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  • Palmistry: line of the heart. The line of the heart on the hand of people The line of the heart branches into three

    Palmistry: line of the heart.  The line of the heart on the hand of people The line of the heart branches into three

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    Falling branch from the Heart line under the hill of Saturn(Figure 1.106) indicates fatal disappointment in the relationship. Such a person is unlucky in love, because of which he is constantly forced to analyze his love problems and experiences, is inclined to dwell on all disappointments, becomes dependent on old grievances, which makes him more and more squeezed in a relationship with a partner. The difference between the two considered cases from each other lies in the fact that in the first case, a person, by his wrong attitudes and criteria when choosing a partner for a relationship, puts himself on the path of disappointment. In the second case, fatality, predestination and karma intervene, called to work off in the present incarnation because of the disappointments he has given to other people in past lives. In simple terms, such a person receives exactly the same suffering that he himself inflicted on others over numerous past lives.

    In any case, regardless of whether it is predetermination or the result of one's own wrong actions, when this sign is found on the palms, it is necessary to advise the person not to withdraw into himself and not allow events from the past to influence the present. It is also necessary to change the criteria when choosing partners, to be more discerning and soberly assess your chances in love, thereby not falling under the influence of one of the 6 human enemies - an illusion.

    Double line of the Heart. Double Heart line is a very rare sign on the hand. Two lines of the Heart, present on one palm, indicate the strong influence of feelings and emotions on a person. From the point of view of physiology, a person with such lines has a healthy heart and a good cardiovascular system, he is able to cope with any emotional and psychological stress, and also, while the main line of the Heart is accompanied by her sister line, he is not afraid of severe stress. no heart attacks, no heart disease. From a psychological point of view, the double line of the Heart speaks of the ability to love ardently and sincerely, and also indicates devotion in love. From the side of spirituality, a person is able to radically change himself for the better and achieve a lot in the spiritual field, especially when sacrificing himself and his interests for the benefit of other people.

    The double line of the Heart on the hands of a person is of two types: with a small distance between the lines, as shown in Figure 1.107, and with a large distance - Figure 1.108.

    Double Heart line with small line spacing Is a sign of deep devotion, humanity and high spirituality. In such people, seemingly incompatible character traits are combined, on the one hand, strong amorousness, and on the other, tremendous devotion and fidelity in love. They love sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts, without demanding reciprocity from a partner, and their love in their hearts can survive for many decades and are characterized by constancy. An additional line running below the main line supports the Heart line, as well as the Mars line, the Life line, protecting it from all sensual disappointments and experiences.

    Double Heart line with large line spacing indicates an increased need for feelings and emotions. The constantly present intensity of feelings deprives such a person of harmony in relationships, as a result of which his mind hardly manages to maintain the necessary balance in life. Spiritual and emotional energy, flowing simultaneously along two lines of the Heart, surpasses mental energy in its strength, therefore such a person will very often succumb to the influence of many times intensified feelings and emotions on him, while very rarely subjecting himself to the control of the mind in a love relationship. Having fallen under the influence of feelings, a person can simultaneously passionately and passionately love several people at once for a long time, unable to make a choice between them and stop in order to develop harmonious relations with one of the partners. The large distance between the lines of the Heart in this case will no longer be a symbol of devotion and fidelity, but will change its characteristics to the opposite.

    Signs on the line of the Heart. Signs on the line of the Heart or next to it require very careful study and careful analysis. The lines of Fate, Apollo and Mercury pass through the line of the Heart, the lines of the Samaritans begin from it, various branches up and down, the rings of Jupiter are in contact with it, etc. Also, signs can be both on the line itself and come into contact with it, like , for example, one of the sides of the triangle can be formed by the line of the Heart, or one of the rays of the star can be a branch from the main line, and be in close proximity to the line of the Heart without contacting it. In this regard, very often problems arise with the classification of a sign or its area of ​​action, therefore, if difficulties arise, it is necessary to disassemble each line that makes up a particular sign separately. When reading a sign, in order to understand which line or area of ​​responsibility it belongs to, or is located separately, it is sometimes necessary to stretch the skin on the palm of your hand in the area of ​​its action until the sign is fully displayed, which will improve its visual perception and allow you to correctly determine the area of ​​its impact ...

    Rice. 1.109-1

    Line of the Heart, crossed by small lines (comets), as shown in Figures 1.109 and 1.109-1, indicates a conflict that can interfere with the smooth flow of life in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bfeeling, or suggest challenges that must be overcome in a relationship with a partner. The crossing of the Heart line by a single, deep and strong comet (Figure 1.109) in its effect on a person is much safer than breaking the line, and is, most likely, a warning signal that in the near future, if the attitude towards your partner is not changed, tough times in a relationship. Also, when analyzing comets, it is necessary to pay special attention to how the Heart line behaves after the impact of a comet on it. If she becomes stronger after meeting a comet, then this is a sign that the negative event that has occurred has tempered the character and strengthened the relationship of partners in love. A break or thinning of the Heart line after the point of intersection indicates an inability or unwillingness to cope with emerging difficulties in a relationship. Also, a rule applies to comets, which was discussed in the topic of breaking the line of the Heart, indicating which of the partners will be to blame for the problematic relationship. Thus, a comet crossing the Heart line on the active hand indicates that emotional instability in the relationship will come from the partner, and the same sign on the passive hand indicates that the owner of the hand is the culprit for future problems.

    By applying dating to the Heart line, it is possible to date each comet crossing the line to within a year and determine the exact time period when relationship problems will begin to arise. If there are many comets and they go one to one at a short distance from each other, then it makes no sense to date each comet individually, therefore in this case only the time interval of unfavorable relations is determined, and the client is advised to reconsider the relationship in terms of his partner, and also to accept all possible measures to change your character for the better.

    Points on the Heart line indicate difficult periods in a person's life associated with sensory experiences and severe emotional stress. It is customary to interpret each point on the line depending on its color. When analyzing the points, it is also necessary to remember that the most severe consequences for a person are black and brown spots, as well as moles located on the Heart line, which indicates a heavy and, as a rule, physical impact of Rahu on a person. The impact of Ketu will be evidenced by pits, grooves, as well as dark brown and red dots, which also threaten an adverse effect on a person, but to a lesser extent than Rahu, keeping a person healthy, but instead subjecting him to sensual deprivation and emotional experiences. Therefore, if there are one or more red dots on the line of the Heart, then this indicates the number of physical and mental shocks, as well as hardships associated with a marriage partner. A black dot in the middle of the Heart line can indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system or indicate severe heart grief that will be caused by someone from a family or close person. A deep black dot on the line of the Heart under the little finger portends a serious misfortune from children, or failure that will be associated with them.

    Islands on the line of the Heart shown in Figures 1.110 and 1.110-1, are signs of experienced emotional trauma, long-term conflicts, troubles and stress. They can also indicate organic changes in the work of the heart or indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system, which will adversely affect the emotional state and vitality of a person. Each island on the line of the Heart is interpreted depending on its location, size and number of islands in certain areas in the sub-finger zones.

