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  • What does a tolerant person mean? What does tolerance mean: definition and meaning of the word What does tolerant mean?

    What does a tolerant person mean?  What does tolerance mean: definition and meaning of the word What does tolerant mean?

    The concept of tolerance was introduced into science in the 18th century and since that time has been used most often in politics. In Russia, this word began to be used almost two centuries later, because from the mid-1930s. it disappeared from political vocabulary, but it reappeared in the modern life of people, became popular in colloquial speech and fully revealed its meaning not only in the social sphere, but also in the character of a person.

    Meaning of the word

    Tolerance translated from Latin (from tolerantia)- patience, patience, acceptance.

    In Wikipedia, it is defined as a sociological term that denotes tolerance for a different way of life, customs, worldview and behavior, while it is not considered tantamount to indifference, that is, it does not mean acceptance of someone else's life position and deviation from one's own beliefs. Tolerance is about granting the right to live with your own worldview and have a personal opinion on everything.

    According to the definition of the encyclopedic dictionary, tolerance is tolerance for a different kind of morals, attitudes, habits, an open-minded attitude towards people who differ from the majority of those around them in their thoughts, appearance and behavior, if such properties do not interfere with society and do not offend moral values.

    Today, these two definitions are the most popular in sociology, but there are other concepts:

    Religion develops a special attitude towards tolerance. Buddha talked about religious tolerance towards other religions, which was the first in history to proclaim such a principle. He considered it unacceptable to impose his teaching on those who did not reach spiritual maturity and did not appear to the teacher of their own accord, and called for an understanding of the way of life of any person, explaining this position by the fact that every entity has the right to seek spirituality. Tolerance in this case became a "religious ideal" for Buddhists.

    And when many scholars considered Buddhist "tolerance" a weakness, senior researcher of the DSC RAS ​​G. I. Yusupova predicted that the spread of the school of Buddhists would increase over time throughout the world, since the teaching contains inexhaustible opportunities for the development of tolerant consciousness and acceptance by man not only those around you, but also yourself.

    Tolerance is essential in dealing with different peoples, nations and religions... It is considered a sign of awareness of the reliability of their positions, confidence in actions and openness of the ideological flow, which does not avoid competition and is not afraid of comparison with other opinions, since it implies respect, a true understanding of cultures and ways of manifesting human individuality.

    But despite the fact that, by its definition, tolerance does not mean concession, connivance or condescension, as well as tolerance of social injustice, the rejection of personal beliefs and the imposition of them on others, there is a lot of controversy regarding this term.

    Criticism of the concept

    Priest and Acting Secretary of the Department for External Church Relations Ryabykh George points out that this term is borrowed from the West and has several meanings with its pluses and minuses. However, the clergyman was greatly worried by the fact that most often he meant moral nihilism and indifference to vices, the truth of religion and values ​​that had been forming in the country for centuries. Therefore, the priests took the initiative to boycott the lessons of tolerance in school.

    And also, according to critics, modern sociological tolerance acts as a manipulation of human consciousness in order to hide the destructive and negative aspects of any circumstances from society. For example: the reduction of the indigenous population, its replacement with cheap foreign labor with low qualifications without providing legal and social guarantees in order to increase capital.

    The concept of this term was also criticized by the Perm and Solikamsk Bishop Irinarkh Grezin, who wrote an open letter to journalists. He encouraged people to learn to understand that not everyone can look the same and eat the same food, arrange their families differently, and react to everyday things. The bishop claims that if we do not accept this difference of self-expression and submission, "we will be in a state of terrible war."

    Sometimes critics in their statements about tolerance use the neologisms “tolerastka” or “tolerast” to implicitly insult those who are supporters of the ideas of the existing concept.

    Psychological perspective

    Increasingly, the media use calls for the development of tolerant qualities in relation to alien and dissimilar cultures. The basis for this is the open expression of one's feelings and thoughts, as well as the right to personal freedom of a person.

    Tolerance does not agitate a passively tolerant attitude towards violation of human rights and any means of manipulating consciousness, which is misinterpreted by some individuals. On the contrary, it implies a benevolent attitude towards what is happening and a desire to change the situation in order to solve problems, which in no way relates to violations of universal human moral principles.

