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  • The Chelyabinsk meteorite was shot down by a rocket. Version: the Chelyabinsk meteorite was shot down by the terminators

    The Chelyabinsk meteorite was shot down by a rocket.  Version: the Chelyabinsk meteorite was shot down by the terminators

    They are caused, first of all, by scientific and technological progress. In the information age, a huge number of people with cameras, camcorders, mobile phones turned out to be in the area of ​​the passage of the heavenly block. The flight of the kamenyuki was accompanied by car recorders and surveillance cameras. They are a lot of strange and even completely implausible.

    How is this even possible?

    First of all - in some videos it is clearly visible how some incomprehensible - unidentified flying object catches up with a meteorite and knocks it down. This is followed by a very bright flash - a meteorite explosion. An uninvited heavenly alien, who decided to bomb into the Earth, crumbles into small fragments.

    Moreover, it seems that the UFO does not just fire rockets, but itself catches up and crashes into the meteorite, explodes and breaks it, and then goes away and disappears from the line of sight ...

    Nevertheless, even the fall of some of the largest pieces left from the meteor caused substantial damage. It's scary to imagine what would have happened if he had flopped down entirely. Especially considering that, judging by the trajectory, he would have fucked in Chelyabinsk itself. Numerous human casualties clearly would have been inevitable. And so everything turned out to be only scratches.

    The question is, who could have carried out such an interception? Military and scientists around the world immediately recognized that there were no air defense forces on Earth that could shoot down such a colossus and even attack it at such a speed.

    There was a meteorite, we do not deny it, but it self-destructed

    Nevertheless, the point of view was officially approved that, upon entering the atmosphere, the celestial body heated up and exploded. Do you believe in self-destruction? Competent specialists believe that none of such cosmic bodies can explode on their own with a power of dozens of atomic bombs.

    There are no thermal explosions in iron or stone meteorites. Moreover, at such an altitude - before entering the dense layers of the atmosphere. For such a powerful explosion to occur, the body would have to be completely composed of powerful explosives!

    Science does not even hypothetically imagine meteorites like a nuclear warhead. The flash was impressive and dazzling. A thermal or chemical explosion cannot produce such brightness.

    Some answers can be found in several videos that appeared on the Internet immediately after the fall of the Chebarkul meteorite. It is noteworthy and very good that the survey was carried out from different points. Finding them now will not be difficult. All those interested can admire and reflect on what happened.

    There is no reason to consider the recordings a forgery - no signs of editing or computer graphics were found anywhere. But there is a complete picture of what happened. And purposeful actions are clearly visible, and not accidents.

    There is a classic "intercept" attack from the side of the rear hemisphere. The difference is that the destruction and explosion of an object are not due to the explosion of the "interceptor" itself, as is customary in terrestrial air defense, but ecologically clean - probably due to the kinetic energy of objects.

    The attacking UFO, shattering the meteorite into pieces, without visible damage, continued to move at high speed. It began to rise smoothly and disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

    It is interesting that one fragment (or something else?) Also behaved very strangely: at first it flew downward, but then suddenly went up, as if catching up with the "interceptor".

    Attempts to write off such maneuvers on dirty glass in front of the DVR or camera defects, as some tried to do, look just silly: dirt spots or defects on the glass do not move relative to each other, and they look completely different ...

    The opinion was expressed: this recording shows "the disintegration of the meteoroid after the main first explosion." But this is precisely the first explosion as a result of the attack. It is also obvious that during an explosion, the fragments fly away from the center of the explosion, and do not fly from a distance towards it.

    It is impossible, even theoretically, to attribute the ramming object to the fragment that broke away from the same meteor. The broken-off fragment can fly forward at a higher speed or lag behind the main object, but in no way exceed it in speed, lagging behind, and then catching up.

    In different ways, from their point of view and in their own words, describing the situation, but the same is said by all eyewitnesses. A targeted meteorite attack is beyond doubt.

    The only question is: what kind of unknown elusive defenders incognito cherish the Earth and you and me? But most likely, this will remain a mystery. Unless our benefactors themselves want to declassify ...

    UFO Attack !!! Russian meteor UFO Strike !!!
    Who and what brought down Russian meteor !!!

    Chebarkul meteorite, which exploded over Chelyabinsk at about 09.20 places. 02/15/2013, according to experts, it was 15-17 meters in diameter and weighed about 7-10,000 tons (before entering the Earth's atmosphere) still excites the minds and is in the spotlight. But most of all he is not interested in himself, who fell apart into small fragments and fell in a meteor shower, but in what "fell" into the heavenly wanderer. Amateur footage is closely analyzed in zoom and slowdown.

    On a frame-by-frame view, you can clearly see how an oblong rocket-like object coming in from the rear to the meteorite falling at a very acute angle, as the Navy would say, from the aft course angles.At the same time, the speed of the flying object is clearly higher than the meteorite, which, according to NASA fell at a speed of 18 km / s... In the photo, the object is highlighted with a black oval.