    Rice. 1.110-1

    A lonely island on the line of the Heart under the little finger speaks of complexes and tightness in relationships that are associated with a lack of parental love in childhood. The islet chain under the little finger, shown in Figure 1.110, reinforces these adverse characteristics and also indicates congenital heart disease. The island under the ring finger indicates a psychological blockage of emotions associated with disappointment in a partner, and the island under the middle finger (Figure 1.110, an island in a white circle) indicates sadness, a desire for reclusiveness and the desire to emotionally withdraw from new feelings and new relationships. A lone island under the index finger is a sign of blocking emotions due to the inability to communicate and form stable and harmonious love relationships. We will consider in more detail the influence of the islands on the instability of relations in marriage, as well as their dating, in the section on love and marriage.

    Cross on the line of the Heart, shown in Figure 1.110, indicates a deep emotional upheaval or great heartbreak. The cross is dated at the point of intersecting lines when dating is applied to the Heart line. The picture below shows a fragment of the Heart line of a young girl who, at the age of 22, had an emotionally difficult event associated with the death of her husband.

    Star on the Heart Line is the most unfavorable and rarely seen sign on the palms of a person. A star on the line of the Heart mainly acts on the physical level and indicates a heart injury or is an indicator of an approaching pre-infarction state of a person.

    Triangles on the Heart line, shown in Figures 1.110-1 and 1.111, are signs of wisdom in love and make improvements in sensory relationships between people, creating harmony between feelings and the human mind. Triangles can be both independent signs and be on the line, crossing it with their edges, or the Heart line can make up one of the edges of the triangle. In any case, the interpretation of the triangle with its various variations of its compilation does not change, but only its direction matters and is taken into account. If the triangle is directed with its apex upward, towards the fingers (Figure 1.110-1), then it portends that a person with such a sign will build his own house or acquire real estate. A triangle directed downward towards the Head line (Figure 1.111) is an indicator of strong emotional attachment to one's parents and loved ones, and also indicates the influence of relatives on a person's fate.

    Square on the Heart line shown in Figure 1.112 in a white oval, is a protective and limiting sign that protects from the effects of such negative signs as a cross, a star, a point or the lines of Rahu and Ketu. In the figure shown, a cross is enclosed in a square, which indicates an event associated with a love relationship, which will not cause great emotional trauma and hardship to a person, and will allow you to get out of trouble with the least loss. The square, as in the previously described cases, protects against dangers, but does not cancel their occurrence.

    Trident at the end of the Heart line, shown in Figure 1.113, is a sign of the darling of fate, and in the presence of strong lines of Destiny and Apollo portends fame and recognition by occupation. The Trident on the Heart line is one of the strongest signs isolated from the entire variety of tridents, due to its location on the main line. Since this sign ends one of the most spiritual lines in the palm of your hand, it marks extremely gifted and sensitive natures, who, thanks to their warmth, are able to attract people around them. The Vedas say that the line of the Heart with such an ending is in the hands of saintly people and yogis who have attained the highest spiritual enlightenment and have passed into the mode of goodness. If the lines of Destiny and Apollo are not expressed on the hands, then such a combination of lines indicates achievements in the field of art, science, in the field of medicine, philosophy or religion, but without worldwide recognition and great fame.

    A quadrangle in the palm of your hand

    In order to correctly read the line of the Heart on the palms of a person, it is always necessary to consider it in conjunction with the line of the Head. Together, these lines form an area known in palmistry as a quadrangle, which provides a key to understanding the interaction of both lines - Heart and Head. The quadrangle belongs to large geometric shapes in the palm of your hand, which are found on almost every hand of a person and complement the psychological characteristics of a person with their presence. These lines are inextricably linked, therefore, when analyzing personality, they are given the main attention due to the fact that they represent two aspects of human nature: the heart moves a person's feelings, and has a positive pole (+), and the head represents the mind, which has the opposite, negative pole (-). Therefore, when analyzing the lines that make up the quadrangle, the characteristics of both lines are taken into account, such as the length, distance between them, the location and the very appearance of the formed figure, which will show us the smallest shades of personality that are necessary to find a problem area in a person's life.

    The lines of the Heart and the Head in a quadrangle must balance each other, that is, be equal in length and thickness, and should not touch each other due to the fact that any contact or intersection of the lines will give a short circuit between opposite poles. In order to balance these two energies, the quadrilateral must be proportionate and represent a figure somewhat reminiscent of an hourglass, in which both lines must have the same length and width along their entire length, and the lines must not exceed one another in strength severity in the palm of your hand. Otherwise, the quadrilateral will be unbalanced, which will indicate a shift of the mind in favor of the senses or vice versa. For example, if the line of the Head exceeds the line of the Heart in strength or length, then this sign will indicate excessive prudence in the sphere of feelings, and vice versa, if the line of the Heart exceeds the line of the Head, then this means that at the moments of making decisions, feelings and emotions will guide a person , which will undoubtedly affect the correctness of the decision. Therefore, when analyzing the interaction of the lines of the Heart and the Head, special attention is paid to the proportionality of the quadrangle, and any deviation that unbalances it is considered especially carefully. In this regard, the quadrilateral will be considered from the standpoint of the meaning of the three most important components: the distance between the lines of the Heart and the Head, the length of the line of the Heart and the Head, and the shape of the lines that form the quadrangle.

    The value of the distance between the line of the Heart and the Head. In order to understand how the quadrangle "works" correctly in the palm of a person, it is necessary to represent it in the form of a pole difference, as shown in diagram 1.114. In this regard, in any formed quadrangle there will be two poles, a positive (+) pole, symbolized by the Heart line, and a negative (-) pole, indicated by the Head line. From the school physics course, we know that when two magnets approach each other, the magnetic field becomes more noticeable, which can be strengthened or weakened by narrowing or expanding the distance separating these magnets. So is the interaction of lines in a quadrangle that have different poles: with a narrow distance, tension will arise between two oppositely polar lines of the Heart and Head; with a wide distance between them, the tension will be very small; at a proportionate distance, a normal flow of energy will arise, which, due to its balance, will contribute to the harmonious flow of energy in the quadrangle. Based on this, a narrowed quadrangle is distinguished, in which the distance between the lines of the Heart and Head is small, an extended one, in which the distance between these two lines is large, and proportional, in which the distance is averaged and balanced.

    Comparable quadrangle, presented in Figures 1.114 and 1.115, indicates a free energy exchange between the opposite poles of the Heart and Head, and speaks of the emotional and mental stability of the personality. As a result, a person with a proportional quadrangle does not feel dependent on any circumstances, and the concept of thinking and feeling will balance each other. Such people are prudent and will never do anything that is fundamentally contrary to their principles. Since the mind and feelings of such people are balanced, they will not commit reckless acts, relying on only feelings and emotions. The proportionality of the quadrangle also symbolizes reliability and maturity, and the person who possesses it is aware of his karmic goals and tasks that he seeks to realize in life.

