To come in
Portal about sewerage and downpipes
  • Various ways to deal with slugs in the garden
  • Honey ants. Honey ants. Mission and benefits
  • Horseradish ordinary (garden) What is the scientific name of horseradish
  • Bonsai at home - how to care for a miniature tree
  • Growing remontant strawberries in open ground Remontant strawberries cultivation and care pruning in autumn
  • When is it better to prune strawberry bushes Is it necessary to prune remontant strawberries for the winter
  • Topic pets in the preparatory group planning. Thematic planning in the senior group

    Topic pets in the preparatory group planning.  Thematic planning in the senior group

    CALENDAR PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week from 03/24/2014-03/28/2014)

    Group : preparatoryProject theme : "Pets"

    Target : Enrich children's knowledge about pets.

    Tasks: Expandand deepen children's ideas about domestic animals and birds, their cubs; to form the ability to compose a story from a picture; to cultivate the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones; develop a love for pets.

    Day of the week




    Cooperative activity adult and children

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Cooperation with parents




    Monday – 03/24/2014


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    morning exercises. Articulation and finger gymnastics - the complex "Chicken, rooster and swan".

    Lesson "Road".SDA

    Fix the names of pets.

    Situational conversation while washing about the rules for using a towelNRK

    C / r game "Family".

    Duty roster.

    D / game "Collect the animals" Wen situation: Zhenleklar sport beremende.WMC

    Individual consultation on issues.

    Ask parents to invite children to read books.


    Tatar body.Yort hayvannary belan tanyshtyru. Maksat: Mostakyyl fiker yörtörge, hayvannarny tanyrga, faidalary turynda dörös anlatyrga öyrätu.



    Modeling "Puppy" (T.S. Komarova, p. 117)

    Purpose: To teach to depict animals, conveying their characteristic features.


    FTsKM Topic: « Animal world our yard."

    Purpose: Explain the origin of the word "home".


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    Cat observation. Memorizing a poem

    B. Zakhoder "Kiskino grief", p. 57 (read to children)

    Fixing the composition of the number 7 of the two smaller ones. Handout(toys with animals)

    Remind about friendship, that you need to help each other.

    D / game "Call it right."

    Examination of the drawings "Goats and kids."NRK

    An evening walk:

    Wellness exercises after sleep.

    Reading the fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids."

    P / game "Higher feet from the ground."

    P / game "Take care of the object!"

    Conversation "Signs of Spring"

    Situational conversation about addressing each other politely.

    Buildings for story games.

    D / game "What's wrong?"

    Day of the week




    taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Cooperation with parents




    Educational activities in regime moments

    Tuesday – 03/25/2014


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    morning exercises

    D / and for the development of speech:

    "Where did the kitten hide?"

    Purpose: to exercise children in the use of nouns in speech with the prepositions "on", "under", "in", "for", "about".

    According to the sound culture of speech: Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound and (in sound combinations, words); learn how to adjust the pitch of your voice. (Nastya, Vika)

    game situation

    "Filya caught a cold"

    Purpose: to tell children about how to avoid colds, about the rules of cultural behavior during the recovery period (using a handkerchief).healthy lifestyle

    Consideration of subjectpictures of various sizesstvu (one-many).NRK Reading the tale "A bull - a black barrel, a white hoof"

    Direct educational activities


    Learn to perform ordinal counting up to 9 (Metlin).

    Purpose: To form the ability to count objects within 9.


    Reading "Brave puppies" according to M. Petrov, p. 46 (we read to children).

    Purpose: to teach to observe animals, to form responsibility for keeping animals in captivity.

    physical coolbtour

    “Boys and girls are coming” (musical and rhythmic improvisation).

    Purpose: To lead elements of rhythmic gymnastics, conduct games and exercises to music.


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    Cat observation.
    Target : expand and systematize knowledge about domestic animals.

    Who will throw the bag farthest (with a subgroup of children).Target : improvement of the active movement of the hand when throwing.

    Problem situation: “If we don’t take care of the animals…” Goal: to consolidate the ability to responsibly perform labor assignments.

    Mobile game "Mousetrap".
    Target: establish the rules of the game.

    An evening walk:

    C / r game "Cat"

    Purpose: to develop the ability to take on the role of an animal.

    Krasnoshchekova, 72

    D / and "Who - who"

    The cat has kittens

    The pig has piglets

    Cow has calves


    Game-exercise "The cat caresses"

    Target:promote the development of children's self-esteem (Daniyar, Ruslan)

    Computer presentation "Pets"

    Purpose: to teach children to name parts of the body of animals, to use words in speech that convey an emotional attitude towards them. Develop empathy, coherent speech.

    Prepare masks for kittens and cats

    “Urdek duslaryn tapty” (29th topic)WMC

    Day of the week




    Joint activity of an adult and children

    taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

    Cooperation with parents




    Educational activities in regime moments

    Wednesday – 03/26/2014


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    morning exercises

    D / and sensory development: "Find and Name"

    Purpose: to consolidate the ability to quickly find geometric shapes of a certain color, shape, size.

    On the development of speech

    ( vocabulary work, grammar exercise correct speech )

    Purpose: to learn to form diminutive names for baby animals (Ruzanna, Camilla)

    game situation

    "Kitten and Towel"

    Purpose: to teach children to notice mistakes in the actions of the character, to explain their essence. To form the ability to use the ind. Towel. Conversation "Fire is friend and foe"life safety fundamentals

    Story pictures:"Horse with foal""Pig with a piglet", "Cow and calf", algorythmsNRK

    Offer to consider with children warm clothes made of animal wool (socks, mittens, scarves) to note such things (soft, warm, fluffy)

    Direct educational activities


    FEMP. Topic: "Name the days of the week." Purpose: To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow. Game exercise "Make the days right."


    Listening to music: "Thunder and rain" music by T. Chudnova. Purpose: To evoke the desire of children to emotionally perceive music, understand it, form the ability to express their impressions.

    Performing: Singing "Lanky Crane" Russian folk song; Song UMC:"Batilar җyry".

    Purpose: To evoke an emotional response to songs of a playful, playful nature.

    "Cockerel" is a Latvian folk melody. Purpose: To improve the skill of jumping easily. Develop musical memory.

    Creativity: Music Game "Homeless Bunny" Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with game folklore. Develop imagination, dexterity, orientation in space.


    The development of speech. Conversation "Who screams how"

    Purpose: to teach children to compose a short story together with the teacher, to learn to name baby animals, to form words with the help of suffixes -onok-, to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [and], to learn to adjust the pitch of the voice.


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    Observation of the sky: the sky is the air that surrounds the earth, people, animals and plants breathe it.
    C.: improve children's knowledge.
    Mobile game "Hunters and animals"
    C.: familiarize yourself with the rules of the game.

    With a subgroup of children, practice throwing and catching a ball.

    Discuss dangerous situations on the street.
    C.: teach children to be attentive and careful.

    Ball game "Name the animal affectionately."
    C.: continue to cultivate love for animals.
    Mobile game "Movement of animals".
    C.: cultivate interest in the game.

    An evening walk:

    Theatre.-game activity:

    "Everyone wants to help a kitten." Purpose: to form in children a keen interest in theatrical play.WMC

    D / and “Whose baby?”

    Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name pet cubs. Enrich vocabulary. (Islam, Yakub)

    Etude "Cat and sour cream"

    Purpose: to teach children in the process of playing the ability to use expressive movements to convey mood, feelings.WMC

    Looking at books with illustrations of pets.


