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  • Rambler horoscope for October Libra. October horoscope for a woman of the sign of Libra

    Rambler horoscope for October Libra.  October horoscope for a woman of the sign of Libra

    Libra can open up completely new opportunities and professional perspectives. You may again find yourself in the center of events, however, some representatives of the sign will focus on their personal life or relationships with colleagues. Try to keep the middle ground between affairs and love relationships.

    In October, new perspectives and things may open up on the Libra path. It looks like your life will change direction and you will prepare for new and unexpected challenges. Luck can give you what you have been looking for, but not all representatives of this sign will be ready for this turn of events. In order not to miss out on a lucky break, act slowly and calmly. This will allow you to maintain the required distance and present yourself from the best side.

    In the personal life of many representatives of the sign, surprises can occur. They may be associated not with external changes in events, but with the fact that you yourself change your view of many things. An overheard conversation or a repetition of a similar situation in the life of an acquaintance or friend can become a clue whether you are doing the right thing or not. Try to act softly, decisively, but calmly: this will allow you to maintain a leadership position and better understand your own environment.

    Libra Woman: Horoscope for October 2020

    Both in your activity and in your personal life, a streak of changes will await you. You will learn something new that will open your eyes and make you see the positive sides even in a negative situation. Finally, you will find a fulcrum that will allow you to easily cope with all difficulties and get out of the most unpleasant situation with dignity.

    Remember that your intuition works very accurately, but without having sufficient information about the situation, you will not be able to find the right solution. Soon the truth will be revealed to you, which will allow you to act bolder and more direct. Therefore, try to listen to your inner voice and act as you see fit, without informing anyone.

    You may have a sharpened craving for beauty. A visit to a theater, an exhibition, a festive event will allow you to fill your life with new colors. Libra will also want an internal transformation, therefore, unexpectedly for everyone, they can change their usual image. For example, dye your hair or choose an outfit that doesn't match what you've worn before. However, some friends will appreciate the change and it will add confidence to you. The main thing is to choose what you like.

    Don't be afraid to experiment or try your hand at art. It will help you find yourself in completely unexpected activities that will bond you with your friends or family.

    Libra Man: Horoscope for October 2020

    For you, October will be a month of discovery and change. You can not only replenish the baggage of knowledge about the world around you or learn the subtleties of psychology, but also easily understand the intrigue or difficult family situation. Life in October will require your skills as a psychologist, analyst and actor at the same time, so do not rush to act until the situation is clear to you. Then your actions will be not only effective, but also useful for everyone around you. After all, life sometimes requires not only physical strength, but also logical calculation, even in everyday things.

    Many Libra men will feel drawn to household and family affairs this month. You may have to intervene in a conflict situation and prove your own innocence. Many representatives of this sign may have aggravated relations with children, especially adolescents. Try to develop a point of view that does not demean the dignity of the child, even if you think he is acting unreasonably and may get himself into big trouble. This will bring you closer and will promote trust and mutual sympathy, as well as strengthening warm and friendly relations in the house.

    Will Libra face difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in October? How will their feelings and emotions affect the development of existing and new relationships? Lots of ready-made clues await in the exact love horoscope for Libra for October 2017.

    Many Libras in October may feel dissatisfied with their personal lives. The absence of interesting events and previous failures in a relationship can cause a large number of Libra representatives to want to reconsider all their past decisions and plans regarding the love front. The love horoscope warns those looking for the other half of people born under the sign of Libra that drastic changes are not always for the good of creating relationships, especially if they are not properly thought out.

    The marital relationship of many Libra in October may suffer due to their desire for new emotions. Confusion and dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life can provoke in people belonging to this sign of the zodiac, long-term conflict situations in the family and even cause a further break in the marriage bond. Is it worth the desire to diversify your life, only Libra can answer. The stars warn them that in October it is worth being more prudent in their actions and statements, so as not to hurt and upset a loved one.

    Love horoscope for Libra women for October 2017

    The need to feel something new can overwhelm single Libra girls. Their desire to radically change their own lives can lead to rash actions and unpleasant consequences. However, despite their oppressive loneliness, girls born under the constellation Libra will be very selective in the choice of new acquaintances in October. Such girls do not intend to throw themselves on the neck of the first man who paid their attention to them. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity will still have to make sufficient efforts to arouse a reciprocal interest in Libra girls.