    Tapered quadrilateral, shown in Figure 1.116, indicates the tension constantly arising between the opposite poles of the lines of the Heart and Head. A narrowed quadrilateral, as a rule, is formed either by the elevated line of the Head towards the Line of the Heart, or vice versa, the line of the Heart descends to the line of the Head. People with this type of quadrangle, due to the constantly arising tension, have a very narrow outlook on life, restrained and constrained in communicating with others, very often get nervous for various, even trivial reasons. The contradictions that arise between the feelings and thoughts of such a person can give rise to pettiness, pedantry, stinginess, and also indicate a tendency to depression. Such people do not accept criticism in their address, and in disputes they can react violently to what is happening. In order to cope with internal stress, they consume a lot of energy, which is no longer left to focus on something more, beyond the narrow circle of constantly arising problems. They make all their decisions simultaneously with their heads and hearts, which significantly affects the correctness of their adoption, subsequently giving constant doubts about this matter. Such a quadrangle has one indisputable advantage over other types of quadrangles, which is expressed in the ability to keep one's own secrets and other people's secrets.

    Extended quadrilateral, shown in Figure 1.117, testifies to some dissociation of feelings and mind of a person. Since the two poles expressed by the lines of the Heart and Head are far from each other, the attraction between them will be weakly expressed, and the connection between them is practically lost, and at the same time the internal tension, which should push a person to various motives and actions, will also very little. Such a peculiarity of the construction of a quadrangle will be a sign of a contradictory character, and a person will be a little detached from reality and not feel the "golden mean" in all his actions, which can be expressed in ignorance of the measure in the manifestation of feelings or in unawareness of the boundaries in his material needs. The heart and mind of such a person cannot find balance with each other, therefore, in such people, either mind or emotions prevail. A wide quadrangle can indicate broad and ambitious plans for life, which will be difficult to implement in practice due to lack of responsibility, due to inconsistency, carelessness and negligence. Also, such people tend to close in themselves, treat everything that happens around them too superficially, they are also not interested in comprehending the essence of the issue and looking for the truth in it, therefore, sometimes those around them tend to consider them indifferent and indifferent people. In part, such behavior may not correspond to reality, since in their hearts they may turn out to be quite deep people who simply do not understand that people expects outwardly different behavior from them. In addition, they are subject to the influence of others and the perception of other people's views, and their natural generosity can turn against themselves and themselves.

    Rice. 1.118-1

    An incommensurate quadrilateral, which in certain places either narrows or expands, as shown in Figures 1.56, 1.118 and 1.118-1, indicates an uneven distribution of energy in a quadrilateral. Since such a quadrangle is often formed by a wavy line of the Head or Heart, then the mind or feelings will be in constant struggle with each other throughout life, giving rise to human uncertainty, especially during periods indicated by the narrowest segment of the quadrilateral. In such unstable periods, the personality will be faced with a choice, while feeling internal discomfort until the situation is resolved. This situation requires careful analysis and is dated, as a rule, along both lines, applying the dating immediately to both the Head line and the Heart line.

    When analyzing the distances in a disproportionate quadrilateral, it is necessary to pay attention to under which hills the expansion or contraction of the quadrilateral occurs. These signs will indicate the personality traits that she will exhibit throughout her life. Thus, if the distance between the lines is greater under the hill of Apollo than under the hill of Saturn (Figure 1.118-1), then such a person listens to public opinion and is very dependent on it. Conversely, if the space is greater under the hill of Saturn, then such a person is careless and indifferent to what the people around him say about him. If the space of the quadrangle is wide under the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, then a person is preoccupied with money and unnecessarily thrifty. When expanding the quadrangle under the hill of Mercury, such a person adheres to a broad outlook on life and quite often suffers from his generosity because of his natural kindness. In the case when the quadrilateral expands in the direction from the hill of Jupiter to the hill of Mercury, then the money that a person borrows to others does not return to him due to the fact that the necessary tension is violated under the most money hill in the palm of your hand - the hill of Mercury. If the quadrilateral expands in the direction of the hill of Jupiter, then the internal tension created under the hill of Mercury does not give a person a quiet life until all the money he borrowed for a while is returned to him back. In the absence of a quadrangle, a monkey fold is formed in the palm of your hand, which we discussed in the third section of the book, while mixing the mind and feelings, giving such a person mental imbalance and emotional instability.

    The length of the Heart and Head line. While the distance between the lines in the quadrangle indicates the desire and ability to establish relationships with new people, the length of these lines determines the degree of endurance in maintaining these relationships. Therefore, the magnetic field is maintained under the condition of opposing poles - it is for this that the line of the Heart and Head must oppose each other throughout the quadrangle. Two lines of equal length are the key to the necessary tension between them, due to which the mind and emotions will be in perfect balance. Lines of unequal length mean that either the heart or the head - emotions or mind - will suppress each other.

    Rice. 1.119-1

    When analyzing a quadrilateral on this basis, a commensurate quadrangle (Figures 1.119) and two varieties of unfinished quadrangles (Figures 1.120 and 1.121) will be considered.

    A commensurate quadrangle, in which the line of the Heart is equal in length to the line of the Head, as shown in Figures 1.119, is a sign of the perfect balance between mind and feelings. In this case, neither emotions nor calculation in a relationship will be able to prevail over each other and will harmoniously complement each other. Equal in length lines of Heart and Head show a reliable, sensitive and constant person who treats everything in life with great responsibility, including relationships.

    Rice. 1.120-1

    An incomplete quadrangle, in which the Heart line is shorter than the Head line, as shown in Figures 1.120, shows a person with a very receptive mind who is open to new ideas and plans. This is a person with an innovative mindset, in whom all life situations will pass through the prism of logic. Such a person will look everywhere for meaning, including in relationships, and will always do only what he considers necessary for himself, regardless of others and not taking into account the opinion of his partner. A person with such a combination of lines is not capable of reckless actions for the sake of love, which are performed under the influence of emotions and feelings due to the fact that he simply does not understand why and why he needs all this. In this type of incomplete quadrangle, rich intellectual abilities will remain unbalanced by heart and sensual desires, as a result of which selfishness towards oneself and complete disregard for the opinion of the marriage partner may appear.

    Rice. 1.121-1

    Incomplete quadrangle, in which the line of the Heart is longer than the line of the Head, as shown in Figures 1.121, indicates the ability to love sincerely and wholeheartedly. For such a person, feelings and emotions play a major role in life, and in love he is able to give more than receive in return. He also has a need for love and heartfelt experiences can overshadow most of his life interests. However, the short line of the Head gives a person pragmatism and, at times, “lands” high aspirations in love, which can be broken about everyday life and constant everyday worries. Such people, as a rule, live for one day, since they are not able to make plans for the distant future with their partner and prefer to hold a titmouse in their hands than pie in the sky.

