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  • Passport of the chemistry cabinet of the Zeblyakovskaya secondary school. Passport of the chemistry classroom of the Zeblyakovskaya secondary school Didactic cards for testing knowledge

    Passport of the chemistry cabinet of the Zeblyakovskaya secondary school.  Passport of the chemistry classroom of the Zeblyakovskaya secondary school Didactic cards for testing knowledge

    Date of organization of the cabinet 2015

    Office area 56 sq.m

    Number of seats: 18

    Class in charge of cabinet: Grade 7

    Parallels for which the classroom is equipped_8-11 grades


    The chemistry classroom is a special room with a rationally placed set of educational equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids for TCO.

    The equipment of the chemistry classroom should fully take into account the specifics of teaching chemistry at school:

    The need for the integrated use of educational equipment, TCO, a chemical experiment in chemistry lessons,

    Possibility of carrying out various kinds of independent work and extracurricular activities.

    1. General requirements

    1.1. Availability of regulatory school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

    Order on the opening of an educational office and its functioning to ensure the conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program (according to the profile of the office);

    Order on the appointment of the head. office and laboratory assistant, their functional duties (according to the profile of the office);

    Passport of the office, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, instruments, technical means, visual aids, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic materials, etc.;

    Inventory and defective list for existing equipment and inventory;

    Safety regulations for work in the office;

    Rules for using the study room by students;

    The act of acceptance of the study room by the school administration in order to prepare the study room for functioning;

    Minutes of the decision of the methodological commission of the school on the readiness of the classroom to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program (according to the profile of the cabinet) for a specific academic year;

    The work plan of the study room for the academic year (and perspective);

    1.2. Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.


    The cabinet must have:

    The traditional part of the cabinet

    The developing part of the cabinet and include:

    Equipping the classroom with teaching aids;

    Organization of the use of teaching aids.

    traditional part

    1. Curriculum.

    2. Approximate individual programs for students of the first level of development who want to study individually, accelerated.

    3. Thematic planning(calendar-thematic) under the author's program.

    5. Catalog of scientific literature on the subject. Educational literature to help the teacher.

    6. List of literature for students (basic, additional, available in the library), preferably designed according to the class.

    7. Collection of tasks and exercises. Guide for practical work.

    8. List of literature for in-depth study of the subject.

    9. Printed manuals (demonstration, handouts).

    10. Screen and sound aids (transparencies, filmstrips, film fragments, etc.)

    11. Didactic materials for the organization of multi-level education (1-4 levels).

    12. A cabinet specially reserved for an information stand for learning process: reports, essays, student essays, newspaper materials, etc. Everything should be systematized, preferably presented in file cabinets.

    Development part

    1. Bank of materials for reference, encyclopedic sources.

    2. Selection of materials for different types intellectual workouts.

    3. Updated memos, instructions for schoolchildren of different levels of academic success, such as “How best to prepare a report?”, How to work on an abstract?”, “How to prepare a speech in front of a class?”, “How to prepare a conclusion?” etc.

    4. A selection of creative tasks (research, problematic, local history, economic). It is better if they are presented in colors corresponding to the level differentiation.

    5. Research materials developed in connection with work in museums.

    6. Materials from the history of great discoveries: biographies of scientists, discoverers, etc.

    7. A selection of an entertaining research and creative nature for the section "Scientific Society of Schoolchildren", an intellectual marathon, etc.

    8. A set of folders (according to the number of final and final summarizing lessons) with a selection of various cultural and humanistic materials.

    9. Schedule of work of the classroom for the compulsory program, extracurricular activities, additional education program, individual lessons for lagging behind, with gifted students, consultations, etc.




    Date of organization of the cabinet 1978

    Office area 56 sq.m

    Number of seats: 18

    Class responsible for cabinet: Grade 6

    Parallels for which the classroom is equipped_8-11 grades


    2.1. Criteria for attestation of the chemistry classroom

    The chemistry classroom is a special room with a rationally placed set of educational equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids for TCO.

    The equipment of the chemistry classroom should fully take into account the specifics of teaching chemistry at school:

    The need for the integrated use of educational equipment, TCO, a chemical experiment in chemistry lessons,

    Possibility of carrying out various kinds of independent work and extracurricular activities.

    1. General requirements

    1.1. Availability of regulatory school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

    Order on the opening of an educational office and its functioning to ensure the conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program (according to the profile of the office);

    Order on the appointment of the head. office and laboratory assistant, their functional duties (according to the profile of the office);

    Passport of the office, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, instruments, technical means, visual aids, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic materials, etc .;

    Inventory and defective list for existing equipment and inventory;

    Safety regulations for work in the office;

    Rules for using the study room by students;

    The act of acceptance of the study room by the school administration in order to prepare the study room for functioning;

    Minutes of the decision of the methodological commission of the school on the readiness of the classroom to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program (according to the profile of the cabinet) for a specific academic year;

    The work plan of the study room for the academic year (and perspective);

    1.2. Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

    2. Requirements for planning and organizing the work of the classroom to create optimal conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program of the school, transferring it to the mode of operation as a developing and


    The cabinet must have:

    The traditional part of the cabinet

    The developing part of the cabinet and include:

    Equipping the classroom with teaching aids;

    Organization of the use of teaching aids.

    traditional part

    1. Curriculum.

    2. Exemplary individual programs for students of the first level of development who wish to study individually, accelerated.

    3. Thematic planning (calendar-thematic) for the author's program.

    5. Catalog of scientific literature on the subject. Educational and methodical literature to help the teacher.

    6. List of literature for students (basic, additional, available in the library), preferably designed according to the class.

    7. Collection of tasks and exercises. Guide for practical work.

    8. List of literature for in-depth study of the subject.

    9. Printed manuals (demonstration, handouts).

    10. Screen and sound aids (transparencies, filmstrips, film fragments, etc.)

    11. Didactic materials for the organization of multi-level education (1-4 levels).

    12. A cabinet specially reserved for an information stand for the educational process: reports, essays, student essays, newspaper materials, etc. Everything should be systematized, preferably presented in file cabinets.

    Development part

    1. Bank of materials for reference, encyclopedic sources.

    2. A selection of materials for different types of intellectual workouts.

    3. Updated memos, instructions for schoolchildren of different levels of academic success, such as “How best to prepare a report?”, How to work on an abstract?”, “How to prepare a speech in front of a class?”, “How to prepare a conclusion?” etc.

    4. A selection of creative tasks (research, problematic, local history, economic). It is better if they are presented in colors corresponding to the level differentiation.

    5. Research materials developed in connection with work in museums.

    6. Materials from the history of great discoveries: biographies of scientists, discoverers, etc.

    7. A selection of an entertaining research and creative nature for the section "Scientific Society of Schoolchildren", an intellectual marathon, etc.

    8. A set of folders (according to the number of final and final summarizing lessons) with a selection of various cultural and humanistic materials.

    9. Schedule of work of the classroom for the compulsory program, extracurricular activities, additional education program, individual lessons for lagging behind, with gifted students, consultations, etc.

    Textbooks, programs on which teachers work.


    Training program




    O.S. Gabrielyan, G.G. Lysova "Chemistry 8th grade" M., Bustard 2010


    Chemistry course program for grades 8-11

    O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry grade 9. Bustard M., 2010


    Chemistry course program for grades 8-11

    O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry grade 10. Bustard M., 2010


    Chemistry course program for grades 8-11

    O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry grade 11. Bustard M., 2010

    Work plan of the office of CHEMISTRY for 20014-2015 academic year. year.

    1. The schedule of the office on the days of the week, the employment of the office during and after school hours.







    Biology 6th grade

    Chemistry Grade 10

    Chemistry 8

    Chemistry grade 11

    Biology Grade 7

    Chemistry Grade 8

    Chemistry Grade 10

    method day

    Chemistry Grade 8

    Biology 11 "B"

    Chemistry Grade 11

    Biology Grade 6

    Chemistry Grade 9

    Chemistry Grade 9

    Biology Grade 7

    Class hour


    3. Methodical activity in the office.

    4. Extracurricular activities in the office

    A) work with gifted children - Tuesday 14:00,

    lagging Thursday 14h 15 min.

    b) class hour Friday

    General cleaning is carried out twice a month.

