixture of both.
    Humans are mammals, but it is possible that males belong to a separate subclass, although not yet clearly established by anyone. It is believed that men are at a lower stage of development than people, but sometimes they are more fun than monkeys. However, some boyologists believe that men are generally an alien form, like aliens.
    2nd leader.
    Anatomy of a man ... Although the brain of men, like the brain of women, consists of two hemispheres - left and right, they prefer to use the left. This hemisphere is intended exclusively for logical thinking. The ability to express one's thoughts in a person is laid not in the left, but quite the opposite - in the right hemisphere, which is why it is so difficult for men to use speech, especially if feelings are also involved. Therefore, it can be difficult for women to understand what is on their mind: a man simply cannot express his thoughts and feelings in words. The heart of a man seems hard as a stone: men try to remain cold and calm at all costs, especially when it comes to women. But remember: their hearts are responsive to affection and understanding.
    Vision does not play the most important role in a man's life. Do you want him to stare at you tirelessly? You don't have to be a supermodel to do that. Men are attracted to women who are confident, friendly and welcoming, and appearance is not the main thing.
    Now the main thing: the way to a man's heart lies through ... his ears (but not his - yours). One way to win his favor is to listen to what he has to say, which means asking him questions that require non-short answers, but suggest a long story, and listen, listen, listen.
    3rd presenter.
    Where are they found? Men often hunt (for women and for entertainment) in packs: they believe that their safety is in numbers. The natural habitat of men is in the fresh air. Most often they can be found near water bodies: along the shores of seas, rivers, lakes, on the sides of swimming pools and booze stalls. Although sometimes men gather in closed and noisy rooms, they stay there with only one purpose: they will not wait for women to notice them and begin to admire them.
    1st presenter.
    Types and types of men. "Don Juan's type" is characterized by incredible treachery. Unfortunately, Don Juans are charming, witty and able to give such smiles that melt hearts (and then break them).
    "Serious and responsible type" - this one has his own opinion on all issues, and kvam treats him like a two-year-old baby. And although such men always have their shoes polished, it is a green longing to communicate with them.
    The "sufferer type" is aloof and melancholy and may seem sensitive at first. He may also ask you for help, for example, to save him from alcoholism. Do not! An alcoholic needs qualified help, and there is nothing to roll down with him.
    This concludes the initial course in the study of boiology. Your next assignment is to go where men live and where you can test theory with practice. Just move slowly and carefully, they can be frightened off by a sharp movement.
    2nd leader.
    A man and a woman - how many jokes are circulating about their relationship! Here is an excerpt from the diary
    Don Juan.
    - Falling in love, a woman wants to tie the marriage bond, and a man wants a knot as a keepsake.
    - Horns grow fastest on a bald head.
    - Love is a secret: if you want to keep it, do not tell anyone about it, even the one you love
    - The more the heart burns, the weaker the pot cooks,
    - Happiness is to have a beautiful wife, and grief is to have such happiness,
    - Every woman should remember: dinners will be tastier if they are cooked less often.
    - A man loves a woman if he says that she is like his mother, and has fallen out of love if he says that she is like his own.
    - A man is like a bath leaf: first he sticks to a woman, and then he is washed off.
    - Not a single woman loves a married man: a wife because he already married her, and other women because he did not marry them.
    - A kiss is not yet love, love is not yet marriage, and marriage is not yet happiness.

    Music sounds.