    Day of the week




    Joint activity of an adult and children

    taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

    Cooperation with parents




    Educational activities in regime moments

    Thursday – 03/27/2014


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    morning exercises

    D / and with objects nearby. env.:

    "What did the puppy bring us"

    Purpose: to invite children to touch various objects, teaches them to organize game activities in pairs, learn to agree on joint activities. Game "Traffic Light"SDA


    Purpose: to form elementary quantitative representations (one-many), to teach, in accordance with the concepts of one, a lot, to correctly use the noun in singular or plural. (Ainur, Ramil)

    Psychogymnastics "Mice"

    Purpose: to invite children to show playful, angry and cheerful mice, to expand their ideas about the personal qualities experienced by people, emotions.WMC

    Pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs.NRK

    Invite parents to talk with the child about what trouble can happen if you are careless on the street when meeting a dog.

    Direct educational activities


    Working with a workbook. Learning to write in block letters.



    "Doggy House"

    Purpose: to continue to teach children to build houses. Develop basic spatial orientation skills.

    Physical Culture

    Motor activity of L.I. Penzulaeva No. 30.

    P / game "Who will turn better" (get into the hoop).


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    Rain watching. Target: learn to determine the nature of the rain: lingering, shallow, drizzling, boring, cold. P / game "Hunters and animals". Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game.

    With Ruzanna, Camilla to fix the long jump from a place.

    Pay attention to your appearance.Target: nurture the desire to be neat and take care of your appearance.
    Washing toys, dusting, watering indoor plants.
    Target : learn to work in groups.

    P / game "Empty place".
    Target : develop dexterity and speed.

    P / game "Mousetrap". Purpose: to fix the rules of the game.

    An evening walk:

    Conversation on the topic: "Dangerous objects"life safety fundamentals

    Conversation "The work of livestock breeders." Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the professions of livestock breeders.

    P / games at the request of children.

    Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to an audio recording, to consolidate knowledge of how pets “speak”, to teach them to answer questions from the host.

    (Aliya, Vika)

    Conversation "Animals on the street"

    Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of behavior when meeting animals, to tell how to act in various situations.NRK

    Games with a built yard for pets.

    Illustrations depicting houses; constructor.

    "Kem nerse yarata" (57th night theme)WMC

    D / game "Call it affectionately." Purpose: to cultivate the desire to use affectionate words in speech.

    Day of the week




    Joint activity of an adult and children

    taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

    Cooperation with parents




    Educational activities in regime moments

    Friday – 03/28/2014


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    morning exercises

    D / and in the natural world:

    "Who lives where?"

    Purpose: to distinguish where different animals live. (Who is kaida yashi?)WMC

    By art activities

    Purpose: to teach children to hold a pencil correctly, to regulate muscle efforts. (Rosalina, Daniyar)

    Board-printed games:

    "Divide into groups"

    Purpose: to clarify and supplement children's knowledge of wild and domestic animals, to promote the development of coherent speech.

    Put paper, pencils, templates in the drawing corner.

    Paper, pencils, silhouettes of pets

    Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

    Direct educational activities

    Artistic creativity

    (Drawing) "Let's go pasture animals on a green meadow"

    Purpose: To learn how to apply strokes and draw long and short straight lines in different directions. Lead to the understanding that the green color of the grass has shades, learn to display this in the picture. To educate children in a kind attitude towards animals, to arouse a desire to help them.


    Reading about animals. Conversation "Baby Pets"

    Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children. Learn to make complex sentences with the opposite unionA , simple sentences with a pretextnear ; nouns in the form of a unit numbers and plurals. numbers. Develop communication skills. Develop basic syllabic analysis skills.

    Smirnova, 37.


    Listening to music: Song of the Lark" by Tchaikovsky. Target:formedbskillchildren express their attitude to music with words.

    Performing: Singing "March of Chernomor", Glinka; Song UMK: "Batilar җyry".

    Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to sing easily, emotionally, to express the character of the song in singing.

    Musical-rhythmic movements. "Jumps and jumps" music by I. Sats, "Step with a tread, running, careful walking", exercise "Butterflies" "Nocturne" music by P. Tchaikovsky. Purpose: To continue to form the ability to use the entire space of the hall, to walk, changing the direction of movement.

    Creativity: Music Game: Game "Homeless Bunny". Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with game folklore. Develop imagination, dexterity, orientation in space.


    Phys. culture







    Reading thin. l-ry

    Artistic tv-in


    Tree watching.
    C.: note changes in the appearance of trees.Riddles about animals

    With Riana, Vika to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables.

    Supervision of the work of the janitor.

    Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of a janitor.

    Free games for children.
    C.: cultivate friendliness,
    culture of communication.

    An evening walk:

    Household work:

    book repair

    Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with various labor activities for the restoration of books, to form the readiness and ability to provide all possible assistance to an adult.

    Outdoor games :


    Purpose: to train children in independent execution of a sequence of game actions, to learn correctly, to perform movements.WORK

    Game-exercise "Say kind words to the Cat"

    Target: help improve children's self-esteem. (Tagir, Ruslan)

    Dramatization game

    "In Grandma's Yard"

    Purpose: to develop the ability to understand the emotional state of animals (by the nature of movements, gait, etc.) and the features of their communication.

    (Ebinen yortynda)WMC

    Talk with children about what pets eat, what benefits people bring, why they are called pets.

    Board games(lego, puzzles).

    "Miyaunyn bulmesen businessbez" UMC

    Calendar plan educational - educational work preparatory group №10

    From 16.10 to 20.10

    I. Subject: Pets


    III. Final event:Exhibition of children's creativity

    Responsible: Bogacheva A.S. Kravchenko S.A.

    IV.Organization of the subject-developing environment:Selection of visual materials: photo and video stories, thematic paintings and illustrations on the topic. Coloring pages and stencils for self-drawing; attributes for role-playing games: animal masks

    Planning by types of children's activities:

    Fiction: C / role-playing game: "Family" " Fruit shop”, “Going to the store”, “In the library”, “Barbershop”"Vet"

    N/printed games: lotto, “Wonderful bag”, puzzles, “Who needs what”, “Collect a picture”, “Who is extra?”, “Who is more?”, “Picture cubes”, loto “What? Where? Why?”, “Find a Pair”, “Clean Up”, “Emotions”, Dominoes

    Didactic games“Whose children?” - develop observation, the ability to draw conclusions.“Describe, I will guess” - consolidate knowledge about pets."Who has who?" Target: to form the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, to form a plural form. noun denoting the young of animals."Guess whose tail?" Purpose: to develop the ability to analyze; to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals.

    « Building material games.

    Labor: duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature, for classes, self-service, households. domestic labor, labor in nature, performance different kind instructions

    Cognitive research:watching educational videos, presentations; cartoons, slides; viewing illustrations, photographs; Reviewing encyclopedias.

    Reading: N. Nosov "Live Hat"; S. Marshak "Mustache-striped", "Poodle"; V. Levin "Horse"; S. Gorodetsky. "Kitten", W. Smith. "About a flying cow",;

    nursery rhyme "Like a grandmother's goat" G.-H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

    Communicative:conversation "Pets" - to form curiosity, cognitive interest."Inhabitants of the barnyard" Purpose: to fix the names of domestic animals and their cubs. Situational conversation "Pets by pictures" - Deepen the understanding of pets."Can you handle animals?" Conversation with modeling elements: “Birds and fish in our house” Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorative birds and aquarium fish that can live in the house


    Theme: Theme

    Motor: Morning exercises, wellness exercises after sleep. Ind. work on the development of basic movements.