    Work plan of the chemistry cabinet for 2014-2015 academic year. year.




    Repair; marking desks, chairs.


    Kalinina O.A. head cabinet

    Knowledge Day

    Kalinina O.A. head cabinet

    cool watch

    Kalinina O.A. head cabinet

    Chemistry consultation for grade 11

    weekly, on Mondays

    Kalinina O.A. head cabinet

    Working with lagging students

    weekly, Thursdays

    Kalinina O.A cabinet

    Design of the corner "Useful information"


    Making a corner "Safety"


    Kalinina O.A. head Cabinet, 6th grade students

    Decorating a health corner


    Editorial board of the class

    Decorating a classroom


    Masyagina Vika headman, editorial board of the class

    General cleaning in the office


    Classroom teacher

    Open lesson in biology in grade 11

    Preparation for the regional Olympiad in biology and chemistry

    Kalinina O.A. chemistry and biology teacher

    Preparation for the regional olympiad in ecology

    Kalinina O.A. chemistry and biology teacher

    Conducting intermediate certification in chemistry in grade 11

    Kalinina O.A. chemistry and biology teacher

    New Year's celebration

    Kalinina O.A. classroom teacher

    Preparation and holding of the week of chemistry, biology and geography

    March 2014

    Teachers of chemistry, biology, geography.

    Competition among 8th grade students "Chemical Marathon"


    Chemistry teachers


    Cabinet repair


    Parents of students, class teacher.

    Cabinet equipment list

    Technical teaching aids.

    1. Computer, projector, screen

    2. Multimedia aids Organic chemistry. Grade 10-11 General and inorganic chemistry. 10-11 grade

    Tutor. Chemistry.

    open chemistry.

    Organic chemistry. Educational collection. Grade 10-11 Chemist Library

    1. Koltun M. The world of chemistry, - M .: Children's literature, 1988

    2. Ilyin B. Biography of the great sorceress.- M .: Children's literature, 1984

    3. Somin L.E. Fascinating chemistry. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987

    4. Shulgin B. This fascinating chemistry. - M.: Chemistry, 1984

    5. Akhmetov N. S. Topical issues course in inorganic chemistry. M.: Enlightenment. 1991

    6. Kurgansky S. M. Mind games in chemistry. Moscow: 5 for knowledge, 2006

    7. Akhlebinin A.K. etc. Organic chemistry. Solution of qualitative problems. M.: Iris-Press, 2006

    8. Smirnov Yu.I. World of Chemistry._ St. Petersburg: MiM-Express, 1995

    9. Ochkin A.V. Chemistry protects nature. M.: Enlightenment, 1984

    10. Chemistry. USE 2007. Questions and answers. M.: F U, 2006

    11. Extracurricular work in chemistry grades 8-11 Edited by E.G. Zlotnikov. Moscow: Vlados, 2004

    Educational films

    №5 Life and work of M. V. Lomonosov (2 hours) -1

    #8 Mechanism of electrolytic dissociation -1

    No. 10 Ion exchange reactions -1

    №12 Properties of electrolyte solutions -1

    No. 14 Electrolytes and non-electrolytes -1 No. 21 Rubber (1 hour) No. 23 (1 and 2 hours) -1

    No. 21 Polyethylene - 1

    No. 47 Contact apparatus in sulfate production -1

    № 49 The mechanism of action of catalysts -1

    No. 55 Catalytic oxidation of ammonia -1

    № 59 Dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium -1

    No. 74 Periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev (3 hours) -2 No. 33 Air -1

    No. 76 Life and work of D. I. Mendeleev (2 hours) -1 No. 26 Polypropylene -1

    No. 67 Phenol-formaldehyde plastics -1 No. 53, No. 54 Nitrogen -1

    No. 77 Mineral fertilizer (2 hours) -1 No. 57 Phosphorus -2

    No. 78 Carbon (2 hours) -1 No. 81 Silicon (2 hours) -1

    № 84 Crystal structure of metals and alloys -1 № 44 Water -1

    No. 85 , No. 86 Corrosion of metals -1 No. 17 Sulfur -1

    No. 88 alkali metals -1 No. 90 Acetate fiber -1

    No. 99 Aluminum (2 hours) -1 No. 109 Proteins (1 and 2 hours) -1

    No. 100 Iron and steel metallurgy (1 and 2 hours) -1 No. 122 Alkali metals -1

    No. 101 Iron and steel metallurgy (3.4.5 hours) -1 No. 119 Electrolysis (1 and 2 hours)

    No. 104 Design and operation of an open-hearth furnace -1 No. 121 Ion exchange reactions -1

    No. 106 Design and operation of a blast furnace -1

    No. 107 Design and operation of an electric arc steel furnace -1

    No. 111 The most important products of oil refining (1 and 2 hours) -1

    No. 114 Ammonia production -1

    №116 Obtaining and using sulfuric acid (1 and 2 hours) -1

    No. 117 Crystal Growth -1

    Electric arc furnace Oxygen convector The structure and properties of the flame Metal crystal lattice Battery of coke ovens Oxygen. oxides

    Electric wave models of atoms of elements of the 1st and 2nd periods Obtaining sulfuric acid

    Basic working methods in chemical laboratories Chemical reactions Crystal lattices

    Obtaining synthetic rubber from ethyl alcohol Use of petroleum raw materials for polymer synthesis Main raw material for polymer synthesis Application of coal processing products Oil processing products Natural gas - chemical raw materials Alcohols and aldehydes Methane

    Formation of hydrogen bonds in alcohol molecules




    Distillation column

    catalytic cracking

    Alcohols and aldehydes

    Structure of a protein molecule





    Electrolytic dissociation of water

    Obtaining products from thermoplastic polymers

    The effect of mineral fertilizers on increasing yields

    nitrogen fertilizers

    Phosphate fertilizers

    potash fertilizers


    Handling various substances Receiving and collecting gases

    Scheme of the structure of the electron shells of atoms of 1-4 periods

    Direct reduction of iron from ores

    Disperse systems

    open-hearth furnace

    Melting pig iron in a blast furnace


    Electrolytic dissociation

    Corrosion protection with metal films

    Methods for protecting metals from corrosion

    Chemical corrosion

    The structure of carbon atoms

    The use of hydrochloric acid

    Application of chlorine

    The use of acetic acid

    Application of benzene

    The use of table salt

    Covalent and ionic bond

    Getting ammonia

    The use of sulfuric acid

    Application of ammonia

    Composition of sets of chemical laboratory glassware

    1. Microlaboratory for chemical experiment - 9 pieces
    2. Test tubes - 50 pieces
    3. Stands for test tubes - 8 pieces
    4. Glass chemical glasses. capacity 100ml - 15 pieces
    5. Glass chemical glasses. capacity 250ml - 3 pieces
    6. Flat-bottomed glass flasks 150 ml - 10 pieces
    7. Flasks conical glass. capacity 250 ml - 2 pieces
    8. Chemical glasses layer, capacity. 100ml 20 pieces
    9. Set of glass sticks
    10. Set of glass tubes
    11. glass set
    12. A set of corks (cork - dropper, deaf cork, cork with a staple)
    13. Set of chemical glassware
    14. Laboratory tripod (assembly) - 8 pieces
    15. Set of rubber stoppers
    16. Paraffin candles

    Composition of chemical reagent kits

    1 Magnesium sulfate

    2. Iron vitriol

    3.Aluminum sulfate

    4. Zinc sulfate

    5. Sodium sulfate

    6. Calcium sulfate

    7. Ammonium sulfate

    8. Magnesium chloride

    9. Iron chloride

    10. Potassium chloride

    11. Calcium chloride

    12. Sodium chloride

    13. Manganese chloride

    14. Copper chloride

    15. Aluminum chloride

    16. Ammonium chloride

    17. Copper carbonate

    18. Magnesium carbonate

    19. Sodium carbonate

    20. Potassium carbonate

    21. Sodium phosphate

    22. Potassium iodide

    23. Sodium bromide

    24. Sodium sulphate

    25.Potassium bromide

    26. Aluminum nitrate

    27. Phosphoric acid

    28. Boric acid

    29. Acetic acid

    30. Formic acid

    31. Glucose

    32. Lactose

    33. Synthetic glycerin

    34. Sodium acetate

    35. Sucrose


    37. Diphenylamine

    38. Dichloroethane


    40. Carbon 4 - chloride

    41. Isoamyl alcohol

    42. Fixanal hydrochloric acid

    43. Fixanal sulfuric acid

    44. Fixanal potassium permanganate

    45. Set No. 22BC "Indicators"

    46.Set 8C "Ionites"

    47. A set of indicator papers


    49. Methyl orange


    Set "oxides"

    1. calcium_oxide

    2. magnesium oxide

    3. copper oxide

    4. zinc oxide

    Set "metals"

    1. aluminum granular

    2. iron powder

    3. copper powder

    4. zinc granulated

    Salt set

    1. aluminum sulfate

    2. ammonium sulfate

    3. magnesium sulfate

    4. sodium sulfate

    5. zinc sulfate

    6. sodium sulphate

    7. iron sulfate


    12.aminoacetic acid


    Cast iron and steel.






