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  • Characteristics of the lunar signs of the zodiac. Moon position in the horoscope

    Characteristics of the lunar signs of the zodiac.  Moon position in the horoscope

    Feelings of insecurity can lead you to solve problems faster than necessary. Take your time, as if there is a deadline for the task. Try to calmly decide what actions you need to take and calmly continue on your intended course.

    Calm and confidence largely depends on stability, the need for which is not so easy to satisfy now. The main task is to find in oneself a sense of respect for oneself, not to seek this stability in material values. When you accept yourself as you are, it will be easier to find a reflection of this stability in the world around you.

    Moon in Gemini evokes a desire for change and spontaneity. Thinking more about your feelings and sharing your thoughts with others can help you be more talkative and fluent these days. Cold-blooded thinking is easy, but careful - do not allow this coldness in your heart - it will alienate those around you. Try to find a balance between your mind and your senses.

    A sense of security these days is associated with home, family environment and household chores (cooking, cleaning, gardening). You may be susceptible to mood swings. You need to learn to forgive and forget so as not to get depressed from constantly reflecting on past grievances. The perception of the world is becoming more subjective, one must remember to periodically distance oneself and look at everything from the outside. On a positive note, the rich emotional palette available to you now. She will help to "merge" into the surrounding world, feeling it.

    A sense of confidence comes when you have the opportunity to impress someone, gain praise and admiration. But sometimes, being in the spotlight, you can feel confused. Maybe you should admit to yourself that you are afraid of criticism and are not always able to accept it. Try to listen to what others have to say and use this knowledge constructively.

    Confidence and comfort now primarily depend on clarity and order - not only in things, but also in thoughts and emotions. There may be a desire to put things in order in those places and areas of your life where it does not exist, where everything is chaotic. Try to be more tolerant of the imperfections in this life. Trust her and let everything flow. Not everything in this life happens according to our expectations.

    Right now, what you need most is harmony and balance. Most likely, there is no desire to thoroughly delve into some serious topics and discussions, so as not to disturb this balance. You need to learn how to share both good and bad feelings. Do not be afraid to be yourself, not who others expect you to be.

    Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deeply into all feelings and experiences. Now you really want deep and strong emotions, you are drawn to fundamental changes, even if it is sometimes not easy. Superficial relationships will not satisfy you due to the lack of catharsis.

    Now you are drawn to the search - yourself, the meaning of life, any higher goal. A feeling of confidence and comfort will come if you find this goal, mission, philosophy that will give meaning to existence. The moon in Steltz gives you optimism, the ability to look forward with hope, despite any difficulties.

    There are two types: solar and lunar. Each of them represents 12 signs of the zodiac, the difference is only the period of their influence.

    In the solar horoscope, each sign rules for 30 calendar days, while the Moon travels from one sign to another every 3 days. Only once a month does the moon stay in the same sign with the sun, this is the time of the new moon and two days before it.

    What does the moon sign say?

    in the astrological horoscope reflects the spiritual world and life values ​​of a person... It shows exactly how each sign will react in a particular situation. Someone is quick-tempered, someone is silent, one will climb on the rampage, and the second will be held captive by his own thoughts throughout his life. The lunar horoscope shows how sociable a person is, educated, talented and open to everything new.

    The moon represents the feminine principle in a person - this is a concern and a desire to support a neighbor. She is responsible for such qualities as incontinence, impressionability and the ability to empathize with people. Belonging to a particular lunar zodiac will tell you how others will relate to a person. The lunar horoscope indicates what you should devote your life to, in what area success awaits, and what you should not mess with at all.

    The influence of the Moon is most pronounced in the signs of Cancer and Pisces, and weaker in Virgo and Capricorn.... Everyone else got the golden mean. The unfavorable position of the planet may indicate a gentle character, a lack of a person's own opinion and goals. Such people throughout their lives need absolute care and if they cannot find a worthy companion, they fade and withdraw into themselves.

    How to define it?

    In order to determine your zodiac sign in the lunar horoscope, you need to know not only the full date of your birth, but also the time and place. The time must be accurate, otherwise the calculation may be in error. Location is just as important as the position of the satellite in the zodiac signs will largely depend on latitude and longitude.

    To calculate your moon sign, you can use:

    • Table calculation of lunar days.
    • Lunar calendar for the year of interest, the cycle repeats every 19 years, so if the desired one was not found, then add 19 to the year of interest and refer to this calendar.
    • Cosmogram calculation of stellar latitudes according to Ephemeris.