    Outdoor games: "Wolf and Sheep" Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal.

    Musical and artistic:Learning songs, dance movements, games according to the plan of the music director.

    Dear parents!

    This week from 16.10 to 20.10 the educational process in our group

    based on the following theme:Pets

    Target: expand the horizons of children; to form a caring attitude towards pets, to consolidate knowledge about their purpose and benefits for humans.

    1. Read a poem to your child. When re-reading the poem, invite the child to finish the names of the cubs.

    The camel has a humpbacked camel.

    The gray mouse has a small mouse.

    The cat has fluffy kittens,

    Squirrels have red squirrels.

    The rabbit has downy rabbits,

    The dog has playful puppies,

    The cow has an affectionate calf,

    The pig has a cheerful piglet,

    The horse has a foal

    The goat has a funny kid,

    Sheep have curly lambs,

    And my mother has freckled guys.

    2. Talk with your child about what pets are fed, what benefits they bring to a person, how he takes care of them.

    3. Exercise "Call me affectionately."

    Example: cat-cat, cat-cat, kitten-kitten.

    Dog-…, dog-…, puppy-…. Goat-…, goat-…, kid-….

    Bull - ..., cow - ..., calf - .... Sheep-…, sheep-…, lamb-….

    Cat-…, cat-…, kitten-….

    3. Tell the child what the houses that the person built for pets are called.

    (for cows - a barn, for pigs - a pigsty, for horses - a stable, for sheep - a sheepfold)

    4. Exercise "Pick up the words." Choose and name as many action words as possible.

    Horse (what is he doing?) - ....

    Pig (what is he doing?) - ...

    5. Read the rhyme to the child and find out what sound he hears more often than others:

    Red Romka is very happy:

    He had a brother.

    6. Ask the child to pronounce the words with the [R] sound from this couplet (

    7. Help your child pick up as many words as possible that begin with the sounds [P] and [P "] (cancer, fish, horns, rose, hand, frame, turnip, roar, belt).

    8. Let the child remember the names containing the sounds [P] and [P "]

    9. Invite the child to characterize the sounds [P] and [P "].
    The sound [P] is a solid voiced consonant, the sound [P"] is a soft voiced consonant.

    Day of the week


    Role-playing games:

    • "Family"
    • "Shop"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Lotto"
    • "Domino", "Puzzles"

    "The house we live in"


    Duty: in preparation for a joint OD and in the dining room:Learn how to properly set the table. Matthew, Artyom

    Individual. Job : by Sound. culture of speech with the sound "B" "P" Semyon, Vika orientation on a sheet of paper Gleb

    Work: helping the nanny clean the playroom Sasha, Pasha

    Games: D / and “Whose children?” - develop observation, the ability to draw conclusions.

    KGN: Cultivate the habit of washing your face quickly and correctly, dry yourself with a towel, and rinse your mouth after eating.

    Morning gymnastics complex according to the plan of the instructor in physical. culture.

    P.B. : Conversation "Fireman"

    MONDAY 16.10


    Individual consultations, conversations with children.

    Talk with your child about what pets are fed, what benefits they bring to a person, how he cares for them

    NGO "Cognitive Development"(FEMP)

    Subject: Quantity and account

    Target: Continue to learn how to make the number 10 from units. Introduce the designation of the number 10. Consolidate counting skills in forward and reverse order within 10.

    Types of children's activities

    OD move: The ritual began. Did./game. Physical minute, Game exercise, individual work Ending ritual, Reflection

    OO Literacy education

    Target: Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound. Introduce the letter I. Teach children inflection. .L.E. Zhurovastr 128

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research., productive.

    OD move: The ritual began. Game ex. Fizminutka,. Conversation, game exercise.. Ritual of the end, Reflection

    NGO "Artistic Creativity" Drawing

    Subject "In the mountains, in the valleys"" Literature: I.A. Lykova; str82;

    Target: Learn to convey ideas about natural landscapes in a drawing.

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research., productive.

    OD move: The ritual began. Conversation. Finger gymnastics., individual work Ending ritual, Reflection.


    P/ games: "Through a cold stream" - exercise children in balance

    Observation beyond the sky - to teach to develop observation and colloquial speech, to cultivate love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty

    Work Location on kindergarten

    Goal: develop logic, thinking.

    C: throwing a bag at a distance Gleb, Artyom


    free games

    II half of the day

    Wellness. hymn according to plan

    Hardening procedures:

    Conversation : "Pets" - to form curiosity, cognitive interest.

    Reading thin. liters:N. Nosov "Live Hat"

    Didactic game: “Describe, I will guess” - consolidate knowledge about pets

    R.K: « healthy eating. Vitamins»

    Safety. "Road signs".

    Role-playing games:

    • "Fruit Shop"
    • "House"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Professions"
    • "Animals"

    Drawing, modeling, design

    Day of the week


    1. Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

    Independent activity of children

    Interaction with families on the implementation of the main educational program

    Duty : in preparation for a joint OD and in the dining room: Katya, Arseniy

    Individual work : -orientation on a sheet of paper Nastya K. Arina

    Work: in a natural corner: Loosen the earth Lisa

    Games " Who has who? Purpose: to form the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, to form a plural form. noun denoting baby animals

    KGN: Dress and undress quickly, hang clothes in a certain order and place.

    Morning gymnastics

    R.K : The nature of the native land.

    Role-playing games:

    • "Family"
    • "Shop"

    Board-printed games:

    • Domino "Good friends"
    • "Find a Pair"

    TUESDAY 17.10


    Individual consultations, conversations with parents - about the behavior of Sasha S.

    Ask your child to say the words with the [P] sound from this couplet (red, Romka, glad, born, brother).

    2. Educational activities

    NGO "Speech Development"

    Subject: Drawing up a story based on pictures on the topic "Pets"Literature: Ushakova O. S. "The development of speech of children 5-7 years old" p.143

    Target: Continue to teach children to make a plot story based on a picture.

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, musical-artistic.

    OD move The ritual began. A riddle, a conversation about a picture, a physical minute, writing a story, a game exercise. End Ritual, Reflection

    NGO "Artistic Creativity" Lepka

    Subject: “Animal figurine” Literature: Komarova T.S., p.158;

    Target: To consolidate the ability to sculpt from a whole piece, to correctly convey the proportions of the body.

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research., productive.

    OD move: The ritual began. Show, conversation, Finger gymnastics. productive activity. Ending ritual, Reflection.

    OO Physical culture


    P / games: " Birds and a cat "- the ability to act on a signal

    Observation behind the signs of golden autumn. Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the season - autumn.

    Work on the site of the kindergarten; leaf picking

    Individual work for the development of ATSc - throwing and catching sandbags Arseny, Gleb

    ATS: walking, running, jumping, balance exercises, throwing, throwing, catching, crawling, climbing

    independent physical activity

    free games

    II half of the day

    Wellness hymn set according to plan

    hardening procedures

    Conversation: Situational conversation - "What does the proverb mean" Look for a friend - and if you find it - take care "? - form moral education children.

    Reading art literature:S. Marshak "Mustache-striped", "Poodle"; .

