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  • Why is it said that nerve cells do not regenerate. Nerves do not recover: causes, concept, methods of recovery and terms of treatment Are nerve cells restored in pregnant women

    Why is it said that nerve cells do not regenerate.  Nerves do not recover: causes, concept, methods of recovery and terms of treatment Are nerve cells restored in pregnant women

    Humans have over 100 billion neurons. Each of them consists of processes and a body - as a rule, of several dendrites, short and branched, and one axon. Through the processes, the contact of neurons with each other is carried out. In this case, circles and networks are formed, through which the circulation of impulses occurs. Since ancient times, scientists have been concerned about the question of whether nerve cells are restored.

    Throughout life, the brain loses neurons. This death is genetically programmed. However, unlike other cells, they do not have the ability to divide. In such cases, another mechanism comes into play. The functions of the lost cells begin to be performed by nearby ones, which, increasing in size, begin to form new connections. Thus, the inactivity of dead neurons is compensated.

    Previously, it was considered that they were not restored. However, this statement is refuted by modern medicine. Despite the lack of the ability to divide, nerve cells are restored and develop in the brain of even an adult. In addition, neurons can regenerate lost processes and connections with other cells.

    The most significant accumulation of nerve cells is located in the brain. Due to the outgoing numerous processes, contacts with neighboring neurons are formed.

    Cranial, autonomic and spinal endings and nerves, which provide impulses to tissues, internal organs and limbs, form the peripheral part

    In a healthy body, it is a well-coordinated system. However, if one of the links in a complex chain ceases to perform its functions, the whole body may suffer. Severe brain damage that accompanies Parkinson's disease, stroke, lead to accelerated loss of neurons. For decades, scientists have been trying to answer the question of how nerve cells regenerate.

    Today it is known that the origin of neurons in the brain of adult mammals can be carried out using special stem cells (so-called neuronal). At the moment, it has been established that nerve cells are restored in the subventricular region, the hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and the cerebellar cortex. In the last section, the most intensive neurogenesis is noted. The cerebellum is involved in the acquisition and storage of information about automated and unconscious skills. For example, while learning dance movements, a person gradually stops thinking about them, performing them automatically.

    Scientists consider the regeneration of neurons in the dentate gyrus to be the most intriguing. In this area, the birth of emotions, storage and processing of spatial information takes place. Scientists have not yet been able to fully understand how newly formed neurons affect memories already formed, and how they interact with mature neurons in this part of the brain.

    Scientists note that nerve cells are restored in those areas that are directly responsible for physical survival: orientation in space, by smell, the formation of motor memory. Formation takes place actively at a young age, during the growth of the brain. At the same time, neurogenesis is associated with all zones. Upon reaching adulthood, the development of mental functions is carried out due to the restructuring of contacts between neurons, but not due to the formation of new cells.

    It should be noted that scientists continue to search for previously unknown foci of neurogenesis, despite several rather unsuccessful attempts. This direction is relevant not only in fundamental science, but also in applied research.

    Everyone knows such a popular expression as "nerve cells are not restored." From childhood, absolutely all people perceive it as an indisputable truth. But in fact, this existing axiom is nothing more than a simple myth, since new scientific data as a result of the studies carried out completely refute it.

    Animal experiments

    Every day, many nerve cells die in the human body. And in a year, the human brain can lose up to one percent or even more of their total number, and this process is programmed by nature itself. Therefore, whether nerve cells are restored or not is a question that worries many.

    If you conduct an experiment on lower animals, for example, on roundworms, then they do not have any death of nerve cells at all. Another kind of worm, the roundworm, has one hundred and sixty-two neurons at birth, and dies with the same number. A similar picture is found in many other worms, molluscs and insects. From this we can conclude that nerve cells are restored.

    The number and arrangement of nerve cells in these lower animals are firmly genetically determined. At the same time, individuals with an abnormal nervous system very often simply do not survive, but clear restrictions in the structure of the nervous system do not allow such animals to learn and change their habitual behavior.

    The inevitability of death of neurons, or why nerve cells are not restored?

    The human organism, if compared with the lower animals, is born with a large predominance of neurons. This fact is programmed from the very beginning, since nature lays a huge potential in the human brain. Absolutely all nerve cells in the brain randomly develop a large number of connections, however, only those that are used in learning are attached.