    3rd presenter.
    A kiss is nothing and something
    Everything. You rose with him and drooped,
    The kiss is endless
    As polysemantic as a language.
    Kiss of coveted love -
    It is similar to salty water:
    The more you thirst for moisture
    The more frantically you drink.
    1st presenter.
    What is a kiss? According to Vladimir Dahl's definition, it is a sign of love, friendship, respect. But this is also one of the ways to express feelings. Polish scientists estimate that during a kiss 12 calories are burned and about 250 bacteria and several viruses are transmitted. Each hug doubles the speed of the heart and shortens life by 3 minutes. And yet people, despite all the losses in calories, kiss from time immemorial, getting mutual pleasure.
    As they say, nature takes its toll. And the first love begins with a kiss. These anecdotes will tell you the best about it.
    2nd leader.
    Having learned that about 250 bacteria and several viruses are transmitted during a kiss, the girl immediately parried. "But, on the other hand, you get rid of so many the same."
    1st presenter.
    A guy, having barely met a girl, suddenly asks:
    - What would you think of me if I sent you an air kiss?
    - What are you - a big bummer!
    1st presenter.
    - No, no, Robert! - says the girl. - Not a single kiss before the wedding.
    - Well, okay, just let me know when you get married.
    2nd leader.
    “The first time you argue with me, I'll kiss you.
    - No, you won't kiss!
    3rd presenter.
    - What is a true gentleman?
    - This is a man who, kissing his wife, takes the pipe out of his mouth.
    1st presenter.
    - What did your wife say when she noticed you kissing with a neighbor?
    - Imagine, nothing. And those two front teeth should have been removed for a long time already.
    2nd leader.
    - In my opinion, modern men are completely devoid of the old, chivalrous spirit.
    - Do not speak! I know a man who has never kissed his wife in six months, but beat up a friend who dared to do so.
    3rd presenter.
    - God, how times change! My mother still perfectly remembers how my father kissed her for the first time, and my sister had already forgotten the name of her first husband!
    1st presenter.
    Dear Ladies! When a man says to his beloved "my treasure", he does not suspect that there is some truth in these words. Studies have shown that the body of a modern woman contains 5-6 times more gold than men. And although this is generally scanty content, but still more than a reinforced sex!
    2nd leader.
    Well, that's all we wanted to tell you about a woman, about spring, about love. A thousand times Gorky was right when he said that "love is a desire to live."

    Music sounds.

    3rd presenter.
    Love is my work and my thoughts,
    I don't need the world if there is no love.
    I. Sekacheva

    The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to women and congratulations. It is advisable that the congratulation is not too protracted and official, it is better to perform it in a poetic or song form. Be sure to mention every woman in your congratulations, compliment her and say a few special words. Also, on this holiday, you cannot do without the presentation of flowers.

    After congratulating and presenting gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants were spared both from the preparation of the treat and from cleaning the table after the end of the banquet.

    Competition test "Real women"

    As a holiday entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men, dressed as women, take part in it. At the same time, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

    After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough), claiming that they are women, the presenter chooses several participants and holds various contests between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man into a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

    Competition "Who is Bigger"

    The presenter sets a certain feminine theme (for example, "flowers", "cosmetics companies", "items of clothing", "jewelry"). The task of the participants is to name words related to this topic in any order. The participant who calls the last word gets a prize point.

    Game "Women's logic"

    The host names several items. Participants should name an item that is redundant on this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point.

    Examples of tasks for the game "Women's Logic":

    Hair coloring with henna, basma, Vella paint. (Coloring "Vella", since henna and basma are natural paints.)

    Vanilla rusks, bread crumbs, raisin rusks. (Breadcrumbs, as they are not a ready-to-eat product.)

    Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, as viscose and cotton are natural materials.)

    Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Extra lotion as it is used for hygiene purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume are used as perfumes.)

    Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, as it is done by hand, the rest is done on the sewing machine.)

    Contest "Cosmetic bag"

    The competition requires a wide range of different cosmetics. All of them are laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the correct item from the "cosmetic bag". The time for choosing an item is limited. For the correct answer, the participant receives a prize point.

    Item options:

    Nail polish, eyeshadow, mascara, neutral lipstick, bright lipstick, lip liner, eyeliner, eye contour cream, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder compact, face toner, foot cream.

    Examples of tasks:

    Eyes up.

    Lipstick for a business meeting.

    Wash off makeup.

    Tint your eyebrows.

    Touch up the eyes (choose at least two items).

    Hide freckles.

    Prepare your face for applying makeup.

    Paint your nails.

    Wash off nail polish.

    Separate stuck together cilia.

    Game "Non-standard situations"

    The presenter offers each participant a difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who gave the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

    Competition "Unusual sculpture"

    This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must "sculpt" a female figure with the help of adhesive tape. It is desirable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

    Women can also be offered to mold a sculpture of a man.

    Some of the balloons may already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up on a sufficient number of non-inflated balloons and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of different sizes and shapes.

    In order for those present not to get bored, from time to time games and entertainment are interrupted by dance blocks.