      Lunar Aries.

      A person born in this sign is very impulsive and emotional... It often seems to others that he is not at all familiar with such terms as restraint and rational approach. He makes almost all his decisions based on his instincts and instincts. They easily give in to new ideas, they can take on several things at once, but they do not give up what they started. They will try to the last, no matter how hard it is, until they achieve the desired result.

      In love, representatives of this zodiac very quickly begin to get tired of a partner. They constantly need new emotions and sensations., and not one normal person is simply unable to endure such a rhythm of life. Therefore, they quite often change companions until they find someone who will unquestioningly tolerate all their antics.

      Lunar Taurus.

      People of this sign very calm and balanced... It is difficult to embarrass or unsettle them even in the most unusual situations. Lunar throughout life will strive to feel completely safe. He is very stubborn, does not know how to admit his own mistakes, which is why it is quite difficult for him to make friends.

      The life of Lunar Taurus is stable and regular. They take any risk negatively., even justified, but this is only for their benefit.

      In personal life, this the sign is romantic and sentimental... Having met his soul mate, he will be infinitely devoted to her, which is why he often suffers himself. Few are able to appreciate the love and loyalty of the Moon Taurus, since he is not used to sharing his thoughts and feelings with someone. This is a man of action. He will find a thousand ways to prove his love to you, but he is unlikely to tell you about it personally.

      Moon Gemini.

      The most sociable and funniest zodiac in the lunar horoscope... He will radiate optimism and inexhaustible energy 24 hours a day. Often he does not finish what he has begun, because he is unable to fully concentrate on one lesson. By nature, he is inquisitive, with close people he can show irritation and whims.

      Moon Gemini often are restless, which is why they have problems with the nervous system... They are sometimes cruel to others. Without hesitation, they break off relations with people if something does not suit them.

      In relationships with the opposite sex, they often choose a partner who strongly attracts them sexually. They may not pay attention to appearance, intelligence, character, trust their first impression. They do not like to be bound by obligations, they are reluctant to marry... They will trust their loved one unconditionally, but they will be fickle in their love.

      Lunar Cancer.

      Lunar Cancer is an egoist... He is so immersed in his own thoughts and experiences that he can not reckon with the feelings of other people. The representative of this moon sign always knows what he wants from life, is confident and purposeful.

      He cannot always achieve his goal, but not from a lack of zeal, but only because he raises the bar too high. Lunar Cancer is the soul of any company when it is in a good mood. He has a great sense of humor, hospitable, does not like global changes.

      In communicating with his soul mate, he often resorts to manipulation. Before tying himself into a serious relationship, he tries to thoroughly study the partner in order to protect himself and his life from any surprises. Lonely Lunar Cancer completely trusts friends and relatives with the arrangement of his personal life. Rarely shares personal experiences with anyone, be it even a loved one.

      Lunar Lion.

      Lunar Leo simply cannot live without the attention of others. In a large company, he feels like a fish in water, easily makes new connections and uses them without a twinge of conscience. This zodiac is a born leader and this can be traced in all areas of his life.

      For Moon Leo the material aspect is very important... To ensure himself full income, he can work for days, forgetting about family and personal life. Representatives of this sign are very proud and independent people. It is difficult to drive them into any framework, they will always try by any means to adjust the rules for themselves.

      Lunar love is not easy. They practically do not accept compromises, often do not reckon with other people's opinions, try to control their partner in everything.

      They will never open feelings if they are not sure of their reciprocity. They behave with restraint and sarcasticity with a loved one, sometimes their jokes are inappropriate, but you shouldn't even try to explain it to them. But in any difficult situation, this sign will become your soulmate support and support.

      Moon Virgo.

      In the lunar horoscope of Virgo very down-to-earth natures, have an analytical mindset, neat and attentive... Before taking on any business, they can weigh the pros and cons for weeks, compare desires with opportunities and assess risks. Lunar Virgo seeks simplicity and harmony in her life.

      She often seems indifferent and insensitive to those around her, but this is only due to her tremendous self-control.

      In a relationship with a loved one, this zodiac has a very difficult time. They tend to trust no one but themselves., therefore, the partner has to put up with their jealousy and frequent dissatisfaction. But if the Moon Virgo truly falls in love, she will become a devoted, gentle and caring life partner.

      Lunar Libra.

      In communication with others, representatives of this sign like to argue... Any little thing can become the subject of discussion, the process itself is important for them, during which they will defend their point of view, foaming at the mouth, as the only correct one.

      They often feel insecure, which is why they suffer from sudden mood swings... They do not know how to control their emotions, everything is immediately reflected on their face. Lunar Libra is a born family man. Only next to a partner do they feel at ease.

      They will provide their companion with all kinds of support and care, as long as they see that their efforts are not in vain. Aggression and any pressure in a relationship is not acceptable... They never go to open conflicts, they instantly close in themselves, and if you manage to offend them, they will act on the sly.

      Moon Scorpio.

      Scorpios in the lunar horoscope are emotional and liberated people. They perfectly feel the mood of others, which is why they are prone to manipulation and intrigue. They are very active in life, like to take initiative and are maximalists. Half measures are categorically rejected, they often feel envy, which is why they have rather difficult relationships with loved ones.

      In their personal lives, Moon Scorpios are jealous, but soft-bodied. Having fallen in love with a person, they will seek his attention in every possible way. Conquer their soul mate with unprecedented zeal and physical attractiveness. This zodiac has an almost mystical sexuality, which is often used in relationships with a loved one. A storm of emotions constantly rages inside him, he will analyze and calculate his behavior every minute next to his partner.

      Lunar Sagittarius.

      A very cheerful zodiac sign. Such a person loves to improvise, so he never plans anything. Not an idealist and not a romantic. In dealing with loved ones, he is rude and impatient, but with unfamiliar people he tries to be as sociable as possible.

      Often they like to boast of their own merits to others. Can become duplicitous and secretive if personal benefit requires it. In a relationship with a loved one, Lunar Sagittarius rarely takes a leading position.

      He loves calmness and simplicity, will rely on his soul mate in everything until he gets a kick from her in the appropriate place. Then he begins to act and fuss, but having settled the next situation, he again plunges into a kind of hibernation, allowing everything to develop in its own way.

      Lunar Capricorn.

      Lunar Capricorn is man of moods... Within one day, he may become depressed, and after a couple of hours he will laugh and joke. Throughout their life, they strive for the approval of others, they always try to look respectable.

      They prefer an organized approach in their work, show pedantry in financial matters. They categorically do not accept the negative and are even afraid, therefore, by any means they avoid conflicts and disputes.

      In personal life, Moon Capricorns are very patient. They treat a loved one with anxiety, show care and attention to his interests and goals... They never forget about their own needs, however, if they go against joint plans, they can easily sacrifice them. They seek trust and devotion from their companion, and often become participants in love triangles.

      Lunar Aquarius.

      At first glance, Lunar Aquarius is unremarkable, but this is a mistaken impression. It is created from the fact that representatives of this sign are excellent pretenders... They, like an ocean before a storm, can remain calm and indifferent for hours, and then explode into a storm of emotions at one moment.

      It is difficult for others to understand Aquarius, so they have a rather limited social circle, which is very frustrating for them. Always have an urgent need to be independent, both from others and from the circumstances. But if in the first case they do it easily, then in the second they have to work hard.

      They are proud of their loved ones. Lunar Aquarius has few of them, so they deeply value everyone. In love, this sign will always protect your personal space.... He rarely discusses personal topics with his soul mate, pays more attention to everyday problems.

      Moon Pisces.

      Moon Fish can easily predict other people's actions and decisions... They have an almost psychic intuition, which is why others are suspicious and distrustful of them. They easily get carried away with new ideas, but quickly lose interest in them. Lunar people are dreamers by nature. They tend to idealize loved ones, and from this they are often disappointed.

      In love, people born under this sign in every possible way try to avoid the routine. They will constantly pamper and surprise their partner, their imagination may seem inexhaustible. But, not receiving reciprocal attention, they quickly fall into a depressive state and withdraw into themselves.

    Lunar day

    22 lunar day is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. Better to spend it on training, rethinking life plans. On this day, new thoughts and ideas may come to mind - they should be remembered, pondered and implemented later. This is an unsuccessful period for talking with the authorities, changing the type of activity. It is recommended to postpone cumbersome chores around the house. This is a neutral time for financial transactions. Unfavorable time for any communication and travel.

    Waning Moon (3rd quarter)

    The third quarter is an auspicious time to complete business. New projects started on this day should be completed before the new moon. This is not a good time to socialize as people become irritable. It is undesirable to resolve conflicts. This is a good time to accumulate money, pay off debts. The day is suitable for general cleaning of the house and workplace, to get rid of old unnecessary things.

    Moon in Sagittarius

    Moon in Sagittarius - days of optimism and activity. This is a good time to start new business, resolve large-scale current issues, and promote work projects. The right time to communicate with the authorities, change the type of activity. Favorable period for housework. Neutral time for monetary transactions. A good period for dating, any kind of communication. Optimal days for long trips for leisure or work.


    Monday is not the best day to deal with serious issues and start new business. This is a good period for any communication, change of occupation, household work.

    The lunar calendar for today helps to find out what lunar day, phase of the moon, in what sign of the zodiac the moon is located. It indicates the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the degree of its illumination.

    It contains a general description of the day. The lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiacal constellations, the day of the week. He will tell you what things are better to do that day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with your boss, sorting out relationships with people, making major purchases, starting cleaning or renovating a house, or going on a trip.

    The sign in which the Moon is in the horoscope describes the instinctive energies and natural inclinations related to family life (you can call it family instinct), therefore it has an important influence on what gives a person the greatest physical and emotional comfort.

    What the sign of the Moon in the birth horoscope will tell you

    The moon sheds some light on how a person expresses concern for other people, and in this sense has a powerful emotional impact on his ability to bond, and also (especially for women) on his sexual needs and attitudes towards sex.

    Thus, a comparison of the moon signs of two people with striking clarity shows how much the needs for the reliability and safety of one partner are satisfied by the other side and whether there is a feeling of closeness and mutual support between them.

    First, the Moon is largely associated with the non-intellectual, irrational function of thinking. It affects the activity of our minds much more strongly than many believe.

    The words "It seems to me that ..." indicates that we are speaking in the language of our lunar attunement and recognize that, although our opinion is not necessarily proven or logical, for us this view of things is quite acceptable.

    The moon sheds light on whether a person lives in harmony with himself, whether he is confident in himself.

    The location and elements of the Moon indicate what a person needs in order for him to treat himself well. In addition, this planet indicates the feelings or instincts that we most comfortably show in a social situation.

    Secondly, if you would like to limit yourself to one short but comprehensive phrase to interpret the moon sign, it should be the phrase "instinctive reaction", because the moon sign symbolizes the way we respond directly and automatically to many aspects of life experience.

    This idea can be developed by thinking, for example, the following questions:

    • Which of the moon signs are reacting actively? (Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces.)
    • Which react with immediate analysis of the situation? (Air signs and Virgo.)
    • Which ones are especially indecisive? (Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio.)
    • Who are trying to hide their emotional reactions? (Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.)

    From the point of view of self-knowledge, the most important lesson that knowledge of our lunar attunement can teach us is the following: we must not only take our natural mood and spontaneous emotional reactions for granted, but also be able to adapt to life (accordingly - and sometimes in spite of - your mood) in order to live in relative peace with yourself.

    In addition (which is especially important from the point of view of the main topic of this work), the study of the lunar signs of two close partners allows you to learn a lot about the moods, reactions and natural emotional tendencies of each.

    Comparing the moons of two individuals, one can judge with a high degree of certainty whether they are emotionally compatible enough to live happily together.

    A man with a strongly pronounced lunar nature (especially the Moon in Cancer) has the same sensual needs for intimacy and sex; this also applies to many men with the Moon in a fairly accented position in other water signs, Pisces and Scorpio.

    Influence of the moon phase on character

    In astrology, the phases of the moon are of great importance. The phase you were born into affects all of your emotional reactions and colors them in a certain way.

    A complete lunar cycle - the time between two new moons - takes about twenty-nine days. During this time, the Moon comes - becomes full - and decreases - disappears.

    At the beginning of the cycle, the Moon is united with the Sun, that is, it is in the same sign and at the same degree as the Sun. When it moves away from the Sun, it becomes visible to us like a thin sickle; she arrives.

    The sickle turns into the first quarter, in which the moon looks like half a circle. By the time she reaches three-quarters or becomes the Humpback Moon, we know the full moon is just around the corner.

    From the full moon to the new new moon, the process is repeated in reverse order; the moon is decreasing.

    New moon at the moment of birth

    People born on the new moon are the solar equivalents of Aries; they act quickly, instinctively, often hastily and impulsively. They love to be challenged.

    Their reactions are always varied, bold and sometimes annoying to others. Their reactions are rarely boring. They seem to have an innate ability to understand the feelings of others.

    People born under the Sickle are Sagittarius by nature. They look to the future and try to break away from tradition.

    They can try it on different levels - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual - but somehow they strive to free themselves from the usual ways of doing things.

    First quarter at the time of birth

    The influence of the Moon in the First Quarter is a strange mixture of Scorpio and Gemini. People born during this time encounter crises with their breasts, in a do-or-die manner. They are the ones who survive; they like the suddenness of obstacles.

    Struggle seems to fill them with tremendous energy and they tend to attract dynamic people. Sometimes they run forward, stumbling over their own feet; they have problems timing.

    People born under the Humpback Moon share some Virgo traits. They analyze each of their actions and motives. They live with a therapist who whispers advice in their ear. They strive to be perfect in everything.

    Ask any city police officer about the influence of the Full Moon. If you don't believe what the cops say, look at your cat on those nights when the moon rises from the horizon in all its glory.

    Full moon at birth

    People born on the Full Moon focus on relationships - relationships with others and relationships with oneself. In this they are similar to Libra.

    But for a policeman in the center of the city, the Full Moon is an aggressive Aries who is trying to get along with the mysterious Pisces and the serious Capricorn. This is a horror show.

    These people strive for structure. They crave structure. And when they do not find it, they create it, demolishing everything that stands in their way.

    The Melting Moon is a lot of different things. But its meaning is straightforward. Think about Gemini and information. Think about communication. People born during this phase of the moon tend to accumulate and disseminate information.

    Last quarter at the moment of birth

    The influence of the Moon in the Last Quarter is similar to the influence of the planet in the house cusp at critical coordinates: crisis, eleventh hour, do it right now and properly.

    This is Scorpio at its peak; this is Pluto doing his usual number. Transformation. Revival. Pay special attention to the house and write the location of this moon on the birth chart.

    Embalming Moon is a misnomer. Balm means something that calms and cools, and such a definition does not fit this phase of the moon in any way.

    People born under this influence can experience a sense of purpose, the realization that "superior" forces can act through them if they allow it. Be sure to determine by the lunar calendar in which phase of the moon you were born.

    Moon cycle and zodiac signs

    Since the moon is in each sign of the zodiac for less than three days, detailed tables of her celestial wanderings take up a lot of space even when all records are kept exclusively with the help of astrological symbols.

    In the deciphered and "painted with words" form, they acquire such a grandiose size that they become completely unsuitable for practical use.

    Below are tables of the exact time of the Moon's entry into the sign of Aries, according to which you can independently calculate the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac at the time of your birth. Exercise

    Write down from the table the date and time of the entry of the Moon into the sign of Aries, which immediately preceded the moment of your birth.

    Calculate how many days separate these two dates (that is, your date of birth and the date when the Moon entered the sign of Aries).

    In the event that from the moment the Moon entered the sign of Aries to the date you are interested in, it took from 0 to 2.3 days, it means that the Moon was at that moment in the sign of Aries;

    • - if from 2.3 to 4.6 days have passed, then the Moon was in Taurus;
    • - if it has passed from 4.6 to 7.0 days, then the Moon was in Gemini;
    • - if 7.0 to 9.4 days have passed, then the Moon was in Cancer;
    • - if it has passed from 9.4 to 11.8 days, then the Moon was in Leo;
    • - if it has passed from 11.8 to 14.0 days, then the Moon was in Virgo;
    • - if it has passed from 14.0 to 16.3 days, then the Moon was in Libra;
    • - if it has passed from 16.3 to 18.6 days, then the Moon was in Scorpio;
    • - if it has passed from 18.6 to 21.0 days, then the Moon was in Sagittarius;
    • - if it has passed from 21.0 to 23.3 days, then the Moon was in Capricorn;
    • - if from 23.3 to 25.6 days have passed, then the Moon was in Aquarius;
    • - if from 25.6 to 28.0 days have passed, then the Moon was in Pisces.

    Moon in the signs of the zodiac in the horoscope of birth

    Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    People with the Moon in water signs are not too inclined to bare their feelings in a group, thereby confirming the traditional ideas of astrologers about the representatives of this element as the most secretive, especially in terms of personal life and emotions.

    Yet they admitted that they trusted their feelings and that they never liked unusual or soul-disturbing influences from any family member. Fortunately, representatives of other elements of the moon turned out to be more outspoken and sociable:

    Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    The “earthly” group strives with all its might for comfort, safety, stability in emotional relationships.

    Sex is definitely not the main factor, fidelity is clearly cited as a priority. Almost everyone has a frank relationship with their mother, she is dearly loved as a true friend.

    Moon in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    Members of the "fire" group prefer to see the family as the center of their vital activity. The relationship with the mother is not very close, but they "respect" her for raising them (!).

    There are emotional and unemotional. Idealistic, they are very offended by rudeness. In relationships, they value spiritual closeness, in general, they like emotional adventures.

    People with the Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius tend to react to events with enthusiasm and positivism. They generally tend to rush headlong into the pool, and they do not take decisiveness.

    They feel especially good when they can initiate or create something new, encourage others to do something or believe in something.

    Therefore, they need to adhere to ethical standards in all their ventures so as not to undermine others' confidence in themselves.

    Although fire signs are considered the most positive positions of the moon, and although the efficiency and energy of people with a fiery moon can motivate and inspire others, external self-confidence should not be misleading.

    Do not underestimate the dull mood and self-doubt that they may experience in secret from others. (This is especially true of Lunar Sagittarius and Leo, which, as far as I know from my own experience, need to be noticed and appreciated by those around them.

    The moon in Aries is somewhat different from them; she does not see the point in showing herself in front of others, since she does not need someone else's approval and support, rarely explaining her failures by her weaknesses.)

    The positive and inspiring qualities that these three signs so often express, however, sometimes degenerate into a selfish pursuit of their own interests and the habitual feeling of superiority over others, to which they - quite naturally - are offended and indignant.

    Moon in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    It is very difficult for an "air" group to separate feelings from everything else. Emotions are fleeting and are replaced by cold observations ...

    Everyone wants to be surrounded by many people, but to have an intimate relationship with someone alone, because if you maintain close ties with several partners at once, "there is a lot of confusion."


    Sagittarius zodiac sign symbol: centaur-shooter, stars, wands.

    Ruling Planet Sagittarius: Jupiter.

    Sagittarius Stones: amethyst, sapphire, emerald, agate, carbuncle, opal, turquoise, topaz.

    Sagittarius talismans: salamander, horseshoe.

    Sagittarius personality: Honest, generous, peaceful, optimistic, intelligent, dreamy, romantic, independent, religious, popular.

    A favorable period for starting new business - they will be accompanied by good luck, for making important decisions, for communication and travel. The moon in Sagittarius makes us more optimistic, good-natured, friendly. Adventurism and excessive belief in one's own capabilities appear.

    These days we defend the truth with enthusiasm, but first we speak and then we think. There is an increase in abstract thinking, philosophizing, aspirations somewhere in the distance, from which everyday affairs and mental work (especially with numbers) suffer. This is the best period for dealing with legal issues, for solving legal problems.

    These days, draw up and submit to the authorities applications, applications, requests, make new necessary acquaintances, strengthen old ties. You can start new businesses - they will bring you benefit and benefit. Long trips and business trips, contacts with foreign countries will be very successful.

    It is not recommended to engage in land or construction activities. The moon in Sagittarius expands the horizons of our possibilities, bestows good luck on undertakings. Good for a new job, new projects, expanding the scope of activities, presenting your ideas, finding sponsors.

    For contacts with regions and foreign partners. For presentations and celebrations. You can settle legal and legal issues, go to court, to the state. authorities, institutions, in various firms, to be engaged in public and official affairs, to speak to the public. Suitable for companionship.

    Excellent for outings in nature, for barbecues. People are optimistic, they will assure you that "everything will be fine." But do not believe all the words and promises - under the Moon in Sagittarius, people promise more than they can fulfill. Good for romantic dates, moonlight walks. In general, these days, romance and lyricism are increasing in the characters of people. There is a desire to flirt.

    Good for meeting new people. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, the effect of anti-aging treatments is enhanced. Good for any outdoor activity, especially in a good company, or with the whole family, for hiking trips, long journeys, equestrian sports, outings to nature, barbecues, for any physical activity, sports, fitness.

    Famous people with the moon in Sagittarius

    Neil Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Lawrence of Arabia, Charles Dickens, Henri Matisse, Lewis Carroll, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Nicolaus Copernicus, Arthur Rubinstein, Howard Hughes