    Didactic game"Whose baby?" - Vocabulary work. D / and "Go through the maze"

    P.B.: D / and "Yes - not so." Riddles

    Role-playing games:

    • "Let's go to a picnic"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Clean Up"
    • "Picture Cubes Animals"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design

    Day of the week


    Joint educational activities of adults and children

    Independent activity of children

    Interaction with families on the implementation of the main educational program

    1. Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

    Duty in preparation for a joint OD and in the dining room: Pasha, Gleb

    Work: cleaning in Masha's doll corner

    Games D / and "hear the sound U" at the beginning, middle and end of the word

    Individual work:Work in notebooks with Katya, Arina

    KGN: Thank you for your help and care.

    Morning gymnastics complex according to the plan of the instructor in physical. culture

    R.K: Conversation "My native land"

    Role-playing games:

    • "Salon"
    • "Shop"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Big and small"
    • "Checkers"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design


    WEDNESDAY 18.10


    Individual consultations, conversations on topics Recommendations to parents on the topic of the week

    2. Educational activities

    OO Cognitive development (subject environment).

    Subject : "To grandfather's farm"

    Target: Introduce children to the new profession of a farmer. To give an idea of ​​the labor actions and the results of the work of the farmer. O.V.Dybinastr 56

    Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, cognitive-research, musical-artistic.

    OD move: . : The ritual began. Did./game. Physical minute. Game exercise, Did./game, Ritual of the end, Reflex.

    NGO "Speech Development"

    Subject Drawing up a story on the theme “Four-legged friend” Literature: Ushakova O. S. “Speech development of children 5-7 years old” p. 171

    Target: To teach children to compose a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher, to independently build a plot.

    OD move: The ritual of the beginning of classes.. Conversation. Did./game. Physical minute. Game exercise Ending ritual, Refl.

    NGO "Artistic Creativity" Drawing

    Subject: “Horses are grazing” Literature: Komarova T.S., p159;

    Target: Learn to compose a composition, including familiar images, varying their size, position on a sheet of paper.

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research., productive.

    OD move: The ritual began. Conversation. Show. Finger gymnastics., individual work Ending ritual, Reflection.


    P/ games: "Traps in a Circle"

    Observation behind the sky, birds

    Work on the kindergarten site: rake dry leaves into heaps

    Individual work on the development of ATSfrom: - balance exercise Nastya K. Gleb

    ATS: walking, running, jumping, balance exercises, throwing, throwing, catching, crawling, climbing

    independent physical activity

    free games

    II half of the day

    Wellness. anthem set according to plan

    hardening procedures: walking barefoot massage paths, contrast, air baths.

    Conversation: "Can you handle animals?" Purpose: to give knowledge about the rules of conduct when meeting with various domestic animals and when communicating with them; learn to understand the condition and behavior of animals.

    Reading art literature:V. Levin "Horse"; S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty"

    Didactic game"Paired pictures" "Clap your hands"

    P.B.: D / and "One, two, three, find what could be dangerous."

    Role-playing games:

    • "Visiting Grandma"

    Board-printed games:

    • Dominoes
    • "Shapes"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design

    Day of the week


    Joint educational activities of an adult and children

    Independent activity of children

    Interaction with families on the implementation of the main educational program

    1. Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

    Duty : in preparation for a joint OD and in the dining room: Lisa, Sergey

    Individual work By " Artistic creativity» with: cutting Styopa, Gleb

    Work: in the play corner (washing doll clothes, repairing boxes, etc.) Pasha, Masha

    Games : "Say the opposite"« Fold the pattern ”(cat, dog) Purpose: to learn to fold the whole image from separate parts; develop intelligence, attention.

    KGN: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table.

    Morning gymnastics

    R.K : Review of the album "Nature of our region"

    Role-playing games:

    • "Shop"
    • "Farm"

    Board-printed games:

    • "My first proposals"
    • "Mosaic"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design


    THURSDAY 19.10


    Individual consultations.

    The dog (what does it do?) - sniffs, growls, gnaws, guards, ...

    Horse (what is he doing?) - ....

    Pig (what is he doing?) - ...

    2. Educational activities

    OO Cognitive Development FEMPI.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. E.V. Kolesnikova

    Subject Quantity and account

    Target: Learn to make the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers. Continue reading numbers from 1 to 9.Clarify ideas about a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices. To consolidate ideas about the seasons and months of autumn

    Types of children's activities:communicative, cognitive-research, musical-artistic, productive

    OD move : The ritual of the beginning of the class. Game ex. Did/Game P. Def. minute. D/ Game, game control End Ritual, Reflection

    OO Literacy education

    Target Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound. Introduce the letter E .... Teaching kids how to spell. .L.E. Zhurovastr 130

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research., productive.

    OD move: The ritual began. Game ex. Fizminutka, D / and, Game exercise. Ending ritual, Reflection.

    OO Physical culture


    P/ games: "Where we were, we won't say."

    Bird Watching

    Work on the site of the kindergarten: we remove the leaves, branches.

    Individual workfor the development of the Department of Internal Affairs with: Gleb and Seryozha-beg

    ATS: walking, running, jumping, balance exercises, throwing, throwing, catching, crawling, climbing.

    independent physical activity

    free games

    II half of the day

    Wellness hymn complex

    Hardening procedures:walking barefoot on massage paths, contrasting, air baths.

    Conversation: "Inhabitants of the barnyard" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about poultry and animals, about their benefits to humans

    Reading art literature:W. Smith. “About a flying cow”, nursery rhyme “Like a grandmother has a goat”

    Didactic game"Whose trace?" - the development of environmental education.

    P.B.: Reading S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero",

    Role-playing games:

    • "Salon"
    • "Veterinary clinic"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Find a Pair"
    • "Lotto

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design

    Day of the week


    Joint educational activities of adults and children

    Independent activity of children

    Interaction with families on the implementation of the main educational program

    1. Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

    Duty: in preparation for a joint OD and in the dining room: Nastya B.

    Individual. Job in notebooks with - shading Arseniy Gleb. Conversation: “The cat and the dog are our neighbors”

    Work in the "corner of the Book" gluing Matvey

    Games: "Guess by the description" Purpose: to teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech

    KGN: Strengthen the ability to fairly assess their actions and the actions of peers.

    Morning exercises complex according to the plan of the instructor in physical culture

    R.K: M. Karim's poem "I'm not Russian, but a Russian"

    Role-playing games:

    • "In the garden and in the garden"
    • "Salon"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Find a Pair"
    • "Professions"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design


    FRIDAY 20.10


    Individual consultations, conversations with: parents

    Let the child remember the names containing the sounds [P] and [P"](Rimma, Marina, Raya, Ira, Regina, Kirill, Artem).

    2. Educational activities

    OO Cognitive development (Natural environment).

    Subject "Journey from North to South"

    Target: Summarize material about geographical areas our country, to form an idea of ​​the diversity of animate and inanimate nature. L.A Paramonova page 853

    Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, cognitive-research, musical-artistic, productive

    Turn OD: Ritual of the beginning. Game ex. Fizminutka, D / and, Game exercise. Ending ritual, Reflection.

    NGO "Musical and Aesthetic Development"

    NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"Construction

    Subject : OOD "By Design".

    Target: Strengthen the ability to build collectively. L. V. Kutsakova. page 96

    OD move : Ritual of the beginning of classes., riddle, conversation Fiz.minutka. Individual work. End Ritual, Reflection

    club hour "Workshop of miracles" "Rowan branch"to teach children from improvised materials to make interesting and unusual things.


