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    Scenario of the event for the day of legal knowledge at school ABC of legal culture.  Legal Knowledge Week



    Project "Week of Law at School"

    Teacher Filkova E.A.

    The birth of a child, his social and moral development and involvement in socially useful activities have always been the vital concerns of the family, society and the state, both family, social and state well-being largely depends on the effective solution of these problems.

    The development of children in love and security, their receipt of a guaranteed education and the necessary legal protection testify to the moral health of society and the social and legal orientation of state policy.

    Children in any state are in a special privileged position. Our state is no exception: care for the younger generation is manifested in the most diverse areas of its activity.

    Minors, along with the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women, and the mentally ill, are among the people who are much more likely to be negatively affected by society, and therefore need special protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

    Civil law education is an integral part of the general culture of a citizen, a condition for the formation of legal culture and legal consciousness, citizenship and patriotism.

    The problem of studying law at school is one of the most urgent today, it is of interest to teachers. This relevance is associated, on the one hand, with changes in our state and society - the course is taken to build a rule of law and civil society. This explains the "state order" for the training of young people, active, with a developed civic position and high legal culture. On the other hand, knowledge of the basics of law, the ability to navigate in the legal space, knowledge and ability to defend their rights are necessary for every person in the 21st century.

    the main objective conducting the "Week of Law at School": the formation of legal knowledge among students, to promote the legal and spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.

    The maintasks holding the "Week of Law":

    Formation of students' legal competencies that ensure success in society, the ability to analyze legal situations, the ability to build their own behavior within the framework of existing rights, freedoms and obligations;

    Personality development during a crucial period of social maturation of a person, her cognitive interests;

    Education of the all-Russian identity, civic responsibility, respect for the rights of another person; adherence to humanistic and democratic values ​​enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Mastering the skills of cognitive, communicative, practical activities in the main social roles characteristic of adolescence;

    Development of intellectual, emotional, motivational and volitional spheres; auditory and visual memory, attention, thinking, imagination; aesthetic emotions, a positive attitude towards lawful behavior.

    The plan of the

    « Law weeks at school »



    02/10/2014 - 02/14/2014

    In accordance with the annual work plan of the school, with the regulation on holding the "Week of Legal Knowledge" in our boarding school, a legal week was held for students in grades 1-4 and for students in grades 5-9.

    The plan of the "WEEK OF RIGHT" (grades 1 - 4)

    02/10/2014 - 02/14/2014


    event title



    Opening of the "Week of Law"

    Screening of the presentation "Convention on the Rights of the Child"

    Acquaintance with the stand "Your rights"

    Reading fairy tales: "Three little pigs", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "The wolf and the seven kids", "Cinderella" (conversation on the read)

    Social teacher Melnikova N.A.



    Children's drawing competition: "I draw my rights"

    Practical work "Studying human rights"


    Viewing the fairy tale "Pinocchio" (discussion - a game on the rights of fairy tale heroes)

    Librarian Lisova N.V.

    Melnikova N.A.

    Games - conversations:

    "Who are you to your parents?"

    "Why I Love Them"


    Extra-curricular lesson “The ABC of Law. I and my rights "

    Summing up the results of the week

    Melnikova N.A.

    In a week

    Conducting an hour of legal knowledge "Charter of the school"

    Class teachers

    Plan for the "Week of Law" (grades 5 - 9)

    02/10/2014 - 02/14/2014


    event title



    Opening of the "Week of Law":

    Screening of the presentation "Convention on the Rights of the Child"

    Intellectual training "Proverbs and Sayings"

    Drawing competition: "Don't count the crows - study the law"

    Production of posters "We choose a healthy lifestyle"

    Social teacher - Melnikova N.A.



    Doctor's conversation: "We choose a healthy lifestyle"

    - "Rebus by right" (guess the rebus - learn the term and define it)

    Extracurricular activity “I am a child! I am human!"

    Kuturova I.N.


    Melnikova N.A.

    Excursion to the Vichugsky district court. Meeting with the chairman of the court, conversation "Criminal liability of minors"

    Visit to the book exhibition "I and my rights"

    Solution of quizzes: "Convention on the Rights of the Child", "Serious Joke", "Do you believe that ..."

    Melnikova N.A.

    Lisova N.V.


    Expanded meeting of the Crime Prevention Council

    Meeting - conversation with the PDN inspector: "Inviolability of someone else's property", "Children's prank, offense, crime"

    Meeting - conversation with the inspector of the department of guardianship and guardianship "Rights of minors under guardianship"

    Deputy Director for BP Kaplina O.V.

    Galashina A.V. - PDN inspector

    T.V. Merkulova -

    PDN inspector

    A. V. Penkina - Inspector of the Department of Guardianship and Guardianship

    - "Tournament of Law Experts"

    Closing of the week. Summarizing.

    Monitoring "Results of the week of law"

    Melnikova N.A.

    In a week

    Spending 10 minutes on the topic: "the rights and obligations of students, enshrined in the Charter of the school"

    Thematic class hours:

    "I have a right"

    "I am a citizen!"

    "The rights and obligations of the student"

    Class teachers

    Class teachers

    At the beginning Legal Knowledge Weeks the stands were colorfully decorated in order to attract the attention of all participants in the educational process, on which were placed: the plan of events for this week, the basic rights of the child (according to the UN Convention), puzzles on law, etc. On the first day, the opening of the “Law Week” took place, where students watched the Presentations, remembered and got acquainted with the rights of children and where they are recorded; got acquainted with the plan of the Week; received assignments.

    In elementary school, students get the first idea of ​​human rights, the value of human life. At this age, the skills of correct behavior are formed at school and at home, in public places and on the street. In the course of the lessons, the students got the first ideas about human rights, the value of human life, the idea of ​​the Convention as a document that protects their rights. Preference was given to playfulness and work with colorful illustrations. All the children were active during the conversations, watched cartoons with delight and interest.

    At the basic school, work continues on the formation of a legal culture, the skills of lawful behavior are developed and the responsibility for their behavior increases on the basis of knowledge of their rights and obligations. Taking into account the knowledge of students and life experience, a set of cognitive and practical classes, work with Internet resources were used. During the intellectual games, students with great desire shared the knowledge acquired within the framework of the "Law Week", led a discussion, learned the rights and obligations of a modern student, discussed issues about the foundations of order in society, considered issues of law abidance and violation of the law.

    Within the framework of the week, a drawing competition on the theme 6 "Don't count crows - study the law" and a poster competition "We choose a healthy lifestyle" were announced. I would like to note the great activity and originality in this category of students in grade 8, grade 5 and grade 6.

    The meeting of the children with the specialists of the children's diagnostic center on the topic: "We choose a healthy lifestyle" was interesting. This event aroused interest among middle and high school students. They easily entered into a conversation, asked questions on all problems of interest to them, and received full competent answers. The guys talked about bad habits, about the fight against them. All students underwent psychological diagnostics, on special equipment, at the request of the children, they were examined for the amount of harmful tar in the lungs.