    Further, the object for the observer obscures the train of the falling fireball and it disappears from the field of view. Seconds later, fragments of a meteoric body flying in different directions are visible (pictured).

    The height of the explosion of a celestial body is estimatedat 32.5 - 46.7 kilometers. Flight time in the Earth's atmosphere is 32.5 sec. before destruction.

    The total amount of released energy, according to NASA estimates, was about 500 kilotons TNT equivalent, according to the RAS estimates - 100-200 kilotons.
    Suddenly, an oblong object appears again against the background of fragments of a car flying in different directions (pictured). The impression is that the object flew right through the head of the car !!!

    Further, you can see how the object continues to move along the same trajectory and with a speed greater than the speed of the car's fall (in the photo). By the way, the glow of the fireball was brighter than the Sun, and the approximate temperature of the explosion was more than 2500 degrees Celsius.

    The next shot is very good, where the object does not fall like fragments of a car, but continues to move along its almost horizontal trajectory (pictured). True, there are two of them in the photo.

    Nobody can understand what it is.
    In the US, they write about the secret weapon of the Russians ... The Internet is full of guesses, was it a successful UFO attack or a photographic defect. Especially the version smiled that it was the GDP on a hang-glider that flew up and knocked down an ugly stone ...

    Amateur footage is now being closely analyzed in magnification and deceleration, according to one version, on an approximate piece of the frame taken by non-professional equipment not used for astronomical photography, a UFO (UFO) may be a defect in the matrix or an aberration on the lens (flare of light).

    The official version of the meteorite fall in the Chelyabinsk region is being questioned. On the front pages of the media goes amateur video analysis, which shows that another unidentified object crashes into a flying car. After that, the meteorite explodes and parts fly off from it. It is reliable to say that this, experts do not undertake, however, as previously told the correspondent IA REGNUM military source, "the space gift could well have been shot down by a rocket." As it turned out, almost a week after the emergency, this version is not at all hopeless, as many believed.

    The fact that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was shot down is also admitted by the paranormal expert, who is quoted by the media: some UFO interacts in the sky. And it is after this interaction that the luminous object begins to explode and fall apart into small fragments. "

    The version that the meteorite was shot down by the Ural military appeared in the very first hours after the emergency. It was actively discussed by bloggers. At the same time, the Kazakh media reported that a meteorite shot down Miass air defense, anti-missile installations blew the car apart. Official sources categorically rejected this possibility, calling it absurd, since currently there is simply no technology that would allow it to be done.

    Note that immediately after the tragedy, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation announced the need to create a shield against meteorite attacks. It's about the international (!) System of protection. But today, Rogozin stressed, no state is capable of shooting down meteorites. Experts do not have a unanimous opinion on this matter, some are sure that it is too expensive, others do not believe at all in the possibility of combating meteorites. “Within the solar system, large objects in the form of asteroids and their trajectories are fairly well tracked. From this point of view, apparently, no threat should be expected. Another thing is those objects that are outside the solar system. to track them, of course, we need an international monitoring system for dangerous space objects. Part of these tasks are performed by the existing systems of telescopes. At the same time, the monitoring system only allows detecting the presence of objects. At high speeds of their movement, it is possible physically not to have time to do anything in order to change it trajectory, "the director of the Center for Social and Political Research told the Voice of Russia.

    We will remind, on February 15 over the Chelyabinsk region, a meteorite collapsed. Then came a meteor shower. The shock wave broke glass in 4,715 buildings, injuring more than 1.5 thousand people.

    Any use of materials is allowed only with a hyperlink to the IA REGNUM

    The coordinator of the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg, Aleksey Komanev, stunned the public with a statement: if it were not for the UFO, we, the people of the Urals, would have had a hard time. According to him, it was the unknown alien beings who saved humanity from an imminent catastrophe, shattering a meteorite in the sky. And if he fell to the ground, we would have been uncomfortable.

    Videos began to appear on the Internet showing how some unidentified object appears in the sky and catches up with the Chelyabinsk meteorite, passes through it and flies away, '' says Aleksey Komanev. - After that, the meteorite explodes and disintegrates into several pieces. It seems that this is a glare from the sun, I myself thought so, but more and more such videos began to appear. And they were all filmed from different angles. And I thought - something is wrong here!

    And then there were people who came across UFOs every now and then to the Ural ufologists.

    More and more people are turning to us with stories that they saw UFOs, - says Alexey. - The splash was just a few weeks before the meteorite. For almost the entire February, unidentified objects were flying over the Urals. Previously, of course, they also flew over us, but not so often! The last time such activity was in 2008. It is not yet known what this is connected with, but the fact that they are watching us is a fact!

    Ufology cannot explain the altruistic act of extraterrestrials and only shrug their shoulders, they say, it means that it should be so. We, too, are unlikely to find out the answer from extraterrestrial civilizations.

