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  • About the dangers of laziness, the causes of its occurrence and methods of dealing with it. Is laziness a disease or a trait? Laziness as a disease

    About the dangers of laziness, the causes of its occurrence and methods of dealing with it.  Is laziness a disease or a trait?  Laziness as a disease

    The lazy are condemned. By default, they consider, for example, overweight people to be such. Like, he lies on the couch and eats chips, but he could run and do burpees instead of multiple approaches to the refrigerator.

    However, if you look at the problem a little more broadly, it turns out that there is often something more behind laziness, idleness, “Oblomovism”. And this is a medical issue.

    What does the behavior of an active person look like? He gets motivated and develops a plan of action. Then the person takes the first step and consistently fulfills his plan. Having done, evaluates the work. If what happened corresponds to what was planned, the brain releases dopamine as a reward - it positively reinforces a useful deed. The person feels that there is energy for further action.

    Laziness occurs when something went wrong at one of the listed stages. Either there is no motivation, or it is difficult to keep attention at work long enough, or there is no positive reinforcement, because the brain considered what was done to be complete nonsense. This is how a person connects to a sofa. And often behind this everyday phenomenon is a disease.


    Apathy is the unwillingness to do something, when any, even the most simple action seems to require a magical kick from the outside. An apathetic person feels that his emotions have ceased to be bright: nothing impresses, does not excite, does not touch, and therefore there seems to be no desire. Indifference to everything, lack of initiative in anything, a feeling of worthlessness - these are typical signs that accompany apathy. It is almost impossible for an apathetic person to make an effort of will, to overcome himself. And all because emotions, will, spontaneity are in a deplorable state. Such a person can really fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV screen day after day, without even bothering to shake off the crumbs from the chips.

    This can be called laziness exactly as long as the person does not fall into the field of view of the doctor. And this is where anything can happen. Often apathy accompanies depression, is its key symptom. Sometimes lethargy becomes the first sign of Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors and other serious neurological diseases.

    Apathy is often accompanied by two more terms starting with the letter "a". This is abulia - difficulties with any action that requires an effort of will, whether it is an evening shower or a commute to work. And anhedonia is a total lack of a sense of joy in life.

    Even one “a” is already a reason to contact a neurologist.


    Another reason that is mistaken for laziness is increased fatigue. It often has very clear medical causes. Reduced thyroid hormone production, depression, anemia, diabetes, and hundreds of other illnesses can lead to a desire to lie down all the time.

    A little less often, people with pathological muscle fatigue are considered lazy, who “got up in the morning and were immediately tired” to such an extent that their legs do not walk. But here, as a rule, there is no delay in the diagnosis, because the arms and legs begin to lose weight, breathing may be disturbed, and the disease itself develops rapidly, causing reasonable anxiety and a desire to discuss what is happening with the doctor. Pathological muscle fatigue occurs with myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and some hereditary diseases - myopathies.

    Cognitive impairment

    Apathy can also develop with incipient dementia. A typical picture: relatives are used to the fact that their old man has become somehow strange and forgetful, they have adapted not to send him alone on simple matters like visiting a clinic or buying groceries, but they are confused that an elderly person suddenly loses interest in the world around him and even how as if to himself, he prefers to just lie in bed and watch TV thoughtlessly for hours. This is how dementia sometimes begins - acquired dementia, in which a person experiences serious problems with remembering new things, reproducing old knowledge and gradually losing all his skills up to everyday ones.

    Therefore, the sudden appearance of "laziness" in an elderly person is best discussed with a neurologist. Timely treatment will help stop the disease and return a person to a normal life.

    Lack of motivation

    Sometimes complaining about laziness is about the same as complaining about lack of time: “I can’t get to the gym”, “I hate to move, laziness is my middle name”, “I don’t have time to make myself a salad, I have to eat mayonnaise from the buffet on work." These are all examples of psychological defenses that cover up the simple fact that a person is not motivated.

    Who said that the brain is obliged to release dopamine "on credit" just because everyone around is obsessed with a healthy lifestyle? And that any person should immediately experience a surge of enthusiasm at the thought that it would be necessary to build up a little muscle mass, and, on the contrary, get rid of some fat?

    In order for motivation to arise, you need to explain to yourself, to your brain, what is the urgent need for change. Beautiful photos of acquaintances on social networks and a desperate feeling of envy are so-so motivation, because you can’t knock dopamine out of the brain with a comparison that is not in your favor

    Enjoying the process is another matter. Therefore, motivation can be found in pleasant, albeit not fashionable and not particularly energy-consuming physical activity. The heroines of Jane Austen's novels loved walks through the picturesque corners of their native estates. Perhaps we should take an example from them, the September landscapes, combined with vigorous walking, may well give the necessary impetus to changes in life. And then a trampoline, a swimming pool, a climbing wall - what is enough imagination for.