    Whether nerve cells are restored is a very topical issue at all times. Neurons form a fulcrum or connection with the rest of the cells. Then the body makes a solid selection: neurons that do not form a sufficient number of connections are killed. Their number is an indicator of the level of activity of neurons. In the case when they are absent, the neuron does not take part in the information processing process.

    The nerve cells present in the body are already quite expensive in terms of oxygen and nutrients (compared to most other cells). In addition, they use a lot of energy even when a person is resting. That is why the human body gets rid of free non-working cells, and nerve cells are restored.

    Intensity of neuron death in children

    Most of the neurons (seventy percent) that are laid down in embryogenesis die even before the birth of the baby. And this fact is considered completely normal, since it is at this childhood age that the level of ability to

    Learning should be maximized, so the brain should have the most significant reserves. They, in turn, are gradually reduced in the learning process, and, accordingly, the load on the whole organism as a whole is reduced.

    In other words, an excessive number of nerve cells is a necessary condition for learning and for the diversity of possible variants of human development processes (his individuality).

    Plasticity lies in the fact that numerous functions of dead nerve cells fall on the remaining living ones, which increase their size and form new connections, while compensating for lost functions. An interesting fact, but one living nerve cell replaces nine dead ones.

    Age value

    In adulthood, cell death does not continue so rapidly. But when the brain is not loaded with new information, it hones the old skills that are present and reduces the number of nerve cells that are needed to implement them. Thus, the cells will decrease, and their connections with other cells will increase, which is a completely normal process. Therefore, the question of why nerve cells are not restored will disappear by itself.

    Older people have significantly fewer neurons in their brains than, say, infants or young people. At the same time, they can think much faster and much more. This is due to the fact that in the architecture built during training there is an excellent connection between neurons.

    In old age, for example, if there is no learning, the human brain and the whole body begin a special program of coagulation, in other words, the aging process, which leads to death. At the same time, the lower the level of demand in various body systems or physical and intellectual loads, and also if there is movement and communication with other people, the faster the process will be. That is why it is necessary to constantly learn new information.

    Nerve cells are able to regenerate

    Today it has been established by science that nerve cells are restored and generated at once in three places of the human body. They do not arise in the process of division (compared to other organs and tissues), but appear during neurogenesis.

    This phenomenon is most active during fetal development. It originates from the division of the preceding neurons (stem cells), which subsequently undergo migration, differentiation and, as a result, form a fully functioning neuron. Therefore, to the question of whether nerve cells are restored or not, the answer is yes.

    The concept of a neuron

    A neuron is a special cell that has its own processes. They have long and short sizes. The first are called "axons", and the second, more branched, are called "dendrites". Any neurons provoke the generation of nerve impulses and transmit them to neighboring cells.

    The average diameter of neuron bodies is approximately one hundredth of a millimeter, and the total number of such cells in the human brain is about one hundred billion. Moreover, if all the bodies of the brain neurons present in the body are built into one continuous line, its length will be equal to a thousand kilometers. Nerve cells are restored or not - a question of concern to many scientists.

    Human neurons differ from each other in their size, the level of branching of the dendrites present, and the length of the axons. The longest axons have a size of one meter. They are the axons of huge pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. They stretch directly to the neurons located in the lower parts of the spinal cord, which control all the motor activity of the trunk and muscles of the limbs.

    A bit of history

    For the first time, the news about the presence of new nerve cells in an adult mammalian organism was heard in 1962. However, at that time, the results of Joseph Altman's experiment, which were published in the journal Science, were not taken too seriously by the people, so neurogenesis was not recognized at that time. It happened almost twenty years later.

    Since that time, direct evidence that nerve cells regenerate has been found in birds, amphibians, rodents, and other animals. Later in 1998, scientists were able to demonstrate the emergence of new neurons in humans, which proved the direct existence of neurogenesis in the brain.

    Today, the study of such a concept as neurogenesis is one of the main areas of neuroscience. Many scientists find great potential in it to treat degenerative diseases of the nervous system (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's). In addition, many specialists are really concerned about the question of how nerve cells are restored.

    Migration of stem cells in the body

    It has been established that in mammals, as well as in lower vertebrates and birds, stem cells are located in close proximity to the lateral ventricles of the brain. Their transformation into neurons is quite strong. So, for example, in rats in one month, from the stem cells they have in their brains, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand neurons are obtained. The level of life expectancy of such neurons is quite high and is about one hundred and twelve days.