    Main types and subspecies

    In psychology that studies human relations, there are four main types of tolerance. Tolerance can be:

    In analyzing the level or degree of tolerance, as well as determining a person's tolerance to others, psychologists use the term "communicative tolerance".

    To identify the qualities of a person inherent in his character and by them to determine the type of tolerance, its subspecies are analyzed:

    • situational;
    • typological;
    • professional;
    • general.

    Situational tolerance explains the attitude of the investigated character towards people of certain categories in terms of phrases, for example: “this miracle infuriates me” (low level), “I do not always understand it” (medium level), “but I feel comfortable with him” (high level); typological - the attitude to the type of people according to their nationality, ethnicity and political views. Professional tolerance is shown towards clients, patients and other people with whom you have to keep in touch due to their professional activities.

    The last subspecies is the total communicative tolerance, which is formed on the basis of the previous criteria.

    The desire of a person to be tolerant and morally tolerant does not always lead to the desired. In most cases, everything stops at the moral component of this word, that is, at the systematic suppression of internal rejection.

    The manifestation of intolerance, like tolerance, is more characteristic of interethnic relations, but this does not exclude their manifestation in other global social problems and interpersonal relations.

    The differences between these concepts are manifested in such character traits as:

    The manifestation of tolerance as a characteristic quality is necessary for people in leadership positions, as they must be able to conduct a constructive dialogue and treat others without bias.

    To educate a tolerant person in yourself, you must adhere to a simple formula, which consists in the desire to learn about the world, find common interests, study any opinion, identify cause-and-effect relationships and treat others with understanding.

    In the youth environment of Russia, a group of people - skinheads - is a vivid example of opponents of tolerance. The imposed patience for another culture, in their opinion, is the inevitability of the subsequent genocide of the Slavic race.

    Many politicians do not feel the line between tolerance and slavish tolerance, therefore, professionals experienced in this area skillfully manipulate the minds of people who are loyal. For example, part of the world community believes that Russia has shown clear intolerance in politics by adopting a law that prohibits the promotion of homosexuality towards minors.

    However, there are people among Russians who are outraged by their intolerant attitude, for example, towards any manifestations of fascism in Ukraine, that a tolerant person and a citizen of his country understands this as an intention to seize territory and harm the people, and not save Ukrainians and their lands from destructive and provocative war.

    In this regard, we can come to the conclusion that the tolerant attitude and the concept of the term itself has a twofold format, regardless of the limitation period of the interpretation of this term and its origin, since the opinion of people is divided into two camps: for and against.

    To arrive at the correct meaning of tolerance, it is necessary to accept religious and ethical traditions and the behavior of an unwanted minority, to look at the fact of the problem from a position of common sense, to feel the limits of tolerance, which will not allow one to be mistaken in the manifestation of tolerance and replace it with permissiveness and indifference to the ongoing eradication of true values.

    Indulgent, tolerant, undemanding, undemanding, gentle, liberal. Ant. tough, intolerant Dictionary of Russian synonyms. tolerant see condescending Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Almost ... Synonym dictionary

    Pertaining to tolerance for anything, especially in religious matters. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. tolerant tolerant, tolerant; tolerant, tolerant, tolerant [fr. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    tolerant- oh, oh. tolérant lat. tolerans (tolerantis). The same as tolerant. Ush. 1940. Is obsolete. Indulgent, tolerant. ALS 1. He jokingly said that I am so tolérant that he almost suspects me of actually being Talleyrand, that is. fake, of course ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    I adj. Characterized by tolerance [tolerance I], lack of immunological reactivity. II app. Tolerant II. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, ... ... Forms of words

    Illegal ... Dictionary of antonyms

    tolerant- antenna tolerance; short form ten, tna ... Russian spelling dictionary

    tolerant- cr.f. tolera / nten, tolera / ntna, tno, tna; tolera / ntnee ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    tolerant- Syn: indulgent, tolerant, undemanding, undemanding, gentle, liberal Ant: tough, intolerant ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Aya, oh; ten, tna, tno. [lat. tolerantia patience]. 1. Honey. Able to endure the adverse effects of something l .; insensitive to what l. T th reaction of the body to weightlessness. 2. Book. Capable, able to tolerate the alien ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Amsterdam. The City of Love, Channels and Bicycles, Yu. V. Antonova. The capital of tulips and bicycles, wooden shoes and diamonds, free love and cheese. Amazing architecture, countless bridges, winding canals and unique museums - perhaps ...
    • Amsterdam, Colwell Dan. Tolerant, democratic, confident and eternally young, Amsterdam never ceases to amaze its guests. Take a boat ride along the canals along the 17th century houses, enjoy ...