    Game "Flower"

    The game is played by couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are needed for each pair.

    Dear ladies and gentlemen! In which year in a row we all celebrate this holiday together - March 8, which was invented a little over 100 years ago, by our ancestors. What March 8- this is a day that inevitably brings joy and hope, a sense of the solidity of the triumph of being.

    What a holiday without a glass, without a toast, without congratulations, and finally, without jokes.

    I suggest filling all the available vessels.

    Let's listen to the still sober reasoning of our esteemed head of the FIRM.

    What is sadness, melancholy?

    Isn't it time for us to get down to business?

    The arithmetic is simple -

    After the first, the second is waiting!

    When the earth was still round and very small, and did not revolve so much around the sun, and the year was very long, it took a long time - a long time to wait for the Holiday March 8! During this time, many managed to grow old, and did not wait for the holiday. And this is how one old man who managed to survive in this difficult situation to this day said:

    March eighth in the yard -

    We want to believe him with all our hearts!

    And we stand as if on a mountain

    And we see: the holiday cannot be measured!

    But we are in a more privileged position with you, and we can measure the holiday with the vessels at our disposal! So let's fill them the same and drink for the fact that the year has become shorter since then and the holiday has begun to come to us more often, and we have begun to congratulate our dear Ladies more often! For our Ladies !!!

    To make life more pleasant in the world,

    Shouldn't we gasp for the third?

    Dear counts, countesses, decanters, wine glasses, cutlery and other items at this table ... tableware! Bring your owners to life!

    Before the third glass, we will try to hold a competition "Find yourself a mate". I have cards (one half of the card is female, the other is male). First, I will distribute cards to women, please do not show the cards to anyone, and do not say what is written in it. I will give the other half to the men, who should also be silent. You have to find your soul mate during today's celebration. Asking each other is allowed only in a whisper.

    And only in the ear. Which couple will be the first to reunite, find each other, and she will win this competition. But so that others would not be offended, another pair in the middle will receive a prize under a number that until I tell you now (for me it is number 7) On your cards that you receive, characters from movies, cartoons or heroes of books will be written. Let's say Hamlet is written on the card, and on the other Ophelia, on the next Monster - Nastenka, Basilio's Cat - Lisa Alice, Philip - Alla, and so on.

    What pair wears each other, immediately show up, and I will keep the score. (After that it is necessary to distribute cards.).

    Well, the cards have been handed out, start to decide, but for now I think that the cutlery has brought their owners to their senses. One of the sponsors of tonight (trade union leader, or real sponsor) _____________________- has a word for congratulations.


    Pinocchio - Malvina

    Kashchei - Baba Yaga

    Prince - Cinderella

    Ruslan - Lyudmila

    Cipollino - Cherry

    Kai - Gerda

    Santa Claus - Snow Maiden

    Prince Guidon - The Swan Princess

    Ivan Tsarevich - Princess Frog

    Crocodile Gena - Old woman Shapoklyak

    Tsar Dodon - Shamahan Queen

    Ostap Bender - Gospazha Gritsatsuyeva

    Dartagnan - Madame Boinosier

    Onegin - Tatiana

    Zeus - Hera

    Don Quixote - Dulcinea

    Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood

    Romeo - Juliet

    Master - Margarita

    Mole - Thumbelina

    And others for your choice.

    One of my acquaintances Baba ... In the sense of YAGA - a bone leg, woolen horns, peat sides, without ears and a fang, a broken leg, once, holding in a healthy limb his favorite drink infused with fly agarics and toadstools, she said:

    “How many good girls!

    There are so many beautiful ladies here!

    And only one question worries

    How to surprise Ladies today? "

    Baba Yaga, of course, can surprise many, but what about me? While the couples are searching hard and finding each other, we will hold a show jumping "POETES". All our women participate in this competition. We will try to hold it in several rounds, and after each round there will be fewer and fewer applicants and until there is one left. Now I will pronounce a couple of lines in the form of a riddle, and you will need to quickly find a rhyme.

    Moreover, it is necessary to answer instantly, immediately after I shut up. Your delay will correspond to the loss and exit from the game. I will approach each woman, starting from me in a clockwise direction.

    The rest are invited to be silent and not prompt.