    P/ games : "Wolf and Sheep" Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal.

    Observation Sky observation. Purpose: to develop observation

    Work on the site of the kindergarten: we will sweep the leaves on the site

    Individual work on the development of ATS with: Semyon and Arseniy-beg

    ATS: walking, running, jumping, balance exercises, throwing, throwing, catching, crawling, climbing.

    independent physical activity

    free games

    II half of the day

    Wellness hymn complex

    Hardening procedures:walking barefoot on massage paths, contrasting, air baths.

    Conversation "What can we give pets?" Purpose: to summarize children's ideas about the adaptation of domestic animals to the environment; their connections with a person (benefit, human care for domestic animals), about cubs; educate love, a sense of responsibility for their pets.

    Reading art literatureG.-H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

    Didactic game“Describe, I will guess” - consolidate the child’s ability to describe pets."Find and Name"

    P.B.: Viewing and discussion of the cartoon - "Cat's House"

    Role-playing games:

    • "Let's visit"

    Board-printed games:

    • "Puzzles"
    • Domino "Good friends"

    Drawing, sculpting, designing by design

    Cowardly, long-eared, gray or white(About a hare)

    Brown, clumsy, hungry, clumsy,(About the bear)

    Grey, angry, hungry(About the wolf)

    Cunning, red, dexterous(About the fox)

    Fluffy, bouncy, redhead(squirrel)

    Small, prickly, round(Oh hedgehog)

    Complete the sentences with:

    The fish lives in... and the bear lives in...

    Bunny in summer and in winter...

    Mushrooms grow ... and cucumbers - on ...

    It's bright during the day, but at night...

    Sugar is sweet and lemon...

    In summer, the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn ...

    Match the animals to the following words:

    Instruction. I'll say the words, and you guess who it's about. Draw an animal.

    1. green, bug-eyed ...;
    2. small, ringing, long-nosed ...;
    3. hungry, grey, toothy, angry…;
    4. big, horned…;
    5. angry, toothy, green…;
    6. shaggy, clubfoot ...;
    7. small, dexterous, agile ...;
    8. predatory, strong, striped ...;
    9. dexterous, noisy, tailed ...;
    10. bright, warm...

    The formation of one complex word from two simple words:

    Snow and fall - snowfall,

    Forest and strip - forest belt,

    Poultry and farm - poultry farm,

    Sky and slope - sky,

    Bread and do - farmer,

    Forest and cut - lumberjack,

    Leaf and fall - leaf fall.

    Get to know pets:

    Educator: I will name different animals. When you hear the name of a pet (wild animal, bird, adult animal, cub), you need to clap your hands (jump, sit down, raise your hands, whistle, shout, croak, etc.). Older preschoolers can call all the words in a row.

    1. bison, barn, sheep.
    2. titmouse, goose, rabbit;
    3. horse, tiger, raccoon, bear;
    4. ram, elk, calf, squirrel;
    5. giraffe, chicken, goat;
    6. duck, drake, crane;
    7. rooster, turkey, partridge;
    8. fox, dog, monkey, hare;
    9. elephant, cow, lynx;
    10. foal, cat, mouse;
    11. pig, wild boar, shrew;
    12. mole, lamb, already;
    13. chicken, wolf, kid;

    Guess the name of the item from the description:

    For example: "What is this?"

    Vegetable, round, red, delicious.


    1. A tree with long green needles. Put in New Year instead of a tree.
    2. It is a yellow fruit; very sour.
    3. It is a tree with short green needles. When viewed from afar, it looks like a triangle.
    4. This fruit is sweet, orange in color; it has a thick but soft rind that can be easily removed.
    5. It is a shrub with small berries that come in black, white and red.
    6. It is a tree with dense, strong leaves; its fruits are called.
    7. This is a yellow flower. It blooms in early spring. When it blooms, the seeds scatter on white parachutes.
    8. This is also a flower, it has a yellow core and white petals.
    9. This is a vegetable. Round shape. Shchi is cooked from it.

    Meaningful rows:

    Instruction. I'll give you three words, and you guess what the fourth one will be.

    1. hollow squirrel, man -
    2. the sun is light, the night is ...;
    3. foal horse, cow
    4. book cover, house -…;
    5. dog - puppy, man - ...;
    6. nest bird, dog - ...;
    7. porridge-spoon, meat-…;
    8. boat-water, train-...;
    9. jacket-fabric, boots-…;
    10. flower-stem, tree-…;
    11. window-sill, closet - ...;
    12. birch-leaves, pine - ...;
    13. button coat, boot -

    Correct words: kennel, skin, roof, child, trunk, fork, rails, house, shelf,

    Guess what group of objects it is:

    Grow in a garden bed, used in food (vegetables).

    1. Moves on roads, on water, on air; carries people, cargo (transport).
    2. Grow on a tree in the garden, very tasty and sweet (fruit).
    3. Put on the head at any time of the year, especially in winter (hats).
    4. These things are worn in cold weather. There are long ones and short ones. Front fastener (outerwear).
    5. Wear on the feet (shoes).
    6. Useful to a person. He looks after them. Live in a barn (pets).
    7. These things are sewn from fur or knitted from woolen threads. They put it on the head in winter (hats or, more specifically, hats).

    What words mean transport?:

    Instruction. Similar to the instructions for game 1.

    1. tree, plane, balcony, cart;
    2. truck, bike, benches;
    3. train, house, scooter, shop;
    4. tram, trolleybus, space, moon;
    5. bus, road, sea, car;
    6. steamer, driver, rocket, comet;
    7. pole, subway, boat, helicopter.

    What do the items have in common?:

    Instruction. I will name the objects, and you guess what they have in common and explain to me.

    For two items:

    1. pot, frying pan (dishes);
    2. hat, hat (headwear);
    3. cucumber, carrots (vegetables);
    4. table, chair (furniture);
    5. cow, goat (pets);
    6. tulip, rose (flowers);
    7. wardrobe, bed (furniture);
    8. peach, plum (fruit);
    9. dress, skirt (clothes);
    10. rain, snow (precipitation);
    11. boots, shoes (shoes);
    12. goat, pig (pets);
    13. plate, spoon (dishes);
    14. magpie, sparrow (birds);
    15. Moscow, ... (name of hometown) (city);
    16. Volga, Don (rivers);
    17. kvass, fanta (drinks);
    18. plane, helicopter (air transport);
    19. bus, trolleybus (land transport);
    20. cat, goat (pets).
    21. boat, ship (water transport);

    According to the recommendations of the program edited by Veraks “From Birth to School”, compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher should introduce children to pets, talk about their habits, benefits for humans, promote the development of humane feelings and desire to take care of our smaller brothers. You will find a conversation about pets, compiling stories based on the painting “A Cow with a Calf”, poems and lexical games on the topic in the annex to the plan “ Theme week"Pets".

    Social and communicative development

    During the week, the teacher creates conditions for social and communicative development. He talks about caring for nature, offers to look at pictures from the series “What is possible, what is impossible”, encourages us to resolve conflicts without shouting, to live together, reminds us of the need to comply with the CGN.

    cognitive development

    To solve these problems in the field cognitive development the educator plans to introduce the “Grandmother’s Compound” layout, the “How are they similar and how are they different” exercises, educational board games on the topic “Pets”. The selection of materials for the mini-museum "Wooden Miracles" continues, the opening of which will be the end of the week.

