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  • Aloe homeopathy. Homeopathic monopreparations

    Aloe homeopathy.  Homeopathic monopreparations

    I cannot boast that my houseplants grow very well, but the aloe has grown extraordinary. A real tree, although it grew in a pot on a glassed-in veranda. It grew upward and outward, became multi-barreled, shaggy, for which it received the nickname of grandfather. Its dimensions clearly threatened to exceed the spatial capabilities of our apartment. Once a guest came to us, and I shared with her our concerns about the "grandfather." She looked appraisingly at the aloe, and then at me and said: "Well, if you don't mind, then I'll take it from you and ... eat it." "Grandfather" was cut off. It turned out that our guest had been using the agave for many years almost as a panacea - a remedy for all diseases. She grinded its leaves in a meat grinder, added a little sugar to soften the bitterness and alcohol to prevent fermentation, after which the drug was ready for use. When signs of a cold, general malaise or discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract appeared, she took the drug a teaspoon several times a day with a consistent, according to her, positive result.

    In homeopathy, aloe is also listed among medicinal substances. A homeopathic medicine is made from sabur, condensed juice of several types of aloe, most often aloe sokotrina - Aloe succotrìna, which is why the drug is called aloe sokotrine. The name is associated with the island of Socotra, according to legend, conquered by Alexander the Great precisely because of the production of sabur that existed there, which was used as an external remedy for burns, cracks that do not heal for a long time, and wounds. During World War II, aloe juice was also used to treat long-term healing wounds. It is known that sabur was part of the "elixir of youth". Judging by my guest, at her old age, preserving vivid youth, successfully treated with aloe for all diseases, then you begin to reconsider your attitude to the healing capabilities of this plant.

    As a novice homeopath, I knew how to prescribe aloe for certain forms of colitis, and such a widespread use of it by my friend seemed strange to me. In several cases, which are very unpleasant for patients (their intestinal damage was accompanied by uncertainty in the muscle that blocks the anus), the results were excellent.

    The incident with the "grandfather" piqued my interest in the plant. I thoroughly studied the subject and learned a lot of interesting and instructive things. Now, having thirty years of experience in healing, you value such small "stories" more and more. After all, not only the study of pharmacology or special homeopathic pharmacodynamics, but also any information that emotionally touches the doctor, sharpens observation, and therefore leads to more successful treatment.

    Aloe belongs to the lily family. The most familiar species to us is aloe tree-like, growing in our home conditions and cultivated in the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia, a relatively small and extremely rarely flowering plant. Hence the name "agave" (blooms once every hundred years). The number one hundred is very “round”, therefore it is attractive and impressive. In fact, aloe blooms once every 5 to 6 years. In the greenhouse of the New York Botanical Gardens, I happened to see several flowering plants at once. The single flower resembles a tiny pastel-colored tiger lily in shape. In their homeland, in southern and tropical Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula and the islands of Madagascar and Socotra, some species of aloe reach a height of 18 m and look like real trees. But among them there are perennial grasses, and shrub forms, and even vines. They are all succulent plants that tolerate drought well. They are often used as landscape, decorating alleys in parks of resort towns.

    The peoples of the Middle East had a custom to hang aloe over the entrance to the house - magical properties were attributed to it. In Egypt, this custom is still alive today. And there is a lot of magic in the plant. Aloe leaves and juice contain enzymes, vitamins, phytoncides, organic acids, glycosides, resinous substances. They are widely used in medical practice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, skin, mucous membranes. When keeping aloe leaves in unfavorable conditions (cold, dark) in them. special substances are formed - biostimulants, which are able to enhance metabolic processes in tissues, increase the body's resistance to infections, and help the fastest elimination of inflammatory processes. This feature of the plant was discovered and introduced into medical practice by Academician V.P. Filatov.

    From a homeopathic point of view, the plant was investigated by the American homeopathic physician K. Hering. On one of the features of the action of aloe, the therapeutic principle of homeopathy is well demonstrated - the principle of similarity. A large dose of aloe has a pronounced laxative effect. In homeopathic doses, the effect is diametrically opposite, reinforcing. The homeopathic preparation of aloe is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, in gynecological practice, for certain types of headache. Use in small doses makes the homeopathic preparation free from harmful side effects, and therefore, contraindications to use disappear.

