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  • Book exhibition on ecology for children. Traditional and innovative forms of work of libraries with children on environmental education

    Book exhibition on ecology for children.  Traditional and innovative forms of work of libraries with children on environmental education

    Methodical consultation

    2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia by the president. Libraries with sufficient information resources are an important link in the system of environmental education of the younger generation. Effective activities in this direction will involve children in practical environmental activities and form a responsible behavior of the child in relation to the environment.

    The tasks of environmental education of children of the library are solved using both traditional and innovative forms of activity.

    Many libraries implementprograms, projects on ecology . For example, "Round the World", "Young Ecologist", "Living Planet", designed for long-term continuous work with children different ages. In the course of their implementation, children can replenish their knowledge, get acquainted with modern ideas about the versatility of wildlife, expand knowledge about the animal and plant world. The programs acquaint children with environmental problems, show ways out of the ecological impasse, as well as the relationship with other areas of knowledge: for example, the motives of nature in art "Decorative and applied art", "Nature in painting", "Nature in music, literature".

    Work on environmental education should be carried out jointly with other organizations, educational and cultural institutions. For various categories, taking into account the age characteristics of readers, it is possible to use traditional forms of work that have proven themselves in practice: cycles of thematic evenings, reviews and conversations, environmental events, conferences, quiz games, exhibitions of children's drawings, environmental auctions, as well as photo contests, drawings, crafts.

    ¾ competition of creative works "Beads and bracelets from the box of summer" (the purpose of the competition: the education of a socially active, creative personality; crafts made from natural materials can be very diverse: fairy-tale characters, various animals, and even entire plot compositions),

    ¾ “My collection of poems about animals” can be designed using any technique, fasten the pages of the book and make a cover on it,

    IN last years gained great popularityphoto contest, in which we recommend including the nominations: "Wonder of the Forest", "Natural Phenomena", "Rare Shot", "Photo Cat Dog". You can hold a photo session in the "Photography with your favorite book about nature" library.

    Libraries are constantly searching for new effective forms and methods of work in the field of dissemination of environmental knowledge among children and adolescents.

    Questis a team adventure intellectual search game, the task of the game participants is to find a treasure or a prize. Such a game can be played in the library or outside it. Ecoquest for 12-14 years old can include intellectual tasks and puzzles. Invite the participants to solve puzzles, make puzzles, find books about nature in the library fund, answer questions about the flora and fauna, familiarize themselves with the map of specially protected natural areas of Russia and the Omsk region, district.

    While creating ecology comics invite the children to come up with a story related to the theme of nature conservation and reveal it in several drawings with short texts.

    An effective form of work is exhibition activity:

    • "The world around us is beautiful"
    • "We are your friends, nature"
    • "In the arms of native nature",
    • "2017 - Year of Ecology",
    • "Ecology is a problem of the 21st century",

    where the most topical issues: environmental protection, the value of forests and the efficient use of forest resources, drinking water and its quality, ways to solve environmental problems. In addition to books and magazines, the exhibitions feature reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Levitan, as well as creative works of readers. At the exhibition "Only green" - information about the "inhabitants" of the planet that have this color (amphibians, birds, insects). "Secrets of the Green Country" - the exposition of the exhibition will present the pages of wonderful children's environmental magazines and magazines about nature: "Anthill", "Toshka and Company", "Svirel".

    When planning work on environmental education among children and adolescents, We recommend paying attention to environmental dates: Day of Reserves and National Parks, International Earth Day, All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards, March of Parks, World Environment Day, World Animal Protection Day, International Bird Day, World Health Day, etc. These dates can be timedStock . Environmental actions are becoming a tradition for libraries, where they move from library methods to active actions. Libraries can also directly engage in environmental activities. In continuation of the action, initiateecological landings, raids, environmental patrols “My village is not a dump”, “For a clean environment” to identify unfavorable places in the village, to plant flowers near the library. It is possible to carry out the campaign "Living Water" to search for and clean up springs or river banks. The organization of such actions would be a combination of theoretical knowledge with practical steps to help the environment.

    The current direction of ecological culture is eco-local history, which can include ecotourism, which allows students to expand their knowledge about the uniqueness of objects of animate and inanimate nature in the Omsk region and its region. We recommend that you pay attention to working with the Red Data Book of the Omsk Region.

    It has become a tradition in many libraries to celebrateTitmouse dayas the day of the meeting of wintering birds, from which they begin to feed the birds. On this day, you can hold quizzes with children, organize exhibitions where the works of the winners of the "Bird Canteen" contest - bird feeders of various designs will be presented. They can be hung in the park, near the house or near the library. Advise the children to keep birdwatching diaries - what birds fly into the "dining room", their habits, what kind of food they prefer.

    Holiday "Crow Porridge" , including an ecological marathon in nature, a theatrical game, hanging feeders, an eco-walk.

    Ecological activities outside the library walls - Marches of the parks, ecological excursions, nature travel games promote acquaintance with the natural world. In the summer reading room, in the summer courtyard in the square, park, on the territory near the library, you can hold environmental events, outdoor games, and organize creative workshops.

    Children can take part in the designexhibitions of handicrafts from recycled materials , for example "Waste to income", "Second life plastic bottle”, “Eco-Christmas Tree”, in the competition for the best costume made from household waste: polyethylene, plastic bottles, packaging material, candy wrappers, polystyrene foam, food storage nets.

    Ecological holidays become the final stage of long-term work on environmental education. The lobby can accommodate an exposition of works by participants in environmental contests among young readers “Let's save nature together!”, “Our pets”, “Mosaic of nature”. It is appropriate to include a costumed mini-performance, quizzes, reading works about nature, as well as poems of one's own composition, and solemn awarding of winners of ecological creative competitions in the holiday program.

    Interactive exhibitions in the library are designed not only to provide feedback between the reader and the librarian, but also to organize live communication between visitors to the exhibition, to encourage them to discuss environmental problems. The purpose of the exhibition is to show the possible consequences of environmental pollution and help the reader to clearly define his position. On special booth "Open Opinion" blank sheets are hung out on which readers can express their attitude to what they have read, reflect on ways to solve environmental problems. The opinion of peers is known to be more important for children than the opinion of adults. When organizing an exhibition-review, readers recommend the most interesting books for them. Can be issued exhibitions - "trees", where on leaflets children indicate their reading preferences, favorite authors and books. Information about ongoing interactive exhibitions can be posted on the library's website. To attract readers' attention to environmental problems, you can use small-form manuals: bookmarks, leaflets, booklets, memos, recommended literature lists: "Neighbors on the Planet", "Calendar of Folk Signs", "Ecological Calendar".

    Virtual exhibition - multifunctionalan information resource that provides an opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search, expand the range of necessary materials (graphics, texts, audio, video, etc.). You can arrange a virtual exhibition of works-anniversaries "Books of Nature". Each book is accompanied brief annotation, information about the author. Turning to Internet resources, the reader will be able to read the texts of works of art or listen to audio books, as well as watch fragments of television plays and feature films.

    Virtual exhibition "The world of nature in literature" can present the works of nature writers whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2017, as well as materials about life and work (M.M. Prishvina, G.Ya. Snegiryova, V.V. Chaplina, G.A. Skrebitsky, and others. ) with portraits of writers, photographs of books, scanned images of title pages, illustrations of children. The visual series can be accompanied by musical accompaniment, various animation effects.

    The effectiveness of any environmental protection measures largely depends on the environmental awareness and environmental culture of the population, including the younger generation.

    In the coming Year of the Environment, it will not be superfluous to say that libraries have already taken their place in shaping the ecological worldview of children and adolescents. And they continue to do this, using library forms and methods of work in their activities, involving modern information technologies to solve problems aimed at environmental education, enlightenment, and education of readers.

    The consultation was prepared by N. A. Lebedeva, head of the sector for servicing children-readers

    Beautiful and trusting nature
    As long as she is alive, our life is long.
    She gave birth to us and warmed us.
    Be merciful to nature, man!


    2017 is the year of ecology in Russia.

    Library ecological glades or ecology events in the library .

    "Paws, ears and tails or favorite books about animals"

    15.12.17. Conducted in the library review of books for children "Paws, ears and tails or favorite books about animals"dedicated to the works of writers-naturalists and naturalists. The children got acquainted with the books of naturalist writers - K. Paustovsky, B. Zhitkov, V. Bianka, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky and other writers. More than one generation of readers are familiar with the stories of these writers; they teach them to love and protect nature, to see the unusual, to be observant. With the help of the review, the guys made a fascinating journey into the world of nature. At such events, children learn to love and respect nature, to see in it the source of human life, and receive the basics of environmental literacy.


    14.11.2017. Here is the last month of Autumn - November has come into its own. November
    it is already the transition from autumn to winter, in many parts of our country there is already snow. This month Autumnshows his character and makes it clear that the time has come for nature, getting ready for bed. And in the library there was an information and game program "Autumn". Childrenguessed riddles about natural phenomena, talked about the reasons for the change of seasons,remembered autumn signs, proverbs. At the end of the game, they came to the conclusion that the golden autumn is majestic. And, despite the autumn bad weather, Autumn gives us wonderful autumn days.

    09/20/2017. Review of books for reading "Autumn red-haired girlfriend"

    Autumn - the most amazing time of the year. As if nature in these months is going through three states at once:Tthe splendor of summer, the expectation of something new in spring, and the first snowiness of winter. So I wanted to share Xia with you books about autumn for children - I. Akim "Where do you go autumn?", V. Bianchi "Hide", I. Bunin "Falling leaves", M. Voloshin "Autumn",Seasons, G. Graubin “Why is the fall of leaves in autumn?, Wonderful time,A. Maikov " Autumn leaves circling in the wind", A. Pleshcheev "Autumn", Signs of autumn, M. Prishvin "Fox bread", A. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn", M. Rapov "Hedgehog and the squirrel", M. Sadovsky "Autumn", G Skrebitsky "Autumn", N. Sladkov "Why is November piebald", I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Leaf fall", A. K. Tolstoy "Autumn, our poor garden is sprinkled", E. Trutneva "Autumn", F. Tyutchev " There is in the autumn of the original ... ", Ukrainian folk tale"Spikelet", Z. Fedorovskaya "Autumn". Happy reading and see you at the library!


    On June 15, the children of the third detachment took part in the ecological quiz "In the world of flora and fauna." They were able to expand their understanding of the world around them, show their signs

    knowledge about nature and acquire new ones.

    On June 5, librarians took children from the summer school camp "Sail" on a trip "Along the ecological path." An ecological trail is a route where a person studies nature, learns to protect animals and birds, trees and grasses. The guys were divided into two teams. They had to visit different parts the globe, and answer tricky questions: “Guess the plant”, “The largest animal on the planet”, “Guess the tree from the description”, “What grows in the flower bed”, etc. some questions caused difficulty, but the answer was still voiced. The ecological trail ended with solving the interactive crossword puzzle "Green Friends". The librarians offered the children solve the crossword. Having guessed all 7 words, the players learned one more word that unites all the others. That word is trees. And if there are a lot of trees, then this is already a forest, it needs to be protected and protected.At the event, the guys replenished their knowledge of the world around them, and also showed their skills and abilities in the field of knowledge of the world around them, the ability to work independently and in a team.And the guys from the second detachment on this day had to remember everything they know about the life of plants, birds, insects and animals, participating in the interactive game "What I know about nature." I hope that with the help of the game we were able to convince the guys that nature, planet Earth must be constantly protected and protected.


    Within the framework of the program « Life is in the hands of the living » Ecological lessons are held in the library. Lessons are conducted in the form of a game. During the lesson, we introduce environmental holidays, proverbs, riddles about nature, rules of behavior in nature, and also consider some environmental problems. Each lesson ends with a practical session.


    In February, the literary and environmental campaign "Read a book about nature" started in the library. Man and nature is an eternal theme in literature. Writers and poets dedicated many exciting pages, unique in their beauty, to her. Tales, stories about the beauty of mother nature, about our smaller brothers are comfortably located on the bookshelves. We invite all nature lovers to join the action.

    Interactive games on ecology

    in bible
    edema once a week for young readers are interactive games. By participating in them, the guys can: expand their horizons and knowledge about the animal and plant world, including the Novosibirsk region. Librarians can show the beauty of the animal and plant world. Events contribute to the education of a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

    11/11/2016. For the guys of the club "Eco - you. Eco - me. Eco - world"
    an exciting an interactive lesson dedicated to the favorite season of the year - winter. "Away ma the carcasses of Winter" - that was the name of the unusual occupation. Librarians and children recalled and told funny stories about their winter adventures, read poems about winter, guessed riddles about winter with pleasure, played "snowballs" etc.and help of proverbs and sayings about winter. It was fun, interesting. prole timebody is invisible. At the end of the event, librarians conducted a review of books related to thesem an amazing magical season - Winter.
    11/11/2016. The library has a book review. "The book will open the door to the world of plants and animals for us." Nature Book Review ode - “The book will open the door to the world of plants and animals for us”, and let this book review take you to a magical land called Nature. These books teach children to notice the beauty of nature at any time of the year, with love,care and concern for the world around and all living things. After reading books about nature, you will learn how everything works in nature. Does a bear sleep in winter? What the hare eats, who the fox hunts, and whose footprints in the snow, read and learn with pleasure!

    10/20/2016. "If they are not protected."

    On October 20, an ecological lesson “If they are not protected” was held in the library. Dedicated to the Red Book. The guys and I talked about the fact that a long time ago animals, birds and fish lived on planet Earth, which are no longer found. There were also plants that now do not grow on Earth. In order to stop the disappearance, people created a document called the "Red Book".

    Red Book published not only international level. It is also national and regional. For example, the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region. Animals and plants listed in the Red Book are strictly protected. All other species of animals and plants also need protection. They are all important and necessary, and each has its own irreplaceable purpose. in the lesson we visited the online pages of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk region ti

    "Endless, mysterious, alluring - the sea " World Maritime Day is celebrated by the UN every year on the last Thursday of September.

    The International Maritime Organization established this day to remind the irreparable damage to the seas and oceans caused by overfishing, pollution of the marine environment, in particular by oil. On this day, the library organizes book exhibitions, talks, environmental lessons, information hours for library readers.So today for the guys, an ecology lesson "Endless, mysterious, alluring - the sea" was prepared. TO

    lesson, a presentation was prepared about the sea and its inhabitants, from which the children learned a lot about the life ofyelling. The children not only learned and saw a lot of unusual and interesting things, they metgiant squid, baleen whale, brown dolphin, whale shark, flying fish, but also showed their knowledge of marine life. The meeting ended with an acquaintance with the most interesting books about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

    06/20/2016. "Here is a healing petal"

    On June 20, a cognitive hour was held in the library - "Here is a healing petal." The children got acquainted with medicinal plants of the Siberian region. We learned about how ordinary plants can help human health. Of course, we also talked about careful attitude to nature, medicinal plants that grow in our region. The educational hour was accompanied by a presentation.

    "A wonderful word" Not "or how to behave in nature." In summer, everyone is trying to relax, get as many positive pleasant moments as possible by going out into nature. But when we rest in nature, it is very important that during the rest there are no trouble that would be harmful to our health. Therefore, there is a wonderful word "NOT": Don't destroy bird nests. Don't break tree branches.Don't destroy anthills.Don't catch butterflies for fun.Do not offend the forest dwellers.Don't pick too many flowers. Stick together in the forest.Do not make noise. Don't leave trash behind, bury it.After relaxing in nature, extinguish the fire with water.If you're lost, start screaming to be found.It was about this wonderful word “Not” that we discussed with the guys from summer camp"Sail" in the library.

    06/17/2016. "And we saw a hedgehog."

    May 16, 2016. Conversation "The Blue Necklace of Siberia". Atbook exhibition dedicated to the Common Days for the Protection of Small Rivers and Reservoirs. From May 15 to June 15, a large-scale action is being held in Russia - Unified Days for the Protection of Small Rivers and Reservoirs. The Novosibirsk region is rich in water. About 430 rivers flow through its territory, including one of the largest rivers in the world - the Ob, which originates in the glaciers of the Altai Mountains and flows into the Arctic Ocean. There are about 3,000 freshwater, saline and bitter-salt lakes in the region - the area of ​​the water surface of the Novosibirsk lakes is 558 thousand hectares, according to this indicator, the region ranks third in Russian Federation. The importance of rivers in water supply is great. River waters are used for irrigation. The Ob is rich in commercial fish. The picturesque banks of the rivers are recreation areas. But all this water wealth must be treated,guarding water and reservoirs is the same as protecting and preserving life on the planet, taking care of the beauty and prosperity of the world, in which not only people live, but also many other living beings.

    04/26/2016. "Chernobyl wormwood" . April 26 - Day of participants in the liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters. This date was dedicated to the event of the library "Chernobyl wormwood".The students were presented with a video presentation "Chernobyl - wormwood", prepared by the librarian S.A. Boukreeva. Also, an evening of memory “That Chernobyl hurts with an unhealed wound” was held for the children. The librarians told the children about this terrible accident, the courage and heroism of its liquidators, the consequences for the population and the environment.

    "We studied the calendar and found out that it is Spring." Winter is retreating, giving up its positions, huge icicles hang from the roofs, and drops fall down with a ringing sound. Spring is approaching not only according to the calendar, but also for real. Sparrow noise and din all around. And we decided to do a little research and find out howby signs or signs, everyone will know that spring has already come. And here's what happened:The hypothesis of our study was confirmed. Spring is really coming. In addition, we learned:- writers and poets dedicated their works to spring

    Increased knowledge aboutnature;

    Get acquainted with the spring folk calendar

    Replenished their knowledge with proverbs and sayings about spring;

    Let's talk about our knowledge to peers and parents.

    " Nature and Animals".

    Arguing about nature and the animal world, we came to the conclusion that - indeed, many different living creatures live on our planet. Some of them can fly, others can swim, some live in warm countries, and some live beyond the Arctic Circle, in snow and cold. Of course, calling them all "animals" is not entirely correct, because besides them there are also fish, birds and insects. Let's open a little secret: after this conversation, we are absolutely sure that penguins can fly. Well, at least a little bit, not far and not very high. What do you think?.

    With the help of a presentation"Save the fields, forests, meadows, and the clean surface of the rivers"librarians called for respect for nature. With the help of the presentation voiced the ways in which man harms the environment and the methods by which this damage can be repaired. But the best way to protect our native nature and live in a clean, safe world is not to commit all these criminal acts. The children learned the basic rules of how to behave outdoors so that no living organism or natural object is harmed. At the end of the event, they concluded that: In order for the earth to be more beautiful, we need to be more thrifty.

    11/21/2015. "We live in Siberia."

    On November 21, library readers and I made a fascinating journey through the Novosibirsk Region, learned that

    Novosibirsk region distinguished by its beauty nature and the diversity of the animal world, how many interesting and unique places there are on the territory of our region, what villages it is famous for and which of them have not lost their originality despite the rapidly occurring events.

    "What is Autumn" . Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. This is not only the time of rains, leaf fall, but also many traditional events. A book exhibition was organized in the library for this time of the year and a review of the works of poets and writers about this amazing time of the year was carried out. And autumn is also a wonderful time of the year for fashionistas ... A riot of colors, delight from the wonderful season and, of course, the works of writers and poets - that's what autumn is

    23.07.2015. "Across the sea, the ocean floats a miracle giant"

    On July 23, having come to the library, the guys learned about the holiday World Whale and Dolphin Day. Librarians toldfunny stories about these aquatic mammals - about their life in nature, habits and upbringing of offspring. The story of the librarians was complemented by books and a presentation, which the children watched with great pleasure.

    "Ekoryukzachok" - a book review for children.

    Book review for children. This book review took the guys and me to a magical land called Nature. We were able to enjoy the singing of birds, breathed in the fresh and fragrant smell of herbs, flowers and trees, heard the crystal chime of water in a stream, admired the colorful colors of the forest, felt soft moss under our feet, touched the sun glare on the rough bark of trees, wove a wreath of wild flowers and launched an endless echo in memory of a forest walk.

    19.05.2015. "Home Science"

    On May 19, a discussion swing about nature "Science of the House" was held in the library. A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish - water, birds - air, beasts - forests, steppes, mountains, and man needs a Motherland. And To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” Having made a fascinating journey along ecological paths. We came to the conclusion that - Ecology is the science of the house, nature. After all, nature is our big common home, and we all, together, must maintain order.

    04/01/2015.-04/20/2015. Eco-teremok in the library

    From April 1 to April 20, the guys visited "Eco-Teremok" in the library. Together with the cheerful and inquisitive parrot Yashka, the children made fascinating journeys through the pages of books and magazines about nature: "Anthill", "Svirel". Fun and recklessly, the guys recalled interesting meetings with animals, guessed riddles. At the end of the action, everyone watched a presentation about animals and the cartoon "Forest Travelers".

    02/09/2015. “Eco - I. Eco - you. Eco World!

    On February 9, 2015, a talk about ecology was held in the library. She wasis devoted to one topic: how the laws of ecology work inside wildlife and in the relationship of man with nature. What is possible and necessary, and what is impossible and dangerous to do in our big house called Earth.

    10/14/2014. "Autumn bright country"

    October 14 librarians and children shared their impressions about the season - Autumn.Autumn is the most expressive time of the year. I want to freeze in delight from the colorful autumn colors. Luxuriously dressed and elegant, it is replaced by another - gray, invisible, in patches of falling leaves, sad, with a quiet cry of light rain, with caravans of birds flying south. Love - don't fall in love! At the end of the conversation, the children were given a literature review on the theme of autumn in the writings of writers and poets.

    09.10.2014. "Fantastic country" Insectomia ""

    On October 9, librarians and children went to a fantasy land called Insectomia. We talked about insects. During the trip, the guys learned by what main signs insects can be recognized: insects have six legs, the body consists of three parts: head, middle part and abdomen. And insects also have two antennae on their heads, some have a proboscis and wings. Together with the guys, they reasoned: why do insects need a proboscis and wings? With the help of a proboscis, they feed, wings are needed to move around! Many insects fly. Some fly very fast: a dragonfly, for example, can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. Other insects walk and jump. It turned out that the world of insects is very interesting and diverse. At the end of our trip we came to the conclusion that all insects are necessary on earth to maintain ecological balance. Protecting them - we protect nature.

    06/05/2014. "Mysteries of green summer" . On June 5, an interesting and rich game program was prepared for children. The guys were divided into two teams, they came up with a name, taking into account the time of year "Sun" and "Ray". And then the art workshop on the theme “Summer” participated in competitions, guessed riddles about the season “Summer”, recalled proverbs and sayings, made up charades from words. It was interesting, and most importantly, friendship won and the name of the teams merged into one "Sunshine".
    04/22/2014. "Happy Birthday Earth"

    April 22, 2014 the guys gathered in the library for an unusual birthday. Around the world, April 22 is Earth Day. The librarian Svetlana Alexandrovna told the children about the planet Earth, the children learned the history of this holiday, with the help of the presentation they remembered the wealth of resources that the planet has, and that all these resources must be protected ... The event was held in the form of a dialogue between the librarian and children. Together with the guys, we made several rules that will help keep our planet clean and beautiful.

    04/01/2014. "Feathered Friends"

    April 1 in honor of feathered friends in the library was the Day of Birds. The guys and I talked about the fact that birds have long attracted the attention of humans. People admired their melodious singing, bright plumage, their bold swift flights. With birds - a sonorous nightingale, a bold falcon, an invisible lark - vivid poetic images are associated in the work of many peoples. Following the bird, a man rushed into the sky to look at his native land from a bird's eye view. Birds are reliable defenders of fields from harmful insects and rodents. And they are also dedicated to poems, songs, stories, riddles - which we remembered with the guys. The book exhibition "Feathered Rainbow" helped the children to get acquainted with the works about birds. On this day, the children also learned that the bird of 2014 is the black swift. In honor of this event, the library published a booklet "Swifts - children of the air." 03/20/2014. "This city is not simple, it is dense and dense!"

    Today, March 20, we told the children about the forest, about the trees that grow in the forest and about the forest dwellers. Together we tried to solve riddles about the forest, trees, the bustling squirrel, about the boletus mushroom and the chanterelle sisters, about the cunning fox and the gray wolf.And, of course, they remembered the writers and poets who dedicated their works to the dense and fabulous forest, its nooks and crannies...At the end of the conversation, we remembered a good wise proverb "If there is no forest - plant, if there is not enough forest - do not cut down, if there is a lot of forest - take care" - and we all need to remember it, thinking about our tomorrow.

    "Walking House"

    . Learn a lot of new thingsand become a little smarter more curious and inquisitive, and never hurt anyone! So the guys and I found out, what do you think about whom? bottom, that you would not guess about snails, at the ecological minute "Walking House". We learned: what does a snail eat, how does it live, and even how does a snail hibernate? And also, why does a snail need horns, and how does it move. Does a snail have a reliable house - a shell, and do snails have enemies? How are snails born? And more about the fact that snails can be kept at home, and what's inIn England, grape snails are used for entertainment: they arrange "snail races" there, and the pond snail turned out to bea widespread inhabitant of fresh waters .... and we were also able to hold a pond snail's house in our hands ... In a word, it was interesting.

    03/01/2014. “Without a cat, life is not the same, or they are all from the cat family!” . March 1 our young readerstook part in information hour "Without a cat, life is not the same or they are all from the cat family!". From the librarian, the children learned that cats areone of the most mysterious animals living on Earth. The electronic presentation “They are all from the cat family” introduced the children to the breeds of mustachioed, striped and clawed friends. In turn, the guys shared stories about their pets, told about their pets. All of them looked at the presented books about cats with interest. The book exhibition "Cats - Amazing Animals" was arranged in the library.


    In Russia, 2013 has been declared the Year of the Environment.

    Within the framework of the Year of Environmental Protection, work on environmental education will become a priority. From a young age, it is necessary to teach children to a careful and responsible attitude towards nature, the desire to live in harmony with the outside world.
    In the library in 2013 various forms of environmental education will be used, such as hours of environmental knowledge, information, conversations, etc., which will allow raising problems for discussion, discussing ways to solve them, and thinking about what is happening and the consequences for the future. And book exhibitions, attractively designed, revealing the beauty and richness of the natural world, calling to love and protect it, will help in the environmental work of our library.

    12/26/2013. Eco-minute "Siberian cedar"

    On the clearing, in the taiga undergrowth,

    Open, inaccessible to the ax,

    Mighty cedar, swaying in the skies,

    Resinous needles whistle in the wind.

    In scars, notches, in mossy cracks,

    Dressed in heavy bark armor,

    On December 26, we met again with our young readers. They had an interesting meeting with a chipmunk who told the children about the Siberian cedar. Cedar pine is an amazing plant with unique healing properties. Pine nuts, in addition to their nutritional value, contain many vitamins. The resin of the Siberian cedar, which is rightfully called resin for its ability to heal wounds, also has great healing power. Siberians used to say: "The taiga is alive with the cedar." They believed that if a child is given a handful of pine nuts every day, then he will grow up as a good fellow, no illness will overcome him ... Chipmunk told the children that the main tree of the Siberian taiga is shrouded in many legends, since the indigenous people incredibly honored and honored cedars, giving them often human qualities, such as compassion, understanding and mutual assistance. This is how informative our meeting with the chipmunk turned out to be….

    "Journey with the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region".

    There is a wonderful book in our library - "Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region", it contains information about rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi... It is illustrated with color drawings and photographs.... Why do we travel with books? Yes, because mWe can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of animals, birds, plants ... and here we are visiting who do you think? Haven't guessed little heron, who was met on Lake Menzelinskoe in our Kolyvan region, her name Little bittern. We learned a lot of interesting things, we offer you to get to know her better .... come to the library.

    12/13/2013 "The smallest animals of our region"

    December 13 is on the calendar... On this day, we invited our young visitors to go on an entertaining journey through our Siberian region. What would you like to travel on? We asked the guys: plane, train, bus ... we decided to go on foot so it’s more interesting, and we took a vole mouse as a conductor. And with the help of a vole mouse, we visited the smallest animals of our region. We were warmly welcomed: musk deer, weasel, mole, chipmunk, shrew, minnow fish, kinglet bird... We completed our journey at the book exhibition “I'm walking through the forest” in our library, where interesting books about animals were waiting for us all.

    12/06/2013. Bibliography "What is Winter?"

    Everything is white around, beautiful,

    A willow shines in the hoarfrost.

    Cold, frost, blizzards

    They swirled, swirled.

    Everyone is in white hats.

    It came to us ... (winter).

    What is winter? Metelitsa helped answer this tricky question on December 6 at the library with a virtual tour of this beautiful time of the year. Indeed, winter is a wonderful time of the year. You can skate, sled, play snowballs, just enjoy the winter nature. And in winter, nature is unusually good. I just want to exclaim: “You are a good winter - winter!. And books about this season can simply be taken and read in our Vyunsky library like this!

    11/30/2013. "Master of the Taiga".

    It was very easy to get into the kingdom of the bear, you only had to come to the Vyunskaya village library on November 30th.

    The guys learned a lot of interesting things about these cute and such formidable animals in the library. The librarian told the children that the bear is the most majestic character in folklore among different peoples. This largest land predator in many ways resembles a person in its habits. It can walk on its hind legs, successfully uses its front legs, swims well, catches fish and climbs trees. There are also many in the library. interesting books about the owner of the taiga, brown, clubfoot, toptygin ....

    26.09.2013. Message hour passed in the library "Let the sea remain the sea forever." Librarian Bukreeva S.A. told the younger generation that inOne of the days of the last week of September is celebrated as World Maritime Day. World Maritime Day was established at the 10th session of the Assembly by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), celebrated since 1978. Included in the system of world and international days of the UN.

    During the message, the guys learned about wealth underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to preserve them. Soundedpoems about poets: N. Rubtsova, I. Bunin, A. Tolstoy about the sea. The message hour was accompanied by the book exhibition "Sea Ballad".

    24.09.2013. There was a talk at the exhibition in the library "A real follower of Bianchi, Paustovsky ... Vasily Peskov." Basil

    Mikhailovich was one of the most famous and experienced journalists in Russia, a master of the essay genre. In search of photo and video materials, he traveled the whole world and opened it to millions of compatriots. Impressions from trips around Russia and foreign countries formed the basis of his main books: Notes of a Photographer (1960), Steps on the Dew (1963), White Dreams (1965), World's End (1967), Journey Happy New Moon" (1969), "On the Roads of America" ​​(1973). For the book "Steps on the Dew" in 1964, trees grow in the forest, why people call the forest the protector of water bodies, they answered quiz questions about the forest and its inhabitants.

    21.03.2013. Passed in the library environmental lesson "Protect the forest from fire" . Together with the children, they discussed the role of the forest in people's lives. The children answered questions about the damage caused by forest fires. They remembered the rules of fire safety, as a keepsake the children were given booklets with the rules of conduct in the forest.

    A surprise for the guys was an excursion to the fire station No. 108 Vyunsky separate post. Where the employees of the fire brigade talked about the fact that fires are a disaster, you must always be careful when handling fire. In the fire station, the children looked at fire trucks, a signal receiving console, firefighters' overalls, special accessories for work, listened to firefighters' stories about their profession, and asked questions. The children liked the event. 12.02.2013. IN library for readers at the book exhibition was held from Literature review “Opening the world of nature with a book” , where the most colorful books about nature, animals, birds were presented, which not only attracted the attention of young readers, but also aroused the desire to read many of them.

    24. 01.2013.
    the library passed the ecological game "Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest" . The children were invited to go through several entertaining stations dedicated to the topic of ecology in a playful way. Loaches .
    Here, their knowledge about animal life, about the geographical features of the region, about what species of plants and animals are listed in Red Data Book of the Novosibirsk Region and also what medicinal plants they know.


    1 Book exhibitions, stands, environmental newspapers 21 March International Day of the Forest Khoroshevskaya Security Council of the Bogorodsky District has prepared an excellent installation exhibition "At the edge of the forest goblin and little animals."

    3 A whole series of book exhibitions about nature and the problems of its protection was presented on the Days of Protection in the libraries of the Arbazhsky district. In almost every library there are various, permanent book and illustrative exhibitions-views: the book exhibition "Let's Throw a Lifebuoy to Nature". A selection of books by sections: "Ecology and life safety", "Under the protection of the state", "Living force of water", "Take care of animals and vegetable world"(Arbazh Central Bank). In 2015, the Arbazh Children's Library is hosting a book exhibition called Journey of the Book Engine on a permanent basis. On the Days of Defense, a new section appeared at the exhibition: "Ecological Glade". The books of the best children's writers-naturalists-anniversaries of 2015 were presented to E. Shim, E. Seton-Thompson, Yu. Dmitriev, N. Sladkov and others. on environmental protection); “We live in harmony with nature” (books about the relationship between man and nature); "Environment and Health" (literature on natural sources of health) (Shembet SBF).

    4 Information stand "Ecology and I" about the work of the Shembet Council on environmental education. The stand "Clean planet for Earthlings" for the Earth Day is decorated in the Mosunovskaya Security Council. On the stand there is a poem-call for the protection of the environment. Informative information presented: Can the planet get sick? Measures to protect the ocean from pollution, how to get rid of garbage, which leads to the destruction of forests, air pollution.

    5 The cycle of exhibitions and stands is designed in the Krutolozhskaya Security Council of the Nagorsky District. For the book exhibition "The Path to Nature" a manual toy was made: a rooster and a chicken. In the rooster are kinder eggs, in them are riddles about animals. Having guessed the riddle, you need to find exactly the same testicle in the hen, and in it is a description and annotation of a book about this animal, which can be taken from the exhibition. Book exhibition “I open the world of nature with a book” Sections of the exhibition: Green ocean of nature (books about the forest, flowers) The mysterious world of animals (books about animals, insects) Vyatka writers about nature

    6 The children made an Ecology for the Future stand in the library. They painted with their palms - butterflies, fish, birds. On the posters they wrote appeals to readers about protection and love for nature. Stand "Sprig of Ecological Desires". A dry branch is drawn, and next to it is an appeal: “My dear reader! Look around, look at everything living and dear in your region. Hang on a twig your desire, your dream, become kind. Mother Earth." Gradually, the twig turned green from the leaves of wishes written by readers: I want our village to be clean and beautiful, I want the seas, rivers and oceans to be clean, so that trees are not cut down, nature is not destroyed, they are cleaned near houses, etc.

    7 Photo - exhibition "The world around us is beautiful!", which contains about 10 photographs. They reflect the beauty of the nature of the village of Krutoy Log in the winter season. Author of photos Skorobogatova G.S. The stand attracts readers' attention with its "beauty that saves for centuries". Readers note the sincerity of the photographs, the author's powers of observation. The photo-exhibition was harmoniously complemented by poems by Kirov authors about nature. The guys wrote an appeal to the residents of the village and hung it on the store.

    8 Information stand "Redstart bird of 2015" Bogorodsk Central Library In the library of Strizhevskaya GBF of Orichevsky district, an exhibition of 17 drawings of children, participants of the contest "Redstart bird of 2015" was arranged.

    9 Book exhibition "Me and my Earth" in the Oshlanskaya Security Council of the Bogorodsky district, dedicated to world day Lands Photo exhibition "My native land" in Ukhtymskaya Security Council, Bogorodsky district.

    10 Prosnitskaya Security Service of Kirovo, Chepetsky District, designed the stand “Ston of the Earth”, the information of which reflects the negative consequences of human activity. The children got acquainted with the Volga River, the pearl of Russia, in the most detail. The illustrated eco-exhibition “Book Bathyscaphe” was arranged in the Central House of Children's House of Tuzhinsky District. Thanks to fiction and bright colorful illustrations from this exhibition, readers have a unique opportunity to make an extraordinary underwater journey: dive into the sea, look at the coral reef, slip away from a predatory moray eel, count the rays at starfish etc.

    11 On the eve of the World Earth Day, an eco-exhibition "The Earth Requires Protection" was arranged in the reading room. In Pokstinskaya Security Council, a photo exhibition “Beauty lives everywhere, it is only important to believe in a miracle!”

    12 Ecological exhibitions in the children's library of the Falensky district "Big House of Humanity", "Forest Stories"

    13 Ecological exhibitions in the Verkhosunskaya SB of the Falensky district “Pages of ecology”, “I choose health!” In the Children's Library of the Afanasyevsky District, an exhibition-view "Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe" (April 22, International Earth Day) is framed. Sections: - planet Earth (books on the topic "Information about the planet Earth" are presented) - reserved paths (Red Book Kirov region, The Red Book of Russia, a book about the reserves of Russia); - stories about the Russian forest (fiction and industry literature about the flora and fauna of the Russian forest); - wonders of the animal world (books on the topic: "Interesting information about animals around the world" are presented); - the world of nature in literature (stories about nature by N. Sladkov, D. Mamin-Sibiryak, M. Prishvin and other authors)

    14 Information stand "Earth is our home". Sections: - do you know (information about some plants of the world); - what do I know about the crane ( Interesting Facts from the life of cranes); - three questions about crows (interesting facts from the life of crows); - miracle trees (information about the bottle tree, the sausage tree, the soap tree, the bread tree, the milk tree, the candy tree); - help nature (tips for keeping clean in the forest, on the shore of the reservoir); - birds of the Red Book of Russia (illustration). Book exhibition recommendation "Take health from nature" Vyatskopolyansk regional library

    16 Poster “Myakishinsky Spring” Myakishinsky Rural Library of Verkhoshizhemsky District Exhibitions in the Central Library of Afanasevsky District: Exhibition “Come into the green house you will see miracles in it”

    17 Exhibition “Whims of landscaping” Stands with photo illustrations dedicated to the seasons “Spring has come elegant”, “Ah, red summer”

    18 Exhibition "Earth is our common home" in the Riga Security Council, Yaransky district. During the Days of Protection from Ecological Hazards, a joint exhibition "Ecological Calendar" worked in the central regional and children's libraries of the Svechinsky district.

    19 8 libraries of MBUK "Kirovo-Chepetskaya RTSBS" issue newspapers. They also include environmental themes. So, in the children's regional library newspaper "Chitalka" the third page is devoted to ecology "Ecological teletype". Children's drawings and stories are published in the permanent section "Bird of the Year". This year they are dedicated to redstart. The newspaper "Burmakino XXI century" (published by the Burmakinskaya Library) regularly publishes articles on environmental topics: "The Miracle of the Northern Nature", "Forest Meetings", "We Gather the Whole World: Ecological Subbotniks", "Forest Paths". The newspaper “Konypsky Vestnik” (Malokonipskaya Library Museum named after N.V. Shubnikova) regularly publishes the administration’s orders on holding monthly meetings for sanitary cleaning and landscaping, the Regulations on the competition “From a clean village to a green planet”, etc. . Thus, the population is informed about important events taking place in the village. Also, advice from gardeners is published under the heading “I will share a secret”. Using Internet resources, bookmarks have been published: owls, poems about plants of the Red Book. A wall newspaper about the polar bear was sent to rural libraries. Since 2008, the Central Library named after M. M. Sintsova, Verkhoshizhemsky district, publishes the newspaper Rodniki. It highlights interesting events and the work of environmental education libraries.

    20 Myakishinsky Security Council publishes the newspaper Myakishinsky Rodnichok. Residents learn about the life of the village, about the events held by the library, about the actions that are held in the village. The newspaper became popular among the villagers.

    Book exhibitions, stands of ecological subjects A whole series of book exhibitions about nature and the problems of its protection was presented on the Days of Protection in the libraries of the Arbazhsky district. Almost every library

    Approved by: Director of the MBU "CICD and SD" E.A. Bakhareva. Plan of the main events for the Year of Ecology of Libraries of the Baikalovsky rural settlement for 2017. n / a Event Date of the event Responsible for the event

    MKUK "Nolinskaya CBS" Shvarikhinsky rural library-branch 2017 is the year of specially protected natural areas in Russia. Year of reserves. The program of environmental education "Time to protect nature!"

    Revda City District, Sverdlovsk Region Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture "Centralized Library System" 623286, Sverdlovsk Region, city of Revda, st. M. Gorky, 02 fax 5-32-70,

    Action plan of the libraries of the MBU "Center for Culture and Cinema" of the Ivdel city district for the Year of Ecology for 2017. Date Event Venue 13.01. Conversation "The Earth is our common home!". 13.02. Ecological and local history

    Book exhibitions, environmental stands

    VIII Regional Festival "Young Library" "Library Without Borders": Ecological project "Let's Preserve the Native Village" Novoyarkovskaya rural library of the Barabinsky district 2013 Municipal state institution

    Book exhibitions, environmental stands "My choice to protect nature!" - a detailed thematic exhibition in hospital 1, Vyatskiye Polyany

    Consolidated program of events of the regional action "Cradle of Life" in the municipal x of the Yaroslavl region March 15 - May 25, 2017

    PLAN OF ACTIVITIES dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia in the libraries of the th district in 2017 Name and form of the event “The planet is in danger. Handle with care!" - environmental hour for senior students

    Municipal budgetary institution Centralized library system of the Krasnoufimsk city district Plan of the main activities for holding and preparing the Year of Ecology in 2017 Name of the event

    List of main events to be included in the Plan of the XVII International Environmental Action "To Save and Preserve"

    Action plan for the Year of Ecology. Berezovsky municipal budgetary institution of culture "Centralized Library System" Name of the event Calendar of environmental dates "Four elements" "Children

    Event title, Summary planned event Form The target audience Dates Shali Central F 1 Library Night "Minerals of Knowledge" Book Party

    P / n The date of the event was APPROVED by the resolution of the administration of the municipal formation "City of Kirovo-Kirovskaya from 09.02.2017. 113 Plan of activities within the framework of the Year of Ecology - 2017 on the territory of

    Work plan for the environmental education of students, GBOU secondary school 1 "OTs" them. IN AND. Fokina s. Big Glushitsa 2017-2018 academic year. Goal: Development of a sustainable interest in the knowledge of nature, the formation of an ecological

    MBUK "Afanasievskaya Central District Library" Gorda Library The work was carried out by: Gordina V.P., Nekrasova O.I. PROJECT NAME "The fate of nature is in our hands" PROJECT OBJECTIVES Education of careful

    Self-education plan "Development of cognitive activity of children in the process of environmental education" Preparatory group 2016-2017 Educator: Filipova V.V. Wildlife is interesting, complex

    P / n Date 1. March October 2. February December 3. March October 4. April October

    Action plan of the structural divisions of the MBUK "Smirnykhovskaya CBS", dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia in 2017. n / n Activity Form Reader assignment 1 "Trash, plus imagination" Competition of creative

    MBUK BGO "Beloyarsk Central District Library" PLAN OF EVENTS DEDICATED TO THE YEAR OF ENVIRONMENT Form, name of the event

    List of planned events dedicated to the Year of Ecology Name of the event Responsible Time frame 1. Tree planting Zorkin AV director for sports facilities MBUDO "Specialized

    REGIONAL PROJECT "ECOLOGICAL BACKPACK" Verkhoshizhma Central Children's Library in 2017 will work on the regional project "Ecological Backpack". Head: Purpose: environmental education

    Report on the implementation of environmental activities in MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type 18" Today, the problem of ecology comes to the fore. Raising children to be environmentally literate will improve the future

    District action "Chronicle of good deeds for the conservation of nature" Direction of the action "MKOU Quartzite school" "Promotion of environmental work" For students Head: Ivantsova Albina Yaditovna The purpose of this


    Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture "Modern Cultural Center. Gorokhovetsky district of the Vladimir region PLAN of events within the framework of the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories

    "Ecology and culture of the future of Russia" c o u n c u l e n c u r i n g o f the c o u n tio n a n d libraries of M A U “M B” in 2 0 1 6- 2 9 1 7

    Jr preschool age(34 hours) Purpose: Formation of the foundations of environmental competence through the development of a cognitive interest in nature, the ability to see the beauty around oneself, the desire to love and cherish

    "The Lake of My Childhood" Orthodox Orphanage "Children's Corps at Raifa monastery Kazan Diocese of Russia Orthodox Church(supervisor Guryanova Yu.A.); Raifa secondary general education

    Consolidated plan of events organized by MBUK "Andropovskaya M" within the framework of the Year of Ecology p / p Name of the event Date of the event

    "Libraries Shaping an Ecological Worldview". The work of the Sokolovskaya Library for the Year of Environmental Protection Prepared by the head. sector for work with children Zashikhina L.K. n/a ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT

    Ecology in fiction, the use of theatrical elements In 2015, declared the Year of Literature, libraries Special attention devoted to this topic - a reflection of environmental problems

    Events dedicated to water and forest Libraries always actively celebrate environmental dates related to water and the conservation of water resources. In April, the Day of

    Street action-presentation of the eco-courtyard Pervomaisky, 1 07/07/2016 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends of the library! Today we are holding a street action-presentation of the “Library eco-courtyard”. In 2016

    MKU Bereznikovskaya rural them. Sitnikova V.A. Kumensky district Ecological program: "In harmony with nature" p. Bereznik. 2015 PROGRAM NAME: "IN HARMONY WITH NATURE" DEVELOPER AND CONTRACTOR

    As a result of mass forms of environmental education, students will be happy to carry out work on the improvement and gardening of streets, premises and school grounds. The main criterion for effectiveness

    MAOU "Kolchedan secondary school" School, library, family join forces. Libraries interaction. AND I. Styazhkin with institutions of the social sphere Kolchedan 2014 “Reading is the ability to continuously learn,

    Municipal Autonomous Society educational institution"Lyceum 77 of Chelyabinsk" NOMINATION Design of the exhibition "The fate of nature is our destiny" Kostitsina Nadezhda Mikhailovna teacher-librarian 8 951 440-72-58

    I APPROVE Head of the administration of the Civil Defense of the city of Agidel RB R.A. Abubakirov "23" December 2016 Plan of activities of institutions of the urban district of the city of Agidel of the Republic of Bashkortostan dedicated to the Year of Ecology and especially

    "Journey to the WORLD OF BOOKS" At present, educational institutions are faced with the task of introducing children to the book, cultivating interest in reading, and shaping the future reader. Start this job


    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Rainbow "r.p. Bazarny Karabulak of the Saratov region» 412600, Saratov region, r.p. Bazarny Karabulak, st. Nekrasova, 16

    Municipal budgetary educational institution Umetskaya secondary comprehensive school named after the Hero of Socialist Labor P.S. Pleshakov, Umetsky district, Tambov region Report on the conducted

    Plan of events in the MUK "Glazovskaya district CBS" for environmental education of the population for 2017. Name of events 1. Project "Blossom my village" 2. Club "Young environmentalist local historian" 11 lessons 3.

    Nefteyugansk District Municipal Preschool Educational Budgetary Institution “Child Development Center Kindergarten “Teremok” Environmental campaign “TAKE CARE OF PRIMERS! Educator: Gaifullina Lilia

    Municipal State Institution of Culture "Club and Library System of the Solomatovsky Village Council" of the Chkalovsky District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Solomatovsky Library - a rural information center for environmental

    Action Plan 2017 - YEAR OF ENVIRONMENT Samara Gorokhova E.F. “In harmony with nature and with yourself In the world for kids to live Educate in children, take care,

    LEARN EVERYTHING! Encyclopedias in the library of Gymnasium 1 in Novopolotsk Answers to all questions Guys, you want to know a lot: “why the sun shines”, “how planes take off”, “why do we need a telescope” ... For everything

    Approved by the Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the District and ZATO Mezhgorye Bashkortostan V.V. Surkov>I 2016 Action Plan! dedicated to the Year of Ecology and special protection of the Republic of Bashkortostan relatives

    APPROVE: Director of the MAUK "GO Agidel RB" Pereskokova R. D. 2016 Municipal autonomous cultural institution "Central Library of the city district of the city of Agidel of the Republic of Bashkortostan" Authors

    ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GORNOZAVODSKIY VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE KIROV DISTRICT OF THE STAVROPOL KRAI RESOLUTION February 2, 2015, the village of Gornozavodskoye 14 On approval of the action plan for carrying out

    10 “My good land” local history hour February 11 “It is more useful for us from all diseases” February Ecological hour. 12 World Water Day Quarter 2 District Schools Department

    Scenario of entertainment "Our planet Earth" for children of the senior and preparatory group prepared by music director Potapova T.F. April 12, 2015 Host: Our planet Earth is very generous and rich.

    Ecological action "We are united by good deeds" Author: educator of MDOU "Kindergarten 78" Vasilyeva O.A. Participants: teachers kindergarten, children, parents. Goal: Formation of a creative, harmoniously developed

    Central Children's Library of the Municipal State Institution "Zuevskaya Centralized Library System of the Zuevsky District of the Kirov Region" Environmental Education Program Compiled by:

    APPENDIX to the resolution of the administration of the Snezhinsky city district from the PLAN of the main events for the Year of Ecology in 2017 in Snezhinsk p / p 1. Name of the event Recommend to the heads

    Between October and May 2015 2016 a creative project "My Ugra is my native land" was held. The project is aimed at solving issues of civil and patriotic education of children related to the study

    MBDOU "Kindergarten" Firefly "s. Nikitovka" of the Krasnogvardeisky district Socio-ecological project Author: educator Kashkina I.A. Relevance: Our society needs educated, moral, entrepreneurial

    Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Naval Cadet School named after Admiral Pavel Grigoryevich Kotov"

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 49 "FAIRY" Abstract on cognitive development Topic: "My city" for children middle group Prepared by: teacher

    Report on the work in the environmental team on the basis of MBOU secondary school in the village of Seymchan

    I APPROVE Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region - Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the Days of Protection from

    Report on the holding of the Year of Ecology in the Magadan Region In accordance with Order No. 7 of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2016 "On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation", Decree

    ADMINISTRATION OF THE OKTYABRSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE PERM KRAI ORDER 03/30/2016 61 On holding the action "Days of protection from environmental hazards" on the territory of the Oktyabrsky municipal district B

    Inzhevatkina Ilga Vasilievna, head of the Kindergarten 188 MBDOU Natalia Nikolaevna Syutrukova, educator of the Kindergarten 188 MBDOU Galina Yuryevna Chibisova, senior educator of the Kindergarten 188 MBDOU Ecological

    Consolidated plan of the main activities of the libraries of the Bogdanovichi centralized library system of the municipal autonomous institution culture "Center for the modern cultural environment of the Bogdanovich urban district"

    2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories. Its main task is to attract public attention to the issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation, the development of the reserve system. The relevance of the current action is increasing due to the fact that since 2017 most of the environmental regulations governing emissions and discharges of pollutants, waste management come into force.

    In the service department of the Central Bank, two book and illustrative exhibitions “Through the book to nature!” and "Nature! How much life is in this word!

    In the lobby of the service department at the exhibition "Through the book to nature!" publications touching on the theme of nature and man are presented. Man, the “king of nature”, has created many problems for our planet, it is increasingly difficult for him to find clean corners for his dwelling. These books make you think about the place and role of man in the world around: Korobkin V. I. "Ecology and Environmental Protection", Eliseeva O. "The Most Beautiful Places in Russia", disks "Nature of Russia", "Ecology of the XXI century", etc.

    Literature on the state of the environment and nature management of the Stavropol Territory is also presented: Blokhin N. " Water resources Stavropol, Yu. Kuzminykh, Nature of wondrous beauty.

    Particularly highlighted are books on environmental law, in which you can find legal norms governing social relations in the field of interaction between nature and society: Bogolyubov S. A. “Environmental Law”, Knyazev A. G. “Environmental Crimes”.

    Artistic works not only describe the phenomena of nature, but also a person as a part of this nature. Writers are trying to reason with a person and show what he has done in his environment (Abramov F. A. “What horses cry about”, Turgenev I. S. “Notes of a hunter”). In the albums of reproductions of the great artists Savrasov A. K., Shishkin I. I. and others, all the diversity and grandeur of nature is displayed.

    At the subscription exhibition “Nature! How much life is in this word!” introduces readers to the works on nature by the universally recognized classics Pushkin A.S., Bunin I.A., Paustovsky K.G. and Stavropol writers Khodarev V., Slyadneva V., Rybalko S. In their books the world of nature is opened, they call to protect and guard it with all the strength of your being.

    We invite everyone to get acquainted with book exhibitions and choose your favorite book!

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    2017 in Russia is designated by presidential decrees as the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas. The Year of Ecology is held "in order to attract public attention to the issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation, the conservation of biological diversity and environmental safety." We invite you to new exhibitions on ecology, which are held in the Scientific Library of the Siberian Federal University.

    Etc. Svobodny, 79/10

    Exhibition "Nature is the only book with great content"(hall, 2nd floor, room B3-15) contains sections:

    “And we were given one planet EARTH for all”

    "Live in harmony with nature"

    "Keep the miracle of miracles - forests, lakes, blue skies"

    The purpose of the exhibition is to attract the attention of young students to the book, to foster a love for nature, to encourage self-mastery of knowledge in a wider range than the curriculum.

    interactive exposition "Earth is our home" is waiting for you in the construction and design reading room (room B4-04). The objective of the exhibition is to acquaint visitors with the problem of ecology and environmental protection, the history of the development of the industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the beauty and diversity of our nature.

    The exhibition consists of three sections:

    "This is our land!"

    "Nature and Us"

    "Window to the World".

    The sections present scientific and educational literature on various branches of engineering ecology, history, art history and local history, as well as thematic periodicals. In addition, the exhibition is complemented by interactive elements: photo zones, photo props, crossword puzzles.

    Reading room of engineering and technical sciences (room B4-08) invites students, teachers and employees to the exhibition-exposition "We rule our Earth carelessly".

    The exhibition contains sections:

    "Earth Hour"

    "Unique corners of the nature of Siberia"

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

    The literature presented at the exhibition reflects a whole range of environmental problems and ways to solve environmental problems. A skyscraper made of books belongs to the Earth Hour section of the exhibition. The planet is in danger. Black sky mode over cities. Emissions from the industrial zone, garbage dumps, urban pollution, industrial and domestic waste, emissions from motor vehicles - literature on such topics is presented in this section. Exhibits in the form of sick earth, windows with puffs of smoke and a pink mutant hippo colorfully complement the exposition.

    The length of the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory from north to south is about 3000 km. The second section of the exhibition shows the unique corners of the nature of Siberia. According to Mikhail Lomonosov, “you can get to know the nature of your native land either with your own eyes or with the help of a book.”

    Who among us does not like to travel, discover new places? Book titles: "1000 the best places Russia”, “Unique places of the planet” speak for themselves. Colorful covers and photos attract attention.

    Having familiarized yourself with travel books, you can test your knowledge: librarians offer to determine the author and title of environmental books based on brief excerpts from works of art.

    st. Vavilova, 66

    In the service department for mining and geological sciences and metallurgy (room 5) there is an exhibition "Krasnoyarsk-ecological kaleidoscope".

    The first section of the exhibition - "City of Contrasts" is dedicated to the topic of ecology in our city. It presents books about the industry of the city, about the people who created its industrial potential. Factories contribute their considerable share of pollution to environment, and the townspeople are trying to survive in the green corners of the city and its environs - Bobrov Log, Swarm Creek, Tatyshev Park, the famous Stolby reserve.

    In the section “Sung with brush and pen” there are books by famous Siberian writers about their small homeland, nature of their native land, and books dedicated to Siberian artists, writers and poets. Albums of works by artists Surikov, Khudonogov, works by Chmykhalo, Astafiev, Yakhnin and others.

    In the third section of "Ecoalphabet" - drawings of young Krasnoyarsk residents dedicated to ecology. Readers can see the work of pupils of kindergarten No. 108 "Veselinka" of the Kirovsky district and students of gymnasium No. 4.

    Also part of the exhibition is a photo collage - a photo of a communal bridge, as if dividing the city into an industrial and green zone. Left - industrial enterprises cities, on the right - the green zones of Krasnoyarsk. The guide tells about the exhibition, an installation from books.

    st. Lidy Prushinskoy, 2

    A large-scale exhibition is open at the Trade and Economic Institute "Ecological train". The exhibition contains sections:

    "Ecology of the Earth"

    "Water Ecology"

    "Ecology of food"

    "Ecology of the soul"

    "Ecology of Mind"

    "The Ecology of Music".

    “In order for future generations not to get the lifeless surface of the Earth, it is necessary not to stand aside, but to do at least something every day so that the world becomes a little cleaner. You can only improve the environment by starting with yourself.”, the librarians are convinced.

    We invite you to the fascinating and unusual NL exhibitions dedicated to the Year of Ecology!