    The brain will never let you lie idle if the prefrontal cortex has an exciting plan. The illusory desire to learn English with a vague purpose and incomprehensible prospects will undoubtedly cause an acute attack of laziness. But learning a foreign language in order to go abroad and get an interesting job there is a completely different matter, because certain advantages loom ahead. The brain will approve this option and give dopamine on credit for future accomplishments.

    So instead of beating yourself up for doing nothing, it's best to honestly ask yourself what you really want and how you can get it. And here it can turn out differently. Someone scolds himself for his love of pizza and extra pounds and this explains the failed dance career, but it turns out that the pounds don’t interfere, the fear that others will blame the fullness does. You can already work with this: look for a good amateur dance group where weight does not matter, or set a goal to lose a few kilograms in order to feel more comfortable in training.

    Laziness disappears as soon as motivation appears - provided that there are no medical problems in the psychological or physical spheres. So it's worth putting aside the myth of laziness and honestly asking yourself what you want. Then the motivation will not keep you waiting.

    Well, everything, a new week will come, and I will start a new life. I will start doing exercises, get a new, more profitable and interesting job, quit smoking, drinking. Don't you think that these words are inherent in the vast majority of us? How often do we vow to ourselves that everything will change and a new life will begin. And for this, you need nothing at all - to take up your mind and start acting. How easy it seems to get up on a Monday when you think about it on a Saturday night. That decisive day comes - but there is no strength to get up. Yes, and the desire has disappeared somewhere. Why is this happening? Are there ways by which you can easily cope with morning sleep and get up without laziness to exercise? Of course, and we will now study the important details of working on ourselves in order. But for this you need to get acquainted with the main enemy of mankind - laziness and how to deal with it.

    What is laziness

    From the point of view of psychology, laziness is a lack of desire to work and a lack of doing something, to show at least some effort to complete tasks. Experts point out that laziness belongs to the volitional sphere of each person and, as a rule, is perceived as a negative, negative quality. In medicine, laziness is neither a disease nor an unhealthy psychological condition. Rather, it is a signal of the body that there is a moment of conflict between a person’s desires and his duty.

    No one will argue with the fact that there is nothing positive in this word. But it is a satellite of mankind from the first moment. And so it continues to go toe to toe with us and creates reasons for us to abandon actions, thoughts, etc.

    It was an integral part of our essence and led to the destruction of family relationships, wars, and suppressed the desire to achieve something. But let's take a closer look and think about how harmful it is to us?

    Laziness is our enemy

    Let's remember how many troubles were caused to people because of the banal unwillingness to go out into the yard with a cigarette or even throw it out the window. I was too lazy to “change shoes” for winter tires, and for this reason a tragedy occurred. The engineer was too lazy to once again check the condition of the aircraft landing gear or engines, the crash of the liner led to numerous tragedy. The sad list can be continued, but is it worth pointing out once again that the masses suffered from the laziness of one person or a small group of people. Now let's move on to a barrel of honey in a fly in the ointment.

    Laziness is our main ally

    And this is also known from an early age, because we now and then hear that it is the main engine of progress. Let's remember the most convenient gadgets and inventions for us, created precisely because of banal laziness. How hard it was for our fathers and mothers to constantly jump up from the sofa and change channels on the TV. Fortunately, they only had 4-5 channels at that time. Now there are all 1000 of them and how could we constantly bounce from a warm place. The remote control helps us with this. And there was, God bless him, the man who invented this, well, very important thing. The same is with the elevator, going up to the 3rd floor is already difficult. What would we do? Prices for apartments on the lower floors would be the most expensive, well, and so on. All innovations created by people, spurred on by banal laziness, are presented as achievements of science. So - thanks to her, the same laziness.

    What is laziness - types

    1. Physical. For each of us, life is movement. We run to school, work, take care of the housework, carry out various kinds of assignments, etc. As a result, natural fatigue occurs, that is, the body gives signals that a lot of energy has been expended and time is needed for its new accumulation. You can not ignore this process, you need to treat your body with care, and listen to its "requests". Stop, relax, take a break.
    2. Emotional laziness. It is also called spiritual and it is impossible to hide. Such a person is betrayed by complete indifference to others, he automatically performs some actions, feelings are atrophied. Many people are probably familiar with the term “burnout syndrome”. So, a person who has experienced excessive fatigue and against this background a breakdown will do everything on duty. But don't assume that this is the end of it. As a rule, the condition is aggravated by a nervous breakdown, mental disorders, and somatic disorders.

      To recover, you need bright colors, an emotional shake-up. An extreme sport will help someone, while others need to throw out emotions - beat the effigy of the authorities, shout or sob into the pillow, etc.

      If the reasons are hard, hard work, try to change it. Otherwise, you risk getting a serious breakdown and mental disorder.

    3. Spiritual laziness. The quintessence of all types of laziness - emotional, physical, mental. The person is tired of everything and needs serious, professional help. It is necessary to consult a psychotherapist, take sedatives and rest - complete and relaxing. We can say that there are clear signs of mental illness - a person has lost the meaning of life, his soul is “empty”, he does not know how to live on and no motivation to move forward. Next is a dead end. Unfortunately, if help is not provided in time, a disastrous outcome is possible.