    Pupils of grades 8-9 made an introductory tour to the Vichugsky District Court, where they got acquainted with the specifics of the work of the court, listened to the conversation of the senior judge: "Criminal and administrative responsibility of minors"

    All students of the school visited the library, where the exhibition "Me and My Rights" was arranged for the children

    In secondary and high school, the personality-oriented nature of mastering knowledge and rational ways of realizing one's rights and freedoms is enhanced. As part of the "Week of Law" in all classes there were conversations - discussions, conversations - disputes on the topics: "I am a child! I am human!"; "I have a right"; "I am a citizen!"; "The rights and obligations of the student." A meeting was held - a conversation with the inspector of the PDN ATS Department of Internal Affairs Merkulova T.V. on the topics: "Inviolability of someone else's property" and "Children's prank, offense, crime."

    Actively worked Crime Prevention Council. An extended session was held, which considered issues of observance of the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process. Three more people were put under in-school control: these are students who do not fulfill their duties, violate the norms and rules of public order. All invited students attended the meeting of the prevention council with legal representatives, parents.

    At the end of the "Week of Law", a school-wide event "Tournament of Law Experts" took place. The purpose of this lesson was: legal education, the formation of a legal culture in an informal, playful environment among schoolchildren; education of civic qualities and a sense of patriotism; formation of basic knowledge about the state, law, public and state institutions, human rights; the formation of skills for the practical use of knowledge; development of logical thinking, memory, communication skills.

    The game consisted of 7 rounds. ICT was used for work. The team with the most points became the winner. The game was informative, interesting and rewarding.

    At the general school line-up, the results of the "Week of Law" were summed up:

    1. In the quizzes: "Law experts", "Serious joke", "Do you believe that ..." 1st place was taken by 5th and 9th grades.
    2. Children of grades 4, 5, 7 and 8 were awarded in the competition of drawings and posters.
    3. The guys who guessed the largest number of puzzles by right were awarded.

    During the week, all the guys took an active part in the events. No discipline violations were recorded at the school. The “Week of Law” was fruitful and effective. On the last day, monitoring was carried out with all students. 36 students were interviewed . The following results were obtained:

    v To the question "Do you know that there was a" Week of Law "at school?" 100% of students answered "YES"

    v To the question "Do you know what events took place during this week?" 100% of students answered "YES"

    v To the question "Did you take part in the Law Week?" 94.5% of students answered "YES"

    v "Do you think there is a need for the school to hold such a week?" 97.3% answered "YES"

    v "Your suggestions for holding a Legal Awareness Week" The answers are very diverse(excursion to the prison, to the magistrates' court, etc.)

    "Week of Law" gives reason to draw the following conclusion:

    The school has formed an integral system of legal education that uses the potential of all subjects, on the one hand, and on the other, the legal space of the school. The way of school, the pedagogical environment contributes to the development of students' self-esteem, their acquisition of practical experience of lawful behavior, which is necessary in socially significant activities in the present and in the future.

    Annex 1

    Opening of the "WEEK OF RIGHT"

    Good afternoon friends. Today, February 10, our school is opening “Law Week”, during which we will talk about children's rights, ie. about your rights. This is due to an important date: on November 20, the World Day of the Rights of the Child is celebrated annually, dedicated to the adoption of a very important document - Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Tell me, who, first of all, shows concern about you, tries to save you from trouble, create all the conditions necessary for your development, protect your interests and rights?

    Of course, first of all, these are your parents, family and, of course, your teachers and educators. But children are not only taken care of in the family. There are various public organizations that consider the protection of children to be their main task. There are such organizations in many countries of the world, and the most authoritative international organization is the UN.

    The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 and headquartered in New York. The UN was created by the victorious allied powers after the end of the Second World War. The main goals of this organization are peace, progress, democracy. She cares about the rights of each individual person, therefore it was developed Declaration of human rights .

    The Declaration includes 30 articles that establish fundamental human rights and freedoms, which should be enjoyed by all men and women without exception. Further, the UN recognized the need to develop a special document on the rights of the child. The difficult work went on for many years. Finally, on November 20, 1989 came into force Convention on the rights of the child , in which there are 54 articles.

    A convention (treaty, agreement) is an agreement on a special issue, binding on the states that have acceded to it, that is, have signed the treaty.

    - "Convention on the Rights of the Child" - a document that reflects all the rights of children. They must be respected by all countries that have signed this document. It was adopted on November 20, 1989 by many countries that are members of the United Nations (UN), and entered into force on September 2, 1990. This document should be known to all children of the world, as it is of an international nature. The convention exists because adults understand perfectly well that only a powerless and intimidated adult can grow from a disenfranchised, intimidated child. The world community thought about this when adopting the Convention, which comes into force from the first breath of a child born. F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: "The happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child."

    These words are now very often repeated, but at the same time few are guided by this absolutely moral thought.

    In our country, the problem of protecting childhood was and is especially acute.


    We got acquainted with the main content of the document. During this week we will try to apply them to situations in our daily life.

    - "I have the right to do this!", "Why are you violating my rights?" - these words, unfortunately, are often pronounced out of place, in situations where the person is clearly wrong. Very often, a statement of one's rights serves as an excuse for passivity, the desire to receive rather than give. It must be remembered that in addition to rights, there are responsibilities, and they are interrelated. Let's see this connection on the example of a game.

    Game "My rights"

    Target:clearly show the relationship between rights and obligations.

    Inventory:balls, markers, threads, scissors.

    Game progress:we call 8-14 people who want to play, put them in a circle. Each of the participants in the game puts out their index fingers. We stretch the web, clinging the thread to the fingers. Spectators inflate balloons and write their rights on them. We put the balls on the spider web: a well-stretched web keeps the rights in the air, does not let them fall, and only when the task is done responsibly, the web does not break or sag. We take scissors and cut one, second, third thread - the rights begin to fall to the ground.

    Discussion of the results of the game.

    During the week, each class will have classroom hours, extracurricular activities on the rights of the child (according to plan).

    Pupils of grades 5 - 9 need to answer the questions of the Quiz within a week, guess riddles by law, draw pictures and posters.

    Students of grades 1-4 to carry out the practical work "Studying Human Rights", read fairy tales according to the plan, draw pictures.

    At the close of the week, we will gather again in this hall and summarize the results of the "Week of Law". Let's see which class will name the most correct answers to the quiz, and which class will correctly and correctly complete all the tasks of the planned practical work. The most active class will be awarded the title “Law Expert” and a PRIZE!

    Good luck!

    (distribute the quiz and practical assignments to the classes).

    Appendix 2


    "Connoisseurs of Law"

    1 task:

    Define words:






    2nd task:

    3 task:

    4 task:

    5 task:

    What do you think the word means FREEDOM?(Choose the correct answer)

    • Independence from someone;
    • Choice;

    6 task:

    7 task:

    Based on the results of the test, create a word ..


    P) Russian Federation

    2)What is a Federation?

    R) Union, association.

    A) Device, regulation.

    3)What is the Constitution?

    A) Basic Law.

    D) Union, association.

    C) Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value.

    B) Passport.

    A) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    8 task: "The rights of literary heroes"

    1) In what fairy tales is the right to security of person, life and freedom violated?

    2) What literary hero could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home has been violated?

    3) In what fairy tale is a person's right to own his property violated?

    4) What literary heroes used the right to freedom of peaceful assembly?

    5) In what fairy tale was the right to marry and have a family violated, regardless of their race, nationality and religion?

    6) In what fairy tale is the right that every person, wherever he is, should be protected by law, is violated?

    9 task: Solve situations ...

    Situation 1.


    Situation 2.


    Situation 3.

    Question: Will the guys be punished?

    10 task: Add a word ...