    Tolerance is the ability to calmly perceive other people's thoughts, behavior, or methods of self-expression that are contrary to your moral principles.

    Xenophobia is the antipode of tolerance, fear or hatred of someone or something else; the perception of someone else as dangerous and hostile. Raised to the rank of worldview, it can cause enmity on the basis of national, religious or social division of people.

    The basis of tolerance is freedom of thought and communication, as well as personal independence of the individual. But if in the process generally accepted moral norms are violated (violation of human rights, speculation), then this situation should not be perceived with tolerance. By adhering to tolerance, we observe basic human values:

    • Condescension (patience);
    • Respect for the traditions and norms of behavior of other people;
    • Partnerships based on equality.

    In the modern world, a sense of tolerance is simply necessary in order for different cultures and social groups to coexist harmoniously on the same territory, which differ in appearance, traditions, norms and religious beliefs.

    Initially, it arose at the suggestion of the UN General Assembly on 11/16/1997 due to the need to conduct an active fight against the global growth of Nazism and extremism.

    In psychology, there is a division of tolerance in relations between people into types:

    1. Natural(natural) - this position is inherent in young children who are not yet at all able to oppose their personality and life experience. Natural naivety and trust in people maintains the appearance of good relations between others, but on the other hand causes suppression of one's own emotions and desires.
    2. Moral- the most conscious position. Thanks to morality, we preserve our “I” and at the same time do not condemn or reproach other people with whom our ideas about the norms of life may differ.
    3. Moral- this type is constantly used by successful people who are used to controlling their own emotions and suppressing them within themselves. Thus, tolerance and benevolence are shown on display and are conditioned by the concealment of true thoughts.
    4. Ethnic- the ability of a person to show patience for a long time to people from another country and other charters.

    How to develop tolerance?

    The first direction in the development of tolerance is the acceptance of other peoples and cultures with their own traditions and customs. It is necessary to have an understanding of the many cultures of the world and cultivate a good attitude towards them.

    The second direction is the study of ways to peacefully resolve conflict situations and disagreements. Violent methods of dispute resolution must be eradicated. To develop peacefulness in oneself and fair approach to the individual and his moral principles. It is necessary to learn how to objectively analyze the consequences of enmity and racial hostility between peoples.

    The third direction in the development of tolerance is characterized by the ideas of altruism and respect for others. Only people who do not put themselves above others can freely and restrainedly express their own thoughts and judgments without harming anyone.

    Then comes the practical side of developing tolerance. It is formed by conducting constructive conversations in case of any disagreement between people. It is necessary to develop skills for effective interaction with representatives of different cultures.

    Exercises to develop tolerance

    The main task of all exercises for the development of tolerance is creating a friendly and trusting atmosphere in an established group of people. They teach to express their own feelings and experiences verbally, without the use of violence. Thanks to the exercises, you can develop excellent communication skills in the process of communication among team members.

    1. "Compliments"- the participants in the conversation should compliment each other. Basically, the participants are selected using the ball. It is necessary that the ball be passed to all members of the team. This exercise allows you to identify the feelings of those participants who gave compliments and those to whom they were intended.
    2. "Pantomime"- it is necessary to be divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. Each created group receives a specific task that must be portrayed for others with the help of facial expressions. The assignment should be as clear as possible to the group members. Preparation - 5 minutes. The result shows exactly what the difficulty was during the pantomime, and which of the options was the most tolerant.
    3. "Magic Shop"- group members should imagine that there is a store in front of them where you can buy something unusual (patience, a sense of humor, empathy, condescension, humanism, the ability to forgive or listen, altruism, etc.). The host of this event is the seller. Each participant in turn approaches the seller and buys a certain thing, for example, empathy. And the seller finds out how much he needs this quality, why he needed it. And in what situations this feeling will be necessary.
    4. "Dictionary of Tolerance"- it is necessary to conduct research on concepts that are directly related to this issue. And also how the same words are perceived by different people. It is necessary to divide the participants of the event into small groups (up to 4 people). From each team, one representative is selected to whom a specific word falls (for example, racism, equality, prejudice, violence, culture, appearance, etc.). After that, they return to the other participants and try to draw it. Naturally, the group must guess the word. After the exercise, representatives from each group discuss the difficulties they encountered in completing the assignment.