      In this state, a person can help himself and himself. You need to pull yourself together and work on yourself. Take a time out and try your best to get out of the vicious circle. And yet, do what you dreamed about before. If you wanted to write a book, start the first pages. Poems - reflect on paper your feelings.

    4. Creative laziness. This "ailment" is more common in people who strive to show perfectionism in everything. And if they are given a task that needs to be completed in too short a time, then there is a refusal of all desires. The prospect that it is impossible to cope with the task leads the psychological state, first to despair, then to complete apathy and unwillingness to do anything. And these are not the whims of a person, his brain refuses to perform its functions.

      The only thing you can do is relax. Take a vacation, weekend and leave, get away from the hustle and bustle. It is advisable not to think about work, tasks at all during the rest. Change the "decoration" - go to parties, take a walk in the woods, ride a boat, go diving.

      Psychologists also distinguish philosophical laziness, in which a person abandons the old foundations. It is easier for him to believe, for example, in Buddhism, in which no actions have power. There is no need to force yourself to fast, to fulfill the commandments. But it is worth noting that this is not a type of laziness, but a banal desire to live in this way.

    5. Laziness, because they force. Psychologists say that every person himself wants to be the initiator of his actions. But if he is forced to do something, apathy and unwillingness immediately sets in. He must be aware of himself as a person and do only what he wants to do. It cannot be said that this is the correct formulation of the question, otherwise everyone would have to be masters, bosses, directors, and so on. Remember your school years, because the assigned lessons were a burden to us. Most of us have been looking for a lot of reasons not to do them. But at the same time, we read books that were not included in the school curriculum avidly.
    6. Laziness is a myth. Each of us is periodically ready to believe what his lazy mind says. For example, your child decided to take a pencil and draw a flower. You immediately object - it still won't work. But the skills of art are acquired only when you try and try to draw those very circles. And here is another, very common example of false signals. Your friends managed to earn money for an apartment, a car. You would also like to be in their place and enjoy the expanses of luxury housing. But at this moment, thoughts arise: “Why do you need this, do you live worse than others?”, Or “So what, but they spent a lot of time and money.” But it would be right if ideas like: “Come on, dare, you will succeed too!”, “Show yourself in business, because you have talent, will, the main thing is to want!” etc. But other beliefs more often settle in us - “It is unlikely that I can”, “I will not succeed”. It is these thoughts that hinder our actions and force us to be content with what we have, they do not give an incentive, motivation in order to change the type of behavior. All these are myths, invented by our own subconscious, the reasons that slow down the process. If you want to achieve something, start with the head. That is, fill yourself with positive, self-confidence, you must truly want to live better, more interesting.

      Important: the victory over your own laziness is the most important and very difficult task. But if you manage to achieve this, consider that all problems are nothing!

      And finally, laziness is pleasure. Well, which of us was not so pleasant to soak up in a warm bed or sit at the TV screen, drinking warm tea. Yes, there are things to be done, work to be completed. But sometimes the soul and body simply need that same laziness. Perhaps this is one of the best ways to pamper yourself. Well, sometimes you can, and why not?!

    What is needed for action

    Having studied the main types of laziness and the causes of their occurrence, it is easier to learn how to get rid of it. If you take strength “into a fist” and start working on yourself, then you can achieve everything that you dreamed about. Well, or at least a lot.

    There is a wise Chinese proverb: "If you have the will, you can turn the mountains into a field!". And here it’s not like moving mountains, you don’t want to get up from the sofa.

    Decide on your goal. Before you begin to act, it is necessary, which can only be achieved by active actions. And if there is no desire to move from a place here either, maybe the goal is not the same? After all, if she were the one you really sincerely dream of, the most inveterate lazy person would get up from the “bed”. What could be causing:

    1. You don't love your job. Most likely, earlier you wished for something else, made other plans. But at some point, I had to turn myself around and stand “at the machine” out of necessity, for earnings, in order to show everyone how successful you are.
    2. It seems that you love your job, but there is a fear that you will not be able to achieve any success or, on the contrary, become too successful. Many are afraid that having received an excellent result, more will be required of you.
    3. If there is no goal at all, then there is nowhere to move. There is no motivation, no reason to take action.
    4. You have outgrown your own position, you need to raise the bar of tasks, that is, set other, higher goals.

    Actions. In order to start, we need energy, momentum. But if we spend money along the way, we will not have the strength to achieve our goals. Perhaps this is not only physical, but also mental, that is, moral fatigue. The body will never tune in to work if it is tired and will simply “sabotage” the beginning. Also, our body is able to recognize signs. If at the level of intuition it is felt that actions will not lead to the goal, laziness will immediately make itself felt.

    Result. Rejoice if you have achieved what you wished for. Now there is an impulse to take other actions, as there is already a powerful motivation to move on.

    Or maybe you already had an achieved result, and for some reason, it did not suit you? Well, that often happens. But how, everyone learns from their mistakes, so you need to think in more detail about your goals, actions, and then the desired result will be achieved.