    Discontent and reproaches can cause their chosen ones among married Libra women. As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign rarely consciously go into conflict with their other half, trying to soften the resentment. However, in October 2017, many women born under the sign of Libra will not be too tactful in choosing words for their spouse. Irritation and frequent quarrels can put such family relationships to the line, beyond which there is only a break. The love horoscope for Libra for October advises them not to get carried away with clarifying relationships and creating conflict situations. The emotions obtained during such a showdown will boil inside both spouses for a long time, haunting them.

    Love horoscope for Libra men for October 2017

    Single Libra men in the middle of autumn can deliberately refuse new acquaintances and meetings in a friendly company. The reason for this may be internal emotional experiences that do not allow Libra to relax and pay attention to the beautiful girls around them. Against the background of these torments, free representatives of this zodiac sign may not use the opportunity in October to make promising acquaintances in terms of building relationships. Whims and tantrums do not paint men, so lonely Libra should cope with their emotions in October in time.

    In October, married Libra representatives can expect some disappointment in their own family life. Stability in communication with a loved one may seem like a routine, and a decrease in the number of vivid manifestations of love is a sign of a chilling spouse's feelings. Making unfair claims against your significant other in Libra in October 2017 will rarely lead to good results. Therefore, married Libra men will need to think hard before voicing their discontent. Indeed, in the heat of a quarrel, it is so easy to offend a loved one and go beyond acceptable boundaries.

    Make sure to take time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts. This will help you maintain inner balance and maintain harmonious relationships with those around you.

    October 2017 tips for weights

    Green color
    Talisman: spruce
    Lucky: 1, 10, 14, 23, 28
    Dangerous: 3, 4, 7, 17, 30
    Motto: "I easily get what I want."

    Libra mood in October 2017

    October will beckon with new opportunities in your career and personal life. However, do not be too hopeful and do not rush to believe everything and everyone recklessly. Rely on experience. And then the results of your efforts will surpass your wildest expectations, which will pay off both morally and materially.

    Excellent prevention of health and wellness - measures to take care of your appearance. So take the time for yourself, take care of your face and body skin, experiment with makeup, change your image.

    When choosing clothes, focus more on your own feelings, and not on the impression you make on others.

    Scales in operation in October 2017

    There are stellar prerequisites for the fact that your professional positions will strengthen and very soon you will go through life confidently and with your head held high. Try not to waste time, but don't take on too many responsibilities - they can take on even more. Those who think about changing jobs are favored by the stars. Just don't be in a hurry. In the first half of the month, collect information, send out a resume, and after October 20, you can make decisions.

    Brothers and sisters will help in financial matters. But you will also need to actively participate in the material side of family life, as well as in the working and financial fate of friends and close relatives.

    Libra love in october 2017

    At the end of October, the arrival of a person from afar, once close and beloved, is expected. You may want to return to your old feelings. Those who cannot wait for the promised meeting will not be bored either. There will be no shortage of admirers and admirers. The only problem is your willingness to reciprocate. The heart in October will fall into a state of half-sleep. That's good. Let him rest a little, and in the meantime you will work with your head and make the right choice.

    Family Libra will need the ability to conduct a competent home policy. Be diplomatic. Probably, being very busy at work may not leave time for full-fledged communication with loved ones and loved ones. Do not take complaints to yourself personally and try to find a solution that would suit everyone.

    According to the Chinese Book of Changes, October will pass under the sign of the symbol The might of the great... She warns that excessive pressure and the desire to get ahead at all costs can harm you. So, in pursuit of your goals, think about the people around you. Remember, you cannot build your well-being on the failure of others. You don't need to sacrifice anyone or anything to your own ambition. Behave more modestly, more tactfully, and you will succeed as you plan and wish. Try to stick to the golden mean in everything.

    For October you got a card Ace of Swords, which brings with it abundance, triumph of power and great prosperity. Try to take full advantage of the opportunities presented. Use intelligence and willpower to be successful. Boldly and decisively overcome obstacles on the way, do not give in to difficulties and under no circumstances give up. Ahead is a new period of life and a well-deserved reward for work. Moreover, favorable conditions for significant achievements are formed in everything, for whatever you undertake. All undertakings are successful, especially in the creative direction.