    Speech development

    For speech development, the teacher teaches children to compose descriptive stories about animals according to the model or using diagrams, organizes didactic games, reading fiction, where the heroes of the works are pets.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    For artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher introduces pokes into the group, teaches children how to draw with pokes and invites children to draw a fluffy lamb. Children design a fence for animals, play along with musical instruments in the dramatized song "Goby".

    Physical development

    In the field of physical development, the educator organizes outdoor games based on folk nursery rhymes "Pets", a physical minute "Hostess" and other events. Children look at the onion and learn more about the health benefits of vegetables.

    Check out the theme week snippet


    OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Finger theater "Family". Purpose: to continue to form children's interest in the family.Examination of the layout of "Grandma's Compound". Purpose: to interest children in new play equipment.Talk about pets. Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the appearance, image of pets.Insertion of poke. Purpose: to introduce children to new drawing equipment, to show the techniques of work.P.i. "Pets" based on the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning." Purpose: to develop imagination and the ability to imitate.
    Conversation "Respect for wildlife." Purpose: to educate environmental behavior in children; develop an idea of ​​what actions harm nature, spoil it, and which contribute to its restoration.Educational game "What animals hid in the picture." Purpose: to develop the perception of contour figures.Exercise "Echo". Purpose: to promote the development of voice power. Exercise "What is shown in the picture." Purpose: to activate the dictionary, fix the names of pets.Coloring pages on the theme "Pets". Goal: continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, develop motor skills.P.i. "Sun and Rain" Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other.
    2 p.d.The game is a dramatization of The Guessing Bear. Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize distinctive features each other.Selection of materials for the museum "Wooden Wonders". Purpose: to draw the attention of children to wooden objects.Reading A. Prokofiev "Chicken on the street." Purpose: to teach to notice humor in the works.Constructive-model activity "Fence for animals". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to design a fence.Examining the bulb. Purpose: to form an idea about the benefits of onions, about healthy way life.


    OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.The teacher's story about the zebra. Purpose: to form ideas about road safety.Di. "Continue the sequence (geom. figures)". Purpose: to develop thinking, to fix the names of geometric shapes.Compilation of a descriptive story (an animal of the teacher's choice). Purpose: to teach how to write a descriptive story about an animal according to the model.Song-staging "Bull" (Zheleznova). Purpose: to form the ability to play along with musical instruments.Exercise "Mouse rustles." Purpose: to promote the development of proper breathing, strengthen the respiratory system.
    Sweeping broom paths on the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms correctly, to bring the work started to the end.Observation of the state of the weather. Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.Speaking speeches. Purpose: development of phonemic hearing and the ability to imitate.Exercise "Colors around us." Purpose: to exercise in finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.P.i. "Train". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to walk and run in a column one at a time, listen to the signal. P.i. "Toss - catch." Purpose: to form the ability to throw and catch the ball.

    Planning of educational work from November 2 to November 6, 2015.

    Topic: “Pets and their cubs. Domestic birds»

    Target: consolidate knowledge about the differences between wild and domestic animals, continue to teach how to compare and establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, cultivate love and respect for nature.

    mobile game "The mother hen and chickens" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

    Exercise Regina A., Daniil K. Vlad K. in drawing trees with paints and crayons. Goal: continue to learn how to draw trees.

    Didactic game "Who has who?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about baby animals.Didactic game "Who gives what?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits of pets for humans.

    Canteen duty . Purpose: to fix the rules of table setting. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

    Individual conversations with parents about the well-being of children.


    Cognition, communication, reading thin. literature, art. creativity, safety, physical education, labor

    dog watching . Why are dogs called "man's friends"? ask who has dogs, what are their nicknames? Encourage children to talk about their pets' habitsmobile game "Shaggy Dog"

    Exercise girls in jumping on one and two legs moving forward

    situational conversation "Rules for the treatment of animals" Purpose: to educate the rules of safe behavior.

    Labor on site - to collect large garbage Purpose: to cultivate the ability to work together. Independent gaming activity on the site.

    Work before bed

    Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: K. Ushinsky "The dispute of animals"


    Exercise after sleep.

    table theater “Like a dog was looking for a friend” Purpose: to involve children in theatrical games, develop imagination.

    WMC Didactic game "Magic Cube" Purpose:enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with nouns, activation and consolidation of the vocabulary (Ralina M., Kristina S., Amir L)

    Didactic game "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop logical thinking. Board-printed game "Africa", "Pets" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to collect puzzles

    Attributes for theatrical activities, d / and, desktop-printed games, independent gaming activities in employment centers.


    bird watching . Is it still possible to see migratory birds or have they all gone to warmthe edges? To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds and the reasons why they fly game "Don't stay on the floor" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

    Morning gymnastics.Conversation with children "Inhabitants of the barnyard" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.

    mobile game "Cats and mice" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

    Exercise Artur H., Ralina M., Daniil K in drawing up and solving problems on a visual basis

    Didactic game “Who lives where” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to coordinate noun. pl. Numbers with numerals, introduce the names of buildings for pets.

    Board game "Animals" (lotto)

    Working in a corner of nature . Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for job centers.

    Individual conversations with parents about the well-being of children


    Cat watching. Consider the animals of the cat family. What do cats eat and what are their habits? Ask the children to remember and recite poems about cats. mobile game "Mousetrap" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

    Exercise Vlad K., Kristina S., Uliana N. in the ability to hit the ball from the ground and catch it with one and two hands

    Situational talk “Can pets be replaced by machines and robots?” Purpose: to teach children to reason and prove their point of view

    Labor on site - sweep the tracks. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to bring the matter to the end.Independent play activity Location on.

    Work before bed

    Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"


    Exercise after sleep.Role-playing a game "In the barnyard" Purpose: to fix the conditions for caring for pets.

    WMC Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of Tatar words. Didactic game "Nishliy?" "Nishliisen?" Target:enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with nouns, activation and consolidation of the dictionary.

    Exercise children in sculpting a cat. Purpose: to teach children to convey the movements of a cat in modeling

    Board and printed game "Zoological Lotto". Designing "Houses for animals" Purpose: to develop constructive skills

    Independent play activity in employment centers


    Supervision of public transport. Remember the rules of conduct on the bus, the rules of the road. Consolidate knowledge about public transport. F/N “Who will gather sooner?”

    mobile game "Cat on the roof" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

    Didactic game "Magicians" Purpose: with Regina A., Marat H., Dilyara V. to clarify ideas about geometric shapes

    Didactic game “Who is doing what?”, “Gather a family” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about pets.

    Labor - to help the junior teacher wipe the chairs. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help adults. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

    Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

    Ind. conversations with parents "Repeat the studied material with the children at home"


    Cognition, communication, reading thin. literature, art. creativity, physical culture, safety, labor

    Observations for seasonal changes . Purpose: to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night).Didactic game "What changed?" Purpose: to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships

    mobile game "Fox in the chicken coop" Purpose: to develop speed, agility.

    Didactic game "Count cats in order" Purpose: to exercise children in ordinal counting

    Experimental-experimental activity “Do all liquids freeze the same way?” Purpose: to introduce various liquids, to identify differences in the freezing processes of various liquids (water, salt water, milk, juice, vegetable oil)

    Labor on site - collection of large branches. Purpose: to develop the skills of diligence. Independent gaming activity on the site.