    1. According to Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, education should be aimed at developing the personality, mental and physical abilities of the child and his …….
    2. Article 31 of the Convention recognizes the child's right to rest and ... ..
    3. Who, according to Article 18 of the Convention, is primarily responsible for the upbringing and development of the child? ......
    4. According to Article 28 of the Convention, primary education is free and …… ..
    5. According to Article 18 of the Convention, states take all necessary measures to protect the child from all forms of physical and …………. violence?
    6. Which organization adopted and drafted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989?
    7. From the age of 17, for each young man, the obligation is added to stand on ... ..accounting?


    “Experts in Law”. Answers.

    1 task:

    Define words:

    RIGHT-the ability to act, to act in any way. To act or use something.

    RESPONSIBILITIES-this is what is included in the circle of required actions.

    DUTY-the act of someone according to the law or social requirements, or internal motives (duty to someone)

    FREEDOM-a person's ability to act in accordance with their interests and goals, relying on the knowledge of objective necessity (the ability to act in any area without restrictions)

    2nd task:

    Name the rights and obligations of the student.

    RIGHTS of the student:

    • The right to free education
    • The right to receive additional education
    • The right to protection of life and health
    • The right to freedom of expression
    • Right to attend events
    • Right to defense
    • The right to rest
    • The right to use the library
    • The right to elect and be elected
    • Eligibility for individual study programs
    • The right to choose an educational institution
    • the right to join public organizations
    • the right to respect for one's own dignity

    RESPONSIBILITIES of the student:

    • study conscientiously
    • protect school property
    • respect students and school staff
    • comply with the school charter
    • comply with house rules

    3 task:

    What documents contain the student's rights and obligations?

    (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Charter of the school, Convention on the Rights of the Child)

    4 task:

    Which adult should be responsible for your rights and responsibilities?

    (according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 38 and the family code of article 63, parents are responsible)

    5 task:

    What do you think the word means FREEDOM?(Choose the correct answer)

    • The ability to do whatever you want;
    • Independence from someone;
    • Lack of shyness, restrictions;
    • Choice;
    • The right to do whatever does not harm others.

    6 task:

    Whose freedom these prohibitions restrict, and whose rights are protected:

    7 task:

    Based on the results of the test, form a word.

    1)What is another name for our country?

    NS ) Russian Federation

    2)What is a Federation?

    R) Union, association .

    A) Device, regulation.

    3)What is the Constitution?

    A ) The basic Law.

    D) Union, association.

    4) What is the main idea of ​​our Constitution?

    G) Implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    V ) Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value .

    5) The main document protecting human rights?

    B) Passport.

    A ) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    8 task: "The rights of literary heroes"

    1) In what fairy tales is the right to personal security, life and freedom violated? ( "Little Red Riding Hood"; "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    2) What literary hero could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home has been violated? ( "Ice hut")

    3) In what fairy tale is a person's right to own his property violated? ( "The Golden Key or The Adventures of Pinocchio")

    4) What literary heroes used the right to freedom of peaceful assembly? ( "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"; "Quartet")

    5) In what fairy tale was the right to marry and have a family violated, regardless of their race, nationality and religion? ( "By magic…")

    6) In what fairy tale is the right that every person, wherever he is, should be protected by law, is violated? ( "Aybolit")

    (Help-fairy tales: "By the pike's command ..."; "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"; "Quartet"; "Aibolit"; "Little Red Riding Hood"; "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"; "Ice Hut"; "The Golden Key or The Adventures of Buratino ")

    9 task: Solve situations ...

    Situation 1.

    A 16-year-old teenager came to get a job. An employment contract is drawn up with him, the day of going to work is appointed.

    Question: Does a minor have the right to find a job?

    Answer: Yes. A minor from the age of 16 can be recognized as fully capable if he works under an employment contract or contract. At the same time, parents are not responsible for it.

    (Art. 63 TC)

    Situation 2.

    On the street, 16-year-old boys pester passers-by, violate public order and peace.

    Question: How do you assess these actions and can these teenagers be punished?

    Answer: Yes. This is regarded as petty hooliganism. (Art. 158)... Obscene language in public places, offensive behavior towards passers-by and other actions that violate the order and peace of citizens are petty hooliganism, and a fine of up to one minimum wage is imposed for it, and in case of a repeated violation, registration with the PDN.

    Situation 3.

    Several schoolchildren climbed into the garage, but without taking or doing anything, they left. Someone saw them and told the police about it.

    Question: Will the guys be punished?

    Answer: There will be no punishment: there was a voluntary renunciation of the crime. (Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code)

    9 exercise: Add a word ...

    1. According to Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, education should be aimed at developing the personality, mental and physical abilities of the child and his talents.

    Article 31 of the Convention recognizes the child's right to rest and leisure.

    1. Who, according to Article 18 of the Convention, is primarily responsible for the upbringing and development of the child? Parents.
    2. What is the child's right to what is enshrined in Article 6 of the Convention? The right to survival and healthy development.
    3. What is the inalienable right of a child to what is enshrined in Article 6 of the Convention? The right to live.
    1. Who, if not the parents, according to Article 18 of the Convention, are responsible for raising a child? Legal guardians.
    2. According to Article 28 of the Convention, primary education is free of charge and compulsory.
    3. According to Article 18 of the Convention, states take all necessary measures to protect the child from all forms of physical and moral violence?
    4. Which organization adopted and drafted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989? UN.
    5. According to the Convention, it is every human being up to the age of 18. Child.
    6. From the age of 17, for each young man, the obligation to stand on military accounting?
    7. At what age does the criminal responsibility for especially grave crimes begin? From the age of 14.

    Appendix 3

    Do you believe that ...

    1. Are mousetraps only allowed in California for those with a hunting ticket?

    Answer: Yes.

    2. Is it forbidden to sing on Italian passenger trains?

    Answer: No, it is allowed.

    3. Is it illegal to fish with bows and arrows in Louisville, Kentucky?

    Answer: Yes.

    4. Is it illegal to enter a Gehry, Indiana tram if less than a day has passed since the passenger ate garlic?

    Answer: No, you can enter after 4 hours.

    5. If in Saudi Arabia the husband did not give the wife coffee, does she have the right to demand a divorce?

    Answer: Yes.

    6. Duck comics banned in Finland because of immorality?

    Answer: Yes, because he is without panties.

    7. Does the US state of Kansas have a special regulation allowing fishing with bare hands?

    Answer: No, on the contrary - it cannot be done.

    Appendix 4

    A part of a thief's clothing that is in the habit of giving in to the action of fire.

    Competition "As a joke about serious ... »

    ANSWERS: for each correct answer - 1 point.

    This password was used by smugglers in Gaidai's film The Diamond Arm.

    Damn it

    Forest hares do not have fangs, and city “hares” do not have exactly this. What?


    This car thief was an experienced insurance agent, amateur actor, stunt driver.

    Yuri Detochkin, hero of the film "Beware of the car"

    Popular rumor often accuses this bird of jewelry theft.


    He was sentenced to drown in a suburban pond as a homeless, passportless, unemployed person.


    What was the name of the captain MUR, who caught Kirpich in the tram?

    Gleb Zhiglov

    At the end of this film, one of the heroes publicly proclaimed "Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!"

    Caucasian captive

    "God save us from such judges!" - exclaimed

    A. Krylov. Who was the hero of the fable?

    A donkey

    How did the expression “Written on the forehead” appear?