    Glass and glass products.

    Oil and refined products



    11. Coal.


    1. "Young chemist" 4pcs.

    2. Crystal lattices:

    a) sodium chloride;

    b) diamond;

    c) copper;

    d) iron;

    e) graphite;

    3. Models of atoms for making molecules.

    4. Transparencies:

    a) nitrogen and its compounds;

    b) acids;

    c) halogens;

    d) chemical equilibrium;

    e) alkaline earth metals;

    f) allotropy;


    No. p / p

    Property name


    Teacher's table

    Demonstration table

    Student's table

    School chairs

    Pull out drobe


    Reagent storage cabinets

    Storage cabinets


    Book shelf


    No. p / p

    Name of TCO


    Year of issue

    Inv. No. by school



    Multimedia projector









    Network filter



    Academic year

    What is planned to be changed

    Who is involved

    2014-2015 academic year:

    1. Paint the panels.

    Head office, administration.

    2. Systematize educational material by subject, by topic.


    Buy curtains


    2. Paint the floor.

    Laboratory assistant.

    Acquire the missing chemical equipment

    School administration

    Replenish cabinet consumables (reagents)

    School administration

    Head cabinet

    To form a library of multimedia materials to optimize the process of teaching chemistry.

    Head cabinet

    Create a folder with materials

    on the topic "Rationalization of pedagogical

    Process by CHEMISTRY" for use

    Students of specialized classes.

    Kalinina O.A

    2015-2016 academic year:

    1. Systematize educational material by subject, by topic


    2. Current repair.

    Head office, laboratory assistant, students.

    Replace and upgrade stands

    Administration, chief cabinet

    Update outdated hardware.

    School administration


    Number of copies

    Basic general education standard

    Standard of secondary (complete) general education (basic level)

    Standard of secondary (complete) general education (profile level)

    Exemplary program of basic general education in chemistry, biology

    Exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education (basic level) in chemistry, biology

    Exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education (profile level)

    Biology. Programs. 5-11kl. "Ventana-Count" 2008

    Working curricula on the subject:. Gabrielyan O.S. Teacher's handbook CHEMISTRY-8, 9, 10, 11 classes. Bustard. Moscow. 2003, 2004



    Number of copies

    O. S. Gabrielyan, N. N. Voskoboinikova, A. V. Yashukova. Handbook of the teacher. Chemistry grade 8. Bustard Moscow 2003

    O. S. Gabrielyan, I. G. Ostroumov. Handbook of the teacher. Chemistry grade 9. Bustard Moscow 2003

    O. S. Gabrielyan, I. G. Ostroumov. Handbook of the teacher. Chemistry grade 10. Bustard Moscow 2004

    O. S. Gabrielyan, G. G. Lysova, A. G. Vvedenskaya. Handbook of the teacher. Chemistry grade 11 in two parts. Bustard Moscow 2004

    M. V. Zueva, N. N. Gara. Control t verification work in chemistry grades 8-9. Bustard. Moscow. 2001

    M. V. Zueva, N. N. Gara. Control and verification work in chemistry grades 10-11. Bustard. Moscow. 2001

    additional literature

    No. p / p

    Number of copies

    Problem book in chemistry 9 cells. N. E. Kuznetsova, A. N. Levkin. "Ventana-Count" 2006

    Problem book in chemistry 10 cells. N. E. Kuznetsova, A. N. Levkin. "Ventana-Count" 2007

    Collection of tasks and exercises in chemistry. I. G. Khomchenko. Moscow "New Wave" 2006

    Chemistry problems with solutions. O. S. Gabrielyan, G. V. Shevyakova. Moscow "Education" 2005

    Collection of tasks on genetics. Saratov "Lyceum" 1998

    Biology grade 11. Non-standard lessons. L. B. Poddubnaya ITD "Coripheus" 2007

    First aid

    In all cases, after providing first aid, you should contact a medical facility.

    1. acid poisoning: drink 4-5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of magnesium oxide in water and induce vomiting again. After that, make two gastric lavages with clean warm water. The total volume of liquid is not less than 6 liters.

    If concentrated acids are ingested and if consciousness is lost, it is forbidden to induce artificial vomiting, use carbonates and bicarbonates as an antidote (instead of magnesium oxide).In this case, you need to call a doctor.

    2 . Alkali poisoning: drink 4 - 5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of an aqueous solution of acetic acid with mass fraction substances 2%. After that, make two gastric lavages with clean warm water.

    3. Phenol poisoning: drink 4 - 5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of pink potassium permanganate solution and induce vomiting again. The third washing should be done with an aqueous solution of ethanol with a mass fraction of the substance of 5% (volume of at least 1 liter).

    4. Bromine vapor poisoning: let ammonia be smelled from a cotton swab (an aqueous solution of ammonia with a mass fraction of a substance of 10%), then rinse the mucous membranes of the nose and throat with an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate with a mass fraction of a substance of 2%.

    5. Gas poisoning: clean air and peace, in severe cases - oxygen.

    6. Burns: for any burn is prohibiteduse fats to treat the burnt area. It is also prohibited apply dyes (solutions of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine tincture).

    A first degree burn is treated with ethyl alcohol and a dry sterile bandage is applied..

    In all other cases, after cooling the burn site, apply a sterile bandage and seek medical help..

    Other types of damage to the body:

    when a caustic substance gets on the skin, the main task is to remove it as soon as possible by shaking it off or removing it with tweezers, dry paper or glass rod;

    if solutions of acids or alkalis come into contact with the skin, wash them off after shaking off visible drops with a wide stream of cool water or a shower. It is forbidden to treat the affected area with a moistened swab;

    in case of burns with quicklime, it is forbidden to use water to remove the substance:Lime should be removed from the skin with tweezers or a swab moistened with mineral or vegetable oil.

    After removing the substance from the skin, the affected area is washed with a 2% solution of acetic acid or sodium bicarbonate of the same concentration, then rinsed with water and bandaged with rivanol or furatsilin.

    Iodine and liquid bromine are removed from the skin with ethyl alcohol and a lotion is applied from a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution. In case of burns with bromine, immediately contact the first-aid post.

    Help with cuts and bruises:

    1. The first step is to stop the bleeding.(tourniquet, clamping of the vessel, pressure bandage).

    2. If the wound is contaminated, the dirt is removed only around, but in no case from the deep layers of the wound. The skin around the wound is disinfected with iodine tincture or a solution of brilliant green and contacted in the first-aid post.

    3. If bleeding continues after the tourniquet is applied, a sterile swab moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is applied to the wound, then a sterile napkin and tightly bandaged. If the bandage gets wet from the emerging blood, a new bandage is applied over the old one.

    4. First aid for bruises - rest for the damaged organ. A pressure bandage and cold (for example, ice in a plastic bag) are applied to the bruised area. The bruised organ is given an elevated position.