    Aloe is not poisonous, but its excessive use can promote blood flow to the organs of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, and in some situations this may be contraindicated. This should be remembered during treatment, monitoring the reaction of the body (which, however, is necessary even in cases where food plants are used - such as parsley, onion, garlic, radish, pepper and many others).

    In the essays on phytotherapy by I. Kovaleva, it is recommended to grind aloe with your hands in order to avoid its contact with metal, after cutting off the thorns, and pouring the resulting juice with twice as much hot honey. For lung diseases, a mixture of aloe juice with fats, honey and cocoa is often recommended. I am not impressed by any kind of mixture: with such treatment, the main "character" remains unclear. And yet I have no reason to doubt their effectiveness.

    In Ukraine, aloe is called a thorny flower. They perceive it as a house plant, not thinking about its overseas origin. Does not bloom - so in fact an agave! A rare window in the houses of small towns and villages does without its matte green spread-out twigs, which are plucked off in case of need for the benefit of people.

    Aloe socotrina(Aloe sokotrina) - aloe,

    agave - belongs to the lily family.

    Aloe is one of the oldest and most famous

    medicines. It is still widely used today.

    as a laxative and as a main

    component is included in a huge number

    patented means to regulate the work

    bowel and menstrual function. Regular use of such funds

    leads to all kinds of diseases of the pelvic organs, and the fact that the antidote

    Aloe is Sulfur, explains the latter's ability to heal

    the consequences of the use of laxatives.
    Aloe has the ability to act on psora by removing symptoms from

    internal organs to the skin.
    Periodic migraines alternating with lumbago are characteristic.
    The frequency goes through many complaints.

    Among the leading mental symptoms is a bad mood, especially in

    cloudy weather. Anxiety, fear, fear of people. Hysteria.
    Apathy alternating with pronounced mental activity.
    Anxiety and "blood boil". Dissatisfied with himself, angry with himself; especially

    when suffering from constipation or pain; better outdoors.
    Suffering makes the patient insane, she often faints.
    Feeling of impending death.
    The patient is angry, vengeful, wants to break the things that caused her anger.
    Disgust for work. Reluctance to move.
    Great aversion to mental work, which is very tiring.
    Exhaustion alternating with activity.
    Children are very lively, chatting, laughing. Obsessive erotic thoughts.

    The medicine is suitable for: elderly people; sluggish, relaxed women

    constitutions; persons of phlegmatic or hypochondriac temperament.

    The most significant influence of Aloe on the abdominal and pelvic organs.

    Apathy. Beli. Pain in the sacrum. Bronchitis. Prolapse of the uterus. Haemorrhoids. Head

    pain. Dizziness. Gonorrhea. Dysentery. Jams. Constipation. Stagnation of blood in

    abdominal cavity. Itching. Hysteria. Cough. Colic. Hemoptysis. Lumbago.

    Uterine bleeding. Migraine. Nose bleed. Belching. Committing.

    Diarrhea. Lesions of the anus. Lesions of the prostate gland. Proctitis.

    The consequences of masturbation. Vomit. Lachrymation. Cramping. Tenesmus. Chronic

    gonorrheal urethritis. Consumption.

    Great weakness and weak pulse after vomiting.

    Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Stagnation of blood in various parts of the body,

    especially in the abdomen, pelvis and head.
    Feelings of fullness, heaviness, fever and inflammation. Symptoms, especially with

    sides of mucous membranes, worse afternoon.

    Every year, as winter approaches, itchy skin begins.
    Itching, especially of the skin of the legs.
    Brushing leaves painful and sensitive areas.

    Can't sleep for a long time, the influx of thoughts interferes.

    Chill, with coryza in cold open air; trembling during

    defecation. Hot spots on the head or face. Strong-smelling sweat; on

    genitals fetid; perspiration at night, after drinking.

    Perspiration after drinking.

    Congestion of blood to the head, forcing the patient to sit down.
    Congestion of blood in the head. Forced to squint during pain in the forehead.
    Characterized by dull, heavy, pressing pain in the forehead, discouraging

    or the capacity for any effort, especially mental.
    Periodic migraines alternating with lumbago.
    Head symptoms include a piercing pain in the left temple,

    intensifying with every step. Dull sensation in forehead with chilliness.
    Pressure as from a heavy load in vertex and forehead.
    Dull pain in the forehead with heaviness in the eyes and nausea.
    Pressing pain over eyes. Stitching pain over eyebrows.
    Bursting pain in temples, with sparks before eyes and heat in face.
    Stitching pain in temples with every step. Headache follows pain in

    stomach; after a bowel movement (unsatisfactory); worse from heat

    ameliorated by cold. Alternating lumbago and headache.
    The headache is worse from heat and better from cold compresses.