    Derived from the custom of putting a stamp on the forehead of a criminal

    A part of a thief's clothing that is in the habit of giving in to the action of fire.

    A cap


    Ruler - closing of the "Week of Law"

    Team game "Tournament of Law Experts"

    The purpose and objectives of the event:

    legal education; the formation of a legal culture in an informal, playful environment among schoolchildren; education of civic qualities and a sense of patriotism; formation of basic knowledge about the state, law, public and state institutions, human rights; the formation of skills for the practical use of knowledge; development of logical thinking, memory, communication skills; education of civic qualities and a sense of patriotism.

    Event plan:

    1. Introduction.
    2. Greeting teams (name, motto)
    3. Intelligent warm-up.
    4. Homework "All sorts of things".
    5. Game "Add".
    6. "Encryption".
    7. Logical chain.
    8. Recover and recognize the document.
    9. Journey into a fairy tale.

    10. Training.

    11. Reflection.


    (the Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds, the removal of the banner)

    The line dedicated to the closing of the "Law Week" is considered open.

    On February 10, the Legal Knowledge Week was opened at our school. During this week, class hours, entertaining extra-curricular activities were held in each class, where you got acquainted with the main human rights, got acquainted with the main documents, and, I think, learned how to apply your knowledge in practice.

    Today we will summarize the results of our work, check our knowledge of human rights and choose a class and children who can rightfully be awarded the title of "CONNECTOR OF THE RIGHT".

    This week the book "Your Rights" became a reference book for you, the guys performed practical tasks "Studying Human Rights", guessing puzzles by law, answering quiz questions, drawing posters and drawings.

    (summing up, rewarding)

    The main thing for us was to understand: “What is law?”; “What is duty?”; “Where are the rights registered?”; "Do I know how to apply them?" We will see this now.

    Today we are holding the "Tournament of Law Experts", i.e. this assumes that you already know your rights and the documents that guarantee them to you. Perhaps for some we will discover something new today and hope for the necessary.

    What we are going to talk about today applies to all of us, your parents and our guests.

    You guys have a very interesting life ahead of you in a renewing Russia. It depends on you whether this life will be difficult or you will live it joyfully and happily.

    You already know that life is not only fun and joy. It is also hard work. Those people who prepared in advance for meeting life, as a rule, lived it in an interesting way. It is worse for those who get used to living behind the backs of their parents and other people. They have to take all obstacles with a fight.

    Today we are holding "Tournament of Law Experts" (Slide 1)

    We have 2 teams, each team has a captain. The captain keeps order in the team, answers tasks after general discussion.

    You will be judged by a fair jury:

    (presentation by jury members)

    At the end of the lesson, we will summarize and identify the "Lawyers"!

    Please tell me who each of us is? (children's answers)

    Each of us is a citizen of Russia (Slide 2)

    Who is “Citizen”? (children's answers)

    In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, the concept of "citizen" is explained as follows: (Slide 3)

    1. A person who belonged to the permanent population of a given state, who enjoys its protection and is endowed with rights and obligations;

    2. An adult, as well as the form of addressing him.

    Explanation of the concept:

    What word can replace the word "face" so that the meaning of the phrase does not change? (human)

    What does "permanent population" mean? (people who always live here)

    What does “empowered with rights and responsibilities” mean? (have rights and obligations)

    Explanation of concept 2:

    There are different forms of addressing adults to each other: "respected", "comrade", "sir", including "citizen". It all depends on the situation and upbringing.

    So, we start the Game. AND 1 competition- this is WELCOME TEAMS

    Greetings from the team # 1.

    Where does the Motherland begin?
    From the symbols of our country?
    From the tricolor flag and anthem,
    Which one should we all know?

    Or maybe it starts
    With the priority of freedoms?
    From the ideas of our Constitution,
    Who is honored by all the people?

    Opponent worthy - Hurray!
    You set us on fire, you woke up our flame
    With you we even speak in verse,
    This is what the game has brought us to!

    Greetings from team # 2.

    If you live in Russia-
    After all, we have one -
    You need to know her device,
    Know freedoms and rights.

    We're team two
    We wish you success, wish you well.
    We will not give in to you either -
    We will fight to the end.

    II.Intelligent warm-up (Slide 4)

    (6 questions - answer by raising the appropriate sign "A", "B" or "C" Slides 5-16)

    1. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is:

    A) International document binding on everyone,

    B) An international document executed by the signatory states,

    C) Order of the UN Secretary General,

    2. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by the Russian Federation:

    A) in 1990,

    B) in 1989,

    3. The rights of the child are guaranteed and depend primarily on:

    A) from the child himself,

    B) from his parents,

    C) from the state

    4. The child is ...

    A) any person under the age of 18,

    B) the one who does not have his rights,

    C) The one who considers himself so

    5. The right to choose occupations and associations is:

    A) only in adults,

    B) everyone,

    C) for schoolchildren.

    6. The rights of the child are written as:

    A) a set of laws and regulations,

    B) the possibilities of its development,

    C) intentions

    III. Homework "All sorts of things" (Slide 17)

    Questions to 1 team (slides 18-28)

    Questions for the 2nd team (slides 29-39)

    Answers for the jury to the competition: "All sorts of things" .



    Questions to the first team:

    The form of the highest direct expression of the power of the people, provided for by the Constitution.


    When is Human Rights Day?

    What is the benefit of the doubt?

    The accused is presumed innocent until found guilty by a court and in accordance with the law.)

    Who is the head of the Russian Federation?

    The president

    What is Russia according to the national state structure?


    What, according to the conviction of the soldiers, the participants in the Decembrist uprising on December 14, 1825, was the name of the wife of Tsarevich Constantine, to whom they were ready to take the oath?


    An individual citizen as a subject of civil law.


    The approval of international agreements or treaties by the state's supreme legislative power, giving the document legal force.


    Does it not include a republic, Moscow, region or district as a constituent entity of the Federation?

    In what year was the current constitution adopted?

    Questions to the second team:

    What legal document has the highest legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation?


    Who is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

    RF President

    Who is considered a child under the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

    Person under 18

    The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia is ...

    Proclamation of basic principles, legal instrument with the force of recommendation


    The procedure for assuming office of the head of state is called ...


    Defense of the fatherland for a citizen of Russia is ...

    Honorable duty

    The executive branch of government includes ...


    The state language throughout Russia is ...

    The condition for admitting an individual to the enjoyment of certain political rights and freedoms is called ...

    IV.Game "Add"(Slide 40-41)

    (write words from references on the proposed scheme)

    (Appendix 3)

    V.Encryption(Slide 42-43)

    While the players are completing the task, with the audience - the game "Do you believe ..."

    (Appendix 3)

    V.Encryption(Slide 42-43)

    Vii. "Recover and find out the document"

    VIII. "Journey into a fairy tale" (Slide 49-51)

    -Each team will receive an illustration from a fairy tale. Task: determine which right the heroes used (thinking time 1 minute)

    1) "Aibolit" K. I. Chukovsky (the right to receive medical care)

    2) "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" A.S. Pushkin (right to work)

    3) "The Golden Key" by A.N. Tolstoy (right to education)

    Well done! You have well remembered the rights of Russian citizens.

    While the jury is summing up the results, think again and tell me what documents exist, studying which we learned about different rights? (answers)

    What are their names? There are many such documents, but we will only remember these (Slide 52)



    School charter

    8 December 1948 - the date of the adoption of the "Declaration of Human Rights"

    IX... Training

    We talked a lot about rights. Continue this phrase: (Slide 53)"For me, the most important right is ..."