    So, let's begin :

    1.To do modern makeup,

    Acquired a beauty ... (trellis)

    2.Nudist club as an application

    Accepts thrown ... (swimming trunks)

    3.- I fell in love with all the girls once

    Rybnikov in a comedy ... (girls)

    4 one can and many jars

    The thrush is lucky to ... (market)

    5. Burst a bag with milk

    Filled in trousers and ... (jacket)

    6 even the kids knew

    Under the mask of Fantomas - Jean ... (Heat)

    7 one blond wrote it for fun -

    Country of birth ... (Angola)

    8. Tell me, dear, frankly

    Was it from your side ... (treason)

    9. Russians have a wide range of names.

    Vaughn Voroshilov - he, for example, was ... (Clement)

    10.In Lukomorye, the cat decided

    That he is a local ... (reketeer, rowdy, old-timer)

    11.Grand stage and screen -

    Italian ... (Celentano)

    12 the government spends billions

    On shoulder straps, badges and ... (cockades)

    13 the once new light of faith

    Lighted the Arabs ... (Muhammad)

    14 more terrible and more dangerous than a mine

    Mountain climbers ... (summit)

    15.For the Puritan, erotic

    And sin, and temptation, and ... (exotic)

    17 is figure skating familiar

    To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)

    18.Publications are kept by the library.

    And dominoes and cards ... (game library)

    19.Maybe the convict would have thrown himself on the run,

    Yes, not passable around ... (taiga)

    20.Can Russia now collect

    Worthy for the Olympics ...? (army)

    21. I, as a karateka, will not rest,

    If they don’t give me a black one ... (belt)

    22. Both halves have already expired,

    And the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

    23. Cargo Sumo Champion

    It's good to have a big ... (belly)

    24 In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're shit

    Performed in comparison with ... (Nagano)

    25. The sports elite are happy

    The next one is coming ... (Olympiad)

    26. Among sports destinies and legends,

    Not everyone has a "happy - ..." (end)

    27. The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:

    “Like me, they are also fed ... (feet)

    28 The summit was almost conquered,

    But the snow prevented ... (avalanche)

    For the second and third round, you can continue asking riddles:


    1. What do we choose instead of money,

    If we play with Yakubovich? (prize)

    2. This food is different:

    Black and red? (caviar)

    3. Well, what kind of relatives

    Father's brother for me? (uncle)

    4. Here is the ship's quarters,

    By appointment - cargo? (hold)

    5. The grandfather has a wife.

    Who is she to me? (woman)

    6. He will squeak out a couple of lines for you,

    In the language of dashes and dots? (radio operator)

    7. In schools, she is replaced by a table,

    Sorry, came? (desk)

    8. Here everyone will answer instantly.

    What's the first grader in the braid? (ribbon)

    9. Under this shell,

    Skeletons hidden? (leather)

    10. That the Bear and Jabotinsky go to the parade

    Did you endure the first day of the Olympics? (flag)

    11. Fashionistas! You call me

    A record-breaking skirt in length? (maxi)

    12. Gently slowly

    Left-handed shod her? (flea)

    13 what do we say when

    Does the toastmaster give us the floor? (toast)

    14.And here's a very simple question:

    Who brought you to your parents? (stork)

    15. Radio technicians know:

    Is this metal soldered? (tin)

    16. You need to remember

    What kind of medicine did Vishnevsky come up with? (ointment)

    17.Around the university

    Isn't it more important? (rector)

    18. That floats on the river

    And on the chessboard? (rook)

    19. The question is:

    Who is Peter drinking? (Neva)

    20. In forty years, you must have discerned

    What covers Fidel's head? (cap)

    21. Remember soon

    The source of the rusks? (bread)

    22. Consider this a little:

    Colorado beetle - who is he for potatoes? (pest)

    23. If the head is dirty

    Does she appear? (dandruff)

    24. The day has passed and the night,

    What rushed away? (day)

    25. Who conquered Siberia

    And gave it to the king? (Ermak)

    26. Give a clear answer

    Dishes for vodka? (glass)

    27. He decides an important question

    Reduces the power of the genie? (tonic)

    28. Starting from a place that takes

    Track and field athlete and airplane? (acceleration, acceleration)

    29. This mushroom, in theory, we are more often

    We can meet in the aspen more often. (Boletus).