    Dizziness and flinching. Vertigo with anxiety on motion;

    the patient feels as if he is sitting too high (after lunch).

    Small sensitive areas on the scalp.

    Heat in the face with excitement or headache.
    Pallor of the face in cloudy weather. The lips are dry; cracked; edematous;

    covered with pustules, with seizures at the corners of the mouth.

    Eyes heavy, like Allium sativum.
    Congestion of blood in the eyes; oppressive sensation in the eye sockets.
    Pain deep inside the eye sockets, as if in the muscles of the eye; worse on the right.
    From time to time during the day, attacks of twitching of the left

    century; spasmodic twitching of the whole body on falling asleep.
    Sparks before eyes, with heat in face.
    Wandering yellow circles before the eyes. Forced to half-close my eyes during

    time of pain in the forehead; heaviness in the eyes; nausea. Lachrymation.
    Against the background of a headache, the eyes are half-closed, the patient is forced to cover them.

    Along with optical illusion, there is a crackling in the ears.
    A very characteristic symptom: immediately after the patient goes to bed,

    in the left ear there is a sudden explosion and ringing, as if glass is breaking; ringing

    glass is given to the base of the skull and passes from there to the right ear.
    Cannot tolerate music and noise, which make the patient shiver.
    Ear pain. Stitching pain in the ears, first in the left, then in the right.
    External and internal heat in the ears.
    Cracking in the ears when reading aloud or moving the jaws.

    Lumbago. Alternating lumbago and headache.

    Congestion of blood in the chest.
    Difficulty breathing from stitching pain in left side of chest.
    Bronchitis. Hemoptysis. Consumption.

    Perforation, scratching, burning.
    Pain when yawning, chewing solid food; worse in the evening and in the morning, with

    awakening. Dense lumps of viscous gelatinous mucus in throat and nasopharynx.

    Redness of nose in open cold air.
    The tip of the nose is cold. Dry nose in the morning in bed.
    Epistaxis in bed, on waking.

    Thirst during and after eating; at night.
    Lips dry, scaly, chapped, bleeding.
    Yellow spots in the mouth; yellow ulcers on the tongue. Sore tongue.
    When the tongue moves, punctures occur from its base to the tip.
    Dry tongue and mouth; with great thirst and marked redness of the lips.
    Tongue red and dry. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth.
    ... smack. Bitter, sour, ink-like taste in the mouth.

    Metallic taste, with dry, irritating hacking cough.

    The edges of the teeth are so sharp that they hurt the tongue. Yellow teeth.
    Severe tenderness of collapsing right lower molars.

    Stomach pain after drinking water.

    Pain in the pit of the stomach when the patient stumbles. Pressing pain behind the breastbone.

    Vomiting of blood. Belching: fresh; bitter; sour.
    Intolerance to acidic foods.

    Unusual appearance of hunger in the evening.
    ... addictions. Desire for juicy foods (fruits), salty foods.
    ... disgust. Disgust for meat.

    Stagnation of blood in the abdominal cavity.

    The entire abdomen is painfully sensitive to touch.
    Tension in the region of the liver.
    Discomfort, heat, pressure and tension in the liver area.
    Liver pain; worse standing, so the patient bends forward.
    Tingling in the liver with prolonged holding of breath.
    Feeling of fullness, heaviness, fever and inflammation.
    The entire abdomen is painfully sensitive to touch. Pain in the abdominal muscles

    when touched, when straining during bowel movements, as well as when getting up

    from a lying position. Pain around the navel; worse from pressure.

    Pulsation in the navel. The abdomen is swollen, more on the left side or along the course

    colon; worse after eating.
    Distension in the abdomen, especially in the epigastrium; accompanied by bubbling gases.
    Excessive discharge of flatulence, burning, offensive, relieving abdominal pain;

    after each meal, in the morning and in the evening, before stool passing.
    Great soreness throughout the abdominal cavity, so every wrong

    the step is given by pain in the epigastric region.
    Cramps in abdomen with reluctance to go to fresh air to relieve pain.
    Heaviness and downward pressure in the pelvic organs.
    Feeling of a spacer driven between the symphysis pubis and the coccyx;

    with the urge. Rumbling and cramps in the abdomen before and after stool.
    Flatulence, abdominal cramps. Flatulence occurs after eating.