    Tolerant person. This expression, translated from Latin, means "patient person". This concept is a sociological term that denotes understanding, acceptance and tolerance for a different way of behavior, life, feelings, customs, ideas, beliefs, opinions without any feeling of inconvenience.

    Many cultures equate the concept of "tolerance" with simple "tolerance". However, unlike a just patient, a tolerant person is willing to accept and acknowledge favorably the behavior, views and beliefs of other people that differ from their own. And even in the event that other people's beliefs or views are not approved or shared by you.

    Tolerant attitude towards people at all times was considered a true human virtue. The problems of teaching and raising children are more pronounced at the breaks in the development of society, as they come into contact with drastic changes in social requirements for a person. A tolerant person is a person who respects, accepts and correctly understands the rich diversity of cultures of the world in which we live, our self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Tolerance is promoted by openness, knowledge, communication, and thoughts and beliefs. The most effective way to prevent intolerance is to cultivate in young hearts a respectful attitude to the values ​​and worldviews of others, empathy, understanding of the motives of people's actions, the ability to cooperate and communicate with people of different views, orientations, opinions, cultures. Modern society presupposes the existence of tolerance, which should turn into a formed model of relationships between people, countries, nations. As a result, our country also needs to form a correct understanding of tolerance, to strive for this concept to become familiar in our everyday speech. This will happen only when the concept of "tolerant person" is firmly settled in the vocabulary of school teachers.

    According to the spheres of manifestation, tolerance is subdivided into scientific, political, administrative and pedagogical. Psychologists in relation to personality distinguish several varieties of this concept.

    Natural (natural) tolerance

    It refers to the gullibility and curiosity that are inherent in babies. They do not characterize the qualities of his "ego", since the process has not yet reached the splitting of social and individual experience, to the existence of separate plans of experience and behavior, and so on.

    Moral tolerance

    This type assumes tolerance, which is associated with personality (external "ego" of a person). To a greater or lesser extent, it is inherent in a huge number of adults and represents the desire to restrain their emotions using the use of mechanisms

    Moral tolerance

    It differs from moral in that it implies, in the language of specialists, trust and acceptance of someone else's way of life, which is associated with the essence or "inner ego" of a person. A tolerant person is a person who knows himself well and recognizes others. The manifestation of compassion and sympathy is the most important value of a civilized society and a trait of true upbringing.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

    MCOU "Secondary School No. 8"

    Having read simple and understandable words that have a deep meaning for all of us living on earth, they will help children realize that life is beautiful! I wish there was only peace and harmony on the entire planet. According to the culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan, we must and must cultivate in ourselves respect for elders, mutual assistance, kunachestvo, hospitality, patience. To make our ancestors proud of us. After all, everything that has been acquired over the centuries, and this is patriotism, love for the Motherland, Fatherland, pride in one's people, love of freedom, patience for other peoples and faith, has not outlived itself.


    The problem of tolerance in Dagestan and Russia is very young, but its appearance, in my opinion, is associated with its huge role in the formation of a productive, integral society.

    The importance of the formation of tolerance is also subject to the state level. Recently, a federal program of the Government of the Russian Federation was created: "Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society."

    On the topic "What does it mean to be tolerant?" attached questionnaires, tests.

    List of used literature

      Declaration of principles of tolerance // Age of tolerance: Scientific and publicistic bulletin. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2001;

      Bessonov A. B. Tolerant personality: class hour for senior students. / Bessonov A.B. // Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 96-102.;

      Fopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. - M .: Genesis, 2006;

      I. Grevtseva. Class hour "What is tolerance?" // Classroom teacher. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 81-88.;

      http:// www. tolerance. ru/ p- teacher- game. shtml.

    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire 1. "Tolerance"

    1. How do I understand the concept of tolerance?

    a) Negative attitude towards the surrounding world;

    b) The ability to endure, put up with someone else's opinion, be

    condescending to the actions of others;

    c) I don't know;

    d) Your own version.

    2. Indicate what concept, in my opinion, is a synonym for the word tolerance?

    a) Tolerance; c) generosity;

    b) Selfishness; d) Your own version.