    In addition, it has been proven not only that the restoration of nerve cells is quite real, but also that stem cells are able to migrate. On average, they cover a path equal to two centimeters. And in the case when they are in the olfactory bulb, they reincarnate there already into neurons.

    Movement of neurons

    Stem cells can be taken out of the brain and placed in a completely different place in the nervous system, where they become neurons.

    Relatively recently, special studies have been carried out that have shown that new nerve cells in the brain of an adult can appear not only from neuronal cells, but from stem compounds in the blood. But such cells cannot turn into neurons, they can only fuse with them, while forming other binuclear components. After that, the old nuclei of neurons are destroyed and replaced by new ones.

    Inability of nerve cells to die from stress

    When there is any stress in a person's life, cells may not die from excess stress at all. They generally do not have the ability to die from any

    overload. Neurons can simply slow down their immediate activity and rest. Therefore, the restoration of nerve cells of the brain is still possible.

    Nerve cells die from a developing lack of various nutrients and vitamins, as well as due to a violation of the blood supply process in the tissues. As a rule, they result in intoxication and hypoxia of the body due to waste products, and also due to the use of various medicines, strong drinks (coffee and tea), smoking, taking drugs and alcohol, as well as with significant physical exertion and infectious diseases. diseases.

    How to restore nerve cells? It's very simple. To do this, it is enough to study all the time and continuously and develop greater self-confidence, getting strong emotional bonds with all close people.

    The theory of the static and non-renewable nervous system dominated the scientific community for quite a long time. It was generally accepted that throughout life the human brain operates with the number of neurons (nerve cells) that he got at birth. The myth that nerve cells do not regenerate, which was fueled by information about the regular death of neurons from the first days of life, has become widespread.

    The fact is that new nerve cells do not appear during division, as happens in other organs and tissues of the body, but are formed during neurogenesis. This process begins with the division of neuronal progenitor cells (or neural stem cells). They then migrate, differentiate, and form a fully functioning neuron. Neurogenesis is most active during fetal development.

    For the first time, a report on the formation of new nerve cells in an adult mammalian organism appeared as early as 1962. But then the results of the work of Joseph Altman (Joseph Altman), published in the journal Science, were not taken seriously, and the recognition of neurogenesis was delayed by almost twenty years.

    Since then, indisputable evidence of the existence of this process in an adult organism has been obtained for songbirds, rodents, amphibians, and some other animals. And only in 1998, neuroscientists led by Peter Eriksson and Fred Gage managed to demonstrate the formation of new neurons in the human hippocampus, which proved the existence of neurogenesis in the adult brain.

    Now the study of neurogenesis is one of the highest priority areas in neuroscience. In particular, scientists and physicians see great potential in it for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

    Up until now, neurogenesis in the adult mammalian brain has been thought to be localized in two regions associated with memory (the hippocampus) and olfaction (olfactory bulbs).

    But in the past few years, neuroscientists at the University of Michigan (MSU) have shown for the first time that the mammalian brain during puberty increases the number of cells in the amygdala (amygdala) and its interconnected areas. Moreover, there is an increase in the number of neurons, as well as neuroglia cells - auxiliary cells of the nervous tissue.

    The tonsils respond to visual, auditory, olfactory, and skin stimuli, as well as signals from internal organs. Based on the information received, they participate in the formation of emotional and motor reactions, defensive and sexual behavior, and much more. The amygdala plays an important role in the perception of certain social landmarks. For example, hamsters use it to analyze the smell of pheromones, which ensures communication between animals, and people perceive each other's facial expressions and body language based on visual information.

    "We hypothesized that new neurons that are added to these areas of the brain during puberty could have a direct impact on adult reproductive performance," said Maggie Mohr, lead author of the study.

    To test his hypothesis, Mohr, in collaboration with psychology professor Cheryl Sisk, injected young male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with a chemical marker that can be used to track the emergence and further movement of new neurons. Injections were made from 28 to 49 days after birth. Four weeks after the last injection of the drug, upon reaching puberty, the rodents were allowed to mate, after which their brains were analyzed.

    According to data published in the journal PNAS, new nerve cells that appeared during puberty were delivered straight to the tonsils and adjacent areas of the brain of hamsters. And some of them have been included in neural networks that provide social and sexual behavior.

    In the official press release, the researchers emphasize that they not only managed to prove the survival of new cells in adulthood, but also show that they are included in the brain and are designed to adapt to "adult" life.