    Anus and rectum
    Lesions of the anus. Pressure and distention in the anus.
    Heaviness, heat, pressure, burning in the rectum.
    Itching, burning, throbbing, characteristic of anal fissure.
    Sudden or prolonged urge to defecate; worse immediately after eating;

    with a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the small pelvis; only gases escape.
    Desire for a bowel movement after each meal (Arsenicum album, China,

    Lyesinum, Podophyllum; while eating - Ferrum).
    The gases are offensive, burning, copious; a lot of gas and a little feces.
    On passing flatus, sensation as if defecation was about to occur.
    Like Phosphorus, feeling of danger when passing flatus or before stool.
    Burning in anus on passing flatus.
    Rumbling and cramps in the abdomen, before and during stool.
    Cramping after stool may subside (Nux vomica) or not (Mercurius).
    Stool in the form of corn porridge; liquid, light yellow, gray, hot, with

    undigested food. Frequent bloody stools, with terrible

    tenesmus; fainting; discharge of gelatinous lumps of mucus,

    copious evolution of gases. Mucus and blood in stools.
    Abundant stools with gelatinous lumps.
    Watery stools; worse standing and walking.
    Watery stools with "frog spawn" lumps.
    Bile yellow feces, light yellow diarrhea, violent rumbling in the intestines

    with abundant gas evolution; worse morning, evening, damp weather, from

    overheating, after hypothermia in a damp room, after annoyance.
    During bowel movements, congestion to the head, flushing of the face, or feeling

    hunger. Diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, back and rectal pain,

    chills. Diarrhea may occur early in the morning (like Sulfur), immediately after eating;

    when walking (Aesculus, Thuja) or standing (Silicea).
    The diarrhea is accompanied by a sense of danger (Phosphorus).
    Dizziness after stool; with a cold sweat.
    After defecation, cramps occur; feeling like the bowels have not emptied

    fully; protrusion of hemorrhoids.
    Hemorrhoids: nodes in the form of a bunch of grapes; constant pulling down

    sensation in the rectum; bleeding; the nodes are painful, sensitive,

    hot; worse cold water.
    The patient secretes hard stools without noticing it. Allocation of dense stools

    does not feel sick; urge to defecate when urinating.
    Involuntary discharge of soft stools during flatus.
    Lack of control over the anal sphincter; the rectum is full

    liquid feces, which creates a feeling of heaviness, as if all this is about to come out

    out. After eating, there is a throbbing in the rectum.
    Itching, burning, throbbing, pain typical of an anal fissure; it doesn't give

    fall asleep. Tenesmus. Dysentery. Constipation.

    Increased separation of urine, especially at night.
    Frequent urge to urinate, burning when passing urine.
    Each time you urinate, it feels as if at the same time

    a little loose stool leaves, as if the feces are about to come out.

    Pain in the lower abdomen, characteristic of the onset of menstruation.
    Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the uterus; pain as in childbirth

    contractions, in the lower back and groin; worse standing.
    Feeling of fullness in the pelvic organs.
    Pain as from labor pains radiating to legs.
    Leucorrhoea in the form of bloody mucus, with preceding colic.
    Stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. Prolapse of the uterus.
    Uterine prolapse accompanied by the above symptoms.
    Uterine bleeding during menopause.

    Menses too early and too profuse.
    During menstruation, headache occurs, ameliorated by

    applying wet cold compresses; pain in the ears, lower back;

    a pulling down sensation in the rectum; a feeling of fullness in the small pelvis.

    Sexual desire is increased, especially after waking up, after eating, in the evening.
    Increased sex drive in men with erections.
    Erections in the morning and after urination.
    Pollution during daytime sleep; in the morning; followed by sexual

    excitement; urge to urinate and defecate, restless sleep.
    The penis is flabby, wrinkled, the testicles are cold.
    Lesions of the prostate gland. Proctitis.
    Chronic gonorrheal urethritis. Gonorrhea. The consequences of masturbation.