    This type of incomplete quadrangle indicates the inconsistency of a person's character. At times, such people are very open, sensitive, vulnerable and sentimental, that is, the properties inherent in the length of the Heart line are manifested. However, at other times they can close, showing coldness and indifference, due to the impact on the hot heart of the short line of the Head. Such a person constantly feels the need to show more and more love for people, even to the point of self-denial, but such a noble urge of the soul will not be supported by a pragmatic line of the Head. An incomplete quadrangle of this type is a sign of an incorrect interaction of the main lines, when all impulses in love will be restrained and rigidly limited by a practical mindset.

    Branches connecting the lines of the Heart and Head... In part, when describing the line of the Heart, we have already considered the branches from the line down to the line of the Head. The difference between these branches from the previously considered thin and short "lines of flirting" is that these lines are expressed on the palms much stronger and deeper and they, as a rule, either cross the line of the Head, or flow into it. Accordingly, the psychological meaning and scope of their action will be different, from a simple desire to be liked and the ability to have easy, non-binding relationships, expressed by "flirting lines", to fateful events in a person's life associated with the strongest periods of disappointment in love and marriage and the stresses and depressions caused by these events, expressed by deep branches and connections of branches from the line of the Heart with the line of the Head.

    Branches from the Heart line can be either single (Figure 1.122), or have multiple branches to the Head line (Figure 1.123).

    Single branch from the Heart line to the Head line indicates a short circuit of sensory energy at age, indicated by the starting point of the branch, and indicates a fateful act committed under the influence of feelings and emotions. As a rule, such an offshoot indicates a rather decisive act related to personal life and relationships, but committed under the influence of strong impulsivity, the consequences of which will have to be regretted for a long time. In practice, such offshoots very often indicate divorces committed under the influence of feelings, or the beginning of a whirlwind romance, the result of which will be the rupture of the previously established relationship with the spouse. The meaning of a single branch is the same, and it, as a rule, is always negative: a single act that spoils a person's life, committed under the influence of feelings and emotions, which, by its action, jeopardizes previously established stable relationships.

    According to Eastern palmists, a branch from the Heart line, which, in the course of its movement, cuts the Fate line, breaking it, and merges into the Head line, is a sign of the death of a marriage partner or a serious illness bordering on death, which the owner of such a sign knows about. A simple offshoot that does not make any contact with the Destiny line is a sign of divorce or breaking up with a partner. When you find this combination on a person's hands, it must be remembered that the sign does not "work" alone and must be confirmed by other lines of the hand, which will be discussed later in the relevant sections.

    It is undeniable that the heart line in palmistry is an important line in the study of the hand.

    Love or sex drive plays the most important role in the drama of life.

    The Heart Line runs under the bumps at the base of the fingers. Being on the upper, or intellectual, part of the hand, it refers more to what I would call the mental attitude to attachments than to look at it from a physical or sensory point of view.

    The Heart Line can begin from the following distinct positions.

    The Heart line running right across the palm denotes an honest, sincere, benevolent person who can hardly be led astray in one way or another by any strong emotions.

    Heart line photo

    What does the line of the Heart mean?

    The Heart Line in palmistry runs on the upper, or intellectual, part of the hand and determines the mental attitude towards attachments.

    When this line starts from the mound of Mars inside the line of Life (Fig. 26, 1) - this in itself is an unhappy sign, since the person will be irritable, prone to quarrels and demanding in everything that concerns his affections.

    If it descends and touches or connects with the lines of Life and Head (Fig. 26, 2), the person will be unhappy, perhaps from a lack of discernment or because he loves the wrong people or believes the wrong ones.

    He will tend to suffer from constant disappointment in those he cares about.

    The line starting in the middle of the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 26, 3) denotes a nature, exalted in their ideas and affections.

    Men and women with this sign have constancy, they can be relied on in love relationships, they are ambitious, so those to whom they are attached can be considered successful in life.

    They rarely or never marry people below their position in life or rank, but, as a rule, on those who are higher.

    Probably because of their pride or high ideals, they tend to have fewer love affairs than people with other grades.

    The same line, passing from above or outside the hill of Jupiter, gives an excess of these qualities.

    A man or woman with such a heart line in palmistry will be a blind enthusiast towards any person he or she has loved or even been attached to.

    In their pride, they do not see the shortcomings or failures of their chosen ones.

    In love, enthusiasm pushes them forward, and often they bitterly regret when their idol, whom they adored, turns out to be "a giant with feet of clay."

    The Heart Line extending from the space between the first and second fingers (Fig. 26, 4) is perhaps best possessed, as it denotes a strong, deep nature in relation to affection.

    Such people are in the middle between the idealism, given by the line of Jupiter, and the vicious seriousness, given by the mound of Saturn.

    They may not be as demonstrative as those whose line comes from the hill of Jupiter, but they are very deep in their protests and promises.

    When the Heart line begins on the mound of Saturn (Fig. 26, 5), a person is more restrained in his affections.

    In fact, in the love affairs of such a man or woman, the main role is played by his "I".

    They have fewer idealistic notions than those whose line begins with the hill of Jupiter.

    If the hand is soft and sluggish, they are more prone to sensitivity than affection.

    All these qualities are present in abundance when the Heart line begins high on the mound of Saturn.

    When the line of the Heart itself is redundant, that is, it passes right through the palm from one side to the other, the desire for attachment turns into torture.

    Such people love so intensely that they do not tolerate when the one they love is not in their sight, and therefore are usually constantly unhappy.

    1 - the line of the Heart with many thin lines extending downward, denotes an inconsistent nature, inclined to waste his affections on trifles with a series of flirting or love affairs.

    2 - if the line of the Heart begins on the hill of Jupiter with a clear, clear fork, this is an excellent sign of success in love, as well as a happy character in all your affections.

    When the Heart line turns out to be with many thin lines extending down from it, as in Figure 27, 1, this indicates an inconsistent nature, inclined to waste his affections on trifles in a series of flirting or love affairs. It is vitally important for such people to always be "in love", but this is nothing more than a name.

    A wide line of the Heart, emerging from or from the mound of Saturn, formed by a series of islets, denotes an almost or complete absence of love for the opposite sex.

    If the hand is soft, especially if the mound of Venus is full and protruding, unnatural needs can be feared.

    When the Heart line is very low on the palm and there are lines connecting it to the Head line, the affairs of the heart will always mix with those of the head, resulting in complete confusion.

    If the line of the Heart begins on the knoll of Jupiter with a clear, clear fork (Fig. 27, 2), this is an excellent sign of success in love, as well as a happy character in all your affections.

    Such people tend to “make the best of everything,” even their own frustrations.

    1 - Heart line with a wide fork at the beginning is an excellent sign of a well-balanced affection nature.