    5. In case of bruises of the head, the victim is provided with complete rest and an ambulance is called.

    6. Foreign bodies that have entered the eye can be removed with a damp cotton or gauze swab. Then the eyes are washed with water from the fountain for at least 7-10 minutes. It is also allowed to use a kettle or a laboratory wash bottle to supply water.

    7. If caustic liquids get into the eye, wash it with water, as indicated above, then with a solution of boric acid or sodium bicarbonate, depending on the nature of the substance that has entered.

    8. After the final rinse of the eye clean water under the eyelids, it is necessary to introduce 2-3 drops of a 30% solution of albucid and send the victim to the first-aid post.

    15. An aqueous solution of boric acid 2% for treating eyes or skin after alkali has been ingested. Store in a wash bottle, 200 - 250 ml.

    Solutions 14, 15 can be located outside the first aid kit.

    16. Pipettes 3 pcs. for instillation of albucid into the eye

    INSTRUCTION No. 30.27

    on labor protection in the chemistry room when working with acids and alkalis

    1. Working with acids and alkalis of various concentrations requires caution and maximum attention, especially when heated. Contact with the skin or eyes can cause serious injury.

    Burns with concentrated acids are very painful, accompanied by difficult-to-heal wounds and leave scars. Clothing and footwear may also be destroyed.

    When working, the following rules should be followed:

    1. The preparation of solutions from solid alkalis of concentrated acids is allowed only to the teacher. Half fill porcelain dish cold water, and then, in small portions, with constant stirring, add the substance.

    2. Students work with concentrated acids under the teacher's close supervision and control of their actions, strictly following the work methodology, labor protection instructions.

    3. Mixing sulfuric acid with water, add acid to water in small portions, mix nitric acid with sulfuric acid, adding nitric acid to sulfuric acid. Cool the test tube with the prepared mixture by immersing it in cold water.

    4. When mixing the contents of a test tube containing acid, do not close its opening with your finger, but use a stopper for this or mix by lightly tapping the bottom of the stopper with your finger.

    5. Work with a large amount of acids and alkalis in protective glasses and gloves. Work with volatile substances under a fume hood. Pour liquids using a funnel, work together.

    6. Prepare solutions of acids and alkalis in porcelain or glass thin-walled dishes.

    7. When using crystalline alkalis, beware of getting even dusty particles formed by shaking on your hands and clothes. Do not take the granules with your hands, use a staple or tweezers for this. If it is necessary to grind alkalis, soda lime or other substances, caustic or poisonous dust, work under a hood or in a well-ventilated area.

    8. When pouring reagents, do not lean over the vessels to avoid dropping liquids on the skin, eyes, or clothing.

    9. For all experiments during which splashing, scattering, explosion or release of substances is possible, wear goggles, use a protective screen.

    10. Do not store solutions of concentrated alkalis in thin-walled dishes for a long time (no more than 3 days), as the strength of the dishes decreases as a result of interaction.

    11. Do not suck acids and alkalis into the siphon of the pipette by mouth.

    12. Do not use sulfuric acid in vacuum desiccators as a drying agent, as in the event of an explosion of the device, the spilled acid may fall on the worker and cause severe burns.

    13. Have at the ready in the laboratory a sufficient amount of solutions to neutralize spilled or contaminated working acids and alkalis (solutions of soda, ammonia, acetic and boric acids).

    14. Spilled acids or alkalis cover with sand and then clean with a shovel with a brush. Neutralize the remaining reagent with a soda solution if acid is spilled, or with an acetic acid solution if alkali is spilled.

    15. In case of burns with strong alkalis, rinse the affected area with water and apply a cotton compress moistened with a 1% solution of acetic acid. For burns with concentrated acids, wash the affected area with plenty of water, and then with 1% sodium bicarbonate solution, put a gauze or cotton swab moistened with this neutralizing agent. If acid or alkali gets into the eyes, flush them with water using a special device, and then with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution to neutralize the acid or a 2% solution of boric acid to neutralize the alkali. For washing, use special eye baths.

    16. In case of poisoning with alkalis (sodium hydroxide, ammonia, potash, etc.), drink milk or a 2% solution of acetic, citric acids or lemon juice). Do not use emetics. In case of acid poisoning, drink water with iodine or grated chalk, grated eggshell(0.5 teaspoon per glass of water), 1% baking soda solution, do not gastric lavage.

    17. After giving first aid, consult a doctor.


    The head of the chemistry cabinet and the laboratory assistant are appointed by order of the school principal. The head of the chemistry cabinet, as the person responsible for the state of the cabinet, must have:

    1. Job responsibilities of a chemistry teacher (head of the chemistry office) and laboratory assistant of the chemistry office.

    2. Extract from the orders on the appointment of the head. office and laboratory assistant, responsible persons for the organization of safe work, on the opening of the study room and its functioning.

    3. The act of acceptance of the study room by the school administration in order to prepare the study room for functioning.

    4. Minutes of the decision of the methodological commission of the school on the readiness of the study room to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program for a particular academic year.

    5. Passport of the office, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, instruments, technical means, visual aids, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic materials, etc.

    6. Inventory and defective lists for existing equipment.

    7. Rules of TB work in the office.

    8. Documentation on precursors (Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, rules for keeping a register of operations with precursors, an order to appoint a person responsible for accounting for precursors and keeping a register)

    9. Journal of registration of operations with precursors.

    10. Rules for the use of the study room by students.

    11. The work plan of the study room for the academic year (and for the future).

    12. The schedule of the study room for the compulsory program, electives, programs of additional education, individual lessons for lagging behind, consultations.

    13. A set of didactic materials, standard tasks, tests, tests and other materials for diagnosing the quality of education.



    As the head of the classroom, the chemistry teacher is fully responsible for the safety of all work performed in this classroom, for its fire-fighting condition and compliance with the rules of school sanitation and occupational health.

    As a specialist, he is responsible for the correct storage and use of hazardous, poisonous, explosive, flammable and hazardous chemicals and materials.

    The teacher is obliged to check the completeness and good condition of fire-fighting equipment, the availability and suitability of first aid equipment. He must systematically control the work of the laboratory assistant and provide him with practical assistance in order to prevent accidents.

    When hiring a new laboratory assistant, the teacher must personally check his knowledge of the basic rules for safety and labor protection, as well as make sure of his ability to handle fire fighting equipment and electrical appliances.

    In the future, this knowledge should be tested annually, at the beginning of the school year.

    The teacher is obliged to report to the principal of the school about all the shortcomings in the chemistry room, leading to a violation of the rules of general and fire safety, and demand their prompt elimination.

    A great danger in relation to air pollution, as well as the possibility of accidents, are practical work and experiments in the classroom. In such cases, the teacher should show increased attention and be especially demanding of students. The teacher should not allow unruly students to study in circles.

    At the end of classes, before leaving the chemistry room, the teacher must check whether the vessels with toxic and especially dangerous substances (alkali metals, bromine water, etc.) are closed, and also make sure that all electric heaters are turned off.

    A chemistry teacher is required to have an individual gown, goggles or a mask, rubber gloves, and an apron made of chemically resistant material.


    The laboratory assistant of the chemistry cabinet is obliged to:

    1. Prepare equipment for the lesson.
    2. Assist the teacher in conducting lessons and extracurricular activities. Every day before the start of classes, the laboratory assistant checks the condition of students' workplaces, gas and water communications, electrical networks and electrical equipment. Deficiencies that can be eliminated immediately, the laboratory assistant eliminates, and the rest makes notes in the register of the state of labor protection in the office and reports them to the teacher.
    3. Manage laboratory facilities.
    4. Monitor the cleanliness, order and placement of equipment in the classroom-laboratory and in the laboratory room.
    5. Keep instruments, chemical glassware, reagents and auxiliary materials in a certain, most convenient order for work.
    6. Know and observe safety precautions when working with combustible, toxic, aggressive substances and provide first aid to victims.
    7. Be able to handle all types of projection equipment used in the office.
    8. Know the properties of substances and be able to competently handle them.
    9. Keep track of the expenditure and replenishment of the cabinet with reagents and materials.
    10. Acquire, at the direction of the teacher, educational equipment, reagents, materials necessary for the educational process.
    11. Prevent situations leading to fires, carry out firefighting work: monitor the stand with firefighting equipment, inventory.
    12. Together with an electrician, a mechanic, carry out a systematic inspection of electrical equipment, water supply and sewerage systems.
    13. Monitor the working condition of the ventilation system, gas supply, fire-fighting equipment. Follow the rules of general and fire safety and monitor their implementation by students in the classroom.
    14. On a daily basis, monitor the contents of the first-aid kit, the presence in the office of neutralizing solutions (sodium bicarbonate, boric acid), drain vessels for acids and alkalis (they are subsequently processed and drained into the sewer), vessels for collecting silver-containing waste after experiments with silver nitrate, which then surrender.
    15. At the end of the working day, check that all cabinets, all gas and water taps are closed, and turn off all electrical appliances.