    How to overcome your laziness

    Well, the question is certainly not an easy one. You will have to try hard to get rid of this quality. But first of all, it is necessary to determine its signals, to deal with its causes. And if everything is in order - act, applying the advice of experienced psychologists.

    1. Release yourself from obligations. If you owe something to someone, give it back, and at the same time return yours. In the case when there is no such possibility - forgive the debt, because it also happens that people are not able to return what they have taken. Moreover, give easily, with kindness and a smile, and never regret.
    2. If someone was promised something - fulfill this word, as for yourself - then also act or get rid of them. Past desires that you have not been able to fulfill, like a ballast, are pulling you “down”, taking away energy.
    3. Perform a simple ritual - reflect on a clean sheet of desire, intentions that you decided to let go. Literally say these words aloud - fully intent and the word "Let go". Someone will laugh and think that we are doing magic here, but this is not so. Often, words spoken aloud are more firmly deposited in our minds and allow us to put an end to their decision.
    4. Put the house in full order, make a "general". Get rid of junk, broken, cracked dishes. If some little thing is not to your liking, give it as a gift or just put it on the street, and someone will pick it up. It is strictly forbidden to keep a broken clock in the house. Collect them in a pile and take them to the master. If they are dear to you, ask them to fix them and pay for it. If not, let them stay with the watchmaker.
    5. General cleaning is also necessary for the state of mind of a person. If there are conflicts, misunderstandings, reticence - "close" these questions. Ask for forgiveness, resolve the conflict. If the other side is not available - write a message, a letter, as a last resort, talk to yourself. In any case, you did everything you could. There is a great "two chairs" method. Sitting on one - speak for yourself, on the other - for "that guy." In the course of the "conversation", give arguments and come to an agreement.
    6. Visit the church, light a candle for the health of all relatives, friends and loved ones. Pray for the repose of the departed. Take communion, repent of your sins. This item is the most effective and powerful for those who strive to start new achievements.

    How to do things right

    Following the example of the legendary Eisenhower, it is necessary to distribute cases as follows:

    1. The most important, urgent. If they are not done, then problems with health, personal life, work, etc. are possible.
    2. Important, but not urgent: the main thing is to start them and over time they will turn into urgent ones, but you will be half ready.
    3. Urgent but not important is routine. Such cases include the banal washing of windows, the request of a friend. Try to choose a time to complete, otherwise you risk having another important and urgent task.
    4. It doesn't matter and it's not urgent. Such cases can be abandoned without problems, in extreme cases, postponed for a longer period of execution. For example, constantly watching TV, chatting on the phone, lying on the couch, etc.

    How to get started

    In order not to slow down and easily begin to act, you need to break the task you have set yourself into stages.

    1. Who are you by nature - an owl or a lark? Now find the time of day when you feel the most active and alert. Plan things for this segment.
    2. To get rid of fatigue and get a boost of energy to perform - slow down. Take 10 minutes of rest, breathe properly - long inhale and exhale. At the same time, you do not need to be distracted by other things: TV, phone, gadgets, etc. Well, tired of standing like that? Start acting and everything will go like clockwork.
    3. Switch your brain from physical to mental activities, or vice versa. Sign up for a yoga, martial arts, fitness, shaping, etc. studio.
    4. Before you is a job that is extremely unpleasant for you, but you need to do it! Great way: count to five and start doing it immediately. Remember how we plunged into the ice hole? They froze, took in air and let's go to the font. Exactly the same here!
    5. To get an additional charge, turn on rhythmic music that will allow you to be more active and uplift your mood. And this is already half the battle.
    6. Reward yourself for your actions. Promise that you will allow yourself a small piece of delicious cake or a coveted dress if you manage to complete the task. You can also treat yourself to communication on the Internet, by phone, etc.
    7. Try not to notice "mistakes", but remember only the positive moments in achieving your goals. For example: well, let me sleep a little, but I can catch up if I stay a little late at work.
    8. Don't turn down the offer of help. At the beginning of the journey, it is always difficult to do everything alone. After all, you also do not mind offering your services when others need it. And who does not know how to appreciate help, do not learn to give.
    9. Get rid of the ballast in the environment. Do not tolerate whiners next to you, lazy people who pull back with their habits. Meet bright, open and active personalities, team up with them and achieve your desires together.

    As you can see, there are many ways by which you can begin to act decisively, and not wait for the weather by the sea.

    Laziness cannot be defeated

    Believe me, there is no person in the world who would not be lazy to do something. Everyone, without exception, periodically wants to quit everything, not get out of bed, forget about obligations. And this is the absolute truth - it is completely impossible to overcome laziness. All that a person is capable of is to force himself to act, overcoming reluctance and apathy. Motivation is important, without which it is impossible to take a step, because there is no point in action. In the modern world, when everyone lives on everything ready, laziness has become the scourge of young people. All they do is try not to move from their place and wait for "manna from heaven."