    2 - when the fork is very large, with one branch on the hill of Jupiter and the other on the hill of Saturn, a person will have a contradictory nature in relation to his affections, oscillating between the qualities of Jupiter and Saturn.

    The Heart line with a wide fork at the beginning (Fig. 28, 1), when one branch is on the hill of Jupiter, and the other between the first and second fingers, is also an excellent sign of a well-balanced nature of affection.

    When the fork is very large, with one branch on the hill of Jupiter and the other on the hill of Saturn (Fig. 28, 2), the subject will have a contradictory nature regarding his affections, fluctuating between the qualities of Jupiter and Saturn.

    Such people are difficult to live with and difficult to understand.

    They are sensual and idealistic, selfish and generous, open or vice versa, depending on their mood at the moment.

    If the line of the Heart is devoid of all branches and looks thin, a man or woman will have little attachment and desire for them.

    When the line disappears or weakens towards the end, under the fourth finger, this means that the coming age will sterilize affection, bring coldness and indifference.

    Heart Line

    Notice how the position of the Heart line on the right hand has changed. Moreover, a second, additional line appeared on the side of the fingers. Such a drawing can be interpreted as a double line of the Heart.

    So, initially, the left hand says that while in personal life everything is relatively calm: there is a husband, although there is no love.

    Left hand Right hand

    The right hand demonstrates a completely opposite state - a colossal explosion of feelings: in the future love comes (this can be seen from the dates) and the woman is captured by her sensuality and sensitivity.

    In this case, such a line of the Heart on the right hand is an instrument of Destiny.

    A woman will be happy in the first years of her life with her beloved, then the intensity of passions will slowly cool down, respectively, experiences, disappointment, and ultimately the woman will outlive this man.

    Double line of the heart. The lesson of Fate is that with an all-consuming feeling of love - (instilling in a woman selflessness, self-denial, sacrifice) - she must always remember her human dignity - that is, at the same time, one cannot humiliate oneself and blindly become attached to the object of passion.

    It is clear that this is a better option than going from selfless love - to the coldness of feelings and bitchiness of nature.

    Although, undeniably more difficult.

    If the Health line is better, then you will or are already trying to monitor your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, treat exactly the sore that you need.

    If the Life line is better, then in general you will extend your full years of life.

    If the Mind line is better, then you will work more and more productively with your head.

    If the lines and signs are the same on the left and right hand, then you will live your Destiny in accordance with them, without subtracting anything, but not adding anything ...

    The meaning of the line of the Heart on the hand

    • This line runs horizontally along the top of the palm, surrounding the bumps of Mercury, Apollo and Saturn, in some cases, Jupiter.
    • She is responsible for the emotions, relationships, and generosity of a person.
    • The almost absent line means that logic and reasoning prevail, and the person does not disdain any means to achieve the goal.
    • The long line betrays the idealist in love.
    • A short line means that such a person pays a lot of attention to his person.
    • A very long line, affecting both sides of the palm, speaks of endless love, sensitivity and passion, which are reflected in fatal attachments.
    • The ramification going to the mound of Saturn betrays a person overwhelmed by passions and feelings.
    • A) Branching of the Heart line, going to the mound of Saturn

      B) The Heart Line is straight and deep, running across the entire width of the palm

    • If the line is straight and deep, running along the entire width of the palm, then jealousy, tendencies towards cruelty and insensitivity prevail in the person.
    • If it is clear and deep, then sincerity, affection, respect, generosity and consideration for others prevail.
    • Located high, speaks of uncontrollable impulses, tendencies towards cruelty; in such a person ruthlessness and harshness are represented.
    • One fork leading to the hill of Jupiter, the other to the hill of Saturn, speak of a fanatical attachment to ideals.
    • If the line surrounds the hill of Mercury, then the person is endowed with occult powers.
    • If the line is low, then the person is generous, kind and loving.
    • A) One fork of the Heart line going to the hill of Jupiter, the other to the hill of Saturn

      B) The Heart Line surrounds the mound of Mercury

    • If the line is wavy, then he is unscrupulous, inconsistent and unreliable.
    • Rising branches speak of love and adoration on the part of the opposite sex.
    • Descending branches speak of betrayal on the part of a loving person.
    • A deep line starting from the middle of Saturn's finger speaks of passion, sensitivity and selfishness.
    • A deep line under the mound of Saturn indicates sensitive and sexual vitality.
    • A weak line, combined with a weak line of the Mind, speaks of a lack of mental abilities, not outstanding character traits and loquacity.
    • The line starting high on the finger of Jupiter, connecting with the lines of mind and life, shows excessive love, carelessness, which leads to failure in love; and marriage in a wealthy or high-ranking family.
    • The line starting between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn speaks of gray life.
    • The deep line starting between the mounds of Saturn and Jupiter shows intense love, high spiritual aspirations and balanced emotions.
    • The line starting on the hill of Jupiter suggests that such a person is honest and can be relied on; a realist in thinking.
    • A) Deep Heart line, starting between the mounds of Saturn and Jupiter

      B) Line of the Heart, starting at the mound of Jupiter

    • A very deep line speaks of a life filled with stress and the inability to restrain emotions.
    • A very long line that reaches the mound of Jupiter shows intuition, a philosophical mindset, generosity, love, passion and idealism.
    • One branch on the hill of Jupiter, and the other towards the line of the Mind show self-deception and deep resentment.
    • A) One branch of the Heart line on the hill of Jupiter, and the other towards the line of Mind

      B) One branch of the line of Life on the hill of Jupiter, the other between the index and middle fingers

    • One branch on the knoll of Jupiter, the other between the index and middle fingers indicate harmony and love in family life.
    • A weak, long line from one side of the palm to the other indicates that the person is proud and sensitive.
    • A curving line at the end betrays kind-heartedness, emotional insecurity, jealousy, and suspicion.
    • A) Weak, long Heart line from one side of the palm to the other

      B) Line of the Heart, bending at the end

    • If the line of the Heart touches the line of Mind and the line of Life, then such a person suffers greatly from betrayal in love.
    • One branch, going to the line of the Mind, and the other to the hillock of the Moon speak of unbridled imagination, which leads to grief.
    • If the line connects with the Mind line under the mound of Saturn, then this speaks of catastrophic disappointments brought by a loved one because of inhuman adoration.
    • A) One branch of the Heart line, extending to the Mind line, and the other to the mound of the Moon

      B) The Heart Line connects with the Mind line under the mound of Saturn

    • If the line at the beginning is intertwined with the line of the Mind, such a person is very ambitious, achieving his goal using others.
    • The line descending to the hillock of the moon betrays a suspicious, jealous, but imaginative nature.
    • A) The Heart Line at the beginning is intertwined with the Mind line

      B) Line of the Heart descending to the mound of the Moon

    • A weak and short line speaks of a fleeting feeling for another person.
    • A very deep line under the middle finger betrays a lonely person with a wounded soul.
    • If the line twists towards the line of the Mind, then such a person is interested in intellectual aspirations.