    OK! Now let's remember your responsibilities as schoolchildren. (Slide 54). Remind me, what is the name of the document that spells out the rights and obligations of schoolchildren?

    -School charter.

    The Charter of the school says: students in schools are required to:

    Comply with the school charter;

    Study conscientiously;

    Take good care of the property of the school;

    Comply with the Student Code of Conduct.

    Remember !!! Rights are granted, and responsibilities are fulfilled!

    X... Reflection.

    Thank you guys for discussing this topic, showing your knowledge.

    Now I propose to play one more game. It is called "Choose the right word ..." You will need to hang a legal apple on the legal tree, on which is written the word that was encountered today at the Tournament and liked most of all.

    Now let's summarize the results of the game. The word of the jury.

    And in conclusion: the game "Compliments"

    Children stand in a circle.

    - Each of you has the opportunity to compliment each other. Let's make everyone have a good mood, so that our lesson is not only useful, but also joyful. Choose who you want to compliment. So the game began.

    - Thanks to all!!!

    Team game "Knowledge of the law is necessary for us!"

    Event dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Aid to Children - November 20, 2015

    Vildanova E.R., teacher of history and social studies MBOU secondary school №5

    “The common heritage of all children is their rights. Every child has the right to live and develop, to receive an education, not to be subjected to violence, abuse and alienation, and to declare himself. "

    From messagesUN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

    Purpose and objectives of the event: legal education, the formation of a legal culture among schoolchildren; education of civic qualities and a sense of patriotism; formation of basic knowledge about the state, law, public and state institutions, human and child rights; the formation of skills for the practical use of knowledge; development of logical thinking, memory, communication skills.

    The game involves 4 teams of five people. The winner is the team that, after all the competitions, gains more points. Questions and tasks are designed for the general development of children and do not affect highly specialized areas of law, politics, economics and other spheres of public life. Fans form 4 cheerleading groups of three each.

    The game takes place in the assembly hall in the form of a competition. The playroom is decorated with posters with Latin "winged sayings" dedicated to law.

    Presenter's introductory remarks.

    On November 20, we celebrate World Children's Day and the All-Russian Day of Legal Aid to Children in the Russian Federation (since 2013)

    In 1954 year, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the celebration of Universal Children 's Day, as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world. The UN invited governments to celebrate this day on any of the days that each of them recognizes as appropriate, and suggested that the universal celebration of World Children's Day would serve to strengthen solidarity and cooperation between nations.And November 20 marks the day on which the Assembly adopted in 1959 the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and in 1989 - the Convention about the rights of the child.

    According to the UN, every year eleven million children die before they reach their fifth birthday, tens of millions more remain physically or mentally ill, unable to grow up, live and develop. Many of these deaths are caused by easily preventable or easily treatable diseases; others with the devastating consequences of poverty, ignorance, discrimination and violence. Taken together, these causes bereavement to families, communities, nations and the world. It is not only in early childhood that one has to deal with forces that threaten the lives and well-being of children. They are becoming more vulnerable, since they are often deprived of their rights, including the right to education, to participate in public and political life, and to protection from harm to health.

    For the first time, the Convention treats the child as a person with rights that states that have ratified the Convention are required to “respect and guarantee”. This provision indicates that the child is a particularly vulnerable member of society and therefore requires and deserves special protection.

    The Convention treats the child as an independent person... The Convention characterizes the child as a person endowed with specific rights: the right to life (Art. 6), to have a family (Art. 9), to a name and citizenship (Art. 7), to education (Art. 28), to protection from violence ( Art. 19), for equality, for freedom of thought and speech (Art. 13), for rest and leisure (Art. 31), for medical care and health care (Art. 24), for state aid (Art. 18- 27), etc.

    According to this document all children have the right to develop their capabilities, freedom from hunger and want, as well as cruelty and other forms of abuse.

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child links children's opportunities to all the rights and obligations of parents or those responsible for them. Based on this, children can participate in decision-making that can affect his present and future.

    The Convention makes it possible for the child to protect their rights through national judicial or administrative procedures (art. 12).

    The Convention affirms the priority of the interests of children, considers the principle of observance of the rights and interests of all children without any exceptions or any discrimination (Art. 2). Moreover, according to Art. 5, 12 of the Convention, the realization of a number of the rights of the child depends on his age, maturity and the degree of his development; and according to Art. 20, 23, special needs are recognized by the Convention for disabled people and children permanently or temporarily deprived of their families.

    Since the ratification of the Convention by Russia, lawmakers have made significant efforts to bring Russian legislation in line with the Convention.

    The rights of the child in Russia are regulated by such legislative documents as:

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation; Family Code of the Russian Federation;

    RF legislation on the protection of citizens' health;

    The Law on Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law "On Education";

    Law on additional guarantees for the protection of orphans and children left without parents;

    Law on social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

    Federal Guardianship and Guardianship Act

    In the development of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the protection of motherhood, childhood and the family by the state (Article 38), civil, criminal, administrative and other branches of legislation contain norms on the protection of the rights of the child.

    The 1995 Family Code of the Russian Federation assigns an entire chapter to the rights of underage children (Chapter 11 of the RF IC).

    Almost all the norms on the protection of the child's family rights enshrined in it, in one way or another, reflect the requirements of the Convention.

    Chapter 11 (Articles 54-60) of the Family Code provides for the following basic rights for children:

    the right to live and be raised in a family;

    the right to communicate with parents and relatives;

    the right to defense;

    the right to express one's opinion;

    the right to a name, patronymic and surname;

    property rights, including the rights of the owner.

    Russian legislation enshrines all the rights guaranteed to the child by the Convention.

    The protection of the rights of children in Russia is carried out by both the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, whose position was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2009 No.

    On December 30, 2009, Pavel Astakhov was appointed to the post of the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of the Child by Presidential Decree No. 1518 "On the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation." The task of the ombudsmen- ensuring the protection of the rights of the child and assistance in the restoration of the violated rights of the child.

    Children's public councils have already been established and are operating under the ombudsmen for children's rights in Moscow, Belgorod, Oryol, Ivanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Kemerovo regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other territories.

    The "Legal Tournament" is held within the framework of the World Children's Day and the All-Russian Day of Legal Aid to Children. Children and youth (tomorrow's adults) are every society's most valuable asset. Continuous communication and mutual understanding of all generations are essential for any society. This is an indispensable condition for the stability of our world, the optimism and responsibility of the present generation to future generations.

    26 years ago, the world made a pledge to children to do whatever it could to protect and advance their rights to survive and prosper, to educate and develop, to reach their full potential, and to have their voices heard.

    The course of the team game "Tournament of Law Experts"


    The game involves 4 teams of five people, formed from children of the 9th grade. The winner is the team that, after all the competitions, gains more points. Questions and tasks are designed for knowledge of law. Fans form 4 cheerleading groups of three each.

    Members of the distinguished jury will evaluate the teams' answers today. (jury presentation)

    The list of tasks of the "Legal Tournament":

      Greeting teams (name, motto) - (5 points)

      "All sorts of things" (for each correct answer 1 point)

      Human rights (5 points)

      Competition "Black box" (5 points)

      Competition "catch phrases" (6 points)

      Competition for the support group "Serious joke" (1 point for the team)

      Captains competition (3 points)

      All about the passport

      Convention on the Rights of the Child (8 points)


    - We announce the first greeting competition. The jury evaluates the name, motto and greetings of the teams. The maximum score is 5 points.