    30. Not for long that People's Commissar could be proud,

    That keeps everyone in tight hands. (Yezhov)

    31. What do we need Makarevich early in the morning

    Offers a feel from the screen? (Gusto)

    32. I flipped through it in a moment

    I will understand what kind of student you are. (Diary)

    33. This riddle is easy

    Little brother stocking? (Sock)

    34. On the target is a sector for smears,

    I hope you figured it out? (Milk)

    35. The film in which Kikabidze

    He managed to soar into the sky. (Mimino)

    36. The site is water, where always

    Will they find a home for the court? (Bay)

    37. Don't think too long

    Home whisk. (Broom)

    38. She is in our troops traditionally

    Bigger than a platoon but smaller than a battalion? (Company)

    39. Sea. Closer to the north it is.

    And there is also such a wine. (White)

    40. A barn for a village rendezvous.

    Obviously, they are not being held in the barn. (Hayloft)

    41. The liner sunk in the ocean

    And triumphantly popped up on the screen. (Titanic)

    42. The river between the USA and Canada.

    Famous for its waterfall. (Niagara)

    43. As usual you call

    HR headquarters at work? (Department)

    44. What Tatar ruler,

    Smashed Donskoy on the Kulikovo field? (Mamay)

    45. That prince did not believe to the end,

    What will die from a stallion? (Oleg)

    Isn't it time to speak to the "head of the transport department" and surprise all the ladies present with our eloquence, we haven't heard him for a long time!

    A friend of mine, a grandfather, who recently turned 198 years old (God forbid everyone to live so much), and who was married 98 times, told me, and I convey his words to you: “All women are beautiful, but each at her age wants something from a man. something that at a different age she no longer needs. Men! Do you want to know what dear women want from you? Well then listen: "

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 22 years old - For a man to be beautiful, charming, financially secure, attentive listener, witty, stylishly dressed, in good physical shape, be a connoisseur of beauty, ready for pleasant surprises, be bright, romantic and always love abundant!

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 32 - For a man to look good (especially the hair on his head), always open doors for her, offer a chair, listen to more than talk, laugh at her jokes, carry bags from shops and markets for her with not coercion, but at will, had at least one tie, appreciated well-prepared food at home, remembered birthdays and anniversaries, was ready for tender relationships at least once a week.

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 42 years old - For a man not to have a too ugly and bald head with her, so that he does not drive away until she is completely in the car, be stable at work, nodding his head when she says to remember the raisins her jokes, that he was in good enough shape and could sometimes move furniture, that he would wear a shirt that would cover his stomach, so that he knew not to buy champagne with a twisted cork, so that he would not forget to lower the toilet seat and so that he would shave to the majority holidays.

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 52 years old - For a man to cut the hair in his nose and ears, so as not to burp, not to spoil the air in public, so that he does not borrow money too often, so that he does not fall asleep when he expresses his thoughts to him, so that he is in good enough uniform and could independently get off the couch on weekends so that he could appreciate a good dinner while watching TV, finally remembered her name.

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 62 years old - In order not to confuse small children, to remember where the bathroom is, did not require a lot of money for maintenance, only snored slightly in a dream to remember why he was laughing, was in good enough shape and could get up on his own get out of bed and get dressed so that he fell in love with soft foods and finally remembered always where he left his glasses and teeth.

    What does a woman want from a man when she is 72 years old - So that a man can breathe on his own and not miss the toilet!

    So, returning to my 198-year-old friend, grandfather, I propose to drink to the men and women present, so that everyone always feels one order of magnitude lower, or maybe even two orders of magnitude, and all of you were accordingly younger by that many orders of magnitude. For you, for ALL!

    Whoever loves to eat does not like to listen ... and therefore will not hear what I am going to tell you now. And I want to propose to you to say a toast to our esteemed colleague _____________, but while he is getting ready, let's fill our glasses:

    So pour your neighbor to your neighbor

    The neighbor drinks wine too

    Non-drinking neighbors are rare

    And those have become extinct long ago!

    Dear men, it's time to pay special attention to our Ladies! Our ladies want to see filled glasses, happy faces and ears hanging from the attention carnation.

    Dear women:

    I wish you flowers were given,

    Compliments were more often said,

    And there was at least one

    You are infinitely devoted to gray hair!