    Every year, pass a test of knowledge of the basic safety rules (with a teacher) and note the results of the test in a special journal.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    « Salgan average comprehensive school »





    FOR 20014/2015 ACADEMIC YEAR

    Responsible for the maintenance and storage of the journal:

    chemistry teacher Kalinina Olga Anatolyevna.

    The journal is stored for 10 years, until 09/01/2024

    Rules for maintaining and storing special registers for registering operations related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 4, 2006 N 644)

    (from the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation)

    1. These Rules, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 30 and Article 39 of the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances", establishthe procedure for maintaining and storing special journals for registering transactions related to turnovernarcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and theirprecursorsincluded in the list of narcotic drugs

    Moscow region Shchelkovsky district





      Cabinet plan.

      Cabinet characteristics.

      Office employment.

      Evacuation plan.

      Inventory of property and office equipment.

      Perspective plan for the development of the cabinet

      Methodological support of the cabinet.

      Educational-methodical and reference literature.

      Safety rules for working in a chemical laboratory.

    10. Instructions for fire safety.

    11.Instruction on labor protection.

    12.Instruction on labor protection during laboratory experiments and practical exercises in chemistry.

    13.Instruction on labor protection during demonstration experiments in chemistry.

    14.Journal on safety.

    15. Inventory of the completeness of the medical kit.

    16. Reports.


      Teacher's desk.

      Teacher's chair.

      The parties are double.

      Chairs are student's.

    1. Demonstration table.

    2. Pull out drobe.

    10. The door to the laboratory.

    11. The door to the office.


      The cabinet is used in the study of the subject of chemistry, physics, biology, geography.

      Cabinet area 68 m 2, number of seats

      In the office there is a stand on labor protection, safety instructions.

      The office is equipped with equipment and educational and methodological complex of teaching aids.

      Teachers collect creative works of students (abstracts, reports).

      There are teaching aids: didactic, handouts.

      A library is being formed (books, magazines, videos).

      In the classroom there are stands that are educational in nature.

      There are materials for diagnosing the quality of education in the profile of the office.











































































    Property name


    Teacher's desk

    teacher's chair

    School desks for two

    School chairs




    Pull out drobe

    First aid kit


    Technical training aids





    Laboratory equipment

    Demonstration specialized devices, devices and accessories for installation of installations

    Includes devices, apparatus, sets of parts for installation of installations, specially designed for demonstrating a chemical experiment and performing operations for its implementation

    A device for the production of halogens.

    Serves for obtaining halogen derivatives of saturated hydrocarbons, esters, as well as hydrochloric acid, ammonia solution and ammonium salts

    An instrument for illustrating the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction on conditions.

    The device allows you to demonstrate the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction on the following factors: the nature of the reactants, concentration, temperature, contact surface of the reactants, catalyst, inhibitor.

    Device for the oxidation of alcohol over a copper catalyst

    Serves to demonstrate the preparation of aldehyde from alcohol.

    Device for illustrating the law of conservation of mass of substances

    Serves to demonstrate the law of conservation of mass of substances

    Dishes for demonstration and laboratory experiments and practical exercises

    The funnel is simple, cone-shaped, with a short stem

    1 set

    Included in student experiment kits. For preparative work and demonstration experiments: filtration, transfusion of liquids

    Round-bottom, flat-bottom, conical flasks

    4 sets

    They are used for carrying out various chemical operations in experiments, for preparing solutions, laboratory and practical exercises.

    Round-bottom flasks are made of chemically and heat-resistant glass, used for mounting devices, installations and heating substances when setting up a chemical experiment

    Measuring utensils set

    Designed to measure the volume of liquids (with calibration for pouring or pouring a certain volume of liquids) in the preparation of solutions with different concentrations and titration of substances

    Beaker, 50 ml, 250 ml. 500 ml

    1 set

    Serve for measuring liquids in the preparation of solutions of various concentrations

    Pipette with one mark

    Graduated pipette

    1 set

    For preparative work: sampling solutions of substances or liquid reagents

    Measuring cylinder

    1 set

    Serve for measuring a certain volume of liquid and preparing solutions of various concentrations

    Set of test tubes

    Test tube chemical

    3 sets

    Various sizes are possible. For the work of students during the simplest operations with substances and the installation of devices

    Set of flasks

    jar with lid

    4 sets

    Serves for storage of dry reagents and use in the experiment

    Vials of semi-white, dark glass

    2 sets

    Serves for storage of reagent solutions for laboratory experiments and practical work

    High glass of various sizes

    Used for laboratory and practical classes

    Experiment accessories

    Supports for test tubes.

    Serves for placing test tubes, used by students

    Laboratory tripod

    Metal tripod, used for mounting laboratory instruments and settings. Equipped with clutch, foot, ring.


    Designed to accommodate necessary equipment before starting work

    Asbestos nets

    Used for heating glassware in demonstration experiments, as well as a stand for hot dishes

    Test tube clamp

    Used to fix test tubes when substances are heated in them.

    glass rods

    For mixing solutions of substances and liquid reagents,

    spirit lamps

    heating device

    Glass tubes, straight, curved

    1 set

    for the installation of instruments and installations when setting up a demonstration and student experiment

    Crucible tongs (set)

    Serve for taking and transferring heated crucibles, evaporation bowls

    A set of accessories for economic activities and safety in the chemistry room

    Board for drying laboratory glassware

    Serves for drying various types of chemical glassware

    Ruff for washing dishes

    Consists of a set of different sizes for dishes of different sizes

    Stopper sets

    1 set

    Rubber of various diameters

    Rubber gloves

    Two pairs

    Item sets stv

    Set No. 11C "Salts for demonstration experiments"

    Sets of substances for the preparation of reagents used in practical work and laboratory experiments

    Set No. 13BC "Halides"

    Set No. 3 VS "Alkalis"

    Set No. 17 With "Nitrates"

    Set 1C "Acid"

    1 In "Acids"

    6 C "Organic substances"

    7 C "Mineral fertilizers"

    9 VS "Formation of inorganic substances"

    22 BC "Indicators"

    Set No. 11С “Salts for demonstrations. experiments"

    Set No. 14 VS "Sulphates, sulfites, sulfides"

    Set No. 13BC "Halides"

    Set No. 3 VS "Alkalis"

    Set No. 17 With "Nitrates"

    Set No. 5С "Organic substances"

    Set No. 12 VS "Inorganic substances for demonstration experiments"

    Set 1C "Acid"

    Registration is permanent

    Occupational health and safety stand

    Table "Periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev".

    Table "Solubility of acids, salts and bases in water."

    Electrochemical voltage series of metals

    Changeable design

    Table "Alcohol lamp"

    Table "Gas burner"

    Table "Electric heaters"

    Heating table

    Table "Techniques for handling a laboratory rack"

    Table "Receiving and collecting gases"

    Solids Handling Table

    Liquid handling table

    Table "Weighing"

    Table "Preparation of solutions"

    Table "Filtering"

    Table "Distillation"

    Table "Titration"

    Set of tables "Chemical reactions".

    Tables "Safety rules for work in the chemistry room"

    Table "Coloring of indicators in various environments"



    What is planned




    Production of didactic material for individual work

    During a year

    Acquisition of multimedia equipment

    Acquisition of the educational and methodological complex "Didactics - Module"

    Form a library to help the teacher.