    What the line of the Heart will tell in the palm of your hand

    The emotional sensitivity of a person is determined by the degree of branching of the heart line. A line without branching indicates cruelty. It is no coincidence that some researchers noted that people with a tendency to kill have a short, deep, without branching, Heart line. Excessive chaining and branching have always been associated with excitability and amorousness. Other researchers concluded that the appearance of islets on the Heart line under the little finger indicates early sexual development and associated complexes.

    The Heart Line speaks of the state of the circulatory system. Those who read the hand drew attention to the fact that the cured circulatory diseases left traces on the line of the Heart. Heart attacks leave broken corners on the Heart line. How the line ends is also important. The bend indicates a split personality, about the strong energy of the hill of Saturn. Such an individual is distinguished by great religiosity and belief in supernatural powers. But at the same time it is also a sign of a good actor. If the end of the line suddenly bent upwards, then this is a bad actor, he is hampered by the desire for excessive openness. The lines of the Head and the lines of the Heart, located parallel to each other, indicate the contradictions between the mind and the heart.

    Signs on the line

    Heart line meaning

    Heart Line with many branches.

    Striving for flirting, inconstancy, craving for intrigue and sensual pleasures.

    All branches from the Heart line down.

    A person in life gives more love than he receives. A predisposition to unrequited love.

    A branch falling down from the line of the Heart towards the hill of Mars (+)

    An alliance with a person who will betray is possible. A break in relations will be associated with scandals and quarrels.

    Points on the Heart line under the Ring and Middle fingers

    From 30 to 55 years old, emotional trauma or diseases of the cardiovascular system are possible. Difficult periods in a person's life associated with sensory experiences.

    Small distance between the lines of the Heart and Head

    Excessive openness, gullibility and imprudence

    After stretching the skin, points on the Heart line are clearly visible, on which the meaning of the heart line depends.

    Failures in love, and sometimes betrayal on the part of people whom he trusted and loved, occurred because Fate stubbornly pushed him in a situation where he should inevitably be betrayed by those whom he himself had chosen. This also testifies, unfortunately, to the wrong choice of the environment and associates, which inevitably leads to future betrayal on their part, due to the mismatch of interests and assessments of each other.

    To overcome failures in personal life, it is necessary to revise the criteria for choosing the environment, associates and future life companions, because old principles have always led to disappointment and betrayal. Appreciating other people undeservedly high, with your trust you caused a strong temptation and a desire to deceive you, as a naive person, since they felt their complete impunity.

    How to read the line of the heart on your hand

    A person with this long line on his arm is more sentimental and not very successful in professional activities.

    A line in the shape of a hook, branching from the line of the heart and going to the hill of Mercury, indicates an accident, as a result of which a person's legs will be immobilized (Fig. 82).

    The branch of the heart line ending with a star on the hill of the Moon indicates madness, madness, which comes due to bad heredity.

    Any line that collides with the heart line on the hill of the Moon indicates an overstrain of the nervous system.

    An interrupted line of the heart with branches overlapping each other speaks of shock, which will not be fatal. If such a line defect is present on both hands, it is a sign of death or serious illness of a loved one when it is combined with violations of other main lines.

    If part of the broken heart line on the arm tilts toward the mind line, it indicates financial loss and shock at the same time.

    A person with a broken heart line has a weak heart, is nervous about trifles and gains weight after age indicated by a break, and this is the cause of heart disease in old age.

    A gap under the Hill of the Sun indicates an eye disease on the opposite hand side, as well as a squint of a family member.

    A rounded heart line indicates a curvature of the spine in old age due to poor absorption of calcium.

    A weak line of the heart, starting from the hill of upper Mars, indicates the possibility of fever, anemia, blood poisoning and, as a result, abscesses and skin diseases (Fig. 83).

    If the line of the heart descending from the hill of Mercury is wide under it, such a person stutters or speaks indistinctly (Fig. 84).

    The line of the heart on the hand, crossing or passing close to the knots on the hills, speaks of weak morality and immersion in abnormal erotic fantasies. Such a person complains of gas problems, he suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, dental disease and liver problems. This man is a deceiver and cannot be relied upon. These psychological disorders can be aggravated or compensated by other unfavorable or favorable signs in the palm of your hand, but, undoubtedly, such a person is loving (Fig. 85).

    Brain injury or disruption

    What the heart line in the palm of your hand will tell

    Fever, anemia, blood poisoning, abscesses, skin diseases


    A person with a chain-shaped heart line and protruding hills of Venus and the Moon is immersed in thoughts and fantasies far from reality and can be placed in a psychiatric hospital if the sharp bend of the line of the mind ends on the hill of the Moon. Such a person cannot withstand the psychological shock after having once suffered it (Fig. 86).

    A woman with a chain-shaped heart line is sexy, and due to problems with the menstrual cycle, it will be difficult for her to bear the baby, and she may also feel heavy in the head and limbs.

    If there are three or four consecutive islands on the line of the heart, this indicates a nervous disease.

    An island on the line of the heart under the hill of the Sun or Mercury in combination with an island on the line of the mind under the hill of Saturn is a sure sign of eye disease, in old age such a person may have glaucoma (Fig. 87).

    A person with an island in the line of the heart under the hill of Mercury indistinctly distinguishes close objects, while an island under the hill of the Sun indicates that a person does not distinguish distant objects.

    An island in the line of the heart under the hill of Saturn indicates the likelihood of dental caries, pyorrhea, etc. Mind line abnormalities exacerbate these symptoms. Such a person is also subject to the danger emanating from fire or electric current (Fig. 88).

    A triangular island on the line of the heart from the side of the mind line speaks of increased urination, prostatitis, etc., and on a hard hand it is a sign of appendicitis, if it is combined with a weak life line, and surgery for kidney stones or sterilization, if combined with black spot on the hill of Venus (Fig. 89).

    The action of the islands on the lifeline under the hill of Jupiter is described in the section on diseases of the hill of Jupiter.

    If the line of the heart is wider than other lines, this indicates that the owner of such a hand is greedy and heartless, does not think about the interests of society and only cares about himself. Such a person has an excess of bile, he complains of burning pain in different parts of the body, especially pain when urinating.

    If the line of the mind is thin, and the line of the heart is wide, such a person wears glasses, he has eye problems due to an excess of bile in the body (Fig. 90).

    Erotic fantasies, problems with gas, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, liver dysfunction.