    The main motivator in achieving your plans is a person's optimism. Get rid of negative thoughts, tune in to success in advance, believe in your plans - and they will come true. If you want to play sports, start with light gymnastics. If you want to get additional education, start by attending courses, etc. No one claims that you can come out the winner the first time. The main thing is to start and believe in yourself. Listen to the expression "Who conquered laziness - he will be able to conquer the whole world!". So stop lying on the couch, make a dash, open the curtains and enjoy the new day. No need to wait for Monday, otherwise you will never start a new life.

    Laziness, along with lust, anger, envy, gluttony, pride and greed, is considered a grave sin that will certainly lead to the death of the soul. In The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, lazy people are on the fifth circle of hell. Because it is easier to steal a lazy person than to earn a living on your own. Laziness corrupts and weakens a person. It allows him to do not entirely good deeds and encourages him to justify the weaknesses that destroy our human face.

    How to deal with laziness ? They say that it is better to fight laziness on something soft. And yet - to fight laziness is always too lazy. And if you fight, then declare a real war, which requires military tricks, a clear strategy, a mood for victory and other elements of military leadership.

    To fight laziness, the attitude to this fight must be more than serious. After all, the consequences of laziness are sometimes so fatal for us that we do not even suspect what a dangerous enemy lurks in it. It is she who destroys our families, breaks our destinies, disfigures our bodies and souls, it is the cause of our poverty and our vices, our personal failures and unfulfilled desires.

    In Slavic mythology, Laziness is a spirit that corrupts a person and prevents him from living and working normally. Laziness is the first degree of falling. The second degree (second spirit) - Otet: a person becomes fat and clumsy, in a critical situation does not do anything to save himself and his loved ones. Further degrees of decomposition lead to the impossibility of movement and to death through gluttony.

    Laziness will come up with thousands of excuses, if only we would not move. She will tell us about our outstanding abilities and the inhuman stress that we have to experience in modern life, she will affectionately allow us to lie in bed and not clean the apartment. You don't even have to do laundry or take out the trash. But when, due to our idleness, the ceiling begins to crumble on our heads, and the body spreads like a disgusting jelly, when they start turning away from us in disgust in the street and barking in the gateway, then we will probably budge. Only now it will be very difficult to do this after many years of indulging our talkative friend-laziness. Because the habits brought up with its help will become our second nature. Therefore, if you suffer from this ailment, start fighting it as soon as possible.

    How to deal with laziness? There are no ready-made recipes for combating laziness. In each case, you need to understand. And if you want to cope with laziness, first of all, you must understand its “nature”. And having already understood, look for ways to overcome it.

    Causes of laziness and methods of dealing with it

    1. Laziness can be the result of fatigue. Fatigue is a normal response of the body to physical, mental or intellectual stress, which disappears after a normal rest. This type of laziness is usually inherent in workaholics. Relax - everything will pass.
    2. In some cases, the reason for laziness is the lack of energy to perform an action, the amount of which is determined by the general state of health and the characteristics of the human nervous system. Do not confuse with ordinary fatigue. There are people who have “everything on fire” in their hands, they can do 7 things at the same time, and there are those for whom doing one thing is already a feat. In this case, you should not gnaw yourself for inactivity - this also consumes energy. Think about what you can do to get more energy. Sometimes it is enough to get up, walk around the room, do a little exercise or take a walk on the street for half an hour to get involved in work. And the best fight against laziness in this case, it is a consultation with a specialist regarding the adjustment of the state of health.
    3. Low level of motivation. A person is not sure why he does it, either he does it not for himself, or he expects others to do it for him. You can fight this type of laziness by increasing the level of self-motivation. Motivated by our own dream or good goals, we go through life, solving any problems. If you are doing something not for yourself, make sure that the person is dear to you or that there will be some benefit from him. At the same time, as a rule, the work will be done not only on time, but also with better quality. And if it seems to you that you are already sufficiently motivated, but you are still lazy, it means that motivation is either insufficient or irrelevant for you personally.
    4. Lack of willpower is the most common cause of laziness. For such people, tomorrow is the busiest day of the week, because they constantly put off many things for tomorrow. How to deal with such laziness - start, for example, with something simpler. Convince yourself to get down to business and work for only ten minutes, no more. This is not as difficult as starting work, knowing that the task will take a day or two to complete. Then you set yourself to work for another 10-20 minutes, and as a result you find yourself drawn into the work process so much that it is sometimes difficult to stop.
    5. Often an attack of laziness occurs when a person begins to do something that he does not like. Unloved work, people uninteresting to you, events in which you do not want to take part - all this aggravates your laziness. It is easy to deal with such laziness. You just need to muster up the courage and admit that this is “not yours”. Do what you love and avoid the old career choice mistakes correct will help you definition of life goals.
    6. Laziness can also act as a fear of responsibility. This, as a rule, is laid down in childhood, when parents carefully protect children from responsible affairs. How to deal with such laziness? You have to learn to take responsibility. Always remember - for everything that happens to you in life, only you yourself are responsible.
    7. 8e6b1e8e96edbe3ba67c99f18396ab82