    Acquisition of teaching aids

    Creating a cabinet video library

    Formation of materials for olympiads, intellectual, developing extracurricular and extracurricular activities in the subject

    Continue work on the formation of examination materials, tests, thematic, final verification tests, laboratory and practical work

    Acquisition of subject equipment for the office

    Methodological support of the cabinet

    Set of tables on inorganic and organic chemistry



    Brief annotation

    A set of tables in chemistry "Molecular structure of hydrocarbons".

    The series includes tables illustrating the molecular structure of representatives of the main classes of organic substances,

    A set of tables in chemistry “Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Types of isomerism.

    The series includes tables illustrating the structure of representatives of the main classes of organic substances, different kinds isomerism, oxygen-containing compounds, and protein structures

    A set of tables in chemistry "Hybridization of orbitals".

    A set of tables in chemistry "Redox processes and reactions"

    The series includes tables for the study of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium, energy conversion during the flow chemical reactions(chemical thermodynamics), chemical reaction rates, homogeneous-heterogeneous catalysis, concepts of redox processes

    A set of tables in chemistry "Types of organic reactions".

    The series includes tables for studying the types of organic reactions

    A set of tables in chemistry "Electronic shells

    Didactic material for individual work

    Reference instruction tables

    Includes a variety of didactic, reference and instructional tables, tasks for monitoring and training students

    Didactic cards for testing knowledge

    Instruction cards for practical work in inorganic and organic chemistry

    Designed for safe independent practical work by students


    Purpose - to familiarize students with the properties of natural compounds of products and intermediates in practical classes

    Table "Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.

    Solubility of acids, salts and bases in water.

    Serves as a handout

    Fiber collection

    Contains 10 samples of natural (natural) and chemical (artificial and synthetic) fibers and fabrics from them. Samples are used as dispensing consumables to identify fibers in practical work

    Plastics Collection

    The collection includes samples of thermoplastic (polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polymethyl methacrylate) and thermosetting (phenol-formaldehyde resin) plastics, as well as products made from them. Designed for practical work and solving experimental problems


    Contains 16 samples of minerals: sulfur, granite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, lead luster, halite, sylvinite, fluorspar, quartz. Flint, bauxite, manganese ore, hematite, magnetite, limonite, chromium iron ore, 7 samples of minerals: apatite, phosphorite, siderite, magnesite, kaolin, feldspar, gypsum; 4 samples of organic compounds: peat, brown coal, hard coal, anthracite; 5 rock samples: granite, limestone, sandstone, marl, marble

    Raw materials for non-ferrous metallurgy

    Components are systematized by sections: basic chemical industry, metallurgy, building materials and silicate industry, combustible fossil raw materials

    Raw materials for ferrous metallurgy

    Raw materials for mechanical engineering

    Raw materials for the chemical industry

    Metal collection

    Oil and refined products

    Contains samples of crude oil and its natural modifications, oil refinery products, fuel oil (cracking product), as well as petroleum gas polymerization products (rubber, plastics)

    Fuel types

    Contains samples representing natural fuels (wood, straw, peat, lignite, hard coal, oil shale, oil) and artificial fuels (coke, peat briquette)



    Contains raw materials for aluminum production, samples of aluminum and its alloys

    Stele collection

    Contains samples representing the component composition of the window glass charge, materials for silencing and glass paints.

    Coal collection

    Includes samples of coal and products of its processing: coke, coal tar, saccharin, toluene, naphthalene, aniline, benzene, phenol, plastics, dyes, drugs, ammonia water and mineral fertilizers

    Hardness scale

    Contains 9 samples: talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorspar, apatite, feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum. Used to get acquainted with the physical properties of substances

    Lesson, thematic plans

    Chemistry Grade 8

    Chemistry Grade 9

    Chemistry Grade 10

    Chemistry Grade 11

    Materials for olympiads, marathons, intellectual, developing extracurricular and extracurricular activities on the subject

    Chemistry Olympiad

    8th grade

    Chemistry Olympiad

    Grade 10

    Chemistry Olympiad

    Grade 11

    Rebuses, crossword puzzles

    1 copy

    Measuring instruments for fulfilling the educational standard in chemistry in room No. 17

    1. Control work



    1. Atoms of chemical elements

    2. Simple substances.

    2. Hydrocarbons

    4. Final examination in chemistry for grade 10

    2. The structure of matter

    3. Chemical reactions

    2. Tests

    1. Atoms of chemical elements

    2. Simple substances.

    3. Compounds of chemical elements

    4. Changes that occur with substances

    5. Properties of the main classes of compounds

    1. The structure of organic compounds

    2. Hydrocarbons

    3. Oxygen-containing compounds

    1. Periodic law and system D.I. Mendeleev. The structure of the atom

    2. The structure of matter

    3. Chemical reactions

    4. Substances, their classification and properties

    3. Practical work

    1. Safety rules for working in a chemical laboratory. Techniques for handling laboratory equipment

    2. Watching a burning candle

    3. Soil and water analysis

    4. Signs of chemical reactions

    5. Obtaining hydrogen and determining its properties

    6. Obtaining and properties of oxygen

    7. Preparation of a sugar solution and calculation of its mass fraction in the solution

    8. Ionic reactions

    9. Conditions for the flow of chemical reactions between electrolyte solutions to the end

    10. Properties of salts, bases, oxides and salts

    11. Solution of experimental problems

    1. Preparation of amphoteric hydroxide and study of its properties

    2. Obtaining ammonia and studying its properties

    3. Solving experimental problems for the recognition of the most important cations and anions

    4. Practical implementation of transformations of substances

    5. Solving experimental problems for the recognition of organic substances using qualitative reactions

    1. Qualitative analysis of organic compounds

    2. Hydrocarbons. Preparation and properties of ethylene

    4. Aldehydes and ketones

    5. Carboxylic acids

    6. Carbohydrates

    7. Amines. Amino acids. Squirrels

    8. Identification of organic compounds

    1. Solving experimental problems for the determination of plastics and fibers

    2. The rate of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium

    3. Solution of experimental problems on the topic "Hydrolysis"

    4. Comparison of properties of organic and inorganic compounds

    5. Solving experimental problems in inorganic chemistry

    7. Genetic relationship between classes of organic and inorganic substances

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Novoselenginsky secondary school


    Biology and Chemistry

    Head teacher's office:

    DonoevaSergena Nikolaevna

    Academic year: 2014-2015

    The cabinet was organized in 1970.

    Office area 48sq.m

    Number of seats: 24

    Class responsible for cabinet: 5

    Parallels for which the classroom is equipped_5-11 grades


    2.1. Criteria for attestation of the chemistry classroom

    The chemistry classroom is a special room with a rationally placed set of educational equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids for TCO.

    The equipment of the chemistry classroom should fully take into account the specifics of teaching chemistry at school:

    The need for the integrated use of educational equipment, TCO, a chemical experiment in chemistry lessons,

    Possibility of carrying out various kinds of independent work and extracurricular activities.

    1. General requirements

    1.1. Availability of regulatory school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

    Passport of the office, issued indicating the functional purpose of the equipment, instruments, technical means, visual aids, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic materials, etc .;

    Inventory and defective list for existing equipment and inventory;

    Safety regulations for work in the office;

    Rules for using the study room by students;

    The act of acceptance of the study room by the school administration in order to prepare the study room for functioning;

    Minutes of the decision of the methodological commission of the school on the readiness of the classroom to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program (according to the profile of the cabinet) for a specific academic year;

    The work plan of the study room for the academic year (and perspective);

    1.2. Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

    2. Requirements for planning and organizing the work of the classroom to create optimal conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program of the school, transferring it to the mode of operation as a developing and developing school.

    traditional part

    1. Curriculum.

    2. Thematic planning (calendar-thematic) for the author's program.

    3. Catalog of scientific literature on the subject. Educational and methodical literature to help the teacher.

    4. List of literature for students (basic, additional, available in the library), preferably designed according to the class.

    5. Collection of tasks and exercises. Guide for practical work.

    6. Schedule of work of the classroom for the compulsory program, extracurricular activities, additional education program, individual lessons for lagging behind, with gifted students, consultations, etc.