    Moving Jupiter from your sign to the next one will make you more collected and more practical. You will outline a goal for yourself, draw a flat road to it and move on.

    Work, career. Libra october 2017

    October is a month with a "double bottom", a lot can happen "behind the scenes" of major events. You can say one thing and think and do something completely different, but this tactic will turn out to be correct. Most likely, your opponents will behave in the same way. Keep this in mind and stay ahead of the curve. Your main concern may still be your relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries. Using the "carrot and stick" tactics in negotiations, you will certainly get your way. That is, declaring loyalty, you can beat your opponents by unexpectedly presenting them with some extremely important argument that they did not even know about. Entrepreneurs and bosses are encouraged to do everything on their own, not relying too much on assistants and subordinates. There will be little sense from them, but troubles cannot be avoided. In addition, old disputes will begin, related to large property, possibly land and real estate. Towards the end of the month, all problems will be safely resolved, and you will get what you fought for and what you have always counted on. An employee may face the intrigues of colleagues, but will come out with honor from all the intricacies of October.

    Money. Libra October 2017

    Jupiter, the planet of luck, is moving into the financial sector of the sky, and this means that everything will turn out well in your material affairs. You are moving to another financial level and you can count on a lot. Entrepreneurs get good deals, employees get higher wages. In the second half of October, you can safely go to your superiors and demand what you are supposed to. You have done a great job and honestly deserve your reward.

    Love, family. Libra October 2017

    If your interests are focused on the personal sphere, then here you can expect a temporary return to the old problem. Perhaps your old passion will start pestering you again, and also for various reasons there will be misunderstandings with relatives. At the end of the month, all disagreements are likely to end, and this time - for a long time, maybe forever. This month is not bad for lovers, they can decide to live together and, probably, will start looking for housing for themselves. Friendly spouses are also busy with housing, and perhaps it will be a house or apartment in another city or another country.

    In October 2020, representatives of the sign will be distinguished by their irritability and aggression, which can lead to big problems at work and make it difficult for them to move up the career ladder.

    October will be a very difficult period for you, when all the inconsistencies and deviations from the developed plan will greatly annoy and annoy you. This will be especially sad for working relationships with management, whose decisions will go against your plans.

    The stars recommend that Libra take their legal time off or unused vacation during this period, so as not to bring work conflicts to dismissal. If the representatives of the sign have long thought about changing jobs or working areas, now is the best time to implement their plans. Remaining in the same workplace, with such a negative attitude to your duties, you will not achieve anything good.

    Libra Woman: Job and Career Horoscope for October 2020

    Libra women in October will be in constant, internal tension, which will have a very bad effect on the quality of their work duties. That is why, they are strongly discouraged from entering into any disputes and conflicts with the leadership, because the claims of the bosses will be fully justified. It is best to take note of the comments and try to be more attentive.

    If the problem is that you do not want to continue working in the organization in which you work now, it is in October that it is recommended to change jobs. The options that will be in mind during this period, at first, may not seem very attractive, however, they should be considered more carefully, have an interview, and talk with future colleagues. If problems at work arise due to the personal carelessness of representatives of this sign, it is worth taking a couple of extra days off, sleep, put your mood in order and start working with renewed vigor.

    During this period, you should not be afraid to express your ideas and take the initiative to improve the quality of work. Your opinion is in good standing with the management and they will definitely listen to you.

    Libra Man: Job and Career Horoscope for October 2020

    Libra men in October will be at the peak of their work enthusiasm, the only thing that can spoil the working mood is internal disharmony and irritation. Try to disconnect from personal and family problems at work, do not drag a bad mood from home to work, this will greatly interfere and hinder your promotion, affecting the quality of your work.

    In October, a certain part of the work events will take place without your knowledge. It is not at all necessary to look for some kind of catch or conspiracy in this. Representatives of the mark, in principle, cannot control and be aware of all the working nuances and features. The main thing to remember during this period is not to meddle yourself where the leadership does not send you. You have your own responsibilities and work issues that are important to do well, so do that.

    Your colleagues' work should be your least concern. An attempt to pry into the affairs of the team will end in failure, and will entail a lot of unnecessary questions to you, which will negatively affect the attitude of the management towards you.