      For those who are too lazy to watch this video, I will explain: Scientists have discovered the laziness gene. We learned that the causes of laziness are instincts programmed at the DNA level. Therefore, to condemn it or fight against it is just as meaningless as to condemn our daily habit of eating or striving to prolong the race. Others do not agree with them. But even if this is so, there is a method of dealing with such a type of laziness laid down at the genetic level. The method is simple, to stop being lazy, you have to do nothing. First, it is important to determine what time to start the task and how much time it will take to complete it. Let's say from 11:00 to 13:00. So, at 11:00 you should start lounging, that is, just sit or stand in a room in complete silence. Personally, within a few minutes, I begin to feel that I am ready to get to work.
    8. Sometimes a person's behavior looks like laziness, but it is not. You can’t call a lazy person who, having received some kind of task (at work, at school, in the family), is in no hurry to complete it, but not because he is lazy, just at first he wants to choose the most reasonable, adequate and effective way of doing it, but then take immediate action. It is known that 80% of any task, any work can be done in 20% of the time allotted for this.
    9. Laziness from understanding the backwardness, uselessness, mossiness of their work. In this case, laziness is the engine of progress. By the way, this expression is often used as if with irony - they say, an excuse for loafers ... That's how it is, but it was a "lazy" person who came up with everything that allows you to rationally spend time and energy - from the notorious wheel to the same Internet. All these inventions had an undeniable impact on the development of civilization. And this constructive approach to solving the problem is more correctly called not laziness, but the desire to solve a specific problem in the best way, without unnecessary labor.

    The main strength of laziness lies in the fact that the vast majority of people do not know what it is, and therefore do not understand how to deal with it. Everything that you do not know controls you, and everything that you have known and studied well is subject to influence and control on your part. Revealing reasons for laziness, it will be easier for you to deal with it.

    • Reward yourself. Any work should be rewarded: therefore, when working, it is useful to encourage yourself in time. Here it is just right to recall the advice on dividing the case into stages. Have done part of the work - drink a cup of tea and coffee, take a walk or just relax. This is a good habit.
    • Create yourself positive mood. Turn on peppy music, decorate your workplace, and it doesn't matter how. The main thing is that the place for which you have to do something through force evokes positive emotions, at least with its appearance. What difference does it make whether it is a table where you have to spend sleepless nights finishing a project, or a kitchen where you are forced to create culinary masterpieces in an embrace with a cookbook? The main thing is that you should smile, not wince, looking at your battle zone with laziness.
    • If you can’t organize yourself in any way, attract loved ones, control the process of doing things, maybe scold you sometimes for laziness. They will not let you relax and will constantly deprive you of rest and inspire you to work. Information for relatives: if you decide to help your “sloth”, be prepared for aggression and resentment on his part.
    • When I'm too lazy to do something, I like to watch videos or read articles about people and companies that have already achieved something. Success stories such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett are very inspiring.

    Finally, I would like to debunk the myth that laziness is a feature of the Russian("Russian" we will call anyone for whom Russian is native) character.

    Unrestrained laziness is attributed to Russians, arguing that this is confirmed even at the level of folk art. Alluding to Emelya from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command", they say that even in Russian folk tales, heroes, without doing anything, receive all conceivable benefits. At the same time, everyone knows the fairy tale of the French writer Charles Perrault “Puss in Boots”, where the cat does everything for its owner, and he only uses what he has received. You can recall another fairy tale - "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", where all the desires of the hero are fulfilled by Genie. It is common for all people to dream of the fulfillment of desires with the help of magic, but laziness and the desire to get everything at someone else's expense are completely unfairly attributed only to us.

    Many talk about the laziness of the Russian people, but no one remembers that our working day, regardless of the weather, lasts from morning until evening. Few people remember that, for example, in Spain, people work only until 13 pm, after which everything closes, and the residents go on a “siesta”, daytime rest, which lasts until 4 pm, and then until the end of the working day. days are not far...

    Recently, Italian Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi said: “We get sick from laziness. Too little movement and sports in your free time. We are a country of lazy people and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This unhealthy lifestyle causes the death of 28,000 Italians a year.”

    Absolutely every person, regardless of nationality, is prone to bouts of laziness, but there are people who managed to defeat laziness in their lives. I believe that this article will help you join the ranks of those who have overcome this weakness.

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    ​​​​​​​Sometimes you have to push yourself to do something. When a person does not want or refuses to do this, they say about him: lazy. Often considered the antonym of laziness, but this is not entirely true: energetic people are not lazy at all, although not always strong-willed people.

    In itself, laziness as a reluctance to strain oneself in vain is not a vice at all, laziness in the history of mankind has been one of the main engines of progress.

    I don't want to carry a log - I invented the wheel. The desire for comfort relaxes one under the nearest bush, even in the mud, even in the rain, the other motivates at first to make at least the simplest shed for himself, and then build a house with all conceivable amenities.

    Sometimes laziness does not hide itself: “I don’t want to, I won’t!”, Or even just an open “I’m too lazy!” say those who cannot and do not want to do what is necessary or organize themselves. More often, laziness hides behind beautiful phrases: "I'm too busy", "Only crazy people run in the morning!", "Yes, yes, you're right, I'll start on Monday" or "From next week - I'm starting a new life!" - a person covers with any excuses that in fact he will not do anything.

    There is total laziness: I don’t want to do anything at all, I lie down, look at the ceiling, I’m too lazy to even think. Boredom, melancholy, but even to entertain yourself with something - and this is laziness. More often, we have selective laziness: we are ready to run to a disco or play on a computer, but we don’t want to clean the room. Laziness.

    Laziness has many varieties and subspecies, but it's too lazy to list them all ...

    Laziness is a childish behavior, although it is not uncommon in adults. Most often, behind laziness is the habit of protest behavior, sometimes - the fear of failure. The best cure for laziness is the habit of cheerfulness. That is a habit. Those people who are accustomed not to be afraid of failures, are accustomed to do any business cheerfully and cheerfully - they are not lazy simply because they are used to living in an energetic and cheerful format.

    Is it right to fight laziness? - Not everyone. Cheerful, energetic people to fight laziness (and laziness happens to everyone, including the most vigorous and energetic) - it’s right for such people to fight laziness. They are peppy, they love to fight and know how, they are more often Forces, and they are excellent at defeating laziness. And people who are weaker, not so energetic need to act differently, softer and not so straightforward. How? See Methods for Effective Self-Organization: an easy start, the accumulation of positive experience and external support will help you lift yourself up, and then turn things into a habit and slowly get used to being organized. If you are a serious being, take a closer look at Distance: after six months of work, your problems with laziness will disappear forever.

    In the meantime, take action yourself. Laziness sticks to us faster when we are really tired or not sure that everything will turn out well for us: therefore, one of the best preventions of laziness is to become a competent person and a master of our craft. When you admire what comes out from under your hands, there is joy and energy in your soul. And in order not to get tired, go to bed on time and take breaks in business: do not force yourself to work drearily, it is better to work cheerfully, and then give yourself a break to rest.

    More often lazy are those who allow themselves to do things at the wrong time: when they accumulate a lot of unfinished business, they either get angry, or worry, or simply give up. If you train yourself to do everything on time. life will please you more, and you will no longer want to be lazy. If there are still too many things to do, you don’t need to worry, but outline a plan and start doing the most important and top priority: the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing, and soon the situation will become easier.

    PROBABLY THERE IS NO HUMAN IN THE WORLD, who at least once would not be told: "You're just being lazy." We have been hearing about laziness since childhood - from parents, grandparents, teachers (“A capable girl, but she is lazy. We need to try harder!”). Later, we ourselves begin to use this phrase and call ourselves, our partners and children lazy. But is it so simple with this idea?

    Dahl's explanatory dictionary tells us that laziness is “reluctance to work, aversion from work, from business, occupations; inclination to idleness, to parasitism. Interestingly, here laziness is considered in two senses at once: as an act or a temporary state when a person does not want to work, or as a permanent character trait - if a person is prone to doing nothing.

    Nevertheless, psychology treats laziness in a completely different way: it considers that it is not a feeling or a quality of character, but a social construct. There are basic emotions - fear, sadness, anger and joy - that are the same for all higher mammals, and we feel them in approximately the same way. But such a feeling as laziness does not exist - there is a feeling of fatigue or a state of apathy, there is aggression, which can be expressed in unwillingness to do something (the same "disgust for work"). The quality of the character "lazy" is not there either - with its help we describe people who do not want to do something that we think they should. Even if we are talking about ourselves.

    Where did laziness come from

    Usually, parents or teachers tell us about laziness for the first time. A child can find out that he is "lazy" in different situations: for example, when, according to the elders, he is not energetic enough - that is, apathetic and lethargic. A healthy child really needs to be active, so lethargy is a real cause for concern. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor or a psychologist, and not stick labels.

    The second and probably the most common option is when the child is not interested in what his parents consider useful and necessary: ​​“You are too lazy to clean the room”, “You are too lazy to do homework or write prescriptions”, “You are too lazy to visit grandparents”. There can be a hundred different reasons behind the unwillingness to do something - but since parents are considered an indisputable authority, and it is still not accepted in our culture to talk with a child about his desires and feelings, it is customary to attribute any disobedience either to bad behavior (when a child actively rebels), or laziness (it is considered a passive rebellion).

    Growing up, we get used to this concept and begin to describe ourselves and other people through it. Unfortunately, the idea of ​​“laziness” prevents us from understanding our own feelings, motivations, and even tracking our physical condition: a sudden apathy, which we habitually dubbed laziness, when examined by a doctor, can turn out to be incipient bronchitis, reduced hemoglobin levels, or pregnancy. The concept of laziness can lead us to put pressure on ourselves. Compare: the phrase “I resist this” leads to further reflection, encourages you to figure out what is happening - what am I resisting, what is the reason? What do I not like or do not like about it? And the words "I'm lazy (lazy)" imply a moralistic view. Laziness here is a "vice" that needs to be eradicated.

    "Laziness" is a convenient label for a whole tangle of tangled feelings, uncomfortable
    and unpleasant relationships, conflicts that prevent us from being active

    Psychologists or coaches are often approached with something like this: “How do I start the tenth project when the previous nine have exhausted me to a state of half a corpse?”, “I sleep four hours, work twelve hours a day without days off and can’t start learning French. I'm lazy, right? Of course, laziness has nothing to do with it. A person who is tired half to death will not be helped by any methods of self-motivation. His problem is rather that he cannot stop considering himself an omnipotent cyborg and recognize himself as a living person with a need for rest, doing nothing and entertainment.

    Usually in such cases one has to turn to childhood and family attitudes. Often there you can find ideas that rest is “shameful”, that it needs to be “deserved” or have good reasons for it (three years without a vacation, a serious illness). Or an attitude that only those who benefit are loved. A lot of good. A person who wants to be loved and accepted begins to work hard, destroying himself and close relationships - there is simply no resource left for them. When he feels that the relationship is collapsing, feels unnecessary, then in spite of everything he tries to work even harder. After all, mom and dad demonstrated that they love just such people - which means it should work with other people too!

    What hides laziness

    Very often, "lazy" is a convenient label for a whole tangle of tangled feelings, uncomfortable and unpleasant relationships, conflicts that prevent us from being active. For example, you are "too lazy" to get a second higher education or to engage in advanced training. It’s scary to think: maybe you are “lazy” because you don’t want to do something that seems pointless to you? For example, if the goal was not set by you yourself, it was just that someone significant to you suggested to you that a second higher education is necessary.

    If you have no strength to go to courses or sit at your desk after your main work and you are desperately skipping, it's time to ask yourself: why was all this started? If you dream of changing the field of activity, maybe it will be enough just to apply for an internship? Or even just send a resume to a position with a slightly lower salary, writing in all the work experience in related specialties. You will be surprised how much shorter the path to the goal turns out to be if you figure out what you really want.

    Or maybe the original goal was to please mom and dad? Then it’s worth looking for a less energy-consuming way - or even working with a psychologist on where the demonstration of love and gratitude to parents ends and living begins.

    The phrase "you're just being lazy" is also an excellent means of manipulation. Basically, the person is telling you, “I want you to do this. If you don't
    I will consider you bad, and I will try to instill the same thought in you.

    You should be wary if laziness seizes you every time you take on a business (meeting, project, trip) associated with a certain person or group of people. For example, at work, you put off a task from a certain client until the last moment, although you always complete the rest on time - you just can’t force yourself to start. Or you get lazy before a trip to some friends or relatives, although in other cases you endure a much longer journey. It even happens that over and over again you do not want to open a book or watch a movie recommended by someone.

    In this case, it is worth remembering what happened in your relationship lately. Usually there are good reasons: laziness turns out to be a way to passively resist aggression, violation of boundaries, humiliation, violation of agreements. Indeed, "too lazy" to meet with a friend who canceled two previous meetings when you were already on the road. And I don’t want to do a project for a client, from whom I then have to demand a fee for months. “Laziness” to go to relatives who criticize your lifestyle, are rude, violate boundaries. And you don’t even want to read a book from a person who treats you badly - and the point is not that you supposedly do not strive for knowledge, but that difficult feelings for a person are transferred to reading, watching a movie, a trip.

    "You're just being lazy!"

    The phrase "you're just being lazy" is also an excellent means of manipulation. Basically, the person is telling you, “I want you to do this. If you do not do this, I will consider you bad, and I will try to instill the same thought in you. Here it is appropriate to talk not about the qualities of your character, but about the activities that you are supposedly too lazy to perform.

    Talking about an employee being lazy at work can be a “good” way to disown all uncomfortable issues, from salary delays to imbalances of power and responsibility. So the employer may be trying to shift the conversation from business relationships to the categories of evaluation and morality, and this is wrong. Perhaps you are "lazy" to take on other people's duties and recycle without additional payment. Or you are “too lazy” to independently carry out a project that requires more formal authority and promotion. And here it is very useful to call a spade a spade: "I'm sorry, I do not consider it acceptable to require me to stay until nine o'clock on Friday evening without paying overtime", "In order to take on this project, I must have the right to sign documents and your power of attorney."

    When your partner says you're "just too lazy" to mop the floors and cook dinner after a full day's work, instead of blaming and making excuses, it's more appropriate to talk about how to share household chores. If you are "too lazy" to visit your mother at a dacha hundreds of kilometers from the city, you should think about what happened in your relationship or if you are tired. In any case, it is useful to think not about laziness, but about whether a working person is physically able to drive through traffic jams on Saturday to the country for six hours in order to return home the same way on the night from Sunday to Monday, and how much it is necessary to express love for parents precisely in this form (this is a big question).