    Work before bed

    Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"


    Walking barefoot on a gym mat.NRK Examination of illustrations of the peoples of Bashkiria and Tatarstan - to cultivate love for folk art, see the beauty of ornaments

    Didactic game “Say kindly” Purpose: to teach children to form words in a diminutive form

    WMC . Didactic game : "Tell me which one?" - Description of the birds. Observation of the duty of children in the dining room, remember the name of the cutlery in the Tatar language.

    The plot-role-playing game "Pet Shop" - the plot "Buying a Parrot" - to deepen knowledge about professions, with the help of a teacher, develop the plot of the game, develop dialogic speech and a culture of communication in public places. Wash the attributes in the sports corner - teach children to independently carry out instructions neatly, conscientiously


    Ice observation. Where does ice first appear? Determine its properties (smooth, transparent, cold). Conversation about the rules of behavior on the ice. Why is thin ice dangerous? P / I "Stop"

    Grechikhina Oksana Pavlovna
    Job title: educator
    Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" of a general developmental type
    Locality: Rakitnoye village, Belgorod region
    Material name: planning educational work for the week
    Subject: Theme of the week: "Pets"
    Publication date: 11.02.2017
    Chapter: preschool education

    Topic: "Pets"

    introduce children to domestic animals living in urban areas and domestic animals in rural areas. Develop the ability to expressively perform exercises in imitation games. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, the joy of communicating with them.
    Final event
    : leisure health "Drink milk children, you will be healthy."
    Days of the week
    Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents / social partners Group, subgroup individual Educational activities in sensitive moments 1 2 3 Consultation for parents "Child and pet"
    Monday 03.10

    reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD Cognitive development, physical development, Morning exercises. Purpose: to form arbitrary coordinated actions of hands and feet, to encourage children to emotional response and participation in morning exercises Finger game "Goat" - to develop coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills. There is a horned goat For small children Who does not eat porridge, Does not drink milk, Zaboda, I gore! Didactic exercise "Let's show the bear and the bunny how to wash properly" (Nikita, Maxim) Examining the illustrations "Pets" Purpose: to teach children to name the body parts of animals. Looking at photo albums with pets - instilling love for pets



    motor activity
    according to the plan of the physical instructor. culture
    Visual activity (drawing).
    Topic: "Let's go to graze animals in a green meadow" Targets: to educate children in a warm attitude towards animals, to arouse a desire to help them. Learn to apply strokes and draw long and short straight lines in different directions. Lead to the understanding that the green color of the grass has shades, learn to display this in the picture.
    artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summary of classes in the second junior group kindergarten "p. 116)

    to a walk.

    games, observations, work, individual work, physical culture and health work Observation of the weather. Purpose: the formation of the ability to determine the basic properties of animate and inanimate nature, to develop children's ideas that the rain can be fine and frequent. The mobile game "sun and rain" - move around without bumping. Job assignment: feed the birds. To form the ability to move at the signal of the educator (Leva, Kirill, Darina Z.) D / and “In the yard” - to promote understanding of spatial relationships (invite the child to show a table in the center of the site, a tree in the right corner of the site, etc.). Material for labor actions: shovels, rakes, buckets; layout of a wooden yard; pet figurines.
    Work before

    Learning finger gymnastics: the fish swam, dived In clean, fresh water, Then they squeeze, unclench, Then they burrow in the sand.
    games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon snack, dinner Gymnastics after sleep (walking along the path of health) D / and “Animals on the paths” (pick up a path for the animal by color) Purpose: to develop gaming activities, sensory capabilities. To learn to clean up toys after the game - to develop industriousness, accuracy. (Matvey, Kira, Maxim). Game situation “Filya caught a cold” Purpose: to tell children about how to avoid colds, about the rules of cultural behavior during the recovery period (using a handkerchief). Invite children to coloring pages depicting pets and their cubs. Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands
    Watching the dog and talking on the questions: “What is the largest dog? What does a dog have? Who takes care of the dog? Construction game "House for a puppy". P / and "You, doggy, do not bark!" Purpose: to teach children to run away, hide in the "house", run without bumping into each other.

    Planning of educational work

    Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents / social partners Group, subgroup individual Educational activities in sensitive moments 1 2 3 Consultation on the topic: "Pets - harm or benefit."
    Tuesday 04.10

    reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD Cognitive development, physical development, Morning exercises. Purpose: to form children's interest and value attitude to physical education. Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens". Purpose: to teach to consider the picture, name the characters, their actions. Folk amusement "Kisonka-Murysonka" (reading). Purpose: to form the ability to answer the simplest questions of the educator Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult to wash their hands when dirty and before eating, dry their face and hands with a personal towel (Ksyusha, Dasha) C / r game "Cat" Purpose: developing the ability to take over the role of the animal. Prepare masks for kittens and cats.



    Reading art literature / educational research activity. (09.05-09.20)
    Topic: "Pets and their cubs." Targets: continue to acquaint children with the classification of animals (wild and domestic). Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences. Introduce the role of an adult in the care of pets. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p. 110)
    Musical activity (15.50-16.05)

    artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development

    to a walk.

    games, observations, work, individual work, sports and health work Observation of trees. Purpose: to focus the attention of children on the object, to show the structural features of trees (trunk, branches, leaves); to acquaint with the signs and characteristics of autumn trees; offer to run on fallen leaves. Under / and "Grandmother's cocks" (imitation of movements for adults) To consolidate the ability to jump on two legs (Sofya, Darina L., Diana). Job assignment: make a sand slide. Material for labor actions: shovels, rakes, buckets; Material for an outdoor game: badges depicting roosters.
    Work before

    Reading a poem by I. Demyanova: Shabby did not wash his hands, did not go to the bathhouse for a month. So much dirt, so many abrasions. We will plant an onion around the neck. Turnip - on the palms, on the cheek - potatoes. Carrots will rise on the nose - there will be a whole garden! Strengthening the ability to behave correctly in the locker room and bedroom.
    games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner Gymnastics after sleep. Game situation "Kitten and towel" Purpose: to teach children to notice mistakes in the actions of the character. To form the ability to use the ind. towel. Development of fine motor skills: disassemble and assemble the pyramid (Veronika, Matvey, Dima R.) Round dance game “Far, far away, cats are grazing in the meadow ...” - the ability to act on a verbal signal, combine words with actions Visual illustrations “Pets”.
    Thematic walk "Affectionate puppy Tishka". Purpose: to acquaint children with the parts of the puppy's body, their name; specify the name of the mother of the puppy. Games. Situation "Let's help the kitten put away toys."

    Planning of educational work

    Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents / social partners Group, subgroup individual Educational activities in sensitive moments 1 2 3 Folder-slider "Pets" Homework: watch with children for moving vehicles. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the road, its
    Wednesday 05.10

    reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD Cognitive development, physical Observation of animals. Objectives: to give an idea of ​​how to behave around animals; to form norms that limit the manifestation of aggression against animals. Reading verse N. Emelianenko: - Hello, kitty! How are you? Why did you leave us? - I can't live with you, there's nowhere to put the tail. Walk, yawn ... Step on your tail. Game control "shoes quarreled, reconciled". Purpose: to teach how to put on shoes on the right and left feet. Conversation and examination of illustrations on the topic "Animals and their cubs" Objectives: to teach children to understand the plot, answer questions; develop the ability to distinguish between adults and cubs, to speak out about what they see; exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia (loud-quietly) p / and “Horned Goat” goals: to learn to perform actions in accordance with the words of the text. "In the grandmother's yard" Purpose: to consolidate ideas about domestic animals and their cubs.