    Greetings from team # 1

    Greetings from team # 2

    Greetings from team # 3

    Greetings from team # 4

    The floor is given to the distinguished members of the jury to assess the greetings of the teams ... ..

    Leading. The second competition is called "All sorts of things." Teams will have to answer 2 questions in the 3 minutes allotted for the competition. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. (Total 5 points) If you find it difficult to answer, the word goes to the next command. The jury will record the correct answers.

    Questions to the teams:

      In what year was the current constitution adopted? (1993)

      A 15-year-old teenager was banned from attending church. What right is violated? (Respect for freedom of conscience)

      The teacher read the note addressed to the student. What right is violated? (Right to privacy of correspondence)

      The 14-year-old was allowed to take part in the fighting. What right is violated? (Do not take part in hostilities until the age of 15)

      Which countries have not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (USA, Somalia)

      A 17-year-old girl was not allowed to take exams at a military school. What right is violated? (Equal rights for all children regardless of gender)

    Dear Jury, sum up the results of the second competition and announce them.


    - I announce the conditions of the third competition dedicated to human rights.

    Teams are offered a choice of cards with unfinished phrases relating to various fairy tale characters. The cards are removed one at a time. You need to determine which right of the fairytale hero is violated and finish the phrase. Teams must be guided by the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles of the Constitution. Time for reflection - 1 minute. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. (5 points in total)

    Checklist text

      Grabbing the rat Shushera by the tail, Pinocchio violated her right to ………………

    (personal integrity)

      Having presented Pinocchio with the alphabet and sent him to school, Carlo's dad hoped that Bura-

    Tino will exercise his right to …………… .. (getting free


      A frog from V. Garshin's fairy tale "The Traveler The Frog"

    Travel, I exercised my right to …… (free movement)

      The policemen from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"

    ku papa Carlo violated his right to ... ... (inviolability of the home)

      Balda from A. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Legend of the Priest and His Worker Balda", having hired

    To work for the priest, he exercised his right to ……. (work)

      Tsarevich Ivan from the fairy tale "Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", having stolen the Firebird from the Tsar

    Berendeya, violated his right to .... (property ownership)

      In the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf," the brothers killed Ivan, violating his right to

    ……..(life and personal integrity)

      Pinocchio wanted to go to the theater, because he had the right ... ... ... ... (Paul-

    be called cultural institutions)

      The cat Basilio and the fox Alice who attacked Pinocchio, tried to take money from him,

    which is an attempt on the right of Pinocchio ... ... (have property and property)

      When Pinocchio, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat went to the Land of Fools, they

    exercised the right … .. (leave your country and return to your homeland)

      What right did the witch violate in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and
      brother Ivanushka "? (The right to live)

      Why the inhabitants of the courtyard in Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
      offended the ugly duckling? (He was not like the others)

      What right was violated in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"?
      (Right to the inviolability of the home)

      Who violated this right (Fox) and who helped the hare to restore
      your rights? (Rooster)

      What right did Ivan Tsarevich violate in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and
      Grey Wolf? (Right to own personal property)

      What right did the frog use in Garshin's fairy tale "The Traveler Frog"? (Right to free movement)

      How far could a frog move using its right
      to freedom of movement? (Without Borders)

      What rights were violated by the brothers in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray
      Wolf"? (Right to life and security of person)

      What crime did the swan geese commit in the fairy tale of the same name, having stolen their brother? (Kidnapping)

      What right of the Princess was Kasha the Immortal violated by taking her home and deciding to marry her, in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"? (Marry freely and by mutual consent)

    The word of the jury.


    We pass to the next competition under the conditional name "Black box".

    You need to guess what is in the box. Questions are asked in turn; if there is no answer, the question goes to another team. The correct answer is worth 5 points. Reflection time is 1 minute.

    * Question to the team "1"

    The box contains what the caliphs had yellow, the Albanians had no beak and nails, their Russian "brother" has them. (Two-headed eagle)

    * Question to the team "2"

    The box contains what is translated from Latin as “establishment, device. (Constitution)

    * Question to the team "3"

    The drawer contains a book, which consists of two parts - general and special. The first, in particular, provides a definition of what is considered a crime. ... (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

    * Question to the team "4."

    The box contains what is with a blindfold, scales and a sword in his hands (Themis is the goddess of justice)

    The jury's word ...

    1st led. The next competition is called "Catch phrases". Before you 2 envelopes with a set of words. You need to arrange the words so that you can read legal terms and sayings from Roman law. Time for reflection - 5 minutes. For each correctly folded statement - 3 points. (Total - 6 points for two sayings)

      No proof is given against the fact

      Gross negligence equates to intent

      Conscience - a thousand witnesses

      Better to be deceived than to deceive another

      The ignorance of the judge is a disaster for the innocent

      The stronger the power, the less freedom

      When the weapon speaks, the laws are silent

      The instigator is more guilty than the performer

    While the teams are working, we are running a competition for support groups. It is called "Serious joke." For each correct answer, fans can bring 1 point to their team. The one who first raised his hand answers.

      This password was used by smugglers in L. Gaidai's film The Diamond Arm. Answer: "Damn it."

      Forest hares do not have fangs, and city “hares” do not have exactly this. What? Answer: "Ticket".

      This car thief was an experienced insurance agent, amateur actor, stunt driver. Answer: Yuri Detochkin, the hero of the film "Beware of the car".

      Popular rumor often accuses this bird of jewelry theft. Answer: forty.

      He was sentenced to drown in a suburban pond as a homeless, passportless and unemployed ... Answer: "Buratino".

      “God save us from such judges,” exclaimed IA Krylov. Who was the hero of his fable? Answer: donkey.

      How did the expression “Written on the forehead” come about? Answer: "It comes from the custom of putting a stigma on the forehead of a criminal."

      A part of a thief's clothing that has a tendency to succumb to the action of fire? Answer: "Hat".

    (Teams and fans work for 5 minutes, then the presenter takes the answer sheets from the team and hands them over to the jury members)

    Dear members of the jury, calculate the scores and announce them.


    - Moving on to the captains competition: "Collect the proverb." The captains take turns answering. The correct answer is estimated at 3 points. The opponent can answer the question of his opponent if he is silent. Thinking time is no more than 1 minute.

    They don't get money by stealing, eh? (labor).

    Easy to steal, right? ( hard reply).

    At least steal wisely, eh? (trouble is inevitable).

    Ignorance of the law, no one? ( do not excuse yourself!)

    Sheela? ( you can't hide in a bag).

    What is the sin,? ( such is the reckoning.)

    Stole it once, huh? ( forever became a thief).

    Does the cat know? ( whose meat I ate).

    Fools? ( the law is not written).

    The sword of justice is not? (has a scabbard).

    For bad words? ( the head flies)

    Rights entail for? ( yourself and responsibilities)

    Dear jury evaluates the work of the captains.


    The next competition is announced "A legal incident, or everything happens in life ..."

    (task text is issued to teams)

    1.You have a birthday and a big noisy company. A housemate asks to make the music quieter and not make noise, since it is already evening. What to do: talk to friends or ignore the old woman, because you have the right to leisure and cultural life ? (Answer: The right of others to rest is violated - Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

    2. The head of the enterprise talks with the worker of the enterprise.

    Here, Ivanov, on what issue I called you. By the way, how old are you?