    Diseases indicated by the line of the Heart

    • Heart attack - the life line of the Heart, as it were, forms a fold.
    • Disease of the heart and lymphatic vessels, palpitations - chain-like line of the Heart.
    • Genetic Heart Disease - the Line of Destiny from the fold of the palm to the lifeline of the Heart.
    • Weak heart as a result of mental stress - the Health line merges with the Life line.
    • Heart disease - the Heart line connects to the Life and Head lines at one point on the left palm.
    • Death from Heart Disease - Health line ends with a fork.
    • Palpitations, tachycardia - the Head line is close to the Life line.
    • Heart disease - black or blue spots on the joints of the ring finger.
    • Heart Diseases - a line with a star at the end of the Heart line.
    • The lack of an equilibrium point with a large distance between the beginning of the Life line and the Head line indicates a predisposition to heart disease.
    • Heart disease with seizures and fainting - a star at the end of the Heart's life line, at intersections.
    • Serious Heart Disease - Lines downward from the beginning of the Life line.
    • Heart attack - the Life line breaks in the upper part to the hill of Saturn.

    Palmistry is a science that studies a different mental state of a person, that is, it is possible to reveal a person's thinking and emotions. This allows you to better know your interlocutor. Experts in this field are convinced that the double line of the heart is of great importance for every person.

    The role of the double heart line

    With the help of this line, you can determine what emotional inclinations a person has. Moreover, it means exactly how its owner communicates with others. This feature is located in close proximity to the phalanges of the fingers, and looks like a fork in the river.

    The line begins in the region of the rib of the hand, and ends in the region of lower Mars. Lower Mars is located between the thumb and forefinger.

    The main meaning of the forked line

    Palmistry convinces that if there is a double heart line on a person's hand, then this is a bad sign. The peculiarity of double heart lines in palmistry is that it is an indicator of a dual love nature. This can only mean one thing - such a person has a split in sympathy for the opposite sex. Most likely, there will be a situation where you have to experience feelings of love towards two people at the same time.

    For this reason, there is always the possibility of treason. Moreover, several marriages are possible in a lifetime. You may lose a loved one or just be disappointed in him. Quite often, individuals who have a forked heart line are not monogamous. It is difficult for such natures to find a permanent partner. They are in constant search of someone special, which provokes the fate of being alone.

    The situation when the line of the heart forks at the end of the left hand does not always mean sympathy for someone. It may be that the person does not accept a messy relationship. They are just trying to find their happiness. If a person who arouses sympathy is found, then the mind cannot be deceived. After that, ardent attempts begin to prove their love and evoke reciprocal feelings. Additional symbols in the palm of your hand will indicate more details.

    Meaning of symbols

    Signs on a double stripe can tell about the true desires of a person. Moreover, they are able to fully reveal the sensual and emotional nature of their owner. You should pay attention to some signs.

    1. Island. Usually, islets can only mean negative events. They mean that you will have to experience an unpleasant love story. Quite often, in this regard, divorces or breaks occur at the beginning of a relationship. If the island is on a forked heart line, then a relationship that could have ended successfully will soon end.
    2. On the double line of the heart, there may be different stripes on the palm of your hand. They can go out of it in different directions. For example, if the strip is directed down the palm, this indicates unpleasant love disappointments. It is such events that will contribute to a change in character. A person will become so disappointed in a loved one that they will forever change their attitude to life.
    3. If the strip is in an upright position, it speaks of a happy love story. Your relationship will end in a wedding and you will be a happy person.
    4. Quite often, additional lines can turn towards the hill of Jupiter. It is located at the bottom of the index finger. The direction towards Jupiter suggests that in connection with successful love, the individual will gain financial well-being. You won't have to need money.

    The triangle will tell you about health problems. A triangle on the line of the heart will tell about problems with the visual apparatus. The cross can be explained in such a way that in order to attain love one has to go through some difficulties. The cross cannot be called a negative symbol. It only warns its owner that he will have to be a little nervous before feeling happiness.

    A gap in the palm of your hand will tell of unhappy love. This can mean both insufficient attention from the partner, and his long absence in life. If a man has more than one gap, it means that he has already managed to become disillusioned with the female sex. If a woman became the owner of the breaks, it means that she has already experienced a failure in love. For this reason, she stopped relying on men, and treats them wrongly.

    If the line of the heart suddenly bifurcates at the end of the right palm, and has a star on its territory, this is an indicator of a love injury. The star says that the person has experienced betrayal and betrayal. For this reason, completely disappointed in the opposite sex. A mole is a controversial sign. Its main meaning depends on the location. If she is on the strip of the heart on her hand, it means that the romantic nature will cease to positively perceive the world. If the mole ends up at the intersection of two lines, then you are destined to meet a caring partner.

    The red color of the dot indicates that a trauma has occurred in life. It is possible that it happened at the very beginning of the cognition of love. In this regard, there was a moral trauma, which entailed disappointment in oneself. Most likely, the owner of the point blames himself for the break, and believes that it was he who behaved incorrectly.

    Black color means that the person is in long-term contemplation. Thoughts can arise for various reasons: due to difficulties in the current relationship, or due to their complete absence. In the end, things will work out. You just have to be patient, and do not take any hasty actions.

    The lines on the hand reflect the qualities of a person and the direction of the development of life events. This relationship between lines and human destiny was noticed in ancient times. The lines on the left palm show the person's past and events planned by fate. The lines on the right hand show the current state of events and changes that have occurred in the fate of a person. Let's consider in detail what the line of the heart shows? claims that it is associated with a person's emotions.

    Where is the heart line in the palm of your hand? It is located just below the fingers of the hand and crosses the palm from the little finger to the thumb. Palmistry considers two types of heart lines - spiritual and physical.

    The physical line starts at the little finger and ends at or between the middle and index fingers. It has an arched shape. People with this sign on their hand are able to express their feelings in a beautiful artistic form, they know how to notice the beauty of the world and do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult circumstances.

    These people do not know how to hide feelings, they always act openly and honestly. They cannot be broken by life's hardships - internal energy reserves help to recover in a short time and again feel the joy of being in full. They are sensitive to others, can have empathy and even the ability to telepathy. They are charismatic and energetic people.

    The line of the spiritual heart runs in a strictly straight direction, without forming curvatures. These are closed people who are not able to openly express their thoughts and feelings. They will never emotionally sort things out, arrange scenes of jealousy or openly conflict with ill-wishers. People with a spiritual heart are also capable of romantic feelings, but they are not able to express them in a beautiful way. This often leads to internal conflict, which can lead to crazy actions.

    What is the meaning of the end of the heart line in the palm of your hand? It can end at the middle and ring fingers, or it can last all the way to the little finger. Consider the options:

    • the line ended between the middle and forefinger - a person of a realistic warehouse, his inner world is balanced;
    • near the index finger - a suspicious and vulnerable person, capable of making an elephant out of a fly;
    • near the middle finger - before you is a complete egoist who does not know how to take into account the interests of the people around him.

    The bifurcation of the heart line denotes a complex spiritual organization of a person, a contradictory nature. If the line has three branches at the fingers, you have a loving and emotional person in front of you. If he can remain faithful to the chosen one of the heart, this will bring great luck in life.