    Textbooks, programs.


    Work plan of the cabinet of chemistry and biology for 2014-2015 academic year. year .

    Grade 5 schedule

    5th grade

    The schedule of the office on the days of the week, the employment of the office during and after school hours.

    The work plan of the chemistry cabinet for 2014 - 2015 academic year. year.

    Cabinet equipment list

    Technical teaching aids.

    1. Laptop

    2. Multimedia aids Organic chemistry. Grade 10-11 General and inorganic chemistry. 10-11 grade

    Tutor. Chemistry.

    open chemistry.

    Organic chemistry. Educational collection. 10-11 grade




    Academic year



    additional literature


    First aid

    In all cases, after providing first aid, you should contact a medical facility.

    1. acid poisoning : drink 4-5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of magnesium oxide in water and induce vomiting again. After that, make two gastric lavages with clean warm water. The total volume of liquid is not less than 6 liters.

    If concentrated acids are ingested and if consciousness is lost, it is forbidden to induce artificial vomiting, use carbonates and bicarbonates as an antidote (instead of magnesium oxide). In this case, you need to call a doctor.

    2 . Alkali poisoning : drink 4 - 5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of an aqueous solution of acetic acid with a mass fraction of a substance of 2%. After that, make two gastric lavages with clean warm water.

    3. Phenol poisoning : drink 4 - 5 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, then drink the same amount of pink potassium permanganate solution and induce vomiting again. The third washing should be done with an aqueous solution of ethanol with a mass fraction of the substance of 5% (volume of at least 1 liter).

    4. Bromine vapor poisoning : let ammonia be smelled from a cotton swab (an aqueous solution of ammonia with a mass fraction of a substance of 10%), then rinse the mucous membranes of the nose and throat with an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate with a mass fraction of a substance of 2%.

    5. Gas poisoning : clean air and peace, in severe cases - oxygen.

    6. Burns: for any burn is prohibited use fats to treat the burnt area . Forbidden Alsoapply dyes (solutions of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine tincture) .

    A first degree burn is treated with ethyl alcohol and a dry sterile bandage is applied. .

    In all other cases, after cooling the burn site, apply a sterile bandage and seek medical help. .

    Other types of damage to the body:

    when a caustic substance gets on the skin, the main task is to remove it as soon as possible by shaking it off or removing it with tweezers , dry paper or glass rod;

    if solutions of acids or alkalis come into contact with the skin, wash them off after shaking off visible drops with a wide stream of cool water or a shower . It is forbidden to treat the affected area with a moistened swab ;

    in case of burns with quicklime, it is forbidden to use water to remove the substance: Lime should be removed from the skin with tweezers or a swab moistened with mineral or vegetable oil.

    After removing the substance from the skin, the affected area is washed with a 2% solution of acetic acid or sodium bicarbonate of the same concentration, then rinsed with water and bandaged with rivanol or furatsilin.

    Iodine and liquid bromine are removed from the skin with ethyl alcohol and a lotion is applied from a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution. In case of burns with bromine, immediately contact the first-aid post .

    Help with cuts and bruises:

    1. The first step is to stop the bleeding. (tourniquet, clamping of the vessel, pressure bandage).

    2. If the wound is contaminated, the dirt is removed only around, but in no case from the deep layers of the wound. The skin around the wound is disinfected with iodine tincture or a solution of brilliant green and contacted in the first-aid post.

    3. If bleeding continues after the tourniquet is applied, a sterile swab moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is applied to the wound, then a sterile napkin and tightly bandaged. If the bandage gets wet from the emerging blood, a new bandage is applied over the old one.

    4. First aid for bruises - rest for the damaged organ. A pressure bandage and cold (for example, ice in a plastic bag) are applied to the bruised area. The bruised organ is given an elevated position.

    5. In case of bruises of the head, the victim is provided with complete rest and an ambulance is called.

    6. Foreign bodies that have entered the eye can be removed with a damp cotton or gauze swab. Then the eyes are washed with water from the fountain for at least 7-10 minutes. It is also allowed to use a kettle or a laboratory wash bottle to supply water.

    7. If caustic liquids get into the eye, wash it with water, as indicated above, then with a solution of boric acid or sodium bicarbonate, depending on the nature of the substance that has entered.

    8. After the final rinsing of the eye with clean water, 2-3 drops of a 30% solution of albucid should be injected under the eyelids and the victim should be sent to the first-aid post.

    funds and medicines first-aid kits of the school chemistry cabinet
    7. Iodine tincture for treating the skin near the wound, in ampoules or a dark bottle, 25 - 50 ml.

    8. Hydrogen peroxide with a mass fraction of the substance 3% as a hemostatic agent, 50 ml.

    9. Activated carbon in granules, powder or tablets ("Carbolen"). Give inside in case of poisoning, one tablespoon of slurry in water or 4-6 tablets (before and after gastric lavage).

    10. An aqueous solution of ammonia 10%. To give sniff from cotton wool in case of loss of consciousness and in case of poisoning with bromine vapor.

    11. Albucid (sulfacyl sodium) 30%, 10-20 ml, drip into the eyes after washing 2-3 drops. Store at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. INSTRUCTION No. 30.27

    on labor protection in the chemistry room when working with acids and alkalis

    1. Working with acids and alkalis of various concentrations requires caution and maximum attention, especially when heated. Contact with the skin or eyes can cause serious injury.

    Burns with concentrated acids are very painful, accompanied by difficult-to-heal wounds and leave scars. Clothing and footwear may also be destroyed.

    When working, the following rules should be followed:

    1. The preparation of solutions from solid alkalis of concentrated acids is allowed only to the teacher. Porcelain dishes half fill with cold water, and then, in small portions, with constant stirring, add the substance.

    2. Students work with concentrated acids under the teacher's close supervision and control of their actions, strictly following the work methodology, labor protection instructions.

    3. When mixing sulfuric acid with water, add acid to water in small portions, mix nitric acid with sulfuric acid, adding nitric acid to sulfuric acid. Cool the test tube with the prepared mixture by immersing it in cold water.

    4. When mixing the contents of a test tube containing acid, do not close its opening with your finger, but use a stopper for this or mix by lightly tapping the bottom of the stopper with your finger.

    5. Work with a large amount of acids and alkalis in protective glasses and gloves. Work with volatile substances under a fume hood. Pour liquids using a funnel, work together.

    6. Prepare solutions of acids and alkalis in porcelain or glass thin-walled dishes.

    7. When using crystalline alkalis, beware of getting even dusty particles formed by shaking on your hands and clothes. Do not take the granules with your hands, use a staple or tweezers for this. If it is necessary to grind alkalis, soda lime or other substances, caustic or poisonous dust, work under a hood or in a well-ventilated area.

    8. When pouring reagents, do not lean over the vessels to avoid dropping liquids on the skin, eyes, or clothing.

    9. For all experiments during which splashing, scattering, explosion or release of substances is possible, wear goggles, use a protective screen.

    10. Do not store solutions of concentrated alkalis in thin-walled dishes for a long time (no more than 3 days), as the strength of the dishes decreases as a result of interaction.

    11. Do not suck acids and alkalis into the siphon of the pipette by mouth.

    12. Do not use sulfuric acid in vacuum desiccators as a drying agent, as in the event of an explosion of the device, the spilled acid may fall on the worker and cause severe burns.

    13. Have at the ready in the laboratory a sufficient amount of solutions to neutralize spilled or trapped working acids and alkalis (solutions of soda, ammonia, acetic and boric acids).

    14. Spilled acids or alkalis cover with sand and then clean with a shovel with a brush. Neutralize the remaining reagent with a soda solution if acid is spilled, or with an acetic acid solution if alkali is spilled.

    15. In case of burns with strong alkalis, rinse the affected area with water and apply a cotton compress moistened with a 1% solution of acetic acid. For burns with concentrated acids, wash the affected area with plenty of water, and then with 1% sodium bicarbonate solution, put a gauze or cotton swab moistened with this neutralizing agent. If acid or alkali gets into the eyes, flush them with water using a special device, and then with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution to neutralize the acid or a 2% solution of boric acid to neutralize the alkali. For washing, use special eye baths.