    It's time to take stock of our survey conducted on the eve of this celebration. Our dear ladies were asked to answer a number of questions, and anonymously. You know, our dear women with enthusiasm, which was only in the first five-year plans at the dawn of building socialism, answered the questions posed. And the questions were as follows:

    1. What is your motto in relationships with men?

    2. What shortcoming do you forgive in men?

    3.What fairytale heroine can you compare yourself with?

    4. What do you dream about in spring?

    5. And if you started all over again, whom would you choose?

    6. Describe your life with a line from a song.

    7. Decipher the first letters of the word HUSBAND.

    8. But what is love?

    (You just have to summarize, read out the most powerful and daring expressions. Women will wait for this moment intrigued, and with a little fear, thereby you will create a stop of mystery. Moreover, the analysis of the survey can be extended by two glasses, or three)

    Now invite someone to say a word.

    (Fir-trees-sticks the forest is thick,

    Will be fined for idle time!

    So that there is no damage

    Let's drink vodka with lemon!

    In view of the lack of lemon, he will be replaced by the respected __________________-- and he will try to sweeten what is poured in glasses with his cute expressions addressed to our beloved ladies!

    So let's drink with admiration for these brave women who are bigger. ".............................

    The corporate event on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, contests and funny performances. There may be an invited host at the celebration, but it is not difficult to organize a holiday on your own.

    We have selected several scenarios for a corporate party on March 8 to make the evening fun and memorable.

    The corporate party begins with congratulations at the festive table.


    “We all know that the most fickle and changeable on Earth is not the weather, but the mood of women. I wish you that your mood would change from upbeat to good, from good to joyful, from joyful to cheerful, and from cheerful to happy. And no more other changes! Since March 8! "

    After the banquet, you are invited to play a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.

    Fairy tale

    The presenter reads the text of an impromptu fairy tale, the rest play up what they heard and say their phrase every time their character is mentioned in the text.

    Characters and replicas:

    • Mirror: "We've seen better!"
    • Mary: "I want to get married!"
    • Joe: "They won't catch us!"
    • Horse: "Give me a drink!"
    • Murka the cat: "I'm on my own!"
    • Dog Watchdog: "Well, woof, and what!"

    Morning. In a small, cozy saloon, the lonely mistress Mary sits and, out of boredom, constantly looks in the Mirror. Murka the cat gently rubs against her legs, then sits down on Mary's lap and also looks into the Mirror. At the entrance to the saloon the Dog is basking in the sun.

    And somewhere on the prairie, the elusive Cowboy Joe rides his faithful Horse. And suddenly Joe abruptly stops his faithful Horse, because he remembers that today is a men's holiday, and it would be nice to drop in to the beauty Mary, to have a couple of glasses. The cowboy sharply turns the Horse around and gallops towards Mary. Mary continues to look in the Mirror and sigh.

    Joe drives up, dismounts from the Horse, gives him a drink, and then the Watchdog Dog notices him, Joe scratches his ear, the Dog pretends to be glad. Joe approaches Mary, looks in the Mirror, strokes Cat Murka and hints to Mary that it would be nice to have a glass. Then the Horse hammered and whinnied, apparently, he also wanted to drink, from this the Dog slightly moved his ears, and the Cat wagged its tail. And Mary looked into the Mirror again, sighed, stroked the Cat, threatened the Dog, waved her hand to the Horse, and finally poured Joe.

    Joe drank, flushed, looked in the Mirror, then at Mary, who nervously stroked the Cat, looking back at the Dog and the Horse. Then she began to preen herself in front of the Mirror, Joe drank another, then another and ... did not agree with the Mirror about Mary. And Joe decided that a holiday is a holiday, and it is better to spend it in the merry company of Mary, the faithful Horse, Cat and Dog, than to ride like a fool on the prairie.

    March 8 in the women's team

    When planning the scenario for March 8 in the women's team, you will need to build a program that would include funny contests, which will make the celebration interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

    For the event, you can choose a cafe that suits the number of participants. The holiday is being held by the host. The peculiarity of the celebration in the women's team is the presence of only ladies, which should be taken into account when planning a festive program.

    Leading: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will hold a bachelorette party dedicated to the holiday of spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the floor is given to the head of our company.