    In three months it will be 18.

    We want to send you on another 20-day vacation from tomorrow. Sorry, I can't do it for a longer period.

    So you promised to give me a vacation in June-July. And now it's only April.

    I must understand myself: I can't give everyone a vacation. And you are a young man with us, you have no family, you have no children. You can also rest in the spring.

    Is the head of the enterprise right about a minor?

    (Answer: No. Not right. Annual basic paid leave for employees under 18 years of age is granted for 31 calendar days at any time convenient for them (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    3.The court received a statement of claim from citizen Sidorova in which she asks the court to make a decision to change the name of her 12-year-old son, due to the fact that he does not want to bear the name given to him at birth by his parents. What should the court take into account when making a decision on the received statement of claim?

    (Answer: A change of name by a person under the age of 18 is made with the consent of both parents, and in the absence of such consent on the basis of a court decision, taking into account the opinion of the child).

    4. During the summer holidays, 16-year-olds decided to work and earn pocket money. Irina dances well and is going to work in a nightclub as a dancer, Pavel has good physical fitness and decided to work as a loader in a store, and Natalya is going to become a seller in her aunt's tobacco store. Which teen has a chance of finding a job?

    (Answer: In accordance with Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to hire minors to work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, as well as to work, the performance of which may harm their health and moral development (gambling business, work in nightclubs and bars, production, transportation and trade of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, narcotic and toxic drugs).


    While the teams are solving legal problems, warm-up for support groups. Correct answers will bring the teams additional points - 1 point for each correct answer

    1) Is obscene language at school a cost of upbringing or an illegal action? (Code of Administrative Offenses, Article 158, petty hooliganism)

    2) Can a 14-year-old teenager who extorted money from classmates be prosecuted? (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art.20)

    3) Can the knowingly false report about the impending explosion at the school be regarded as a prank? (CC, Art.20)

    4) At what age is the child's opinion taken into account in court or administrative proceedings? (SK, art. 57, from the age of 10)

    5) Who enjoys preferential rights over children - mother or father? (UK, art. 61, equality of rights of parents)

    6) Can a 12-year-old let his friends play on a computer given to him for his birthday? (UK, art. 60, with parental consent)

    7) What responsibilities of the state towards children are formulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (Protect and defend children's rights)

    8) to whom exactly does the Convention on the Rights of the Child make responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of children? (To parents)

    The distinguished jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the results of the teams.


    The next competition for the knowledge of your identity document "All About Passport". The competition is evaluated at 1 point for each correct answer. If the team does not know the answer, then the right to answer goes to the next team.

    1. How many pages are in the passport? (19.)
    2. From what age is the passport valid indefinitely? (From 45 years old.)
    3. What is written on the first page of the passport? (Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.)
    4. On which page is the passport holder's personal signature placed? (On page 2.)
    5. What information about the passport holder is on the page next to the photo? (Surname, name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth.)
    6. What information about the owner is still indicated in the passport? (Conscription, marital status, children, information about a previously issued passport.)
    7. How many pages are allocated in the passport to the section "Marital status"? (Two 14 and 15.)
    8. How many pages of the passport is the number on? (On 10.)
    9. Are the passport pages watermarked? (Yes.)
    10. What should a citizen who has lost his passport take? (Immediately report to the internal affairs bodies.)
    11. What marks at the request of a citizen can be made in the passport by health care institutions? (Marks for blood type and Rh factor.)
    12. What was the age of the citizens of the USSR who received the passport? (16 years.)
    13. Is there a note on the religion of a citizen in the passport? (No.)
    14. In what year did the issuance of the new passport begin? (2001)
    15. Does the passport indicate nationality? (No.)
    16. Are there Roman numerals in the passport? (No.)
    17. How many digits are in the passport number? (10.)
    18. How many pages of the passport are devoted to the "Conscription" section? (One is the 13th.)
    19. In what two cases can your passport be replaced? (If you lose your passport and change your surname.)
    20. In what cases is a passport required? (When applying for a job, when buying a train or plane ticket, when receiving money from a savings bank, when signing up for a library, and so on.)

    Leading. 1.

    The last competition for teams on the knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    For each correct answer - 1 point, in total - 10 points will be awarded to the teams if they answer all the questions correctly (the text of the tasks on the sheets is given to the team captains)

    1. What large groups can be divided into international documents, including on human rights? Declarations and conventions

    2. In what year was the Declaration on the Rights of the Child adopted? 1959 g.

    3. In what year was the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted? 1989 year

    4. Who adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child? The UN General Assembly

    5. When did our country ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child? 1990 year

    6. Who is a child according to the Convention? Every human being under the age of 18, unless the child reaches the age of majority under the law applicable to the child

    7. From what moment, according to the Convention, does a child have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality? From the moment of birth

    8. Who are covered by the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child? For everyone children without exception

    9. In what cases, according to the Convention, a child can be separated from his parents? When it is contrary to the best interests of the child

    10. Who is responsible for the education of the child? Parents


    - We ask the distinguished members of the jury to calculate the points for the last competition and announce the total score, name the winning team and present the Diplomas!

    Thanks to all participants of the Legal Quiz! Goodbye and see you soon.

    Annex 1 .

    Law Experts Tournament

    (evaluation paper)

    Contests (points)

    1 team

    2 team

    3 team

    4 team

    Notes (edit)

    1. Greetings (5 points)

    2. "All sorts of things" (12 points; for each correct answer 1 point)

    3. Human rights (5 points; for each correct answer -1 point)

    4. "Black box" (5 points)

    5. "catch phrases" (6 points)

    6. Contest for fans "Serious joke"

    7. Competition for captains (3 points)

    8. Everything about the passport

    9. Convention on the Rights of the Child


    Plan of the "Week of Legal Culture"


    Goal and tasks:

      to acquaint students with documents on human rights;

      to form a respectful attitude towards human rights and freedoms.

      expand knowledge of their rights

    Methods for achieving the goals and objectives:

    2. The main form is a conversation, during which students acquire theoretical knowledge.

    3. Along with conversations, such forms are used as an oral journal, a competition of drawings and newspapers, a quiz, watching cartoons, clips that contribute to the development of the skills of schoolchildren.

    event title


    Opening of the "Week of Law"

      Screening of the presentation "Convention on the Rights of the Child"

      Design of the stand "How not to become a victim of a crime"

    Morozova S.A.

    Morozova S.A.

      Misconduct. Offense. Crime. (Round table)

    Morozova S.A

    Your safety is in your hands. Lesson presentation.

    Morozova S.A

    Book exhibition in the school library.


    Children's drawing competition "I draw my rights"

    Class teachers

    Watching cartoons about the rights of the child

    I have the right .. Oral journal.

    Morozova S.A

    Morozova S.A


    Morozova S.A

    Class teachers

    Analysis of the legal week at school.

    At the beginning Legal culture weeks a colorful stand was designed to attract the attention of all participants in the educational process, which contains some provisions from the Charter of the school, the fundamental rights of the child (according to the UN Convention), data from services that ensure the protection of children's rights, an action plan for this week, etc.