    Back pain; worse when sitting or waking in the middle of the night;

    better from walking. Sensation of a spacer driven between the pubis and coccyx.
    Pain in the sacrum. Alternating lumbago and headache.

    Brokenness in all limbs. Feeling of weakness in the joints of the hands and feet.
    Brief pain as if bruised or dislocated (left forearm,

    right shoulder blade, ribs on the left).
    ... Hands. Stitching, dull, twitching, pulling pain in joints (fingers

    hands, elbows). Cold brushes.
    ... Legs. Warm feet. Stitching, dull, twitching, pulling pain in

    joints (knees).

    Gonorrhea. Dysentery. Consumption.

    ... Worse. Afternoon. In the evenings. From chewing and yawning. From the heat.

    In hot and humid weather.
    ... Better. From cold compresses. In cold weather. From the discharge of gases.

    Passive lifestyle.

    Botanically related preparations: Allium sulfur, Allium sativum, Agave, Scilla,

    The antidotes to Aloe are Sulfur, Camphora, Luesinum and Nux vomica.
    Aloe reminds Allium sativum, and in a number of respects it is significant.
    Aloe resembles Sulfur in many symptoms and is not inferior to them.

    a remedy for chronic diseases with blood congestion in the abdominal cavity;
    Ailanthus (dull pain in the forehead);
    Gambogia (diarrhea);
    Ammonium muriaticum (abdominal symptoms and diarrhea);
    Nux vomica (stomach, abdominal and uterine ailments due to

    sedentary lifestyle);
    Aesculus (hemorrhoids);
    Mercurius (dysentery);
    Podophyllum (alternating head and abdominal symptoms).

    Various types of Aloe are used:
    Aloe africana Mill.- African aloe;
    Aloe ferox Mill.- Aloe prickly;
    Aloe socotrina Lam.- Aloe sokotrinskoe;
    Aloe vera L.- Aloe is real;
    Aloe plicatilis L. Mill.- Aloe folded.
    Evergreen succulent, tree-like plant with a woody trunk up to 1-3 m in height. Leaves are fleshy, juicy, lanceolate up to 60 cm in length. The flower arrow is axillary, up to 1 m in length, ends with a cluster of red, tubular, drooping flowers. The fruit is a triangular capsule with numerous seeds. It grows in semi-arid regions of South and East Africa.

    Family: Liliaceae - Liliaceae.

    Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D2, D3, C3, C6 and above.

    Applicable part: the juice from the leaves evaporated to dryness, known as sabura.
    Chemical composition: anthraglycosides (their mixture is known as alonin), isobarbalonin, natalonin, homonatalonin, rabarberone.

    Application in medicine

    There is evidence that sabur was used by the Egyptians five thousand years ago to embalm the dead. Sabur has been known in medicine for more than two thousand years. In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, sabur was considered the most valuable remedy for a variety of diseases. It was part of the "elixir of life extension", was used for hemorrhoids, with delayed regulation, as a means of diverting blood, with hot flushes to the head, to the lungs, was a part of eye ointments and lotions. Its main use was as a laxative (Hager). Currently, Sabur continues to be used as a laxative in combination with rhubarb preparations. It is given in tincture, in powder of 0.05-0.5 g or in pills of 0.015-0.1 g per dose (M.D. Mashkovsky).

    Application in homeopathy

    Aloe socotrina was introduced into homeopathic practice by Goering in 1833. From tests it was found that the stagnation that Aloe produces in the portal system and in the small pelvis affects the whole body and even the psyche, causing a feeling of heaviness and fullness not only in the abdominal cavity, but and in the head. Such circulatory disorders are characteristic of people who are overnourished, lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol. In its effect on stagnation in the portal system, Aloe is close to Sulfur. Common to these remedies are symptoms such as a feeling of heat in the legs at night, sudden morning diarrhea, severe irritability. Aloe's hallmark is weakness of the rectal sphincter. Stools, even hard ones, can be passed out involuntarily. In children, sphincter weakness is manifested by rectal prolapse.


    Headache. Pletora. Enterocolitis. Haemorrhoids. Rectal prolapse. Menorrhagia. Leucorrhea.

    Main indications

    Nervous system. Headaches are dull, pressing, frontal, parietal, occipital, associated with congestion in the abdominal cavity. Depressive state. There is no desire to move. Disgust for life. Gloomy forebodings.