    The split of the meteorite led to much less consequences for earthlings than if the meteorite remained intact and fell in one specific place. From the point of view of humanistic values, this is very good, - says Komanev. - Understand, their level is much higher than ours. It would not occur to you to communicate with an ant, would you? And representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are so highly developed that they move from one galaxy to another, and we cannot even fly to Mars. If aliens come into contact with someone from the inhabitants of our planet, then at some narrow, secret level, perhaps with members of governments.

    The ufologist believes that he will get to the truth - now, together with his associates, he is studying all the collected video files and eyewitness stories.

    We are trying to find out why they need all this, - explains Komanev. - UFOs always appear before major disasters. So, a day before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a flying saucer was hanging over it. Many people have seen her! However, she did not help, apparently, she simply monitored what was happening for some reason.

    Alexey did not comment on his further investigation, only said that he did not go to the place where the fragments fell, and did not check the video for authenticity.

    We know that there are a lot of fakes, but if several similar videos from different people come in at once, then they are genuine. And if people talk about the same event, it means that it took place, - said the UFO expert. - I myself have personally observed UFOs. And it was not a hallucination. Four more people saw him with me!


    All cosmic bodies, entering the atmosphere, disintegrate at an altitude of 10-15 kilometers above the Earth, - says the head of the Ural branch of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the Department of Materials Science of the UrFU Viktor Grokhovsky. - This is a classic phenomenon. The ordinary laws of physics apply here. The meteorite does not need to be knocked down with anything - it will split itself in the atmosphere. This happens regularly. It's just that not all meteorites explode over densely populated parts of the Earth.

    Well, what kind of aliens, what kind of UFOs? - Polina Zakharova, director of the Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, dismisses it. - I will not even comment on this. This cannot be taken seriously! When will astronomy be introduced to schools? Some kind of obscurantism!

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    The Chelyabinsk meteorite shot down a UFO ?. In the video, you can see how an object collides with a cosmic body in the sky, after which the meteorite breaks into pieces.

    The versions why the Chelyabinsk meteorite did not reach the ground, but crumbled in the air - one more beautiful than the other: there is a UFO that shot down a car, and even some terminators, for whom it is almost daily work to shoot down celestial bodies.

    The Chelyabinsk meteorite, which exploded at an altitude of 20 kilometers above the Urals on the morning of February 15, continues to excite the inquisitive minds of scientists, paranormal experts and Russians who are very far from astronomy.

    According to the latest data, meteorites in the first half of February were noticed not only in Russia, but also in other countries - in the UK, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Cuba. According to scientists, these phenomena could be caused by the fact that on February 15 the Earth swept through the cometary tail, which covered us with a meteor shower, and then asteroid 2012DA14 flew past us with the speed of a bullet.

    There also appeared quite insane versions of why the car still exploded in the air, and did not fall to the ground, which would bring immeasurably more troubles.

    According to some bloggers, the Chelyabinsk meteorite did not reach the Earth, as it was shot down by a UFO sneaking up behind.

    In support of this idea, a video appeared on the Internet, which shows how an object flies up to the luminous ball from behind, after which the fireball crumbles into pieces in the air, and the UFO continues to fly further. “In fact, this is a TRP. And all this after joining the WTO, ”one of the bloggers joked about this, frankly, dubious version.

    Valery Uvarov, director of the MITSUFI International Information Center for UFO Research, has a different explanation, he believes that the car was shot down by a whole cohort of flying terminators.

    “What knocks down meteorites has nothing to do with UFOs: it is a technical device, a kind of projectile charged with a powerful electromagnetic charge (potential). The power of one such terminator can be hundreds, or even 1000 times higher than the power of the Hiroshima atomic charge, "the" solid "portal quotes the venerable scientist.

    “The Chelyabinsk meteorite was destroyed by several terminators. The video shows how from behind in the course of the meteorite's flight, the first of them catches up and knocks it down. The rest of the Terminators hit the remnants of the meteorite later, when they scattered. The fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk contains many interesting details that are not visible at first glance, although the entire course of the event, and even it itself, is absolutely anomalous. Therefore, astrophysicists who are not familiar with the fact of the existence of an installation for the destruction of meteorites and asteroids, built millennia ago, everything that happened in Chelyabinsk will cause bewilderment and contradictory assessments natural for non-specialists. Although everything is there, ”explained Uvarov.

    The Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded in the dense layers of the atmosphere on the morning of February 15. The explosion was at an altitude of about 20 kilometers and was equal in power to 30 Hiroshima. This is the second most powerful meteorite explosion after the Tunguska one.

    As a result of the action of the blast wave that covered the region, more than 100 thousand square meters of glass flew out, several hundred buildings were damaged, almost one and a half thousand people were injured, mainly by scattered glass fragments. Also, the Chelyabinsk meteorite nearly shot down a passenger plane that was landing. Fortunately, everything worked out.