    The double line speaks of the presence of a caring and loyal partner in a person's life. Are there signs of compatibility of partners? Yes, this is a complete coincidence of the direction and shape of the lines of the heart in both partners.

    Line icons

    Ideally, the heart line should be clearly visible, straight and deep. There should be no signs and intersecting lines on it. This characterizes a happy destiny, harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and a healthy circulatory system.

    However, the emotional sphere of a person is always subject to changes, experiences and instability. This will be indicated by signs located directly on the line of the heart, or located nearby:

    • islets;
    • chain;
    • breaks;
    • crosses.

    One of the signs is an island or a whole chain of islets: they indicate problems in the emotional life that a person has experienced. Large islets indicate periods of deep depression and emotional instability.

    For example, if the islets were located at the beginning (at the little finger), this indicates a turbulent and unstable love sphere in youth. Sometimes the line can even out and become clearly outlined at the middle finger - this shows that in adulthood the emotional sphere has come to balance and outbursts of violent emotions are in the past.

    The chain is a sign of a rich and intense emotional life. A person reacts violently to any problems and can make his life unbearable. A line interrupted in several places indicates loss of love and separation from loved ones.

    Islets should not be confused with a chain. The chain consists of small links and resembles a real metal chain. It indicates the emotional mobility of a person. It is common for people of this type to quickly get carried away with something and quickly lose interest. The islands speak of a tendency to dramatize events - they look like large links in a chain.

    What is this sign and what is it talking about? The belt of Venus is another line running parallel to the heart and fingers - it is located between them. This sign indicates a subtle sensitive nature of the creative type. If the belt of Venus consists of several parallel thin lines, this shows the hysteria and eccentricity of a person - he is unbearable.


    Is it possible to determine character along the line of the heart? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to carefully consider the direction of the location and the place where the line ends:

    • even and straight - a kind, open, generous person;
    • goes down from the mound of Mars to the line of life - an irritable nature, always dissatisfied with everything;
    • connects with the life line - a person is overly gullible;
    • connects with the head line - the person is not shrewd and smart enough;
    • goes up to the hill of Jupiter - a person is inclined to lofty ideas;
    • short and deep - cold and stubborn nature;
    • very bright and deep - a person is ruled by feelings, not reason;
    • subtle and barely noticeable - a person does not know how to enjoy life.

    If thin processes extend upward from the line of the heart, this indicates a frivolous attitude towards love relationships - a person is more attracted by flirting than devotion to a loved one.

    The heart line in palmistry is responsible for the emotional part of a person's life. Thanks to this thread, you can find out if a person has relationships with other people.

    This line is located near the base of the fingers. It begins on the edge of the palm, somewhere under the little finger, and ends between the thumb and forefinger. And what does the double line of the heart and the signs on it mean?

    The meaning of double lines in palmistry

    Palmistry line of the soul - hearts (part 3)


    Palmistry. What does the double line of life in the palm of your hand mean.

    In palmistry, a situation is quite common when one of the main lines on the palm is forked. The task of the second line or thread, as palmists used to call it, is to enhance the meaning of the main line.

    They seem to defend the first line, where there are defects in it. The longest forked line may be the thread of life, the rest of the repeating threads are relatively short strokes.

    Double heart line

    In general, in palmistry it is believed that the forked line of the heart is an unfavorable sign. As a rule, this is a less pronounced thread relative to the main thread of the heart. This says that man has a dual nature in love. That is, maybe the moment when a person is in love with two people at once.

    Based on this, the potential for what a person can change to his permanent partner increases. In addition, the possibility that a person will smoothly flow from one marriage into another increases. I must say that such a feature does not at all indicate that a person is frivolous and falls in love with just anyone. It may even be the other way around. Such a person can be especially selective in people, but if a person likes it, then he cannot and does not want to deceive himself.

    The rest must be judged by which signs are on the double line of the heart.

    Signs on the double line of the heart

    What signs are found on the forked line of the heart and what do they mean:

    • Islets. These two lines can form certain voids at the intersection. An island denotes an unfavorable sign. It symbolizes some kind of love failure. It can be a divorce, a breakup. The islands on the double line of love symbolize a break in a relationship, for which great hopes were laid.
    • Dashes that come from the main line of the heart. If these lines look downward in the direction, it means that a person in love is waiting for a lot of broken illusions, disappointments, because of which the person will change a lot.
    • If the lines are facing up, then this indicates a strong long and happy relationship.
    • If several dashes are directed to the hill of Jupiter, then palmistry interprets this as the fact that through love a person will also receive glory with wealth.
    • If the palmist sees a triangle here, then this refers to health, it means that the person has potentially poor eyesight.
    • A sign that looks like a cross on the hand means that before a person finds happiness in love, he has to go through obstacles.
    • The gap in the arm is interpreted as a bad sign. This suggests that the owner of the hand often lacks a manifestation of love from a real partner, or that such a partner has not been in his life for a long time.
    • If a man's hand has three or four gaps, then this suggests that the man has already formed a wrong opinion about women, he has already managed to be disappointed in them.
    • If three or four breaks are present on a woman's hand, then this indicates that the woman had an experience of unhappy relationships, as a result of which she is angry with all men at once.
    • The star on the hand in palmistry is interpreted as the fact that the person had to endure a strong love shock that changed his whole personality. The trauma from this shock has not yet passed, a person cannot forget what happened to him.
    • The point on the double line of the heart is also not a very favorable sign. He talks about the fact that the person was in an unhappy relationship or it was non-reciprocal love.
    • If the point differs in depth and red light, then this tells about a love trauma that completely changed the moral principles of a person. Another option is that we are talking about physical violence. If there is one point, then there was one event, and if there are several points, it means that shocks have pursued the personality more than once.
    • The dot on the arm may be black. Such a sign tells that a person is very worried about his love situation, perhaps he is unhappy in a real relationship, or maybe he is worried about real loneliness.
    • A mole is a sign that tells that a person is a romantic nature, but, most likely, soon all romantic dreams will fade.
    • If the double line of the heart intersects at the place where the mole is located, then this means that the person will meet a soul mate who will truly take care of him.

    Heart double line view

    If the first thread is well drawn, without breaks, and the second is practically the same, then this indicates a stable love relationship, perhaps we are talking about marriage for life. Moreover, a person does not even have a thought about any other relationship.

    If the first line is clear, straight, and the second is poorly visible with breaks, then this indicates that two natures are fighting in a person.

    The winner of them is the one that is responsible for a stable relationship. But sometimes the owner of the hand dreams of going all out, this speaks of some fantasies that a person most likely does not realize.

    If both lines of the heart are weakly outlined, winding, with breaks, then this suggests that the person is not inclined to enter into a long-term relationship, the concept of marriage is incomprehensible to him. It is good if a person realizes this and openly admits this to himself. It is worse when, under the pressure of society, a person suffers from the fact that he is not like everyone else.