    3. Have I met the concept of tolerance before?

    a) Yes; b) No.

    4. How do I understand the word tolerance?

    Your own answer."Treat the culture, religion and nation of other nations with respect and understanding"

    5. What, in my opinion, fosters tolerance and respect for people in a person?

    a) Family; c) School;

    b) Society; d) Your own version.

    Questionnaire 2. "Tolerance is a part of a person's moral culture."

    Homeland for me is « the place where I was born, where my ancestors were born ».

    Being a patriot is « means to love and be faithful to your Homeland ».

    Tolerance is « tolerant attitude towards another religion, nation, race ».

    I show tolerance that « I communicate with people of another religion, nation, respect their culture, religion ».

    I believe that all the peoples of the world have the right « be free, could freely express their opinion ».

    I do not believe that one people « can consider his people better, higher than others ».

    I will never be forbidden « be in solidarity with another nation, religion and be friends with them ».

    Appendix 2.


    on the definition of tolerance, respect for someone else's opinion / tolerance /

    You need to answer quickly, without hesitation.

      You are going to take part in a role-playing game. What suits you:

      for those who do not know the rules to play;

      so that those who recognize and know the rules of the game participate.

      Do you calmly meet life's troubles?


      Is the situation painful for you: When you have to abandon your project, because a similar project was proposed by your classmates:


      Do you dislike classmates who violate the rules of social behavior:

      you are not interested in this at all if they do not overstep the permissible boundaries;

      they are unpleasant to you, because they do not know how to control themselves.

      Can you easily find contact with classmates who have different beliefs, customs, intentions than yours?

      it is always difficult for you to do it;

      relatively easy.

      How do you react to a joke you become the object of:

      you do not tolerate jokes or the jokers themselves.

      trying to find the answer in the same joking manner.

      Do you agree with the prevailing opinion that many classmates are trying to do "not their own business", they tend to seem better than they are:


      You bring a friend to the company who becomes the object of everyone's attention. Your reaction:

      It is unpleasant for you that attention is paid to him and not to you;

      happy for a friend.

    Now count the points. Write by 2 points for answers:

    1-b, 2-b, Z-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b ... add up the scores.

    0 to 4 points ... You have a high degree of stubbornness and inflexibility. Often you try to impose your opinion on others. Your temperament makes it difficult to maintain normal relationships with people who think differently than you, disagree with what they say and do.

    5 to 12 points ... You are able to stand firmly for your beliefs. But, of course, you can also conduct a dialogue. If you think it's necessary, then change your beliefs. But sometimes you are capable of being too harsh, disrespecting the interlocutor, and at such a moment you can win an argument with the interlocutor who has a weak character. You are not fully able to defend your point of view by putting forward convincing arguments.

    14 to 16 points ... You have strong convictions, combined with the subtlety, flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, understanding its paradoxicality. You are critical of yourself, do not consider your opinion to be the ultimate truth. You are able to discard your mistaken views with respect and tact towards your interlocutor.

    Gaming express diagnostics

    "Are you showing tolerance?"

    Showing tolerance means understanding each other, helping each other, treating each other with tolerance in order to build a peaceful future.

    Choose the answer that you think is correct and count how many"B" happened.

      So that there is no war ...

      Nothing can be done, because there will always be wars!

      You need to understand why they happen.

      At school, they talk about heroes who have shown tolerance ...

      It doesn't interest you.

      You want to know about these heroes.

      You resist violence ...


      You join other people to say NO.

      One comrade betrayed you ...

      You are taking revenge on him.

      You are trying to explain to him.

      When they talk about children affected by the war ...

      You heard about it and forgot.

      You are looking for an opportunity to show solidarity with them.

      Do you disagree with someone ...

      You don't let him talk.

      You still listen to him.

      In class, you already answered ...

      You want to answer again.

      You provide an opportunity for others to respond.

      You are offered to correspond with some foreigner ...

      You do not feel the need to correspond, or the need to share your dreams.

    If you have one "b": Great! You show great tolerance. You are a future citizen of the world, a responsible and solidarity, an active conductor of peace. Explain to your friends how you do it.

    If you have from 3 to 7 "b": Yes! You are not very tolerant. You are too eager to impose your ideas, but you are curious and you have a good imagination. Use these qualities to combat intolerance. Fopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. - M .: Genesis, 2006