    Motor activity
    according to the specialist's plan.
    development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative parts; draw children's attention to moving vehicles, teach them to recognize and call "cargo" and "passenger" vehicles; to systematize children's knowledge about the concepts of "many", "one", "few", "big-small".
    Mathematical and sensory development.
    Topic: Acquaintance with the concept of "wider-narrower". Count up to three. Targets: mastering the ability, when comparing two objects, to highlight the width parameters 9 wider - narrower), find similarities and differences; to fix the count to three, to develop creative abilities. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p. 114)

    to a walk.

    games, observations, work, Ind. work, physical culture and health-improving work Thematic walk “Hello, kitty!”. Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the characteristic features of a cat. Observing the cat and talking on the questions: “What does the cat have? Why does a cat need ears?” A story about how a cat sees well in the dark. Formation of self-service skills in children when dressing using N. Sakonskaya's article “Where is my finger?” Riddles about a cat. P / and "Sparrows and a cat" Finger game "Let's stroke a kitten" Purpose: to develop hand coordination, fine motor skills, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text. Labor activity. Collection of toys before leaving the walk. Purpose: to teach to keep order in the kindergarten area.

    before bedtime
    Reading A. Usachev's article "A very strange conversation" Reading or singing a song by M. Karem: Gray cats, white cats, Black cats - all cats in the world Sleep and do not hear what mice are doing. And the mice dance on the slippery parquet.
    games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for a meal, afternoon tea, dinner Performance of “Give milk, cow” (using a mitten doll). Objectives: to evoke an emotional response to a familiar nursery rhyme, the desire to sing along with individual words, to observe the actions of a teacher with a toy. The game “find a figure different from mine” with Kirill, Kira, Dima S. Learning to wash hands. Teach how to roll up sleeves with the help of adults, take soap from a soap dish, lather hands, put soap in place, rub palms together, wash off soap, wring water from hands, dry hands with your towel, remove it from the hook, hang it in place. Help adults and older children make pet feeders.
    Watching flocks of birds flying away, explaining that they fly to warmer climes. Developing educational situation on a walk "A horse and a dog carry fallen leaves." Objectives: to involve children in cleaning the site; stimulate the manifestation of good feelings towards animals. Playing with
    development by Gyenish blocks “Let's lay out the dog”. P / n: "Cat with kittens." Purpose: to teach to convey the habits of animals in facial expressions, gestures and movements. P / n: "Cossack hen". Objectives: exercise in jumping on two legs, develop coordination.
    Planning of educational work

    Days of the week
    Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents / social partners Group, subgroup individual Educational activities in sensitive moments 1 2 3 Invite parents to talk to their child about what trouble can happen if you are careless on the street when meeting a dog.
    Thursday 06.10

    reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD Morning exercises. Purpose: to encourage children to emotional response and participation in morning exercises. Situation, communication “How we care for pets” Purpose: to introduce the role of a person in the care of pets. The game "Bring and show" - to develop the ability to navigate in a group. (Ruslan, Ksenia, Vlad). D / and "Guess whose voice." Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to an audio recording, to consolidate knowledge of how pets “speak”, to teach them to answer the teacher’s simplest questions. Children's games in the design corner "Doggy House" Purpose: to continue to teach children to build houses.

    The development of speech.
    Topic: "Who is screaming?"
    Cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, Targets: to teach children to compose a short story together with the teacher; learn to name the cubs of animals, form words using the suffix -onok-; distinguish between words with the opposite meaning (big-small); clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [and], learn to adjust the pitch of the voice. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p. 112)
    Motor activity
    according to the specialist's plan.

    to a walk.

    games, observations, work, Ind. work, sports and health-improving work Birdwatching. Purpose: to teach the basics of interaction with nature (to consider birds), to develop the desire to play outdoor games, to cultivate the desire to do physical exercises. Under / and "Sparrows and a cat" Job assignment: remove toys before leaving the walk. Learn to run without hitting each other (Lera, Sasha Kr., Sophia). D / and "What's gone" - to develop the ability to navigate the site. Material for labor actions: shovels, rakes, buckets.
    Work before

    Reading a poem about S. Cherny's cat Stage play: “Goat-troubles” Purpose: to create a joyful mood, to encourage children to answer questions about the content of the nursery rhyme. “All the animals are in business” Purpose: to evoke joyful feelings in children, a desire to participate in theatrical and play activities, to encourage children to follow the example of an adult movement characteristic of creating an image.
    games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon snack, dinner Gymnastics after sleep (invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health) D / and “Who lives where?” Purpose: to distinguish where different animals live. Learn to hold a spoon correctly while eating (Anya, Lera) D / and “Where did the dog hide” - develop orientation in space. Put paper, pencils, templates, silhouettes of pets in the drawing corner
    Observation of a cat coming to the kindergarten site. Examination of footprints on the ground (dogs, cats, birds). P / n: “Crow and dog”, “Cat and mice”, “Kitties play”, “Shaggy dog”. Purpose: to teach to imitate the movements and sounds of birds, to move without interfering with each other.
    speech development, social and communicative development

    Planning of educational work

    Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents / social partners Group, subgroup individual Educational activities in sensitive moments 1 2 3 Consultation "What gives a child care for a pet"
    Friday 07.10

    reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD Cognitive development, physical development, artistic - Morning exercises. Purpose: to form interest in physical education. Didactic game "Who eats what" Purpose: to give knowledge about the nutritional characteristics of pets. Teach the order of putting on and undressing: take off clothes and shoes; put things in a certain order (Nikita, Matvey, Kira) Repeat fell / and “Goat” - develop fine motor skills. Offer children large puzzles on the theme "Pets"



    Musical activity
    according to the plan of the musical worker.
    Visual activity (sculpting / application).
    Theme: "Cup for fresh milk to feed the babies." Targets: to educate children in a caring attitude towards animals, interest in them. Learn to sculpt a cup from a round shape by pressing plasticine, smooth the surface with a wet cloth. To instill interest in works of folk art, household items. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p. 116)

    to a walk.

    games, observations, work, individual Observation of the state of the weather (sunny or cloudy day, seasonal changes in inanimate nature. Purpose: to enrich the experience of children with new impressions, Develop the ability to navigate the site (Dima D., Diana, Dasha) D / and " Tell me which "- to form the ability to distinguish and name colors - red, yellow, green. Material for labor actions: shovels, rakes, buckets.
    I work, physical culture and health-improving I work aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development to form their practical experience. Under \ and "Sparrows and a cat" Job assignment: feed the birds.
    Work before

    Reading nursery rhymes: Lyuli, lyuli, lyulushki The hooters have arrived, Ghouls are walking, Sasha is falling asleep.
    games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner Gymnastics after sleep. “To whom to say thank you” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​what benefits pets bring. Didactic game "Who is gone" Purpose: attention training. (with a group of children) C / r game “Aibolit” Purpose: fostering a caring attitude towards animals Consider with children warm clothes made of animal wool (socks, mittens, scarves) note such things (soft, warm, fluffy).
    Game exercise "Whose things?" Purpose: to teach to recognize their things, not to confuse them with the clothes of their comrades. Learning to keep clothes and shoes in order. Purpose: to teach to see a mess in clothes, to ask an adult to help eliminate it. The game "Playful kitten" (reeling threads). P / n: "Airplanes". Purpose: to develop physical activity. P / n: "The dog is visiting the children." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to imitate the movements and habits of animals.