    Leading: It is very important for us - women to always be beautiful. Let's check out which of us is the best at doing makeup.

    For the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters on which a woman's face will be drawn. You also need to prepare cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick, and so on. The task is to make up the face with the help of cosmetics. The competition is held with cheerful music. The winner is determined by the volume of the applause. She is presented with a prize - a set of cosmetics.

    Leading: There are many friends in our team. To prove your friendship, you must sing a song about faithful female friendship.

    After that, the script for March 8 in the women's team involves the performance of a song about women's friendship. To do this, you need to prepare a musical composition in advance. The song is performed by all employees.

    Leading: Despite the fact that our team is female, on this day we cannot remember about men. A fun competition is proposed for this.

    After that, the script for March 8 in the women's team includes a competition in the festive program, for which one of the women is invited. The challenge is to show one of the male professions. This must be done without words, that is, only with gestures. The presenter says the name of the professions to the participant who will show the words. The woman who guesses the word will show next.

    As an example of the professions that will be shown, you can offer options such as a locksmith, driver, tractor driver, plumber and many other options.

    Leading: Now let's remember about the activities that are purely female. For this, an excellent option is offered - an interesting game.

    Then the game is played. One of the women names a word, for example, "Washing", then the person sitting next to her should name another woman's occupation. In this case, the condition is to name a word that must begin with the letter that ended the previous one, that is, in this case it is the letter "A". You can name funny options.

    Leading: I propose to drink for such a festive day and congratulate the ladies on their holiday.

    Leading: What a holiday without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

    Cheerful and danceable music sounds and all the guests go to dance.

    Leading: Each of us wants to be in childhood again, even for a moment. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a competition that will provide an opportunity to feel the sweet taste of childhood again.

    In order to hold the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's sets in the form of constructors.

    The task is to assemble the constructor in the allotted time, while the music is playing. The one who cope with the task becomes the winner.

    Leading: Now it's time to test the culinary and tasting skills that are so important for every woman.

    Several women are participating in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not have been on the festive table earlier. The participants are blindfolded. Their task is to guess exactly which ingredients are included in the dish to be tasted. Whoever gives the most accurate answer will be the winner.

    A sweet table is invited to complete the celebration. To do this, it will be good to prepare a birthday cake, which can be decorated accordingly.

    Scenario with contests

    The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to women and congratulations. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too long and formal. Better to perform in a poetic or song form. Be sure to mention every woman in your congratulations, compliment her and say a few special words. Also, on this holiday, you cannot do without the presentation of flowers.


    Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration takes place, the nature of the banquet may vary. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after an official congratulation.

    After congratulating and presenting gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants were spared both from the preparation of the treat and from cleaning the table after the end of the banquet.

    Competition test "Real women"

    As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men, dressed as women, take part in it. At the same time, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

    After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough), claiming that they are women, several participants are selected and various contests are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man into a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

    Who is bigger

    The presenter sets any feminine theme (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The task of the participants is to name words related to this topic in any order. The participant who calls the last word gets a prize point.

    Non-standard situations

    The presenter offers each participant a difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who gave the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

    Examples of situations:

    You have been preparing for the party for a long time, bought a specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the attire of the hostess turned out to be like two peas in a pod similar to yours. What to do?

    You are waiting for the arrival of your husband's parents. To impress, you've decided to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you - you oversalt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You do not have time to fix anything, because the guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

    Before an important date, you went to a hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed green. Goodbye one hour left. What to do?

    You came to a business buffet in a knitted dress. You are talking with a very important partner and suddenly you notice that one of the guests has caught the button of his jacket on the thread of your dress, and the further he moves away, the more your dress opens up. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

    The participant with the most points wins a prize. In this case, it is advisable to expose the men in disguise and force them to complete the penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

    Unusual sculptures competition

    This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they should sculpt a female figure with the help of scotch tape. It is desirable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

    Women can also be offered to mold a sculpture of a man.

    Some of the balloons may already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up on a sufficient number of non-inflated balloons and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of different sizes and shapes.

    It doesn't matter what size the team is, whether there are men in it or it consists only of the beautiful half of humanity - a cheerful company on March 8 will help to spend a good mood and involve all employees in the holiday.

    Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in a team on March 8

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