    The authors of the work are very optimistic and hope that their work will shed light on the human brain. Indeed, despite the more complex relationships between people, the functions of the tonsils in us and hamsters are very similar. It is likely that it is the process of formation of new neurons during puberty that is decisive in the ability of people to socialize in adult human society.

    Thanks to many studies, scientists have found that human nerve cells are able to recover. The decrease in their activity with age is not due to the fact that areas in the brain die off. Basically, these processes are associated with the depletion of dendrites, which are involved in the activation of intercellular impulses. The article will discuss ways to restore the nerve cells of the human brain.

    Features of the considered cells

    The entire human nervous system consists of two types of cells:

    • neurons that transmit the main impulses;
    • glial cells, which create optimal conditions for the full functioning of neurons, protect them, etc.

    The sizes of neurons vary from 4 to 150 microns. They consist of the main body - the dendrite and many nerve processes - axons. It is thanks to the latter that impulses are transmitted in the human body. There are much more dendrites than axons; an impulse reaction departs from them to the very center of the neuron. The processes of formation of neurons originate in the period of embryonic development.

    All neutrons, in turn, are divided into several types:

    • unipolar. Contain only one axon (found only during embryonic development);
    • bipolar. This group includes ear and eye neurons, they consist of an axon and a dendrite;
    • multipolar ones have several processes at once. They are the main neurons of the central and peripheral NS;
    • pseudounipolar are located in the skull and spinal part.

    This cell is covered with a special membrane - neurilemma. All metabolic processes and transmission of impulse reactions take place in it. In addition, each neuron contains cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum. Among the organelles, neurofibril can be distinguished.

    This cell in the body is responsible for certain processes:

    1. Sensory neurons are located in the ganglia of the peripheral system.
    2. Intercalary take part in the transmission of impulses to the neuron.
    3. Motor, located in muscle fibers and endocrine glands.
    4. Auxiliary, act as a barrier and protection for each of the nerve cells.

    The main function of all nerve cells is to capture and transmit impulses to the cells of the human body. It is important to note that only about 5-7% of the total number of neurons are included in the work. Everyone else is waiting for their turn. Every day there is a death of individual cells, this is considered an absolutely normal process. However, can they recover?

    The concept of neurogenesis

    Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neuronal cells. Its most active phase is intrauterine development, during which the formation of a person takes place.

    Not so long ago, all scientists argued that these cells are not able to recover. Previously, it was believed that in the human brain there is a constant number of neurons. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, studies began on songbirds and mammals, which proved that there is a separate area in the brain - the gyrus of the hippocampus. It is in them that a specific microenvironment was found in which the division of neuroblasts (cells that form in front of neurons) occurs. In the process of division, about half of them die off (programmed), and the second half is converted into. However, if some part of those destined for extinction survives, then they form synaptic bonds with each other and are characterized by a long existence. Thus, it was proved that the processes of regeneration of human nerve cells occur in a special place - between the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus of the brain.

    Clinical confirmation of the theory

    Today, research in this area is still ongoing, but scientists have already proven many processes for the restoration of neurons. Regeneration takes place in several stages:

    • the formation of stem cells capable of dividing (the precursors of future neurons);
    • their division with the formation of neuroblasts;
    • the movement of the latter to separate parts of the brain, their transformation into neurons and the beginning of functioning.

    Scientists have proven that there are special areas in the brain where the precursors of neurons are located.

    With damage to nerve cells and areas of the brain, the process of neurogenesis is accelerated. Thus, the process of moving “reserve” neurons from the subventricular region to the damaged areas is started, where they turn into neurons or glia. This process can be regulated with the help of special hormonal preparations, cytokines, stressful situations, electrophysiological activity, etc.

    How to restore brain cells

    Dying occurs due to the weakening of the connection between them (thinning of the dendrites). In order to stop this process, doctors recommend the following:

    • Healthy food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and useful trace elements that improve reaction and concentration;
    • actively engage in sports. Light physical exercises help to establish blood circulation processes in the body, improve coordination of movements and activate parts of the brain;
    • do brain exercises. In this case, it is recommended to guess crosswords more often, solve puzzles or play games that contribute to the training of nerve cells (chess, cards, etc.);
    • load the brain with new information more;
    • avoid stress and nervous disorders.

    Be sure to ensure that periods of rest and activity alternate correctly (sleep at least 8-9 hours) and always have a positive attitude.

    Means for the restoration of neurons

    In this case, you can use both medicines and folk remedies. In the first case, we are talking about and, which are directly involved in the processes of neuronal regeneration. They also prescribe drugs to relieve stress and nervous tension (sedative).