    According to the work plan, activities were held in all classes. In elementary school, students get the first idea of ​​human rights, the value of human life. Here the skills of correct behavior are formed at school and at home, in public places and on the street. During the lessons, the students got an idea of ​​the Convention as a document that protects their rights. Preference was given to work with colorful illustrations, all the children were active during the conversations, watched the cartoons with delight and interest. At the basic school, work continues on the formation of a legal culture, the skills of lawful behavior are developed. It is based on such important characteristics as knowledge of their rights and obligations, increased responsibility for their behavior. Taking into account the knowledge of students and life experience in the classroom, we used a set of cognitive and practical lessons. For grades 5-6 Morozova S.A. held oral journal "I HAVE THE RIGHT". This event was of an educational nature, students with a great desire to share the knowledge acquired within the framework of the Legal Knowledge Week, led a discussion, learned new things. For the 8th grade, a round table was held “Misdemeanor. Offense. Crime ”These events aroused the interest of the students. They easily entered into a conversation, asked questions on all problems of interest to them, received full competent answers

    At school within the framework of the week it was announced drawing competition . I would like to note the great activity of children in this nomination. Students of grades 1-5 took an active part. The students chose the most diverse topics: “I and my rights”, “I paint childhood”, “The colorful world of childhood”, “I and the Convention”, “My family”, etc. The most vivid, meaningful drawings were presented the following students: Kovaleva A. (grade 4), Baranov S (grade 4). Bunkova M (grade 4), Pudovkin K (grade 4). At the general school line-up, the results of the legal week were summed up, the winners, prize-winners and active participants were awarded diplomas. Conducted monitoring with all participants in the educational process. Based on monitoring made some conclusions .

    To the question "Do you know that there was a week of legal knowledge at school?" 100% of students answered yes

    To the question "Do you know what events took place during this week?" 91% answered yes

    To the question "Did you take part in holding the week of law?" 82% answered yes.

    “Do you think there is a need for the school to hold such a week? 93% answered "Yes"

    Analyzing the work done, you can draw conclusions

      During the week, the students learned and consolidated their ideas about the rights and obligations of children, learned to apply the acquired legal knowledge in situations where illegal actions were identified.

      All the events held aroused the interest of the students.


    Legal knowledge quiz.

    7th grade

    Today we will talk about the rights, duties and legal protection of citizens. We will not just talk, but play. But don't forget that gambling is serious business. Therefore, I propose to draw up a set of rules for our game.

    Children's suggestions (+ disputes with the leader and the captain, determine the order of answers in the team, the choice of captains, 1 point for each correct answer, carefully listen to the tasks for both teams)

    Let me remind you that the rules are binding as well as the laws.

    Competition No. 1 Warm-up:

    A. What was the name of our state at different times?

    A. What is the Constitution?

    B. What is a Federation?

    A. Give a definition of the concept of law.

    B. Define the concept of duty.

    A. What is the name of the child's first identity document?

    B. What document do you get at the age of 14?

    A. What is tolerance?

    B. What is democracy?

    Competition # 2 Give a definition:

    Answer A: a person belonging to the permanent population of the state, enjoying all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and fulfilling all the duties established by the Constitution.

    A: The Russian poet N. Nekrasov said this about a citizen:

    “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen. And what is a CITIZEN? ... "

    Formulate your complete answer to the question.

    B. What, from your point of view, does the word FREEDOM mean? Explain your choice.

    The ability to do whatever you want

    Independence from someone

    No restrictions


    The right to do whatever does not harm others

    Competition No. 3 Literary and Legal:

    A. Stepmother makes Cinderella work from morning till night. The unhappy girl is forbidden to participate in the games and amusements of her sisters. Formulate an article of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Child that would be violated if this happened today?

    (Article 31 recognizes the child's right to rest, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his or her age, to participate freely in cultural life and to practice art.)

    B. Those who have read about the adventures of Tom Sawyer will remember that he was forbidden to be friends with a boy like Huckleberry Finn. Formulate what right of the child, according to the Convention, has been violated?

    (In Mark Twain's time, such friendship was a flagrant violation of public morality, but now the Convention recognizes the child's right to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly. Article 15.)

    A. Is Mowgli, who lives in the forest with wild animals, a child with rights?

    (According to the Convention, every human being up to the age of 18 is a child. Article 1.)

    B. Mowgli does not know how to speak human language. He can only make inarticulate, from the point of view of people, sounds. Do people who catch him in the forest have the right to lock him in a cage and treat him like an animal?

    (Mowgli, who does not know the human language and human norms of behavior, may be considered inferior. But, according to the Convention, every handicapped child can lead a fulfilling life in conditions that ensure his dignity. Article 23.)

    A. The guardian of the world famous Harry Potter intercepts and reads letters addressed to the boy. What rights of the child does he violate?

    (Article 20 states: “No child may be the object of interference with the exercise of his right to privacy, family life, home inviolability or privacy of correspondence.”)

    B. Baba Yaga carries off brother Ivanushka from sister Alyonushka to the distant lands in the thirtieth kingdom to another state.What is grandma breaking? (Article 11 of the Convention provides for the adoption of measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad.)

    Competition # 4 Add a word:

    1. According to Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, education should be aimed at developing the personality, mental and physical abilities of the child and his talents
    2. Article 31 of the Convention recognizes the child's right to rest and leisure
    3. Who, according to Article 18 of the Convention, is primarily responsible for the upbringing and development of the child? On parents
    4. What is the most important child's right enshrined in Article 6 of the Convention? For life
    5. The inalienable right of the child to the freedom to receive information, enshrined in Art. 17, includes the rightread children's books, watch children's programs ...
    6. Who, if not the parents, according to Article 18 of the Convention, are responsible for raising a child?Legal guardians
    7. According to Article 28 of the Convention, primary education is free of charge and compulsory
    8. According to Article 18 of the Convention, states take all necessary measures to protect the child from all forms of physical and mental abuse?
    9. Which organizations have adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child at various times? League of Nations and UN
    10. According to the Convention, it is every human being up to the age of 18 child
    11. From the age of 17, for each young man, the obligation to stand on military registration?
    12. At what age does the criminal responsibility for especially grave crimes begin? S 16

    Competition # 5 Legal advice:

    A. A fourteen-year-old teenager charged with murder. Will he be punished for the crime he has committed?(Responsibility for especially grave crimes begins from the age of 14).

    B. A student of the school, who turned 16, being drunk, pestered girls on the dance floor, demanded that they dance with him. Having received a refusal, he insulted them with obscene language. Can this student be held accountable?(The behavior of a student falls under the definition of "petty hooliganism" and is considered by law as an administrative offense, which entails administrative responsibility, which begins from the age of 16).

    Competition No. 6 Exam for captains:

    As you know, we live in the most amazing country in the world. And why is she so amazing? Our captains probably know about it.

    The highest point in Russia

    The largest art gallery in the world in our country

    The largest river in the world that has no flow into the oceans

    The deepest lake in Russia

    The shallowest sea in Russia

    Largest island

    The largest forest in Russia is called

    The highest active volcano in Russia

    The most common tree in our country

    The strangest Russian holiday

    Competition №7 Duel:

    The teams themselves come up with a task for each other on legal topics.

    Summarizing. Announcement of the winners - "ZNATOKOV PRAVA"

    So, we have considered many issues related to the field of law. They used their knowledge of history, social studies, literature, geography. Have you followed the rules you made?The law is harsh, but it is the law.

    And this means ... Since today is an unusual day, I will not apply the sanctions imposed in these cases. Remember, rules, like laws, must be respected and followed exactly. And ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility.