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  • How to learn to move objects with your hands. Signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house

    How to learn to move objects with your hands.  Signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house

    Each of us at least once in our life had to observe how people move various objects by the power of thought. Do you think that such tricks are possible only in a circus? Not at all. Some people can do it. How to move objects by the power of thought - further in the article. If you want to master the movement of objects by the power of thought, you will need perseverance and endurance. As well as great composure and good psychological health. You shouldn't have any doubts or distrust, and if you do have a feeling of insecurity, then you won't succeed.

    To transport the object, we completely focus on it. At the same time, the head should not be occupied with other thoughts and, most importantly, attention should not be distracted. According to scientists, this movement occurs due to the fact that when attention is localized for a long time on a certain object, psychic energy awakens in the form of electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain. These waves are powerful enough to propel the subject. So, if you are still interested in learning how to raise an object with the power of thought, then let's get started.

    How to learn to move objects with the power of thought?

    Concentrating on an object, you do not need to burn it with a glance. The best place to start is to train on the pen. For a few sessions, just try to look at it carefully. As soon as you get bored, remove it immediately. Thus, you will be able to make the consciousness believe that you can do it. After you can move the nib back even a millimeter, you can move on to heavier objects such as a paper clip or a piece of paper.

    We concentrate our attention on the subject for about 10 minutes. No unnecessary thoughts should arise in your head. At the same time, the level of concentration should be so high that at a certain moment you will begin to feel the object as a part of yourself.

    After you understand that you have already reached such a state, we imagine that the subject begins move. For example, if you are looking at a spoon lying on the table, then you can move it a few centimeters or bend it. To do this, it is necessary to imagine this movement in the mind several times, but in no case do not mentally move away from the object.

    Now you know how to move objects with the power of thought. By using these steps, you will be able to increase your skill level and item transport without direct contact with him. Of course, moving objects by the power of thought is a very difficult task, and it is not given to everyone, so you need to work on yourself every day. And perhaps after a few months you will notice an excellent result. Try to avoid thoughts that make you lose interest in telekinesis.

    Telekinesis is a classic ability in fantasy heroes. However, few people know that this effect is based on real-life practice that people with innate mental abilities can master.

    At all times, there were many rumors about the movement of objects by the power of thought: this ability was attributed to witches and sorcerers, shamans and Buddhist monks. Several cases of telekinesis studied at the Institute of the Brain have been scientifically recorded: scientists have found that the movement of objects at a distance is possible if a person has certain abilities, often hidden from him.

    How to learn telekinesis

    The ability to move objects by the power of thought requires innate concentration: if in the physical and material world such an ability raises certain doubts, then at the energy level everything is obvious and explainable.

    As you know, every person has a physical, astral and mental body: in the material world we live thanks to the first, physical: it is able to feel, regenerate, multiply and age. But life does not end there: our "I" is a personality, an idea of ​​oneself, a soul is the embodiment of the astral body. Usually it is poorly developed and manifests itself only in the psychological plane, but in some people the astral body is so developed that it can exist outside the physical for some time without losing contact with it.

    With this ability, one can learn lucid dreaming, astral travel and deep meditation, and by strengthening the astral body to the limit, one can learn things like telekinesis and levitation.

    Practitioners involved in strengthening the astral body say that the initial stage of any development in esotericism is the training of visualization. It is the ability to draw in your mind the most detailed chains of events that helps to influence the material world with the help of the astral body.

    Regular training will help to develop a thin energy shell so that it will not be difficult to build events at will, to influence the passage of time, and subsequently to move objects by the power of thought.

    There are many visualization techniques, but all of them are based on three basic principles:

    • attention to detail;
    • clear tracing of the chain of events;
    • focus on the result.

    For example, if you want to learn how to move objects with the power of thought, then you should start with something easy: it will be much easier to adapt the brain and psyche to the new reality. Esotericists recommend starting with candles: first, through visualization, you should learn how to extinguish the flame of a candle, being a meter away from it.

    You need to choose any candle, place it on a flat surface and light it. Before starting, make sure that there are no drafts and that you are alone: ​​if your class is interrupted, it will be difficult to restore concentration afterwards.

    From a comfortable position about a meter away from the candle, visualize how you extinguish it, directing the flow of energy towards the flame. It is important not to continue the exercise for more than an hour, and to do it regularly until a positive result is achieved.

    After mastering visualization at this level, it will become much easier for you to move on, and as a result, you will be able to learn the skill of moving large objects with the power of thought. We wish you miracles and success in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    09.03.2017 01:01

    A new season of the famous show "Battle of Psychics" will begin very soon. This is a program with a very controversial reputation, ...

    I think many people have thought about how to learn how to move objects with the power of thought. So why dream, sigh and look with envy at those who know how to do this? After all, you can learn by yourself and then demonstrate your skills in the company, use them in everyday life. Now I will talk about how to control objects with the power of thought. I will share my experience and list the exercises that will help you in self-development.

    My history

    You know, it sounds trite, but I just watched the film "Carrie" and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a trifling reason inspired me to engage in self-development, to master telekinesis. At first I just decided that I had to gather all my will into a fist, look at the object for a long, long time and wait for it to move. She literally burned things to ashes with a glance, but they remained in place. I meditated before starting, but was constantly distracted, thinking about an outsider.

    After two weeks of such useless practice, I gave up for a while, as I began to think that in real life it was impossible to do this. Fortunately, a friend of mine shared the exercises with me and told me that my method was wrong (almost everything). He instructed me and rejoiced at my success, and now I want to help you. Don't waste your precious time following the wrong techniques. Better to start practicing right away. Then you won't have to relearn.

    When I started practicing, I was suspicious of success. Here's another tip: never doubt yourself. You will definitely succeed, just believe yourself and motivate when you fail. You cannot imagine my delight when I finally moved the paper off the table. Immediately my eyes widened, I was in shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window was open or the door, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day it turned out the same, soon the leaf gave in to me and allowed me to do whatever I wanted.

    The main thing is to endure your first positive result, after that you will no longer want to give up what you started. This gives so much strength and positive, further training begins to proceed faster and more confidently. Now I can move objects with just the power of thought. With practice, my skills have improved, it takes less time, plus I can now move something pretty heavy.

    The limit may be exhausted

    Everything has a limit. I want to remind you that you will not be able to lift the cabinet and throw it into the wall with a bang. No cars, houses, bicycles. All this is beyond the power of even the most trained person. Be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult for you even to influence a needle or a sheet of paper. As far as I know, the record among telekinesis practitioners was a briefcase that weighed four kilograms. And then they managed to move it a couple of centimeters. Even if you add up the strengths of yourself and your partner, little will come of it. It is extremely difficult to manage energy in one room, you will knock each other down and disorientate.

    So set yourself only achievable tasks and do not think that you will gain superhero strength. Don't expect miracles with speed either. Juggling things are just fairy tales that filmmakers have come up with for a more colorful and exciting picture. The fastest is to crawl at the speed of a snail. And then, if you're lucky. Undoubtedly, you will master how to lift objects with the power of thought. But they won't hover over your head or fly around the room. They just freeze for a couple of seconds and collapse.

    Important! You must learn to prolong this flight and practice the technique of smoothly lowering the object to the floor.


    Johann Wolfgang Goethe, an internationally renowned writer, said these wise words: "No one knows what his powers are until they use them." I invite you to finally find out about your opportunity and hidden talents, about which you, perhaps, did not even suspect until this moment.

    • Plastic cup.
    • Matchbox.
    • Paper cone.
    • Match raft.
    • Rotation.

    This is a set of exercises for beginners. Now I'll tell you about each in more detail. First you need to tune in the right way. Correct meditation will help with this. The first ten minutes you have to sit absolutely without thoughts in your head, as if to merge with the air, to dissolve in it. When you feel that you are becoming one with the room in which you are sitting, move on to action. Lift all the energy out of your body, collect it in one direction - into your hands. You should feel how they are filled with strength. Then visualize these hands in front of you, it is with them that you will move objects.

    So, when the preparation is complete, start training. Do not forget for a minute that you are doing everything with your energy hands. For convenience, you can even tie your real ones behind your back, so as not to make automatic and habitual movements. Only the rope should not press too hard on the skin, otherwise pain and other unpleasant sensations will distract you from the process.

    • There should be no draft in the room, since the plastic cup is easy to shake even with a simple breath. Try to point your fictional hands in his direction. There is no need to spend effort to raise it. Just push, push. At first, you are not chasing after beauty and precise technique, but after the result. Encourage and motivate yourself with exclamations: "Move!", "Move!", "Spin!" Again, these exclamations should not go beyond your head.
    • Moving objects with the power of thought trains an ordinary matchbox. Open it a little, and then try to close it.
    • Roll a cone out of the paper. In this case, you do not need to glue the two ends with glue, since it also gives weight. Hang the cone on a string and make it rotate. Yes, at first no whirligig and a hurricane will come out. Try to simply unwind and stir the suspended object.
    • Complicate the match problem. Remove all contents from the box. Pour cold water into a deep and spacious bowl. The result is an imitation of a small lake, pond or reservoir. Your task is to start the raft to swim. You must become a gust of wind that sets the direction and route. I do not advise you to act on the water and try to create waves. Work with cardboard transports.
    • Now hang the match on the string. By the way, if this is difficult for you, then replace the props with a needle. They come in a variety of sizes and weights, so keep building up. It will be easy to spin these items.

    Here's another little secret: do they still remember how they solved math problems at school about “point A and point B”? So, mentally imagine two points and transfer objects from one to another. Sometimes you can even make up a small bridge.

    Parting words for beginners

    It is commendable that you took the path of self-development and decided to test the limits of your body. I ask you not to treat telekinesis as some kind of stupidity, quackery, or fun. Take this business seriously and truly believe in success. Don't be disappointed with the result. I repeat once again: no one will succeed easily and quickly, even the most stubborn and capable student.

    In telekinesis, as in learning English, there is one general rule: you have to train and exercise every day. Hone your skills on exercises for beginners, and then move on to more difficult ones. It should not be such that you want to rotate the cone and launch the raft on the water. The main thing is not quantity, but quality. You don't have to learn a bunch of exercises and be able to do them somehow. Bring one to the ideal, then move on to the next.

    Another little tip: don't show your friends your first steps towards excellence. You are still inexperienced, any extraneous movement will distract you. You will be anxious and nervous, wanting to impress. Therefore, involuntarily focus not on the movement of the object, but on thoughts about how you look from the outside, what they think of you. We have to sort of dissuade skeptics and prove to them that the movement of objects by the power of thought is possible. And this kind of proof is time-consuming.

    We draw a conclusion

    Patience and a little effort. If you really want to master this direction, then nothing will prevent you from achieving your goal. For this, one does not need to have any special talent from birth, in the themes of enlightenment, everyone is equal. Someone learns to process their energy and manage it, while others give up. Good luck and never give up!

    Moving objects by the power of thought - is this a fairy tale or is it reality? Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to this phenomenon, we can see programs about telekinesis on TV, read about it in magazines and on the Internet. But how to understand whether it is possible to learn and move objects yourself with a glance or thought? Researchers unanimously argue that telekinesis is still an undisclosed ability of our brain, and anyone can learn it. It will only take a lot of work on yourself, time and patience.

    What is it?

    Telekinesis is the ability of a person to move objects without touching them. From Greek this word is translated as "movement at a distance", and this name contains the whole meaning of the phenomenon. In another way, it is called psychokinesis - this word is translated as "soul, breath." History knows examples when a person could move objects with the power of thought.

    Let's remember the notorious Ninel Kulagina - this woman moved various objects without touching them. She used her psychic energy and proved to scientists that it was possible. The results of the research said that at the moment the object was moved, thin and shiny dotted lines appeared near her fingers, which were fixed by the equipment.

    This is how psychic energy looks like, and everyone has it, you just need to learn how to use it, and this will require the ability to concentrate and direct energy to one point. This can be achieved through training.

    How does the fact of telekinesis happen?

    Objects move due to psychic efforts directed at them for the following reasons:

    - The brain generates a signal, directs it exactly to the target.
    - Consciousness controls and controls the nervous system.
    - The internal reserves of the body are activated, currents are generated that are directed to the object and move it from its place.

    What does a person feel at the moment he makes a volitional effort to move an object non-contact?

    Let's figure it out. Firstly, at first he concentrates his gaze on the subject in such a way that one day he begins to see more, as if he is covering the whole subject with his gaze - this is how monovision manifests itself.

    A person in this state can feel an object with his whole body, see what he has from below, inside, and so on. After that, a noise begins to build up in his ears, everything inside him goes into a tense state, but at the same time the body remains outwardly relaxed.

    He feels the energy, which, originating in the head, passes into the solar plexus. The world turns into a blurry picture, the outlines become indistinct - this is a state of trance. For a person, the border of reality seems to be pushed back, sounds become quiet for him and go into the background, white noise is growing.

    At this moment, the human body and the object that he wants to move, go into a state of resonance. It is now that it can be moved by the power of thought, directing the flow of energy to this.

    In 5 minutes at home

    Telekinesis requires a lot of energy and you should be prepared for the fact that after training you can get very tired. If this does not scare you, then it is quite possible to learn how to move objects by the power of thought at home.

    There are exercises that will take you no more than 5 minutes, but will work effectively to develop your abilities. But first, remember the simple rules - never start exercising if you feel bad and before starting classes, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head so that nothing distracts you.

    This may not happen right away, in order to learn how to concentrate and free the mind from all unnecessary things, many experts recommend doing yoga or meditation for some time before learning telekinesis.

    The following exercise will help you quickly learn telekinesis at home. Its purpose is to store energy. Sit comfortably and place your palms opposite each other.

    1. Imagine how energy flows pass through you, and energy accumulates in the solar plexus. Feel a slight tingling or warmth as it passes through you. After that, send the energy into your palms and imagine how it moves from one palm to another, flows along the wrists and shoulders.

    You only need 5 minutes for this exercise, and if you do it regularly, your telekinesis abilities will increase noticeably! Over time, you should devote a little more time to it, and you will see how your energy increases.

    2. The next exercise also takes 5 minutes, but it must be done regularly. Sit in front of a mirror or ordinary glass, mentally draw a black dot on it and concentrate on it. Imagine golden streams of energy coming out of your eyes and the bridge of your nose and collecting at this point.

    Remember that at this moment you should be very comfortable, nothing should be distracting. Over time, you should move on to the second part of this exercise - start rotating your head without taking your eyes off the point. At the same time, try to keep the rays of energy in the same place, as if chained to this place.

    Then, after a couple of weeks of such training, imagine two points and shift your attention from one to the other. Try to feel the effort so that it seems to you that you are moving the same point with the effort of thought.

    Fast and easy

    To master telekinesis in all perfection, it will take long training, but you can easily try to test yourself for a tendency to it. That is, everyone has the ability, it is just that it is more difficult for someone, it is easier for someone, like any science.

    1. So, take a plastic cup and place it on the table in front of you on its side. Sit in front of him, focus, breathe deeply. Try to immerse yourself in a state close to trance, meditation techniques can help. Throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, focus on the subject in front of you.

    Now try to collect all your energy and move the glass with maximum effort of will. Nothing succeeded? Dont be upset! Everything has its time. Change the position of the glass and try again. Even if you don't succeed right away, don't stop trying. If you exercise regularly at least three times a week, one day you will succeed.

    2. Another way to learn to move objects with the power of thought is to practice concentration. Draw bold dots on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall at eye level. One of the points should be higher and the other lower.

    Concentrate first on the one below, and then slowly transfer your attention to the top, then back. Do this for a few minutes. It's good if you hang such a piece of paper in front of your desk and repeat this exercise several times during the day.

    3. Will help in the development of telekinesis and exercise with a match. Fill a deep bowl or saucepan with clean water, you can use boiled or running water, but ideally it should be spring water.

    Now throw a match in there and start concentrating on it. Direct all your energy, all your will to her. Imagine rays of energy emanating from your eyes, pushing the match and making it move in the water.

    4. A good way is to exercise with a pen, pencil and thread. Take the listed items, tie a feather to one end of the thread, and a pencil to the other.

    In addition, you will need a regular jar, on which you need to put a pencil so that the feather hangs down and rests on the thread. Now you need to concentrate on the pen and try to move it with energy. Do not get too close to the structure, then it will move not from energy, but from your breath, and such an action will not bring results.


    To master telekinesis, it is useful to carry out energy practices. One of the exercises is carried out as follows: you need to close your eyes and relax, feel how the entire space around you is permeated with energies.

    1. Try to grab, catch one of the streams, breathe it into yourself. Now exhale, trying to direct the energy into your own hands. Feel how it goes through you, how it goes into your palms, into your fingertips, pulsating there.

    2. Connect your palms, separate, bring them closer to the object that you want to budge - at first it should be something light - a feather or a cap from a pen. Move your palms over the object, to the side of it, lightly touch it, and then move your hands.

    3. Try to feel the warmth, the tension between him and your skin. Then take a deep breath and exhale, relax. Repeat all over again, and so on several times.

    - An exercise called "Moving the void." Relax, free your head from thoughts, sit comfortably and concentrate on one point.

    Look at this point steadily and concentrate your energy on it. Now imagine that you are moving a block of air from this point to another with the power of thought. Move the void several times a day.

    - Another interesting exercise - pin movement. Take a plastic lid - better from a can, it is softer - and a pin. Insert a pin into the center of the lid so that it is upright and does not fall. Place the structure in front of you and start focusing on it all the same.

    Use all your will to move the pin even a little, scroll it around its axis. If you do this regularly and channel the energy in the right way, your efforts will be rewarded over time.

    You can try to move a piece of paper with the power of thought. To do this, take it and place it at eye level, for example, on a shelf. Now focus and direct energy towards him, trying to turn him over. Most likely, you will not be able to do this right away, but it is quite possible to slightly move or move the leaflet.

    If you are sick or tired, in no case do not start exercising - this way you will spend valuable energy that could go to recovery. Before class, try to relax, listen to calm music, take a bath, light an aroma lamp.

    In order to concentrate and direct your energy to one point, you need to free yourself from experiences and everyday worries that distract and take away strength. A simple meditation can help with this - for 5-10 minutes, sit with a straight back and closed eyes and breathe deeply.

    Imagine how golden energy is concentrated inside you, how it fills every cell of your body. Relax all the muscles in stages, from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes. At the end of the meditation, take a deep breath and open your eyes. You are now ready to exercise.

    All fans of science fiction and UFO stories, of course, have come across such a concept as "telekinesis". So what is it? In the scientific literature, a definition is given, which says that telekinesis is a very rare ability with which a person can move objects or change their shape with the power of thought.

    This phenomenon is of interest to very many, but only a few people own it. Although, according to some reports, people with such abilities have existed at all times. There are even known cases when a person with the power of thought bends metal and threw a person away from him.

    So, is there an opportunity to learn this on your own? Some argue that it is possible, but no one gives guarantees.

    How to move objects with the power of thought?

    If you really want to learn telekinesis, then prepare for the fact that it will take a long time, and you will also have to be collected. You shouldn't have any mental problems. You must be sure of what you are doing, and most importantly, believe in the result. If there is even a drop of doubt, then you can not even try, nothing will work.

    How do you learn telekinesis?

    So, we got to the main question: how to move objects with the power of thought?

    To get started, study your family tree carefully. Ask older relatives if you have ever had a person in your family who possesses such a rare gift. If you find one, then consider yourself lucky, your training will be short. And perhaps it will not be useful to you at all, since your powers will open up suddenly.

    If this was not found, then you still should not be upset prematurely. You can try learning how to move objects yourself. First, select a specific point on the wall. You should concentrate on it for at least 15 minutes every day. You should be sitting in a comfortable position and your body should be relaxed. Imagine that you are sending currents of force in the direction of this point.

    If you can focus your attention without any problems, then it is time to add a new element to the exercise. Keep looking at the point and rotate your head at the same time.

    If this was also given without problems, then mentally draw another point. Look at the top and smoothly move your gaze to the bottom, but attention should be focused on the first. You should feel that your eyes are glued to the first, but you are drawn to the second.

    For a more advanced level, you will need a plastic cup. Place it on a chair in front of you. Sit on the floor so that it is at the same level as your chest. Now move your hands towards the glass (listen to your intuition, it will tell you exactly which movements to make) and try to move the object with the power of thought. Controlling objects is not given to everyone, so the result of this exercise may appear in a week or in a month, all individually.

    When your glass has budged, you can move on to the next exercise. You will need a thread and a needle for it. Hang the needle so that it is comfortable for you to make movements with your hands. Make the needle swivel around you. Here, the result also depends on your abilities, more precisely, on how strong they are.

    After all these exercises are completed, you can safely try to move things of a larger size.

    Remember that the main thing is to believe in the result, to be confident in success. Even if the result is long in coming, then this is not a reason to despair. Only daily persistent training will help you in this matter. Do not abandon everything halfway through, because maybe tomorrow you will be able to move the glass from its place for the first time in your life.