    16. In case of poisoning with alkalis (sodium hydroxide, ammonia, potash, etc.), drink milk or a 2% solution of acetic, citric acids or lemon juice). Do not use emetics. In case of acid poisoning, drink water with iodine or grated chalk, grated eggshell (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water), 1% baking soda solution, do not rinse the stomach.

    17. After giving first aid, consult a doctor.

    Head of office _______________



    As the head of the classroom, the chemistry teacher is fully responsible for the safety of all work performed in this classroom, for its fire-fighting condition and compliance with the rules of school sanitation and occupational health.

    As a specialist, he is responsible for the correct storage and use of hazardous, poisonous, explosive, flammable and hazardous chemicals and materials.

    The teacher is obliged to check the completeness and good condition of fire-fighting equipment, the availability and suitability of first aid equipment. He must systematically control the work of the laboratory assistant and provide him with practical assistance in order to prevent accidents.

    When hiring a new laboratory assistant, the teacher must personally check his knowledge of the basic rules for safety and labor protection, as well as make sure of his ability to handle fire fighting equipment and electrical appliances.

    In the future, this knowledge should be tested annually, at the beginning of the school year.

    The teacher is obliged to report to the principal of the school about all the shortcomings in the chemistry room, leading to a violation of the rules of general and fire safety, and demand their prompt elimination.

    A great danger in relation to air pollution, as well as the possibility of accidents, are practical work and experiments in the classroom. In such cases, the teacher should show increased attention and be especially demanding of students. The teacher should not allow unruly students to study in circles.

    At the end of classes, before leaving the chemistry room, the teacher must check whether the vessels with toxic and especially dangerous substances (alkali metals, bromine water, etc.) are closed, and also make sure that all electric heaters are turned off.

    A chemistry teacher is required to have an individual gown, goggles or a mask, rubber gloves, and an apron made of chemically resistant material.

    Head of office________________





    CHEMISTRY No. 107

    Surname, name, patronymic of the head of the office

    Surname, name, patronymic of the laboratory assistant

    Ismagilova Natalya Vladimirovna

    The class responsible for the cabinet 9 "a"

    FULL NAME. teachers working in the classroom:

    Ismagilova Natalya Vladimirovna


    Technical characteristics of the cabinet

    1. Parallels for which the cabinet is equipped: 8 - 11 grades
    1. Cabinet area: 60 sq.m.
    1. Illumination: fluorescent lamps ceiling 15 pcs.

    fluorescent lamps for board lighting 2 pcs.

    1. Number of seats: 26

    Inventory list for TCO


    property and educational equipment of room No. 107 and laboratory

    No. p / p

    Property name



    Teacher's table

    Demonstration table

    Teacher's chair

    Table student double

    School chairs

    Pull out drobe


    Book shelf


    class corner


    Reagent storage cabinets

    Storage cabinets

    Pull out drobe

    Analytical balance + table

    Muffle furnace

    Drying oven

    Teacher's table

    Teacher's chair

    Laboratory tables


    test tubes

    spirit lamps

    Laboratory equipment


    ceiling fluorescent lamps

    fluorescent lamps for board lighting


    for 2011-2014 academic years

    What classes use the classroom and the materials in it

    What has been done on the design and repair

    What is purchased (TCO, didactic test materials, etc.)

    What problems

    1. Stands purchased: on TB, "PSHE D.I. Mendeleev", "Solubility of acids, salts, bases"

    2. Acquired and annually arranged stand "Cool Corner"

    3. The office was landscaped, stands for flowers, blinds for the office and laboratory were purchased

    1. Laptop computer, multimedia projector, screen

    2. Systematized educational material in sections: "Didactic" and "KIM" by class:

    Didactic material(modules) for organizing independent cognitive activity of students on topics.

    Control and measuring materials:

    1. Exercises, tests for current thematic control.

    2. Tests, test papers to control knowledge on topics, input, current, final diagnostics.

    multimedia material:

    1. DERs in chemistry for grades 8-11, in biology for grades 7-9.

    2. Mini-projects, creative work, educational material in the form of student presentations

    3. Student Workplace:

    1. Working folders with algorithms learning activities students in inorganic, organic, general chemistry; laboratory and practical work

    Acquisition and replenishment of reagents and textbooks for students


    for 2014-2015 academic year

    office hours schedule

    1. Timetable


    Days of the week







    1. Extracurricular activities in the office
    1. Methodical activity and work with gifted children in the classroom.
    1. General cleaning is carried out once a month.


    for 2014-2015 academic year




    Preparation of the study room for classes, meeting of the Moscow Region


    Ismagilova N.V.

    Knowledge Day

    Ismagilova N.V.

    cool watch

    weekly, on Mondays

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Chemistry consultation for grade 11

    weekly, Thursdays

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Chemistry and chemistry consultation for 9th graders

    weekly, on Fridays

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Working with lagging students

    weekly, on Fridays

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Making a corner "Safety"


    Ismagilova N.V.

    Decorating a classroom


    Ismagilova N.V.

    Kazulina Sasha - headman, editorial board of the class

    General cleaning in the office


    Ismagilova N.V.

    Open lesson in chemistry in grade 9


    Ismagilova N.V.

    Preparation for the regional Olympiad in biology, ecology and chemistry

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Conducting intermediate certification in chemistry in grade 11

    Ismagilova N.V.

    New Year's celebration

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Preparation and holding of the week of chemistry, biology and geography

    October 2014

    Teachers of chemistry, biology, geography.

    Bird Day, Water Day


    Chemistry teacher

    Preparing an office for exams

    Ismagilova N.V.

    Cabinet repair


    Parents of students, Ismagilova N.V.


    Academic year

    What is planned to be changed

    Who is involved


    1. Purchase stands:

    “The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D.I. Mendeleev,

    Solubility of acids, salts and bases

    for safety

    Head of office, school administration

    2. Systematize the educational material in the subjects of chemistry, biology and topics

    3. Acquisition and replenishment of consumables (reagents), missing chemical equipment

    School administration

    4. Formation of a library of multimedia materials (DERs for each class) to optimize the process of teaching chemistry and increase the cognitive interest of students, the development of information competencies.

    teacher, students

    5. Making a folder with materials "System-activity approach in teaching chemistry and biology" for organizing cognitive activity in the classroom

    6. Acquisition and decoration of a cool corner

    teacher, parent committee

    7. Landscaping the office

    head of office


    1. Maintenance

    head of office

    2. Continue the formation of didactic, electronic, control and measuring material on topics and class:

    School administration, laboratory assistant

    teacher, students

    5. Landscaping the cabinet

    head of office


    1. Maintenance

    head of office

    2. Continue the formation of didactic, electronic, control and measuring material on topics and classes:

    3. Replenishment of consumables (reagents)

    School administration, laboratory assistant

    4. Designing a cool corner

    teacher, students

    5. Landscaping the cabinet

    head of office


    1. Maintenance

    head of office

    2. Continue the formation of didactic, electronic, control and measuring material on topics and classes:

    3. Replenishment of consumables (reagents)

    School administration, laboratory assistant

    4. Design of the stand "Electrochemical series, voltage of metals and electronegativity of chemical elements"

    head of office

    4. Designing a cool corner

    teacher, students

    5. Landscaping the cabinet

    head of office



    Training program




    N.E. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.N. Gara, A.Yu. Zhegin Program and methodological materials Grade 8 M. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008

    N.E. Kuznetsova Textbook for the 8th grade of educational institutions. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.


    N.E. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.N. Gara, A.Yu. Zhegin

    N.E. Kuznetsova Textbook for the 9th grade of educational institutions. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.


    N.E. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.N. Gara, A.Yu. Zhegin

    N.E. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.N. Gara, A.Yu. Chemistry. Grade 10. M., "Ventana - Graf", 2011.


    Chemistry course program for grades 8-11

    O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry grade 11. Bustard M., 2009-2010


    The program of the course of biology N.I. Sonina

    M., Bustard. 2011

    S.G. Mamontova, V.B. Zakharova,

    N.I. Sonina “Biology. General patterns»

    M., Bustard. 2010