    Digestive organs. Abdominal congestion. Aversion to meat Desire for sour, salty. Worse, immediately after eating. Diarrhea early in the morning with undigested food, with tenesmus. Involuntary stool when urinating or passing gas. Feeling of pressure in the rectum. Painful haemorrhoids like bunches of grapes, ameliorated by washing the nodes with cold water. Rectal prolapse in children.

    Urinary organs. Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night. Involuntary leakage of urine.

    Female organs. Menorrhagia due to stagnation in the pelvis. Neukorrhea acrid. Descent of the walls of the vagina and uterus.

    Modalities. Worse, standing, heat, morning, after eating. Better, cold water, fresh air.

    Doses. It is used from 3x to 30 divisions, most often in b division.

    Sabur is from the lily family. Tinctures and rubbing are prepared from the juice flowing from the leaves. Its rich pathogenesis is found in the American Review of Homeopathic, volumes IV-VI, translated by Goering. Aloe is a remedy for hemorrhoid sufferers, fat and full-blooded people with oxaluria (although their urine gives a feling reaction, they should not be mixed with diabetics). This is a remedy for mature and old age, as well as for women with diseases in the genital area, and the latter do not affect their nervous system. These remarks are confirmed when we see that the authors of the allopaths (who give aloe in large doses) are afraid of intensifying its effect on living and irritable subjects and prescribe it only for sluggish and low-energy lymphatics. Our authors have always taught the same. Deterioration. - After eating and drinking; early in the morning; in hot weather. Improvement. - In cold weather. Characteristic 1. Abdominal congestion with a feeling of fullness and pressure on the bottom or a feeling of heaviness in the anus and bladder. 2. Relaxation of the sphincter of the anus: the patient tries to refrain from urinating and releasing gas for fear of simultaneous involuntary bowel movements, which sometimes happens to him (Oleander). 3. Even large and dense fecal masses are allocated, as it were, imperceptibly for the patient. 4. Almost constant coldness of the extremities (mainly feet). 5. The nose reddens quite strongly, without reddening of other parts of the face; sensitive to touch. Pain. Pelvic congestion is manifested mainly by pain and stabbing in the sacrum and coccyx. In the limbs there is a feeling of numbness, creeping creeps, fatigue, weakness, stitching pains, as from a dislocation, or strong tension. Stool: diarrhea. it usually appears in the first half of the day, from 2 am to 10 am, often makes the patient jump out of bed. The stool is yellow, pasty, caked and watery, pain in the lower abdomen and around the navel in front of the stool; these pains continue during bowel movements. The stool is often mucus like jelly, bloody, or clear. Sometimes this mucus is secreted in large quantities and flows out of the anus unnoticed by the patient. A symptom very characteristic of aloe diarrhea is a strong rumbling in the stomach just before stool. But the most characteristic of aloe stool: an irresistible urge to stool immediately after eating or drinking; weakness of the sphincter, which makes it impossible to retain stool. Constipation is sometimes noted in pathogenesis, but for the most part it is only a secondary phenomenon or reaction. In these cases, weakness of the sphincter is also observed - hard feces can be released involuntarily, completely unnoticed by the patient. Menses. Trousseau noted pain and a feeling of heaviness in the uterus and groin, increased leucorrhoea, uterine colic, more severe during menstruation, increased menstrual bleeding. These symptoms are completely consistent with the numerous indications of our pathogenesis, and we can only add that aloe makes menstruation more frequent. Summary Destroying congestion in the portal system and hemorrhoidal veins, aloe is a remedy for aksaluriks suffering from hemorrhoids. Relaxation of the anal sphincter is a classic indication. Subject is apprehensive about urinating or gas, for fear of excreting feces as well. Rectal prolapse in children.

    indications for use

    Main indications Diarrhea with the above features: uncontrollable urge, relaxation of the sphincter of the anus. DYSENTERY. Aloe is indicated here for severe tenesmus and fainting after every stool. HEMORRHOUS, with prolapsing painful bumps, causing burning and tenesmus. Trousseau, who stated the healing effect of aloe in hemorrhoids, writes, however: “one or two grams of aloe is enough to quickly cause mild irritation of the rectum, which strongly resembles hemorrhoidal stasis; in some cases, you can even get quite heavy bleeding from the hemorrhoidal vessels ”. Rectal prolapse in children. HEADACHE. Pain, mainly in the supraorbital region; oppressive, deep, worse from heat and better from cold. Two symptoms help in choosing in these cases: irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed by painful and frequent stools, and coldness of the lower extremities, as a result of a rush of blood to the brain centers. SHOT (Lumbago, which is so often observed in hemorrhoid sufferers. SKIN IRRITANCY with itching in old people with a bilious temperament. Claude, Bericke, Hughes and most authors advise the use of rather low dilutions, ranging from 1 to 6.

    effect on the body

    Physiological action Aloe, no matter how it is introduced into the body, always acts as a laxative; acts slowly and, at moderate doses, the stool appears as a cloudy liquid. Aloe causes congestion to the rectum and abdominal organs, especially to the pelvic organs and, in particular, to the genitourinary organs. The result of this may be a feeling of heaviness in the kidneys and in the anus and hemorrhoids may form in subjects predisposed to this; frequent urge to urinate, sometimes bleeding from the bladder, increased menstrual bleeding, and even miscarriage. It enhances sex drive. This, in short, according to the allopaths, is the action of aloe. But repeated trials of homeopaths in healthy people, in different doses, have revealed many more properties, thanks to which aloe is a valuable tool in our therapy.

    ALOE (Aloe), agave - perennial herbaceous plants of the family. lily. From the leaves of A. succotrina, A. vera, A. plicatilis, A. perryi, the medicinal substance Sabur is obtained, which is used as a laxative. The plant is mastered in Central Asia, Crimea, Transcaucasia, and is widely cultivated as an indoor plant.

    Aloe leaf juice has a choleretic, strong tonic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing effect, stimulates appetite, improves digestion, eliminates irritation, acne with oily skin. For consumption, the leaves should be washed with boiled water, dried and kept in a cool dark place for 10 days, then chopped and squeezed out. Wipe the skin of the face with freshly prepared juice.

    Put four large leaves of aloe in a half-liter bottle of red wine and infuse for 4-5 days. Take 1 dessert spoon for lingering.

    You can prepare the medicine as follows: Cook 300 g of honey, half a glass of water and a leaf of finely chopped aloe over very low heat for two hours. Stir and store in a cool place. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day (can be taken by children).

    Aloe is contraindicated in pregnancy, liver and gallbladder diseases, menstruation, cystitis, hemorrhoids.

    Biostimulation according to the method of V.P. Filatov is carried out as follows: freshly cut aloe leaves are washed with water and kept in the dark at 6-8 degrees for 12-15 days. The emulsion is a homogeneous thick mass of white or creamy color with a characteristic odor. Turns yellow in the light. Store in orange glass jars, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 5-10 degrees. Aloe juice emulsion has also been found to be effective against dermatitis, eczema and neurodermatitis. A highly effective emulsion of aloe is recognized in the treatment of vulvar curaroea. When applied, itching decreased or disappeared, the mucous membrane of the vulva and the skin of the perineum normalized.

    In chronic and acute post-hemorrhagic anemias, hypochromic anemia of various etiologies with symptomatic chloranemia, after infectious and other debilitating diseases, intoxication, anemia due to ankylostomiasis, hemorrhoids, radiation sickness, as well as in patients with malignant formations of various localization who have undergone a favorable effect of radiation therapy observed when taking aloe syrup with iron.

    The composition of the preparation includes: a solution of ferrous chloride with a content of 20% iron - 100 ml, hydrochloric acid, diluted - 15 ml, citric acid - 0.4 g, aloe juice syrup - up to 1000 ml. Store in a cool place. Take the drug 30-40 drops 3 times a day in 1/4 glass of water. With blepharitis, conjunctivitis, retinitis pigmentosa, with vascular lesions, opacity of the vitreous humor, myotic chorioretinitis, optic atrophy, trachoma and spring catarrh, treatment is carried out with an aqueous extract of aloe, which is intended for subcutaneous injections. Aloe extract is also used as a nonspecific remedy for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, lupus vulgaris, tuberculous ulcers of the skin and larynx, for trophic skin ulcers, cicatricial lesions, pendino ulcer, scleroderma, peripheral dermatitis nervous system. The drug is administered daily, 1 ml once a day (maximum dose 3-4 ml). Children under 5 years old - 0.2-0.3 ml, over 5 years old - 0.5 ml. In case of painful injection, 0.5 ml of 1% novocaine solution is preliminarily administered. The course of treatment is 30-35 injections. A second course after a one-month break. In the treatment of persons suffering from bronchial asthma, the extract is administered for 10-15 days, 1 -1.5-2 ml daily, and then every other day, only 30-35 injections.