    Among folk methods, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants (arnica, celandine, hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) are used. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor before use in order to reduce the risk of negative consequences.

    Another excellent tool for the restoration of neurons is the presence in the body of the hormone of happiness.

    Therefore, it is worth bringing more joyful events into your daily life and then problems with brain disorders can be avoided.

    Scientists continue to work on research in this area. Today they are trying to find a unique opportunity to transplant neurons. However, this technique has not yet been proven and requires many clinical trials.


    Thanks to many studies, scientists have proven that the human cells in question are able to recover. Proper nutrition and lifestyle play a very important role in this process. Therefore, in order not to face the problems of memory loss, etc. in old age, it is necessary to take care of your health from a young age.

    Many patients are interested in the question of whether nerve cells are restored. This process depends on many factors, it is the knowledge of the features of death and methods of restoring the nervous system that contributes to the preservation of the health of the nervous system.

    Many factors influence the state of nerve cells. Patients are concerned about the role of age in the rate of death of nerve cells, as well as whether nerve cells are restored in a person depending on age. The scientists concluded, as a result of the studies, that in mature and old age, the degree of destruction and damage to nerve cells is somewhat reduced compared to young people. In many ways, this process is explained by a decrease in the amount of incoming information, as well as the absence of the need for the brain to perceive and analyze it. Patients do not face daily overstrain and stressful situations. As a result, the number of nerve cells that are needed in order to realize the received information is reduced.

    A distinctive feature for adults is a faster transmission rate of nerve impulses. As a result of this factor, a better character of interneuronal communication is noted.

    However, in old age there is a rapid process of aging and death of neurons in the absence of the need to memorize information, as well as the need for learning. The rate of death of this cellular composition depends on the level of physical and intellectual stress and the need for communication in various groups. In order to solve the question of how to help the nervous system recover, it is required to regularly receive new information and analyze it.

    Death of nerve cells in a child's body

    The features of the embryogenesis of the human body are the laying of a large number of nerve cells at the stage of intrauterine development. Gradually, even before the birth of a child, the death of neurons occurs. This process is physiological, and it does not carry a pathological character. When asked whether the nervous system is being restored, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their development in the embryonic period.

    Until the moment of birth, a large number of neurons die, which does not affect the general well-being of the child and the level of his further development.

    In the first years of life, the maximum absorption of information occurs and the load on the cellular composition increases for analysis. It is due to the large amount of information that functionally inactive elements are destroyed. After their death, there is an increase in cell size, strengthening of new connections and compensation for new connections.

    Factors Influencing Neuronal Death

    Patients who are concerned about the death of nerve cells need to take into account not only the factors affecting the state of mental health, but also the influence of pathogenic influences that can worsen physical health.

    Among the main factors affecting the physical indicators of health and capable of causing excessive death of the cellular composition of the nervous system, there are:

    • Air quality. The brain needs a regular supply of air containing a sufficient amount of oxygen to carry out full-fledged work. It is oxygen that is necessary for the full functioning of the brain, in particular cortical structures. Due to polluted air with a large amount of exhaust gases and dust, an air mixture is inhaled that contains a lower percentage of oxygen mixed with various chemical elements. That is why people living in areas with a high percentage of air pollution often report the development of headaches, memory disorders, as well as fatigue and weakness. Due to the long and regular influence of this factor, the development of permanent changes in brain structures with the destruction of cellular elements is noted.
    • Drinking alcohol and smoking. As a result of regular smoking, not only inhalation of toxic substances occurs, but also an insufficient supply of oxygen. Also, smoking causes damage to blood vessels and other body systems, which prevents sufficient supply of nutrients to nerve cells. Alcohol consumption does not cause immediate death, but it can cause a toxic effect that forms other pathologies that indirectly destroy structures at various stages. People who regularly drink alcohol face conditions such as swelling of the brain with a gradual decrease in its size. In this case, great importance is given to the duration of consumption and the volume of alcohol. Long-term abuse leads to a decrease in the number of cells, as well as frequent consumption of large doses that cause encephalopathy against a hangover.
    • Insufficient sleep. The human body needs a sufficient period of time to restore the body. For this to happen, regular sleep is required. The average sleep duration should be 7-8 hours. At this moment, all structures are immersed in the period of least activity. In this state, many processes take place, among which are processes such as the restoration of the nervous system and the accumulation of nutrients. If there are problems with sleep, the patient is recommended to consult a specialist in order to select drugs that improve falling asleep and relieve nervous strain.