    Dried aloe juice (sabur) is prescribed as a laxative for chronic constipation at 0.05-0.1 g per dose. Sabur promotes digestion, increases appetite and enhances the secretion of the glandular apparatus of the stomach and intestines, and also enhances bile secretion. In large doses (0.03-0.2) it causes a drastic effect, abundant loose stools, an increase in the general tone of the intestinal wall, almost to spasm, a rush of blood to the lower intestine, to the uterus and liver. Repeated use of the drug in large doses is recommended only after 3-5 days. Sabur is also used due to chronic intestinal diseases, congestive liver hyperemia, chronic stomach catarrh, and a sedentary lifestyle. Long-term use of Sabur can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

    Related drugs. Nux vomica, Ignatia, Collinsonia, Aesculus.

    Specific action. On the rectum, on the portal vein system, liver, kidneys, spleen and uterus.

    Application. Diarrhea bilious and extremely offensive, violent colic and veins with burning, cutting pains; dysentery; pain in the head from latent hemorrhoids alternately with pain in the sacrum; also with hemorrhagic apoplexy resulting from latent hemorrhoids or the absence of menstruation; pale sickness and bleeding in those suffering from it, absence of menstruation; vicarious menstruation, epistaxis, coughing up and vomiting of blood in young women; constipation from inactivity of the rectum and congested liver; cracks and fistula of the anus; rectal strictures.


    General. Emaciation; pale, waxy complexion with bluish whites of the eyes; fullness and heaviness in all organs of the abdomen; haemorrhoids. It is very useful for persons leading a predominantly or exclusively only sedentary lifestyle.

    Brain and Nervous System. Periodic headache alternating with back pain, hemorrhoids; vomiting, or coughing up blood, or nosebleeds from delayed periods; dizziness; sparks before the eyes.

    Mouth and throat. Heat and dryness of the tongue; taste like clay; decreased appetite with thirst or increased appetite; belching with bile or food. Dry mouth and throat at night; profuse mucus in the morning and bitter belching; bilious catarrh of pharynx from excess bile.

    Digestive system. Fever and tension in the stomach; tightness across the stomach to the liver. Increased secretion of gastric juice; digestive disorders, depending on the weakness of the muscle tissues of the stomach and intestines; abnormal secretion of mucus, acids, or gases; loss of appetite; painful stomach aches; sour, rancid eructation, sluggish digestion, constipation, especially in bilious persons; insomnia; yearning; flushed face; extreme living; bowel movements that are dark green (bilious) or bloody with fetid mucus; fast pulse; tightness in the chest. Hemorrhoids with discharge of hot blackish blood; heat in the intestines; fever and painful pressure in the liver; vein and hot bilious stool; fever and flushing of face and head. Severe stinging and burning in the anus and intestines; a rush of blood to the Head; redness of the uterus and rectum, or hot and dark stools; the belly is full, hot and distended; periodic headache alternately. with back pain; pressure, tension and heat in the liver; bilious or foul-smelling diarrhea with living; hemorrhoidal bleeding; severe colic.

    Urinary organs. Difficulty urinating, blood from the kidneys; burning sensation during urination; severe pain in the kidneys; hot, scanty urine. This remedy is often useful in hemorrhoidal diseases of the kidneys and bladder with pain on one or both sides of the lumbar region, drawing pains around the bladder with scanty urine flow and indigestion such as heartburn, with good appetite and vomiting soon after eating, which always accompany kidney disease. These symptoms may intensify to the degree of renal colic, when the pains become extremely severe, the abdomen retracts, vomiting occurs, urine is retained, and finally dark, blood-red urine is discharged.

    Uterus. Delay of menstruation; irritation of the uterus; leucorrhoea; fever and irritation of the rectum; discharge of an unusual amount of urine; sexual arousal; constipation with living; very useful for delaying menstruation in young women leading a sedentary lifestyle or working at a sewing machine; monthly discharge is greenish and with a peculiar smell, similar to that of hemorrhoids, which is usually present.