    Self-repair of nerve cells

    Scientists have dispelled the myth about the complete absence of restoration of nerve endings and cells. The processes of regeneration of these structures of the body occur in three areas. A distinctive feature is the absence of the division process characteristic of other organs and tissues, but the process of neurogenesis is noted.

    This condition is most typical for the stages of intrauterine development. Subsequently, they occur during the division of stem cells, which undergo migration and differentiation, at the final stage of which new neurons are formed.

    These processes proceed very slowly, and external and internal factors can additionally influence their speed. This is what decides the question of how much the nervous system is restored.

    Ways to restore the nervous system

    In addition to self-restoration, it is necessary to include some procedures that allow you to start the conservation and regeneration processes. Among them are:

    Physical exercise

    The level of physical activity is closely related to the processes of neurogenesis. Heart rate and blood flow, which change during exercise, affect the processes of neurogenesis. A sufficient level of physical activity causes endorphins to be leached, which leads to a decrease in stress hormone levels, as well as an increase in testosterone levels. In order to prevent negative effects on cellular structures, it is necessary to include physical exercises in the lifestyle, which allow preserving nerve cells. It may be sufficient for the patient to regularly walk at a fast pace, swim or dance.

    mental training

    To maintain a sufficient level of functional activity of brain cells, it is necessary to regularly train memory and intelligence. Among these methods are:

    • Attempts to study foreign languages. Learning a foreign language makes a person not only memorize a large number of words, increasing vocabulary, but also try to accurately formulate the necessary phrases.
    • Regular readings. Reading not only activates thought processes, but also stimulates the search for various connections, maintains the imagination and increases interest in finding new information.
    • Learning to play musical instruments, listening to songs.
      Getting new information through travel, getting new interests and hobbies.
    • One of the daily and effective ways to preserve and train the cells of the nervous system is writing. Due to manual writing, not only the development of imagination, the activation of brain centers and the coordination of motor muscles occur.

    electrical stimulation

    This non-invasive method is based on maintaining the cells of the nervous system in certain centers. Its mechanism of action is based on conducting low-frequency currents between electrodes, which are fixed on different parts of the patient's head. As a result of several courses of this non-drug therapy, stimulation of brain activity occurs, as well as restoration of neurons, due to the selective activity of protective mechanisms in brain cells. There is also an increase in the level of endorphin with serotonin.


    Due to the fact that nerve cells have a predominantly fatty composition, in particular the structures of the myelin sheath, which ensure the transmission of nerve impulses, the body requires a daily intake of this nutrient. Beneficial for brain cells and myelin repair is the use of healthy fat, which does not cause inflammatory reactions. Omega 3 fatty acids are the most beneficial. The use of fat-free foods leads to the destruction of the structures that make up the nervous system.

    It is only required to completely exclude hydrogenated fat, which is found in large quantities in margarine, as well as products that are subjected to industrial processing. Unsaturated fats, which come from eggs, butter, and cheese, are most beneficial. In addition, to restore nerve cells, you should use:

    • Turmeric. It increases the manifestations of neuropathic factors in order to carry out neurological functions.
    • Blueberries. Its benefits are achieved due to the contained flavonoids, which stimulate the growth of new neurons.
    • Green tea. This product causes the growth of new cells in the brain.

    Folk remedies

    These methods allow you to achieve relaxation, relieve fatigue and reduce stress, by improving the quality of sleep. Among them:

    • Drinking warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of honey.
    • A mixture of nuts, dried fruits, honey and lemon. These foods are high in healthy fats needed by the myelin sheath, plus they have a concentrated nutrient odor that prevents hypoglycemia, which causes brain cell death or depletion.

    The most popular herbal remedies are:

    • Teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, and valerian.
    • Baths made on the basis of a decoction of a birch leaf, as well as needles.
    • Infusions with hawthorn, valerian, and motherwort.

    Drug therapy

    Medications prescribed for various pathological conditions can enhance regeneration processes. These groups include:

    • Sleeping pills.
    • Nootropics.
    • Antidepressants.
    • Vitamins.

    Taking drugs should be carried out only for medical reasons after the diagnosis.

    If there are questions about whether nerve cells are recovering or not, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and take measures aimed at launching protective processes.

    Video: How to restore the nervous system